[[Skip the intro]]
<img src="images/1.jpg" width="367" height="367">
<div id="lg">My name is Nikolay. Let me tell you my story...
I'm just a regular 18 years old guy, and I am a student.
<img src="images/2.jpg" width="467" height="467">
I've lived my whole life alone with my dad. I have no memory of my mother, she left us soon after I was born.
And a couple of weeks ago my dad disappeared too, leaving me all alone. I have no idea why he did this...
One day I came home and discovered that he took most of his stuff... Clothes, documents and he even took all the money that we've had.
<img src="images/3.jpg" width="467" >
I didn't know what to do... I had no job, and I certainly couldn't sustain myself...
I have no other relatives except my dad, so the only person who could help me was Amanda.
<img src="images/amanda.gif" width="390" >
She is my dad's closest friend and while I was growing up, she was like a mother figure to me...
When she found out that my dad left, she insisted that I stay living with her and her daughter.
As for her daughter, Jennifer, she is the same age as me and she is a really nice girl.
<img src="images/5.jpg">
We were best friends with her since childhood, so she was really happy when she found out, that I'll move in with them.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Next|Intro 2]]</td></tr></table>
<<set $story to "Intro">> <<set $wday to "Wednesday">> <<set $dtime to 1>> <<set $day to 0>>
<<set $money to 0>> <<set $bj to 0>> <<set $bdsm to 0>>
<<set $feminity to 0>> <<set $arousal to 0>>
<div id ="lg">I've lived with Amanda and Jenifer for two weeks already and I really didn't want to be a burden, so I've been trying to find a part time job.For some reason, I didn't have any luck with it, nobody wanted to hire me.
<img src="images/22.jpg" width="367" >
And right when I was going home from another job interview at the local cafe...
...a car pulled over right near me and two big guys came out of it.</div>
<span id="b">Big dude:</span> You will go with us, boy.
<span id="th">Think:</span> They don't look like I should try running or fighting. This is not going to end well.
<img src="images/7.jpg" width="367" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> Now I'm having a ride with them. And I have no idea where we are going. I've never been so scared before! I hope it's all just a mistake, and I'm not the one they were looking for.
<div id ="lg">After a while we've stopped.</div>
<span id="b">Big dude:</span> "We have arrived, let's go"
<div id ="n">One of the big guys took me out of the car and led me inside some building.
<img src="images/8.jpg" width="367" >
Then we went up by the elevator and entered a room.</div>
<span id="b">Big dude:</span> "We got him boss."
<span id="b">Boss:</span> "Good... You can go now. And take that bag off his head."
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Meet the Boss|Boss encounter]]</td></tr></table>
<<set $story to "story2">>
[[Your room]]
[[clothes shop]]
[[Beauty salon]]
[[Glory Hole]]
[[Fuck Wall]]
[[Boss office]]
[[Visit Ashley]]
Feminity = $feminity
money: $money $
weekday = $wday
dtime = $dtime
day = $day
bj = $bj
arousal = $arousal
BDSM = $bdsm
<a href="https://boosty.to/sinrise" target="_blank"><img src="images/boosty.jpeg" width="40%"></a>
<span id="Y">You </span><div id="s">Who are you? Why am I here?</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span><div id="s">Hello, Nikolay</div>
<img src="images/9.jpg" width="367" >
<span id="b">Boss </span> <div id="s">You are here because of your dad. He owes me a lot of money.</div>
<span id="Y">You </span><div id="s">My dad? But what do I have to do with this?! I haven't seen for weeks. I don't know where he is." </div>
<span id="b">Boss</span><div id="s">Oh, I'm sure, you don't know where he is, that is not why my boys brought you here.ou see, I don't like when people don't pay back and disappear like that...As I haven't found your dad yet, I've decided that you will give me all the money, that he owes me.</div>
<span id="Y">You</span><div id="s">Me?! But I'm just a student, I have no money!</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span><div id="s">Calm down, I'm sure such a nice boy like you will be able to earn enough.</div>
<span id="Y">You</span><div id="s">But how? And how much do you expect me to earn for you? As I've said, I'm just a student, I can't even find a job.</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span><div id="s">our dad owes me one hundred thousand dollars, and I'll give you the opportunity to earn the money for me. </div>
<span id="Y">You </span><div id="s">You must be kidding, right? Where can I make so much money?</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span> <div id="s">Right in this building...You see, we are in the biggest brothel in the country, and I own it. And you will work right here for me.</div>
<span id="Y">You </span><div id="s">Brothel... Really? You want me to have sex with women for money? hat's crazy! You are crazy! I'm not gay and I'm not going to work for you! If you don't let me go, police will start looking for me, and they will find me and arrest you!</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span><div id="s">Haha! Police? Why would they be looking for you?</div>
<span id="Y">You </span> <div id="s">I don't live alone, and if they see that I didn't return home, they will go to the police!</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span> <div id="s">Not alone, ha? You think Amanda or Jenifer will help you</div>
<div id="lg">And right after he asked that, you hear a knock on the door and then...
A couple of big guys lead tied up Amanda into the office...</div>
<video width="520" controls loop autoplay controls="false" >
<source src="vids/amanda.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="Y">You</span> <div id="s">God! You kidnapped her too?"</div>
<span id="b">Boss</span> <div id="s">Of course! And I'm sure your friend Jenifer will join us soon too</div>
<span id="Y">You</span> <div id="s">You sick bastards! Couldn't you at least let her put on some clothes before bringing her here?</div>
<span id="b">Boss</span> <div id="s">Oh, she won't need any, she'll be working here like you, I'm sure that the three of you will earn my money much faster than you alone...</div>
<span id="Y">You</span> <div id="s">You are crazy! We won't work for you! People will start looking for us, we can't just dissapear like that!</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span><div id="s">Such a funny boy... You think this is the first time we make someone work for us? I'm sure my guys made her send some messages about "an unexpected family trip" and leave a voice recorder message for those who might be interested where you are. So leave your hopes, nobody will look for you!</div>
<span id="Y">You </span> <div id="s">You can't do this! Please! Let us go! At least leave Amanda and Jenifer out of this! They have nothing to do with my dad's debt! They were just helping me out.</div>
<img src="images/10.jpg" width="367" >
<span id="b">Boss </span> <div id="s">Hmmm... Might not be fair to them... Let's have a deal then... I'll let them both go on one condition. You suck my dick right here right now, and they are free to go. </div>
<span id="Y">You </span> <div id="s">What?! Is this some kind of a fucked up joke?</div>
<span id="b">Boss </span><div id="s">No, I'm serious If you really want to leave them out of this, this is your chance.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;">[["...suck his dick"]]</td><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["Refuse"]] </td></tr></table>
<span id="Y">You: </span> "I'm not doing that! I'm not gay! And I'm not going to suck any dicks!"
<span id="s"> </span>"And I'm sure you would never let them go, even if I did it."
<span id="b">Boss: </span>"Well, maybe you are smarter than I thought you are.
<span id="s"></span>Okay, if you are that smart, you sould also understand that the best option for you is
<span id="s"></span>to do what you are told to..."
<div id="lg">Right after he said that, a tall blonde woman comes in...</div>
<span id="b">Boss: </span>"Meet Alex, she'll be your superviser
<span id="s"></span>Go with her, she'll show you everything..."
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/meetalex.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div id="lg"> And the next moment, Alex grabs you by your hand and takes you to the hallway.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Go with alex|jump after_intro_boss]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="n">Seeing that this is your only chance to save Amanda and Jenifer, you sigh and come closer to the boss...</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't believe what I'm about to do... But I have no choice, I have to do it for Amanda and Jenifer. I can't let this monster keep them here as prostitutes! And if he'll let them go, I'm sure Amanda will go to the police and will rescue me...
<div id=n">Trying not to look at Amanda, you drop down to your knees in front of the Boss.He's just standing and looking at you, apparently he's expecting you to do everything, so you slowly start to unbuckle his pants. You pull his pants down and now you can see his huge fat uncut cock pointing right into your face...You hesitate for a while, prolonging the inevitable and trying to think of any way how you could avoid sucking his cock. </div>
<span id="b">Boss </span> It's time to start, boy.
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/boss3.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div id="n">You slowly reach out to his cock and touch it with your hand, moving the foreskin back, revealing the tip of his cock.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I should just do it quickly and get it over with.
<div id="n">So, you wrap your lips around his cock and start moving your head back and forth. It's so thick, that you can hardly put more that the tip into your mouth...
You try not to think about anything, and do it as quickly as possible, but millions of thoughts go through your mind... </div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> How half an hour ago, you were just a regular guy, living his regular life... and now you are standing on your knees and sucking a dick of some brothel boss! You haven't even had sex with a girl yet, but you've already touched a dick...
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/boss2.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div id="n">You feel how his big hot tip goes in and out of your mouth, pulsating right on your tongue... And the worst part about this all... is that it happens right in front of Amanda...</div>
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/tiedup2.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="th">Think </span>What will she think about me?! How will I look into her eyes? What if she thinks that I shouldn't have done it? And what if she'll think that I like it?! hought I can't believe that I'm actually doing it! It feels so strange... Another man's cock is in my mouth. So big and so hot...
<div id="n">You don't ejoy it... but to your surprise you thought that it would feel much worse...cYou try your best to give as much pleasure as you can to the boss as you realize, the better you do it, the faster he cums and the faster you can get free and forget about all of this. After some minutes, that seems like eternity, you feel his cock twitching. You pause, and take it out from your mouth, and then he suddenly starts shooting his cum all over your face!</div>
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/boss.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="Y">You </span> This is disgusting!
<div id="n">You quickly grab the nearby napkins from his table and wipe all the cum from your face. Even though, you removed it all, your face still smells like cum... You rise from your feet and avoid looking into Amanda's eyes...</div>
<<set $bj to 1>>
<img src="images/amandalook.jpg " width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> After what have just happened, I don't think I can look into her eyes... At least they haven't brought Jenifer here yet, and I'm sure Amanda won't tell her about what I just did.
<span id="Y">You </span> Happy now?! I did what you said! Now let them free.
<span id="b">Boss </span> Hahaha! How naive are you? You really thought that I'll let them go? And only for some blowjob?
<span id="Y">You </span> We've had a deal! You can't do this!
<span id="b">Boss </span>Oh, I surely can. Now, you'll be taken to your room and you'll start working soon.And seeing how ready you are to suck dick, I'm sure you'll do fine here...
<div id="n">Right after that a tall blonde woman comes in...</div>
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/meetalex.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="b">Boss </span> Meet Alex, she'll be your SUPERVISER. Go with her, she'll show you everything...
<div id="n">And the next moment, Alex grabs you by your hand and takes you to the hallway.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Go with alex|jump after_intro_boss]]</td></tr></table>
<img src="images/elevator.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">As soon as you both get out of the office, Alex starts talking like like she is giving you a routine tour or somthing... It seems that this is a usual part of her job...</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Here is the elevators area, from here you can get to any place you like, if you have access, of course.I will give you a key card for that. Now let's go, I'll show you the places where you can work to get money.
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/routine.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="Y">You: </span> I don't need to see any places where I can "work". I've said to your boss already, I'm not going to have sex with men, you won't make me!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I wouldn't be so sure about that... I have plenty of ways how to motivate you. Come with me, I'll show you something, it will help you understand how things work here...
<div id="n">And once again she just grabs you without waiting for you to reply and takes you to the elevator. After that you go to one of the lower floors together.
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Go to the next room|Butt-wall room introduction]]</td></tr></table>
<img src="images/pantystore.gif" width="520" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span>Here is a clothes shop where you can get something cute or sexy to put on. Why don't you choose something for yourself now? And don't worry, this time it's on me. Consider it a welcome gift.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Thank you, but I prefer my own clothes.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You see, it is not an option, when you start working here, you need to wear something completely different from what you have on you now, so your clothes won't do. That is why, you will go to a fitting room, take off all your clothes and underwear and give it to me. Don't worry, I will keep it until you finish working here and you'll be able to take all your clothes back. Now go and do what I say.
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Choosing new clothes]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="n">You don't want to end up with your naked butt hanging from the hole in the wall, so you decide just to do what she wants and enter one of the fitting rooms, while Alex is waiting outside. You take off your clothes and pass them to Alex.</div>
<img src="images/naked2.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> <div id="s">I can't believe that I'm giving her all my clothes. </div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">Now you can choose something to wear, I'll give you some options.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span><div id="s">You must be kidding... These clothes are for women! </div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">If you don't like the clothes I gave you, you always have an option to walk around naked, it's allowed here.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span><div id="s"> What else did you expect?</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span><div id="s">Why is it happening to me? Can you at least give me some pants or shorts? Why do I have to walk around wearing only panties?</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">If you want to get some other clothes, you'll have to earn them. And besides, these clothes will help you undestand your place sooner.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span><div id="s">I guess I have to pick something, if I don't want to walk around naked.</div>
<div id="n">You put on a pair of panties for the first time in your life.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> <div id="s">I'd never think that panties would feel so comfortable. And the fabric is so nice on my skin. This underwear is for women. I shouldn't enjoy it! This is so embarrassing...</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">Are you sure you've finished choosing the clothes?</div>
<div id="T">
<a data-passage="Pink Outfit" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/pinkoutfit.jpg" width="420" ></a>
[[Pink Outfit]]
+1 Feminity
<a data-passage="Red Outfit" class="link-internal link-image"><img src="images/redoutfit.jpg" width="420" ></a>
[[Red Outfit]]
+10 Arousal
<a data-passage="Black Outfit" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/blackoutfit2.jpg" width="420" ></a>
[[Black Outfit]]
<span id="l">Alex:</span> This is your room, you will live here. Also, this is your main work place, you will receive clients here. But there is always a lot of work around the building, so you can find something else to do if you are not in the mood to work in your room. Generally, you can do whatever you like and you choose how you spend time. The only thing that matters is that you have to make money. Boss doesn't want to wait for long, so you'll start earning tomorrow, as for today, you can rest and just go to sleep.I will collect payments from you weekly. We'll start from... let's say $30 a day, so $210 a week.
<img src="images/yroom.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> And always remember what happens to bad girls who don't want to work. Okay, see you in the morning, tomorrow is a big day for you."
<div id="n">The door closes and you start thinking what to do.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> What should I do?
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [["Try to escape"]]</td><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [["Stay here for now"]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="th">Think:</span>It wasn't a dream... I'm still here.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Oh, good, you are already up.
<span id="Y">You: </span>I'm basically a prisoner here, how would you sleep if you were me?!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Don't worry, honey. You'll like it here.So, are you ready for your first client?
<img src="images/alexcall.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> No, I'm not, I can't have sex with men, I'm not gay!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Oh, I see... would you rather prefer to end up with your naked ass through the wall, maybe?
<span id="Y">You: </span>No, please, I don't want that. Yesterday you've told me that there is a lot of work around here, maybe there is something I could do? Like repairing or cleaning stuff or anything else?
<span id="l">Alex:</span> We already have people for that... but I have an idea what you could do, it would be a much easier start for you...Come on, follow me.
<<set $wday to "Thursday">>
<<set $day to 1>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Follow Alex|First time in gh booth]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't stay here. Those people are crazy, I need to run.
<div id="n">You leave your room and go to the elevator. But every time you try going down to the main floor it says "No access" You leave the elevator and start thinking what to do, and then, you see a fire escape door. </div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>"I hope it'll work."
<div id="n">You go to the fire escape stairway.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I hope they won't see me on all those security cameras. I need to hurry up.
<div id="n">You go down as quickly as you can and soon enough you are on the main floor and can see the exit. There are some clients and some of the girls who work here, and some security men... You try to blend in with the other people and slowly go to the exit... It seems that security isn't really interested in you, so soon enough you are outside...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>I can't believe it. It was so easy to escape. hope I have some time until morning before they start looking for me again. I need to go to the police.
<div id="n">As you are still wearing all those girlish clothes, people start to look at you as you pass them on the street and you think maybe it would be better to stay away from the busy streets so you don't draw any unwanted attention.
So you take a turn to an alley trying to find a way to the police station. But as soon as you go there, five men come out from around the corner and notice you.</div>
<span id="b">Stranger 1:</span> Hey! Look who's here...
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> Oh look at that little bitch all dressed up like that.
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> I bet you want to have some fun. Don't you?
<span id="th">Think: </span> Oh fuck... I shouldn't have gone here...
<div id="n">In a second you are standing on a dark alley surrounded by five men..</div>
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> Hey sissy, what are you doing here? Did you come to suck our dicks?
<span id="Y">You: </span>No, please, I'm running away from bad people, please help me.
<span id="b">Stranger 4:</span> Haha... you are so funny. Do we look like we would help you?
<span id="b">Stranger 5:</span> I think it's time to have some fun...
<div id="n">After that, one of them comes closer to you and pushes you down to your knees. They surround you and drop their pants revealing their huge dicks.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> No, please! I'm a normal guy, I was forced to wear these clothes. I'm not a girl.
<span id="b">Stranger 5:</span> We know that you are not a girl. You are a little sissy.
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> And sissies like you have to service men. So why don't you shut up and start doing what you have to do.
<div id="n">With those words he just points his big cock at your mouth.</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span> I can't believe that it's actually happening to me. Surrounded by these men, pointing their dicks at my face.I need to escape!
<div id="n">But a second later the guy in front of you just forces his big cock into your mouth.</div>
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> He is so funny! Just look at that, he's trying to speak with your cock in his mouth.
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> What was that, sissy? Wanted to tell me something?I think it's time to fuck your mouth really good.
<div id="n">And then he just starts forcing his big cock into your mouth.
But it is so big that you can't even take a even a quarter of it.</div>
<img src="images/alley.gif" width="420" >
<span id="b">Stranger 3:</span> How do you like it sissy? Do you like my big cock in your mouth?
<span id="b">Stranger1:</span> We'll have so much fun with you today.
<img src="images/gifcandy-gangbang-30.gif" width="420" >
<div id="n">He starts to increase the speed more and more and you can't do anything except trying to open your mouth even more. Presenting it for him to use as a fuck toy. After a while they start passing you around and fucking your mouth as deep and hard as possible. After what seemed like an hour of rough face fucking they've had enough...and they start cumming all over your face one by one. </div>
<span id="b">Stranger 2:</span> That was fun...
<span id="b">Stranger 4:</span> Maybe next time we'll use both of your holes, sissy.
<div id="n">They left...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>I can't believe that it's just happened. They just fucked my mouth, like I'm some kind of a slut... Wait... What is that sound?
<div id="n">You hear a car stopping not far away from you...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>Fuck! It's those guys again, who kidnapped me the first time! They somehow tracked me down. I can't believe I ran away just to get raped in a dark alley..
<div id="n">Next thing you know, you are going back to the brothel all covered in cum. You take a shower as soon as you arrive. Trying to wash out all of that cum from your hair. And then just fall asleep as you are very exhausted from running away and then getting used by those big dicks. </div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Sleep|jump day 1 esp]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="n">You go to one of the lower floors by an elevator, and you step into a long corridor with a lot of doors. She opens one of them and leads you inside. You see a small empty room with a hole in the wall. </div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> First, you'll need to take off all of your clothes.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Why do I need to do that?
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You'll thank me later, just do it.
<span id="Y">You: </span>I'm not going to undress in front of you.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Yes, you will. Do I have to remind you, that you don't have many options here. Either you'll take off your clothes now and go sit there on the floor, or I'll call the guys and they will do something much worse.
<span id="Y">You: </span>I hate you!
<div id="n">You start slowly taking off your clothes trying to cover your private parts with your hands.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Just stop that, like there is something to hide there."Now, sit. Good boy.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Now what?
<div id="n">Right at that moment a big cock appears through the hole.</div>
<img src="images/glory.gif" width="320" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>What is happening?
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Look at it. Do you like what you see? Look how big it is."
<span id="Y">You: </span>It is actually pretty big. It's like ten times bigger than mine. How can it be that big?!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Why don't you touch it? I bet you are curious how it feels.
<span id="th">Think:</span>No, I'm not. I don't want to touch another man's cock.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Why not? There is nothing wrong about that. You want to finish all of this, get yourself free and go home, right? The only way to do it is to earn enough money, so my boss can let you go. And I'm showing you the easiest way, you don't have to do anything except touching it with your hand. Just give him some pleasure and forget about all this, it doesn't make you gay. Look at all this as a job. Just take it in your hand and hold it.
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't believe what I'm about to do...
<div id="n">You slowly reach for the cock and grab it with your hand.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>t is so strange to touch someone else's cock. It feels so warm and hard. And it is so big.
<span id="Y">You: </span>It's gross! I want to stop it!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You don't have to act like you don't like it in front of me.
<span id="Y">You: </span>I'm not acting, I want to stop it.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Ok, then. If you want to stop it all, just finish what you've started, and you can be free for today.
<span id="Y">You: </span>What do you mean? What should I finish?!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You know what. Just make him cum and you can go. Try moving your hand up and down, come on.
<span id="th">Think:</span>I'm doing it only to get it over with and get free. I'm not gay.
<div id="n">You start moving your hand on the cock.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> The skin feels so nice and warm.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You see, nothing to be afraid of. Why don't you try doing it faster?" enjoy every moment of it. Now, try doing it even faster!
<div id="n">You feel the cock getting even harder in your hand and it starts twitching.
<img src="images/gay_glory_hole-3464.gif" width="420" >
In a second you start to realize that the guy has just cum all over your body and all over your face.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>... I'm all covered in cum...... Someone else's cum.
<span id="l">Alex:</span>"Wow, that was nice. Congratulations with your first cumshot! That was very exciting.
<div id="n">You sit there frozen, covered in cum and don't know what to say or what to do. You've just made another man cum... You've pleased a cock. Like some kind of a slut. And all the situation starts making you aroused for some reason... n a second you feel your cock getting hard.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>Oh no! Why am I getting hard?! Please, don't get hard!
<span id="l">Alex: </span>Look at that! We have a little cum slut here!I knew you'd like it. Now I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here.
<span id="Y">You: </span>I'm not a cum slut! I don't know why I got hard! I'm not enjoying this! Look, I've done what you've told me! Can I go back to my room now? I need to take a shower right now.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Yeah, and you did great! Like you've done it many times before. And look, what's that in the hole? You should take that.
<span id="Y">You:</span> Seriously? I get only ten dollars? For this?
<span id="l">Alex:</span>It was just a handjob... Did you want him to give you a thousand dollars for that? If you want to get more, you should do more.If you've used your mouth, you'd get twice as much!
<span id="Y">You:</span> Not going to happen! I'm not sucking cocks!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Yeeeah, we'll see about that...
<div id="n">While you were talking, another cock appeared from the hole.</div>
<span id="Y">You:</span> Seriously? Another one? I don't want to do it again! I want to go.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Oh, you are free to go... But if you decide to please one more cock, I might give you a small present. How do you feel about that?
<span id="Y">You: </span> what are you talking about? What present?
<span id="l">Alex:</span> How about a small box of napkins, ha? I see you need them right now.
<span id="Y">You:</span> Why do you have to be so cruel?
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I'm not cruel, I'm helping you! Just giving you some motivation. But it's up to you. You can stay here, please this beautiful cock, get some napkins, clean yourself and go to your room... or, you'll have to go to your room naked and covered in cum and all the people you meet, will see what a dirty cum slut you are. I'm sure you won't put your clothes on over all this cum, you have nothing else to wear, and all your clothes will be dirty. Also, if you decide to stay, you'll earn more money! So what will it be?
<span id="th">Think:</span> What should I do?
<<set $money to $money + 10>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["Please one more cock"]]</td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [["Put on clothes anyway and go to the room"]]</td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room naked and covered in cum]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="n">You enter a room with quite a lot of naked butts poking out of the walls and judging by the amount of cum leaking from their holes it is obvious that all of them have been fucked a lot.</div>
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/wallbutt.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You see, here is a place for those who did not want to work and tried to escape. And now all of them are here, getting fucked even more. Also, here are some natural sluts who just like to be used this way. So, if you don't want to work, the guys who brought you here, will take you and get you fixed on the other side of the wall with your sweet little ass on this side of the wall. And as you can see boy-holes are quite popular here. That is why, I would advise you to do it a good way and stop all this "You won't make me" crap. Because you can be sure that I will make you do anything I want.
<span id="Y">You: </span>It can't be true, I don't want to end up like this. I don't deserve all this.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> So, will you cooperate with me now?
<span id="Y">You: </span> Yes...
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Good boy, if you'll be as obedient as you are now, <span id="s"></span> maybe I'll show you how to make money here without getting fucked in your ass. Now let's get back to our tour.
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Go to the next room|Clothes shop introduction]] </td></tr></table>
<div id="n">As soon as you close the door ang get outside, you see a cute girl looking at you.</div>
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>Hey! You must be new here, I think you are the one who moved in right near me, so we are neighbors now. I'm Ashley. What is your name, cutie?
<img src="images/ashley.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> Hi, Ashley, I'm Nikolay. Yeah, I've just got here.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> That is so cool, we can be friends! You must be so happy to be here, you are really lucky.
<span id="Y">You: </span> You are joking, right? How can I be lucky if I've ended up here?
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Because it's the best place where you can work, it's not that easy to get a room here to live. That's because a lot of people would love to work here.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Maybe, but I'm a guy, I don't belong here, I like women.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>Women clients can visit you from time to time too, if that's what you want. Just give it some time, you'll like it here. I'm so happy to be here and I believe you'll feel the same way.
<span id="Y">You: </span>"That's because you are a girl, not a guy, otherwise you'd hate being here."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> You don't have to be a woman to enjoy living here. Let me show you something.
<div id="n">With those words she just grabs her dress and pulls it up a little, so you can see what is underneath.</div>
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>...I can't believe my eyes, I would never say that you are a guy.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Haha! Only beacause I don't have a pussy between my legs, doesn't mean that I'm a guy.I'd better say, I'm a girl with a little surprise under my dress.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Oh... Ok. And what is that blue thing on your... mmmm... penis?
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> It's my little chastity cage, you should get one too, it keeps you horny all the time as you can't do anything with your little clitty and you start being more creative when it comes to finding a way to get pleasure.I love to put it on from time to time. Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you. If you'd like to chat again, just come knock my door, my room number is 1720.
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room|In the room after gh]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="n">The rest of the path to your room was uneventful and you didn't meet anyone else.</div>
<img src="images/before sleep.jpg" width="520" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> "This was too much for one day, or just too much at all... Why am I still so hard? I should better do something about it. And it might also help me release some stress.
<span id="th">Think:</span> Should I masturbate?
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Yes]] </td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[TAKE SHOWER]] </td></tr></table> arousel +20
<span id="th">Think:</span> It would be too risky trying to escape from here, maybe it would be better to stay and see how it goes..."
<span id="s"></span>They still have Amanda and Jenifer, I can't just leave them here.
<div id="n">You fall on the bed and start crying.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>"I don't deserve it..."
<img src="images/sleep.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> I don't want to be here. I wish it was just a nightmare.
<div id="n">Time passes and eventually you are asleep.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[Sleep|jump day1]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Please one more cock
<span id="s"></span>Ok, but only one and after that you give me those napkins!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Good choice!"
<span id="s"></span> "Now show me, how you'll please this one."
<img src="images/gloryD.jpg" width="420" >
You grab the next cock and for some reason it feels very good again.
<div id="lg">This one is also so warm and pleasant to touch...</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>Why does it feels so nice?
<span id="s"></span>It shouldn't be like that. It is so wrong.
<span id="s"></span>And why my cock is still so hard?
<div id="n">Without thinking about it, you start to move your hand up and down. You start increasing your speed, trying to make him cum. You feel the cock becoming even harder and it starts twitching. Now you know what that means and you want to move away, so you don't get covered in cum again... But before you can react...</div>
<img src="images/gloryH.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> "Fuck, again!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "What a show!"
<div id="n">You see another bill appearing from the hole.</div>
<<set $Money to $money + 5>>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Also, don't forget these, I think you've earned them."
<div id="n">And she gives you a box of napkins.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span>"Thank you."
<div id="n">You clean yourself from all the cum.It was so much of it, that you've had to use almost half a pack of napkins.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span><div id="s">Your little cock is still so hard, next time you should try playing with yourself while you jerk off the cocks here. Now you are free to do whatever you like. You can go look around if you wish, maybe find some other work for yourself or you can just start receiving clients right in your room, they will pay more than if you'll work here. I'll see you when I'll come to collect money from you. I do that every Sunday morning. If you'll have any questions, you can call me from your room. </div>
<<set $money to $money + 10>>
[["You put on your clothes and go back to your room."]]
<span id="Y">You: </span>I don't care! I'll put on my clothes and will wash them later.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I like that. Walking around in clothes soaked in cum, that's hot. Anyways, if you'll decide to come back to earn some more money, you know what to do. Or you can just start receiving clients in your room, they'll pay more than if you'll work here. Also, you can go look around if you wish, maybe find some other work for yourself. I'll see you when I'll come to collect money from you. I do that every Sunday morning. If you'll have any questions, you can call me from your room.
<div id="n">You are quite nervous now as you may meet some people on your way back and it would be really embarrassing if they'll see you with cum all over you.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Maybe it isn't the best idea to put on the clothes while I'm covered in cum. All my clothes will be dirty and will smell like cum and I'll have nothing else to wear. But I don't have a choice, I definitely don't want to go there naked.
<div id="n">So, you just put on your clothes and go to your room. As soon as you close the door ang get outside, you see a cute girl looking at you.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Oh, fuck... Why do I have to be covered in cum when I meet her for the first time?
<div id="n">She will definitely see that I have cum all over my face and clothes. For some reason she acts like you look perfectly normal and like she doesn't notice all the cum.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I guess it is normal to walk around here covered in cum.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Hey! You must be new here, I think you are the one who moved in right near me, so we are neighbors now. I'm Ashley. What is your name, cutie
<img src="images/ashley.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>Hi, Ashley. Yeah, I've just got here.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Oh, what is that all over your face and your clothes? Did you just have some fun?
<div id="n">Without waiting for you to reply, she just comes right near you and looks closely at your cum covered face.
<img src="images/cum on face.jpg" width="520" >
Then she moves her face even closer to you and puts her hand on your face...
You are very surprised by her actions but you stand still just wondering what is happening now. Without waiting for you to reply, she just comes right near you and looks closely at your cum covered face. Then she moves her face even closer to you and puts her hand on your face...
You are very surprised by her actions but you stand still just wondering what is happening now.</div>
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Sorry about that! I just can't help myself, I love cum so much...
<span id="Y">You: </span>That was quite strange.But thank you, I guess. I'm not very happy about it being all over my face.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> You just have to get used to it, you'll like it.I love having cum all over myself. Yummy! I'm so happy that you live here too now, we can be friends! You must be so happy to be here, you are really lucky.
<span id="Y">You: </span>You are joking, right? How can I be lucky if I've ended up here?
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Because it's the best place where you can work, it's not that easy to get a room here to live. That's because a lot of people would love to work here.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Maybe, but I'm a guy, I don't belong here, I like women.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Women clients can visit you from time to time too, if that's what you want. Just give it some time, you'll like it here. I'm so happy to be here and I believe you'll feel the same way.
<span id="Y">You: </span> That's because you are a girl, not a guy, otherwise you'd hate being here.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> You don't have to be a woman to enjoy living here. Let me show you something.
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<div id="n">With those words she just grabs her dress and pulls it up a little, so you can see what is underneath.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> ... I can't believe my eyes, I would never say that you are a guy.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Haha! Only beacause I don't have a pussy between my legs,doesn't mean that I'm a guy. I'd better say, I'm a girl with a little surprise under my dress.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Oh... Ok. And what is that blue thing on your... mmmm... penis?
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> It's my little chastity cage, you should get one too, it keeps you horny all the time as you can't do anything with your little clitty
<span id="s"></span>and you start being more creative when it comes to finding a way to get pleasure. love to put it on from time to time. Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you. If you'd like to chat again, just come knock my door, my room number is 1720.
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room|In the room after gh]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="n">You lay in bed completely naked and start playing with your small dick."
<img src="images/naked2.jpg" width="520" >
You are so aroused that you feel like you won't need much time before you cum.
You decide to start slowly as you don't want to cum too fast and want to prolong the pleasure.
Slowly you start to increase the speed, feeling more and more pleasure.
You mind wonders and you start thinking about... </div>
[[ALEX]] BDSM +1
[[Ashley]] Affection +1
[["Your glory hole experience today"]] Slut+1
[[Your new girly clothes]] Feminization +1
[[You start thinking about Amanda for some reason.]] Affection +1
[[JENIFER]] Affection +1
<div id="n">You take a shower and spend the rest of the day inside your room trying to relax and not to think about what happened to you today.
<img src="images/shoerbath.jpg" width="520" >
When the night comes you go to sleep hoping that tomorrow you will wake up at home and see that all of this was just a nightmare.</div>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to sleep|label day2]] </td></tr></table>
<span id="Y">You: </span> I'm not going to jerk off another cock! I'm going to my room!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> No problem, if you want to walk around naked and covered in cum, it's up to you. Anyways, if you'll decide to come back to earn some more money, you know what to do. Or you can just start receiving clients in your room, they'll pay more than if you'll work here.Also, you can go look around if you wish, maybe find some other work for yourself. I'll see you when I'll come to collect money from you. I do that every
<img src="images/naked.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="n">You take your clothes and go to your room. You are quite nervous as you may meet some people on your way and it would be really embarrassing if they'll see you like this. As soon as you close the door ang get outside, you see a cute girl looking at you.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Oh, fuck... Why do I have to be naked and covered in cum when I meet her for the first time?
<div id="n">You try to cover yourself as much as you can, but even if she can't see you cock, she still can clearly see that you have cum all over your face and body. For some reason she acts like you are not naked and if you looked perfectly normal.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I guess it is normal to walk around here naked... and covered in cum."
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Hey! You must be new here, I think you are the one who moved in right near me, so we are neighbors now. I'm Ashley.
<img src="images/ashley.jpeg" width="520" >
<span id="Y">You: </span>Hi, Ashley. Yeah, I've just got here.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Oh, what is that all over your face and your body? Did you just have some fun?
<img src="images/cum on face.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="n">Without waiting for you to reply, she just comes right near you and looks closely at your cum covered face. Then she moves her face even closer to you and puts her hand on your face... You are very surprised by her actions but you stand still just wondering what is happening now. </div>
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Sorry about that! I just can't help myself, I love cum so much...
<span id="Y">You: </span> That was quite strange. But thank you, I guess. I'm not very happy about it being all over my face.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>You just have to get used to it, you'll like it. I love having cum all over myself. Yummy! I'm so happy that you live here too now, we can be friends! You must be so happy to be here, you are really lucky.
<span id="Y">You: </span>You are joking, right? How can I be lucky if I've ended up here?
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Because it's the best place where you can work, it's not that easy to get a room here to live. That's because a lot of people would love to work here.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Maybe, but I'm a guy, I don't belong here, I like women.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Women clients can visit you from time to time too, if that's what you want. Just give it some time, you'll like it here.I'm so happy to be here and I believe you'll feel the same way.
<span id="Y">You: </span>That's because you are a girl, not a guy, otherwise you'd hate being here.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>: You don't have to be a woman to enjoy living here. Let me show you something.
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<div id="n">With those words she just grabs her dress and pulls it up a little, so you can see what is underneath. </div>
<span id="Y">You: </span>...I can't believe my eyes, I would never say that you are a guy.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Haha! Only beacause I don't have a pussy between my legs, doesn't mean that I'm a guy. I'd better say, I'm a girl with a little surprise under my dress.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Oh... Ok. And what is that blue thing on your... mmmm... penis?
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> It's my little chastity cage, you should get one too, it keeps you horny all the time as you can't do anything with your little clitty and you start being more creative when it comes to finding a way to get pleasure. I love to put it on from time to time. Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you. Sorry, I have to go now, but it was really nice talking to you. If you'd like to chat again, just come knock my door, my room number is 1720.
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Go to your room|In the room after gh]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">New day comes and you wake up refreshed.
Even though you are still in this awful place, you've had a really good night sleep.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Now it's time to think what to do as it is already Friday
<span id="s"></span> so i should expect Alex to come after tomorrow to collect the weekly payment."
<span id="s"></span>She said that for now it will be 210 dollars a week
<span id="s"></span> and i hope she will only take money for two days that you've been here.
<span id="s"></span> So, i need to have 60 dollars by the end of the day and now i have only $money dollars"
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Leave the room|leave the room]] </td></tr></table>
<<set $day to 2>> <<set $time to 0>>
<<set $loopt to 0>> <<set $dtime to "Afternoon">>
<<set $arousal to 10>> <<set $gotadviceashley to 0>>
<<set $gotnewhair to 0>> <<set $wday to "Friday">>
<<set $loopw to 0>> <<set $money to 10>>
<<set $bj to 1>><<set $feminity to 0>>
<<set $alexfootcounter to 0>> <<set $loopb to 0>> <div id="lg">You start thinking about what have happened to you today.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>How you had to touch those cocks, jerk them off...
<span id="th">Think:</span> Pleasing them for money...
<span id="s"></span>Pleasing it for money...
<span id="s"></span>}Have I became a slut?
<span id="s"></span>A really cheap slut... I've only made $money for that
<div id="lg">ll these thoughts make you even more aroused."
All these thoughts make you even more aroused.</div>
<img src="images/gay_glory_hole-3464.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span>What else will I do for money?
<span id="s"></span>What will be next?
<span id="s"></span>What if I'll have to suck a cock? Some random guy's big dirty cock?
<span id="s"></span>I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
<div id="lg">You start thinking about Jenifer for some reason. </div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I'm sure I'm thinking about her because I'm worried.
<span id="s"></span>She got here too. But why am I thinking about her now?
<span id="s"></span>Is it because this thought also makes me aroused?
<span id="s"></span>Imagining her forced to fuck for money...
<div id="lg">...just thinking about it makes you even more aroused.</div>
<img src="images/5.jpg">
<span id="th">Think:</span> But it is so wrong, she's like a sister to me,
<span id="s"></span> we very together since we were little kids...
<span id="s"></span> And she's so innocent, I don't even know if she's still a virgin...
<span id="s"></span> What if she will have sex here for the first time?
<span id="s"></span> And will loose her virginity with some random guy for money...
<span id="s"></span> I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
<div id="n">All these thoughts make you even more aroused.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> And I could just wash myself as soon as I got to my room. But for some reason I enjoy this. I want more! I want to be covered in cum... someone else's cum.I want it all over me... feeling it on my skin, knowing that I aroused them so much that they came right on my body and face. This is so wrong! I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!You feel so m uch pleasure that you can't hold it any longer.
<img src="images/cums.jpg" width="520" >
<div id="lg"> You start cumming, feeling the most intense and amazing orgasm in your life.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> It. Was. Amazing. I've never felt so much pleasure in my life. I've masturbated so many times before, even while watching some really hot porn but it has never been as good as it was this time. And I wasn't even watching anything now. I hope it wasn't so good because of what I was thinking about... Those were some really strange thoughts... At least I'm not thinking about all that perverted stuff anymore. >I just need to take a shower and have some rest.
<div id="n"> After the shower you spend the rest of the day in your room as you have no desire to go outside. When the night comes you fall asleep trying not to think what tomorrow will bring you.</div>
<<if $day == 1>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Asleep|label day2]] </td></tr></table> <</if>>
<<if $day >= 2>><table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Asleep|Your room]] </td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You start thinking about Alex.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't stop thinking about her.
<span id="s"></span>But why? She makes me do all this disgusting stuff.
<span id="s"></span>Why does she have so much power over me?
<span id="s"></span>She even made me touch another man's cock!
<div id="lg">Thinking about that makes you aroused even more and you start increasing the speed.</div>
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/meetalex.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="th">Think:</span> I want Alex so bad...
<span id="s"></span>But for some reason I want to obey her.
<span id="s"></span>What if next time she will make me do something more lewd like sucking cock instead of jerking it off?
<span id="s"></span>I can't do it any longer I want to cum!
[[CUMS]]<ul class="cats">
<li><a data-passage="Your room" class="link-internal link-image" >
<img src="images/4game/room.jpeg" style="max-height: 200px "></a></li>
<li><a data-passage="clothes shop" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/sexy-women-lingerie-underwear-store-fashion-36897703.jpg" style="max-height: 200px;"></a></li>
<<if $day > 3>>
<li><a data-passage="Visit Ashley" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/4game/1702.jpeg" style="max-height: 200px">
<li><a data-passage="Glory Hole" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/4game/gloryhole.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<li><a data-passage="Beauty salon" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/4game/salon.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<li><a data-passage="Fuck Wall" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/wallass.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<li><a data-passage="Boss office" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/4game/office.jpg" style="max-height: 200px">
<li><a data-passage="Outside" class="link-internal link-image">
<img src="images/4game/city.jpeg" style="max-height: 200px">
I already have what i need....
You deside to go to a clothes shop.
Would you like to buy somesthing?
[[No|leave the room]]
[[Yes|Buy clothes]]<<if $gotadviceashley == 0 or $loopb == 0 or $gotadviceashley == 3>>
<span id="w">Dalia:</span> Hey! You are new here! I'm Dalia. Welcome to my beauty salon. What is your name?
<span id="Y">You: </span> Hello, I'm Nikolay, nice to meet you.
<img src="images/Dalia.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="w">Dalia:</span> Would you like anything? Maybe a new hairstyle? Make-up? Or maybe you'd like to change your hair color? New hairstyle would cost you $100, and the same price for new hair color. Let me know if you'd like any of that.
<span id="Y">You: </span> No, thank you, I don't feel like I want to do anything with my looks now.
<span id="d">Dalia:</span> No problem. Just come by if you'll change your mind.
<<set $loopb to 1>>
[[Go back|leave the room]]
<<if $gotadviceashley == 1>>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Maybe Ashley is right, maybe I should do something about my looks and start working in my room.
<img src="images/Before.jpeg" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> Yeah, I'd like to try a new hairstyle maybe.
<span id="d">Dalia:</span>: Oh, that's great, what hairstyle would you like to have?"
<img src="images/Dalia.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> This is embarrassing...
<span id="Y">You: </span>I need to look more girlish... but I don't want to change too much. Something simple, if that's possible.
<span id="d">Dalia:</span> Ok, I have a simple solution for you, I think you'll like it. Just take a seat and relax.
[["Get a new hairstyle"]]
[[Not now|leave the room]]
<<if $gotadviceashley == 4>>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Maybe I should ask Dalia to help me become even more girlish to attract more clients?
<span id="th">Think:</span> I won't be able to make enough money only from glory hole handjobs.
<span id="th">Think:</span> And a little bit of makeup or something like that is a lot better than ending up in that butt-wall room.
<img src="images/Dalia2.jpg" width="420" >
[[Ask to help you become more girlish]]
[[Not now|leave the room]]
body {background-image: url('images/4game/gloryhole.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
color: rgb(11,11,11,);}
[[Give handjobs]]
[[Give blowjobs]]
[[Anal sex]]
[[Go back|leave the room]]
<div id="n">You go down to the room where Alex took you to show you what will happen to you if you don't do everything she says.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> It is so scary to think that I can end up here.
<span id="n">But at the same time, this place makes you aroused a little.</span>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I wonder how they feel... Bound on the other side of the wall with their asses on this side, and anyone who comes here can do anything they want to them. Use them any way they like, fucking their holes. Then, for some reason, you remember that Amanda and Jenifer are in the brothel too...
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/buttwall.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="th">Think:</span> What if one of them didn't agree to work here and they ended up in this room. What if one of these butts is Amanda's or Jennifer's. Are these thoughts making me aroused?! Why am I thinking about it? This is wrong! I should go back.
<<set $arousal to $arousal +10>>
<div id="n">On your way back, you look at all the asses one more time deep in your mind hoping that one of them is Amanda's or Jeniffer's.</div>
[[Your room]]
<span id="red"> Your Arousal increas by 10. </span>
body {background-image: url('images/4game/office.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
color: rgb(11,11,11,);}
<<if $day > 3>>
[[Visit Alex]]
[[Visit Boss]]
[[Go back|leave the room]]
When I try use to use my key card to go down to the ground floors it says no "Acsess"
[[Go back|leave the room]]
body {background-image: url('images/4game/city.jpeg'); background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
color: rgb(11,11,11,);}
</style> <<set $loopt to 0>><<if $dtime == "Night" and $wday == "Saturday" and $day == 3>>
<<set $loopt to 1>>
<<set $dtime to "Afternoon">>
<<set $wday to "Sunday">>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Time to wake up! It's Sunday already, so I came to collect the weekly payment. I hope you have enough money...
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/routine.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<if $dtime == "Night" and $wday == "Saturday" and $day >4>>
<<set $loopt to 1>>
<<set $dtime to "Afternoon">>
<<set $wday to "Sunday">>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Time to wake up! It's Sunday already, so I came to collect the weekly payment.I hope you have enough money...
<</if>><<if $dtime == "Afternoon" and $loopt == 0 >><table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Wait|Your room]] </td></tr></table>
<<set $dtime to "Evening">>
<<set $loopt to 1>>
<img src="images/4game/evening.jpg">
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Leave the room|leave the room]] </td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Wait for the client]] </td></tr></table>
<<if $dtime == "Evening" and $loopt == 0 >><table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Sleep|Your room]] </td></tr></table>
<<set $dtime to "Night">>
<<set $loopt to 1>>
<img src="images/4game/night.jpg">
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px;"> [[Have some fun first|Yes]] </td></tr></table>
<</if>><<if $dtime == "Night" and $loopt == 0 >>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px; width=50%, margin-right:5px;"> [[Wait|Your room]] </td></tr></table>
<img src="images/4game/afternoon.jpg">
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px; width=50%, margin-right:5px;"> [[Leave the room|leave the room]] </td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 22px; width=50%, margin-right:5px;"> [[Wait for the client]]</td></tr></table>
<<set $dtime to "Afternoon">>
<<set $loopt to 1>>
<<set $day to $day +1>>
<<set $loopw to 1>>
<<if $wday == "Monday" and $loopw== 1 >><<set $wday to "Tuesday">><<set $loopw to 0>><</if>><<if $wday == "Tuesday" and $loopw== 1 >> <<set $wday to "Wednesday">><<set $loopw to 0>> <</if>> <<if $wday == "Wednesday" and $loopw== 1 >> <<set $wday to "Thursday">><<set $loopw to 0>><</if>><<if $wday == "Thursday" and $loopw== 1 >> <<set $wday to "Friday">> <<set $loopw to 0>><</if>><<if $wday == "Friday" and $loopw== 1 >><<set $wday to "Saturday">><<set $loopw to 0>><</if>><<if $wday == "Saturday" and $loopw== 1 >><<set $wday to "Sunday">><<set $loopw to 0>><</if>> <<if $wday == "Sunday" and $loopw== 1 >><<set $wday to "Monday">><<set $loopw to 0>><</if>>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">Oh, you are so cute. I really like how you look. Wow, I would've never thought that you'll choose the red one!</div>
<img src="images/redoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">You look so sexy!I bet you like your new outfit too. You can come back here any time you want if you decide to buy something new for yourself.</div>
<span id="red">Notice:</span> you will unlock clothes as you progress through the game.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">We also have a beauty salon, which you could visit if you'd like to change your hairstyle or to put on some makeup.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> <div id="s">Why would I want to use makeup?</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">Oh, I'm sure you'll want that. I bet today in the morning you didn't think that you'll be wearing panties, but look at you now. I think I'll start calling you a girl, it would suit you more.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> <div id="s">Stop that, I'm not a girl! I'm wearing all of these clothes because you gave me no choice!</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">You're so cute when you are angry. Ok, let's go, I'll show you your room.</div>
<<set $arousal to 10>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[First time in your room]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">Oh, you are so cute. I really like how you look.Wow, I would've never thought that you'll choose the pink transparent one!</div>
<img src="images/pinkoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">You look so sexy!I bet you like your new outfit too. You can come back here any time you want if you decide to buy something new for yourself.</div>
<span id="red">Notice:</span> you will unlock clothes as you progress through the game.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">We also have a beauty salon, which you could visit if you'd like to change your hairstyle or to put on some makeup.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> <div id="s">Why would I want to use makeup?</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">Oh, I'm sure you'll want that. I bet today in the morning you didn't think that you'll be wearing panties, but look at you now. I think I'll start calling you a girl, it would suit you more.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> <div id="s">Stop that, I'm not a girl! I'm wearing all of these clothes because you gave me no choice!</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> <div id="s">You're so cute when you are angry. Ok, let's go, I'll show you your room.</div>
<<set $feminity to 1>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[First time in your room]]</td></tr></table>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Oh, you are so cute. I really like how you look. Wow, I would've never thought that you'll choose the black transparent one!
<img src="images/blackoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="l">Alex:</span>You look so sexy!I bet you like your new outfit too. You can come back here any time you want if you decide to buy something new for yourself.
<span id="red">Notice:</span> you will unlock clothes as you progress through the game.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> We also have a beauty salon, which you could visit if you'd like to change your hairstyle or to put on some makeup.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Why would I want to use makeup?
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Oh, I'm sure you'll want that. I bet today in the morning you didn't think that you'll be wearing panties, but look at you now. I think I'll start calling you a girl, it would suit you more.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Stop that, I'm not a girl! I'm wearing all of these clothes because you gave me no choice!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You're so cute when you are angry. Ok, let's go, I'll show you your room.
<<set $bdsm to 1>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;">[[First time in your room]]</td></tr></table>
<div id="lg">You start thinking about Ashley.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>She is so hot...
<span id="s"></span>I can't stop thinking how she licked cum from my face.
<span id="s"></span>It was so hot and I really enjoyed it for some reason.
<span id="s"></span>I want more...
<span id="s"></span>What if we'd jerk off cocks together at that room and then they would cum all over my face and
<span id="s"></span>Ashley would lick all that cum from my face...
<span id="s"></span>She is so sexy! I want her so bad.
<img src="images/ashley cage.jpeg" width="520" >
<div id="lg">But then, you remember what she showed you...</div>
<span id="s"></span>Wait, she's got a dick!
<span id="s"></span>Does it make me gay that I want her?
<span id="s"></span>But she's not a guy...
<span id="s"></span>And I wouldn't really call that a dick... Like she's said, it's more like a clitty...
<div id="lg">Thinking about Ashley makes you even more aroused.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>I'm not even sure that I have ever been attracted to any other girl like I'm attracted to her.
<span id="s"></span>What if Alex wants me to become like Ashley? Wearing dresses and enjoying eating cum?!
<span id="s"></span>And why thinking about it makes me even hornier?!
<span id="s"></span>I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
You wake up in your new room...
<span id="th">Think:</span> It wasn't a dream... I'm still here... I can't believe that I've sucked other men's dicks. Does it make me gay now?But I didn't want to do it, they just forced me to do it and used me like some dirty cheap slut..."
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I've heard you've had a fun night, ha? Usually I'd get mad if someone would try to escape, but considering what happend to you...I'll let it slide, you've had your punishment. So, tell me, did you sleep well?"
<span id="Y">You: </span> I'm basically a prisoner here, how would you sleep if you were me?!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Don't worry, honey. You'll like it here.So, are you ready for your first client?
<span id="Y">You: </span> No, I'm not, I can't have sex with men, I'm not gay!
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Oh, I see... would you rather prefer to end up with your naked ass through the wall, maybe?"
<img src="images/alexcall.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="Y">You: </span> "No, please, I don't want that.
<span id="s"></span> Yesterday you've told me that there is a lot of work around here, maybe there is something I could do?
<span id="s"></span>Like repairing or cleaning stuff or anything else?"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "We already have people for that...
<span id="s"></span> ... but I have an idea what you could do, it would be a much easier start for you..."
<span id="s"></span> "Come on, follow me."
<<set $day to 1>>
<table><tr><td style="font-size: 20px;"> [[Follow Alex|First time in gh booth]]</td></tr></table>
<<set $wday to "Thursday">>
<div id="lg"> You start thinking about your new clothes, how you aren't allowed to wear your normal clother and forced to wear all these clothes for girls."</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>Why is this thought making me so hard?
<span id="s"></span>I shouldn't enjoy this! I'm not a girl...
<span id="s"></span>But it feels so nice to wear them, the fabric is so pleasant
<span id="s"></span>and these panties are so comfortable for some reason.
<span id="s"></span>Wearing all this feel right.
<div id="lg">All these thoughts make you even more aroused.</div>
<img src="images/pinkoutfit.gif" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span>I feel so sexy and beautiful while I wear those clothes.
<span id="s"></span>For some reason, I want more...
<span id="s"></span>Want to dress up and look sexy...
<span id="s"></span>...sexy like a girl.
<span id="s"></span>I can't do it any longer I want to cum!
[[CUMS]] <div id="lg"> "You start thinking about Amanda for some reason.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span>Maybe I think about her because I'm worried.
<span id="s"></span>She got here too. But why am I thinking about her now?
<span id="s"></span>Is it because this thought also makes me aroused?
<span id="s"></span>Imagining her forced to fuck for money...
<div id="lg"> "...thinking about that makes you even more aroused.</div>
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/tiedup2.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="th">Think:</span>But it is so wrong, she so close to me... She's always been there for me...
<span id="s"></span>She's like mother to me, I can't think about her this way...
<span id="s"></span>But it would be so hot to see what she's doing now,
<span id="s"></span>maybe she's sucking and getting fucked by big cocks right now.
<span id="s"></span>With cum leaking from all her holes.
<span id="s"></span>I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!
##### Masturbate
label masturbate:
if replay == False:
$ arousal = 0
show bg masturbating room
if hair == "boy":
show masturbating_hair boy
if hair == "pigtails":
show masturbating_hair pigtails
if replay:
show masturbating_hair boy
show masturbating 1
show masturbating_mouth simple
show masturbating_blinking
if cumcovered == "face":
show masturbating_cum_fm_gh_face
if cumcovered == "body":
show masturbating_cum_fm_gh_body
with dissolve
"You lay in bed completely naked and start playing with your small dick."
hide masturbating 1
show m1
show masturbating_mouth open
with dissolve
#"You are so aroused that you feel like you won't need much time before you cum."
"Would you like to masturbate manually (clicking or pressing space)?"
hide m1
show masturbating 3
with dissolve
label masturbating_manual2:
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 5
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 2
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 5
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 2
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 5
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 2
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 5
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 2
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 5
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 2
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 5
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 2
show masturbating 3
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 5
show masturbating 4
show masturbating 3
"Play some more":
jump masturbating_manual2
hide masturbating 3
show m2
jump masturbating_continue2
"You decide to start slowly as you don't want to cum too fast and want to prolong the pleasure."
show m1
"Slowly you start to increase the speed, feeling more and more pleasure."
hide m1
show m2
label masturbating_continue2:
"You mind wonders and you start thinking about..."
"You start thinking about Alex."
pov "{i}I can't stop thinking about her.{/i}"
pov "{i}But why? She makes me do all this disgusting stuff.{/i}"
pov "{i}But for some reason I want to obey her.{/i}"
pov "{i}Do what she tells me to do...{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does she have so much power over me?{/i}"
pov "{i}She even made me touch another man's cock!{/i}"
"Thinking about that makes you aroused even more and you start increasing the speed."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}I want Alex so bad...{/i}"
pov "{i}Just thinking about how I was naked right in front off her while jerking of some random guy that I don't even know makes me so hard.{/i}"
pov "{i}What if next time she will make me do something more lewd like sucking cock instead of jerking it off?{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't do it any longer I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("alex affection +1")
#$ renpy.notify("submissiveness +1")
"You start thinking about Ashley."
pov "{i}She is so hot...{/i}"
if lickedbyashley:
pov "{i}I can't stop thinking how she licked cum from my face.{/i}"
pov "{i}It was so hot and I really enjoyed it for some reason.{/i}"
pov "{i}I want more...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if we'd jerk off cocks together at that room and then they would cum all over my face and Ashley would lick all that cum from my face...{/i}"
pov "{i}She is so sexy! I want her so bad.{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
"But then, you remember what she showed you..."
pov "{i}Wait, she's got a dick!{/i}"
pov "{i}Does it make me gay that I want her?{/i}"
pov "{i}But she's not a guy...{/i}"
pov "{i}And I wouldn't really call that a dick... Like she's said, it's more like a clitty...{/i}"
"Thinking about Ashley makes you even more aroused."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}I'm not even sure that I have ever been attracted to any other girl like I'm attracted to her.{/i}"
pov "{i}What if Alex wants me to become like Ashley? Wearing dresses and enjoying eating cum?!{/i}"
pov "{i}And why thinking about it makes me even hornier?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("ashley affection +1")
"Your glory hole experience today":
"You start thinking about what have happened to you today."
if ghchoice1 == 1:
"How you had to touch those cocks, jerk them off..."
pov "{i}Pleasing them for money...{/i}"
"How you've had to touch that cock, jerk it off..."
pov "{i}Pleasing it for money...{/i}"
pov "{i}Have I became a slut?{/i}"
pov "{i}A really cheap slut... I've only made $[money] for {b}that{/b}{/i}"
"All these thoughts make you even more aroused."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}What else will I do for money?{/i}"
pov "{i}What will be next?{/i}"
pov "{i}What if I'll have to suck a cock? Some random guy's big dirty cock?{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("slut +1")
"Your new girly clothes":
"You start thinking about your new clothes, how you aren't allowed to wear your normal clother and forced to wear all these clothes for girls."
pov "{i}Why is this thought making me so hard?{/i}"
pov "{i}I shouldn't enjoy this! I'm not a girl...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels so nice to wear them, the fabric is so pleasant and these panties are so comfortable for some reason.{/i}"
pov "{i}Wearing all this feel {b}right.{/b}{/i}"
"All these thoughts make you even more aroused."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}I feel so sexy and beautiful while I wear those clothes.{/i}"
pov "{i}For some reason, I want more...{/i}"
pov "{i}Want to dress up and look sexy...{/i}"
pov "{i}...sexy like a girl.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't do it any longer I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("crossdressing +1")
"You start thinking about [amd] for some reason."
pov "{i}Maybe I think about her because I'm worried.{/i}"
pov "{i}She got here too. But why am I thinking about her now?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is it because this thought also makes me aroused?{/i}"
pov "{i}Imagining her forced to fuck for money...{/i}"
"...thinking about that makes you even more aroused."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}But it is so wrong, she so close to me... She's always been there for me...{/i}"
pov "{i}She's like mother to me, I can't think about her this way...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it would be so hot to see what she's doing now, maybe she's sucking and getting fucked by big cocks right now.{/i}"
pov "{i}With cum leaking from all her holes.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("[amd] affection +1")
"You start thinking about [jnf] for some reason."
pov "{i}I'm sure I'm thinking about her because I'm worried.{/i}"
pov "{i}She got here too. But why am I thinking about her now?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is it because this thought also makes me aroused?{/i}"
pov "{i}Imagining her forced to fuck for money...{/i}"
"...just thinking about it makes you even more aroused."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}But it is so wrong, she's like a sister to me, we very together since we were little kids...{/i}"
pov "{i}And she's so innocent, I don't even know if she's still a virgin...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if she will have sex here for the first time?{/i}"
pov "{i}And will loose her virginity with some random guy for money...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("[jnf] affection +1")
"Cum on your face" if cumcovered == "face":
"You start thinking about how dirty you are."
pov "{i}Why am I masturbating with cum on my face?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is this turning me on?{/i}"
pov "{i}It is not even my own cum, it is just some random guy's cum.{/i}"
pov "{i}Who came all over me... after I jerked off his cock... for money.{/i}"
"All these thoughts make you even more aroused."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}And I could just wash myself as soon as I got to my room.{/i}"
pov "{i}But for some reason I enjoy this. I want more! I want to be covered in cum... someone else's cum.{/i}"
pov "{i}I want it all over me... feeling it on my skin, knowing that I aroused them so much that they came right on my body and face.{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so wrong! I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("cumslut +1")
"Cum on your body and face" if cumcovered == "body":
"You start thinking about how dirty you are."
pov "{i}Why am I masturbating with cum on my face and my body?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is this turning me on?{/i}"
pov "{i}It is not even my own cum, it is just some random guy's cum.{/i}"
pov "{i}Who came all over me... after I jerked off his cock... for money.{/i}"
"All these thoughts make you even more aroused."
hide m2
show m3
pov "{i}And I could just wash myself as soon as I got to my room.{/i}"
pov "{i}But for some reason I enjoy this. I want more! I want to be covered in cum... someone else's cum.{/i}"
pov "{i}I want it all over me... feeling it on my skin, knowing that I aroused them so much that they came right on my body and face.{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so wrong! I can't think about it anymore I want to cum!{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("cumslut +1")
"You feel so much pleasure that you can't hold it any longer."
hide m3
show m4
"You start cumming, feeling an amazing orgasm."
if scene_05 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 5 unlocked")
$ scene_05 = True
hide m4
show masturbating_mouth biting_lip
show masturbating_eyes closed
show masturbating_blush
show masturbating 3
show masturbating_cum_own0
pause 0.3
show masturbating_cum_own1
hide masturbating_cum_own0
with flash7
pause 0.2
show masturbating_cum_own0
pause 0.1
show masturbating_cum_own2
hide masturbating_cum_own0
hide masturbating_eyes closed
show masturbating_mouth open
with flash7
pov "{i}I feel that I'll sleep much better now...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg room night
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "You take a quick shower and go to sleep."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label labfirstvisit:
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
#show pov:
# xpos -0.3
#with moveinleft
$ lab = True
"You open a door and enter a quite spacious room with all kinds of lab equipment."
"It's surprising to see something like this in a brothel."
#show erika talk
eri "Hello, and welcome! My name is Erika."
#show erika
pov "Hello, Erika, my name is [povname]."
#show erika talk
eri "It so nice to see new people."
eri "Let me tell you what I do here, so you could visit me if you'll need something!"
eri "This is my lab, I help girls improve their looks with body transformations here."
eri "I also do experiments from time to time to find some new technologies."
eri "So if you'll need to do something about your look or if you'd like to help me a little with some science stuff, you are always welcome!"
#show erika
pov "Wait, you said \"body transformations\"? Do you do some king of surgery operations here?"
#show erika talk
eri "No, nothing like that, it's much more advanced than that!"
eri "You see, I've developed some experimental injections here, that can help transform your body without surgery."
eri "It's completely safe and you don't have to worry about it being permanent like surgery."
eri "For example if you'd want to get bigger breasts, I'd just need to do some injections, and your breasts would start growing a little."
#eri "And after a while they would return back to their original size."
#eri "Or if you'd want, you could keep them the same size just getting some more injections from time to time."
eri "I can also reduce the size of your breasts if you want them to become smaller again."
eri "And it's not only breasts I'm talking about, it's all kinds of stuff... I could even get you dick bigger or smaller if you wish."
#show erika
pov "Wow that might be exactly what I need."
pov "{i}And it's perfect that I don't need to worry about it being permanent...{/i}"
pov "{i}I could earn enough money, pay the debt, return my looks back to normal and leave this awful place forever! And maybe even increase my dick before leaving...{/i}"
pov "That sounds really nice, but what are the prices?"
#show erika talk
eri "I don't charge much... it's only $500 to increase your breasts size for example."
#show erika
pov "Wow..."
pov "Not much...?"
#show erika talk
eri "Believe me, it's worth it, and you won't find it anywhere else in the world."
eri "I provide these services here only because it's not very legal as you might have guessed as all my stuff is experimental and haven't been approved."
eri "But all of the girls who use my services are very happy with the results and there have been no side effects... almost..."
eri "But if changing your breasts is too much for you, we could do something less extreme and start with your lips for example."
eri "If you let me work on them, they will look really sexy and feminine."
#show erika
pov "We could do that... How much would that cost?"
#show erika talk
eri "Lips would be cheaper, only $200."
#show erika
pov "I'm sorry, but it's still too expensive for me, maybe I should find something else."
#show erika talk
eri "Hmmm, I have an idea..."
eri "You see, I need all kinds of special ingredients for my research, so maybe you could help me with that and I'd give you the lips injection for free?"
#show erika
pov "Special ingredients? What exactly are you talking about?"
#show erika talk
eri "I just need you to donate some of your fluids... if you know what I mean."
#show erika
pov "Wow, do you mean like sperm or something?"
#show erika talk
eri "Yeah, exactly!"
#show erika
pov "I guess, I could do that..."
pov "Do I need to take some kind of a bottle and come back to you when I'm done?"
#show erika talk
eri "Oh no, not like that, I need it extra fresh, so you don't have to worry about anything, I would collect it myself."
#show erika
pov "{i}Wow, I can't believe my luck, I get the injection and this cute girl will jerk me off?{/i}"
#show erika talk
eri "So what do you say?"
#show erika
pov "It's a deal!"
#show erika talk
eri "Great! Then why don't we start right now?"
label scene_11_playback:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You follow Erika to the other part of the lab."
show bg pmilk 1
"Then you see a small couch with some kind of pillow in the middle."
eri "OK, now I need you to climb on this couch on all fours so that your belly rests on the pillow."
eri "That's important that you stand like that and don't move until I finish."
pov "Wouldn't it be better if I just sit or stand?"
eri "Believe me, it wouldn't. Now come on, get into the position."
pov "..."
show bg pmilk 2
if buy_panties_dots_pink:
show pmilk_panties_pink
if buy_panties_laceline_black:
show pmilk_panties_black
if buy_panties_laceline_grey:
show pmilk_panties_dark_grey
show pmilk_cup 1
with dissolve
"You get into the position as Erika puts a beaker for your cum between your legs. And then you hear her putting on the rubber gloves."
pov "{i}That's quite a strange pose to get a handjob...{/i}"
pov "{i}Aren't girls supposed to get into the doggy position and not guys?.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I don't realy care as long as I get a nice handjob from her.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that a girl will finally touch my dick.{/i}"
"A moment later your thoughts get interrupted as Erika starts playing with your asscheeks."
show pmilk_erika 2
with dissolve
eri "Such a cute little butt! I love it."
"You don't know how to react and just start blushing..."
eri "Why don't we take these off? We won't need them."
"And before you know it, she lowers your panties and takes them off you."
hide pmilk_panties_black
hide pmilk_panties_pink
hide pmilk_panties_dark_grey
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show bg pmilk 3 pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show bg pmilk 3 blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show bg pmilk 3 blue
if replay:
show bg pmilk 3 blue
#show bg pmilk 3
show pmilk_hole
with dissolve
eri "Naked it's even cuter than in panties..."
eri "And look at those cute little balls!"
show pmilk_erika 3
with dissolve
"And then she puts her hand on your balls and start playing with them and rubbing a little."
"And that moment, you realize a horrible thing! You are wearing a chastity cage!"
pov "{i}This is so humiliating! And she's touching it right now, there is no way that she didn't notice it.{/i}"
pov "I completely forgot! We can't do this!"
eri "What's wrong, cutie? Don't be shy..."
pov "I'm not shy, my dick is locked, you won't be able to jerk it off!"
eri "Oh, honey, did you really think I was going to jerk off your clitty?"
pov "Clitty?"
eri "You can't be wearing panties and stil call it a dick, you know. And considering the size of that little cage, even if you weren't wearing panties, I'd still call it a clit."
eri "Believe me, I wasn't going to do anything like that, I have a much more efficient way of extructing your sissy juices..."
pov "{i}Sissy juices? ...clit? ...what the fuck is that supposed to mean?{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to stop this!{/i}"
hide pmilk_hole
show pmilk_erika 5 1
with dissolve
"But before you react, you feel Erika's lubed up finger right on your asshole!"
pov "Wow! What is going on?"
"You try to stand up, but Erika pushes you back, so you stay in the position."
eri "Believe me, you'll enjoy it."
show pmilk_erika 5 2
pause .05
show pmilk_erika 5 3
pause .05
show pmilk_erika 5 4
pause .05
show pmilk_erika 5 5
pause .05
"And then you feel her finger deep in your ass..."
"But for some reason it's nothing like you'd expect it to be, her finger starts rubbing some special spot inside you and you can't stop feeling pleasure waves going through your body."
pov "{i}No matter how good it feels, I need to stop this!{/i}"
"As you are trying to say something to her, instead of words you hear a moan coming out of your mouth."
pov "Ahh..."
pov "{i}Did I really just moan? ...it feels so good, I've never felt it before...{/i}"
eri "See, I knew you'd like it!"
"And then she starts fucking your ass with her finger pressing against that special spot each time her finger goes inside."
hide pmilk_erika 5 5
show erika_pmilk_slow
with dissolve
eri "So, do you like it now?"
"No, please stop.":
pov "No, I don't! Let me go, please!"
eri "Oh, really? Then I'm curious why would you moan if you don't like it..."
pov "..."
pov "I was just surprised, I wasn't moaning!"
eri "Surprised you say?"
hide erika_pmilk_slow
show erika_pmilk_fast
eri "I think this will surprise you even more."
"And then she starts fucking you with her finger even faster."
"Now, you don't even care what she thinks about you, as it feels so good, that you want to feel it more and more."
"Stay silent":
"It feels too good to say no, but at the same time you are too embarrassed to aclnowledge that you're enjoying it..."
eri "You are so shy, that's really cute!"
eri "Why don't we try a bit faster, what do you say?"
pov "..."
hide erika_pmilk_slow
show erika_pmilk_med
"She starts going a bit faster and you feel more and more pleasure going through your body."
"So much pleasure, that it makes you moan again..."
"Seeing that you enjoy it so much, Erika increases the speed even more."
hide erika_pmilk_med
show erika_pmilk_fast
show pmilk_cup 2
with dissolve
"You can't hold yourself anymore, and start moaning like a girl approaching her orgasm..."
"As the pleasure goes through your body, you start leaking."
show pmilk_cup 3
with dissolve
"And then, you feel an incredibly intense pleasure taking you over the edge..."
"And you start cuming."
pov "Ahhh... mmmm..."
show pmilk_cup 3
with flash
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 4
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 5
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 6
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 7
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 8
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 9
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 10
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 11
pause 0.2
hide erika_pmilk_fast
show pmilk_erika 5 5
with dissolve
#pov "..."
#"You'd never expect that you'd cum from a girl fingering your ass."
eri "Oh, that's quite a lot..."
eri "I think we should do this often, so you don't get so full."
"At that moment with all the pleasure spreading through your body, you don't even hear what she's saying, all you can think is that you want to experience it again and again..."
pov "{i}Fuck... This was the most intense orgasm in my life! And I didn't even touch my dick.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I came because of a girl fingering my ass.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
hide pmilk_erika 5 5
show pmilk_hole
with dissolve
if scene_11 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 11 unlocked")
$ scene_11 = True
"As soon as Erika takes her finger out of your hole, you start to experience a new feeling that you've never felt before..."
"A feeling of emptiness, like something is missing and you want her to fill your hole back again..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"As you get back to your senses, you get down from the couch, put your panties back on and follow Erika back to the lab."
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
eri "Now as you did your part of the agreement, why don't we start with your lips?"
"You nod and sit on a chair getting ready for the injection."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's a little bit painful, but you remain silent while she injects your lips with a tiny needle."
"After a couple of moments, you start to feel like your lips begin to expand and get puffy..."
pov "{i}Wow, it feels really nice, the feeling is amazing. I didn't expect it to be this way.{/i}"
eri "It's done!"
$ mouth = "f"
hide black
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
"You gently touch your lips and can't believe how nice it feels, they are so puffy... like you are touching some girl's lips..."
pov "Thank you so much Erika! It's amazing!"
#show erika talk
eri "You are very welcome."
eri "And also, you can visit me any time you like, I have a lot to offer!"
eri "And you could also make some money while helping me."
eri "I almost always need more sissy cum for my experiments and I've also started working on another project and you could help me run some tests."
eri "So I hope you'll come again soon."
#show erika
$ gotnewlips = True
pov "I'm sure I will."
$ dtime = 3
jump room
label lab:
if scene_104:
$ regular_milking = True
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
if ericounterdays > 7 and erifuckmachine == True:
$ erifuckmachine = False
jump erifuckmachine
if sissyblock and milkinjectiondiscovering:
if breasts == "a" or breasts == "b" or breasts == "c" or breasts == "d":
$ milkinjectiondiscovering = False
$ milkinj = True
eri "Hey, [povname], I've got some great news!"
eri "I've got an interesting project that you could help me with."
eri "I've created a new injection and I need to test it."
eri "If you wish, we could test it on you and I'll pay you nicely for that, what do you say?"
pov "Could you tell me please, what this injection does?"
eri "Not really, that is why I need to test it. But don't worry, it's nothing too serious."
eri "I'd just inject you with it and then you'll need to observe everything new or strange that's happening to you."
eri "So what do you say?"
pov "I'm not sure, I think I'll need to think about it."
eri "No problem, just tell me if you are ready to test it."
jump labmenu
if scene_88 and milkinjectiondiscovering:
if breasts == "a" or breasts == "b" or breasts == "c" or breasts == "d":
$ milkinjectiondiscovering = False
$ milkinj = True
eri "Hey, [povname], I've got some great news!"
eri "I've got an interesting project that you could help me with."
eri "I've created a new injection and I need to test it."
eri "If you wish, we could test it on you and I'll pay you nicely for that, what do you say?"
pov "Could you tell me please, what this injection does?"
eri "Not really, that is why I need to test it. But don't worry, it's nothing too serious."
eri "I'd just inject you with it and then you'll need to observe everything new or strange that's happening to you."
eri "So what do you say?"
pov "I'm not sure, I think I'll need to think about it."
eri "No problem, just tell me if you are ready to test it."
jump labmenu
eri "Hey, [povname], how are you?"
eri "Would you like to get any injections or maybe help me with my research?"
label labmenu:
if breastsenh and breastsenhnotice:
$ breastsenhnotice = False
"Notice: in this version, breast injections were added to the game, but it is still in the development process."
"So some of the scenes may not correctly show [povname]'s breasts yet, different breasts options will be added to the game sex events in the future updates."
"Ask her about lactation" if talkaboutmilkerika:
$ talkaboutmilkerika = False
jump lactationtalk
"Ask about your breasts" if talkerikabreasts:
$ talkerikabreasts = False
$ yogaunlocked = True
pov "I need your help!"
pov "My breasts grew because of this stupid Craig and I have no idea what to do!"
eri "Wow! Is it because of the shake?"
eri "This is the only thing he took from me..."
eri "Yeah, but apparently, he wasn't listening to you, so he messed up the dosage..."
eri "Fucking Craig! I new that I shouldn't trust him with this..."
eri "But you shouldn't worry. These won't grow any more than that..."
eri "Just promise me not to drink that anymore..."
eri "But I must admit, you look cuter with these!"
pov "..."
eri "But if you don't like them, I can reduce the size back to normal."
eri "And don't worry, I won't charge you for that as it's kind of my fault too..."
pov "That's very nice of you! Thank you, Erika! I'll think about it."
$ breastsenh = True
$ renpy.notify("Breasts modifications unlocked")
jump labmenu
label injectionsmenu:
"Lips enhancement":
pov "{i}I've already done that.{/i}"
jump injectionsmenu
"Breasts enhancement":
if breastsenh:
jump breastsenhancement
pov "{i}I'm not ready for something like that.{/i}"
jump injectionsmenu
"Breasts reduction":
if breastsenh:
jump breastsreduction
pov "{i}I surely don't need that.{/i}"
jump injectionsmenu
"Penis enhancement":
if injectedclit and clitenh:
"I've already done it."
jump injectionsmenu
if clitenh:
jump clitenhancement
pov "{i}I don't think it's possible while I'm wearing this stupid cage.{/i}"
jump injectionsmenu
"Penis reduction":
#if clitenh:
# jump clitreduction
pov "{i}Why would anyone want to do it?{/i}"
jump injectionsmenu
"Test the new injection" if milkinj:
"Are you sure you want to help Erika test the injection?"
"You don't know what it does and how it will affect your body."
"But she has promissed to pay you well if you help her with it."
"Help her":
$ milkinj = False
eri "I'm so happy that you've decided to help."
eri "Give me a moment, please and I'll make it ready."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"She takes a small syringe with some strange liquid inside and injects it in your arm."
pov "{i}I'm not sure if it was such a good idea to get some unknown injection.{/i}"
"But you feel no different than before, and it feels like nothing has changed."
eri "Ok, now I'll ask you to carefully observe anything that's happen to you, and if you feel or see something strange, please let me know."
eri "Also, here is your pay for it."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$500")
$ money += 500
pov "{i}Even though I have no idea what will happen to my body or mind, at least the payment is nice...{/i}"
"You thank her for the money and go back to your room."
$ milkymilkydream = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"I need some more time to think about it":
jump injectionsmenu
"Changed my mind":
jump labmenu
"Help with research":
if researchnewinfo:
$ researchnewinfo = False
eri "Great, I have some options here."
eri "I could get some more of your sissy cum for my research or you could help me test my new hypnosis device."
eri "So what will it be?"
pov "What do you mean by \"hypnosis device\"?"
eri "Oh, it's my new project I've build a special device and would like to know if it works."
eri "So if you choose to help me with that, you'd have to spend couple of hours in front of a screen."
eri "But if it works properly, you won't even notice how time would pass."
pov "But what kind of hypnosis is that?"
eri "Nothing serious, just some random stuff so I could check if your behavior would change."
eri "And also, if you agree, I'll pay you for that!"
eri "$30 for your sissy juice and $50 for one hypnosis session."
pov "Hmm, that's not so bad..."
eri "Yeah, you won't regret."
eri "But I should mention that if you choose hypnosis stuff, you'll have to spend the whole day here, so I can run some tests."
eri "So what will it be?"
"Hypno research":
if dtime == 2:
eri "It's too late for this today, but we could do it tomorrow if your want."
eri "But we still have some time to extract some sissy-cum if you want."
jump cumdonation
eri "Ok, hope to see you again soon."
jump room
jump hypno
"Hypnosis research C.U.M.":
if explain_hypno_cum:
$ explain_hypno_cum = False
pov "Cum? What is this research?"
eri "It's not, cum, silly. It's an abbreviation; it has nothing to do with cum; it's for other scientific stuff that's hard to pronounce every time..."
eri "But it's a cool research, more advanced than the usual one."
eri "You should try it... But you need to do the usual research at least three times before you can try this one."
eri "Oh, and since it's so cool and good for the participants, I'm not paying for participating in it; it's the opposite..."
eri "It would cost you $100 for each session."
pov "..."
pov "So how is it beneficial?"
eri "Sorry, I can't tell you this... The sessions will go without you remembering them, but you'll get all the benefits."
pov "So, you expect me to pay for it without even knowing what it does?"
eri "..."
eri "Yes."
pov "..."
"Try the research":
if money < 100:
"I need $100 to participate in this research."
jump labmenu
if hypno_count < 3:
"I need to participate in the regular hypno research at least three times before I can try this one."
jump labmenu
jump hypno_cum
"Changed my mind":
jump labmenu
"Cum extraction":
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I'm still waiting for the injection to work, it wouldn't be the smartest thing to get fucked by a girl during this time.{/i}"
jump labmenu
eri "Great, let's begin."
jump cumdonation
"Milking" if regular_milking:
if milking_counter > 2 and breasts == 'd' and farm_unlocked == False:
$ farm_unlocked = True
eri "Hey... I have something that might interest you..."
eri "It seems that you enjoy the milking quite a lot as you've done it so many times, so I think it might be a good idea to tell you about the farm..."
pov "What? What farm?"
eri "Well, I know a guy who runs a hucow farm not far from the city, and he sometimes takes lactating sluts from us when he needs more \"cows\"..."
eri "He usually doesn't take lactating sissies, but considering the size of your breasts, he might agree to take you."
pov "Wait... Hucow farm?"
eri "Yeah... Rich people have different kinks, and some of them prefer their milk from human cows instead of real cows..."
pov "Human cows? Who would run such a farm? That's so weird..."
eri "Well, considering how much money they make from it, it's not that weird..."
eri "And besides, some girls enjoy being objectified and like to be bred and milked all day long."
pov "So, not only I'll be milked there, they'll... also {i}breed{/i} me?"
eri "Well, I'm not sure. Usually, they breed all the girls there to make them pregnant... And considering that it's not possible in your case, they might not do it..."
eri "But, they might do it to increase the production of milk..."
eri "Usually, the more the hucow is fucked, the more milk she gives..."
pov "Wow... that's a lot to take in..."
eri "It's ok, I get it..."
eri "Well, if you decide to go there, just let me know. They usually come by for some new cows on Saturday mornings."
eri "You'll be milked for the whole day there, and in the evening, they'll bring you back. And you get $100 for your milk."
pov "Ok.. thank you for the offer, I'll think about it."
pov "{i}Why does it sound kind of hot?{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting milked like some cow on a farm... Being bred with other women ready to get pregnant just to produce more milk!{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... this is so perverted...{/i}"
eri "Great! Now for our regular milking."
eri "I like watching you lactate while getting fucked by that machine!"
eri "Let's go."
jump regular_milking
"Nothing, maybe next time":
eri "Ok, hope to see you again soon."
jump room
"Go to the hucow farm" if farm_unlocked:
if dtime == 1 and wday == 6 and breasts == 'd':
jump hucow_farm
#if dtime == 1 and wday == 7 and breasts == 'd':
# jump hucow_farm
if breasts == 'd':
pov "{i}I need to come here in the morning on Saturday if I want to go to the farm.{/i}"
jump labmenu
pov "{i}My breasts aren't big enough to go to the hucow farm.{/i}"
jump labmenu
eri "Ok, hope to see you again soon."
jump room
label hypno:
$ hypno_count += 1
show bg hypno
show fg hypno zorder 50
with Dissolve(2.)
"You enter a dark small room and Erica tells you to sit on a chair right in front of the screen and starts putting a strange hat with a lot of wires on your head to probably scan your brain."
eri "Now I'll switch the screen on and you'll see some images, try to relax and not to think about anything."
show hypno_circle zorder 40
show hypno_spiral:
yalign .5 xalign 0.5 subpixel True
rotate 0
linear 1 rotate 360
"A strange spiral appeared on the screen and after a while of looking at it you start to relax and drift away..."
hide hypno_spiral
show hypno_cocks zorder 40
show hypno_text zorder 45
with dissolve
"The image has changed, but you don't pay any conscious attention to it as it feels like you are in a dream..."
#hide window
show hypno_spiral zorder 20:
yalign .5 xalign 0.5 subpixel True
rotate 0
linear 1 rotate 360
hide hypno_cocks
hide hypno_text
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_14 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 14 unlocked")
$ scene_14 = True
eri "...[povname] ...[povname]! Hey, are you awake?"
pov "... yeah, was I asleep? Wait how long have I been sitting like this?"
hide hypno_spiral with dissolve
eri "...for more than two hours already."
eri "Do you remember anything from the session?"
pov "Not really... I only remember this spiral and then it feels like I just fell asleep..."
hide hypno_circle
hide hypno_spiral
with Dissolve(2.)
eri "Hm, that's interesting..."
"After that, you spend some more time with Erika, while she scans your brain and does some different tests."
if replay:
jump scenes
eri "Ok, we are done here, so you can go back to your room. And thank you for your help, if you'll feel like doing it again, please come by."
eri "And don't forget your $50."
pov "That was easy... and I didn't have to jerk off any cocks to get those money!"
$ dtime = 3
$ money += 50
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
jump room
label hypno_cum:
if hypno_cum_count < 6:
$ hypno_cum_count += 1
$ renpy.notify("-100")
$ money -= 100
if hypno_cum_count == 1:
eri "Good choice, deciding to participate in this research."
eri "Follow me."
"You follow [eri] to another room and take a seat in a chair."
"She then puts some kind of a VR looking headset on your head..."
"You follow [eri] to another room, take a seat in a chair, and she puts the headset on you as usual."
show bg hypno_cum
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show hypno_cum_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show hypno_cum_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show hypno_cum_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show hypno_cum_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show hypno_cum_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show hypno_cum_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show hypno_cum_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show hypno_cum_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show hypno_cum_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show hypno_cum_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show hypno_cum_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show hypno_cum_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show hypno_cum_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show hypno_cum_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show hypno_cum_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show hypno_cum_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show hypno_cum_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show hypno_cum_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show hypno_cum_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show hypno_cum_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show hypno_cum_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show hypno_cum_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show hypno_cum_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show hypno_cum_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show hypno_cum_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show hypno_cum_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show hypno_cum_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show hypno_cum_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show hypno_cum_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show hypno_cum_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show hypno_cum_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show hypno_cum_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show hypno_cum_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show hypno_cum_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show hypno_cum_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show hypno_cum_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show hypno_cum_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show hypno_cum_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show hypno_cum_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show hypno_cum_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show hypno_cum_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show hypno_cum_hair pigtails red
show hypno_cum_mask
with d
if hypno_cum_count == 1:
eri "Now sit and relax, just watch, you don't have to do anything else."
pov "Ok."
"Then she leaves the room."
"A moment later, you start hearing a strange sound as the screen starts to flash."
pov "{i}It feels strange... It's like I hear these sounds inside my head, it doesn't feel like they are coming from the outside...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder... when...{/i}"
pov "{i}What was I thinking about?...{/i}"
pov "{i}Where...?{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
"And just a moment later, your mind goes blank..."
"It feels like your mind is sleeping..."
"And then, you start hearing a voice in your head. It's not your voice, but at the same time, it feels like it's you saying that."
vih "I love the taste of cum..."
vih "I want to eat cum..."
vih "I want to swallow as much cum as I can..."
vih "I am a cumslut..."
vih "I love swallowing cum..."
vih "Eating cum makes me feel good..."
if hypno_cum_count >= 3:
show black
with d
if hypno_cum_count == 3:
hide black
with d
"Then you hear a command in your head..."
"Open your mouth, sissy."
"Without realising that any of this is happening to you, you do as the voice commanded."
show hypno_cum_tongue outside
with dissolve
show hypno_cum_dick 1
with dissolve
"Then a naked man enters the room as you sit there with your mouth open and a blank mind..."
"He positions his dick right in front of your open mouth and starts to stroke his big dick."
"Just a couple of strokes later, he starts shooting his cum into your mouth..."
show hypno_cum_cum 1
with flash
hide hypno_cum_cum 1
show hypno_cum_cum_3
with flash
hide hypno_cum_dick 1
with dissolve
"When he disappears, you feel the voice in your head again..."
vih "I love the feeling of hot sticky cum on my tongue..."
vih "I love the taste of cum..."
vih "I love when men shoot their cum in my mouth..."
vih "I am a cumslut..."
"Then another man enters, and it happens again..."
show hypno_cum_dick 2
with dissolve
"He positions his dick in front of you like the previous man did, strokes it a couple of times..."
"And starts shooting his cum in your mouth and on your already cum-covered dick..."
show hypno_cum_cum 2
with flash
hide hypno_cum_cum 2
show hypno_cum_cum_4
with flash
hide hypno_cum_dick 2
with dissolve
"When he disappears, you feel the voice in your head again..."
vih "I love the feeling of hot sticky cum on my tongue..."
vih "I love the taste of cum..."
vih "I love when men shoot their cum in my mouth..."
vih "I am a cumslut..."
vih "Swallow it."
"Without knowing it, you obey the command and swallow all the cum in your mouth..."
$ renpy.notify("Scene 160 unlocked")
$ scene_160 = True
hide hypno_cum_cum_3
hide hypno_cum_cum_4
with dissolve
if hypno_cum_count == 4:
hide black
with d
"Then you hear a command in your head..."
"Open your mouth, sissy."
"Without realising that any of this is happening to you, you do as the voice commanded."
show hypno_cum_tongue outside
with dissolve
show hypno_cum_dick 1
with dissolve
"Then a naked man enters the room as you sit there with your mouth open and a blank mind..."
"He positions his dick right in front of your open mouth and starts to stroke his big dick."
"Just a couple of strokes later, he starts shooting his cum into your mouth..."
show hypno_cum_cum 1
with flash
hide hypno_cum_cum 1
show hypno_cum_cum_3
with flash
hide hypno_cum_dick 1
with dissolve
"When he disappears, you feel the voice in your head again..."
vih "I love the feeling of hot sticky cum on my tongue..."
vih "I love the taste of cum..."
vih "I love when men shoot their cum in my mouth..."
vih "I am a cumslut..."
"Then another man enters, and it happens again..."
show hypno_cum_dick 2
with dissolve
"He positions his dick in front of you like the previous man did, strokes it a couple of times..."
"And starts shooting his cum in your mouth and on your already cum-covered dick..."
show hypno_cum_cum 2
with flash
hide hypno_cum_cum 2
show hypno_cum_cum_4
with flash
hide hypno_cum_dick 2
with dissolve
"When he disappears, you feel the voice in your head again..."
vih "I love the feeling of hot sticky cum on my tongue..."
vih "I love the taste of cum..."
vih "I love when men shoot their cum in my mouth..."
vih "I am a cumslut..."
"Then it happens over and over again, and more men cum and cum right into your mouth..."
"It even gets into your throat, but you sit still without any idea that this is happening to you like you are dreaming..."
"Then, after a while, the voice commands..."
vih "Swallow it."
"Without knowing it, you obey the command and swallow all the cum in your mouth..."
hide hypno_cum_cum_3
hide hypno_cum_cum_4
with dissolve
if hypno_cum_count == 5:
hide black
with d
"Then you hear a command in your head..."
"Open your mouth, sissy."
"Without realising that any of this is happening to you, you do as the voice commanded."
show hypno_cum_tongue outside
with dissolve
"Then [eri] enters the room again and pushes a tube in your mouth..."
show hypno_cum_pipe 1
with dissolve
vih "Get ready, sissy."
vih "You are about to drink a lot of cum now."
vih "When you'll feel it on your tongue, you will start swallowing everything."
show hypno_cum_pipe 2
with dissolve
"Then cum starts flowing through the tube, right into your mouth..."
"As you feel it on your tongue, you start swallowing right away, listening to the voice in your head..."
vih "I love the feeling of hot sticky cum on my tongue..."
vih "I love the taste of cum..."
vih "I love eating cum..."
vih "I am a cumslut..."
vih "I crave cum all the time..."
"It goes on like this for a while, as you drink the most cum you've ever drunk in your life..."
$ renpy.notify("Scene 161 unlocked")
$ scene_161 = True
show hypno_cum_pipe 1
with dissolve
"After a while, it stops."
show black
with d
"You \"wake up\" in darkness and silence with the headset on you."
if hypno_cum_count == 1:
eri "Ok. I think this is enough for the first session..."
"Then, you feel her take the headset off of your head."
if hypno_cum_count == 1:
pov "How long was it going on?"
pov "..."
pov "I don't remember anything."
eri "Yeah, it means that it worked. You were here for two hours."
pov "Two hours? Fuck..."
pov "{i}It's so weird... Never would have thought that something like this is possible...{/i}"
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
if hypno_cum_count == 1:
eri "So...? tell me... How do you feel?"
eri "Any thoughts?"
pov "I guess nothing different from how I usually feel..."
pov "The only thing... it feels like I got hungry... Like I want to eat something, but I'm not sure what I want exactly..."
pov "I'm sure you know this feeling... But I don't know if it's related to the research."
eri "Yeah, I know the feeling; I hate it when it happens, hehe. But no, it's completely unrelated."
pov "So when will I feel the benefits?"
eri "I think after about seven-eight sessions..."
pov "What?! Seven eight sessions?"
pov "So I have to pay eight hundred dollars to start even feeling something from this?"
pov "Without even knowing what the effects should be?"
eri "I've never said that you have to do it. It's your decision to do it or not."
pov "..."
pov "{i}What should I do know?{/i}"
pov "{i}I've already spent a hundred dollars on this?{/i}"
pov "{i}Should I just stop now? But it would be a waste without any effects...{/i}"
pov "{i}If only I knew what the effects would be, then I could decide, but right now, it's just guessing if I want to spend this money.{/i}"
show black
with d
"All confused, you go back to your room."
if hypno_cum_count == 2:
eri "Anything different from the previous time?"
pov "Hmmm..."
pov "I have this feeling again, like I want to eat something, but not sure what..."
pov "But a bit more clear than it was the last time... I feel like I want to eat something salty and sweet at the same time..."
pov "Not sure how to describe the taste... It's like I feel what I want, but not sure what tastes like that."
pov "{i}At the same time... My mind constantly brings up visions...{/i}"
pov "{i}Like... I'm sucking a dick...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is this what this hypno session is about?{/i}"
pov "{i}So I would want to give blowjobs?{/i}"
pov "{i}should I ask her about it?{/i}"
"Ask her":
$ share_dick_sucking_thoughts_with_eri = True
pov "..."
pov "I have a weird question... but..."
pov "Does this research have to do anything with... sucking dicks?"
"As she hears the question, she looks at you confused."
eri "..."
eri "Why are you asking that?"
pov "..."
pov "{i}Fuck... This is embarrassing...{/i}"
pov "It's just... I get pictures of me giving a blowjob..."
eri "To anyone particular?"
pov "..."
pov "No, just a picture of me... with a dick in my mouth..."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I just said that...{/i}"
eri "And what are you doing with that dick? Do you suck it? Or just hold in your mouth?"
pov "..."
pov "I just hold the tip in my mouth..."
eri "And what do you feel?"
pov "It feels like I'm waiting for something... something good?"
pov "And it feels like it's twitching and pulsating between my lips..."
pov "..."
eri "Ok... that's interesting..."
pov "Why are you asking me about all of these details?"
pov "Is this somehow connected with the research?"
eri "No, of course not. Wouldn't it be kind of stupid research if it was about sucking dicks?"
pov "..."
pov "So why did you ask all those questions?"
eri "No reason. It was just sexy to listen to you describing in detail how you imagine a twitching dick in your mouth, haha..."
pov "..."
pov "I do not imagine it! It's... it's just what I saw... that's all!"
eri "Hey, I'm not judging... it's completely normal if you want to suck a dick..."
pov "I don't!"
show black
with d
"Confused and angry at [eri] for teasing you and at yourself for sharing the details with her, you go back to your room."
"Ignore your thoughts":
show black
with d
"You go back to your room confused, still having a clear vision of twitching dick in your mouth..."
pov "{i}Why do I see this image in my mind? Do I want to suck a dick? Is this why I have it?{/i}"
pov "{i}Or is it somehow connected with the research? I guess I should have asked [eri] about it...{/i}"
if hypno_cum_count == 3:
eri "I wonder how it went for you this time?"
if share_dick_sucking_thoughts_with_eri:
eri "Any more dick-sucking cravings? Hehe..."
pov "..."
pov "That's not funny!"
pov "This time, I feel a strange taste in my mouth..."
eri "It's completely normal; the research influences your brain so that it can affect your senses for a while after."
eri "What taste is it?"
pov "It's quite hard to describe..."
pov "It's saltish, a bit bitter... but at the same time sweet..."
eri "And how do you feel about it? Do you like it?"
pov "Yeah... I think so... I kind of want to savour it and would like to eat something with that taste..."
pov "But I'm not sure what tastes like that..."
eri "That's a strange effect..."
pov "So it usually doesn't happen?"
eri "No... Not really..."
eri "I guess we should do another one, to see what might it be..."
pov "..."
"After that, you go back to your room."
if hypno_cum_count == 4:
eri "How about this time? Any strange tastes in your mouth."
pov "Yes... And it's much stronger!"
pov "It's basically the same taste, but it feels like it was mixed..."
pov "Like I ate a bunch of different stuff that tasted similar but at the same time different a little..."
pov "And not it got all mixed in my mouth..."
pov "And now I actually feel like I ate something! I feel it even in my throat!"
eri "Oh, don't worry about it, it's just a minor side effect..."
eri "Anything else?"
pov "..."
pov "{i}Yes...{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel like I want to eat... cum?!{/i}"
pov "{i}What the fuck is going on with me?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is this another \"side effect\"?.{/i}"
pov "{i}I surely don't want to ask her about that...{/i}"
pov "I guess nothing else..."
eri "Great! I'll see you next time..."
"After that, you go back to your room."
if hypno_cum_count >= 5:
pov "Ok, this time... I can't deny it!"
pov "I taste cum in my mouth!"
eri "..."
eri "Well, now, this is unexpected!"
pov "Yeah, right!"
pov "The name of the research is CUM!"
pov "Tell me, what is this all about!"
eri "Well... as I've said... The name is completely unrelated..."
eri "I think it's your personal needs and desires get more intense."
eri "And you start to feel what you've tried to repress..."
eri "Tell me? Have you ever wanted to eat cum?"
pov "No! Why would I? It's gross!"
eri "Do you want to eat it now?"
pov "{i}Yes...{/i}"
pov "No!"
eri "So, you just feel the taste of it? No desire to eat it?"
pov "No..."
eri "Then I don't see a problem here... You didn't want to eat it. And you don't want to eat it."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Maybe I should tell her that I do want to eat it now?{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe it really is a side effect, and if I don't tell her, it will get stronger?{/i}"
"But then your thoughts get interrupted by [eri] placing a full glass of some white liquid on her table..."
jump cum_glass_test
#pov "{i}I think I'll just wait for another session to know for sure...{/i}"
eri "Don't worry, I'm sure it will be fine. I've tested it many times, and it works as it should."
pov "..."
"Notice: This is the end of the hypno CUM training for now. It will continue in future updates ;)"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label cum_glass_test:
pov "..."
pov "Wha-what's that?"
eri "..."
eri "Cum."
pov "Wait... what?"
"You ask as your mouth starts watering..."
pov "Cum?"
eri "Yes. Why are you surprised?"
pov "I-I don't know... Why do you have a full glass of cum here?"
"And at the same time as you talk to her, you feel like you hear a voice in your head..."
"Voice in your head" "Drink it."
eri "I needed it for another research... Completely unrelated."
pov "..."
"Voice in your head" "Drink it."
eri "But now that the research is complete, I need to dispose of it."
"Voice in your head" "Drink it."
eri "So I'm thinking what to do with it..."
"Voice in your head" "Drink it."
"Say that you could drink it.":
jump drink_cum_glass
"Ignore the voice in your head.":
eri "Maybe you know what I should do with it?"
"Voice in your head" "DRINK IT!"
pov "A full glass of cum...?"
pov "How would I know what to do with it?"
"Voice in your head" "DRINK IT!"
"I could drink it.":
jump drink_cum_glass
"Try your best not to drink it.":
pov "{i}But I want to...{/i}"
"Voice in your head" "DRINK IT!"
"Drink it.":
jump drink_cum_glass
"Fight the urge.":
eri "Hey, are you alright?"
eri "It seems like you are lost in your thoughts. Anything on your mind?"
eri "Are you thinking about... Cum?"
pov "N-no! Why would I?"
pov "I-I... I'm sorry, I need to go."
pov "See you some other time, bye!"
"And after saying that you rush out of the lab, trying your best not to go back and drink the cum."
jump room
label drink_cum_glass:
label scene_228_playback:
pov "..."
pov "M-maybe I could help you dispose of it?"
eri "What do you mean?"
pov "I guess I could... mmmm... drink it?"
eri "Why would you want to drink it?"
pov "Well... I don't know..."
pov "I feel like pouring it into a drain would be a waste..."
pov "And it has all kinds of nutrients and stuff like that in it..."
pov "Wouldn't it be good for me to drink it?"
eri "Oh... so that's why you want it..."
pov "..."
eri "..."
pov "May I?"
"Instead of replying, she just smiles at you, and your hand starts moving to get the glass on its own."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm about to drink a full glass of cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I want it so so bad for some reason.{/i}"
show bg lab_cum_glass
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show lab_cum_glass_buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show lab_cum_glass_buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show lab_cum_glass_buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show lab_cum_glass_buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show lab_cum_glass_buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show lab_cum_glass_buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show lab_cum_glass_tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show lab_cum_glass_tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show lab_cum_glass_tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show lab_cum_glass_tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show lab_cum_glass_tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show lab_cum_glass_tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show lab_cum_glass_braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show lab_cum_glass_braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show lab_cum_glass_braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show lab_cum_glass_braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show lab_cum_glass_braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show lab_cum_glass_braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show lab_cum_glass_braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show lab_cum_glass_braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show lab_cum_glass_braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show lab_cum_glass_braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show lab_cum_glass_braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show lab_cum_glass_braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show lab_cum_glass_short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show lab_cum_glass_short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show lab_cum_glass_short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show lab_cum_glass_short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show lab_cum_glass_short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show lab_cum_glass_short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show lab_cum_glass_long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show lab_cum_glass_long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show lab_cum_glass_long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show lab_cum_glass_long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show lab_cum_glass_long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show lab_cum_glass_long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show lab_cum_glass_pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show lab_cum_glass_pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show lab_cum_glass_pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show lab_cum_glass_pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show lab_cum_glass_pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show lab_cum_glass_pigtails red
show lab_cum_glass_fg
with d
"As soon as you bring the glass to your mouth, a strong smell of manly sperm fills up your nose."
"And as you breathe in, your head starts to spin."
pov "{i}This smell drives me crazy...{/i}"
"You hold your breath in anticipation and the first portion of cum slides into your mouth..."
pov "Mmmm..."
"You spin your tongue and play with it a little and then swallow it."
"The warm feeling spreads in your stomach as you do so and all you can do is continue swallowing little by little."
pov "{i}I wonder how many men had to cum to produce so much...{/i}"
pov "{i}And now I'm drinking all of their cum!{/i}"
pov "{i}I wish I could also help collect it...{/i}"
eri "It seems that you like the taste, don't you?"
"For a moment as you've been drinking the bitter-sweet cum you've forgotten about [eri]."
"All you could do in response is to start blushing."
pov "{i}I'm drinking a full glass of cum in front of her!{/i}"
pov "{i}How did this happen? Why do I want it so bad?{/i}"
if scene_228 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 228 unlocked")
$ scene_228 = True
show black
with d
"But you can't stop and drink everything till the last drop."
eri "Wow..."
eri "Hmmm... It seems that it works..."
pov "..."
pov "Works? What do you mean?"
eri "Oh, nothing, I was just thinking about something unrelated."
eri "Anyways, thank you for helping me out with this..."
eri "I'll make this session free for you."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("+100")
$ money += 100
"She gives your money back to you, and you leave thinking about all the cum in your stomach and with a strong taste in your mouth..."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label cumdonation:
if dildoerika:
jump dildoerika
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You follow Erika to the couch, take off your panties and get into the position..."
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show bg pmilk 3 pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show bg pmilk 3 blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show bg pmilk 3 blue
show pmilk_hole
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm willingly getting on all fours to get fingered by a girl... But it feels so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd might even do it even if I didn't get payed for that.{/i}"
eri "Are you ready, girl?"
pov "... yeah."
pov "{i}Wait, didn't I just replied to her even though she called me a girl?{/i}"
pov "{i}But thinking about that makes me so horny.{/i}"
pov "{i}My penis is pushing hard against the cage now.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm so confused... Why am I getting turned on when Erica calls me a girl?{/i}"
"While you were deep in those thoughts, Erika comes closer and rubs your little balls."
show pmilk_erika 3
with dissolve
"And soon enoght you feel her finger getting ready to penetrate you..."
hide pmilk_erika 3
hide pmilk_hole
show pmilk_erika 5 1
with dissolve
"You try to relax you tight little hole and then..."
hide pmilk_erika 5 1
show erika_pmilk_slow
"...she slowly starts fingering your ass..."
pov "Mmmhhh..."
eri "Yeah, moan for me, girl!"
if buydildoidea:
$ buydildoidea = False
eri "You seem to be enjoying it so much..."
eri "You know, you could have some fun with your hole while alone..."
eri "You should visit the sexshop some time, they have all kinds of nice toys there that you could use..."
pov "{i}Sexshop? Maybe it's not such a bad idea, it would be nice if I could have some fun while I can't play with my cock because of this stupid cage.{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("Sexshop unlocked")
$ sexshop = True
$ vibrtr_unlock = True
if scene_72:
jump dildoerikafirsttime
"After a little while Erika starts to increase the speed and all this pleasure becomes so strong that you feel like it's too much."
hide erika_pmilk_slow
show erika_pmilk_fast
"And then you start feeling this amazing feeling again..."
show pmilk_cup 2
with dissolve
"All your body starts shaking and you feel cum leaking out of your little locked clit."
pov "OH MY GOD! Aaaaahhhh! This is amazing!"
show pmilk_cup 3
with flash
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 4
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 5
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 6
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 7
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 8
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 9
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 10
pause 0.2
show pmilk_cup 11
pause 0.2
hide erika_pmilk_fast
show pmilk_erika 5 5
with dissolve
eri "This was nice, hope we'll get to do it again soon."
$ renpy.notify("+$30")
$ money += 30
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label dildoerikafirsttime:
$ dildoerika = True
"After a little while Erika starts to increase the speed..."
hide erika_pmilk_slow
show erika_pmilk_fast
"Even though it feels amazing, for some reason it feels like you can't cum like that..."
eri "Hey, cutie, is everything alright?"
eri "Usually you cum much faster than today..."
pov "I'm not sure why it's like this..."
pov "It feels fantastic, but for some reason, I can't cum..."
eri "Oh, I see... I know what we should do... Give me a moment, please. Just stay like that."
hide erika_pmilk_fast
show pmilk_hole
with dissolve
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for Erika, and a moment later she comes back."
"You decide to just wait, not sure what she has on her mind..."
"But then, suddenly, you feel something much bigger than her finger penetrating your ass!"
label scene_73_playback:
show bg pmilkdildo
show pmilkdildo_cum 1
show fg pmilkdildo
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show pmilkdildo_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show pmilkdildo_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show pmilkdildo_cage blue
if replay:
show pmilkdildo_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"Mmmm... Ahhhh!"
eri "I knew that you'd enjoy it much more..."
"This feels so nice, that you immediately start leaking."
"She doesn't waste any time and starts fucking you roughly with her strap-on making you moan more and more."
"For some reason, getting fucked by a girl with a strap-on makes you even hornier than getting fucked by a man..."
"Standing on all fours, presenting your hole for her and moaning like a slut..."
pov "{i}This feels so fucking good! I don't know if I can hold any longer.{/i}"
"And the next moment, your little locked clitty starts shooting cum."
show pmilkdildo_cum 2
with flash
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 3
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 4
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 5
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 6
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 7
pov "Ahhh..."
eri "I knew that it should work better..."
eri "From now on, this is how we are going to do it!"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_73 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 73 unlocked")
$ scene_73 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then she takes the strap-on out of your hole and both of you get dressed."
eri "Don't forget your $30."
pov "{i}It felt so good, that I'd even pay her to do it again...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("+$30")
#$ renpy.notify("New hairstyles unlocked")
#$ hairstyles = True
$ money += 30
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label dildoerika:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You take off your clothes and get ready for Erika to fuck your tight hole with her big strap-on."
"You don't have to wait long, and soon enough she pushes it deep into your ass and starts fucking you..."
show bg pmilkdildo
show pmilkdildo_cum 1
show fg pmilkdildo
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show pmilkdildo_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show pmilkdildo_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show pmilkdildo_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"Mmmm... Ahhhh!"
eri "Nice, moan for me, girl!"
"This feels so nice, that you immediately start leaking."
"She increases the speed and starts fucking you fast and rough making you moan more and more."
"For some reason, getting fucked by a girl with a strap-on makes you even hornier than getting fucked by a man..."
"Standing on all fours, presenting your hole for her and moaning like a slut..."
pov "{i}This feels so fucking good! I don't know if I can hold any longer.{/i}"
"And the next moment, your little locked clitty starts shooting cum."
show pmilkdildo_cum 2
with flash
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 3
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 4
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 5
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 6
pause 0.2
show pmilkdildo_cum 7
pov "Ahhh..."
eri "Good girl! I bet you already want to do it again..."
$ renpy.notify("Scene 73 unlocked")
$ scene_73 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then she takes the strap-on out of your hole and both of you get dressed."
eri "Don't forget your $30."
pov "{i}It felt so good, that I'd even pay her to do it again...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("+$30")
$ money += 30
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label breastsenhancement:
if breasts == 'd':
eri "You already have the biggest size I can offer..."
jump injectionsmenu
eri "Great decision!"
eri "But it would cost $500. Is it ok for you?"
if money < 500:
pov "Unfortunately, I don't have enough..."
jump injectionsmenu
"Increase the breasts size":
if breasts == 'a' and freereduction:
$ freereduction = False
pov "Yeah, lets do it!"
eri "I'll be ready in a second."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"As you wait for Erika to prepare, you feel extremely excited and can't wait to see the result."
"Then she takes a small syringe with some strange liquid inside and starts injecting it all around your exposed breasts."
"And soon enough, you feel them starting to grow."
pov "I still can't believe that something like that is possible..."
eri "The best part is that you wont be able to feel the difference between these and the real ones."
eri "And it takes only a couple of minutes to grow them out."
if breasts == "c":
$ breasts = 'd'
pov "Wow, these are huge! It's even hard to stand straight with these on my chest..."
if breasts == 'b':
$ breasts = 'c'
if breasts == 'a':
$ breasts = 'b'
if breasts == False:
$ breasts = 'a'
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
$ renpy.notify("Breasts size increased")
$ renpy.notify("Money -$500")
$ money -= 500
jump labmenu
"Changed my mind":
jump injectionsmenu
label breastsreduction:
if breasts == False:
pov "{i}My chest is already flat.{/i}"
jump injectionsmenu
if breasts == 'a' and freereduction:
eri "I can do this one for free as I've promissed."
eri "Would you like me to start?"
"Reduce the breasts size":
pov "{i}Even though for some reason it feels nice to have breasts, I feel like I should get back to a normal look.{/i}"
pov "Yeah, let's do it."
eri "Ok, I'll be ready in a second."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then she takes a small syringe with some strange liquid inside and starts injecting it all around your exposed breasts."
"It's a little painful, but you try to ignore it."
"After a while you feel your breasts starting to decrease in size."
pov "Wow! It's like magic, they are getting smaller with each second..."
"After a few minutes your breasts decrease and you have a flat chest like before."
"But for some reason, you start thinking if it was a mistake and you feel like something is missing..."
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
$ breasts = False
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
$ renpy.notify("Breasts size decreased")
jump labmenu
"Changed my mind":
jump injectionsmenu
eri "So, you want them smaller?"
eri "It would cost $500. Is it ok for you?"
if money < 500:
pov "Unfortunately, I don't have enough..."
jump injectionsmenu
"Decrease the breasts size":
eri "Ok, no problem, just give me a minute."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then she takes a small syringe with some strange liquid inside and starts injecting it all around your exposed breasts."
"It's a little painful, but you try to ignore it."
"After a while you feel your breasts starting to decrease the size."
pov "Wow! It's like magic, they are getting smaller with each second..."
if breasts == 'd':
$ breasts = 'c'
pov "{i}Those were probably too big for me...{/i}"
if breasts == 'c':
$ breasts = 'b'
if breasts == 'b':
$ breasts = 'a'
if breasts == 'a':
$ breasts = False
"After a few minutes your breasts decrease and you have a flat chest."
"But for some reason, you start thinking if it was a mistake and you feel like something is missing..."
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
$ renpy.notify("Breasts size decreased")
$ renpy.notify("Money -$500")
$ money -= 500
jump labmenu
"Changed my mind":
jump injectionsmenu
label clitenhancement:
"It costs $500 to increase the size of your clit."
"Do it":
jump clitenhancement1
"Changed my mind":
jump injectionsmenu
label clitenhancement1:
$ injectedclit = True
eri "So... you want to make that little clitty bigger, ha?"
pov "..."
eri "I thought you were wearing a cage, I won't be able to help you, while it's still on your clitty."
pov "I'm not wearing it now... Alex let me out of it."
eri "You know, sissies aren't supposed to have big dicks, right?"
pov "Please, I need to make it bigger, could you not tease me?"
eri "You need that, ha?"
eri "Ok, if you say so..."
eri "Just give me a second to get ready."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Erika takes a small syringe with some strange liquid inside and starts injecting it all over your exposed clitty."
"Some time passes but you don't feel or see any differences..."
show bg lab
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Why doesn't it work?"
eri "Oh, it's not as simple as with the breasts..."
eri "Breasts grow out instantly, but with penis enlargement it's different..."
eri "For it to grow, you need to {i}use{/i} it."
pov "What do you mean? Do I need to jerk off or something?"
eri "Not really, that's not how it works..."
eri "As you know, only males have big dicks, and the medication won't work on sissies properly..."
eri "So... to {i}make{/i} it work, you need to behave like a male. At least for a while."
eri "You just need to go and fuck some people, I'd say three different persons for injection to work."
eri "But the result won't be instant, after that there is at least a week of waiting."
eri "Also make sure not to wear the cage, otherwise it won't be able to grow obviously."
eri "And you'd better find someone to fuck as soon as possible, otherwise if the week passes and you don't fuck enough, your clit can become even smaller."
pov "What?! It can become smaller from the injection that supposed to make it bigger?"
pov "Why didn't you tell me before?"
eri "Yeah... Sorry about that, now that I think about it, I should have told you before we started."
eri "But I don't think you should worry, you are are in the brothel, how hard could it be to find someone to fuck?"
pov "I hope it wouldn't be hard... But I don't think I'm allowed to visit any of the girls for sex, I work here, I'm not a customer..."
eri "Oh, come on, it's only three people you need to find, they don't even have to be women, don't you have some sissy girlfriends?"
eri "Or you could just go and fuck someone in the butt-wall room..."
pov "I'll just go and see what I can do."
eri "Oh, almost forgot, during this period, you also shouldn't behave like a sissy, so no sucking cocks or getting fucked."
eri "You can do that of course, but it would be quite risky, who knows, your clit could become smaller because of that too..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I need to be careful with all of this...{/i}"
$ see_erika_first = False
$ sissyblock = True
$ needclitinjection = False
jump room
label lactationtalk:
#"You decide to speak to Erika about your breasts squirting milk"
pov "Hey, Erika... I've had a really strange experience recently and I'm sure you could help me with it."
eri "Oh, that sounds interesting... What was it?"
pov "Well, I'm not sure how to say it, but my breasts have squirted some milk and I'm not sure what to think about it... As I'm clearly not a woman and for sure I'm not pregnant..."
eri "Hah, yeah, you clearly are not. Let me take a look at them..."
"You expose your breasts for her and she starts touching and squeezing them..."
"Then it seems like she's trying to milk them, but nothing happens."
eri "I need more information..."
eri "Did it happen at any specific moment or was it just random?"
"You realize that at the moment when it happened you were getting fucked like a slut and came without even touching your little clitty."
"You start blushing, but then you say that it happened at the same moment when you've had an orgasm."
eri "Hmmm... interesting..."
eri "That's very good that you've decided to tell me about it."
pov "Does it have something to do with the test injection that you gave me?"
eri "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what have caused it..."
eri "But I'll need some time to do some tests with it and make some preparations, so we can study it properly."
eri "How about you visit me in a week or so and I'll run some tests on you?"
pov "Sounds good, I'll make sure to visit you in a week."
pov "Is there anything I need to do while I wait?"
eri "No, not really, just what you usually do... And don't worry, it's quite unlikely that this will happen again any time soon."
eri "Just don't forget to visit me."
$ ericounter = True
jump labmenu
label erifuckmachine:
eri "Hey! There you are! I'm ready to run some test on you if you'd like to know more about your breasts lactating..."
pov "Yeah, of course, let's do it."
eri "Great, follow me."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You follow Erika to the further part of the lab and then you see some kind of a matrass on the floor and two strange machines right near it."
"One with some kind of glass cups and a lot of small tubes and the other one is more like a box with a small piston..."
pov "What is all this?"
eri "For me to run the tests, I'll need some of your milk, so this thing here is a milking machine..."
eri "As you can remember, I couldn't squeeze any milk from you using my hands, but I'm sure this machine will be much more effective."
pov "Oh, I see..."
eri "Now get naked and get right above the machine and I'll fit the suction cups to your breasts."
pov "..."
"You take off your clothes and get in the position while Erika sets up the milking machine."
pov "{i}I wonder why did it have to be in such a position... Couldn't it be made the way so I can stand while it milks me, why do I have to be in the doggy position for this?{/i}"
label regular_milking:
$ milking_counter += 1
show bg eri_milkingmachine
show eri_milkingmachine_mouth 1
show eri_milkingmachine_eyes 1
show eri_milkingmachine_hair
if breasts == False:
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 1
if breasts == "a":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 1
if breasts == "b":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 2
if breasts == "c":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 3
if breasts == "d":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 4
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 1
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 2
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"Erika fits the suction cups on your breasts and it feels kind of nice..."
pov "{i}It's like someone is gently sucking my breasts.{/i}"
"You start to enjoy the process while thinking how long will it take for the machine to get any results."
"While you are busy with the milking machine, Erika is trying to fit something to the box with a piston behind you."
pov "Oh yeah, by the way, what is that box for?"
eri "Don't worry, you'll see right now..."
"And then you hear the box switching on and some mechanical parts inside it starting to move."
"And then suddenly..."
label scene_103_playback:
if replay:
show bg eri_milkingviewbelow 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show bg eri_milkingviewbelow 2
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show bg eri_milkingviewbelow 2
show bg eri_milkingviewbelow 1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_dildo:
xpos 0.6
with Dissolve(2.)
show eri_milkingviewbelow_dildo:
xpos 0.28
with move
"... you feel something poking your ass."
"And before you can react, is starts moving again and penetrates your hole, sliding right inside!"
show eri_milkingviewbelow_dildo:
xpos 0.2
if replay:
show fg eri_milkingviewbelow 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show fg eri_milkingviewbelow 2
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show fg eri_milkingviewbelow 2
show fg eri_milkingviewbelow 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"A moan escapes you mouth and a moment later the machine starts up again and starts fucking you with a nice rythm..."
show eri_milkingviewbelow_dildo at move_slide
pov "{i}Mmmm... It feels so nice.{/i}"
pov "Hey, is this thing that's fucking me right now is really necessary?"
eri "Of course! Didn't you tell me that your breasts squirted milk right when you've had an orgasm?"
eri "That's exactly what we will be trying to replicate here."
"And right after saying it, she increases the depth and the speed of fucking."
show eri_milkingviewbelow_dildo at move_slide1
pov "Mmmm... Ahhhh...!"
eri "Heh, it feels like you are enjoying it!"
eri "How do you feel if we'll make it even better?"
"And without waiting for you to reply, she increases the speed and the depth once again."
show eri_milkingviewbelow_dildo at move_slide2
pov "Fuck...!"
"You feel like this machine was specifically designed to give you as much pleasure as possible and to hit your most sensitive spots with each motion..."
"It feels so good that you are not sure how long you'll be able to last like this..."
"It fucks you with this speed for a couple of minutes and then you feel like the orgasm is getting close..."
pov "It... feels... like I'm... about... to..."
"And right before you finish the sentence, Erika sets the speed to maximum to take you over the edge!"
show eri_milkingviewbelow_dildo at move_slide3
pov "Ahhhh..."
with flash
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 1
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 2
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 3
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 4
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 5
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 6
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 7
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 8
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 2
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 3
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 4
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 5
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 6
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 7
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 8
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 2
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 3
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 4
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 5
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 6
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 7
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 8
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 2
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 3
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 4
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 5
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 6
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 7
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 8
pause 0.05
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 2
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 3
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 4
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 5
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 6
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 7
pause 0.1
show eri_milkingviewbelow_cum 8
pause 0.1
if scene_103 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 103 unlocked")
$ scene_103 = True
"And right at the moment when you cum, you feel an amazing sensation radiating from your breasts..."
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_104_playback:
show bg eri_milkingmachine
show eri_milkingmachine_mouth 2
show eri_milkingmachine_eyes 2
show eri_milkingmachine_hair
if breasts == False:
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 1m
if breasts == "a":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 1m
if breasts == "b":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 2m
if breasts == "c":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 3m
if breasts == "d":
show eri_milkingmachine_breasts 4m
if replay:
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 2
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 2
show eri_milkingmachine_cage 1
if scene_104 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 104 unlocked")
$ scene_104 = True
with Dissolve(2.)
"And you feel how they start squirting a lot of milk into the cups..."
"Even though it feels kind of weird to be milked by a milking machine like you are some kind of a cow... but at the same time it feels so good, that you don't even care."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You stay like that for a couple more minutes until Erika makes sure that there is no more milk that the machine could squeeze out of you and then she lets you free."
eri "I'm so happy with a result! You're such a good milk cow hehe."
#eri "I'm sure what we've collected will be more than enough for me to run all the tests that I'll need."
pov "Glad I could help you with this..."
eri "If you like, I could pay you for your milk from time to time, I'll need as much of it as I can, so I can do tests."
eri "So, whenever you feel like to be milked, come here and I'll pay you $50 for each milking."
pov "Thank you for the offer..."
"You smile at her, put back on your clothes and go to your room, happy that you've just got to cum..."
$ regular_milking = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
import math
class Shaker(object):
anchors = {
'top' : 0.0,
'center' : 0.5,
'bottom' : 1.0,
'left' : 0.0,
'right' : 1.0,
def __init__(self, start, child, dist):
if start is None:
start = child.get_placement()
self.start = [ self.anchors.get(i, i) for i in start ] # central position
self.dist = dist # maximum distance, in pixels, from the starting point
self.child = child
def __call__(self, t, sizes):
# Float to integer... turns floating point numbers to
# integers.
def fti(x, r):
if x is None:
x = 0
if isinstance(x, float):
return int(x * r)
return x
xpos, ypos, xanchor, yanchor = [ fti(a, b) for a, b in zip(self.start, sizes) ]
xpos = xpos - xanchor
ypos = ypos - yanchor
nx = xpos + (1.0-t) * self.dist * (renpy.random.random()*2-1)
ny = ypos + (1.0-t) * self.dist * (renpy.random.random()*2-1)
return (int(nx), int(ny), 0, 0)
def _Shake(start, time, child=None, dist=100.0, **properties):
move = Shaker(start, child, dist=dist)
return renpy.display.layout.Motion(move,
Shake = renpy.curry(_Shake)
transform butt_room_move_slide1:
ypos -.77
linear 2 ypos -.87
linear 1.5 ypos -.77
transform butt_room_move_slide2:
ypos -.77
linear 1.5 ypos -.91
linear 1. ypos -.77
transform butt_room_move_slide3:
ypos -.77
linear 0.7 ypos -.92
linear 0.5 ypos -.77
transform butt_room_move_slide4:
ypos -.8
linear 0.6 ypos -1.
linear 0.5 ypos -.8
image sophiefuck_pussy sl:
"sophiedoggy_pussy 1"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 2"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 3"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 4"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 3"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 2"
image sophiefuck_pussy fast:
"sophiedoggy_pussy 1"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 2"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 3"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 4"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 3"
"sophiedoggy_pussy 2"
image sophiefuck_ass sl:
"sophiedoggy_anal 1"
"sophiedoggy_anal 2"
"sophiedoggy_anal 3"
"sophiedoggy_anal 4"
"sophiedoggy_anal 5"
"sophiedoggy_anal 4"
"sophiedoggy_anal 3"
"sophiedoggy_anal 2"
image sophiefuck_ass fast:
"sophiedoggy_anal 1"
"sophiedoggy_anal 2"
"sophiedoggy_anal 3"
"sophiedoggy_anal 4"
"sophiedoggy_anal 5"
"sophiedoggy_anal 4"
"sophiedoggy_anal 3"
"sophiedoggy_anal 2"
image momfuck_rubbing_ass:
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 1"
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 2"
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 3"
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 4"
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 5"
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 4"
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 3"
"momfuck_rubbing_ass 2"
image momfuck_rubbing_pussy:
"momfuck_rubbing_pussy 1"
"momfuck_rubbing_pussy 2"
"momfuck_rubbing_pussy 3"
"momfuck_rubbing_pussy 4"
"momfuck_rubbing_pussy 3"
"momfuck_rubbing_pussy 2"
image momfuck_ass:
"momfuck_ass 1"
"momfuck_ass 2"
"momfuck_ass 3"
"momfuck_ass 4"
"momfuck_ass 5"
"momfuck_ass 4"
"momfuck_ass 3"
"momfuck_ass 2"
image momfuck_pussy:
"momfuck_pussy 1"
"momfuck_pussy 2"
"momfuck_pussy 3"
"momfuck_pussy 4"
"momfuck_pussy 3"
"momfuck_pussy 2"
image momfuck_pussy c:
"momfuck_pussy 1c"
"momfuck_pussy 2c"
"momfuck_pussy 3c"
"momfuck_pussy 4c"
"momfuck_pussy 3c"
"momfuck_pussy 2c"
image momfuck_ass fast:
"momfuck_ass 1"
"momfuck_ass 2"
"momfuck_ass 3"
"momfuck_ass 4"
"momfuck_ass 5"
"momfuck_ass 4"
"momfuck_ass 3"
"momfuck_ass 2"
image momfuck_pussy fast:
"momfuck_pussy 1"
"momfuck_pussy 2"
"momfuck_pussy 3"
"momfuck_pussy 4"
"momfuck_pussy 3"
"momfuck_pussy 2"
image momfuck_pussy fast c:
"momfuck_pussy 1c"
"momfuck_pussy 2c"
"momfuck_pussy 3c"
"momfuck_pussy 4c"
"momfuck_pussy 3c"
"momfuck_pussy 2c"
image mombuttwall_pussy_lickingoutside:
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue_0 1"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue_0 2"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue_0 3"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue_0 2"
image mombuttwall_anal_lickingoutside:
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue_0 1"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue_0 2"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue_0 3"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue_0 2"
image mombuttwall_pussy_fingering sl:
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 1"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 2"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 3"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 2"
image mombuttwall_pussy_fingering md:
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 1"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 2"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 3"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 2"
image mombuttwall_pussy_fingering fs:
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 1"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 2"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 3"
"mombuttwall_pussy_finger 2"
image mombuttwall_anal_fingering sl:
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 1"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 2"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 3"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 2"
image mombuttwall_anal_fingering md:
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 1"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 2"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 3"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 2"
image mombuttwall_anal_fingering fs:
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 1"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 2"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 3"
"mombuttwall_anal_finger 2"
image mombuttwall_pussy_licking sl:
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 1"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 2"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 3"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 2"
image mombuttwall_pussy_licking md:
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 1"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 2"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 3"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 2"
image mombuttwall_pussy_licking fs:
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 1"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 2"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 3"
"mombuttwall_pussy_tongue 2"
image mombuttwall_anal_licking sl:
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 1"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 2"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 3"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 2"
image mombuttwall_anal_licking md:
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 1"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 2"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 3"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 2"
image mombuttwall_anal_licking fs:
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 1"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 2"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 3"
"mombuttwall_anal_tongue 2"
############################################################################################################################################################################################## Butt-wall room
label visitedbutt:
"I've already been there today."
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
label butt:
if needclitinjection:
pov "{i}My priority is making my clit bigger before Alex puts the cage back on it. I should better go to the lab now.{/i}"
call screen ui1
"What would you like to do?"
"Visit the fuck-wall room":
if pisscleanunlocked:
jump pisscleanpunishmnt
if banishedfrombuttroom:
pov "{i}I'm pretty sure Sophie is still angry with me; it might not be such a good idea to go down there.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if momfuckpass and sameday:
pov "{i}I think I've had enough for today with that place...{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if angrysophie:
"I'm pretty sure Sophie is still angry with me; it might not be such a good idea to go down there."
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if scene_79 and cage == False:
"Sophie doesn't allow me to go down there unless I'm wearing my chastity cage."
if scene_51:
pov "{i}Maybe she won't notice that I'm not wearing it?{/i}"
"It's better not to risk":
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"Go there anyways":
jump fuck_room_no_cage
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if visitedbutt:
jump visitedbutt
$ visitedbutt = True
"Work as a cum clean-up maid" if canworkinbwr:
if pisscleanunlocked:
if dress == "maid black":
jump pisscleanpunishmnt
#pov "{i}I need to wear a maid uniform to work there.{/i}"
#hide screen ui1
#call screen ui1
"You put on your maid uniform and get ready to work."
jump pisscleanpunishmnt
if banishedfrombuttroom:
pov "{i}I'm pretty sure Sophie is still angry with me; it might not be such a good idea to go down there.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if momfuckpass and sameday:
pov "{i}I think I've had enough for today with that place...{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if angrysophie:
"I'm pretty sure Sophie is still angry with me; it might not be such a good idea to go down there."
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if scene_79 and cage == False:
"Sophie doesn't allow me to go down there unless I'm wearing my chastity cage."
if scene_51:
pov "{i}Maybe she won't notice that I'm not wearing it?{/i}"
"It's better not to risk":
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"Go there anyways":
jump fuck_room_no_cage
if dress == "maid black":
jump workbwr
#pov "{i}I need to wear a maid uniform to work there.{/i}"
#hide screen ui1
#call screen ui1
"You put on your maid uniform and get ready to work."
jump workbwr
"Work as a fuck-hole" if fuck_wall_use_unlocked:
if scene_79 and cage == False:
"Sophie doesn't allow me to go down there unless I'm wearing my chastity cage."
if scene_51:
pov "{i}Maybe she won't notice that I'm not wearing it?{/i}"
"It's better not to risk":
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"Go there anyways":
jump fuck_room_no_cage
jump fuck_hole_work
"Breasts torture" if breasts_torture_unlocked and breasts == 'd':
if scene_79 and cage == False:
"Sophie doesn't allow me to go down there unless I'm wearing my chastity cage."
if scene_51:
pov "{i}Maybe she won't notice that I'm not wearing it?{/i}"
"It's better not to risk":
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"Go there anyways":
jump fuck_room_no_cage
jump breasts_torture_repeat
"Find someone you can fuck" if sissyblock and canfindfuckbtwr and cage == False:
if momfucked or momfuckpass:
if sameday:
pov "{i}I think I've had enough for today with that place...{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
jump fucksophie
if angrysophie:
"I'm pretty sure Sophie is still angry with me; it might not be such a good idea to go down there."
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
jump buttwallroomclitenlargment
"Changed my mind":
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
# $ momfucked = False
# $ momfuckpass = True
# $ sameday = True
$ buttroomvisitcount += 1
if mombuttroomcount:
$ mombuttroomcounter += 1
show bg fuck holes
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go down to the room where Alex took you to show you what will happen to you if you don't do everything she says."
if mombuttroomcounter >= 2 and body == "f" and momspussytoseecum:
jump mombuttroomcum
if buttroomvisitcount >= 4 and cage and momspussytosee:
jump mombuttroom
pov "{i}It is so scary to think that I can end up here.{/i}"
"But at the same time, this place makes you aroused a little."
pov "{i}I wonder how they feel... Bound on the other side of the wall with their asses on this side, and anyone who comes here can do anything they want to them.{/i}"
pov "{i}Use them any way they like, fucking their holes.{/i}"
"Then, for some reason, you remember that [amd] and [jnf] are in the brothel too..."
pov "{i}What if one of them didn't agree to work here and they ended up in this room. What if one of these butts is [amd]'s or [jnf]'s.{/i}"
pov "{i}Are these thoughts making me aroused?! Why am I thinking about it? This is wrong! I should go back.{/i}"
$ arousal += 20
$ renpy.notify("Arousal +20")
"On your way back, you look at all the asses one more time deep in your mind hoping that one of them is [amd]'s or [jnf]'s."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label mombuttroomcum:
"Suddenly, you see that woman again that might be [amd]."
"You come closer to her..."
show bg mombuttwall cum
with Dissolve(2.)
"But this time, both her holes have been used already and are filled with cum..."
"For some reason, it turns you on so much..."
"Knowing that it can be [amd] and that so many people have used her holes."
"Fucking her bareback and then filling her up with cum..."
"You don't know why, but you feel like you want to lick it all."
"Suck all the cum from her holes and lick her clean..."
"Do it":
if replay == False:
$ momspussytoseecum = False
pov "{i}I don't know why but I can't help it; I need to do it.{/i}"
"And a moment later, you are on your knees licking and over her pussy and asshole, eating all the cum you can get..."
"Sucking her holes and trying to get as much cum as possible."
pov "{i}Mixed up with her juices... It's so tasty...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't stop, I want more!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg mombuttwall
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_36 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 36 unlocked")
$ scene_36 = True
"When you are about to finish, you hear someone coming close to you from behind..."
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
"Girl" "Hey, what are you doing there, cutie?"
pov "Mmmm... Nothing... Just playing a little..."
"Girl" "That's cute..."
"Girl" "I've never seen you here before. I'm Sophie, by the way."
pov "Nice to meet you, Sophie, I'm [povname]."
sph "It seems like are really good at cleaning those cum-filled holes, [povname]."
sph "I sure could use some of your help around here..."
pov "Help? What exactly do you mean?"
sph "You see, I'm kind of a maid here; I have to clean all these holes when they get filled with cum, so our clients can continue using them."
sph "But it's worth mentioning that I can't use anything except my mouth for that..."
sph "This also serves as a little show for our clients, while they are here."
sph "That is why I say I could use your talent. I'll pay your well for your help, and as a little bonus, you'll get a lot of cum while you are working here..."
sph "Whenever I have to work here, I don't eat anything before I get here as at the end of the day my stomach is full of cum ♥"
pov "Wow, that's interesting... I don't even know what to say about it."
sph "You don't have to give me the answer now, just give it a thought."
sph "If you do decide to join me here and clean some holes, you'll need to buy a maid uniform; you can find it in the clothes shop."
$ renpy.notify("Maid uniform unlocked")
$ sell_dress_maid = True
$ sell_dress_maid_black = True
$ canworkinbwr = True
sph "So whenever you feel like working, just put on the uniform and come here."
sph "And if you won't like it, you can stop at any moment."
pov "Ok, I'll think about it. Thank you for the offer."
sph "Oh, almost forgot, you can't wear any underwear while you work here."
sph "It's because any client can use you any moment if they feel like it..."
sph "So your hole should have easy access... And you can't refuse any of them unless you like being punished..."
pov "Oh, that's good that you've remembered this {i}small{/i} detail..."
pov "I'm not really sure about this..."
sph "You don't have to make a decision right now; just think about it. It's a lot of fun to work here."
"After that, you go back to your room."
jump room
pov "{i}That's crazy, why would I do it?{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm not thinking straight, I should better go back to my room.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
jump room
label mombuttroom:
"This time, for some reason, one of the butts attracted your attention..."
pov "{i}It's something familiar about her...{/i}"
"Come closer":
jump mombuttcomecloser
"Another time":
"I'm not in the mood to look at the naked asses, maybe another time..."
"I think I should better go back to my room."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label mombuttcomecloser:
if replay == False:
$ momspussytosee = False
$ mombuttroomcount = True
show bg mombuttwall
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_08 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 8 unlocked")
$ scene_08 = True
pov "{i}Her pussy is so beautiful...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how she got here.{/i}"
pov "{i}Was it because she wanted to be here? Or is it because she got punished.{/i}"
pov "{i}And she's not covered in cum yet, like all the other asses here.{/i}"
pov "{i}She must have just gotten here.{/i}"
pov "{i}And apparently she likes to have anal sex, her hole definitely got used before...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's like she's made for fucking, with her holes ready to please cocks.{/i}"
"But then you realize what was so familiar about this ass."
pov "{i}This heart-shaped birthmark...{/i}"
pov "{i}I've seen the same mark before.{/i}"
pov "{i}Oh my god! It can't be!{/i}"
"Some time ago, when you were younger, you've visited the beach with your dad, [amd] and [jnf], and you remember that you saw the same birthmark... on [amd]'s ass..."
pov "{i}I can't believe it!{/i}"
pov "{i}Is it her... or is it just another woman with a similar mark on a similar place of her body as [amd] has?{/i}"
"Thinking about the possibility that it can be her right in front of you with her holes ready to be fucked, makes you really horny."
pov "{i}It's so wrong! Why am I getting turned on by this so much?{/i}"
"I don't even know what to do."
"It's wrong... I should better go...":
pov "{i}Even though it might not be [amd] and it might be someone else, I shouldn't be enjoying this.{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better go back to my room.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ arousal += 20
$ renpy.notify("Arousal +20")
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"I can't just leave now...":
pov "{i}Maybe I could touch it a little?{/i}"
pov "{i}What is wrong with me?!{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so wrong to do something like that...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I still can't miss such an opportunity...{/i}"
label momwallmenu:
"What should I do?"
"Spank her ass":
jump momholespanking
"Touch her pussy":
jump momholefingeringpussy
"Play with her asshole":
jump momholefingeringass
"Lick her pussy":
jump momholelickpussy
"Lick her ass":
jump momholelickass
"Go back to my room":
if replay:
jump scenes
$ arousal += 50
$ renpy.notify("Arousal +50")
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label momholespanking:
pov "{i}I don't know why, but I want to spank her ass a little.{/i}"
#pov "{i}She used to spank me if I misbehaved when I was little...{/i}"
#pov "{i}I wonder how would she react if she knew that we'd switch places and I'll be the one spanking her bare ass.{/i}"
"Now you can spank her; just choose an ass cheek and click on it. (!Scene with sounds!)"
call screen mombuttwallspanking
label mom_spanking_l:
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
$ momspanked += 1
if momwallspanking_l1:
$ momwallspanking_l1 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_l_1
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
if momspanked == 1:
pov "{i}I can't believe that I might be spanking [amd] now...{/i}"
pov "{i}This feels so strange... What if it's really her?{/i}"
pov "{i}But so exciting... Even though I can't be sure that it's her and not some other woman.{/i}"
pov "{i}I just want to spank her more!{/i}"
elif momwallspanking_l2:
$ momwallspanking_l2 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_l_2
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
elif momwallspanking_l3:
$ momwallspanking_l3 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_l_3
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
elif momwallspanking_l4:
$ momwallspanking_l4 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_l_4
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
show mombuttwall_spanking_l_5
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
call screen mombuttwallspanking
label mom_spanking_r:
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
$ momspanked += 1
if momwallspanking_r1:
$ momwallspanking_r1 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_r_1
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
if momspanked == 1:
pov "{i}I can't believe that I might be spanking [amd] now...{/i}"
pov "{i}This feels so strange... What if it's really her?{/i}"
pov "{i}But so exciting... Even though I can't be sure that it's her and not some other woman.{/i}"
pov "{i}I just want to spank her more!{/i}"
elif momwallspanking_r2:
$ momwallspanking_r2 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_r_2
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
elif momwallspanking_r3:
$ momwallspanking_r3 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_r_3
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
elif momwallspanking_r4:
$ momwallspanking_r4 = False
show mombuttwall_spanking_r_4
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
show mombuttwall_spanking_r_5
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
call screen mombuttwallspanking
label momspankingbuttwallstop:
pov "{i}I think that's enough.{/i}"
jump momwallmenu
label momholefingeringpussy:
pov "{i}I want to know how it feels to touch her pussy...{/i}"
"Slowly, you reach out for it and slightly touch her pussy lips with your finger and start rubbing them."
show mombuttwall_pussy_finger 0
with Dissolve(1.)
pov "{i}I can't believe that the first pussy I've ever touched might be [amd]'s.{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to know how it feels inside her pussy.{/i}"
show mombuttwall_pussy_finger 1
with Dissolve(1.)
"As soon as you've entered her pussy you've felt how she moved a little trying to avoid the penetration, but there is nothing she can do..."
pov "{i}It's so nice and warm inside her, wish I wasn't wearing that stupid cage on my cock...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}...Oh my god, am I seriously thinking about fucking [amd]?{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess there is no way back now, I'm fingering her already, I might as well just enjoy this and have some fun with her.{/i}"
"After that, you slowly start moving your finger inside her pussy, enjoying every moment of it."
hide mombuttwall_pussy_finger 1
show mombuttwall_pussy_fingering sl
"As soon as you start moving your finger, you hear muffled moans on the other side of the wall."
"But it's hard to tell if this is [amd], she must be gagged and can't say anything."
pov "{i}It's time to make her feel even better...{/i}"
show mombuttwall_pussy_fingering md
# "You start moving your finger faster and feel her pussy getting wet and leaking the juices."
# show mombuttwall_pussyjuice
pov "{i}How about I go even faster?{/i}"
show mombuttwall_pussy_fingering fs
"After a while, you feel her body shaking and her pussy contracting around your finger and her moans getting much louder..."
pov "{i}Can't believe that I've just made her cum.{/i}"
hide mombuttwall_pussy_fingering fs
show mombuttwall_pussy_finger 1
with dissolve
pov "{i}She must have been really horny if I've managed to make her cum with only my finger.{/i}"
pov "{i}She might be enjoying being like this, ready for anyone to use.{/i}"
hide mombuttwall_pussy_finger 1
with dissolve
jump momwallmenu
label momholefingeringass:
pov "{i}For some reason I want to touch her asshole...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe how perverted I am...{/i}"
pov "{i}Was I like this before I got to this place, and they forced me to do all this lewd stuff?{/i}"
show mombuttwall_anal_finger 0
"You place your finger right on her asshole and start rubbing it a little."
pov "{i}It's so smooth and feels so nice...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how many cocks fucked her in the ass?{/i}"
"You slightly press your finger, and it easily slides inside."
show mombuttwall_anal_finger 1
with dissolve
pov "{i}She's definitely been fucked in the ass before; I felt no resistance at all.{/i}"
"As soon as you put your finger inside her, you hear muffled moans on the other side of the wall."
pov "{i}Oh my god, she is such a slut...{/i}"
pov "{i}...enjoying her ass getting fingered.{/i}"
pov "{i}What if she could see who does it to her?{/i}"
pov "{i}She grabs my finger so tightly.{/i}"
hide mombuttwall_anal_finger 1
show mombuttwall_anal_fingering sl
pov "{i}It feels really nice.{/i}"
"I've had enough fun":
hide mombuttwall_anal_fingering sl
with dissolve
jump momwallmenu
"Increase the speed":
hide mombuttwall_anal_fingering sl
show mombuttwall_anal_fingering md
pov "{i}Time to do it even faster.{/i}"
hide mombuttwall_anal_fingering md
show mombuttwall_anal_fingering fs
"After a while, you think that it's enough and decide to stop."
hide mombuttwall_anal_fingering fs
show mombuttwall_anal_finger 0
with dissolve
"As soon as you finish, she stops moaning, but her body is still shaking a little."
hide mombuttwall_anal_finger 0
with dissolve
jump momwallmenu
label momholelickpussy:
pov "I wonder how her pussy tastes..."
"You slowly take your face closer to her pussy and enjoy the view."
pov "Her smell is driving me crazy... I've never felt like this before."
pov "My cock presses against the cage so hard right now."
show mombuttwall_pussy_lickingoutside
with dissolve
"You slowly start licking the entrance to her pussy..."
pov "I want to put my tongue inside her..."
hide mombuttwall_pussy_lickingoutside
show mombuttwall_pussy_licking sl
with dissolve
pov "I can't believe that the first pussy I've ever tasted might be [amd]'s."
"After a while, you start to increase the speed enjoying every moment while your tongue penetrates her juicy pussy."
show mombuttwall_pussy_licking md
"Soon enough, her body starts shaking a little..."
"I guess she is about to cum; I want to go even faster."
show mombuttwall_pussy_licking fs
"After some time, she starts shaking even more, and her pussy starts contracting in the orgasmic spasms."
hide mombuttwall_pussy_licking fs
with dissolve
pov "That's so hot... I can't believe that I licked [amd]'s pussy until she came."
jump momwallmenu
label momholelickass:
pov "I can't believe what I'm about to do..."
show mombuttwall_anal_lickingoutside
with dissolve
pov "...I'm licking [amd]'s asshole."
pov "This is so wrong. What will happen if it is really her, and she will find out about all of this somehow."
pov "Even thinking about it makes me so horny."
pov "It feels so nice to do whatever I want to her while she is stuck like this and can't do anything about it."
pov "I want to feel my tongue inside her..."
hide mombuttwall_anal_lickingoutside
show mombuttwall_anal_licking sl
with dissolve
"As soon as your tongue enters her asshole, you hear her moaning on the other side of the wall."
"I think that's enough":
hide mombuttwall_anal_licking sl
with dissolve
jump momwallmenu
"Increase the speed":
show mombuttwall_anal_licking md
"I want to do it even faster."
show mombuttwall_anal_licking fs
"After a while, you decide it's time to stop and take your tongue out of her ass."
hide mombuttwall_anal_licking fs
with dissolve
jump momwallmenu
label workbwr:
if workbwrday1:
$ workbwrday1 = False
$ workbwrday2 = True
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
if workbwrday1firsttime:
$ workbwrday1firsttime = False
sph "Hey! I'm so glad that you've decided to give it a try!"
sph "Why don't we start right away, before you change your mind."
sph "You can start from those two sluts; they've been used so much today and are filled with cum!"
sph "Bon Appétit!"
pov "..."
sph "Hey, my little sissy maid! Time to eat some delicious cum!"
sph "Bon Appétit!"
label scene_49_playback:
show bg bwr1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I guess there is no turning back now...{/i}"
pov "{i}How did it turn out like this? Why am I so turned on lately by a thought of eating strangers' cum?{/i}"
pov "{i}I just can't stop; I need that taste on my tongue... Sweet and salty at the same time, sometimes a little bitter...{/i}"
pov "{i}So many flavors...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to eat it now!{/i}"
"Which one would you like to clean first?"
"For some reason, even when you have a chance to lick a pussy, you choose a cock instead..."
"It's only natural for such a sissy..."
"You start licking all the cum off the ass, slowly licking the skin closer and closer to his balls..."
"It's so yummy, and it tastes a little different on the different parts of his body; apparently, there were a lot of people who came all over this ass."
"It's so tasty; you enjoy every drop of this sweet treat until you lick it all up from his ass..."
"And then, you notice that apparently he couldn't hold himself and came from all of the fucking."
"And you start eating the cum that's left on the tip of his cock, and at the same time sucking on it a little."
"As soon as you finish with his cock, you place your lips over his loose hole..."
"It's all filled with cum, and it's so much of it that it almost feels like you are drinking from a bottle..."
"You suck as much cum out of his ass and play with it with your tongue a little, trying to get the last drops of cum..."
"When there is no more cum to eat, you realize that it was just one butt, and you are going to spend a whole day here..."
pov "{i}I can't even imagine how much cum I'll eat today...{/i}"
show bg bwr2
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You've sucked so many cocks lately, and it's nice to have a possibility to lick a pussy for a change..."
"Especially one filled with cum."
"You start licking all the cum off the ass, trying not to miss even a drop..."
"It's so yummy, and it tastes a little different on the different parts of her body; apparently, there were a lot of people who came all over her ass."
"It's so tasty; you enjoy every drop of this sweet treat until you lick it all up from her ass and thighs..."
"You've saved the best for the end, and it's time to suck all the cum from her holes."
"You get your lips closer to her pussy and start eating it, enjoying all the cum mixed with her sweet pussy juices."
"It seems like she is really horny, even though she got fucked by so many people already."
"And after a minute of cleaning, you feel her body shaking, and you realize that she's just come..."
"Her pussy starts to contract nonstop, pumping loads of cum right into your mouth."
"When it feels like there is no more cum left in her pussy you start sucking on her asshole."
"While you gulp down all the sweet cum, you can't help but start thinking how you would feel like, if instead of her, you'd be here, getting fucked in the ass and filled with cum all day long..."
"You are so horny because of all of this that your little clitty can't stop leaking."
"If you could only touch it a little now, you'd burst with cum instantly."
"You suck as much cum out of her ass and play with it with your tongue a little, trying to get the last drops of cum..."
"When there is no more cum to eat, you realize that it was just one butt, and you are going to spend a whole day here..."
pov "{i}I can't even imagine how much cum I'll eat today...{/i}"
show bg bwr3
with Dissolve(2.0)
"After that, you continue cleaning the butts one by one, eating as much cum as you've never eaten in your whole life."
"After a while, you feel the taste of cum on your tongue all the time, even during the brakes, when you don't have it in your mouth."
pov "{i}I feel like this taste will stay in my mouth for days!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_49 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 49 unlocked")
$ scene_49 = True
show bg bwr4
with Dissolve(2.0)
if scene_107 and buttroom_empty_stall and first_time_buttroom_empty_stall:
$ first_time_buttroom_empty_stall = False
jump buttroom_empty_stall
if scene_126 and fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated:
if fuck_wall_empty_stall_number == 1:
$ fuck_wall_empty_stall_number = 2
if fuck_wall_empty_stall_number == 2:
$ fuck_wall_empty_stall_number = 3
if fuck_wall_empty_stall_number == 3:
$ fuck_wall_empty_stall_number = 1
jump fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated
"The rest of the day passes quickly and without any events."
pov "{i}Luckily, nobody wanted to use me, and I could clean them in peace.{/i}"
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "You did great today! Here is your pay for the day."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if workbwrday2:
$ workbwrday1 = True
$ workbwrday2 = False
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "Are you ready to eat some more cum?"
sph "Get to work, girl!"
show bg bwr1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You start cleaning the asses like the last time, and sometime after you've started, you feel somebody's hand on your ass."
"And a second later, you feel something hard and big rubbing against your ass."
"Your short uniform and lack of any underwear make you completely exposed..."
"You look back and see a man getting ready to fuck you..."
"Try to escape his grip and avoid getting fucked":
"Instinctively, you move your body away from him and try to cover your tight little hole with your dress."
man "What the fuck are you doing, sissy?"
man "Get your little ass back here and get ready to get fucked hard..."
man "I'll give you some spanking while I fuck you for trying to escape."
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry... I can't..."
"Unfortunately, Sophie saw what just happened and came right there."
sph "I'm so sorry, sir, this sissy doesn't know her place yet; I'll make sure to teach her a lesson."
sph "Maybe I could offer you my holes instead?"
man "You got lucky today, sissy; if it weren't for her, I'd take your ass by force, and you'd be crying already from all the rough fucking you'd be getting."
"And a moment later, the man grabs Sophie by the ass, bends her over and thrusts his huge cock deep into her asshole."
"It was so big, and he did it so roughly that you can see tears building up in Sophie's eyes."
"But at the same time, it seems like she is enjoying it very much and starts moaning like a dirty slut..."
"You feel like it wouldn't be ok just to stand there and watch, especially considering that it has to be you instead of her, so you move to the other side of the room and continue cleaning the butts."
"After around half an hour, Sophie comes closer to you; apparently, she was getting fucked this whole time by the man, and he was really rough, and her face is now all covered with spit, tears and cum."
sph "You know that I'm not going to let it slide, do you?"
sph "It should have been you, getting all that fucking."
sph "And I've warned you that you will be punished if you do something like that."
sph "You are lucky that the man agreed to just fuck me and didn't make a scandal."
pov "I'm so sorry, Sophie! And thank you so much for helping me out!"
pov "I didn't know what to do; I felt so scared, I think I'm not ready for it."
sph "... I don't really care about your apologies."
sph "Time for you to learn a lesson, follow me!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You follow Sophie, scared of what she'll do to you..."
"Finally, you get to the main hall of the brothel."
"There are quite a lot of people here, new clients coming, some are leaving, some are just standing and chatting..."
"She leads you to one of the most crowded parts of the hall, and you see a strange pole there."
label scene_50_playback:
show bg one bar prison 1
with Dissolve(2.0)
pov "What is this thing?"
sph "You'll see... Now take off your dress!"
pov "In front of all these people? I can't..."
pov "Please..."
sph "You want to do it the hard way?"
sph "Guess how many volunteers I can find here, who would be happy to help me get you naked..."
sph "It's better for you to obey!"
"You don't see any other options, so you decide it would be better to do as you are told to."
"You slowly start taking off your dress and see a crowd growing bigger around you."
"Then Sophie comes closer to this weird pole and adjusts the height of it, so it becomes lower than your waist."
sph "Get over here, now!"
"You obey her command and stand right above the pole, where she showed you to stay."
"You look around yourself and see a lot of people watching with great interest, curious about what is going to happen."
"They laugh at you and point at your little clitty locked in its tiny cage..."
"This is so humiliating; I can hear them calling me a sissy..."
"And then suddenly your thoughts are interrupted by a cold hard object penetrating your tight hole!"
"It seems like Sophie has just readjusted the pole back to its initial height, and the top of the pole is now buried deep into your ass!"
"She did it so quickly, with just one motion, you couldn't even react."
"You've tried to move away, but you can't as the pole is holding you in one place."
"She quickly locks the height of the pole, so it's not possible to move it up and down anymore and stands to the side."
show bg one bar prison 2
with Dissolve(2.0)
pov "Why did you do it? I can't move!"
"You struggle to get off this cold, thick pole, but it's not possible; whatever you do, you just stay in one place as the pole is too high and it's too deep inside of you for you to climb off of it."
"It's so deep that you even have to stay on your toes; otherwise, it's too uncomfortable..."
sph "Do you like it, sissy?"
sph "You'll have to stay like this until the end of the day."
sph "I'll see you in six hours."
pov "No! Please! Sophie! Wait..."
pov "Let me go, please!"
pov "I can't stay like this for six hours!"
"But by the time you finish saying all this, she is gone."
"And you are surrounded by a crowd of men."
"They are laughing at you and call you a stupid whore."
man "Getting punished for something, sissy?"
man "I bet she likes being here naked, penetrated by the pole right in front of us..."
"You start struggling even more trying to get off this stupid pole, but it's impossible."
"The only thing you can do is just wait."
"Time passes by, you've tried to cover your private part from all the people around you, but you don't care anymore and try to ignore everybody."
"They continue making fun of you; some of them slap your ass while passing by, making the position even more uncomfortable every time you get a slap on your ass..."
"It feels like an eternity..."
"Beg men to help you get off the pole":
pov "Please, help me get off this stupid pole!"
pov "I'm begging you, I can't stay like this anymore..."
"But instead of helping you, they just start laughing at you."
"Try to get through it":
"You know that they won't help you and decide not to humiliate yourself even more."
pov "{i}I'll make through, no matter what!{/i}"
"This is one of the most humiliating moments of your life..."
"And to make things worse, because of all the pushing on your p-spot by the pole, you leak as you've never leaked before."
"It's like a stream of precum; it's so much of it that the string of precum has reached the floor."
"And everybody can see it."
man "You seem to enjoy it very much, sissy."
man "Leaking like a slut that needs a good fucking."
man "How about we give you some spanking?"
"He and another guy come closer to you and start to spank your poor little ass."
"It makes you move around on the pole with each slap, and after a minute or so, you feel like you are going to burst in an orgasm from all of this."
"The humiliation that makes you so turned on for some reason, the spanking, that makes you blood rush to your ass cheeks, and after a while, it started to feel really good and finally all the rubbing of the pole against your prostate..."
pov "I can't... take it... anymore..."
pov "I'm... going to cum!"
"And then you feel a stream of cum leaking out from your clitty, making you moan like a dirty whore..."
"It was so intense that for a while, you've lost the awareness of your surroundings and stopped hearing all the humiliating comments from the people watching you cum..."
"The orgasm was so good that you don't even care anymore about anything and spend the rest of the punishment, trying to enjoy it even more."
"After a while, Sophie comes back to release you."
sph "I see you've enjoyed it, didn't you?"
pov "... I guess, I did..."
pov "..."
pov "Thank you, Sophie..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_50 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 50 unlocked")
$ scene_50 = True
"She just smiles at you in response and tells you to go back to your room."
$ renpy.notify("You've unlocked a new clothing item")
$ buybrtape = True
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Get back to licking and just let it happen...":
"You remember what Sophie told you and decide that it would be better to be a good girl and do whatever visitor wants you to do."
label scene_51_playback:
"And then suddenly you feel a thick cock penetrating your tight hole with one hard thrust!"
if breasts == False:
show bg br spitroasted 1-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg br spitroasted 1-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Ahhh... Mmmm..."
"Without realizing it, you moan loudly, feeling pain in your ass..."
pov "{i}Why does he have to be so rough?{/i}"
pov "{i}It hurts!{/i}"
"But after a while, you start getting used to the feeling of his cock into your ass and start to actually enjoy it."
pov "{i}Now I'm happy that I've spent some time fucking my ass with a dildo.{/i}"
pov "{i}It actually feels good... I want him to fuck me more!{/i}"
"You can't really hold yourself and start moaning more and more while your face is buried between some girl's legs, licking cum out of her pussy."
pov "Please, fuck me! Fuck me hard! I want your cock deep inside of me!"
"As soon as you shout that, you feel the man thrusting his cock as deep into your ass as possible..."
if breasts == False:
show bg br spitroasted 2-nb
with flash
show bg br spitroasted 2-tb
with flash
"And it starts twitching and pumping his hot seed deep into your ass..."
man "Your boy-pussy is so tight! I loved it!"
man "Can't wait to come back here and fuck your little hole again!"
if replay:
jump scenes
#$ renpy.notify("You've unlocked new clothes!")
#$ buyptopbl = True
#$ buybropbl = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.0)
"After that, his cock slips out of your asshole, he wipes it on your ass and leaves, leaving his cum leaking of your hole down your thighs."
pov "{i}Can't believe I feel sad that he didn't fuck me more.{/i}"
if scene_51 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 51 unlocked")
$ scene_51 = True
"You spend the rest of the day eating more cum, while enjoying a nice feeling of your ass filled with cum."
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "You did great today, especially with the client fucking your ass! You are a good obedient sissy slut! Here is your pay for the day and an extra $50 tip from that man."
$ renpy.notify("New clothes unlocked!")
$ sell_garter_leopard = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_grey = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_wine = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_black = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_brown = True
$ sell_stockings_mono = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_white = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_dark = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_wine = True
$ sell_choker_stripe = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_white = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_blue = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_pink = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_red = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_black = True
$ sell_choker_heart = True
$ sell_choker_heart_white = True
$ sell_choker_heart_blue = True
$ sell_choker_heart_pink = True
$ sell_choker_heart_red = True
$ sell_choker_heart_black = True
$ renpy.notify("Money +$150")
$ money += 150
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label buttwallroomclitenlargment:
show bg fuck holes
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go down to the butt-wall room hoping to find someone you could fuck..."
"There is a lot of options around here, but... You don't want to confess to yourself, but deep down, you know who you are looking for."
"And luckily, you see exactly what you hoped to see..."
label scene_78_playback:
show bg momfuck
with Dissolve(2.)
if replay:
$ mompussyfuck = True
$ momassfuck = True
"You are still not sure if it is {i}really{/i} [amd]'s ass, but that birthmark seems so familiar..."
"And it seems that you came right on time; nobody has used her yet, so you could be the first one to fuck her today..."
"This is wrong...":
pov "{i}What if it's really her?{/i}"
pov "{i}This would be so wrong... I thought that I could do it, but now that I'm here without the cage and I can fuck her...{/i}"
pov "{i}I just can't do it... I can't fuck [amd]...{/i}"
"All this thinking and worrying is too much for you, so you decide to leave while you are still thinking straight before you change your mind and possibly fuck [amd]."
pov "{i}I can just come back later and fuck someone else... But not while she's here, it so hard to resist the temptation, even knowing that it's wrong...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ momfucked = False
$ momfuckpass = True
$ sameday = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"I'm so horny... I want to fuck her, whoever she is!":
if replay == False:
$ clitenlargfuck += 1
$ sameday = True
"Not able to resist, you lower your panties and get ready..."
"Your little clitty is already hard in anticipation of all the pleasure that soon enough you'll be getting."
show momfuck_clitready
with dissolve
label momfuckmenu:
"What should I do?"
"Rub her asshole" if momassfuck:
#if momfuckstart == False:
#$ momfuckstart = True
"You decide to start slowly and rub your clit over her asshole..."
hide momfuck_clitready
show momfuck_rubbing_ass
with dissolve
pov "{i}This is so hot...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm touching her asshole with my dick.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how it would feel to be inside her...{/i}"
"Push your clit inside her ass":
jump momfuckass
"Not yet":
show momfuck_clitready
hide momfuck_rubbing_ass
with dissolve
jump momfuckmenu
"Rub her pussy" if mompussyfuck:
#if momfuckstart == False:
#$ momfuckstart = True
"You decide not to rush and just rub her pussy with your hard clit..."
hide momfuck_clitready
show momfuck_rubbing_pussy
with dissolve
pov "{i}I can't believe that this is happening...{/i}"
pov "{i}Her pussy is so warm, wet and inviting.{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to fuck her so bad.{/i}"
"Do it":
jump momfuckpussy
"Not yet":
show momfuck_clitready
hide momfuck_rubbing_pussy
with dissolve
jump momfuckmenu
"Fuck her ass" if momassfuck:
jump momfuckass
"Fuck her pussy" if mompussyfuck:
jump momfuckpussy
if momfucked == False:
if replay == False:
$ clitenlargfuck -= 1
pov "{i}Maybe it's not such I good idea...{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to stop.{/i}"
pov "{i}What if it's really her?{/i}"
pov "{i}This would be so wrong... I thought that I could do it, but now that I'm here without the cage and I can fuck her...{/i}"
pov "{i}I just can't do it... I can't fuck [amd]...{/i}"
"All this thinking and worrying is too much for you, so you decide to leave while you are still thinking straight before you change your mind and possibly fuck [amd]."
pov "{i}I can just come back later and fuck someone else... But not while she's here, it so hard to resist the temptation, even knowing that it's wrong...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ momfucked = False
$ momfuckpass = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if pussymomsexfirst:
"After filling up her pussy with your cum, you start thinking straight, and it seems like it would be best to stop before you go further..."
"After filling up her ass with your cum, you start thinking straight, and it seems like it would be best to stop before you go further..."
pov "{i}I need to stop.{/i}"
pov "{i}What if it's really her?{/i}"
pov "{i}And I just fucked her!{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to leave right now!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label momfuckass:
$ momfucked = True
pov "{i}I can't wait any longer, I want to fuck this tight ass!{/i}"
if pussymomsexfirst:
"I hope I'll last longer with her and then with her pussy and won't cum in a minute."
$ analmomsexfirst = True
hide momfuck_clitready
hide momfuck_rubbing_ass
show momfuck_ass 1
with dissolve
"You gently push your clit inside..."
"And then the tip of your clit gets enveloped by her warm, soft skin..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I'm actually going to do it!{/i}"
hide momfuck_ass 1
show momfuck_ass
with dissolve
"And a moment later, your whole clit is already inside of her, and you start fucking her ass pushing your whole clit deep inside and then almost pulling it out."
pov "{i}Oh fuck! She's so tight and feels so nice...{/i}"
show momfuck_ass fast
with dissolve
"Not able to resist, you increase the speed and start fucking her as fast as you can."
hide momfuck_ass fast
show momfuck_ass 5
show momfuck_ass_cum 1
with flash
hide momfuck_ass_cum 1
show momfuck_ass_cum 2
with flash
"And a couple of seconds later, you feel like you are going to burst with orgasmic pleasure and cum deep into her ass..."
if analmomsexfirst:
pov "{i}Fuck... It was like 1 minute of fucking... I can't believe that I came so fast!{/i}"
pov "{i}But her hole is so tight and warm...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's good that she can't see me now, it would be quite humiliating to see her reaction about the fact that I can't last even a minute while fucking her...{/i}"
pov "I can't believe it, it happened again!"
pov "{i}Only a minute passed, and I came again!{/i}"
hide momfuck_ass_cum 2
hide momfuck_ass 5
show momfuck_clitready
show momfuck_ass_cum 3
with dissolve
if scene_78 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 78 unlocked")
$ scene_78 = True
"You pull out your clit and watch the results of what you just did..."
"Your cum is slowly leaking out of her tight asshole..."
pov "{i}I can't believe I just did it!{/i}"
$ momassfuck = False
if mompussyfuck == False and momassfuck == False:
jump cleanmomafterfuck
jump momfuckmenu
label momfuckpussy:
$ momfucked = True
"Her pussy is so inviting that you can't resist anymore..."
if analmomsexfirst:
"I hope I'll last longer with her pussy then with her ass and won't cum in a minute."
$ pussymomsexfirst = True
hide momfuck_clitready
hide momfuck_rubbing_ass
show momfuck_pussy 1
with dissolve
hide momfuck_clitready
hide momfuck_rubbing_pussy
show momfuck_pussy 1
with dissolve
pov "{i}This is it! No going back now!{/i}"
pov "{i}God! Her pussy feels like heaven!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that this woman could be [amd] and I'm about to fuck her!{/i}"
if pussymomsexfirst:
hide momfuck_pussy 1
show momfuck_pussy
hide momfuck_pussy 1c
show momfuck_pussy c
with dissolve
"You don't want to wait anymore, so you burry your clit deep inside her wet pussy and start fucking her gently..."
pov "{i}Wow! This is one of the best feelings I've ever felt!{/i}"
pov "{i}I had no ide that pussy feels so nice inside...{/i}"
"And then you realize that it's actually the first pussy you've ever fucked!"
"The only thought that the first pussy you've fucked could be [amd]'s makes you so horny that you can't hold yourself and start fucking her like crazy!"
if pussymomsexfirst:
show momfuck_pussy fast
show momfuck_pussy fast c
with dissolve
pov "Ahhh..."
if pussymomsexfirst:
hide momfuck_pussy fast
show momfuck_pussy 4
hide momfuck_pussy fast c
show momfuck_pussy 4c
show momfuck_pussy_cum 1
with flash
show momfuck_pussy_cum 2
with flash
if pussymomsexfirst:
pov "{i}Fuck... It was like 1 minute of fucking... I can't believe that I came so fast!{/i}"
pov "{i}But her pussy is so wet and warm...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's good that she can't see me now, it would be quite humiliating to see her reaction about the fact that I can't last even a minute while fucking her...{/i}"
pov "I can't believe it, it happened again!"
pov "{i}Only a minute passed, and I came again!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I actually did it...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if it's actually her? And I just fucked her and came deep inside her pussy...{/i}"
"You pull out your clit and watch her pussy filled with your cum..."
if scene_78 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 78 unlocked")
$ scene_78 = True
hide momfuck_pussy 4
show momfuck_pussy_cum 3 zorder 100
show momfuck_clitready
with dissolve
$ mompussyfuck = False
if mompussyfuck == False and momassfuck == False:
jump cleanmomafterfuck
jump momfuckmenu
label cleanmomafterfuck:
hide momfuck_clitready
with dissolve
"Seeing both of her holes filled with her cum, you feel a strong desire to put your mouth over her sweet pussy and tight ass and lick it clean..."
pov "{i}I thought after cumming that I'd be thinking straight, but it looks so hot!{/i}"
pov "{i}And considering that I just fucked both of her holes, it would be nice of me to at least clean her before leaving...{/i}"
"Lick her clean":
if replay == False:
$ clitenlargcumeat += 1
"Like hypnotised, you lower your mouth on her pussy and asshole and start licking and sucking, trying to eat as much cum as possible..."
"The taste of your own cum mixed up with her pussy juices drives you crazy, and you can't stop licking her and pushing your tongue deep inside while trying to get as much of this yummy treat as possible..."
hide momfuck_pussy_cum
hide momfuck_ass_cum
with dissolve
"But after a while, you feel like she's completely clean, and there is nothing else left for you to lick up."
"You gently kiss her soft pussy lips and her tight asshole ❤❤❤..."
"...and leave."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 3
jump room
"Leave her filled with your cum":
"When you think about it more, it feels even hotter to leave her like that..."
"Fucked and with your cum getting absorbed by her pussy and ass..."
pov "{i}What if she's forced to be here and they didn't even let her take any birth control pills?{/i}"
pov "{i}And I'm leaving her like this, her pussy filled with my cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so wrong, but even the idea that you could impregnate her makes you horny...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 3
jump room
label fucksophie:
$ pisscleanunlocked = True
$ angrysophie = True
show bg fuck holes
with Dissolve(2.)
if momfucked:
"You go back to the butt-wall room again, hoping to find someone else to fuck today..."
if momfuckpass:
"You go back to the butt-wall room again, hoping that that [amd] or the woman who looks like her is no longer there and that you won't be tempted to fuck her..."
"You start looking around for some nice ass you could play with and then..."
"You see Sophie, standing on all fours and cleaning one of the pussies with her tongue."
label scene_79_playback:
show bg sophiedoggy 1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! This is hot... I've seen her cleaning girls and boys here like that, but now that I'm not wearing a cage, this view looks even hotter than before.{/i}"
"You know that while she's cleaning other sluts here, clients can freely fuck her, and she won't even turn around..."
pov "{i}Maybe this is my chance, and she could be one of the three persons that I need to fuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}As long as I do it quickly and roughly like I'm one of the clients and quickly leave, she won't know that I did it...{/i}"
pov "Otherwise she might not like it to find out she got fucked by a {i}sissy{/i}."
"You reach out to her skirt with your shaking hands and pull it up, exposing her holes..."
show bg sophiedoggy 2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}What a view!{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting fucked with all those dicks, it's nice to catch a break and enjoy a beautiful wet pussy...{/i}"
"Even though you are as horny as you can get and your clitty is extremely hard, you still hesitate to proceed further, worrying that you might get caught..."
"Do it!":
if replay == False:
$ clitenlargfuck += 1
jump fucksophiedoggy
"It might not be such a good idea...":
"As you are about to move away from her, she suddenly turns her head and looks at you..."
"Apparently, she was wondering why would anyone pull her skirt up and wouldn't fuck her..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg sophie angry
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "What the fuck?! [povname], what are you doing?"
sph "I thought it was one of the clients... Explain yourself!"
pov "I was just passing by..."
sph "And decided it would be a good idea to pull up my skirt and stare at my ass?"
pov "No, I was just..."
sph "Wait... Is your clit hard? Why aren't you wearing your cage? You wanted to fuck me, didn't you?!"
pov "No, I stopped and didn't do anything!"
sph "So you were trying to do it..."
sph "Don't show up here unless you are wearing a cage!"
sph "I don't want to get fucked by some sissy. You need to know your place!"
sph "It's on your knees with a dick in your mouth and not with your pathetic clit in my pussy!"
sph "Now go, until I lock you up with your ass in one of the holes..."
sph "And believe me, if I see you here again without a cage, that's what is going to happen to you!"
"You mumble that you're sorry and go back to your room..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}That was harsh...{/i}"
pov "{i}At least I've stopped myself just in time...{/i}"
pov "{i}Who knows how she'd react if I had actually fucked her.{/i}"
pov "{i}I have no idea how would I be able to find someone who would agree to get fucked by me...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm so scared! I don't want my dick to get even smaller! Everybody calls it a clit already; what will happen if it will get even smaller?{/i}"
$ banishedfrombuttroom = True
$ canfindfuckbtwr = False
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label fucksophiedoggy:
pov "{i}I might not have a chance like this in the future, especially considering that I have no idea for how long am I going to stay unlocked...{/i}"
if replay:
$ sophiefuckass = True
$ sophiefuckpussy = True
$ sophiefuckfirstass = False
$ sophiefuckfirstpussy = False
label fucksophiemenu:
"Fuck her ass" if sophiefuckass:
$ sophiefucked = True
$ sophiecumass = True
if sophiefuckfirstpussy == False:
$ sophiefuckfirstass = True
$ sophiefuckass = False
pov "{i}Her asshole looks so inviting... I bet it's very tight!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't wait any longer; I want to be inside it now.{/i}"
show sophiedoggy_anal 1
with dissolve
pov "{i}Fuck! She is tight.{/i}"
pov "{i}And it seems like she doesn't mind... She must be used to getting fucked like this all the time...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if she'll notice that I'm much smaller than all these men around here.{/i}"
show sophiefuck_ass sl
hide sophiedoggy_anal 1
with dissolve
pov "{i}I don't know for how long will I be able to last...{/i}"
pov "I'm so sensitive after wearing this cage for so long!"
"Try your best to last longer":
pov "{i}I feel like if I go any faster, I will instantly cum!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to enjoy it more.{/i}"
"You try your best not to cum..."
"But you've managed to last only a couple more moments..."
"And the next second, you are already over the edge..."
"Just enjoy the moment":
pov "{i}I feel like if I go any faster, I will instantly cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels too good to stop.{/i}"
show sophiefuck_ass fast
with dissolve
"You increase the speed, and it instantly brings you over the edge."
"And the next thing you know is that you start pumping cum into her ass."
show sophiedoggy_anal 5
hide sophiefuck_ass
show sophiedoggy_anal_cum 1
with flash
show sophiedoggy_anal_cum 2
with flash
pov "{i}Fuck! That felt amazing!{/i}"
if scene_79 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 79 unlocked")
$ scene_79 = True
if sophiefuckfirstass:
"You see Sophie pausing for a moment, apparently surprised that you've cum so fast, as she usually gets fucked here for a really long time, but then she decides to continue eating out the pussy..."
hide sophiedoggy_anal
show sophiedoggy_anal_cum 3
with dissolve
jump fucksophiemenu
if replay:
jump scenes
jump gotcaughtfuckingsophie
"Fuck her pussy" if sophiefuckpussy:
$ sophiefucked = True
$ sophiecumpussy = True
if sophiefuckfirstass == False:
$ sophiefuckfirstpussy = True
$ sophiefuckpussy = False
pov "{i}Her pussy looks so soft and inviting...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's just perfect, I want to kiss and suck her lips all day long...{/i}"
pov "{i}But not now, today I can have something even better!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to feel my dick inside her.{/i}"
show sophiedoggy_pussy 1
with dissolve
pov "{i}Oh god! IT feels even better than I could imagine!{/i}"
"Even though you could tell that she usually gets fucked by much larger dicks her pussy still feels incredibly nice..."
hide sophiedoggy_pussy 1
show sophiefuck_pussy sl
with dissolve
"You slowly start fucking her wet pussy, enjoying every moment of it."
pov "{i}I hope that the injection will actually work and I'll have a proper dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm not even sure that she feels any pleasure because of how small I am...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
"You try not to think about how small you are comparing to the real men and try to enjoy the moment as much as you can."
"But very soon, you feel that you are getting closer to orgasm and start increasing the speed."
show sophiefuck_pussy fast
with dissolve
pov "{i}I can't take it no more, I'm going to cum!{/i}"
hide sophiefuck_pussy fast
show sophiedoggy_pussy 4
show sophiedoggy_pussy_cum 1
with flash
show sophiedoggy_pussy_cum 2
with flash
"You try your best not to moan, so she doesn't recognize your voice."
pov "{i}I had no idea that it would feel that good...{/i}"
if scene_79 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 79 unlocked")
$ scene_79 = True
if sophiefuckfirstpussy:
"You see Sophie pausing for a moment, apparently surprised that you've cum so fast, as she usually gets fucked here for a really long time, but then she decides to continue eating out the pussy..."
hide sophiedoggy_pussy
show sophiedoggy_pussy_cum 3
with dissolve
jump fucksophiemenu
if replay:
jump scenes
jump gotcaughtfuckingsophie
"Stop before you get caught" if sophiefuckfirstass or sophiefuckfirstpussy:
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You decide that it would be best to stop right there before you get caught and gently lower her skirt back down..."
"Apparently, Sophie got surprised by all this situation and how quickly you've finished with her holes and decided to check who you are..."
jump gotcaughtbyangrysophie
label gotcaughtfuckingsophie:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Apparently, because of how fast you came once again, she thought that it was bizarre and decided to check who was fucking her..."
label gotcaughtbyangrysophie:
show bg sophie angry
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "What the fuck, [povname]?!"
sph "Are you out of your mind? Who said that that you could fuck me?"
sph "And where the fuck is your cage?"
pov "Sophie, I'm sorry! Please, don't be mad! You were so hot standing like that and eating out that girl; I just couldn't hold myself."
sph "Couldn't hold yourself? I would be ok if you tried to fuck some other girls here... But me?"
sph "I have no desire to get fucked by some pathetic sissy!"
sph "No wonder I got surprised when I felt your clit inside me; I thought that some guy wanted to finger me!"
sph "And then I felt your little useless thing cum inside me, and I got really suspicious, who would have such a small dick?"
sph "And the funniest thing about all of this is that you've lasted for like thirty seconds!"
sph "You are fucking useless! Who would ever want to get fucked by you?"
sph "You are an embarrassment!"
sph "Pathetic... You should be ashamed of yourself!"
sph "You shouldn't even try fucking women, sissies like you have to {i}get{/i} fucked, not the other way around."
sph "And now I'm filled with your sissy cum..."
sph "I want you on your knees right now!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "You don't even want to argue, so you immediately do as you are ordered to..."
"You watch Sophie taking off her skirt, and it's not hard to guess what you'll be doing soon..."
label scene_80_playback:
show bg sophiecleanholes
if sophiecumass:
show sophiecleanholes_cum_ass
if sophiecumpussy:
show sophiecleanholes_cum_pussy
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "I want you to eat all of your disgusting sissy cum!"
if scene_80 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 80 unlocked")
$ scene_80 = True
sph "I don't want even a drop of it to stay in my body!"
if replay:
$ clitenlargcumeat += 1
sph "Do it! Now!"
pov "{i}This is one of the most humiliating moments of my life...{/i}"
pov "{i}I had no idea that she could be so harsh.{/i}"
pov "{i}Am I really such an embarrassment? And no woman would ever want to get fucked by me?{/i}"
pov "{i}What if this is my place? Eating cum... and getting fucked by real men?{/i}"
sph "What are you waiting for, sissy?!"
sph "I said, eat your fucking cum!"
"Brought back to the reality from your thoughts by her words, you bring your mouth to her holes and start licking all the cum that you can get..."
"Trying to insert your tongue as deep as possible to clean her out from inside as well."
"As she's standing above you, it's not so difficult to do as most of the cum just leaks out of her right into your mouth..."
"And all that is left for you to do is to swallow your own cum..."
"Even though you are not as aroused as you were before cumming, you still get turned on by this situation and get hornier with every moment."
"For some reason, getting forced to eat your own cum and being humiliated like that feels {i}good{/i}."
"Maybe it's because you've started to enjoy eating cum lately, or maybe you are just getting used to the thought of being a sissy, and you've started to like it..."
hide sophiecleanholes_cum_pussy
hide sophiecleanholes_cum_ass
with dissolve
"...you do your best with cleaning Sophie from your cum, and soon enough, there is no more cum left for you to eat..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg sophie angry
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "That's better."
sph "Now listen to me! I don't want to see you here unless you are wearing a cage like a {i}proper sissy{/i}."
sph "If I see you here without it again, I'm going to lock you up with your ass through one of the holes, and you'll know what your real place is."
sph "Understood?"
"You mumble that you are very sorry and that you won't show up here without your cage again and leave."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}At least I didn't end up with my ass in one of the holes...{/i}"
pov "{i}It will be much more difficult to find someone to fuck now that I don't have access to that place...{/i}"
$ banishedfrombuttroom = True
$ canfindfuckbtwr = False
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label pisscleanpunishmnt:
$ pisscleanunlocked = False
$ banishedfrombuttroom = False
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go down to the butt-room, but almost immediately, you bump into Sophie..."
"Maybe I should have waited a bit more so she could become less angry with me..."
show bg sophie angry
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "You again!"
sph "You fucker! I'm still angry with you!"
sph "You know, it might be good that you've decided to come down here; I've come up with a good punishment for you..."
sph "Answer me this question... How do you think all these people who are stuck with their butts in the wall go to a toilet?"
pov "{i}That's quite a strange question... I wonder where she is going with this...{/i}"
pov "Hmmm... I'm not sure; I guess their butts get cleaned before they get to spend their time here, and if they want to piss, they just wait to get free?"
sph "Wrong! Quite a lot of them spend too much time here to be able to wait for that long... and no matter how much you punish them or force them not to pee, some of them will eventually break down and wet themselves."
sph "And as your dumb sissy brain might have guessed, most clients wouldn't like to fuck an ass covered in piss..."
sph "You see, when you came here, I quite liked you, so I didn't tell you about this part of our job because I took pity on you."
sph "But here is the thing, all the maids who work here have to serve as a toilet for all these sluts."
sph "Before you've tried to fuck me, I've served them all by myself and didn't force you to do it. To be honest, I didn't mind it, and I find it quite fun sometimes..."
sph "But now, I want to see you being used as a toilet! I hope this will teach you a lesson."
sph "So what you are going to do..."
sph "You are going to come up to each one of those butts one by one, drop to your knees, and give them a signal that it's time to pee..."
sph "It's really up to you if you drink their pee or spit it out in the toilet... but I don't think your mouth is big enough to hold the whole portion of the pee, especially considering that they haven't peed for more than half a day already, so they must be full..."
sph "So do what you want, but make sure that there is not a single drop of piss on the floor; otherwise, I will make you lick everything up, believe me..."
sph "And also, you are not allowed to use anything except your mouth, no bottles, no cups, only your dirty sissy mouth."
sph "Now, do it! I'll be watching you closely..."
"If you wish, you can skip this event"
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Keep playing":
"You are shocked at what she wants you to do... but you definitely don't want to argue with her as she's really angry with you now."
"And you're pretty sure that if you start arguing with her, she'll come up with such a punishment that pee drinking would seem like a dream in comparison."
"So there is not much you can do, except getting closer to the first butt that will be using you as a toilet..."
pov "{i}Fuck... Can't believe what I'm about to do...{/i}"
label scene_102_playback:
show bg pisscleanpunishmnt_wmn
with Dissolve(2.)
"You come to the nearest butt, drop to your knees, spread her pussy and get ready to receive your first portion of piss..."
"You've never tasted piss before, but you are sure that it's not going to be pleasant..."
"There is really no point in prolonging the inevitable, so you give her a signal and wait right over her pussy with your mouth open."
"She's been obviously waiting for it for quite some time because as soon as you give her a signal, she gives you a really strong stream of piss right into your mouth."
show pisscleanpunishmnt_wmn_piss 1
with dissolve
"You try not to breathe and just sit there with your mouth open and getting it filled up with some random woman's piss."
"Trying not to think about this salty piss taste, you just hope that your mouth would be enough to hold the whole portion, so you don't have to swallow and can just go and spit it into the toilet..."
"But it seems that luck is not on your side here, and you feel like it's getting too much and that the piss will soon overflow your mouth."
"You avoid drinking it for as long as possible, but soon it becomes so much of it that it spills on your face and clothes..."
"You don't want to make any mess as you're sure that Sophie will make you lick everything up..."
"... so you start swallowing..."
if scene_102 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 102 unlocked")
$ scene_102 = True
pov "{i}Eww... it's so salty... the taste is really strange...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that my mouth is being used as a toilet!{/i}"
"Fortunately, she can't keep pissing forever, so she stops after a while..."
show pisscleanpunishmnt_wmn_piss 2
with dissolve
"While she was peeing into your mouth, some piss got on her skin, and now you have to make sure that she's completely clean."
"So you lean in closer with your mouth and start licking all the piss drops that didn't get into your mouth..."
"Even though you feel disgusted by the taste and the whole situation, for some reason, it feels like you are getting turned on more and more..."
pov "{i}I'm just hoping that I'm getting turned on because of her pussy and not because of all this humiliation...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go from one ass to another, patiently waiting for all these guys and women to relieve themselves into your mouth..."
"At first, you were trying not to swallow right away to see if you could keep it in your mouth, but all of them had too much piss for your mouth to hold, and it kept spilling onto your face and clothes."
"So after a while, you realized that it would be much more simple to drink it right from their piss hole, so you don't get even dirtier than you are now and that you don't have to spend so much time cleaning them afterwards."
"There are so many of them that you are forced to drink liters and liters of piss, so to be able to serve them all, you had to spend all day there, getting your stomach full with piss, waiting for it to pass your system, running to the toilet and repeating the whole process over and over..."
"By the end of the day, you start to feel like you are getting used to the taste and that it's not that bad..."
"But you are still hoping that Sophie won't make you do it again..."
"After the last portion of piss, you make sure that Sophie is satisfied with your work and go back to your room."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label buttroom_empty_stall:
"As you clean all those asses from cum, you pass by an open door that leads to one of the stalls."
"The doors are always closed, and you've never seen what it's like to be on the other side."
"Are all these people forced to stay there as a fuck toy? Are they tied up?"
"Well, now is your chance to know..."
"Take a look inside":
"You are too curious to pass such an opportunity, so you come closer and take a look inside."
jump buttroom_empty_stall_check
"Ignore it and get back to work":
"You decide that it might be better to ignore it and get back to work."
"Even though you are curious to see what's behind that door, you think that it's better to concentrate on your work, so you don't get punished by [sph]."
"The rest of the day passes quickly and without any events."
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "You did great today! Here is your pay for the day."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label buttroom_empty_stall_check:
label scene_126_playback:
show black
with d
"It's empty right now, and nobody's inside."
"There is a soft bench, and right above it is some kind of shackles, where your ankles are supposed to be when you're lying on the bench."
"After spending all day licking pussies, assholes, and cute dicks covered in cum you are really horny, and a thought crosses your mind..."
pov "{i}I wonder, how would it feel to lie there with your ass sticking out on the other side of the wall...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I should try it? ...just to see if it's comfortable...{/i}"
"Better go back to work":
"You decide that it might be better to ignore it and get back to work."
"Even though you are curious to lie there, you think that it's better to concentrate on your work, so you don't get punished by [sph]."
"The rest of the day passes quickly and without any events."
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "You did great today! Here is your pay for the day."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Try it out":
#if replay == False:
#$ buttroom_empty_stall = False
pov "{i}Well, it's not like someone is going to fuck me right away, if someone comes I can just get up and get out of here...{/i}"
"You decide that it would be logical to get the \"full experience\" and take off your maid uniform."
"Then you lie down, trying to stick out your ass from the hole."
pov "{i}It's actually really comfy... Now I see how they can spend all day lying like that...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if anyone's looking at my ass on the other side.{/i}"
"But as you lie there thinking, you hear a clicking sound right above you..."
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos 0.1
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
ypos 0.1
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
ypos 0.1
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes open at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth closed at top
with d
pov "{i}What the fuck?!{/i}"
"You try to move your legs, but they are kept in place by the shackles..."
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at truecenter
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
# ypos 1.
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at truecenter
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at truecenter
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at truecenter
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at truecenter
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at truecenter
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at truecenter
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at truecenter
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at truecenter
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at truecenter
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at truecenter
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at truecenter
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes open at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth closed at truecenter
with move
pov "{i}Fuck, it seems like they are automatic and lock up as soon as you put your ankles in them, or they are controlled from some other place...{/i}"
pov "{i}What do I do now?{/i}"
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
# ypos 1.
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes open at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth closed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.3
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
ypos -.3
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
ypos -.3
with move
"As you lie there thinking what to do..."
"... you hear a low voice form the other side of the wall..."
man "Nice... a fresh new sissy-hole!"
pov "..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.69
with move
"And then you feel something thick and warm rub against you ass-cheeks and your hole..."
pov "Wait, wait! I'm not here to..."
"And then before you finish, you feel him force its way inside you!"
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.76
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at center
with dissolve
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos .76
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at top
with move
pov "{i}Mmmm... Fuck... Why do they always have to be so big?{/i}"
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.76
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at center
with move
"And then... he starts moving..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide1
pov "Ahhhh... Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}At least he's going slowly...{/i}"
pov "Please... Be gentle... Your dick is too big for me!"
"It's so big that you already start feeling like you'll cum soon."
"His every movement against your p-spot sends a huge amount of pleasure all over your body."
"And with every movement, you moan like a girl."
"Feeling that you've become loose enough, he starts to increase the speed and forces his dick deeper."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide2
"Even though it's only half of his length, you already feel like you are filled up as much as possible and that there is no way he could go deeper..."
"But, apparently, it's not nearly enough for him, so he starts moving even faster, trying to stretch your little hole enough for him to force his dick deeper."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide3
pov "Ahhhh... Please! It's too fast! You are too big!"
"But a moment later, the pain goes away, and you start feeling even more pleasure than before."
"He fucks you like that for a while and then starts going really deep..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide4
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at top
with move
"At this point, it's so much pleasure that you can't even say anything; you only moan louder and louder with each thrust as his huge manly cock penetrates you tight sissy-pussy..."
"To your surprise, as waves of pleasure wash over your body, your clitty is not hard at all..."
"... instead, it feels even smaller than usual, like it's about to slip out of its previously tight cage."
"And it feels like your tiny clitty fills up all the free space in your little cage with portions of your sissy precum."
"Despite that your clitty is completely flaccid, you feel on the edge of an orgasm..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth showingtongue at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes closed at top
with dissolve
"... and as soon as the man increases the speed once again and passes your p-spot with another forceful thrust, your body starts shaking, and you start screaming from pleasure..."
"At the same time, you feel his huge dick being forced as deep as possible as it's starting to twitch."
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth showingtongue at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes closed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at center
with move
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_1 at center
with flash
hide buttroom_stall_curious_dick
hide buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow
with dissolve
"After he's done fucking you, he slides his big cock out of your hole, and you feel more cum leaking out of you..."
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_1 at top
with move
"Soon enough, you feel another cock rubbing your cum-covered asshole..."
"It seems that they don't really care that you are filled up with someone else's cum, and they use it as a lube to fuck you..."
"You get fucked like that by one huge cock after another, and after what feels like hours of fucking you can't even moan; you lie there entranced from all the blissful pleasure..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_3 at top
"Your insides feel full even when you are not getting fucked as most of the men who's been using you came inside."
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_3 at center
with move
if scene_126 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 126 unlocked")
$ scene_126 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_127_playback:
show black
with d
alex "Well, well, well..."
alex "Enjoying yourself?"
"It seems that you've felt so much pleasure that you didn't even hear the door open and Alex come in..."
alex "I knew that you were a desperate sissy slut, but this..."
alex "Locking yourself up here willingly and spending all day getting fucked?"
alex "It's a nice surprise..."
pov "..."
"You are trying to say that you didn't do it on purpose and that you didn't lock up the shackles yourself... but only a soft moan comes out of your mouth instead of words..."
alex "This is really fun seeing you like that... but I guess it's time to let you out."
"As soon as she says that, you hear a clicking sound, and your ankles are free."
"You slide your ass out of the hole and get up from the bench."
"To your surprise, your ass, thighs and clitty are completely clean from cum..."
pov "{i}Probably one of the girls cleaned me up with her mouth... She even sucked out some of the cum from my hole, and it's not leaking out anymore...{/i}"
pov "{i}How didn't I notice that I was cleaned? I wonder if Sophie was the one who cleaned my ass.{/i}"
"You put back on your clothes and look at [alex]..."
alex "I'm thinking, your little adventure today might have changed your feelings about getting locked up here..."
alex "And now that you know how good it feels, it's no longer a scary punishment for you, and it's more like a reward."
alex "But you still have to stay motivated to earn money..."
pov "[alex], please, I promise, I won't stop earning you money that I owe."
alex "Yeah, probably, but I'd like you to stay really motivated."
alex "And I think fear is one of the best options, how I can keep you working hard..."
pov "..."
alex "Come on, I'll show you one of my other sissies..."
"Notice: the next scene contains castration fetish, and you'll be shown an image of a sissy without her little balls. If it's not for you, you can skip it :)"
"Skip it":
if replay:
jump scenes
$ casteration_meh = True
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"I want to see it":
"You get out of the booth and go through the room to one of the asses in the wall..."
"And as you come closer, your eyes widen in shock..."
show bg buttroom_castrated_sissy
with d
if scene_127 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 127 unlocked")
$ scene_127 = True
pov "What is this? Where are her balls?"
alex "Do you like it? Her balls are part of my collection now..."
alex "You probably know that people castrate their pets to keep them calm and obedient, right?"
alex "So I thought, why not to do the same with disobedient sissies?"
alex "And besides... it's not like they were useful in any way, she wouldn't be able to impregnate anyone, and even if they've produced any testosterone, sissies don't need that, so I was making her a favour by cutting off her little balls."
pov "This is crazy! How can you justify cutting off someone's balls? It's not like she's a pet!"
pov "You can't do that to people!"
alex "Well... as it turns out, I can."
alex "I even made her pay for it..."
alex "So, if you don't want your balls to end up in a jar on my desk, you better behave and continue working!"
"After saying that, she goes away, leaving you completely shocked..."
"And as you stay there, looking at this sissy's smooth skin where her balls used to be, you start wondering, how does she feel..."
pov "{i}Removeng her balls just to make her obedient...?{/i}"
pov "{i}This is crazy... And she didn't even have a say in it.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how she feels... Can she get hard? Can she orgasm now that her balls got removed?{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
"As you stand there, you start thinking..."
"Something about it turns you on...":
$ castration_hot = True
"For some reason, even though it seems crazy to you, you feel your clitty getting hard in its cage..."
pov "{i}Am I really getting turned on by this?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why thinking about being left without my balls make me horny?{/i}"
pov "{i}Becoming someone who can't reproduce at all... Completely removing the thing that produces testosterone in my body?{/i}"
pov "{i}Becoming a complete {b}sissy{/b}...{/i}"
"You stand there a little longer with those thoughts in your mind and decide to go back to your room."
"Notice: castration as a punishment is not implemented in the game yet, so MC's balls will stay with her, even if you don't have enough money to pay Alex... for now..."
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"Nope... not even a little bit...":
$ casteration_meh = True
pov "{i}Fuck... These people are crazy! I need to pay them as quickly as I can and leave this horrible place!{/i}"
"Notice: castration as a punishment is not implemented in the game yet, so MC's balls will stay with her, even if you don't have enough money to pay Alex. And in the future, there will be an alternative punishment if you are not into such a fetish :)"
$ dtime += 2
jump room
jump buttroom_empty_stall
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated:
"As you clean all those asses from cum, you pass by an open door that leads to one of the stalls."
pov "{i}Oh, one of the stalls is open again...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess if I wanted, I could spend some time there again♥{/i}"
"Enter the empty stall":
"You are too horny to pass such an opportunity, so you come inside, take off your clothes and make yourself comfortable on the small bench, putting your cute ass in the hole."
"As soon as your legs touch the shackles, you hear a click and just like that; you have no other option than to stay there and wait to get fucked."
jump fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck
"Ignore it and get back to work":
"You decide that it might be better to ignore it and get back to work."
"The last time I was there, it was pretty rough, so maybe another time."
"The rest of the day passes quickly and without any events."
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
sph "You did great today! Here is your pay for the day."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck:
$ counter_fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck += 1
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_1:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos 0.1
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
ypos 0.1
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
ypos 0.1
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes open at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth closed at top
with d
pov "{i}Can't believe I'm voluntarily doing this again...{/i}"
"You subconsciously try to move your legs, just to check if you are really locked, but they are kept in place by the shackles..."
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_2:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at truecenter
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
# ypos 1.
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at truecenter
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at truecenter
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at truecenter
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at truecenter
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at truecenter
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at truecenter
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at truecenter
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at truecenter
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at truecenter
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at truecenter
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at truecenter
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at truecenter
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at truecenter
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at truecenter
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at truecenter
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes open at truecenter
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth closed at truecenter
with move
pov "{i}I wonder how long I'll have to stay here before they unlock...{/i}"
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_3:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
# ypos 1.
#show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
# ypos 1.
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes open at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth closed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.3
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow:
ypos -.3
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2:
ypos -.3
with move
"...and then, a moment later, you hear a low voice from the other side of the wall..."
man "Nice... a fresh new sissy-hole!"
pov "..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.69
with move
"You feel something thick and warm rub against your ass-cheeks and your hole..."
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}Can't wait to feel it inside me.{/i}"
"You say to yourself as you feel him force its way inside you."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.76
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at center
with dissolve
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_4:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos .76
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at top
with move
pov "Ahhhh..."
pov "{i}Mmmm... Fuck... It's so big!{/i}"
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_5:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick:
ypos -.76
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at center
with move
"And then... he starts moving..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide1
pov "Ahhhh... Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}I'm glad he's starting slowly.{/i}"
pov "Please... Be gentle... Your dick is huge!"
"It's so big that you already start feeling like you'll cum soon."
"His every movement against your p-spot sends a huge amount of pleasure all over your body."
"And with every movement, you moan like a girl."
"Feeling that you've become loose enough, he starts to increase the speed and forces his dick deeper."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide2
"Even though it's only half of his length, you already feel like you are filled up as much as possible and that there is no way he could go deeper..."
"But, apparently, it's not nearly enough for him, so he starts moving even faster, trying to stretch your little hole enough to force his dick deeper."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide3
pov "Ahhhh... Please! It's too fast! You are too big!"
"But a moment later, the pain goes away, and you start feeling even more pleasure than before."
"He fucks you like that for a while and then starts going really deep..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at butt_room_move_slide4
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_6:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at top
with move
"At this point, it's so much pleasure that you can't even say anything; you only moan louder and louder with each thrust as his huge manly cock penetrates your tight sissy-pussy..."
"To your surprise, as waves of pleasure wash over your body, your clitty is not hard at all..."
"... instead, it feels even smaller than usual, like it's about to slip out of its previously tight cage."
"And it feels like your tiny clitty fills up all the free space in your little cage with portions of your sissy precum."
"Despite that your clitty is completely flaccid, you feel on the edge of an orgasm..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth showingtongue at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes closed at top
with dissolve
"... and as soon as the man increases the speed once again and passes your p-spot with another forceful thrust, your body starts shaking, and you start screaming from pleasure..."
"At the same time, you feel his huge dick being forced as deep as possible as it's starting to twitch."
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_7:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth showingtongue at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes closed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow at center
with move
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_1 at center
with flash
hide buttroom_stall_curious_dick
hide buttroom_stall_curious_dick_shadow
with dissolve
"After he's done fucking you, he slides his big cock out of your hole, and you feel more cum leaking out of you..."
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_8:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at top
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at top
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at top
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at top
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at top
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at top
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at top
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at top
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at top
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at top
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at top
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at top
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at top
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at top
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at top
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at top
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2 at top
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_1 at top
with move
"Soon enough, you feel another cock rubbing your cum-covered asshole..."
"It seems that they don't really care that you are filled up with someone else's cum, and they use it as a lube to fuck you..."
"You get fucked like that by one huge cock after another, and after what feels like hours of fucking you can't even moan; you lie there entranced from all the blissful pleasure..."
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_3 at top
"Your insides feel full even when you are not getting fucked as most of the men who's been using you came inside."
label fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck_image_9:
show bg buttroom_stall_curious_1 at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_longbg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidsbg red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_tailsbg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair_braidbg red at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_2 at center
if clitsize == "small":
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cage blue at center
if breasts == 'a':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts a at center
if breasts == 'b':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts b at center
if breasts == 'c':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts c at center
if breasts == 'd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_breasts d at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blck at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns brwn at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blnd at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns blue at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns pink at center
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair buns red at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidtailsfg red at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blck at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg brwn at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blnd at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg blue at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg pink at center
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair braidsfg red at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blck at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short brwn at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blnd at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short blue at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short pink at center
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair short red at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blck at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg brwn at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blnd at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg blue at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg pink at center
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair longfg red at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blck at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails brwn at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blnd at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails blue at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails pink at center
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_hair pigtails red at center
if color == 'blnd':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blnd at center
if color == 'brwn':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows brwn at center
if color == 'blck':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blck at center
if color == 'red':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows red at center
if color == 'blue':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows blue at center
if color == 'pink':
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyebrows pink at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_eyes halfclosed at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_mouth slightlyopen at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_blush_3 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_2 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_1 at center
show buttroom_stall_curious_cum_3 at center
with move
#if scene_126 == False:
# $ renpy.notify("Scene 126 unlocked")
# $ scene_126 = True
#if replay:
# jump scenes
#label scene_127_playback:
show black
with d
if counter_fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck > 2 and fuck_wall_use_unlocked == False:
$ fuck_wall_use_unlocked = True
sph "There you are..."
"It seems that you've felt so much pleasure that you didn't even hear the door open and [sph] come in..."
sph "I've been looking for you everywhere."
sph "No wonder all those holes are full of cum."
sph "You are here to clean them up, not become one of them."
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry... I was just curious..."
sph "Curious... yeah, right."
sph "Next time, you can just ask if you want to spend the day as one of the holes for use."
sph "This way, someone else will be on the clean-up duty."
sph "And I might even pay you for getting fucked here."
pov "{i}...that might be a good idea...{/i}"
"You make a mental note to yourself that if you want to spend a day in the fuck-wall getting fucked, you can ask [sph] to let you work like that."
"After that, [sph] unlocks the shackles and leaves."
"It feels like you've spent hours getting fucked here over and over, so you don't even have any energy to clean up."
"So you take your clothes and go to your room all covered with sticky cum ♥♥♥"
"Even though you feel like the dirtiest slut in the world with your whole lower body covered in cum, you can't make yourself take a shower as you collapse on the bed and sleep like that until morning."
"When you wake up in the morning, you feel very horny when you see the huge amount of dried up cum on your bedsheets."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
#alex "Well, well, well..."
#alex "Enjoying yourself?"
#"It seems that you've felt so much pleasure that you didn't even hear the door open and Alex come in..."
"After what feels like hours, the shackles unlock, and you are finally free..."
"You are not sure how long you've been there getting fucked over and over, and you don't even have any energy to clean up."
if fuck_hole_worker:
"So you just take your clothes, collect your payment from [sph] and go to your room all covered with sticky cum ♥♥♥"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ fuck_hole_worker = False
"So you just take your clothes and go to your room all covered with sticky cum ♥♥♥"
"Even though you feel like the dirtiest slut in the world with your whole lower body covered in cum, you can't make yourself take a shower as you collapse on the bed and sleep like that until morning."
"When you wake up in the morning, you feel very horny when you see the huge amount of dried up cum on your bedsheets."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label fuck_hole_work:
$ fuck_hole_worker = True
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go down to the fuck-wall room and tell [sph] that you want to be one of the holes for use today."
if fuck_hole_worker_first_time:
$ fuck_hole_worker_first_time = False
jump fuck_hole_work_first_time
if breasts_torture_first_time and breasts == 'd':
$ breasts_torture_first_time = False
jump breasts_torture_first_time
"She smiles and leads you to one of the empty stalls with a small soft bench."
show black
with d
"You remove your clothes, put your cute ass through the hole and let your ankles get fixed in the shackles."
jump fuck_wall_empty_stall_repeated_fuck
label fuck_hole_work_first_time:
sph "Well... I'm not surprised."
sph "Follow me..."
label scene_187_playback:
show black
with d
"You follow her through the fuck-wall room with many people in different positions with their holes ready to be used by anyone until you come to an empty hole."
sph "This one is different from the one you've spent time in the last time."
sph "Today, you'll be bent over, with the lower half of your body on this side and the upper part on that side."
"She helps you get into the position and locks up your hands in the holes above your ass."
label image_fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_1:
show bg fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_precum:
xpos 1.0
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit normal
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage small
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage normal
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage big
with d
"Even though there is no bench for your body to rest on, to your surprise, it feels strangely comfortable, and it shouldn't be too much trouble to stay like this for a while."
label image_fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_1:
show bg fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face
if breasts == 'a':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts d
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_head
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_mouth closed
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows pink
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyes open
with d
pov "{i}I wonder, how long I'll have to stay here like this...{/i}"
"Then you feel a strange feeling on your ass cheek. Like someone is writing something on it...?"
label image_fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_2:
show bg fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_precum:
xpos 1.0
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit normal
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage small
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage normal
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage big
with d
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_1
with d1
pov "What is that? Are you writing something on me?"
sph "Don't worry about it; every time a new slut comes to spend a day in the fuck-wall, I create a small event and let clients write anything they want on the slut."
sph "Here, hold this, and make sure not to drop it."
sph "If someone wants to write something on your ass or legs, they'll use it."
"After that, she gives you a marker, and you just hold it with your hand."
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_pen
with d1
"Then, she lightly spanks the ass cheek that she's written on and leaves."
sph "Enjoy!"
label image_fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_2:
show bg fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face
if breasts == 'a':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts d
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_head
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_mouth closed
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows pink
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyes open
with d
"Only a moment passes when you feel some big rough hands on your ass..."
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyes halfclosed
with d1
man "Haven't been used yet... Nice!"
"And without any preparations, he forces his big hard dick inside you!"
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyes wide
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_mouth open
with d1
pov "Ahhhh... Fuck..."
pov "{i}He is so big!{/i}"
man "Nice and tight! Just as I like it."
label image_fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_1:
show bg fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_cage red
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_cage pink
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_cage blue
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_cage blue
with d
"His cock is so big that he has trouble moving inside you while your tight hole tries to adjust to its size."
"You are wrapped around his big dick so tightly that you can feel each slightest pulsation of it as it slowly moves inside you."
pov "{i}Fuck... This feels so good.{/i}"
pov "{i}Every time I have a dick inside me, it makes me feel complete ♥♥♥{/i}"
pov "{i}It's like a piece of a puzzle that I'm missing...{/i}"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_spank
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
man "Such a good tight sissy pussy!"
"He says as he spanks your ass."
"As your hole gets wider and wider to accommodate his massive tool, he rubs, grabs and spanks your cute sexy ass more and more."
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_red
with d1
"You can't stop moaning the whole time."
"At some point, when his dick no longer has any trouble entering your hole, you even try to rock your ass and hips to take it deeper and harder."
"This goes on for a while, and then you feel his cock twitching and shooting its hot load into your hungry hole..."
with flash
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_fuck_cum
with flash
"You already felt more than full with the massive dick inside you, but after he shot his load, it feels even better..."
label image_fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_3:
show bg fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face
if breasts == 'a':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_breasts d
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_head
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_mouth tongue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair base red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyebrows pink
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_eyes closed
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_face_saliva
with d
pov "{i}Fuck, if one dick turned me into such a horny mess, what will happen to me by the end of the day...{/i}"
"As you stand there drooling with your creampied ass, you can't wait for the next dick to occupy your hole."
"And you don't have to wait long before you feel another hot rod on your skin about to penetrate you and rough hands grabbing hold of ass cheeks..."
label image_fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_3:
show bg fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_precum:
xpos 1.0
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit normal
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_clit big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage small
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage normal
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cage big
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_spanking
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_1
with d
"It goes on like this over and over, you get fucked by a dick after dick..."
"Your hole adjusting to the shape and size of each new intruder before getting creampied again..."
"Some of them come to fuck you and move on to another hole to use and some of them decide to mark you with their hot seed and to leave another degrading writing on your helpless ass as they use you for their pleasure."
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_2
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_2
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_3
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_3
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_4
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_4
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_5
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_5
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_6
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_6
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_7
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_7
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_writing_8
with d1
show fuck_wall_bent_over_fuck_ass_cum_8
with d1
"By the end of the day, your ass has been stretched and fucked so many times that you can't even feel it..."
"It seems that [sph] intentionally decided not to clean you up, so you stay covered with cum of each man who decided to mark you."
if scene_187 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 187 unlocked")
$ scene_187 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"By the time she comes to let you out, you are barely conscious from all the pleasure, and you feel like in a trance and don't realise completely what's happening to you when she gives you your pay and lets you go back to your room."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
"After getting the money, you take your clothes and go to your room all covered with sticky cum ♥♥♥"
"You collapse on your bed without the slightest care as your bed sheets get soaked up with the huge amount of cum from your body."
"As you drift off to sleep, you continue to get fucked in your dreams..."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label fuck_room_no_cage:
label scene_218_playback:
show black
with d
"You go down the elevator to the fuck-room."
pov "{i} It seems I'm safe for now, Sophie nowhere to be fou...{/i}"
sph "Hey, [pov]!"
pov "H-hey S-Sophie!"
pov "I w-was just... doing... coming... here..."
sph "What's wrong with you?"
sph "Why do you look so worried?"
pov "NO! I perfectly looking fine good!"
sph "What?"
pov "I just said I'm okay."
sph "Yeah, right..."
sph "So how's your locked up clitty doing?"
pov "WHA-... It's... i-its fine, nice and locked with the lock stuff..."
sph "Show me."
pov "Please, [sph]..."
sph "I. Said. SHOW ME."
"You expose your free clitty for her and immediately start begging her for forgiveness..."
sph "So that's how you want to play?"
sph "Come on, follow me."
"You quietly follow her until she stops near some weird glass table and a small soft bench under it."
pov "What is this?"
"The glass table looks a bit weird and has some part cut out of it."
"She removes the top and tells you to get naked and lie on the couch..."
pov "[sph], please, I..."
sph "Lie down."
pov "..."
"You do as you are told before you get into more trouble."
"And then she bends your legs up and puts the glass \"table\" on top of you, and right after that, you hear a click."
show bg fuck_wall_fuck_tray
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg long red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg braid red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hairbg tails red
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_dick:
ypos 2.0
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_mc
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_eyebrows pink
if breasts == False:
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts d
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_glass
if breasts == 'a':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts_glass a
if breasts == 'b':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts_glass bd
if breasts == 'c':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts_glass bd
if breasts == 'd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_breasts_glass bd
if breasts == 'a':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_nipples a
if breasts == 'b':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_nipples bd
if breasts == 'c':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_nipples bd
if breasts == 'd':
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_nipples bd
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_feet
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_clit big
with d
pov "What is happening?"
with hpunch
"You try to move but are completely stuck under the glass..."
"Only your hands, feet and head can move a little."
"[sph] doesn't say anything; instead, you see her grab a red sharpie and write something on the glass."
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_writing
with d1
sph "That's better."
sph "I hope a day under the glass will teach you how to disobey my orders and come here without the cage."
"After saying that, she leaves..."
pov "No, please..."
pov "{i}What did I get myself into?{/i}"
man "Another fresh hole to fuck..."
"You can't see who said that, but you are sure he's talking about you..."
"Your ass is contracting in anticipation as you realise that you are about to get fucked, and fucked a lot..."
pov "Please, let me out, I'll be a good girl, and I'll wear my cage..."
man "Oh yeah, you'll be a good girl with my dick inside you..."
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_dick:
ypos .1
with d1
pov "Fuck..."
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_dick:
ypos 0.
with hpunch
"He pushes his dick inside you with one hard motion without any preparations."
pov "A-AH~!! NGH~~ fuck!"
"And as you can't move anywhere, the only thing left for you is to take the dick and moan like a slut."
"He starts fucking you as hard as ever as you beg him to slow down and be gentle."
man "Why would I? I'm lucky to find a fresh unfucked hole here. I might as well enjoy it to the fullest."
"Being helpless like this and looking in the eyes of the person fucking you is completely different from when you were stuck with half of your body on the other side of the wall..."
"And it makes you extremely horny..."
"Being so vulnerable so... exposed!"
pov "{i}Mmmmm! Fuck! I can't! I can't hold it anymore... I-I'm about to-...{/i}"
with flash
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 t
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 s
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 a
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 b
with flash
"And just like that, you receive an anal orgasm..."
pov "{i}I've never cum so fast from getting fucked in my life!{/i}"
man "Wow, you are a quick shot!"
"But I'm not even near the end, so you'll have to get comfy while I fuck you some more!"
pov "{i}This is going to be a long day...{/i}"
show black
with d
"This goes on and on; he fucks you for many more minutes until he finally cums all over the glass."
hide black
if clitsize == "tiny":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 t
if clitsize == "small":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 s
if clitsize == "normal":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 a
if clitsize == "big":
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_1 b
show fuck_wall_fuck_tray_cum_2
hide fuck_wall_fuck_tray_dick
show black
"But your now stretched hole doesn't stay empty for long and more men, and women with dicks come to fuck you..."
if scene_218 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 218 unlocked")
$ scene_218 = True
hide black
with d
"And by the end of the day when [sph] finally comes to release you, you've had at least three anal orgasms, your ass is full of cum, and the glass top is also marked by the seed of people who fucked you."
sph "I see you've been quite popular today..."
pov "..."
"You want to say something, but you are too exhausted by all the fucking, and besides, you feel very good... even though your ass is sore."
show black
with d
"As soon as she releases you, you go back to the room and collapse on the bed without even taking a shower."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
screen mombuttwallspanking:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt mom_spanking_l.webp"
hover "images/bt mom_spanking_l.webp"
action Jump("mom_spanking_l")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt mom_spanking_r.webp"
hover "images/bt mom_spanking_r.webp"
action Jump("mom_spanking_r")
xpos 0
ypos 0
xalign 0.97 ypos 45
action Jump("momspankingbuttwallstop")
text _("That's enough") style "button_text" size 50
label breasts_torture_repeat:
show bg sophie
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go down to the fuck-wall room and tell [sph] that you want to let clients use your breasts for their fun today."
"She smiles and leads you to one of the empty stalls with a small hole in the wall for your breasts."
"After you put your breasts through the hole, [sph] restrains you so you can't move away."
jump breasts_torture_repeat_2
label breasts_torture_first_time:
sph "You know, with such big breasts, you could try another kind of fun..."
sph "How would you feel letting clients play with them today instead of your ass?"
pov "..."
pov "I guess it could be interesting..."
pov "Okay, I'll try it."
sph "Great, follow me."
label scene_248_playback:
scene black
with d
"You follow her to one of the stalls and instead of the usual big hole for your ass, you see a smaller one, designed to fit only breasts."
sph "Come closer and put your breasts out through the hole..."
sph "I'll still have to restrain you for this, so you can't move away and let the clients have their fun."
pov "...okay."
"You come closer to the hole and push your breasts out."
"After that, [sph] lock you up in place and you can no longer move away from the opening in the wall as your breasts rest comfortably, sticking out on the other side of the wall."
label breasts_torture_repeat_2:
scene bg wall_breasts_torture
with d
pov "{i}I hope they won't be too rough with my breasts...{/i}"
pov "{i}They got so sensitive when they got bigger... especially my nipples.{/i}"
"Your thoughts get interrupted by the sound of the door closing and you realise that [sph] has left..."
"And not so long after that, you feel big rough hands grabbing your breasts..."
pov "Ouch! Not so rough, please!"
pov "{i}I'm not even sure if they can hear me from behind the wall...{/i}"
"The man on the other side continues to play with your sensitive breasts and starts pulling your nipples."
"For a moment he does it not so roughly but after a while it becomes a bit painful..."
"And then he starts to pull them really hard!"
pov "Why do you have to be so rough?!"
pov "It hurts..."
"It seems that he probably heard you and stopped pulling..."
pov "Thank you..."
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
with hpunch
"But him stopping pulling wasn't actually a good sign, because a moment later you get a first slap."
pov "A-AH~!!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
with hpunch
"And then he does it again and again, every time doing it harder than the previous time."
show wall_breasts_torture_marks_3:
alpha .3
with d
"With each slap your breasts feel hotter and hotter and by this point they probably become red."
"And then suddenly stops..."
with flash
show wall_breasts_torture_cum_3
with flash
pov "{i}D-did he just cum...?{/i}"
"After you feel hot drops of cum on your skin, he doesn't slap your breasts anymore and apparently left..."
"But it doesn't take long before another person shows up."
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
with hpunch
pov "Fuck! Again?!"
pov "{i}Are they all going to slap me?{/i}"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
with hpunch
show wall_breasts_torture_marks_3:
alpha .6
"But then instead of slapping your breasts he decided to do something different this time and another type of pain goes through your right breast..."
show wall_breasts_torture_marks_2
with d
pov "Ouch! Is he using some time of stick to do this?!"
with flash
show wall_breasts_torture_cum_2
with flash
"But this time it doesn't take as long for him to cum as the previous guy and you feel another portion of cum on your breasts"
"It goes on like this again and again and more people come to torture your poor sensitive breasts."
show wall_breasts_torture_marks_4
with d
"As they cover your breasts with more cum."
with flash
show wall_breasts_torture_cum_1
with flash
pov "Ahhh..."
show wall_breasts_torture_marks_3:
alpha 1.0
show wall_breasts_torture_marks_1
with d
with flash
show wall_breasts_torture_cum_4
with flash
if scene_248 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 248 unlocked")
$ scene_248 = True
pov "{i}God, my nipples hurt so much now, and my breasts are burning!{/i}"
pov "{i}I've been here for hours!{/i}"
"But luckily, you hear the door open and see [sph] coming to let you free."
"But before she unlocks you, you feel two hands grabbing your nipples!"
"And as you try to move away they hold your nipples even tighter."
"Try to pull away":
"You pull even harder, and your nipples finally get free from his hands, but it felt very painful this time as they refused to let you go and you had to pull away really hard!"
pov "Ouch! Aaaaaa!"
"Stay there for a bit longer":
"It seems that he knows that you are about to leave and doesn't want to let you do it."
"He stays like that for a couple more minutes holding your nipples hard."
"And you decide to wait patiently..."
"And after a while, he becomes too bored or tired and as soon as his hold isn't as strong anymore, you manage to pull away without too much pain."
if replay:
jump scenes
scene black
with d
sph "Good girl..."
sph "I hope you've enjoyed being tortured like that..."
sph "If you like, you can come do it again here, as long as your breasts remain as big or become bigger."
sph "And here is your pay for the day."
$ breasts_torture_unlocked = True
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label adr_panties_jerk_off:
label scene_148_playback:
show black
with d
"You take it out from under the pillow and look at it..."
pov "{i}Hmmm... Strange.{/i}"
pov "{i}It looks like I've found a pair of panties...{/i}"
pov "{i}But these are not mine.{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't have leopard panties.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I know who does...{/i}"
pov "{i}These are [adr]'s! It seems that she got fucked so good that she even forgot to put on her panties and went away without them.{/i}"
"The thought of [adr] going outside without panties, remembering how she got fucked right in front of you made you so horny that your clitty became hard right away."
"Without even thinking about it, you bring her panties to your nose and take a deep breath..."
pov "{i}Fuck... They smell so good, so intoxicating...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can feel the smell of her beautiful pussy.{/i}"
pov "{i}If only I could bury my face in it right now and eat her out...{/i}"
"As you think about [adr]'s wet pussy, you take her panties and start rubbing your clitty with them, imagining how good it would feel if you could rub your little clitty against her pussy..."
show bg adr_panties_jerk_off
with d
pov "{i}Mmmmm... They feel so nice on my skin...{/i}"
pov "{i}Still can't believe that these are [adr]'s... And that I've seen her without them...{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting fucked by that huge hard dick.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how it would feel to get fucked by it?{/i}"
"As you imagine that big cock penetrating you, you start jerking off faster."
pov "{i}What if next time [adr] brought two men to fuck her... fuck us...{/i}"
pov "{i}We would look into each other's eyes, as big dicks would penetrate our holes...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe we could kiss while getting fucked...{/i}"
pov "{i}And I could tell her how much I enjoy getting fucked in front of her... Watching her getting fucked...{/i}"
pov "{i}And we could cum at the same time, just from getting fucked.{/i}"
pov "{i}And then, I'd have to clean all of them up. [adr]'s sweet pussy, and both of the dicks that would have fucked us...{/i}"
"The thoughts of you eating cum out of [adr]'s pussy and then cleaning up dicks made you so horny that you couldn't hold anymore and started shooting your sissy-cum..."
show adr_panties_jerk_off_cum 1
with flash
show adr_panties_jerk_off_cum 2
with flash
pov "{i}Fuck... No wonder [adr] would never let me fuck her...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't even hold myself from cumming while jerking off!{/i}"
pov "{i}At least no one saw me cum so fast, and it's not as humiliating as it could be.{/i}"
if scene_148 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 148 unlocked")
$ scene_148 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You clean up and go to sleep."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
$ adr_panties = True
jump room
label adrienne_teasing_first_time:
"While in your room, you suddenly hear a knock on your door..."
pov "{i}This is strange... I wasn't expecting any clients now, and it's not the time when usually [alex] comes.{/i}"
pov "Come in, please."
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "[adr]?"
pov "Why are you here?"
pov "Fuck... is [tom] here again too?"
adr "Hi, [pov]. No, it's only me this time."
pov "..."
pov "Can I help you with anything?"
pov "I don't think you are here as a client, right?"
adr "Well, I had to pay so they would let me come here... but I'm not here to have sex with you, obviously."
pov "{i}... obviously...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Well, this is humiliating...{/i}"
pov "How can I help you, then?"
"After her last visit with [tom], you feel heartbroken... She let him fuck her right in front of you... but you still love her."
"But you are trying not to show your feelings, keeping a cool detachment. At least that's how you want to make it look."
adr "I don't know... something is wrong with me... after the last time I was here, I can't stop thinking about you..."
"Hearing that, you can't keep your emotions hidden, and your eyes widen in shock..."
"Knowing that she's thinking about you sends a warm feeling inside you."
"But then, seeing how you react, she understands that you've heard that not like she intended..."
adr "No, I'm sorry, not like that... I should be more clear... I mean, I'm worried about you."
adr "You've changed so much... looking like a slutty girl; you've chosen this life, the life of a prostitute, instead of studying with us at the university?"
adr "Is this really what you want?"
pov "What?! No! I've told you, I'm here against my will! Why don't you believe me?"
adr "[pov], please... you need to be honest with me..."
adr "If it's really who you are, just embrace it, be honest with the people you know."
adr "To be honest, the thought of someone being so perverted that they would change their whole life to become a slut and get fucked every day..."
adr "... it's hot..."
pov "What?!"
adr "... especially if that someone was a boy before..."
pov "Are you saying that you get turned on knowing that I'm getting fucked and suck dicks?"
adr "... well... maybe?"
adr "But you need to be honest with me; you need to admit that you are the one who chose this life, not that someone made you do it..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I don't know what to say... [adr] admitting to being turned on by me as a consenting sissy slut?{/i}"
"Admit that you've chosen to become a sissy slut":
$ adrienne_i_am_a_sissy_slut = True
pov "..."
pov "Yes... I chose this life... I like it... I like sucking cocks and getting fucked..."
adr "[pov]! This is great! I'm so proud of you!"
pov "Wait... What?!"
adr "Yes! I am really proud of you! Thank you for opening up to me..."
adr "I'm sure you feel much better after telling the truth!"
pov "{i}Truth? It's not true... It's not my choice... there was nothing I could do... right...?{/i}"
adr "Now that you've opened up to me... I think it would be only fair if I did the same..."
adr "That day, when we were here with [tom]... and he... fucked me right in front of you..."
adr "Well... I got insanely turned on..."
pov "{i}Nice... beat me when I'm down...{/i}"
adr "But not because of [tom]. It had nothing to do with him."
adr "It was because of you..."
pov "What? Are you serious?"
adr "At first, I didn't realise it... After that moment, nothing got me so horny as the thought of me getting fucked in front of you..."
adr "While you watch someone's cock slide in my pussy, knowing that your little clitty will never be able to feel what it's like..."
pov "That's crazy! Why would it turn you on?! That's humiliating!"
adr "I guess that's why it turns me on! Knowing that I'm the love of your life and seeing me getting fucked by someone..."
adr "I get wet just by talking about it!"
adr "Come on! I want to see it! Show me that pathetic little clitty!"
pov "{i}She wants to see my clitty now? Am I someone who gets turned on when I see the girl I love getting fucked right in front of me?{/i}"
"Show her your pathetic clitty. It does turn you on, knowing that you'll never be able to fuck her.":
$ adrienne_i_am_a_sissy_cuck = True
jump adrienne_show_your_sissy_clitty
"No. Maybe I am a sissy slut, but I'm not some cuckold. Seeing Adrienne getting fucked breaks my heart.":
$ adrienne_im_not_a_sissy_cuck = True
pov "I'm sorry [adr]... Maybe it turns you on, but not me."
pov "I can't watch you getting fucked..."
pov "It's not for me..."
adr "Really? I thought you were enjoying it that day..."
adr "Well... I guess I should better leave then."
adr "We could have had so much fun together..."
show char_adrienne:
xpos 1.65
with move
"And just like that, she leaves..."
"Something tells you that you won't see her again... at least not here."
jump room
"Deny it and tell her the truth":
$ adrienne_im_not_a_sissy_slut = True
pov "I'm sorry [adr], but that's not true, I didn't choose it!"
pov "These people keep me here so I can pay back my dad's debt."
adr "..."
adr "It's a pity... I thought that you do love me, that at least you'd open up to me if I came here alone..."
pov "..."
pov "Why don't you believe me?"
adr "Why? Because it sounds crazy. And you clearly enjoy it; you can't hide it. I saw you eat [tom]'s cum."
adr "Well... I guess I was wrong; you aren't ready to be honest with people you know... with someone you love."
adr "I should better leave..."
adr "Good luck with your new life, [pov]..."
"And like that, she leaves..."
show char_adrienne:
xpos 1.65
with move
"Something tells you that you won't see her again... at least not here."
pov "{i}Maybe I should have lied to her?{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe that way, she'd spend time with me... or would even have sex with me...{/i}"
pov "{i}She did say that it turns her on.{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I'll never know what would have happened if I said that it was my choice.{/i}"
jump room
label adrienne_show_your_sissy_clitty:
"Even though you are very humiliated by the whole situation, at the same time, you are extremely turned on..."
label scene_121_playback:
show black
with d
"You sit on the edge of the bed, revealing you locked up clitty..."
"[adr] gives you a smile and sits on the floor beside you, grabbing your little clitty cage with her two fingers."
if clitsize == "small":
show bg adrienne_show_your_sissy_clitty pink
show bg adrienne_show_your_sissy_clitty blue
with d
if scene_121 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 121 unlocked")
$ scene_121 = True
adr "Ha! Even though I've seen it already, I still can't believe how small it is..."
adr "And I've thought that [tom]'s dick was quite small... but comparing to {i}this{/i}, it's actually big!"
"As she says that, you feel a drop of precum leaking out of your cage right on her fingers..."
adr "Haha! You even leak like a girl!"
adr "I was going to say that the next time I'll come to visit you with a {i}real man{/i}, to show you what a {i}real dick{/i} looks like..."
adr "But something tells me that you see what a real dick looks like every day here while you get fucked."
"She smiles, looks you in the eye and gives you a wink."
"You look back in her eyes, blushing and with a smile on your face."
adr "But I guess I'll come to visit you with a {i}real man{/i} next time anyway..."
adr "I get so horny that I wouldn't mind getting fucked right now... while you watch."
pov "... next time?"
adr "Yeah. You are such a good sissy, opening up to me like this."
adr "I feel like it would be fun if I continue visiting you and having some fun..."
adr "But... that reminds me. I do want to keep visiting you. But with these prices at this place, I don't think I'll be able to afford it..."
adr "I'm just a student girl; it's not like I make hundreds of dollars while getting fucked all day..."
"After saying that, she looks you in the eyes, waiting for you to reply."
pov "{i}Is she expecting me to pay for her visits?{/i}"
pov "{i}She wants to come here with another man, get fucked right in front of me and wants me to pay for it?{/i}"
pov "{i}And I wouldn't even pay her... I would pay the brothel!{/i}"
"Tell her that you'll cover the expenses for her visits":
if replay == False:
$ adrienne_i_will_pay = True
pov "How about I pay for your visits?"
adr "Would you do that? [pov], that would be great!"
pov "By the way, how much would it cost me? So I know how much money I should prepare in case you decide to visit me."
adr "Well, they take $150 just to visit you and an extra $50 for a cab for me..."
pov "{i}Fuck... That's quite a lot... And she even wants me to pay for her cab?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess there is nothing I can do now.{/i}"
pov "{i}I do want to see her again.{/i}"
adr "Luckily, such an amount of money wouldn't be a problem for my rich little slut."
adr "You must be making tonnes of money here!"
adr "Ok, now for the best part! For your reward for today!"
pov "My reward?"
adr "Yeah, I wasn't going to do anything like that, but you've been such a good sissy-girl today that I thought why not..."
adr "Especially considering how horny I am now and that there are no men with dicks here..."
"This last remark should feel humiliating and maybe insulting, but deep down, you realise it is true..."
"There are no men here, and that little thing between your legs is definitely not a dick..."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump adrienne_cunni_reward
"Pretend that you didn't get the hint":
if replay == False:
$ adrienne_i_wont_pay = True
pov "That's a pity... What should we do then?"
adr "Well, I guess there is nothing {i}we{/i} can do... if you would appreciate my visits, you'd know what to do..."
show black
with d
"As she says that, she rises, gives your locked up clitty a last glance and leaves without saying anything else..."
pov "[adr], wait!"
"But she's already gone, apparently offended that you didn't want to pay for her visits..."
pov "{i}I don't think those couple of extra hundred dollars was worth it...{/i}"
"Something tells you that you won't see her again... at least not here."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump room
label adrienne_cunni_reward:
label scene_122_playback:
show black
with d
"You watch her rise to her feet, and then she starts taking off her clothes..."
"Your eyes widen in shock as you didn't expect her to do it."
"When she's naked, she sits on the edge of the bed in a very inviting pose with her legs wide open, showing her wet pussy to you."
show bg adrienne_cunni_reward 1
with d
adr "Didn't see it coming, did you?"
pov "..."
pov "Your pussy is so beautiful..."
adr "My pussy? Is it the only thing that you find beautiful in me?"
pov "No, no! Of course not!"
adr "Haha! I'm just kidding!"
adr "Come closer, I want to cum already!"
pov "{i}Can't believe that I'm about to lick her pussy...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe lying to her and agreeing to pay for her visits were worth it.{/i}"
"You come closer and sit beside her on the floor."
"Then you look her in the eyes and slowly move your lips closer and closer to her pussy..."
adr "What are you doing?"
pov "What? Mmm... I was going to lick your pussy..."
adr "Haha! Why would you think that I would let you do it?"
adr "Unless it's filled up with man's cum, you are not licking it. That's the rule."
pov "Really? Then what did you want me to do?"
adr "I was thinking something more appropriate for a sissy like you..."
"As she says that, she wiggles her toes and smiles."
adr "I want you to show me how much you love me..."
adr "Why don't you kiss and lick my foot while I play with my pussy and bring myself to orgasm?"
adr "Also, don't forget to suck on my toes. I like it so much..."
"Licking her pussy would be amazing, but worshipping her feet isn't bad too."
"You give her a smile and move your lips to her foot, starting to kiss it passionately."
adr "Mmmmm... good girl."
adr "Show my perfect feet the love they deserve."
"You slowly open your mouth and start licking her soles with your tongue."
"Slowly moving from her heel to her toes, until one of them ends up in your mouth and you start sucking it..."
show bg adrienne_cunni_reward 2
with dissolve
"As you do that, you hear [adr] moan and the next moment, her hand start playing with her perfect wet pussy..."
adr "Just imagine... next time you might be enjoying some hot sweet cum mixed up with my juices right from my tight pussy."
"As you hear her say that, you start sucking her toes even harder, massaging them with your tongue at the same time."
adr "Yeah... Mmmmm... suck my toes!"
adr "I bet you can't wait to see me fucked by a manly guy with a big dick!"
adr "Stretching out my perfect pussy and filling it up with his hot seed!"
show bg adrienne_cunni_reward 2
with flash
show bg adrienne_cunni_reward 2
with flash
if scene_122 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 122 unlocked")
$ scene_122 = True
"As she's screaming that, you feel her body shake in orgasmic pleasure..."
"It seems she was so turned on that she only needed a couple of strokes on her clit to bring her over the edge..."
"You let her toes out of your mouth and see her blushing and smiling face."
"Even though there was no stimulation for you, you feel happy that you were a part of her orgasm."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
adr "Fuck... That was... amazing!"
adr "Now I can't wait to do it again, but with some real dick in my pussy as you suck my toes..."
adr "... or his balls."
"She winks at you and collapses on the bed..."
"You continue sitting down there on the floor, happy to enjoy the view of her perfect wet pussy."
"She lies like that for a couple of minutes and then rises and begins to put her clothes back on."
"While she does that, you remember that you have to give her the money for her visit..."
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though she said that she wants $200 from you, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though she said that she wants $200 from you, you feel like you owe her much more, just for the chance to look at her...{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope $500 would make her happy with me.{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Wow, my little slut feels generous today? I guess keeping you horny and without any release is a good thing."
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label adr_visit_2:
$ adr_counter = 0
$ adr_find_panties = True
#show black
#with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "[adr]?"
pov "Wasn't expecting to see you today..."
pov "But I'm happy you are here!"
adr "That's sweet. I'm sure you'll be even happier when you see who I brought with me today..."
label scene_139_playback:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After her words, you see a big muscular man come into your room."
pov "..."
pov "Hello..."
man "Hey, girl."
adr "This is one of my friends. I thought you'd be happy to meet him."
adr "Especially after my previous visit here."
adr "I've had so many fantasies about how you'd be watching me getting filled up with some strong man's cum, that I've decided to make it all a reality..."
"After saying that, she drops to her knees, and the man comes right near her."
"She slowly unzips his pants and reveals his huge dick..."
show bg adrienne_show_dick 1
with d
pov "..."
pov "{i}That thing is huge!{/i}"
pov "{i}Is she really going to have sex with him in front of me?{/i}"
adr "Haha! If only you could see the look on your face now."
adr "Do you like it?"
adr "Look how big it is..."
adr "Your little clitty is nothing compared to this perfect big cock..."
"Then she starts slowly rubbing and jerking it with her hand."
show bg adrienne_show_dick 2
with dissolve
adr "Fuck! Even I didn't expect it to become even bigger. I thought it was already hard..."
pov "{i}Wow! This is crazy...{/i}"
"And as you look at that huge dick, your mind gets filled up with all kinds of perverted thoughts..."
"You can't help but imagine how you'd suck it, how you would run your tongue along the shaft and how you would play with those massive balls."
pov "{i}Would I be able to take it in my sissy hole? It looks too big for me...{/i}"
"Then, you notice a knowing look on [adr]'s face. It feels like she knows what you are thinking about..."
adr "Heh, you look so cute when blushing! I bet you really want to share this dick with me, don't you?"
adr "Come on, give this perfect cock a nice loving kiss!"
"You stand there, not knowing what to do... You really want to feel your lips on that perfect dick..."
"But something stops you, for some reason, you can't do it in front of [adr]..."
adr "Really? Are you going to miss such an opportunity?"
pov "..."
adr "Suit yourself."
adr "I guess I'll have this perfect dick all for myself!"
"Kiss it":
"A million thoughts rush through your mind as you come closer and drop to your knees."
pov "{i}Am I really going to kiss another man's dick in front of the girl I'm in love with?!{/i}"
pov "{i}And if I do, will I ever have any chance of being with her after it?{/i}"
pov "{i}But I can't stop, I can't control myself, I want to feel my lips on this perfect dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want [adr] to see me kiss it...{/i}"
"And as you are bringing your face closer to the dick about to kiss it, [adr] laughs and slaps your face and your lips with it lightly."
"You gasp and stand there surprised on your knees, feeling his hot hard cock on your face with each playful slap..."
adr "Haha! Did you really believe that I would share such a perfect dick?"
adr "I want it all to myself!"
if scene_139 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 139 unlocked")
$ scene_139 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_140_playback:
show black
with d
"With those words, she quickly stands up and takes off all of her clothes."
adr "I'm so horny, I won't even suck it! I want it in my pussy right away!"
adr "I can't wait for it to get stretched by this huge thing... to get filled up with his hot cum!"
"After saying that, you see her getting into your bed and raising her little ass up in the air, waiting to get penetrated right in front of you."
"And she even positioned herself so she could look right into your eyes as that big hard cock is entering her tight pussy."
"You see the man getting behind her and slowly pushing his massive cock in her pussy."
show bg adrienne_doggy
with d
adr "Oh my God! Ahhh..."
"It seems that she tried to look into your eyes as his cock was sliding in her pussy, but apparently, it's so big that she can't even open her eyes..."
adr "Please, fuck me with your perfect huge cock!"
pov "{i}Wow, she took it all in her pussy...{/i}"
pov "{i}How many times was she fucked with dicks like that before?{/i}"
adr "Mmmm... Do you... ahhh... like what... you see, [pov]?!"
adr "Ahh... do you like watching the girl you love... mmmm... getting fucked while you stand there and watch?"
pov "..."
adr "I bet you wish you could fuck me like that... But you can't! Ahh... Only real men can fuck girls like me!"
"As you watch her getting fucked with that huge dick, you realise that your little clitty is already as hard as it can be and has started leaking like crazy."
pov "{i}Fuck! This is so hot!{/i}"
adr "Mmmm... why don't you ask him to fuck me harder, ha?"
pov "..."
adr "Do it! I want my tight little pussy to get fucked even harder, and I know you want to see it."
"Ask him to fuck [adr] harder":
pov "..."
pov "...Please, could you fuck her harder?"
adr "And why are you asking him to do it?"
pov "...Because I'm not a real man, and I'm not able to fuck girls..."
pov "So I'm asking him to fuck your little pussy as hard as possible..."
"After saying those words, you feel a warm feeling inside you."
pov "{i}Why does it feel so good to admit that?{/i}"
pov "{i}How can it feel good? I love her, and I see her getting fucked right in front of me...{/i}"
pov "{i}I know I should feel jealous, but for some reason, seeing how good his huge dick makes her feel brings me even more pleasure.{/i}"
"Stay silent":
pov "..."
adr "Seriously? You are not able to fuck me... and you can't even ask a real man to fuck me?"
"And after that, you see the man increasing the speed and smashing his huge shaft into [adr]'s pussy."
adr "Ohhh... Ahh...!"
"Soon enough, [adr]'s moans turn into screaming..."
"He continues to fuck her like that for a while... And you see [adr] shaking with one orgasm after another."
"And right when it feels like [adr] is about to pass out from the exhaustion, you see him slam his dick hard as deep as possible."
#show bg adrienne_doggy
with flash
with flash
"And then you see all the pleasure on [adr]'s face as her pussy is getting filled up with hot cum..."
if scene_140 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 140 unlocked")
$ scene_140 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_141_playback:
show black
with d
"He spends some more time with his dick in [adr]'s pussy, then takes it out, and you see a stream of cum dripping out of [adr]'s gaping pussy..."
adr "Mmmmm... it feels... so good! I'm so full of his hot manly cum. You'd never be able to fuck anyone like this, [pov]..."
"Her words should hurt you, but instead, you have some strange nice feeling inside as you hear her say that..."
"You realise that she's right, you'd never be able to make her feel that good with your pathetic little clitty."
"And then you look at the man's dick again as he's sitting on the edge of the bed..."
show bg adrienne_dick_clean_up_1
with d
pov "{i}Fuck... how can it be so big?!{/i}"
pov "{i}And how was she able to fit it all in her pussy?{/i}"
pov "{i}It looks so beautiful, so yummy all covered in his hot cum and [adr]'s pussy juices.{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to taste it so bad!{/i}"
adr "I know what you are thinking about..."
adr "This dick needs to be cleaned up after all the fucking."
adr "Be a good girl, clean it up for me..."
"Lick his dick clean":
pov "..."
pov "{i}Am I really going to do it?{/i}"
pov "{i}First, I watched her get fucked right in front of me... and now I'm about to eat cum and lick his dick clean while she watches...{/i}"
adr "Oh, come on, I know you can't wait to taste it!"
adr "No need to think about it so hard..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Well, fuck it! I want it too bad...{/i}"
"You drop to your knees in front of him and start licking up all the cum ropes from his cock."
pov "{i}I can't believe how good it tastes...{/i}"
pov "{i}It is so sweet and so hot.{/i}"
show bg adrienne_dick_clean_up_2
with dissolve
adr "Good girl! Now I think you should clean it even better..."
adr "It's still covered in my pussy juice."
"As you hear her say that, you start licking and sucking it even harder, trying to eat all her juice from the cock..."
show bg adrienne_dick_clean_up_3
with dissolve
"After a while, it feels like it's completely clean."
adr "I bet you loved it! Maybe next time, I'll also let you clean my pussy..."
adr "But today, I feel like I want to stay with his cum inside me for the rest of the day."
pov "..."
"Even though you really want to suck this dick clean, it feels too embarrassing..."
"First, she got fucked right in front of you, and now, she'll see you eat cum and suck this dick..."
pov "I'm sorry, I can't do it..."
adr "Oh, how sweet... being shy?"
adr "I guess I could do it. It looks too tasty to pass."
"And after saying those words, you see her kneel in front of him and lick up the ropes oh cum from his dick."
show bg adrienne_dick_clean_up_2
with dissolve
adr "Yumm!"
"After that, she starts sucking his cock and balls to clean it up from her pussy juices."
show bg adrienne_dick_clean_up_3
with dissolve
adr "I'm sure you are regretting not doing it yourself..."
adr "Maybe next time, hehe."
if scene_141 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 141 unlocked")
$ scene_141 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Then, the man gets up, puts on his clothes and leaves."
"[adr] gets dressed too and is about to leave."
$ dtime += 1
if dtime == 1:
show bg room day
if dtime == 2:
show bg room evening
if dtime >= 3:
show bg room night
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with d
"And then you remember that you have to give [adr] money for the visit..."
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are such a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like you owe her much more...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Thank you, baby! It's so nice to see how much you love me!"
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
jump room
label adr_visit_3:
$ adr_counter = 0
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "Hello! I'm so happy you decided to visit ♥♥♥"
pov "..."
pov "...I ...I've missed you"
adr "Hah, that's sweet. I felt horny today, so I've decided to have some fun again..."
adr "And as you might've guessed, I'm not alone!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After her words, you see a big muscular man come in your room."
"It's a different man, not the one who fucked her last time."
pov "{i}Is this how it is from now on...?{/i}"
pov "{i}I'll watch her get fucked by man after man, as I never get even a chance to have her...?{/i}"
pov "{i}But there is nothing I can do... Even though it really hurts every time, I still love her...{/i}"
pov "{i}... and I... I want her to feel good...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess it would be wrong if I wanted her to be with me.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm no match to this guys...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... I can't even compare myself with them, as... I'm not... I'm not a guy.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm a girl... I'm a sissy...{/i}"
"As you hear your thoughts to your surprise, you feel a warm feeling starting to spread from your stomach and going over your body..."
"But then, you snap back to reality, seeing [adr] lying on your bed completely naked."
"As she lays there, the man comes closer, taking off his shirt and revealing his huge muscles and then dropping his pants..."
pov "{i}Fuck... He is already hard! And his dick is huge... I can't believe that I'm going to watch her get fucked by another dick like that.{/i}"
adr "I've decided to do something special today..."
adr "I'm not sure if you try to deny it in your head, but you obviously love cum..."
adr "So... I thought it would be hot to watch you lick it up... from my cute sexy feet!"
label scene_158_playback:
show bg adrienne_footjob
with d
"And then, you see the man coming closer to her while she extends her legs and grabs his dick with her beautiful feet."
pov "..."
"You don't know how to react, as you didn't expect her to do something like that, and you surely didn't expect that she will want you to eat cum from her feet today..."
"...so you just stand there with your clitty getting harder and harder with each move of her feet against that huge dick..."
adr "Just look how big his cock is!"
adr "It's almost twice as long as my foot!"
adr "Not like what you have between her legs..."
adr "That this is probably smaller than my toe! No wonder it's locked up in its cute little cage, haha!"
adr "Tell me, what would you like to lick more? My cute feet or his massive dick?"
pov "..."
adr "Hahaha! Still speechless? His dick had the same effect on me when I saw it for the first time."
adr "If only you knew how good it was to feel him inside my holes..."
adr "He already fucked me twice today, and I still want more!"
adr "Don't worry, even though he already came today, I'm sure he has a huge load in his perfect balls for you to eat."
"As you hear her say that, you feel your mouth watering..."
pov "{i}Do I want to eat his cum this bad?{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm sure it's only because I'm going to eat it from her feet...{/i}"
pov "{i}But should I do it? I know she gets horny from all of this...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it's still hard to accept it for me... Knowing that I won't be with her...{/i}"
pov "{i}That she doesn't see me like someone she would have sex with.{/i}"
pov "{i}And eating cum from her feet... it will only show her what a sissy slut I am even more.{/i}"
"Even though your mind is filled with so many conflicting emotions, you still can't take your eye off his big cock and her feet."
"You can't help but wonder how nice it would feel to take his big tip in your mouth and feel toes brush against your lips as she strokes his dick while you suck it."
adr "Hah! I knew that you won't be able to take your eyes away from a show like this..."
adr "It's good that I've sucked his dick for at least an hour before we got here; otherwise, it could go on for a long time..."
adr "As he can fuck me for hours without cumming, he's a real man..."
adr "Not some premature ejaculator like you..."
adr "Surprised that I know that about you? Hehe... guess what, it's just obvious. I'm sure you'd cum right away if your clit would touch my pussy for even a second."
adr "Luckily, I'm sure you don't get to use that useless thing anymore and won't disappoint anyone..."
adr "I think I should stop thinking about your pathetic clit and focus more on a real dick."
"As she says that, she starts increasing her speed and rubs his dick with her feet harder and faster."
"Even though it's a lot of effort for her to give him such a foot job, she's enjoying it, as you can judge by her soaking wet pussy..."
adr "Please, shoot your hot cum all over my little feet..."
adr "I want to feel it on my skin!"
show adrienne_footjob_cum 1
with flash
show adrienne_footjob_cum 2
with flash
adr "Mmmmm... so hot! Now I start to feel jealous of you... about to eat this big yummy treat!"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_158 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 158 unlocked")
$ scene_158 = True
label scene_159_playback:
show bg adrienne_cum_on_feet
show adrienne_cum_on_feet_cum
with d
adr "Are you ready to eat all of this hot cum?"
pov "..."
adr "I think you should hurry; the sooner you lick it all up, the tastier it is!"
adr "While it's still hot!"
if scene_159 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 159 unlocked")
$ scene_159 = True
"Eat it":
pov "..."
"You slowly bring your face closer to her feet and stop..."
"As you inhale the smell of her cum-covered feet, your head starts to spin from arousal..."
"You part your lips and open your mouth, sticking out your tongue."
adr "Good girl!"
"And then she pushes her feet against your face!"
"Spreading cum all over it!"
pov "Hey!"
adr "Don't worry! You'll eat it all; I just want to rub my cum-covered feet against your face first..."
"Then she proceeds to collect all the cum that she spread over your face with her toes and brings them to your tongue, forcing them in your mouth for you to eat portion after portion of cum."
pov "{i}I can't show her how much I enjoy what's happening now!{/i}"
pov "{i}And this man... He's laughing at me... God! This is so humiliating...{/i}"
pov "{i}First he fucks [adr], and now he watches me eat his cum from her feet!{/i}"
pov "{i}But... For some reason, it feels so hot... eating cum, while they watch me...{/i}"
pov "{i}Being exposed like that, showing what a dirty cum-slut I am!.{/i}"
"You try to keep a neutral expression as you realise that if you try to show that you don't like it, it would be too obvious that you are pretending..."
"As you eat more and more cum from her feet, she slowly cleans up your face with her toes and soon enough, both your face and her feet are completely clean from cum."
hide adrienne_cum_on_feet_cum
with dissolve
adr "See? I'm sure you've enjoyed it! You are just afraid to show me your true nature."
adr "But you are still a good girl!"
pov "I only did it because you've promised to suck my clit! ...I mean my dick..."
adr "Why would you think that I would do something like that?"
pov "Because you've promised!"
adr "Hah! I'd never promise anything like that! I said \"what if I promissed\"."
pov "..."
adr "We both know that you liked it! So quit making a scene."
"As she says that, you start blushing and look down, trying not to look at her as you are too embarrassed by the whole situation."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump after_adrienne_cum_on_feet
pov "..."
pov "{i}Even though I want to eat it really bad... I can't do it! Not like this...{/i}"
pov "{i}It seems like it's hard to accept it all for menu.{/i}"
pov "{i}I love her... I want to be with her...{/i}"
pov "{i}And I can't let her see me like this!{/i}"
pov "{i}Eating some man's cum from her feet.{/i}"
pov "{i}This guy fukced her! And now I have to eat his cum? From the feet of the girl that I'm in love?{/i}"
pov "Sorry... I can't do it."
adr "..."
adr "Cum on... I know how much you want to do it! It would make me happy if you did it!"
pov "No... I won't do it, and I don't want to do it."
pov "{i}I don't want her to see me like this... To show her my true nature.{/i}"
adr "What if I had a reward for you? Even though I think eating cum from my feet is already a great reward..."
adr "But what if I promised to suck you little clitty if you show me what a good little cum-slut you are and eat all the cum?"
pov "..."
"Eat it":
pov "..."
"You slowly bring your face closer to her feet and stop..."
"As you inhale the smell of her cum-covered feet, your head starts to spin from arousal..."
"You part your lips and open your mouth, sticking out your tongue."
adr "Good girl!"
"And then she pushes her feet against your face!"
"Spreading cum all over it!"
pov "Hey!"
adr "Don't worry! You'll eat it all; I just want to rub my cum-covered feet against your face first..."
"Then she proceeds to collect all the cum that she spread over your face with her toes and brings them to your tongue, forcing them in your mouth for you to eat portion after portion of cum."
pov "{i}I can't show her how much I enjoy what's happening now!{/i}"
pov "{i}And this man... He's laughing at me... God! This is so humiliating...{/i}"
pov "{i}First he fucks [adr], and now he watches me eat his cum from her feet!{/i}"
pov "{i}But... For some reason, it feels so hot... eating cum, while they watch me...{/i}"
pov "{i}Being exposed like that, showing what a dirty cum-slut I am!.{/i}"
"You try to keep a neutral expression as you realise that if you try to show that you don't like it, it would be too obvious that you are pretending..."
"As you eat more and more cum from her feet, she slowly cleans up your face with her toes and soon enough, both your face and her feet are completely clean from cum."
hide adrienne_cum_on_feet_cum
with dissolve
adr "See? I'm sure you've enjoyed it! You are just afraid to show me your true nature."
adr "But you are still a good girl!"
pov "I only did it because you've promised to suck my clit! ...I mean my dick..."
adr "Why would you think that I would do something like that?"
pov "Because you've promised!"
adr "Hah! I'd never promise anything like that! I said \"what if I promissed\"."
pov "..."
adr "We both know that you liked it! So quit making a scene."
"As she says that, you start blushing and look down, trying not to look at her as you are too embarrassed by the whole situation."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump after_adrienne_cum_on_feet
"Refuse ([adr] might not visit you ever again if you choose this option)":
pov "...I won't do it..."
adr "Well... your choice!"
show black
with d
"After saying that, she wipes her feet clean with your bedsheets and leaves without saying a word..."
pov "{i}Fuck... It might've been the last time I saw her...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ adrienne_refused_to_eat_cum_from_feet = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label after_adrienne_cum_on_feet:
show black
with d
"As the whole cum-eating show is over, you see the man put on his clothes and leave..."
man "I'll wait in the car, babe. Don't take long; I want to get home so I can fuck that pussy again..."
"[adr] slowly gets dressed too and is about to leave."
$ dtime += 1
if dtime == 1:
show bg room day
if dtime == 2:
show bg room evening
if dtime >= 3:
show bg room night
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with d
"And then you remember that you have to give [adr] money for the visit..."
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are such a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like you owe her much more...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Thank you, baby! It's so nice to see how much you love me!"
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
jump room
label adr_visit_4:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "[adr]! ♥♥♥"
pov "{i}I'm so happy to see her when she comes... but every time I see her touching someone's dick, it breaks my heart...{/i}"
pov "I'm so happy to see you!"
label scene_182_playback:
adr "Hey, cutie... I have a surprise for you..."
adr "I've been going home from this guy's apartment that I've just fucked, and seeing that I've been passing by your new \"home\", I thought you might enjoy my little surprise."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After saying that, she pushes you on your bed and starts to undress..."
"As soon as she takes off her shorts, you see a wet spot on her panties."
"A moment later, she's completely naked."
"She comes to you, gives you her phone with her gallery open and positions herself right above you, with her sexy tight ass facing you..."
adr "Just click \"play\"."
adr "I think you'll enjoy this..."
show bg adrienne_phone_teasing
if clitsize == "tiny":
show adrienne_phone_teasing_cage red
if clitsize == "small":
show adrienne_phone_teasing_cage pink
if clitsize == "normal":
show adrienne_phone_teasing_cage blue
if clitsize == "big":
show adrienne_phone_teasing_cage blue
with d
"As soon as you hit play, the loud sound of moaning fills up the whole room."
"And you see a huge hard dick penetrating a tight wet pussy on the screen."
adr "Do you like how his big hard cock stretches my little pussy?"
adr "I think it will never be as tight as it was before getting fuck by that huge thing!"
pov "..."
"You can't find any words to reply, so you stay glued to the screen, watching [adr]'s pussy getting lowered on the big throbbing cock down and then up again as she moans in pleasure..."
"Then you lift your gaze and see her both creampied holes right in front of you..."
adr "Yeah, he has filled me up after he was done fucking me."
"She says with a grin..."
adr "So I thought that you might enjoy seeing my cum filled holes as well as the video of how it happened."
"At the same time, your little clitty is as hard as it can be in its plastic cage."
"Even though it's incredibly hot to see her like this right in front of you and getting fucked by a big hard cock on the video, at the same time, it's incredibly humiliating!"
"The video is shot from the view perspective of the man that was fucking her, and she even took the same pose in front of you like on the video."
"And you can't help but subconsciously compare your pathetic locked up clit to the big hard member on the video..."
pov "{i}Fuck... If only I had a big dick like that!{/i}"
pov "{i}If only I could fuck her...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I'm sure she wouldn't even feel me inside her after she's so used to fucking such big guys like this...{/i}"
adr "Do you like it?"
adr "Are you thinking how good it would be to be him right now?"
adr "But be honest with yourself... even if you could, you would never switch places with him..."
adr "I know you are enjoying all this humiliation, seeing my perfect pussy and ass filled with a real man's cum."
if scene_182 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 182 unlocked")
$ scene_182 = True
adr "And the best part about all of this - is that now you get to taste it!"
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_183_playback:
show black
with d
"After saying that, she takes away her phone and throws it on the bed nearby, so you can still hear her moaning..."
"And brings her perfect ass and pussy closer to your face..."
show bg adrienne_phone_teasing_cleanup
show adrienne_phone_teasing_cleanup_cum 1
with d
"She spreads her pussy with her fingers, and you see cum flowing out of her holes."
pov "{i}Why is this so hot?! Fuck...{/i}"
"Then she pushes out even more cum out of her."
show adrienne_phone_teasing_cleanup_cum 2
with d1
pov "{i}How much cum is in her?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd need to cum at least six times to fill her up like this.{/i}"
if scene_183 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 183 unlocked")
$ scene_183 = True
pov "{i}I hope she's on a pill and won't get pregnant from all that cum inside her...{/i}"
adr "What are you waiting for? I've tried so hard to keep it all inside me for you to eat."
"Start licking":
pov "{i}It looks so tasty! It would be silly to refuse to eat such a treat.{/i}"
jump adr_phone_teasing_cleanup
pov "..."
adr "So?"
pov "I'm sorry, I can't..."
adr "Are you serious?!"
adr "Why the fuck not?! I was trying to do something nice for you!"
adr "You should be grateful I've decided to include you and let you eat this yummy cocktail of cum and my juices."
"Lick it up":
pov "{i}I can't help it... It looks too good to refuse!{/i}"
jump adr_phone_teasing_cleanup
"Even though it's hard to keep yourself from licking it all up, it seems like it's too humiliating for you..."
pov "I'm sorry, I can't..."
adr "Your loss..."
show black
with d
"She gets up from the bed and starts to dress up."
adr "I'm sure there are many sissies here who would be more than happy to clean me up..."
if replay:
jump scenes
adr "Oh, and you still owe me for my ride here."
"After saying that, she stands there waiting for you to give her the money."
pov "{i}Fuck... I have to pay her for coming here and making me clean up her cum-filled holes...?{/i}"
pov "{i}That was our agreement if I wanted her to visit me...{/i}"
"Refuse to pay":
$ adr_refused_to_cleanup_0 = True
adr "I have to pay for this disappointing trip with my own money?!"
adr "I don't know why the fuck did I want to make something nice for you..."
"After that, she storms out of your room."
pov "{i}Fuck, I'll never see her again... I should have done it!{/i}"
pov "{i}I did want to lick it up... Why did I refuse?!{/i}"
jump room
"Give her $200":
$ adr_refused_to_cleanup_200 = True
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
"She takes your money and leaves without saying anything."
pov "{i}Something tells me that I might not see her again... I should have done it!{/i}"
pov "{i}I did want to lick it up... Why did I refuse?!{/i}"
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
$ adr_refused_to_cleanup_300 = True
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
"She takes your money and leaves without saying anything."
pov "{i}I wonder if I'll see her again... Maybe I should have done it?{/i}"
pov "{i}I did want to lick it up... Why did I refuse?{/i}"
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
$ adr_refused_to_cleanup_500 = True
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Well, at least, it seems you know that you are wrong... maybe there is hope for you."
pov "{i}I hope I'll see her again... Maybe I should have done it?{/i}"
pov "{i}I did want to lick it up... Why did I refuse?{/i}"
jump room
label adr_phone_teasing_cleanup:
"You slowly bring your face closer to her cum covered pussy and stick out your tongue..."
"The strong smell fills up your nose as you inhale and unconsciously hold your breath, enjoying it."
"You are so excited to taste this love cocktail that your whole body is shaking with excitement."
"And a moment later, the first drop of cum & pussy juice mix is on your tongue."
pov "{i}This is the tastiest thing I've ever eaten!{/i}"
"You continue licking it up more and more, trying hard not to eat everything too fast and savour each drop, enjoying the amazing taste."
pov "{i}It's so sweet and at the same time a little bitter and salty...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't help it, and I just want to eat more of it!{/i}"
"At some point, there is no cum left outside of [adr]'s holes, so you put your mouth over her holes and try to suck out everything left inside her."
"You start with her anal, and after it feels like there is nothing left to suck out of her, you stick your tongue inside her hoping to get more..."
"Then when her ass is completely clean, you do the same with her pussy."
"The mix from the pussy is even tastier than from her ass as it's mixed with her pussy taste."
"As you lick everything up, the pussy taste prevails more and more as it seems like she got really turned on from you licking up her creampies."
hide adrienne_phone_teasing_cleanup_cum
with d1
"And when the is no more cum left in her, you continue to lick her pussy, enjoying her taste and trying to give her some pleasure."
"At this point, she is very turned on, so you pay more and more attention to her clit instead of the entrance of her pussy."
"When suddenly you feel her body starting to shake, she cums with a loud moan..."
adr "Good sissy..."
adr "You've not only cleaned me up well, but you've also managed to make me cum!"
adr "Even though it was like my seventh orgasm today!"
show black
with d
"After that, she gets up and puts her clothes back on."
if replay:
jump scenes
"And then she stands there waiting as you remember that you have to give her money for the visit..."
pov "{i}It's still a little strange that I have to pay her for visiting me. But considering what a tasty treat she brought me, I can't complain. It's definitely worth it!{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are such a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like you owe her much more...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Thank you, baby! It's so nice to see how much you love me!"
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
jump room
label adr_visit_5:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "[adr]! ♥♥♥"
pov "I'm so happy to see you!"
adr "Hey, [pov]."
pov "Coming alone this time? ♥♥♥"
adr "Not exactly..."
pov "What do you mean?"
adr "I'm so horny right now... I need to fuck someone."
pov "{i}I can't believe it... Is this it? Am I finally going to have sex with her?{/i}"
adr "Someone with a nice hard... big dick..."
pov "..."
pov "... big...?"
adr "Of course! I'd never want to fuck anyone with some useless little clit like yours."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Ok, this is not the day I fuck her.{/i}"
"Is someone else coming to have sex with you then?"
adr "Hehe... No, not really..."
adr "I thought it would be fun if you found someone to fuck me."
pov "What? What do you mean?"
pov "Where would I find someone to fuck you?"
adr "I don't know, go outside... be creative."
adr "Just make sure he has a nice big dick, that's all I care about..."
pov "... but how?"
pov "How would I even ask someone?!"
pov "Like, hello, would you like to fuck my friend? Oh, and could you show me your dick first? I need to make sure that it's big enough..."
adr "Sounds nice!"
adr "Now go, I'm not going to wait all day here."
adr "If you don't find me someone to fuck, I'll do it myself."
adr "So either you do it, or I'll just call a cab and go to my friend; he has some of his friends over, and they were inviting me for some fun earlier today."
pov "..."
pov "{i}I have to go outside and find a man with a big dick to fuck her... or she'll go get gang banged?{/i}"
pov "{i}For fuck's sake...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}At least if I find her someone, I'll be here also.{/i}"
"You put on your slut dress and go outside to find someone to fuck [adr]."
label scene_194_playback:
show black
with d
pov "{i}How do I even approach someone with something like this...?{/i}"
"You start walking down the street, trying to muster your courage to ask someone."
"And then you see a tall, muscular man walking your way, and unconsciously you look down at his crotch..."
"He has a big bulge, and you can't help yourself and stare at it."
"He notices it and approaches you."
man "Hey girl, how are you?"
pov "..."
pov "... Mmm... hey, I'm good, thank you."
"Ask him to fuck [adr]":
pov "{i}I can't believe I'm about to do it...{/i}"
pov "... can I ask you something, please?"
man "Yeah, of course! What's up?"
pov "Well... it may sound crazy... but..."
pov "How would you like to have sex with my friend?"
man "What? Are you for real?"
pov "... yes, she told me to go outside and find a man to fuck her."
man "That's crazy! She's your friend and makes you find a guy to fuck her?"
pov "Well... she's not really my friend, to be honest..."
pov "It's hard to explain..."
man "Are you in some kind of pervy relationship or something?"
pov "..."
pov "{i}I can't believe I'm having this dialogue with a total stranger.{/i}"
pov "We are not in a relationship... unfortunately."
man "So... you like her?"
pov "Yes..."
pov "I... I'm in love with her..."
man "But she's not a lesbian? Is that why you are doing this for her? Because she likes men and won't be with you?"
pov "..."
pov "I don't know how to say it, but I'm not a real girl, to be honest..."
"You see a surprised look on his face, so you decide it would be easier to show him instead of trying to explain."
"And as you say that, you lift your dress and show him your locked leaking clit."
man "Hahaha... oh, now I get it..."
man "Well, you can't blame her... no wonder she won't fuck you..."
man "Look at this little thing!"
man "And I don't want to say anything, but look, it's leaking like crazy! You are enjoying it!"
"And as he says that, you realise it's true!"
pov "{i}Fuck... I'm so hard right now!{/i}"
man "Ok, let's go; I'll help you out and fuck the girl you love... Hahaha!"
pov "{i}This is so humiliating!{/i}"
pov "I need to do one more thing before we go and... and you fuck her..."
pov "I need to see how big is your dick..."
man "Are you serious?"
man "Hahaha... that's so fucked up!"
man "Fuck, she's good!"
pov "... yeah..."
pov "So... would you let me look at it..."
"He smiles and tells you to follow him to a dark corner."
"As you stop, you slowly squat in front of his crotch."
"You wait for him to reveal his dick, but he just stands there looking at you with a grin."
pov "{i}Is he enjoying my humiliation?{/i}"
"Realising that you must take out his cock yourself, you reach out to his belt..."
pov "{i}Why my clitty is this hard right now?{/i}"
"As soon as you unbuckle his belt, you unzip his pants and reach for his dick."
"Even before you take it out, you feel that it is big..."
show bg adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hairbg tails red
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_mc
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_mouth open
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_eyes open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_eyebrows pink
if breasts == 'a':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show adrienne_looking_for_a_bull_big_breasts d
with d
if scene_194 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 194 unlocked")
$ scene_194 = True
pov "Wow..."
pov "... it's so big... so meaty..."
"You can't help, and you sit there staring at his big hot dick as your mouth fills up with saliva."
"For a moment, you forget why you are here and are about to take it into your mouth when his words bring you back."
man "So... Is this big enough to fuck your 'girlfriend'?"
pov "..."
pov "Yes... it is perfect."
"You slowly brush your hand against his hot soft skin as you stand back up."
man "Ok, lead the way then."
"Don't do it":
pov "{i}I can't do it...{/i}"
man "Would you like to have some fun?"
man "You look hot in your tight dress!"
pov "... thank you. But... I'm not really in the mood right now..."
man "Well, it's your choice."
man "See you around then."
"After he walks away, you spend some time wandering down the street lost in your thoughts when you remember that [adr] is still waiting for you in the room."
pov "{i}For how long have I been walking around?{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope she won't get angry that I couldn't find anyone to fuck her...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe she'll change her mind, and she'll spend some time with me instead...{/i}"
"But when you return to your room, you realise that she's already gone."
pov "{i}... She's probably at her friend's already...{/i}"
pov "Sucking and fucking a bunch of big dicks..."
"Even though it makes you extremely jealous thinking about her getting fucked by a group of men, you feel like you'd still want to be there and see it..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ adr_did_not_find_a_bull_street = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_195_playback:
show black
with d
"As you open the door to your room, you see [adr] already naked in your bed."
adr "You're finally here!"
man "Oh, wow..."
man "I did not expect her to be this hot!"
pov "..."
adr "So sweet of you to say that... now, show me what you've got. I need a nice big dick inside me!"
"As she says that, she unzips his pants, trying to get to his dick as quickly as possible."
"He helps her, and soon they are both naked, and his dick is in her mouth... and her throat.."
"But she sucks him only for a brief moment and then rises."
adr "Come on, I'm not here to suck it; I want you to fuck me... fuck me hard!"
"To your surprise, he picks her up without saying anything, and you see him force his saliva-covered dick into her ass!"
show bg adrienne_fuck_in_the_air
with d
"As she almost screams in pleasure, all you can do is just sit in front of them on your knees and watch his thick cock penetrating her tight hole."
pov "{i}This is so hot! I'd never think she would be able to take something this big in her tight ass...{/i}"
pov "{i}If only I had a dick like that...{/i}"
pov "{i}... and was that manly and strong... I surely wouldn't be able to fuck her in the air like that!{/i}"
"But the more you watch her getting fucked like that and listening to her moans, the more you wish you could be in her place instead of being him..."
"The more time passes, the more you envy her. If you weren't locked up in your cage, you'd already be jerking off your clitty."
"So, instead, your fingers find their way to your hungry sissy hole, and you begin fingering yourself as you watch the love of your life getting impaled by a huge thick cock."
"As you finger yourself, you try to match their speed, and each time he forces his cock deep into her ass, you rub your fingers against your prostate."
pov "{i}Mmmm... at least she's having so much pleasure that she won't notice me fingering myself...{/i}"
pov "{i}That would be so... mmmm... humiliating... ahhhh...{/i}"
"As you watch her scream in pleasure with each thrust, her wet pussy contracts again and again in one orgasm after another."
"After some time, you are about to have your own orgasm from all the rubbing against your p-spot."
"But before you do, you see the man force [adr] down on his swollen dick, and you see it starting to twitch inside her hole."
show adrienne_fuck_in_the_air_cum 1
with flash
show adrienne_fuck_in_the_air_cum 2
with flash
if scene_195 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 195 unlocked")
$ scene_195 = True
pov "{i}... I can't believe I just saw [adr] getting an anal creampie from a stranger that I found for her.{/i}"
"As you watch his hot seed leaking out of her hole down his dick and balls, the only thought in your mind is how bad you want to taste it..."
"So, without thinking about it, you crawl closer to them and wrap your lips around his cum-covered balls."
"As you do that, you can't help and moan..."
pov "{i}Mmmm... it tastes so good!{/i}"
"As the bitter-sweet taste fills your mouth, you start swallowing the hot nectar drop by drop."
"At this point, your clitty can't stop leaking precum as it desperately twitches in its tight cage."
"When his big balls are clean from his cum, you go up, moving your tongue along the shaft, picking up every drop of cum, until you feel it right near [adr]'s hole."
show black
with d1
adr "I think it's enough for you..."
adr "I'd like to have some cum left in me... It makes me so horny going around like this."
adr "You can put me back on my feet now..."
"Then you see the man lifting [adr] as his dick pops free out of her hole and more cum coming out."
"He puts [adr] on the floor, and she collapses on the bed right away."
adr "That was even better than I would imagine!"
"After you hear her say that, to your surprise, the man comes closer and wipes his cum covered dick with your face before getting clothed again."
man "Heh... This was fun!"
adr "Why don't you thank this gentleman for fucking me, [pov]."
adr "Oh, and be a dear and give him my phone so he can save his number for me."
"You sit there with your face still covered with his cum and wonder if it could be more humiliating than this."
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pov "Thank you... sir... for fucking [adr] with your amazing dick..."
"As you say that, you take her phone and give it to him as you were told to do."
adr "Such a good girl! I'm so happy with you today!"
"After that, he puts on his closes, kisses [adr] on the lips and leaves."
adr "You've been such a good girl today; I might even let you copy his number later."
"After that, she gets up and puts on her clothes."
if replay:
jump scenes
"And then she stands there waiting as you remember that you must give her money for the visit..."
$ dtime += 1
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are such a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like you owe her much more...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Thank you, baby! It's so nice to see how much you love me!"
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
jump room
label adr_visit_6:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "[adr]! ♥♥♥"
pov "How are you?"
adr "Hey, [pov]."
adr "I've brought some yummy treats for you!"
adr "Come on, I want to see you eat them!"
label scene_209_playback:
show black
with d
"Before you reply, she pulls you and drags you to your bed."
"You both sit on the bed as she takes her purse and starts pulling out something."
"And then you realise that she's pulling out condoms..."
"Open... used...? condoms."
pov "{i}Wait...{/i}"
pov "{i}Are those full of cum?!{/i}"
pov "..."
adr "Do you like it?"
pov "What is this?"
adr "Can't you see it? These are condoms with cum!"
adr "And they are for you! I've been saving them for about a week."
pov "What do you mean?"
adr "Well, I know what a little cum slut you are, so whenever I got fucked I've asked the guys to cum in the condom so I can bring it to you."
adr "And don't worry, I've kept them refrigerated."
adr "Come on! I want to see you eat the cum ♥♥♥"
pov "{i}What?! She wants me to eat cum from some used condoms?{/i}"
pov "There are like twenty full condoms... and you saved it during the week?"
adr "What can I do? I love getting fucked..."
adr "Are you happy? I've had to use condoms because of this... I usually prefer it raw."
"After that, she looks at you with a happy smile waiting for you to eat the cum..."
"Do it":
jump adrinne_cum_condoms_do_it
"Don't do it":
jump adrinne_cum_condoms_dont
label adrinne_cum_condoms_dont:
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry... I can't do it..."
adr "Are you serious?"
adr "I've been fucking with these stupid condoms for nothing?!"
adr "I'm very disappointed..."
adr "Give me the money then, and I'll leave."
adr "I'll go and fuck someone raw!"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
"She takes your money and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
"She takes your money and leaves."
jump room
label adrinne_cum_condoms_do_it:
"You look at the cum-filled condoms, and for some odd reason, the thought of eating the cum from them makes your locked up clitty get hard..."
pov "{i}I'm not that dirty am I?{/i}"
pov "{i}Eating the cum of some stranges from the used condoms?{/i}"
pov "{i}This is crazy...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it would make [adr] happy...{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "I don't know if I can..."
adr "Of course, you can! I can see the desire in your eyes!"
"She grabs one of the condoms as she says that and unties it."
"And as soon as it's ready, she extends the arm and holds it in front of you..."
"Even though you hesitate, subconsciously, you've already made your decision. The only thing left to do is eat the cum..."
"You slowly grab the cold used condom with your shaking hand and hold it, mustering the courage to do what you are about to do."
show bg adrinne_cum_condoms
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hairbg tails red
show adrinne_cum_condoms_mc
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrinne_cum_condoms_eyebrows pink
show adrinne_cum_condoms_cum
show adrinne_cum_condoms_condom
with d
"As you bring it close to your lips, the strong smell of manly semen fills up your nose, and your mouth starts watering."
pov "{i}Fuck... Why does cum smell so good?{/i}"
"You turn the condom over and open your mouth, waiting while the cum slowly flows down to the opening and to your lips..."
"You are too embarrassed by all of this, so you close your eyes, so not to look into [adr]'s eyes as she watches you do one of the most perverted and humiliating things you've ever done."
"A wave of pleasure washes over your body as the first drop of salty cold cum touches your lips..."
pov "{i}This shouldn't feel so good, I shouldn't like it!{/i}"
"But at the same moment as you think that, your tongue is already inside the condom as you try to lick more and more cum out of it."
adr "I'm so proud of you! Eating all the cum that I've saved for you!"
adr "Do you like it? Is it tasty?"
"You can't say anything as you are too occupied by licking cum from the condom, so you just nod in agreement."
adr "Mmmmm... my little cumslut. This turns me on so much!"
show adrinne_cum_condoms_cum:
xpos 2.
"As you empty the first condom, you quickly grab the next one and untie it with your hands shaking from the excitement."
adr "Such a good girl!"
adr "We are not stopping until all of them are empty."
pov "Mmmmm..."
show adrinne_cum_condoms_cum:
xpos 0.5
pov "{i}Mmm... this one is sweet!{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so interesting how different the taste is from one man to another...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder from how many different guys this cum is...{/i}"
"You continue going through the cum-filled condoms one by one, emptying them into your mouth and drinking all the cum drop by drop..."
"At one point, you've eaten so much cum, that you even burp while untying the next condom."
if scene_209 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 209 unlocked")
$ scene_209 = True
show black
with d
"When you are finally done, you look into [adr]'s eyes and see how happy this made her..."
adr "You are such a good girl! I might bring you some more another time."
adr "But for now, I need to go and find a big meaty dick to fuck my wet pussy."
adr "Watching you eat all that cum made me so horny!"
"After that, she gets up and prepares to leave."
if replay:
jump scenes
"And then she stands there waiting as you remember you must give her money for the visit..."
$ dtime += 1
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are such a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like you owe her much more...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Thank you, baby! It's so nice to see how much you love me!"
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
jump room
label adr_visit_7:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "[adr]! ♥♥♥"
pov "I'm so happy to see you!"
adr "Hey, [pov]."
adr "I've got a huge surprise for you this time!"
adr "Close your eyes and get ready!"
label scene_239_playback:
scene black
with d
"You do as you are told and close your eyes, excited to see what surprise she got you."
pov "I hope she's going to have sex with me this time!"
pov "Can I open my eyes now?"
adr "Not yet!"
adr "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
scene bg adrienne_dicks_on_face
with d
"You open your eyes and..."
with hpunch
"...and see Adrienne on her knees, surrounded by huge men with their big hard dicks pointing at her beautiful face!"
adr "So? How do you like my surprise?"
adr "I'm going to take all these manly cocks today, and you are going to be here to enjoy the show!"
adr "Does it make your clitty hard?"
adr "Seeing the girl you are in love with about to get gangbanged by four men?"
pov "..."
pov "I-I... I didn't expect this..."
adr "Haha... I'm sure you didn't. But that doesn't answer my question."
adr "Does it make your sissy clit hard? To see me surrounded by big, hard cocks?"
adr "Haha! That's what I thought!"
adr "I have an idea, why don't you take off your clothes and join the guys? Do you want to finally fuck me?"
pov "A-are you serious?!"
adr "Of course! Go ahead, show us that hard little thing between your legs."
"You quickly undress and..."
if cage:
"...only when you are completely naked, you realize that your clitty is locked up in its little cage..."
"As soon as they see your locked-up clit they start laughing."
adr "Oh my god! That is so funny!"
adr "You want to fuck me, but your little clit is locked up!"
adr "And to be honest, I'd never let you fuck me even if it wasn't locked..."
pov "What? B-but you said..."
adr "I was joking! Why would I want that pathetic little thing when I have all these manly dicks to enjoy?"
"As she says that, they start laughing even more, and you feel your face getting red in shame."
"... a moment later, you stand there with your hard clit in front of them."
"And as they see it, they start laughing."
adr "Look how much smaller it is compared to all these dicks."
adr "You seriously thought I would let you join them and fuck me?"
pov "B-but... you said..."
adr "I was joking! Why would I want that pathetic little thing when I have all these manly dicks to enjoy?"
"As she says that, they start laughing even more, and you feel your face getting red in shame."
adr "Why not? Have you become permanently limp from not using your little thing at all?"
adr "That's a pity... I was hoping you could join the guys and fuck me."
pov "What?!"
adr "Haha! If only you could see the expression on your face."
adr "God, I'm joking!"
adr "Why would I want your tiny clit when I'm about to get fucked by these big manly dicks?"
"As she says that, the men start to laugh, and you feel your face getting red in shame."
adr "Come on, boys! Let's not get distracted. Come use me however you want!"
if scene_239 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 239 unlocked")
$ scene_239 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_240_playback:
scene black
with d
"After saying that, she rises to her feet and bends over."
"And a moment, two hard dicks penetrate her pussy and mouth as she jerks the other two."
"The men switch places, and all of them take turns to fuck [adr]'s holes."
scene bg adrienne_gang_bang
with d
"After a while, she sits on one of the dicks, and you see one of the men forcing his big meaty dick into [adr]'s ass."
"As the dicks penetrate her, she keeps looking into your eyes and smiling."
adr "Tell me [pov], does it make you jealous?"
adr "Seeing me like this? Getting fucked by men?"
adr "Don't you wish you were one of them?"
if cage:
adr "I bet if you weren't wearing that cage, you'd be jerking off your little clit already."
"You don't say anything to her, and instead, you just sit there and watch."
"You don't say anything to her, and instead, you just sit there and slowly stroke your little clit."
"You can barely move your hand, afraid that you can cum any moment as it makes you as turned on as you've ever been."
adr "But something tells me you would much rather prefer to take my place."
adr "Feel all the pleasure these big dicks are giving me..."
pov "..."
"You want to disagree with her, but deep down, you realise that's exactly what you want."
"You want them to fuck you..."
"You want to take all this humiliation to the next level and let [adr] see what a sissy slut you are..."
"You'd be happy if she saw you get fucked by real men."
"They continue fucking her for over an hour, switching places and taking turns stretching her tight holes."
if scene_240 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 240 unlocked")
$ scene_240 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_241_playback:
scene black
with d
"After a while, she comes closer to you and gets on top of you, so now they are fucking her right in front of your face."
show bg adrienne_cum_dispencer
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_eyebrows pink
show adrienne_cum_dispencer_man
with d
"Seeing the dick penetrating her ass right in front of your face takes the humiliation to the next level."
"And it makes you turned on even more, seeing her getting stretched with each thrust."
adr "Please, cum! Fill up my ass with your hot cum!"
"After that, the man increases the speed and stops as you see his dick twitch while the tip is inside her ass."
with flash
with flash
if scene_241 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 241 unlocked")
$ scene_241 = True
"He fills up her hole with his hot cum while his big heavy balls are resting on your face."
adr "Get ready to eat that yummy load!"
adr "I'll push it out for you ♥"
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_242_playback:
show bg adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg long red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hairbg tails red
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_eyebrows pink
show adrienne_cum_eating_from_ass_2
with d
"You open your mouth and start catching the stream of cum that she pushes out of her ass."
"As the first portion of hot cum touches your tongue, your mind goes wild, and you feel like you are about to reach an orgasm."
"You start swallowing it as all the men are standing there with their hard dicks watching you and getting ready to feed you more."
"It's so much cum that, at some point, you feel like it will never end."
"But as her ass becomes empty and there is nothing left to push out, another man takes place to fill up her hole."
"It takes a while for all of them to cum into her and for you to eat all the yummy treats out of her."
if scene_242 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 242 unlocked")
$ scene_242 = True
scene black
with d
"As you swallow the last portion of cum she stands up, and all of them get dressed."
adr "I hope you've enjoyed watching me get fucked today and eating their strong manly cum!"
"Maybe you'll be the one to get gangbanged next time, haha!"
pov "{i}God, I want that so bad...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
"As she stands there about to leave, you remember you must give her money for a visit..."
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are such a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like you owe her much more...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Thank you, baby! It's so nice to see how much you love me!"
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
jump room
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label adr_visit_8:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_adrienne:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "[adr]"
pov "I-I missed you..."
adr "Hey, [pov]."
adr "I've got another surprise for you this time!"
adr "First, I want you to undress and close your eyes."
pov "...okay..."
label scene_244_playback:
show black
with d
"You slowly start to undress in front of her as your cheeks flush red."
"And as soon as the last piece of closing is on the floor, you close your eyes."
adr "Good girl."
"And a moment later, you hear her open the door and then close it back."
pov "Are you still here?"
adr "Yeah, I'm here, don't open your eyes!"
"You wait for some more time as you hear the sounds of what seems like someone is undressing."
"And about a minute later, she says..."
adr "Okay, you can open your eyes now."
show bg adrienne_line_of_dicks
with d
adr "Ta-da!"
pov "W-what...?"
pov "{i}Four naked men with hard dicks in my room...? What the fuck is going on?{/i}"
adr "I've decided to bring some of my friends with me today!"
adr "They are all for you!"
adr "You are going to drop to your knees and suck them off one by one..."
adr "And I'll be here watching you do so..."
adr "And there is a rule for you... You have to swallow every last drop!"
adr "Are you ready for that?"
pov "I-I'm not... I'm sorry..."
pov "Sucking for dicks in front of you...?"
pov "This is too much!"
adr "You are joking, right?!"
pov "I'm sorry, I'm not..."
pov "{i}What the fuck am I saying?! I want this!{/i}"
pov "I'm not ready for something like that..."
adr "Oh, fuck you!"
adr "Come on boys, we can go to my place, and you can fuck me instead."
scene black
with d
"They all dress up and leave."
pov "{i}Why did I refuse...? I wanted to do it... but for some reason, I couldn't...{/i}"
pov "{i}And now I feel like [adr] won't be coming back.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ adr_finish = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You don't say anything and come closer to the first man and drop to your knees in front of him instead."
"And see his massive cock tip right before your face..."
"So you open your mouth and wrap your lips around his dick."
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_mc 1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 1 pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 1 blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 1 brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 1 blck
if color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 1 red
if color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 1 blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 1 pink
if breasts == 'a':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 1 a
if breasts == 'b':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 1 b
if breasts == 'c':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 1 c
if breasts == 'd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 1 d
with d
adr "That's the good girl..."
"After saying that, she sits on your bed and starts rubbing her pussy as she watches you suck the first dick..."
"At this point, your mind is already racing as you realise that you are sucking a dick in front of five different people, and one of them is [adr]!"
"And you are going to suck three more dicks when you swallow this man's cum..."
pov "{i}Fuck, this makes me so horny!{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope they don't see how much my clitty is leaking right now.{/i}"
pov "{i}Their dicks are so huge!{/i}"
pov "{i}I've never sucked four dicks in a row before...{/i}"
pov "{i}It will be so much cum for me to eat...{/i}"
"As you think about eating their hot cum, you don't even notice how you start sucking his cock much faster and deeper and even start to gag as you try to take it deep in your throat."
adr "I see someone is hungry for cum!"
"As you hear her say that, your cheeks become red, but you don't stop and instead start sucking it even faster."
"And a moment later, you feel his dick starting to twitch in your mouth."
"Without hesitation, you take it as deep as you can since [adr] told you that you must swallow every last drop..."
with flash
"And you feel the first portion of cum hit the back of your throat..."
with flash
"The flow doesn't stop, and you try to swallow as fast as you can."
"At one point, you feel like you are just drinking cum from a bottle; it's so much of it."
"And after taking like six gulps of it, the stream finally stops."
"You take your time to suck the dick clean and move to the next one..."
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_mc 2
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 2 pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 2 blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 2 brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 2 blck
if color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 2 red
if color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 2 blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 2 pink
if breasts == 'a':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 2 a
if breasts == 'b':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 2 b
if breasts == 'c':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 2 c
if breasts == 'd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 2 d
with d
"Even though you've just made a dick cum with your mouth, you start sucking the next one as desperately as the first one..."
"Something inside you wants more cum, and you can't stop thinking about it."
"You try your best to go slowly at first, but you can't help yourself, and quite soon, you are already gagging on his massive cock, trying to milk it with your throat."
"It takes you a while to work his dick before he can cum, but after some time, another portion of cum hits the back of your throat again."
with flash
with flash
"You take some more time sucking his dick and don't stop until you suck out every last drop of cum and swallow it."
"And then, it's time to suck the next one..."
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_mc 3
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 3 pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 3 blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 3 brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 3 blck
if color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 3 red
if color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 3 blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 3 pink
if breasts == 'a':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 3 a
if breasts == 'b':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 3 b
if breasts == 'c':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 3 c
if breasts == 'd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 3 d
with d
"The third man decided to be more assertive than the previous two, and instead of letting you suck his dick, he starts face-fucking you."
"So you try to relax and open your jaws as wide as possible and let him use you as a fuck toy..."
"He fucks you so hard and so deep that you can't even breathe properly."
"But with such a fast and hard pace, it doesn't take him too long to finish..."
"And as he's about to cum, he forces his dick deep in your throat, so deep that you don't even have to swallow when he finally starts cumming..."
with flash
with flash
"...and you feel his cum just flow down your throat..."
"After he's done pumping cum in your stomach, you make sure that his dick is perfectly clean as you suck and lick it and move to the last one."
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_mc 4
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_hair 4 pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 4 blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 4 brwn
if color == 'blck':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 4 blck
if color == 'red':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 4 red
if color == 'blue':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 4 blue
if color == 'pink':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_eyebrows 4 pink
if breasts == 'a':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 4 a
if breasts == 'b':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 4 b
if breasts == 'c':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 4 c
if breasts == 'd':
show adrienne_line_of_dicks_breasts 4 d
with d
"After being used like that by the previous man, you feel your jaw hurt, but you still don't want to stop..."
pov "{i}My stomach is so full of cum already ♥♥♥{/i}"
pov "{i}But I want more!{/i}"
"By this point, you are so turned on that you can't help and moan as you suck the fourth dick."
pov "{i}Can't believe I'm doing it right in front of [adr]...{/i}"
pov "{i}Now she definitely knows what a cum hungry slut I am...{/i}"
"You hungrily suck the last dick and try to feel him as good as possible as you take him as deep as you can."
"And before you know it, you finally feel the last dick shooting his cum deep in your throat."
with flash
"You try to savour the moment as there are no dicks left for you to suck after this one."
with flash
if scene_244 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 244 unlocked")
$ scene_244 = True
"So before he is done cumming, you pull him out of your throat and feel him fill up your mouth with his cum instead so that you can enjoy the sweet taste..."
"After he's done cumming, you slowly start swallowing the cum little by little without taking his dick out of your mouth, and when there is no more cum left in your mouth, you make sure to milk every last drop out of his big cock."
show black
with d
adr "I'm so proud of you!"
adr "You are such a good girl!"
adr "You were probably too occupied to notice, but I came like three times while watching you suck all these dicks!"
pov "Oh wow... I'm happy you've enjoyed it..."
adr "I'll make sure to come up with something even more perverted for my next visit."
"She says as she winks at you."
if replay:
jump scenes
adr "By the way, I've been meaning to ask..."
adr "Has [tom] visited you recently by any chance?"
adr "He disappeared a couple of days ago, and nobody knows where he is now."
pov "Hmm... That's weird..."
pov "But no, he hasn't."
adr "Oh, okay then."
"You see the men put their clothes back on."
"And as they stand there about to leave, you remember that you must give [adr] money for her visit..."
"Give her $200":
"She takes your money, smiles and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("-$200")
$ money -= 200
jump room
"Give her $300" if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like it would be right to give her at least $300...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
adr "Thank you, honey, you are such a good sissy-girl."
"She takes the money, smiles and leaves."
jump room
"Give her $500" if money >= 500:
pov "{i}Even though you have to give her $200, you feel like you owe her much more...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("-$500")
$ money -= 500
adr "Thank you, baby! It's so nice to see how much you love me!"
adr "See you next time."
"She gives you a little kiss on your cheek and leaves."
jump room
$ dtime += 1
jump room
image clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck sl:
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 1"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 2"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 3"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 4"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 5"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 4"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 3"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 2"
image clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck fast:
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 1"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 2"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 3"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 4"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 5"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 4"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 3"
"clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 2"
label visitash:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
if sissyblock:
jump visitashforfuck
$ ashbusy = renpy.random.randint(1,3)
if ashbusy == 1:
"You come to the Ashley's door, but then you see a sign on the door knob..."
$ ashsign = renpy.random.randint(1,2)
if ashsign == 1:
show bg ash_door_sign_1
show bg ash_door_sign_2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}It seems she's busy right now...{/i}"
"...a moment later you hear her moans behind from the door."
play sound "sound/ash - behind door.ogg"
pov "{i}At least she's having fun...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I'll visit her another day.{/i}"
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"You knock on Ashley's door and after a couple of seconds, she opens it and let's you in."
label scene_37_playback:
if replay:
$ ashfirsttimehangout = True
show bg ashley_lingerie
with Dissolve(2.)
if ashfirsttimehangout:
if scene_37 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 37 unlocked")
$ scene_37 = True
pov "{i}Wow... I can't believe how sexy she is...{/i}"
"Hey, Ash you look so sexy!":
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("Ashley relationship +1")
ash "Oh thank you! That is really sweet of you :3"
ash "I'm really happy that you came. How are you today?"
"Hey, Ashley, how are you?":
ash "Hey cutie, come on in. I'm really happy that you came. How are you today?"
$ ashfirsttimehangout = False
if replay == False:
$ ashhangout2 = True
ash "I have an idea of what we could do together."
ash "I was a little bored the other day, and then I remembered that I used to do camshows some time ago..."
ash "And then I thought, why not do it together, we could have so much fun together while we do it."
ash "How do you like my idea? You know what camshows are, right?"
pov "I guess, I've seen some of those sites, where models masturbate on cam for money."
ash "Yeah, that's exactly what it is! But this is on our brothel's site and you don't have to actually masturbate on cam, sometimes you can just show your ass in panties, dance a little, have some fun and get a good amount of tips!"
ash "So what do you say?"
pov "I guess we could try that... but I don't have any sexy lingerie like yours."
ash "Don't worry about that, I'll give you one of mine, come on."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"She gives you her lingerie and you put it on, you can see through it, but you are so turned on since you saw Ashley, that you decide to just go with the flow and not to worry about anything..."
ash "Come on, let's get on the bed and show our asses to our viewers."
label scene_38_playback:
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You climb on the bed and get into the doggy position, showing your ass to the cam."
"Ashley joins you and does exactly the same."
"In front of you is a screen where, you see all the comments and also a video stream of your cute asses."
ash "We look so hot! I'd fuck us for sure haha..."
if scene_38 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 38 unlocked")
$ scene_38 = True
ash "You know that any viewer can rent us at any moment and come and fuck us, right?"
pov "What? I didn't know about that!"
ash "Haha, you are so cute when you are worried, don't worry, I've switched this function off and set that we are not available today."
pov "Oh, that's good, I wasn't ready for that!"
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, and then just hang out together trying to look sexy to get more tips."
"At first you were worried that Ashley might want to do something much lewder on cam, and you weren't ready to do it while a lot of people are watching you."
"But she is very considerate and it seems like she let's you define the pace with what you do on cam."
"Overall it was an exciting experience and you really enjoyed reading all the lewd comments in the chat and see people talk about which one of you they'd fuck first."
"After a while you decide that it's time to go back to your room and sleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
"You've made $35 from streaming today."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$35")
$ money += 35
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout2:
$ ashhangout2 = False
$ ashhangout3 = True
ash "Hey cutie, come on in. I'm really happy that you came. How are you today?"
ash "Would you like to make another camshow today?"
pov "Yeah, we could do that, I've enjoyed it the last time we did it."
ash "Great, let's do it then!"
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, as you did the last time until it's time to go back to your room."
"Ashley kisses you on the cheek, wishes you good night and you leave."
"You've made $45 from streaming today."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$45")
$ money += 45
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout3:
$ ashhangout3 = False
$ ashhangout4 = True
ash "Hey cutie, come on in. I'm really happy that you came. How are you today?"
ash "How do you feel if we make another camshow today?"
pov "Yeah, I'd love that!"
ash "Great, let's do it then!"
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, as you did the last time when suddenly..."
"****A client has rented you for the next two hours, await for his arrival.****"
pov "{i}What the fuck is that?{/i}"
ash "Oh fuck! I forgot to turn it off since I was streaming alone..."
ash "And now a client has paid to fuck us..."
pov "What?! I'm not ready for that!"
ash "I'm sorry, honey, but there is nothing I can do now, we have to please him, he already paid $500 for both of us..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You don't have any more time to think about what happened as the door opens and the client enters the room."
"Apparently he was already in the building, when he saw both of you streaming."
clt "I guess I'm having fun today!"
pov "{i}Great... Now we have to please him...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it could be fun... I could see Ashley in action, I bet she is really good at sex.{/i}"
clt "Ok, which one of you girls would like to suck my cock first?"
"I'll do it!":
clt "Good girl, can't wait to suck a big cock, aren't you?"
"Then he takes off his clothes, sits on the bed and tells you to come closer."
"You take you clothes off too and lie on the bed, taking his cock into your mouth."
show bg ashley_threesome_spitroasted 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's not new for you to suck a cock, but it's quite exciting to do it while Ashley watches you."
pov "{i}I wonder what Ashley thinks about the fact that I wanted to suck the cock first and told him that I'll do it as soon as he proposed...{/i}"
"You gently suck the cock, trying to guess what client would like you to do and try to give him as much pleasure as possible."
"When suddenly you feel Ashley's hand's spreading your ass..."
"You are surprised by this but decide to continue giving the blowjob and focus on the client's pleasure."
"But the next moment without any notice, you feel Ashly's cock entering your tight little hole..."
show bg ashley_threesome_spitroasted 2
with dissolve
pov "Mmmmmm..."
"It was very unexpected but it felt really good! So good that you've started moaning without taking out the cock out of your mouth."
"It seems that the client enjoys the blowjob while you moan even more!"
pov "{i}Fuck... It feels so good to be penetrated from the both sides...{/i}"
pov "{i}I've never felt so good in my life.{/i}"
pov "Mmmm... mooore... Fuck me harder ♥"
"You moan and beg to fuck you harder while sucking a cock, it's difficult to speak like that, but it seems Ashley understood everything and started to fuck you harder and faster, while slapping your ass from time to time."
$ renpy.notify("Scene 40 unlocked")
$ scene_40 = True
"You enjoy being fucked for a while, when client stops Ashley and tells her that he wants to fuck her now."
"Let Ashley decide":
"Ashley seems to notice that you are hesitant a little and decides to help you out and do it herself."
ash "I'll do it!"
clt "Good girl, can't wait to suck a big cock, aren't you?"
label scene_39_playback:
show bg ashley_threesome_bjanilingus 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then he takes off his clothes, puts his leg on the bed and tells Ashley to start sucking."
show bg ashley_threesome_bjanilingus 2
with dissolve
"Ashley slowly comes closer and start sucking his cock, taking it quite deep."
show bg ashley_threesome_bjanilingus 3
with dissolve
clt "Hey cutie, why don't you join us? I love getting my asshole licked."
clt "I want you to do it now."
show ashley_threesome_bjanilingus_mc 1
with dissolve
"You come closer to him and hesitate a little..."
pov "{i}It's quite embarrassing and humiliating to do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it's not the first time I'll do it... and he also paid quite a lot of money for it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I think it would be better if I do what he wants.{/i}"
show ashley_threesome_bjanilingus_mc 2
with dissolve
if scene_39 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 39 unlocked")
$ scene_39 = True
"You slowly start licking his hole and to your surprise you start to enjoy it..."
pov "{i}It's so hot for some reason... Obeying his every wish, doing humiliating tasks and right in front of Ashley.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd be hard already if I wasn't wearing the cage...{/i}"
"You please the client for a while until he stops both of you and tells Ashley, that he wants to fuck her."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Ashley lies on her back spreading her legs as wide as possible, giving an easy access to the man."
"He comes closer to her, puts his cock right near her cute hole and trusts his cock with one confident move, making Ashley moan really loud."
"She looks so hot that you can't hold yourself and wrap your lips around her cute little cock and start sucking it."
show bg ashley_threesome_analbj
with Dissolve(2.)
"After that, she starts moaning even louder than before..."
ash "Oh yeah! Fuck me, please, fuck me harder!"
ash "I'm your little sissy whore who wants to be fucked hard!"
"It seems that she is turned on so much that she's about to cum soon..."
"Realizing that, you start to suck her clitty even faster and harder bringing her over the edge."
show bg ashley_threesome_analbj
with flash
ash "Oh my god!! Yes ♥♥♥♥"
ash "I'm in heaven, please don't stop fucking me."
"As she moans her clitty starts pumping her cum right into your mouth and without any hesitation you drink all of it, enjoying every drop ♥"
$ renpy.notify("Scene 41 unlocked")
$ scene_41 = True
"Apparently the client enjoyed it so much that he was about to cum..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"He takes out the cock from Ashley's hole and tells you to get to your knees and open your mouth."
label scene_42_playback:
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do as you are told to, and then feel Ashley's hands holding your head. It seems like she's waiting for the cum show..."
"The client starts jerking off his big cock and..."
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 2
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 1
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 2
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 1
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 3
with flash
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 4
with flash
"... and then shoots his cum right into your mouth."
"You still had the taste of Ashley's cum in your mouth and now it's mixed together with the man's cum..."
pov "{i}This is so yummy, wish I knew how tasty it is, and started eating cum a long time ago.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_42 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 42 unlocked")
$ scene_42 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You are all panting and trying to catch your breath."
"The client tells you that both of you were really good girls and that he enjoyed it a lot."
"Puts on his clothes, gives you the money and leaves."
ash "Wow that was fun... I think we should do it again some time!"
pov "I'm sure we will!"
"With your stomach full of cum you go back to your room happy and ready to sleep."
$ tomvisit2 = True
$ renpy.notify("Money +$250")
$ money += 250
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout4:
$ ashhangout4 = False
$ ashhangout5 = True
ash "Hey cutie, come on in. I'm really happy that you came. How are you today?"
ash "Would you like to make another camshow today?"
pov "Yeah, we could do that, I've enjoyed it the last time we did it."
ash "Great, let's do it then!"
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, like usual and sometime later you get a $20 tip asking for you to kiss each other."
ash "Oh, cool! Wanna give me a nice kiss, sweetie?"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You sit in front of Ashley, look into her eyes and for a moment you start to hesitate..."
"Even though you were just showing all those people your ass on cam, a kiss seems like it's something completely different, something more intimate."
label scene_52_playback:
show bg ashcamshow kiss
with Dissolve(2.)
"But a moment later Ashley opens her mouth and starts kissing you and then you feel her tongue parting your lips and she starts playing with it in your mouth."
"You open your mouth slightly and start doing the same, enjoying the nice feeling of every push of Ashley's tongue against yours."
"You look deep into her eyes and start to get insanely turned on by the kiss and without knowing it, you start moaning slightly."
"If it wasn't for your cage, you'd be all hard right now."
"You've forgot about everything else and got completely lost in the moment until the sound of people donating you money brought you back."
"It seems like your audience enjoyed it very much too!"
"You spend some more time teasing the people and after a while it's time to finish the show."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_52 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 52 unlocked")
$ scene_52 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You've made $100 from streaming today!"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout5:
$ ashhangout5 = False
$ ashhangout6 = True
ash "Hey cutie, come on in. I'm really happy that you came. How are you today?"
ash "Would you like to make another camshow today?"
pov "Yeah, we could do that, I've enjoyed it the last time we did it."
ash "Great, let's do it then!"
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, as you did the last time until it's time to go back to your room."
"Nothing special happened this evening."
"Ashley kisses you on the cheek, wishes you good night and you leave."
"You've made $50 from streaming today."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout6:
$ ashhangout6 = False
$ ashhangout7 = True
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, like usual..."
ash "I've got a nice idea, how about we tease them a little more?"
ash "Quite a lot of people who are watching us right now are into feet and I usually get a lot of viewers when I lick my feet on cam and we could to that to each other if you're ok with something like that..."
ash "So what do you say?"
"Sounds hot, let's do it":
jump lickfeetash
"Sorry, I'm not really into it":
ash "Oh, that's ok, don't worry about it..."
ash "I guess we can just do the usual stuff then."
"You spend some more time wiggling your asses for the cam until it's time to go back to your room."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You've made $50 from streaming today!"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout7:
$ ashhangout7 = False
$ ashhangout8 = True
ash "Hey cutie, come on in. I'm really happy that you came. How are you today?"
ash "Would you like to make another camshow today?"
pov "Yeah, we could do that, I've enjoyed it the last time we did it."
ash "Great, let's do it then!"
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, as you did the last time until it's time to go back to your room."
"Nothing special happened this evening."
"Ashley kisses you on the cheek, wishes you good night and you leave."
"You've made $50 from streaming today."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout8:
$ ashhangout8 = False
$ ashhangout9 = True
ash "Hey sweetie! Time to stream again?"
pov "Yeah, let's do it!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Ashley slowly starts to undress..."
pov "Are you going to be completely naked today?"
label scene_54_playback:
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"But instead of answering, Ashley lies on her back and spreads her legs with her hands, showing her naked ass and clitty to the cam..."
pov "..."
ash "I though we could have a little more fun today..."
ash "Would you like to play with my tight hole a little?"
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"She takes out the butt plug and looks into your eyes, waiting for you to finger her."
"If you weren't wearing the cage, you'd be fucking her already..."
pov "{i}I want to fuck her so bad... And her clitty looks so tempting... I want to suck it.{/i}"
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"You can't wait any longer and take her hard little clitty into your mouth and at the same time start fingering her hole."
"It feels so amazing, her hole wrapping your finger with her soft skin, you can only imagine how fantastic it would feel if it was your cock inside her."
pov "{i}She is so tight, I'd cum in a minute if I could fuck her.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't take this anymore... I need to take this stupid cage off, I want to be able to fuck her.{/i}"
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("You can ask Alex to remove your cage now")
$ askalextotakethecageoff = True
"You suck Ahley's clitty for a while and then you start rubbing her p-spot and she starts cumming right into your mouth..."
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 4-nb
with flash
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 4-tb
with flash
pov "{i}Her cum tastes so nice and so sweet, I want to eat every last drop of it...{/i}"
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}It's amazing how sweet it was and not bitter or salty at all... I want more!{/i}"
if scene_54 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 54 unlocked")
$ scene_54 = True
"You clean her clitty with your mouth and make sure to lick every drop of her tasty cum..."
#$ renpy.notify("New clothing item unlocked! ")
#$ buybroppi = True
#$ buyptoppi = True
"Ashley kisses you on the cheek, wishes you good night and you leave."
if replay:
jump scenes
"You've made $150 from streaming today! Great show!"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$150")
$ money += 150
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if ashhangout9:
#"You've unlocked all the available scenes with Ashley! More will come in the next update ;)"
ash "Hey sweetie! What would you like to do tonight?"
if cage == False and ashley_onahole:
$ ashley_onahole = False
$ ashley_onahole_repeat = True
ash "Oh, I know what we should do!"
ash "I almost forgot, I bought a new toy that we could use together."
"Come in, let's have some fun with it."
jump ashley_onahole
label ashhangout9_choice:
"Nothing special, we could tease the viewers a little like usual.":
jump ashreplay_tease
"I'd love if we could kiss a little":
jump ashreplay_kiss
"I've enjoyed when we played with each other's feet, maybe we could do it again?":
jump ashreplay_feet
"I could suck your clitty and play with your hole a little if you like":
jump ashreplay_bjfingering
"Maybe we could see if anyone would like to spend an evening with us, I'm so horny now :3":
jump ashreplay_threesome
"Play with double-sided dildo" if dbldld:
jump ashreplay_dbldld
"Play with double-sided fleshlight" if ashley_onahole_repeat:
jump ashley_onahole
"Ask to fuck her" if scene_81:
jump fuck_ashley_again_cage
label ashreplay_tease:
ash "Ok, I'm in the mood to wiggle my ass for the cam a little."
show bg ashcamshow asses
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time wiggling your asses for the cam, until it's time to go back to your room."
"Nothing special happened this evening."
"Ashley gives you a long kiss on the lips, wishes you a good night and then you go back to your room."
"You've made $50 from streaming today."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label ashreplay_kiss:
ash "Can't wait to play with your wet tasty tongue."
show bg ashcamshow kiss
with Dissolve(2.)
"You sit in front of each other, look into each other's eyes and start playing with your tongues."
"You make sure to give a nice show for the viewers allowing them to enjoy your sloppy, sexy tongue play."
"You spend some more time teasing the people and after a while it's time to finish the show."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You've made $80 from streaming today!"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$80")
$ money += 80
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label ashreplay_feet:
ash "Cool! I've enjoyed it so much last time we did it!"
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 1-nb
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 1-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"You sit in front of each other, and take Ashley's foot into your hands as she takes your foot into her hands."
"Her skin feels really nice and as she starts to rub your foot, you feel a little ticklish."
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 2-nb
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 2-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"A moment later you feel Ashley's tongue on your toes and then her lips gently wrapping around one of them and sucking it."
"Without hesitation you do the same and start licking and kissing her foot."
"Her skin feels incredibly nice and soft."
"You slowly play with her toes licking between them and making Ashley a little bit ticklish by that."
"You spend some more time teasing the viewers and after a while it's time to finish the show."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You've made $100 from streaming today!"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label ashreplay_bjfingering:
if fingering_instead == False:
ash "That is so sweet of you, I'd love that!"
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 1
with Dissolve(2.)
if fingering_instead == False:
"Ashley lies on her back and spreads her legs with her hands, showing her naked ass and clitty to the cam..."
if fingering_instead:
"Ashley lies on her back and spreads her legs with her hands, showing her naked ass and clitty to you..."
ash "Maybe you could also suck my clitty a little..."
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"She removes her butt plug..."
ash "Come closer, sweetie, I want you to play with my hole..."
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"You can't wait any longer and take her hard little clitty into your mouth and at the same time start finger her hole."
"It feels so amazing, her hole wrapping your finger with her soft skin, you can only imagine how fantastic it would feel if it was your cock inside her."
"You suck Ahley's clitty for a while and then you start rubbing her p-spot and she starts cumming right into your mouth..."
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 4-nb
with flash
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 4-tb
with flash
pov "{i}Her cum tastes so nice and so sweet, I want to eat every last drop of it...{/i}"
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg ashcamshow bjanilingus 3-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}It's amazing how sweet it was and not bitter or salty at all... I want more!{/i}"
"You clean her clitty with your mouth and make sure to lick every drop of her tasty cum..."
"Ashley kisses you on the cheek, wishes you good night and you leave."
if fingering_instead == False:
"You've made $150 from streaming today! Great show!"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$150")
$ money += 150
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
$ fingering_instead = False
jump room
label ashreplay_threesome:
ash "Ohh, you naughty girl! That would be fun. I want to feel someone's cock inside me so bad right now!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Asley quickly goes into the chat and a couple of minutes later both of you are waiting for some random man to show up."
"After some time, you hear a knock on the door and the client enters the room."
clt "Hey girls, let's have some fun!"
clt "Ok, which one of you girls would like to suck my cock first?"
"I'll do it!":
clt "Good girl, can't wait to suck a big cock, aren't you?"
"Then he takes off his clothes, sits on the bed and tells you to come closer."
"You take you clothes off too and lie on the bed, taking his cock into your mouth."
label scene_40_playback:
show bg ashley_threesome_spitroasted 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's not new for you to suck a cock, but it's quite exciting to do it while Ashley watches you."
pov "{i}I wonder what Ashley thinks about the fact that I wanted to suck the cock first and told him that I'll do it as soon as he proposed...{/i}"
"You gently suck the cock, trying to guess what client would like you to do and try to give him as much pleasure as possible."
"When suddenly you feel Ashley's hand's spreading your ass..."
"You are surprised by this but decide to continue giving the blowjob and focus on the client's pleasure."
"But the next moment without any notice, you feel Ashly's cock entering your tight little hole..."
show bg ashley_threesome_spitroasted 2
with dissolve
pov "Mmmmmm..."
"It was very unexpected but it felt really good! So good that you've started moaning without taking out the cock out of your mouth."
"It seems that the client enjoys the blowjob while you moan even more!"
pov "{i}Fuck... It feels so good to be penetrated from the both sides...{/i}"
pov "{i}I've never felt so good in my life.{/i}"
pov "Mmmm... mooore... Fuck me harder ♥"
"You moan and beg to fuck you harder while sucking a cock, it's difficult to speak like that, but it seems Ashley understood everything and started to fuck you harder and faster, while slapping your ass from time to time."
if scene_40 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 40 unlocked")
$ scene_40 = True
"You enjoy being fucked for a while, when client stops Ashley and tells her that he wants to fuck her now."
if replay:
jump scenes
"Let Ashley decide":
"Ashley seems to notice that you are hesitant a little and decides to help you out and do it herself."
ash "I'll do it!"
clt "Good girl, can't wait to suck a big cock, aren't you?"
show bg ashley_threesome_bjanilingus 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then he takes off his clothes, puts his leg on the bed and tells Ashley to start sucking."
show bg ashley_threesome_bjanilingus 2
with dissolve
"Ashley slowly comes closer and start sucking his cock, taking it quite deep."
show bg ashley_threesome_bjanilingus 3
with dissolve
clt "Hey cutie, why don't you join us? I love getting my asshole licked."
clt "I want you to do it now."
show ashley_threesome_bjanilingus_mc 1
with dissolve
"You come closer to him and hesitate a little..."
pov "{i}It's quite embarrassing and humiliating to do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it's not the first time I'll do it... and he also paid quite a lot of money for it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I think it would be better if I do what he wants.{/i}"
show ashley_threesome_bjanilingus_mc 2
with dissolve
if scene_39 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 39 unlocked")
$ scene_39 = True
"You slowly start licking his hole and to your surprise you start to enjoy it..."
pov "{i}It's so hot for some reason... Obeying his every wish, doing humiliating tasks and right in front of Ashley.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd be hard already if I wasn't wearing the cage...{/i}"
"You please the client for a while until he stops both of you and tells Ashley, that he wants to fuck her."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Ashley lies on her back spreading her legs as wide as possible, giving an easy access to the man."
"He comes closer to her, puts his cock right near her cute hole and trusts his cock with one confident move, making Ashley moan really loud."
"She looks so hot that you can't hold yourself and wrap your lips around her cute little cock and start sucking it."
label scene_41_playback:
show bg ashley_threesome_analbj
with Dissolve(2.)
"After that, she starts moaning even louder than before..."
ash "Oh yeah! Fuck me, please, fuck me harder!"
ash "I'm your little sissy whore who wants to be fucked hard!"
"It seems that she is turned on so much that she's about to cum soon..."
"Realizing that, you start to suck her clitty even faster and harder bringing her over the edge."
show bg ashley_threesome_analbj
with flash
ash "Oh my god!! Yes ♥♥♥♥"
ash "I'm in heaven, please don't stop fucking me."
"As she moans her clitty starts pumping her cum right into your mouth and without any hesitation you drink all of it, enjoying every drop ♥"
if scene_41 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 41 unlocked")
$ scene_41 = True
"Apparently the client enjoyed it so much that he was about to cum..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"He takes out the cock from Ashley's hole and tells you to get to your knees and open your mouth."
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do as you are told to, and then feel Ashley's hands holding your head. It seems like she's waiting for the cum show..."
"The client starts jerking off his big cock and..."
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 2
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 1
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 2
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 1
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 3
with flash
pause 0.2
show bg ashley_threesome_cumshot 4
with flash
"... and then shoots his cum right into your mouth."
"You still had the taste of Ashley's cum in your mouth and now it's mixed together with the man's cum..."
pov "{i}This is so yummy, wish I knew how tasty it is, and started eating cum a long time ago.{/i}"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You are all panting and trying to catch your breath."
"The client tells you that both of you were really good girls and that he enjoyed it a lot."
"Puts on his clothes, gives you the money and leaves."
ash "Wow that was fun... I think we should do it again some time!"
pov "I'm sure we will!"
"With your stomach full of cum you go back to your room happy and ready to sleep."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$250")
$ money += 250
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label lickfeetash:
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 1-nb
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 1-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"You sit in front of each other, and take Ashley's foot into your hands as she takes your foot into her hands."
"Her skin feels really nice and as she starts to rub your foot, you feel a little ticklish."
"You are about to lick each other's feet and it makes you..."
"Turned on":
"You've always got excited whenever you saw foot fetish porn before and now you are going to lick Ashley's foot while being watched by a lot of people..."
pov "{i}This is so hot, if only my cock wasn't locked in this stupid cage and Ashley could rub it with her sexy feet...{/i}"
#$ renpy.notify("Foot fetish +1")
"A little anxious":
"You feel a little worried knowing that a lot of people will be watching you lick Ashley's feet..."
"Even though you've never been into foot fetish, you feel turned on by all of this."
if breasts == False:
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 2-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg ashcamshow feetlick 2-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"And a moment later you feel Ashley's tongue on your toes and then her lips gently wrapping around one of them and sucking it."
"Without hesitation you do the same and start licking and kissing her foot."
"Her skin feels incredibly nice and soft."
"You slowly play with her toes licking between them and making Ashley a little bit ticklish by that."
"You spend some more time teasing the viewers and after a while it's time to finish the show."
"You've got more money than usual because of the special show today!"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_53 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 53 unlocked")
$ scene_53 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You've made $100 from streaming today!"
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
"On the way back to your room, you notice that your panties are all wet in your precum."
pov "{i}That was so nice, I hope we'll do it again some time.{/i}"
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label visitashforfuck:
if cage == True and clitsize == 'normal':
"You come to the Ashley's door, but then you see a sign on the door knob..."
$ ashsign = renpy.random.randint(1,2)
if ashsign == 1:
show bg ash_door_sign_1
show bg ash_door_sign_2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}It seems she's busy right now...{/i}"
"...a moment later you hear her moans behind from the door."
play sound "sound/ash - behind door.ogg"
pov "{i}At least she's having fun...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I'll visit her another day.{/i}"
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"You decide to visit Ashley, so you knock on her door and after a couple of seconds, she opens it and let's you in."
show bg ashley_lingerie
with Dissolve(2.)
ash "Hey, cutie! How are you? Come on in!"
"And then you realise..."
pov "{i}I'm no longer wearing a cage!{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I could ask to fuck Ashley?{/i}"
pov "{i}I've been wanting to do it since the moment I met her!{/i}"
"Ask to fuck her" if cage == False:
if ashleyfucked == False:
$ clitenlargfuck += 1
$ ashleyfucked = True
pov "I was wondering... if I could... maybe..."
pov "..."
pov "..."
ash "Hey... no need to be so shy! Come on, you can ask me anything!"
pov "..."
pov "I really want to fuck you!"
"You burst these words out, in disbelief that you actually said it..."
pov "Sorry! No! I mean..."
pov "Would you like to make love together?"
pov "I mean... would like to have sex with me?"
pov "{i}This is the cringiest and one of the most embarrassing moments of my life...{/i}"
pov "{i}And the worst thing is that Ashley is just looking at me and smiling.{/i}"
pov "{i}At least she's not angry.{/i}"
ash "Oh my god! You are so cute when you are shy..."
ash "I want to have sex with you too!"
ash "What exactly do you have on your mind?"
ash "I'm not sure that there are too many options, considering that you are locked..."
ash "But you could still have some fun with my clitty."
pov "Actually... I'm not locked anymore... That is why I'm asking."
pov "I want to fuck you with my clit... I mean with my dick..."
ash "Oh... That's unexpected, I bet you are really happy to finally get out of the cage."
ash "Ok then, let's make a deal..."
ash "If you really want to fuck me, I want you to cum right in my tight sissy hole..."
ash "And after you do that, I want you to eat all of your sweet cum right from my asshole."
ash "And right after that, while you can still taste your own cum, I want you to suck my clit until I cum and you can taste both of us at the same time."
ash "Do we have a deal?"
"This sounded so hot, that the only thing you can do is just nod."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Seeing that you agreed to her offer, Ashley takes you by your hand and you follow her to her bed..."
"You take a seat and watch her taking off her lingerie."
"A moment later, she gets on the bed, spreads her legs and waits for you in one of the most inviting poses..."
label scene_81_playback:
show bg clitenlargmentashleyanal 1
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_81 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 81 unlocked")
$ scene_81 = True
"You can't believe your luck... It's finally going to happen, you are going to fuck Ashley..."
pov "{i}God, she is so beautiful...{/i}"
pov "{i}Some time ago I would never agree to have sex with someone who has a dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}...but now I understand that she is a sissy girl and I can truly appreciate her beauty, even her clit... especially her cute little clit...{/i}"
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 0
with dissolve
ash "I can't wait... Please, fuck me... I want you to fill me up with your hot sissy cum..."
"You don't need to be asked twice and you slowly push your clit into her sissy hole."
show bg clitenlargmentashleyanal 2
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 1
with dissolve
ash "Ahhhh..."
ash "It feels so nice..."
"As soon as you enter her ass, you feel how extremely tight she is..."
pov "{i}I have no idea how long I'll be able to last, but I'm going to enjoy every moment of it.{/i}"
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck sl
with dissolve
"You start gently fucking her and both of are enjoying this moment very much..."
"After a while you hear Ashley starting to moan and then she grabs her clit and starts jerking it off while you fuck her."
show bg clitenlargmentashleyanal 3
with dissolve
ash "Why don't you go faster, baby?"
ash "Your clit feels so nice inside of me..."
ash "I can't wait to feel your hot cum shooting deep into me..."
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck fast
"You do as she asked and increase the speed."
pov "Ahhhh... It feels so amazing..."
"At this moment both of you start moaning louder and louder and you are trying to last as long as possible and not to cum right at that moment."
ash "Please, baby, cum for me..."
ash "Fill me up with your sweet sissy cum!"
hide clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck 3
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_cum 1
with flash
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_cum 2
with flash
show bg clitenlargmentashleyanal 1
with dissolve
ash "This felt so good..."
ash "You know what I want you to do now, don't you?"
"Lick up all the cum from her hole":
"Like entranced, you pull your clit out of her sissy hole and bring your mouth right to it..."
"Would eating your own cum out of her asshole count as doing \"sissy stuff\""
"But there is no way you could possibly refuse her, is it?"
hide clitenlargmentashleyanal_fuck
show clitenlargmentashleyanal_cum 3
with dissolve
"You try to lick up and swallow as much of your own cum as possible..."
"You are trying your best and when there is no cum left out on her asshole, you push your tongue inside, trying to get more..."
hide clitenlargmentashleyanal_cum
with dissolve
ash "Good girl!"
$ clitenlargcumeat += 1
"Act like you don't understand what she means...":
"Asley understands that you won't eat your cum and looks a bit disappointed by it, while you try to act like nothing is happening."
ash "Well, I guess if you are not in the mood to eat your cum, why don't I feed you with mine?"
hide clitenlargmentashleyanal_cum
with dissolve
ash "I want you to sit on the floor right beside the bed and rest your head on the edge of the bed..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then you see Ashley getting ready to sit on your face, with her clit in your mouth..."
"And right at that moment you remember what Erika told you..."
pov "{i}Fuck! I completely forgot! She told me not to do any sissy stuff! Not to get fucked and not to suck dicks!{/i}"
"Try to stop Ashley":
"At the last moment right before she puts her clit into your mouth, you stop her and tell her that you can't do it."
"She looks really surprised and it feels like she thinks that it's some kind of a joke."
ash "Why can't you do it? I thought you were into it... And you've promised, remember?"
ash "Please don't tell me that you just wanted to fuck me and wasn't going to do what I've asked for."
pov "{i}Fuck... She looks really dissapointed...{/i}"
"You try to explain her the situation and tell her that you completely forgot that you can't suck dicks or get fucked until the injection works."
"Even though it seems that Ashley understands the situation that you are in, she still looks dissapointed..."
"You don't know what to do and think that it would be best for you to leave..."
"You tell her that you are really sorry and promiss to make it up for her as soon as the injection works."
"She tells that it's ok and that you shouldn't worry about it."
"You go back to your room sad that you got Ashley disappointed and that you didn't get to suck her clitty..."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Suck her clit anyways":
$ clitenlargbj = True
$ ashleyfacesittingbj = True
"You think that it would be awful if you refuse to suck her clit especially after you've promised it to her..."
"So you just hope that it won't influence the injection effects and open your mouth, getting ready to suck her clit."
label scene_82_playback:
show bg ashleyfacesittingbj
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_82 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 82 unlocked")
$ scene_82 = True
"She lovers herself on your face and now it feels like she's just sitting on it."
"Even though her clit is quite small, because of the pose, it ends as deep in your mouth as possible..."
"And a moment later, she starts fucking your mouth hard."
"She must have gotten really horny after you've fucked her, as right now it feels like she doesn't care how you feel, she just {i}uses{/i} your mouth for her own pleasure."
"She fucks you like that for a while and after some time you feel her clit twitching in your mouth..."
show bg ashleyfacesittingbj
with flash
ash "Ahhhh..."
show bg ashleyfacesittingbj
with flash
"And a moment later she starts shooting her cum right into your throat..."
"You have no other option then to swallow it all..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Both of you got so exhausted after the sex that you silently lie on her bed and happily smile..."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
"You don't even notice how you fell asleep..."
"All night you cuddle with Ashley and sleep peacefully right until the next morning."
"You wake up, open your eyes and see Ashley right beside you... completely naked..."
label scene_83_playback:
show bg ashsleeping 1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I can't believe that it wasn't a dream...{/i}"
pov "{i}I've finally had sex with Ashley.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, she's so hot.{/i}"
pov "{i}And she's also so cute while she sleeps.{/i}"
pov "{i}And her little clit is so beautiful...{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel like I want to suck it all day long!{/i}"
pov "{i}I bet that she wouldn't mind if I wake her up with a blowjob.{/i}"
pov "{i}Although... I'm still worried if it's a good idea, Erika told me not to suck dicks if I want the injection to work properly.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if there is any difference between sucking a dick and a sissy clit...{/i}"
"Stop worrying about the injection and suck her clit":
if replay == False:
$ ashleymorningbj = True
pov "{i}I don't think that it's that bad if I suck it only one more time...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it's not a dick I'm going to suck... It's just a cute little sissy clit.{/i}"
pov "{i}It might be completely harmless for the injection.{/i}"
pov "{i}At least I hope so...{/i}"
"Trying not to think so much, you start gently kissing Ashley's balls and clit."
pov "{i}Her skin is so soft and nice to touch! And her smell... it's perfect... I'm getting honier with every moment...{/i}"
show bg ashsleeping 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"While you kiss her all over her little balls and clit, you notice that it's getting hard..."
pov "{i}Mmmm... It's so cute! I want it in my mouth!{/i}"
"You gently wrap your lips around it and start sucking."
"From time to time you take it out of your mouth and play with it with your tongue."
"Sometimes slightly biting and pulling her foreskin with your lips."
"And sometimes swallowing her clit completely as deep as you can."
"You aren't really trying to make her feel good, the main reason of most of your actions is your pleasure."
"You enjoy kissing, sucking and sniffing her clit while she's peacefully sleeping."
"But it seems that you're not the only one enjoying it and while you were sucking her cute little balls, her clit starts twitching and shooting cum."
show ashsleeping_cum 1
with flash
show ashsleeping_cum 2
with flash
show ashsleeping_cum 3
with flash
if scene_83 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 83 unlocked")
$ scene_83 = True
pov "{i}Wow! That was nice ️♥{/i}"
pov "{i}It wouldn't be nice to leave her all covered in cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better clean her up.{/i}"
"You start licking up the cum, enjoying the taste in your mouth and then slowly swallowing it little by little."
hide ashsleeping_cum
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}That's what I call a perfect breakfast ♥️♥️♥️{/i}"
show bg ashsleeping 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You clean her up and see her clit getting soft again."
pov "{i}I wonder how didn't she wake up from all of this...{/i}"
pov "{i}I think I should better go and let her sleep.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
jump room
"Better not to":
pov "{i}It might be better to avoid sucking anything until the injection works.{/i}"
pov "{i}Especially considering that I've already sucked her clit yesterday.{/i}"
pov "{i}I think I should leave and let her sleep.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
jump room
"I don't think she'll want to get fucked by me...":
"Too worried to get rejected by her and ruining your relationship with her you decide not to ask her..."
ash "Do you have something on your mind? Anything that you'd like to do together tonight?"
pov "Not really, just came by to ask how are you..."
ash "Oh, that is so sweet of you! Everything is great! How about you?"
pov "Yeah... I'm fine too, thank you..."
pov "{i}Fuck... Why don't I just ask her to have sex with me? She's just another sissy girl like me...{/i}"
pov "{i}...I mean... not like me! I'm not a sissy, I'm forced to do this stuff...{/i}"
pov "{i}But she does it because she is actually a sissy girl and she is obviously enjoying it...{/i}"
pov "I guess that I'll just go to sleep then..."
pov "It was nice seeing you. Sweet dreams!"
ash "Sweet dreams to you to, sweetie!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You slowly return back to your room, disappointed with yourself, that you couldn't find the courage to ask her to have sex with you..."
pov "{i}I hope I'll be able to find someone else to have sex with... I really don't want my dick to become even smaller than now.{/i}"
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label ashreplay_dbldld:
if ash_dbldld_first_time:
$ ash_dbldld_first_time = False
pov "I have a little surprise for you!"
pov "I've been in a sexshop and saw this cool toy... and thought maybe we could have some fun with it together..."
pov "What do you think?"
ash "Wow! It looks so cool!"
ash "I'm so happy you've decided to try it out together!"
ash "Come on in, let's have fun!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
ash "How about we suck it a bit before using it?"
ash "Would be hot to use our saliva instead of lube."
"You sit on the bed together and take the dildo into your mouths and start sucking..."
label scene_88_playback:
show bg ash_doubledildo_1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow brwn
if color == 'blck':
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow blck
if color == 'red':
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow red
if color == 'blue':
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow blue
if color == 'pink':
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow pink
if breasts == 'a':
show ash_doubledildo_breasts 1
if breasts == 'b':
show ash_doubledildo_breasts 2
if breasts == 'c':
show ash_doubledildo_breasts 3
if breasts == 'd':
show ash_doubledildo_breasts 4
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some time sucking the dildo and enjoying this moment while listening Ashley moaning slightly..."
show bg ash_doubledildo_2
with dissolve
"And soon enough, you get so turned on by the whole situation, that you want to have this dildo deeper in your throat..."
"It seems that Ashley had the same idea in her mind, so both of you try taking the dildo as deep as possible at the same time..."
show bg ash_doubledildo_3
show ash_doubledildo_hair:
xpos 1035
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow:
xpos 1035
if breasts == 'a' or breasts == 'b' or breasts == 'c' or breasts == 'd':
show ash_doubledildo_breasts:
xpos 1035
with Dissolve(2.)
"And after a while, when you have it as deep as you can, you feel your tongues meet and both of you start moaning even louder..."
"Sucking and gagging on the dildo deep in your throats and at the same time trying to play with each other's tongues..."
show bg ash_doubledildo_4
with dissolve
if scene_88 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 88 unlocked")
$ scene_88 = True
"After playing like that for a while, you start to feel saliva going down your chin and dripping down onto the bed."
show bg ash_doubledildo_5
show ash_doubledildo_hair:
xpos 0.5
show ash_doubledildo_eyebrow:
xpos 0.5
if breasts == 'a' or breasts == 'b' or breasts == 'c' or breasts == 'd':
show ash_doubledildo_breasts:
xpos 0.5
with Dissolve(2.)
"You spend some more time enjoying this big dildo going in and out of your throat..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
ash "That was so fun! What do you say if we see how deep it would go into our other holes, ha?"
"Hearing that makes your clit twitch in its little cage and all you can do is just nod, anticipating how amazing it will be to have this dildo fuck both of you at the same time..."
"You lie down on Ashley's bed and put your asses close to each other... And then, Ashley takes the dildo and slides it in her hole..."
"Considering how much saliva is on it, it goes in really easily."
"And a moment later she is gently pushing it into your hole..."
label scene_89_playback:
show bg ash_doubledildofuck
if cage == True and clitsize == 'small':
show ash_doubledildofuck_clit 1
if cage == True and clitsize == 'normal':
show ash_doubledildofuck_clit 2
if cage == True and clitsize == 'big':
show ash_doubledildofuck_clit 2
"As soon as it passes your p-spot an involuntary moan escapes your mouth..."
"Ashley starts slowly mowing the dildo and at the same time it moves out of your hole, it gets deeper and deeper into Ashly's... and then back..."
ash "This feels so good! Mmmmhh..."
ash "I could spend all day like this!"
"And then she starts to slide the dildo in and out even faster..."
"Each time the dildo slides back into you, the amazing feeling of fullness goes over your body and at those moments, you feel... {i}complete{/i}..."
"Something about having your hole occupied by a dick, even if it's not a real dick, makes you feel like you have everything you need at that moment and all that's left is to relax and enjoy..."
"And that is exactly what you do, you relax and moan louder and louder each time the dildo slides into your hole..."
"You spend what feels like hours getting fucked by the same toy together..."
ash "Fuck I feel like I'm going to cum! Can't hold myself any longer!"
"For you it's not so easy to cum from anal stimulation, but for the past half an hour or so you've been feeling an orgasm coming closer..."
"But as soon as it felt like you are about to cum, it passed and it felt like the feeling is almost going away, so you've been tortured by this sweet kind of pleasure, when you are about to cum... but not yet..."
"But then suddenly you feel Ashley starting to increase the speed and a moment later she fucks both of you as fast as she can!"
"And apparently, that's what you needed to take you over the edge."
if replay:
show ash_doubledildofuck_cum 2
if cage == True and clitsize == 'small':
show ash_doubledildofuck_cum 1
if cage == True and clitsize == 'normal':
show ash_doubledildofuck_cum 2
if cage == True and clitsize == 'big':
show ash_doubledildofuck_cum 2
with flash
if scene_89 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 89 unlocked")
$ scene_89 = True
"Both of you start moaning so loud that it feels more like screaming. And at the same time both of you shoot load after load of sissy cum all over your thighs..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After the orgasm has passed, both of you lie on the bed completely relaxed, but at the same time shaking from the intense pleasure that you've just had."
"A while later you feel Ashley taking the dildo out of your hole and then she starts licking up your cum from your thighs..."
"You smile at her and as soon as she finishes, you feel like it would only be fair if you return the favor, so you lick up her sweet juices from her thighs too."
ash "That was so hot! Can't wait for us to do it again!"
ash "It's a pity we didn't turn on the cam, we'd get so many tips for such a show."
"You give Ashley a nice kiss on the lips, wish her a good night and go back to your room."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label fuck_ashley_again_cage:
pov "Mmmm... I was wondering... if... maybe..."
ash "You want to fuck me again, don't you?"
pov "...yes."
if cage:
ash "But how can you do it if your clitty is locked?"
pov "..."
pov "I forgot about that! Sorry..."
jump ashhangout9_choice
ash "I'd love to!"
ash "I'll even find my cage and lock up my clitty for such an occasion!"
show black
with d
ash "Come inside. Give me a moment to lock up my clitty, please."
"You come in and see her quickly undress and then lock up her clitty."
ash "There, much better!"
"She jumps on the bed and invitingly spreads her legs."
ash "Mmmm... come on, baby, fuck me, fuck me hard!"
"She says as she giggles..."
ash "Sorry, couldn't hold myself, haha..."
"It seems that getting fucked by you for her is more like something fun and funny than sexy as she's used to getting fucked by real men and not some sissy with a clitty."
"But it doesn't get you offended as, to be honest, you'd feel the same if you were fucked by someone like you."
"You decide not to lose any time and undress right in front of her."
if clitsize == "tiny":
"But when she sees your tiny clit she bursts in laughter."
ash "I'm sorry, honey, I forgot how small it is! Haha!"
ash "But it's adorable, that's what I can say for sure."
ash "But I don't think you can fuck anyone with that cute little thing."
ash "Maybe you could finger me instead; that way, I'll feel something hehe."
"It's extremely humiliating knowing she prefers your finger instead of your tiny clit..."
pov "{i}But she's right, I don't think I can fuck anyone with this little thing...{/i}"
"She removes her clitty cage and gets ready for you to finger her."
"*** Please note: if you've ended up with a tiny clitty but still want to play through this scene, you can change the size of [pov]'s clit through the cheat menu in her room. ***"
$ fingering_instead = True
jump ashreplay_bjfingering
label scene_211_playback:
ash "Yeah, baby, fuck me with that b-... huge clitty, haha!"
"She gives you a cute smile as she teases you about the size of your clitty..."
"But somehow, she manages to make it cute and not offensive."
"And this little bit of loving humiliation even turns you on more."
"You come closer to her and position your clitty right near her hole about to penetrate her..."
show bg ashley_pov_fucking_ashley
if clitsize == "big":
show ashley_pov_fucking_ashley_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show ashley_pov_fucking_ashley_clit average
if clitsize == "small":
show ashley_pov_fucking_ashley_clit small
with d
"As you enter her sissy pussy a shiver of pleasure goes over your body..."
pov "{i}Ahhhh... how can she take such big dicks and be this tight?!{/i}"
ash "Mmmmm..."
"You hear her moan in pleasure, but at the same time, you see a playful look on her face that lets you realise that she is just humouring you and probably doesn't feel much pleasure from your small girly clit."
ash "Mmmm... yeah, [pov] fuck me hard!"
"You slowly start moving, but she is so tight and feels so good that you are already close to cumming..."
pov "{i}Fuck... it feels so good, and her womanly moans...{/i}"
pov "{i}She's so hot, so perfect...{/i}"
ash "Yes! I want to be fucked hard! My locked up clitty can cum only if you fuck me really hard!"
"Her saying that only made you even more humiliated, knowing that you won't be able to fuck her even close to that."
"All the pleasure on your clittty, hearing her moans and this sweet humiliation pleasure deep inside you finally takes you over the edge, and you start cumming!"
if clitsize == "big":
show ashley_pov_fucking_ashley_cum big
if clitsize == "normal":
show ashley_pov_fucking_ashley_cum average
if clitsize == "small":
show ashley_pov_fucking_ashley_cum small
with flash
if scene_211 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 211 unlocked")
$ scene_211 = True
ash "Haha! Sweetie, that was fast even for a sissy!"
ash "You make such a cute face while cumming."
ash "Come on, girl, time to clean up your mess!"
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_212_playback:
show black
with d
"Before you know it, your face is near her ass, and you feel the smell of your sissy cum."
show bg ashley_own_creampie_eating
show ashley_own_creampie_eating_cum
with d
if scene_212 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 212 unlocked")
$ scene_212 = True
"Without thinking much, you slowly extend your tongue and feel the salty taste on your tongue."
ash "Mmmm... yeah, baby, lick that sissy cum out of me!"
"Even though you just came, you feel very horny and start pushing your tongue deep inside her, licking up your sissy juice."
pov "{i}Eating my own cum from her tight hole makes me so horny...{/i}"
pov "{i}Wish I could lick her clean after each of her creampies...{/i}"
"As you dream about eating all the cum you can from her, your portion of cum gets smaller and smaller."
"And at some point, all of it is gone as you continue licking her hole."
hide ashley_own_creampie_eating_cum
with d1
ash "Thank you, [pov]. Now I'm nice and clean."
pov "Thank you for letting me do it ♥♥♥"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"After that, you give her a kiss on the lips and go back to your room."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label ashley_onahole:
label scene_251_playback:
scene black
with d
"You both get on her bed and get naked"
"She starts making out with you passionately and soon enough both of your clitties get really hard."
"As soon as she sees that both of you are ready, she takes her toy, which looks like a two-sided fleshlight and brings it closer to your clitties."
"You continue making out and feel her use the toy on your clitty as it slowly wraps around it."
"And then she penetrates it from the other side."
scene bg ashley_double_onahole
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show ashley_double_onahole_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show ashley_double_onahole_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show ashley_double_onahole_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show ashley_double_onahole_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show ashley_double_onahole_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show ashley_double_onahole_eyebrows pink
if breasts == 'a':
show ashley_double_onahole_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show ashley_double_onahole_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show ashley_double_onahole_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show ashley_double_onahole_breasts d
if clitsize == "tiny":
show ashley_double_onahole_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show ashley_double_onahole_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show ashley_double_onahole_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show ashley_double_onahole_clit big
with d
pov "Ooooh! Mmmm..."
"It feels very nice as it wraps around your clitty and a moan escapes your lips."
"And as you both start fucking the toy, you feel [ash]'s hot tip touch your tip inside the toy and the whole experience feels incredibly intimate."
"Ashley starts moaning too and you share passionate kisses as you continue fucking it."
ash "Nya~! Mmmm~~"
ash "It feels so good to feel your clitty touching mine..."
ash "I'm almost ready to cum..."
ash "I want to feel it up together with you."
ash "I want our sissy cum to mix up inside as our clitties twitch."
ash "[pov], cum for me..."
ash "Let's fill up this toy..."
ash "Her passionate moaning and her words bring you over the edge and both of you start shooting your hot sissy cum at the same time..."
pov "I-I... I'm cummi..."
with flash
show ashley_double_onahole_cum
with flash
if scene_251 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 251 unlocked")
$ scene_251 = True
"As soon as the toy gets filled up both of you slow down a little, but continue gently fucking it..."
"And your bodies shiver in pleasure as your clitty tips touch once again."
"After your orgasms, you stay like that with your clitties touching inside the toy and make out..."
ash "I felt so good..."
ash "D-do you want to help me clean up the toy?"
ash "It would be such a waste to wash out the cum..."
ash "Maybe you'd like to eat our sweet mix instead?"
"She asks you with a smile on her face."
"Eat your sissy cum mix":
jump ashley_onahole_eating_cum
"Maybe another time...":
ash "Oh... okay, maybe you'll do it next time we have fun with this toy."
scene black
with d
"She gives you another smile after saying that..."
"After you both clean up, you give [ash] a passionate kiss and go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ newday = True
$ day += 1
jump room
label ashley_onahole_eating_cum:
"You smile back and take the toy..."
scene bg ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating
with d
pov "{i}Oh, wow...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so full of cum...{/i}"
"Looking at the filled-up toy makes your mouth watering, even though you've just cum and not as horny as you were."
"But seeing your sweet juice mixed up with [ash]'s slowly brings back your arousal and it looks too delicious to pass such an opportunity..."
"So you position the toy above your head and open your mouth, sticking your tongue out."
"You gently squeeze the toy and the first portion of cum flows out of it right into your mouth."
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 1
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 2
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 3
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 4
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 5
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 6
pause 0.2
hide ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum
"With just one portion your mouth gets full of cum and you savour the taste."
"You play with your tongue a little, and enjoy the pleasant texture and taste of sissy cum."
"After that, you slowly start swallowing it little by little, trying to enjoy it as much as possible, while [ash] watches you excitedly."
"As you swallow the last drop of sweet cum, you squeeze the toy and the remaining portion of cum flows out, covering your slutty tongue once again."
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 1
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 2
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 3
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 4
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 5
pause 0.2
show ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum 6
pause 0.2
hide ashley_double_onahole_cum_eating_cum
"You play with it on your tongue like the previous time and then slowly start swallowing it again little by little."
ash "God, it's so hot to watch you eat our cum!"
"When the last drop of it reaches your stomach, you try to squeeze some more cum out of the toy, but nothing comes out."
scene black
with d
"Then [ash] takes the toy and licks up the remaining cum from the openings right in front of you."
"By this point, your clitty is already hard again, and so is hers."
ash "This was so fun..."
ash "Can't wait to do it again with you."
"After that, both of you clean up and you go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ newday = True
$ day += 1
jump room
label tomvisit2:
show pov:
xalign .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for another client in your room and soon you hear a knock on the door..."
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show char_tom:
xpos 0.5
show char_adrienne:
xpos 0.7
with moveinright
"It's Tom again, but this time, he's not alone..."
pov "{i}Oh god... Please, no...{/i}"
"He came with the girl that you've been in love with for years..."
"You've never told her that you love her and you haven't even her out."
"She's never been interested in guys like you..."
"But Tom knew that you are in love with her... And apparently, he wants to make you even more miserable and humiliated, but this time in front of your crush."
tom "Hey, babe, look who I came with..."
adr "Hey... [povname]?!"
adr "Tom, I thought you were lying..."
tom "Yeah, this is our [povname] now... Little cock-sucking sissy slut."
adr "[povname], why are here? What happened to you? Are you really... a... sissy slut?"
pov "I'm not! They are forcing me! I..."
tom "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've heard that before..."
tom "They are forcing me, I'm not a slut, blah blah blah."
tom "And an hour later you were begging me to fuck you harder."
tom "Why don't we skip your pathetic lies and just get down to business."
tom "You see, when I told Adrienne about you, she didn't believe me..."
tom "So I proposed a bet, and as you can tell, she has just lost it."
tom "And something tells me, that you won't like what's going to happen next..."
tom "So, Adrienne, I think we should start..."
adr "You aren't serious right?"
tom "Of course, I am! I'd do my part of the bet if I'd lose."
tom "So you better be a good girl and do what I tell you, same goes with you, [povname], if you don't want to go the hard way like the last time."
tom "Now go and lie on the bed and wait for Adrienne. And you, girl, take off your clothes and get above him, like I told you before."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Would you like to skip this scene?"
jump aftertom2
"You don't want to experience everything that you had to go through the last time, so you decide to do what he tells you and lie down on the bed waiting."
"You can't believe your own eyes, when you see what happens next..."
"The girl that you've been dreaming about, is taking her clothes off right in front of you."
adr "But make it quick, Tom, you are lucky that I'm doing it at all."
"You are so shocked, that you can't even say anything, and a moment later, when she gets completly naked, she climbs on the bed and gets right above you, so her pussy is right in front of your face..."
"You are hypnotized by the view and can't take your eyes away from her..."
tom "Haha... if only you could see your face now!"
tom "I want you to open your mouth, take out your tongue and look at me."
"You are too curious to see what will happen next, so you do exactly what you are told to do."
"A moment later Tom takes his clothes off and comes closer to both of you."
label scene_43_playback:
show bg tom_threesome 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"I bet you'll enjoy the show from the first-row seats, [povname]."
"Keep your tongue out like that and don't do anything unless I tell you to do."
show bg tom_threesome 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"A moment later he thrusts his cock into Adrienne's pussy and with every thrust his cock is sliding on your tongue."
pov "{i}This is the most humiliating moment of my whole life, the girl that I love is getting fucked right in front of my face.{/i}"
pov "{i}While the guy that's fucking her is resting his balls on my face and forces me to lick his cock...{/i}"
"After a while you start to feel Adrienne's pussy juice in your mouth, it seems like she's got super wet and Tom's cock is all covered in it."
"At least you get to taste her pussy, even if it's from the cock, that's fucking her."
tom "Tell me [povname], how does it feel, seeing your love getting fucked right in front of your face?"
adr "Love? Oh god, [povname], you're in love with me?"
adr "I've never knew about it..."
tom "Don't worry, Adrienne, it doesn't matter anyways, we all understand that you would never be in a relationship with a guy like [povname]."
tom "Even if she asked you to fuck her right now, you wouldn't be able to do that..."
tom "Adrienne, check out his little clitty, how it's locked up in it's cute little cage..."
adr "Oh fuck, it's true!"
adr "It's so cute, you are really a sissy, aren't you."
adr "You're even leaking like a girl, you've made your panties all wet..."
"As you listen to all of that, you can't help but wish you could just disappear and stop all this humiliation..."
"... but at the same time, you are turned on like you've never been before!"
pov "{i}What is wrong with me, why is this turning me on so much, getting humiliated like that?!{/i}"
show bg tom_threesome 3
with Dissolve(2.)
"A moment later you feel Tom's cock starting to throb as he pulls it out of Adrienne's pussy, while shooting cum all over your face and her ass and pussy..."
show tom_threesome_cum 1
with flash
pause 0.2
show tom_threesome_cum 2
with flash
pause 0.2
tom "Mmmmm... It was nice..."
tom "Now I want you to eat everything that got into your mouth and then lick Adrianne clean."
"You swallow all the cum in your mouth and then lick Adreanne clean, trying to make the moment last long and enjoy her gorgeous body..."
hide tom_threesome_cum 2
with dissolve
pov "{i}I can't believe that the first time I touch her had to be like this...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
label aftertom2:
if scene_43 == False:
$ scene_43 = True
$ renpy.notify("Scene 43 unlocked")
$ renpy.notify("New clothes ulocked!")
$ sell_tshirt_top = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_red = True
$ sell_skirt_short = True
$ sell_skirt_short_brown = True
$ sell_skirt_short_wine = True
$ sell_skirt_short_black = True
$ sell_skirt_short_anthracite = True
$ sell_garter_transparent = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_red = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_black = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_brown = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_white = True
$ sell_panties_double = True
$ sell_panties_double_pink = True
$ sell_panties_double_blue = True
$ sell_panties_double_black = True
$ sell_panties_double_red = True
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label tom_visit_friends:
show pov:
xalign .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for another client in your room and soon you hear a knock on the door..."
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show char_tom:
xpos 0.5
with moveinright
tom "Hey slut!"
tom "Surprised to see me?"
pov "Tom? I didn't expect you to come..."
tom "Why not? Don't you miss my dick?"
pov "I-I..."
tom "Of course you do, don't even try to pretend like you don't."
"Come on slut, time to suck it."
"But first, I want you to undress, close your eyes and get on your knees?"
pov "Close my eyes? B-but why?"
tom "You'll see..."
"By now, you know well that it's better not to argue with him and decide to do what he says."
label scene_235_playback:
show black
with d
"You slowly undress as [tom] watches you and get on your knees with your eyes closed."
pov "How long do I have to stay like this?"
tom "I'll tell you when to open your eyes."
"About a minute passes as you sit still and wait."
pov "{i}Fuck, it's already humiliating...{/i}"
tom "Open your eyes slut."
scene bg tom_friends
with d
"You open your eyes and see three dicks pointing at you..."
with hpunch
pov "..."
tom "I though you might miss your other classmates, so I've invited John and Tyler to joing me today."
tlr "Hey, slut!"
jhn "I see you've changed quite a lot since the last time I saw you..."
pov "H-Hey guys..."
tom "Are you ready to suck our dicks?"
pov "Please, it's to weird..."
pov "We used to hang out together..."
pov "Doesn't it feel weird to you?"
tlr "Not really! If I knew what a slut you are, I'd made you my bitch a long time ago."
"And without waiting for you to reply, he forces his hard dick in your mouth as the other two of your /'friends/' start laughing."
if scene_235 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 235 unlocked")
$ scene_235 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_236_playback:
scene black
with d
"You are shocked by all of this, but your sissy instincts take over and you immediately start sucking as you feel a cock on your tongue."
tlr "Wow... this bicth does know how to suck a dick!"
tom "I've told you, she a natural slut."
jhn "That's probably how she used to get good grades."
jhn "I'm sure she sucked all the professors' dick back when she was studying with us."
"You are about to object, but as you are about to say something, [tlr] grabs the back of your head and forces his dick in your throat."
"And all that's getting out of your mouth is a cok-blocked moan."
jhn "Come on, I want to feel those slutty lips on my dick as well."
tlr "What are you waiting for then?"
tlr "I'm sure this bitch can handle two dicks at the same time."
pov "Mmm... n-n...!"
"And a second later [jhn] forces his dick in your mouth and stretches it to the limit."
show bg tom_double_blowjob
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg long red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg braids red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hairbg tails red
show tom_double_blowjob_head
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_hair pigtails red
show tom_double_blowjob_eyes
if color == 'blnd':
show tom_double_blowjob_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show tom_double_blowjob_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show tom_double_blowjob_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show tom_double_blowjob_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show tom_double_blowjob_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show tom_double_blowjob_eyebrows pink
show tom_double_blowjob_dicks
with hpunch
pov "Mm~~, A-AH~!!"
tom "Come on bitch, don't act like it's the first time you have two dicks in your mouth!"
tom "Suck them good!"
"You try your best to do as you are told to but becasue the two dicks are stretching your mouth too much, all that's left for you is to use your tongue."
"So you try to give them as much pleasure as you can and lick the tips of the dicks as they fill your mouth."
"You continue pleasing their dicks as they laugh, but then you hear a sound..."
"A sound from [tom]'s phone, he started recording a video!"
show tom_double_blowjob_camera
with hpunch
pov "Mmm!"
tom "Come on slut! Show us what a cock hungry slut you are!"
tom "Maybe after this video goes around in our college, more guys will want to come visit you!"
pov "Nnngh f-fuck!"
tom "You actually should be grateful to us, it's a free advertisment!"
tlr "Yeah, we should've charged you for it, but I guess you could repay us with your cock sucking skills."
"After saying that, they both start moving their dicks in your mouth, trying to stretch it as much as possible and get as deep as they can."
"They continue fucking you like this for a while, as they keep recording you."
pov "{i}Fuck, now everyone will know what a cock-sucking slut I am!{/i}"
jhn "Yeah, slut! Show as what a thirsty whore you are."
tlr "If you do a good job, we'll give a lot of cum for you to eat."
"They continue filming you as they keep fucking you and calling you names."
"Taking turns fucking your mouth."
"But there is never less then one cock in your mouth at a time."
"It goes on like this for what seems like hours when finally you feel the dicks in your mouth starting to twitch."
show tom_double_blowjob_cum
with flash
if scene_236 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 236 unlocked")
$ scene_236 = True
"And a moment later, your mouth gets filled up with two big loads of cum!"
tom "What a nice shot!"
"This video will make you so popular!"
tom "How do you think, how long will it be before someone uploads it online."
tlr "The only thing you can hope for is that they won't mention your real name."
"As their still hard dicks now rest in your mouth, you start swallowing all the cum that you can, even though it's very difficult with the dicks inside."
"After you are done swallowing what in your mouth, they make you clean their dicks one by one and after that they take a close up shot of your face and tell you to smile for the camera."
if replay:
jump scenes
scene black
with d
"After that, they get dressed and leave without paying."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label tom_revenge:
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
show char_alex t
alex "Hey slut!"
alex "I have a surprise for you..."
pov "{i}Fuck... What is it now?{/i}"
alex "Haha! Don't worry, it's a good surprise. I'm sure you'll like it..."
pov "W-what is it...?"
alex "Well, I'll let you have it on one condition."
alex "You'll have to pay for it."
alex "And not with money."
alex "You'll have to do something after you receive the surprise."
alex "But you won't get to know what the payment and what the surprise is until you agree."
alex "If you disagree, I'll just leave, and you won't know what it was all about."
alex "So which is it?"
"Agree to get a surprise and pay for it":
pov "I don't know..."
pov "How can I agree without knowing what I'll have to pay with...?"
pov "Will I regret it?"
alex "You won't know unless you agree, but see it this way, the surprise might be worth the payment..."
alex "And believe me, you want that surprise, haha!"
pov "..."
pov "... okay... I agree."
alex "Great, now come with me."
$ tom_revenge_refuse = True
alex "Your choice, haha!"
"After saying that, she leaves."
jump room
label scene_249_playback:
scene black
with d
"You leave the room and follow [alex] to the elevator."
"She uses her key card, and you go down to the restricted basement area."
"And after leading you through a narrow hallway, she opens a door for you."
"And as soon as you enter, you see..."
scene bg tom_tied_up
show tom_tied_up_dick soft
with d
if scene_249 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 249 unlocked")
$ scene_249 = True
pov "Tom?!"
tom "What the fuck? What is this bitch doing here?"
alex "Here is your surprise, hehe..."
tom "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!"
alex "This fucker hired some sluts to have a threesome with them and had nothing to pay with."
tom "I've told you I'll find the money!"
alex "And I've told you that if you want to fuck someone here, you have to pay for it right away."
alex "And besides, you've already agreed to pay another way..."
alex "And sucking one dick for $1500 should be more than worth it."
tom "You didn't tell me I'll have to suck off this sissy bitch?"
alex "What? Would you prefer to suck some hung man instead of a sissy clit?"
alex "If so, I could arrange that instead, but make sure to get your throat ready, haha!"
tom "That's not what I meant! I don't want to suck hung men!"
tom "Let's just get this over with so I can leave this shit hole and forget about it!"
alex "Alright then, you are free to fuck his mouth."
pov "Wait... are you serious...?"
alex "Yeah, it would be fun to see this fucker suck his first dick for money..."
alex "Well, not a dick, but seeing him suck a sissy clit is even more fun."
alex "How humiliating must it feel to be used {i}by{/i} a sissy haha!"
alex "And it will be even more fun when I get your payment."
pov "And what do I have to pay for this?"
alex "You'll get to know after..."
pov "{i}Wow... I can't believe it!{/i}"
pov "{i}I get to pay him back and fuck his mouth after all the humiliation I've been through because of him!{/i}"
"You slowly come closer to him..."
scene bg tom_sucking
with d
"Notice: the following scene has different outcomes that depend on your clitty size and how submissive you've been through the game so far."
"He opens his mouth for you and tries not to look you in the eyes."
tom "You'll pay for it, bitch..."
"Seeing him like this makes you chuckle as you slowly reveal your already hard clitty."
pov "{i}Can't believe this is happening...{/i}"
if clitsize == 'big':
show tom_sucking_clit big 1
with d
tom "I'm not joking; if you do this, I will make your life hell..."
pov "Yeah, yeah..."
"And without hesitation, you force your clit in his open mouth."
show tom_sucking_clit big 2
with d
tom "Aghh...mmm..."
pov "How do you like it now? Being the one sucking, ha?"
pov "{i}I'm so glad my clit is bigger than it used to be...{/i}"
tom "F-fck y-ou!"
"He says with your clit still occupying his mouth..."
"He doesn't really suck it, but more so keeps his mouth open for you to use it."
"But since your clit isn't as small as it used to be, his lips are wrapped around it nicely."
"You slowly start moving inside his mouth as he breathes heavily through his nose and waits with an angry expression on his face for you to finish."
pov "{i}It's so weird to see him on his knees with my clit inside his mouth...{/i}"
"You fuck him like that for a couple of minutes, but you can't go any longer because the whole situation and his mouth make you feel too good."
"Cum in his mouth":
with flash
show tom_sucking_cum_mouth big
with flash
"You hold your pulsating clitty in his mouth as it continues to pulsate and release your sissy cum in his mouth."
"And the moment you stop, he takes your clitty out of his mouth and spits out your cum on the floor."
hide tom_sucking_clit
hide tom_sucking_cum_mouth
tom "You'll pay for this, bitch!"
jump tom_sucking_after
"Give him a facial":
$ tom_suck_facial = True
"And right before you cum, you take your clit out of his mouth and..."
show tom_sucking_clit big 1
with d
with flash
show tom_sucking_cum_facial
show tom_sucking_cum_tongue
show tom_sucking_cum_lips
with flash
"... cover his face with your sissy cum..."
"And as soon as you finish, he spits out the cum that got into his mouth."
hide tom_sucking_cum_tongue
with d
tom "You'll pay for this, bitch!"
jump tom_sucking_after
if clitsize == 'normal':
show tom_sucking_clit average 1
with d
tom "I'm not joking; if you do this, I will make your life hell..."
pov "You hesitate for a moment before proceeding, considering what he might do to you..."
"But then you decide you won't get such a chance in the future and stick your clit inside his mouth..."
show tom_sucking_clit average 2
with d
tom "Aghh..."
pov "{i}This is so weird...{/i}"
tom "F-fck y-ou!"
"He says with your clit in his mouth..."
"He doesn't really suck it, but more so keeps his mouth open for you to use it."
"You slowly start moving inside his mouth as he breathes heavily through his nose and waits with an angry expression on his face for you to finish."
pov "{i}It's so weird to see him on his knees with my clit inside his mouth...{/i}"
"You fuck him like that for a couple of minutes, but you can't go any longer because the whole situation and his mouth make you feel too good."
"Cum in his mouth":
with flash
show tom_sucking_cum_mouth average
with flash
"You hold your pulsating clitty in his mouth as it continues to pulsate and release your sissy cum in his mouth."
"And the moment you stop, he takes your clitty out of his mouth and spits out your cum on the floor."
hide tom_sucking_clit
hide tom_sucking_cum_mouth
tom "You'll pay for this, bitch!"
jump tom_sucking_after
"Give him a facial":
$ tom_suck_facial = True
"And right before you cum, you take your clit out of his mouth and..."
show tom_sucking_clit average 1
with d
with flash
show tom_sucking_cum_facial
show tom_sucking_cum_tongue
show tom_sucking_cum_lips
with flash
"... cover his face with your sissy cum..."
"And as soon as you finish, he spits out the cum that got into his mouth."
hide tom_sucking_cum_tongue
with d
tom "You'll pay for this, bitch!"
jump tom_sucking_after
if clitsize == 'small':
show tom_sucking_clit small 1
with d
tom "Are you going to risk it slut?"
tom "With that little clit you have, you should be the one sucking, not me."
pov "You hesitate for a moment before proceeding, considering if you are really going to do it..."
pov "{i}What if he'll come back and humiliate me even more somehow?{/i}"
"You start to hesitate...":
tom "That's what I thought."
tom "With a pathetic thing like that between your legs, you are the one who'll be sucking."
jump tom_revenge_sucking_tom
"Stick your clitty in his mouth":
"But then you decide you won't get such a chance in the future and stick your clit inside his mouth..."
show tom_sucking_clit small 2
with d
tom "Agrhh..."
pov "{i}This is so weird...{/i}"
tom "F-fck y-ou!"
"He says with your clit in his mouth..."
"He doesn't really suck it, but more so keeps his mouth open for you to use it."
"Your clit is so small that his lips aren't really wrapped around it."
"But the feeling of your clitty rubbing against his tongue still feels very nice."
"You slowly start moving inside his mouth as he waits with an angry expression on his face for you to finish."
pov "{i}It's so weird to see him on his knees with my clit inside his mouth...{/i}"
"You continue moving inside his open mouth, trying to get as much pleasure as possible, and a couple of minutes later, you can't go any longer because the whole situation and his mouth make you feel too good."
"Cum in his mouth":
with flash
show tom_sucking_cum_mouth small
with flash
"You hold your pulsating clitty in his mouth as it continues to pulsate and release your sissy cum in his mouth."
"And the moment you stop, he takes your clitty out of his mouth and spits out your cum on the floor."
hide tom_sucking_clit
hide tom_sucking_cum_mouth
tom "You'll pay for this, bitch!"
jump tom_sucking_after
"Give him a facial":
$ tom_suck_facial = True
"And right before you cum, you take your clit out of his mouth and..."
show tom_sucking_clit small 1
with d
with flash
show tom_sucking_cum_facial
show tom_sucking_cum_tongue
show tom_sucking_cum_lips
with flash
"... cover his face with your sissy cum..."
"And as soon as you finish, he spits out the cum that got into his mouth."
hide tom_sucking_cum_tongue
with d
tom "You'll pay for this, bitch!"
jump tom_sucking_after
if clitsize == 'tiny':
show tom_sucking_clit tiny 1
with d
tom "Seriously?"
tom "You expect me to suck this knob?"
tom "With a pathetic thing like that between your legs, you are the one who'll be sucking."
jump tom_revenge_sucking_tom
label tom_sucking_after:
scene bg tom_tied_up
show tom_tied_up_dick hard
if tom_suck_facial:
show tom_tied_up_facial
with d
if tom_suck_facial:
"You move away a bit and get a look at him again as he's standing on his knees with your sissy cum covering his face..."
"You move away a bit and get a look at him again as he's standing on his knees."
tom "Happy now? I did what you told me to; now I don't owe you anything, take this shit off my arms and legs."
alex "Haha! I see you've enjoyed sucking a sissy clit, right?"
"Then you notice that [tom] has got hard as he was sucking you..."
tom "Oh, fuck you!"
tom "I didn't enjoy it!"
alex "Yeah, yeah..."
alex "Anyways, I'll tell security to come and let you go."
"After that, [alex] turns around and walks away."
if tom_suck_facial:
"You take one last look at [tom]'s cum-covered face and follow her."
"You take one last look at [tom] and follow her."
pov "{i}I hope he won't come later and try to humiliate me even more than before...{/i}"
scene black
with d
if replay:
jump scenes
jump urinal_payment
label tom_revenge_sucking_tom:
$ tom_revenge_sucking_tom = True
scene black
with d
"After saying that, he stands up from his knees, and you see his hard dick in front of you..."
tom "On your knees, slut. Start sucking."
scene bg sucking_tom
with d
"You are so conditioned to dropping on your knees in front of a hard cock, that you didn't even say anything and just obeyed him..."
show sucking_tom_mc
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show sucking_tom_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show sucking_tom_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show sucking_tom_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show sucking_tom_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show sucking_tom_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show sucking_tom_eyebrows pink
if breasts == 'a':
show sucking_tom_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show sucking_tom_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show sucking_tom_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show sucking_tom_breasts d
with d
pov "{i}Wait! How did it happen?!{/i}"
pov "{i}W-why am I sucking his dick when I could fuck his mouth?{/i}"
alex "Haha! To be honest, I didn't expect that; it seems that you really are a cock-sucking sissy slut at this point."
pov "..."
"You feel confused about how the situation turned around, but at the same time, you feel like it's how it should be."
"Getting a blowjob from someone at this point feels weird..."
"Having a cock in your mouth is what you really want."
"So you continue sucking and try not to think much about it..."
"You go slow and then faster and then slow again."
"All you care is pleasing the dick in your mouth."
"You tease the tip with your tongue and enjoy it pulsating in your mouth."
"You are so turned on by the process that your clitty is as hard as it can be..."
"And after a while, you feel his hard cock starting to twitch about to fill up your mouth with sweet cum..."
with flash
show sucking_tom_cum
with flash
tom "Mmm... good slut..."
alex "It's all good and everything... but..."
alex "The deal was that you have to suck a dick to repay your debt, not get a blowjob from a sissy."
tom "I'm sure [pov] would be more than happy to pay what I owe, isn't that right, [pov]?"
hide sucking_tom_cum
with d
"You almost didn't hear what they were talking about, as you were too focused on eating the cum from [tom]'s dick, and as you swallow the last drop of his hot cum, you realise they are both waiting for you to reply."
if replay:
jump scenes
"Agree to pay Tom's debt":
$ tom_revenge_sucking_tom_paid = True
"You don't want to take the dick out of your mouth, so you slowly nod as you continue to suck..."
tom "That's a good girl and this way you, there are more dicks for you to please instead, I shouldn't be taking your job, haha!"
scene black
with d
"After saying that, he takes his dick out, slaps your face with it and laughs."
"Since this slut agreed to pay, I should be free to go, so take this shit off my arms and legs; I have stuff to do."
alex "I don't care who pays as long as I get the money."
alex "I'll send security to unleash you, and you are free to go after that."
alex "But next time, make sure you have the money before hiring my girls."
"After saying that, [alex] turns around and walks away."
"You stand up and follow her."
"Tom is visibly happy about how everything turned out and looks at you with a smirk on his face."
$ money -= 1500
$ renpy.notify("Money -$1500")
if replay:
jump scenes
jump urinal_payment
scene black
with d
pov "..."
"You take his dick out of your mouth and hesitate a bit before speaking."
pov "I-I'm not going to pay his debt..."
tom "What?!"
pov "..."
alex "Then you'll have to do what we agreed to. I'll return with someone else, and you'll suck his dick this time."
"After saying that, [alex] turns around and walks away."
"You stand up and follow her, trying not to look at [tom]."
"As you leave, he starts shouting and swearing at you."
tom "You will pay for this, bitch! I'll make sure to make you miserable!"
pov "{i}Can't believe that he'll have to suck a dick now...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I think he deserves this...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm still not sure how it happened that I've sucked his dick instead of fucking his mouth.{/i}"
pov "{i}But it felt so good...{/i}"
"You leave the room while thinking about what just happened as the taste of cum fills your mouth."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump urinal_payment
label urinal_payment:
label scene_250_playback:
"You follow [alex] out of the room."
alex "Okay, now for the fun part..."
if tom_revenge_sucking_tom:
alex "Even though you didn't use the chance to fuck that dipshit's mouth and chose to suck his dick instead, you still have to do your part of our agreement."
alex "Since you got the treat of having that dipshit suck your clit, now it's your turn to do your part of our agreement."
pov "..."
alex "So, follow me."
"You go down the hallway and enter a small restroom."
alex "This is the male staff toilet. And you are going to spend the rest of the day here."
pov "W-why?"
alex "You'll see..."
alex "First, take off your clothes."
"You do as she says, worried about what will come next."
alex "Now, take your \'seat\' haha!"
"As she says, she points at one of the urinals."
"It looks like a regular urinal, but it has restraints mounted on it."
pov "Wait... I have to sit on the urinal?!"
alex "Exactly."
alex "Come on, I don't have all day to stay here with you."
if tom_revenge_sucking_tom and tom_revenge_sucking_tom_paid == False:
alex "I still have to go watch that fucker suck his first cock, haha!"
"You are afraid of disobeying her, as you know that it wouldn't end well if you did, so you do as you are told to and sit on the urinal."
"As you take your place, she locks up the restraints and leaves."
alex "Enjoy your day, slut... Hahaha!"
scene bg urinal_payment
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hairbg long red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hairbg tails red
show urinal_payment_mc
if breasts == 'a':
show urinal_payment_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show urinal_payment_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show urinal_payment_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show urinal_payment_breasts d
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show urinal_payment_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show urinal_payment_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show urinal_payment_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show urinal_payment_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show urinal_payment_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show urinal_payment_eyebrows pink
if clitsize == "tiny":
show urinal_payment_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show urinal_payment_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show urinal_payment_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show urinal_payment_clit big
show urinal_payment_eyes open
show urinal_payment_mouth closed
with d
pov "..."
pov "Fuck..."
pov "{i}Am I going to be some kind of human toilet for the rest of the day now?!{/i}"
man "Oh, what do we have here..."
man "Another piss slut!"
man "Nice!"
"You hear someone say, and then you see one of the workers come closer and unzip his fly, revealing his meaty dick and pointing at you..."
show urinal_payment_dick
with d
"Skip event":
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
pov "Wait! No, please!"
man "Haha! Is this your first time?"
man "Don't worry, by the end of the day, you'll be hoping for more men to come here and piss all over you..."
man "And besides, you can't fool me; I know you already want this; your hard clit can't lie, haha!"
"After saying that, you feel a hot stream of piss hit your chest."
show urinal_payment_eyes closed
show urinal_payment_piss
with hpunch
pov "Fuck!"
"You close your eyes and mouth and feel your body tremble."
pov "{i}He's actually peeing all over me!{/i}"
pov "{i}And why is my clit so hard right now?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm being used as a fucking urinal!{/i}"
man "Do you like it?"
man "Do you like feeling my hot piss all over your body?"
pov "..."
"You remain silent and hold your breath as he continues to piss all over you..."
show black
with d
"After he's done, he shakes his dick covering your body with the remaining drops of piss, puts his dick away and laughs as he leaves."
man "Gotta go back to work, but don't worry, I might visit you again today, haha!"
"After he leaves, you are alone again."
"But you keep your eyes closed as his hot piss flows down your skin and cools down, giving you shivers..."
"It doesn't take long before another man comes in, takes his dick out right in front of you without saying anything and then another portion of piss covers hits your body..."
"The time passes, and more and more men come to relieve themselves."
"Some of them laugh at you and even try to aim at your face."
"And weirdly enough, the more you get pissed all over, the more you start to... enjoy it?!"
"Something about the humiliation of this all only makes you more and more turned on..."
"And as another man aims at your face, you even open your mouth and stick your tongue out for him to piss all over it."
hide black
hide urinal_payment_dick
show urinal_payment_pee
if clitsize == "tiny":
show urinal_payment_cum tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show urinal_payment_cum small
if clitsize == "normal":
show urinal_payment_cum average
if clitsize == "big":
show urinal_payment_cum big
with d
if scene_250 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 250 unlocked")
$ scene_250 = True
"By the end of the day, your whole body and face is covered with piss."
"And then you realize that sometimes while you've been used like this, you even managed to leak some cum..."
pov "{i}Fuck... Did I really cum while tasting someone's piss?!{/i}"
"But then your thoughts are interrupted as you see [alex] come inside."
alex "Haha! I see you've enjoyed it here..."
alex "That's what I like to see..."
alex "I'm sure our deal was more than worth it for you."
scene black
with d
"She unlocks you after saying that, and you climb down from the urinal, trying not to look into her eyes."
alex "Oh, by the way, there is no shower here, so you'll have to get to your room to take it..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Fuck... Now I have to get back to my room all covered in piss and my own cum...{/i}"
"You take your clothes, trying not to get piss all over them and go back to your room."
"On the way back, people turn around when they see you..."
"Some of them even point at you and laugh."
"You try to ignore their looks and blush..."
"And then the door of your room closes, and you are finally in your room."
pov "{i}I should wash it all off.{/i}"
"Take a shower":
"You quickly go take a shower and thoroughly wash your skin, and then go to sleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Go to sleep without showering":
"You are about to step into the shower when a lewd thought comes to your mind."
pov "{i}For some weird reason... I-I want to stay like this...{/i}"
"And then you feel your clitty getting all hard again."
pov "{i}Fuck! What is wrong with me? Why am I getting turned on by this?{/i}"
pov "{i}Going to sleep covered with the piss of some random men?!{/i}"
"Your whole body is shaking by the point you get in your bed, and you feel a weird feeling of pleasure go through your body."
"Your bedsheets get soaked by the piss from your body as you slowly fall asleep thinking about all the dicks that pissed all over you today..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
############################################################################################################################################################################################## Street
label street:
if scene_120:
$ street_car_piss_gang = True
if needclitinjection:
pov "{i}My first priority is making my clit bigger before Alex puts the cage back on it. I should better go to the lab now.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I don't think it would be such a good idea to work at the street until the injection works.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if sell_dress_street:
if dress == "street pink":
if dtime == 1:
pov "{i}I should better wait for the evening to work at the street.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
jump street1
#pov "{i}I have to put on a street whore dress if I want to get outside.{/i}"
if dtime == 1:
pov "{i}I should better wait for the evening to work at the street.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"You put on your slut dress and go outside."
jump street1
pov "When I try to use my key card to go down to the ground floor it says \"No Access\"."
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
label street1:
"You go down to the first floor of the building and then strait to the main entrance."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
if streetfirsttime:
$ streetfirsttime = False
"To your surprise you easily get out and nobody stops you."
"Even though Alex told you that you'll be able to leave the building with the tracker on your neck, some part of you thought that it was some kind of a joke."
"You walk away from the brothel a little and stop at the street corner. It's already dark and not so many people are walking by."
"Wait for someone to notice you.":
jump streetoption1
"Stand in a seductive pose":
jump streetoption2
"Offer yourself to the passing by people":
jump streetoption3
"Wait near the road showing off your legs and ass" if street_car_piss_gang:
jump road_slut
"Go to the porn studio" if poisonintroduction == False and scene_97 and changedmymind:
$ changedmymind = False
jump first_visit_porn_studio_after
label road_slut:
show black
with d
"You decide to wait by the road, trying to get clients that pass by in their cars..."
"Standing in a seductive pose, you pull your latex dress even higher than it already is and show off your legs and sometimes even flash your clitty and sissy balls to the passing drivers..."
"And one of those times when you show your clitty, you catch the driver's attention and the car stops after passing you..."
"You decide to come closer."
"As you come closer, the windows are lowered, and you see four men inside the car..."
man "What do we have here...?"
man "How much would it cost for us to take you to a secluded place and take turns fucking you?"
pov "..."
pov "{i}Fuck... Four men, one right after the other...{/i}"
"What should I say?"
pov "{i}It might not be such a good idea to get in a car with four strange men...{/i}"
pov "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to handle all of you..."
man "You don't know what you're missing... but whatever..."
"And after that, they drive off..."
"You spend some more time near the road..."
"..but no one stops after that car, and disappointed you go back to the brothel."
pov "{i}Maybe I should have agreed...{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
man "Hahaha! You must be crazy! For that much money, I'll find five sluts like you!"
"After that, they all start laughing and drive off..."
"You spend some more time near the road..."
"..but no one stops after that car, and disappointed you go back to the brothel."
pov "{i}Maybe I should have asked for much less money...{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
man "Wow... that's a lot of money for a street sissy slut like you..."
man "How about we give you 150?"
man "After all, you'll get all the pleasure from us taking turns fucking you!"
man "Good girl."
$ road_slut_piss_gang_piss = False
jump road_slut_piss_gang
man "You don't know what you're missing... but whatever..."
"And after that, they drive off..."
"You spend some more time near the road..."
"..but no one stops after that car, and disappointed you go back to the brothel."
pov "{i}Maybe I should have agreed...{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
man "Hmm..."
man "A bit steep, but alright."
man "I hope you are worth it. Get in."
$ road_slut_piss_gang_piss = False
jump road_slut_piss_gang
"As you say the price, you see a smile on the man's face."
man2 "Fuck... $50 for four people?!"
man3 "What a cheap slut!"
man "Oh, shut up, the girl does it for pleasure, not for money!"
man "And besides, you can do so much dirty stuff with cheap sluts like her..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Maybe I should have named a higher price...?{/i}"
man "Come on, girl. Get in."
$ road_slut_piss_gang_piss = True
jump road_slut_piss_gang
label road_slut_piss_gang:
"One of the men sitting on the back seat gets out of the car, helps you get in and takes a seat near you."
pov "{i}Nice... I'm in a car with four strangers, and I have no idea where we are going.{/i}"
pov "{i}... And they are all about to fuck me one by one...{/i}"
"Even though you are quite worried and scared, at the same time, you are extremely turned on..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I'd never imagined that I would be such a slut who would enjoy being in a situation like this.{/i}"
"Your thoughts get interrupted by one of the men's hand on your thigh..."
man3 "Wow, girl! You've got such nice legs. Can't wait to see you bend ower and show us your ass!"
pov "... thank you..."
man "We've almost arrived."
"You see them pull up to a dark alley with no people around..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I hope they won't kill me after they are done fucking me...{/i}"
man2 "She looks so scared..."
man3 "It was quite brave of you to get in a car with four strangers..."
man4 "Are you worried that we'll do something bad to you? Ha?"
man "Hey guys! Stop screwing with her..."
man "Don't worry! They are just joking, we want to have some good time fucking your sissy ass, and that's all!"
pov "{i}I hope he is telling the truth...{/i}"
"As the car pulls over, all you get out of the car and go to the car hood."
"You see one of them taking some beer out of the trunk as the other men are standing near and looking at you."
man "Come on, girl... get on on the hood and show us your juicy ass!"
pov "..."
"You slowly come to the car hood and climb on top of it..."
label scene_172_playback:
show bg street_road_slut_piss_gang
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_eyebrows pink
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_mc
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_clit normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_clit small
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_cage big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_cage normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_cage small
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_cage tiny
with d
pov "{i}What a slut have I become...?{/i}"
"Knowing what they want from you, you raise your tight dress and expose your ass and your already leaking clitty to the men."
man "Wow, girl! Your ass is juicy!"
man2 "Can't wait to feel that tight hole wrapped around my dick."
man3 "Come on! Shake that juicy ass!"
"You do as you are told and show off your ass and clitty for them, bending over lower."
if scene_172 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 172 unlocked")
$ scene_172 = True
man2 "Fuck! I want to fuck her already..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"And after saying that, he comes closer to you and pulls you to the edge of the hood..."
"You moan in anticipation of being penetrated by his big hard dick."
label scene_173_playback:
show bg street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_eyebrows pink
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_mc
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_clit normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_clit small
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_cage big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_cage normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_cage small
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_cage tiny
with d
"He slowly positions his dick on your hole, and then, you feel it slowly entering your sissy hole..."
"He's enjoying the process of penetrating your tight hole for the first time and does it as slow as he can."
"You close your eyes, and all your attention is focused on your stretching hole as it swallows the first dick of the night..."
"You enjoy every moment of this gentle penetration as he buries his long hard cock in your ass..."
"And soon you feel his big manly balls touching you, signalling that his dick is completely burried inside of you."
"After that, he increases the speed and starts fucking you as the other men watch and drink beer, cheering."
man "She's such a good slut!"
man3 "Yeah, sissy sluts are the best..."
man3 "Always so hungry for cock!"
man4 "And this one is about to taste four dicks one after another!"
"They continue discussing what a dirty little slut you are and laugh, but you don't even hear them, as all your attention is focused on the dick that's pounding your ass and all the pleasure it gives you!"
"As the time goes, you start moaning louder, begging the man to fuck you harder and giving the other men the show they were expecting..."
"You can't help yourself and tighten your hole trying to get as much pleasure as you can from the dick that's inside you..."
"And because of how tight your ass is, quite soon he is about to cum, and you feel his dick twitch and start pumping his hot seed right inside you!"
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_cum 1
with flash
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_fuck_cum 2
with flash
pov "Mmmmm...!"
man2 "Ahhhh! She's so fucking tight!"
if scene_173 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 173 unlocked")
$ scene_173 = True
man "Man... Couldn't you cum on her face or in her mouth?!"
man "Now we have to fuck her with your cum in her ass!"
man3 "Who cares! Just think of it like it's some extra lube..."
man3 "I want to feel that ass too, and I don't give a fuck about his cum!"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"And just like that, a moment later, another cock was thrusting inside you, making you moan even louder!"
"One by one, they've fucked you over and over, enjoying you as much as they could and sending wave after wave of pleasure all over your body as their hot cum was fillig you up..."
"And only when they came at least two times each and drank all their beer they were satisfied..."
if road_slut_piss_gang_piss:
"Notice: the next scene contains piss fetish..."
"Would you like to skip it?"
jump road_slut_piss_gang_piss_skip
"No :P":
man "Fuck... I've drunk so much beer! I need to piss..."
man2 "Me too..."
man "Oh, I know what we should do... how about we piss all over her instead of going to the bushes..."
man2 "What?"
man "Yeah... I'm sure a cheap slut like her is surely into some degrading stuff like this!"
"As you hear him say that, your eyes widen in shock, and the next thing you know, the man comes closer and pushes you on your knees, and four dicks are pointing at you!"
label scene_174_playback:
show bg street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss5:
xpos -1.
if breasts == 'a':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_breasts d
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hairbg braid red
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_head
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_mouth closed
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair short red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyebrows pink
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyes open
with d
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_dick1
with d1
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_dick2
with d1
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_dick3
with d1
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_dick4
with d1
pov "{i}I can't believe it! They are about to piss on me!{/i}"
"I have no idea what to do!":
"And before you can react, the first stream hits your face!"
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyes closed
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss1
with flash
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss2
with flash
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss3
with flash
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss4
with flash
"And then, one by one, they all start pissing on you!"
"Now it's already too late as you are all soaked in their piss..."
"The only thing left is to wait for them to finish... because if you open your mouth even a little bit to say something, the piss will get in it..."
"So you stand there on your knees, receiving hot streams of piss on your face from four men who just shot their cum in your ass..."
"... and for some strange, perverted reason... you enjoy it!"
pov "{i}Something about it is so hot...{/i}"
pov "{i}Something is wrong with me!{/i}"
"I need to ask them to stop!":
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_mouth open
pov "No! Please, sto..."
"And as you open your mouth, the first stream hits your face!"
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_eyes closed
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss1
with flash
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss2
with flash
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss3
with flash
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss4
with flash
"And then, one by one, they all start pissing on you!"
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_mouth closed
"You quickly close your mouth, but it's already too late, and the taste of their piss is in your mouth..."
"But to your surprise, it's not so bad..."
"...yeah, maybe a bit salty... but not bad..."
"And as you sit there and receive streams of hot piss on your face and think about its taste, for some reason, you feel a strong urge to open your mouth once again..."
pov "{i}Something about it is so hot... Being on my knees in front of four big men...{/i}"
pov "{i}Their hot salty piss hitting my face...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want it on my tongue.{/i}"
"Open your mouth and stick your tongue out":
"You are so turned on that don't think twice about it and open your mouth, sticking your tongue out for them to piss on it!"
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_mouth tongue
with d1
"Once again, the salty taste hits your tongue, but this time you don't close your mouth..."
"And enjoy it instead..."
"You don't dare to swallow anything intentionally, but a small amount of their piss still gets into your throat from time to time..."
"Don't do it":
"But... even though you want to open your mouth and taste it more... It feels like something deep inside holds from doing it..."
"They continue pissing on you for a while, and soon enough, you are all soaked with their piss, and a small piss puddle begins to form under you."
show street_road_slut_piss_gang_piss_piss5:
xpos 0.
with d1
"And after a while, they empty their bladders on you and one by one, they stop..."
if scene_174 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 174 unlocked")
$ scene_174 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You still keep your eyes closed, worried that if you open them, they will burn because of piss."
"And then suddenly you hear the doors of the car slam, and they drive off..."
pov "Wait!"
pov "You haven't even paid me! And... And you've pissed all over me!"
pov "{i}Fuck... what a night...{/i}"
"Even though this just happened... you feel... good?"
"And quite... happy?"
"Something about being used by a bunch of men, being degraded like this... being soaked in their manly piss..."
"... makes you complete..."
"After a while, you raise and go back to the brothel..."
"You try to move quickly and avoid people as you don't want anyone to see that you are covered in piss..."
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"You get down from the hood on your shaking legs, receive $150 from them and see them drive off..."
$ renpy.notify("$150")
$ money += 150
"You try to calm down a bit after being fucked for so long and go back to the brothel..."
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label road_slut_piss_gang_piss_skip:
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label streetoption1:
if streetoption1 == 1:
$ streetoption1 = 2
"You spend some time standing at the corner and waiting for someone to notice you..."
"You feel too insecure to offer yourself for passing people and it seems like nobody is interested in you."
pov "{i}I think they can say that I'm a whore judging by my outfit, but they are just not interested, maybe I should assume a more seductive pose or something...{/i}"
"But the next moment, you hear a car signal right near you and a hand appears from the opened window, motioning you to come closer."
"You come closer and see that that's a woman..."
wmn "Hey cutie, would you like to earn some money?"
wmn "Why don't you bend over and show me what's under that short dress?"
"Do it":
"You start blushing and then without saying a word, bend over, pulling your dress a little and allowing her to get a nice view at your ass and your little balls."
label scene_55_playback:
scene bg street showing ass
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You look at her face to see if she is happy with the view and you see her surprised face."
"Apparently she didn't expect you to be a \"boy\" and she starts blushing a little."
wmn "You are such a beautiful girl! I was going to give you $20 for this, but I think you deserve to get a little more."
if scene_55 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 55 unlocked")
$ scene_55 = True
"She pays you $40, gives you a wink and drives away."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("+$40")
$ money += 40
"You are too shy to bend over in the middle of a street in front of a woman and refuse."
"She looks disappointed and drives away."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if streetoption1 == 2:
$ streetoption1 = 1
"You spend some time standing at the corner and waiting for someone to notice you..."
"You feel too insecure to offer yourself for passing people and it seems like nobody is interested in you."
pov "{i}I think they can say that I'm a whore judging by my outfit, but they are just not interested, maybe I should assume a more seductive pose or something...{/i}"
"But the next moment, you hear a car signal right near you and a hand appears from the opened window, motioning you to come closer."
"You come closer and see that there are two men sitting in the car and looking at you..."
man "Hey babe, why don't you lower your dress a bit and show me and my fried here your breasts?"
"As soon as you hear it, you start blushing..."
"Should I do it? What if they're just screwing around and will drive off as soon as I show them?"
"Show your breasts":
"Something about the idea of showing your breasts to men right in the middle of the street makes you really horny..."
"So without saying anything, you lower your dress, exposing your breasts for them to see..."
label scene_95_playback:
show bg street_flashingbreasts
show street_flashingbreasts_eyes 1
show street_flashingbreasts_mouth 1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show street_flashingbreasts_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show street_flashingbreasts_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show street_flashingbreasts_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show street_flashingbreasts_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show street_flashingbreasts_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show street_flashingbreasts_eyebrows pink
if breasts == 'a':
show street_flashingbreasts_breasts 1
if breasts == 'b':
show street_flashingbreasts_breasts 2
if breasts == 'c':
show street_flashingbreasts_breasts 3
if breasts == 'd':
show street_flashingbreasts_breasts 4
with Dissolve(2.)
if breasts == False:
man "Ha! Look at that! I was hoping to see at least something..."
man "You look like you're a boy!"
show street_flashingbreasts_eyes 2
with dissolve
"You don't know how to react and if you should say something, so you just close your eyes and stand there with your exposed flat chest completely embarrassed."
man2 "Oh man, no need to be so rude!"
man2 "I think she looks cute, even without the breasts."
man2 "I'd be more than happy to play with those nipples, tease them a little."
man2 "And how hot it would be to cum all over her flat chest!"
man2 "I know what could make the view better."
man2 "Why don't you open your mouth and show us your tongue?"
"Do it":
show street_flashingbreasts_mouth 2
with dissolve
man2 "Good girl! I'd cum all over that little tongue of yours!"
man "She's quite a slut, isn't she?"
if scene_95 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 95 unlocked")
$ scene_95 = True
"Then you hear them laugh and the car driving off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"When you open your eyes, you see $40 that they threw on the ground for you..."
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
"You are so embarrassed, that sticking out your tongue while you are showing them your chest might be too much, so you refuse."
man "Well, suit yourself..."
"He throws $20 on the ground and drives off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if breasts == "a":
man "Ha! Look at that! They are so tiny..."
man "But they are quite cute!"
show street_flashingbreasts_eyes 2
with dissolve
"You don't know how to react and if you should say something, so you just close your eyes and stand there with your exposed chest."
man2 "Fuck, I think she looks hot."
man2 "I'd love to play with those little breasts!"
man "Yeah! I bet they are really sensitive."
man2 "I know what could make the view a little better."
man2 "Why don't you open your mouth and show us your tongue?"
"Do it":
show street_flashingbreasts_mouth 2
with dissolve
man2 "Good girl! I'd cum all over that little tongue of yours!"
man "Heh, she's quite a slut, isn't she?"
if scene_95 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 95 unlocked")
$ scene_95 = True
"Then you hear them laugh and the car driving off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"When you open your eyes, you see $40 that they threw on the ground for you..."
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
"You are so embarrassed, that sticking out your tongue while you are showing them your chest might be too much, so you refuse."
man "Well, suit yourself..."
"He throws $20 on the ground and drives off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if breasts == "b":
man "Look at those! They are quite nice..."
man "Not too big, not to small, for a petite girl like her - just perfect!"
show street_flashingbreasts_eyes 2
with dissolve
"You don't know how to react and if you should say something, so you just close your eyes and stand there with your exposed chest."
man2 "Fuck, she looks so hot."
man2 "I'd love to play with those breasts!"
man "Yeah! I bet they are really sensitive."
man2 "I know what could make the view a little better."
man2 "Why don't you open your mouth and show us your tongue?"
"Do it":
show street_flashingbreasts_mouth 2
with dissolve
man2 "Good girl! I'd cum all over that little tongue of yours!"
man "Heh, she's quite a slut, isn't she?"
if scene_95 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 95 unlocked")
$ scene_95 = True
"Then you hear them laugh and the car driving off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"When you open your eyes, you see $40 that they threw on the ground for you..."
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
"You are so embarrassed, that sticking out your tongue while you are showing them your chest might be too much, so you refuse."
man "Well, suit yourself..."
"He throws $20 on the ground and drives off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if breasts == "c":
man "Look at those! They are nice..."
man "I'd love to suck on them!"
show street_flashingbreasts_eyes 2
with dissolve
"You don't know how to react and if you should say something, so you just close your eyes and stand there with your exposed chest."
man2 "Fuck, she looks so hot."
man2 "Wouldn't it be fun to play with those breasts?"
man "Yeah! I bet they are really sensitive."
man2 "I know what could make the view a little better."
man2 "Why don't you open your mouth and show us your tongue?"
"Do it":
show street_flashingbreasts_mouth 2
with dissolve
man2 "Good girl! I'd cum all over that little tongue of yours!"
man "Heh, she's quite a slut, isn't she?"
if scene_95 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 95 unlocked")
$ scene_95 = True
"Then you hear them laugh and the car driving off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"When you open your eyes, you see $40 that they threw on the ground for you..."
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
"You are so embarrassed, that sticking out your tongue while you are showing them your chest might be too much, so you refuse."
man "Well, suit yourself..."
"He throws $20 on the ground and drives off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if breasts == "d":
man "Look at those! That's a nice size..."
man "I bet it would be amazing to slide my cock between those nice full breasts!"
show street_flashingbreasts_eyes 2
with dissolve
"You don't know how to react and if you should say something, so you just close your eyes and stand there with your exposed chest."
man2 "Fuck, she looks so hot."
man2 "I want to suck those breasts!"
man "Yeah! I bet they are really sensitive."
man2 "I know what could make the view a little better."
man2 "Why don't you open your mouth and show us your tongue?"
"Do it":
show street_flashingbreasts_mouth 2
with dissolve
man2 "Good girl! I'd cum all over that little tongue of yours!"
man "Heh, she's quite a slut, isn't she?"
if scene_95 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 95 unlocked")
$ scene_95 = True
"Then you hear them laugh and the car driving off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"When you open your eyes, you see $40 that they threw on the ground for you..."
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
"You are so embarrassed, that sticking out your tongue while you are showing them your chest might be too much, so you refuse."
man "Well, suit yourself..."
"He throws $20 on the ground and drives off."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You put your dress back on, pick up the money and return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You are too shy to show your breasts right in the middle of a street, so you refuse."
man "Suit yourself... I guess some girls don't like getting some quick money for some simple task."
scene bg city
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You return back to the corner and stand there for a while, waiting for somebody else to notice you..."
"Time passes by and it seems like nobody's interested in you... You get bored and decide to go back to your room."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label streetoption2:
"You decide to get into a more seductive pose and let people passing by get a sneak peek at your ass, sometimes flashing them your nipples."
label streetoption2_events:
if streetoption2 == 1:
$ streetoption2 = 2
jump street_cops
if streetoption2 == 2:
$ streetoption2 = 3
jump street_street_stairs_fuck
if streetoption2 == 3:
$ streetoption2 = 4
if scene_172:
jump street_free_bj
jump streetoption2_events
if streetoption2 == 4:
$ streetoption2 = 5
if scene_200:
jump street_pill
jump streetoption2_events
if streetoption2 == 5:
$ streetoption2 = 1
if scene_172:
jump street_cops_bribe
jump streetoption2_events
label street_cops_bribe:
pl1 "Look, look, what do we have here?"
pl2 "I think prostitution was illegal when I last looked into the law."
"Come up with an excuse":
pov "I... I can explain that."
pl1 "Well, we're curious about your excuse."
pov "I... was on my way to night school and..."
pl2 "To night school, how interesting. Do you learn now how to spread your legs there?"
pl1 "You can save your excuses."
pl2 "Certainly. We don't believe a word you say."
"Confess and hope for clemency.":
pov "I'm only doing this because I need the money so badly."
pl1 "Look, just like us."
pl2 "Yes, we only arrest these little cheap whores because we get money for it. And while we're on the subject of \"getting money\"..."
pl1 "Five hundred dollars. Here and now. Otherwise, you will be arrested."
"Pay" if money >= 500:
pl2 "Very good. Don't ever show up here again!"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("$500")
$ money -= 500
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Do not pay":
pl1 "Push your petite butt onto the back seat. Now let's go to the station."
label scene_252_playback:
scene black
with d
"On guard:"
pl1 "Stand against the wall, legs apart."
pov "Please, I can..."
pl2 "Not a word! I've been considerate of you whores one too many times. The last cunt I didn't feel had a little secret in the form of a jackknife up her skirt."
"Scanning begins."
pov "{i}Oh, no, please don't...{/i}"
pl2 "Well, I don't believe it!"
pl1 "What?! Does she have a gun?!"
pl2 "Well, actually little more than a small... blank pistol. Look at it."
pl1 "Oh no, how cute."
pl2 "Technically still a penis."
pl1 "Hardly. But ultimately, that's how it is."
pl2 "We can hardly get her into the empty women's cell."
pl1 "Right. You belong, in different ways, in the male wing."
pl2 "Don't worry, you'll practically feel at home."
pl1 "Exactly, and there are two johns that we had to arrest earlier today."
pl2 "Who knows, maybe you even know them both."
pl1 "In any case, you have enough time to get to know each other tonight. The two didn't get a chance today."
pl2 "I wouldn't be surprised if they feel a little pressure."
pl1 "And in a cell like that, you can't be picky."
"... In the cell."
pl1 "Guys, the possibility of a visiting time has surprisingly arisen."
pl2 "Absolutely right. You just have to... share the visit."
"The gate slams shut."
pl1 "Oh yes, unfortunately, you only have two holes available."
pl2 "Should be enough."
pr1 "Wow, a lady. Judging by the way you dress, it would be unnecessary to ask where you were arrested."
pr2 "You're a sweet thing. So pretty slim and... innocent."
pr1 "Lift your dress so we can see what you have to offer."
pov "{i}I hardly think I have any other choice.{/i}"
pr1 "Look, a little secret."
pr2 "A very, VERY little secret."
pr1 "Let's show her our big secrets."
pr2 "Oh, my big secret wants in her little ass."
pr1 "And the girl's mouth appeal to me."
show bg prison_fuck_in_the_air
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_eyebrows pink
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_mg
if breasts == 'a':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_breasts d
with d
pr2 "Oh god, your biopussy didn't look that tight. How does the little bitch's mouth feel?"
pr1 "Divine. It's almost like she doesn't have a gag reflex."
pov "{i}What is happening to me?{/i}"
pr2 "Mmmhh... wanna make us cum quick, huh?"
pr1 "Don't worry, it's been a week since my last cum shot, but my stamina is greater."
pr2 "You're not in that damn sweet ass either."
pov "{i}It's so deep inside me, I can feel it on my prostate. It is burning. It burns so... nice.{/i}"
pr2 "I can't believe it. Look, the little slut is dripping from her clitty."
pov "{i}Please... please more!{/i}"
pr1 "Oh yes, girls who give you a blowjob and moan are the hottest. That vibrates all over the cock. I'm afraid I can't stand it much longer."
pr2 "Me neither. Let's cum, bro. Cum at the same time!"
pov "{i}Oh yes, please. Give me your sperm. Give me your white gold!{/i}"
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_cum_1
with flash
show prison_fuck_in_the_air_cum_2
with flash
if scene_252 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 252 unlocked")
$ scene_252 = True
show black
with d
"As soon as they are done with you and let you go, you swallow all the cum in your mouth and fall asleep on the bench until you get released the next morning..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label street_street_stairs_fuck:
label scene_205_playback:
"About ten minutes pass, and a man comes close to you."
man "How much for a quickie?"
pov "Emmm... how about fifty?"
man "Works for me."
pov "Would you like us to go to your place or would you prefer to go to mine? It's not far from here..."
man "I don't have time for that; come on, I've got a better idea..."
"Without waiting for you to reply, he starts to walk away, so you just follow him."
"You walk a couple of minutes until he stops near some stairs."
man "I think it's a good place..."
pov "..."
pov "You are kidding, right...?"
man "No, why?"
pov "We are in the middle of the street!"
man "So? There is no one around... And if someone saw us, so what?"
pov "..."
pov "Okay... but I'll stay in my dress..."
man "Whatever, I don't care as long as my dick is in your hole."
man "And besides, this tight latex dress makes you even hotter."
jump street_street_stairs_fuck_agree
"Walk away":
pov "That's crazy!"
pov "I'm not doing that!"
pov "We can get arrested..."
pov "{i}And I surely don't want to spend the night in a cell with some criminals...{/i}"
man "Your loss."
"After that, he walks away."
"You spend some time waiting for someone else to notice you, but it's already late, and the streets are empty."
"So you decide to go back to the brothel and sleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label street_street_stairs_fuck_agree:
pov "{i}Can't believe I'm doing this...{/i}"
"You bend over the stairs and pull up your dress, exposing your ass for the man."
"He pulls down his pants, revealing his already hard cock, spits on it and then forces it deep into you without any preparation!"
show bg street_street_stairs_fuck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_eyebrows pink
if breasts == 'a':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show street_street_stairs_fuck_breasts d
with d
pov "Agggggh!"
pov "Fuck! It hurts! Can't you go slower until I'm stretched enough?"
"But the man doesn't care about how it feels for you and increases the speed even more!"
pov "Fuu... -- ungh!"
pov "{i}Fuck... I feel like some cheap street whore!{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting force-fucked in the middle of the street where anyone can see me!{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I am a cheap street whore...?{/i}"
"You get distracted from your thoughts by the man's dick."
"With each thrust, he pulls it out completely and then pushes it back in..."
pov "Mmmm... Aghhh!"
pov "Are you trying to destroy my hole?!"
"You try to hold your moans, not to attract attention, but it's impossible with how hard he's fucking you."
"You try to be angry at him for this, but judging by the long strings of precum on your thighs, you enjoy it..."
pov "Ahhhhhhh... Ouch -- Aaaaaa! Mmmmm..."
man "Yeah, slut! I know you like being fucked hard like this!"
man "Moan for me louder!"
man "Maybe someone will hear you and come take you for a spin after I'm done fucking you!"
"You don't want to admit it, but even the thought of it makes you hornier, and without realising it, you start moaning louder than before."
"He continues using you like a fuck toy for some more time until finally, he starts cumming!"
with flash
show street_street_stairs_fuck_cum
with flash
if scene_205 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 205 unlocked")
$ scene_205 = True
"You feel his dick pumping so much cum into you that it starts flowing out, and you can feel it on your sissy balls..."
"He holds his dick in you for some time after he's done and then finally takes it out..."
show black
with d
"He wipes it on your thigh and then throws fifty dollars on the ground while you stand there trying to catch your breath."
pov "{i}Uungh... That was intense...{/i}"
"When you feel like you can finally move again, you lower your dress to cover your cum-filled ass and then go back to the brothel on your shaking legs..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label street_cops:
"You've been doing that for a while and then suddenly you see a police car stopping not far away from you..."
"They haven't seen you yet."
pov "{i}This can be my chance out of this fucking place!{/i}"
"What should I do?"
"Come closer to the car and ask for help":
jump streetcops
"They might not believe you and can arrest you instead, maybe it's better if they don't see you whoring yourself out at the street.":
pov "{i}They might not believe me at all.{/i}"
pov "{i}It would be the worst thing that can happen to me if I get arrested for prostitution and get to a prison cell in an outfit like this...{/i}"
pov "{i}And I can't imagine what these guys will do to me even if I do get out of prison.{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe it's not a good idea to let them see me.{/i}"
"You hide around the corner and wait for them to leave... You spend some time peeking around the corner, but it seems like they are not going to leave any time soon, so you decide to go back to your room."
"But as you go back to your room, a thought comes to your mind..."
"What if they would have helped you and would arrest these people and let you free?"
"And what if you just trying to avoid it subconsciously?..."
"And you actually enjoy being here?"
"And that is why you didn't approach them?"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label streetcops:
"Even though that there is a risk of getting arrested, you can't miss such an opportunity..."
"You are so scared of what will happen, that you start shaking, but you still decide to come closer to them and ask for help."
"You are right near the car and you see one of the officers coming out of the car..."
pov "Excuse me, officer..."
pov "Could you please help me?"
"You feel a tear drop from your eye and from all the worrying you just start crying and start quickly telling the cops about what happened to you..."
"How those people kidnapped you and force you to work here as a prostitute..."
"The officers look very surprised, especially when you tell them that you are actually a guy and not a girl."
"They listen carefully and tell you that it's better to get in the car so you can tell them everything else."
"After how scared you were, you finally feel much better, it seems like they believe you and are going to help you."
"It feels so much better after telling about all of that what happened to you to someone else..."
"You get into the police car with the officers and sit between them."
"You start to give them more details, but one of them tells you to stop for a second."
pl1 "Hey, James, how do you think, what should we do with this sissy?"
"You can't believe your ears, why would a police officer call you like that?"
pl2 "I think we should do what we usually do with the sissy girls like her."
pl2 "We should explain her how things work around here..."
pov "What are you talking about?"
pl1 "Do you think you are the first one to come up to us with this?"
pov "..."
pl2 "Did you think that these guys are doing their business here without police knowing about it?"
pl1 "You sissies are so dumb... The only thing you are good at is taking cock into your holes, that's all."
pl2 "So you should start doing what you are good at..."
"You are so shocked by all of this that you don't even know how to react..."
pov "{i}Of course they are bribing the cops, so they can run their brothel without any troubles, how could I be so naive?{/i}"
"When you get back to the reality you see both of the cops taking off their pants and revealing their hard dicks!"
pov "{i}It appears that I'm going to whore myself out today... But apparently for free...{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope that this doesn't get worse and if I please them, they won't tell Alex or the boss about all of this.{/i}"
"You don't have to wait for them to tell you what to do as it's obvious that there is no way out for you from the car, unless you make both of them cum."
"So you just start sucking one of the cocks..."
"And you feel the other one thrusting his cock deep into your ass..."
label scene_56_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg street copsspitroasted 1-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg street copsspitroasted 1-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
pl2 "She might be not as dumb as we thought..."
pl1 "Figured out pretty quickly what to do..."
"You feel so sad because of how all of this turned out, but at the same time, deep inside... you feel happy..."
"Getting both of your holes filled with hot hard cocks... It makes you feel {i}complete{/i}."
"They start fucking you from the both ends and you feel happy that you are wearing a cage."
pov "{i}At least these bastards don't get to see how turned on I am by all of this...{/i}"
"But a moment later you realize that you've been leaking like a bitch this whole time..."
"Not even mentioning you moaning like a slut with a cock in your mouth..."
"They spend around an hour fucking you however they want and switching your holes with each other..."
"So after a while both of the cocks have been in your ass and in your mouth..."
"And finally, when you feel like you can't take this any more, they start filling you up with their hot cum..."
if breasts == False:
show bg street copsspitroasted 2-nb
with flash
show bg street copsspitroasted 2-tb
with flash
if scene_56 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 56 unlocked")
$ scene_56 = True
"... filling your both holes at the same time..."
"You drink all the cum that got down your throat, then clean the other cock with your mouth and they finally let you go..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
#$ renpy.notify("New clothing item unlocked! ")
#$ buyptjnsh = True ###################################################################### Jean shorts
"After this you feel too spent to do anything and just take a shower and go to bed."
#$ renpy.notify("Glory hole anal events unlocked!")
#$ ghanal_unlocked = True
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label street_free_bj:
show black
with d
"You stand there for a while doing what you do when suddenly you feel someone grab your ass!"
pov "Hey!"
man "Nice ass, bitch!"
"You hear as you turn around to face the handsy man."
pov "..."
pov "That is a bit rude..."
man "The fuck do I care..."
pov "{i}Fuck, he's wasted.{/i}"
man "So, when are you going to suck it?!"
pov "Suck what?"
man "My dick, you dumb slut!"
man "I know your type, all dressed up like this, trying to attract an alpha male like me."
pov "..."
pov "{i}For fuck's sake...{/i}"
pov "{i}I better tell him to fuck off... politely...{/i}"
pov "I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for clients right now."
man "Clients?!"
man "I'm not your fucking client!"
man "You have to suck my dick for free. Now!"
"And then he grabs your wrist, trying to pull you to a dark alleyway."
"You are terrified, as he is surprisingly strong, and you can't get free."
"And it seems like nobody cares about what's going on."
"All the passing people consider you some dirty slut and don't care that he's forcing you to go with him."
pov "{i}Fuck! What should I do now...{/i}"
"Try to calm him down and promise to suck his dick if he stops hurting you":
pov "Please, stop! I'll suck your dick! Just be gentle..."
pov "I'm sure an alpha male like you wouldn't hurt a delicate little lady like me..."
"It seems that it worked as he stops and looks into your eyes."
man "Yeah, I am an alpha!"
man "Ok slut, if you want me to be gentle, don't make me angry."
pov "{i}Fuck... It seems my best option would be to make him cum, so he can finaly fuck off.{/i}"
"He lightens the grip a little but still holds your wrist as he drags you to a darker part of the street."
"Then he pushes you on your knees, reveals his semi-hard dick, and forces it into your mouth!"
jump street_free_bj_bj
"Try to escape":
"You try to release your hand from his grip as hard as you can, but he is too strong."
"This only makes him stop and glare at you."
pov "Let me go! Now!"
man "Or what?!"
pov "I'll scream for help!"
man "You dumb bitch! It's a privilege for you to be able to suck my dick!"
pov "If you don't let go, I'm screaming!"
man "You want to scream for help, ha?"
man "Ok, let's see if you'll want to scream for help after this."
jump street_free_bj_pole
label street_free_bj_bj:
label scene_191_playback:
show bg street_free_bj
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show street_free_bj_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show street_free_bj_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show street_free_bj_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show street_free_bj_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show street_free_bj_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show street_free_bj_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show street_free_bj_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_free_bj_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_free_bj_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show street_free_bj_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show street_free_bj_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show street_free_bj_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show street_free_bj_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show street_free_bj_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show street_free_bj_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show street_free_bj_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show street_free_bj_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show street_free_bj_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show street_free_bj_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show street_free_bj_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show street_free_bj_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show street_free_bj_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show street_free_bj_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show street_free_bj_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show street_free_bj_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show street_free_bj_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show street_free_bj_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show street_free_bj_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show street_free_bj_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show street_free_bj_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show street_free_bj_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show street_free_bj_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show street_free_bj_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show street_free_bj_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show street_free_bj_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show street_free_bj_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show street_free_bj_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show street_free_bj_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show street_free_bj_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show street_free_bj_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show street_free_bj_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show street_free_bj_hair pigtails red
show street_free_bj_mc
if breasts == 'a':
show street_free_bj_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show street_free_bj_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show street_free_bj_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show street_free_bj_breasts d
show street_free_bj_man
with d
"As soon as his dick forces its way into you, a strong taste and smell of piss and sweat fill your mouth and nose!"
"It instantly makes you gag as the drunk fuck uses it as an opportunity to force his fat dirty cock even deeper into your mouth."
pov "{i}Oh god, I've never felt so dirty in my life!{/i}"
pov "{i}Standing on my knees on a dirty street floor, sucking some dirty dick!{/i}"
"...if only your clit wasn't hard right now..."
pov "{i}It feels like the more degraded I am, the more aroused it makes me feel!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why am I like this?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why am I enjoying it?{/i}"
pov "{i}Being a dirty street whore who sucks dirty dicks for free!{/i}"
pov "Mmm..."
"To your greater surprise, you even start moaning as his already hard dick pounds the back of your throat."
man "That's more like it, slut!"
man "I am the man!"
pov "{i}Fuck, he's such a moron! Why am I so horny sucking his dick?{/i}"
pov "{i}Am I really such a slut that I want to be used by just anyone?{/i}"
"All these confusing thoughts continue to flood your mind as he has his way with you and forces his dick in and out of your throat."
"Realising that you have no say in anything that's happening right now makes you as horny as you've ever been, and after a while, you decide that it would be better not to think about it anymore and let go of any useless efforts to have control."
"And as soon as you relax, it feels like you become... happy?"
pov "{i}Maybe this is who I am?{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe this is who I always wanted to become...{/i}"
"If it weren't for the dick in your mouth, you'd have a wide smile on your face."
"As you relax and accept your true nature, you feel even more turned on, and you start sucking his dick even harder, moving forward and trying to take it even deeper."
"Even though he's wasted and it's tough to make a man cum in such a state, your eagerness and extreme desire to please his dick no matter what takes him over the edge, and you feel the first portion of cum filling up your mouth..."
show street_free_bj_cum 1
with flash
show street_free_bj_cum 2
with flash
pov "Mmmmm..."
if scene_191 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 191 unlocked")
$ scene_191 = True
"You drink up as much of the cum as you can, even though the taste is very bitter, apparently from all the alcohol he drank..."
"But quite a lot of it gets past your lips and starts flowing down your chin..."
show black
with d
"He holds your head on his dick for a couple of moments more and then takes it out and wipes it clean with your hair!"
"You are so surprised by this that you can't even react, and you stand there on your knees, with sticky cum on your chin and now in your hair..."
"As you get back to your senses, you try to lick up the remaining cum from your chin, and you can't help but shiver as you swallow the bitter gooey mass."
"When you are done, you decide that it's more than enough adventures for you today, and go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label street_free_bj_pole:
label scene_192_playback:
show bg street_pole_prison
with d
"Before you can react, he lifts you up and quickly carries you to a metal pole nearby..."
"And only a moment later, he forces you on it with your hole!"
show bg street_pole_prison_mc
with d1
"As the cold metal penetrates you, you scream in surprise!"
man "Let's see if you'll be willing to ask for help while penetrated by a thick metal street dildo!"
"After saying it, he laughs and quickly goes away..."
"As you stand there shocked by what has just happened, to your horror, you realise that because of the height of the pole, you can't lift yourself off of it without someone's help!"
if scene_192 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 192 unlocked")
$ scene_192 = True
pov "{i}It's so thick! It feels like my hole is about to get torn apart!{/i}"
pov "{i}It definitely wasn't ready to be penetrated by such a thick thing!{/i}"
pov "{i}At least because of the adrenaline in your blood, you don't really feel any pain...{/i}"
"Only discomfort... extreme discomfort. As you are trying to stand on your toes, so the pole doesn't go too deep into you..."
"And no matter how high you try to rise up on your feet, it's not high enough for you to slip off of the pole."
"You try to cover up with your short dress as much as you can as you are too afraid of what will happen if someone sees you like this."
pov "{i}What do I do now?{/i}"
"You stand there for some time penetrated by a huge metal thing trying to act as casually as possible..."
"But the more people pass by, the more it seems like they notice that you are impaled by the pole..."
"You feel extreme embarrassment and try to look away whenever someone passes by..."
pov "{i}Ok... If I don't do something, I'll stay here forever...{/i}"
"Wait a bit more":
"More time passes, and you feel more and more exhausted by the amount of strength it requires to stay in a position like this..."
"When suddenly five guys pass by, and one of them notices your \'situation\'..."
man "Oh fuck! Look at this horny girl!"
man "How did you even get on top of this thing, girl?"
pov "..."
"You try to say something, but you are so embarrassed that not a word can escape your mouth as all of the guys surround you and try to take a look under your dress."
man "Fuck, I think she's stuck!"
man "Come on, help me lift her up."
show black
with d
"You don't have time to react when two strong pairs of hands lift you up in the air, and you feel the big metal tip pop out of your hole!"
"As they put you on the ground, they start laughing."
man "Did you hear that sound? It's like we've opened a bottle of champagne, haha!"
"You feel so embarrassed that the only thing you can do is just leave..."
"You try to go away from there as quickly as you can as you hear their laughter in the back."
pov "{i}I have no idea what would I have done if they didn't help me...{/i}"
"As you pass by a dark part of the street with no one around anymore, you stop to inspect your poor stretched gaping hole."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump street_pole_gape
"Ask for help":
pov "{i}I can't! I can't stay like this anymore!{/i}"
"Ask for help":
pov "{i}I can't! I can't stay like this anymore!{/i}"
pov "Please, help me..."
"You say as a middle-aged man passes by..."
man "What?"
pov "Please, I need your help..."
man "What kind of help do you need, miss?"
"Instead of answering, you just raise your dress and expose your stretched hole enveloping the pole..."
man "Oh my! You poor little thing... How did you manage to get on this thing?"
show black
with d
"And without waiting for you to reply, he lifts you up a little, just enough to get you off the pole as you feel it popping out of your hole..."
man "Are you hurt?"
man "Let me take a look."
"And before you know it, he bends you over a little and lifts up your dress to take a look at your gaping hole."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump street_pole_gape_man
label street_pole_gape:
label scene_193_playback:
show bg street_pole_gape
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_pole_gape_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_pole_gape_clit normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_pole_gape_clit small
show street_pole_gape_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_pole_gape_cage big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_pole_gape_cage normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_pole_gape_cage small
show street_pole_gape_cage tiny
show street_pole_gape_mc
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_pole_gape_ring blue
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_pole_gape_ring blue
if clitsize == "small":
show street_pole_gape_ring pink
show street_pole_gape_ring red
show street_pole_gape_fg
with d
pov "{i}It feels so stretched... I've never felt so stretched in my life!{/i}"
if scene_193 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 193 unlocked")
$ scene_193 = True
pov "{i}I hope it will get back to normal soon.{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess at least it will be easier to take dicks up my ass from now on.{/i}"
pov "{i}Hmmm... Maybe I should try some bigger toys? If I don't think about all the embarrassment and beeing in the middle of the street impaled by a metal pole, it did feel kind of nice to filled up like that...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("Horse dildo unlocked")
$ horse_dildo_unlocked = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"After that, you ruch back to your room, hoping not to get in any more trounble."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label street_pole_gape_man:
show bg street_pole_gape
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_pole_gape_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_pole_gape_clit normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_pole_gape_clit small
show street_pole_gape_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_pole_gape_cage big
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_pole_gape_cage normal
if clitsize == "small":
show street_pole_gape_cage small
show street_pole_gape_cage tiny
show street_pole_gape_mc
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show street_pole_gape_ring blue
if clitsize == "normal":
show street_pole_gape_ring blue
if clitsize == "small":
show street_pole_gape_ring pink
show street_pole_gape_ring red
show street_pole_gape_fg
with d
man "Oh god... Your hole is really stretched..."
if scene_193 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 193 unlocked")
$ scene_193 = True
man "But... it seems that it's relatively ok..."
man "I feel like it's not the first big thing that's been in there."
"Instead of replying, you just blush and pull your dress back down..."
show black
with d
"You thank the man for his help and rush back to your room, hoping not to get in any more trouble."
pov "{i}My hole feels so stretched... I've never felt so stretched in my life!{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope it will get back to normal soon.{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess at least it will be easier to take dicks up my ass from now on.{/i}"
pov "{i}Hmmm... Maybe I should try some bigger toys? If I don't think about all the embarrassment and beeing in the middle of the street impaled by a metal pole, it did feel kind of nice to filled up like that...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("Horse dildo unlocked")
$ horse_dildo_unlocked = True
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label street_pill:
show black
with d
"You stand there for a while and then see a woman coming to you."
"You smile at her, happy that she might buy some time with you."
pov "Hey! How are you? Would you like to have some fun?"
wmn "Actually, I was looking at you... and... you are so cute and sexy..."
wmn "So I wanted to give you something..."
wmn "Here, take this. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!"
"After saying that, she hands you some pink pill and then goes away without saying anything else."
pov "{i}That was weird...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder what this is...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Just some pink pill, not much else.{/i}"
"Try it":
jump street_pill_try
"Throw it away":
jump street_pill_throw_away
label street_pill_throw_away:
pov "{i}I don't think it's a good idea to eat a pill I got from some strange woman...{/i}"
pov "{i}... even though I'm very curious to know what it is...{/i}"
"You decide to use your best judgment and think it's better to be safe than sorry and throw the pill away."
"After that, you spend some more time standing at the corner, but no one is interested in you, so you go back to the brothel."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label street_pill_try:
label scene_217_playback:
pov "{i}It's definitely not a smart idea to try some pill I got from a stranger...{/i}"
pov "{i}... but... I'm too curious.{/i}"
pov "{i}And she said that I'll enjoy it...{/i}"
pov "{i}At least some kind of escape from this reality.{/i}"
"You gulp the pill and wait..."
"A minute passes... ten... twenty..."
"Half an hour... But nothing happens..."
"And then, you feel something. It feels like your whole body gets hot..."
"You start to feel dizzy, so you walk away from the street into the alley, trying to find a place where you can sit and wait until you feel better. When suddenly, you feel like your ass is on fire."
"You touch it with your hands, and the first touch brings a feeling of electric shock going through your whole body."
pov "{i}Ooooh! Nya~!{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so ngh... mmmm... good!{/i}"
"But as you touch your smooth skin, you realise that your dress does not cover your ass..."
"And it's bigger than usual... significantly bigger! It got so big that the dress couldn't contain it."
show bg street_big_ass
with d
pov "{i}What the fuck is happening to me?!{/i}"
pov "{i}What kind of pill did I take?!{/i}"
"You start to panic as you don't know what to expect from this."
pov "{i}What is this pill doing to me?{/i}"
"But at the same time, you can't take your hands away from your ass as it feels too good."
pov "{i}Mmmm... fuck... it's so sensitive!{/i}"
pov "{i}F-fuck... ohhh...{/i}"
"And it seems like your moans have attracted some company..."
man "Hey, look at that huge-ass bitch!"
man2 "Oh yeah... the slut is begging to get fucked... Can you hear how she's moaning?"
pov "{i}Oh no...{/i}"
"You see two big men approaching you and unzipping their pants..."
pov "No, please, I... Uh~, NGH~~!"
show black
with d
"And as soon as they are close, one of them pushes his dick into your mouth!"
man "That's better; she was begging to get filled up with my dick..."
man "Maybe you should take the other hole..."
"And as one of them says that, you feel the hands of the other one on your ass cheeks..."
pov "Ahhhh!"
"And as you open your mouth wider, his dick penetrates you even deeper, and you feel it touching your throat!"
"Right at that moment, the other one slides deep into your ass..."
pov "AUGH..... Uhhhh~ F-fuck yes~!!"
"Having his dick inside you feels so good like you've never felt before..."
"Usually, you would struggle to take a dick that big, but it seems that the pill not only increased the size of your ass but also made you easily stretchable."
man2 "Wow, she's so fucking loose!"
man2 "Maybe you should join me, man..."
man2 "How about we fuck this bitch together?"
"After hearing that, the first guy takes his big dick out of your mouth and gets behind you to join the first guy."
show bg street_pill_double_anal 1
if color == 'blnd':
show street_pill_double_anal_hair blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show street_pill_double_anal_hair brwn
if color == 'blck':
show street_pill_double_anal_hair blck
if color == 'red':
show street_pill_double_anal_hair red
if color == 'blue':
show street_pill_double_anal_hair blue
if color == 'pink':
show street_pill_double_anal_hair pink
show street_pill_double_anal_fg
with d
pov "Ahhhhh!! Fuck!"
"Feeling one more dick penetrating you makes you scream in pleasure."
"What seemed impossible before, after the pill became possible, and you feel two big cocks penetrating you balls deep."
"... and..."
"... it seems that your screams of pleasure have attracted even more people..."
show bg street_pill_double_anal 2
with d1
wmn "What is going on in here?!"
man3 "I can believe it! They are both fucking her in the middle of the street!"
if scene_217 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 217 unlocked")
$ scene_217 = True
"Even though you are embarrassed like you've never been before, you can do nothing about it."
"The pill enhanced your feelings so much that it feels like you are in some other dimension as both dicks go in and out of your loose hole."
"And at that moment, your eyes roll, and you are washed over by an orgasmic wave that makes your mind and vision empty and overwhelmed by the pleasure you pass out on one of the men with two dicks in your ass..."
show black
with d
"You wake up a couple of hours later at the same spot with no one else around..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I did pass out...{/i}"
pov "{i}At least my ass is back to its normal size...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if they've continued to use me after I've passed out...{/i}"
pov "{i}Suprisingly, my ass isn't even sore... this pill must be magic heh...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if it's some kind of drug that made me imagine all of this, and it didn't happen?{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better go back to the brothel...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label streetoption3:
"You spend some time offering yourself to the people who pass by, asking if they are up to have some good time, but for some reason they are not really interested and most of them look too busy to even stop for a second."
#"You spend some time offering yourself to the people who pass by, asking if they are up to have some good time, proposing to suck their cock, but for some reason they are not really interested and most of them look too busy to even stop for a second."
if wday == 1 or wday == 2 or wday == 3 or wday == 4 or wday == 6:
if poisonintroduction == False and take_me_to_the_police_station == False and scene_56:
$ take_me_to_the_police_station = True
jump take_me_to_the_police_station
if poisonintroduction and scene_97:
$ poisonintroduction = False
jump meet_poison
"But some time later you hear a car pull over and you see a man looking at you..."
"You come closer and ask if he'd like to have some fun."
"He agrees and tells you to get into the car."
if street_kidnapped and scene_138 and scene_141 and scene_144 and scene_138 and scene_146 and scene_147 and scene_149:
$ street_kidnapped = False
jump street_kidnapped
if streetclient == 1:
$ streetclient = 2
scene black
with Dissolve(2.0)
"He drives into the nearest dark alley, stops the car and reveals his already hard member."
man "You can start, girl."
label scene_57_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg street carbj 1-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg street carbj 1-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"You slowly take his hard cock into your mouth and start gently sucking it..."
"You do your best to give him as much pleasure as possible... Lately, you've been sucking so many cocks, that you've started becoming quite good at it and it's not so difficult for you to make him cum in a couple of minutes..."
if breasts == False:
show bg street carbj 2-nb
with flash
show bg street carbj 2-tb
with flash
pov "{i}Who would have guessed that I'll become so good at sucking cocks...{/i}"
if scene_57 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 57 unlocked")
$ scene_57 = True
"You clean up all the cum that got out of your mouth and swallow every drop of it from his cock..."
if breasts == False:
show bg street carbj 1-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg street carbj 1-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"After that you thank the man for his delicious cum, he pays you and you go back to where you were standing before..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("+$40")
$ money += 40
scene black
with Dissolve(2.0)
pov "{i}What have I become? Just a street whore... Waiting for another cock to cum into my mouth and I can still feel the taste of cum from the previous one.{/i}"
"You spend some more time at the street, but nobody is interested in you, so you decide to go back to your room."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if streetclient == 2:
$ streetclient = 3
scene black
with Dissolve(2.0)
"He drives into the nearest dark alley, stops the car and reveals his already hard member."
man "I want you to get naked and wait for me on the back seat..."
"You get out of the car, quickly get on the back seat and take off your dress..."
"He gets on the back seat too and you help him take off his clothes."
pov "{i}His cock is so hard already... Can't wait to taste it ♥♥♥{/i}"
man "I'm going to have so much fun with your sweet little ass!"
"You decide to prepare him a little and lean down to suck his cock, but he stops you..."
man "No need for that, girl, let's get to the best part right away!"
"Then he positions you on your knees and pushes your head down..."
"And now you are standing on your knees with your ass high waiting for his cock."
label scene_63_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg street cardoggy 1
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg street cardoggy 1b
with Dissolve(2.)
"And a moment later, his hot hard cock enters your tight hole for the full length with one motion."
pov "Mmmm... Ahhhh."
"You start moaning like a girl, feeling his cock stretching you out..."
pov "{i}I always can't believe how good it feels...{/i}"
pov "Mmmm... please, fuck me hard!"
man "Believe me, I will, I will fuck you so hard, that you won't be able to sit for a week!"
"And the he starts fucking you so hard that you can't stop moaning."
"It feels so good that your moans become so loud that you almost scream."
pov "{i}Mmm... Ahhh... I... feel... like I'm going to cum!{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so good! His cock is so hard... it feels amazing when it rubs against my p-spot ♥♥♥{/i}"
"You lose the track of time while being fucked so hard, you feel so much pleasure, that it feels even better than a regular orgasm, your whole body is shaking and you just beg him to fuck you more and more."
"After a while it feels like you are in some kind of a trance, and you feel pleasure spreading all over your body... You feel lost in this amazing feeling and don't want it to stop."
"And then, you feel his dick starting twitching..."
if breasts == False:
show bg street cardoggy 2
with flash
show bg street cardoggy 2b
with flash
"And a moment later you feel his hot cum filling up your ass..."
"But he doesn't stop his movements and you feel his cum leaking out of your hole and sliding down your little balls and thighs..."
"After a while he gets satisfied and pulls out his cock."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_63 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 63 unlocked")
$ scene_63 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You've been fucked so good, that you can barely stand, but somehow manage to get back to your room on your wobbly legs."
pov "{i}Maybe it's not that bad staying in this brothel after all ♥♥♥{/i}"
if canselfsuck:
if letoutofcage1 == False:
$ letoutofcage1 = True
$ letoutofcage = True
pov "{i}If going through all this fucking won't give me the right to get out of this cage, I don't know what will.{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("+$70")
$ money += 70
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if streetclient == 3:
$ streetclient = 1
scene black
with Dissolve(2.0)
"He drives for a while until he finds a nice place where you won't be seen by the passing people, stops the car and tells you to get out."
pov "You want to do it outside? Wouldn't it be better to do it here?"
man "Nah, I hate doit it in the car... not enough space at all. And I want to take a good look at your juicy ass."
"You agree, and step out of the car, he comes closer to you and flips you over his car hood."
label scene_96_playback:
if cage == True and clitsize == 'small':
show bg streethoodanal 1
if cage == True and clitsize == 'normal':
show bg streethoodanal 2
#if cage == True and clitsize == 'big':
show bg streethoodanal 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"You put one leg on the hood, trying to spread your ass as much as possible, so his big cock can fit your tiny sissy hole..."
"And at the same time giving him a nice sexy view..."
pov "{i}What would have I thought if before it all have happened someone would told me that soon enough I'll be getting fucked in the ass by some stranger right at the street and that I'd be moaning like a dirty slut?{/i}"
pov "{i}... but it feels so good... if at that time I could also know how amazing it feels, I might have decided to do it on my own without anyone forcing me to do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}It seems that I really am a dirty slut after all...{/i}"
"While you thinking all that, the man starts fucking you faster and harder, making you moan even louder..."
"What if someone hears your moans and decides to come and watch...? Or better join and fuck your mouth while this man fucks your ass?"
with flash
show street_flashingbreasts_cum
with flash
if scene_96 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 96 unlocked")
$ scene_96 = True
"Ass you are thinking all that to yourself, you feel his cock starting to pump cum deep in your ass..."
"It seems that he was really turned on, you even feel like it was too fast and you'd love to get fucked more."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
"But he pulls his cock out of you, wipes his dick on your ass, throws some money on the car hood, gets back into his car and drives off without a word, leaving you all alone in the middle of the dark alley."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
pov "{i}I think it's not that far from the brothel, I should better walk until someone finds me here in an outfit like this.{/i}"
"You start walking back, and come to a street with people, where you can feel a bit safer."
"As your client got what he needed quite quickly, you realize that it's not that late and you could get one more client before you go back."
"And if you find him here, he might take you to fuck somewhere closer to the brothel and you won't have to go back on foot."
"You even see some other street whores standing at the corner."
pov "{i}Maybe it's not such a bad idea to make some more money before calling it a night.{/i}"
"Find one more client":
"You go some distance away from the other sluts, and stand near the road, trying to look as seductive as possible."
"Some time passes, but nobody stops."
"And then you see a couple of sluts moving your way..."
"You try not to look at them and just stand there, waiting for them to pass."
"But then they come closer to you and start talking."
slt "Look what we have here!"
slt "Have you got lost, bitch?"
pov "{i}Well, that's quite rude...{/i}"
"You stand there ignoring them, not sure if it's a good idea to interact, as you don't want to have any problems with them."
slt2 "Hey, slut! What are you doing on our street, ha?"
slt2 "You think you can just come here and steal our clients?"
pov "I'm sorry! I didn't realize that I'm on the wrong street, I wasn't meaning to steal any clients!"
pov "I'm going to go away now, don't need any troubles."
slt "I don't think so, bitch... You are already in trouble! And now we'll make sure that you'll learn your lesson, so you don't try to steal our clients in the future..."
"At this point you get really terrified as you don't know what to expect and you for sure don't want to be beaten up by some street whores."
"As you stand there, more sluts are coming and soon enough they have you circled, so there is no way to run."
"And you see that one of them has brought a rope."
"Next moment a couple of sluts come closer and hold you still, while the one with the rope ties your hands around the street pole..."
"You are already begging them to let you go and saying that it was all just a simple mistake, but they only start laughing in response..."
label scene_97_playback:
show bg streetassgrabbing 1
if cage == True and clitsize == 'small':
show streetassgrabbing_cage 1
if cage == True and clitsize == 'normal':
show streetassgrabbing_cage 2
#if cage == True and clitsize == 'big':
show streetassgrabbing_cage 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"Soon enough you are tied to a street pole and you can't move away from it..."
"As your ass it there for them to do anything they want, one of the sluts, pulls your dress up a bit revealing your hole and your caged clitty."
slt "Oh my... I didn't realize that she's a sissy!"
slt2 "What a pleasant surprise."
slt "Usually sisies are scared to walk around here..."
slt "And look at that fine ass..."
show bg streetassgrabbing 2
with dissolve
slt2 "It's begging to be fucked!"
slt "Well, lucky for you, we will help you with that..."
slt "I think she needs a little advertising, so the passing men know what is going on."
show bg streetassgrabbing 1
with dissolve
"Then you see her taking a lipstick out of her purse, getting closer to your exposed ass and starting to write something on it and on your thighs..."
show bg streetassgrabbing 3
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_97 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 97 unlocked")
$ scene_97 = True
slt2 "Perfect! Now everybody will know that you are free to use..."
if replay:
jump scenes
"Beg them to let you go":
pov "Please! I didn't mean to steal any clients from you!"
pov "It was all a simple mistake!"
pov "Let me go, please! I promise to never come back!"
label scene_98_playback:
show bg streetpantiesgag
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids red
if hair == 'tailsfrnt' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids blck
if hair == 'tailsfrnt' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'tailsfrnt' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'tailsfrnt' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids blue
if hair == 'tailsfrnt' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids pink
if hair == 'tailsfrnt' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show streetpantiesgag_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show streetpantiesgag_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show streetpantiesgag_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show streetpantiesgag_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show streetpantiesgag_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show streetpantiesgag_eyebrows pink
show streetpantiesgag_eyes 1
show streetpantiesgag_mouth 1
show fg streetpantiesgag
with Dissolve(2.)
slt "I feel like this bitch is talking too much, don't you think?"
slt "We surely don't want it to spoil the experience for those who's going to use her..."
slt "I think we should do something about it...?"
slt2 "Yeah, but I don't have any gags here with me..."
slt "Oh! I know what we can use!"
"And then you see her taking her panties off... and a moment later she is forcing them into your mouth!"
show streetpantiesgag_eyes 2
show streetpantiesgag_pantiesinmouth
with Dissolve(2.)
"The taste of her dirty panties fills your mouth... It seems like she was wearing them all day long if not longer than that and they are soaked with her sweat, pussy juice and cum that was filling her holes!"
slt2 "Much better! But I feel like she's gonna spit them out as soon as we go away..."
slt2 "I know! Here..."
show streetpantiesgag_pantiesoverface ls
if hair == 'braid' or hair == 'tails' or hair == 'buns' or hair == 'pigtails':
show streetpantiesgag_pantiesoverface st
with Dissolve(2.)
"She takes her panties off and puts them over your head!"
"And as soon as she does it, you feel even a stronger smell of dirty panties than before!"
if scene_98 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 98 unlocked")
$ scene_98 = True
pov "{i}Why is this happening to me?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't stand this smell any longer! It's so intense! I feel like I'm going to black out!{/i}"
slt "It's perfect now! I needed to throw those panties away a long time ago, so it all worked out."
"They all laugh at you and then leave..."
"And you stand there in the middle of the street, with your ass exposed and some slutty writings on it, with a pair of dirty panties shoved into your mouth and another dirty pair of panties on your face..."
"But even though it's the most humiliating situation of your life, even considering everithng that happened to you recently..."
"... for some reason, your little clitty as hard as it can get in its little cage!"
pov "{i}... I'm really fucked this time...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ slutpantiesoverface = True
"Stay silent":
slt "Look at this little slut... staying silent all of a sudden..."
slt2 "I bet she just can't wait to get fucked by all the men that are going to pass by."
slt2 "I'm sure this will be a loooong fun night for you..."
"Then they all laugh at you and leave..."
"And you stand there in the middle of the street, with your ass exposed and some slutty writngs on it, waiting for what will come."
"Even though it's really humiliating, for some reason, your little clitty as hard as it can get in its little cage!"
pov "{i}... I'm really fucked this time...{/i}"
label scene_99_playback:
show bg streetpolefuck 1
show streetpolefuck_hair
show streetpolefuck_eyebrows blnd
show streetpolefuck_eyes 1
show streetpolefuck_mouth 1
if breasts == 'a':
show streetpolefuck_breasts 1
if breasts == 'b':
show streetpolefuck_breasts 2
if breasts == 'c':
show streetpolefuck_breasts 3
if breasts == 'd':
show streetpolefuck_breasts 4
if slutpantiesoverface:
show streetpolefuck_slutpanties
with Dissolve(2.)
"You try to loosen the rope on your hands as hard as you can, but it seems like that slut did a really good job..."
pov "{i}At least there are no people around me, so I have some time to work on this rope.{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though someone could have actually helped me and untie me, considering the district I'm in now, I don't think that I'll get that lucky...{/i}"
"And then suddenly there is a car passing by... At first it seems like they didn't notice you, and drew right away, but then you see it backing up..."
show bg streetpolefuck 2
show streetpolefuck_eyes 2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Please, let it be a normal person...{/i}"
"It stops not far away from you and you hear someone coming out of it..."
if slutpantiesoverface:
"You try to ask them for help, but with the panties in your mouth the only thing that comes out of you is some muffled noise."
"You start asking for help right away trying to explain what happened and how you got in such a position..."
"And suddenly, you feel someone's hands on your ass and something big and hard trying to enter your hole!"
show bg streetpolefuck 3
show streetpolefuck_eyes 3
with Dissolve(2.)
if slutpantiesoverface:
pov "Mhmhmmnm...!"
"Stop! What are you doing! I've asked you for help! Not to fuck me, while I'm tied up and can't move away!"
"You try hard to move away from the man, but he holds your ass tightly and with your hands tied up, there is nothing you can do."
"He fuckes you so roughly and with such a high speed, that the only thing you can do is to moan."
pov "{i}F...fu...fuuuck! Is this... how I'll spend this night?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting fucked by some random men?!.{/i}"
pov "Mmmm... ahh..."
"He is so rough with you, it feels like he hasn't been fucking in years and decided to take revenge on you!"
"After what seems like an hour of hardcore fucking, he pulls his dick out of your tight hole, cums all over you ass and drives away!"
show bg streetpolefuck 1
show streetpolefuck_cum 1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! I was hoping that at least when he'd finish he would untie me...{/i}"
"Time goes by... more people drive right near you or pass by on foot..."
"Most of them stop to tease you, to laugh at you or to even fuck you if they feel like it."
"Some of them even took a video of you getting fucked!"
"And soon enough you are filled with cum and you whole ass, thighs and lower back are cowered with cum..."
show streetpolefuck_cum 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's so much cum on you that some men that were going to fuck you, decided not to, because of how dirty you are!"
if scene_99 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 99 unlocked")
$ scene_99 = True
if slutpantiesoverface:
"And because of the panties in your mouth you can't even ask them to help you!"
"Even though you ask for help and beg them to untie you, nobody helps you..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Luckily, in the early morning some street workers decided to take pity on you and untied your hands..."
"But only after they both fucked you a couple of times and made sure to empty their balls into your cum filled sissy-hole."
"As soon as they untie you, you silently walk back on your shaking legs back to your room and drop on your bed so exhausted that you can't even force yourself to take a shower."
"So you just sleep until morning all covered and filled with cum..."
"Even though it was a rather terrifying night for you, at the same time you can't remember when was the last time you've got so much please from all the fucking that you got."
"You don't even know how many times you came, while all those men were fucking you over and over and using you like some kind of sex toy to satisfy their needs."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"It might be better to go back and sleep":
pov "{i}Even though he was quite quick, I feel kind of tired and who knows where the next guy would take me... I'll might end up even further from the brothel...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe it's better to go and sleep...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("+$70")
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
jump room
label street_kidnapped:
"You get into his car, and you drive off..."
label scene_150_playback:
show black
with d
"But for some reason, you get a weird vibe from this man."
"And you don't like it."
"You ride with him for a while, but he doesn't stop, even though there were many places to stop."
pov "Why don't you stop somewhere so that we can have some fun?"
man "Don't worry, baby, everything is cool. I want to take you to a more private space. Would like to fuck you outside the car, that's all."
"You start to get really nervous, but he actually stops in an alleyway. This one is a lot darker than your usual places, and there is no one around at all..."
man "See? This is much better... Come on, let's have some fun."
man "Why don't you bend over the hood so I can fuck you nicely?"
"You still feel nervous, but you do as he says and bend over the hood."
"He comes to you from behind, and you feel his hand grabbing your ass..."
"And then, suddenly, you feel a wet cloth pushed into your face."
"And a moment later, everything goes black."
show bg kidnapped_front
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows pink
show kidnapped_front_gag
with d
"When you wake up, you feel that you are tied up completely naked in a doggy position, your mouth is wide open with some ring gag, and you can't see shit..."
pov "Ahhh..."
pov "Hewp! Wha is goin on?"
"It's impossible to speak clearly with the gag, so you start screaming..."
man "Heh... finally woke up? You can scream as much as you want... no one will hear you..."
pov "Wha oo you wan fom me?!"
pov "Le me go!"
man2 "Oh, don't worry, baby... we just want to have some fun with you, that's all..."
man "Yeah, and if you behave like a good girl, we might even let you go..."
pov "Hewp! Pease! Le me go!"
man2 "So beautiful, but so dumb..."
man "I think it's time to shut her up..."
if scene_150 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 150 unlocked")
$ scene_150 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_151_playback:
show black
with d
"After saying that, he comes closer to you, and then you feel something entering your wide-open mouth..."
"It's his fat dick..."
"He forces it deep into your mouth with no regard to how it will make you feel..."
"And it seems he doesn't stop when your mouth is full, and you feel how it forces its way into your throat right away..."
"He was serious about shutting you up."
"And then, you feel other man's hands spreading your ass..."
"...and a big hard dick entering your hole..."
show bg kidnapped_side
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_side_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_side_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_side_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show kidnapped_side_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_side_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_side_eyebrows pink
if hair == 'buns':
show kidnapped_side_mask buns
if hair == 'tails':
show kidnapped_side_mask tails
if hair == 'braids':
show kidnapped_side_mask braids
if hair == 'braid':
show kidnapped_side_mask braid
if hair == 'short':
show kidnapped_side_mask short
if hair == 'long':
show kidnapped_side_mask long
if hair == 'pigtails':
show kidnapped_side_mask pigtails
with d
"He is so rough and hard that you moan in pain, but there is no sound coming because another dick blocks your throat..."
"And the next moment, you feel them starting to fuck you from both sides!"
pov "{i}Fuuck... I can't believe that this is... mmmmm... happening to me...{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting kidnapped twice! And spit roasted by some huge fucking dicks!{/i}"
"But as the pain goes away, you start to moan more and more from pleasure and not from pain..."
pov "{i}I really can't be enjoying this! This is so fucked up!{/i}"
pov "{i}They are just using me! Like a thing... Ahhhh... this is... mmmmm... so wrong!{/i}"
"But more and more time passes, and they continue fucking you with no regard to your feelings, you start to enjoy it more and more..."
"And at those moments when they decide to switch places, you can't wait for them to put their fat dicks inside you!"
"After about what seems like an hour of fucking, your body shakes without stopping..."
"And it feels like you are not there anymore like you are elevated above your body, and all you can feel is pure pleasure."
"No pain, no thoughts, just pleasure..."
"And then, both of their dicks start to fill you up with cum..."
hide kidnapped_side_mask
show kidnapped_side_cum 1
if hair == 'buns':
show kidnapped_side_mask buns
if hair == 'tails':
show kidnapped_side_mask tails
if hair == 'braids':
show kidnapped_side_mask braids
if hair == 'braid':
show kidnapped_side_mask braid
if hair == 'short':
show kidnapped_side_mask short
if hair == 'long':
show kidnapped_side_mask long
if hair == 'pigtails':
show kidnapped_side_mask pigtails
with flash
hide kidnapped_side_mask
show kidnapped_side_cum 2
if hair == 'buns':
show kidnapped_side_mask buns
if hair == 'tails':
show kidnapped_side_mask tails
if hair == 'braids':
show kidnapped_side_mask braids
if hair == 'braid':
show kidnapped_side_mask braid
if hair == 'short':
show kidnapped_side_mask short
if hair == 'long':
show kidnapped_side_mask long
if hair == 'pigtails':
show kidnapped_side_mask pigtails
with flash
"It's so much cum, that you barely manage to drink it as more and more of it comes out of his dick..."
"And he doesn't take his dick out until you drink every last drop..."
hide kidnapped_side_cum
with dissolve
"Only then, they take their dicks out..."
show bg kidnapped_front
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show kidnapped_front_eyebrows pink
show kidnapped_front_gag
with d
"And then, they just leave you standing like that..."
"With your ass full of cum, naked, and tied up..."
if scene_151 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 151 unlocked")
$ scene_151 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
jump after_porn_kidnapping
"*** This is the end of this version's content. ***"
"Thank you very much for playing! I hope you've enjoyed it :3"
"You'll be able to find out what happens to [pov] in the next update :)"
"But for now, you could stop here, or I could transfer [pov] back to her room so you could continue playing if you wish."
"Just make sure to save the game here if you want to continue playing it after the new update comes out ;)"
"Transfering [pov] back to the room like nothing has ever happened ;)"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label after_porn_kidnapping:
show black
with d
vic "CUT!"
vic "Nice work, everybody, you can untie her now..."
pov "Wha is haennin?!"
pov "Who's dat?!"
"Suddenly, you feel someone come closer to you and cutting the ropes..."
"As you are completely free, they remove the gag and the eye mask..."
"And as your vision adjusts to the light, you see a bunch of people... two naked men who were fucking you..."
"Some other men, with... cameras?!"
pov "{i}WTF is going on here? Were they recording me getting fucked?{/i}"
"And then, you see... Victoria!"
$ hideclit = False
$ choker = False
$ bra = False
$ panties = False
$ stockings = False
$ garter = False
$ tights = False
$ skirt = False
$ shorts = False
$ pants = False
$ traininglegs = False
$ trainingbody = False
$ tshirt1 = False
$ tshirt = False
$ dress = False
$ outfit = False
show bg kidnapped_after
show pov:
xpos .5
ypos .05
with d
show char_victoria 1:
xpos 0.2
with moveinleft
vic "Hey, [pov]!"
vic "How are you feeling?"
pov "[vic], what are you doing here?!"
pov "What is going on?!"
vic "No need to worry anymore. You weren't actually kidnapped."
vic "I asked [alex] if I could borrow you to shoot a movie, and she was okay with it."
vic "And to make your acting more realistic and believable, I decided it would be best if you didn't know that you are in a porn movie until we finish shooting it..."
pov "What!?"
pov "So you kidnapped me just to make a porn movie?!"
"Get angry":
pov "You are fucking crazy!"
pov "You know that?!"
pov "This is so fucked up!"
pov "Who does stuff like that?"
pov "Do you know how scared I was? I thought that they would kill me after they are done fucking me..."
vic "I'm sorry, I thought you'd enjoy the whole experience..."
vic "I feel like you are the type of girl who likes being fucked like that... being used like some sex toy..."
pov "..."
$ blush = True
"You start blushing as she says that as you realise, that now when you know this was all a fake kidnapping, you've actually enjoyed getting fucked like that..."
pov "So what?! This is no reason to kidnap people!"
$ blush = False
pov "I think I can manage to act convincingly, especially for a porn movie! Next time do me a favour and just ask me to make a movie with you! No need to kidnap me!"
vic "Next time? Does it mean that you still want to work with me after what I've done?"
pov "..."
pov "I'll think about it..."
vic "Well, I hope this will help you come to the right decision easier..."
"As she says that, she gives you $1500."
$ renpy.notify("$1500")
$ money += 1500
pov "..."
pov "Fifteen hundred dollars?"
vic "Well, I've thought that it would be fair to pay you twice the usual amount considering everything..."
vic "And I was going to give you $1000, but seeing how bad I've made you feel, I thought that it would be fair to give you extra $500."
vic "I hope it's enough for what you've been through..."
vic "I can't promise the same amount the next time we make a movie, but I hope you'll still want to work with me..."
pov "..."
vic "Please, come back if you decide to do so."
"You say her goodbye, and to the men that have fucked you just a couple of minutes ago, get dressed and go back to the brothel."
"Happy you are not kidnapped":
pov "..."
pov "I should be furious right now!..."
pov "But I'm so happy I'm not kidnapped by some crazy rapists right now that I can't even get angry..."
pov "..."
pov "But this is still fucked up!"
pov "Who does stuff like that?"
pov "Do you know how scared I was? I thought that they would kill me after they are done fucking me..."
vic "I'm sorry, I thought you'd enjoy the whole experience..."
vic "I feel like you are the type of girl who likes being fucked like that... being used like some sex toy..."
pov "..."
$ blush = True
"You start blushing as she says that as you realise, that now when you know this was all a fake kidnapping, you've actually enjoyed getting fucked like that..."
pov "Well... maybe..."
$ blush = False
pov "But no more kidnapping, please!"
pov "I think I can manage to act convincingly, especially for a porn movie!"
vic "Does it mean that you still want to work with me after what I've done?"
pov "... I'll think about it."
vic "Well, I hope this will help you come to the right decision easier..."
"As she says that, she gives you $1000."
$ renpy.notify("$1000")
$ money += 1000
pov "..."
pov "A thousand dollars?"
vic "Well, I've decided that it would be fair to pay you twice the usual amount considering everything..."
vic "So I can't promise the same amount the next time we make a movie..."
vic "I hope it's enough for what you've been through..."
pov "..."
vic "Please, come again if you decide to make a movie together."
"You say her goodbye, and to the men that fucked you a couple of minutes ago, get dressed and go back to the brothel."
jump room
label solo_shower_pee:
label scene_198_playback:
show bg solo_shower_piss 1
if breasts == False:
show solo_shower_piss_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show solo_shower_piss_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show solo_shower_piss_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show solo_shower_piss_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show solo_shower_piss_breasts d
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_shower_piss_balls tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_shower_piss_balls small
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_shower_piss_balls average
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_shower_piss_balls big
show solo_shower_piss_hand
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_shower_piss_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_shower_piss_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_shower_piss_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_shower_piss_clit big
show solo_shower_piss_eyes closed
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show solo_shower_piss_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show solo_shower_piss_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show solo_shower_piss_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show solo_shower_piss_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show solo_shower_piss_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show solo_shower_piss_eyebrows pink
with d
"You lie on the shower stall floor and take your already hard clitty into your hand."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm so excited about peeing all over myself!{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't wait to feel the hot pee on my skin...{/i}"
"It appears to be quite challenging to pee while your clitty is hard, so you lie there concentrating, trying to push the liquid out of you."
"And a couple of minutes later, you feel a nice hot stream coming out of you."
"And as soon as the first drops hit your skin, you can't help but moan..."
show bg solo_shower_piss 2
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_shower_piss_pee1 tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_shower_piss_pee1 small
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_shower_piss_pee1 average
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_shower_piss_pee1 big
with d1
"Without realising it, you push even harder, and some of it hits your open mouth."
"But you are already so horny that it only makes you want to taste it more..."
"So you enjoy the drops hitting your lips and tongue while holding your mouth open and letting your pee flow down your chin out of your open mouth."
pov "{i}Why does it feel so good...?{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so nice to feel my own pee on my soft skin....{/i}"
"And as your pee continues to cover your body and face, your hand starts moving, and you gently stroke your little clit."
pov "{i}And the taste... it's actually nice... It makes me so horny...{/i}"
if breasts == False:
show solo_shower_piss_pee2 a
if breasts == 'a':
show solo_shower_piss_pee2 a
if breasts == 'b':
show solo_shower_piss_pee2 b
if breasts == 'c':
show solo_shower_piss_pee2 c
if breasts == 'd':
show solo_shower_piss_pee2 d
with d1
"Soon enough, your whole body is covered with your piss, and you hold a full mouth of it."
hide solo_shower_piss_pee1
with d1
"When there is no more left inside you, you continue lying there and enjoying the nice warm feeling and the taste in your mouth..."
"As you lie there, your hand continues to move on its own, and a moment later, you stroke your clitty as fast as you can, feeling that you are about to cum."
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_shower_piss_cum1 tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_shower_piss_cum1 small
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_shower_piss_cum1 average
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_shower_piss_cum1 big
with flash
hide solo_shower_piss_cum1
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_shower_piss_cum2 tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_shower_piss_cum2 small
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_shower_piss_cum2 average
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_shower_piss_cum2 big
with flash
if scene_198 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 198 unlocked")
$ scene_198 = True
"And as you feel the first wave of orgasm wash over you, you gulp the hot pee that was still in your mouth and moan..."
pov "Ahhh..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I'm such a mess...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it felt so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}It might be one of the best orgasms I've ever had.{/i}"
"Wash yourself":
"Even though you are still horny, you try to hold yourself from eating the sweet mixture of cum and pee from your body and decide to wash it off your body before you change your mind."
"So you wash yourself and go to bed."
"Eat the cum from your body":
"Even though you've just cum, you still feel incredibly horny, and the only thing you can think about is eating all that hot yummy cum..."
"Like entranced, you bring the first portion on your fingers to your open mouth and hungrily lick them clean."
"You try to hold yourself and not swallow it right away and savour the bitter-sweet taste of the yummy mixture of your cum and pee..."
pov "{i}This is so wrong and perverted! But it feels so good... I can't stop!{/i}"
"You lie there covered in your piss and cum and try to collect the cum from your body and eat as much of it as possible."
"It's impossible to get the cum from your body without mixing it with your pee, but you don't really mind as the taste is actually good..."
"And drop by drop, you manage to collect all the cum from your body and eat it."
hide solo_shower_piss_cum2
with d1
"After that, you decide to wash yourself and go to bed."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label sissyschool:
if needclitinjection:
pov "{i}My first priority is making my clit bigger before Alex puts the cage back on it. I should better go to the lab now.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I should better not visit the school until the injection works, in case Mistress decides for me to get fucked by someone.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if sissyschoolfirsttime:
$ sissyschoolfirsttime = False
show bg sissyschool_mistress_dildo
with Dissolve(2.)
"You knock on the door and then you hear a woman's voice telling you to come in."
"You enter and see a gorgeous woman sitting on a small couch..."
"The first thing you notice is that she has a powerful vibe, like she could make you do anything she'd want..."
"...And that she has huge red dildo hanging between her legs..."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm thinking this, but something about her makes me want to drop to my knees and suck that dildo or kiss feet and her hot black shoes...{/i}"
msd "Do you know who I am?"
pov "Yes, you are Mistress Diane."
msd "Good, now listen carefully, you can speak only if you are spoken to, and if I tell you to do something, you say \"Yes, Mistress\""
msd "Is that clear, sissy?"
pov "... Yes, Mistress."
msd "I can teach you a lot of things here, but I'm not going to force you to do anything until you decide what exactly you'd like to learn."
msd "And if you choose something, then there is no way back, and you will be forced to obey my every command. Is that clear?"
pov "Yes Mistress."
msd "Every lesson will cost you $100."
msd "Now, you can choose what you'd like to start learning."
if cage == False:
pov "I'm not allowed to go there unless I'm caged."
jump room
show bg sissyschool_mistress_dildo
with Dissolve(2.)
"Come in, sissy. Choose what you'd like to learn today."
# "Notice: right now, only pet play & humiliation is available, other options will be added in the futer as well as Mistress's character image."
label sissy_school_menu:
"Sissy's place":
jump sissyplace
"Cock worship" if sissylessonworship_unlock:
jump sissyschcockworship
"Enema basic training":
"This training costs $250"
"Try it":
if money >= 250:
$ renpy.notify("$-250")
$ money -= 250
jump enema_basic_training
pov "{i}I need more money.{/i}"
jump sissy_school_menu
"Changed my mind":
jump sissy_school_menu
"Enema inflation":
#"Will be available in the future versions ;)"
if enema_basic_training_complete:
"This training costs $250"
"Try it":
if money >= 250:
$ renpy.notify("$-250")
$ money -= 250
jump enema_inflation
pov "{i}I need more money.{/i}"
jump sissy_school_menu
"Changed my mind":
jump sissy_school_menu
jump sissy_school_menu
"You need to complete the enema basic training first"
jump sissy_school_menu
"Anal stretching":
if enema_basic_training_complete:
"This training costs $100"
"Try it":
if anal_stretching >= 1:
if pluged == False:
pov "{i}I have to wear a butt-plug if I want to continue the training.{/i}"
jump sissy_school_menu
if money >= 100:
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money -= 100
jump anal_stretching
pov "{i}I need more money.{/i}"
jump sissy_school_menu
if money >= 100:
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money -= 100
jump anal_stretching
pov "{i}I need more money.{/i}"
jump sissy_school_menu
"Changed my mind":
jump sissy_school_menu
"You need to complete the enema basic training first"
jump sissy_school_menu
"Humiliation & pet play":
jump petplay
"Changed my mind":
"You don't feel like learning anything today and decide to go back to your room."
jump room
label petplay:
if money >= 100:
"You don't know what to expect from this, but you are very curious and decide to try it out."
pov "{i}I need at least $100 to be able to take a lesson form Mistress.{/i}"
jump room
$ renpy.notify("-$100")
$ money -= 100
msd "This will be fun..."
msd "This time we will start with something simple..."
msd "As a sissy, you need to know your place really good, you are here to entertain, to please men, to suck cocks and get fucked, to do what you are told to do."
msd "And you have to be ready to do everything, even if it's \"too much\" for you..."
msd "So, to help you with that, our every lesson, we'll be starting with a walk..."
msd "I want you to take off all of your clothes..."
pov "{i}I think I should better do as I'm told to, I don't really want to see her angry...{/i}"
"You slowly take off your clothes and fold it on a chair."
"Next thing you know that Mistress puts on a collar with a leash on your neck..."
"You are not very surprised to see that, considering that it's a humiliation and pet play class."
"Then without saying anything she shows you with her hand to get on the floor."
"You drop down to your knees and assume a position on all fours, excited to see what will come next."
"Then you see Mistress taking something rubbery from the table..."
"She comes closer to you, and you feel this thing getting forced into your hole."
"It appears to be a dog tail..."
"It looks quite fun to see a tail coming from your ass and ass soon as she finishes putting it inside, you wiggle your ass a little like a dog, seeing the tail go from side to side."
"After that, she opens the door and takes you for a walk..."
label scene_70_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg pet 1
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg pet 1b
with Dissolve(2.)
"You follow Mistress around on your hands and knees... and can't help but feel really excited and turned on..."
"Something about this situation makes you really horny..."
"Maybe it's because you completely submit to a strong woman or that you are walked on a leash like an animal, or that you are completely naked with some kind of tail poking from your asshole for everybody who's going by to see..."
"... or maybe it's because of all of this all together..."
"You walk like that for a while and then... you feel some breathing on your ass."
if breasts == False:
show bg pet 2
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg pet 2b
with Dissolve(2.)
"You turn your head back and can't believe your eyes..."
"It's a big man... ummmm... dog... right behind you, sniffing your ass through his mask."
"He's completely naked... and his cock is really hard..."
pov "{i}Was he hard like that before... or is it because of me?{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_70 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 70 unlocked")
$ scene_70 = True
label scene_71_playback:
show bg pet 3
with Dissolve(2.)
"Just a moment later he almost jumps over you and is trying to stick his cock in your ass with fast motions!"
with hpunch
"It feels like he's imitating a real dog really well when it tries to hump something."
msd "Hahaha... Just look at that horny doggy!"
"You hear the \"dog owner\" apologizing to the mistress and commanding the dog to get off of you."
msd "Oh, don't worry about it, my little bitch is always happy to get fucked by a dog!"
msd "Here, I'll take that tail from her hole, so you can fuck her really nice."
"After that she takes out the tail and helps the \"dog's\" cock to find a way into your ass."
"As soon as his cock gets into your ass, he starts moving with an insane speed."
pov "{i}Mmmmm... this... feels... fantastic ♥♥♥{/i}"
pov "{i}This makes me so horny, being dominated by a strong \"dog\" and getting fucked like a little bitch, while he is on top me and breathing heavily through his mask...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_71 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 71 unlocked")
$ scene_71 = True
label scene_72_playback:
show bg pet 4
with Dissolve(2.)
"He fucks you like that for a while, but keeping a speed like that without cumming must be really hard, so soon enough you hear him growl and a moment later, his cock starts pumping cum deep inside your ass."
show bg pet 5
with flash
"There is so much cum, that it's starts leaking out from your ass and going down your little balls..."
"You feel so horny right now that you can't stop leaking and wish he could fuck you like that over and over."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_72 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 72 unlocked")
$ scene_72 = True
#"Notice: This is the last scene of the current update :)"
#"Thank you very much for playing the game, you can check if you've seen all the scenes available in the game from the \"Scenes\" menu in the [povname]'s room."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a while his owner comes and takes him away from you..."
"Then Mistress pats you on your head and lets you go back to your room."
"With each step, you feel cum leaking out of your hole and going down your thighs..."
$ dtime +=1
jump room
label sissyplace:
if money >= 100:
msd "Nice choice!"
msd "Come with me."
pov "{i}I need at least $100 to be able to take a lesson form Mistress.{/i}"
jump room
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You follow mistress to the back room and then she orders you to take off your clothes."
"The only thing you say is \"Yes, Mistress\" and start taking off your clothes."
"As soon as you are naked, she calls a man from another room."
"And a second later a big muscular bare-chested man comes in..."
"The first thing that you notice about him is that he has a huge bulge..."
"He comes closer to both of you and takes off his pants, revealing his huge dick."
"Mistress slowly lifts his huge dick with her hand and then holds your little clitty and looks at it while smiling..."
label scene_91_playback:
if replay:
show bg sissyschool_comparingdicks 2
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show bg sissyschool_comparingdicks 1
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show bg sissyschool_comparingdicks 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show bg sissyschool_comparingdicks 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"It feels really humiliating beiing in a situation like this..."
"Having your penis or better to say {i}clit{/i} locked in a tiny cage and being compared with a huge gorgeous dick..."
"You can't help but feel your face burning from the embarrassment and you don't know where to look at..."
"...as the man looks right into your eyes while you're trying as hard as possible to avoid looking back into his eyes or at his dick..."
"At that point it feels like you already know what this whole lesson will be about and you can't wait for it to be over."
"... but at the same time, with each passing moment you get turned on more and more and feeling weaker and weaker, trying to fight the desire to just drop to your knees and worhip this marvelous dick."
"You don't know what exactly makes you feel this way, but it feels like it's the only way you should behave in a presence of a {i}real man{/i}."
msd "I think everything is already obvious without any words..."
msd "But I should better make sure that you clearly understand the difference between a man and {i}sissy{/i}."
msd "One of the main differences that we are going to focus on today - is what you have between your legs."
msd "First, look at what you have..."
msd "A small pathetic little thingy, you might have called it a dick your whole life, but the thruth is, the real name for it is a {i}clit{/i}."
msd "Something that should be locked up in a small cute little cage, to stop it from distracting you, so you don't waste any time on playing with it and do something useful..."
msd "Something like sucking off a {i}real dick{/i}..."
msd "The cage should be a constant reminder about how useless your tiny little clit is and that it could never satisfy any woman."
msd "And that there is no woman on Earth that would want to get fucked by something tiny and pathetic like this."
msd "And sooner you realize it, the sooner you'll understand who you are, that you don't need to pretend to be a man anymore."
msd "That you are a {i}sissy{/i}, a sissy who is here to serve real men."
if scene_91 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 91 unlocked")
$ scene_91 = True
msd "To be on your knees and present your holes to satisfy any man that would want to use them."
msd "Now I want you to get on your knees..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
msd "Take a look at what's in front of you..."
label scene_92_playback:
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow brwn
if color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blck
if color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow red
if color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blue
if color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow pink
with Dissolve(2.)
msd "Imagine how amazing would it be to lean in closer to this dick... to feel it's soft perfect skin on your lips... to breath in his manly scent..."
msd "Tell me, isn't it the only thing that you want to do right now?"
"And the truth is, that she is completely right. It's like she is reading your mind..."
"It feels like there is nothing else in the world right now, only your lips and this big, perfect dick."
"And the only thing you want to do right now is to open your mouth as wide as possible and feel it sliding deep into your mouth..."
msd "Now I want you to show this dick some love..."
msd "I want you to gently kiss it... just the tip..."
"And the next thing you know, is that like entranced your body moves by itself and you feel your lips touching the warm skin of the tip..."
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 2
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair:
xpos 1077 ypos 1074
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow:
xpos 1077 ypos 1074
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 3
with Dissolve(2.)
"You kiss it as gently as you can, and can't help but try to breath in its scent as deep as possible."
"...it makes your head spin and you can't wait to open your mouth and feel this dick on your tongue..."
if scene_92 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 92 unlocked")
$ scene_92 = True
"But you are too afraid to do anything unless you are told to, so you patiently wait with your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling of the hot tip on your lips..."
msd "Doesn't it feel amazing, just this small simple little kiss?"
msd "I bet you can't wait for more, your body and mind must be craving for you to take this dick deep inside of your holes..."
msd "... to get bred like a bitch in heat..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
msd "But it will be as far as we'll go this time..."
msd "It might be much more useful to leave you without the satisfaction and your mind and body craving for more..."
msd "To feel that dick deep inside you..."
"And as soon as the man takes his dick away from your lips and leaves the room, you can only feel the need to feel his cock inside of you getting even stronger..."
"You only hope that the next time you'll get what you desire."
"You put your clothes back on, pay for your lesson and leave."
$ dtime +=1
$ renpy.notify("-$100")
$ money -= 100
$ sissylessonworship_unlock = True
jump room
label sissyschcockworship:
if money >= 100:
msd "Nice choice!"
msd "Come with me."
pov "{i}I need at least $100 to be able to take a lesson form Mistress.{/i}"
jump room
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You follow Mistress to the back room again and once again she gestures you to strip."
"You only say \"Yes Misstress\" and do as ordered."
"As soon as you are naked and ready, she calls for a man to enter."
"The same man as the previous time enters the room, but this time completely naked right away..."
"And as soon as you see him, your eyes get fixated on his marvelous dick."
pov "{i}How can he stay hard like this without any stimulation?!{/i}"
"He comes closer and as soon as he's in front of you, you drop to your knees..."
"But then you realize... you didn't receive such an order and your actions were completely automatic."
"You look at Mistress, to see if she isn't mad, but instead of being mad she has a smirk on her face, apparently happy that her lessons have such an effect on you..."
label scene_93_playback:
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow brwn
if color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blck
if color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow red
if color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blue
if color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow pink
with Dissolve(2.)
msd "Why don't we start from what we did the last time?"
"All you do is say \"Yes Mistress\" and lean in closer to the tip of his dick to give it a gentle kiss..."
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 2
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair:
xpos 1077 ypos 1074
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow:
xpos 1077 ypos 1074
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 3
with Dissolve(2.)
"...and then you stay like that with your eyes closed and your lips touching the hot skin, waiting for the next order."
"You can't help but start fantasizing how nice it will be now, when Mistress will tell you to open your mouth and suck this meaty dick..."
"But then..."
msd "I know you want to suck it already... but that's not what will be happening this time."
msd "You are here not to do what you want, you are here to please."
msd "So today, you will learn how to worship men's balls."
msd "You see, a lot of men enjoy when a sissy worships their balls, kisses and licks them."
msd "So this time I want you to focus completely on that..."
msd "Now, lean in closer under his heavy dick and give his balls a lick."
hide sissyschool_dickworship_hair
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 4
hide sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_head 1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_eyebrow blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_eyebrow brwn
if color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_eyebrow blck
if color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_eyebrow red
if color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_eyebrow blue
if color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_eyebrow pink
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_dick
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do as you are told to... you put your face under his huge dick and feel how hot and hard it is right now..."
"And then you slightly part your lips and start licking his heavy balls."
pov "{i}I would never have thought that this smell could become even more intense...{/i}"
"You breath in his manly scent and get a little lightheaded, it's so pleasant and tasty, that all you want to do is to take his balls and dick into your mouth and suck it all day long..."
"Or better drop on the floor with your face down and your ass up and get fucked really hard."
msd "Do you see what an effect you have on it? Do you feel how it started twitching from the pleasure?"
msd "Why don't you take it to the next level and suck them?"
msd "I want you to open your mouth and suck his balls, try taking them into your mouth one by one..."
msd "...feel, how full his balls are and how much cum there is for you to drink."
show sissyschool_dickworship_balls_head 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"They are full... it feels that there is so much cum, that you wouldn't be able to produce even in a month..."
if scene_93 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 93 unlocked")
$ scene_93 = True
pov "{i}Fuck... I wish he would just drown me in all that cum now...{/i}"
"You'd think that the whole situation would make you feel wrong... Standing on your knees in front of man, with his dick on your face and his balls in your mouth..."
"... and a woman watching it all and commanding you what to do. But instead of feeling that it's wrong, you feel that it is your place."
"You've never felt better in your life, you don't get embarrassed or ashamed, everything about this feels {i}right{/i}..."
"It feels like you were meant to do it, like it's the only thing you want to do for the rest of your life..."
"Worship big, hard manly dicks..."
"You get lost in time while worshiping his big balls with your mouth, and then get surprised when Mistress tells you that it's time to stop."
"It feels like you've been doing it for hours but at the same time, it feels like it was only a couple of seconds and that you want more..."
"You'd be happy to spend all night like that, on your knees, sucking his huge balls."
"At least you hope that the next time you'll go further and will finally taste his cum."
msd "Now give his cock a nice gentle kiss, and thank him for such a wonderful pleasure that you've had worshiping it."
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 2
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow brwn
if color == 'blck':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blck
if color == 'red':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow red
if color == 'blue':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow blue
if color == 'pink':
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow pink
show sissyschool_dickworship_hair:
xpos 1077 ypos 1074
show sissyschool_dickworship_eyebrow:
xpos 1077 ypos 1074
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg sissyschool_dickworship 3
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do as you are told to."
"And as soon as you thank him, you feel a nice warm feeling spread through your body starting somewhere from your stomach..."
pov "{i}It's not possible to fall in love with a dick, right...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't believe I'm thinking about something like that...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"But then, the man interrupts your thoughts by taking his dick away from your lips and walks away..."
"You put your clothes back on, pay for your lesson and leave."
$ dtime +=1
$ renpy.notify("-$100")
$ money -= 100
$ sissylessonworship_unlock = True
jump room
label enema_basic_training:
msd "Before we can proceed to more advanced training like enema inflation, anal stretching, etc. You need to learn the basics."
msd "Sissy has to be always ready to please any man that wants to fuck her."
msd "So all of your holes have to be ready for penetration at any moment..."
msd "That is why you have to learn how to do it properly."
label scene_162_playback:
show black
with d
"You follow Mistress to another room where she shows you all the equipment..."
msd "You'll have to do it every morning from now on; everything you need is included in the price of the course."
msd "Now I'll show you the whole procedure."
msd "Take off your clothes and get in the doggy position on the floor."
pov "..."
"You silently obey."
show bg sissischool_enema
if clitsize == "small":
show sissischool_enema_cage pink
show sissischool_enema_cage blue
with d
"As you stand there with your naked ass up in the air, you wonder what will happen next..."
show sissischool_enema_enema 1
with dissolve
"Then you feel something thin penetrating you..."
"And a moment later, you feel warm water flowing inside."
pov "{i}It's such a strange feeling...{/i}"
pov "{i}But... It feels kind of nice.{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel quite full already...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder, how much more water will she push in me?{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... Now it feels quite uncomfortable... Like I'm stretched out from the inside...{/i}"
pov "{i}And now I really want to use a toilet!{/i}"
show sissischool_enema_enema 2
with dissolve
msd "Now wait."
pov "{i}Fuck... It hurts!{/i}"
pov "{i}But I don't think it's a good idea to argue...{/i}"
"Luckily, about a minute later, Mistress shows you the way to the toilet."
show black
with d
"After that, you wash and come back."
"And she repeats the procedure over and over, every time making you wait longer."
"The last time, she filled you up with twice as much water as you had the first time and made you wait at least 10 minutes."
"But you've managed to wait the required time, even though you've felt like you were about to cry by the end of it."
"As you come back, she makes you stand in the position again..."
pov "{i}Fuck... this whole experience is so humiliating...{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting filled up with water while presenting myself to her on the floor to fill me up.{/i}"
pov "{i}And doing it over and over... I don't think I'll be able to take a bigger enema...{/i}"
show bg sissischool_enema
if clitsize == "small":
show sissischool_enema_cage pink
show sissischool_enema_cage blue
with d
msd "Okay, I think you are clean now."
msd "But we'll have to make sure."
msd "This time, I'll fill you up with milk."
show sissischool_enema_enema 3
with dissolve
pov "..."
pov "{i}... This time it's cold...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so weird...{/i}"
show sissischool_enema_enema 4
with dissolve
msd "Good."
hide sissischool_enema_enema 4
with dissolve
msd "Now, I want you to expel the milk..."
msd "But not in the toilet... I want you to do it here, standing in the position you are right now."
pov "{i}What?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... Is she serious?{/i}"
pov "{i}This is already extremely humiliating.{/i}"
pov "{i}Now she wants me to do it in front of her?{/i}"
pov "{i}But I can't do anything...{/i}"
pov "{i} It already feels like I'm about to burst...{/i}"
pov "{i}It seems, the colder it is, the harder it is to hold it.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... I can't hold it anymore.{/i}"
show sissischool_enema_milk
with hpunch
pov "Ahhh..."
"You expelled all the milk was in you with a burst and got spilt everywhere, leaking down your sissy-balls, thighs and ass."
pov "{i}This can't be any more humiliating...{/i}"
msd "Good..."
msd "Your training is done."
if scene_162 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 162 unlocked")
$ scene_162 = True
msd "Clean everything up with the towel under you and leave."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You clean all the milk that you've expelled with the towel, take your new enema kit and leave..."
pov "{i}At least she allowed me to use the towel to clean everything up...{/i}"
pov "{i}I was afraid that she'll make me lick it up at the end...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's such a strange new feeling...{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel... good... I feel light!{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so nice being clean like this!{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I'll start doing this routine from now on.{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("Anal stretching training unlocked")
$ enema_basic_training_complete = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label enema_inflation:
pov "{i}Enema inflation...? I hope I won't regret it.{/i}"
"Notice: Don't repeat anything you're about to see in the next scene or anywhere else in the game. It is just a fantasy!"
"Notice: Taking such a big enema will cause damage!"
msd "Ok... Now that we've covered the basic enema training, it's time to go further..."
msd "This is an optional training, and it's not required for every sissy to participate."
msd "But since you've chosen to, it would be good for you to learn how to get pleasure from big enemas."
show black
with d
"You follow Mistress to another room, and she tells you to take off all of your clothes."
"You do as she tells you and stand there naked without any idea what to expect from this training..."
"Then she takes a wide belt and fixes it tightly around your stomach."
"And at this point, you become even more worried..."
label scene_175_playback:
show bg sissy_school_enema_inflation
if clitsize == "big":
show sissy_school_enema_inflation_cage blue
if clitsize == "normal":
show sissy_school_enema_inflation_cage blue
if clitsize == "small":
show sissy_school_enema_inflation_cage pink
show sissy_school_enema_inflation_cage red
with d
"After that, she forces a tube in your hole, and you feel warm water flowing inside you..."
msd "It's a small one, just to warm you up..."
"Then you wait for around ten minutes, release it and come back to Mistress to continue..."
"Once again, she forces a tube inside you, and you feel a slow stream of warm liquid flowing inside you."
"But this time, she doesn't stop."
"Even when you feel like you are about to burst."
"You feel the flow becoming slower, as you are completely filled up..."
pov "Mmmm..."
"You can't help yourself and moan a little."
msd "We are just starting."
"And then, she increases the pressure, and you feel the flow once again..."
"At some point, you start to feel like you are being stretched from the inside, and you begin begging Mistress to stop."
"... but she just ignores you."
"It goes on and on, and you notice that your stomach became really big compared to how it was..."
show sissy_school_enema_inflation_belly
with d1
"And only after you got this big, Mistress stops."
pov "{i}... It feels so weird! My belly is so big!{/i}"
"Even though you feel extremely stretched from the inside, something about it feels pleasurable."
"After a couple of minutes, Mistress allows you to relieve yourself..."
hide sissy_school_enema_inflation_belly
with d1
"And when you are back to normal, she does it again..."
show sissy_school_enema_inflation_belly
with d1
"It goes on like this for a while, and each time it feels like your stomach is even bigger than before, and Mistress makes you wait longer..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_175 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 175 unlocked")
$ scene_175 = True
"After about an hour of this pleasurable torture, she lets you go..."
$ enema_inflation_complete = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label anal_stretching:
if anal_stretching == 0:
msd "Good decision to take this training..."
msd "It will be much easier for you to take big dicks and at the same time receiving more pleasure while doing it."
msd "So I would say this course is a must for a sissy..."
msd "But you'll definitely need to take it multiple times."
msd "I'll be stretching your sissy-pussy myself."
pov "{i}Not sure if I should be happy about that or the opposite...{/i}"
msd "Now, let's start and check how stretched are you already so I know where we are."
label scene_163_playback:
show black
with d
"You follow mistress to another room..."
"It's an almost empty room with just one chair in the middle."
"She commands you to take off your clothes and stand on your knees on the chair presenting your hole..."
"As you start getting undressed, she goes away, and as you are about to take place on the chair, you see her come back with another strap-on between her legs."
"It's huge and a little weird looking... It's quite thin on top but widens quite quickly closer to the base..."
"With a smooth surface on top, but ribbed below..."
pov "{i}I guess it's so she can count and see how much I take each training session...{/i}"
"You try not to make her wait and quickly take the position, presenting your ass to her."
"She gets behind you, and you feel some lube squirted on your hole..."
"And the next thing you know, the top smallest section of the dildo is inside you..."
show bg sissyschool_anal_stretching
if clitsize == "small":
show sissyschool_anal_stretching_cage pink
show sissyschool_anal_stretching_cage blue
with d
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}It got inside me so easily...{/i}"
"But... she doesn't want to stop there..."
"And you feel her starting to press again."
"But your tight hole gives her some resistance, and she can't penetrate you deeper without force."
"So she pushes it harder, making you moan even louder."
pov "Ahhh..."
pov "{i}It hurt a little when the next section got inside me... But it feels... so good now...{/i}"
pov "{i}Its small tip is pressing right against my p-spot...{/i}"
msd "I think I won't go any deeper this time; your hole is stretched quite enough for the first session..."
"So for the next 20 minutes or so, she penetrates you with just the first two sections of her big strap-on."
"This whole time, you can't stop moaning like a slut... making yourself more and more embarrassed with each your moan."
pov "{i}Fu...ck...{/i}"
pov "Ahhh..."
pov "{i}Not only I'm moaning with each her movement, but I also sound like a girl...{/i}"
pov "Mmmm..."
pov "{i}But I can't stop! It feels so good!{/i}"
if scene_163 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 163 unlocked")
$ scene_163 = True
msd "Okay, I feel like it's enough pleasure of stretching for you for your first training."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Your hole is stretched more than before now. You've been able to take two sections of the dildo during the current session."
msd "To make sure you keep the progress and move progress further, you should start using butt plugs."
msd "So this would be your first task. Go to the sex shop and buy at least one and start wearing it."
msd "I don't want to see you come here without a plug ever again."
$ plugs_unlocked = True
$ plugs_small_unlocked = True
$ renpy.notify("Small butt plugs unlocked")
msd "Also, it would be good if you train with a vibrator or a dildo, or even a real dick before our next session."
"Then she takes the strap-on out of your hole and lets you get dressed and go back to your room."
$ anal_stretching = 2
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if anal_stretching == 2:
msd "It's good that you've decided to continue your training..."
msd "Let's go stretch your little hole."
show black
with d
"You follow mistress to another room and get ready in position, presenting your hole for stretching."
show bg sissyschool_anal_stretching
if clitsize == "small":
show sissyschool_anal_stretching_cage pink
show sissyschool_anal_stretching_cage blue
with d
pov "Mmmmm..."
"She forces her strap-on inside you, and it goes two sections deep right away."
"She keeps fucking you, slowly trying to force the third section inside you."
"After a while, you feel your hole become stretched a bit more than it was before and then suddenly the dildo slips deeper."
pov "Ahhh..."
"Then, she keeps taking it back out a little and forcing it back inside you, making sure your hole stays stretched for a while."
show black
with d
"Your hole is stretched more than before now. You've been able to take three sections of the dildo during the current session."
"Then Mistress takes the strap-on out of your hole and lets you get dressed and go back to your room."
$ anal_stretching = 3
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if anal_stretching == 3:
msd "It's good that you've decided to continue your training..."
msd "Let's go stretch your little hole."
show black
with d
"You follow mistress to another room and get ready in position, presenting your hole for stretching."
show bg sissyschool_anal_stretching
if clitsize == "small":
show sissyschool_anal_stretching_cage pink
show sissyschool_anal_stretching_cage blue
with d
pov "Mmmmm..."
"She forces her strap-on inside you, and it goes three sections deep right away."
"She keeps fucking you, slowly trying to force the third section inside you."
"After a while, you feel your hole become stretched a bit more than it was before and then suddenly the dildo slips deeper."
pov "Ahhh..."
"Then, she keeps taking it back out a little and forcing it back inside you, making sure your hole stays stretched for a while."
show black
with d
"Your hole is stretched more than before now. You've been able to take four sections of the dildo during the current session."
$ renpy.notify("Black dildo unlocked")
$ black_dildo_unlocked = True
"Then Mistress takes the strap-on out of your hole and lets you get dressed and go back to your room."
$ renpy.notify("Medium-sized plugs unlocked")
$ plugs_medium_unlocked = True
"Notice: it's the end of the stretching training for now. It will be continued in future updates. In the meantime, you can play a little with the black dildo and make [pov] wear anal plugs ;)"
$ anal_stretching = 3
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label bjclient:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A man enters the room. It a usual guy in his middle age."
man "Hey, girl! I want your lips wrapped around my dick..."
#pov "{i}I guess after I've tried that with Naomi it would be silly to refuse, considering how much more money I can make this way.{/i}"
pov "Okay, please take off your clothes and lie down on the bed."
"You also take off your clothes and lie on top of the man with your face right near his hard cock."
label scene_16_playback:
show bg bj69
show bj69_head 0 zorder 10
if prevbj == "b":
show bj69_man w zorder 20
$ prevbj = "w"
with Dissolve(2.)
jump bj69
if prevbj == "w":
show bj69_man b zorder 20
$ prevbj = "b"
with Dissolve(2.)
jump bj69
label bj69:
pov "{i}His cock is quite cute...{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't believe that I'm thinking something like that, but that is how I feel.{/i}"
"Without any hesitation you lower you face on that beautiful cock and give it a gentle kiss."
show bj69_head 1
show bj69_head_f 1 zorder 40
with dissolve
"For some reason you wanted to do that, it is so beautiful, that you want to make him feel as much pleasure as possible."
"And after that, you slowly start sucking it."
hide bj69_head_f 1
hide bj69_head_f 1
hide bj69_head 1
if prevbj == "w":
show 69suckingf_w 1 zorder 40
show 69suckingf_b 1 zorder 40
show 69sucking 1 zorder 10
pov "{i}It feels so nice in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "{i}It is so hard and warm, I'd never think that I could enjoy taking a man's cock in my mouth.{/i}"
show bj69_saliva zorder 20
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I think it's time to increase the speed and make him feel really good.{/i}"
if prevbj == "w":
show 69suckingf_w 2 zorder 40
show 69suckingf_b 2 zorder 40
show 69sucking 1 zorder 10
show 69sucking 2 zorder 10
"Then it starts twitching and shoots cum all over your face!"
#if scene_29:
# pov "{i}I feel like he's about to cum...{/i}"
# pov "{i}I feel like he's about to cum... But I'm not ready to taste his cum.{/i}"
hide 69sucking 2
hide 69suckingf_w 2
hide 69suckingf_b 2
show bj69_head 0
show bj69_cum1
with flash
$ renpy.pause(.5, hard=True)
show bj69_cum2
show bj69_cum3
hide bj69_cum1
with flash
$ renpy.pause(.5, hard=True)
hide bj69_cum3
show bj69_cum4
show bj69_cum5
with flash
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_16 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 16 unlocked")
$ scene_16 = True
if scene_29:
pov "{i}That was a lot of cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}That felt nice.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how would it taste if he came in my mouth...{/i}"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
"After the client left, you take a quick shower to wash off the cum from yourself and think what to do next."
#"Note: The game is still in a very early development stage and after this event there is no more story progression, but you still can play for as long as you want if you have enough money for Alex at the end of the week."
#"So you could just visit the events you like, buy new clothes or a sex toy if you haven't bought it yet. Also, there is a chance that you haven't seen all the events in the game."
jump room
label bjclientbbcanilingus:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A big muscular man enters the room."
pov "{i}Fuck, I bet his cock is huge...{/i}"
"He comes closer to you without saying a word, and looks at you."
"You know what he is waiting for, and you start unbuckling his pants."
pov "{i}Fuck, this thing is enormous!{/i}"
pov "{i}I won't even be able to fit it into my mouth!...{/i}"
"Then he pushes you down on your knees with his strong hands, grabs your head and pulls it right below his balls!"
label scene_44_playback:
show bg random bbc anilingus 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"He wants you to lick his ass!"
pov "{i}I didn't expect that!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why am I so turned on by this? His masculine scent drives me crazy!{/i}"
"You start licking his ass like a dirty little slut, who's ready to do whatever she is told to do."
pov "{i}I've never thought that I could become so submissive, ready to please strangers... And even lick a man's asshole!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_44 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 44 unlocked")
$ scene_44 = True
"After a while, the man makes you stand up and lay on the bed, and places his huge balls right in front of your face."
label scene_45_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg random bbc anilingus 2-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg random bbc anilingus 2-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"You get the hint and start sucking and licking them and at the same time jerking off his huge dick..."
pov "{i}His balls are so big, I can barely fit them in my mouth!{/i}"
"After a while of sucking on his balls and jerking off his cock, you feel his cock starting twitching and shooting cum over your shoulder."
if breasts == False:
show bg random bbc anilingus 3-nb
with flash
show bg random bbc anilingus 3-tb
with flash
pause 0.3
if breasts == False:
show bg random bbc anilingus 4-nb
with flash
show bg random bbc anilingus 4-tb
with flash
pov "{i}Wow, I didn't expect him to cum so fast...{/i}"
if scene_45 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 45 unlocked")
$ scene_45 = True
pov "{i}I guess I did a good job! ... Or he was just very horny...{/i}"
"You milk the final drops of cum from his cock, he pays you for your time and leaves."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label bjclient2men:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"Two men enter the room and greet you."
pov "{i}Wow, I didn't expect to have a threesome today...{/i}"
pov "{i}... more men - more cum for me to eat ♥♥♥{/i}"
"They come closer to you and drop their pants..."
"You drop to your knees and enjoy a moment of having two cocks right in front of your face for you to play with."
label scene_46_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg 2cocksbj 1-nb
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg 2cocksbj 1-tb
with Dissolve(2.)
"Without hesitation you start sucking them one by one, alternating between them."
if scene_46 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 46 unlocked")
$ scene_46 = True
"After a while they become impatient and don't wat to wait while you suck another cock..."
"One of them lies near the edge of the bed and the other one comes close to him..."
"And then, they force your head making you take both cocks into your mouth!"
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_47_playback:
show bg 2cocksbj 2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Mmmm... Ah... mffmm..."
pov "{i}I can barely fit them into my mouth!{/i}"
"Suddenly they start thrusting their cocks in and out of your mouth..."
"You don't know how much longer you can take it..."
"And then suddenly you start to feel both of them exploding with cum right into your mouth..."
show bg 2cocksbj 3
with flash
"You try to drink this mixture of cum as fast as you can and you are glad that this double facefucking is over."
if scene_47 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 47 unlocked")
$ scene_47 = True
"You thank both of them for such a delicious treat, they pay you some money and leave."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label bjclientforced:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A young guy enters the room, it seems like he's about couple of years older than you."
"As soon as he enters, you feel like he's very aggressive..."
pov "{i}I hope he won't do anything crazy...{/i}"
"You can't even finish your thoughts as he comes close to you and roughly forces you to your knees."
label scene_48_playback:
show bg forcedbj 1
with Dissolve(2.0)
"And a moment later he drops his pants on the floor and shoves his hard cock into your mouth and starts fucking you, like he hasn't fucked in years and now tries to catch up."
"He forces his cock into your mouth roughly and you are starting to get face-fucked."
pov "{i}He's using me like some kind of a fuck toy!{/i}"
pov "{i}But I feel like he won't be doing it for long, it feels like he's really horny...{/i}"
"But to your surprise he fucks your mouth for much longer than you expected..."
"And then..."
show bg forcedbj 2
with flash
"He shoots his cum right into your mouth, it's so much of it that you can't even swallow it all and it starts leaking from your mouth."
pov "{i}I feel like he's been saving it for a while...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_48 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 48 unlocked")
$ scene_48 = True
"You clean his cock with your mouth, he throws you some money and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label randomstrapon1:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"It's your lucky day! It's gorgeous blonde woman with a hot tight body..."
pov "Wow... Sorry, I mean, please come in, what would you like me to do for you?"
wmn "Hey cutie, I want you to fuck me really nice today..."
wmn "Could you do that for me?"
# "This is a scene with a woman, you can skip it you wish."
# "Skip":
# $ renpy.notify("+$50")
# $ money += 50
# $ dtime += 1
# jump room
# "Don't skip":
pov "{i}Fuck! This can't be happening... A gorgeous woman wants me to fuck her and I'm wearing this stupid cage!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe if I wasn't wearing this stupid chastity cage, I'd lose my virginity today!{/i}"
pov "{i}... I mean lose it normally and not by being fucked by some guy...{/i}"
wmn "Hey, are you with me? You seem lost in your thoughts..."
wmn "So, will you fuck me or not?"
pov "Sorry, I was just thinking that I would really love to have sex with you... but I'm wearing a chastity device, that won't allow me to... um fuck you."
wmn "Hahah... Of course, you do! That's not something that I didn't expect from a sissy like you..."
pov "So... Then how were you expecting me to fuck you?"
wmn "Not with your pathetic little clit, that's for sure."
wmn "You see, I like coming here to sissy girls like you not because you can fuck me really good, no..."
wmn "For that I need a real man, I come here because I love humiliating sissies like you..."
wmn "And the only way you can fuck me or anyone else - is with this."
"After saying that she takes a big dildo with a strap-on belt and starts putting it on you."
label scene_58_playback:
show bg random strapon 1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "..."
wmn "See? Your pathetic little thingy is nowhere near as big as this beautiful thing."
wmn "No woman would like to get fucked by you when there are real men with big hard dicks out there..."
wmn "You're just lucky that I enjoy making fun of sissies like you, so you'll have a chance to see what it's like to have sex with a woman..."
pov "{i}This is humiliating... But she is right, my cock is so much smaller than this thing...{/i}"
pov "{i}No wonder everybody says that I have a clit.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd give so much to have such a big dick as this one...{/i}"
wmn "Come on, I want to have it inside me right now."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_58 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 58 unlocked")
$ scene_58 = True
label scene_59_playback:
show bg random strapon 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"After that she pushes you down on the bed and slowly lowers herself on this big dildo while you enjoy the view of her perfect ass..."
wmn "I like to ride sissies like you in this position, so I can look at your useless locked clit and laught..."
wmn "So pathetic... so small and even though I humiliate you like this, it only turns you on more and more..."
wmn "I can see how hard your little thing is pressed against the cage, trying to get out."
pov "{i}Fuck, she's right, I'm so hard right now, I don't even know if I want to have this cage off right now...{/i}"
pov "{i}This whole situation turns me on so much!.{/i}"
pov "{i}What am I saying?! Fuck, of course, I want to take this cage off now and fuck her!{/i}"
pov "{i}But... Would she even feel anything if my clit... I mean cock... was inside her, it's so much smaller, than this dildo!{/i}"
"She rides you like this for a while, moaning really loud..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_59 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 59 unlocked")
$ scene_59 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a while she leans forward, so now you have a perfect view of her gorgeous pussy all wet and stretched by this big dildo."
"... sliding up and down..."
label scene_60_playback:
show bg random strapon 3
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}It must feel so good to be inside her hot wet pussy...{/i}"
pov "{i}Will I ever be able to fuck a woman like this? I want it so bad...{/i}"
"She starts to increase the speed, so now she's riding it really fast..."
"And it seems like she's enjoying it a lot, her moaning sounds more like screaming right now..."
"For a moment you forget how much you want to fuck her and seeing all her pleasure, you start picturing yourself riding that perfect dildo..."
pov "{i}She obviously has so much pleasure riding it... I don't even know what I want more, to fuck her or for her to fuck me with this dildo...{/i}"
"Soon your thoughts get interrupted by her very loud orgasm... And you see her wet pussy contracting on the dildo while her body becomes soft and relaxed."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_60 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 60 unlocked")
$ scene_60 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
wmn "Fuck... that was fun... I wonder how humiliated you feel right now haha!"
wmn "Getting used like this, I could do all of this with just fixing the dildo on the floor, but it is so much more fun, to see the look on your silly sissy face..."
wmn "I might visit again some time."
"Then, she leaves some money for you and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label randomfeet1:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A handsome man enters the room."
man "Hey, I have some special request for you..."
pov "{i}... I hope he's not going to do some strange stuff with me that I won't like...{/i}"
man "Hahah you have such a worried look on your face..."
man "Don't worry, nothing scary, I just want you to pleasure me ummm... with your beatiful feet..."
man "Is it possible?"
pov "{i}I didn't expect that... But it may be nice, no need to suck his dick or get fucked hard...{/i}"
pov "Because, I ummm... hate all of that... ♥♥♥"
if scene_61:
pov "Yeah, I'll be happy to"
pov "I've never done it before... but I guess I could try..."
man "Great!"
"You both take off all of your clothes and get ready on the bed."
"It feels really strange to touch a dick with your feet, but it makes you really turned on for some reason..."
label scene_61_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg random fj 1
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg random fj 1b
with Dissolve(2.)
"You start rubbing his cock with your toes, but it feels a little awkward as you're not really skilled at giving a footjob..."
"But the man is obviously enjoying it very much and it seems like he's on the edge like he hasn't have sex for a long time."
"As you rub his cock you feel a little sad that he didn't want to fuck you or have you suck his beautiful cock instead..."
pov "{i}Fuck, what happened to me... now, every time I see a dick, my mouth starts salivating and I want to kiss and suck it...{/i}"
"You get lost in your thoughts while enjoying the view on the big beautiful balls and perfect hard cock while rubbing it with your feet..."
"And then, you see the man close his eyes and his cock starts throbbing..."
if breasts == False:
show bg random fj 2
with flash
show bg random fj 2b
with flash
if breasts == False:
show bg random fj 3
with flash
show bg random fj 3b
with flash
man "Oh fuck! That was amazing!"
man "You did a perfect job, girl!"
"You look at your feet all covered in cum and can't help but feel proud..."
pov "{i}I've never though that I could give such pleasure with my feet...{/i}"
pov "{i}All that hot cum... I can't believe it, but for some reason, I want to feel it on my tongue... I want to eat it all...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_61 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 61 unlocked")
$ scene_61 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Do it":
pov "{i}Fuck it, I want it so bad!{/i}"
label scene_62_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg random fj 4
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg random fj 4b
with Dissolve(2.)
"You forget about the man, and take your foot in your hands and start licking up all the hot yummy cum ♥♥♥"
pov "{i}Oh God! It's so tasty... I want it all!{/i}"
"You lick up and swallow all the cum from your feet, trying to get as much cum as possible..."
if breasts == False:
show bg random fj 5
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg random fj 5b
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a while your feet are completely clean and you are sucking on your toes and lick your soles in hope to feel some more taste of the delicious cum."
"A moment later you get back to your senses and start remembering that you are not alone..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"And then you see a very surprised and at the same time very please face of the man."
man "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen, you were so into it!"
man "I'm definitely visiting you again in the future!"
"He's very happy with the experience and gives you some extra money when he leaves."
if scene_62 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 62 unlocked")
$ scene_62 = True
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"That's too strange...":
"You decide to ignore your thoughts and use a tissue paper."
"The man seems satisfied, he says goodbye and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label randomclientfullnelson:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A rather big, tall man comes in... Almost one and a half times taller than you..."
man "Hey cutie, I'd like to have some fun with you..."
pov "Of course, please take off your clothes and get on the bed."
"He takes off his clothes and you see his massive dick is already hard."
pov "{i}Fuck! That thing is huge! I hope he only wants a blowjob... otherwise I'm not sure how I could fit such a thing in my ass...{/i}"
"But as it happens, blowjob isn't something what he wants."
"He sits on the bed and tells you to come closer."
"You are quite scared of that massive thing between his legs, but you oblige and come clother."
"Then, to your surprise he suddenly grabs you and easily lifts you up."
"And then..."
pov "No, no no! Please, not like this!"
"He simply forses your tight little hole on his huge hard cock while holding your legs and interlocking his hands behind your head, making it impossible for you to move..."
show bg random_full_nelson
if cage == True and clitsize == 'small':
show random_full_nelson_cage pink
if cage == True and clitsize == 'normal':
show random_full_nelson_cage blue
if cage == True and clitsize == 'big':
show random_full_nelson_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"He did it so roughly, that you even cried out in pain!"
pov "Please, you are too big for me! I'm begging you, not so rough!"
"But it seems all of this was turning him on even more, so he just started fucking you right away, without even giving you some time to get used to the size of his massive dick."
pov "{i}Ahhh... Fuck... He... is... just... using me... like a fuck toy!{/i}"
"You can't hold in your moaning so you start almost screaming from the feeling of his dick stretching your hole to its limit."
"But as he continues using you like that, you start to feel pleasure coming instead of pain..."
"And instead of screaming in pain, you start moaning with pleasure."
"Seeing that you are starting to enjoy it, he starts fucking you even harder, lifting you up on his cock and than dropping you back on it, so it goes back in for the full lenght."
"But at this point you are almost used to his dick, even though it stretches you to your maximum."
"And you start to enjoy it even more and more with every moment of this rough fucking."
"He fucks you like that for a while until you feel his dick becoming even bigger and then starting to throb in your hole."
show random_full_nelson_cum 1
with flash
show random_full_nelson_cum 2
with flash
"He holds you like that with his cock still pulsating in your hole and then finally releases you..."
if scene_115 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 115 unlocked")
$ scene_115 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Too exhausted to move or say anything, you just fall down on the floor in front of him, still slightly moaning and with cum leaking out of your asshole."
"Then he throws some money on you and leaves without saying anything."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_doggy:
label scene_149_playback:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A big muscular guy enters and says that he'd like to fuck you."
"You slowly get in the bed and raise your ass up and lower your head."
pov "{i}I get so horny standing in a position like this... Presenting my ass for a man I see for the first time in my life...{/i}"
pov "{i}To fuck me, to do anything he wants with me...{/i}"
"A moment later, you feel his hands on your ass and his big dick rubbing against your tight hole..."
"Ask him to fuck you":
pov "Mmmm... please, fuck me... I want your dick inside me!"
pov "{i}Didn't expect something like that from myself...{/i}"
"Stay silent":
pov "Mmmm..."
"And then you feel the tip of his cock forcing its way inside you..."
pov "Ahhh..."
show bg random_doggy
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hairbg long red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hairbg braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hairbg braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hairbg braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hairbg braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hairbg braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hairbg braids red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hairbg tails red
show random_doggy_head
show random_doggy_mouth open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_doggy_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_doggy_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_doggy_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_doggy_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_doggy_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_doggy_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_doggy_eyebrows pink
show random_doggy_eyes closed
if randomclientroom == 5:
show random_doggy_man white
show random_doggy_man black
with d
"Even though you are extremely horny and your little clitty is free... it doesn't even try to get hard..."
"The only thing that happens is that you start leaking like a horny bitch that needs to be fucked."
show random_doggy_precum 1
with dissolve
pov "{i}Fuck... am I so used to wearing the cage that I can't even get hard anymore?{/i}"
pov "{i}... or is it because my body realises that I have no use for it?{/i}"
pov "{i}Especially while having a huge dick inside me... so my clitty just hangs soft there.{/i}"
pov "{i}So limp... so useless...{/i}"
"Having all those thoughts only makes you hornier, and you leak even more."
show random_doggy_precum 2
with dissolve
"You feel his cock starting to fuck you deeper and harder, and you start moaning louder..."
pov "{i}It feels so good to get fucked like a girl...{/i}"
pov "Mmmmm... yeah... please, fuck me harder..."
pov "{i}Do I need to try to be a guy? For what? When it feels so good to be fucked by big muscular men...{/i}"
show random_doggy_precum 3
with dissolve
"Mmmm... yes! Breed me... fuck me as hard as you can!"
"He starts to fuck you even harder, and you feel your whole body starting to shake in pleasure."
"It feels like 10 orgasms at once... and your clitty still stays limp..."
"Your moaning turned into screaming, and it feels like you are about to pass out from all this pleasure..."
"It seems that you shaking on his dick and your moaning brought him over the edge, and his dick starts shooting his hot cum in your sissy-hole..."
show random_doggy_cum 1
with flash
show random_doggy_cum 2
with flash
"As you stand there with your ass up, leaking from your clitty and leaking hot cum from your hole..."
"You realise... this is your place, this is who you are... this is what makes you happy..."
if scene_149 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 149 unlocked")
$ scene_149 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"He slowly slides his dick out of your hole and leaves you lying on your bed still shaking in pleasure..."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_client_jerk_off:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A big man enters your room and says that he'd like you to give him a blowjob until he cums in your mouth..."
"You are more than happy to oblige and get ready to receive his dick."
"He takes off his closes, comes closer to the bed and grabs you by your hair, pushing his cock against your lips."
"You slowly open your mouth and let him inside, enjoying the first taste of his big soft dick tip..."
pov "Mmmm..."
label scene_179_playback:
show bg random_jerk_off_bj
if clitsize == "big":
show random_jerk_off_bj_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_jerk_off_bj_clit normal
if clitsize == "small":
show random_jerk_off_bj_clit small
show random_jerk_off_bj_clit tiny
if breasts == False:
show random_jerk_off_bj_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show random_jerk_off_bj_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show random_jerk_off_bj_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show random_jerk_off_bj_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_breasts d
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_jerk_off_bj_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_jerk_off_bj_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_jerk_off_bj_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_jerk_off_bj_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_jerk_off_bj_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_jerk_off_bj_eyebrows pink
with d
man "Fuck... that's good..."
"You slowly suck on the tip and at the same time tease it with your tongue."
man "Oh yeah, you know how to do it, girl..."
"While you suck his big dick, you also play with your clitty, trying to enjoy freedom from your cage at the same time."
"But quite soon, you sucking his tip is not enough for him, and he starts moving his hips, fucking your mouth..."
"At this point, your clitty is as hard as it could ever be, and you use all of your willpower not to cum right away."
pov "{i}Some time ago, I would have wished to have a big dick like his and be so masculine...{/i}"
pov "{i}But now, having his perfect dick in my mouth is all I could wish for...{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to keep myself from cumming... I want to do it at the same time as his sweet sperm flows into my mouth...{/i}"
"So you end up just holding your clitty with your hand, trying not to move it at all as even a little bit of stimulation would take you over the edge..."
"And the only thing left for you is to moan with his marvellous dick between your lips while trying your best to make him cum and shoot his seed in your mouth..."
"He fucks you like that for a while, and soon it feels like he is about to cum..."
"You start breathing deeper in anticipation..."
pov "{i}I'm about to taste his cum...{/i}"
show random_jerk_off_bj_cum 1
if clitsize == "big":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum big 1
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum normal 1
if clitsize == "small":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum small 1
with flash
show random_jerk_off_bj_cum 2
if clitsize == "big":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum big 2
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum normal 2
if clitsize == "small":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum small 2
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum tiny
with flash
if clitsize == "big":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum big 3
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum normal 3
if clitsize == "small":
show random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum small 3
with d1
pov "{i}I can't believe how good it felt...{/i}"
if scene_179 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 179 unlocked")
$ scene_179 = True
pov "{i}Feeling his hot cum overflow my mouth and cumming at the same time...{/i}"
pov "{i}It was one of the best orgasms in my life...{/i}"
"You enjoy the feeling of having a full mouth of his cum, and then you start swallowing it little by little..."
"It feels like the sweetest cum you've ever tasted, and you can't stop eating it..."
"Even though you've just come, it feels like your arousal is still at its peak, and you don't stop until there is no cum left for you to eat..."
hide random_jerk_off_bj_cum 2
with d1
pov "{i}I wish it was more of it...{/i}"
"Well... you still have your own sissy cum on your hands..."
"Eat it...":
pov "{i}Even though my sissy cum is not nearly as tasty as his manly seed... I want more!{/i}"
"You slowly let his meaty dick out of your mouth, once again making sure that there isn't a drop of his cum left..."
"And then, you bring your cum-covered hand to your mouth and start eating it right in front of the man."
man "Wow... you are a hungry little whore..."
hide random_jerk_off_bj_mc_cum
with d1
"Don't do it":
"You feel like the taste of your sissy cum will only ruin the after taste of his manly seed, and you decide not to eat it..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"After that, the man puts his clothes back on and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_spread_legs_on_back:
label scene_207_playback:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A tall man comes in... and right away you see the outline of his big hard cock in his pants..."
if plug:
"As you see it, your mouth starts watering, and your tight hole involuntarily clenches around your plug."
"As you see it, your mouth starts watering, and your tight hole involuntarily clenches."
pov "It's already so hard..."
man "Yeah, baby, can't wait to get it into your nice sissy ass."
"You give the man a smile and spread your legs invitingly as he takes off his clothes..."
show bg random_spread_legs_on_back
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg long red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg braids red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hairbg tails red
show random_spread_legs_on_back_head
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_eyebrows pink
show random_spread_legs_on_back_mc
if breasts == False:
show random_spread_legs_on_back_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show random_spread_legs_on_back_breasts d
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_clit big
with d
"As he gets naked, he comes closer, grabs your leg and a second later, you feel the tip of his hard member pressing against your p-spot."
"You girly clitty is already hard, and as the man starts fucking you, the clit starts flipping back and forth..."
"You can't help but subconsciously compare it to the hot manly dick that's inside you..."
pov "{i}I feel so submissive right now... seeing my clitty free from its cage, but still useless...{/i}"
pov "{i}It makes me so horny!{/i}"
pov "Mmmmm..."
"As he fucks you hard, you moan with your girly voice louder and louder, begging him to do it even harder."
pov "{i}F-fuck... I... even sound li-like... Mmmm... a girl ahhhh...{/i}"
"Even though some time ago becoming as manly as the guy fucking you would be your dream, right now you'd never agree to switch places with him..."
pov "{i}His big dick only makes me want to become even girlier, sluttier and wishing to have an even smaller clitty...{/i}"
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_cum tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_cum small
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_cum average
if clitsize == "big":
show random_spread_legs_on_back_cum big
with flash
show random_spread_legs_on_back_cum body
with flash
"And with those thoughts in mind, you cum, spraying your sissy juice all over your petite body..."
pov "Uhhhh~ NGH~~!"
"And it seems you've made such a show while cumming, that it was enough to take the man over the edge, and a moment later, you feel his dick pulsating in orgasm..."
show random_spread_legs_on_back_cum_man 1
with flash
show random_spread_legs_on_back_cum_man 2
with flash
if scene_207 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 207 unlocked")
$ scene_207 = True
pov "Mmmmm...!"
man "Such a good slut!"
man "I'll make sure to visit you again."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"After that, the man puts his clothes back on and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_castrated_girl:
label scene_231_playback:
show black
with d
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"The door opens, and a very sexy woman comes in."
pov "{i}Didn't expect to see a woman.{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't believe that I'm even a little bit sad seeing a sexy woman come in and not a man who'd fuck me...{/i}"
pov "Please, come in."
pov "What would you like me to do for you today?"
wmn "How about you show my dick some love today."
"After she says that, you see a bulge between her legs; she's obviously already hard."
pov "{i}Oh, wow, maybe I will get fucked today...{/i}"
pov "Would love to ♥♥♥"
scene bg random_empty_sack_bj
with d
"As she removes her clothes, you get on your knees and see a big hard dick swinging in front of your face."
pov "Wow!"
pov "{i}But... But where are her balls?{/i}"
"All you can see is a little bit of skin left where her balls should be, but it's obviously empty..."
pov "{i}Is she... castrated?{/i}"
wmn "I see you are probably wondering where my balls are..."
wmn "My master got them removed..."
wmn "But I'm happy he let me have my big clitty and decided not to remove it..."
wmn "Otherwise, I'd be completely smooth down there."
pov "{i}Fuck... He could also remove her dick as well?{/i}"
pov "{i}That's so crazy!{/i}"
"It's so weird to see a dick without balls!"
"But as you look at it, you get turned on more and more..."
pov "{i}I wonder how it made her feel...{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting your balls removed...{/i}"
"Seeing her like this makes you:"
"Wonder how you would feel if Alex removed your balls":
$ castration_thoughts = 1
"Even though the thought of losing your balls scares you, for some reason, you feel turned on by this thought."
"Taking your feminisation to a whole new level?"
pov "{i}Why does it make me turned on?{/i}"
pov "{i}I like my balls!{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though they are kind of useless at this point.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's not like anyone would like me to make them pregnant.{/i}"
pov "{i}And something about it makes it look so sexy.{/i}"
pov "{i} Losing control so much that someone else can take a part of you...{/i}"
"Scared that it would happen to you":
$ castration_thoughts = 2
pov "{i}God, I hope it won't happen to me at some point...{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though they are small, I like my balls!{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't want them to be removed!{/i}"
pov "{i}I have to do everything I can to make sure Alex is happy with me if I don't want to end up without my balls...{/i}"
wmn "Hey, are you there?"
wmn "You just keep staring at my crotch without doing anything..."
pov "Sorry, I kind of got lost in my thoughts..."
"After saying that, you take your mouth closer to her crotch and start kissing the skin where her balls are supposed to be."
pov "{i}It feels so weird kissing her empty sack...{/i}"
wmn "Mmmm... yeah! Like that..."
wmn "Even though I no longer have my balls, that area is still very sensitive."
"Hearing how much she likes it, you continue kissing her soft skin."
"After you cover the whole area with your gentle kisses, you take out your tongue and start licking her."
pov "{i}It almost feels like licking a pussy... but without a hole.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if her orgasms feel the same as before.{/i}"
"You continue licking her up and down until your tongue reaches the bottom of her hard shaft."
"You slowly lick the underside of it until you reach the tip of her big hard cock and take wrap your lips around it."
"You start gently sucking it."
"Slowly taking it deeper and deeper in your mouth..."
"As you suck her hard cock, you reach up with your hands and cup her full breasts, gently teasing and pinching her hard nipples."
"She starts moaning even louder, and as you hear it, you feel a pleasant wave of pleasure in your stomach."
"This makes your head move faster on her cock as you take it even deeper into your mouth."
"You continue sucking it, from time to time, taking it out of your mouth and going back to licking the area where her balls used to be."
wmn "Mmmm... yes baby... you make me feel so good!"
"After that, you start sucking her dick harder, taking it deep, so it makes you gag."
"But you try to be a good sissy slut and deepthroat it anyways."
"It doesn't take too long until she starts moaning really loud, and you feel her dick twitch while it's deep in your mouth."
"You get ready to swallow her cum, but it just keeps twitching in your mouth without anything coming out of it."
"Only a moment later, you remember that there will be no cum for you to swallow this time because she has no balls."
wmn "Ahhh..."
wmn "Fuck... it felt so good!"
wmn "I might visit you again sometime in the future."
"After that, her dick starts getting soft, and you let it slide out of your mouth."
if scene_231 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 231 unlocked")
$ scene_231 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
"Then she gets dressed and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_boobjob:
label scene_243_playback:
show black
with d
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A big muscular man enters your room."
"As you see him, you feel a weird feeling in your stomach."
pov "{i}Fuck... I bet his dick is huge...{/i}"
man "Wow, girl, didn't expect you to have such big breasts!"
man "I think I know how I'm going to use you today..."
pov "..."
"Come lie down on the bed and wait for me."
"After that, he proceeds to take off his clothes, and you see a massive hard dick between his legs."
"As he gets naked, he gets on top of you and puts his massive cock between your soft breasts."
man "Stick out your slutty tongue for me, girl."
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d
"You do as he says and hold his big dick between your breasts."
pov "{i}Nobody has ever used me like this...{/i}"
"And then he starts moving..."
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
"With each thrust, his dick touches your tongue, and you lick it to give him some extra pleasure."
pov "{i}His cock feels so nice on my tongue.{/i}"
pov "{i}What is it about the dicks that make me want to lick and suck them?{/i}"
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 2
with d1
show bg random_boobjob 1
with d1
"He continues fucking you like this as you try to push your breasts together, so they wrap him as tightly as possible."
"And after a while, he makes a final thrust..."
show bg random_boobjob 2
with hpunch
"And his hot cum starts flowing from the tip of his cock."
show random_boobjob_cum
with flash
"As it reaches your tongue, you hungrily start to swallow."
man "Good girl, eat every drop of it."
"You happily oblige and continue swallowing until there is nothing left for you."
hide random_boobjob_cum
with d1
if scene_243 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 243 unlocked")
$ scene_243 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
"After that, he pays you the money and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_choking:
label scene_237_playback:
show black
with d
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A man enters the room."
"For some reason, you feel a weird aggressive vibe from him."
pov "What would you like me to do for you today?"
man "Just undress and shut the fuck up bitch."
pov "..."
"You start slowly undressing and don't say anything in return."
man "Faster, I don't have all day!"
"You quickly take off the rest of your clothes and wait."
"Then he comes closer to you and throws you on the bed."
pov "{i}Fuck! This guy scares me! I'm afraid of what he'll do to me!{/i}"
"He's already naked as well, and you see quite a big dick swaying between his legs."
"Without any hesitation, he gets on top of you and forces his thick cock in your hole in one hard motion as his hand is wrapping around your neck."
show bg random_choking
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hairbg long red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hairbg braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hairbg braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hairbg braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hairbg braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hairbg braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hairbg braids red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hairbg tails red
show random_choking_head 1
show random_choking_1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_choking_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_choking_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_choking_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_choking_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_choking_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_choking_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_choking_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_choking_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_choking_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_choking_eyebrows pink
show random_choking_2
if breasts == False:
show random_choking_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show random_choking_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show random_choking_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show random_choking_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show random_choking_breasts d
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show random_choking_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_choking_clit average
if clitsize == "small":
show random_choking_clit small
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_choking_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show random_choking_cage blue
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_choking_cage blue
if clitsize == "small":
show random_choking_cage pink
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_choking_cage red
with d
if cage:
man "What a horny slut you are! With your pathetic clit all hard like that!"
man "Do you like being treated like this?"
man "Fuck you are such a slut! Keeping your pathetic clit locked up, so you don't jerk it off?"
man "I'm sure you are already hard inside that little cage."
man "I'm going to use you however I want today!"
pov "{i}Fuck... He's right! Why does it make me so turned on being treated like this?{/i}"
"Your thoughts get interrupted by his dick starting to move inside you, brushing against your p-spot with every thrust."
"He is thrusting all the way in, with his shaft completely inside you, stretching her your ass, and filling you up."
"As he's fucking you hard like that, you can't help and start helplessly moaning."
pov "Uh~ NGH~~!"
pov "Ahhh!"
"With each thrust, you feel his balls slapping hard on your butt cheeks as his entire shaft goes deep inside you."
"And as he continues fucking you, you feel his grip tightening around your neck."
"He's grabbing you so tightly that you can barely moan."
"And your face becomes red as it's harder and harder for you to breathe."
show random_choking_head 2
with d1
"He chokes you harder with each passing stroke, your hands powerless to even touch him, while his cock was twisting and twirling inside her tight wet pussy."
"All you can do is hold your legs apart and endure the hard fucking."
"As the time passes, he starts to choke you even harder, almost completely blocking your ability to breathe, and starts drilling your hole like an animal."
"The pressure on your neck was getting unbearable when he finally started spraying deep inside you with a loud grunt."
show random_choking_cum
with flash
if scene_237 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 237 unlocked")
$ scene_237 = True
man "Fuck! That felt so good."
"As his cock stops twitching inside you, he eases up his grip, and you can finally breathe again."
pov "{i}I almost passed out!{/i}"
pov "{i}But for some reason getting fucked like this felt so good...{/i}"
"After that, his dick finally slides out of your hole, and he releases you."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Then, he gets dressed, pays you and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_spread_legs:
label scene_238_playback:
show black
with d
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A handsome man enters the room."
man "Hello beautiful."
pov "Hello, sir. What would you like me to do for you today?"
man "We'll see... Why don't you start by removing your clothes and getting in your bed?"
"You slowly start removing your clothes, giving the man a show."
"He watches you with hungry eyes and starts to undress as well."
"Even though you've just met him, he seems to be very nice and kind."
"As you get naked, you get on your bed and wait for him."
"He comes closer to you, and you see his already hard dick."
pov "{i}He looks so good, hot body, and a big, hard dick.{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't wait to feel him inside me...{/i}"
"He gets on the bed between your legs and lifts them up in the air, spreading apart."
man "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."
"As he says that, you feel his tip pressing against your hole."
"And a moment later, he slowly penetrates you..."
show bg random_spread_legs
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg long red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg braids red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hairbg tails red
show random_spread_legs_1
if breasts == False:
show random_spread_legs_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show random_spread_legs_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show random_spread_legs_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show random_spread_legs_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show random_spread_legs_breasts d
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_spread_legs_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_spread_legs_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_spread_legs_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_spread_legs_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_spread_legs_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_spread_legs_eyebrows pink
show random_spread_legs_eyes
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show random_spread_legs_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_spread_legs_clit average
if clitsize == "small":
show random_spread_legs_clit small
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_spread_legs_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show random_spread_legs_cage blue
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_spread_legs_cage blue
if clitsize == "small":
show random_spread_legs_cage pink
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_spread_legs_cage red
with d
"As his dick goes deeper and deeper a soft moan escapes your lips."
"To your surprise, as he slowly starts moving inside you, he takes your foot and brings it close to his face and starts kissing it."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}This... This feels weird...{/i}"
pov "{i}I know guys are into feet... I myself am into feet.{/i}"
pov "{i}But somebody kissing my foot?{/i}"
pov "{i}This feels strange.{/i}"
pov "{i}But at the same time... good...?{/i}"
"As he continues to fuck you and kiss your foot, you start moaning louder."
pov "Mmmm... It feels so nice."
man "You've good such beautiful feet, I want to kiss them all over."
"After saying that, he sticks out his tongue and starts licking your toes."
man "And these cute toes..."
man "They turn me on so much."
"And as he says that, you feel his dick becoming even harder."
pov "{i}Hearing him say that makes me feel so shy.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd never expect someone to be into my feet.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I guess it's not so surprising since they actually look quite feminine.{/i}"
pov "{i}I've always felt that my feet are smaller than an average guy's feet...{/i}"
"He continues fucking you and licking your soles and toes, going from one foot to another and slowly increasing the speed as his dick goes inside you full length."
"You get so turned on by what's happening that you don't feel shy anymore and want more."
pov "Yes, please, kiss and lick my cute little feet."
pov "Mm~~ Yes, yes..."
"Then he takes your toes into his mouth and starts fucking you even faster..."
"Until a moment later, you feel that his dick is about to shoot his load into you."
show random_spread_legs_cum
with flash
if scene_238 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 238 unlocked")
$ scene_238 = True
man "Ahhhhhhh... F-fuck yes~"
"He continues sucking your toes as the last portion of cum erupts inside your ass..."
"And you feel a very pleasant feeling of getting filled up with hot cum, and at the same time, you feel his tongue sliding between your little girly toes."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"He sucks and licks your toes until his dick becomes soft and slides out of your home, letting the cum flow out of you."
man "You were amazing... Can't wait to visit you again."
man "You have the cutest toes I've sucked in a while..."
"After that, he pays and leaves."
"As you count the money, you see that he even left you a bit more than he had to."
$ renpy.notify("+$70")
$ money += 70
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_wife_strapon:
label scene_245_playback:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A hot, tall woman comes in..."
pov "{i}Oh wow!{/i}"
pov "Hello, what can I do for you?"
wmn "Hello, bitch!"
pov "..."
pov "Emmm... Hello?"
wmn "You think you can seduce married men and get away with it?"
pov "I'm sorry... What?"
wmn "You've seduced my husband, I know he came here to have sex with you!"
wmn "And I'm going to teach you a lesson!"
pov "{i}Fuck... Is she crazy or something...?{/i}"
pov "I-I'm not sure what you mean..."
pov "I don't know who you are talking about."
pov "I don't seduce anyone; I work here and serve whoever comes..."
wmn "I don't care about your excuses!"
wmn "Get naked, now! And get ready to serve me if you are \'serving anyone who comes\'!"
pov "..."
"You decide that it might not be a good idea to argue with her and make her even angrier, so you slowly start to undress without saying anything..."
"And when you are completely naked, you turn around and see that she took her clothes off too..."
show bg wife_strapon:
ypos -1325
with d
show bg wife_strapon:
ypos 0
with MoveTransition(5.0)
pause 1.
show bg wife_strapon:
ypos -500
with MoveTransition(1.5)
pov "..."
pov "Wow..."
wmn "Take a good look at it before I push it deep inside you and fuck you so hard that won't be able to sit for weeks."
pov "{i}Now, I'm genuinely scared...{/i}"
pov "B-but why? I-I'm just doing my work; I don't go around seducing married m-..."
with hpunch
"You get interrupted by a smack on your face."
wmn "Shut the fuck up and drop to your knees, with your head down, bitch!"
"With tears in your eyes, you quickly drop down and present your ass for her."
pov "Please, I didn't want any of this to hap-..."
show black
with d
"And before you can finish the sentence, you feel her massive dildo penetrating you..."
scene bg wife_strapon_fuck_1
with d
"Even though your ass is quite used to taking dicks at this point, taking such a huge dildo is still a challenge for you..."
pov "A-AH~!! Uh~... NGH~~!"
"But you can't do anything about it except try to relax your hole to make it at least a bit easier to take it."
pov "Ahhhh! Please, i-it's too big!"
wmn "I don't fucking care, slut!"
"After saying that, she spanks your ass as she forces her dildo even deeper."
pov "Nnngh fuck..."
"You can't help it and start moaning even louder as you feel your hole stretched to its limit as the dildo goes deeper and deeper inside you."
"When there is about half of it inside you, it feels like it won't be able to go any deeper."
"And you feel like the woman gets obviously frustrated about that fact and instead of trying to force it deeper, starts fucking you roughly..."
"And each time the dildo penetrates you, it feels like someone is punching you from the inside."
"But at the same time, you can't ignore the pleasure that it gives you."
"And with each time it presses against your p-spot, you moan louder and louder."
"As she continues to fuck you, she doesn't hold back and slaps your ass as hard as she can, turning your moaning into screams."
"And after a few minutes, you feel your ass cheeks burning."
scene bg wife_strapon_fuck_2
with d
"It goes on like this for a long time, and at some point, you feel like you can't even moan anymore; you just submit to whatever she wants to do to you, and at this point, your mind becomes blank."
if scene_245 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 245 unlocked")
$ scene_245 = True
scene black
with d
"After a while, you get back to your senses, lying on the floor with your mouth open and a saliva puddle on the floor."
"Then you feel another puddle near your clitty and realize that you've also leaked a puddle of cum while she was fucking you."
"Luckily, she's not here anymore, and apparently, she left when she had enough..."
"You reach to your hole, afraid to touch it, as you can't imagine how stretched it must be after getting hate-fucked like that..."
"And as you touch it, you realise that it's still gaping, and it feels like you could push your fist inside it, and you wouldn't even struggle to take it."
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
"You also realize that she left without paying you..."
if alien_unlock == False:
$ alien_unlock = True
$ renpy.notify("New sex shop toy unlocked!")
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_big_clit:
label scene_247_playback:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A sexy blonde woman comes in..."
pov "{i}Wow... Can't believe such a sexy woman would visit a brothel...{/i}"
pov "Hello, what can I do for you today?"
wmn "Nothing special... I'm looking for some oral fun..."
pov "I would be more than happy to help you with that."
"You say with a smile on your face."
wmn "...b-but there is something I should tell you..."
wmn "I'm not sure how to say it... but my pussy is a bit different from others, and I'm really insecure about it..."
wmn "That is why I have to resort to paying for sex."
pov "..."
wmn "So please, don't make fun of me or be rude..."
pov "... I promise I won't."
wmn "... okay, thank you."
"After saying that, she removes her pants and gets on the edge of your bed and spreads her legs..."
scene bg random_huge_clit
with d
wmn "See? M-my clit is so big..."
"Skip the event":
if replay:
jump scenes
jump room
pov "Oh wow..."
wmn "You don't like it, do you?"
"It looks weird, to be honest...":
wmn "..."
"She doesn't say anything... and then you see tears building up in her eyes..."
scene black
with d
"After that, she quickly puts on her pants and moves to the door."
"You see tears flowing out of her eyes, and a moment later, you are alone in the room."
pov "{i}God... Why did I have to tell her that?{/i}"
pov "{i}Now I feel so bad that I made her cry...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"No, it's actually beautiful":
wmn "..."
wmn "You are so sweet... Nobody ever told me that it looks beautiful..."
pov "Are you serious? It looks so special..."
pov "Would you let me lick it?"
"You see her cheeks get red and a huge smile on her face."
wmn "Please, I would love you to do it."
"You slowly drop to your knees and bring your face closer to her obviously wet pussy."
pov "{i}It's so strange to see such a big clit...{/i}"
pov "{i}But something about it makes me so horny.{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope it's not because it reminds me of a small penis...{/i}"
"With those thoughts in your mind, you bring your lips close to her clit and give it a gentle kiss."
"And you hear a moan escape her lips."
wmn "Please, be very gentle; it's extremely sensitive..."
"You don't answer, and instead, you move a bit further back from her clit so now she can feel only your hot breath on it."
"And another gentle moan escapes your lips."
"You feel her soft fingers touching your head as she gently caresses your hair."
"Even though you just started giving her oral pleasure, you are very turned on and the whole situation feels unusually intimate."
"Instead of touching her clit again, you move your lips lower to her pussy lips and kiss her wet warm skin."
"You continue kissing her pussy, and you hear her breath becoming deeper with every kiss."
"Then you stick out your tongue and gently lick the folds of her pussy, tasting her sweet juice..."
wmn "Mmmm... you make me feel so good."
"She says as she continues to caress your hair gently."
"After that, you open your mouth and take one of her lips in your mouth and start sucking it..."
pov "{i}She tastes so good, so sweet...{/i}"
"It is an unusual feeling, but for some reason, you feel extremely close to her at this moment like she's been wanting to be intimate with someone for so long, and it's finally happening..."
"You continue sucking her pussy lips and gently bite them with your teeth occasionally, making her moan even more."
"After some more sweet teasing, you get closer and closer to her clit and stick out your tongue."
"You trace the entrance to her pussy with it and go higher until you feel her big pulsating clit."
"And slowly lick it, starting from the base and going to its little tip."
wmn "Mm~~ A-AH~!!"
wmn "Don't stop, you make me feel so good..."
"She says while breathing heavily."
"After that, you part your lips and gently wrap them around the tip of her clit and start sucking it..."
pov "{i}It feels like I'm sucking a very small dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it's oddly pleasant to do...{/i}"
wmn "Aughhhhh... Mmm...!"
"As you continue sucking it, you feel her legs starting to shake with pleasure."
"And then you slowly start playing with her clit using your tongue and simultaneously taking it deeper into your mouth."
"At this point, her whole body starts trembling, and she can't stop moaning with pleasure."
"And a moment later, you feel her clit twitching in your mouth and her juices flowing from her pussy even harder and covering your chin."
with flash
wmn "Yes, yes...! uh ungh ungh uh uh uh AUGH!!!"
"Her whole body shakes even harder, and a moment later, you feel it tense up as she reaches a very powerful orgasm and then relaxes completely."
"After she comes, you let her big clit out of your mouth so you don't overstimulate her and then give it a very gentle kiss."
"And you see her collapsed on your bed in pure bliss..."
wmn "..."
wmn "I haven't had such an amazing orgasm in so long..."
wmn "Thank you..."
if scene_247 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 247 unlocked")
$ scene_247 = True
scene black
with d
"She lies in bed for a while longer, and you just sit there between her legs and gently run the inner side of her thighs as you enjoy the view of her wet pussy right in front of you."
"Then she gets back to her senses and rises up."
"She brings her face close to yours and gives you a passionate kiss on the lips."
"Then puts her clothes back on, gives you money and leaves..."
wmn "I'll make sure to visit you again; it was amazing!"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
pov "{i}Oh wow... she was so generous with the payment...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm so happy I could make her feel so good...{/i}"
jump room
label take_me_to_the_police_station:
label scene_128_playback:
"And after a while, you see a police car pull over and a couple of officers coming to you."
"At first, you become worried that they are coming to you to arrest you for prostitution, but then you think that they are probably paid not to arrest any of the girls working for the brothel."
show black
"Then they come closer and say that you'll have to go with them to the police station."
pov "What? Why? Haven't my boss paid you not to arrest me?"
pov "I don't think he will like that!"
pl1 "Do you really think we are afraid of your boss?"
pl2 "He didn't pay on time, and now we are here to get some compensation for waiting."
pl1 "And we chose you to be the one who will compensate..."
"Then they put handcuffs on your wrists and take you to the car."
"After driving for a while, they lead you to the station straight to the holding cell."
"They leave you there and go away."
pov "{i}At least I'm alone here...{/i}"
pov "{i}I could have ended up with some crazy criminals here or other sluts...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder what they'll do to me. It might be the first time when I'd prefer to be in the brothel now.{/i}"
"You wait there patiently for what's about to happen, and then you hear voices coming your way."
"They loudly discuss something and laugh..."
"Then five men enter your cell..."
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pl3 "Who do we have here?"
pl4 "She's quite cute... I don't remember fucking her."
pl1 "Yeah, we've decided to take a new one today..."
pl2 "The best part is that this one is a sissy! You know how hungry they are for cocks..."
pl5 "Hey girl, wanna show us your little hole? We are going to have so much fun with it tonight!"
"And a moment later, a couple of them pick you up, grabbing your ass and thighs, trying to see your sissy-hole."
show bg police_station ass
if clitsize == "small":
show police_station_ass_cage pink
show police_station_ass_cage blue
with d
if scene_128 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 128 unlocked")
$ scene_128 = True
"And considering that you are not wearing any panties, it's really easy for them to see as your dress pulls up while they hold you, revealing your ass for them to see."
"You even decide not to resist as there is nothing you could really do against five big police officers."
pl2 "Look at this nice juicy ass! Can't wait to fuck it!"
pov "{i}I can't believe it! Are they really going to fuck me?! It's five of them! I can barely handle one cock!{/i}"
"They continue holding you like that and grabbing your thighs and ass and spreading it wide."
pl3 "Her balls are so cute and small; I bet her clitty is tiny too."
pl6 "Probably already hard, anticipating all the fucking that's about to happen..."
"You want to shout that they are wrong and that they should let you go..."
"But then you realize that it's true, your clitty is already pressed against its small cage, trying to get as hard as possible."
"And as they were groping and spreading your ass, your clitty started leaking like crazy."
pl1 "Ok, let's start the party; I want to feel her lips on my dick already!"
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_129_playback:
show black
with d
"They put you on the ground near the bars, and one of them raises your leg and holds up in the air giving his dick easy access to your hole..."
"At the same time, the other one climbs the bars, so his dick is at the same level as your mouth."
"The moment you see their thick dicks, your eyes widen, but the only thing you want to do is to feel them in your holes already."
"And then it happens, as you wrap your lips around the big dick in front of you, you feel another one entering your sissy-hole..."
show bg police_station_fuck_1
show police_station_fuck_2_head
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show police_station_fuck_2_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show police_station_fuck_2_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show police_station_fuck_2_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show police_station_fuck_2_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show police_station_fuck_2_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show police_station_fuck_2_eyebrows pink
if breasts == False:
show police_station_fuck_3_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show police_station_fuck_3_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show police_station_fuck_3_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show police_station_fuck_3_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show police_station_fuck_3_breasts d
if clitsize == "small":
show police_station_fuck_3_cage pink
show police_station_fuck_3_cage blue
show police_station_fuck_3_precum
with d
"As you feel his thick shaft sliding inside you and a huge wave of pleasure going over your body, your mouth opens even more as you moan with another cock in your mouth."
"Then you feel a hand on your head, forcing your mouth to take the cock even deeper in your throat."
pov "{i}They are so big! What will happen to my little hole when they'll all fuck me?!{/i}"
"With the thick cock being forced into your throat, it even becomes hard to breathe."
"But the only thing you can do is to try catching as much air as possible between the trusts."
"As it's obvious, that there is nothing else you could do, they'll be using you however they like until you satisfy their needs."
"A moment passes, and they start switching places and letting other men use your holes."
"Soon enough, they switch second or even third time, and now, you are tasting the dick that's been fucking your sissy-pussy a moment ago!"
"As they use you, however they like, your clitty leaks and drops strings of precum on your thighs and floor."
pl3 "Fuck! She's so tight, it's like she's trying to make me fill her up with my cum!"
"They fuck you harder and harder as you moan, lost in pleasure with dick after dick slamming against your prostate and filling up your throat."
"And at the moment they switch, and your mouth gets free, you beg them to fuck you harder and use you like a slut you are."
pov "{i}Fuck! I can't deny it anymore! This feels so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want them to fuck me over and over, I want to feel those hard cocks inside me all the time!{/i}"
"As time passes, your mind becomes blanc; you can't even think anymore; the only thing you can do is moan and move your ass to get fucked even harder."
"After what feels like an hour of fucking, one by one, they start pumping their hot seed in your hole and your throat."
show police_station_fuck_3_cum 1
with flash
show police_station_fuck_3_cum 2
with flash
"You try to drink all the cum that is shot into your mouth and throat, but it's so much of it that it starts to overflow your mouth and leaks down your chin."
"It seems that your ass receives even more cum than your mouth as cock after cock fills you up, and you feel a stream of cum going down your ass cheeks and thighs."
"And the moment you feel the last cock shooting its cum inside you, it takes you over the edge, and you start shaking in orgasmic pleasure."
show police_station_fuck_3_cum_mc
with flash
if scene_129 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 129 unlocked")
$ scene_129 = True
"And then you feel a stream of sissy-cum leaking out of your locked-up clitty...❤❤❤"
show black
with d
"After they've had their fun with you, they throw you out at the street with your face, ass and thighs all covered in cum."
"With all the fucking that you've had, it still feels like you're having an orgasm; like you can't feel your body as it's shaking in pleasure."
"By some miracle, you manage to get back to the brothel and go to your room and collapse on the bed."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that getting arrested was one of the best things that happened to me❤{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label shemaleclient:
"You spend some time in your room waiting for a client."
"And then you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.7
with moveinleft
pov "Come in!"
"And you can't believe your luck!"
"It's a woman!"
"... a really hot woman."
pov "{i}Didn't expect that to happen...{/i}"
pov "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm [povname]!"
nao "Hello, [povname], I'm Naomi."
nao "I was a little bored today and decided to have some fun."
nao "And now that I see you, I think I've made a right choice."
nao "If you'll be a good boy and I'll like what we'll do now, I might become your regular client."
pov "I'll try my best to make your really happy today."
nao "That's good, so why don't you take off all of you clothes and start working with your tongue now?"
label scene_12_playback:
show bg tsanilingus
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg tsanilingus:
ypos 2.
with MoveTransition(3.0)
if scene_12 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 12 unlocked")
$ scene_12 = True
"And with those words, she turns around, takes off her skirt and lowers her panties a little bit, exposing her asshole."
pov "{i}Fuck, I'm still wearing this stupid cage, so I won't get to fuck her, but I hope I'll get to taste her pussy at least.{/i}"
nao "Now come lick my tight hole, I love it so much when someone licks it."
show bg tsanilingus:
ypos 1.5
with MoveTransition(3.0)
pov "Oh my God! I want you so bad, there is no part of your body, that I wouldn't lick!"
nao "That is nice to hear..."
"And after that you just start licking her hole."
show licking_anal_nsh:
xpos 0.56 ypos 0.35
pov "{i}This is so hot! This isn't so bad after all, I'm sitting naked right in front of a gorgeous woman and licking her asshole, even though I just met her.{/i}"
pov "{i}And I thought that I'd have to serve dicks all the time.{/i}"
pov "{i}Wish every day was like this one.{/i}"
nao "You are such a good boy, you've got a natural talent for licking asses."
if replay:
jump scenes
nao "Now, how would you like to do something much more interesting?"
pov "Oh, I would love that! What would you like me to do?"
label scene_13_playback:
"And without replying, she takes off her panties and turns around so her dick is right in front of your face."
show bg tsbj
show tsbj_head 0
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Wait... Her dick?!{/i}"
pov "Wow, I didn't expect that!"
nao "What's wrong, baby? Don't you like my dick?"
nao "Why don't you give it a kiss?"
"And with those words she comes so close to you that you almost touch her dick with your lips."
show tsbj_head 1
with dissolve
pov "I'm sorry, but I don't like dicks! I like pussies..."
nao "I'm sure you'll love mine... Just try it..."
nao "And besides, you just said that there is no part of my body that you wouldn't lick."
nao "And you can lick my asshole but can't give my dick a little kiss?"
pov "{i}I'm so confused... I don't like dicks! But for some reason I want to kiss it so badly...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe she is right, it's just a little kiss, and if it's not her, I'll have to jerk off some gross guy's cock soon.{/i}"
"You slowly move to her cock and give the tip a slight kiss."
show tsbj_head 2
with dissolve
"But without any warning she just forces the tip of her cock right between your lips!"
show tsbj_head 3
with dissolve
"But you are so turned on by all of this that you don't move away from it as you don't want to stop everything what is happening now."
"And when she moves even closer to you, you move your head in her direction taking her cock even deeper into your mouth."
show tsbj_head 4
with dissolve
pov "{i}For some reason it feels so right...{/i}"
"And soon enough you are sucking her cock."
hide tsbj_head 4
show tssucking 1
pov "{i}It's so big I can't even fit any more of it inside my mouth.{/i}"
pov "{i}If I wasn't wearing this a cage now I'd be already jerking off my cock.{/i}"
"You spend some time enjoying and giving Naomi a blowjob and quite soon, she pulls her dick out of her mouth and then..."
hide tssucking 1
show tsbj_head 1
with dissolve
"... she starts cumming all over your face..."
show tsbj_cum1
with flash
$ renpy.pause(.5, hard=True)
show tsbj_cum2
show tsbj_cum3
hide tsbj_cum1
with flash
$ renpy.pause(.5, hard=True)
hide tsbj_cum3
show tsbj_cum4
with flash
if scene_13 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 13 unlocked")
$ scene_13 = True
"You start feeling all that hot cum all over your face and suddenly you feel satisfied, even though you didn't cum, you feel a new amazing feeling."
"Feeling of satisfaction, that you've served Naomi's cock and made her cum."
nao "Wow, that was really nice."
nao "I liked having fun with you."
nao "Hope next time we'll have even more fun."
if replay:
jump scenes
nao "This is for you..."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
pov "Wow, $100, thank you very much, Naomi!"
pov "{i}Can't believe that I've just sucked a dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I guess that wasn't that bad at all, and it seems that she enjoyed it...{/i}"
pov "{i}And I even got $100 for this!{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I should let go from time to time and just enjoy the moment...{/i}"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After Naomi left, you take a quick shower to wash off the cum from your face and think what to do next."
$ renpy.notify("You can give blowjobs now!")
$ blowjobs = True
$ shemaleclient = False
jump room
label naomivisit2:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.65
with moveinright
"It's Naomi!"
pov "{i}Her dick was the first dick I've ever sucked...{/i}"
pov "Hey, Naomi, nice to see you again."
nao "Hey, cutie, have you missed me?"
nao "I thought it would be a good idea to visit you again."
nao "And as you remember, the last time we've met, you've only sucked my dick... This time we should do something more than that."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You both undress and she lies down on your bed."
"You can see that she is already hard and it makes you really turned on..."
"Seeing her big hard cock and knowing that soon enough she will be fucking you with it makes you almost instantly hard."
nao "I see you are not wearing the cage this time..."
nao "That's even better... I want to play with that cute clitty."
nao "Come lie beside me."
label scene_116_playback:
show bg naomi_double_jerk_off
with Dissolve(2.)
"You lay down on the bed and she pulls you closer to her and starts kissing you, you feel her tongue slightly brush against your lips and sometimes trying to get between them, into your mouth."
"You decide to do the same and you start playing with each others tongues."
"While you kiss, she's also holding her massive dick against your clitty and rubs them together."
pov "{i}It feels so good to be without the cage and feel her hot hard dick with my clitty.{/i}"
"You'd think that brushing your clitty against her big dick would make you feel inadequate and insecure in comparison to her."
"But it's actually an opposite feeling, it feels like this is how it should be and it makes you want to worship it and be dominated by her huge cock."
"Both of you start slightly moaning as you kiss and soon she tells you that she wants to fuck you."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_116 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 116 unlocked")
$ scene_116 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Without waiting for you to reply, she rises up and sits right beside you."
"Then she holds you by your hips and flips you over, so you are now lying on your stomach."
"Anticipating her huge dick entering your tight hole, you decide that it would be better to spread your legs as wide as possible to allow her an easier access..."
"But apparently, she has other plans as she doesn't allow you to do so and instead, forces you to keep your legs closer together as she gets on top of you."
label scene_117_playback:
show bg naomi_mounting 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"And without any notice she just forces her big dick deep into your hole with one firm motion."
with hpunch
pov "Ahhh..."
"Even though you are quite used to getting fucked, her dick is too big for you to accept it like that without any preparation."
"You start moaning from the pain that is going through your asshole as she stays still on top of you, with her dick deep inside."
"You are really grateful that she hasn't started fucking you roughly right away and at least gave you a couple of moments to prepare."
"But soon enough she starts moving..."
#show naomi_mounting_fuck s
"Forcing her cock even deeper into your hole..."
#"So deep that you feel her pubis touching your ass..."
"And then moving it back out, but not fully, only for about half of its length and then slamming it back inside you..."
"... brushing against your prostate every time she does it."
"But as the time passes, the less pain you feel and the more pleasure you beginning to experience."
"And soon you start begging her to fuck you harder."
nao "So, you like my big cock fucking you so deeply?"
pov "Yes! Please, fuck me harder! I want that big cock to fuck me all day long!"
pov "Mmmmhaaaaa..."
"As you beg her to fuck you harder she starts increasing her speed and slams her dick inside of you even harder than before."
#show naomi_mounting_fuck m
"She's doing it so hard, that you can't even speak anymore and your moaning becomes to sound more like screaming..."
"She fucks you like that for a while, as you lose the track of time..."
"And then she slams her cock as deep in your hole as possible..."
show bg naomi_mounting
with flash
show bg naomi_mounting
with flash
"...and you feel it shooting a massive load after load deep inside you."
pov "{i}Fuck... It feels so good to be bred like that by Naomi...{/i}"
pov "{i}Feeling her hot seed deep inside me...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_117 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 117 unlocked")
$ scene_117 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then she takes her dick out of you and sits near you on the bed..."
nao "I want you to gape that cute hole for me. Show me how much cum is there..."
label scene_118_playback:
show bg naomi_gaping_leaking_cum 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do as she tells you to do and spread your ass, while trying to gape your hole and push out as much cum as possible."
show bg naomi_gaping_leaking_cum 2
with dissolve
show bg naomi_gaping_leaking_cum 3
with dissolve
show bg naomi_gaping_leaking_cum 4
with dissolve
nao "Good girl! I hope you like being filled up with my cum..."
pov "Mmmm... It feels so good! Thank you..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_118 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 118 unlocked")
$ scene_118 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Getting fucked by Naomi like that makes you want to..."
"Become a perfect sissy slut and get fucked like that over and over and be dominated all the time!":
pov "I hope you come visit me again soon and fuck me like that!"
nao "I'm sure I will, girl. You really know how to take a cock."
$ naomi_obedient_route = True
"One day become as dominant as she is and fuck girls and sissies like she fucked you just now":
pov "{i}If only that was possible....{/i}"
nao "Hey, girl, what's wrong? You have such a sad face now... Didn't you like what we just did?"
pov "No, it was perfect... I'm just sad that I'll never be able to be as hot and dominant as you are..."
nao "Hey, don't say that... It's not impossible for you, I'm sure that one day, you'll be able to become as dominant as me!"
pov "But how? I have such a submissive nature... Whenever I get told to do something, I feel the need to comply and please."
pov "Even though I like it more and more lately, I still think how amazing would it be, to be dominant instead and have some other sissies please my every desire."
nao "Well... if that's really what you want, I think I could help you with that..."
pov "You would really do that for me?"
nao "Yeah, why not? Could be fun... You would be my little experiment... Turning an obdient little sissy into a dominant shemale."
nao "I think that's hot!"
"You become so happy about it, that you don't even know how to thank her."
nao "Tell you what, we'll work on it when I visit you the next time, sounds good?"
pov "Instead of answering you just come closer to her and hug her, trying not to jump from happiness."
$ naomi_dominant_route = True
"After that she gives you some money and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("$150")
$ money += 150
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label naomi_jen_double_bj:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
pov "Please, come in!"
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.65
with moveinright
"The door opens, and [nao] enters your room."
nao "Hey, [pov]!"
pov "Hey, [nao]! Nice to see you again..."
nao "It's nice to see you too, my little sissy... I was a little bored today, and I thought it would be a good idea to visit you again."
nao "It would be a nice opportunity to help you a bit with what you've asked me, the last time I visited you..."
nao "... do you remember what you asked me to help you with?"
nao "Or was it just some horny talk...?"
if naomi_obedient_route:
"You perfectly remember what you've asked for, and you still feel like that's exactly what you want..."
pov "Yes, I remember... I've asked you to help me become a perfect sissy slut..."
nao "Good..."
nao "And do you know what a perfect sissy should do?"
pov "Suck and fuck dicks?"
nao "Well... that's a part of it... but I meant something else."
nao "A perfect sissy should do anything she's told to do and try her best to please..."
nao "And that's what we'll be working on."
nao "From time to time, I'll come by and will tell you to do something."
nao "But I tell you now, it probably won't be easy for you. As each request will be more challenging than the previous one..."
nao "But today, we'll start with something pretty simple."
nao "Follow me..."
"You are a bit worried as you don't know what she'll tell you to do, and you really want to please her and make her happy with you..."
"But considering that you have to follow her out of your room, it might be something that you are not ready to do."
label scene_133_playback:
show black
with d
"You follow her down the hallway, and for some reason, you stop in front of [jnf]'s door..."
pov "Wait, what are we doing here? You want to involve [jnf] in this?"
nao "Well, yes... This will be your challenge for today..."
nao "Open up, and please me in front of [jnf]... well, actually both of you will be pleasing me."
nao "Alex told me how close you two are, and I thought that it would be a good opportunity to teach you."
"Then she knocks on the door and [jnf] opens the door."
show bg jen
show char_jen:
xpos 0.75
with dissolve
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.15
with moveinleft
jnf "Hello, please come in..."
nao "Ok, girls, today I want you both to suck my dick..."
nao "You'll both sit down, get your lips close together, and I'll be sliding my dick between them until you please me and share my sweet cum..."
nao "Sounds good?"
jnf "..."
pov "Wait, [nao]... I know that it's supposed to be a challenge. But we are too close to do it..."
pov "We are like brother and sister... We can't participate in a threesome... right, [jnf]?"
jnf "..."
nao "Actually, you can. And as I know, you are not brother and sister..."
nao "And even if you were? What's wrong with that? It's not like you'd have to make a baby together..."
nao "It's just three consenting adults, doing what they want."
nao "And if you want to be a perfect sissy... you'd have to do it even if you didn't want."
nao "Pleasing me would be the most important thing..."
show black
with d
"Without waiting for you to say anything, she takes off her clothes and reveals her already hard huge dick..."
"For some reason, [jnf] doesn't even say anything; she just drops on her knees, getting ready to please [nao]'s a big dick with her lips."
"She even looks at you with a smile and winks..."
pov "{i}I wonder what's with [jnf]... Is she doing it because she wants to please [nao] or because she's afraid to refuse and she doesn't want to get punished?{/i}"
pov "{i}Well, I guess if she's ok with us sucking [nao]'s cock together, there is no reason for me not to do it.{/i}"
pov "{i}It would actually be so hot to do it with [jnf]...{/i}"
"You sigh and drop to your knees beneath [nao] and right in front of [jnf]."
"You look each other in the eyes as [nao]'s cock is sliding between your lips..."
show bg naomi_jen_double_bj_1 open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_eyebrows pink
with d
if scene_133 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 133 unlocked")
$ scene_133 = True
pov "{i}Fuck... It's so hot looking her in the eyes, while our lips are on [nao]'s dick...{/i}"
"But as soon as [nao] starts fucking your mouths, both of you close your eyes and try to concentrate on pleasing her with your lips and tongue."
show bg naomi_jen_double_bj_1 closed
with dissolve
nao "See? Not so difficult, is it?"
"You don't want to take your lips away from [nao]'s cock to reply, so you just moan..."
nao "Haha! That's what I've thought."
nao "And look at [jnf], she's so good at pleasing dicks too!"
nao "Now I actually wish you were brother and sister..."
nao "It would be so much hotter to have you please my cock together then..."
"As she says that, you hear [jnf] starting to moan too..."
pov "{i}Is she really getting turned on by the idea if we were related and pleased her cock together?{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd never expected her to be into something like that!{/i}"
"As you both moan and try your best to please [nao]'s dick, [nao] seems to be getting turned on more and more."
"She starts to increase the speed, and now it looks more like she's fucking your mouth's."
show bg naomi_jen_double_bj_2 closed
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_hair:
xpos 986
show naomi_jen_double_bj_1_eyebrows:
xpos 986
with d
"As she goes faster and faster, you and [jnf] stick out your tongues and start licking her dick as well as pleasuring it with your lips."
"And as you do that, from time to time, your tongues brush against each other, and every time it happens, [jnf] seems to be moaning louder."
"[nao] fucks you like that, and soon enough, the stimulation of your lips and tongues become too much for her and she starts pumping cum out oh her big hard dick..."
show naomi_jen_double_bj_2_cum 1
with flash
show naomi_jen_double_bj_2_cum 2
with flash
#if scene_134 == False:
# $ renpy.notify("Scene 134 unlocked")
# $ scene_134 = True
"And a moment later, your tongues and lips are covered with her hot cum..."
"And both of you start licking it up, playing with each other's cum covered tongues and [nao]'s dick tip."
"You share the delicious treat with [jnf], and each of you gets to eat quite a good amount of [nao] sweet cum..."
hide naomi_jen_double_bj_2_cum 2
with dissolve
nao "Good girls! I think we might even do it again sometime... I really liked fucking both of you like that!"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"As you and [jnf] rise back to your feet, both of you are blushing heavily and try not to look each other in the eyes..."
"But something tells you that [jnf] enjoyed this whole experience not less than you did..."
"Then [nao] gives $100 and leaves. And you go back to your room happy, that you obeyed [nao] and had such a great experience..."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
pov "{i}I guess, submitting and doing like I'm commanded to do might lead me to some really awesome experiences!{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope we'll do it again some time...{/i}"
$ jen_cum_on_foot = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You perfectly remember what you've asked for, and you still feel like that's exactly what you want..."
pov "Yes, I remember... I've asked you to help me become as dominant as you are and fuck girls and sissies like you've fucked me..."
nao "Good..."
nao "And do you know what being dominant means?"
pov "... what?"
nao "It means that you have to take what you want..."
nao "And that's what you are going to do today..."
nao "Follow me."
"You are a bit worried as you don't know what she'll tell you to do, and you really want to do good, so she'll continue helping you."
"But considering that you have to follow her out of your room, it might be something that you might not be ready to do."
label scene_136_playback:
show black
with d
"You go to another floor by elevator..."
"You've never been here before as you have no access here... but it seems to be just another floor with the rooms where other sluts live."
"Then you come to one of the rooms, and you see that the door is open, waiting for you to come in."
"You come inside and see a nude woman standing there..."
show bg amanda
show char_amanda nude mask:
xpos .7
with dissolve
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.15
with moveinleft
pov "{i}Fuck! It's [amd]!{/i}"
with hpunch
pov "{i}And she's completely nude, if you don't count some strange mask on her face, covering her eyes and her ears...{/i}"
nao "Surprised to see her? Alex told me about your special relationship..."
nao "Don't worry, I made sure that she won't be able to hear you so that we can talk freely."
nao "And if I guessed right, you want to fuck her..."
if momfucked:
nao "And as I know, you've already managed to do it once..."
nao "Now is a good chance to do it again and take what you want..."
nao "But the last time you've had a chance, you've missed it for some reason."
nao "Now is your chance to make things right and take what you want..."
pov "... but... but wouldn't it be wrong?"
pov "We are very close... Since my early childhood, she's been like a mother to me..."
pov "It would be wrong if I wanted to fuck her, don't you think?"
nao "You've just said it yourself, she's {i}like{/i} a mother to you..."
nao "And even if she was your real mother, I wouldn't think that it would be wrong to want to fuck her..."
nao "Just look at her. She's gorgeous. Such perfect shapes..."
nao "You must be crazy to pass up such an opportunity!"
nao "And we both know that you want it. Now's the time to take what you want!"
nao "Why don't you get naked and sit there on the edge of the bed?"
show black
with d
"You are already too horny to reject such an opportunity, so you do as [nao] says..."
pov "{i}Well... It's not like [amd] will ever know about it. She can't hear me, and she can't see me! It's just perfect!{/i}"
show bg naomi_amanda_spitroast
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hairbg tails red
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair tails red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair short red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair braid red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_eyebrows pink
if breasts == 'a':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_breasts d
with d
"A moment later, [nao] lead [amd] to you and forces her open mouth on your clitty..."
"See starts sucking right away, and you sit on the bed, enjoying her lips wrapped around your clit."
pov "{i}Fuck... I can't believe this is actually happening! If only I knew that one day [amd] would be sucking my clitty!{/i}"
nao "Hey, [pov], I understand that at this point [amd]'s mouth is already really good at sucking dicks, but usually it's better to really use her..."
nao "And maybe force her to suck your clit really deep..."
"With those words, she comes behind her and forces her dick in [amd]'s hole and to make her suck your clitty deeper, she lifts her foot and places it on the back of [amd]'s head!"
show naomi_amanda_spitroast_naomi
with dissolve
"Lucky for [amd] your clitty isn't big enough to make her gag, so she quite easily takes it whole into her mouth."
"[nao] starts fucking her quite hard, and soon enough [amd] starts moaning with your clitty in her mouth."
"It sends amazing feelings of vibration all over your clitty, and you are really close to shooting your load in her mouth!"
nao "Come on, you can cum in her mouth if you wish! Being dominant is about taking what you want, and if you want to cum, just cum."
nao "Don't worry about how long you've lasted; the most important thing is that you are having fun!"
"And as [nao] says that, [amd]'s skilful lips bring you over the edge, and you start shooting your sissy-cum right into her throat!"
with flash
with flash
if scene_136 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 136 unlocked")
$ scene_136 = True
"She stops sucking for a moment but doesn't let your clit out of her mouth and drinks up all of your cum right away without spilling even a drop..."
nao "See? What did I tell you? And nobody's stopping you from cumming again... And I'm sure [amd]'s warm mouth will keep you hard even though you've just come..."
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_137_playback:
nao "I know what you'd like even more! Why don't you stick you clitty right up her ass?"
"And without waiting for you to reply, she takes her cock out of [amd]'s pussy and then bends [amd] over the edge of the bed..."
show bg naomi_sandwich
with d
"You don't need any extra invitations, so you jump right on her and stick your clitty in her tight ass."
"And as soon as you are inside, you start fucking her!"
"If you haven't come in her mouth, you are sure that you'd be already cumming in her ass now."
"But as your clitty is a bit less sensitive after orgasming, you can enjoy her ass a bit longer than you would otherwise."
if clitsize == 'small':
"But your clitty is so small, and [amd]'s' ass is so big that your clitty barely penetrates her, and if you try to make thrusts, it becomes more like rubbing her hole and not fucking..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I can't really fuck her with my tiny clitty...{/i}"
if clitsize == 'normal':
"But with the size of your clitty, fucking [amd] is quite challenging, her big ass keeps you on a distance from her hole, and you clitty slips right out of it with almost every thrust..."
pov "{i}If only I had a bigger clitty...{/i}"
"Even though your clit is a bit bigger than it was before, you still slip out of [amd]'s' asshole as her big ass keeps you on a distance from her hole, and you can't properly fuck her with your size without slipping out from time to time..."
"Your mind is occupied by trying to get as deep into her hole as possible, so you don't really notice where [nao] is and what she's doing..."
"So when she climbs on top of you and forces her girthy cock into your tight hole, you moan in surprise!"
show bg naomi_sandwich 2
with d
"And as she starts fucking you with her huge dick, she whispers into your ear..."
nao "I know this whole fucking session was about teaching you how to become dominant..."
nao "And getting fucked in the ass isn't really dominant, but I couldn't resist your tempting hole."
"And with those words, she starts fucking you even faster."
"Feeling of [nao]'s huge dick rubbing on your p-spot as you penetrate [amd] asshole is too much for you, so you start cumming almost right away!"
show naomi_sandwich_cum_1
with flash
show naomi_sandwich_cum_2
hide naomi_sandwich_cum_1
with flash
"As you're cumming you moan really loudly and beg [nao] to keep fucking you..."
"Maybe because of that or because how turned on she was after fucking [amd], she starts cumming too, pumping huge amounts of cum into your hole..."
show naomi_sandwich_cum_3
with flash
show naomi_sandwich_cum_4
hide naomi_sandwich_cum_3
with flash
if scene_137 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 137 unlocked")
$ scene_137 = True
"Then, as the last drop of cum is milked out of her hard dick into your hole, she stops and lies like that on top of your for a couple of moments."
nao "Fuck... that was something..."
show black
with d
"Then she rises, and her now half-hard dick slides out of your hole..."
"You rise too and enjoy the view of [amd]'s ass covered in your cum."
"It's not nearly as much as [nao] came, but it's still, satisfying to see, that she is marked by your sissy-seed."
"Then both of you clean up with the help of [amd]'s mouth and leave."
nao "You did great today, [pov]. I think we'll have another lesson sometime soon."
"You thank [nao] and go back to your room with a huge smile on your face."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label naomi_pov_bj:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
pov "Please, come in!"
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.65
with moveinright
"The door opens, and [nao] enters your room."
pov "It's so nice to see you!"
nao "Hey, [pov]!"
nao "I was passing by and decided to visit my favourite sissy..."
nao "How would you like to show my girl-dick some love today?"
pov "Mmmm... I would love to! ♥"
label scene_190_playback:
show black
with d
"She smiles and starts to take off her clothes as you get all excited that you are about to play with her big nice cock."
"As soon as she gets naked, she lies on the edge of the bed, and you take your place between her legs."
"The view of her big juicy dick takes your breath as you take it into your hand and feel the warmth of her flesh."
show bg naomi_pov_bj_soft
with d
pov "{i}Wow... It's so big... so... perfect!{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel like even when it's soft, it's at least ten times bigger than my clit.{/i}"
"You can't wait any longer and take the majestic rod into your mouth and start gently sucking her soft dick, enjoying her delicate skin on your tongue and lips."
"It starts growing as you suck on it, spreading your jaws more and more as it fills up your mouth..."
"And soon enough, it's as hard as a rock."
show bg naomi_pov_bj_hard
with d
"Your mouth has to stay open as wide as possible to accommodate such a big thing..."
"But sucking just the tip isn't enough for you... and it's surely not enough for her."
"You don't think about your comfort even for a moment, as your thoughts are occupied by the need to satisfy this perfect dick the best way you can."
"So you try to force it deeper into your mouth, your throat..."
show bg naomi_pov_bj_deep
with d1
"It instantly makes you gag... but you don't care... it only makes you even hornier, making you try to satisfy her even harder."
"Forcing it deep into your throat, as deep as you can."
"It's so big and hard, and you force it so deeply that it completely blocks your breath as you drool all over it."
"But at this moment, you feel like satisfying this perfect love rod is more important for you than breathing..."
"You hold it deep in your throat as long as you can, as it repeatedly contracts, massaging the shaft all over its length."
"And when you are about to pass out, you move your head back, letting some air into your lungs."
show bg naomi_pov_bj_hard
with d1
nao "Mmmm... That feels so good..."
show bg naomi_pov_bj_deep
with d1
"Hearing [nao]'s moans make you feel ecstatic, and you take her cock back into your warm slutty throat."
"Knowing that your efforts bring her pleasure is the best reward for you and, at the same time, the best motivation for you to try even harder."
"You continue sucking her hot meaty cock for more than half an hour when after another deepthroating, you feel it twitch..."
with flash
show bg naomi_pov_bj_deep_cum
with flash
pov "Mmmmm..."
if scene_190 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 190 unlocked")
$ scene_190 = True
"As you feel the first stream of cum shooting into your throat and mouth, you start swallowing right away."
"But it doesn't stop, and at some point, it's so much of it that you cannot even swallow it as it leaks past your lips..."
"As the stream of cum stops, you hold what's left into your mouth and savour the amazing taste of hot bitter-sweet cum."
"You try not to swallow everything right away, trying to enjoy the taste for as long as possible, as you continue to move your head up and down, sucking her dick with a mouth full of cum."
"You drink it drop by drop, and when there is no more cum left in your mouth, you start to lick up everything that got past your lips and got on her dick."
show black
with d
nao "Such a good girl!"
nao "I love cumming into your slutty mouth..."
nao "It's so warm, so wet..."
nao "So... perfect..."
"When her dick is finally clean, and all the cum is in your stomach, she slowly gets up from your bed and gets dressed."
nao "Can't wait to see you again... maybe next time, I'll use another one of your hungry holes."
if replay:
jump scenes
"After saying that, she winks, gives you the money and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$70")
$ money += 70
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label naomi_facial_doggy_fuck:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
pov "Please, come in!"
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.65
with moveinright
"The door opens, and [nao] enters your room."
pov "It's so nice to see you!"
nao "Hey, sissy."
nao "Did you miss my big girl cock?"
pov "... Mmmmm... yes, I did ♥♥♥"
show black
with d
nao "I'm going to have some fun with you today!"
pov "♥"
"Without any foreplay, she bends you over on your bed and proceeds to take off her clothes while you stand there on all fours."
label scene_199_playback:
show bg naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_nao 0
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_mc
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_eyebrows pink
with d
pov "{i}I'm so horny already... Presenting my hole like this, and waiting to get fucked...{/i}"
pov "Mmmm..."
nao "If you are moaning already, can't wait to see what will happen when I force my dick inside that little hole..."
pov "{i}If [nao] told me that later on I'll be so horny and excited to get fucked when I first met her, I'd never believe her...{/i}"
pov "{i}But look at me now...{/i}"
"Then your thoughts get interrupted by [nao]'s hot rod pressing against your hole."
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_nao 1
with d1
pov "Aah..~ F-fuck yes~"
"You feel like it's slowly starting to spread you out, as its hot tip getting pressed harder and harder..."
"Soon, you feel the tip edge pass your entrance, and a moment later, your hole is tightly wrapped around her big hard and at the same time soft tip."
pov "Ngghhh..."
nao "And now the rest..."
"You feel like your hole is starting to spread again, as [nao] starts pushing her shaft deeper..."
pov "Oh God!"
pov "{i}Why... mmmmggghhh... d-does it... mmm... feel so good... to have a d-dick inside me...?!{/i}"
"You are grateful [nao] did it slowly; otherwise, you are sure her big hard cock would make you moan in pain."
"It's so big that the first thrust feels like it's going forever until finally, you feel her big heavy balls touching your small sissy ones..."
"And then, she pulls it back, almost completely out with one fast motion and then back inside you!"
pov "F-ffuuccckk...!"
nao "Yeah, slut, take my big cock!"
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}Having her dick inside me makes me feel so... nghhhh... girly ahhh... so vulnerable...{/i}"
"Hearing your moans, she increases the speed even more, and you hear her body slapping against your ass..."
"With each thrust, you moan louder and louder, begging her to fuck you harder."
"It goes on like this for what seems like at least half an hour until she takes out her cock and stands in front of you..."
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_nao 0
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_dick
with d1
"She gives it a couple of strokes and..."
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_cum_1
with flash
hide naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_cum_1
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_cum_2
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_cum_3
with flash
"... a moment later, your face is covered with her hot cum!"
"You get ready to suck her big cock, to make it clean after using you like this, but to your surprise, she gets back behind you..."
hide naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_dick
hide naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_cum_3
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_cum_4
with d1
"And then, you feel her cum-covered cock pressing against your hole once again..."
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_nao 1
with d1
pov "Mmmm... oh yeaah..."
"This time, it slides back into you much easier as your hole is very stretched after getting used like that, and now her dick is lubed up with her cum..."
"Without hesitation, she forces it back inside with one confident motion and starts fucking you like she never came!"
pov "Nya~!, Mm~~, A-AH~!!, Uh~, NGH~~!"
pov "F-ffuuuck!"
"She's even faster than before, fucking you so hard that you can only scream in pleasure."
"But this time, it doesn't last that long, and quite soon, you feel her slam her dick inside you as it starts to twitch..."
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_nao 1
with flash
show naomi_cum_covered_face_fuck_nao 2
with flash
if scene_199 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 199 unlocked")
$ scene_199 = True
pov "Ohhhhh... Ahhhhhhh..."
"You moan in pleasure as you feel your insides getting filled up with another portion of her hot cum..."
show black
with d
"She stays inside you for another minute, breathing heavily, as you feel her cock finally getting softer inside you..."
"Then, she slides it out as you feel some more cum leaking out of your gaping hole and brings it to your face."
"You give it a loving kiss and collapse on your bed..."
"When you wake up, [nao] is already gone, and there is a one hundred dollar bill on your bed..."
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
pov "{i}That was so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I need to clean up now...{/i}"
"Eat cum from your face":
"You take the first portion of cum from your face with your finger and slowly lick it up."
pov "{i}Mmm... I've missed this taste...{/i}"
pov "{i}It makes me so horny! Even though I was fucked so hard just now...{/i}"
"You slowly lick up all the cum from your face drop by drop until there is no more of it left..."
pov "{i}If only it were more of it...{/i}"
pov "{i}Wait...{/i}"
pov "{i}There is...!{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}In my ass.{/i}"
pov "{i}Am I really going to do it?{/i}"
pov "{i}One thing eating cum from my face, b-but eating cum from my ass...{/i}"
"Do it :3":
pov "{i}Wel... I could at least try it...{/i}"
"You slowly put your finger against your hole... and push it inside..."
pov "{i}Wow! It's so much of it! I'm full with cum!{/i}"
pov "{i}How could she cum that much after covering my face with cum?!{/i}"
"You hold your breath as you move around your finger in your ass and then take it out of your hole."
"You slowly bring it close to your lips and stick out your tongue."
"You feel the taste of the first drop of cum from your ass... and... it's no different from the cum that was covering your face."
pov "{i}Mmm... It tastes so good!{/i}"
"As you lick your finger clean, it quickly finds its way back into your ass for another portion of sweet creampie."
"You do it over and over, enjoying the taste until nothing is left inside you."
"You move your finger inside \'just to make sure\', rubbing yourself from the inside, and after a while, you stop."
pov "{i}My ass feels so loose after her big cock...{/i}"
pov "{i}My finger slides into me without any effort...{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't wait to have some fun like that again.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Don't do it :P":
"Even though you really want to, you feel like you are not ready to eat cum from your ass..."
"After that, you take a shower and go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Go take a shower instead":
"You try to fight off the idea of eating all that cum that's covering your face, and go take a shower before you change your mind."
pov "{i}Maybe I should've eaten it instead? Her cum always tastes so good...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label naomi_visit_6:
label scene_233_playback:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
pov "Please, come in!"
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
show char_naomi:
xpos 0.65
with moveinright
"The door opens, and [nao] enters your room."
pov "Naomi! I'm so happy you've decided to visit!"
nao "I missed the slutty mouth of yours..."
nao "I want you to show my ass some love today."
pov "I'll be happy to♥♥♥"
scene black
with d
"After that, she takes off her clothes and presents her big round ass for you to worship."
scene bg naomi_ass_worship
with d
if scene_233 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 233 unlocked")
$ scene_233 = True
nao "Come on, girl, show my hole how much you love it!"
"As you see the sight in front of you, you can't help but sit there and stare."
pov "{i}Fuck... her as is so perfect...{/i}"
pov "{i}Her big balls.. her hard dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}And her beautiful hole!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to kiss and lick her all over.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if she ever let anyone fuck her.{/i}"
pov "{i}It would feel so good to slide my clitty inside her.{/i}"
pov "{i}To fuck such a beautiful woman as her.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I'm sure she'd never let me do that.{/i}"
pov "{i}With a dick like hers, she's the one who does all the fucking.{/i}"
nao "Starting any time soon?"
pov "I'm sorry, I was taken aback by your beauty..."
"You slowly bring your lips closer to her skin and start kissing her perfect round ass."
"Going down from the top down to her thighs, trying as hard as you can to stay away from her hole, dick and ball for now."
"Slowly, you make your way to her hard cock, stick out your tongue and gently lick from the tip up her shaft and to her full, heavy balls."
"As you get to the balls, you start gently kissing them and rubbing your face against her soft skin."
"You slowly stick your tongue out and start licking the shaft as her balls rest on your face."
"Going up and down until you reach the tip again and take it into your mouth to gently suck it."
nao "Good girl... Mmmm..."
"You resist the urge to take it deeper into your mouth and start licking again instead."
"You go back up along her shaft with your tongue and lick and suck her balls more."
"You start increasing the intensity and take her balls one by one in your mouth and gently suck them."
"After that, you get higher and higher until your tongue finally reaches her hole."
"You gently kiss it and get your face between her ass cheeks, at the same time gently caressing her skin with your hands."
"After the long, tender kiss, you stick your tongue back out and lick her hole."
pov "{i}It must be the most pleasant feeling in the world, having this gorgeous woman's ass in front of me and being able to worship it.{/i}"
"As you lick her tight hole, your tongue slips inside, and you start gently fucking her with it going in and out."
pov "{i}God, her ass tastes so good, I could do this all day long...{/i}"
"You continue fucking her with your slutty tongue and licking her hole, from time to time going back to her big soft balls and her hard shaft, until she tuns around and put her big hard dick on your face."
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_234_playback:
scene bg naomi_bj_licking_dick
with d
"Once again, you start at the bottom of her shaft and slowly lick all the way up to her soft glistening tip."
"You don't want to suck her dick like usual, and instead focus on licking along the way of her shaft, trying to bring as much pleasure to her as you can, using only your tongue."
"Only from time to time, you take the tip into your mouth or her balls to gently suck them for a moment before getting back to licking."
"You do it for a while, and after some time, you focus on the underside of the tip, licking the most sensitive spot of her dick as you listen to her moans."
"It seems that you've made her so turned on with your gentle caresses that it doesn't take long for her dick to start twitching and erupting with cum all over your face and lips."
show naomi_ass_worship_cum
with flash
"The cum starts flowing down her big dick, and as her orgasm passes, you start licking up the hot yummy cum from her dick."
if scene_234 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 234 unlocked")
$ scene_234 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
"You licking up drop after drop of cum and swallow it, enjoying the taste and the pleasant feeling of it in your mouth."
"It doesn't take long for you to lick everything up, and soon enough, there is no cum left for you to eat."
hide naomi_ass_worship_cum
with d1
nao "Good girl. You've made me feel so good today, I can't wait to visit you again."
scene black
with d
"After you finish, she gets dressed and leaves."
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label martinfirstvisit:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A middle-aged man enters the room, he is very handsome and dressed in a nice suit."
"Seeing him you get quite happy that you are going to serve him and already can't wait to see him without his suit."
"You also notice, that he evokes some strange feeling in you..."
"For some reason you want to do anything he'll tell you to, it's like he has some strange powerful aura around him."
"And then you start mentally preparing to a hard fucking that is obviously about to come."
man "God, you are so beautiful! Even more beautiful than on the screen."
"His words make you blush and you thank him for this unexpected compliment."
"You realize that he must have seen you stream with Ashley and decided to visit you himself."
man "Sorry, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Martin."
mtn "I'm really glad to meet you!"
pov "I'm glad to meet you too, my name is [pov]."
pov "What would you like me to do for you, Martin?"
mtn "I thought working here could be stressing, and a beautiful girl like you should have some time to relax..."
mtn "Why don't you take off your clothes and lie on your bed?"
"You become even more surprised by this as you really didn't expect him to be so nice."
"You are not sure what he means by relaxing and there is still a possibility that he will mount you and will fuck you hard as soon as you are naked on your bed, but for now everything seems to be really good."
"You take off your clothes, lie on your bed and wait for what is about to come."
"Then you feel Martin's hands on your skin, he starts gently rubbing you and traveling with his hands all over your body."
"Concentrating the most on your ass..."
label scene_109_playback:
show bg martin_massage_ass
if cage == True and clitsize == 'small':
show martin_massage_ass_cage pink
if cage == True and clitsize == 'normal':
show martin_massage_ass_cage blue
if cage == True and clitsize == 'big':
show martin_massage_ass_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"It feels really nice, you can't even remember when was the last time you've received a massage, all you know lately is just sucking and fucking big dicks..."
"But here comes Martin and does all this, and the most incredible thing is that he pays you for it."
"He spends some more time playing with your butt, but he avoids touching your little hole, only sometimes you can feel his hands pass by it and brushing it accidentally."
"Same goes with your little balls, even when you feel his fingers touch them, it feels unintentional and like his main focus was rubbing your thighs..."
"It goes on like this for a while, but for you it feels like the time has stopped and you lie there with your eyes closed, enjoying every moment of it..."
"And with each Martin's motion you are hoping that this time he will at least finally start fingering you already or that he'll play with your little balls."
"You notice that you unconsciously start lifting your ass in the air slightly when it feels like his hands are about to touch your hole."
"But he avoids doing that, and you can't yet understand why... Is it because he wants to give you a massage or just because he enjoys teasing you?"
mtn "I think it's enough for your perfect little ass, why don't you flip over and we'll continue with your front?"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_109 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 109 unlocked")
$ scene_109 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do as he says and flip over, keeping your eyes closed and preparing to enjoy it some more."
mtn "I think we should also get rid of this little thing... who needs all that tension, you need to really relax today..."
pov "What are you..."
"And then suddenly you hear your cage lock click and feel Martin taking it off..."
"Your clitty has been really hard for a while already, confined in its tiny cage and it feels incredibly nice to be free."
label scene_110_playback:
show bg martin_massage_clitty
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "But how were you able to unlock it? Alex has the cage key and she doesn't allow me out of the cage..."
mtn "Well, let's just say, I've made her an offer that she couldn't refuse..."
pov "{i}I can't believe it! I wonder what was that offer, that Alex agreed to let me out of the cage? Did he just pay her? It must have cost him a lot!{/i}"
pov "{i}And all of this only so I can enjoy it?{/i}"
mtn "Your clitty is incredibly cute, [pov]."
"Buy instead of replying you slightly moan as he gently touches your clitty..."
"But then he stops touching it and starts rubbing your body like he was before and once again, he tries not to touch your balls nor your clitty..."
"And continues teasing you, only slightly brushing against your hard clit when he rubs your belly or thighs..."
"And then you realize one more detail, you were so occupied with what was going on down there with your clitty, that you didn't notice, that Martin was right above you with his dick and balls almost resting on your face..."
"When you start realizing it, you become turned on even more, feeling his hot hard dick with your skin..."
"You don't hesitate at all, and bring your lips to his balls, starting to kiss, and getting ready to feel them on your tongue and his dick deep in your throat..."
"But to your surprise, Martin shifts a little, avoiding your lips touching his balls and his dick."
pov "{i}I realize that he probably wants me to relax and concentrate on my sensations, but for me it's more of a teasing than relaxation!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't remember the last time when I wanted someones dick so badly...{/i}"
"You spend some more time in this sweet torture and expectation of what is about to come, and for you, it feels like eternity."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_110 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 110 unlocked")
$ scene_110 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"But then, suddenly, Martin changes his position so he can rub your feet..."
"And you suddenly feel his hard cock with your feet... and to your surprise, you feel his hand on your clitty."
label scene_111_playback:
show bg martin_massage_feet
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! It feels so good!{/i}"
"By this point, you feel like you are about to explode any moment..."
"Your clitty is throbbing really hard and leaking precum."
"But it seems like Martin decided to play with you some more and whenever you are about to cum, he stops and waits, edging you over and over."
pov "{i}Fuck, this is the most pleasurous torture I've had!{/i}"
"While Martin is playing with your clitty, and edging you, you try to give him as much pleasure as you can with your feet."
"Rubbing and stroking his big hard cock the best you can..."
"But then, you feel his cock throbbing as it starts shooting cum all over your feet and legs..."
show martin_massage_feet_cum 1
with flash
show martin_massage_feet_cum 2
with flash
"You feel your orgasm coming even closer, like you are about to cum the next moment."
"But suddenly, Martin stops!"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_111 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 111 unlocked")
$ scene_111 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You open your eyes and look at him, trying to figure out when is he going to let you cum..."
"But then, he takes his hands off your clitty, reaching out for your cage."
pov "Are you going to stop right now?"
pov "Please, I really need to cum!"
pov "At least let me finish myself..."
mtn "Sorry, [pov], the only condition that Alex let me take your cage off, is that you won't cum..."
mtn "She even gave me a pack of ice to calm down your clitty, after I finish, so I can lock it back in it's cage."
"And that very moment you feel a very cold pack touching your clit and balls!"
pov "{i}God, how cruel is that?! If I knew that it was going to happen like this, I would have never agreed to that!{/i}"
pov "Why would you do it to me? I thought you wanted me to relax and enjoy it!"
mtn "Well, first of all I can do whatever I want, and secondly, you can get a lot of pleasure from denial, you just need to learn how, that's all!"
"And right after saying that, he locks up your now limp clitty back in its cage, smiles and leaves, leaving some money for you..."
pov "{i}Fuck, now I understand why Alex agreed to let me out of the cage.{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does she love to torture me like this?!.{/i}"
pov "{i}My balls feel so heavy now!{/i}"
pov "{i}Well, at least he left me $200 for all this torturing...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("$200")
$ money += 200
pov "{i}And I wouldn't even hesitate to pay all of those money for a release...{/i}"
pov "{i}I have to speak with Alex... maybe she'll allow me to get out of this cage for some more time?{/i}"
pov "{i}I would even agree to pay her if she'll let me take it off...{/i}"
$ timetoworkforboss = True
$ free_the_clitty2 = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label martin_roof_date:
"You spend time in your room when suddenly you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "Alex? Didn't expect you to visit..."
pov "Can I help you with anything?"
alex "You have a date at a restaurant with your client [mtn] tonight."
alex "The car is already waiting for you."
pov "What? A date? But..."
pov "I didn't expect it... I don't even have anything nice to put on to go to a restaurant."
alex "Don't worry about anything, his people will meet you and will prepare you for the date."
pov "..."
pov "Well... Ok then, I guess."
pov "{i}That's unexpected... But it's quite nice, I think...{/i}"
pov "{i}I've never been asked on a date before.{/i}"
label scene_138_playback:
show black
with d
pov "{i}I hope it will go well.{/i}"
"You go downstairs and get greeted by the driver. He opens the door for you and drives you to the restaurant."
"The car is really nice, and you relax on the way there."
"Soon, you stop near a luxurious restaurant..."
"You are met by some people, and they lead you to the roof..."
man "You'll be alone tonight; the whole restaurant was closed for the date."
man "Also, I've been tasked to take everything you have on you; you'll be completely nude the whole evening..."
pov "{i}Hmmm... I didn't expect that...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I guess it's not such a big deal, considering we will be dining alone...{/i}"
"You are quite shy to take off your clothes in front of total strangers, but it's not something new to you."
"Blushing, you take everything off and stand there naked, trying to cover your chest and your clitty..."
man "Follow me, please."
"He leads you to a big table in the middle of the roof."
"It very beautiful there, and you have a nice view over the whole city..."
"When you come closer to the table, you see that there is only one chair..."
man "Ok, now lie down, please."
pov "..."
pov "What? What do you mean?"
man "On the table, please."
pov "Why?"
man "Tonight, the food will be served on you."
pov "You are joking, right?"
man "Not at all, it's called Nyotaimori, it is the Japanese practice of serving sashimi or sushi from the naked body of a woman."
man "Now, lie down, please."
pov "{i}I did not expect that for sure...{/i}"
pov "{i}Don't even know how to react...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I guess I don't have any options... I'm already here, completely naked.{/i}"
pov "{i}And it's not too bad... Certainly better than getting fucked by a bunch of strangers, I guess.{/i}"
"You slowly climb on the table and lie down."
show bg martin_roof_dinner
show martin_roof_dinner_mc closed
show martin_roof_dinner_eyes closed
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows pink
if breasts == False:
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts d
show martin_roof_dinner_clit soft
with d
man "Please, stay like this with your eyes closed, don't move and don't speak until the end of the dinner."
"You silently nod and try to relax and not think about you lying on a table completely nude in the middle of the restaurant."
"Soon, they start serving food and put it right on your body."
show martin_roof_dinner_food 1
show martin_roof_dinner_sticks
with dissolve
"It's quite strange to feel the food on your bare skin, but at the same time, because you are lying with your eyes closed, your sense of touch is a bit enhanced, and it's quite pleasant."
"A moment later, you feel [mtn] sitting on the chair and starting to eat the food of you..."
show bg martin_roof_dinner
show martin_roof_dinner_martin 1
show martin_roof_dinner_mc closed
show martin_roof_dinner_eyes closed
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show martin_roof_dinner_eyebrows pink
if breasts == False:
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show martin_roof_dinner_breasts d
show martin_roof_dinner_clit soft
show martin_roof_dinner_food 2
show martin_roof_dinner_hand 1
with d
"He eats very carefully and barely touches your skin, but then, suddenly, you feel him grab your nipple with the chopsticks..."
"You try to stay silent anyways, but your breathing becomes heavy because of how turned on you become."
hide martin_roof_dinner_clit
if clitsize == 'small':
show martin_roof_dinner_clit small
if clitsize == 'big':
show martin_roof_dinner_clit big
show martin_roof_dinner_clit normal
with dissolve
"And a moment later, you feel your clitty becoming hard..."
"It seems that [mtn] has noticed it, and you feel him gently rub your clitty with the chopsticks."
pov "Mmmm..."
"You try not to moan, but it's almost impossible because of how turned on you've become..."
"And then, suddenly, he stops playing with you and continues to eat."
"And then a moment later, he starts to tease you again."
"You feel your clitty starting to leak... and it seems that [mtn] has noticed it too..."
"The next moment, you feel him rub some food against your clitty, putting your precum on it and eating it..."
"It happens multiple times after that until you feel that there is no more food left on your body."
"By the time he finishes his dinner, your clitty is pulsating with excitement, and you feel it leaking precum non-stop."
show black
with d
"Then you hear him stand up and come closer to your head..."
"And a moment later, you hear his fly unzip, and you feel his hard dick on your lips..."
"You slowly open your mouth, letting him inside."
hide martin_roof_dinner_food
hide black
show martin_roof_dinner_martin 2
show martin_roof_dinner_mc open
show martin_roof_dinner_hand 2
with d
"You slowly wrap your lips around the tip and start sucking it gently..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I'm so horny now... I want his hard cock in my sissy-hole!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to rub my clitty so bad... But I don't think that [mtn] would be happy if I moved...{/i}"
"Then you feel his strong hand on your chin and his dick starting to fuck your mouth."
"You try to please it with your tongue, but it seems that [mtn] doesn't care about that, and soon enough, he just starts face-fucking you."
pov "Mmmmmm..."
"You feel his dick entering your mouth deeper and deeper until you feel his dick deep in your throat."
"He forces it as deep as possible, blocking air so you can't breathe."
"And then his dick starts twitching in your throat, shooting portions of cum..."
with flash
with flash
if scene_138 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 138 unlocked")
$ scene_138 = True
"You are forced to drink up all the cum from his dick, and as soon as you eat the last drop, he lets you breathe again and takes his dick out."
"Then he zips up his fly and leaves you lying on the table horny as you've ever been..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You slowly open your eyes and see waiters coming to clean everything up..."
"They help you clean up and get dressed back in your clothes."
"As you are about to leave, one of them gives you $500 as a payment for the evening."
$ renpy.notify("$500")
$ money += 500
"You go down to the car and return to the brothel."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label martin_under_table_bj:
"You spend time in your room when suddenly you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "..."
pov "Can I help you with anything?"
alex "It seems that you did well on a previous date with [mtn]."
alex "So, you have another date with him."
alex "The car is already waiting for you."
alex "So put on your slut dress and go down."
show black
with d
"You do as you are told and dress up for the evening."
pov "{i}I wish I had a better dress, so I wouldn't have to look like a slut...{/i}"
pov "{i}So I could look sexy and beautiful...{/i}"
pov "{i}And go to a romantic date not as an escort slut, but a real date, with a man that would love me...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}Wait... What did just happen?{/i}"
pov "{i}Was I dreaming about going on a date... with a man? ... in a beautiful dress?{/i}"
"You try not to think about it and go to the car."
"This time, the driver takes you to another restaurant. Judging from the outside, it's very expensive..."
"You go inside..."
pov "{i}Hmmm... this time there are other people here, so I guess he won't be eating food off of me...{/i}"
"You are led to your table."
pov "{i}Hm, [mtn] is not here yet...{/i}"
"You wait for him for a while, and after about 15 minutes of waiting, you see him coming to the table."
"Say hello":
"You say hello to him as he sits down..."
mtn "Hello."
"Stand up and greet him":
"You stand up as he approaches the table; he smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek."
mtn "Isn't this my favourite sissy slut!"
"Then the waiter comes to the table and gives a menu to [mtn], while completely ignoring you."
"He quickly orders him a steak and some vegetables, some wine and a light salad for you without even asking if you want it."
"As the waiter goes away, the two of you have some small talk, and quite soon, you get your food brought to the table."
"You both start eating, continuing the talk."
"Even though it's just a salad, it's delicious, and you enjoy it very much."
"But as you eat, you see [mtn]'s knife fall under the table."
"And then [mtn] looks at you..."
pov "{i}Why is he looking at me like that?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is he expecting me to get under the table and pick up the knife?{/i}"
pov "{i}Or is it the opposite?{/i}"
"Get under the table and pick up the knife":
"You slowly get on the floor and see [mtn] smiling."
pov "{i}I guess he did want me to pick it up...{/i}"
"You get under the tablecloth and start looking for the knife."
"And then, for some reason, you look between [mtn]'s legs and see him rubbing his hard cock through his pants..."
"Ignore it and continue looking for the knife":
pov "{i}Hmm... maybe he likes to tease himself when in a public place?{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better continue looking for the knife.{/i}"
"Soon, you find the knife, pick it up and get back to your seat."
"To your surprise, [mtn] is no longer smiling, and it seems like he is disappointed, even though you've picked up his knife as he wanted."
"And it seems that he stopped rubbing his hard dick, as you can see both of his hands."
"Take out his cock":
pov "{i}So that's why he was smiling when I started to get under the table...{/i}"
pov "{i}The tablecloth is long enough, so nothing stops me from giving him what he wants...{/i}"
jump martin_under_table_bj_1
"Wait for the waiter to pick it up":
"Soon enough, a waiter notices the knife, picks it up and brings a new one."
"After that, both of you finish your dinner, and to your surprise, Martin leaves you $100 on the table and leaves."
$ didnt_pick_up_the_knife = True
pov "{i}So strange... I was expecting that he'll want to have sex with me...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess it's not so bad, having a nice meal and getting paid for it.{/i}"
"After that, the driver takes you back to the brothel."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label martin_under_table_bj_1:
"You crawl closer and touch his legs with your hands, slowly bringing them closer to his hard dick."
"You rub it slightly through his pants and slowly unbuckle his pants to reveal it."
label scene_152_playback:
show bg martin_under_table_bj
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hairbg tails red
show martin_under_table_bj_1
if breasts == 'a':
show martin_under_table_bj_breasts
if breasts == 'b':
show martin_under_table_bj_breasts
if breasts == 'c':
show martin_under_table_bj_breasts
if breasts == 'd':
show martin_under_table_bj_breasts
show martin_under_table_bj_eyes open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show martin_under_table_bj_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show martin_under_table_bj_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show martin_under_table_bj_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show martin_under_table_bj_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show martin_under_table_bj_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show martin_under_table_bj_eyebrows pink
show martin_under_table_bj_dick 1
show martin_under_table_bj_2
with d
pov "{i}I forgot how big it is...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so strange to do it in a restaurant...{/i}"
pov "{i}So close to other people... I can hear them chatting!{/i}"
pov "{i}I better make sure not to make any sounds when I suck his dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}Seeing how hard he is, you don't want to waste time and take it in your mouth right away.{/i}"
show martin_under_table_bj_dick 2
show martin_under_table_bj_eyes closed
with dissolve
pov "{i}Fuck... It feels so good... His dick is so hard, and at the same time, the skin of his tip is so soft...{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does it feel so good just to hold it in your mouth?{/i}"
"As soon as you start moving your mouth on his dick, you feel even more pleasure..."
pov "{i}It's like I can feel his pleasure...{/i}"
pov "{i}This makes me want to make him feel even better.{/i}"
"So you start increasing your pace, and as you do so, you try to stimulate the tip with your tongue at the same time."
"And as you are sucking his big cock, you hear someone coming closer and closer to the table."
"You hold your breath and slow down a bit to make sure you don't make any sounds."
"It seems that it was a waiter asking if [mtn] needs anything..."
pov "{i}I wonder... did he notice that I'm not at the table?{/i}"
pov "{i}What if he saw me going down?{/i}"
pov "{i}What if he knows that I'm here?{/i}"
pov "{i}Then he'll surely know that I'm giving a blowjob right now...{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so embarrassing... What a slut have I become...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if people at the other tables saw me getting under the table?{/i}"
pov "{i}I didn't try to hide it! I was just getting down to get the knife; I didn't know that I'd be sucking his dick here...{/i}"
pov "{i}Now I'm almost sure that someone saw me!{/i}"
"As you think about all of that, you are taken back to reality by [mtn]'s twitching dick..."
"It seems that you were so distracted by your thoughts that you started to increase the suction and speed without realising it..."
"And as you feel his cock starting to twitch you get surprised and for some reason take it out of your mouth..."
show martin_under_table_bj_dick 3
show martin_under_table_bj_eyes open
with dissolve
show martin_under_table_bj_cum_1
show martin_under_table_bj_eyes closed
with flash
hide martin_under_table_bj_cum_1
show martin_under_table_bj_cum_2
show martin_under_table_bj_cum_3
with flash
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}What do I do now?{/i}"
pov "{i}My face is all covered in cum!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why did I have to take it out of my mouth?!{/i}"
"As you sit there with you face all covered in cum, to your shock, you see [mtn] standing up and leaving."
hide martin_under_table_bj_dick 1
hide martin_under_table_bj_2
hide martin_under_table_bj_cum_2
show martin_under_table_bj_cum_4
with dissolve
pov "{i}Please... not this... now I'm alone here...{/i}"
pov "{i}What should I do now?!{/i}"
if scene_152 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 152 unlocked")
$ scene_152 = True
"Try to collect all the cum with your fingers into your mouth":
"You try to collect the cum and lick it up from your fingers."
"It's not perfect as you can only collect the drops of cum, so your face is still covered in a thin layer of cum."
show black
with d
pov "{i}At least it's better than getting out like I was before.{/i}"
pov "{i}And I got to eat some cum♥♥♥.{/i}"
"You slowly crawl from under the table and look around..."
"Some people around you start looking at you from their tables..."
"Some of them are smiling and laughing... So you try to look away..."
with hpunch
pov "{i}Fuck... I didn't notice that the waiter is here...{/i}"
"waiter" "..."
pov "..."
"waiter" "Miss... I was told to give you this..."
"He hands you $200 with a grin on his face..."
pov "{i}Fuck... He definitely knows...{/i}"
"You try not to look at him and take the money."
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("Money +$200")
$ money += 200
pov "{i}Please... Kill me... I'm sure he saw some cum left on my face...{/i}"
"You silently rush to the exit, trying not to look at anyone, blushing."
"Get from under the table and use a napkin":
show black
with d
"You slowly crawl from under the table and look at the table, trying to find a napkin as soon as you can..."
"But the table is empty!"
with hpunch
pov "{i}Fuck... I didn't notice, but the waiter is standing right here! And he already cleaned up the table!{/i}"
"waiter" "..."
"He looks at you with a shocked expression on his face..."
pov "..."
"You try to look away and hide your eyes from him..."
"And then you notice that almost everyone else is looking at you... at your come covered face!"
"You quickly try to cover your face with your hands..."
"It doesn't really help; it just makes your hands covered in cum too."
"waiter" "Miss... I was told to give you this..."
"He hands you $200 with a grin on his face..."
"Reveal your cum-covered face once again and take the money":
"You are hesitant to do that, but leaving $200 isn't a good option..."
"So you quickly uncover your face with strings of cum on it and grab the money with your cum covered hand."
"Then you quickly rush to the exit and get into the car to go back to the brothel."
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("Money +$200")
$ money += 200
"Just run to the exit, trying to hide your face":
"You can't take any more embarrassment, so you ignore the money, rush to the exit and get into the car to go back to the brothel."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label maidintro:
"You wake up from the knock at your door."
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
show char_alex t
alex "Time to wake up, sissy!"
pov "What's wrong? It's not Sunday yet..."
alex "I know, I have some good news for you."
alex "That couple that has visited you recently, apparently they really liked you."
alex "So, they send an offer for you."
alex "They would like you to work as their sexy maid from time to time at their place."
alex "You'll be wearing a cute little maid dress, clean their house and get fucked from time to time when they feel like it."
pov "So now I have to clean houses?"
alex "Well... This time it's up to you, I'm not going to force you, as we usually don't provide such services."
alex "But, as the choice is between staying here and sucking dicks and getting fucked all day or go there and clean a bit and maybe get fucked sometimes..."
alex "Something tells me, that you are going to choose the second option, unless of course, you like getting fucked all day and suck cocks, haha."
alex "And they are going to pay you quite well if you do the job properly."
alex "So what do you say?"
pov "When do I need to decide? Do I at least have some time to think?"
alex "No, you have to decide right now, if you agree, today will be your first work day and if you refuse, they will find someone else for the job and you will not be able to work for them."
alex "Great, you should go outside then, the driver is waiting for you, he will also take you back after you'll finish all the work there."
$ canworkasamaid = True
jump maidfirstday
"Refuse (You won't be able to play through maid path/events if you choose this option)":
alex "So, you actually prefer to stay here to suck and fuck as many dicks as possible, ha?"
alex "I'm starting to be proud of you, sissy!"
alex "Good girl! It's much better to get fucked than clean something."
alex "I'll tell them to find some other sissy to be their maid."
jump room
label maidfirstday:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go downstairs and get into the car."
"After a while you arrive to a nice mansion..."
"You enter the house and meet with the woman, who hired you."
wmn "Hey, cutie, I'm glad you've accepted our offer..."
wmn "I don't think we've introduced ourselves when we visited you."
wmn "My name is Ada, and my husband's name is Robert, but you are going to call us Mistress and Master."
ada "The main reason you are here is that we have quite a big house and we need someone to take care of it."
ada "And we also like to fuck our maids, so that is why we quite often find our new maids in a brothel."
ada "I understand that you are not a real maid and might not know how to do your job properly, but I'm sure if you will try hard and won't be lazy, you'll do just fine."
ada "Whenever you arrive to work here, I expect you to wear your maid uniform and wear a chastity cage like a proper sissy maid."
ada "Now, I want you to change into your uniform and we will continue."
"Then she stands there looking at you and waiting."
"At first you wanted to ask where you could change into the uniform, but then judging from her look, you realize that she wants you to do it in front of her."
"You oblige and start undressing and then put your new uniform on."
"When you finish, you look over yourself and you are quite surprised that the uniform is not oversexualized like you would expect."
"The only thing is that the dress is pretty short and if you bend over, your ass will be completely exposed."
"Seeing that you've finished dressing up, Ada comes closer, turns you around and bends you over a little."
label scene_105_playback:
show bg maid_getting_plugged
if replay:
show maid_getting_plugged_cage blue
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show maid_getting_plugged_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show maid_getting_plugged_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show maid_getting_plugged_cage blue
ada "Now, for the most important part of your work..."
ada "Whenever we want to use you, you have to be ready to please us as good as you can."
ada "Same goes if we have guests and they'd like to use you."
ada "So, your little hole has to be always ready for penetration."
show maid_getting_plugged_plug 1
with dissolve
ada "This plug will help you with that..."
ada "For now we'll start with an average one, considering where you come from, I think there would be no use for a small one."
"Then you feel something lubed up touching your hole..."
show maid_getting_plugged_plug 2
with dissolve
pause 0.5
show maid_getting_plugged_plug 3
with dissolve
pause 0.5
show maid_getting_plugged_plug 4
with dissolve
$ renpy.notify("Scene 105 unlocked")
$ scene_105 = True
"Even though the plug isn't small, your stretched hole takes it quite easily."
ada "We'll might change this one for a bigger one in the future."
ada "This plug has another good feature except stretching your hole."
ada "It's fitted with vibration which can be activated by me or by my husband in case we need you."
ada "If I'll need you to come, you'll feel one pulse, and if my husband wants you, you'll feel two pulses."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
ada "I think this is it, you are ready for your first day."
ada "Today we'll start small to see how you work, you'll only be cleaning the kitchen."
ada "You can start right away, you will find all the cleaning supplies in the laundry room."
ada "But be aware, after you finish I'm going to check your work, so you better do everything really good."
"You go to the laundry room to take all the supplies that you'll need and come to the kitchen."
"Everything looks quite clean and there is not much for you to do, but you think that you still have to clean all the surfaces to make sure everything is really clean as you don't want to disappoint Ada."
"But now you realize, that there were no mops, and to clean the floor the only thing that you could find is a rag."
"So, you'll have to clean the floor on all fours..."
label scene_106_playback:
if color == "blnd":
show bg maid_washing_floor blnd
if color == "brwn":
show bg maid_washing_floor brwn
if color == "blck":
show bg maid_washing_floor blck
if color == "red":
show bg maid_washing_floor red
if color == "blue":
show bg maid_washing_floor blue
if color == "pink":
show bg maid_washing_floor pink
if replay:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"Seeing no other option except doing it like that you get on all fours and start washing the floor."
"Because your dress is very short and you are not wearing any panties, your ass and clitty immediately become exposed and if anyone would pass by, they'd see everything..."
"The thought that you are standing on all fours with your naked ass, caged clitty and a butt plug in your ass makes you blush."
"And you start getting really turned on..."
"The only thing that you can think about is when are you going to be used by your new Mistress or Master."
"But the time passes and you are still alone in the kitchen, washing the floor."
"You continue cleaning the kitchen and you start noticing that you take more and more revealing poses, trying to present your ass, hoping that someone will pass by and will fuck you already..."
"But unfortunately, no one comes and you finish cleaning everything."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_106 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 106 unlocked")
$ scene_106 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You find Ada and tell her that you've finished cleaning the kitchen, she pays you the money and says that you are free to go."
ada "See you next Thursday, sissy."
$ renpy.notify("$200")
$ money += 200
pov "{i}$200 for cleaning the kitchen? That's even more than I make getting fucked for the whole day long.{/i}"
pov "{i}I know it's too early to judge, but it seems like a nice way to make some money.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I wonder how easy will it be when they'll decide to fuck me or if I do something wrong...{/i}"
"You change back into your clothes, go outside and see that the driver is already waiting for you to take you back to the brothel."
pov "{i}I've actually spent there more time that I thought, it's almost dark outside...{/i}"
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label workmaidregular:
"You wake up and realize that it's Thursday already, and that means if you wish you could work as a maid for Ada and Robert."
"Spend the day working as a maid":
jump maidworkregular
"Stay at the brothel instead":
"You don't feel like cleaning anything today, so you decide to stay."
pov "{i}Considering that I'm not the only one working for them, I don't think they'll even notice that I'm not there.{/i}"
call screen ui1
label maidworkregular:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go outside, get into the car and the driver takes you to the mansion."
"You come inside, put on your uniform, remembering to insert the plug into your hole and get ready for work."
"You decide that you'll:"
"Work as hard as you can":
"You don't think that it would be a good idea to disappoint Ada, so you decide to try as hard as possible today."
if color == "blnd":
show bg maid_washing_floor blnd
if color == "brwn":
show bg maid_washing_floor brwn
if color == "blck":
show bg maid_washing_floor blck
if color == "red":
show bg maid_washing_floor red
if color == "blue":
show bg maid_washing_floor blue
if color == "pink":
show bg maid_washing_floor pink
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"With your short dress, your ass is almost always visible, but you try not to think about how exposed you are and focus on the work instead."
"You see Robert and Ada from time to time, but they don't interact with you."
"But Ada is obviously happy with how hard you are trying today."
if hardworkmaid == 3:
jump maidreward
$ hardworkmaid += 1
"Without any events the working day comes to an end and you are ready to go back to the brothel."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Ada gives you your money, this time with extra $50 for working hard."
$ renpy.notify("$250")
$ money += 250
"You thank her, change back into your clothes, go outside and see that the driver is already waiting for you to take you back to the brothel."
"By the time you are back you are too exhausted from all the hard work so you decide to go to sleep right away."
#$ dtime += 2hide screen ui1
show bg room night
with dissolve
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Try to behave as slutty as possible, hoping to get fucked":
$ slutty_maid_counter += 1
if slutty_maid_counter >= 2 and maid_whisker:
$ maid_whisker = False
jump maid_whisker
"You feel really horny today and considering that the only way to get any kind of relief is to get fucked, you decide to be as seductive as possible, without showing your intent too clearly."
if color == "blnd":
show bg maid_washing_floor blnd
if color == "brwn":
show bg maid_washing_floor brwn
if color == "blck":
show bg maid_washing_floor blck
if color == "red":
show bg maid_washing_floor red
if color == "blue":
show bg maid_washing_floor blue
if color == "pink":
show bg maid_washing_floor pink
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"So whenever you need to pick something up or clean something, you bend over and put your ass on display as much as possible..."
"Surely enough it doesn't go unnoticed and you catch a glimpse that Robert's dick is all hard in his pants and he is spending much more time around you than he usually does."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Some time later he reveals his hard cock and gets ready to fuck you right there."
"You feel his strong hands rubbing your ass, and finding their way to your butt plug, he slowly pulls it out and your ass is ready to take his big hard cock now..."
"He lifts your leg on the counter and enters your ass in one motion all the way in."
label scene_107_playback:
show bg maid_kitchen_counter_fuck
if replay:
show maid_kitchen_counter_fuck_cage blue
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show maid_kitchen_counter_fuck_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show maid_kitchen_counter_fuck_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show maid_kitchen_counter_fuck_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
"It seems you did a great job teasing him, so he starts fucking you really quickly going almost all the way out and all the way in."
"In a position like this he rubs your p-spot really nicely every time he enters you, and you start moaning right away."
"Apparently your moaning turns him on even more as he increases his speed and starts fucking you harder and harder."
"You felt like it was more of a quick fuck considering how turned on he is and how quickly he is fucking you, but you were probably wrong..."
"After a while you start losing the track of time from all the pleasure his cock is giving you and you start moaning even louder, almost screaming."
"And when you are quite sure that your moans can be heard in all the mansion, he explodes right into your hole."
show maid_kitchen_counter_fuck_cum 1
with flash
show maid_kitchen_counter_fuck_cum 2
with flash
"It felt so amazing that right at the moment when he cums your whole body starts shaking in orgasmic pleasure..."
"But to your surprise you haven't actually came from it..."
"But it feels a hundred times better than any other \"male\" orgasm that you've ever had."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_107 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 107 unlocked")
$ scene_107 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Robert spends some more time standing there with his cock deep in your ass, until he finally pulls it out and wipes it on your maid dress."
"You thank your Master for fucking you and get back to your work."
"After a while it's time to end, so you finish things up, change your clothes, get paid and go outside where a car is already waiting for you."
$ renpy.notify("$200")
$ money += 200
pov "{i}Fuck... His cock felt so amazing... Can't wait to get fucked like that again.{/i}"
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"Just work normally":
"You don't feel really horny or ready to put any extra effort in your work, so you decide to just do what you have to..."
if scene_123 and maid_glass_cube:
$ maid_glass_cube = False
jump maid_glass_cube
if color == "blnd":
show bg maid_washing_floor blnd
if color == "brwn":
show bg maid_washing_floor brwn
if color == "blck":
show bg maid_washing_floor blck
if color == "red":
show bg maid_washing_floor red
if color == "blue":
show bg maid_washing_floor blue
if color == "pink":
show bg maid_washing_floor pink
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show maid_washing_floor_cage blue
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_108 and maid_feet_worship_friend:
$ maid_feet_worship_friend = False
jump maid_feet_worship_friend
"You spend all day cleaning and trying not to get distracted by anything."
if scene_125 and scene_108 and maid_piss:
$ maid_piss = False
jump maid_piss
"The time passes and soon you are ready to go back to the brothel."
"Ada pays you your money and you leave."
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label maid_piss:
"You work for a while. Nothing special is happening..."
"And then, you feel your butt plug vibrate."
"It seems Master wants you to come."
label scene_147_playback:
show black
with d
"You go to the living room and find him on the couch watching football."
rob "Maid, I need to piss."
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry, Master, but... how can I help you with that?"
rob "Well, I don't want to go to the toilet. I'm watching the game..."
pov "And what would you like me to do, Master?"
rob "Why are you asking all these dumb questions? Don't you understand what you have to do?"
pov "{i}I hope it's not what I think it is...{/i}"
rob "Just stand on your knees and take my cock in your mouth."
pov "{i}Fuck... That's what I was afraid of...{/i}"
pov "{i}He wants to use my mouth as a toilet!{/i}"
rob "So... What are you waiting for?!"
pov "..."
pov "Of course, Master. I'll do it now."
pov "Master, I'm sorry... But... I can't do {i}that{/i}."
rob "What?"
rob "Are you fucking serious?"
"Change your mind and do it":
pov "I'm sorry, Master... Please, don't be angry... I'll do it now..."
pov "Yes... I'm so sorry..."
"It seems that he didn't like your answer at all..."
rob "Get back to your fucking work then. I'll use another maid."
"You get back to your work, and soon it's time to leave."
"Usually, you are paid at this time, but today there is no payment waiting for you..."
pov "{i}Is this because I refused to get used as a toilet? Fuck... A full day of work for nothing...{/i}"
"You are too afraid to ask for your payment, and you decide to go back to the brothel without any payment."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"You slowly come closer to him and drop to your knees..."
pov "{i}Am I really going to do it?!{/i}"
pov "{i}What the fuck is wrong with me?{/i}"
pov "{i}This man wants to use my mouth as a toilet, and I'm ok with that?{/i}"
"But deep down, you feel that this is your place..."
"Being used for anything your Master wishes..."
"Presenting your slutty mouth for his dick to piss in... to drink it all like an obedient sissy maid..."
"You slowly unbutton his pants with your hands shaking from excitement and take his soft cock in your mouth..."
show bg maid_football 1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show maid_football_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show maid_football_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show maid_football_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show maid_football_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show maid_football_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show maid_football_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show maid_football_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show maid_football_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show maid_football_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show maid_football_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show maid_football_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show maid_football_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show maid_football_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show maid_football_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show maid_football_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show maid_football_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show maid_football_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show maid_football_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show maid_football_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show maid_football_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show maid_football_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show maid_football_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show maid_football_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show maid_football_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show maid_football_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show maid_football_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show maid_football_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show maid_football_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show maid_football_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show maid_football_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show maid_football_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show maid_football_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show maid_football_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show maid_football_eyebrows pink
show maid_football_eyes open
#if breasts == 'a':
# show football_riding_breasts a
#if breasts == 'b':
# show football_riding_breasts b
#if breasts == 'c':
# show football_riding_breasts c
#if breasts == 'd':
# show football_riding_breasts d
with d
"As soon as your lips are wrapped around his cock, you feel a hot salty stream go down your throat..."
if scene_147 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 147 unlocked")
$ scene_147 = True
show maid_football_eyes closed
with dissolve
pov "..."
"There is obviously no point in trying to hold it in your mouth, and you start swallowing right away."
"Millions of thoughts go through your mind with each swallow of piss you make..."
pov "{i}It's so salty...{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does it feel so... good to do it? Pleasing Master like this... taking care of his every need...{/i}"
"As he pisses into your mouth, he completely ignores you and continues watching TV."
pov "{i}Fuck... The stream doesn't stop... How much did he drink before it?{/i}"
pov "{i}My stomach is already full of piss...{/i}"
"But, you continue swallowing every drop like a good maid."
"After a while, the stream finally comes to a stop..."
"You gently milk the last drops of piss from his cock with your lips, making sure to clean it properly."
"Continue sucking his dick":
"As you clean up his dick, you feel it getting harder and harder in your mouth..."
show bg maid_football 2
with dissolve
"Stop sucking it":
"When his dick is perfectly clean, you give it a slight kiss and go back to your duties with a full stomach of piss. The rest of the day goes uneventful."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You are paid at the end of the day when you are about to leave. This time you got $100 more than your usual pay..."
pov "{i}Wow, it seems that they paid me $100 more for using me as a toilet...{/i}"
"{i}Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to be used as a toilet again if they wanted...{/i}"
"I actually enjoyed it":
$ maid_piss_like = True
pov "{i}I would've never expected it, but something about being used like that makes me so horny...{/i}"
"But I didn't really like it":
$ maid_piss_like = False
pov "{i}Even though it made me quite horny, I'm not sure if I would actually want it to happen again.{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("$300")
$ money += 300
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"It seems that Master wouldn't mind you sucking his dick..."
"Soon, his dick grows so big that it's in your throat..."
"But you try your best not to gag and suck it as deep as you can."
"As there were no orders from Master and it's actually your initiative, you try not to rush things and enjoy every moment..."
"The feeling of a hot hard dick on your tongue makes you very horny."
"From time to time, you take his dick out of your mouth and lower your lips to his full balls."
"Kissing them, sucking them and then running your tongue from the bottom of his hard shaft up to the tip."
"Then you slowly wrap your lips around its tip and gently suck it in deeper and deeper in your slutty mouth..."
pov "{i}It seems that he quite likes it...{/i}"
pov "{i}But probably not as much as I do... Hehe...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so good to be able to enjoy it. I barely know this man... but here I am, on my knees, with his dick in my throat...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... My clitty is so wet right now that it can't stop leaking.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't wait for Master to cum in my mouth so I could drink all of his hot yummy cum.{/i}"
"With that thought, you start to increase suction and try to take his big cock even deeper."
"And after a while, you feel his dick is about to cum, and you get ready to drink his cum..."
show maid_football_cum 1
with flash
show maid_football_cum 2
with flash
"But it's so much of it that you can't swallow it all, and soon enough, your mouth is full, and some even leaks out."
"You savour the taste for a while and then start to swallow it little by little, enjoying how sweet it is."
"As soon as you swallow everything that's in your mouth, you lick up all the rest with your tongue, at the same time, still gently sucking his meaty cock..."
hide maid_football_cum 2
with dissolve
"You give his dick a slight kiss and see a satisfied expression on Master's face as he continues to watch the game."
show black
with d
"After that, you go back to your duties with a full stomach of piss and cum, and the rest of the day goes uneventful."
"You are paid at the end of the day when you are about to leave. This time you got twice your usual pay..."
pov "{i}Wow, it seems, my efforts have paid off...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
"{i}Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to be used as a toilet again if they wanted...{/i}"
"I actually enjoyed it":
$ maid_piss_like = True
pov "{i}I would've never expected it, but something about being used like that makes me so horny...{/i}"
"But I didn't really like it":
$ maid_piss_like = False
pov "{i}Even though it made me quite horny, I'm not sure if I would actually want it to happen again.{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("$400")
$ money += 400
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label maid_whisker:
label scene_221_playback:
"You feel really horny today, and considering that the only way to get any kind of relief is to get fucked while you are caged, you decide to be as seductive as possible."
"But it seems you are alone in the house, and there is no one to fuck you..."
"Find something to fuck yourself with":
pov "{i}[ada] probably has many toys...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I'm sure she'll notice if I borrow anything, and then I'm fucked and not in a good way...{/i}"
pov "{i}Cucumbers! Yes! I'm sure some are in the fridge; I could use it to fuck myself.{/i}"
pov "{i}And if I'll be quick no one will notice...{/i}"
"You go to the kitchen and open the fridge, but..."
pov "{i}Fuck... nothing I could use...{/i}"
pov "{i}Not even a carrot!{/i}"
"But then you see some cake cream leftovers..."
pov "{i}This gives me an idea...{/i}"
"You are so turned on that you don't even notice how you get naked, and a moment later, you are standing on all fours in the middle of the kitchen and, with a whisker in your hand, a bowl of cream near you."
"You take out your plug, use the cream to lube up your hands, and slowly start fingering yourself..."
"But you are so turned on that you feel like it's not enough, and a moment later, you find yourself pushing a whisker in your hole and pouring cream over your ass..."
show bg maid_whisker_masturbation
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show maid_whisker_masturbation_eyebrows pink
show maid_whisker_masturbation_mg
if clitsize == "tiny":
show maid_whisker_masturbation_cage tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show maid_whisker_masturbation_cage small
if clitsize == "normal":
show maid_whisker_masturbation_cage average
if clitsize == "big":
show maid_whisker_masturbation_cage big
with d
pov "Ahhhh..."
pov "{i}What am I doing?!{/i}"
pov "{i}What if someone sees me like this?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't even imagine what kind of punishment I'd get for doing something like this...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels so good...{/i}"
pov "Mmmmmm..."
pov "{i}But I need... to... mmmm... stop!{/i}"
pov "{i}I've made such a mess...{/i}"
"But as you feel the whisker rub against your magic spot, all your worries disappear again, and you forget about everything and continue fucking yourself in the middle of the kitchen."
"The nice feeling of the cold metal inside you... The sticky cold cream on your skin..."
"It feels so weird and pleasant at the same time..."
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}I'm so horny right now!{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope no one finds me like this.{/i}"
"But then, you feel like you've heard a car sound, and a feeling of horror washes over you instead of pleasure."
if scene_221 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 221 unlocked")
$ scene_221 = True
show black
with d
"You quickly grab some kitchen towels, wipe all the cream from your ass, and try putting on your maid dress as quickly as possible..."
"And as the door to the kitchen opens..."
"...you are standing in your maid dress washing the whisker and the bowl..."
pov "{i}Wow... I was so close to getting caught...{/i}"
"You are relieved that you've managed to hide all the evidence of your play time, but you still feel very horny..."
"But try not to risk anymore and continue working for the rest of the day as usual..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"Try to work":
pov "{i}I'm sure [ada] probably has many toys I could borrow, but I'm too scared she'll notice, and I can't imagine what kind of punishment she'll come up with if I do something like that...{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better try to focus on my work.{/i}"
"It's quite hard to do your job as all you can think about is how nice it would be to get fucked right now."
"but after a while, you manage to calm down and work as usual until the rest of the day..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label maidreward:
"When you are about to finish, Ada enters the kitchen and tells you to stand up..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
ada "I see you've been trying really hard lately..."
pov "Trying my best, Mistress."
ada "Good, sissy."
ada "I think you deserve a small reward..."
"And a moment later she grabs you by your chastity cage and unlocks it."
pov "Wow! How are you able to unlock it? I though only Alex could do it."
ada "As you are working for me, part of our agreement with Alex is that I can do with you whatever I want so I have a key from your cage..."
ada "And right now, I want you to play with your little clitty for me."
ada "Now, on your knees."
"Without any hesitation, you oblige, happy that you are allowed to touch your clitty now."
"It's been hard since the moment Ada took your cage off and you can't wait to touch it..."
"But you know that you have to wait for a command before you actually do it."
"You stand on your knees and look at Ada, while she sits on a kitchen counter and takes off one of her high heels."
"After that she travels with her foot all over your body, slightly touching it, until it goes all the way up to your face."
"You are quite surprised to feel that she starts touching your chin with her toes..."
"...and then you feel her toes on your lips, parting them a little and you see Ada looking right into your eyes."
ada "I want you to open your mouth... And I want you to start playing with that cute little clitty now."
label scene_108_playback:
show bg maid_reward_feet
if color == "blnd":
show maid_reward_feet_hair buns blnd
if color == "brwn":
show maid_reward_feet_hair buns brwn
if color == "blck":
show maid_reward_feet_hair buns blck
if color == "red":
show maid_reward_feet_hair buns red
if color == "blue":
show maid_reward_feet_hair buns blue
if color == "pink":
show maid_reward_feet_hair buns pink
with Dissolve(2.)
"As soon as you open your mouth, Ada, puts her toes on your tongue for you to suck them."
"You quickly start rubbing your clitty, realizing that even though you've started only a second ago, you can already feel your orgasm getting close."
ada "Yes, sissy, you like sucking my toes, don't you?"
"Instead of replying you just continue sucking her beautiful toes and moan a little, enjoying every moment of what is happening to you now..."
"And then, without even intending to, you start cumming... shooting your cum on the floor..."
show maid_reward_feet_cum
with flash
hide maid_reward_feet_cum
with flash
ada "Hahah, you came so quickly!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
ada "Well, now that you've had some deserved fun, time to clean up your mess..."
"You turn around to take a paper towel but then..."
ada "No, no, no. That is not how you are going to clean up your mess!"
"She comes closer to you, and gently pushes you on all fours..."
"You only realize what is about to happen, when she pushes you lower to the floor and you feel her foot on your head, pushing you closer down to the puddle of your own cum."
show bg maid_licking_cum_from_floor 1
#show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_cum
if color == "blnd":
show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_hair buns blnd
if color == "brwn":
show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_hair buns brwn
if color == "blck":
show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_hair buns blck
if color == "red":
show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_hair buns red
if color == "blue":
show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_hair buns blue
if color == "pink":
show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_hair buns pink
show maid_licking_cum_from_floor_foot
with Dissolve(2.)
"After cumming, you don't feel horny anymore and you start hesitating and thinking what to do..."
"Even though you've been enjoying eating cum lately and sometimes it's the only thing that is on your mind, after orgasming it feels completely different..."
"But then, Ada, seeing you freeze there right above your cum puddle with your tongue sticking out, gives your head one more push..."
"And you realize that there is no way out of this, except eating all of it."
"So you start licking your cum from the floor..."
"While it was here on the floor for some time, you feel that it became quite cold..."
"And this time, it's like you are tasting cum for the first time."
"When you are horny, it seems like you don't even need to think about it, you are ready to drink tones of cum, enjoying every drop of it."
"But now, it feels like you are sober, and every second of it, you think..."
pov "{i}Am I really doing it?{/i}"
pov "{i}Forced to lick up my own cum from the floor!{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so strange...{/i}"
"You feel the slimy texture, and a slightly bitter taste on your tongue..."
"But then to your surprise, you don't feel disgusted or anything like that, it's feels... quite nice."
"When you lick more and more of it, you start to feel its slightly sweet taste."
pov "{i}I'd never thought that I would enjoy doing it when I'm not horny...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it's so tasty and it feels so nice!{/i}"
pov "{i}And it makes me so horny, knowing that all of this came from my own clitty!{/i}"
pov "{i}And the best part is that a gorgeous woman is making me do it!{/i}"
"You start licking more and more of your cum, trying to savor every drop of it."
ada "I see you are enjoying this, aren't you?"
show bg maid_licking_cum_from_floor 2
with dissolve
pause 0.5
"After a couple more moments, you've eaten all of your yummy cum and feel quite sad that there is nothing left."
ada "Such a good sissy girl!"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_108 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 108 unlocked")
$ scene_108 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.0)
"Ada locks your clitty back into its cage and you are ready to go back to the brothel."
"You get your payment and leave."
$ renpy.notify("$200")
$ money += 200
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label maid_feet_worship_friend:
label scene_123_playback:
"You work for a while cleaning everything like usual in your sexy uniform but then you feel your plug vibrate."
"It was one prolonged pulse, so it means Mistress needs you."
"You put everything aside and go look for Mistress."
show black
with d
"You find her in the living room with another woman, they are sitting on the couch, drinking and chatting. It appears, she's one of Mistress's friends."
ada "Oh, [pov], good, I need you to bring us another bottle of this."
pov "Yes, Mistress."
"You take them another bottle of alchol and try not to look strait at Mistress not her frind as you feel like it wouldn't be appropriate for the maid to look at them dirrectly."
"But as you are serving them their drinks, you notice they are both sitting with bare feet..."
"And the moment you notice it, you get extremly horny and feel your clitty getting hard in its little cage."
"What should I do?"
"Try not to look at their feet and serve them drinks.":
"You think that it would be best if you do your job and try not to stare at them or their feet."
"Something tells you, that you'd definitely get punished if you tried to look at them."
"Some more time passes, you serve them more drinks as they sit and chat completely ignoring you."
pov "{i}Well... At least I'm out of trouble, even thought I would love to look at those sexy feet...{/i}"
"Then some time later the woman leaves and [ada] lets you go back to the brothel."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("+$200")
$ money += 200
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"Take a peek...":
pov "{i}I can't miss this chance, I need to take a quick glance.{/i}"
"You try to make it unnoticeble, and take a peek without moving your head."
pov "{i}Fuck... They are gorgeous... Why am I getting so turned on while looking at feet?{/i}"
"You quickly look back down, like you were looking before, happy that your little glance was unnoticed."
"But then for some reason the woman suddenly stopps talking..."
"As you stand there in silence, you feel your stomach drop as you are worried that the reason for her silence is your perverted glance."
ada "[jan]? Is everything allright?"
jan "..."
jan "I think your maid could be doing something more right now, than just standing there."
"As she says 'maid' you feel your stomach drop even more, scared of what's about to come."
jan "Something tells me that she's really good at worshiping feet..."
"Ada smiles and speaks to you."
ada "Drop on all fours and crawl here."
pov "... yes Mistress."
"You drop to your knees and start crawling to them, afraid to look up."
"As you crawl closer, you see that they've raised their feet and are waiting for you to start worshiping them..."
show bg maid_feet_friend_1
with d
if scene_123 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 123 unlocked")
$ scene_123 = True
pov "{i}Well... It seems I got lucky after all...{/i}"
jan "Are you waiting for an invitation?"
jan "Get to it!"
"You close your eyes and bring your lips to [jan]'s foot."
"As you kiss her foot for the first time, you inhale her tempting aroma."
"And as you do that, [jan] pushes her foot even closer against your face."
"You take a deeper breath and kiss her foot more and more."
jan "Hah! She's clearly enjoying it! I knew it right away! Did you think I wouldn't notice how you look at our feet?"
"With those words, she starts rubbing her foot against your face and lips even harder."
pov "{i}I want to lick it so bad... Suck on those perfect toes...{/i}"
"But you are aftraid to do it, not sure if she'd like your tongue on her skin."
"As like she's reading your mind, she brings her big toe to your lips and forces it inside your mouth."
"You part your lips and let it slide inside, starting to suck on it and massage it with you tongue."
jan "Good girl! Don't be afraid to use your tongue!"
"Hearing that was everything you needed to hear, as you start licking her other toes, sliding your tongue around them and sucking on them one by one."
"You suck on them for a little while and then you move to [ada]'s foot as you think it wouldn't be a good idea to ignore her and focus only on [jan]'s feet."
"You start to kiss and lick her foot, barely holding yourself from moaning as you do that."
"[ada] is more rough than [jan] as she rubs her foot against your face."
ada "Stick out your tongue."
"You immediately do as commanded and stick out your tongue waiting."
"[ada] rubs her foot agains it and then slaps it a little."
ada "Maybe I should use you to worship my feet more often from now on..."
"Then [jan] brings her foot closer and you start licking both of them, sliding your tongue from one foot to another."
"You even sometimes try to suck them both at the same time."
"Your clitty is really hard and you feel it leaking a lot of precum, leaving a big wet spot on your maid uniform."
jan "She's so eager to please..."
ada "Yeah... that's why I prefer sissy maids, they are always so horny, so desperate, ready to do anything you tell them to do..."
jan "Oh my! She's a sissy? Didn't expect that!"
jan "Now I want to have even more fun with her!"
ada "Be my guest! Feel free to do with her whatever you like!"
"When you hear her say that, you get even hornier."
if replay:
jump scenes
pov "{i}She lets her use me, like I'm her thing... I should be angry about it! Not turned on because of it! What is wrong with me?{/i}"
jan "Ok slut... I want you to take off your clothes, I wanna see your little clitty..."
label scene_124_playback:
show black
with d
"You rise up to your feet and start removing your clothes, not daring to look them in the eyes."
"As you get completely naked, you hear them starting to laugh."
jan "Fuck! I expected it to be small... but that small? No wonder it's called {b}clitty{/b} and not dick."
jan "And look at that string of precum, she's leaking so much, like a real girl!"
jan "Now, I want to see you on your knees, with your ass up and head down."
jan "And take out your butt-plug, I want your sissy-hole ready for penetration."
pov "{i}Fuck... Are they going to peg me now?!{/i}"
show bg maid_feet_friend_fuck_1
if color == 'blnd':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_hair buns blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_hair buns brwn
if color == 'blck':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_hair buns blck
if color == 'red':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_hair buns red
if color == 'blue':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_hair buns blue
if color == 'pink':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_hair buns pink
if color == 'blnd':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_eyebrows pink
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_mouth 1
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_2
if clitsize == "small":
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_cage pink
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_cage blue
with d
"You get into position and wait patiently for what is about to come."
ada "Look at this pathetic little thing... I bet it's trying to get hard in that cage..."
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_3
with dissolve
"A moment later you feel [ada]'s foot pressed hard against your balls."
pov "Mmmmm..."
ada "And these little balls, the only thing they are useful for is to hold the cage."
pov "{i}It's so humiliating...{/i}"
jan "But at least they are cute. I also want to have some fun with her little hole..."
"And then, you feel her taking her foot closer and rubbing your hole with her toe."
"After wearing the butt-plug for the whole day, your hole is quite loose and as you feel her rubbing it, you involuntary gape it."
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_4
with dissolve
"As you do that, you feel her toe slide right in and you hear both Mistresses laughing."
jan "You are right, she so desperate, she's ready to take anything inside her hole."
"And she moves her toe a little, as she says those words, sending huge amount of pleasure all over your body."
"Maybe because of that or because of [ada]'s foot pressing against your balls or because of all the humiliation, you feel an orgasm wash you over..."
show maid_feet_friend_fuck_mouth 2
with flash
if scene_124 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 124 unlocked")
$ scene_124 = True
"... and your clitty starts shooting cum all over [ada]'s foot, as your body shakes in orgasmic bliss!"
ada "Hahaha! This pathetic sissy just came! Fuck, her worthless sissy-cum is all over my foot now."
ada "I'm sure you know what you have to do."
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_125_playback:
show black
with d
"... she's right... you do know what you have to do..."
"She sits on the couch and extands her cum-covered foot waiting for you..."
show bg maid_feet_friend_cumeating
show maid_feet_friend_cumeating_cum_1
show maid_feet_friend_cumeating_cum_2
with d
if scene_125 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 125 unlocked")
$ scene_125 = True
"You crawl closer to her and look at her foot all covered in your sissy-cum, getting ready to eat it, as they both look at you laughing and enjoying the show."
pov "{i}Can't believe that I'm still so horny that I actully want to eat it!{/i}"
pov "You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, licking up the first portion of cum."
"But as you do so, [ada] moves her foot closer to you and pushes it agains your face, making you covered in your own cum!"
"You continue licking it up and enjoying the taste... usually it's a bit salty, but right now it's actually sweet for some reason..."
"You don't even notice how you start moaning a little while you lick your sweet cum."
"Hearing you moan, they start laughing even more!"
"But you don't really care and the only thing on your mind is how desperately you want to eat all that cum from her gorgeous foot."
hide maid_feet_friend_cumeating_cum_2
with dissolve
hide maid_feet_friend_cumeating_cum_1
with dissolve
jan "Well, that was fun! She's a real cumclut..."
show black
with d
"After you are done eating your cum from [ada]'s foot, they sit back on the couch and make you serve them more drinks, but this time you are completely naked."
"Even though you've just came, your clitty is still hard in its little cage."
pov "{i}Fuck! I'm so horny, I think I'd even pay someone to fuck me!{/i}"
"After a while [jan] leaves and [ada] lets you go back to the brothel."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("+$250")
$ money += 250
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label maid_glass_cube:
label scene_220_playback:
show black
with d
"You get ready to work as usual when you come to the kitchen and find many other maids and cooks working there."
pov "{i}It seems they are getting ready for some event...{/i}"
"You try to find something to do, but it seems that everything is already taken care of."
"You try to help here and there and make yourself useful."
"The preparations are almost done after some time, and the party is about to start soon."
ada "Hey, sissy. It seems that you have nothing to do. Come with me. I have a task for you."
"You follow her into the hall until she stops near some big glass cube..."
ada "Time to test my new decoration."
ada "You'll spend the rest of the evening inside the cube."
pov "{i}Inside?! Am I the decoration...?{/i}"
ada "You are lucky; you've got the easiest job as you won't need to serve all the guests tonight."
ada "But first, I need you to get naked."
pov "{i}Spending the night inside the glass cube?{/i}"
pov "{i}This is crazy! B-but do I have a choice?{/i}"
"As these thoughts go through your mind, you look at [ada] and realise that arguing with her right before the start of the party can be a terrible idea, and you could lose your job..."
"And before you know it, without realising it, you start to undress under her strict gaze."
ada "Oh, almost forgot about this little thing..."
"And then she removes the chastity cage from your clitty."
"After that, she tells you to get inside the cube."
"You slowly do so, trying your best to take a comfortable position and then she locks it."
"You feel extremely self-aware as you lay inside there completely naked."
"As she locks you inside, she leaves, probably to meet the guests."
pov "{i}At least they didn't forget that I need air inside here and made ventilation.{/i}"
"Then you see maids coming and leaving the drinks on top of the cube."
"Slowly, the guests start to come, and you become the centre of the attention as guests come to get a drink..."
show bg maid_glass_cube_table
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show maid_glass_cube_table_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show maid_glass_cube_table_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show maid_glass_cube_table_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show maid_glass_cube_table_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show maid_glass_cube_table_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show maid_glass_cube_table_eyebrows pink
show maid_glass_cube_table_mg
if clitsize == "tiny":
show maid_glass_cube_table_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show maid_glass_cube_table_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show maid_glass_cube_table_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show maid_glass_cube_table_clit big
show maid_glass_cube_table_fg
with d
"You feel extremely exposed lying inside the cube completely naked for everybody to look at, and you can't stop blushing."
"Being exposed like this in front of everyone makes you very horny for some reason, and your clitty becomes as hard as it's ever been..."
"Try not to be so exposed and hide your clitty.":
"You feel too exposed and vulnerable... And it feels like everyone is watching you and looking at your exposed little clitty..."
pov "{i}This is too much, I can't stay so exposed anymore...{/i}"
"You try hiding your clitty between your legs, but it's so hard that it springs free almost immediately."
"And it seems like your tries didn't go unnoticed, and some guests are starting to laugh at your failed attempts to be less exposed."
man "Hehe... look at her! She's so shy!"
wmn "It seems that she's trying to hide her little clit from us... Haha!"
"And then more people come to watch you..."
man "Oh, and she's plugged! Look..."
pov "{i}Oh no...{/i}"
"Then, you see [ada] coming with a remote for your butt plug."
man "Oh my... May I?"
ada "Be my guest..."
"And then she hands him the remote."
"... and a moment later, the plug jumps to life."
"It slowly vibrates, making you moan as your clitty starts leaking."
"Then it alternates to a strong vibration, making you gasp for air..."
pov "{i}F-fuck!{/i}"
"They pass the remote around from person to person as they play with the plug in your ass and laugh."
"And soon, it becomes too much for you!"
if clitsize == "tiny":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum small
if clitsize == "normal":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum average
if clitsize == "big":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum big
with flash
"... and your clitty starts to leak cum!"
"And as the orgasm washes over you, you hear even more people starting to laugh..."
"You close your eyes, trying not to meet anyone's gaze as you lie naked and now covered in your sissy-cum."
"After they make you orgasm, most of them lose interest in you, so all that's left for you is to sit there and wait for the party to be over as your cum slowly flows down your skin."
"Give the guests a show.":
"With so many people watching you naked, you feel exposed and vulnerable... And it feels like everyone is watching you and looking at your exposed little clitty..."
pov "{i}Fuck, it turns me on so much!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why am I such a horny slut...?{/i}"
"You try not to make it too obvious, but try to expose your clitty and your plugged hole as much as possible."
"And it seems like your tries didn't go unnoticed, and some guests are starting to take an interest..."
man "Look at this little slut! It seems she likes the attention!"
wmn "She's not even ashamed to show us her little clit!"
"And then more people come to watch you..."
man "Oh, and she's plugged! Look..."
pov "{i}Mmmm...{/i}"
"Then, you see [ada] coming with a remote for your butt plug."
man "Oh my... May I?"
ada "Be my guest..."
"And then she hands him the remote."
"... and a moment later, the plug jumps to life."
"It slowly vibrates, making you moan as your clitty starts leaking."
"Then it alternates to a strong vibration, making you gasp for air..."
pov "{i}F-fuck!{/i}"
"They pass the remote around from person to person as they play with the plug in your ass."
"And soon, it becomes too much for you!"
if clitsize == "tiny":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum small
if clitsize == "normal":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum average
if clitsize == "big":
show maid_glass_cube_table_cum big
with flash
"... and your clitty starts to leak cum!"
"And as the orgasm washes over you, you can't help and think about all the people around you watching you leak cum..."
"You close your eyes, trying not to meet anyone's gaze as you lie naked and now covered in your sissy-cum."
"After they make you orgasm, most of them lose interest in you, so all that's left for you is to lie there and wait for the party to be over as your cum slowly flows down your skin."
show black
with d
if scene_220 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 220 unlocked")
$ scene_220 = True
"As the party ends, [ada] lets you out and gives you the payment."
ada "You did well today; my guests enjoyed the show."
"She says as she looks at the dried-up cum on your skin."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("$250")
$ money += 250
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label alex_and_lexa_evening_fun:
label scene_153_playback:
show black
with d
"You spend time in your room when suddenly you hear the door open..."
"You look at the door and can't believe your eyes..."
show bg alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_door
with d
pov "{i}What the fuck?!{/i}"
with hpunch
pov "{i}Why are they here? ...and both naked?!{/i}"
"Seeing how surprised you are, they both start laughing."
lex "Isn't she cute?!"
lex "It seems that you are surprised to see us like this in your room..."
lex "So, let me explain."
lex "When I met you in Boss's office, I liked you so much that I couldn't help but wanted to have some fun with you..."
lex "So I've managed to make [alex] let me visit you!"
lex "But she insisted on joining to have some fun with us..."
lex "So that is why we are here."
alex "Yeah... that's right, just wanted to make sure that you get fucked really hard..."
alex "And I wasn't sure if [lex] could do it properly; she is too nice and gentle!"
alex "So that is why I've decided to put on one of my favourite toys that I like to use to destroy sissy-pussies..."
lex "So, what do you say, baby? Which dick would you like to suck first?"
if scene_153 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 153 unlocked")
$ scene_153 = True
lex "Mine? Or that big silicone thing between [alex]'s legs?"
if replay:
jump scenes
"Suck [lex]'s dick first":
jump alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_suck_dick
"Suck [alex]'s dildo first":
jump alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_suck_dildo
label alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_suck_dick:
label scene_154_playback:
show black
with d
if alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_sucked_dildo == False:
lex "Heh... I knew you would pick me!"
"They both get into your bed, and [lex] spreads her legs and looks at you with a smile on her face."
"You see her perfect cock getting harder and harder with every second..."
"She is very horny and can't wait for you to wrap your lips around her big juicy cock."
"As you look at her hardening dick, you feel your mouth watering anticipation..."
"You slowly come to the bed and lay down near [lex]'s dick, getting your mouth closer and closer to it..."
"As you feel the first touch of her hot tip on your lips, you hear a moan escaping her lips."
"Her big dick is really hard, and you feel her press her it against your mouth, so without hesitation, you part your lips and the next moment feel her hot rod in your mouth."
show bg alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hairbg tails red
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_hair pigtails red
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_2
if breasts == False:
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dick_breasts d
with d
"As you hold your mouth open, [lex] starts moving her hips, going in out, and hitting your throat with her hard tip."
pov "{i}Mmmm... it goes so deep in my mouth... I don't think I'll be able to take it any deeper.{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels soooo good...{/i}"
pov "{i}Feeling her hot flesh on my tongue...{/i}"
"And soon enough, her dick is all wet and covered in your saliva... going in and out..."
"You get so turned on from her using your mouth like some fuck toy that you start moaning too, stimulating her dick more and more with vibrations as you moan."
"And judging by the amount of precum you feel getting out of her cock she enjoys it a lot."
alex "Just look at her! She's such a cock-hungry whore..."
alex "Moaning just from sucking you!"
"As she says that, you feel your cheeks getting red as you start blushing..."
pov "{i}Is this really who I am? A cock-hungry whore?{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't care anymore! All I want is her perfect dick in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want her to use me however she wants...{/i}"
pov "{i}To please her... To make her feels good so that she can shoot her sweet hot cum down my throat...♥♥♥{/i}"
lex "Ahhh... her mouth feels... soooo... good!"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_154 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 154 unlocked")
$ scene_154 = True
$ alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_sucked_dick = True
if alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_sucked_dildo:
lex "But... I need you to stop... I don't want to cum yet..."
alex "Yeah... It's time to fuck this little slut really good!"
jump alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast
lex "But... I need you to stop... I don't want to cum yet..."
lex "Why don't you suck [alex]'s dick now? ...better make sure it's lubed up before she fucks you hehe..."
alex "Haha! It might be a good idea, but it will still hurt anyway; I'll make sure to be rough with you!"
jump alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_suck_dildo
label alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_suck_dildo:
label scene_155_playback:
show black
with d
if alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_sucked_dick == False:
alex "Haha! Want to lube it up as much as you can before I shove it in your tight little hole, ha?"
alex "It will still hurt anyway; I'll make sure to be rough with you, haha!"
"You get on your knees on the floor between [alex]'s legs, bring your lips closer to the strap-on, and as soon as you open your mouth, she shoves it deep in your throat..."
show bg alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo
if breasts == 'a':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_breasts d
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show alx_and_lex_evening_fun_suck_dildo_eyebrows pink
with d
pov "{i}Fuck! She is so rough... It's even hard to breathe with this thing in my throat!{/i}"
if alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_sucked_dick:
pov "{i}I couldn't even take [lex]'s dick so deep, even though it's a bit smaller than this dildo...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can only imagine how my sissy hole will feel like after she fucks me with this...♥♥♥{/i}"
"It seems that [alex] wants to use you as roughly as she can, so she throat-fucks you with her strap-on."
"Making you gag on it... Keeping in your throat from time to time, so you are forced to hold your breath while it's in you..."
"It seems [lex] is enjoying how hard [alex] uses you and plays with her big dick while watching you gag on [alex]'s strap-on."
lex "It seems that she really enjoys getting used like that..."
alex "Haha... Yeah, I've told you what a dirty sissy-whore she is!"
alex "If only she knew when she got here, that a little while later, she'll become a mindless sex toy, for me to have fun with... and that she will enjoy it... Hahaha!"
pov "{i}Fuck... Why am I enjoying even hearing all of this?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does it feel so good?{/i}"
pov "{i}... I do want to be used as a sex toy...{/i}"
pov "{i}IS this what I am now? Some mindless sex toy that people can use to get off?{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_155 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 155 unlocked")
$ scene_155 = True
"Your thoughts are interrupted when [alex] takes her strap-on out of your mouth..."
$ alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_sucked_dildo = True
if alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_sucked_dick:
alex "I think it's time to fuck this sissy slut..."
jump alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast
alex "I want to see you suck a real dick now..."
jump alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_suck_dick
label alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast:
label scene_156_playback:
show black
with d
"Alex commands you to lie on your back, and you do so."
"It seems that [lex] really liked your blowjob as she quickly comes to your head and slides her big hard cock in your open mouth..."
"And as you start sucking, you feel the tip of [alex]'s strap-on between your ass cheeks, and a second later, she forces it deep into your ass with one hard motion without any preparation!"
show bg alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_eyebrows pink
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_1
if clitsize == "small":
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_cage pink
elif clitsize == "big":
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_cage blue
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_cage blue
if breasts == 'a':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_breasts d
with d
with hpunch
pov "Ahhh!"
pov "{i}Fuck! She is so rough...{/i}"
pov "{i}But... it feels... good?{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though it hurt to be stretched liked that right away.{/i}"
"Being fucked liked this by two gorgeous women really turns you on... and even though your clitty was hard in its cage since the moment you saw both of them naked at your door..."
"...now it feels like it got even harder, pressing against the small cage..."
"If it wasn't for [lex]'s dick in your mouth, you think all the building would be able to hear you moaning."
"You can't speak properly with a big dick in your mouth, but you can't help yourself and start begging them to fuck you even harder..."
pov "Mmmm... Ahhh... pleafe... fuck... me havdev!"
alex "Hah.. tell me! What are you?"
pov "I...m... a cock-hungvy... svut!"
pov "{i}It feels so good... To be filled up with these big dicks...{/i}"
"At some point, it feels so good that your body start shaking in pleasure and wawes of orgasming pleasure spread over your body..."
"But to your surprise, you didn't spill any sissy-cum..."
pov "{i}It feels even better than any regular orgasm...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's like I'm about to pass out from pleasure!{/i}"
"They continue to fuck you like that over and over, switching places from time to time, making you take their dicks in your mouth after they fucked your hole..."
"When you feel [lex]'s take place in your mouth again, you start begging her to shoot her hot cum deep in your throat."
"You are not sure if she even understood what you were saying because of your moaning and because her cock was deep in your throat when you were trying to say that, but..."
"...you feel her dick starting to twitch in your mouth, and a moment later, the first portion of hot sweet cum hits your throat."
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_cum 1
with flash
"But it doesn't stop there, and you feel her pumping more and more cum filling up your mouth..."
show alex_and_lexa_evening_fun_spitroast_cum 2
with flash
if scene_156 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 156 unlocked")
$ scene_156 = True
"Even though you are trying to swallow it as fast as you can, it's so much of it that it starts oozing out of your mouth down your lips and chin..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"It seems that you've passed out soon after you've drunk all of [lex]'s cum, as you wake up sometime later in your bed, with dried up cum on your chin and lips..."
pov "{i}Fuck... that was so hot... I want them to use me like that again!{/i}"
"You try to lick the dry cum from your lips and then fall back to sleep too exhausted even to take a shower..."
$ lexa_cock_worship = True
$ renpy.notify("You can visit [lex] from now on.")
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label visit_jen:
show black
with d
"You get out of your room and go find [jnf]'s room."
if jen_first_visit:
$ jen_first_visit = False
$ jen_visit_two = True
"But as you are about to knock at her door, you hear moans coming from the other side of the door."
pov "{i}It seems, she's working right now...{/i}"
pov "{i}I better get back to my room; I can't be listening to [jan]'s moans... it's wrong...{/i}"
"You quickly go back to your room, lie in your bed trying not to think that you've just heard [jnf] getting fucked."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if jen_visit_two:
"As you come closer to her room, you start hearing her moans like the last time..."
"But this time, they seem to be louder... you come closer and then notice why they are louder today."
pov "{i}Hmmm... It seems that she forgot to close the door.{/i}"
"Take a peek":
$ jen_visit_two = False
$ jen_saw_dp = True
pov "{i}Fuck! I can't resist... I need to see it... I want to see it.{/i}"
"You try to look inside, avoiding moving the door to much, so [jnf] doesn't notice you..."
show bg jen_dp closed
with d
show bg jen_dp closed with hpunch
pov "{i}Fuck! She gets fucked by two men at the same time!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe my eyes!{/i}"
show black
with d
"Shocked from what you just saw and afraid that [jnf] might see you, you quickly get away from the door and run back to your room."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}How can I look her in the eyes after I saw that...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... That was so... hot!{/i}"
pov "{i}Taking two cocks at the same time? And not just in her pussy and mouth... In pussy and her ass!{/i}"
pov "{i}... didn't expect her to be so lewd...{/i}"
pov "{i}Interesting, how would it feel to have two holes down there? Getting penetrated by two dicks at the same time...{/i}"
pov "{i}I bet it feels amazing...{/i}"
"As you get in bed, you can't stop thinking about [jnf]."
"If there were doubts if you can think sexually about her, you can think only sexually about her now..."
"Eventually, you manage to fall asleep."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Try not to look and go back to your room":
pov "{i}I can't look at her getting fucked! What if she'll notice me?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to get out of here, while I'm still thinking straight...{/i}"
"You quickly go back to your room, lie in your bed trying not to think that you've just heard [jnf] getting fucked."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
$ jenbusy = renpy.random.randint(1,10)
if weekday == 5:
$ jenbusy = 5
## locked door random result
if jenbusy == 1:
"But as you are about to knock at her door, you hear moans coming from the other side of the door."
pov "{i}It seems, she's working right now...{/i}"
"You stand there for a couple of moments, turned on by [jnf]'s moans, but soon you decide to go back to your room as don't want someone to see you at [jnf]'s door, listening to her getting fucked..."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
## peeking result
if jenbusy == 2 or jenbusy == 3 or jenbusy == 4:
label scene_130_playback:
"As you come closer to her door, you notice that she left her door slightly open again."
if scene_189 and jen_double_bj_balls_sucking_first_time:
jump jen_double_bj_balls_sucking_first_time
if scene_130 and scene_135 and scene_188 and jnf_peeking == 1:
$ jnf_peeking = 2
"Take a peek":
jump jnf_peeking_cum_licking
"Go back to your room":
"Worried that she might notice you, you decide to go back to your room, lie in bed and try to sleep while thinking about [jnf]."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if jnf_peeking == 2:
$ jnf_peeking = 3
if jnf_peeking == 3:
$ jnf_peeking = 1
"Take a peek":
show bg jen_dp closed
with d
pov "{i}This is so wrong! Why can't I resist? But it's so hot!{/i}"
pov "{i}I could watch her get fucked like that all day long.{/i}"
if cage:
pov "{i}If I wasn't wearing this cage, I don't think I'd be able to resist and would jerk off right here!{/i}"
"You spend a couple more moments there, watching [jnf] getting penetrated, and then leave, worried that if you stay for too long, she might notice you."
"You go back to your room and fall asleep as you think about [jnf]."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"As you watch her pussy and asshole getting stretched by two hard cocks, you notice that your clitty is already as hard as it can be..."
"Jerk off":
if replay == False:
$ jen_dp_jerkoff = True
pov "{i}Fuck it! This is too hot to resist!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to cum now!{/i}"
"You reach your clitty with your shaking hand and start jerking it."
"You are so turned on that after the first couple of strokes, you already feel on the edge of orgasming."
"And one more stroke, your clitty starts pumping cum out of it!"
show bg jen_dp closed
with flash
"You close your eyes as your body starts shaking in orgasm and slightly moan out loud."
pov "Mmmm... Ahhh..."
show bg jen_dp open
with dissolve
"And as you open your eyes a couple of moments later... you see [jnf] looking at your direction."
show bg jen_dp open
with hpunch
if scene_130 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 130 unlocked")
$ scene_130 = True
pov "{i}Fuck!{/i}"
show black
with d
"You quickly dash away from the door to hide from [jnf]'s look."
pov "{i}Was she just looking at me? And did I really moan out load a moment ago? What the fuck is wrong with me?{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope she didn't see me; otherwise, I'm in real trouble!{/i}"
pov "{i}Considering how loudly she moans, I don't think that she heard my moan.{/i}"
"Then you notice that your hand is covered in your sissy-cum."
"Luckily, most of it got on your hand, and you didn't shoot it all over [jnf]'s door."
"Eat your sissy-cum":
"Even though there would be nothing surprising if someone saw you here with your hands covered in cum, you still don't want to show it to anyone, and as you don't have any napkins, you decide just to eat it."
"At first, you are a bit reluctant as you are no longer as horny as before, but then you realise that you eat so much cum almost daily that you shouldn't make a big deal out of it."
"So you raise your hand to your mouth and lick all your sweet sissy-juice with your tongue, savouring the taste."
"After that, you go back to your room and fall asleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Get back to your room and wash your hands":
"Considering that you've just come, you aren't really horny anymore."
"And even if someone would see you with your hands covered in cum, it wouldn't be anything extraordinary, as a cum-covered look is quite common here."
"So you go back to your room, wash your hands and go to sleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Try to resist the urge":
"I can't jerk off in the middle of the hallway, especially while watching [jnf] getting fucked!"
"I need to go back to my room while I can resist the temptation..."
"You go back to your room and fall asleep as you think about [jnf]."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Go back to your room":
"Worried that she might notice you, you decide to go back to your room, lie in bed and try to sleep while thinking about [jnf]."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
## invite to your room result
"You knock at her door, and a moment later, she opens it."
if scene_204 and scene_214 == False:
jump jen_spreading_threesome
show bg jen_visit
with d
jnf "Oh, [pov], I'm so happy you came! Are you here to invite me for a sleepover?"
pov "You guessed it right... Sleeping alone doesn't work for me anymore."
jnf "Haha! I know what you mean!"
jnf "Give me a minute, please. I'll change into something comfier, and we'll go cuddle!"
show black
with d
"You wait for [jnf], and a couple of moments later, she comes out of her room, wearing her nightwear."
"You go to your room together and get in bed."
if cage == False and scene_188 and jen_evening_self_facial == 1:
$ jen_evening_self_facial = 2
"You get comfy and get ready to sleep..."
jump jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial
if cage == False and scene_188 and jen_evening_self_facial == 2:
$ jen_evening_self_facial = 1
"She hugs you like usual and falls asleep quite quickly."
"It takes you a little longer to fall asleep than for her as you get turned on again, but soon enough, you fall asleep too."
jump jen_morning_regular
label meetjen:
show black
with d
"You walk out of your room and go to the elevators like usual, but suddenly you meet a girl..."
"At first, you don't recognise her, but then a moment later it strikes you, it's [jnf]!"
pov "{i}I can't believe it!{/i}"
pov "Jennifer!"
"She looks confused at first like she's trying to remember why you look so familiar..."
"And then you see a stunned look on her face."
"The next moment, she rushes to you and throws her arms around you, hugging you tightly."
"You do the same and hug her as tight as you can."
"After a while, she finally let's go and looks at you with her blue eyes shifting back and forth..."
show bg elevators
show char_jen:
xpos .6
show pov:
xpos .25
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.0)
jnf "I was so worried about you!"
jnf "I'm so happy you are alive!"
"As you hear her say that, you feel tears beginning to well up in your eyes."
"Maybe it's because you were so worried about her, and now that she's right in front of you and she is all right..."
"Or maybe it's because of how sorry you are that she's here because of you."
"You can't hold your tears, and you start crying as you apologise and beg her to forgive you."
pov "I'm so so sorry that you are here because of me! If I knew that my father took that money and that I'm putting you in danger by staying at your house, I'd never come..."
pov "I'm so sorry..."
jnf "Please, don't beat yourself up; you have nothing to do with that."
jnf "It's not your fault... Your dad was the one who borrowed the money, not you."
jnf "And these bastards are forcing us to stay here. They are the ones to blame..."
jnf "Making us do all the perverted stuff with strangers and wear all these skimpy clothes..."
"As she says that, it seems like she suddenly becomes self-aware about the clothes she's wearing now, and you see her cheeks become red."
show char_jen blush
with dissolve
"Through your whole life, you've never seen her wear anything like this."
"She's always been a \"good girl\", never wearing anything revealing, and she's always been so shy."
"It's like she didn't know how hot she is..."
"And now, you can't believe that you see her like that, in such a revealing shirt, showing her underboob to anyone who's looking at her..."
"... and tiny panties..."
pov "{i}... I can even see her trimmed pubic hair...{/i}"
pov "{i}And her top is so tight I can see the outline of her puffy nipples!{/i}"
"But then you suddenly feel a cold sweat wash over you as you realize she's not the only one who looks slutty like that..."
"The last time she saw you, you looked like a guy. Not some slutty sissy girl."
"And apparently that's what she's thinking about too now..."
show char_jen
with dissolve
"She looks you over, not knowing what to say."
"What to say?"
"They made me wear it, I don't have a choice, I have to do it...":
$ jenmeetforced = True
jnf "Oh, honey, I know... They took all my clothes too... And now I have to walk around looking like a slut."
"Yes... this is who I am now...":
$ jenmeetsub = True
jnf "Oh, honey, I understand, you've had no choice..."
jnf "They took all my clothes too... And now I have to walk around looking like a slut."
jnf "... not like one... I am a slut now; they made me a slut..."
jnf "Are they making you have sex with customers too?"
pov "..."
pov "Yes... I have no choice. They said that if I don't, I'll end up in the butt-wall room getting fucked all day long for free..."
jnf "Well, at least you only have to sleep with women, right?"
pov "..."
"Seeing that you are not replying to that, she gets a surprised look on her face as she realizes that you get fucked by men just like her."
jnf "Honey, I'm so sorry... It must be so hard for you..."
pov "..."
"But this humiliation, realization that [jnf] now knows that you suck and get fucked by dicks turns you on..."
pov "{i}What if she found out that I actually enjoy it lately?{/i}"
pov "I'm not even using my old name anymore, I have a new, girly one... It's [pov]..."
pov "{i}I guess there is no reason to hide it; she would've found it out sooner or later anyway.{/i}"
jnf "[pov]? I must say it's adorable, I hope it doesn't sound offensive or anything, but I think for some reason, it actually suits you."
jnf "Oh! I know what we should do!"
jnf "Today I'm sleeping with you! It will be like when we were kids, remember?"
jnf "When one of us got scared, we would cuddle and fall asleep together, and it was so safe and peaceful sleeping like that."
jnf "It will be good... for both of us!"
jnf "What do you think?"
pov "That's a great idea! I would love that!"
jnf "Then it's a deal; I'll come to your room tonight."
jnf "I'm so happy that we ran into each other! Alex kept me away from these floors before; she probably didn't want us to meet."
jnf "I wonder what's changed."
jnf "If only I knew where they keep mom... I'm so worried about her..."
jnf "Do you know anything about [amd]? Where is she now?"
pov "No, I'm sorry... I haven't seen her, unfortunately..."
if momfucked:
"As you say those words, you start thinking, how would she react if you said her, that you've probably fucked [amd] when you saw her ass in the butt-room and filled her up with your sissy-cum..."
"You only hope that nor she nor [amd] will ever find out what you did..."
elif momfuckpass:
"As you say those words, you start thinking, how would she react if you said her, that you've probably seen [amd]\'s ass in the butt-room and you even had a chance to fuck her..."
"Well, at least I didn't do it..."
show black
with d
"After that, you tell each other how to find your rooms and go your ways."
#$ renpy.notify("You can visit [jnf] now")
jump elevators
label sleeptogetherfirsttime:
"It's night time already, so you decide to wait for [jnf], so you can sleep together."
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
"A moment later, you hear a knock on the door."
pov "Come in!"
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
jnf "Hey, [pov], ready to go to sleep?"
"You don't answer anything as you are too busy looking at [jnf]'s outfit."
"As you've spent your whole childhood together, you always saw her as your sister and never looked at her sexually."
"But looking at her in such an outfit, you can't ignore her perfect body, and you have to really try not to stare at her deep cleavage and puffy nipples outline."
jnf "Sorry about my look, this is the least lewd sleepwear I could find... You probably know how hard it is to find something decent here..."
pov "Don't worry about it. You actually look great!"
pov "And it's not like we will be going anywhere, it's just sleepwear..."
jnf "Great! Thank you for not making a big deal out of it... As it's really weird being in front of you while I look like that."
jnf "You are like a brother to me... well... like a sister to me."
jnf "She smiles and winks at you as she says 'sister'."
pov "You just blush and don't say anything..."
jnf "Well... I think it's time to cuddle. What do you say?"
pov "Can't say no to that!"
show black
with d
"You lie down in bed together... In your childhood, whenever you've cuddled together, for some reason, most of the time [jnf] was 'the big spoon', and now it's no different."
jnf "Good night, [pov]."
pov "Good night, [jnf]."
"Just like before, lying like that makes you feel extremely safe and warm inside..."
"But something is different... But you are not sure what exactly..."
"And for some reason, you feel... horny?"
pov "{i}Fuck... What's wrong with me? I shouldn't feel like that while I'm with [jnf]...{/i}"
pov "{i}But her breasts... they are so big... so firm, I can't ignore the feeling on my back.{/i}"
pov "{i}I think I can even feel her nipples.{/i}"
pov "{i}I should try and think about something else.{/i}"
"You spend some time lying like that and thinking, trying to fall asleep, but you feel too horny..."
"[jnf], on the contrary, fell asleep almost right away, and you can feel her calm breath on your neck."
"It doesn't help at all, and her breath turns you on even more. And your straining clitty in its cage only adds to your discomfort."
"But a little while later, you somehow manage to fall asleep."
show bg jennifer_sleeping_together_ass
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_panties
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_eyes closed
with d
"You wake up and see that [jnf] is still sleeping."
"It appears that you two were so warm together at night that you threw the blanket on the floor."
"It's no surprise for you that [jnf] is still sleeping as she's always been a late sleeper, and you don't remember her waking up before noon if she has a chance to sleep."
pov "{i}She's so beautiful... and she's changed so much...{/i}"
pov "{i}I've never seen her wear anything that would show her cleavage at all... and now, she wears clothes like this.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I definitely can't think about her sexually. Can I?{/i}"
pov "{i}Spending our childhood together has made us so close... But at the same time, she's not my real sister.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, I'm so confused!{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I should go back to sleep and wake up when she wakes up, especially considering that I couldn't fall asleep yesterday for so long and I have to work today...{/i}"
show black
with d
"You lie back and fall asleep quite quickly."
jnf "Hey, sleepyhead, good morning! It's time to wake up..."
"You feel [jnf] kiss you on the cheek before she gets up from the bed."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
pov "Mmm... good morning, [jnf]."
pov "Did you sleep well?"
jnf "Yes! I've slept like a baby! For the first time since I got here, I haven't woken up even once during the night."
jnf "You know what it means, right?"
pov "What?"
jnf "We are definitely sleeping together from time to time now!"
jnf "Todays night was the best!"
"If only you felt the same way..."
"But, even though you were too horny to sleep half of the night, you are still more than happy to sleep together again."
pov "I'm always happy to sleep together again!"
jnf "Great, you can come visit me any night, and if I'm free from work, we'll sleep together."
jnf "I have to go work now. See you, sweetie."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
$ can_visit_jen = True
$ jen_first_visit = True
jump room
label jen_morning_regular:
label scene_131_playback:
show bg jennifer_sleeping_together_ass
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_panties
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_eyes closed
with d
"The next morning, you wake up earlier than [jnf] as usual and enjoy her beauty..."
pov "{i}She's so beautiful and so sexy...{/i}"
pov "{i}Since I saw her getting fucked, I can't stop thinking about her.{/i}"
pov "{i}Her perfect breasts, gorgeous ass, hips... and especially... her perfect pink pussy...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to see it so bad!{/i}"
if jen_sleep_undress_first_time:
$ jen_sleep_undress_first_time = False
"And then an idea comes to your mind since your childhood you know that [jnf] is a heavy sleeper."
pov "{i}When we were kids, whenever I tried to wake her up, it was almost impossible...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if took a look at it?{/i}"
pov "{i}Just this once?{/i}"
"Move her panties to the side":
pov "{i}Am I really about to do it?{/i}"
pov "{i}You try to reconsider your decision, but it's too late, you are too horny, and there is no going back.{/i}"
"You reach out to her silky panties with your shaking hand and slowly move them to the side, revealing her pink pussy and her tight asshole..."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_panties side
with dissolve
pov "{i}I can't believe I actually did it!{/i}"
pov "{i}She's so perfect; I wish I could just lower my face there and kiss her soft pink pussy and lick it with my tongue or slide it in her tight little asshole.{/i}"
if jen_dp_jerkoff:
if cage:
"At least it's good that you are wearing a cage. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to resist and would jerk off right here."
"Your clitty is extremely hard right now, and you are barely keeping your hands away from it."
"Jerk off":
"Too horny to think straight, you reach to your clitty and start jerking off."
"Only a couple of strokes and you feel like you are about to cum..."
"Cum in your hand":
"You feel like it would be to risky to cum on her body, so you quickly cum in your hand."
with flash
"As you orgasm passes, you start thinking a bit more clear, so you slide her panties back and go to the bathroom."
"But as you are about to wash your hands, you feel like it would be wrong, so you raise your hand to your mouth instead..."
"... and lick up all the warm bitter-sweet cum from your hand."
show black
with d
"Then you decide to take a cold shower to cool off a little."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Cum on her ass":
$ jen_came_on_ass = True
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her ass and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum ass
with flash
if scene_131 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 131 unlocked")
$ scene_131 = True
"And as it lands on her ass and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered ass in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her ass getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s ass..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
"As you would never be able to explain yourself..."
hide jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum ass
with dissolve
"But luckily you manage to lick up all the cum from her ass without waking her up..."
show black
with d
"You slide her panties back and decide to go take a cold shower to cool off a little."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Cum oh her thigh":
$ jen_came_on_thigh = True
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her thigh and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum thigh
with flash
if scene_131 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 131 unlocked")
$ scene_131 = True
"And as it lands on her thigh and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered thigh in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her thigh getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s thigh..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
"As you would never be able to explain yourself..."
hide jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum thigh
with dissolve
"But luckily you manage to lick up all the cum from her thigh without waking her up..."
show black
with d
"You slide her panties back and decide to go take a cold shower to cool off a little."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Cum on her foot" if jen_cum_on_foot and jen_forgives_you == False:
$ jen_cum_on_foot = False
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her foot and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum foot
with flash
"And as it lands on her thigh and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered thigh in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her foot getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s foot..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_eyes open
with hpunch
if scene_132 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 132 unlocked")
$ scene_132 = True
"But to your horror her foot moves right away..."
"And then you see that her eyes are open..."
"You sit there shocked, with your clitty out and cum on your tongue and want to dissapear."
pov "{i}What have I done?!{/i}"
jump jen_angry_cum_on_foot
"Don't do it":
pov "{i}I don't think it's a good idea... What if she wakes up and see me jerking off while looking at her pussy?{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't risk it... I can't loose her, she's the most important person in my life.{/i}"
pov "{i}And besides, she's like sister to me! It would be wrong!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
"You watch her perfect hole for a little longer and slide her panties back, worried that she might wake up any moment..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Then you decide to go take a cold shower to cool off a little."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Don't do it":
pov "{i}No, I definitely shouldn't do it! What is she wakes up and I'm looking at her pussy like some pervert.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't loose her, she's the most important person in my life.{/i}"
pov "{i}And besides, she's like sister to me! It would be wrong!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Trying to keep yourself from such a temptation, you decide to go and take a cold shower."
"It seems to help a little and you are glad that you didn't do such a mistake."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Move her panties to the side":
pov "{i}Am I really about to do it?{/i}"
pov "{i}You try to reconsider your decision, but it's too late, you are too horny, and there is no going back.{/i}"
"You reach out to her silky panties with your shaking hand and slowly move them to the side, revealing her pink pussy and her tight asshole..."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_panties side
with dissolve
pov "{i}I can't believe I actually did it!{/i}"
pov "{i}She's so perfect; I wish I could just lower my face there and kiss her soft pink pussy and lick it with my tongue or slide it in her tight little asshole.{/i}"
if jen_dp_jerkoff:
if cage:
"At least it's good that you are wearing a cage. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to resist and would jerk off right here."
"Your clitty is extremely hard right now, and you are barely keeping your hands away from it."
"Jerk off":
"Too horny to think straight, you reach to your clitty and start jerking off."
"Only a couple of strokes and you feel like you are about to cum..."
"Cum in your hand":
"You feel like it would be to risky to cum on her body, so you quickly cum in your hand."
with flash
"As you orgasm passes, you start thinking a bit more clear, so you slide her panties back and go to the bathroom."
"But as you are about to wash your hands, you feel like it would be wrong, so you raise your hand to your mouth instead..."
"... and lick up all the warm bitter-sweet cum from your hand."
show black
with d
"Then you decide to take a cold shower to cool off a little."
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Cum on her ass":
if replay == False:
$ jen_came_on_ass = True
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her ass and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum ass
with flash
if scene_131 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 131 unlocked")
$ scene_131 = True
"And as it lands on her ass and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered ass in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
if scene_135:
if jnf_cum_on_ass == 1:
$ jnf_cum_on_ass = 2
jump jnf_cum_on_ass_still_sleeping
if jnf_cum_on_ass == 2:
$ jnf_cum_on_ass = 3
jump jnf_cum_on_ass_not_sleeping
if jnf_cum_on_ass == 3:
$ jnf_cum_on_ass = 1
jump jnf_cum_on_ass_still_sleeping
label jnf_cum_on_ass_still_sleeping:
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her ass getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s ass..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
"As you would never be able to explain yourself..."
hide jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum ass
with dissolve
"But luckily you manage to lick up all the cum from her ass without waking her up..."
show black
with d
"You slide her panties back and decide to go take a cold shower to cool off a little."
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Cum oh her thigh":
if replay == False:
$ jen_came_on_thigh = True
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her thigh and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum thigh
with flash
if scene_131 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 131 unlocked")
$ scene_131 = True
"And as it lands on her thigh and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered thigh in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her thigh getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s thigh..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
"As you would never be able to explain yourself..."
hide jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum thigh
with dissolve
"But luckily you manage to lick up all the cum from her thigh without waking her up..."
show black
with d
"You slide her panties back and decide to go take a cold shower to cool off a little."
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Cum on her foot" if jen_cum_on_foot and jen_forgives_you == False and replay == False:
$ jen_cum_on_foot = False
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her foot and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum foot
with flash
"And as it lands on her thigh and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered thigh in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her foot getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s foot..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_eyes open
with hpunch
if scene_132 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 132 unlocked")
$ scene_132 = True
"But to your horror her foot moves right away..."
"And then you see that her eyes are open..."
"You sit there shocked, with your clitty out and cum on your tongue and want to dissapear."
pov "{i}What have I done?!{/i}"
jump jen_angry_cum_on_foot
"Cum on her foot" if replay and scene_132:
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her foot and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum foot
with flash
"And as it lands on her thigh and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered thigh in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her foot getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s foot..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_eyes open
with hpunch
"But to your horror her foot moves right away..."
"And then you see that her eyes are open..."
"You sit there shocked, with your clitty out and cum on your tongue and want to dissapear."
pov "{i}What have I done?!{/i}"
jump scenes
"Don't do it":
pov "{i}I don't think it's a good idea... What if she wakes up and see me jerking off while looking at her pussy?{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't risk it... I can't loose her, she's the most important person in my life.{/i}"
pov "{i}And besides, she's like sister to me! It would be wrong!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
"You watch her perfect hole for a little longer and slide her panties back, worried that she might wake up any moment..."
show black
with d
"Then you decide to go take a cold shower to cool off a little."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Don't do it":
pov "{i}No, I definitely shouldn't do it! What if she wakes up and I'm looking at her pussy like some pervert.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't loose her, she's the most important person in my life.{/i}"
pov "{i}And besides, she's like sister to me! It would be wrong!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Trying to keep yourself from such a temptation, you decide to go and take a cold shower."
"It seems to help a little and you are glad that you didn't do such a mistake."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
"When you get out of the shower, you see that [jnf] is already up and is waiting for you."
jnf "Good morning, early bird!"
pov "Good morning, [jnf]!"
pov "I hope you've had a good sleep?"
jnf "Yes, perfect as usual!"
jnf "Sorry, but I have to go work now. I'll hope you'll come by soon, so we can sleep together again."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jen_angry_cum_on_foot:
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
jnf "What the fuck [pov]?!"
jnf "Why is my pussy out of my panties?!"
jnf "And did you really cum off my foot while I was sleeping?! And then tried to eat your own cum from my foot?!"
jnf "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
pov "I'm so sorry! Please! [jnf], forgive me!"
pov "I don't know what has gotten into me! Please!"
show char_jen sleep:
xpos 1.65
with move
"But she doesn't want to hear you; she just storms out of your room without saying anything else..."
pov "{i}How could I be so dumb?! How could I forget that [jnf] is afraid of tickling?{/i}"
pov "{i}If only I remembered that, I'd never cum on her foot and would definitely not try to lick up my own cum from it.{/i}"
pov "{i}She probably became so ticklish, that she woke up...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! what do I do now?{/i}"
$ jen_angry_cum_on_foot = True
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jnf_night_pegging:
label scene_135_playback:
show black
with d
"As you are drifting off to sleep, your door opens, and you see [jnf]'s silhouette coming to your bed in darkness..."
"She climbs into the bed, hugs you and asks if she can sleep with you tonight."
"You are really surprised by all of this, as you were sure that she'd never want to see you again after what you've done."
pov "Of course. I'm so happy you came to sleep with me... And I'm so sorry for what I've done..."
jnf "Shh... don't worry about that..."
"She whispers into your ear, and you feel her lips kissing your neck from behind..."
pov "[jnf]?"
"And a moment later, you feel something slippery and hard sliding between your asscheeks..."
jnf "Please, just relax, don't worry about anything..."
"And after those words, she penetrates you with something that feels like a strap-on."
show bg jen_night_pegging
if clitsize == 'small':
show jen_night_pegging_clit pink
show jen_night_pegging_clit blue
with d
pov "Mmmm... Ahhhhh..."
jnf "Yes, baby... moan for me... moan like a slut you are!"
pov "Mmmm... Fuck... Is this all is just an amazing dream?"
jnf "No, it's not a dream..."
jnf "Enjoy it, baby, and don't worry about anything..."
"And with those words, she starts hammering her strap-on deep into your sissy-pussy, rubbing against your p-spot like crazy."
pov "Fu... fu.. uuck.. This... is the... most amazing... feeling in my life!"
pov "Yes, [jnf], fuck me like that!"
jnf "You sissy slut! You want me to fuck you real good? I'll give it to you! I'll fuck you so hard that you'll shoot your sissy cum all over your thighs!"
"But she doesn't need to fuck you any harder for that to happen..."
"This whole situation was so unexpected and so arousing, and her fucking was so rhythmic and hard that you reach an orgasm almost right away..."
show jen_night_pegging_cum 1
with flash
show jen_night_pegging_cum 2
with flash
if scene_135 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 135 unlocked")
$ scene_135 = True
"And a moment later, your thighs are covered with your warm cum..."
"The orgasm was so strong that you almost pass out, and you don't notice how you drift off to sleep, lying like that covered in your cum and with [jnf]'s strap-on stretching your hole."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You wake up next morning thinking that it was all just a dream, but then you feel some mild pain in your hole like you were fucked really hard."
"And your thighs are covered with your dried up cum..."
"You turn over and see [jnf]'s smiling face."
jnf "You were so spent that for the first time in your life you've slept longer than me..."
show bg room day
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
show char_jen sleep:
xpos .65
with d
pov "[jnf], what was this all about yesterday?"
jnf "Well, I was really angry at you at first, but then I realised that it's not really your fault..."
jnf "This place made you become like this, and I thought that I shouldn't be angry at you and instead I should try helping you..."
jnf "... so you don't get so horny that you have to cum all over my feet while I sleep and then try to hide it by eating your own cum..."
jnf "And what could be a better way than a nice hard anal orgasm?"
pov "Thank you so much, [jnf], you are the best in the whole world!"
"She just smiles in return, kisses you on your cheek and leaves."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label scene_132_playback:
show bg jennifer_sleeping_together_ass
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_panties
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_eyes closed
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_panties side
with d
"You can't think straight, so you point your hard clitty at her foot and shoot your cum."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_cum foot
with flash
"And as it lands on her thigh and your orgasm passes away, you stare at her cum-covered thigh in shock..."
pov "{i}Did I just really did it?.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to clean her up before she wakes up!{/i}"
"But you are afreaid that if you try to wipe the cum of her skin with a towel it would be too rough and that she'll wake up."
"So the only option how you could clean her up with the minimal risk of waking her up is..."
pov "{i}If I lick it up...{/i}"
"You move your face closer to her foot getting ready to eat your cum from [jnf]'s foot..."
"You feel the smell of cum mixed up with the tempting smell of [jnf]'s pussy in your nose..."
"And you start getting turned on again."
"You stick out your tongue and lick up your warm cum from [jnf]'s skin as gently as possible, trying not to wake her up..."
show jennifer_sleeping_together_ass_eyes open
with hpunch
if scene_132 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 132 unlocked")
$ scene_132 = True
"But to your horror her foot moves right away..."
"And then you see that her eyes are open..."
"You sit there shocked, with your clitty out and cum on your tongue and want to dissapear."
pov "{i}What have I done?!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
jump room
label jnf_cum_on_ass_not_sleeping:
"But before you can do anything, you see her move..."
pov "{i}Oh no...{/i}"
label scene_188_playback:
show bg jennifer_ass_eating_cum
show jennifer_ass_eating_cum_cum
with d
jnf "Seriously...?"
if scene_188 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 188 unlocked")
$ scene_188 = True
jnf "I was curious what would you do when you'll wake up, so I've decided to lie with my eyes closed for a bit after waking up..."
jnf "And the next scene you do after waking up, you cum all over my ass while I'm sleeping?"
jnf "How many times have you done it already?"
jnf "Come on! Tell me."
pov "..."
pov "I'm not sure..."
jnf "Wow... just wow..."
jnf "You did it so many times that you are not sure...?"
jnf "And what were you going to do next?"
jnf "Do you have some cleaning routine already prepared?"
jnf "Tell me. I want to know."
"Tell her the truth and say that you were going to lick it all up like you did it the previous times":
jnf "..."
jnf "So let me get this straight..."
jnf "You jerk off while looking at me as I sleep... cum all over my ass... and then lick up your own cum from my skin?!"
jnf "Why the fuck would you eat it? Why can't you just use a towel or something?"
pov "...I was worried that you would wake up as the towel might feel to rough on your skin..."
jnf "Too rough on my skin? You were worried tha I would wake up? Why weren't you worried that I would wake up from you cumming all over my ass?"
jnf "To rough on my skin... yeah, right... what about wet wipes then? Have you heard about those?"
jnf "I'm sure that's just an excuse that you have to cum up for yourself, so you could eat your own cum gilt-free."
jnf "God... Were you always perverted like this or is it because of what happened to you here in this fucking brothel?"
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry... I couldn't help myself..."
jnf "You are a dirty little sissy."
jnf "All right, get on with this then."
jnf "Show me..."
pov "Show you what...?"
jnf "How you clean up your mess."
jnf "I'm not going to wash it off myself."
pov "..."
pov "Can I use a towel to clean you up?"
jnf "Oh no. You have to lick it up. Like you always do."
jnf "Or is it too humiliating to do when I watch you?"
jnf "Would you prefer me to sleep while you do it, ha?"
jnf "Come on. I'm waiting."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Fuck... what should I do now...{/i}"
pov "Please, I can't..."
"You feel incredibly humiliated as you look at your sissy juice drops all over [jnf]'s ass and try not to look into her eyes..."
jnf "Believe me, you are not getting out of this. I can wait the whole day here..."
"As you realize that you have to lick up your sissy cum from her ass no matter what, you feel even more humilition, but at the same time... you feel aroused...?"
jnf "That's what I thought... you are such a dirty sissy slut!"
jnf "You just came and your clit is all hard again!"
jnf "And why? Because you are about to eat your own cum in front of me!"
jnf "So stop denying it and start licking!"
show bg jennifer_ass_eating_cum:
zoom 2.0 xalign .5 yalign 1. xpos 0.2 ypos 1.4
show jennifer_ass_eating_cum_cum:
zoom 2.0 xalign .5 yalign 1. xpos 0.2 ypos 1.4
with d
"You slowly bring your face closer to her cum-covered skin and stick out your tongue..."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm about to lick up my own cum right in front of [jnf]!{/i}"
"As you lick up and swallow the first drop of cum you feel your clitty twitch and leak precum..."
jnf "That's the good girl!"
jnf "Don't stop there, you better hurry while it's still warm and thick."
"You do as she says and lick up again, savoring the sweet sissy-cum taste."
"The whole situation, [jnf]'s eyes on you, the taste and smell of your own cum make you extremely aroused and you start shaking as you lick up drop after and swallow it."
hide jennifer_ass_eating_cum_cum
with d1
show bg jennifer_ass_eating_cum:
zoom 1.0 xalign 0. yalign 0. xpos 0. ypos 0.
with d
"As you lick up the last drop of cum you feel like your clitty is about to explode."
jnf "That's the good girl. Now give my ass a kiss and promis not to do that again!"
jnf "Otherwise I'll have to come up with a punishment for you for being such a dirty little slut!"
show black
"You do as she told you to and kiss her ass cheek. After that, she get's up from your bed and goes back to her room."
"But before she leaves she smiles slightly and gives you a wink..."
pov "{i}Wait... Did she enjoy all of this?{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Lie to her and say that you were going to use a towel":
jnf "Towel you say..."
jnf "I have another idea..."
jnf "That will teach you not to cum all over my ass while I sleep."
jnf "I want you to lick up all of your dirty sissy cum from my ass."
pov "What?"
jnf "You've heard me. You are not allowed to use anything except your slutty tongue to clean up your mess."
pov "Please, I can't..."
"You feel incredibly humiliated as you look at your sissy juice drops all over [jnf]'s ass and try not to look into her eyes..."
jnf "Believe me, you are not getting out of this. I can wait the whole day here..."
"As you realize that you have to lick up your sissy cum from her ass no matter what, you feel even more humilition, but at the same time... you feel aroused...?"
jnf "That's what I thought... you are such a dirty sissy slut!"
jnf "You just came and your clit is all hard again!"
jnf "And why? Because you are about to eat your own cum in front of me!"
jnf "So stop pretending that you don't want to and start licking!"
show bg jennifer_ass_eating_cum:
zoom 2.0 xalign .5 yalign 1. xpos 0.2 ypos 1.4
show jennifer_ass_eating_cum_cum:
zoom 2.0 xalign .5 yalign 1. xpos 0.2 ypos 1.4
with d
"You slowly bring your face closer to her cum-covered skin and stick out your tongue..."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm about to lick up my own cum right in front of [jnf]!{/i}"
"As you lick up and swallow the first drop of cum you feel your clitty twitch and leak precum..."
jnf "That's the good girl!"
jnf "Don't stop there, you better hurry while it's still warm and thick."
"You do as she says and lick up again, savoring the sweet sissy-cum taste."
"The whole situation, [jnf]'s eyes on you, the taste and smell of your own cum make you extremely aroused and you start shaking as you lick up drop after drop and swallow it."
hide jennifer_ass_eating_cum_cum
with d1
show bg jennifer_ass_eating_cum:
zoom 1.0 xalign 0. yalign 0. xpos 0. ypos 0.
with d
"As you lick up the last drop of cum you feel like your clitty is about to explode."
jnf "That's the good girl. Now give my ass a kiss and promis not to do that again!"
jnf "Otherwise I'll have to come up with a punishment for you for being such a dirty little slut!"
show black
with d
"You do as she told you to and kiss her ass cheek. After that, she get's up from your bed and goes back to her room."
"But before she leaves she smiles slightly and gives you a wink..."
pov "{i}Wait... Did she enjoy all of this?{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jnf_peeking_cum_licking:
pov "{i}This is so wrong! But I can't resist; I want to see what she's doing...{/i}"
label scene_189_playback:
show bg jnf_peeking_cum_licking
show jnf_peeking_cum_licking_cum
with d
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}Oh, fuck... this is so hot!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm looking at [jnf]'s creampied asshole.{/i}"
pov "{i}As she's apparently licking the guy's dick clean from cum after he creampied her....{/i}"
pov "{i}If only if I could lick up all that cum from her...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}No!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why am I even thinking about it?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Licking up some man's cum from my childhood friend's asshole... she's like a sister to me!{/i}"
pov "{i}That would be so wrong!{/i}"
pov "{i}Or would it...?{/i}"
pov "{i}I mean, I did lick up come from her body...{/i}"
pov "{i}My own cum... She even watched me do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}So maybe... if I make sure the man doesn't see me, I could clean her up?{/i}"
pov "{i}She might be okay with it.{/i}"
pov "{i}It seemed like she enjoyed making me eat my own cum from her ass.{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... it would be so hot to do.{/i}"
pov "{i}To lick up all that hot yummy cum from her as she cleans up his dick.{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to do it so bad! But I'm so scared...{/i}"
"Do it":
pov "{i}Okay, I'll definitely regret it if I don't try at least...{/i}"
if scene_189 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 189 unlocked")
$ scene_189 = True
show bg jnf_peeking_cum_licking:
zoom 2.0 xalign .5 yalign 1. xpos 0.75 ypos 1.2
show jnf_peeking_cum_licking_cum:
zoom 2.0 xalign .5 yalign 1. xpos 0.75 ypos 1.2
with d
"You slowly open the door and enter the room as quietly as possible, trying to stay low so you don't get noticed by the man."
"And a moment later [jnf]'s cum-filled ass is right in front of your face."
"The strong smell of cum and freshly-fucked wet pussy fills up your nose and makes you a little dizzy as you master your courage and stick out your tongue, getting ready to lick [jnf]'s ass."
"As you touch her, she moves slightly as she didn't expect it, but then you notice her take a peek behind her back right at you, and as she sees that it's you, she sticks out her ass a little and gets back to sucking the guy's dick."
"You are extremely relieved that she didn't freak out and that she's actually okay with what you are doing."
"Your heart is almost jumping out of your chest as you lick the first portions of hot bitter-sweet cum and savour it on your tongue..."
pov "{i}I can't believe I'm doing it!{/i}"
pov "{i}Mmmm...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so yummy!{/i}"
"Even though you really want to prolong the pleasure and eat this tasty treat while slowly savouring every drop, you try not to spend to much time there as the guy might decide to leave at any moment..."
hide jnf_peeking_cum_licking_cum
with d1
"As you lick up all the cum outside of her hole, you stick your tongue inside her ass, trying to suck up everything inside her."
pov "{i}I can't believe my tongue is inside her ass now!{/i}"
"When it feels like there is no more cum left for you to eat, you slowly crawl out of the room and quickly go back to your room as your whole body is shaking from the excitement."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Go back to your room before you get noticed":
"You are too scared that [jnf] will see you watching her, so you decide it would be better to go back to your room and sleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Jerk off while watching her" if cage == False:
pov "{i}Fuck... I can't... I'm too scared... But it makes me so horny! My clitty is so hard right now!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to cum so badly... Maybe I could at least jerk off a little while watching her?{/i}"
"You reach your clitty with your shaking hand and start jerking it."
"You are so turned on that you already feel on the edge of orgasming after the first couple of strokes."
"And one more stroke, your clitty starts pumping cum out of it!"
pov "{i}Mmmmm... Fuck!{/i}"
show bg jen_dp closed
with flash
"You close your eyes as your body starts shaking in orgasm and slightly moan."
pov "Mmmm... Ahhh..."
show black
with d
pov "{i}That was even faster than usual...{/i}"
"You quickly move away from [jnf]'s dorr, worried that you might get noticed and look at your cum-covered hand and think what to do with all this sissy-cum."
"Eat it":
"Even though there would be nothing surprising if someone saw you here with your hands covered in cum, you still don't want to show it to anyone, and as you don't have any napkins, you decide just to eat it."
"At first, you are a bit reluctant as you are no longer as horny as before, but then you realise that you eat so much cum almost daily that you shouldn't make a big deal out of it."
"So you raise your hand to your mouth and lick all your sweet sissy juice with your tongue, savouring the taste."
"After that, you go back to your room and fall asleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Get back to your room and wash your hands":
"Considering that you've just come, you aren't really horny anymore."
"And even if someone would see you with your hands covered in cum, it wouldn't be anything extraordinary, as a cum-covered look is quite common here."
"So you go back to your room, wash your hands and go to sleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jen_double_bj_balls_sucking_first_time:
"Take a peek":
"You take a look into the room and see [jen] on top of a man, sucking his big hard dick."
label scene_203_playback:
show bg jennifer_watching_69_blowjob 1
with d
if scene_203 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 203 unlocked")
$ scene_203 = True
"As you see it, your clitty instantly gets hard, and you can't take your eyes off her lips, sucking the thick rod."
"Some time ago, you might have wished to be in his place... but now, you notice how your mouth gets filled up with saliva as you watch [jnf] drool all over the dick."
"And all you can think about is how nice it would feel to suck his dick..."
"To take her place and hold his swollen tip in your mouth... feel the pulsation on your tongue, gently lick the soft skin, util you feet his hot seed filling up your mouth..."
pov "{i}... it would be even hotter if I could join her and suck his beautiful dick with her...{/i}"
pov "{i}But that would be crazy...{/i}"
pov "{i}Wouldn't it...?{/i}"
show bg jennifer_watching_69_blowjob 2
with d1
"And as you think about that, you see [jnf] looking right into your eyes..."
pov "{i}Fuck! She saw me! What do I do now?{/i}"
"But to your great relief, she smiles while still holding the dick in her mouth and winks at you..."
pov "{i}... it seems she's not angry...{/i}"
pov "{i}Did she leave the door open on purpose?{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe she'll be okay if I join?{/i}"
"Do it":
$ jen_double_bj_balls_sucking_first_time = False
pov "{i}I can't resist; the dick looks so good, especially with [jen]'s lips wrapped around it. I want to taste it too...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
jump jen_double_bj_balls_sucking_first_time_join
"Run back to your room":
"You get too shy and can't look into her eyes while there is a dick in her mouth."
"All you can do is quickly dash away from the door and return to your room."
show black
with d
pov "{i}Why didn't I join her?!{/i}"
pov "{i}The dick looked so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}Next time, I need to be bolder.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Go back to your room":
"Worried that she might notice you, you decide to go back to your room, lie in bed and try to sleep while thinking about [jnf]."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jen_double_bj_balls_sucking_first_time_join:
label scene_204_playback:
show bg jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_balls 1
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_jen
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_jen_eye open
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_leg
with d
"You slowly open the door and go inside."
"[jen] continues to suck the dick and looks at you as you come closer and closer..."
pov "{i}... so far so good, I think if she wasn't okay with me being here, she'd already told me...{/i}"
"You slowly come close to the bed and gently move your hands along the man's legs, starting from the knees and going up..."
"To your surprise, he doesn't do anything, and it seems like he doesn't care that you are about to join them."
"You breath out with relief and lie down between the man's legs..."
hide jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_leg
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_balls 2
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_mc_eyebrows pink
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_leg
with d
"As soon as you are close enough, your lips find their way to his big heavy balls..."
"You are very self-conscious sucking balls right in front of [jen], but a moment later, as you feel his gentle skin in your mouth, all you can think about is how good it feels..."
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_jen_eye closed
with d1
pov "{i}Can't believe that I have this man's balls in my mouth at the same time as [jen] sucks his dick!{/i}"
"You gently play with them, sucking them like an ice cream and licking them with your slutty tongue."
"But soon, that's not enough for you, so you start sucking them harder and taking them one by one deeper between your lips..."
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_balls 3
with d1
"As you do that, it takes him over the edge, and you hear a loud moan, and a moment later, you feel his dick starting to twitch!"
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_cum 1
with flash
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_cum 2
with flash
show jennifer_double_blowjob_jen_room_cum 3
with flash
if scene_204 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 204 unlocked")
$ scene_204 = True
"You continue sucking his big balls as he's filling up [jen]'s mouth with cum..."
"It's so much of it that it flows out of her mouth and down his hard dick and big balls until it reaches your lips."
"As you feel the taste of cum on his balls, you start sucking them even more."
pov "{i}It feels so good to suck his big cum-covered balls...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it's so nice to do it together with [jen]...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to do it again together. To suck men's big hard cocks... to get fucked while she's getting fucked right near me...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, I'm so horny!{/i}"
"You continue to suck his dick and balls together and clean it up from his hot, bitter-sweet cum..."
show black
with d
"You continue to play with it and suck it even after it's clean, and then you give his big balls one last loving kiss and go back to your room."
pov "{i}I can't believe that it happened just now...{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope it will happen again soon!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial:
label scene_202_playback:
jen "Not so fast, lady!"
jen "We need to do something before we go to sleep..."
pov "What do you mean?"
"And then you see her take a dildo in her hands..."
pov "What is that? What are you planning to do with it?"
pov "{i}Is she going to masturbate before bed...?{/i}"
jen "Let's just call it preventive measures."
jen "So I don't wake up covered with your cum again tomorrow."
"After saying that, she grabs your ankles and pushes your legs over your head."
pov "Hey!"
"And before you can do anything, she positions her dildo against your tight hole, and you feel it getting inside you..."
show bg jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial
if clitsize == "tiny":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_clit big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_balls tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_balls small
if clitsize == "normal":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_balls average
if clitsize == "big":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_balls big
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_jen
if breasts == False:
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_breasts d
with d
pov "Ahhh..."
"as you feel the dildo against your p-spot, your clitty gets instantly hard, like it's some kind of button that activates it."
"[jen] grabs it and starts jerking it off slightly right in front of your face."
"Even though she's stroking your clitty, almost all of the pleasure comes from her fucking you with her fake silicone dick."
pov "{i}What the fuck is going on? We were just lying in bed...{/i}"
pov "Mmmmm..."
jen "That's right slut! No more cumming all over me while I sleep!"
jen "I'll milk all the sissy juice out of you now!"
"And as she says that, you feel her forcing the dildo against your prostate even harder."
if clitsize == "tiny":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum tiny 1
with flash
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum tiny 2
with flash
if clitsize == "small":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum small 1
with flash
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum small 2
with flash
if clitsize == "normal":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum normal 1
with flash
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum normal 2
with flash
if clitsize == "big":
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum big 1
with flash
show jennifer_bedtime_relief_self_facial_cum big 2
with flash
if scene_202 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 202 unlocked")
$ scene_202 = True
"Ahhh! Mmmm... fuck..."
jen "That was even faster than I expected..."
jen "Look at your cute face covered with sissy-cum..."
jen "I hope you like it! Because I don't!"
jen "If I have to be covered in cum, I'd better be man's cum."
show black
with d
"After that, she releases you, and you collapse on your bed."
"You lie there with your hot cum on your face and think about what has just happened."
pov "{i}I can't believe [jen] just made me cum all over my face...{/i}"
pov "{i}Some of it even got into my mouth!{/i}"
pov "{i}And now she's lying there as nothing happened...{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to clean it all up.{/i}"
"You get up from the bed, trying not to look into [jen]'s eyes and go to the bathroom."
"But as you enter, you have an idea..."
pov "{i}What if I eat it instead of washing it off...?{/i}"
"Eat your cum":
pov "{i}I can't resist it; after tasting that drop on my lips, I want to eat more of it.{/i}"
"You take some cum from your face with your finger and wrap your lips around it, feeling the sweet taste on your tongue."
pov "{i}It's already cold, but it tastes so good!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want more!{/i}"
"So you swallow the first portion and proceed with eating the rest of it."
pov "{i}Yumm!{/i}"
"Afterwards, you go back to the room and get into the bed with [jen]."
"But as you lie down, you notice that [jen]'s looking at you with a grin."
jen "Did you like the taste, slut?"
pov "Wha...? What? Taste of what?"
jen "Oh, come on... I know you ate your cum!"
pov "How do you...? I mean, I didn't!"
jen "Oh really? And what did you do with it then?"
pov "I washed it off!"
jen "Without water? I didn't hear you turn it on..."
jen "And..."
jen "I saw you eating it, hahaha!"
pov "You saw me?!"
pov "{i}Fuck, I was so spent after the orgasm that I must have forgotten to close the door...{/i}"
jen "You are so cute when you are blushing! Come on; I'm just teasing you. You know I love you, right? I mean, you are like a br... sister to me."
"After that, she kisses you on the lips and lies down to sleep."
pov "I love you too..."
"After that, you fall asleep cuddling together."
"Wash it off":
pov "{i}... no, it's enough for one evening...{/i}"
"So, you wash off your cum from your face, get back into the bed, and fall asleep cuddling with [jen]."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jen_spreading_threesome:
"Without saying anything, she drags you inside and closes the door."
jen "I knew you'd come today... I need some help with something..."
jen "To be more specific, I need some help with someone, heh."
pov "What do you mean?"
jen "Well, you see, I'm getting visited by one of the regulars in about twenty minutes, and recently I found out that he also likes girls with an extra bit of special stuff between their legs..."
jen "Girls like you!"
jen "And I want to make a surprise for him."
jen "So, you'd be my surprise!"
jen "Will you help me out, please?"
jen "Please, please, please!"
pov "..."
"Help her":
jump jen_spreading_threesome_agree
jump jen_spreading_threesome_refuse
label jen_spreading_threesome_refuse:
pov "{i}Getting fucked in front of [jen]?{/i}"
pov "{i}That surely sounds hot... but...{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel so worried, and I feel so embarrassed taking a dick in front of her!{/i}"
pov "{i}No, I can't!{/i}"
pov "I'm sorry, [jen]..."
pov "I'm not ready for something like this..."
jen "Oh..."
jen "That's a pity..."
jen "But don't worry, I understand..."
pov "..."
jen "So... I should better get ready to meet the guy then..."
pov "Yeah... sorry, once again."
pov "Have a fun night."
jen "Thank you, and no worries..."
"After that, you go back to your room and fall asleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label jen_spreading_threesome_agree:
label scene_214_playback:
pov "{i}I'm so worried even thinking about taking a dick in front of [jen]...{/i}"
pov "{i}But at the same time, it sounds so hot!{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "Okay, let's do it."
jen "Yay! I love you so much! Thank you!"
jen "I'm sure you'll like his big dick. He makes me so wet each time!"
pov "..."
pov "{i}Wish it were me she was talking about...{/i}"
"Both of you undress and get ready for the client, and soon enough, you hear a knock on the door."
jen "Please, come in!"
man "Oh, man... [jen], who is this lovely lady with you today?"
jen "It's [pov]... we are very close, and she'd agreed to please you today..."
jen "And I'll be helping her out!"
man "For real? That sounds so nice!"
man "Can't wait to play with you, [pov]."
pov "... thank you!"
pov "I'll be happy to please you!"
"He quickly undresses, and the three of you get into the bed."
show bg jennifer_holding_fuck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show jennifer_holding_fuck_eyebrows pink
show jennifer_holding_fuck_jen
show jennifer_holding_fuck_man 1
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "tiny":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_clit big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_cage tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_cage small
if clitsize == "normal":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_cage average
if clitsize == "big":
show jennifer_holding_fuck_cage big
with d
"As you get into a doggy position, [jen] puts her hands on your ass cheeks and spreads them, presenting your hole for the man."
"You moan as you bend your lower back, submissively waiting for his dick."
"You take a quick glance at his tool and realise that [jen] wasn't lying..."
pov "{i}He is big...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm going to get so fucked...{/i}"
pov "Mmmm... please, fuck m with your big dick, sir!"
man "Such a good girl."
man "Thank you for such a nice surprise [jen], I already like her..."
man "And I'm sure I'll like her even more with her hole wrapped around my dick."
"As he says that, you feel him put his tip against your anal and then slowly start pushing..."
show jennifer_holding_fuck_man 2
pov "Mm~~, A-AH~!"
pov "{i}His dick is so... so t-thick!{/i}"
man "Oh yes... she's even tighter than I've expected."
"After that, he starts moving slowly, brushing against your p-spot with every thrust."
jen "Oh yeah... fuck this little slut with your big manly dick..."
jen "Look how submissive and vulnerable she is for you!"
pov "Mmmm..."
pov "{i}Fuck, this turns me on so much!{/i}"
pov "{i}Especially [jen]'s dirty talk!{/i}"
pov "{i}... for some reason, it makes me so good when she calls me a slut!{/i}"
jen "Do you like it, slut?"
jen "Do you like having his big hard cock while your limp, useless clit is hanging between your legs completely ignored?"
pov "Mmmm... yeah... I l-love it!"
pov "Please h-harder!"
"You don't have to ask him twice, and he increases the speed right away."
man "Oh yeah, I love your hungry sissy hole!"
man "I want to stretch it as much as possible with my big manly cock!"
jen "Mmmm... that is so hot, seeing you dominate this girl with a penis!"
jen "Or should I better say 'clit'?"
"And then she slaps your ass, making you moan even louder."
jen "Yeah, bitch, moan for me... show me how much you enjoy it!"
pov "MMmm.. yes, daddy! I love having your big dick inside me!"
"And after saying that, you feel his dick starting to twitch..."
"And a moment later, a stream of hot cum fills up your insides!"
with flash
show jennifer_holding_fuck_cum
with flash
if scene_214 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 214 unlocked")
$ scene_214 = True
jen "Oh yeah... this is so hot watching you fill her up with your manly seed!"
jen "I want to taste it!"
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_215_playback:
show black
with d
"He pulls out his dick with a pop, and [jen]'s tongue takes the place of the dick almost immediately."
show bg jennifer_getting_cum
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg long red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hairbg tails red
show jennifer_getting_cum_head
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show jennifer_getting_cum_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show jennifer_getting_cum_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show jennifer_getting_cum_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show jennifer_getting_cum_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show jennifer_getting_cum_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show jennifer_getting_cum_eyebrows pink
show jennifer_getting_cum_fg
show jennifer_getting_cum_cum
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "tiny":
show jennifer_getting_cum_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show jennifer_getting_cum_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show jennifer_getting_cum_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show jennifer_getting_cum_clit big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show jennifer_getting_cum_cage tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show jennifer_getting_cum_cage small
if clitsize == "normal":
show jennifer_getting_cum_cage average
if clitsize == "big":
show jennifer_getting_cum_cage big
with d
"You feel her wet tongue slide right into your loose cum-filled hole..."
"She starts licking up the cum that got outside of the hole, and when she's done with that, she starts sucking out all the rest of the cum that's inside you."
pov "Mmmm..."
"Your hole is so sensitive that you can't help and moan like a dirty slut as she does that..."
if scene_215 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 215 unlocked")
$ scene_215 = True
hide jennifer_getting_cum_cum
with d1
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_216_playback:
show black
with d
"Then she moves away, and you think she's probably eaten everything..."
"But... you are wrong; she helps you rise up and opens your mouth with her hands..."
show bg jennifer_snowballing
with d
if scene_216 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 216 unlocked")
$ scene_216 = True
"And then she opens her mouth near yours and lets the cum slide down her tongue into your mouth!"
"This makes you extremely horny, and you end up making out with her sharing all the hot cum that was in your ass a moment ago..."
man "Fuck, this is hot!"
show black
with d
"When you are done, you swallow every last drop of cum, looking right into man's eyes..."
man "Fuck, you girls are so hot!"
"It's safe to say that he's more than happy with the evening, and before he leaves, he gives each of you $250."
jen "We should do it again sometime!"
pov "..."
pov "I'd love to ♥♥♥"
"After that, you go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("Money +$250")
$ money += 250
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
image gymsquats 1:
"squats 1"
"squats 2"
"squats 3"
"squats 4"
"squats 3"
"squats 2"
image craigdeepthroat 1:
"bg stretching 5"
"bg stretching 6"
"bg stretching 5"
image craigdeepthroat 2:
"bg stretching 5"
"bg stretching 6"
"bg stretching 5"
label gym:
#play music "sound/Cardio_Bunny_2.mp3"
if needclitinjection:
pov "{i}My first priority is making my clit bigger before Alex puts the cage back on it. I should better go to the lab now.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if yogaunlocked and meetvalerie:
$ meetvalerie = False
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go to the gym and as soon as you enter, you are met with an amazing view..."
label scene_74_playback:
show bg valeriestretching
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! That's a nice ass... And I can even see her pussy outlines.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder who she is...{/i}"
pov "{i}Whoever she is, she's very hot.{/i}"
if scene_74 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 74 unlocked")
$ scene_74 = True
"You stand there and keep staring at this girl's ass, until she notices you and you start blushing."
if replay:
jump scenes
show bg valerie
with Dissolve(2.)
"Girl" "Hey, noticed something that you like, ha?"
"You start blushing even more and don't really know what to say to her."
val "Don't worry, I don't mind you looking. I'm Valerie by the way."
pov "Nice to meet you, Valerie, I'm [povname]."
pov "Haven't seen you here before, are you here to do some training?"
val "Not really, I'm a new yoga instructor, today is my first day."
val "If you want to do some yoga together, I'll be happy to show you some asanas."
val "And the personal trainings are really cheap, only $50 for one training."
pov "That's really nice, thank you for the offer, I'll think about it."
$ renpy.notify("Yoga trainings are now available")
jump gym
if gymfirstvisit:
show bg gym
with Dissolve(2.)
show pov:
xpos .2
ypos .05
with moveinleft
$ gymfirstvisit = False
"For some reason you've never noticed a button in the elevator that says \"Gym\", so when you saw it, you decided to check it out."
"And now you are standing in the big room with a lot of fitness equipment around you."
"But it's quite empty, only couple of girls here and there, apparently they are just sluts who work here and want to keep themselves in shape."
"But then you see a huge man, coming towards you."
show char_craig:
xpos 0.55
with moveinright
crg "Hey, I'm Craig!"
crg "You must be new here."
pov "Yeah, I'm [povname], nice to meet you, Craig."
crg "Nice to meet you too, girl! I'm a personal trainer here, I help girls with getting in shape and having a much more attractive figure."
pov "{i}Did he just call me a girl? ... I guess it's not surprising anymore, considering all the changes to my looks.{/i}"
pov "{i}And especially if I'd compare myself to someone as huge and masculine as Craig.{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does the thought of Craig recognizing me as a girl makes me feel so... nice?{/i}"
crg "Heh, I see you are lost in you thoughts now, so I'll leave you to that. If you'll need anything, just come talk to me."
"Ask about personal training" if ptrainingunlocked == False:
$ ptrainingunlocked = True
crg "Everything is very simple, you can come here any time you wish, and I'll help you with your training."
crg "But you must have in mind that I'm pretty demanding and you'll have to do exactly what I say."
crg "Also, you'll need to wear some sport clothes and have $50... that's the amount you need to pay for one training."
$ renpy.notify("Workout clothes unlocked for sale")
$ sell_traininglegs_stripe = True
$ sell_traininglegs_stripe_red = True
$ sell_trainingbody_top = True
$ sell_trainingbody_top_turquoise = True
crg "I train every girl differently, depending on what I decide would be best for her to do to improve her figure."
crg "If you do decide to train a little, I'm going to give you exercises almost only for your legs and ass..."
crg "As to be fair, your ass is pretty flat and legs would look much sexier if they will be a little thicker, but everything else is pretty ok."
crg "I guess, that's all you need to know! If you decide to train, just come and talk to me."
jump gymasking
"Go back to your room":
jump room
if training5complete1:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ training5complete1 = False
pov "{i}It would be weird to look into Craig's eyes after what happened the last time...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I shouldn't miss my training because of that.{/i}"
pov "{i}And I bet I'm not the only one, who sucked Craig's cock during the training considering I'm still in a brothel, so he should be used to this.{/i}"
if training5complete:
show bg gym
show char_craig:
xpos 0.55
with Dissolve(2.)
show pov:
xpos .2
ypos .05
with moveinleft
crg "Hey cutie, you are back!"
crg "Would you like to train a little?"
label gymasking2:
"Have a personal training":
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}It would be better if I wait for injection to work as for some reason each training I somehow end up with Craig's dick in my mouth.{/i}"
jump gymasking2
if money < 50:
pov "{i}To be able to train, I guess, I need some more money...{/i}"
jump gymasking2
if trainingbody == "top turquoise" and traininglegs == "stripe red":
jump training05
#if trainingbody == "top turquoise" and traininglegs == "stripe red":
# pov "{i}To be able to train, I guess, I need some more money...{/i}"
# jump gymasking2
"You put on your sports clothes and get ready for the trainig."
# pov "{i}To be able to train, I need to be wearing sports clothes.{/i}"
jump training05
"Have an intense training" if intensetraining:
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}It would be better if I wait for injection to work as for some reason each training I somehow end up with Craig's dick in my mouth.{/i}"
jump gymasking2
if money < 75:
pov "{i}To be able to train, I guess, I need some more money...{/i}"
jump gymasking2
if trainingbody == "top turquoise" and traininglegs == "stripe red":
crg "You are a brave girl, aren't you?"
crg "Let's go, we'll do some squats to warm up first."
$ inttrain += 1
jump intensetraining
#if trainingbody == "top turquoise" and traininglegs == "stripe red":
# pov "{i}To be able to train, I guess, I need some more money...{/i}"
# jump gymasking2
"You put on your sports clothes and get ready for the trainig."
$ inttrain += 1
jump intensetraining
#pov "{i}To be able to train, I need to be wearing some sports clothes.{/i}"
#jump gymasking2
"Ask about training results" if asktrainingresults2:
$ asktrainingresults2 = False
$ intensetraining = True
pov "Craig, I wanted to ask you about something..."
pov "We've been training for a while already, but it seems like there are no visible results..."
pov "Maybe there is a way to make the training more effective?"
crg "Don't worry, girl, it just takes some time before you see the results."
crg "But if you can't wait to see some results, I think I could do something about it."
crg "I've got some new special shakes from Erika."
crg "It's still in development, but I think you could try a couple, I don't think it will be harmfull."
crg "And I could also increase a difficulty of the exercise a little."
crg "If you'll decide to have a more intense training and would like to try drinking some of those shakes, let me know."
crg "Also the price will be a little higher, as you have to pay extra for the shake - $75 all together."
jump gymasking2
"Ask about your breasts getting bigger" if talkcraigbreasts:
$ talkcraigbreasts = False
$ talkerikabreasts = True
crg "Hey, I like you new breasts!"
pov "You like them!?"
pov "Why don't you tell me how this happened that they grew out?"
crg "How would I know? Didn't you make them bigger?"
pov "No! I bet it's because of that \"sports shake\" that you gave me!"
pov "My ass grew out first, but we expected that, but now, my breasts are bigger too!"
crg "Oh... Fuck..."
crg "Now I see what Erika meant..."
pov "What are you talking about?"
crg "As you know, I got these shakes from Erika..."
crg "And she told me a bunch of boring stuff that I should be very careful with it, about dosages etc..."
crg "But it was sooo boring and she was talking for so long that I might have dosed off a little while she was explaining all this sciency stuff to me..."
crg "So... I might have made a mistake with the dosage..."
pov "..."
crg "But it worked out great, isn't it?"
crg "Now you have these cute little breasts, I bet you wanted them anyways..."
pov "That's crazy! I need to talk to Erika about it!"
jump gymasking2
"Do some yoga with Valerie" if yogaunlocked:
jump yogatraining
"Go back to your room":
jump room
show bg gym
show char_craig:
xpos 0.55
with Dissolve(2.)
show pov:
xpos .2
ypos .05
with moveinleft
crg "Hey, how are you? Did you decide to train a little?"
label gymasking:
"Ask about personal training" if ptrainingunlocked == False:
$ ptrainingunlocked = True
crg "Everything is very simple, you can come here any time you wish, and I'll help you with your trainning."
crg "But you must have in mind that I'm pretty demanding and you'll have to do exactly what I say."
crg "Also, you'll need to wear some sport clothes and have $50... that's the amount you need to pay for one training."
$ renpy.notify("Workout clothes unlocked for sale")
$ sell_traininglegs_stripe = True
$ sell_traininglegs_stripe_red = True
$ sell_trainingbody_top = True
$ sell_trainingbody_top_turquoise = True
crg "I train every girl differently, depending on what I decide would be best for her to do to improve her figure."
crg "If you do decide to train a little, I'm going to give you exercises almost only for your legs and ass..."
crg "As to be fair, your ass is pretty flat and legs would look much sexier if they were be a little thicker, but everything else is pretty ok."
crg "I guess, that's all you need to know! If you decide to train, just come and talk to me."
jump gymasking
"Have a personal training" if ptrainingunlocked:
pov "{i}I guess it wouldn't be such a bad idea to keep myself in shape while I'm here.{/i}"
pov "{i}Even if it's only my legs and ass.{/i}"
pov "{i}I've always felt like my legs need a little bigger muscles.{/i}"
if money < 50:
pov "{i}But to be able to train, I guess, I need some more money...{/i}"
jump gymasking
if trainingbody == "top turquoise" and traininglegs == "stripe red":
if ptraining1:
jump ptraining1
if ptraining2:
jump ptraining2
if ptraining3:
jump ptraining3
if ptraining4:
jump ptraining4
if ptraining5:
jump ptraining5
#if trainingbody == "top turquoise" and traininglegs == "stripe red":
# pov "{i}But to be able to train, I guess, I need some more money...{/i}"
# jump gymasking
"You put on your sports clothes and get ready for the trainig."
if ptraining1:
jump ptraining1
if ptraining2:
jump ptraining2
if ptraining3:
jump ptraining3
if ptraining4:
jump ptraining4
if ptraining5:
jump ptraining5
#pov "{i}But to be able to train, I need to be wearing some sports clothes.{/i}"
#jump gymasking
"Go back to your room":
jump room
label ptraining1:
$ ptraining1 = False
crg "Good, you've decided to have a personal training!"
crg "Let's go, I'll show you what to do."
crg "So today you will be doing some squats and after that a little bit of stretching."
crg "Now go and take those small weights and come back, and start doing the squats."
label scene_26_playback:
show squats 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do as you were told to, and prepare to do squats, but suddenly you feel Craig really close to you so he holds his hands on your waist and..."
"... his crotch touching your ass..."
"Ignore it and do some squats":
pov "{i}You decide not to question Craig's methods, even though they seem a little odd to you and just start doing squats.{/i}"
"Ask him why is he so close":
pov "Craig..."
crg "Yeah?"
pov "Why are you so close to me?"
crg "Don't worry about that, it's necessary so I can make sure you do squats properly and help you with some last repetitions if you get tired."
pov "I guess it's ok then..."
pov "{i}You decide not to question Craig's methods, even though they seem a little odd to you and just start doing squats.{/i}"
show gymsquats 1
if scene_26 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 26 unlocked")
$ scene_26 = True
pov "{i}It's not that difficult!{/i}"
pov "{i}I think I'll be able to do more than ten of those or even twenty.{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels kind of strange to brush against Craig's crotch with every move.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can feel his massive cock and balls with my ass...{/i}"
pov "{i}And why does it turn me on? The fact that I'm rubbing my ass against some man's cock?{/i}"
pov "{i}This stupid cage! I'm so horny all the time, that I get turned on by anything!{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope that it is because of the cage keeping me horny all the time and not because I like what's happening now...{/i}"
pov "{i}But at the same time, it's not so bad that my cock is locked in this cage...{/i}"
pov "{i}It would be extremely embarrassing if I wasn't wearing it and got hard during these exersises while rubbing Craig's cock with my butt.{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't know if I'd be able to explain myself, especially remembering the fact that he thinks that I'm a real girl...{/i}"
pov "I wonder how would he react if he knew what's between my legs?"
pov "Would he still like me this way?"
pov "Wait... Why am I thinking about it? Why do I care if he would like me if he knew that I have a penis?!"
pov "I don't even know if he likes me now."
pov "... I hope he does like me, he looks so strong and handsome..."
pov "Wow, that was too far this time..."
pov "I don't like Craig! I don't like men at all! I'm not gay!"
"Luckily Craig distracts you from all your thoughts and tells you to take a break."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do some more sets after that and get pretty tiered."
show bg gym
show char_craig:
xpos 0.55
show pov:
xpos .2
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "I think that's enough. I was going to make you do some stretching, but you got tired faster than I've expected..."
crg "Usually girls with similar body structure can do more during their firsts training..."
crg "But don't worry! We'll do some stretching next time!"
pov "{i}Wait... Am I really weaker than an average girl? I guess it's good that he doesn't know that I'm not a real girl.{/i}"
pov "{i}Otherwise I'd be embarrassed even more.{/i}"
"You thank Craig and go to your room to take a shower and have some rest after the training."
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, Money -50")
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label ptraining2:
$ ptraining2 = False
crg "Good, you've decided to continue working on your body!"
crg "Let's go, I'll show you what to do today."
crg "You'll be doing squats like you did before, but this time, try to save the strength as I want you to do some stretching afterwards."
"You go and take the little weights again and start doing squats like you did them previous time."
show gymsquats 1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I feel like today it's a little easier to do the exercise than it was previous time.{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better make sure not to waste all the energy, I really don't want Craig to think that I'm weak...{/i}"
"You do some sets taking little breaks when Craig tells you to. And after a while he tells you that it's time to stop."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "Ok, this time I think it's ok for you to do some more exercises."
"Craig tells you to lie down on the yoga mat comes close to you, takes your legs in his strong hands and start helping you stretch."
label scene_27_playback:
show bg stretching 1
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_27 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 27 unlocked")
$ scene_27 = True
crg "Don't worry, I'll go slow, I won't force you to do splits right away."
"You don't worry about the exercise at all as you feel Craig's strong arms holding you and you feel like there is nothing to worry about..."
"...except one thing..."
pov "{i}What if Craig will look at the bulge in my shorts?{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so visible in this position...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's good that the cage keeps me from getting hard.{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope that he won't find out that I'm a boy.{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}Why am thinking about it again?{/i}"
pov "{i}I shouldn't care about that!{/i}"
"After a while Craig says that it's time to finish..."
crg "I think next time you'll be able to do some deeper stretching."
crg "But for now, that's enough."
"You thank Craig and go to your room to take a shower and have some rest after the training."
if replay:
jump scenes
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, Money -50")
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label ptraining3:
$ ptraining3 = False
crg "Good, you've decided to continue working on your body!"
crg "Let's go, I'll show you what to do today."
crg "Nothing special for today, everything like previous time, but today I hope to improve you stretching and go a little deeper."
"You go and take the little weights again and start doing squats like you did them previous time."
show gymsquats 1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I feel like today it's even easier to do the exercise than it was previous time.{/i}"
"You do some sets taking little breaks when Craig tells you to. And after a while he tells you that it's time to stop."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Craig tells you to lie down on the yoga mat comes close to you, takes your legs in his strong hands and starts helping you stretch like he did previous time."
show bg stretching 1
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "Ok, this time, I feel like you can do more."
"With those words he takes your legs and spreads them even more, pulling them in the direction of your head at the same time, and to increase the stretching force, he squats right near your head pushing your legs down."
show bg stretching 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"Everything is good and you feel how your muscles stretch good, but then you see his massive cock and balls right near your face."
pov "{i}Oh my god, it so huge, that it can't even stay in his shorts!{/i}"
pov "{i}And this smell... Why is it so pleasant?{/i}"
pov "{i}It's impossible to describe it, but it smells so alluring!{/i}"
"You can't take your eyes away from it and you feel your mouth watering and a huge desire to touch his cock building up in your head..."
"You want him to put his cock over your face and rub against it."
"Then open your mouth, and play with his magnificent cock and balls."
"You feel like you want to lick them, take them into your mouth, and suck..."
pov "{i}Wait... What am I thinking about?{/i}"
pov "{i}Is this all the consequences of me sucking cocks for money?{/i}"
pov "{i}That I started to enjoy it and have urges to do it for pleasure?{/i}"
pov "{i}This can't be right, I should think about something else...{/i}"
pov "{i}... or?{/i}"
"Try not to think about his big meaty cock":
pov "{i}Yeah, it's a good choice...{/i}"
pov "{i}I shouldn't be thinking about his cock.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm not gay! I don't like cocks.{/i}"
"Even though you desperately try to think about something else, you still can't take your eyes away from his marvelous cock."
"And end up just lying there and imagining all kinds of thing you'd do if you could just touch it."
"\"Accidentally\" rub your face against it":
pov "{i}Oh god... I can't believe what I'm about to do...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels like I don't control myself and somebody else tells me to do it and I have no choice but to obey.{/i}"
pov "{i}But how will I explain this?{/i}"
pov "{i}What if he'll know that I did it on purpose.{/i}"
pov "{i}What if he saw my bulge and knows that I'm not a real girl?{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm sure he wouldn't like some boy rubbing his face against his cock...{/i}"
"You lie there immersed in your thoughts and suddenly Craig just stands up and says that it's time to finish today's training."
"You thank Craig like usual, but this time you can't look in his eyes and just try to look somewhere else (at the same time trying not to look at his cock)."
"Then you go to your room to take a shower and have some rest after the training."
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, Money -50")
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label ptraining4:
$ ptraining4 = False
crg "Hey, hottie, it's you again! Nice to see you."
$ blush = True
"You feel your face immediately starts burning and you can't stop blushing."
pov "{i}Did he really call me \"hottie\".{/i}"
pov "{i}Why is it so nice to hear somebody calling me a hottie?.{/i}"
crg "Let's go, we'll do the usual today."
$ blush = False
show gymsquats 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do some sets taking little breaks when Craig tells you to like usual. And after a while he tells you that it's time to stop."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Craig tells you to lie down on the yoga mat comes close to you, takes your legs in his strong hands and start helping you stretch like he did previous time."
show bg stretching 1
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "Ok, are you ready to do it deeper again?"
pov "{i}God, I hope his cock will be right at my face again...{/i}"
pov "{i}...mmmm... I mean will NOT be at my face, because that's just disgusting... ♥♥♥{/i}"
"Craig takes your legs once again and spreads them, pulling them in the direction of your head at the same time like he did before, and squats right near your head."
label scene_28_playback:
show bg stretching 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"You are not as surprised as you were before, when you see his huge cock and balls right near your face again..."
"I can't miss this opportunity again":
pov "{i}I'll just do it!{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't want to think about consequences anymore, I need this cock!{/i}"
"Try to look away":
"Even though you try to look away as hard as you can, at this point it's just impossible."
"It feels like you are about to die from this strong desire to touch that cock."
pov "{i}I can't do it! I want that cock!{/i}"
"Trying to act like it's just an accident, you move your head, so his cock and balls brush against your cheek."
show bg stretching 3
with dissolve
if scene_28 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 28 unlocked")
$ scene_28 = True
"As soon as it touches your skin it feels like electrical shock and you are ready to cum just from this."
"But then Craig notices what's happening, apparently he was really focused on the stretching so he gets really surprised that his cock is outside and what's even more surprising that it's touching your face."
"You try to act as surprised as you can, like you too didn't know that his cock was out and try to make it look like a pure accident."
"But at the same time you can't help but try to breathe in this heavenly scent that comes from his cock as much as possible."
pov "Oh, I'm sorry, I just moved a little and didn't know that your big friend was out ♥"
crg "Oh fuck, sorry, I guess I need bigger shorts!"
pov "Oh don't worry, it's not a problem at all, I understand that it can happen."
"Craig just looks at you with a little suspicion in response, as he apparently started to think that it's not so much of an accident."
"Maybe you shouldn't have left your face like that still rubbing against his cock?"
"Then Craig stands up and tells that it's probably better to finish for today."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ blush = True
show bg gym
show char_craig:
xpos 0.55
show pov:
xpos .2
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
"You stand up, thank Craig, apologize once again for the \"accident\" and go to your room trying not to meet Craig's eyes."
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, Money -50")
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
$ blush = False
jump room
label ptraining5:
crg "Hey, lets get started?"
"You still can't look into Craig's eyes, so you just go and take the weights and hurry to start doing squats as you will be faced in the opposite direction for the whole time."
show gymsquats 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You can't help but replay the situation from the previous training over and over in your head and think how you should have acted..."
"Did you really want something to happen between you two?"
"It can't be like this only because you are desperate for cock."
"You can go to the glory hole room and suck them all day long."
"For some reason, his cock feels special, you want to taste it so badly..."
"While immersed in your thoughts, you don't even notice how time flies by and it's time for stretching again."
show bg stretching 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do some easy stretching briefly and then it's time to increase the force again, so Craig squats near your head once again."
show bg stretching 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"This time it felt like you were under some kind of spell..."
show bg stretching 3
with dissolve
"And you just started rubbing your cheek against his cock again."
"Will he believe the \"accident\" story again?"
crg "Wow... Are you going to say that it was another accident?"
pov "Mmmm... Yeah... I'm so sorry about that ♥♥♥"
crg "Ok, I might not be innocent here flashing around my cock and my balls, but you obviously want it..."
"Next thing you know, he releases you legs, changes his position a little and tells you to open your mouth..."
label scene_29_playback:
show bg stretching 4
with Dissolve(2.)
"You can't do anything but obey him... So you close your eyes and open your mouth, waiting fo it to happen."
show bg stretching 5
with dissolve
"Next thing you know is that his massive cock is inside your mouth and his balls are right above you face."
pov "{i}I can't believe that all of this makes me so happy!{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels so nice...{/i}"
"Then Craig moves his hips, forcing his big cock down your throat..."
show bg stretching 6
with dissolve
"It even feels like it's bulging from the outside because of how big his cock is.."
"And at the same time his balls just lay on your face..."
"They even block your nose so you can't really breathe because of Craigs cock in your mouth and his balls on your face..."
"...but at the same time you don't care at all..."
"You just want to suck that cock, you need it..."
show craigdeepthroat 1
"Then he starts slowly moving in and out of your throat, but it's so huge that it can't go any deeper than before."
show craigdeepthroat 2
"After a while he starts to increase the speed, so his balls end up slapping your face with every move he makes."
"At the same time, you stopped thinking about anything and just enjoy what is happening..."
pov "{i}Oh my god, I want his cum! I want him to cum down my throat...{/i}"
hide craigdeepthroat
show bg stretching 6
"It feels like he was reading your mind, so he made one more thrust and just started pumping cum down your throat."
"All you could do is just keep swallowing..."
show bg stretching 7
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "I feel like it was a very good training session!"
crg "You are such a good girl."
crg "Maybe next time we'll pay even more attention to the stretching of your throat than your muscles."
"But you haven't heard anything of what he said."
"You were in heaven..."
if replay == False:
$ mouthhole = True
if scene_29 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 29 unlocked")
$ scene_29 = True
"You've just tasted a man's cum for the first time and it feels like it was the tastiest thing in the world!"
"You've spent some time just lying there and coming to your senses, and then decided to go to your room and think a little about what have happened and what your real desires are..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ training5complete = True
$ training5complete1 = True
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, Money -50")
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
$ blush = False
jump room
label yogatraining:
if money >=50:
if traininglegs == 'stripe red':
if trainingbody == 'top turquoise' or trainingbody == 'short blue':
jump yogatraining1
pov "{i}I need to wear sport clothes if I want to do yoga.{/i}"
jump gymasking2
pov "{i}I don't have enough money...{/i}"
jump gymasking2
label yogatraining1:
show bg valerie
with Dissolve(2.)
val "So, you've decided to do some yoga with me... That's great!"
val "Let's start then!"
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"At first you start with some warming up exercises and after that you start stretching."
"Valerie shows you different poses and you try to do exactly as she tells you."
label scene_75_playback:
if trainingbody == 'top turquoise':
show bg yogachildpose 1
if trainingbody == 'short blue':
show bg yogachildpose 2
if replay:
show bg yogachildpose 2
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_75 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 75 unlocked")
$ scene_75 = True
if firstyougalesson:
$ firstyougalesson = False
"But she is obviously way better at this than you, so she has to help you and fix your pose all the time..."
"On one hand it makes you a bit sad that you aren't as good as you'd like to be, but on the other hand Valerie touches you almost all the time and it makes you really excited..."
"It might be your imagination but it seems like she gets turned on by all this touching too and you feel like she tries to touch your ass or breasts as often as she can without it being too obvious."
"The same thing happens as before, Valerie constantly has to correct your position and you still feel like she's trying to touch you as closer to your intimate places as possible..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You stretch for a while and after that you do some breathing exercises together and end the training with some back stretching..."
label scene_76_playback:
show bg yogabackstretching
show yogabackstretching_valerie 1
if trainingbody == 'top turquoise':
if breasts == False:
show yogabackstretching_mc sportstop f
if breasts == "a":
show yogabackstretching_mc sportstop f1
if breasts == "b":
show yogabackstretching_mc sportstop f2
if breasts == "c":
show yogabackstretching_mc sportstop f3
if breasts == "d":
show yogabackstretching_mc sportstop f4
if trainingbody == 'short blue':
if breasts == False:
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f
if breasts == "a":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f1
if breasts == "b":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f2
if breasts == "c":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f3
if breasts == "d":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f4
if replay:
if breasts == False:
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f
if breasts == "a":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f1
if breasts == "b":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f2
if breasts == "c":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f3
if breasts == "d":
show yogabackstretching_mc shrttop f4
with Dissolve(2.)
"You close your eyes and try to enjoy the nice feeling after the training."
if shrttopavailable == False and replay == False:
$ sell_trainingbody_short = True
$ sell_trainingbody_short_blue = True
$ renpy.notify("New training t-shirt unlocked")
show yogabackstretching_valerie 2
with dissolve
if trainingbody == 'short blue' or replay:
"While you are stretching, whenever your hands are high in the air, your t-shirt goes up and exposes your breasts..."
pov "{i}I hope it's not too obvious... And we'll finish the training before Valerie sees me like this...{/i}"
if scene_76 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 76 unlocked")
$ scene_76 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
if breasts == "a" or breasts == "b":
show yogabackstretching_valerie 2
$ valerieteasing += 1
if valeriesquirt:
jump valeriesquirt
if breasts == "c" or breasts == "d":
show yogabackstretching_valerie 2
$ valerieteasing += 2
if valeriesquirt:
jump valeriesquirt
pause 2.
show yogabackstretching_valerie 1
with dissolve
"Some time later, the training comes to an end..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
if valerieteasing >= 3:
if scene_77 and scene_85 and yoga_fucking == 1 and cage == False and clitsize == "normal":
$ yoga_fucking = 2
"You are getting ready to leave, but as soon as you open your eyes, you see Valerie standing right above you..."
val "So, teasing again?"
pov "..."
pov "I... I wasn't..."
jump yoga_sefsuck_fuck
if scene_77 and scene_85 and yoga_fucking == 1 and cage == False and clitsize == "big":
$ yoga_fucking = 2
"You are getting ready to leave, but as soon as you open your eyes, you see Valerie standing right above you..."
val "So, teasing again?"
pov "..."
pov "I... I wasn't..."
jump yoga_sefsuck_fuck
$ yoga_fucking = 1
$ renpy.notify("Stretching +1")
$ stretching += 1
"You are getting ready to leave, but as soon as you open your eyes, you see Valerie standing right above you..."
val "So, you think it's a good idea to tease me, ha?"
pov "What do you mean? I wasn't teasing you..."
val "Yeah? Then how would you explain your t-shirt?"
val "Don't you think it's a little bit too revealing? Especially if you are doing stretching and bending over all the time?"
pov "I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't notice..."
val "Wouldn't notice what? That you are trying to show your tits to everyone around?"
val "I think you need a lesson..."
pov "What do you mean? What lesson?"
val "A lesson about what happens if you tease me, you little dirty slut!"
"The next moment she grabs you and turns you over, so that you are standing on your knees with your face on the floor..."
"It's not surprising that she is really strong and even if you tried to resist, most probably you wouldn't succeed..."
"After that she lowers your shorts to your knees, and gives you a hard slap on the ass!"
pov "Ahhhh..!!"
"You hear a moan coming out of your mouth, not sure if it was because of the surprise or because of how hard she slapped you..."
val "Stay like this, slut, I'll be back in a moment."
"You stand on your knees with your ass high up, so shocked by what has just happened that you don't even move..."
"And a moment later, you feel something big and slippery getting forced into your asshole!"
label scene_77_playback:
show bg yogastraponanal
with Dissolve(2.)
"You try to move and see what is that thing and check what is happening, but you Valerie forces you back to the ground with her feet on your face!"
"Immediately after that, she starts hate-fucking your ass, making sure that the dildo goes as deep and as roughly as possible."
"You start moaning like a slut, begging her to stop fucking you..."
"But it seems that she doesn't care about it and if anything, she might be getting even rougher with you the more you ask her to stop..."
"She fucks you like this for some time, and soon enough you become more and more turned on by all this forceful fucking..."
"And a couple of moments later, instead of begging her to stop, you start begging her to fuck you more!"
"You've never thought that you'll be so turned by the fact that you are getting fucked like some dirty bitch in the middle of the gym, by a woman who is obviously much stronger than you are..."
"And now she's doing whatever she wants with you, while forcing your face to the floor with her foot!"
if scene_77 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 77 unlocked")
$ scene_77 = True
"After a while you lose the track of time and it seems like she's been fucking you forever."
"All this time she doesn't stop even for a moment, she's obviously in a perfect shape and if she wanted, she could fuck you like this all day long..."
val "You dirty little slut! This is what you get for teasing me!"
val "I hope you'll learn your lesson!"
"She fucks you like this until she's satisfied, slaps your ass once again and leaves..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"For some time, you can't even move and just stay like that... with your bare ass in the middle of the gym..."
"Some time passes and you manage to get up and go back to your room."
$ valerieteasing = 0
$ valeriesquirt = True
jump room
"You enjoyed the training very much and you're actually happy that you've decide to do yoga today."
"With all this stress it's nice to take a break and do something good for your body."
$ renpy.notify("Stretching +1")
$ stretching += 1
"You thank Valerie and go back to your room."
jump room
label valeriesquirt:
$ valeriesquirt = False
"You close your eyes and try not to think about being exposed and do your best to focus on the stretching..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"And once again, as soon as you open your eyes, you see Valerie standing right above you..."
val "So you haven't learnt your lesson after I fucked you, ha?"
val "Why do you like teasing me so much? Were you hoping that I'll fuck you again like I did the last time?"
val "Your trick didn't work! This time I'm going to enjoy myself and use you for my pleasure!"
val "If you like showing off your breasts so much, why don't you just take off your t-shirt already?"
"You are not sure how to react but seeing that she's actually waiting for you to take it off, you decide that it might be better to do what she says..."
"You take it off and feel your face blushing..."
val "That's better! I might be enjoying this view, when you'll be trying to make me come!"
"The next moment she forces you to lie on the floor and takes off her shorts, giving you a nice view from below on her really cute pussy with some sexy trimmed hair on her pubis."
"After that, she lowers herself right above your face, until her hot wet pussy touches your lips."
label scene_94_playback:
show bg yogasquirt 1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Oh, God! Her pussy smells so amazing!{/i}"
"Without any hesitation, you open your mouth and start licking her clit, trying to give her as much pleasure as you can."
pov "{i}At least she's not as aggressive as she was the last time....{/i}"
"But it seems that you were judging too quickly... Quite soon she starts rubbing her pussy on your lips and tongue harder and harder with every moment."
pov "{i}Fuck... This is so hot, getting forced to lick her juicy pussy like that!{/i}"
pov "{i}If only there was a way I could fuck her... but I bet she'd never have a real sex with some sissy like me...{/i}"
"With each motion you hear her starting to moan louder and louder and it makes you really happy to know that you are doing a good job and she's actually enjoying it..."
with flash
show bg yogasquirt 2
with flash
#show bg yogasquirt 1
#with Dissolve(2.)
"You get really surprised when she orgasms and shoots a huge load of squirt all over your face!"
if scene_94 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 94 unlocked")
$ scene_94 = True
"And as horny as you are right now, the only thing you can think of is how to get as much as possible of her tasty girl-cum in your mouth."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Almost right after the orgasm, she collapses with her pussy on your face and tries to catch a breath while you are gently cleaning her pussy with your mouth..."
val "You know, it wasn't that bad, I'll might your skillful tongue again in the future..."
$ renpy.notify("Stretching +1")
$ stretching += 1
"You thank Valerie and go back to your room."
jump room
label yoga_sefsuck_fuck:
val "You weren't? Yeah, right... okay, we have some more training to do..."
val "But first, I need you to take off your clothes."
val "We need to do some good stretching, and your clothes would be in the way."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Completely naked in the middle of the gym...?{/i}"
pov "I..."
"You are about to say something, but then, you see [val] taking off her clothes too."
"Seeing her naked ass is more than enough for you to start taking your clothes off without thinking much."
"At least she'll be naked too..."
"You are trying not to stare at her full breasts as you undress, but it's challenging, as her toned body is extremely sexy."
"When you are about to take off your shorts, you realise that you are not wearing a cage."
pov "{i}Some time ago, I'd be shy showing my cage to someone... but now, I feel so exposed without it...{/i}"
"As you lower your shorts, your clitty jumps up as you are already very horny after watching [val] undress."
"To your relief, she doesn't pay it any attention and tells you to lie on the sports bench and then she goes away for a moment to take something..."
"You lie down and patiently wait... and a moment later, she returns and comes close to you."
"You start staring at her breasts again, and you don't even notice that there is something between her legs..."
"She tells you to bend, taking your legs above your head and your back up..."
"And then you realise that your hard clitty is right in front of your face in this position..."
"It's so close now that it almost touches your lips!"
"And then you see it...! A thick dark strap on dildo between her legs!"
"But when you notice it, it's already too late to react, and with a confident motion, she pushes it in you!"
pov "Ahhhh...!"
"You open your mouth as you moan, and right then, she beds you even more, and your clitty gets between your lips!"
label scene_201_playback:
show bg yoga_selfsuck_fuck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_eyebrows pink
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_mc
with d
val "Good..."
val "Now that you are motivated to bend over more, the training will be much more effective!"
pov "Mm~~ -- ungh!"
"You were about to protest, but with your clit tip on your tongue and a firm dildo against your p-spot, it would be impossible..."
pov "{i}Mmmgghhh... I can't believe I'm getting fucked in the middle of the gym while sucking my clitty!{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't know how long I'll be able to last like that!{/i}"
"You suck and moan in pleasure as she fucks you, but as you are about to cum, she slows down and stops pulling you, so it's harder to suck it, and the orgasm goes back away..."
pov "{i}Fuck... ugghhh... I... n-need... to ahhh... mmmm... cum!{/i}"
pov "{i}Is she doing it to stretch me better or because it's fun to tease me?!{/i}"
"It goes on like this for a while... she pushes you back and forth closer to your mouth and back, mainly using her dildo in your hole to do that..."
"But at some point, it becomes too much for you to bear... so you cum!"
with flash
show yoga_selfsuck_fuck_cum
with flash
if scene_201 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 201 unlocked")
$ scene_201 = True
pov "Aughhhhh... uhm uhm Mmm!"
"You feel your sissy cum overflowing your mouth and start swallowing it..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"After she sees your cum leaking out of your mouth, she releases you, and you slowly lie back exhausted."
"Little by little, you swallow all the yummy cum in your mouth and lie there until you can move again..."
pov "{i}After a training like that, I'm sure sucking my clitty will be even easier...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("Stretching +1")
$ stretching += 1
jump room
## Glory hole
label gh:
if needclitinjection:
pov "{i}My first priority is making my clit bigger before Alex puts the cage back on it. I should better go to the lab now.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}It might not be such a great idea to suck dicks, until the injection hasn't worked yet.{/i}"
call screen ui1
"Would you like to spend some time working in the glory hole booth?"
jump ghchoice
call screen ui1
label ghchoice:
if scene_227 == False and elevator_fuck and scene_173:
$ elevator_fuck = False
show black
with d
"You go to the elevator to go down to the glory hole."
"And there is a man in the elevator, most likely a client of the brothel..."
"You press the button with the floor you need, and as the door closes, the man speaks to you."
man "Hey girl, wanna make some quick money?"
man "I'd be happy to fuck you if you are up for it..."
man "Good choice."
"After that, he hits the emergency button and starts taking off his clothes."
jump elevator_fuck
pov "No, thank you, I'm not interested..."
man "Your loss."
"After that, you continue on your way to the glory hole."
"What should I do?"
"Give handjobs" if gh_handjobs:
if blowjobs:
pov "Now that I can give blowjobs and make more money, it might not be worth it to waste time on jerking off the dicks..."
$ gh_handjobs = False
jump ghchoice
jump ghhj
"Give blowjobs":
if blowjobs:
jump ghbj
"I'm not doing that!"
jump ghchoice
"Anal sex":
if ghanal_unlocked:
jump ghan
"I'm not doing that!"
jump ghchoice
label elevator_fuck:
label scene_227_playback:
pov "Wait... here?"
man "Yeah, come on!"
"You quickly undress as well, and a moment later his dick is already inside you..."
show bg random_elevator_fuck
with d
pov "Aah..~ F-fuck yes~"
"The idea of fuking right here in the elevator makes you very horny."
man "Oh yeah... you are so tight!"
man "Moan for me; show me what a slut you are!"
pov "Mmm... yeah... fuck me, please!"
man "You are such a thirsty bitch! Getting fucked in the elevator!"
pov "{i}Fuck, he's right, I never would've imagined myself in a position like this.{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting fucked by a random guy and moaning like a slut in a stopped elevator...{/i}"
pov "Mmmm..."
"As his hard dick rubs against your prostate you moan even louder without any worry that someone might hear you."
man "Fuck... I think we should hurry otherwise the elevator might move again..."
man "You are not the first slut I'm fucking like this..."
"And as he says the word \"not the first slut\", a warm feeling spreads in your stomach for some reason..."
pov "{i}Why does it turn me on so much?!{/i}"
"And then your thoughts get interrupted by him starting to move inside you with a very fast speed..."
"And a moment later he takes out his dick and cums on your ass and then shoves his still-hard dick back into you!"
show random_elevator_fuck_cum
with flash
"And right at that moment the elevator moves and a second later the door opens on one of the floors..."
"And a bunch of people stare at you with cum on your ass and a dick in your hole!"
if scene_227 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 227 unlocked")
$ scene_227 = True
show black
with d
"Embarrassed with your face burning red, you quickly grab your clothes and run to your room forgetting to take money from the man..."
pov "{i}Did I just get humiliated like that for free?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label ghhj:
show bg gh
with Dissolve(2.)
"You enter the room, take off your clothes as you don't want them to get covered in cum and sit down on the floor waiting for a cock to appear."
if cage:
show gh_base cage
show gh_base soft
if eyes == "f":
show gh_head 4
if hair == "pigtails":
show gh_head 3
show gh_head 1
if mouth == "m":
show gh_mouth 1
show gh_mouth 4
show gh_hand on_lap
with dissolve
"It doesn't take much time as you hear some sounds on the other side of the wall and after that, a cock appears through the hole."
if previouscock == 1:
$ previouscock = 2
$ previouscock = 1
if previouscock == 1:
show gh_cock white 1
show gh_cock black 1
with dissolve
if previouscock == 1:
call screen whitecock002
call screen blackcock002
label gh_001:
show gh_hand jerk 1 zorder 20
with dissolve
"You grab the cock and start enjoying the process again."
pov "{i}It is definitely not normal...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels too good every time I do it.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm sure I shouldn't enjoy touching cocks!{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so gay! I should only get aroused by girls, not by giving some random men a handjob!{/i}"
"While having all those thoughts and holding that juicy cock, you start to feel that you are getting hard."
if cage:
"But because your little cock is locked into the chastity cage, you can't get fully hard."
pov "{i}Fuck, I feel my cock getting so hard and it starts pressing against the chastity cage.{/i}"
pov "{i}Wish I could take that off now, it's driving me crazy!{/i}"
show gh_base hard
with dissolve
pov "{i}I'm so horny now...{/i}"
pov "{i}So good that nobody knows what's inside my head right now.{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better start...{/i}"
"You start to move your hand up and down enjoying every second of the process."
"Manual (Click or press space) or auto jerk off?"
jump jerkoffcock001
jump ghauto001
label jerkoffcock001:
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 4
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 1
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 4
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 1
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 4
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 1
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 4
show gh_hand jerk 3
show gh_hand jerk 2
show gh_hand jerk 1
"Play with the cock a little bit more":
jump jerkoffcock001
"Try to make him cum":
"You start increasing your speed, trying to make him cum."
hide gh_hand
show jerk3
"You feel the cock becoming even harder and it starts twitching."
"And before you can react..."
hide jerk3
show gh_hand jerk 1
show gh_cum_4
with flash
pause 1.
show gh_cum_5
show gh_cum_3
show gh_mouth 3
with flash
label ghcum001:
"... you are all covered in cum once again. But somehow it's arousing..."
"... knowing that you did a good job pleasuring that cock and feeling all that cum on your skin as a proof of that."
pov "..."
pov "{i}It has such a strong smell...{/i}"
hide gh_hand jerk 1
show gh_hand on_lap
hide gh_cock
hide gh_cum_3
with dissolve
"You see a bill appearing from the hole."
call screen ghdollar001
label ghtookdollar001:
$ money += 10
hide screen ghdollar001
pov "{i}I think $10 is way less than it should cost.{/i}"
if clean_up_gh_first_time:
$ clean_up_gh_first_time = False
if ghchoice1 == 1:
pov "{i}It's good that I still have some napkins that I got from Alex.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's good that I've found a box of napkins in my room and I won't have to go to my room covered in cum again.{/i}"
"You clean yourself from all the cum, put on your clothes and go back to your room."
$ dtime += 1
$ arousal += 30
jump room
label ghauto001:
"You start moving your hand on the cock."
hide gh_hand jerk 1
show jerk1
"After a while you start increasing the speed while enjoying the process."
hide jerk1
show jerk2
"You think it's time to go faster as you want to make him feel really good."
hide jerk2
show jerk3
"You feel the cock getting even harder in your hand and it starts twitching."
hide jerk3
show gh_hand jerk 1
show gh_cum_1
with flash
pause 1.
show gh_cum_2
show gh_cum_3
show gh_mouth 3
with flash
jump ghcum001
label ghbj:
show bg ghbj
"You enter the room, take off your clothes as you don't want them to get covered in cum and get ready to suck, waiting for a cock to appear."
show ghbj_head 0
with Dissolve(2.)
if mouthhole and replay == False:
jump mouthhole
label ghbj_cock1:
if ghbj_cock == 1:
$ ghbj_cock = 2
show ghbj_cock huge b c 01
with Dissolve(2.)
"A big cock appears through the hole."
pov "{i}It's so huge! It's almost touching my lips already...{/i}"
pov "{i}I should start sucking it...{/i}"
hide ghbj_head 0
show ghbj_head h c b 1
with Dissolve(1.)
"You slowly wrap your lips around the cock and start playing with the tip with your tongue."
pov "{i}It so warm and feels so nice in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how deep I can take it.{/i}"
"You can't wait any longer so you start moving your head taking the cock as deep as you can."
hide ghbj_head h c b 1
show ghbj_cock_1 sl
pov "{i}Mmmm... it's so big.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't take it any deeper.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so good that there is a wall between us, I feel like otherwise he'd force it deep into my throat...{/i}"
"Thinking about how you'd get forcefully throat-fucked, you get even hornier and without noticing it, start moving faster."
show ghbj_cock_1 md
pov "{i}I want to make him cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}His huge balls look so full...{/i}"
show ghbj_cock_1 fs
"After sucking the cock as fast and as deep as you can for a while, you feel like he is about to cum."
"So you move your head away and get ready for him to cover your face in his hot cum."
hide ghbj_cock_1 fs
show ghbj_head 0
with Dissolve(1.)
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_1
with flash
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_2
with flash
pause 1.
"Next thing you know is that you have a lot of cum all over your face..."
pov "{i}I should feel disgusted by this, but for some reason it's so exciting!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wipe your face clean and return to your room."
$ dtime += 1
$ renpy.notify("+$35")
$ money += 35
$ arousal += 30
jump room
if ghbj_cock == 2:
$ ghbj_cock = 3
show ghbj_cock huge w u 01
with Dissolve(2.)
"A big uncut cock appears through the hole."
pov "{i}What happened to me? I feel my mouth watering already...{/i}"
pov "{i}I should start sucking it...{/i}"
hide ghbj_head 0
show ghbj_head h u w 1
with Dissolve(1.)
"You slowly wrap your lips around the cock and start playing with the tip with your tongue."
pov "{i}It so warm and feels so nice in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how deep I can take it.{/i}"
"You can't wait any longer so you start moving your head taking the cock as deep as you can."
hide ghbj_head h u w 1
show ghbj_cock_2 sl
pov "{i}Mmmm... it's so big.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't take it any deeper.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so good that there is a wall between us, I feel like otherwise he'd force it all deep in my throat...{/i}"
"Thinking about how you'd get forcefully throat fucked, you get even hornier and without noticing it, start moving faster."
show ghbj_cock_2 md
pov "{i}I want to make him cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}His huge balls look so full...{/i}"
show ghbj_cock_2 fs
"After sucking the cock as fast and as deep as you can for a while, you feel like he is about to cum."
"So you move your head away and get ready for him to cover your face in his hot cum."
hide ghbj_cock_2 fs
show ghbj_head 0
with Dissolve(1.)
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_1
with flash
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_2
with flash
pause 1.
if scene_18 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 18 unlocked")
$ scene_18 = True
"Next thing you know is you have a lot of cum all over your face..."
pov "{i}I should feel disgusted by this, but for some reason it's so exciting every time!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wipe your face clean and return to your room."
$ dtime += 1
$ renpy.notify("+$35")
$ money += 35
$ arousal += 30
jump room
if ghbj_cock == 3:
$ ghbj_cock = 4
show ghbj_cock huge w c 01
with Dissolve(1.)
"A big cock appears through the hole."
pov "{i}It's so beautiful! Can't wait to taste it...{/i}"
pov "{i}No... It's not beautiful! It's another man's cock... I can't be into this, I'm doing it only for money.{/i}"
pov "{i}I should start sucking it...{/i}"
hide ghbj_head 0
show ghbj_head h c w 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You slowly wrap your lips around the cock and start playing with the tip with your tongue."
pov "{i}It so warm and feels so nice in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how deep I can take it.{/i}"
"You can't wait any longer so you start moving your head taking the cock as deep as you can."
hide ghbj_head h c w 1
show ghbj_cock_3 sl
pov "{i}Mmmm... it's so big.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't take it any deeper.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so good that there is a wall between us, I feel like otherwise he'd force it all deep in my throat...{/i}"
"Thinking about how you'd get forcefully throat fucked, you get even hornier and without noticing it, start moving faster."
show ghbj_cock_3 md
pov "{i}I want to make him cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}His huge balls look so full...{/i}"
show ghbj_cock_3 fs
"After sucking the cock as fast and as deep as you can for a while, you feel like he is about to cum."
"So you move your head away and get ready for him to cover your face in his hot cum."
hide ghbj_cock_3 fs
show ghbj_head 0
with Dissolve(1.)
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_1
with flash
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_2
with flash
pause 1.
"Next thing you know is you have a lot of cum all over your face..."
pov "{i}I should feel disgusted by this, but for some reason it's so exciting every time!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wipe your face clean and return to your room."
$ dtime += 1
$ renpy.notify("+$35")
$ money += 35
$ arousal += 30
jump room
if ghbj_cock == 4:
$ ghbj_cock = 5
show ghbj_cock huge b u 01
with Dissolve(2.)
"A big uncut cock appears through the hole."
pov "{i}There is no way that thing could fit into my mouth.{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess that's how a {b}real man's{/b} cock looks like. Huge and hard... ready to be pleased by horny girls.{/i}"
pov "{i}Mine looks nothing like that...{/i}"
pov "{i}I should start sucking it...{/i}"
hide ghbj_head 0
show ghbj_head h u b 1
with Dissolve(1.)
"You slowly wrap your lips around the cock and start playing with the tip with your tongue."
pov "{i}It so warm and feels so nice in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how deep I can take it.{/i}"
"You can't wait any longer so you start moving your head taking the cock as deep as you can."
hide ghbj_head h u b 1
show ghbj_cock_4 sl
pov "{i}Mmmm... it's so big.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't take it any deeper.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so good that there is a wall between us, I feel like otherwise he'd force it all deep in my throat...{/i}"
"Thinking about how you'd get forcefully throat fucked, you get even hornier and without noticing it, start moving faster."
show ghbj_cock_4 md
pov "{i}I want to make him cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}His huge balls look so full...{/i}"
show ghbj_cock_4 fs
"After sucking the cock as fast and as deep as you can for a while, you feel like he is about to cum."
"So you move your head away and get ready for him to cover your face in his hot cum."
hide ghbj_cock_4 fs
show ghbj_head 0
with Dissolve(1.)
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_1
with flash
pause 1.
show ghbj_cum_2
with flash
pause 1.
"Next thing you know is you have a lot of cum all over your face..."
pov "{i}I should feel disgusted by this, but for some reason it's so exciting every time!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wipe your face clean and return to your room."
$ dtime += 1
$ renpy.notify("+$35")
$ money += 35
$ arousal += 30
jump room
if ghbj_cock == 5:
$ ghbj_cock = 1
if ghanal_unlocked:
label scene_232_playback:
show black
with d
"A big juicy cock appears through the hole."
"You bend over and wrap your slutty lips around the tip of the cock without any hesitation."
"You slowly start taking it deeper and deeper while massaging the underside with your tongue."
"But as you try to make him feel as good as possible, you feel something touch your ass."
"You hesitantly take your mouth away from the tasty dick to see what it is."
"And to your surprise, you see another dick poking out of the hole on the opposite wall..."
"You smile, and slowly take it into your hand and guide it in your hungry sissy pussy while taking the first dick back into your mouth..."
show bg gh_spitroasted
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show gh_spitroasted_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show gh_spitroasted_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show gh_spitroasted_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show gh_spitroasted_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show gh_spitroasted_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show gh_spitroasted_eyebrows pink
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show gh_spitroasted_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show gh_spitroasted_clit average
if clitsize == "small":
show gh_spitroasted_clit small
if clitsize == "tiny":
show gh_spitroasted_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show gh_spitroasted_cage blue
if clitsize == "normal":
show gh_spitroasted_cage blue
if clitsize == "small":
show gh_spitroasted_cage pink
if clitsize == "tiny":
show gh_spitroasted_cage red
with d
if cage:
"As the big cock slowly enters your hungry hole and brushes against your p-spot, you feel your clitty quickly become limp in its small cage and start to leak."
"As the big cock slowly penetrates your hungry hole and brushes against your p-spot, you feel your clitty become limp and start to leak."
"Slowly, you start to move on both dicks; as the one slides out of your mouth, the other one slides deeper into your ass."
"Then you move in the opposite direction until the cock in your mouth touches the back of your throat."
"As your hole gets used to being stretched by a big hard cock, you start to increase your speed."
pov "{i}I feel like such a slut, being impaled by these two hard dicks!{/i}"
"And as you continue sliding between the two dicks, you feel them start moving and matching your thrusts."
"At this point, you can no longer hold your moaning."
"The only thing that blocks your feminine moans is the dick deep in your mouth."
"It goes on like this for a while until both cocks start twitching inside you and start pumping their hot cum in both of your holes almost at the same time."
show gh_spitroasted_cum_mouth
with flash
show gh_spitroasted_cum_ass
with flash
"And as the first portion of cum gets shot in your mouth, you feel your ass getting filled up as well."
"You drink as much cum as you can, but it's so much of it that it starts leaking past your lips."
if scene_232 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 232 unlocked")
$ scene_232 = True
"After that, you clean up both of the dicks with your mouth from the cum that's left, get your money through the holes and leave."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
jump room
jump ghbj_cock1
label mouthhole:
$ mouthhole = False
"You spend some time waiting for a cock to appear through the hole, but for some reason no one comes."
"You start to think what to do."
"Go back to your room":
"You decide that there will be plenty other opportunities to suck a cock and decide to relax a little instead this time."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Put your mouth right near the hole":
"You decide that it might be fun to put your mouth right at the hole so on the other side it will be pretty clear that you are ready to suck a cock."
show bg mouthhole 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"So you just do that and wait..."
"Couple of minutes pass, you start to get tired of waiting like this, with your mouth open, but then you hear some noises on the other side."
show bg mouthhole 2
with dissolve
"Next thing you know is that someone's cock is slightly touching your tongue, so you prepare yourself to get fucked in the mouth."
pov "{i}This makes me so horny...{/i}"
pov "{i}Presenting myself like this...{/i}"
pov "{i}Letting some random stranger to fuck my mouth like some kind of fleshlight...{/i}"
"But then your thoughts are interrupted by this cock entering your mouth..."
show bg mouthhole 3
"He just forces it's way inside your mouth and starts fucking you roughly."
show fuckmouthhole 1
"Apparently he was really horny when you found you waiting for his like this, and you start to think that he might not last very long before he'll start cumming."
"But you are so horny, that you decide to stay like this for the whole time and just let him do what he wants."
"Just a moment later he starts pumping cum in your mouth shooting it down your throat."
hide fuckmouthhole 1
show bg mouthhole 6
with flash
pause .5
show bg mouthhole 7
with flash
pause .5
"But it's so much of it, that you can't swallow everything and it starts leaking outside..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then he takes his cock out, waits for you to collect all the cum that got out from your mouth back inside for you to swallow every drop of it and then gives you $50 through the hole and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("Scene 30 unlocked")
$ scene_30 = True
pov "{i}I guess, he liked the whole \"fleshlight\" idea...{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
jump room
label ghan:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go into the booth and wait for a dick to show up through the hole..."
"But this time, you feel a strong urge to have it in your sissy hole instead of your mouth..."
"And as soon as the dick shows up through the hole, like in a trance, you bend over and slowly glide it into your tight hungry sissy-hole..."
label scene_100_playback:
show bg gh_analspread
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show gh_analspread_cage 1
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show gh_analspread_cage 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show gh_analspread_cage 2
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show gh_analspread_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show gh_analspread_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show gh_analspread_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show gh_analspread_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show gh_analspread_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show gh_analspread_eyebrows pink
with Dissolve(2.)
"As soon it slides into your ass, an involuntary moan escapes your lips..."
pov "{i}Oh, God! Why does it have to feel so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't believe that I've decided to have him in my ass and nobody was forcing me to do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I could just have sucked or jerked it off...{/i}"
pov "{i}But something makes me want to have it filling up my boy-pussy...{/i}"
"You start moving on the dick with each motion trying to get it as deep as possible."
pov "Mhhh...Ahhh..."
pov "Fuck! It feels so good!"
pov "Fuck me hard!"
"It seems that the man behind the wall has heard you, so he started moving too, so now you are getting fucked twice as fast..."
"You start moaning louder and louder as he's increasing the speed even more."
"And after a while, it feels like his dick becoming even bigger and you feel it starting to twitch in your ass."
show gh_analspread_cum 1
with flash
show gh_analspread_cum 2
with flash
if scene_100 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 100 unlocked")
$ scene_100 = True
"And a moment later you feel it pumping cum deep into your ass!"
"It's so much of it, that it starts leaking out of you, going down your little balls."
"You feel so good, that you don't even want to think about anything and just stay like that with your ass filled with cum and dick."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a couple of moments you feel him slide out of your hole and you see him giving you some money through the hole..."
"You take the money, clean up and go back to your room."
$ clientscoupleunlock = True
$ dtime += 1
$ renpy.notify("+$50")
$ money += 50
jump room
############################################################################################################################################################################################## Screens
screen blackcock002:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt gh_cock black 1 idle.webp"
hover "images/bt gh_cock black 1 hover.webp"
action Jump("gh_001")
xpos 0
ypos 0
screen whitecock002:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt gh_cock white 1 idle.webp"
hover "images/bt gh_cock white 1 hover.webp"
action Jump("gh_001")
xpos 0
ypos 0
screen ghdollar001:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt gh_dollar idle.webp"
hover "images/bt gh_dollar hover.webp"
action [Notify(_("+ $10")), Jump("ghtookdollar001")]
xpos 0
ypos 0
label hucow_farm:
if hucow_farm_first_visit:
$ hucow_farm_first_visit = False
eri "So, you've actually decided to go there?"
eri "Want to be milked and bred by hung farmers?"
pov "..."
pov "I just need money..."
eri "Hehe! Yeah, that's why you go there..."
eri "Okay, go outside now. You'll see a small blue van."
eri "Come to the driver, and he'll take you and other girls to the farm."
eri "I'll notify him that you'll join now."
pov "Thank you."
show black
with d
"You go to the van. The driver greets you and lets you inside."
"You sit there for a while and wait in case some other women decide to go to the farm too."
drv "It seems you're the only one going to the farm today."
"After that, he closes the door, and you depart."
"The road to the farm takes about an hour, and you even manage to nap during the ride."
"And after a while, the car stops."
"You get out and see a small farmhouse and a cowshed."
frm "Hey, you must be a new cow."
frm "[eri] told me about you... But I expected your tits to be bigger."
pov "..."
"You've almost missed everything that he said, as all of your attention was at his crotch."
"He is wearing blue overalls with a cut right on his crotch, so his huge balls and fat dick are in the open."
pov "{i}Wow... He must have the biggest balls I've ever seen... and his dick is so thick, even though it seems to be completely flaccid...{/i}"
"He ignores your staring at his genitalia, and it seems like going around like that is completely normal for him."
frm "Alright, let's go and see how much can you produce."
"You follow him to the shed, and the first thing you notice is the sound; it sounds like many cows are mooing..."
"But as you enter, you see that there are no real cows there, only people."
"Many women bent over and fixed on some kind of stands, with pumps attached to their breasts."
"And all of them have much bigger breasts than you..."
pov "{i}Wow... some of them are really huge!{/i}"
"And all of them are naked."
pov "{i}It seems like every cow is at some stage of their pregnancy...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe how many women are willing to go through pregnancy just to be milked on the farm...{/i}"
"As you follow the farmer to your stall, you can't stop looking around..."
"It seems like none of the cows pay you any attention and just stand there getting milked and moo..."
frm "Okay, we're here... This will be your stall. Here are some basic rules."
frm "While you are here, you are a cow, and you are not allowed to speak. Cows can only moo."
frm "You won't be allowed to leave the stall until a farmer comes and releases you."
frm "That's pretty much it. I hope it's clear."
pov "What if I need to go to a toilet?"
frm "So?"
pov "What do you mean?"
frm "I've just said, while you are here, you are a cow. Cows go to a toilet right at their stall."
frm "And a farmer will come and clean up everything."
pov "..."
frm "Also, at some point throughout the day, a farmer might decide to breed you. You have no say at this, so you have to stand there and take it."
frm "That is why all the farmers here have an exposed dick; it saves us a lot of time as we breed cows all the time..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}I don't even think I can take such a fat dick in my hole...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's too thick for me, even while it's completely soft.{/i}"
frm "Okay... now, undress and get into the position."
frm "And since you've already asked too many questions, I'll use a gag this time, so you can get used to mooing only."
pov "{i}One question is too many...?{/i}"
frm "You decide not to say anything and just do what he says."
"You take off your clothes, get into the position, and he puts a big gag in your mouth."
"After that, he connects the pumps to your breasts."
pov "{i}Fuck... this is so humiliating...{/i}"
label scene_180_playback:
show bg farm_milking
show farm_milking_farmer 1:
xpos -1.
show farm_milking_mc
show farm_milking_farmer_hand:
xpos -1.
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair short blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair short blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair short pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair short red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show farm_milking_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_eyebrows pink
show farm_milking_eyes open
show farm_milking_pumps 1
with d
"After that, he turns on the pumps and leaves..."
pov "{i}At least the pumps feel nice...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's like someone is sucking my nipples.{/i}"
pov "{i}But this fucking gag... I'm already covered with my saliva. It's impossible to swallow it with this big thing in my mouth!{/i}"
pov "{i}But how will I produce milk? It had only happened when I got fucked...{/i}"
pov "{i}Well... It's not like I could tell it to someone...{/i}"
"So you decide just to stand there and wait, enjoying the gentle massage on your breasts."
"It goes on like this for about half an hour, and no milk is coming out of you, but the pleasure increases more and more..."
"It feels so good that you start moaning, but because of the gag, it starts to sound like mooing..."
"And to your surprise, you feel milk starting to squirt out of your nipples!"
show farm_milking_eyes closed
show farm_milking_pumps 2
with d1
"The pump starts sucking the milk out of you, and it seems like the flow doesn't stop."
if scene_180 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 180 unlocked")
$ scene_180 = True
"Even though your breasts give just drops of milk compared to the other cows, milk still flows for a long time."
"Throughout the day, the pump stops, giving you some time to recover and then continues sucking again."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
"When the end of the day comes, you are quite surprised that no one came to fuck you."
pov "{i}Well, maybe these farmers are not into sissies...{/i}"
frm "Alright, this will be it, let's see how much we've got..."
"He comes to the container with your milk and checks how much you've produced."
frm "Not bad for a cow with such a small udder..."
pov "..."
frm "Now, let's taste it. And then he pours a small amount of your milk into a cup and drinks it..."
frm "Quite sweet... I like it!"
frm "At first, I was sceptical, but now, I'm starting to consider bringing more sissy cows here."
frm "I think you can continue getting milked here on weekends if you like."
frm "Here is your pay."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
"After that, he takes off the pump and the gag and lets you go to the van."
pov "{i}Wow... that was a weird experience...{/i}"
pov "{i}Standing there naked for the whole day... Getting milked like a farm cow.{/i}"
pov "{i}And seeing him taste my milk...{/i}"
pov "{i}Something about it feels strangely hot...{/i}"
"You get back into the van, and the driver takes you to the brothel."
$ dtime += 2
jump room
$ counter_hucow_farm += 1
eri "That's cute... Can't wait to be milked again like a good cow?"
eri "I hope this time the farmers will breed you a lot!"
"She winks at you while smiling and tells you to go down to the van."
eri "I'll notify the driver. Enjoy your day at the farm!"
show black
with d
"You go to the van; driver greets you and you drive off."
if counter_hucow_farm > 3:
label scene_185_playback:
"During the ride, you notice that the driver keeps checking you out into the back-view mirror, and it seems like he keeps touching his crotch while looking at you from time to time."
"After a while, when it becomes too obvious, he speaks to you."
drv "Hey, we have a long road ahead of us; how do you feel joining me here on the front seat?"
drv "You know how it is, a good company makes the time go faster..."
pov "That would be nice!"
"He stops on a roadside and lets you take the front seat, and then you continue the journey."
"You have some small talk about random stuff, but you don't have anything in common, so the conversation doesn't really flow."
"But during the whole time, you can't help but notice him rubbing his bulge while talking to you..."
"Help him out":
pov "{i}Is he hard because of me...?{/i}"
pov "{i}That's quite hot actually...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... This is too hot.{/i}"
pov "{i}I want his dick.{/i}"
"As he drives, you slowly lower yourself to his crotch and pull his big hard cock out of his shorts."
"He doesn't seem to mind at all, he just smiles at you and shifts his position, so it's easier for you to play with his big dick."
"You are surprised to see how big it actually is, and you can't take your eyes and hands away from it."
pov "{i}It's so thick and so hard.{/i}"
pov "{i}I need it in my mouth!{/i}"
"And without any hesitation, you part your lips and take it in your mouth until you feel his tip touching the back of your throat."
show bg farm_driver_bj
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show farm_driver_bj_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show farm_driver_bj_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show farm_driver_bj_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show farm_driver_bj_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show farm_driver_bj_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show farm_driver_bj_eyebrows pink
show farm_driver_bj_man
with d
pov "Mmmmm..."
"You can't help yourself as you moan and drool on his fat hard dick as you slowly start sucking it."
pov "{i}There are no excuses this time...{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't have to suck his dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I want to...{/i}"
pov "{i}When did I become such a slut?{/i}"
pov "{i}Sucking off the driver's dick while he drives me to the farm.{/i}"
pov "{i}He's not even paying me for it.{/i}"
pov "{i}And he didn't even ask me to suck it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I just saw it, and I had to get it in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "{i}I AM a slut...{/i}"
"All your thoughts make you even hornier, and you start to suck the dick even harder."
"Wrapping your slutty lips around it, playing with the tip with your tongue and drinking the constant stream of his precum."
pov "{i}It seems like he's really horny.{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better take it a bit easier so he doesn't cum too soon. I want to enjoy this perfect cock the whole ride to the farm.{/i}"
"Mastering all your willpower, you manage to calm down a little bit and suck it a little easier, prolonging both your pleasure."
pov "{i}I've never would have thought that the taste and smell of a manly dick would make me this horny.{/i}"
"As you continue sucking his cock, your clitty is as hard as ever, but you make sure not to touch it as you want all your attention to be concentrated on this perfect member occupying your mouth."
"It goes on like this for many more minutes, as your jaw starts to hurt from being open wide like this, but you surely don't want to stop even for a moment."
"At some point, the long sweet torture becomes too much for the driver, and you feel his dick starting to twitch in your mouth as he groans and shoots his massive load into your throat and mouth."
with flash
show farm_driver_bj_cum
with flash
if scene_185 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 185 unlocked")
$ scene_185 = True
drv "Arhhh..."
drv "Such a good girl..."
"It was so much cum that you couldn't keep it all in your mouth as it overflowed and spilt through your lips."
drv "You better make sure to clean me up before we arrive. I wouldn't want to spend the rest of the day with all this cum drying up in my shorts."
"There was no point for him to say that as you would never leave the car without drinking up every drop of the sweet hot cum that escaped your mouth."
"You try not to swallow everything right away and savour all the gooey cum in your mouth, enjoying the amazing taste as you play with it with your tongue."
"Slowly, drop by drop, you swallow the cum in your mouth and start sucking and licking his dick clean, making sure not to miss anything."
hide farm_driver_bj_cum
with d1
"When his dick is finally clean, you continue to suck it softly."
"The driver doesn't seem to mind and lets you spend the rest of the ride with his dick in your mouth."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Try to ignore it":
"It feels a bit odd to sit right near him as he touches himself through his pants, but it seems like he's too horny to mind."
"At some point, the conversation dies completely, and you drive there in silence while he continues to touch himself and check you out from time to time."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}Is he hard because of me...?{/i}"
pov "{i}That's quite hot actually...{/i}"
pov "{i}If only I weren't so shy.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'd love to see his dick and play with it...{/i}"
pov "I'm sorry, I didn't have much sleep last night, so I'd like to have a small nap while we ride."
drv "Oh, no worries... that's fine with me!"
"After that, it seems like he's no longer interested in you, and you drift off to sleep on one of the back seats."
"It takes about an hour to get to the farm, and you even manage to have a nap during the ride."
if replay:
jump scenes
"Soon, you arrive at the farm. The farmer greets you and leads you to your stall."
"As soon as you are there, you take off all of your clothes and stand on all fours."
"He connects the pumps and gags you."
show bg farm_milking
show farm_milking_farmer 1:
xpos -1.
show farm_milking_mc
show farm_milking_farmer_hand:
xpos -1.
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair short blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair short blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair short pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair short red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show farm_milking_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_eyebrows pink
show farm_milking_eyes open
show farm_milking_pumps 1
with d
"After that, he turns on the pumps and leaves..."
pov "{i}Not the most comfortable position, but considering how good it feels to be milked, it's worth it...{/i}"
"So you stand there and wait, enjoying the gentle massage on your breasts."
"It goes on like this for about half an hour, and no milk is coming out of you, but the pleasure increases more and more..."
"It feels so good that you start moaning, but because of the gag, it starts to sound like mooing..."
"And soon enough, you feel milk starting to squirt out of your nipples!"
show farm_milking_eyes closed
show farm_milking_pumps 2
with d1
"The pump starts sucking the milk out of you, and it seems like the flow doesn't stop."
"Even though your breasts give just drops of milk compared to the other cows, milk still flows for a long time."
if hucow_farm_milking_event == 1:
$ hucow_farm_milking_event = 2
jump hucow_farm_milking_event_1
if hucow_farm_milking_event == 2:
$ hucow_farm_milking_event = 3
jump hucow_farm_milking_event_2
if hucow_farm_milking_event == 3:
$ hucow_farm_milking_event = 1
jump hucow_farm_milking_event_3
label hucow_farm_milking_event_1:
show black
"When the end of the day comes, the farmer comes, pays you and releases you."
#pov "{i}Well, maybe at least these farmers not into sissies...{/i}"
#frm "Alright, this will be it, let's see how much we've got..."
#"He comes to the container with your milk and checks how much you've produced."
#frm "Not bad for a cow with such a small udder..."
#pov "..."
#frm "Now, let's taste it. And then he pours a small amount of your milk into a cup and drinks it..."
#frm "Quite sweet... I like it!"
#frm "At first, I was sceptical, but now, I'm starting to consider bringing more sissy cows here."
#frm "I think you can continue getting milked here on weekends if you like."
#frm "Here is your pay."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
#"After that, he takes off the pump and the gag and lets you go to the van."
"You get back into the van, and the driver takes you to the brothel."
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label hucow_farm_milking_event_2:
"You stand there getting milked by the machine when suddenly you feel like someone came to your stall..."
show farm_milking_eyes open
show farm_milking_farmer 1:
xpos 0.
with d1
frm "I feel like we should increase your production today..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I know what that means...{/i}"
frm "What do you think? Ha?"
pov "..."
"Seeing that you are not replying, he comes closer and slaps your ass."
show farm_milking_farmer 2:
xpos 0.
show farm_milking_farmer_hand:
xpos 0.
show farm_milking_eyes closed
with hpunch
"This causes you to moan right away, but because of the gag, it's almost like you are mooing!"
frm "Good cow!"
"Then you feel his rough hand lube up your hole and press his fat soft dick against it..."
pov "{i}Fuck! I can't imagine how will he be able to fit that huge thing inside me...{/i}"
"And then he proceeds forcing his soft dick inside with his hands."
"It seems like he's fucked so many cows today that he can't even get hard anymore."
pov "{i}At least it won't be as painful as if it was hard right now...{/i}"
pov "Mmmmmm..."
"To your surprise, he quickly manages to force his fat dick inside of you and starts moving."
"Even though it's very thick, because of how soft it is, it's not as painful as you would have imagined."
"And just a couple of thrusts later, you feel his dick getting hard."
pov "{i}Ahhh... That is so strange... I feel him get hard...{/i}"
pov "{i}... but at the same time it still feels soft on the outside...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if his dick is just swollen from all the fucking every day?{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels so good... Soft, gentle and hard at the same time...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so good to squeeze his soft outer layer with your anus and feel the hard dick underneath all that softness at the same time...{/i}"
pov "{i}Like it's a two-layered dildo... soft on the outside and hard in the inside...{/i}"
"As he continues fucking you, you feel him increase the speed and feel the flow of the milk increase."
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}This breeding... mmmm... thing... ahhh... seems to work.{/i}"
if scene_181 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 181 unlocked")
$ scene_181 = True
"He fucks you like that for a while, and you can't believe how long it goes on."
pov "{i}Fuuuck... He doesn't even slow down...{/i}"
pov "{i}No wonder his dick is so swollen.{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"He fucks you like that for what seems like a couple of hours and then finally stops, satisfied with the milk production results and leaves you."
"When the end of the day comes, he returns and gives you your pay."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
"After that, he takes off the pump and the gag and lets you go to the van."
"You get into the van, and the driver takes you back to the brothel."
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label hucow_farm_milking_event_3:
#jump hucow_farm_milking_event_1
"You stand like that for a while, getting milked like a human cow."
"When you realise, you no longer can hold it..."
pov "{i}Fuck, I really need to pee!{/i}"
pov "{i}What should I do now?{/i}"
"Then you remember that you are not supposed to talk here... You are a cow and you are only allowed to moo. Not that you have a choice with this big gag in your mouth."
pov "{i}Maybe if I moo, someone will hear it and come and I can ask to go to a toilet?{/i}"
"Try mooing":
pov "{i}Fuck... How did my life get here?{/i}"
pov "Moo... Mmmm..."
pov "MOOOO..."
pov "{i}It seems I'll have to moo here all day for someone to notice...{/i}"
pov "{i}And I'm not even sure if someone did hear it, that they would let me go to a toilet...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm not sure I can hold it in until the day ends... Maybe I should just pee?{/i}"
pov "{i}I saw some \'cows\' do it while standing in their stalls.{/i}"
jump hucow_pee_time
"Try to hold it":
"You've managed to hold it in for ten more minutes, but the sound of your milk streaming through the pumps makes it even harder for you."
"So a moment later you give up and let go..."
jump hucow_pee_time
"Just pee":
pov "{i}I'm not sure I can hold it in until the day ends... Maybe I should just pee?{/i}"
pov "{i}I saw some \'cows\' do it while standing in their stalls.{/i}"
jump hucow_pee_time
label hucow_pee_time:
label scene_186_playback:
show bg farm_pee_time
show farm_pee_time_pee:
xpos 1.0
if cage:
if clitsize == "tiny":
show farm_pee_time_cage tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show farm_pee_time_cage small
if clitsize == "normal":
show farm_pee_time_cage normal
if clitsize == "big":
show farm_pee_time_cage big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show farm_pee_time_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show farm_pee_time_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show farm_pee_time_clit normal
if clitsize == "big":
show farm_pee_time_clit big
with d
"And then you feel a stream of pee escaping your clitty as it covers the floor below you..."
show farm_pee_time_pee:
xpos 0.0
with d1
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}This feels so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}What a releaf!{/i}"
pov "Ahhhh..."
if scene_186 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 186 unlocked")
$ scene_186 = True
"And as you hear your pee drops hitting the floor, you can't help but feel like an animal."
pov "{i}I feel so dirty doing this...{/i}"
pov "{i}Just standing here on all fours in a cow stall and releaving myself while getting milked like it's nothing.{/i}"
pov "{i}Why do I think it's also quite hot...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Something is definitely wrong with me... But I want to do it again...{/i}"
"Your dirty thoughts continue to fill up your mind as the stream of your hot pee goes on and on..."
pov "{i}I'd never be able to hold it in me until the end of the day...{/i}"
hide farm_pee_time_pee
with d1
pov "{i}I feel so much better, but a lot dirtier than before♥{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"When the end of the day comes, the farmer comes, pays you and releases you paying no attention to your pee puddle on the ground."
#pov "{i}Well, maybe at least these farmers not into sissies...{/i}"
#frm "Alright, this will be it, let's see how much we've got..."
#"He comes to the container with your milk and checks how much you've produced."
#frm "Not bad for a cow with such a small udder..."
#pov "..."
#frm "Now, let's taste it. And then he pours a small amount of your milk into a cup and drinks it..."
#frm "Quite sweet... I like it!"
#frm "At first, I was sceptical, but now, I'm starting to consider bringing more sissy cows here."
#frm "I think you can continue getting milked here on weekends if you like."
#frm "Here is your pay."
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
#"After that, he takes off the pump and the gag and lets you go to the van."
"You get back into the van, and the driver takes you to the brothel."
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label scene_181_playback:
show bg farm_milking
show farm_milking_farmer 1:
xpos -1.
show farm_milking_mc
show farm_milking_farmer_hand:
xpos -1.
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair short blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair short blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair short pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair short red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show farm_milking_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show farm_milking_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show farm_milking_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show farm_milking_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show farm_milking_eyebrows pink
show farm_milking_eyes open
show farm_milking_pumps 1
with d
"After that, he turns on the pumps and leaves..."
pov "{i}Not the most comfortable position, but considering how good it feels to be milked, it's worth it...{/i}"
"So you stand there and wait, enjoying the gentle massage on your breasts."
"It goes on like this for about half an hour, and no milk is coming out of you, but the pleasure increases more and more..."
"It feels so good that you start moaning, but because of the gag, it starts to sound like mooing..."
"And soon enough, you feel milk starting to squirt out of your nipples!"
show farm_milking_eyes closed
show farm_milking_pumps 2
with d1
"The pump starts sucking the milk out of you, and it seems like the flow doesn't stop."
"Even though your breasts give just drops of milk compared to the other cows, milk still flows for a long time."
"You stand there getting milked by the machine when suddenly you feel like someone came to your stall..."
show farm_milking_eyes open
show farm_milking_farmer 1:
xpos 0.
with d1
frm "I feel like we should increase your production today..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I know what that means...{/i}"
frm "What do you think? Ha?"
pov "..."
"Seeing that you are not replying, he comes closer and slaps your ass."
show farm_milking_farmer 2:
xpos 0.
show farm_milking_farmer_hand:
xpos 0.
show farm_milking_eyes closed
with hpunch
"This causes you to moan right away, but because of the gag, it's almost like you are mooing!"
frm "Good cow!"
"Then you feel his rough hand lube up your hole and press his fat soft dick against it..."
pov "{i}Fuck! I can't imagine how will he be able to fit that huge thing inside me...{/i}"
"And then he proceeds forcing his soft dick inside with his hands."
"It seems like he's fucked so many cows today that he can't even get hard anymore."
pov "{i}At least it won't be as painful as if it was hard right now...{/i}"
pov "Mmmmmm..."
"To your surprise, he quickly manages to force his fat dick inside of you and starts moving."
"Even though it's very thick, because of how soft it is, it's not as painful as you would have imagined."
"And just a couple of thrusts later, you feel his dick getting hard."
pov "{i}Ahhh... That is so strange... I feel him get hard...{/i}"
pov "{i}... but at the same time it still feels soft on the outside...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if his dick is just swollen from all the fucking every day?{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels so good... Soft, gentle and hard at the same time...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so good to squeeze his soft outer layer with your anus and feel the hard dick underneath all that softness at the same time...{/i}"
pov "{i}Like it's a two-layered dildo... soft on the outside and hard in the inside...{/i}"
"As he continues fucking you, you feel him increase the speed and feel the flow of the milk increase."
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}This breeding... mmmm... thing... ahhh... seems to work.{/i}"
"He fucks you like that for a while, and you can't believe how long it goes on."
pov "{i}Fuuuck... He doesn't even slow down...{/i}"
pov "{i}No wonder his dick is so swollen.{/i}"
jump scenes
### Images
image tssucking 1:
"tsbj_head 3"
"tsbj_head 4"
"tsbj_head 5"
"tsbj_head 4"
image 69sucking 1:
"bj69_head 2"
"bj69_head 3"
"bj69_head 4"
"bj69_head 3"
image 69suckingf_b 1:
"bj69_head_f_b 2"
"bj69_head_f_b 3"
"bj69_head_f_b 4"
"bj69_head_f_b 3"
image 69suckingf_w 1:
"bj69_head_f_w 2"
"bj69_head_f_w 3"
"bj69_head_f_w 4"
"bj69_head_f_w 3"
image 69sucking 2:
"bj69_head 2"
"bj69_head 3"
"bj69_head 4"
"bj69_head 3"
image 69suckingf_b 2:
"bj69_head_f_b 2"
"bj69_head_f_b 3"
"bj69_head_f_b 4"
"bj69_head_f_b 3"
image 69suckingf_w 2:
"bj69_head_f_w 2"
"bj69_head_f_w 3"
"bj69_head_f_w 4"
"bj69_head_f_w 3"
image licking_anal_nsh:
image roomhj1:
"room_handjob_hand 2.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 3.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 4.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 3.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 2.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 1.webp"
image roomhj2:
"room_handjob_hand 2.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 3.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 4.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 3.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 2.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 1.webp"
image roomhj3:
"room_handjob_hand 2.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 3.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 4.webp"
"room_handjob_hand 1.webp"
image roomhjgroping:
"room_handjob_fingering_groping 1"
"room_handjob_fingering_groping 2"
image roomhjanalrub:
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 0-1"
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 0-2"
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 0-3"
image roomhjfingering 1:
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 0-1"
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 1"
image roomhjfingering 2:
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 0-1"
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 1"
"room_handjob_fingering_fingering 2"
label clientroom:
if scene_196 and teacher_visit_1:
$ teacher_visit_1 = False
$ teacher_counter = 1
jump teacher_visit_1
if scene_157 and confession_bj_first_time and dtime == 2:
$ confession_bj_first_time = False
jump confession_bj_first_time
if hypno_cum_count >= 5 and small_dick_client and cage == True and scene_152 and scene_153 and scene_154 and scene_155 and scene_156 and scene_157 and scene_158 and scene_159 and scene_160 and scene_161 and scene_162 and scene_163 and scene_164:
$ small_dick_client = False
jump small_dick_client
if scene_129 and scene_130 and dtime == 1 and footballteam and cage == False:
$ footballteam = False
jump football_team_gangbang
if scene_122 and adr_counter >= 5 and adr_visit_2 and money >= 200:
$ adr_visit_2 = False
jump adr_visit_2
if scene_139 and adr_counter >= 5 and adr_visit_3 and money >= 200 and wday == 2:
$ adr_visit_3 = False
jump adr_visit_3
if scene_158 and adr_counter >= 5 and adr_visit_4 and money >= 200 and cage:
$ adr_counter = 0
$ adr_visit_4 = False
jump adr_visit_4
if scene_182 and adr_counter >= 5 and adr_visit_5 and money >= 200 and cage:
$ adr_counter = 0
$ adr_visit_5 = False
jump adr_visit_5
if adr_counter >= 5 and adr_visit_6 and adr_visit_5 == False and money >= 200 and cage:
$ adr_counter = 0
$ adr_visit_6 = False
jump adr_visit_6
if adr_counter >= 5 and adr_visit_7 and adr_visit_6 == False and money >= 200 and cage:
$ adr_counter = 0
$ adr_visit_7 = False
jump adr_visit_7
if adr_counter >= 5 and adr_visit_8 and adr_visit_7 == False and money >= 200 and cage:
$ adr_counter = 0
$ adr_visit_8 = False
jump adr_visit_8
if naomi_dominant_route and jen_came_on_ass and naomi_amanda_sandwich and cage == False:
$ naomi_amanda_sandwich = False
jump naomi_jen_double_bj
if naomi_dominant_route and jen_came_on_thigh and naomi_amanda_sandwich and cage == False:
$ naomi_amanda_sandwich = False
jump naomi_jen_double_bj
if naomi_obedient_route and jen_came_on_ass and naomi_jen_double_bj:
$ naomi_jen_double_bj = False
jump naomi_jen_double_bj
if naomi_obedient_route and jen_came_on_thigh and naomi_jen_double_bj:
$ naomi_jen_double_bj = False
jump naomi_jen_double_bj
if scene_133 and naomi_counter > 5 and scene_190 == False:
$ naomi_counter = 1
jump naomi_pov_bj
if scene_190 and naomi_counter > 5 and scene_199 == False:
$ naomi_counter = 1
jump naomi_facial_doggy_fuck
if scene_199 and naomi_visit_6:
$ naomi_visit_6 = False
$ naomi_counter = 1
jump naomi_visit_6
if naomi_visit_6 == False and naomi_counter >= 3 and tom_visit_friends:
$ tom_conter = 1
$ tom_visit_friends = False
jump tom_visit_friends
if scene_62 and clientscoupleunlock and scene_101 == False:
jump randomcouple1
if scene_101 == True and martinfirstvisit == False and freeclitdays >= 8:
$ martinfirstvisit = True
jump martinfirstvisit
if milkymilky == True and talkaboutmilkerika == False and sissyblock == False:
jump milkymilkycowgirl
if pleasebreedme and sissyblock and cage == False:
jump toohornytoresist
if see_erika_first:
pov "{i}I should see [eri] first.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I don't think it would be a good idea to get fucked by a man or to suck a dick until the injection works.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if clitfree and naomivisittwo == False:
$ naomivisittwo = True
jump naomivisit2
if tomvisit2:
$ tomvisit2 = False
jump tomvisit2
if friendvisit:
$ friendvisit = False
jump friendvisit
if firstclient:
$ firstclient = False
jump firstclient
if shemaleclient:
jump shemaleclient
if blowjobs:
if randomclientroom == 1:
$ randomclientroom = 2
jump bjclient
if randomclientroom == 2:
$ randomclientroom = 3
if scene_39:
jump bjclientbbcanilingus
if randomclientroom == 3:
$ randomclientroom = 4
if cage == True:
jump randomstrapon1
if cage == False and scene_115:
jump random_spread_legs_on_back
if randomclientroom == 4:
$ randomclientroom = 5
jump bjclientforced
if randomclientroom == 5:
$ randomclientroom = 6
if cage == False and scene_22:
jump random_doggy
if randomclientroom == 6:
$ randomclientroom = 7
if scene_29:
jump randomfeet1
if randomclientroom == 7:
$ randomclientroom = 8
if scene_45:
jump bjclient2men
if randomclientroom == 8:
$ randomclientroom = 9
if scene_63:
jump randomclientfullnelson
if randomclientroom == 9:
$ randomclientroom = 10
if cage == False and scene_100:
jump random_client_jerk_off
# jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 10:
$ randomclientroom = 11
if cage == False and scene_115:
jump random_spread_legs_on_back
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 11:
$ randomclientroom = 12
if scene_153:
jump random_amazon
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 12:
$ randomclientroom = 13
if scene_199:
jump random_window
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 13:
$ randomclientroom = 14
if scene_127:
jump random_castrated_girl
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 14:
$ randomclientroom = 15
if breasts == 'd':
jump random_boobjob
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 15:
$ randomclientroom = 16
if scene_149:
jump random_choking
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 16:
$ randomclientroom = 17
if scene_149:
jump random_spread_legs
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 17:
$ randomclientroom = 18
if scene_200:
jump random_wife_strapon
jump clientroom
if randomclientroom == 18:
$ randomclientroom = 1
if scene_149:
jump random_big_clit
jump clientroom
if girlishenough == False:
"You spend some time waiting for a client, but nobody comes..."
pov "{i}Maybe that's because I need to look even more girlish than now?{/i}"
pov "{i}I might need to visit a beauty salon again and do something about my look.{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
$ needmoregirlish = True
jump room
"You shouldn't see this text, it's a bug, please report it and say that you saw an error 1234500"
jump room
call screen ui1
label teacher_visit_1:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_teacher:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
"A weird man comes in."
"He is wearing a long coat with a high collar, glasses and a hat..."
pov "{i}Wow, this man does not want to get recognised...{/i}"
man "Hey."
"He says with a weird voice like he's trying to change it and make it deeper."
pov "Hello... sir."
pov "{i}... He looks so familiar for some reason...{/i}"
"You are trying to picture him without his weird outfit and his moustache... but you still can't recognise him..."
pov "{i}It's so weird, I definitely know him...{/i}"
man "Wow, you look... so... sexy!"
pov "Do you know me?"
man "No... I... I see you for the first time in my l-life..."
pov "Hmmm... okay then..."
pov "What would you like today?"
man "T-to do? Hmmm... Maybe a... a blowjob...?"
"He asks with the same weird voice."
pov "I would be happy to do it..."
pov "Take off your clothes, please and lie down."
label scene_208_playback:
show black
with d
"He slowly removes his clothes but still keeps his hat and the glasses on..."
pov "{i}What a weird guy...{/i}"
"And then you see his already hard dick."
pov "{i}Well, at least he has a nice cock...{/i}"
show bg special_teacher_bj
show special_teacher_bj_eyes open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show special_teacher_bj_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show special_teacher_bj_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show special_teacher_bj_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show special_teacher_bj_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show special_teacher_bj_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show special_teacher_bj_eyebrows pink
show special_teacher_bj_man
with d
"You slowly lie down between his legs and put his hard dick on your tongue."
"You feel a salt-ish taste of precum right away."
pov "{i}He's so turned on already!{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm still so curious about who could this be...{/i}"
pov "{i}And why is he still wearing his hat and glasses...?{/i}"
man "I can't believe my dick is on your tongue..."
pov "Why? You say it as you know me already..."
man "No, I don't, I-I swear!"
man "It's just you are so so sexy that I c-..."
show special_teacher_bj_eyes closed
show special_teacher_bj_cum 1
with flash
show special_teacher_bj_cum 2
with flash
show special_teacher_bj_cum 3
with flash
if scene_208 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 208 unlocked")
$ scene_208 = True
pov "Wow!"
pov "{i}I've barely licked it!{/i}"
pov "{i}I probably wouldn't have cum this fast!{/i}"
man "I-I'm sorry about it! I was t-to horny!"
"Here, take this."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
show black
with d
"After giving you the money, he quickly puts his clothes back on and rushes out of the room."
"So you sit there with a face covered in cum and try to think who could it have been..."
pov "{i}And his cum tastes familiar...{/i}"
pov "{i}Not that I could recognise someone by the taste of their cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}The taste reminds me of my own cum...{/i}"
"You decide not to think about it too much."
pov "{i}I guess I should eat this treat that he left on my face! Better not waste it ♥♥♥{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_window:
label scene_229_playback:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A guy enters the room."
"He looks a bit angry for some reason."
man "Hey slut. Ready to get fucked?"
"Without waiting for you to reply, he grabs your hand and pulls you in the direction of the window in your room."
"And before you know it, he pushes you against the window with his hand over your neck like he's about to choke you!"
pov "What are you..."
show bg random_window_fuck
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show random_window_fuck_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_window_fuck_clit average
if clitsize == "small":
show random_window_fuck_clit small
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_window_fuck_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show random_window_fuck_cage blue
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_window_fuck_cage blue
if clitsize == "small":
show random_window_fuck_cage pink
if clitsize == "tiny":
show random_window_fuck_cage red
if breasts == False:
show random_window_fuck_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show random_window_fuck_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show random_window_fuck_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show random_window_fuck_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show random_window_fuck_breasts d
show random_window_fuck_fg
"It makes you quite scared for your life!"
"And a moment later, you feel his hard cock penetrate you!"
"Slowly but firmly it gets between your ass checks and then spreads your tight hole and enters you..."
pov "Uh~... NGH~~!"
man "How do you like it slut?"
man "Getting fucked in front of the open window?"
man "Anyone who's passing by can see you now."
man "Can see you get fucked by a real man!"
"And with those words, he starts fucking you!"
"By that moment your face is bright red..."
pov "{i}What if someone does see me like this?!{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so humiliating.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm completely naked with a man's dick penetrating me!{/i}"
"And a cherry on top is your own useless clitty flopping around between your legs."
"Even though all this humiliation and his rough behaviour make you extremely horny, your own clitty remains as soft and small as it can be..."
pov "Mmmm..."
pov "F-fuck...!"
man "Yeah bitch! Moan for me! Maybe someone will hear you!"
man "And they'll see what a slut you are!"
"You are too embarrassed to look out the window as you are sure someone has noticed you by now."
"They are probably looking at you and thinking what a dirty cock hungry slut you must be to get fucked like this in front of a window..."
"Your mind gets overflown with thoughts like that when suddenly the man pushes you away and cums on the window..."
if scene_229 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 229 unlocked")
$ scene_229 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_230_playback:
show bg random_window_cum_licking
show random_window_cum_licking_fg
show random_window_cum_licking_cum
with d
man "Come on slut! I want to see you lick it clean..."
"Do it":
"You are too horny to refuse, but at the same time you are still too embarrassed."
"So you bring your face close to the glass and stick out your tongue but try not to look outside as you start licking up the cum..."
pov "I-I can't!"
man "Of course you can!"
"And with those words, he grabs your hair and brings your face closer to the cum on the glass."
"And all you can do is stick your tongue out just in time as he forces you to lick it all up."
show bg random_window_cum_licking
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg long red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hairbg tails red
show random_window_cum_licking_head
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair buns red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_window_cum_licking_hair pigtails red
show random_window_cum_licking_fg
show random_window_cum_licking_cum
"Your face is burning red as the first salty drop of cum touches your tongue."
"And you reluctantly swallow it as you imagine someone looking at you from the street..."
pov "{i}And now they see me lick up the cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so perverted and humiliating...{/i}"
man "That's right slut, lick up my manly cum!"
man "Show everyone outside what a dirty whore you are."
"You slowly lick drop by drop and as you are done, the man throws some money on the floor and leaves."
if scene_230 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 230 unlocked")
$ scene_230 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_amazon:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A sexy fit woman enters the room..."
wmn "Hey! I'd like to have sex with a sissy girl..."
wmn "But you'd have to be uncaged for that..."
wmn "Is your clitty free?"
if cage:
pov "I'm sorry, it's locked."
wmn "Fuck, why do you all have it locked?"
wmn "So pathetic, you don't even control your clit!"
"After saying that, she leaves the room... probably to look for a sissy with a free clit."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I could've been fucking her if it wasn't for this stupid cage!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
pov "Yeah, it's free now."
wmn "Finally, a sissy with an unlocked clit!"
wmn "What's with all of you keeping it locked? Can't you control yourself?"
pov "It usually happens that we don't lock it up ourselves..."
wmn "Wow... that's so pathetic! Someone is having more control over you than yourself..."
wmn "Well, at least today yours is free for me to do anything I want."
wmn "Come on, show it to me. I want to see it first."
"You do as you are told and expose your clit for her."
if clitsize == "tiny":
wmn "Hahaha! I didn't even expect it to be this small!"
wmn "No... no, this won't do; I won't even feel it."
wmn "I should better find some other sissy to fuck."
"After saying that, she leaves."
pov "{i}I can't believe I could've been fucking her if my clitty wasn't this small!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
if clitsize == "small":
wmn "Fuck, I didn't expect it to be this small!"
wmn "I guess I still have to make the best out of it..."
wmn "Certainly better than looking for another sissy with an unlocked clit."
pov "{i}This is humiliating...{/i}"
if clitsize == "average":
wmn "Fuck, it's small!"
pov "..."
pov "{i}This is humiliating...{/i}"
wmn "I guess I still have to make the best out of it..."
wmn "Certainly better than looking for another sissy with an unlocked clit."
if clitsize == "big":
wmn "Fuck, it's small!"
"You are surprised to hear that as you thought it was at least average..."
pov "{i}This is humiliating...{/i}"
wmn "I guess I still have to make the best out of it..."
wmn "Certainly better than looking for another sissy with an unlocked clit."
wmn "I know."
wmn "Now, if you want us to proceed, I'd like you to take this pill."
pov "What is this?"
wmn "Don't worry about it. It's basically viagra, but with a nice side effect..."
wmn "It will make your pathetic clit at least big enough for me to use it."
"Take it":
jump random_amazon_take_pill
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry, but I can't just take some pill..."
wmn "Come on, for real?"
wmn "You don't want to fuck me, and you don't want a bigger clit?"
wmn "That is... wow..."
wmn "I guess you really are a sissy!"
wmn "I'll find someone else then!"
"After saying that, she leaves."
"You try telling yourself that you didn't take the pill not because you are a sissy and don't want to have a bigger clit or to fuck a sexy woman..."
"... but because you were just worried about taking a pill from a stranger..."
"Maybe if you repeat it one more time, it would make it more believable, sissy?"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label random_amazon_take_pill:
label scene_210_playback:
"You take the pill and swallow it..."
wmn "Good girl."
wmn "Now for the good part."
wmn "Lie down in bed and wait for me to undress."
"You do as you are told and enjoy looking at her while she undresses."
"She has a nice toned body with defined muscles, but not too big."
pov "{i}She's still definitely stronger than me...{/i}"
"By the time she's naked, your clitty is so hard like it never was before..."
"And it seems that the pill started working, and your clitty started to swell up..."
pov "{i}I can't believe it, it really is getting bigger!{/i}"
"You touch it with your hand to check how it feels..."
"... but... nothing...?!"
"You can't feel anything!"
pov "What the fuck?!"
wmn "Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention... You won't feel a thing..."
wmn "That's another effect of the pill, so you don't cum and ruin all the fun."
pov "What?!"
wmn "Don't worry, it will wear off in the next couple of hours..."
wmn "But for now, you are all mine!"
show bg random_amazon
if clitsize == "big":
show random_amazon_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show random_amazon_clit average
if clitsize == "small":
show random_amazon_clit small
with d
"After saying that, she takes your legs and flips them behind, so she's on top and can fully dominate you."
"And then suddenly she starts moving up and down."
"You take a look at your clit, and to your surprise, it's in her wet pussy!"
pov "{i}How is it possible that I don't feel a thing?!{/i}"
wmn "Yes slut, you are all mine!"
wmn "And you won't spoil my fun with your dirty, useless sissy cum!"
wmn "I'll be fucking you for as long as {b}I{/b} want!"
pov "{i}Fuck, I'm just her sex toy!{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting fucked and not feeling a thing?{/i}"
pov "{i}That's an experience I didn't expect...{/i}"
pov "{i}Pleasing her without having any pleasure myself...{/i}"
"But isn't that what being a sissy should be? Pleasing others without any concern for your own pleasure?"
"She continues fucking you like that, and the only thing you can feel is her strong legs slapping against yours..."
pov "{i}It's like she used an anaesthetic on my clit!{/i}"
pov "{i}But it looks so hard, and bigger than usual...{/i}"
pov "{i}If only I could feel something...{/i}"
wmn "Why are you lying silent like that, slut?!"
"You get surprised by such an interruption of your thoughts and don't know what to say..."
wmn "I want to hear you moan, bitch!"
wmn "Come on!"
with hpunch
"And as she says that, she slaps your face!"
pov "{i}That I did feel!{/i}"
"You quickly start moaning even though you don't feel any pleasure from what's happening..."
"At least no physical pleasure..."
"There is more than ever pleasure from all of the humiliation..."
with hpunch
"She slaps your face again!"
wmn "Not believable enough, slut!"
wmn "Moan as you mean it!"
"You try doing your best and moan as believable as possible..."
pov "{i}This is so humiliating... even though my clitty is inside her, I'm the one being dominated...{/i}"
"It goes on like this for what seems like hours until she finally starts shaking, and you feel her squirting all over you..."
with flash
with flash
"She gives you a final slap on the face and rises up satisfied..."
if scene_210 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 210 unlocked")
$ scene_210 = True
show black
with d
pov "{i}I feel so used...{/i}"
wmn "You should start feeling your clit again soon, right when it starts getting back to being small and useless."
wmn "Anyways, here is the payment. I might visit you again some time."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label small_dick_client:
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A well-dressed man enters the room. He looks like he is in his late 50th."
man "Hey, sissy. I want you to worship my fat dick."
pov "..."
pov "Will be happy to do that ♥♥♥"
label scene_166_playback:
show black
with d
"He takes off his clothes as you get ready and stand on your knees in front of him."
"But as he undresses, you are quite surprised to see his dick..."
show bg random_small_dick
show random_small_dick_head1 open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows pink
show random_small_dick_man
with d
pov "{i}Wow...{/i}"
pov "{i}His balls are huge!{/i}"
pov "{i}But that dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's... it's small!{/i}"
pov "..."
man "So, what are you waiting for?"
pov "{i}He wants me to worship it...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so strange... I'm so used to seeing men with huge dicks at this point...{/i}"
pov "{i}And this one... Yeah, it's cute... but...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's funny that he wants me to worship it...{/i}"
"You can't help and start laughing":
jump small_dick_client_start_laughing
"Worship it":
pov "{i}Maybe if I focus on his balls, it will be easier to do it seriously...{/i}"
pov "Sorry, I was just staring at your huge balls..."
man "You like them?"
pov "Oh, yes, Daddy... I love your huge balls..."
pov "Can't wait for you to show me how much cum is in there..."
pov "I want to feel it all on my face..."
man "Why don't you show me how much you love them then?"
hide random_small_dick_head1
hide random_small_dick_head1_hair
hide random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows
show random_small_dick_head2
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head2_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head2_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head2_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head2_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head2_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head2_eyebrows pink
with dissolve
"You lower yourself a little, open your mouth and touch his huge balls with your lips and tongue..."
"They feel extremely nice, and you love how full they feel..."
"As you do that, you start moaning... and to your surprise, you do it not because you are supposed to worship it, but because you actually like it."
pov "Mmmmm..."
pov "Your balls are so great... I want to kiss and lick them all day long..."
"You gently suck them, and at the same time, you tease them with your slutty tongue."
pov "{i}Now I really can't wait to feel all his cum on my face.{/i}"
"And ass you kiss and lick his balls you feel his dick growing and touching your forehead."
show random_small_dick_dick
with dissolve
pov "Wow..."
pov "It's so thick! It's huge!"
pov "{i}I might have been wrong about his dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}Now I want to worship it...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it's so huge! I'm not even sure if I'll be able to open my mouth that wide to fit that tip in mouth...{/i}"
"As you think about how big it is, you continue playing with his balls, and then you feel his dick starting to twitch..."
pov "{i}... Is he about to cum...?{/i}"
hide random_small_dick_dick
hide random_small_dick_head2
hide random_small_dick_head2_hair
hide random_small_dick_head2_eyebrows
hide random_small_dick_man
show random_small_dick_head1 open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show random_small_dick_head1_eyebrows pink
show random_small_dick_man
show random_small_dick_dick
with dissolve
"You move back a little as you are quite surprised and not sure if you felt that right..."
"And then..."
show random_small_dick_cum_1
show random_small_dick_head1 closed
with flash
hide random_small_dick_cum_1
show random_small_dick_cum_2
with flash
show random_small_dick_cum_3
with flash
hide random_small_dick_cum_3
show random_small_dick_cum_4
with flash
pov "..."
pov "Wow..."
if scene_166 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 166 unlocked")
$ scene_166 = True
pov "You've completely covered me with your hot cum..."
pov "Thank you, daddy!"
pov "This is so hot..."
man "Well, you did a good job, worshipping my balls and talking dirty like that."
man "You are a good sissy-girl."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"After that, he puts his clothes back on, takes out his wallet and throws three hundred dollars at you as you stand there naked on your knees, completely covered in his cum..."
man "This is for being a good girl."
man "I might visit you again some time."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$300")
$ money += 300
pov "{i}I think I made a right choice when I decided to take him seriously...{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label small_dick_client_start_laughing:
"You can't help it, and you start smiling while looking at his small dick."
show random_small_dick_head1 laughing
man "What? Why are you having that face?"
pov "I'm sorry... it's just..."
pov "It's hard for me to do it..."
man "To do what?"
pov "To worship it..."
pov "It's just that it is... small..."
man "How dare you, slut?!"
show black
with d
"He quickly puts his clothes back on and goes to the door."
man "You will regret this!"
"And as he leaves and slams the door, you realise that it might have been a mistake..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if dtime == 1:
show bg room day
if dtime == 2:
show bg room evening
with d
"You don't have to wait long, and you see Alex entering your room."
pov "{i}Fuck... she looks furious...{/i}"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
alex "Come."
show char_alex:
xpos 1.65
with move
"She says only one word and leaves your room."
pov "{i}I'm sure I should better follow her.{/i}"
label scene_167_playback:
show black
with d
"As you go after her, your mind starts painting the worst scenarios of you being used as a fuck toy in the butt-room for the rest of your life..."
"but then, she enters... the lab?"
pov "{i}Why are we going there?{/i}"
"You enter the lab, and she her standing near an empty chair."
alex "Sit."
"You do as she commanded and sit there completely naked, too scared to look into her eyes."
"You look at [eri] trying to find answers in her expression, but she just gives you a soft smile... Like she's sorry for you..."
"Then [eri] tells you to spread your legs a bit and show her your clit."
"You are surprised by that, by given the situation and considering that [alex] is standing there, you don't want to ask any questions and do as she says."
"Then you feel your cage unlock..."
alex "Take it off."
"You take it off and expose your clit for what is about to happen."
show bg lab_clit_injection
if clitsize == "big":
show lab_clit_injection_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show lab_clit_injection_clit normal
if clitsize == "small":
show lab_clit_injection_clit small
with d
"Then you see her put on the rubber gloves and taking a syringe with some strange green liquid inside..."
show bg lab_clit_injection
if clitsize == "big":
show lab_clit_injection_clit big
eri "So you did manage to find someone to fuck here to make the injection work..."
eri "I'm amazed..."
pov "{i}VAmazed? ...What's that supposed to mean?{/i}"
eri "Such a pity it was all for nothing..."
pov "Wait... Do you mean? Why was it for nothing?"
if clitsize == "normal":
show lab_clit_injection_clit normal
eri "So the injection didn't work, and your clit stayed the same size, ha?"
eri "At least it'd didn't shrink... yet..."
pov "What do you mean?"
if clitsize == "small":
show lab_clit_injection_clit small
eri "So, the injection worked the other way, and your clitty became even smaller, ha?"
pov "..."
eri "Well, now, I'm interested to see how it will go..."
pov "What?"
"Without replying, she just takes the syringe and starts injecting your clittty and balls."
show lab_clit_injection_syringe
with dissolve
"You feel almost nothing, but you are terrified of what is about to happen..."
hide lab_clit_injection_syringe
with dissolve
if clitsize == "big":
show lab_clit_injection_clit normal
with dissolve
$ clitsize = "normal"
if clitsize == "normal":
show lab_clit_injection_clit small
with dissolve
$ clitsize = "small"
if clitsize == "small":
show lab_clit_injection_clit tiny
with dissolve
$ clitsize = "tiny"
pov "What is going on?!"
pov "What is happening to me?!"
if scene_167 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 167 unlocked")
$ scene_167 = True
pov "What was in that syringe?!"
alex "It's a lesson for you, so you know how to treat your clients."
"After that, she leaves."
eri "What was that all about?"
pov "..."
pov "I said to a client that he had a small dick..."
eri "Oh... That probably wasn't a smart thing to do..."
eri "Well, now you are the one with a small... d-... I mean clitty..."
pov "What do I do now?"
eri "Nothing..."
pov "Can I pay you for the enlargement injection?"
eri "Maybe... But I don't think it would be a good idea to do it now..."
eri "Considering that it's a punishment..."
eri "And besides, I'm not sure it would even work. It's so small..."
eri "Even if I gave you a double dose injection and you fucked for a week straight after that, it might not work."
pov "So you are saying that I'm stuck with that little thing between my legs?"
eri "There is a chance, a big chance actually..."
pov "Fuck..."
show black
with d
"You realise that there is no point in staying there anymore, so you stand up and about to leave..."
pov "{i}What do I do now?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Now it really is a clitty!{/i}"
pov "{i}Noone will ever want to have sex with me...{/i}"
pov "{i}And even if they did, I wouldn't be able to penetrate anyone with this thing.{/i}"
eri "Oh, almost forgot, before you leave, put this thing on."
"You see her giving you a small plastic thing."
pov "..."
"Only after you take it, you start to realise what that is..."
pov "{i}It's a new cage... Fuck, it's so small that I didn't even realise at first what was that!{/i}"
eri "And you have to put it on before you leave, sorry, [alex] told me to make sure."
pov "{i}And I thought that it couldn't be more humiliating...{/i}"
"You slowly put it on your clitty and hear the lock click..."
"Even though it's tiny, it fits easily."
if replay:
jump scenes
#"Notice: it's the end of the current version of the game."
#"Thank you very much for playing it and supporting the game <3 I hope you've enjoyed it."
#"Tiny clit is a work in progress, and for now, it's not present in the scenes, but you can see [pov]'s new cute cage and tiny clitty when you change clothes :)"
$ dtime += 1
jump rubbing_tiny_clit_first_time
jump room
label rubbing_tiny_clit_first_time:
show black
with d
"You return to your room and slowly sit on your bed..."
"You are still shocked and can't believe what just happened."
"You spread your legs and take another look at the tiny knob between your legs, hoping that it's all an illusion."
pov "{i}Is this for real?!{/i}"
pov "{i}How can it be this small?{/i}"
pov "{i}And the cage doesn't feel tight at all!{/i}"
pov "{i}This is crazy!{/i}"
pov "{i}I've never seen such a small penis! There might be women with bigger clits!{/i}"
pov "{i}It was so small before, but now, it even smaller...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm sure I'll never be able to fuck anyone with this thing.{/i}"
pov "{i}Not that I had a chance anyway...{/i}"
"To your surprise, you are not even sure if you are even sad about it."
"Something about this feels... right."
"Like that's how it's supposed to be..."
pov "{i}Well... I guess there is no denying for sure now.{/i}"
pov "I... I am a sissy..."
"And as you say those words, you get extremely turned on."
pov "{i}I feel so... horny now!{/i}"
pov "I feel my clitty trying to become hard. But it's surely impossible with this tiny cage on."
"Try to rub the cage":
jump rubbing_tiny_clit_first_time_1
"Try to ignore the urge":
pov "{i}I don't think there is any chance I'll be able to feel anything through the cage.{/i}"
pov "{i}It might be better not to tease myself and try to ignore it...{/i}"
pov "{i}But for some reason having such a tiny clit makes me so horny!{/i}"
"You try not to think about it as it's quite hard to be aroused in such a tiny cage, even though your clitty is as small as it can be."
jump room
label rubbing_tiny_clit_first_time_1:
label scene_168_playback:
show bg solo_clit_rubbing
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hairbg tails red
show solo_clit_rubbing_head
show solo_clit_rubbing_mouth closed
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyes open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyebrows pink
show solo_clit_rubbing_body
if breasts == False:
show solo_clit_rubbing_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show solo_clit_rubbing_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show solo_clit_rubbing_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show solo_clit_rubbing_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show solo_clit_rubbing_breasts d
show solo_clit_rubbing_hand
with d
"You lay down on your bed and slowly touch the plastic cage on your clitty..."
"Despite being as horny as ever, your clitty can't get hard at all as it's securely locked..."
"But because of the size or some other reason, when you rub the cage, it feels terrific, not like it felt in a bigger cage..."
pov "{i}It feels so nice to press on my clitty...{/i}"
"As you feel the first wave of pleasure, you can't help and start pressing against it even harder."
"Soon, you feel your hand starting to move on its own as it starts rubbing your tiny clit in circles."
pov "{i}Fuck! Now I even masturbate as a girl, rubbing my clitty.{/i}"
pov "{i}But it feels so good, I don't care!{/i}"
pov "Ahhhh..."
pov "{i}Mmmm... I've never felt so good while masturbating!.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's like all the pleasure from my bigger clitty is condensed in one small point.{/i}"
show solo_clit_rubbing_eyes closed
show solo_clit_rubbing_mouth open
hide solo_clit_rubbing_hand
show solo_clit_rubbing_cum_1
show solo_clit_rubbing_hand
with flash
hide solo_clit_rubbing_hand
show solo_clit_rubbing_cum_2
show solo_clit_rubbing_hand
with flash
hide solo_clit_rubbing_hand
show solo_clit_rubbing_cum_3
show solo_clit_rubbing_hand
with flash
"And a moment later, you feel your sissy cum leaking out of your new tiny cage down your tiny balls..."
pov "{i}Oh fuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}At least I can rub my clitty to orgasm while in the cage from now on...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_168 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 168 unlocked")
$ scene_168 = True
pov "{i}Maybe having such a small clit isn't that bad...{/i}"
$ tiny_clit_masturbation_unlocked = True
show black
with d
jump room
label randomcouple1:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"This time you get visited by a sexy couple."
pov "{i}It seems I'm getting lucky today...{/i}"
pov "{i}My first threesome with a couple!{/i}"
"You greet both of your guests as they enter your room."
"The woman takes a seat in the armchair and speaks to you."
wmn "This is my husband... You are going to do everything you can to please him today and I will watch."
"You simply nod in agreement and look at her..."
"She has a rather sexy commanding voice. And it feels like it's not the first time her husband is going to fuck someone in front of her."
pov "{i}There goes away my first threesome with a couple.{/i}"
"The man start to take his clothes off and motions you to get into the position on the bed."
"You are getting ready to suck his dick, but as soon as he gets naked, he gets onto the bed right behind you and without saying a word forces you into a position with your head down and your ass up."
wmn "Now, I want you to keep looking me right in the eyes, while my husband will be fucking your tight sissy hole."
"You do as you are commanded and start looking directly into her eyes..."
"It's rather difficult for you to keep an eye contact for the whole time as you get really embarrassed by this situation..."
"Standing in a position with your ass up, waiting to be penetrated by a dick while a woman watches all this and commands you what to do."
"But at the same time the whole situation feels incredibly sexy!"
"And then suddenly, your thoughts get interrupted as you feel the man's dick entering your ass."
label scene_101_playback:
show bg randomcouple
if replay:
show randomcouple_cage 2
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show randomcouple_cage 1
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show randomcouple_cage 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show randomcouple_cage 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"As your eyes widen and as your mouth lets out a moan, you see a smile on the woman's face..."
"She spreads her legs, pulls up her skirt and starts rubbing her wet pussy..."
"At the same time lowering her shirt and revealing her massive breasts and playing with them with her other hand..."
"The man starts increasing the speed and that makes you moan more and more."
"You keep looking into the woman's eyes as her husband penetrates your ass faster and faster with each motion."
"After a while of fucking you see the woman getting turned on even more and soon enough, she starts moaning as loud as you are."
"When it's obvious that she's about to cum, she commands \"Now!\" and you feel the dick in your ass starting to twitch."
show randomcouple_cum 1
with flash
show randomcouple_cum 2
with flash
if scene_101 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 101 unlocked")
$ scene_101 = True
"And as soon as you feel the cum getting pumped into your ass, you see the woman shaking with her whole body from an intense orgasm..."
"He shot so much cum that some of it escaped your hole and started leaking down your thigh..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a couple of moments the man slides his dick out of your ass and they both leave."
pov "{i}This was really hot! Although I wish I could lick her pussy while he was fucking me, she looked so yummy...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("+$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label milkymilkycowgirl:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pov "Come in!"
"A big muscular man comes into the room and tells you that he wants to fuck you..."
"You blush and tell him that you'd be happy to help him with that."
"He takes off his clothes and lies down on the bed telling you to sit on his dick."
"You come right above him and slowly lower yourself on his dick feeling how it stretches you to the limit..."
label scene_90_playback:
show bg ridinglactating
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show ridinglactating_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show ridinglactating_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show ridinglactating_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show ridinglactating_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show ridinglactating_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show ridinglactating_eyebrows pink
show ridinglactating_body
if breasts == 'a':
show ridinglactating_breasts 1
if breasts == 'b':
show ridinglactating_breasts 2
if breasts == 'c':
show ridinglactating_breasts 3
if breasts == 'd':
show ridinglactating_breasts 4
if replay:
show ridinglactating_cage 2
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show ridinglactating_cage 1
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show ridinglactating_cage 2
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show ridinglactating_cage 2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Can't believe how good it feels! Your dick is so big, you completely fill me up!"
"You slowly start moving up and down each time trying to get his dick as deep as possible..."
pov "Mmmhhh... Ahhh!"
"And then you feel his hands helping you move even faster..."
"It feels like his dick is so big that he could tear you apart with it. But at the same time, you don't feel any pain..."
"Only {i}pleasure{/i}."
"Each time it brushes against you p-spot you moan louder and louder."
"Soon enough you get quite used to his size and you decide to increase the speed even more."
"At this point you are moaning so loud that it feels like the whole building could hear you..."
"You ride him like that for what feels like half an hour and feel an orgasm getting really close."
"You decide to go even faster, as fast you can do it and then you suddenly feel his dick twitching."
"And his first shot of cum that you feel inside of you takes you over the edge and both of you start cumming together."
show ridinglactating_cum 1
with flash
show ridinglactating_cum 2
if breasts == 'a':
show ridinglactating_milk 1
if breasts == 'b':
show ridinglactating_milk 2
if breasts == 'c':
show ridinglactating_milk 3
if breasts == 'd':
show ridinglactating_milk 4
with flash
"But then suddenly you realize that not only your clitty leaked some cum your breasts also leaked something..."
pov "{i}What the fuck?! Is that... milk...?.{/i}"
if scene_90 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 90 unlocked")
$ scene_90 = True
pov "{i}I need to speak to Erika about it, I bet it's all her \"test injection\".{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ milkymilky = False
$ talkaboutmilkerika = True
$ renpy.notify("+$70")
$ money += 70
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label toohornytoresist:
pov "{i}I know that I need to avoid getting fucked until the injection works...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I want to get fucked so bad!{/i}"
pov "{i}I want a big hard cock penetrating my tight little hole right now!{/i}"
"Try to get back to your senses":
"You try as hard as possible not to invite a man to your room and go take a cold shower..."
"It seems that it actually worked and even though you still want to get fucked, you manage to control yourself..."
call screen ui1
"Get fucked":
$ pleasebreedme = False
$ talkaboutmilkerika = True
$ sissygotfucked1 = True
pov "{i}Fuck it! I need a big nice dick right now!{/i}"
pov "You announce that you are open for work and wait for the reception to send a man to your room."
pov "Only a couple minutes later, the door opens and a handsome man comes inside..."
"He silently comes closer to you, and drops his pants..."
"As soon as you see his perfect dick, you spread your legs and present yourself for him to fuck you."
label scene_86_playback:
show bg breedingsissy
with Dissolve(2.)
"And a moment later he is already fucking you while you moan like a dirty sissy slut."
pov "{i}Yes! Please, fuck me harder! I want you to breed me! I want you to feel me up with your hot cum!{/i}"
"Even though that you are as horny as you've ever been, at the back of mind it's still kind of strande to hear those words coming out of your mouth..."
"But then, all your thoughts go away as you suddenly start to feel your orgasm approaching!"
show breedingsissy_sissycum 1
show breedingsissy_milk 1
with flash
show breedingsissy_sissycum 2
show breedingsissy_milk 2
with flash
"Suddenly you feel your breasts squirting... milk...?"
"And that moment you feel the man's dick starting to twitch in your tight sissy hole..."
"Apparently the view of a lactating and orgasming sissy was too much for him and he instantly got over the edge..."
show breedingsissy_cum 1
with flash
show breedingsissy_cum 2
with flash
if scene_86 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 86 unlocked")
$ scene_86 = True
"You get filled up with his hot cum and at the same time you are trying to understand what the fuck has happened..."
pov "{i}This is impossible! I can't be lactating! I'm not a real woman and I'm not pregnant to be able to produce milk!{/i}"
"And then, you realize! It's that mysterious test injection!"
pov "{i}That's what it is! Is this why I wanted to get fucked so badly?{/i}"
pov "{i}This injection completely drove me crazy!{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope my clit won't get smaller because of me getting fucked just now...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"While you were deep in your thoughts the man takes his dick out of your ass, pays you the money and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("Money +$50")
$ money += 50
$ dtime += 1
pov "{i}I need to talk to Erika about what happened!{/i}"
$ cagedandfucked = True
#$ endversion08 = True
jump room
label football_team_gangbang:
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
pov "Come in!"
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "Alex?"
pov "I wasn't expecting you..."
pov "I was waiting for a client..."
alex "Yeah, I know. This time, you have a special client..."
alex "A local football team just won a game, and their coach decided to treat them with a cheerleader they could fuck."
alex "And as you might have already guessed, you are that cheerleader..."
alex "So, I want you to go dress up, get in the car, go there and reward the guys for winning the game."
"Do it":
$ football_team_gangbang_agree = True
pov "{i}Fucking a whole team?!{/i}"
pov "{i}That's crazy!{/i}"
pov "{i}But... I guess I should better do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wouldn't want Alex to punish me for disobeying.{/i}"
pov "Fuck... If I have to do it, then ok..."
$ football_team_gangbang_refuse = True
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry, [alex], but I'm not ready to get fucked by the whole team!"
pov "It's too much for me..."
alex "Such a pussy! But I don't really care; there are so many sluts here who would love to get fucked by a team of hot guys..."
alex "I'm sure [jnf] will be happy to take your place, and she has more holes for them to use."
"After saying that, she leaves."
show char_alex:
xpos 1.65
with move
pov "{i}Fuck... Maybe I should have agreed...{/i}"
pov "{i}Now they are going to fuck [jnf].{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... the whole team taking turns, penetrating her every hole...{/i}"
pov "{i}Why am I getting turned on by this?! It's [jnf] for fuck's sake! I can't think about her this way...{/i}"
pov "{i}But that's what about to happen to her... because of me...{/i}"
jump room
label scene_142_playback:
show black
with d
"You take the cheerleader uniform, dress up and go downstairs to the car that takes you to the stadium."
pov "{i}Fuck... This uniform doesn't even include any panties...{/i}"
pov "{i}...this will be fun...{/i}"
"And then you are lead to the changing room where the team is waiting for you..."
"As you enter, you see at least 10 strong men waiting for you."
"And as they see you, they all get really excited and start surrounding and groping you."
show bg football_groping
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hairbg long red
#if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
# show football_groping_hairbg braids blck
#if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
# show football_groping_hairbg braids brwn
#if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
# show football_groping_hairbg braids blnd
#if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
# show football_groping_hairbg braids blue
#if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
# show football_groping_hairbg braids pink
#if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
# show football_groping_hairbg braids red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hairbg tails red
show football_groping_2
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show football_groping_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show football_groping_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show football_groping_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show football_groping_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show football_groping_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show football_groping_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show football_groping_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show football_groping_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show football_groping_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show football_groping_eyebrows pink
show football_groping_eyes closed
show football_groping_blush
show football_groping_mouth open
if breasts == 'a':
show football_groping_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show football_groping_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show football_groping_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show football_groping_breasts d
if clitsize == "small":
show football_groping_clit small
if clitsize == "big":
show football_groping_clit big
show football_groping_clit normal
show football_groping_3
with d
man "Who do we have here?"
man "We are going to have so much fun with her!"
man "Look at that cute little thing between her legs, haha!"
man "She's so excited already!"
man "Want to get fucked by a bunch of guys, don't you?"
pov "{i}Why am I so turned on already?{/i}"
pov "{i}A bunch of guys have their hands all over me, and it makes me so horny...{/i}"
pov "{i}Some of them have their dicks out already!{/i}"
pov "{i}Oh, God, they are so big!{/i}"
pov "{i}What will happen to my little sissy-hole after they all fuck me?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I'll be gaping for weeks after this!{/i}"
"But without realising it, your hand already moved to one of the dicks, and you've started to jerk it off."
pov "{i}He's so hard already...{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't wait to find out how he tastes and how it would feel to have him inside me...{/i}"
man "I want to feel her sweet lips on my dick!"
man "Oh yeah, me too!"
if scene_142 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 142 unlocked")
$ scene_142 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_143_playback:
show black
with d
"And then, they bend you over right there, and only a moment later, you feel a hard dick in your mouth."
pov "Mmmmm..."
"And as you start sucking it, you feel another dick rubbing your hole about to penetrate you, and it makes you moan even more with excitement!"
show bg football_dp
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show football_dp_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show football_dp_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show football_dp_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show football_dp_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show football_dp_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show football_dp_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show football_dp_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show football_dp_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show football_dp_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show football_dp_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show football_dp_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show football_dp_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show football_dp_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show football_dp_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show football_dp_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show football_dp_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show football_dp_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show football_dp_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show football_dp_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show football_dp_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show football_dp_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show football_dp_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show football_dp_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show football_dp_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show football_dp_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show football_dp_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show football_dp_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show football_dp_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show football_dp_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show football_dp_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show football_dp_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show football_dp_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show football_dp_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show football_dp_eyebrows pink
show football_dp_eyes open
show football_dp_1
if breasts == 'a':
show football_dp_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show football_dp_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show football_dp_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show football_dp_breasts d
#if clitsize == "small":
# show football_dp_clit small
#if clitsize == "big":
# show football_dp_clit big
# show football_dp_clit normal
show football_dp_2
with d
pov "{i}Fuck! A bunch of men are about to take turns and fuck me... use me however they want...{/i}"
pov "{i}And for some reason, I can't wait for it!{/i}"
pov "{i}Their hot hard dicks penetrating my holes.{/i}"
pov "Mmmm..."
"And then you feel a big dick sliding in your hole in one hard motion."
pov "Ahhhh..."
show football_dp_eyes closed
with dissolve
pov "{i}It's so hot to moan with a dick fucking my mouth!{/i}"
"More and more guys are coming around you, taking their big hard cocks out for you to please."
"They start fucking you hard, without any care about how it feels for you."
"Making you suck them and jerk off while your ass is busy pleasuring one of the dicks."
"It feels so good to be used like this that your clitty is harder than it has ever been, throbbing and leaking every time a dick rubs aginst your p-spot."
"And at the same time, it feels so strange... getting fucked by a bunch of men while some more guys are watching you..."
"But all you can think about right now is how you want them to use you even harder."
"With each new dick, your tight little hole becomes more and more loose, taking each dick even deeper and easier, allowing them to fuck you harder and faster..."
"After some time, they start changing the pose and fuck you however they like..."
if scene_143 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 143 unlocked")
$ scene_143 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_144_playback:
show black
with d
"And soon, you find yourself naked on top of one of the guys, as he pumps his dick deep inside you while others are taking turns fucking your mouth."
show bg football_riding
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show football_riding_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show football_riding_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show football_riding_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show football_riding_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show football_riding_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show football_riding_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show football_riding_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show football_riding_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show football_riding_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show football_riding_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show football_riding_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show football_riding_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show football_riding_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show football_riding_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show football_riding_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show football_riding_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show football_riding_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show football_riding_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show football_riding_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show football_riding_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show football_riding_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show football_riding_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show football_riding_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show football_riding_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show football_riding_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show football_riding_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show football_riding_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show football_riding_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show football_riding_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show football_riding_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show football_riding_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show football_riding_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show football_riding_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show football_riding_eyebrows pink
show football_riding_eyes closed
if breasts == 'a':
show football_riding_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show football_riding_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show football_riding_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show football_riding_breasts d
if clitsize == "small":
show football_riding_clit small
if clitsize == "big":
show football_riding_clit big
show football_riding_clit normal
with d
pov "Ahhh... Fuck... Mmmm... me... harder!"
man "She's such a slut! We've been fucking her for hours already, and she still can't get enough!"
man "I want to fill up this whore with my cum!"
"After those words, you feel the cock inside your hole starting to twitch, filling you up with his hot seed."
"And at the same time, all the guys around you start cumming and covering you with their cum..."
show football_riding_cum 1
with flash
show football_riding_cum 2
with flash
show football_riding_cum 3
with flash
"The feeling of getting filled up and feeling hot cum on your skin and the taste of it in your mouth took you over the edge, and your little clitty started cumming too, shooting your sissy-cum all over yourself..."
"The orgasm was so strong that the only thing you could do is shake with pleasure as both of your holes were filling up with cum..."
"You couldn't even swallow it, and now your ass and mouth are full..."
"You stayed like this for a while, getting back to your senses, still slightly sucking on the cock in your mouth and drinking cum little by little, still moaning at the same time..."
if scene_144 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 144 unlocked")
$ scene_144 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"When you swallowed all the cum in your mouth and sucked the dick clean, all of the other guys took turns and made you clean up their big cum-covered dicks with your mouth..."
"You've even cleaned up the dick that came in your ass..."
pov "{i}Fuck... When did I become such a slut? ♥♥♥{/i}"
pov "{i}Now I can't wait for another call like this...{/i}"
pov "{i}Who could have thought that getting gang banged by a team of football players could be that good...{/i}"
"After they've finished using you, you rest for a couple of moments, put on your slutty uniform and go out..."
$ renpy.notify("+$500")
$ money += 500
"You've received $500 for your work."
"It's already late, and the streets are empty."
"When you get outside, you see no one out there..."
pov "{i}Fuck, I was hoping that they would drive me back as they drove me here.{/i}"
pov "{i}And I don't even have a phone to call a cab... and trying to catch a car here could take hours...{/i}"
"Walk back to the brothel":
pov "{i}It might be a bad idea to walk all the way back...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it's not too far, so it shouldn't take too much time...{/i}"
"You slowly go through the empty streets worried to meet someone dangerous..."
"But, luckily, you've made it safe, and you are already near the brothel."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Take the subway":
label scene_145_playback:
"You decide that it would be safer and faster to get back by subway."
"As you get on a subway car, you see that it's empty and become not so nervous anymore."
pov "{i}At least I'm alone here... I could get in a lot of trouble being here at night with some creep, especially considering my outfit...{/i}"
"On the next stop, some guy enters and sits not far away from you..."
"He looks like a normal person, probably going home after some party..."
"But you catch him looking at you again and again, and soon enough, he just stares at you..."
pov "{i}...I hope that he's not dangerous...{/i}"
"And a moment later, he rises and comes really close to you..."
"When you saw him come closer, everything turned upside down inside you."
"But at the same time, you've felt some strange feeling..."
"...the feeling of arousal."
"The thought that you two are alone here in a moving subway car and that if he wanted, he could do anything he wanted to you and you wouldn't be able to stop him started to really to really turn you on for some reason."
man "Hey."
man "How are you?"
man "You look so cute in this outfit..."
"By the time he stopped talking, your little clitty was already tenting your skirt..."
pov "{i}What the fuck is wrong with me?{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope he won't notice that I got hard for some reason...{/i}"
man "Apparently, I'm not the only one who wants to have some fun..."
"After saying that, you feel his hands on your ass."
man "I'm sure a sissy whore like you would love to get fucked right here right now."
"And then you see him pull down his pants, revealing his already hard cock..."
"...then slowly raising your skirt, revealing your hard little clitty and your ass."
"But, in the meantime, you've arrived at the next station, and if you wanted, you could try running away from him."
"Considering that his pants are already pulled down, he won't be able to run after you."
"So, this is probably your only chance to escape..."
"Run away":
"You quickly rush out and run to the nearest exit to the street."
"After a while, you turn back and see that he's not following you."
"You take a small break to calm down and then go back to the brothel."
"But on the way back, you actually feel quite sad that you decided to run away."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Stay there and get fucked":
"You stand there with his hands running all over your body, exposing your ass, your chest..."
"And it feels like you are frozen."
pov "{i}Why am I not escaping? Am I really such a slut? Getting fucked on a subway...?{/i}"
"As those thoughts run through your mind, you see how the doors close, and you start moving again."
pov "{i}Well, there is no going back now...{/i}"
"And right after thinking that, you feel his hard dick pressing against your stretched hole..."
if breasts == False:
show bg football_train 0
if breasts == 'a':
show bg football_train a
if breasts == 'b':
show bg football_train b
if breasts == 'c':
show bg football_train c
if breasts == 'd':
show bg football_train d
with d
pov "Ahhh..."
"Even though you've been getting fucked by a bunch of men whole day long and your hole is quite stretched and used to the feeling of a cock inside it..."
"You steel feel all kinds of pleasant feelings and excitement when you feel that he is about to penetrate you."
"Even though his dick is quite big, he slides right in easily..."
"Apparently, your hole is lubricated with the cum from the previous cock that was inside you."
man "Fuck, you feel so nice on my cock! And something tells me, I'm not the first one who's fucking you tonight..."
man "You are such a slut..."
"For some reason, his words make you feel nice and warm inside."
pov "{i}... He's right. I am a slut...{/i}"
pov "{i}I could have escaped, but I chose to stay here, and now some stranger's hard dick is rubbing against my p-spot♥{/i}"
pov "Mmmmm..."
man "Of yeah, girl, moan for me..."
man "I'm going to fuck you so good."
"He starts increasing the speed and fucking you a bit faster..."
man "You feel so good... I wonder how many dicks have been inside you already?"
man "Being fine about getting fucked by some stranger..."
pov "Ahhh... Mmmm..."
man "Not even thinking about using a condom..."
pov "..."
man "Look, we are coming to another station..."
man "Why don't you moan louder for me? Maybe we'll find someone who'll enjoy a little show and will ride with us..."
"Stop moaning and pretend that you don't want him to fuck you":
"Even though a thought of someone else seeing what a dirty slut you are makes you even hornier, at the same time, you feel scared for some reason..."
pov "No, please... Don't do it..."
pov "I don't like it, I don't want any of this!"
man "Hahaha!"
man "That's funny..."
man "You don't want it, ha? Maybe that's why your little clit is all hard like that."
"And as he says that, he grabs your clitty and your little balls and squeezes them, making you moan."
"After that, he laughs and increases the speed starting to fuck you harder and faster, sending waves of pleasure over your body..."
pov "Ahhhhh..."
"You try to hold yourself, but you can't, and you start moaning like a slut..."
"Moan louder":
"The idea of someone else seeing what a slut you are makes you even hornier, and without thinking about it, you start moaning louder."
pov "Mmmm... Yeah... Fuck me harder..."
pov "Use me however you want..."
"Hearing that, he starts fucking you even harder and faster."
man "Oh yeah... I'm going to fuck you so hard, and then I'll fill you up with my hot cum."
"You are interrupted by some old man coming inside and seeing you getting fucked..."
"At first, he's really shocked to see all of this, but then he smiles slightly and takes a seat not far from you so that he can see everything clearly..."
"Being exposed like that makes you blush, and you start moaning even louder, trying not to look into the old man's eyes."
pov "Mmmm..."
"Apparently, the man likes that you have someone who watches you now and fucks you even harder..."
pov "Yeah... Mmmmm... please, fuck me harder..."
"And then you notice the old man starting to rub his dick through his pants... but trying not to do it too openly..."
pov "{i}I'm so horny that I wouldn't mind sucking his cock while I'm getting fucked...{/i}"
"And then you feel the man's dick starting to twitch in your hole..."
"It seems that because of how fast he was fucking you, and your moaning was too much for him, and he started cumming right in your already filled up hole..."
show football_train_cum 1
with flash
show football_train_cum 2
with flash
pov "Ahhhh..."
"There was so much cum inside you that almost all the cum from his dick started to leak out of your hole, sliding down your thighs and your ass cheeks."
if scene_145 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 145 unlocked")
$ scene_145 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"He rests for a couple of moments with his dick still inside you, then takes it out, grabs his clothes and quickly goes away as soon as the doors open at another station."
"It's very awkward to continue the trip back home with the old man still looking at you..."
pov "{i}... I don't even know how to feel... He just saw me get fucked and filled up with cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}And I'm sure he can see it running down my thighs...{/i}"
pov "{i}And my hard clitty is still tenting my skirt...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it's so short that he can probably even see my little sissy-balls.{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so embarrassing...{/i}"
"When you arrive at your station, you are happy to get outside and slowly walk back to the brothel and fall asleep..."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label confession_bj_first_time:
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
pov "Come in!"
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "Alex?"
alex "You have another special client today."
alex "Make sure you serve him well; he is our VIP client."
pov "... okay."
pov "Where is he?"
alex "You'll need to go to his... How should I say it...? Location."
alex "Just follow the instructions given to you when you arrive."
pov "..."
alex "Now go down to the entrance; the car is already waiting."
label scene_196_playback:
show black
with d
"You go to the car and drive off."
"After about twenty minutes of driving, the car slows down, and you look out the window to see where you are."
pov "{i}Wait... what? A church...?{/i}"
if replay == False:
"***Please note, this scene might be offensive to some people, so you might wish to skip it.***"
$ renpy.notify("+$250")
$ money += 250
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Don't skip":
pov "{i}This must be a joke...{/i}"
pov "{i}This must be a joke...{/i}"
"You get out of the car and get greeted by a guy about your age dressed in some... church choir dress?"
guy "Please, follow me."
"To your surprise, he indeed leads you into the church."
"You follow him, and as you enter, you see that it's only the two of you there."
pov "{i}I wonder if he's the one who booked me?{/i}"
"He leads you to a confessional and stops."
guy "Please, get inside and change your clothes. You'll find your dress in there."
pov "..."
guy "Have you ever confessed before?"
pov "No, I've never been to church, actually."
guy "... okay, then as soon as you are dressed, you have to get on your knees and say \'Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned\'."
guy "Then you are supposed to say how long it's been since your last confession. But as it's your first time, you'll say that you've never confessed before."
pov "Wait, please... Are you sure I'm the one who needs to be here? I usually... mmm... don't get paid to confess..."
guy "Yes, I'm sure. You'll see everything; just please, do as I tell you."
guy "After that... you'll have to confess..."
guy "Mmmm... tell about all of your dirty sins."
pov "{i}This is so fucked up...{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "Okay, I'll do that."
"After that, he nods, opens the door and lets you into the confessional."
"As the door closes behind you, you pick up the dress to take a look at it."
pov "{i}Hmmm... it seems like some kind of a nun dress...? But with see-through arms and back area...{/i}"
"You undress and put on the dress and the veil."
"You've obviously never worn anything like this before, but you manage to figure it out."
pov "{i}Now, I guess I have to get on my knees and... confess...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
show bg special_confession_blowjob 1
show special_confession_blowjob_dick 0
show special_confession_blowjob_mc 1
if color == 'blnd':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_1_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_1_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_1_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_1_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_1_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_1_eyebrows pink
with d
pov "..."
"As you get on your knees, you notice that there is someone on the other side already."
pov "{i}I wonder if he was watching me get changed...{/i}"
pov "{i}... now, the confession...{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."
pov "..."
prs "How long has it been since your last confession, my child?"
pov "{i}... my child? It's so weird they say it like this in churches...{/i}"
pov "... this is my first confession."
prs "What is your name, my child?"
pov "[pov]."
prs "[pov], it is God's will that you are here today to confess on this holy day."
pov "..."
prs "And I want you to feel safe and acknowledge that if you confess your sins to me, I have the power to cleanse and forgive."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so fucking weird...{/i}"
pov "{i}But [alx] told me he's a very important... client...?{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I should better play along?{/i}"
pov "I understand... father...?"
prs "Now tell me, what sins do you want to confess?"
pov "{i}... I guess I know what he wants...{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "I-... I have relations with men, father."
pov "I've slept with many different people recently."
prs "I see... You understand, adultery and sodomy are very serious sins, [pov]."
pov "I understand..."
prs "For you to get forgiven, I need to know all the details..."
prs "So, you will have to tell me everything..."
pov "..."
pov "It's hard to say it out loud..."
pov "... I-I work as a prostitute, and I sexually please any person however they like if they pay me."
pov "... I suck and jerk off dicks every day..."
pov "I get anally fucked by men and sometimes women... and I enjoy it..."
"As you say that, you hear the priest's heavy breathing on the other side of the window..."
pov "{i}... it seems that he likes it...{/i}"
pov "{i}... okay...{/i}"
pov "... I enjoy touching big meaty cocks, kissing and sucking them..."
pov "Licking all the big manly balls until they fill up my holes with their hot cum..."
"Hearing that, he rises up and opens the window..."
"... and then, you see his big hard cock!"
show bg special_confession_blowjob 2
show special_confession_blowjob_dick 1
with d1
pov "Wow..."
prs "In order to be forgiven..."
prs "To be cleansed..."
prs "... you'll have to please my holy rod with your sinful mouth..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}This is so fucked up... I can't believe that it's happening right now...{/i}"
"Even though you feel extremely weird doing something like this in a church, the whole situation makes you very horny..."
"Being on your knees in a confessional and telling about your desire to suck dicks to a priest..."
"And now seeing his big hard twitching cock... waiting for you to please it."
"You feel your mouth watering as you look at his tip, so you bring your lips closer to it and give it a kiss..."
"Then you run your tongue starting at the base of the dick as you feel it resting on your face until you get it into your mouth..."
show special_confession_blowjob_dick 2
show special_confession_blowjob_mc 2
hide special_confession_blowjob_mc_1_eyebrows
if color == 'blnd':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_2_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_2_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_2_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_2_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_2_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show special_confession_blowjob_mc_2_eyebrows pink
with d1
pov "{i}This is so hot...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels like he has so much power over me...{/i}"
pov "{i}His dick is so thick...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't even take it any deeper...{/i}"
"You continue sucking his dick, playing with his tip and licking it with your tongue while listening to his heavy breathing on the other side."
"Your dirty confession got him so horny that it didn't take long before you feel his dick twitching in orgasmic pleasure..."
show special_confession_blowjob_cum 1
with flash
show special_confession_blowjob_cum 2
with flash
if scene_196 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 196 unlocked")
$ scene_196 = True
"You hold his dick in your cum-filled mouth for some time and then slowly start drinking it and licking up everything that got out of your mouth..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"As soon as you lick up and swallow all of the priest's cum, he removes his softening dick and closes the small window."
prs "I absolve you from your sins, [pov]."
prs "Go in peace."
pov "..."
"You change into your clothes and return to the car."
"You see the choir guy again, and before you leave, he gives you a sealed envelope."
"As you get into the car, you open it and find two hundred and fifty dollars in it."
$ renpy.notify("+$250")
$ money += 250
pov "{i}I wonder if the priest does something like that with this choir guy too...{/i}"
pov "{i}Would be so hot to see him suck his dick like I just did...{/i}"
"Then the driver takes you back to the brothel..."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
############################################################################################################################################################################################## Boss
label boss:
if see_erika_first:
pov "{i}I should see [eri] first.{/i}"
call screen ui1
if scene_06:
"Visit Boss":
jump visit_boss_menu
"Work as Boss's secretary" if secratary_job_unlocked:
if dtime == 1 and wday == 6:
jump secretary_work
if dtime == 1 and wday == 7:
jump secretary_work
pov "{i}I need to come here in the morning on weekends if I want to work as a secretary.{/i}"
jump boss
"Visit [alex]":
"Would you like to spend some time working as [alex]'s foot slave?"
if alex_foot_slave_today:
jump alex_foot_slave
pov "{i}I've already done it today.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"Visit [lex]" if lexa_cock_worship:
"Would you like to visit [lex]?"
if lexa_cock_worship_today:
jump lexa_cock_worship
pov "{i}I've already visited her today.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"Changed my mind":
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
label visit_boss_menu:
if alreadysuckedbossdicktoday:
pov "{i}I've already been there today.{/i}"
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
if timetogetbossrewardalex:
$ timetogetbossrewardalex = False
$ alreadysuckedbossdicktoday = True
jump suck_boss_dick_reward
if cansuckbosssdick:
"Am I really going to get in that room and propose to suck his dick again?"
"Yes, it's so nice and hard, I want to suck it!":
$ alreadysuckedbossdicktoday = True
pov "{i}I must be going crazy... But I can't stop thinking about his dick.{/i}"
if saw_alex_getting_fucked == False and pleaseboss > 3:
jump suck_boss_dick_reward
jump suckbosssdickrepeatedly
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
"Luckily I don't need to go there, I really don't like that guy."
hide screen ui1
call screen ui1
label secretary_work:
show black
with d
if secretary_work_first_time:
$ secretary_work_first_time = False
pov "{i}All right, let's see what's this secretary work is all about...{/i}"
"You go to the Boss's office, and soon you see his secretary..."
sec "I've been told that you might come work instead of me on the weekend..."
sec "Is that why you are here?"
pov "...yeah, I've decided to try it..."
sec "Fuck... All right..."
pov "What's wrong?"
sec "...it's nothing... because you take my place, I'll have to spend the whole day getting fucked in the fuck wall room..."
sec "Not that I enjoy working here much, but every time I spend a day there... my pussy is ruined afterwards..."
sec "...these guys have no mercy... I'm already stretched so much!"
sec "... but I guess that's not your problem, you are here to work..."
pov "..."
pov "Sorry about that..."
sec "..."
sec "It's ok... At least I'll cum a lot today."
sec "Ok, first thing's first, I've prepared some notes for you, what you'll have to do today, what calls to make and what meetings to expect."
sec "It's quite simple. Boss doesn't like to keep himself too busy, so you'll be able to do everything you have to do."
pov "That is so nice of you, thank you so much!"
sec "... It's not like I have a choice, you know? If you do poorly, I'll be responsible for it too..."
pov "Fuck... I hope you won't have trouble because of me..."
sec "I hope so too."
sec "First of all, take these, and go change."
"She gives you a skirt, a blouse and stockings."
sec "And remember, no underwear while working here!"
"You go to a toilet nearby and change into your new secretary clothes."
pov "{i}Why I'm not surprised that this skirt doesn't cover almost anything.{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels like if I bend over even a little bit, everyone will see my ass and clitty!{/i}"
"You come back and see the secretary about to leave."
sec "Good luck! Don't forget about the notes I've left you..."
sec "And you look sexy, by the way."
"She winks at you and leaves..."
"You get behind your desc, pull the chair and then you see..."
pov "{i}This must be a joke!{/i}"
"... you see a dildo fixed into the chair seat..."
"And it seems that it's still wet with secretary's pussy juices..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}I wonder, what other surprises expect me today?{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I should get it over with and just sit on it... I can spend the whole day standing here.{/i}"
pov "{i}And I'm sure if Boss saw me sitting on the edge, avoiding the dildo, he wouldn't be happy...{/i}"
"So, you slowly pull up your short skirt and get ready to lower yourself on the wet dildo."
label scene_176_playback:
show bg secretary_sitting_on_the_chair
with d
pov "Ahhh..."
pov "How will I be able to concentrate with this thing inside me the whole day?!"
"And just a couple of moments later, you feel your clitty leaking..."
pov "{i}I can't believe how horny it makes me...{/i}"
pov "{i}Having to sit here, with a dildo penetrating my hole.{/i}"
pov "{i}And anyone walking by can see me with my skirt up.{/i}"
pov "{i}Do I have to do it because Boss is so perverted? Or is it just so I'm ready to take his cock in my ass whenever he wants?{/i}"
"You try not to think about all of that as those thoughts only make you hornier and try to focus on your work and read the notes."
pov "{i}Well, it's not so difficult, I just have to make a couple of calls today, meet some of Boss's business partners and lead them to the office and be ready to...{/i}"
pov "{i}...serve Boss if he wants me for anything...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, it seems my hole is being stretched for a reason...{/i}"
"You try to make yourself comfortable on the dildo and get ready to make your first call."
"It seemed quite easy; all you've had to do is call a number and notify that the meeting with Boss is cancelled tomorrow."
"But as soon as you've started saying the first words and greeting the person on the phone, you've realized that having a dildo pressing against your p-spot makes it so much harder to talk normally..."
if scene_176 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 176 unlocked")
$ scene_176 = True
"Trying to sound like a normal person and not make any strange noizes, you've managed to finish the first call..."
pov "{i}It's going to be harder than I thought...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"The day goes by, and you finish all the calls that you've had to do one by one..."
"It was quite difficult for you... talking with all those people on the phone while being penetrated by a silicone dick."
"But it seems like you've done good."
"You also meet some people coming to talk with Boss and lead them into the office."
"And bring them coffee whenever boss tells you to."
"And soon enough, the day comes to an end."
"To your surprise, Boss never called you to his office to fuck you or for you to suck his dick or anything like that..."
pov "{i}Hmm... I wonder if it's not part of my job or is just because he was too busy today.{/i}"
"And as you are dismissed, you change back into your clothes and go back to your room."
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
"You go to the Boss's office and greet the secretary..."
"You see a worried expression on her face as she realizes that you are going to take her place for today, and she'll have to spend the whole day getting fucked instead..."
"You change into your secretary clothes and get ready to work."
show bg secretary_sitting_on_the_chair
with d
"You slowly lower yourself on the dildo and can't help yourself and moan as it penetrates your sissy hole."
pov "{i}All right, let's see what I have to do today...{/i}"
"You slowly start reading through the notes left to you and plan out your workday."
"As time goes by, you make some calls, meet visitors and do some other tasks from Boss..."
label boss_secretary_events:
if secretary_event == 1:
$ secretary_event = 2
"And then suddenly... you hear the door to the Boss's office slam as one of his visitors rushes out of the office, apparently very angry after the meeting..."
"And a moment later, you hear Boss say through the phone."
boss "In my office, now."
show black
with d
"You quickly rise from your seat and hear a sound as the dildo flops out of your hole..."
"As you enter the office, you see Boss standing in the middle with an angry expression on his face."
"As you come closer to ask what he needs, he just grabs you and forces you to bend over the table!"
label scene_177_playback:
show bg secretary_bent_over_table_fuck
"And before you can react, you feel his fat cock entering your tight hole with one rough motion!"
pov "Ahhh... Mmmmm!"
boss "That's it, slut! You deserve to be fucked like this!"
boss "Beg me! Beg me to fuck you hard!"
pov "{i}Mmmmm...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! It seems he wants to release all his anger on me!{/i}"
pov "...Please!..."
pov "{i}I need to do what he wants; otherwise, he will destroy my tight hole with his huge dick!{/i}"
pov "I'm begging you..."
pov "...fuck me!"
"But as you say that, in your mind you are begging him to go slower."
"With each thrust, you feel his hard dick stretching your hole to its limits."
"And the only thing you can do is just moan as you try to relax your hole and take his dick without pain."
pov "{i}Fuck! I'm just a thing for him! Something he can use to calm down and release his anger.{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so degrading...{/i}"
pov "{i}What makes me choose it?! Why do I come here just to get used like some fuck hole?{/i}"
pov "{i}And a moment later you realize why...{/i}"
pov "{i}As you get penetrated, you feel your clitty as hard as it ever was leaking precum non-stop...{/i}"
pov "{i}... I'm such a slut...{/i}"
pov "Ahhh..."
"You continue moaning and begging him to fuck you harder, feeling waves of pleasure wash over you."
pov "{i}This feels so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does it feel so good when they are rough?{/i}"
pov "{i}No intimacy, no foreplay... just animal sex.{/i}"
"He continues to fuck you like that for a while. And some time later..."
with flash
with flash
"... you feel his hot cum filling up your ass..."
"And after a while, Boss calms down, and you feel his fat dick sliding out of your ruined hole..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_177 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 177 unlocked")
$ scene_177 = True
show black
with d
"Then he slowly dresses up and lets you get back to your work after you thank him for fucking you..."
"The rest of the day goes by without any events, and you get back to your room."
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
if secretary_event == 2:
$ secretary_event = 3
"During the day, you subconsciously wait to be called to the office for Boss to use you and fuck you like a dirty little slut you are..."
"...but, to your surprise, it never happens, and when it's time to finish, you even feel a little... sad?"
pov "{i}I should feel relieved... But for some reason, I wish he did use me...{/i}"
pov "{i}Something makes me want to get fucked and filled up with his cum right now...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, I think, it's because I've been riding this stupid dildo all day long!{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
if secretary_event == 3:
$ secretary_event = 4
"And just like that, it's almost the end of the day..."
"When suddenly Boss tells you to come into the office..."
show black
with d
boss "It's been a long day... I want you on your knees in front of me."
"As you hear him say that, a pleasant feeling washes over you and without even thinking, you come closer and drop to your knees."
"And to your surprise, you open your mouth right away, even without the command to do so..."
"You are so turned on by this that you start breathing heavily with your mouth wide open, awaiting Boss's fat dick to enter it."
"A moment later, you hear him unzip his pants, and you see his big hard cock right in front of you."
"And only a second later, you feel it into your mouth!..."
label scene_178_playback:
show bg secretary_sloppy_face_fuck
"...it starts pushing its way even deeper, and you start to feel him into your throat!"
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_mc 2
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_balls 2
with d1
pov "Mmmm..."
"His dick is so fat that you can't even breathe when it's that deep, and you try as hard as you can not push it out..."
#pov "{i}Fuck! His dick is so huge. I can't breathe!{/i}"
"But Boss doesn't move and just holds it deep in your throat, apparently enjoying the contractions of your throat."
"Try to push it out a bit to take a breath":
"You make a sound signalling that your breath is blocked and try to push the dick out with your throat muscles."
"But it seems that it only brings more joy to Boss, and he enjoys it!"
"So he just continues to hold it in your throat..."
"Hold your breath and keep it in your throat":
"You make an involuntary sound because you can't breathe, but stand still and wait..."
pov "{i}...it might be better not to push it out, I think it would only make things worse, and he'll hold it in my throat even longer...{/i}"
pov "{i}How long will he hold it in me?{/i}"
"Try to push it out a bit to take a breath":
"Once again, you make an even louder sound and try to push it out, but he pushes even harder this time!"
"Try to hold your breath even longer":
pov "{i}Fuck... I'm about to pass out...{/i}"
"Push it out":
pov "{i}...this is my last chance... otherwise I'll blackout!{/i}"
"You contract your muscles as hard as you can, trying to force it out of your throat..."
"And his dick didn't move even a little bit..."
"Hold your breath anyways...":
"And right when you feel like you are losing your consciousness, you feel the dick finally move, and you take a quick breath through your nose as soon as you can."
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_dick 1
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_balls 1
with d1
pov "{i}I can't believe it! I thought that he'd let me blackout and fuck my throat while I'm unconscious!{/i}"
"And then your thoughts are interrupted by the dick forcing its way back into your throat."
"But this time, he doesn't stop, and just throat fucks you, making you gag with each thrust."
"The only thing left for you is to try and open your mouth as wide as you can and breath whenever you get a chance..."
"It goes on for a while, and you feel your tears all over your face from such a hard fucking and a ton of saliva mixed with Boss's precum on your chin..."
"But at this point, you've already started to feel pleasure from getting throat-fucked like that without even noticing it."
pov "Mmmm..."
"You moan louder and louder as he continues to use your mouth and throat as a fleshlight, and then, you hear him grunting and feel his dick starting to twitch..."
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_dick 2
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_balls 2s
with d1
"So he forces it deep down your throat once again, and you feel it starting to shoot cum."
with flash
with flash
"But it's so much of it that you start coughing with his dick still inside, making some of the cum come out of your mouth."
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_cum 1
with d1
show secretary_sloppy_face_fuck_cum 2
with d1
"He stays like that with his dick buried deep in your throat and his cum filling up your mouth and after a while calms down and releases you, letting you swallow everything that got out of your throat while you were coughing..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_178 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 178 unlocked")
$ scene_178 = True
show black
with d
"You thank Boss for feeding you his hot sticky cum and get out of his office with all the gooey stuff still on your face and chest..."
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
if secretary_event == 4:
$ secretary_event = 5
if scene_174 and scene_178 and scene_198:
"You sit and do your work when suddenly Boss tells you to go to his office."
label scene_206_playback:
show black
with d
"You enter his office and see him busy working with some documents."
boss "Come here, I'm swamped, and I need you to help me out."
pov "{i}Is he really asking me to help with some documents...?{/i}"
pov "{i}So I'm not just a fuck toy for him?{/i}"
"You are surprised that you are about to do some actual work and come closer to help him with his problem."
"As you come closer, he grabs your ass and bends you over his desk."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}What a surprise...{/i}"
"He quickly raises your skirt and forces his big hard cock inside you!"
show bg secretary_piss_toilet_anal
with d
"You bite your lip, and you feel his dick stretching your hole, and its tip pressing against your prostate as you get ready to get fucked."
show secretary_piss_toilet_anal_inside 1
with d1
"But to your surprise, he's not moving and just stands there with his dick in your ass..."
pov "{i}Why isn't he fucking me?{/i}"
"And then... you feel something warm starting to fill you up..."
show secretary_piss_toilet_anal_inside 2
with d1
pov "{i}Wait... is he cumming already?{/i}"
"But the warm feeling doesn't stop, and you feel more and more of the warm liquid getting inside you..."
show secretary_piss_toilet_anal_inside 3
with d1
pov "{i}Wait... No!{/i}"
pov "Are you peeing in me?!"
boss "You have a problem with that, slut?"
boss "I told you, I'm busy. I don't have time to go to the toilet."
"You can't believe what is happening right now as you try to move and take his fat cock out of you, but he just holds you in place with his big hands and continues to fill you up with his hot piss!"
pov "Ahhh..."
pov "{i}I can't believe it!{/i}"
pov "{i}He's using me as a toilet!{/i}"
show secretary_piss_toilet_anal_inside 4
with d1
if scene_206 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 206 unlocked")
$ scene_206 = True
"At some point, it's so much of his piss inside you that you feel your insides getting stretched out from the pressure..."
"Then he finally grunts, and the stream stops."
show black
with d
"He slowly slides out his dick, apparently trying not to make a mess in his office and then forces an anal plug inside you to hold the piss from spilling out of you."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe how humiliating this is!{/i}"
boss "You can go now."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Is this all? \"You can go now\"?{/i}"
pov "{i}Fucking bastard!{/i}"
"Even though you want to kill him for treating you like a toilet... you can't do anything about it..."
"And you are too afraid to say anything to him... knowing that if you did, you might end up as toilet full time here..."
"So you leave his office and get back to work."
if cage:
"As you close the door to his office, you feel precum flowing down your little balls and thighs..."
"As you close the door to his office, to your surprise, you see your little clitty tenting your short skirt and a precum spot on it..."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't possibly be getting turned on by this...{/i}"
pov "{i}... can I...?{/i}"
if cage:
"But your clitty apparently feels different as it continues to leak and strain against its tight cage..."
"But your clitty apparently feels different as it continues to leak, making the precum spot even bigger..."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
"Go to the toilet":
"You quickly go to the toilet, take out your plug, trying not to get his hot piss on your hands."
"Then you sit on the toilet for what probably are the most humiliating moments of your life as you feel his piss streaming out of your ass..."
pov "{i}Why the fuck am I still this hard! It's so humiliating! I don't want to be someone's toilet!{/i}"
"Hold his piss inside you until the end of the day":
"For some reason, you decide not to go to the toilet and return to your desk and continue working..."
"You try not to think about it, but knowing that you are just a human toilet for him makes you extremely horny."
"You continue working for a while and then your work day finally ends and you go back to your room."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
jump boss_secretary_events
if secretary_event == 5:
$ secretary_event = 1
label scene_213_playback:
"You sit and do your work..."
pov "{i}He has quite many meetings today...{/i}"
"Then you see [alex] coming inside the office."
"She usually goes there from time to time, and she completely ignores you each time."
"And a moment later comes a man who has the first appointment with the boss."
"You announce his arrival to the boss by the phone and ask him to sit and wait until the boss is done with [alex]."
"But judging by his reaction, he's not happy he has to wait."
"It seems he's an important person."
pov "{i}Hmmm... another mafia member probably.{/i}"
"He waits for ten minutes and asks how much longer he has to wait, now obviously pissed about it."
"But all you know is that he has to wait longer as you can't interrupt the boss's meetings, especially with [alex]."
show black
with d
"And a moment later, you hear [alex]'s moaning from behind the door..."
man "What the fuck?!"
man "I have to sit and wait here while he fucks someone in there?"
man "This is not going to end well..."
"With those words, you see him move toward the door..."
"And you quickly realise that you have to do something!"
"Without thinking, you dash to the door trying to stop him as you are sure you'll get punished bad if you let him go in."
"Not knowing what to do, your sissy instinct kicks in, and you drop to your knees, taking a seductive pose."
"He suddenly stops, obviously surprised by your actions."
man "What the fuck is happening?"
pov "I thought you might like to use me while you wait... to make the time go faster..."
"And then you open your mouth and seductively lick your lips."
pov "{i}Things I have to do for this job...{/i}"
"Then you see a grin on his face as he unzips his pants."
"You see a big dick which gets hard almost instantly, and a moment later, it's going past your lips into your mouth..."
show bg boss_waiting_room_bj
"As soon as you feel his swollen tip in your slutty mouth, he grabs your head and pushes his dick further."
"And a moment later, it hits the back of your throat..."
pov "Uh~... NGH~~! uhm uhm Mmm!"
"And at that moment, you realise it's going to be rough!"
"He holds your head by your hair, and instead of fuking you, he uses your head to pleasure his dick."
"So with each new thrust, he's standing still, and only your head moves getting impaled by his hot rod."
"Tryin' to -- ungh! ... uh ungh ungh uh uh uh..."
"You try to ask him to slow down as your eyes are getting all watery and as you gag on his big thick dick..."
"But it's impossible to speak with such a big thing going in and out of your mouth."
"So you try to relax instead and let this happen as he fucks you right in the middle of the waiting room."
pov "Mmmmm..."
"You can't help but moan each time the dick hits the back of your throat."
"And each time he holds your head in place longer and longer, pushing his dick deeper into your throat, sending the waves of pleasure all over your body."
"And with each moan, you feel how his dick is pulsating with pleasure."
"And like that, with the final thrust, he starts cumming!"
with flash
show boss_waiting_room_bj_cum
with flash
if scene_213 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 213 unlocked")
$ scene_213 = True
pov "Mmmmm..."
"You make a final moan as your mouth gets filled with his hot, bitter cum, and he finally relaxes."
show black
with d
"He pulls out his fat, softening dick, wipes it with your hair and goes to the couch."
pov "{i}This is so humiliating! He even wiped the cum with my hair...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it's better than getting punished by the boss anyways.{/i}"
pov "{i}And I got some yummy treat for my effort ♥♥♥{/i}"
"You think to yourself as you lick up the cum from your lips..."
"Soon after that, the moaning in the office stops and [alex] leaves, letting the man go inside."
"After that event, nothing special happens, and the day slowly ends."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("$100")
$ money += 100
$ dtime += 2
jump room
label alex_foot_slave:
if alex_foot_slave_counter <= 3:
$ alex_foot_slave_counter += 1
pov "{i}Fuck... Licking [alex]'s feet under her table... this is humiliating...{/i}"
"But at the same time, you feel your clitty twitching as you think about licking her feet and sucking her toes..."
pov "{i}Why am I getting aroused by this? This is weird and humiliating! I shouldn't get hard from this...{/i}"
label scene_146_playback:
show black
with d
"You knock on [alex]'s door and wait for her to let you in..."
alex "Oh, are you here to worship my feet?"
if alex_foot_slave_counter == 4:
$ alex_foot_slave_counter = 0
jump alex_face_sitting_chair
alex "How nice of you... come in and take a seat... on the floor hehe..."
show bg alex_foot_slave 1
with d
"[alex] takes a seat in her chair while you sit near her feet..."
alex "It's so nice, I surely could use your slutty tongue on my soles..."
#if alex_foot_slave == 1:
alex "But first... I think it would be fun if you've begged me a bit..."
pov "..."
pov "Do I really have to do it?"
alex "You want me to reduce the payment for this week, don't you?"
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pov "[alex], please, would you let me lick your beautiful feet?"
"As you say that, you get hornier with each word..."
pov "{i}Fuck, why does it turn me on so much!?{/i}"
alex "Good girl..."
show bg alex_foot_slave 2
with d
"She takes off her high heel and presents her foot for you to worship..."
pov "{i}... she's so hot... so powerful...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I better start worshipping her foot...{/i}"
"You slowly bring your face closer to her sole and feel her pleasant scent..."
"You start kissing her soft skin slowly bringing your lips from heel to her toes..."
"Then you gently kiss each of her toes and stick out your tongue and start licking between her them."
alex "Such a good girl... I really needed this... wearing my heels all day long."
alex "My feet need you to show them how much you love them."
pov "Mmmm..."
alex "Heh... so you are moaning now, ha?"
pov "...N...No!"
pov "I'm not moaning, I don't like doing it! It's humiliating!"
alex "Yeah, yeah..."
"And she forces her foot in your face right when you say that..."
"And starts rubbing it all over, spreading your saliva over your face..."
alex "But what can you do, right?"
alex "You like being humiliated..."
alex "You like sniffing and licking my feet..."
alex "You could do anything else, but you chose to be here..."
alex "And now, my beautiful toes are in your mouth."
alex "And I'm sure you'll be back here again soon."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Is it really true? Do I really like all of this?{/i}"
pov "{i}Otherwise why am I so horny right now...{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "{i}If only I could rub my clitty against her feet now...{/i}"
"You continue worshipping [alex]'s perfect feet for quite a while, and then when she has to leave, she releases you."
alex "You've been a good girl today. I'll take $20 less at the end of the week."
if scene_146 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 146 unlocked")
$ scene_146 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
$ alex_foot_slave_today = False
$ this_week_payment -= 20
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label alex_face_sitting_chair:
alex "How nice of you..."
label scene_222_playback:
alex "But today, I have something different planned for you..."
alex "I got a new chair, and I'd like to test it."
pov "..."
"And as she says that, she rolls out a weird-looking chair with a U-shaped seat."
pov "Okay... how do I have to test it?"
alex "Nothing complicated, you just lie down and put your head in there with your face up, and I'll test it..."
pov "Wait... my head...?"
pov "But... but that way you'll be sitting on my face...?"
alex "Oh, you are so observant."
alex "So...?"
"And as she asks that you see her lifting her skirt and pulling down her panties."
"And your clitty instantly gets hard..."
pov "{i}Well... it's very humiliating, but...{/i}"
pov "{i}... tasting [alex]'s pussy is worth the humiliation...{/i}"
pov "{i}I Can't believe she would let me touch it and lick it!{/i}"
"You try to hide your happy smile and slowly lie down, putting your head into the chair hole."
alex "And without saying anything, you see her perfect round ass getting lowered onto your face."
show bg_alex_face_sitting_chair
with d
pov "Mmmmmm..."
"A moment later, you feel her asshole right on your nose..."
alex "Hmmm..."
alex "Seems comfy enough..."
alex "What about you down there?"
alex "Alive?"
"And as she asks, she moves her ass back and forth, rubbing her hole on your face..."
pov "Mmmmm..."
"You can't say a word with her nice round ass on your face, so everything left is for you to moan..."
alex "I'll take it as \'Yes\'."
"You continue lying there with your face between her ass cheeks, waiting for her to stand up, but she doesn't move and just sits there..."
pov "{i}Isn't she done testing the chair...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Why isn't she standing up?{/i}"
"You think as you breathe in the air with her asshole on your nose..."
pov "{i}Fuck... She smells so nice...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm actually glad she doesn't stand up just yet...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how much longer will I spend like this... with her ass on my face...?{/i}"
"And you lie there, you hear the sound of [alex] starting to type on her keyboard, and you realise that you are stuck in this position for quite some time..."
"So you decide to relax and enjoy it... even though the whole situation is quite humiliating..."
pov "{i}But I guess I don't have a choice...{/i}"
pov "{i}Even if I wanted to stop it, I can't speak a word, and I surely don't want to see how she'll react if I try to raise her from my face with my hands...{/i}"
"The time goes on as you lie there like a piece of furniture and continue breathing in her intoxicating womanly smell..."
"You'd be happy to taste her holes, especially her pussy, but she made sure to position herself so that only her asshole touches your nose and not her pussy so that you can't lick her..."
"As time passes, she shifts a little, rubbing her ass against your face, but continues to ignore you..."
"And after what seems like hours, you hear her phone ring and her saying \'Okay, I'm coming\'."
alex "Well... lucky for you, Boss needs me now."
alex "So we'll continue some other time..."
if scene_222 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 222 unlocked")
$ scene_222 = True
show black
with d
alex "Oh, and it seems you've been a good girl today; I'll take $20 less at the end of the week."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ alex_foot_slave_today = False
$ this_week_payment -= 20
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label lexa_cock_worship:
pov "{i}Fuck... I can't stop thinking about [lex]'s yummy cock...{/i}"
if lexa_cock_worship_first_time:
$ lexa_cock_worship_first_time = False
pov "{i}Maybe I should visit her? Who knows, maybe she'd like me to please her or something...?{/i}"
pov "{i}...like I do it for [alex] when I worship her feet.{/i}"
label scene_157_playback:
show black
with d
"You knock on her door, hoping that she's not busy and would let you spend some time playing with her perfect dick."
lex "Come in!"
if lexa_dick_worship_counter >= 2 and lexa_dick_worship_ashley:
#$ lexa_dick_worship_ashley = False
$ lexa_dick_worship_counter = 0
jump lexa_dick_worship_ashley
lex "Oh, it's you! How nice of you to visit me!"
if lexa_cock_worship_first_time:
lex "Is there anything I could do for you?"
pov "..."
pov "I don't know how to say it... I was hoping..."
pov "I was curious..."
pov "Maybe you'd like me to help you..."
pov "...like..."
pov "...relax a bit?"
lex "Oh my god... you are so cute!"
"Then you see her taking off her skirt and spreading her legs while looking at you with an inviting smile."
lex "So... is this what you want?"
lex "Why don't you get under my table and show me how much you like my cock?"
"You can't believe your luck! She is happy to let you play with her big tasty dick!"
lex "I was hoping that you would come visit me today to worship my dick..."
"Then you see her taking off her skirt and spreading her legs while looking at you with an inviting smile."
lex "Why don't you get under my table and show me how much you love my cock?"
show bg lexa_dick_worship
show lexa_dick_worship_dick 1
with d
"You slowly get under her table and sit between her beautiful legs."
pov "{i}Wow... she is so so beautiful... and her uncut meaty cock... it's just perfect!{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't wait to feel it growing in my mouth...{/i}"
pov "Feeling it in my throat... and then pulsating and shooting her sweet sticky cum in my mouth for me to drink..."
"Your thoughts are interrupted when you suddenly come back to reality and realise that you've been just sitting there between [lex]'s legs and staring at her cock for a while."
"You look into [lex]'s, and she just smiles at you, like she knows what you are thinking about..."
"You don't want to wait any longer, so you slowly bring your face closer to her dick and her beautiful balls."
"As you get closer, you stop right near it and take a deep breath..."
"She smells so nice that you can't stop inhaling her scent. IT drives you crazy, getting you turned on more and more."
"Then you bring your face even closer and just rub it against her dick and balls..."
"For some reason, you don't want just to give her a blowjob... you want to feel her hot, smooth flash on your skin."
"And as her balls rest on your lips, you start to gently kiss them... like it's your first kiss with the love of your life..."
"You want to make her feel good; you want to show her how much you love worshipping her cock and balls..."
"You start covering her balls with your gentle kisses, from time to time parting your lips and slightly taking her skin into your mouth..."
"It's not long before you feel her dick brushing against your cheek as it slowly gets harder..."
show lexa_dick_worship_dick 2
with dissolve
"As you feel her perfect semi-hard dick on your face, you can't keep yourself any longer from kissing, licking and sucking it..."
"So you stick out your slutty tongue, and starting from below her balls, slowly move your tongue higher and higher..."
"Licking her balls... going higher to the base of her hardening dick..."
"And then, you slowly move up her shaft, getting closer and closer to her tip..."
"And as you are about to touch it with your tongue, you stop..."
"You move away from her dick just for a moment, and with the tip of your tongue, you catch a drop of her precum..."
"And then slowly start to move back up to her tip, getting her sweet precum string on your tongue..."
show lexa_dick_worship_dick 3
with dissolve
"And then you stop right below the tip, gently resting your tongue on the frenulum..."
"From constant playing with yourself before you got to the brothel, you know really well how sensitive that spot is."
"So you start gently licking it with the tip of your tongue, feeling as her cock gets harder and harder..."
"Then you slowly move your lips right to the tip of her dick and wrap them around it."
"You feel how it's pulsating in your mouth as you move your head closer and closer to her taking her tip deeper until your lips are wrapped around her cock right below the tip."
"You start sucking it while continuing to tease it with your tongue."
"She is getting hornier with each second, producing more and more precum for you to swallow..."
show lexa_dick_worship_dick 4
with dissolve
"It doesn't take long for her to get fully erect right in your mouth as you lower your mouth on her cock, trying to take deeper and deeper, covering it with your saliva."
show lexa_dick_worship_dick 5
with dissolve
"Soon, you take it deeper and deeper as you feel her tip against the back of your throat."
"But it's not enough for you; you want it even deeper."
"You gag as you try to take it into your throat as you feel it clenching her dick and blocking the airflow."
"...even though it's too big for you to take it all, you don't stop trying even after your eyes get all wet after so much gagging..."
"You don't want to ever to stop... you want this moment to last forever..."
"You want to feel her big meaty cock inside of you for the rest of your life..."
"And as you are lost in time and space while forcing her dick into your throat for what feels like a thousand's time, you feel her cock starting to throb..."
"And then [lex] takes your head off her cock, and you see a huge portion of cum shooting out of her cock, landing right on your face."
show lexa_dick_worship_cum 1
show lexa_dick_worship_eyes closed
with flash
show lexa_dick_worship_cum 2
with flash
"Your face is all covered in cum as well as your tongue, as at the last moment you've opened your mouth trying to catch as much of her load as you could."
hide lexa_dick_worship_eyes closed
with dissolve
"You eagerly swallow what's landed on your tongue and then try to collect more cum from your face."
"When it seems like you've collected everything you could from your face, you are delighted to see that there is still some cum waiting for you on [lex]'s thigh and cock."
"You slowly bring your tongue closer to her and start licking up her still hot cum from her silky skin, enjoying every drop."
hide lexa_dick_worship_cum 2
with dissolve
lex "..."
lex "That might have been the best blowjob I've ever had! You were so into it..."
lex "It's like you are in love with my cock, haha!"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels like I am...{/i}"
"You give her perfect dick a final kiss, and as you crawl from under her desk, you can't help but think how much you want to worship her dick again..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
lex "Can't wait for you to visit me again!"
"You can't help and start smiling as you hear her say that and then go back to your room blushing..."
if scene_157 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 157 unlocked")
$ scene_157 = True
$ dtime += 1
$ lexa_dick_worship_counter += 1
jump room
label lexa_dick_worship_ashley:
"As you come in, you see... [ash]?"
"And she's sucking [lex]'s dick!"
show bg lexa_ashley_sucking
with d
lex "Hey [pov]; it's good that you've decided to visit me..."
lex "Your friend [ash] here is showing some love to my girl-cock..."
lex "If you like, you could join her... or play with her cute little ass while she's busy..."
"Join [ash]":
label scene_225_playback:
"Even though you'd be happy to play with [ash]'s ass, you came here to suck [lex]'s dick..."
"And sucking it with [ash] would make it even hotter..."
show bg lexa_double_bj_ashley
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_eyebrows pink
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_mg
with d
"You come closer and get on your knees, getting ready to suck [lex]'s dick together with [ash]..."
"You open your mouth, stick out your tongue, and slowly lick [lex]'s hot rod..."
"Starting from the bottom and up to her big soft tip..."
"From time to time, your tongues brush against each other as both of you lick her hard cock."
"You even stop for a deep kiss and suck [ash]'s sexy tongue for a moment..."
"And then get back to sucking [lex]'s dick."
"You suck her big balls as [ash] sucks her dick, and then after some time, you switch."
"You slowly lick her dick once again, starting from her balls and ending up on her tip as you take it into your mouth..."
"[lex] seems to enjoy your double blowjob very much, and she moans louder and louder every moment..."
"It's strange to suck her dick together with [ash]..."
"But it feels really good to share and do it together."
pov "{i}Mmmm...{/i}"
pov "{i}My clitty is leaking so much!{/i}"
"It goes on like this for a while as both of you suck her dick until it starts to twitch..."
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_cum 1
with flash
show lexa_double_bj_ashley_cum 2
with flash
"And then she finally shoots her cum all over your faces!"
"You continue licking her softening dick with her hot cum on your face for some time after she cums, and then you help each other out by licking up all the cum from each other's faces."
if scene_225 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 225 unlocked")
$ scene_225 = True
show black
with d
lex "Thank you, girls, I hope you've enjoyed playing with my dick..."
pov "... very much!"
ash "So so much!"
"After that, both of you leave and chat a little on your way back to the rooms..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Play with her ass":
label scene_224_playback:
"Her ass looks too inviting to pass, so you slowly come behind her and get on your knees..."
show bg lexa_ashley_ass_licking
with d
"As you get behind her, [ash] spreads her ass a little with her hand and gives you a wink with her tight hole..."
"You smile as you slowly reach out to touch her ass."
pov "{i}She's so hot!{/i}"
"You rub her ass, enjoying the smoothness of her skin..."
pov "{i}I want to taste her hole...{/i}"
"And then you open your mouth and bring your face closer."
"You stick out your tongue and touch her warm hole, slowly licking it..."
"You kiss and lick it over and over, and then you start pushing your tongue inside her hole as both of you moan in pleasure."
"After licking it for a while, you bring your face back and start rubbing her hole with your finger."
"You slowly push, and her tight hole swallows it inside..."
"Hearing [ash], you continue to play with it, pushing it in and out from time to time, stopping to rub it a little."
"You finger her like that for a while until you decide to give her some more pleasure and start rubbing her p-spot with now two fingers inside her..."
"She starts to moan much louder as [lex]'s cock occupies her mouth."
"Apparently, [ash]'s moaning gave a lot of pleasure to [lex], and you hear her start to moan as well as she grabs [ash]'s hair and pushes her head, burying her big dick deep inside [ash]'s throat..."
"And with a loud moan [lex] cums..."
if scene_224 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 224 unlocked")
$ scene_224 = True
show black
with d
"After [ash] swallows every last drop of [lex]'s cum, you stop playing with her ass, and both of you rise."
ash "Hey [pov], I hope you liked playing with my ass while I was sucking [lex]'s perfect cock..."
pov "..."
pov "Very much..."
ash "Hehe..."
"After that, both of you leave and chat a little on your way back to the rooms..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
"Is it okay if I watch?":
label scene_223_playback:
lex "Of course, enjoy"
"She says, giving you a wink..."
"It seems that [ash] is so occupied by the process that she didn't even notice you come in as she continues to suck [lex]'s dick."
"Lexa closes her eyes as [ash] takes her dick deeper into her mouth and gags on it."
"As you watch [ash] play with [lex]'s dick, your clitty is getting harder with each moment."
"And you can't help but think how good it is to be on [ash]'s place, sucking [lex]'s big hard cock..."
"Apparently, it's been going on for a while already before you came in, and it seems that [lex]'s is close to her orgasm..."
"[ash] has noticed it too, so she takes [lex]'s tip in her slutty sissy mouth and starts sucking as hard as she can, making [lex] moan even louder."
with flash
show lexa_ashley_sucking_cum
with flash
"And soon a stream of cum fills up her mouth..."
"It's so much of it that some of it even got out..."
"It doesn't take too long for [ash] to swallow everything in her mouth and then lick up everything that got out..."
hide lexa_ashley_sucking_cum
with d1
"After that, she gives [lex]'s dick a kiss and finally notices you..."
if scene_223 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 223 unlocked")
$ scene_223 = True
show black
with d
ash "Hey [pov], I hope you've enjoyed the show."
"She says as she smiles at you..."
pov "..."
pov "Very much..."
ash "Hehe..."
"After that, both of you leave and chat a little on your way back to the rooms..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label timetoworkforboss:
$ alreadysuckedbossdicktoday = True
"You wake up from the knock at your door."
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
alex "Wakey-wakey!"
pov "What is going on?"
pov "It's not Sunday yet..."
alex "Yeah, I know, I'm not here to collect the payment."
alex "I came by to tell you that you have a special job today..."
alex "Boss wants you in his office now."
"And without even waiting for you to reply, she leaves."
show char_alex:
xpos 1.1
with move
pov "{i}I wonder what's this about.{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I'll have to find out.{/i}"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You decide that it's better not to make him wait, so you go to the Boss's office right away."
show bg boss office
show char_boss:
xpos 0.25
with Dissolve(2.)
show pov:
xalign .7
ypos .05
with moveinright
with Dissolve(2.0)
show pov:
xalign .7
ypos .05
with moveinright
boss "Oh, hey, [povname]."
pov "You wanted to see me?"
boss "Actually yes. And to be more exact, I want to see you under my desk today."
pov "What? Why would I be under it?"
boss "I thought that I won't need to explain you that, considering how much time you've already spent in my brothel."
boss "But if you are that dumb and don't understand it yourself, here is why you'll spend the day under my table."
boss "I want you to suck my dick."
boss "You see, when I work I like when my dick is in some slut's mouth, and today, I want that slut to be you..."
pov "What?!"
boss "I don't see why that surprises you so much... You are a slut, you suck dicks. And that is exactly what I'm telling you to do today."
boss "Is there any problem with that?"
"It might be better to obey...":
pov "{i}There might be no point in arguing with him.{/i}"
pov "{i}And it might be better to do as he tells me to do...{/i}"
pov "Okay, I'll do as you say."
boss "Great."
boss "Didn't expect you to become so obedient so quickly! Good girl."
boss "Now, get under the desk."
jump underthetableboss
"Will I at least get paid for it?":
boss "You have some balls for a sissy, asking me something like that, haha."
boss "Of course you won't get paid for it. I tell you to do it and you do it. That's it."
"Do it":
pov "Okay, I'll do it."
boss "That's better."
boss "under the desk. Now."
jump underthetableboss
"Tell him to go fuck himself":
pov "How about this... You tell me to do it, and then I tell you to go fuck yourself."
pov "How about that?"
boss "I see that life teaches you nothing."
boss "Okay, you are free to go."
pov "Let me guess, as soon as I get out of this door, a couple of big guys will tie me up and put me in the butt-room, ha?"
boss "Maybe that's what I should have done. But, I'm tired of teaching you the lessons."
boss "So, you can leave, I don't really care."
pov "{i}Wow... That's unexpected.{/i}"
"When you thought that it actually worked and were about to leave..."
boss "I'm sure there are a lot of sluts here who would be happy if I give them such an opportunity..."
boss "Like [jnf] for example...?"
pov "What?"
boss "Yeah, I'm sure she'll be glad to spend the day under my table with my dick in her warm mouth, and I'm sure that she'll also do a much better job..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I hate him.{/i}"
pov "{i}The only thing worse than sucking his dick is the thought of him making [jnf] do it...{/i}"
"Okay, I'll do it, just leave [jnf] out of it":
boss "Too late. Now go."
pov "{i}Fuck... He's just messing with me now. Waiting for me to beg.{/i}"
"Beg him to allow you to suck his cock":
pov "Please, I'm begging you. Let me suck your big dick..."
boss "Haha! That's better... Ok."
boss "under the desk. Now."
jump underthetableboss
"Just leave":
"You decide that there is no reason to humiliate yourself, so you just leave."
show bg elevators
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I hate that fucking pig!{/i}"
pov "{i}Well at least it all worked out well... Only if I don't think about [jnf] taking my place under his table...{/i}"
jump room
"I don't care":
"Yeah, yeah... I don't care..."
"And with those words you leave his office."
show bg elevators
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck... I thought I'll get tied in the butt-room right away, considering the way that I spoke with him...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it seems it worked! Well, if I don't think about [jnf] taking the place under the desk instead of me.{/i}"
jump room
"Tell him to suck it himself":
pov "Fuck you!"
pov "I don't care what you do to me, but I'm tired of this shit. I'm not going to suck your dick!"
pov "If you want to get it sucked, do it yourself!"
boss "Well... I think I should get you killed right here right now for talking to me like that..."
boss "But I don't really care anymore. If you are that dumb, just go back and continue sucking dicks. At least that way I'll get back all the money that your fucking dad took from me."
pov "{i}That's unexpected... I thought I'm fucked.{/i}"
pov "{i}But it might have worked out this time.{/i}"
"But when you are about to leave..."
boss "I'm sure there are a lot of sluts here who would be happy if I give them such an opportunity..."
boss "Like [jnf] for example...?"
pov "What?"
boss "Yeah, I'm sure she'll be glad to spend the day under my table with my dick in her warm mouth, and I'm sure that she'll also do a much better job..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I hate him.{/i}"
pov "{i}The only thing worse than sucking his dick is the thought of him making [jnf] do it...{/i}"
"Okay, I'll do it, just leave [jnf] out of it":
boss "Considering the way that you've spoken to me... It's too late."
pov "{i}Fuck... He's just messing with me now. Waiting for me to beg.{/i}"
"Beg him to allow you to suck his cock":
pov "Please, I'm begging you. Let me suck your big dick..."
pov "I'm so sorry about speaking to you that way. I'm just a dumb sissy slut, who doesn't know how to behave..."
boss "Haha! That's better..."
boss "Ok..."
boss "under the desk. Now."
jump underthetableboss
"Just leave":
"You decide that there is no reason to humiliate yourself, so you just leave."
show bg elevators
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I hate that fucking pig!{/i}"
pov "{i}Well at least it all worked out well... Only if I don't think about [jnf] taking my place under his table...{/i}"
jump room
"I don't care":
"Yeah, yeah... I don't care..."
"And with those words you leave his office."
show bg elevators
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck... At some point I thought I'll get killed right away or get tied up in the butt-room...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it seems it worked! Well, if I don't think about [jnf] taking the place under his table instead of me.{/i}"
jump room
label underthetableboss:
label scene_112_playback:
show bg boss_bj_under_the_table
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 1 2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Well... This is it... I'm under his table getting ready to serve his fat dick like his personal little slut...{/i}"
boss "Time to start, sissy."
pov "..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 2 2
with dissolve
"You lean in closer to his big hard cock and stick out your tongue..."
"You start licking the tip of his dick, playing with your tongue in his pee hole and under his foreskin."
pov "{i}At least it smells good... Actually, really good...{/i}"
"For some reason the smell of his dick starts to turn you on..."
"It gives a very pleasant masculine scent, that makes you want to take it in your mouth and suck it, kiss it, rub his balls on your face..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 3 2
with dissolve
pov "{i}Fuck... that escalated quickly! How did I go from hating this guy to wanting to worship his dick all of a sudden?{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe that's because I don't see what his dick is attached to...{/i}"
pov "{i}So being under the desk actually makes things easier.{/i}"
pov "{i}And kind of enjoyable...{/i}"
"Even though you really hate this man, you can't stop thinking, that it's one of the best dicks you ever sucked."
pov "{i}It's so big, so hard and thick.{/i}"
pov "{i}And it feels so nice to play with its long foreskin with my tongue...{/i}"
"Even though you've just started, you already wish that you could suck this dick again."
pov "{i}I wonder how many times will he make me suck his cock and how many times he will cum in my mouth today?{/i}"
"Thinking about him cumming in your mouth, you unconsciously start sucking it deeper and deeper..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 4 2
with dissolve
pov "{i}It's so big! I can't even take it any deeper.{/i}"
"Feeling his dick touching the back of your throat, you start to increase the speed and suck it faster, while at the same time pleasuring it with your tongue."
"You spend like this quite a lot of time, so much time, that your jaw really starts to hurt."
pov "{i}It feels like I've spent hours sucking his dick...{/i}"
"And then suddenly..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 5 2
with dissolve
"... he forces your head on his cock, ramming it deep inside your throat, what you earlier thought was not even possible!"
"And you feel his big cock starting to twitch in your mouth, about to shoot his cum down your throat."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 6 2
with flash
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 6 2
with flash
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 6 2
with flash
"After what seems like an endless stream of cum going down your throat, his dick stops twitching..."
"You stay like that with his dick deep in your throat for a while to make sure that he has finished cumming and then slowly let it out of your mouth..."
if scene_112 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 112 unlocked")
$ scene_112 = True
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 4 2
with dissolve
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 3 2
with dissolve
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 1 2
with dissolve
"When you take it out of your mouth, you feel kind of sad that you couldn't really taste all that cum, as it went right down your throat..."
boss "Good girl! That's what I call a blowjob!"
boss "You can go back to work now."
"You get out of under the desk and go back to your room..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I have no idea what this is, but something makes me want to do it again...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm pretty sure, if I come visit him another day and propose to suck his dick, he'll be quite happy to let me do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}What happened to me? Just a couple of hours ago, I thought how much I hated this guy and now I'm thinking if he would allow me to suck his dick again...{/i}"
$ cansuckbosssdick = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label suckbosssdickrepeatedly:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You knock on his door and hear \"Come in!\" from the other side."
show bg boss office
show char_boss:
xpos 0.25
with Dissolve(2.0)
show pov:
xalign .7
ypos .05
with moveinright
boss "Didn't expect you to come here..."
boss "Something you want?"
pov "..."
pov "Well... I was thinking..."
pov "Maybe..."
pov "You'd like me to..."
pov "... suck your dick?"
boss "Haha! That's even more unexpected."
boss "Can't get enough of it, ha?"
boss "Tell you what, I'll let you suck my dick, if you ask properly..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}Fuck!{/i}"
"Beg him to let you suck his cock":
pov "Would you let me suck your big hard cock, please?"
boss "Good girl! Yeah, get under the desk."
jump suckbosssdickundertableagain
"It's too much humiliation already!":
pov "I'm not going to do it..."
boss "Suit yourself..."
boss "You know where the door is."
"Feeling quite silly you don't know what to do, except leaving."
jump room
label suckbosssdickundertableagain:
show bg boss_bj_under_the_table
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 1 2
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 3 2
with dissolve
pov "{i}As soon as you see his beautiful dick, you wrap your lips around it and start sucking right away...{/i}"
boss "Hah, can't wait to receive a portion of my tasty cum down your throat?"
"When you hear him say the word {b}\"cum\"{/b}, you feel a strange feeling in your stomach..."
"You really can't wait to feel his throbbing cock pumping his seed down your throat..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 4 2
with dissolve
"With that though, you start sucking his dick deeper and faster, trying to pleasure it as good as possible..."
pov "{i}All that humiliation...{/i}"
pov "{i}And only to get his dick in my mouth?{/i}"
pov "{i}It was so worth it!{/i}"
pov "{i}I could suck so many dicks, but this one feels so special...{/i}"
pov "{i}Holding it in my mouth for some reason makes me complete...{/i}"
pov "{i}Is it because he has so much power over me, unlike some random dude who comes to fuck me for money?{/i}"
pov "{i}And I don't even get paid for it, but for some reason I want to do it.{/i}"
pov "{i}Or maybe it's because his cock is so marvelous, so massive, so hard and tasty? And it makes me feel like his little cock-sucking sissy slut?{/i}"
"Occupied with all those thoughts you haven't even noticed how the time passed and Boss was about to cum..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 5 2
with dissolve
"... he forces your head on his cock, ramming it deep inside your throat!"
"And you feel his big cock starting to twitch in your mouth, about to shoot his cum down your throat."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 6 2
with flash
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 6 2
with flash
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 6 2
with flash
"After what seems like an endless stream of cum going down your throat, his dick stops twitching..."
"You stay like that with his dick deep in your throat for a while to make sure that he has finished cumming and then slowly let it out of your mouth..."
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 4 2
with dissolve
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 3 2
with dissolve
show boss_bj_under_the_table_head 1 2
with dissolve
"When you take it out of your mouth, you feel kind of sad that you couldn't really taste all that cum, as it went right down your throat..."
boss "Good girl."
if saw_alex_getting_fucked == False and pleaseboss > 1:
boss "You know what? You've been a really good sissy girl lately..."
boss "I think you've deserved a reward."
boss "Next time you come suck my dick, I'll give it to you..."
boss "I'm sure you'll really like it."
pov "..."
$ timetogetbossrewardalex = True
boss "You can go back to work now."
"You get out of under the desk and go back to your room..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ pleaseboss += 1
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label suck_boss_dick_reward:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You knock on his door and hear \"Come in!\" from the other side."
show bg boss office
show char_boss:
xpos 0.25
with Dissolve(2.0)
show pov:
xalign .7
ypos .05
with moveinright
boss "Here is my favorite sissy girl..."
boss "Came to get your reward?"
pov "..."
boss "Get under the desk and get ready..."
pov "{i}It seems that he thinks that letting me suck his cock for the fourth time is a reward... Fuck...{/i}"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You get under his table and prepare to suck his dick, but it seems, it's not what he wants."
pov "{i}Maybe he did plan some kind of a reward for me?{/i}"
boss "Be a good girl and stay quite under there..."
"Then, you hear him pick up the phone and say \"Come to my office\"."
"After a little while, you hear the door opening and somebody on high heels coming inside."
"And then you hear a woman's voice..."
pov "{i}Hmm... I'm not really sure, but it sounds like it's Alex...{/i}"
alex "You wanted to see me?"
boss "Yeah, I feel like fucking someone right now..."
"But you don't hear Her's response, instead you hear a zipper and judging from the other sounds, it seems like she's taking her clothes off."
"After that you see her coming behind the table."
"It's seems that this is a normal situation for them and he fucks her whenever he wants."
pov "{i}It's quite strange to see Alex being so submissive, getting ready to take his cock on command, especially considering how dominant she is with me.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's a pity I can't see her pussy from here...{/i}"
"Then you see Boss getting behind her and dropping his pants, apparently getting ready to fuck her."
"Then he forces her to bend over the table and you see them moving in a motion like she's getting fucked..."
"And it happens rather roughly, like he is taking his dick out of her pussy almost all the way and then slamming it back into it..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I can only see their legs.{/i}"
"Take a peek":
pov "{i}Fuck it! I can't miss such an opportunity, I need to look at it!{/i}"
"You try to move as carefully as you can, and get closer to the edge of the table, trying to look at her pussy getting fucked and at the same time trying not to touch her feet."
label scene_113_playback:
show bg boss_alex_fuck_under_table
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! I'd give all my money right now, just to take his place and fuck her...{/i}"
#"You start wathing Alex getting fucked by boss's big dick and can't help but imagine what would it feel to be on her place..."
#"Even though you are dreaming to fuck Alex like that, more and more thoughts come to your mind where you are getting fucked instead of her..."
pov "{i}What the fuck?!{/i}"
show bg boss_alex_fuck_under_table
with hpunch
pov "{i}I can't believe my eyes!{/i}"
pov "Alex... has... a {b}dick?{/b}"
pov "{i}And it's so beautiful!{/i}"
pov "{i}I would never think that she has a dick!{/i}"
pov "{i}Now the only thing I can think about is how bad I want to suck it!{/i}"
pov "{i}This is the most beautiful view I've ever seen...{/i}"
pov "{i}Alex getting fucked with her dick flopping around...{/i}"
"You stay like that for a while enjoying the show and trying your best not to get busted."
"Some time passes and Boss begins to fuck her harder and harder as she moans louder and louder with each thrust."
"And after a while you see boss's dick starting to twitch and you realize that he is shooting cum deep into Alex's ass..."
show boss_alex_fuck_under_table_cum 1
with flash
show boss_alex_fuck_under_table_cum 2
with flash
show boss_alex_fuck_under_table_cum 3
with flash
if scene_113 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 113 unlocked")
$ scene_113 = True
"You quickly move back under the desk as you don't want them to notice you looking and sit quietly."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"They continue standing like that for a little while, until he takes out his dick from her hole and calls for you."
boss "Hey sissy! Time to get your reward!"
boss "Get out of under there and enjoy it."
alex "What? What sissy? What reward?"
"You crawl out a bit from under the desk and look up at Alex."
label scene_114_playback:
show bg boss_alex_cum_clean_up
show boss_alex_cum_clean_up_cum
with Dissolve(2.)
"And you see her cum-leaking hole and her looking at you..."
#alex "Haha! Didn't expect you to be under there..."
alex "What a cute girl!"
alex "What is your name?"
pov "What do you mean? You know my name..."
pov "How can it be that you have a dick now? How is this possible?!"
alex "Haha! You must be thinking I'm Alex..."
lex "I'm [lex], her twin sister."
pov "...I had no idea that Alex has a twin sister..."
pov "{i}...with a perfect dick like that!{/i}"
lex "You must have been a really good cock-sucking sissy slut if boss lets you be here while he fucks me and then letting you clean me up."
pov "{i}...And she seems so nice... not like Alex...{/i}"
boss "Yeah, she is a good girl... Now I want to see her licking every drop of my cum from your hole..."
pov "{i}Can't believe that I'm about to lick up Boss's cum from her asshole!{/i}"
"And without any hesitation, you start licking her hole, wrapping it with your lips, so every last drop gets into your mouth."
"You penetrate her gaping hole with your tongue trying to get deeper as much cum as possible."
"After eating what seems like a full glass of cum, you get the last drops on your tongue and lick her asshole clean..."
if replay:
jump scenes
jump alexcumcleanedup
"Better stay quite like I was told to and not move":
"You decide that it's much safer not to do anything as you don't want to get punished or making the boss change his mind about letting you stay there, while he fucks Alex."
"So, you watch him fuck Alex really hard and soon she starts moaning really loud."
"The whole thing is really hot and you get turned on more and more with each moment while you watch them fuck, even though you can only see their legs."
"Soon enough Boss starts increasing his speed and fucks Alex even harder than before."
"And her moans are starting to sound more like shouting than moaning."
"And then boss makes a final thrust and stops, apparently pumping his cum deep into Alex's pussy."
"They stay like that for a while in complete silence, breathing heavily."
boss "Hey, sissy!"
boss "Time to come out for your reward!"
boss "Get out from there."
alex "What?"
alex "What sissy? What reward?"
"And then you start crawling from under the desk, until you see Alex..."
show bg boss_alex_cum_clean_up
show boss_alex_cum_clean_up_cum
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}What the fuck?!{/i}"
show bg boss_alex_fuck_under_table
with hpunch
pov "{i}I can't believe my eyes!{/i}"
pov "Alex... has... a {b}dick?{/b}"
pov "{i}And it's so beautiful!{/i}"
pov "{i}I would never think that she has a dick!{/i}"
pov "{i}Now the only thing I can think about is how bad I want to suck it!{/i}"
pov "{i}This is the most beautiful view I've ever seen...{/i}"
pov "{i}Alex getting fucked with her dick flopping around...{/i}"
"You stay like that for a while enjoying the show and trying your best not to get busted."
"Some time passes and Boss begins to fuck her harder and harder as she moans louder and louder with each thrust."
"And after a while you see boss's dick starting to twitch and you realize that he is shooting cum deep into Alex's ass..."
show boss_alex_fuck_under_table_cum 1
with flash
show boss_alex_fuck_under_table_cum 2
with flash
show boss_alex_fuck_under_table_cum 3
with flash
if scene_113 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 113 unlocked")
$ scene_113 = True
"You quickly move back under the desk as you don't want them to notice you looking and sit quietly."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"They continue standing like that for a little while, until he takes out his dick from her hole and calls for you."
boss "Hey sissy! Time to get your reward!"
boss "Get out of under there and enjoy it."
alex "What? What sissy? What reward?"
"You crawl out a bit from under the desk and look up at Alex."
show bg boss_alex_cum_clean_up
show boss_alex_cum_clean_up_cum
with Dissolve(2.)
"And you see her cum-leaking hole and her looking at you..."
#alex "Haha! Didn't expect you to be under there..."
alex "What a cute girl!"
alex "What is your name?"
pov "What do you mean? You know my name..."
pov "How can it be that you have a dick now? How is this possible?!"
alex "Haha! You must be thinking I'm Alex..."
lex "I'm [lex], her twin sister."
pov "...I had no idea that Alex has a twin sister..."
pov "{i}...with a perfect dick like that!{/i}"
lex "You must have been a really good cock-sucking sissy slut if boss lets you be here while he fucks me and then letting you clean me up."
pov "{i}...And she seems so nice... not like Alex...{/i}"
boss "Yeah, she is a good girl... Now I want to see her licking every drop of my cum from your hole..."
pov "{i}Can't believe that I'm about to lick up Boss's cum from her asshole!{/i}"
"And without any hesitation, you start licking her hole, wrapping it with your lips, so every last drop gets into your mouth."
"You penetrate her gaping hole with your tongue trying to get deeper as much cum as possible."
"After eating what seems like a full glass of cum, you get the last drops on your tongue and lick her asshole clean..."
jump alexcumcleanedup
label alexcumcleanedup:
hide boss_alex_cum_clean_up_cum
with dissolve
if scene_114 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 114 unlocked")
$ scene_114 = True
"After that you thank Boss for your reward and continue sitting there between [lex]'s legs, enjoying the view."
if replay:
jump scenes
pov "{i}Fuck... Her dick is so perfect, and those balls! They look so full...{/i}"
pov "{i}The only thing I can think about is taking them in my mouth and sucking on them...{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to do it! It might be my only chance!{/i}"
"Suck her big juicy balls":
pov "{i}Fuck it I'm doing it! Whatever happens, happens.{/i}"
pov "{i}Even if I get punished for it, at least I'll taste her beautiful balls...{/i}"
jump tastealexsballsboss
"That's crazy, I can't just do it like that":
"You've hesitated for too long, thinking if you'll get punished if you suck her balls, and seeing that you've completely cleaned her up, she gets away form you and starts putting her clothes back on."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! Why didn't I do it?{/i}"
"You see her finish dressing up, and leaving the office."
"After that you get out of under the desk, thank Boss again for your reward and leave."
"Seeing that you've completely cleaned her up, [lex] gets away from you and starts putting her clothes back on."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label tastealexsballsboss:
show bg boss_sucking_alexs_balls 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"You decide not to hesitate and lean in right away, and start sucking and licking her balls while holding her big throbbing cock in your hand."
"And then you heat Boss and Alex starting to laugh at your actions..."
lex "Such a slut... can't hold yourself when you see a nice pair of balls?"
lex "Ok, that's enough, nobody said that you can play with them... At least not now..."
$ renpy.notify("Scene 115 unlocked")
$ scene_115 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"She moves away and starts putting her clothes back on..."
pov "{i}I'm so glad that I did it! They taste so good...{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope she'll let me do it again in the future, or even better force me do it!{/i}"
"After [lex] left, you thank Boss again for such an amazing reward and as you are about to go back to your room..."
boss "Hey, wait a second..."
boss "I think I could use you for another job."
boss "I feel like you could be a nice secretary for me."
boss "I'm kind of tired of my current secretary slut, so it would be fun if you took her place from time to time."
boss "You can come here on weekends in the morning and I'll just send her to suck dicks in a glory hole room or something while you take her place."
$ secratary_job_unlocked = True
$ dtime += 1
jump room
image analtoys_blinking:
"analtoys_eyes open"
"analtoys_eyes closed"
"analtoys_eyes open"
"analtoys_eyes closed"
image analtoys_fuck 1:
"analtoys_hand 2"
"analtoys_hand 3"
"analtoys_hand 4"
"analtoys_hand 3"
image analtoys_fuck 2:
"analtoys_hand 2"
"analtoys_hand 3"
"analtoys_hand 4"
"analtoys_hand 3"
############################################################################################################################################################################################## Anal masturbation
label analmasturbation:
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I think, I should better avoid penetrating myself with toys, while I wait for the injection to work...{/i}"
jump analmasturbation
jump masturbationvibrator
"White dildo" if avrdld:
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I think, I should better avoid penetrating myself with toys, while I wait for the injection to work...{/i}"
jump analmasturbation
jump masturbationwhitedildo
"Black dildo" if black_dildo_bought and cage == True:
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I think, I should better avoid penetrating myself with toys, while I wait for the injection to work...{/i}"
jump analmasturbation
jump masturbation_black_dildo
"Horse dildo" if horse_dildo_bought:
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I think, I should better avoid penetrating myself with toys, while I wait for the injection to work...{/i}"
jump analmasturbation
jump masturbation_horse_dildo_tip
"Anal beads" if beads_bought:
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I think, I should better avoid penetrating myself with toys, while I wait for the injection to work...{/i}"
jump analmasturbation
jump masturbation_beads
"Alien dildo" if alien:
if sissyblock:
pov "{i}I think, I should better avoid penetrating myself with toys, while I wait for the injection to work...{/i}"
jump analmasturbation
jump masturbation_alien
"Selfsuck" if canselfsuck:
if cage == True:
pov "{i}I don't think it's possible, while I'm wearing this cage.{/i}"
jump analmasturbation
if stretching <= 3:
if tryingtosuckownclitfirsttime:
$ tryingtosuckownclitfirsttime = False
"You lie in your bed, getting ready to sleep... But suddenly you start thinking about New Year party..."
"Particularly about that moment when those two girls forced you to suck your own cock..."
pov "{i}That was so hot... I've never thought that it's possible to suck your own cock...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if I'll be able to do it alone without any help...{/i}"
"You decide that it won't be such a bad idea to actually try it and flip your legs over your head..."
"Even though your clit is really close to your lips and it seems like you can easily lick it with your tongue..."
"...no matter how hard you try, there is still some space between your mouth and your clit."
pov "{i}Maybe if I do some stretching trainings I'll be able to do it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess it's enough trying to suck my own clitty for today...{/i}"
hide screen ui1
show bg room night
with dissolve
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"You decide to try to suck your own clit once again..."
"You flip your legs over your head and try reaching out to your clit with your tongue, but it is still not possible for you..."
pov "{i}Fuck... So close and so far away at the same time... I guess I need to do more stretching to be able to do it.{/i}"
"You decide that it's enough for today and decide to go to sleep."
hide screen ui1
show bg room night
with dissolve
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if stretching >= 4:
if tryingtosuckownclitfirsttime:
$ tryingtosuckownclitfirsttime = False
"You lie in your bed, getting ready to sleep... But suddenly you start thinking about New Year party..."
"Particularly about that moment when those two girls forced you to suck your own cock..."
pov "{i}That was so hot... I've never thought that it's possible to suck your own cock...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder if I'll be able to do it alone without any help...{/i}"
"You decide that it won't be such a bad idea to actually try it and flip your legs over your head..."
"And to your surprise you can easily lick the tip of your own clit!"
label scene_85_playback:
show bg selfsuckroom
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's a bit more difficult to take it into your mouth, but thanks to all the stretching with Valerie, it's possible."
"And you can suck the tip of your clit..."
pov "{i}If I knew that I could suck my own clit, I'd start stretching years ago!{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, this feels good...{/i}"
"You slowly enjoy the amazing feeling of your clit in your own mouth..."
"You play with it in all kinds of ways, you kiss it, lick it, even bite it."
"But the most amazing feeling is when you wrap your lips around the tip and start playing with it with your tongue..."
"Not so much time passes as you feel an orgasm getting close..."
"You start licking your tip even faster and a moment later you start cumming into your mouth..."
show selfsuckroom_cum 1
with flash
show selfsuckroom_cum 2
with flash
if scene_85 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 85 unlocked")
$ scene_85 = True
"You fill your own mouth with your cum and continue sucking your clit, but now it's all covered in sweet, delicious cum..."
"It was so much of it that it even got out of your mouth and it's slowly leaking down your cheek."
"You enjoy this fantastic feeling for some more time, then swallow every drop of your cum and go to sleep..."
if replay:
jump scenes
hide screen ui1
show bg room night
with Dissolve(2.)
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"You decide to suck your own clit once again..."
"And quite easily you are able to lick the tip of your clit..."
show bg selfsuckroom
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's a bit more difficult to take it into your mouth, but thanks to all the stretching with Valerie, it's possible."
pov "{i}If I knew that I could suck my own clit, I'd start stretching years ago!{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, this feels good...{/i}"
"You slowly enjoy the amazing feeling of your clit in your own mouth..."
"You play with it in all kinds of ways, you kiss it, lick it, even bite it."
"But the most amazing feeling is when you wrap your lips around the tip and start playing with it with your tongue..."
"Not so much time passes as you feel an orgasm getting close..."
"You start licking your tip even faster and a moment later you start cumming into your mouth..."
show selfsuckroom_cum 1
with flash
show selfsuckroom_cum 2
with flash
if scene_85 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 85 unlocked")
$ scene_85 = True
"You fill your own mouth with your cum and continue sucking your clit, but now it's all covered in sweet, delicious cum..."
"It was so much of it that it even got out of your mouth and it's slowly leaking down your cheek."
"You enjoy this fantastic feeling for some more time, then swallow every drop of your cum and go to sleep..."
hide screen ui1
show bg room night
with Dissolve(2.)
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Changed my mind":
"Maybe, I should better go to sleep now."
hide screen ui1
pov "You take a quick shower and go to sleep."
show bg room night
with dissolve
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label masturbationvibrator:
if replay == False:
$ vibratorfun +=1
show bg analtoys
show analtoys_blinking
show analtoys_hand 1
show analtoys_mouth f1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You lay on your bed and get ready to have some fun with your toy."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I enjoy anal masturbation now.{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels so nice, I can't resist such a temptation.{/i}"
show analtoys_hand 2
show analtoys_mouth f2
with dissolve
pov "Mhhhh..."
pov "{i}I even started moaning like a girl...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I want to feel the pleasure so bad.{/i}"
hide analtoys_hand 2
show analtoys_fuck 1
pov "MMMmmmmm..."
if scene_15 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 15 unlocked")
$ scene_15 = True
if vibratorfun == 2 and replay == False:
jump alexpeggingfirsttime
pov "{i}I need to go faster.{/i}"
show analtoys_fuck 2
pov "This is amazing! I'm so close..."
"But for some reason you can't reach orgasm."
"It feels like you are ready to cum, but it doesn't happen."
pov "{i}I wonder why Erika made me cum, but I can't do it.{/i}"
show analtoys_fuck 1
"Even though you weren't able to cum, you still feel relieved a little and go to sleep."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 60
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label masturbationwhitedildo:
if masturbationwhitedildo1sttime:
$ masturbationwhitedildo1sttime = False
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You take out your new dildo and notice that your hands are shaking a little from the excitment."
pov "{i}I can't believe that it's happening...{/i}"
pov "{i}Only a while ago I've been thinking how can I escape from here, and now I'm going to fuck myself with a rubber dick?{/i}"
pov "I guess I should just stop thinking about it and enjoy, there is no way back now, I want it too bad."
"With those thoughts you lube up the dildo, position it on the floor and prepare to ride it."
show bg masturbation dildo medium
if hair == "short" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg blnd
if hair == "short" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg brwn
if hair == "short" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg blck
if hair == "short" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg red
if hair == "short" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg blue
if hair == "short" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg pink
if hair == "long" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg blnd
if hair == "long" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg brwn
if hair == "long" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg blck
if hair == "long" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg red
if hair == "long" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg blue
if hair == "long" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg pink
if hair == "braids" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg blnd
if hair == "braids" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg brwn
if hair == "braids" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg blck
if hair == "braids" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg red
if hair == "braids" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg blue
if hair == "braids" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg pink
if hair == "tails" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg blnd
if hair == "tails" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg brwn
if hair == "tails" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg blck
if hair == "tails" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg red
if hair == "tails" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg blue
if hair == "tails" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg pink
show masturbation_dildo_medium body
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == False:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_clit small
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == False:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_clit normal
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == False:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_clit big
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_cage blue
if breasts == 'a':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts d
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails blck
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails red
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails blue
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails pink
if hair == "short" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg blnd
if hair == "short" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg brwn
if hair == "short" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg blck
if hair == "short" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg red
if hair == "short" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg blue
if hair == "short" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg pink
if hair == "long" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg blnd
if hair == "long" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg brwn
if hair == "long" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg blck
if hair == "long" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg red
if hair == "long" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg blue
if hair == "long" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg pink
if hair == "braids" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg blnd
if hair == "braids" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg brwn
if hair == "braids" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg blck
if hair == "braids" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg red
if hair == "braids" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg blue
if hair == "braids" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg pink
if hair == "buns" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns blnd
if hair == "buns" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns brwn
if hair == "buns" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns blck
if hair == "buns" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns red
if hair == "buns" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns blue
if hair == "buns" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns pink
if hair == "braid" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid blnd
if hair == "braid" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid brwn
if hair == "braid" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid blck
if hair == "braid" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid red
if hair == "braid" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid blue
if hair == "braid" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid pink
if hair == "tails" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg blnd
if hair == "tails" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg brwn
if hair == "tails" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg blck
if hair == "tails" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg red
if hair == "tails" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg blue
if hair == "tails" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg pink
if color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows blnd
if color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows brwn
if color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows blck
if color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows red
if color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows blue
if color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows pink
show masturbation_dildo_medium_mouth closed
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyes halfclosed
show masturbation_dildo_medium_dildo 1
with Dissolve(2.0)
pov "{i}...{/i}"
show masturbation_dildo_medium_dildo 2
with dissolve
"With one move you lower yourself down on the dildo, as it penetrates you tight little hole sending tons of pleasure all over your body."
pov "{i}It got inside so easily, and it feels so nice... no pain at all...{/i}"
"You start moving on it, up and down, but you don't lower yourself too much as it feels like your little hole is too tight for it."
pov "{i}Fells almost as good as a real cock...{/i}"
"You spend some time riding the dildo and getting so much pleasure that you can't even describe."
"But no matter how hard you try, you can't reach an orgasm."
"Every time it feels like you are about to reach an orgasm, but then nothing happens."
"After a while you decide it's time to stop and go to sleep."
"Even though you didn't reach an orgasm, you still feel relieved a little and much better than before."
if scene_17 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 17 unlocked")
$ scene_17 = True
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 60
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
show bg masturbation dildo medium
if hair == "short" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg blnd
if hair == "short" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg brwn
if hair == "short" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg blck
if hair == "short" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg red
if hair == "short" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg blue
if hair == "short" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_bg pink
if hair == "long" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg blnd
if hair == "long" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg brwn
if hair == "long" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg blck
if hair == "long" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg red
if hair == "long" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg blue
if hair == "long" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_bg pink
if hair == "braids" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg blnd
if hair == "braids" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg brwn
if hair == "braids" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg blck
if hair == "braids" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg red
if hair == "braids" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg blue
if hair == "braids" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_bg pink
if hair == "tails" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg blnd
if hair == "tails" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg brwn
if hair == "tails" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg blck
if hair == "tails" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg red
if hair == "tails" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg blue
if hair == "tails" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_bg pink
show masturbation_dildo_medium body
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == False:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_clit small
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == False:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_clit normal
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == False:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_clit big
if clitsize == 'small' and cage == True:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_cage pink
if clitsize == 'normal' and cage == True:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_cage blue
if clitsize == 'big' and cage == True:
show masturbation_dildo_medium_cage blue
if breasts == 'a':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show masturbation_dildo_medium_breasts d
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails blck
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails red
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails blue
if hair == "pigtails" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair pigtails pink
if hair == "short" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg blnd
if hair == "short" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg brwn
if hair == "short" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg blck
if hair == "short" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg red
if hair == "short" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg blue
if hair == "short" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_short_fg pink
if hair == "long" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg blnd
if hair == "long" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg brwn
if hair == "long" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg blck
if hair == "long" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg red
if hair == "long" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg blue
if hair == "long" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_long_fg pink
if hair == "braids" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg blnd
if hair == "braids" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg brwn
if hair == "braids" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg blck
if hair == "braids" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg red
if hair == "braids" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg blue
if hair == "braids" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_braids_fg pink
if hair == "buns" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns blnd
if hair == "buns" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns brwn
if hair == "buns" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns blck
if hair == "buns" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns red
if hair == "buns" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns blue
if hair == "buns" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair buns pink
if hair == "braid" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid blnd
if hair == "braid" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid brwn
if hair == "braid" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid blck
if hair == "braid" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid red
if hair == "braid" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid blue
if hair == "braid" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair braid pink
if hair == "tails" and color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg blnd
if hair == "tails" and color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg brwn
if hair == "tails" and color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg blck
if hair == "tails" and color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg red
if hair == "tails" and color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg blue
if hair == "tails" and color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_hair_tails_fg pink
if color == "blnd":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows blnd
if color == "brwn":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows brwn
if color == "blck":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows blck
if color == "red":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows red
if color == "blue":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows blue
if color == "pink":
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyebrows pink
show masturbation_dildo_medium_mouth closed
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyes halfclosed
show masturbation_dildo_medium_dildo 1
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You take out your dildo, lube it up and prepare to have some fun riding it."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
show masturbation_dildo_medium_dildo 2
show masturbation_dildo_medium_mouth partlyopen
show masturbation_dildo_medium_eyes closed
with dissolve
"With one move you lower yourself down on the dildo as it penetrates you tight little hole sending tons of pleasure all over your body."
pov "{i}It feels so good, I can't help but imagine it being a real cock...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fucking me all day long, deeper and deeper, until my hole is filled with hot sticky cum...{/i}"
pov "Ahhh... ♥♥♥"
"You spend some time riding the dildo and getting so much pleasure that you can't even describe."
"But no matter how hard you try, you can't reach an orgasm."
"Every time it feels like you are about to reach an orgasm, but then nothing happens."
"After a while you decide it's time to stop and go to sleep."
"Even though you didn't reach an orgasm, you still feel relieved a little and much better than before."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 60
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label masturbation_black_dildo:
label scene_164_playback:
show black
with d
"You take your black dildo, take off your clothes and get ready to have some fun..."
pov "{i}It is so big...{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't believe that it can fit inside me... and that I'm using it!{/i}"
pov "{i}If some time ago someone told me that I'll be fucking myself with a dildo, I'd laugh at their face...{/i}"
pov "{i}But now I want it so bad... even though I get fucked and suck dicks all the time!{/i}"
"You get in your bed and raise your legs, pressing the dildo against your lubed up hole..."
"Just the first touch send shivers down your spine, making you moan..."
pov "Mmmm..."
pov "{i}Can't wait to feel it stretching my hole...{/i}"
"You slowly start pushing, and it starts going inside you..."
pov "{i}It's good that my hole isn't as tight as it was before; otherwise, I wouldn't be able to take it like this.{/i}"
show bg solo_black_dildo
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg tails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hairbg braid red
show solo_black_dildo_1
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show solo_black_dildo_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show solo_black_dildo_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show solo_black_dildo_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show solo_black_dildo_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show solo_black_dildo_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show solo_black_dildo_eyebrows pink
show solo_black_dildo_2
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_black_dildo_cage pink
show solo_black_dildo_cage blue
if breasts == False:
show solo_black_dildo_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show solo_black_dildo_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show solo_black_dildo_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show solo_black_dildo_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show solo_black_dildo_breasts d
show solo_black_dildo_3
show solo_black_dildo_precum
with d
"Your caged clitty instantly starts to leak after the first touch against your p-spot."
pov "{i}Fuck... it feels so good!{/i}"
"As you don't have to worry about how it feels for the dick, you focus on how you feel and don't rush anything..."
"You gently penetrate yourself, taking only a bit more than just the tip of the dildo, trying to concentrate on your p-spot with each thrust."
pov "{i}It feels so good when I press against it.{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels this good with a smaller dildo or even a vibrator...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess that all a lie when they say size doesn't matter.{/i}"
pov "{i}And it's so nice to be stretched like this at the same time.{/i}"
pov "{i}It just feels perfect.{/i}"
"You continue slow-fucking yourself like this, using only half of the dildo, concentrating all the attention on your most sensitive spot..."
"And after about half an hour of slow sweet torture, you feel like your clitty is about to leak even more."
"You push the dildo even harder, and after a couple of moments, you feel your sissy-cum slowly leaking out of your caged clitty..."
show solo_black_dildo_cum 1
with dissolve
show solo_black_dildo_cum 2
with dissolve
show solo_black_dildo_cum 3
with dissolve
show solo_black_dildo_cum 4
with dissolve
show solo_black_dildo_cum 5
with dissolve
"As it's leaking, you feel orgasmic pleasure all over your body... but not like it usually feels..."
"It's like you are sinking deeper and deeper into pleasure with each passing second... it's powerful, but... soft kind of pleasure."
"It feels like it goes on and on forever and doesn't stop..."
show solo_black_dildo_cum 6
with dissolve
"After a couple of minutes, you get back to reality and realise that this whole time you've been fucking yourself."
"And your sissy-cum that you've milked out of yourself got on the dildo and became a lube as you've been pushing it inside you with the dildo."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}It was the longest orgasm I've ever felt...{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though I just came, I don't want to stop... It feels too good to stop...{/i}"
pov "Mmmm..."
if scene_164 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 164 unlocked")
$ scene_164 = True
"You continue to slowly rub your p-spot with the cum-covered dildo for some more time until your arm gets so tired that you almost can't feel it."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}It was so hot...{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't wait to do it again.{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though I would be happy to do it again even today, I feel like I'm too tired for that...{/i}"
pov "{i}...I should better go to sleep.{/i}"
pov "{i}But first, I guess, I need to go wash the dildo...{/i}"
pov "{i}...or...?{/i}"
"Lick it clean":
pov "{i}Am I really going to lick the cum from the dildo that was inside me for the past hour?{/i}"
pov "{i}Take it into my mouth after having it in my sissy-hole?{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... Even though I just came, I still feel so horny.{/i}"
pov "{i}And all this cum... It looks so yummy! I want it too bad not to eat it!{/i}"
jump masturbation_black_dildo_eating_cum
"Wash it":
"You decide that it might be too much to lick a dildo covered in cum, that spent about an hour inside of you and go wash before going to sleep."
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 60
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label masturbation_black_dildo_eating_cum:
"You slowly bring the dildo to your face..."
"Take a deep breath and inhale the smell of your own cum."
pov "{i}I've felt the smell of my cum so many times already... but never in my life it felt so good to inhale it...{/i}"
pov "{i}It is so sexy, so intoxicating, it drives me crazy...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to lick it, I want to feel the taste on my tongue, I want to savour it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to eat it all!{/i}"
label scene_165_playback:
show bg solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_eyebrows pink
show solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_cum
with d
"You stick out your tongue and lick the first portion of your cum."
pov "{i}Mmmm...{/i}"
pov "{i}It tastes so good! A bit salty, and sweet at the same time...{/i}"
pov "{i}And even when I swallow everything that I have in my mouth, the taste doesn't go away.{/i}"
pov "{i}I love it so much!♥♥♥{/i}"
if scene_165 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 165 unlocked")
$ scene_165 = True
"You spend some time enjoying the taste of your cum, licking it up, playing with it in your mouth, drooling it back on the dildo and licking it up again."
hide solo_licking_cum_from_black_dildo_cum
with dissolve
"Without even noticing it, you eat all your sissy-cum..."
pov "{i}If only it were more of it for me to eat ♥♥♥{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Even though you've eaten all the cum, you continue sucking and licking the dildo and fall asleep like that."
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 60
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label masturbation_horse_dildo_tip:
label scene_200_playback:
show black
with d
pov "{i}I can't believe I'm going to use this thing...{/i}"
pov "{i}It's massive! And so heavy...{/i}"
"You hold the big horse cock-shaped dildo in your trembling hand and lie down on your bed, excited and at the same time scared of what is about to happen next..."
"You squeeze some lube into your hole and some more on the dildo, making sure to lube it up as much as possible before trying to stuff it inside your sissy hole."
"When it's ready, you hold your breath and slowly bring the flared tip to your clenched hole..."
pov "{i}It's too big! ...I-I can't!{/i}"
"But then, you take a deep breath, relax your hole and start pushing the tip inside..."
pov "{i}At least the tip is quite soft... Might make it easier to fit it...{/i}"
"But it still doesn't fit."
"You put it aside, try to relax even more and play a bit with your fingers in your ass, trying to fit as many as you can and stretch it to get it ready for the horse dildo."
"After a while, you feel like you are ready and take the dildo to give it another try..."
"You push again and..."
show bg solo_horse_dildo_tip
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg long red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hairbg tails red
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_head
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_eyebrows pink
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_mc
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_clit tiny
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_clit small
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_clit average
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_clit big
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_cage red
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_cage pink
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_cage blue
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_horse_dildo_tip_cage blue
with d
"It finally pops in!"
pov "A-AH~!! Nnngh fuck...!"
pov "{i}Mmm... I c-can't believe it's inside!{/i}"
pov "{i}But I don't think I'm ready yet!{/i}"
pov "{i}It hurt so much...{/i}"
pov "{i}... still hurts!{/i}"
"You try to move it a little, in and out, but it feels like it's not moving, like it's stuck inside..."
pov "F-fuck..."
"You breathe heavily, trying to relax your hole as much as possible and wait..."
"And stay like that for a couple of minutes..."
pov "{i}Fuck, look at me!{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm such a horny slut that I got a huge animal dick-shaped dildo in me!{/i}"
pov "{i}And it's so big that I can't even move it in any direction!{/i}"
pov "{i}How long will I have to stay like this...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Just lying here, stretched by a horse dildo!{/i}"
"You wait for some more time, and it feels like your hole slowly gets used to being stretched like that, even though you feel it pulsate with each heartbeat..."
if scene_200 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 200 unlocked")
$ scene_200 = True
pov "{i}Why does it have to feel so good... why?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Will I be like this forever...?{/i}"
pov "{i}Always looking for a bigger thing to fuck myself with?{/i}"
pov "{i}But it stretches me so nicely...{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel so full...♥♥♥{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though it's just a tip.{/i}"
pov "{i}Now all my thoughts are occupied with the idea of how it would feel to have it deep inside me...{/i}"
if cage:
pov "{i}Fuck, my clitty is so hard right now in its tight cage...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck, my clitty is so hard right now in its tight cage...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You feel like it is more than enough stretching for today, and slowly pull the dildo out until it pops out of you with a nice loud sound..."
pov "{i}I can't believe how good it felt... I can't wait to practice more with it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't want to stop until I can take it balls deep!{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label masturbation_beads:
label scene_219_playback:
show black
with d
"You take your anal beads and get ready to play."
"This thing looks so cool; I can't wait to try how it would feel."
"I better lube it up nicely..."
show bg solo_beads
show solo_beads_arm 1
show solo_beads_mc
if color == 'blnd':
show solo_beads_hair blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show solo_beads_hair brwn
if color == 'blck':
show solo_beads_hair blck
if color == 'red':
show solo_beads_hair red
if color == 'blue':
show solo_beads_hair blue
if color == 'pink':
show solo_beads_hair pink
show solo_beads_lines
if cage == False:
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_beads_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_beads_clit average
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_beads_clit small
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_beads_clit tiny
if cage == True:
if clitsize == "big":
show solo_beads_cage big
if clitsize == "normal":
show solo_beads_cage average
if clitsize == "small":
show solo_beads_cage small
if clitsize == "tiny":
show solo_beads_cage tiny
show solo_beads_beads 1
with d
"You push in a couple of the smaller balls and wait for a little while you can adjust..."
pov "{i}Such a weird feeling...{/i}"
pov "{i}Not like a dildo at all...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I want to take them all.{/i}"
pov "{i}They feel so nice inside me.{/i}"
"You get ready to take more balls inside you and start slowly pushing them inside..."
show solo_beads_arm 2
show solo_beads_beads 2
with d1
pov "Mmmm..."
"And as soon as all of them are inside you, a slutty moan escapes your mouth..."
"You breathe heavily as you pull them back out..."
show solo_beads_arm 1
show solo_beads_beads 1
with d1
"This feels amazing! Mmmmm..."
if cage:
"It feels so good that you don't want to stop and spend the next half an hour playing with the beads while your locked up clitty is hanging ignored in its cage."
"It feels so good that you don't want to stop and spend the next half an hour playing with the beads while your clitty is hanging completely ignored."
show solo_beads_arm 2
show solo_beads_beads 2
with d1
show solo_beads_arm 1
show solo_beads_beads 1
with d1
show solo_beads_arm 2
show solo_beads_beads 2
with d1
show solo_beads_arm 1
show solo_beads_beads 1
with d1
show solo_beads_arm 2
show solo_beads_beads 2
with d1
show solo_beads_arm 1
show solo_beads_beads 1
with d1
if scene_219 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 219 unlocked")
$ scene_219 = True
"After that, you wash your toy and go to sleep satisfied."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label masturbation_alien:
label scene_246_playback:
show black
with d
"You take the alien dildo and get ready to play."
pov "{i}It looks so interesting...{/i}"
pov "{i}And the material feels so nice...{/i}"
pov "{i}Like slippery skin, and I haven't lubed it up yet.{/i}"
"You squeeze it a little..."
pov "{i}It feels like there is something inside of it... But I can't figure out what could it be...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't wait to feel it inside me...{/i}"
"You fix it on the floor, lube it up and get ready to ride it..."
scene bg solo_alien_riding
show solo_alien_riding_mc 1
show solo_alien_riding_dildo 1
with d
"You feel the tip of the dildo gently touching your hungry hole and a first wave of pleasure goes through your body..."
"You can't wait any longer to feel it inside you, so you guide it into your hole and lower your body..."
show solo_alien_riding_mc 2
show solo_alien_riding_dildo 2
with d
pov "Ahhhhh!!"
"As you feel it penetrate you a loud moan escapes your lips..."
pov "{i}It feels so nice!{/i}"
pov "{i}So soft on the outside and a bit firm inside...{/i}"
"As your hole gets used a bit to being stretched by the toy, you slowly start moving."
"At first you can only take the tip and the first section of the dildo inside you..."
"But after about ten minutes you want more, so you lower your ass even lower and take the second section as well..."
"You continue riding it and moaning like a slut and after a while, you get pretty tired..."
pov "{i}Fuck... Where is the surprise Mia told me about?{/i}"
pov "{i}She said I had to please the toy to get it, but no matter how hard I ride it nothing happens...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I should take it even deeper for that?{/i}"
pov "{i}But I already feel so full!{/i}"
"You bite your lip and slowly reposition yourself, so you can take it deeper and then lower yourself down, so your hole feels the base of the dildo."
"It's really challenging to move with the toy so deep inside but you are determined to get that special surprise, so you start riding it again..."
pov "{i}I feel like such a slut... trying to please a toy with my ass...{/i}"
"And then your dirty thoughts get interrupted as you feel the toy starting to twitch..."
pov "{i}It's happening!{/i}"
"And a moment later, you feel liquid pour deep inside you and then something round and slimy getting out of the dildo deep inside you."
"You start to breathe even deeper as you feel even more full with now something else inside you except the dildo, and then you feel it happen again!"
with flash
pov "A-AH~!! Uh~ NGH~~!"
with flash
"And right after that, another round thing follows as your body starts shaking in orgasmic pleasure..."
"You slowly rise up and hear the dildo fall on the floor as it slips out of your hole and you feel something else spreading your hole from the inside..."
show solo_alien_riding_mc 1
show solo_alien_riding_dildo 3
show solo_alien_riding_ass 1
with d
"Your insides feel full despite the dildo is no longer inside you..."
"It feels like some weird three objects are filling you up with a ton of slimy lube..."
"You tense up, trying to push the object out of your hole and you feel it stretch even more..."
show solo_alien_riding_ass 2
with d
"You try even harder and then hear something heavy drop on the floor behind you as the second object gets close to your opening to take the place of the previous one..."
show solo_alien_riding_ass 1
show solo_alien_riding_egg_1
with d
pov "{i}God, I feel so dirty right now...{/i}"
pov "{i}Pushing out some weird eggs out of me after being impregnated by an alien dildo...{/i}"
"You tense up your body once again and try to relax your ass and push out the second egg out of you..."
show solo_alien_riding_ass 2
with d
"And then you feel it stretch you again..."
show solo_alien_riding_ass 1
show solo_alien_riding_egg_2
with d
"Another egg drops as the third one takes its place..."
pov "{i}It feels so weird pushing them out of me, I already feel like I miss the feeling of being filled up...{/i}"
"You try to push the third one out and feel your ass stretch once again."
show solo_alien_riding_ass 2
with d
pov "Mmmmm..."
show solo_alien_riding_ass 3
show solo_alien_riding_egg_3
with d
if scene_246 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 246 unlocked")
$ scene_246 = True
"And as soon as it drops on the floor, you get a weird feeling of emptiness as your stretched ass gapes..."
pov "{i}Fuck... It felt so good and weirdly dirty to be impregnated like that...{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel like some perverted alien fucked me and impregnated me and made me lay its eggs...{/i}"
pov "{i}It might be my favorite toy now...{/i}"
scene black
with d
"After you catch your breath, you clean everything up and put the toy away before going to sleep..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label amanda_first_visit:
"You sit in your room when suddenly you hear your door open without a knock."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_amanda 2:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
pov "A... A... Amanda?!"
amd "..."
amd "Wow... Alex told me that you look a lot different now... but this?!"
pov "..."
pov "It's not my choice... They've made me like this..."
amd "Not your choice, you say?"
pov "Yeah... Why do you ask it like that?"
pov "{i}Something's weird about her...{/i}"
pov "{i}She looks... angry?{/i}"
amd "Was it also not your choice to fuck me while I was kept in that small dark room with my ass on the other side of the wall?!"
with hpunch
pov "Wait... what?"
pov "{i}Fuck! She knows that I've fucked her when I found her in the fuck-room.{/i}"
pov "Why do you think I've fucked you?"
amd "Oh, don't play this game with me!"
amd "Alex told me that you knew perfectly well who you've been fucking..."
pov "Wait... Alex?"
amd "Yes, Alex. She even showed me the video where you put your pathetic little clit inside of me and cum almost instantly!"
pov "..."
"As you hear that, you become speechless, and your face turns completely red..."
$ blush = True
amd "At first I was so angry at your father... I thought we got here because of him. I was sorry for you..."
amd "I thought, what a poor boy... I even tried to come up with a plan to rescue [jen] and you and escape together..."
amd "But when I found out how you've treated me... The whole perspective changed..."
amd "I've realised... you are the problem... You've brought these people to us..."
amd "And now, my daughter and I are getting fucked by random bastards every day!"
amd "And as it wasn't enough for you, you've decided to join them and fuck me too?"
amd "Tell me... Did you enjoy it?"
amd "Did you enjoy filling me up with your pathetic sissy cum?!"
pov "..."
"Try to apologise":
pov "I'm so sorry! I don't know what got over me!"
pov "I shouldn't have done it!"
amd "So that's how you speak now?"
amd "I don't believe you! You are just a dirty little bitch!"
amd "You say all that only because there is no wall between us, and my asshole is not in your face like it was when you've stuck your tongue in it!"
amd "I'm sure that's all it takes for a slut like you!"
amd "You get turned on by all of this! That I got fucked by so many people..."
amd "That they could use even my ass and stretch me out with their big dicks!"
amd "Our families were so close! Since your early childhood, I've treated you like my own son!"
amd "And now, you get turned on just from the look at my stretched hole!"
"Tell her the truth":
pov "I'm so sorry! I don't know what got over me!"
pov "When I saw you like that... I could not resist!"
pov "...you looked so... hot..."
amd "Hot?!"
amd "How could you?!"
amd "Our families were so close! Since your early childhood, I've treated you like my own son!"
amd "And now, you tell me, that when you saw me there in the wall with my ass out for anyone to use however they wish..."
amd "You thought that it was hot?!"
amd "What exactly was hot for you?"
amd "That I was getting fucked by dick after dick, by some people that I've never even seen?"
amd "Or was it my asshole?"
amd "Did you just think \"Oh such a hot asshole, why don't I force my sissy clit in it\"? Ha?"
amd "Is this what's this all about?"
amd "Does my stretched hole turn you on?!"
amd "Doesn't it make you even a little uncomfortable and weird knowing me so close and seeing me like this?!"
pov "..."
amd "Come on! Answer me!"
label scene_169_playback:
show black
with d
$ blush = False
"Then she turns around and bends over, pulling her string panties to the sie and revealing her hole for you to look at..."
show bg amanda_spreading_ass
with d
amd "Is this what you like?!"
amd "Looking at me like this when I'm so exposed right in front of you?"
if scene_169 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 169 unlocked")
$ scene_169 = True
amd "I've considered you my family, for god's sake!"
amd "How is it for you when there is no wall between us?"
amd "Do you dare to stick your tongue in it as you did before?"
pov "..."
amd "Come on! Do it, slut!"
pov "Whaaa..."
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_170_playback:
show bg amanda_eating_ass
if breasts == 'a':
show amanda_eating_ass_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show amanda_eating_ass_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show amanda_eating_ass_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show amanda_eating_ass_breasts d
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair tails red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braids red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair pigtails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair braid red
if color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_eyebrows pink
show amanda_eating_ass_amanda
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show amanda_eating_ass_hair buns red
with d
"And then she grabs your head and forces it between her ass cheeks..."
amd "Come on! Stick your tongue out!"
"You are so shocked by all that's happening now that you do what she tells you to and stick your tongue out, touching her asshole with it!"
show amanda_eating_ass_closeup
with d1
amd "Mmmm..."
"As your tongue touches her sensitive skin, you hear her slightly moan!"
pov "{i}Wait... Is she turned on by all of this too?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe it!{/i}"
"Seems like she realised that she accidentally showed you her true feelings and tried to make up for it right away and forced your face even deeper into her ass."
amd "Is this what you like, slut?!"
amd "Licking my asshole, ha?"
"Then she starts moving your head up and down and rocking her ass, making your wet tongue slide against her hole..."
amd "I bet all you can think about now is how you'd stick your sissy clit inside it once again!"
if scene_170 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 170 unlocked")
$ scene_170 = True
amd "Isn't it?!"
pov "..."
amd "Tell me!"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"Then she stops, pushes your head out of her ass and turns around, holds your head with both of her hands and looks deep into your eyes..."
amd "Tell. Me. Now!"
"It might be because of how she looked into your eyes or because of how turned on you were..."
"You couldn't lie..."
"So you've lowered your eyes and said..."
pov "...yes..."
amd "Well... this is not going to happen ever again!"
amd "And so you know how I've felt, I'm going to do to you exactly what you did to me!"
amd "But for a lot longer!"
"Then she pushes you on the bed, and as you turn your head to look at her, you see her putting on a thick strap-on!"
pov "{i}What the fuck?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Did she take it with her?{/i}"
pov "{i}Was she planning to fuck me all along?{/i}"
"Then your thoughts get interrupted when she pins your head to the bed and mounts you, forcing her fake hard dick in your hole!"
pov "Ahhhh..."
label scene_171_playback:
show bg amanda_pegging
if clitsize == "big":
show amanda_pegging_clit big
if clitsize == "normal":
show amanda_pegging_clit normal
if clitsize == "small":
show amanda_pegging_clit small
show amanda_pegging_clit tiny
with d
pov "{i}Oh... It's... It's not lubed up!{/i}"
amd "I'll show you what happens when you try to shove your useless clit in women without even asking!"
"And after saying that, she proceeds to fucking your tight hole with her big strap-on!"
"Your are overwhelmed with all the thoughts that go through your mind..."
pov "{i}Fuu... uuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}[amd] knows that I've fucked her and now she's pegging me!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe how turned on I am right now!{/i}"
pov "But it hurts so much! I wasn't ready to be penetrated with such a big dry thing..."
pov "Please... It hurts! It's so dry!"
amd "I know... This is a fucking punishment! And it surely won't be pleasurable for you!"
amd "You'll feel what I've felt! Getting penetrated without any fucking foreplay, without even asking! By huge... hard... dicks!"
"It seems like she's trying to make it as painful as possible and giving you the minimum amount of pleasure..."
"She even changed her penetration angle, so she doesn't stimulate your p-spot..."
pov "Please! It hurts!"
"But your begging makes her fuck you even harder..."
"And she doesn't stop even for a second..."
"After a while, your begging turns into almost screaming."
"And at some point, you get used to feeling pain so much that it starts to give you pleasure."
"So your begging for her to stop switches for begging to be harder and back..."
"To your surprise, she not only doesn't stop, but she also doesn't even slow down!"
"And it goes on like that what feels like for hours!"
"She surely wants to make you pay for everything!"
if scene_171 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 171 unlocked")
$ scene_171 = True
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"She was fucking you for so long and hard that at some point you've passed out on your bed from exhaustion and wake up only on the next morning with your sore hole completely stretched and [amd] nowhere to be found..."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label amd_tied_slut:
"You are about to go to sleep when you hear a know on your door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_amanda 2:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause .5
pov "..."
pov "[amd]... I didn't expect that you would come again."
pov "I'm so so sorry for the..."
amd "It's ok, I've thought about all of this... and I'm not angry at you anymore."
amd "I'm actually here to apologise for my last visit..."
pov "You don't have to apologise! It's all my fault."
amd "Well, I might have to... I definitely overdone it when I've fucked you until you've blacked out from exhaustion..."
amd "Would you let me make it up to you?"
amd "I know I got angry last time that you've fucked me... but I thought about it, and it's only natural."
amd "You are young and you want sex... that's normal!"
amd "I should have thought about it as a compliment instead... I'm so much older than you and you still find me attractive!"
pov "...of course I do! You are gorgeous!"
pov "I'm so glad you are not mad at me anymore... But I'm still very sorry for what I've done and that you and [jnf] are here because of me..."
amd "Oh, no need to apologise. Let's just do something fun together instead?"
pov "Fun? What do you mean?"
amd "Like I've told you, I want to make it up for my last visit..."
"And as she says that, she shows you some ropes that she's been holding behind her back for the whole time."
pov "Wow... are those ropes?"
amd "Yes..."
pov "Is this what I think it is?"
pov "You aren't serious right?"
"She looks at you and gives you a wink in response."
pov "You seriously want me to tie you up?"
amd "Of course not, silly! I'm be the one tiying you..."
amd "And I promiss not to be too rough heh."
amd "So what do you say?"
$ amd_tied_slut_agree = True
pov "{i}This is really strange and unexpected...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I definitely won't turn down such an opportunity!{/i}"
pov "..."
"You don't know what to say, so you just nod and wait for what is about to happen."
"She smiles, grabs you by your hand and leads you to your bed."
jump amd_tied_slut_fuck
$ amd_tied_slut_refuse = True
"Thinking about how she fucked you last time, your little hole involutarily contracts."
pov "{i}I'm so excited to see what will happen if I agree... but at the same time I'm so scared...{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "I'm sorry. I don't think I can do it."
amd "Are you serious?"
pov "...yes."
amd "Well, your loss."
"And with those words she leaves your room, obviously pissed about your refusal."
"After that, you go back to your bed and fall asleep."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label amd_tied_slut_fuck:
label scene_184_playback:
show black
with d
"She pushes you, so you fall on your bed, and then slowly starts tying up your hands behind your head."
"And the whole time, you can't help but stare at her swaying big breasts covered only by a tiny piece of cloth."
pov "{i}I'm so excited! My clitty is already all hard in its cage!{/i}"
"After tying up your hands, she ties up your legs, spreading them high in the air, exposing your locked little clitty and your tight hole."
amd "That's what I like..."
"You lie there not able to move, with your clitty hard in its tight cage, excited of what is about to come next..."
show bg amanda_tied_slut
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg tails blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg tails brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg tails blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg tails blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg tails pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg tails red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair_bg braid red
show amanda_tied_slut_body
show amanda_tied_slut_mouth closed
show amanda_tied_slut_eyes open
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair buns blck
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair buns brwn
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair buns blnd
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair buns blue
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair buns pink
if hair == 'buns' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair buns red
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid blck
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid blue
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid pink
if hair == 'tails' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid red
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braids blck
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braids brwn
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braids blnd
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braids blue
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braids pink
if hair == 'braids' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braids red
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid blck
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid brwn
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid blnd
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid blue
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid pink
if hair == 'braid' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair braid red
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair short blck
if hair == 'short' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair short brwn
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair short blnd
if hair == 'short' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair short blue
if hair == 'short' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair short pink
if hair == 'short' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair short red
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair long blck
if hair == 'long' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair long brwn
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair long blnd
if hair == 'long' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair long blue
if hair == 'long' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair long pink
if hair == 'long' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair long red
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair pigtails blck
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair pigtails brwn
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair pigtails blnd
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair pigtails blue
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair pigtails pink
if hair == 'pigtails' and color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_hair pigtails red
if color == 'blnd':
show amanda_tied_slut_eyebrows blnd
if color == 'brwn':
show amanda_tied_slut_eyebrows brwn
if color == 'blck':
show amanda_tied_slut_eyebrows blck
if color == 'red':
show amanda_tied_slut_eyebrows red
if color == 'blue':
show amanda_tied_slut_eyebrows blue
if color == 'pink':
show amanda_tied_slut_eyebrows pink
if breasts == False:
show amanda_tied_slut_breasts 0
if breasts == 'a':
show amanda_tied_slut_breasts a
if breasts == 'b':
show amanda_tied_slut_breasts b
if breasts == 'c':
show amanda_tied_slut_breasts c
if breasts == 'd':
show amanda_tied_slut_breasts d
if clitsize == "tiny":
show amanda_tied_slut_cage red
if clitsize == "small":
show amanda_tied_slut_cage pink
if clitsize == "normal":
show amanda_tied_slut_cage blue
if clitsize == "big":
show amanda_tied_slut_cage blue
with d
amd "And now for the fun part..."
"You expect her to take her strap-on and start fucking you when you realise that she came without it..."
"And after that, you see her go to the door."
pov "{i}Wait... What's going on? Is she going to leave me like this?{/i}"
pov "[amd]?"
"After that, she opens the door, and you see a man you've never seen before."
amd "Right on time... Come in, please..."
pov "What is going on? Who is he?"
amd "Oh, you'll see."
"And then you watch him come closer to your bed and take off his clothes."
amd "She's all yours; feel free to use her however you like..."
pov "What?!"
pov "What is happening?"
"And then you see the man's big hard dick..."
pov "..."
pov "Is he... is he going to fuck me?!"
amd "You thought that I was going to have sex with you?"
amd "Haha... how silly..."
amd "This is how you are going to start earning my forgiveness for what happened to my daughter and me!"
show amanda_tied_slut_man
show amanda_tied_slut_eyes closed
show amanda_tied_slut_mouth open
with d1
"And like that, you feel his hard cock penetrating your tight sissy-hole a moment later!"
pov "Ahhh..."
pov "Mmmm... I... I thought... you've... forgiven me."
"You try to say to her while getting fucked."
amd "Of course not! I can't believe that you've bought it... Letting me tie you up like this..."
amd "What a silly sissy you are..."
"You want to reply something, but as you open your mouth, you can only moan as you feel man's hard cock tip rub against your p-spot."
pov "Mmmmm..."
amd "Hah... try not to enjoy yourself too much, slut."
"After that, she just sits nearby and watches you getting fucked."
"And the worst part about all of this... or maybe the best... is that you do enjoy it..."
"Being tied like this, without any possibility of moving or stopping what's happening to you..."
"Getting used by some random man for his pleasure, like some live sex toy."
pov "Mmmm... oh yeah..."
"The man continues to fuck you without stopping, not even caring about the whole situation and that [amd] is just sitting there and watching..."
"You feel so embarrassed getting fucked right in front of her, but for some strange reason, it makes you even hornier..."
pov "{i}Fuck... She saw me grow up during my childhood... and now... I'm getting fucked right in front of her!{/i}"
pov "{i}This is so perverted... and at the same time so hot!{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel so exposed...{/i}"
"You still try to hide your pleasure from her, but it's almost impossible, and you moan more and more each time the hot hard dick penetrates you."
"And [amd] can clearly see how much you enjoy everything happening to you."
"After a while, you see that the man is about to cum, so he starts forcing his dick in and out of you as fast as he can until you feel it starting to twitch inside you."
"And a moment later, a hot stream of cum fills your insides!"
with flash
show amanda_tied_slut_cum 1
with flash
pov "Mmmmm..."
if scene_184 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 184 unlocked")
$ scene_184 = True
"You almost cum too, as you are getting filled up."
"And then, the man takes his still hard dick out of your stretched hole and starts to get dressed, leaving you lying there with his hot cum flowing out of your hole."
hide amanda_tied_slut_man
show amanda_tied_slut_cum 2
show amanda_tied_slut_eyes open
show amanda_tied_slut_mouth closed
with d1
pov "Are you happy now? He did what you wanted and fucked me right in front of you... Can you untie me now, please?"
"Instead of answering, she just looks at you with a grin."
"After that, you see the man is already dressed, and you watch him take out his wallet, count out some money, and hand them to [amd]."
pov "So you are even getting paid for doing this to me?!"
pov "Can't believe that I'm getting fucked here, and you get the money for it!"
pov "This is just crazy!"
amd "Well... you get all the pleasure!"
"After that, she follows the man to the door, and after he leaves, a moment later, you see another man coming in."
pov "You must be kidding me!"
pov "How many times will I get fucked by random men today?!"
"She doesn't reply, and everything happens again like before."
"She leads the man to the bed and tells him to use you however he likes..."
show black
with d
"It goes on like this for hour after hour, a man after man coming to use you as a toy for their pleasure."
"And it seems like none of them even care about all the cum filling up your insides, so they use the previous man's cum as a lube and leave after giving you another hot creampie."
"You feel used and ashamed for getting fucked and filled with hot cum right in front of [amd]."
"But you can't stop moaning every time a new dick uses your already stretched hole."
"At some point, you lose track of time, and you don't even remember how you fell asleep..."
"You just wake up the next morning with a sore hole and rope marks on your arms and legs with [amd] nowhere to be found again..."
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if needmoregirlish:
pov "{i}Maybe I should ask Dalia to help me become even more girlish to attract more clients?{/i}"
pov "{i}I won't be able to make enough money only from glory hole handjobs.{/i}"
pov "{i}And a little bit of makeup or something like that is a lot better than ending up in that butt-wall room.{/i}"
if money >= 50:
"Ask to help you become more girlish":
$ talk = True
pov "Could you help me look more girlish, please?"
pov "I really need that and I don't really know what to do."
$ talk = False
show char_dalia t
dal "That's great, honey!"
dal "I think I'll start with your eyes, come take a seat here."
show char_dalia
show black zorder 50
with Dissolve(2.)
"You sit in the chair and close your eyes letting Dalia do her job."
"After a while, she says that she has finished and you can open your eyes."
$ eyes = "f"
hide black
show pov
with Dissolve(2.)
"You open your eyes and look at yourself into the mirror."
$ renpy.notify("-$50")
$ money -= 50
$ talk = True
pov "{i}It's so strange that some makeup can change my face so much.{/i}"
pov "{i}And why does it feel so normal?{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm a guy, but my face looks more and more like a girl...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it feels somewhat satisfying to feel beautiful.{/i}"
pov "Thank you, Dalia..."
$ talk = False
show char_dalia t
dal "Do you like it? You look sooo cute now!"
show char_dalia
$ talk = True
pov "Yeah, I really like it, but it still feels like it's not enough, I still look boyish."
pov "Maybe there is something else we could do?"
$ talk = False
show char_dalia t
dal "I know what you should do!"
dal "You should go visit Erika, you can find her in the lab, she can help you with all kinds of \"modifications\", that will enhance your looks."
show char_dalia
$ talk = True
pov "Ok, thank you, I'll go now then."
$ talk = False
$ needmoregirlish = False
jump labfirstvisit
"Not now":
$ talk = True
pov "{i}Maybe next time....{/i}"
$ talk = False
$ dtime += 1
jump room
pov "{i}But I should have more money, before asking Dalia to do anything for me ($50).{/i}"
jump room
label haircutsmenu:
if haircuts:
#if haircutsfirsttime:
#$ haircutsfirsttime = False
#"Notice: Hair modifications are now in the development process, so right now all the scenes will show the default hairstyle and color even if you change it."
#"But you'll be able to see the changes on your MC while walking around and while buying/changing clothes."
#"New hairstyles/colors will be added to the game sex scenes in the future updates."
if money >= 70:
dal "Great, which color would you like?"
jump manicure
pov "{i}I don't have enough money for that.{/i}"
jump haircutsmenu
"Change hairstyle":
if money >= 100:
dal "Great, which one would you like?"
dal "And don't worry about your current hair length, I can easily extend it."
jump changehairstyle
pov "{i}I don't have enough money for that.{/i}"
jump haircutsmenu
"Change hair color":
if money >= 100:
dal "Great, what color do you like the most?"
label colormenu:
if color == "blnd":
pov "{i}My hair is already blonde.{/i}"
jump colormenu
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ color = "blnd"
jump changecolor
if color == "brwn":
pov "{i}My hair is already brown.{/i}"
jump colormenu
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ color = "brwn"
jump changecolor
if color == "blck":
pov "{i}My hair is already black.{/i}"
jump colormenu
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ color = "blck"
jump changecolor
if color == "red":
pov "{i}My hair is already red.{/i}"
jump colormenu
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ color = "red"
jump changecolor
if color == "pink":
pov "{i}My hair is already pink.{/i}"
jump colormenu
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ color = "pink"
jump changecolor
if color == "blue":
pov "{i}My hair is already blue.{/i}"
jump colormenu
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ color = "blue"
jump changecolor
"Changed my mind":
jump haircutsmenu
pov "{i}I don't have enough money for that.{/i}"
jump haircutsmenu
pov "No, thank you, I don't feel like I want to do anything with my looks now."
dal "No problem. Just come by if you'll change your mind."
jump room
label changehairstyle:
call screen hairstyles
label changecolor:
"You relax in the chair while Dalia does her magic and after a while it's done."
$ renpy.notify("Money -100")
$ money -= 100
$ dtime += 1
if dtime == 3:
hide black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's already late, so you thank Dalia and go back to your room."
jump room
hide black
with Dissolve(2.)
dal "I hope you like the result."
dal "If you'd like me to do anything else, please let me know."
jump haircutsmenu
label hairstyle_pigtails:
if hair == "pigtails":
"My hair already looks like that."
call screen hairstyles
hide screen hairstyles
with dissolve
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ hair = "pigtails"
jump changecolor
label hairstyle_buns:
if hair == "buns":
"My hair already looks like that."
call screen hairstyles
hide screen hairstyles
with dissolve
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ hair = "buns"
jump changecolor
label hairstyle_tails:
if hair == "tails":
"My hair already looks like that."
call screen hairstyles
hide screen hairstyles
with dissolve
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ hair = "tails"
jump changecolor
label hairstyle_braids:
if hair == "braids":
"My hair already looks like that."
call screen hairstyles
hide screen hairstyles
with dissolve
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ hair = "braids"
jump changecolor
label hairstyle_braid:
if hair == "braid":
"My hair already looks like that."
call screen hairstyles
hide screen hairstyles
with dissolve
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ hair = "braid"
jump changecolor
label hairstyle_short:
if hair == "short":
"My hair already looks like that."
call screen hairstyles
hide screen hairstyles
with dissolve
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ hair = "short"
jump changecolor
label hairstyle_long:
if hair == "long":
"My hair already looks like that."
call screen hairstyles
hide screen hairstyles
with dissolve
dal "That's a great choice!"
dal "Just sit here and let me do the work."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ hair = "long"
jump changecolor
label manicure:
show bg salon_manicure
show salon_manicure_nails_natural
show salon_manicure_nails_lines
with d
"Notice: the manicure feature is not fully added to the game yet, it's a WIP and the changes will be visible only while you are in the beauty salon for now."
"Notice: it will be added fully to the game in future updates as well as other different nail shapes :)"
call screen manicure
label sexshop:
play music "sound/Sex_Shop_Theme.mp3"
show bg sexshop
with Dissolve(2.)
if fv_sexshop:
$ fv_sexshop = False
"You see a sign on one of the doors that says \"Sexshop\" and decide to enter and check out what's inside."
"As soon as you enter you see a hot woman in a very revealing outfit and a lot of sex toys on the shelves."
pov "{i}Wow, she looks like a sex doll, wish I could feel her lips on my cock.{/i}"
pov "{i}And those breasts, I can even see her nipples areolas...{/i}"
show mia_talk
mia "Hey there."
mia "Welcome to my sexshop, my name is Mia, nice to meet you."
hide mia_talk
pov "Nice to meet you too, Mia, I'm [povname]."
show mia_talk
mia "Would you like to buy a toy?"
mia "They are all fun to play with..."
hide mia_talk
call screen sexshop
label sexshop_finish:
show mia_talk
mia "See you next time."
#$ dtime += 1
stop music fadeout 2.
jump room
label screen_sexshop:
call screen sexshop
label buy_vibrtr:
if vibrtr:
pov "{i}I already have it.{/i}"
call screen sexshop
"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $50. You have $[money]."
if money >= 100:
pov "{i}Maybe it would be a good idea to buy it.{/i}"
pov "{i}It felt so nice, when Erika fingered my ass, I bet this vibrator would feel even better.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I can't do that... I'm a guy, guys don't buy vibrators!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't ask Mia to sell me anything like that, it's to embarrassing.{/i}"
show mia_talk
mia "Hey, cutie, you look so confused? Is something on your mind?"
hide mia_talk
pov "Oh, no, it's nothing..."
show mia_talk
mia "Let me guess, you want to buy something, but you are too shy to ask about it, am I right?"
hide mia_talk
pov "Yes..."
show mia_talk
mia "You shouldn't feel like that, you can ask me about anything."
mia "And you shouldn't feel ashamed that you like getting pleasure, even if it's from fucking your little boy-pussy."
hide mia_talk
pov "{i}Did she just say \"boy-pussy\"? Why do I have to get so embarrassed around women all the time?{/i}"
show mia_talk
mia "So what will it be, girl? Is it that black dildo you want, or something smaller for you?"
hide mia_talk
pov "{i}Great, now she even called me a girl! Maybe it's better to just take that stupid vibrator and go already, after I've embarrassed myself so much.{/i}"
pov "Can I have that vibrator please?"
show mia_talk
mia "Good choice, I bet you'll get a lot of sissygasms with it."
hide mia_talk
$ renpy.notify("-$50")
$ money -= 50
$ vibrtr = True
$ analmasturbation = True
##$ dtime += 1
stop music fadeout 2.
jump room
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop
call screen sexshop
label buy_avrdld:
if avrdld:
pov "{i}I already have this one.{/i}"
call screen sexshop
"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $70. You have $[money]."
if money >= 100:
"You've been thinking for a while that it might be a good idea to buy a dildo..."
pov "{i}It felt so good when Tom fucked me, I can't deny it anymore...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to feel it again.{/i}"
pov "{i}And nobody has to know about it, I can just try it for myself.{/i}"
pov "{i}It's just a dildo, and if I won't like it I don't have to use it.{/i}"
show mia_talk
mia "I knew you'll want more after you try it."
hide mia_talk
pov "..."
show mia_talk
mia "No need to blush like that, cutie."
mia "It's perfectly normal for a girl!"
mia "Here, take it and have fun!"
hide mia_talk
"You pay for the dildo and go back to your room, imagining all the fun that you'll have with it."
$ avrdld = True
$ renpy.notify("-$70")
$ money -= 70
stop music fadeout 2.
#$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop
call screen sexshop
label buy_dbldld:
if dbldld:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop
"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $140. You have $[money]."
if money >= 140:
pov "{i}This one looks fun.{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe we could use it together with Ashley.{/i}"
pov "{i}I bet she'd be up for it.{/i}"
"You ask Mia to give you a double-sided dildo, pay for it and go back to your room."
pov "{i}Can't wait to ask Ashley to play with this dildo together.{/i}"
$ dbldld = True
$ renpy.notify("-$140")
$ money -= 140
stop music fadeout 2.
#$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop
call screen sexshop
label buy_alien:
if alien:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop
"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $300. You have $[money]."
if money >= 300:
pov "{i}Oh wow...{/i}"
pov "{i}It looks like a weird alien dick...{/i}"
pov "{i}So big...{/i}"
"Mia notises you looking at the weird dildo and says..."
mia "This one is really special, I'm sure you'll enjoy playing it..."
mia "It has a special surprise that you'll get to experience if you please it hehe."
pov "If I please the dildo?"
pov "What does that even mean?"
mia "It has special cencors and if you work it with your ass for long enough you'll get to experience the surprise that I'm talking about, you should definitely try it, it feels amazing."
pov "{i}That's intriguing...{/i}"
pov "Okay, I'll take it!"
$ alien = True
$ renpy.notify("-$300")
$ money -= 300
stop music fadeout 2.
#$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop
call screen sexshop
label buy_black_dildo:
if black_dildo_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop
"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $150. You have $[money]."
if money >= 150:
pov "{i}Wow... This one is pretty big.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm sure it will feel amazing...{/i}"
mia "Nice choice! I like them big too."
"You take your new dildo, pay for the it and go back to your room."
$ black_dildo_bought = True
$ renpy.notify("-$150")
$ money -= 150
stop music fadeout 2.
#$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop
call screen sexshop
label buy_beads:
if beads_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop
"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $100. You have $[money]."
if money >= 100:
pov "{i}Wow... This one looks interesting.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm sure it will feel amazing...{/i}"
mia "Nice choice! It's really fun to play with."
"You take your new toy, pay for the it and go back to your room."
$ beads_bought = True
$ renpy.notify("-$100")
$ money -= 100
stop music fadeout 2.
#$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop
call screen sexshop
label buy_horse_dildo:
if horse_dildo_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop
"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $250. You have $[money]."
if money >= 250:
mia "Want to play with a stallion dick, ha?"
pov "..."
mia "Make sure to stretch yourself well before using this one."
mia "Even I couldn't fit it inside..."
"You blush and thank [mia] for the tip as she hands you the massive toy."
$ horse_dildo_bought = True
$ renpy.notify("-$250")
$ money -= 250
stop music fadeout 2.
#$ dtime += 1
jump room
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop
call screen sexshop
#label buy_black_dildo:
#if black_dildo_bought:
# #pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
# #call screen sexshop
# #menu:
# # #"Would you like to buy this toy? It costs $150. You have $[money]."
# # #"Yes":
# # # #if money >= 150:
# # # # #pov "{i}Wow... This one is pretty big.{/i}"
# # # # #pov "{i}I'm sure it will feel amazing...{/i}"
# # # # #mia "Nice choice! I like them big too."
# # # # #"You take your new dildo, pay for the it and go back to your room."
# # # # #$ black_dildo_bought = True
# # # # #$ renpy.notify("-$150")
# # # # #$ money -= 150
# # # # #stop music fadeout 2.
# # # # ##$ dtime += 1
# # # # #jump room
# # # #else:
# # # # #"You don't have enough money."
# # # # #call screen sexshop
# # #"No":
# # # #call screen sexshop
label sexshop_plugs:
hide screen sexshop
call screen sexshop_plugs
with dissolve
label buy_plug_curved_big:
if plugs_big_unlocked == False:
pov "{i}This one is definitely too big for me...{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_metal_big:
if plugs_big_unlocked == False:
pov "{i}This one is definitely too big for me...{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_fat_big:
if plugs_big_unlocked == False:
pov "{i}This one is definitely too big for me...{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_curved_medium:
if plugs_medium_unlocked == False:
pov "{i}This one might be too big for me...{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
if plug_curved_medium_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
"Would you like to buy this plug? It costs $150. You have $[money]."
if money >= 150:
"Now you own this plug."
$ plug_curved_medium_bought = True
call screen sexshop_plugs
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop_plugs
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_metal_medium:
if plugs_medium_unlocked == False:
pov "{i}This one might be too big for me...{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
if plug_metal_medium_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
"Would you like to buy this plug? It costs $150. You have $[money]."
if money >= 150:
"Now you own this plug."
$ plug_metal_medium_bought = True
call screen sexshop_plugs
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop_plugs
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_fat_medium:
if plugs_medium_unlocked == False:
pov "{i}This one might be too big for me...{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
if plug_fat_medium_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
"Would you like to buy this plug? It costs $150. You have $[money]."
if money >= 150:
"Now you own this plug."
$ plug_fat_medium_bought = True
call screen sexshop_plugs
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop_plugs
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_curved_small:
if plug_curved_small_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
"Would you like to buy this plug? It costs $100. You have $[money]."
if money >= 100:
"Now you own this plug."
$ plug_curved_small_bought = True
call screen sexshop_plugs
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop_plugs
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_metal_small:
if plug_metal_small_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
"Would you like to buy this plug? It costs $100. You have $[money]."
if money >= 100:
"Now you own this plug."
$ plug_metal_small_bought = True
call screen sexshop_plugs
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop_plugs
call screen sexshop_plugs
label buy_plug_fat_small:
if plug_fat_small_bought:
pov "{i}I already have that.{/i}"
call screen sexshop_plugs
"Would you like to buy this plug? It costs $100. You have $[money]."
if money >= 100:
"Now you own this plug."
$ plug_fat_small_bought = True
call screen sexshop_plugs
"You don't have enough money."
call screen sexshop_plugs
call screen sexshop_plugs
label close_plugs_menu:
hide screen sexshop_plugs
call screen sexshop
with dissolve
screen sexshop:
xalign 0.66 ypos 50
action Jump("sexshop_finish")
text _("Finish") style "button_text"
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_alien.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_alien hover.webp"
if alien_unlock == False:
action None
action Jump("buy_alien")
if alien_unlock == False:
add "sexshop_lock_alien.webp"
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_vibrtr.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_vibrtr hover.webp"
if vibrtr_unlock == False:
action None
action Jump("buy_vibrtr")
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_avrdld.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_avrdld hover.webp"
if avrdld_unlock == False:
action None
action Jump("buy_avrdld")
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_dbldld.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_dbldld hover.webp"
if dbldld_unlock == False:
action None
action Jump("buy_dbldld")
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_horse.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_horse hover.webp"
if horse_dildo_unlocked == False:
action None
action Jump("buy_horse_dildo")
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_plug.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_plug hover.webp"
if plugs_unlocked == False:
action None
action Jump("sexshop_plugs")
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_black.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_black hover.webp"
if black_dildo_unlocked == False:
action None
action Jump("buy_black_dildo")
focus_mask True
idle "images/sexshop_toy_beads.webp"
hover "images/sexshop_toy_beads hover.webp"
if beads_unlocked == False:
action None
action Jump("buy_beads")
if vibrtr_unlock == False:
add "sexshop_lock_vibrtr.webp"
if avrdld_unlock == False:
add "sexshop_lock_avrdld.webp"
if dbldld_unlock == False:
add "sexshop_lock_dbldld.webp"
if plugs_unlocked == False:
add "sexshop_lock_plugs.webp"
if black_dildo_unlocked == False:
add "sexshop_lock_black_dildo.webp"
if horse_dildo_unlocked == False:
add "sexshop_lock_black_dildo.webp"
if beads_unlocked == False:
add "sexshop_lock_avrdld.webp":
ypos -0.25
screen sexshop_plugs:
add "sexshop_plugs_screen.webp"
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt sexshop plugs screen close.webp"
hover "images/bt sexshop plugs screen close.webp"
action Jump("close_plugs_menu")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs curved big.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs curved big.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_curved_big")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs curved medium.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs curved medium.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_curved_medium")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs curved small.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs curved small.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_curved_small")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs fat big.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs fat big.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_fat_big")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs fat medium.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs fat medium.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_fat_medium")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs fat small.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs fat small.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_fat_small")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs metal big.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs metal big.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_metal_big")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs metal medium.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs metal medium.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_metal_medium")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt plugs metal small.webp"
hover "images/bt plugs metal small.webp"
action Jump("buy_plug_metal_small")
label room:
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_115:
$ secratary_job_unlocked = True
if scene_193:
$ horse_dildo_unlocked = True
if scene_163:
$ beads_unlocked = True
$ location = "room"
if dtime >= 4:
$ dtime = 3
if dtime == 1:
show bg room day
with Dissolve(2.0)
if dtime == 2:
show bg room evening
with Dissolve(2.0)
if cage == False and scene_244 and money >= 1500 and tom_revenge_1:
$ tom_revenge_1 = False
jump tom_revenge
if scene_111 and mart_counter >= 3 and cage == False and martin_roof_date:
$ mart_counter = 0
$ martin_roof_date = False
jump martin_roof_date
if scene_138 and mart_counter >= 8 and cage == True and martin_under_table_bj:
$ mart_counter = 0
$ martin_under_table_bj = False
jump martin_under_table_bj
if scene_113 and wday == 3 and alex_and_lexa_evening_fun:
$ alex_and_lexa_evening_fun = False
jump alex_and_lexa_evening_fun
if momfucked and scene_153 and wday == 3 and amanda_first_visit:
$ amanda_first_visit = False
jump amanda_first_visit
if dtime == 3:
show bg room night
with Dissolve(2.0)
if sleeptogetherfirsttime:
$ sleeptogetherfirsttime = False
jump sleeptogetherfirsttime
pov "{i}It's night time already. I think I should go to sleep.{/i}"
if newyearparty and scene_43 and scene_61:
jump newyearparty
if ashleycamshows:
$ ashleycamshows = False
$ canvisitash = True
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
"But suddenly you hear a knock on the door..."
pov "{i}I wonder who could it be...{/i}"
show bg meet_ashley:
ypos -0.1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You open the door and see Ahsley."
ash "Hey, hope I didn't wake you up."
pov "It's ok, don't worry, I wasn't sleeping."
ash "I just wanted to invite you to hand out a little in my room when you'll feel like it, just come by at the late evening, and we'll do something fun together."
pov "Thank you very much for the invitation, I'll come by for sure!"
ash "I hope to see you soon, then."
hide bg meet_ashley
show bg room night
with Dissolve(2.)
"Go to sleep":
if scene_102 and cage == False and pee_is_gross == False and pee_in_shower_first_time:
hide screen ui1
show bg room night
with dissolve
"Before you go to sleep you decide to take a shower as usual."
"But as you enter the shower stall you feel that you really want to pee..."
"It's not something out of ordinary for you to pee in the shower, but this time an idea comes to your mind..."
"For some reason you want to pee all over yourself..."
pov "{i}Why am I even thinking about it?{/i}"
pov "{i}That's... that's gross!{/i}"
pov "... and hot...?"
"Piss all over yourself":
$ pee_in_shower_first_time = False
$ pee_in_shower_unlocked = True
jump solo_shower_pee
"Maybe some other time":
"Even though the only thing you can think about is the feeling of your hot pee on your skin, you decide not to do it this time and piss in the drain instead."
"That is gross":
pov "{i}I have no idea why would I think that something like that could be hot!{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't want to think about it ever again...{/i}"
$ pee_is_gross = True
hide screen ui1
"You take a quick shower and go to sleep."
show bg room night
with dissolve
if amd_counter > 5 and cage and scene_184 == False:
$ amd_counter = 0
jump amd_tied_slut
if adr_find_panties and cage == False:
$ adr_find_panties = False
"You lay down in your bed and as you are about to fall asleep, you feel a piece of cloth under your pillow..."
jump adr_panties_jerk_off
if jen_angry_cum_on_foot and jen_angry_cum_on_foot_counter >= 5 and cage:
$ jen_angry_cum_on_foot = False
$ jen_forgives_you = True
jump jnf_night_pegging
if milkymilkydream:
$ milkymilkydream = False
$ milkymilky = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You fall asleep and see a very strange dream..."
"Out of nowhere you feel your breasts starting to grow..."
"And they keep growing until they become huge, so huge they tear apart you t-shirt..."
"But for some reason you don't mind about it at all and you start getting turned on by the situation."
"You strat playing with your huge new breasts, rub them and pinch your nipples..."
"When suddenly you feel milk spraying out of your nipples!"
label scene_84_playback:
show bg drinkingownmilk
with Dissolve(2.)
"You don't think too long and immediately start sucking one of the breasts, trying to drink as much milk as possible..."
if scene_84 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 84 unlocked")
$ scene_84 = True
"The tast is amazing and you don't want to stop."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then it feels like you are drifting away and soon enough you feel yourself lying in your bed."
pov "{i}Wow! I can't believe a dream can feel so real...{/i}"
pov "{i}I could actually feel the taste of the milk. It was so yummy.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder what could this dream mean.{/i}"
if scene_102 and cage == False and pee_is_gross == False and pee_in_shower_first_time:
"Before you go to sleep you decide to take a shower as usual."
"But as you enter the shower stall you feel that you really want to pee..."
"It's not something out of ordinary for you to pee in the shower, but this time an idea comes to your mind..."
"For some reason you want to pee all over yourself..."
pov "{i}Why am I even thinking about it?{/i}"
pov "{i}That's... that's gross!{/i}"
pov "... and hot...?"
"Piss all over yourself":
$ pee_in_shower_first_time = False
$ pee_in_shower_unlocked = True
jump solo_shower_pee
"Maybe some other time":
"Even though the only thing you can think about is the feeling of your hot pee on your skin, you decide not to do it this time and piss in the drain instead."
"That is gross":
pov "{i}I have no idea why would I think that something like that could be hot!{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't want to think about it ever again...{/i}"
$ pee_is_gross = True
if scene_89 and cage and ashley_fisting_first_time:
$ ashley_fisting_first_time = False
jump ashley_fisting_first_time
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Take a shower" if pee_in_shower_unlocked and pee_is_gross == False and cage == False:
"Before you go to sleep you decide to take a shower as usual."
"But as you enter the shower stall you feel that you really want to pee..."
"You want to pee all over yourself again..."
jump solo_shower_pee
"Have some fun first":
if analmasturbation:
jump analmasturbation
if cage and analmasturbation == False:
"I can't do anything while this stupid cage is on my penis, so I'll just go to sleep."
hide screen ui1
"You take a quick shower and go to sleep."
show bg room night
with dissolve
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
if arousal >=40:
jump masturbate
"I'm not really horny, I better go to sleep now."
hide screen ui1
"You take a quick shower and go to sleep."
show bg room night
with dissolve
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
"Visit Ashley" if canvisitash:
pov "{i}I don't want to sleep yet, maybe I could visit Ashley and see what she's up to.{/i}"
jump visitash
"Invite [jnf] to sleep together" if can_visit_jen:
if jen_angry_cum_on_foot:
pov "{i}It might not be such a good idea to visit [jnf] now after what I've done.{/i}"
pov "{i}I should better give her some more time...{/i}"
hide screen ui1
"You deside to take a quick shower and go to sleep."
show bg room night
with dissolve
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
pov "{i}I feel lonely tonight... maybe I should invite [jnf] to sleep together?{/i}"
jump visit_jen
if newday:
$ alex_foot_slave_today = True
$ lexa_cock_worship_today = True
if teacher_counter >= 1:
$ teacher_counter += 1
if tom_counter > 0:
$ tom_counter += 1
if scene_111:
$ mart_counter += 1
if scene_122:
$ adr_counter += 1
if jen_angry_cum_on_foot:
$ jen_angry_cum_on_foot_counter += 1
if amd_counter > 0:
$ amd_counter += 1
if scene_171 and amd_counter == 0 and scene_184 == False:
$ amd_counter = 1
if naomi_counter > 0:
$ naomi_counter += 1
if scene_133 and naomi_counter == 0 and scene_190 == False:
$ naomi_counter = 1
if unlocked_all_clothes == False and sell_choker_neat and sell_choker_wide and sell_choker_stripe and sell_choker_text and sell_choker_heart and sell_bra_bow and sell_bra_crotchless and sell_bra_open and sell_bra_tape and sell_panties_dots and sell_panties_laceline and sell_panties_crotchless and sell_panties_bow and sell_panties_double and sell_panties_ribbon and sell_stockings_net and sell_stockings_stripes and sell_stockings_wide and sell_stockings_latex and sell_stockings_narrow and sell_stockings_mono and sell_stockings_transparent and sell_garter_leopard:
if sell_garter_transparent and sell_tights_hole and sell_skirt_school and sell_skirt_mini and sell_skirt_short and sell_skirt_latex and sell_skirt_side and sell_shorts_jean and sell_traininglegs_stripe and sell_trainingbody_top and sell_trainingbody_short and sell_tshirt_top and sell_tshirt_net and sell_tshirt_knot and sell_tshirt_transparent and sell_tshirt_cute and sell_dress_street and sell_dress_maid:
$ unlocked_all_clothes = True
$ renpy.notify("You have unlocked all the available clothes for sale")
if ericounter:
$ ericounterdays += 1
if freeclit:
$ freeclitdays += 1
$ sameday = False
if wday == 7:
$ wday = 1
$ wday += 1
if wday == 1:
$ weekday = "Monday"
if wday == 2:
$ weekday = "Tuesday"
if wday == 3:
$ weekday = "Wednesday"
if wday == 4:
$ weekday = "Thursday"
if wday == 5:
$ weekday = "Friday"
if wday == 6:
$ weekday = "Saturday"
if wday == 7:
$ weekday = "Sunday"
$ newday = False
$ visitedbutt = False
$ alreadysuckedbossdicktoday = False
if gymnotification:
$ gymnotification = False
$ renpy.notify("New location awailable - GYM")
"You've had a good sleep and now it's time to wake up."
if sissyneedsdick:
$ sissyneedsdick = False
$ pleasebreedme = True
"You wake up with a quite strange feeling..."
"For some reason, it feels, like you want to be... bred..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I want to get fucked so bad... by a big... nice... hard Dick! What is happening to me?{/i}"
pov "{i}Why would I want to get fucked? Especially now that I'm not wearing a cage...{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope that I won't do anything stupid and won't end up with a dick in my ass today.{/i}"
if sissyblock and milkymilky and sissyneedsdick1 and milkymilkydream == False:
$ sissyneedsdick1 = False
$ sissyneedsdick = True
$ arousal += 20
if asktrainingresults and masturbationwhitedildo1sttime == False:
$ asktrainingresults = False
$ asktrainingresults1 = True
$ asktrainingresults2 = True
pov "{i}I've been training for a while already, but for some reason, I don't see any visible results...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I should speak with Craig about it...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("New discussion topic with Craig")
########################################################### Transformations
if inttrain == 2 and bodytransf or inttrain == 3 and bodytransf:
$ bodytransf = False
"When you wake up you feel a little strange..."
"You don't know what, but something is different."
"You go to your bathroom to wash your face like usual, and then you notice yourself in the mirror..."
label scene_33_playback:
show bg checking_out_new_ass
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "I don't believe it!"
pov "Is it real? I look so different from how I looked when I went to bed, how could I change so much during one night?"
"Your legs got thicker, more defined... but at the same time, your upper body became different... it became more feminine."
#"Even your face looks a little different..."
pov "{i}I don't know how to feel about it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I didn't expect it to change my body so much.{/i}"
if scene_33 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 33 unlocked")
$ scene_33 = True
pov "{i}But at the same time I feel so... sexy ♥{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ renpy.notify("New clothes unlocked")
pov "{i}I look more and more like a sexy girl...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("You can now change your hairstyle in the beauty salon")
$ haircuts = True
$ ashleycamshows = True
$ legs = "f"
$ body = "f"
$ ghanal_unlocked = True
$ sell_choker_neat = True
$ sell_choker_neat_white = True
$ sell_choker_neat_blue = True
$ sell_choker_neat_pink = True
$ sell_choker_neat_red = True
$ sell_choker_neat_black = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_brown = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_white = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_red = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_black = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_white = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_black = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_anthracite = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_side = True
$ sell_skirt_side_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_side_pinktr = True
$ sell_skirt_side_black = True
$ sell_skirt_side_blacktr = True
$ sell_shorts_jean = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_green = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_yellow = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_white = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_pink = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_blue = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_green = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_green = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_purple = True
$ sell_tshirt_net = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_red = True
$ sell_tights_hole = True
$ sell_tights_hole_white = True
$ sell_tights_hole_pink = True
$ sell_tights_hole_dark = True
$ sell_tights_hole_light = True
$ sell_choker_wide = True
$ sell_choker_wide_white = True
$ sell_choker_wide_blue = True
$ sell_choker_wide_pink = True
$ sell_choker_wide_red = True
$ sell_choker_wide_black = True
jump room
if inttrain == 4 and titstransf or inttrain == 5 and titstransf:
$ titstransf = False
"When you wake up you feel a little strange..."
"You don't know what, but something is different again."
"And then you realize that you've grown a pair small tits..."
$ breasts = "a"
$ talk = True
label scene_34_playback:
show bg checking_out_new_breasts
show new_breasts:
zoom 1.7 xalign 0.5 ypos -.1
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Fuck! FuckfuckFuckfuckFuckfuck!"
pov "Is this real? Am I dreaming now?!"
pov "What the fuck is this?"
pov "What the fuck is in that \"sports shake\"?"
pov "Why did I have to drink it?"
pov "What will I do now?"
pov "I need to speak with Craig about it!"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ talkcraigbreasts = True
# "Notice: continuation of the body transformation events is coming in the next version."
# "But there are other events in the current version that you haven't seen yet, so you can continue playing :)"
# "Also, the breasts are added only to the player avatar and you can see them during the dialogs on different locations or during changing/buying new clothes scenes."
# "You won't see any differences during the glory hole events for exaple, breasts will be added to these scenes in the next version(s)."
if scene_34 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 34 unlocked")
$ scene_34 = True
$ sell_bra_bow = True
$ sell_bra_bow_white = True
$ sell_bra_bow_pink = True
$ sell_bra_bow_blue = True
$ sell_bra_bow_black = True
$ sell_bra_bow_red = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_aqua = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_blush = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_black = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_wine = True
$ sell_bra_open = True
$ sell_bra_open_white = True
$ sell_bra_open_pink = True
$ sell_bra_open_black = True
$ sell_bra_tape = True
$ sell_bra_tape_pink = True
$ sell_bra_tape_blue = True
$ sell_bra_tape_black = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_aqua = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_blush = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_black = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_wine = True
$ sell_panties_bow = True
$ sell_panties_bow_white = True
$ sell_panties_bow_pink = True
$ sell_panties_bow_blue = True
$ sell_panties_bow_black = True
$ sell_panties_bow_red = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon_white = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon_pink = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon_black = True
$ renpy.notify("New clothes unlocked!")
$ talk = False
jump room
if day == 3:
jump alex_collecting_money_first_time
if freeclitdays == 5:
jump clitlockback
if freeclitdays >= 8 and clit_enlargement_quest:
$ clit_enlargement_quest = False
jump dday
if wday == 4 and scene_101 == True and canworkasamaid == False:
jump maidintro
if wday == 4 and canworkasamaid == True:
jump workmaidregular
if weekday == "Friday" and freetheclitty:
"Soon you hear a click sound from your chatity cage and realize that it's finally Friday and your clitty is free!"
"You take the cage off and decide what should you do today..."
$ clitfree = True
$ cage = False
if weekday == "Sunday" and day >= 4:
jump paydayregular
if timetoworkforboss:
$ bossworkdayscounter +=1
if timetoworkforboss and bossworkdayscounter > 2:
$ timetoworkforboss = False
jump timetoworkforboss
if needmoremoney1:
$ needmoremoney1 = False
"I need to start making more money or otherwise I won't be able to get enough until next Sunday."
"Maybe I could ask Ashley if she has any advice for me."
$ visitashleyunlocked = True
if gotnewlips:
$ gotnewlips = False
pov "{i}Now that I look much more like a cute girl, I think it will be easy to get clients.{/i}"
$ shemaleclient = True
if scene_88 and wday == 3 and dtime == 2 and money >= 200 and adrienne_teasing_first_time:
$ adrienne_teasing_first_time = False
jump adrienne_teasing_first_time
call screen ui1
label wait:
#if panties == False and
if needclitinjection:
pov "{i}I shouldn't waste any time, I need to make my clit bigger before Alex puts the cage back on it. I should better go to the lab now.{/i}"
call screen ui1
$ dtime += 1
"You spend some time lying in your bed and relaxing."
jump room
label elevators:
$ location = "elevators"
show bg elevators
with Dissolve(2.0)
if scene_118 == True and meetjen == False and wday == 2:
$ meetjen = True
$ sleeptogetherfirsttime = True
jump meetjen
call screen ui1
label help:
"I can't find gym clothes":
"The clothes shop menu is scrollable, just scroll down the clothes groups and you will find the gym clothes group ;)"
jump help
"I don't know what to do next":
"Usually, to progress you need to play through all the available events for you at the moment to trigger the progression to the next part of the game."
"To make sure that you've played trough all the available events, try visiting all the locations, buying toys at the sexshop, spending time with characters, masturbating, etc."
"Also, you could check the Scenes menu for tips on how to open the locked scenes (you need to press on the locked scene to see the tip)."
jump help
# "I can't trigger the scenes with Amanda/Jennifer for some reason.":
# "Some of the scenes become unavailable if you choose a certain path in the game (sub/dom), so you'll need to load the game and choose another path to see other scenes."
# "But if you wish, you could unlock both of the paths at the same time."
# "CAUTION: it may brake the game or make the progression impossible in the future updates, etc."
# "If you do decide to unlock both of the paths at the same time, it would better to save the game and load it back after playing through the events you wanted to see."
# menu:
# "Would you like to unlock both of the paths (sub & dom) and the same time (it might not work properly)"
# "Yes":
# "Done. Try waiting for a client now."
# $ naomi_dominant_route = True
# $ naomi_obedient_route = True
# jump help
# "No":
# "Ok :)"
# jump help
"Some of the scenes show wrong hair color/style/breasts size, etc.":
"Sorry about that, this is not a bug, this is because it's still in progress. Will be fixed in the future update(s) :)"
jump help
"I get an error 'Switch could not choose a displayable'":
"The error is probably caused by some clothes MC is wearing or because of the hair style/color."
"You can try fixing it with the following menu."
"Would you like to reset MC's oufit & hair?"
$ choker = False
$ bra = False
$ panties = False
$ stockings = False
$ garter = False
$ tights = False
$ skirt = False
$ shorts = False
$ pants = False
$ traininglegs = False
$ trainingbody = False
$ tshirt1 = False
$ tshirt = False
$ dress = False
$ outfit = False
$ hair = 'pigtails'
$ color = 'blnd'
"If it doesn't help, please let me know on the {a=https://discord.gg/qKVpWvF}Discord server{/a}, or on {a=https://www.patreon.com/sissydreams}Patreon{/a}, or on {a=https://sissydreams.itch.io/earn-your-freedom}itch.io{/a}"
jump help
jump help
"There is a bug in the game":
"Sorry about that, please, let me know about it on the {a=https://discord.gg/qKVpWvF}Discord server{/a}, or on {a=https://www.patreon.com/sissydreams}Patreon{/a}, or on {a=https://sissydreams.itch.io/earn-your-freedom}itch.io{/a}"
jump help
"Go back":
call screen ui1
label cheats:
"Bigger clitty" if clitsize == "tiny" or clitsize == "small" or clitsize == "normal" and scene_87:
if clitsize == "normal":
$ clitsize = "big"
jump room
if clitsize == "small":
$ clitsize = "normal"
jump room
if clitsize == "tiny":
$ clitsize = "small"
jump room
"Smaller clitty" if clitsize == "big" or clitsize == "small" or clitsize == "normal" and scene_87:
if clitsize == "small":
$ clitsize = "tiny"
jump room
if clitsize == "normal":
$ clitsize = "small"
jump room
if clitsize == "big":
$ clitsize = "normal"
jump room
"More money":
$ renpy.notify("Money +100")
$ money += 100
jump cheats
"Less money":
$ renpy.notify("Money -100")
$ money -= 100
jump cheats
"Change your name":
povname = renpy.input("What will be your new name? (You need to type in the new name)")
povname = povname.strip()
if not povname:
povname = "Lea"
jump cheats
"Change [alex]'s name":
alex = renpy.input("What would you like her name to be? (You need to type in the new name)")
alex = alex.strip()
if not alex:
alex = "Alex"
jump cheats
"Change [amd]'s name":
amd = renpy.input("What would you like her name to be? (You need to type in the new name)")
amd = amd.strip()
if not amd:
amd = "Amanda"
jump cheats
"Change [jnf]'s name":
jnf = renpy.input("What would you like her name to be? (You need to type in the new name)")
jnf = jnf.strip()
if not jnf:
jnf = "Jennifer"
jump cheats
"Go back":
call screen ui1
screen ui1():
if dtime ==1:
$ dtme = "afternoon"
if dtime ==2:
$ dtme = "evening"
if dtime ==3:
$ dtme = "night"
if dtime ==4:
$ dtme = "ERROR ERROR please report this ERROR 5678900"
text _("Day [day],[weekday] [dtme]"):
xalign 0.95 ypos 50
text _("$[money]"):
xalign 0.05 ypos 50
text _("Arousal"):
xalign 0.44 ypos 50
bar value AnimatedValue(arousal, 100, 1.0) xalign 0.54 ypos 50 xsize 200
## Wait for a client
xalign 0.05 ypos 100
if location == "room" and receiveclients:
action Jump("clientroom")
if location == "room" and receiveclients:
text _("Wait for a client") style "button_text"
## Scenes
xalign 0.96 ypos 980
if location == "room":
action Jump("scenes")
if location == "room":
text _("Scenes") style "button_text"
## Cheats
xalign 0.96 ypos 930
if location == "room":
action Jump("cheats")
if location == "room":
text _("Cheats") style "button_text"
## Help
xalign 0.96 ypos 880
if location == "room":
action Jump("help")
if location == "room":
text _("Help") style "button_text"
## Return to your room
xalign 0.958 ypos 100
if location == "room":
action Jump("elevators")
elif location == "elevators":
action None
action Jump("room")
if location == "room":
text _("Leave the room") style "button_text"
elif location == "elevators":
action None
text _("Go to your room") style "button_text"
## Change clothes
xalign 0.958 ypos 150
if location == "room":
action Jump("change_clothes")
if location == "room":
text _("Change clothes") style "button_text"
## Anal plug
if plugs_unlocked:
xalign 0.958 ypos 200
if location == "room":
action Jump("change_plug")
if location == "room":
text _("Anal plug") style "button_text"
## Wait
xalign 0.96 ypos 250
if location == "room":
action Jump("wait")
if location == "room":
text _("Wait") style "button_text"
if location == "elevators":
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators room.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators room hover.webp"
action Jump("room")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators clothes.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators clothes hover.webp"
action Jump("clothes")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators beauty.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators beauty hover.webp"
action Jump("beautysalon")
if lab:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators lab.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators lab hover.webp"
action Jump("lab")
if sexshop:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators sexshop.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators sexshop hover.webp"
action Jump("sexshop")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators gh.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators gh hover.webp"
action Jump("gh")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators butt.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators butt hover.webp"
action Jump("butt")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators boss.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators boss hover.webp"
action Jump("boss")
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators street.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators street hover.webp"
action Jump("street")
if visitashleyunlocked:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators ashley.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators ashley hover.webp"
action Jump("visitashley1")
if gym:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators gym.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators gym hover.webp"
action Jump("gym")
if locationschool:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt elevators school.webp"
hover "images/bt elevators school hover.webp"
action Jump("sissyschool")
label clitlockback:
"You wake up from the knock at your door."
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
alex "Wakey-wakey!"
alex "It's time to get that little thingy back into it's cute little cage!"
pov "{i}Fuck! I've spent only four days without it and now I have to wear it again!{/i}"
pov "And Erika said that I have to spend at least a week without the cage to make the injection work, otherwise my penis will get even smaller!"
"Tell her that you don't want to wear that stupid cage, and she can't make you!":
alex "Hah! That's a funny joke!"
alex "Don't make me remind you where you are and what power I have over you..."
alex "Now I want you to stop screwing around and put the cage back on your pathetic little clit."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You are too afraid of what Alex will do to you, so you decide to oblige and do what you are told to."
alex "Maybe this time I'll make you wear it even longer than the previous time..."
alex "I'm sure, it will teach you how to behave."
"After that she laughs at you and leaves."
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
# $ sissyblock = False
$ cage = True
jump room
"Beg her to let you be free from the cage for at least 3 more days.":
alex "Three more days, ha?"
alex "You know, putting it off won't make it any easier."
alex "But if you really that desperate, maybe I could give you three more days of freedom."
pov "Really? Wow! That is so nice of you! Thank you so much, Alex!"
alex "But you understand that it won't be for free, right?"
alex "IF you want something, you need to pay for it..."
pov "..."
alex "How about $500 a day?"
alex "Would it be worth it for you?"
alex "Only $1500 and you get to play with your clitty for three more days before it gets locked back again..."
pov "{i}$1500?! That's crazy!{/i}"
if money < 1500:
pov "{i}I don't even have that much! And I won't be able to make any money while I'm waiting for the injection to work...{/i}"
pov "Please, I only have $[money], is there anything that I can do so you would let me stay without the cage a bit longer?"
alex "Not a chance girl, now put it on."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"She gives you the cage and waits for you to put it on your clitty."
"There is obviously no way to change her mind, so the only thing left for you is to oblige."
"You put on the cage and then she leaves."
# $ sissyblock = False
$ cage = True
jump room
pov "{i}But I really need those three days if I want the injection to have any chance to work...{/i}"
"Pay the money":
$ renpy.notify("-$1500")
$ money -= 1500
alex "Didn't expect you to actually pay, you should just stop trying so hard and realize that you are a sissy, who likes to have her clitty locked."
alex "Look at that little thing, nobody will want to do anything with it except you anyways."
$ payedtostayfree = True
jump room
alex "Hah, your choise, sissy."
alex "Now, put it on."
"She gives you the cage and waits for you to put it on your clitty."
"You put on the cage and then she leaves."
# $ sissyblock = False
$ cage = True
jump room
"There is no way she'll agree to leave you without the cage any longer...":
pov "{i}I don't think there is any point in asking her to leave me out of the cage for any more time...{/i}"
pov "{i}It might be better to just accept it so I don't get into more troubles...{/i}"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"She gives you the cage and waits for you to put it on your clitty."
"You put on the cage without saying anything..."
alex "See, you can be a good girl when you want to."
alex "I'm sure you just realized that it's much better to stay locked, there is no use for that little thing between your legs anyways and you don't get distracted by it when it's in the cage."
"After that she laughs at you and leaves."
# $ sissyblock = False
$ cage = True
jump room
label dday:
if sissygotfucked1:
$ clitoutcome = 1
if cagedandfucked:
$ clitoutcome = 1
if clitenlargbj:
$ clitoutcome = 1
if clitenlargcumeat > 2:
$ clitoutcome = 1
if clitenlargfuck < 3:
$ clitoutcome = 1
if clitenlargfuck > 2 and clitenlargcumeat == 2:
$ clitoutcome = 2
if clitenlargfuck > 2 and clitenlargcumeat < 2:
$ clitoutcome = 3
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
$ sissyblock = False
$ angrysophie = False
"As soon as you wake up, you realize, a week has passed since the injection, and your heart starts beating really fast..."
pov "{i}I'm so afraid! What if the injection worked the opposite way and made my penis even smaller?{/i}"
$ streetwhoresevents_unlock = True
if clitoutcome == 1 and cage == True:
"You lie in your bed under the blanket and for some reason it feels like you are not wearing a cage on your clit..."
"With your shaking hands you push the blankets away, trying to see what happened..."
label scene_87_playback:
show bg clitsize
show clitsize 4
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! This can't be true!{/i}"
pov "{i}It did become smaller!{/i}"
"Even though your clitty is really hard right now, it looks really small..."
pov "{i}I don't think a normal dick would be this small while it's soft and mine is like that while I'm hard!{/i}"
pov "{i}It's so small that it slipped out from the chastity cage while I was sleeping...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ cage = False
if scene_87 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 87 unlocked")
$ scene_87 = True
alex "Enjoying your new tiny clitty?"
with hpunch
pov "What the fuck?!"
$ tshirt = False
$ outfit = False
$ bra = False
$ stockings = False
$ panties = False
$ dress = False
$ skirt = False
$ tights = False
$ trainingbody = False
$ traininglegs = False
$ hideclit = False
$ clitsize = "small"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It seems Alex has come to your room to collect you weekly payment and caught you right at the moment when you were checking out your new tiny clit."
show bg room day
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with Dissolve(2.0)
alex "It's even cuter than before! Congratulations!"
alex "But we need to fix it a bit, it seems your old cage no longer suits you, so I brought you a new one!"
pov "New cage? Wait, how did you know that my penis will become smaller?"
alex "Well first of all, you should already stop calling it a penis, especially now, when it's smaller than ever..."
alex "And secondly, I knew that you'll go to Erika to enlarge your clitty as soon as you get out of the cage..."
alex "And I know how the injection work, so there was no way a sissy like you could actually make it bigger."
alex "Now, let's put on your new cute tiny cage..."
show black zorder 1
with Dissolve(2.)
$ cage = True
hide black
with Dissolve(2.)
"While you were standing shocked, Alex quickly put a tiny pink cage on your clit and locked it up."
alex "Hah! Much better now!"
alex "With each day you look more and more like a proper sissy should look."
"She laughs and leaves your room, while you stand there naked and not sure how to react..."
$ renpy.notify("New sex toy unlocked!")
$ dbldld_unlock = True
jump room
if clitoutcome == 2 and cage == True:
"As soon as you wake up, you realize, a week has passed since the injection, and your heart starts beating really fast..."
pov "{i}What if the injection worked the opposite way and made my penis even smaller?{/i}"
"But soon enough you realize that nothing has changed and you are still wearing your cage and your clitty feels no different from before."
pov "{i}Well... That's $500 down the drain... But at least it didn't become even smaller... I wonder if I didn't have the cage on it, would it grow?{/i}"
pov "{i}I did eat some of my cum... I'm curious if it influenced the injection at all...{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("New sex toy unlocked!")
$ dbldld_unlock = True
jump room
if clitoutcome == 3 and cage == True:
"As soon as you wake up, you realize, a week has passed since the injection, and your heart starts beating really fast..."
pov "{i}What if the injection worked the opposite way and made my penis even smaller?{/i}"
"But soon enough you realize that nothing has changed and you are still wearing your cage and your clitty feels no different from before."
pov "{i}Well... That's $500 down the drain... But at least it didn't become even smaller...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe if I could spend those three extra days without the cage it would have become bigger?{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("New sex toy unlocked!")
$ dbldld_unlock = True
jump room
if clitoutcome == 1 and cage == False:
"With your shaking hands you push the blankets away, trying to see if anything has happened to your clitty..."
show bg clitsize
show clitsize 4
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Fuck! This can't be true!{/i}"
pov "{i}It did become smaller!{/i}"
"Even though your clitty is really hard right now, it looks really small..."
pov "{i}I don't think a normal dick would be this small while it's soft and mine is like that while I'm hard!{/i}"
if scene_87 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 87 unlocked")
$ scene_87 = True
alex "Enjoying your new tiny clitty?"
with hpunch
pov "What the fuck?!"
$ tshirt = False
$ outfit = False
$ bra = False
$ stockings = False
$ panties = False
$ dress = False
$ skirt = False
$ tights = False
$ trainingbody = False
$ traininglegs = False
$ hideclit = False
$ clitsize = "small"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It seems Alex has come to your room to collect you weekly payment and caught you right at the moment when you were checking out your new tiny clit."
show bg room day
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with Dissolve(2.0)
alex "It's even cuter than before! Congratulations!"
alex "But we need to fix it a bit, it needs to be locked up like a proper sissy clitty!"
alex "But it seems that your old cage will no longer suit you, so I brought you a new one!"
pov "New cage? Wait, how did you know that my penis will become smaller?"
alex "Well first of all, you should already stop calling it a penis, especially now, when it's smaller than ever..."
alex "And secondly, when you've asked me to leave you without the cage for three more days, that felt an oddly specific number of days..."
alex "You didn't just ask me to spend more time without the cage, you've asked for three more days..."
alex "And then I realized, you've had an injection, so it was kind of fun to see what will happen to your clitty, so I decided to let you stay without the cage..."
alex "And apparently it didn't help at all! Hah, a sissy like you would never get a bigger clit, you can do as many injections as you like, but it will get only smaller and smaller!"
alex "So, how about we put on your new cute tiny cage now?"
show black zorder 1
with Dissolve(2.)
$ cage = True
hide black
with Dissolve(2.)
"While you were standing shocked, Alex quickly put a tiny pink cage on your clit and locked it up."
alex "Hah! Much better now!"
alex "With each day you look more and more like a proper sissy should look."
"She laughs and leaves your room, while you stand there naked and not sure how to react..."
$ renpy.notify("New sex toy unlocked!")
$ dbldld_unlock = True
jump room
if clitoutcome == 2 and cage == False:
"With your shaking hands you push the blankets away, trying to see if anything has happened to your clitty..."
show bg clitsize
show clitsize 5
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Hmmm... It seems nothing has changed...{/i}"
pov "{i}That's $500 for the injection down the drain...{/i}"
pov "{i}And $1500 for staying without the cage for 3 extra days...{/i}"
pov "Maybe I shouldn't have eaten my own cum before the injection worked."
pov "I wonder if in that case it would have worked."
pov "Well... at least it didn't become even smaller, that a huge relief."
if scene_87 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 87 unlocked")
$ scene_87 = True
alex "Enjoying the last moments of freedom from the cage?"
with hpunch
pov "What the fuck?!"
$ tshirt = False
$ outfit = False
$ bra = False
$ stockings = False
$ panties = False
$ dress = False
$ skirt = False
$ tights = False
$ trainingbody = False
$ traininglegs = False
$ hideclit = False
$ clitsize = "normal"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It seems Alex has come to your room to collect you weekly payment and caught you right at the moment when you were checking out your clit."
show bg room day
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with Dissolve(2.0)
alex "It's time to get back into your little cage!"
alex "And this time don't even try to ask me for more time without it."
alex "Now, put it on."
show black zorder 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"She gives you your cage and you decide that there is no point in arguing and just oblige."
$ cage = True
hide black
with Dissolve(2.)
alex "Hah! Much better now!"
alex "Now you look more like a proper sissy."
"She laughs and leaves your room, while you stand there naked and not sure how to react..."
$ renpy.notify("New sex toy unlocked!")
$ dbldld_unlock = True
jump room
if clitoutcome == 3 and cage == False:
"With your shaking hands you push the blankets away, trying to see if anything has happened to your clitty..."
show bg clitsize
show clitsize 6
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Wow!{/i}"
pov "{i}It did get bigger! I can't believe it!{/i}"
"You've even pinched yourself trying to make sure this is not a dream..."
pov "{i}I wasn't sure it was going to work, but it seems that all that money wasn't wasted!{/i}"
pov "{i}And it worked even though Sophie forced me to eat my own cum out of her holes after I fucked her...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder why didn't it influence the result though...{/i}"
pov "{i}Whatever the reason might be, I don't have a small penis anymore!{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though it's not as big as the guys have that usually come to fuck me, it's still better than before...{/i}"
if scene_87 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 87 unlocked")
$ scene_87 = True
alex "That thing looks a bit bigger than before..."
with hpunch
pov "What the fuck?!"
$ tshirt = False
$ outfit = False
$ bra = False
$ stockings = False
$ panties = False
$ dress = False
$ skirt = False
$ tights = False
$ trainingbody = False
$ traininglegs = False
$ hideclit = False
$ clitsize = "big"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It seems Alex has come to your room to collect you weekly payment and caught you right at the moment when you were checking out your clit."
show bg room day
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with Dissolve(2.0)
alex "It's time to get back into your little cage!"
alex "And this time don't even try to ask me for more time without it."
alex "Now, put it on."
pov "But how, I won't fit, my dick grew bigger and now the cage is too small for me..."
alex "Hah! Your \"dick\"! Don't make me laugh!"
alex "It's still not nearly big enough to call it a dick! It's a sissy clit!"
alex "And as I knew that the moment you'll get out of cage, you'll run to Erika to make your pathetic clitty bigger, I've come prepared..."
alex "There is a very simple solution, that will solve the problem with your clitty getting a bit bigger."
show black zorder 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"And then she takes a small package with ice and puts it on your clit!"
"You gasp as you feel how cold it is, and watch how your clitty is getting smaller and smaller with every moment..."
alex "See? There is even no need for a bigger cage."
"And the next thing your know is Alex locking your old cage on your cold, small clit."
$ cage = True
hide black
with Dissolve(2.)
alex "Hah! Much better now!"
alex "Now you look more like a proper sissy again!"
pov "But as soon as it will get warm again, it will become bigger!"
alex "Hah! It can try, but the cage won't let it for sure!"
alex "The only result of the injection is that your cute little balls became a bit bigger..."
alex "...and that you'll have some fun time, while getting tortured by your clitty trying to get back to its new size, while it's tightly squeezed in the cage."
"She laughs and leaves your room, while you stand there naked and not sure how to react..."
$ renpy.notify("New sex toy unlocked!")
$ dbldld_unlock = True
jump room
label unlock_clothes:
## choker
$ sell_choker_neat = True
$ sell_choker_neat_white = True
$ sell_choker_neat_blue = True
$ sell_choker_neat_pink = True
$ sell_choker_neat_red = True
$ sell_choker_neat_black = True
$ sell_choker_wide = True
$ sell_choker_wide_white = True
$ sell_choker_wide_blue = True
$ sell_choker_wide_pink = True
$ sell_choker_wide_red = True
$ sell_choker_wide_black = True
$ sell_choker_stripe = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_white = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_blue = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_pink = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_red = True
$ sell_choker_stripe_black = True
$ sell_choker_text = True
$ sell_choker_text_sissy = True
$ sell_choker_text_slut = True
$ sell_choker_text_cumslut = True
$ sell_choker_text_sexy = True
$ sell_choker_heart = True
$ sell_choker_heart_white = True
$ sell_choker_heart_blue = True
$ sell_choker_heart_pink = True
$ sell_choker_heart_red = True
$ sell_choker_heart_black = True
## bra
$ sell_bra_bow = True
$ sell_bra_bow_white = True
$ sell_bra_bow_pink = True
$ sell_bra_bow_blue = True
$ sell_bra_bow_black = True
$ sell_bra_bow_red = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_aqua = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_blush = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_black = True
$ sell_bra_crotchless_wine = True
$ sell_bra_open = True
$ sell_bra_open_white = True
$ sell_bra_open_pink = True
$ sell_bra_open_black = True
$ sell_bra_tape = True
$ sell_bra_tape_pink = True
$ sell_bra_tape_blue = True
$ sell_bra_tape_black = True
## panties
$ sell_panties_dots = True
$ sell_panties_dots_pink = True
$ sell_panties_laceline = True
$ sell_panties_laceline_grey = True
$ sell_panties_laceline_black = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_aqua = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_blush = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_black = True
$ sell_panties_crotchless_wine = True
$ sell_panties_bow = True
$ sell_panties_bow_white = True
$ sell_panties_bow_pink = True
$ sell_panties_bow_blue = True
$ sell_panties_bow_black = True
$ sell_panties_bow_red = True
$ sell_panties_double = True
$ sell_panties_double_pink = True
$ sell_panties_double_blue = True
$ sell_panties_double_black = True
$ sell_panties_double_red = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon_white = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon_pink = True
$ sell_panties_ribbon_black = True
## stockings
$ sell_stockings_net = True
$ sell_stockings_net_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_net_blue = True
$ sell_stockings_net_black = True
$ sell_stockings_net_white = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_blue = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_black = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_white = True
$ sell_stockings_wide = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_purple = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_pale = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_grey = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_rainbow = True
$ sell_stockings_latex = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_black = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_blue = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_orange = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_white = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_black = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_anthracite = True
$ sell_stockings_narrow_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_mono = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_white = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_dark = True
$ sell_stockings_mono_wine = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_brown = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_white = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_red = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_transparent_black = True
## garter
$ sell_garter_leopard = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_grey = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_wine = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_black = True
$ sell_garter_leopard_brown = True
$ sell_garter_transparent = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_red = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_black = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_brown = True
$ sell_garter_transparent_white = True
## tights
$ sell_tights_hole = True
$ sell_tights_hole_white = True
$ sell_tights_hole_pink = True
$ sell_tights_hole_dark = True
$ sell_tights_hole_light = True
## skirt
$ sell_skirt_school = True
$ sell_skirt_school_white = True
$ sell_skirt_school_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_school_green = True
$ sell_skirt_school_blue = True
$ sell_skirt_school_grey = True
$ sell_skirt_school_red = True
$ sell_skirt_mini = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_white = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_green = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_black = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_orange = True
$ sell_skirt_short = True
$ sell_skirt_short_brown = True
$ sell_skirt_short_wine = True
$ sell_skirt_short_black = True
$ sell_skirt_short_anthracite = True
$ sell_skirt_latex = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_orange = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_blue = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_black = True
$ sell_skirt_side = True
$ sell_skirt_side_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_side_pinktr = True
$ sell_skirt_side_black = True
$ sell_skirt_side_blacktr = True
## shorts
$ sell_shorts_jean = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_green = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_yellow = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_white = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_pink = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_blue = True
$ sell_shorts_jean_black = True
## traininglegs
$ sell_traininglegs_stripe = True
$ sell_traininglegs_stripe_red = True
## trainingbody
$ sell_trainingbody_top = True
$ sell_trainingbody_top_turquoise = True
$ sell_trainingbody_short = True
$ sell_trainingbody_short_blue = True
## tshirt
$ sell_tshirt_top = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_top_red = True
$ sell_tshirt_net = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_net_red = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_red = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_transparent_green = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_green = True
$ sell_tshirt_cute_purple = True
## dress
$ sell_dress_street = True
$ sell_dress_street_pink = True
$ sell_dress_maid = True
$ sell_dress_maid_black = True
call screen buy_clothes_goups
label clothes:
show bg clothes shop
with d
"You decided to go to a clothes shop."
"Would you like to buy something?"
jump buy_clothes
jump elevators
label buy_clothes:
show bg_change_clothes
show pov at center
with d
show screen ui_shop
"{b}Notice: *** please note, the clothes group menu on the left of the scree is scrollable ***{/b}"
call screen buy_clothes_goups
label buy_clothes_finish:
hide screen ui_shop
hide screen buy_clothes_goups
hide screen buy_clothes_mask
hide screen buy_clothes_choker
hide screen buy_clothes_bra
hide screen buy_clothes_panties
hide screen buy_clothes_nightie
hide screen buy_clothes_garter
hide screen buy_clothes_corset
hide screen buy_clothes_stockings
hide screen buy_clothes_tshirt
hide screen buy_clothes_skirt
hide screen buy_clothes_shorts
hide screen buy_clothes_dress
hide screen buy_clothes_training
hide screen buy_choose_clothes
"Are you sure you've finished choosing the clothes?"
jump room
call screen buy_clothes_goups
label buy_clothes_item:
"Would you like to buy this item? Price: $[price]"
"Yes" if money >= price:
if item == "sell_bra_bow_black":
$ buy_bra_bow = True
$ buy_bra_bow_black = True
if item == "sell_bra_bow_blue":
$ buy_bra_bow = True
$ buy_bra_bow_blue = True
if item == "sell_bra_bow_pink":
$ buy_bra_bow = True
$ buy_bra_bow_pink = True
if item == "sell_bra_bow_red":
$ buy_bra_bow = True
$ buy_bra_bow_red = True
if item == "sell_bra_bow_white":
$ buy_bra_bow = True
$ buy_bra_bow_white = True
if item == "sell_bra_crotchless_aqua":
$ buy_bra_crotchless = True
$ buy_bra_crotchless_aqua = True
if item == "sell_bra_crotchless_black":
$ buy_bra_crotchless = True
$ buy_bra_crotchless_black = True
if item == "sell_bra_crotchless_blush":
$ buy_bra_crotchless = True
$ buy_bra_crotchless_blush = True
if item == "sell_bra_crotchless_wine":
$ buy_bra_crotchless = True
$ buy_bra_crotchless_wine = True
if item == "sell_bra_open_black":
$ buy_bra_open = True
$ buy_bra_open_black = True
if item == "sell_bra_open_pink":
$ buy_bra_open = True
$ buy_bra_open_pink = True
if item == "sell_bra_open_white":
$ buy_bra_open = True
$ buy_bra_open_white = True
if item == "sell_bra_tape_black":
$ buy_bra_tape = True
$ buy_bra_tape_black = True
if item == "sell_bra_tape_blue":
$ buy_bra_tape = True
$ buy_bra_tape_blue = True
if item == "sell_bra_tape_pink":
$ buy_bra_tape = True
$ buy_bra_tape_pink = True
if item == "sell_choker_heart_black":
$ buy_choker_heart = True
$ buy_choker_heart_black = True
if item == "sell_choker_heart_blue":
$ buy_choker_heart = True
$ buy_choker_heart_blue = True
if item == "sell_choker_heart_pink":
$ buy_choker_heart = True
$ buy_choker_heart_pink = True
if item == "sell_choker_heart_red":
$ buy_choker_heart = True
$ buy_choker_heart_red = True
if item == "sell_choker_heart_white":
$ buy_choker_heart = True
$ buy_choker_heart_white = True
if item == "sell_choker_neat_black":
$ buy_choker_neat = True
$ buy_choker_neat_black = True
if item == "sell_choker_neat_blue":
$ buy_choker_neat = True
$ buy_choker_neat_blue = True
if item == "sell_choker_neat_pink":
$ buy_choker_neat = True
$ buy_choker_neat_pink = True
if item == "sell_choker_neat_red":
$ buy_choker_neat = True
$ buy_choker_neat_red = True
if item == "sell_choker_neat_white":
$ buy_choker_neat = True
$ buy_choker_neat_white = True
if item == "sell_choker_stripe_black":
$ buy_choker_stripe = True
$ buy_choker_stripe_black = True
if item == "sell_choker_stripe_blue":
$ buy_choker_stripe = True
$ buy_choker_stripe_blue = True
if item == "sell_choker_stripe_pink":
$ buy_choker_stripe = True
$ buy_choker_stripe_pink = True
if item == "sell_choker_stripe_red":
$ buy_choker_stripe = True
$ buy_choker_stripe_red = True
if item == "sell_choker_stripe_white":
$ buy_choker_stripe = True
$ buy_choker_stripe_white = True
if item == "sell_choker_text_cumslut":
$ buy_choker_text = True
$ buy_choker_text_cumslut = True
if item == "sell_choker_text_sexy":
$ buy_choker_text = True
$ buy_choker_text_sexy = True
if item == "sell_choker_text_sissy":
$ buy_choker_text = True
$ buy_choker_text_sissy = True
if item == "sell_choker_text_slut":
$ buy_choker_text = True
$ buy_choker_text_slut = True
if item == "sell_choker_wide_black":
$ buy_choker_wide = True
$ buy_choker_wide_black = True
if item == "sell_choker_wide_blue":
$ buy_choker_wide = True
$ buy_choker_wide_blue = True
if item == "sell_choker_wide_pink":
$ buy_choker_wide = True
$ buy_choker_wide_pink = True
if item == "sell_choker_wide_red":
$ buy_choker_wide = True
$ buy_choker_wide_red = True
if item == "sell_choker_wide_white":
$ buy_choker_wide = True
$ buy_choker_wide_white = True
if item == "sell_dress_maid_black":
$ buy_dress_maid = True
$ buy_dress_maid_black = True
if item == "sell_dress_street_pink":
$ buy_dress_street = True
$ buy_dress_street_pink = True
if item == "sell_garter_leopard_black":
$ buy_garter_leopard = True
$ buy_garter_leopard_black = True
if item == "sell_garter_leopard_brown":
$ buy_garter_leopard = True
$ buy_garter_leopard_brown = True
if item == "sell_garter_leopard_grey":
$ buy_garter_leopard = True
$ buy_garter_leopard_grey = True
if item == "sell_garter_leopard_wine":
$ buy_garter_leopard = True
$ buy_garter_leopard_wine = True
if item == "sell_garter_transparent_black":
$ buy_garter_transparent = True
$ buy_garter_transparent_black = True
if item == "sell_garter_transparent_brown":
$ buy_garter_transparent = True
$ buy_garter_transparent_brown = True
if item == "sell_garter_transparent_red":
$ buy_garter_transparent = True
$ buy_garter_transparent_red = True
if item == "sell_garter_transparent_white":
$ buy_garter_transparent = True
$ buy_garter_transparent_white = True
if item == "sell_panties_bow_black":
$ buy_panties_bow = True
$ buy_panties_bow_black = True
if item == "sell_panties_bow_blue":
$ buy_panties_bow = True
$ buy_panties_bow_blue = True
if item == "sell_panties_bow_pink":
$ buy_panties_bow = True
$ buy_panties_bow_pink = True
if item == "sell_panties_bow_red":
$ buy_panties_bow = True
$ buy_panties_bow_red = True
if item == "sell_panties_bow_white":
$ buy_panties_bow = True
$ buy_panties_bow_white = True
if item == "sell_panties_crotchless_aqua":
$ buy_panties_crotchless = True
$ buy_panties_crotchless_aqua = True
if item == "sell_panties_crotchless_black":
$ buy_panties_crotchless = True
$ buy_panties_crotchless_black = True
if item == "sell_panties_crotchless_blush":
$ buy_panties_crotchless = True
$ buy_panties_crotchless_blush = True
if item == "sell_panties_crotchless_wine":
$ buy_panties_crotchless = True
$ buy_panties_crotchless_wine = True
if item == "sell_panties_dots_pink":
$ buy_panties_dots = True
$ buy_panties_dots_pink = True
if item == "sell_panties_double_black":
$ buy_panties_double = True
$ buy_panties_double_black = True
if item == "sell_panties_double_blue":
$ buy_panties_double = True
$ buy_panties_double_blue = True
if item == "sell_panties_double_pink":
$ buy_panties_double = True
$ buy_panties_double_pink = True
if item == "sell_panties_double_red":
$ buy_panties_double = True
$ buy_panties_double_red = True
if item == "sell_panties_laceline_black":
$ buy_panties_laceline = True
$ buy_panties_laceline_black = True
if item == "sell_panties_laceline_grey":
$ buy_panties_laceline = True
$ buy_panties_laceline_grey = True
if item == "sell_panties_ribbon_black":
$ buy_panties_ribbon = True
$ buy_panties_ribbon_black = True
if item == "sell_panties_ribbon_pink":
$ buy_panties_ribbon = True
$ buy_panties_ribbon_pink = True
if item == "sell_panties_ribbon_white":
$ buy_panties_ribbon = True
$ buy_panties_ribbon_white = True
if item == "sell_shorts_jean_black":
$ buy_shorts_jean = True
$ buy_shorts_jean_black = True
if item == "sell_shorts_jean_blue":
$ buy_shorts_jean = True
$ buy_shorts_jean_blue = True
if item == "sell_shorts_jean_green":
$ buy_shorts_jean = True
$ buy_shorts_jean_green = True
if item == "sell_shorts_jean_pink":
$ buy_shorts_jean = True
$ buy_shorts_jean_pink = True
if item == "sell_shorts_jean_white":
$ buy_shorts_jean = True
$ buy_shorts_jean_white = True
if item == "sell_shorts_jean_yellow":
$ buy_shorts_jean = True
$ buy_shorts_jean_yellow = True
if item == "sell_skirt_latex_black":
$ buy_skirt_latex = True
$ buy_skirt_latex_black = True
if item == "sell_skirt_latex_blue":
$ buy_skirt_latex = True
$ buy_skirt_latex_blue = True
if item == "sell_skirt_latex_orange":
$ buy_skirt_latex = True
$ buy_skirt_latex_orange = True
if item == "sell_skirt_latex_pink":
$ buy_skirt_latex = True
$ buy_skirt_latex_pink = True
if item == "sell_skirt_mini_black":
$ buy_skirt_mini = True
$ buy_skirt_mini_black = True
if item == "sell_skirt_mini_green":
$ buy_skirt_mini = True
$ buy_skirt_mini_green = True
if item == "sell_skirt_mini_orange":
$ buy_skirt_mini = True
$ buy_skirt_mini_orange = True
if item == "sell_skirt_mini_pink":
$ buy_skirt_mini = True
$ buy_skirt_mini_pink = True
if item == "sell_skirt_mini_white":
$ buy_skirt_mini = True
$ buy_skirt_mini_white = True
if item == "sell_skirt_school_blue":
$ buy_skirt_school = True
$ buy_skirt_school_blue = True
if item == "sell_skirt_school_green":
$ buy_skirt_school = True
$ buy_skirt_school_green = True
if item == "sell_skirt_school_grey":
$ buy_skirt_school = True
$ buy_skirt_school_grey = True
if item == "sell_skirt_school_pink":
$ buy_skirt_school = True
$ buy_skirt_school_pink = True
if item == "sell_skirt_school_red":
$ buy_skirt_school = True
$ buy_skirt_school_red = True
if item == "sell_skirt_school_white":
$ buy_skirt_school = True
$ buy_skirt_school_white = True
if item == "sell_skirt_short_anthracite":
$ buy_skirt_short = True
$ buy_skirt_short_anthracite = True
if item == "sell_skirt_short_black":
$ buy_skirt_short = True
$ buy_skirt_short_black = True
if item == "sell_skirt_short_brown":
$ buy_skirt_short = True
$ buy_skirt_short_brown = True
if item == "sell_skirt_short_wine":
$ buy_skirt_short = True
$ buy_skirt_short_wine = True
if item == "sell_skirt_side_black":
$ buy_skirt_side = True
$ buy_skirt_side_black = True
if item == "sell_skirt_side_blacktr":
$ buy_skirt_side = True
$ buy_skirt_side_blacktr = True
if item == "sell_skirt_side_pink":
$ buy_skirt_side = True
$ buy_skirt_side_pink = True
if item == "sell_skirt_side_pinktr":
$ buy_skirt_side = True
$ buy_skirt_side_pinktr = True
if item == "sell_stockings_latex_black":
$ buy_stockings_latex = True
$ buy_stockings_latex_black = True
if item == "sell_stockings_latex_blue":
$ buy_stockings_latex = True
$ buy_stockings_latex_blue = True
if item == "sell_stockings_latex_orange":
$ buy_stockings_latex = True
$ buy_stockings_latex_orange = True
if item == "sell_stockings_latex_pink":
$ buy_stockings_latex = True
$ buy_stockings_latex_pink = True
if item == "sell_stockings_mono_dark":
$ buy_stockings_mono = True
$ buy_stockings_mono_dark = True
if item == "sell_stockings_mono_pink":
$ buy_stockings_mono = True
$ buy_stockings_mono_pink = True
if item == "sell_stockings_mono_white":
$ buy_stockings_mono = True
$ buy_stockings_mono_white = True
if item == "sell_stockings_mono_wine":
$ buy_stockings_mono = True
$ buy_stockings_mono_wine = True
if item == "sell_stockings_narrow_anthracite":
$ buy_stockings_narrow = True
$ buy_stockings_narrow_anthracite = True
if item == "sell_stockings_narrow_black":
$ buy_stockings_narrow = True
$ buy_stockings_narrow_black = True
if item == "sell_stockings_narrow_pink":
$ buy_stockings_narrow = True
$ buy_stockings_narrow_pink = True
if item == "sell_stockings_narrow_white":
$ buy_stockings_narrow = True
$ buy_stockings_narrow_white = True
if item == "sell_stockings_net_black":
$ buy_stockings_net = True
$ buy_stockings_net_black = True
if item == "sell_stockings_net_blue":
$ buy_stockings_net = True
$ buy_stockings_net_blue = True
if item == "sell_stockings_net_pink":
$ buy_stockings_net = True
$ buy_stockings_net_pink = True
if item == "sell_stockings_net_white":
$ buy_stockings_net = True
$ buy_stockings_net_white = True
if item == "sell_stockings_stripes_black":
$ buy_stockings_stripes = True
$ buy_stockings_stripes_black = True
if item == "sell_stockings_stripes_blue":
$ buy_stockings_stripes = True
$ buy_stockings_stripes_blue = True
if item == "sell_stockings_stripes_pink":
$ buy_stockings_stripes = True
$ buy_stockings_stripes_pink = True
if item == "sell_stockings_stripes_white":
$ buy_stockings_stripes = True
$ buy_stockings_stripes_white = True
if item == "sell_stockings_transparent_black":
$ buy_stockings_transparent = True
$ buy_stockings_transparent_black = True
if item == "sell_stockings_transparent_brown":
$ buy_stockings_transparent = True
$ buy_stockings_transparent_brown = True
if item == "sell_stockings_transparent_pink":
$ buy_stockings_transparent = True
$ buy_stockings_transparent_pink = True
if item == "sell_stockings_transparent_red":
$ buy_stockings_transparent = True
$ buy_stockings_transparent_red = True
if item == "sell_stockings_transparent_white":
$ buy_stockings_transparent = True
$ buy_stockings_transparent_white = True
if item == "sell_stockings_wide_grey":
$ buy_stockings_wide = True
$ buy_stockings_wide_grey = True
if item == "sell_stockings_wide_pale":
$ buy_stockings_wide = True
$ buy_stockings_wide_pale = True
if item == "sell_stockings_wide_purple":
$ buy_stockings_wide = True
$ buy_stockings_wide_purple = True
if item == "sell_stockings_wide_rainbow":
$ buy_stockings_wide = True
$ buy_stockings_wide_rainbow = True
if item == "sell_tights_hole_dark":
$ buy_tights_hole = True
$ buy_tights_hole_dark = True
if item == "sell_tights_hole_light":
$ buy_tights_hole = True
$ buy_tights_hole_light = True
if item == "sell_tights_hole_pink":
$ buy_tights_hole = True
$ buy_tights_hole_pink = True
if item == "sell_tights_hole_white":
$ buy_tights_hole = True
$ buy_tights_hole_white = True
if item == "sell_trainingbody_short_blue":
$ buy_trainingbody_short = True
$ buy_trainingbody_short_blue = True
if item == "sell_trainingbody_top_turquoise":
$ buy_trainingbody_top = True
$ buy_trainingbody_top_turquoise = True
if item == "sell_traininglegs_stripe_red":
$ buy_traininglegs_stripe = True
$ buy_traininglegs_stripe_red = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_cute_blue":
$ buy_tshirt_cute = True
$ buy_tshirt_cute_blue = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_cute_green":
$ buy_tshirt_cute = True
$ buy_tshirt_cute_green = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_cute_pink":
$ buy_tshirt_cute = True
$ buy_tshirt_cute_pink = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_cute_purple":
$ buy_tshirt_cute = True
$ buy_tshirt_cute_purple = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_knot_black":
$ buy_tshirt_knot = True
$ buy_tshirt_knot_black = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_knot_blue":
$ buy_tshirt_knot = True
$ buy_tshirt_knot_blue = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_knot_pink":
$ buy_tshirt_knot = True
$ buy_tshirt_knot_pink = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_knot_red":
$ buy_tshirt_knot = True
$ buy_tshirt_knot_red = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_knot_white":
$ buy_tshirt_knot = True
$ buy_tshirt_knot_white = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_top_black":
$ buy_tshirt_top = True
$ buy_tshirt_top_black = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_top_blue":
$ buy_tshirt_top = True
$ buy_tshirt_top_blue = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_top_pink":
$ buy_tshirt_top = True
$ buy_tshirt_top_pink = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_top_red":
$ buy_tshirt_top = True
$ buy_tshirt_top_red = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_top_white":
$ buy_tshirt_top = True
$ buy_tshirt_top_white = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_net_black":
$ buy_tshirt_net = True
$ buy_tshirt_net_black = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_net_blue":
$ buy_tshirt_net = True
$ buy_tshirt_net_blue = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_net_pink":
$ buy_tshirt_net = True
$ buy_tshirt_net_pink = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_net_red":
$ buy_tshirt_net = True
$ buy_tshirt_net_red = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_net_white":
$ buy_tshirt_net = True
$ buy_tshirt_net_white = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_transparent_black":
$ buy_tshirt_transparent = True
$ buy_tshirt_transparent_black = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_transparent_blue":
$ buy_tshirt_transparent = True
$ buy_tshirt_transparent_blue = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_transparent_green":
$ buy_tshirt_transparent = True
$ buy_tshirt_transparent_green = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_transparent_pink":
$ buy_tshirt_transparent = True
$ buy_tshirt_transparent_pink = True
if item == "sell_tshirt_transparent_white":
$ buy_tshirt_transparent = True
$ buy_tshirt_transparent_white = True
$ money = money - price
call screen buy_clothes_goups
call screen buy_clothes_goups
screen buy_clothes_goups:
xpos 380 ypos 975
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt light idle.webp"
hover "images/bt light hover.webp"
action [SetVariable("clt_theme", "light")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
xpos 450 ypos 975
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt dark idle.webp"
hover "images/bt dark hover.webp"
action [SetVariable("clt_theme", "dark")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
xalign 0.66 ypos 50
action Jump("buy_clothes_finish")
text _("Finish") style "button_text"
if devmode:
area (.8, .5, 300, .9)
yanchor 0.5
cols 1
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
transpose True
action [SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("stockings", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("outfit", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False),]
text _("Undress ") style "button_text" size 45
action Jump("buy_clothes_finish")
text _("Finish") style "button_text" size 45
action SetVariable("clitsize", "small")
text _("small clit") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("clitsize", "normal")
text _("normal clit") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("clitsize", "big")
text _("big clit") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("clitsize", "big1")
text _("big1 clit") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("blush", True)
text _("blush") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("blush", False)
text _("blush") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "boy"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "m"), SetVariable("eyes", "m"), SetVariable("mouth", "m")]
text _("hair boy") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "pigtails"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "f"), SetVariable("eyes", "f"), SetVariable("mouth", "f")]
text _("hair pigtails") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "short"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "f"), SetVariable("eyes", "f"), SetVariable("mouth", "f")]
text _("hair short") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "braids"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "f"), SetVariable("eyes", "f"), SetVariable("mouth", "f")]
text _("hair braids") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "buns"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "f"), SetVariable("eyes", "f"), SetVariable("mouth", "f")]
text _("hair buns") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "braid"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "f"), SetVariable("eyes", "f"), SetVariable("mouth", "f")]
text _("hair braid") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "tails"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "f"), SetVariable("eyes", "f"), SetVariable("mouth", "f")]
text _("hair tails") style "button_text" size 30
action [SetVariable("hair", "long"), SetVariable("eyebrows", "f"), SetVariable("eyes", "f"), SetVariable("mouth", "f")]
text _("hair long") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("color", "blnd")
text _("color blonde") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("color", "brwn")
text _("color brown") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("color", "blck")
text _("color black") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("color", "red")
text _("color red") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("color", "blue")
text _("color blue") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("color", "pink")
text _("color pink") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("breasts", False)
text _("breasts 0") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("breasts", "a")
text _("breasts a") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("breasts", "b")
text _("breasts b") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("breasts", "c")
text _("breasts c") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("breasts", "d")
text _("breasts d") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("body", "m")
text _("body m") style "button_text" size 30
action SetVariable("body", "f")
text _("body f") style "button_text" size 30
action Jump("give_clothes")
text _("buy all clothes") style "button_text" size 30
area (.02, .5, 155, .9)
yanchor 0.5
cols 1
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
transpose True
if buy_clothes_mask:
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_mask
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_mask_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_mask_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_mask_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_mask_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_choker
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_choker_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_choker_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_choker_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_choker_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_bra
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_bra_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_bra_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_bra_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_bra_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_panties
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_panties_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_panties_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_panties_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_panties_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
if buy_clothes_nightie:
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_nightie
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_nightie_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_nightie_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_nightie_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_nightie_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_garter
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_garter_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_garter_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_garter_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_garter_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
if buy_clothes_corset:
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_corset
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_corset_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_corset_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_corset_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_corset_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_stockings
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_stockings_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_stockings_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_stockings_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_stockings_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_tshirt
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_tshirt_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_tshirt_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_tshirt_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_tshirt_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_skirt
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_skirt_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_skirt_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_skirt_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_skirt_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_shorts
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_shorts_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_shorts_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_shorts_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_shorts_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_dress
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_dress_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_dress_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_dress_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_dress_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_dress"), Hide("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
imagebutton: #buy_clothes_training
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_clothes_group_training_idle.webp"
hover "images/bt_clothes_group_training_hover.webp"
selected_idle "images/bt_clothes_group_training_selected.webp"
selected_hover "images/bt_clothes_group_training_selected.webp"
action [Hide("buy_choose_clothes"), Hide("buy_clothes_mask"), Hide("buy_clothes_choker"), Hide("buy_clothes_bra"), Hide("buy_clothes_panties"), Hide("buy_clothes_nightie"), Hide("buy_clothes_garter"), Hide("buy_clothes_corset"), Hide("buy_clothes_stockings"), Hide("buy_clothes_tshirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_skirt"), Hide("buy_clothes_shorts"), Hide("buy_clothes_dress"), ToggleScreen("buy_clothes_training")]
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
screen buy_clothes_mask:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
screen buy_clothes_choker:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_choker_neat:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker neat idle.webp"
hover "images/bt choker neat hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "choker_neat")]
if sell_choker_wide:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker wide idle.webp"
hover "images/bt choker wide hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "choker_wide")]
if sell_choker_stripe:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker stripe idle.webp"
hover "images/bt choker stripe hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "choker_stripe")]
if sell_choker_text:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker text idle.webp"
hover "images/bt choker text hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "choker_text")]
if sell_choker_heart:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker heart idle.webp"
hover "images/bt choker heart hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "choker_heart")]
screen buy_clothes_bra:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_bra_bow:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra bow idle.webp"
hover "images/bt bra bow hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "bra_bow")]
if sell_bra_crotchless:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra crotchless idle.webp"
hover "images/bt bra crotchless hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "bra_crotchless")]
if sell_bra_open:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra open idle.webp"
hover "images/bt bra open hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "bra_open")]
if sell_bra_tape:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra tape idle.webp"
hover "images/bt bra tape hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "bra_tape")]
screen buy_clothes_panties:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_panties_dots:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties dots idle.webp"
hover "images/bt panties dots hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "panties_dots")]
if sell_panties_laceline:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties laceline idle.webp"
hover "images/bt panties laceline hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "panties_laceline")]
if sell_panties_crotchless:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties crotchless idle.webp"
hover "images/bt panties crotchless hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "panties_crotchless")]
if sell_panties_bow:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties bow idle.webp"
hover "images/bt panties bow hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "panties_bow")]
if sell_panties_double:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties double idle.webp"
hover "images/bt panties double hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "panties_double")]
if sell_panties_ribbon:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties ribbon idle.webp"
hover "images/bt panties ribbon hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "panties_ribbon")]
screen buy_clothes_nightie:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
screen buy_clothes_garter:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_garter_leopard:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter leopard idle.webp"
hover "images/bt garter leopard hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "garter_leopard")]
if sell_garter_transparent:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter transparent idle.webp"
hover "images/bt garter transparent hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "garter_transparent")]
screen buy_clothes_corset:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
screen buy_clothes_stockings:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_stockings_net:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings net idle.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings net hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "stockings_net")]
if sell_stockings_stripes:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings stripes idle.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings stripes hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "stockings_stripes")]
if sell_stockings_wide:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings wide idle.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings wide hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "stockings_wide")]
if sell_stockings_latex:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings latex idle.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings latex hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "stockings_latex")]
if sell_stockings_narrow:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings narrow idle.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings narrow hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "stockings_narrow")]
if sell_stockings_mono:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings mono idle.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings mono hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "stockings_mono")]
if sell_stockings_transparent:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings transparent idle.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings transparent hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "stockings_transparent")]
if sell_tights_hole:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tights hole idle.webp"
hover "images/bt tights hole hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "tights_hole")]
screen buy_clothes_tshirt:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_tshirt_cute:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt cute idle.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt cute hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "tshirt_cute")]
if sell_tshirt_transparent:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt transparent idle.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt transparent hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "tshirt_transparent")]
if sell_tshirt_top:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt top idle.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt top hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "tshirt_top")]
if sell_tshirt_net:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt net idle.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt net hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "tshirt_net")]
if sell_tshirt_knot:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt knot idle.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt knot hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "tshirt_knot")]
screen buy_clothes_skirt:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_skirt_school:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt school idle.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt school hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "skirt_school")]
if sell_skirt_mini:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt mini idle.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt mini hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "skirt_mini")]
if sell_skirt_short:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt short idle.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt short hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "skirt_short")]
if sell_skirt_latex:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt latex idle.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt latex hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "skirt_latex")]
if sell_skirt_side:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt side idle.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt side hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "skirt_side")]
screen buy_clothes_shorts:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_shorts_jean:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt shorts jean idle.webp"
hover "images/bt shorts jean hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "shorts_jean")]
screen buy_clothes_dress:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_dress_street:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt dress street idle.webp"
hover "images/bt dress street hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "dress_street")]
if sell_dress_maid:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt dress maid idle.webp"
hover "images/bt dress maid hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "dress_maid")]
screen buy_clothes_training:
area (.1, .05, 155, .9)
cols 1
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if sell_trainingbody_top:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt trainingbody top idle.webp"
hover "images/bt trainingbody top hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "training_top")]
if sell_trainingbody_short:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt trainingbody short idle.webp"
hover "images/bt trainingbody short hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "training_short")]
if sell_traininglegs_stripe:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt traininglegs stripe idle.webp"
hover "images/bt traininglegs stripe hover.webp"
activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
action [Show("buy_choose_clothes"), SetVariable("buy_choose_clothes", "training_stripe")]
screen buy_choose_clothes:
area (.68, .05, 580, .9)
cols 2
allow_underfull True
spacing 0
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
side_xalign 0
if buy_choose_clothes == "choker_neat":
if sell_choker_neat_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker neat pink.webp"
hover "images/bt choker neat pink.webp"
if choker == "neat pink":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_neat_pink:
action [SetVariable("choker", "neat pink")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_neat_pink"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_neat_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker neat blue.webp"
hover "images/bt choker neat blue.webp"
if choker == "neat blue":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_neat_blue:
action [SetVariable("choker", "neat blue")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_neat_blue"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_neat_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker neat white.webp"
hover "images/bt choker neat white.webp"
if choker == "neat white":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_neat_white:
action [SetVariable("choker", "neat white")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_neat_white"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_neat_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker neat red.webp"
hover "images/bt choker neat red.webp"
if choker == "neat red":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_neat_red:
action [SetVariable("choker", "neat red")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_neat_red"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_neat_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker neat black.webp"
hover "images/bt choker neat black.webp"
if choker == "neat black":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_neat_black:
action [SetVariable("choker", "neat black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_neat_black"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "choker_wide":
if sell_choker_wide_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker wide pink.webp"
hover "images/bt choker wide pink.webp"
if choker == "wide pink":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_wide_pink:
action [SetVariable("choker", "wide pink")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_wide_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_wide_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker wide blue.webp"
hover "images/bt choker wide blue.webp"
if choker == "wide blue":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_wide_blue:
action [SetVariable("choker", "wide blue")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_wide_blue"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_wide_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker wide white.webp"
hover "images/bt choker wide white.webp"
if choker == "wide white":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_wide_white:
action [SetVariable("choker", "wide white")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_wide_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_wide_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker wide red.webp"
hover "images/bt choker wide red.webp"
if choker == "wide red":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_wide_red:
action [SetVariable("choker", "wide red")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_wide_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_wide_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker wide black.webp"
hover "images/bt choker wide black.webp"
if choker == "wide black":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_wide_black:
action [SetVariable("choker", "wide black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_wide_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "choker_stripe":
if sell_choker_stripe_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker stripe pink.webp"
hover "images/bt choker stripe pink.webp"
if choker == "stripe pink":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_stripe_pink:
action [SetVariable("choker", "stripe pink")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_stripe_pink"), SetVariable("price", 15), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_stripe_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker stripe blue.webp"
hover "images/bt choker stripe blue.webp"
if choker == "stripe blue":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_stripe_blue:
action [SetVariable("choker", "stripe blue")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_stripe_blue"), SetVariable("price", 15), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_stripe_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker stripe white.webp"
hover "images/bt choker stripe white.webp"
if choker == "stripe white":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_stripe_white:
action [SetVariable("choker", "stripe white")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_stripe_white"), SetVariable("price", 15), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_stripe_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker stripe red.webp"
hover "images/bt choker stripe red.webp"
if choker == "stripe red":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_stripe_red:
action [SetVariable("choker", "stripe red")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_stripe_red"), SetVariable("price", 15), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_stripe_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker stripe black.webp"
hover "images/bt choker stripe black.webp"
if choker == "stripe black":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_stripe_black:
action [SetVariable("choker", "stripe black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_stripe_black"), SetVariable("price", 15), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "choker_text":
if sell_choker_text_sexy:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker text sexy.webp"
hover "images/bt choker text sexy.webp"
if choker == "text sexy":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_text_sexy:
action [SetVariable("choker", "text sexy")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_text_sexy"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_text_slut:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker text slut.webp"
hover "images/bt choker text slut.webp"
if choker == "text slut":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_text_slut:
action [SetVariable("choker", "text slut")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_text_slut"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_text_sissy:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker text sissy.webp"
hover "images/bt choker text sissy.webp"
if choker == "text sissy":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_text_sissy:
action [SetVariable("choker", "text sissy")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_text_sissy"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_text_cumslut:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker text cumslut.webp"
hover "images/bt choker text cumslut.webp"
if choker == "text cumslut":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_text_cumslut:
action [SetVariable("choker", "text cumslut")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_text_cumslut"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "choker_heart":
if sell_choker_heart_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker heart pink.webp"
hover "images/bt choker heart pink.webp"
if choker == "heart pink":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_heart_pink:
action [SetVariable("choker", "heart pink")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_heart_pink"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_heart_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker heart blue.webp"
hover "images/bt choker heart blue.webp"
if choker == "heart blue":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_heart_blue:
action [SetVariable("choker", "heart blue")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_heart_blue"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_heart_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker heart white.webp"
hover "images/bt choker heart white.webp"
if choker == "heart white":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_heart_white:
action [SetVariable("choker", "heart white")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_heart_white"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_heart_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker heart red.webp"
hover "images/bt choker heart red.webp"
if choker == "heart red":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_heart_red:
action [SetVariable("choker", "heart red")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_heart_red"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_choker_heart_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt choker heart black.webp"
hover "images/bt choker heart black.webp"
if choker == "heart black":
action SetVariable("choker", False)
elif buy_choker_heart_black:
action [SetVariable("choker", "heart black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_choker_heart_black"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "bra_bow":
if sell_bra_bow_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra bow pink.webp"
hover "images/bt bra bow pink.webp"
if bra == "bow pink":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_bow_pink:
action [SetVariable("bra", "bow pink"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_bow_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_bow_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra bow white.webp"
hover "images/bt bra bow white.webp"
if bra == "bow white":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_bow_white:
action [SetVariable("bra", "bow white"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_bow_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_bow_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra bow blue.webp"
hover "images/bt bra bow blue.webp"
if bra == "bow blue":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_bow_blue:
action [SetVariable("bra", "bow blue"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_bow_blue"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_bow_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra bow black.webp"
hover "images/bt bra bow black.webp"
if bra == "bow black":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_bow_black:
action [SetVariable("bra", "bow black"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_bow_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_bow_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra bow red.webp"
hover "images/bt bra bow red.webp"
if bra == "bow red":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_bow_red:
action [SetVariable("bra", "bow red"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_bow_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "bra_crotchless":
if sell_bra_crotchless_wine:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra crotchless wine.webp"
hover "images/bt bra crotchless wine.webp"
if bra == "crotchless wine":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_crotchless_wine:
action [SetVariable("bra", "crotchless wine"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_crotchless_wine"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_crotchless_aqua:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra crotchless aqua.webp"
hover "images/bt bra crotchless aqua.webp"
if bra == "crotchless aqua":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_crotchless_aqua:
action [SetVariable("bra", "crotchless aqua"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_crotchless_aqua"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_crotchless_blush:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra crotchless blush.webp"
hover "images/bt bra crotchless blush.webp"
if bra == "crotchless blush":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_crotchless_blush:
action [SetVariable("bra", "crotchless blush"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_crotchless_blush"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_crotchless_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra crotchless black.webp"
hover "images/bt bra crotchless black.webp"
if bra == "crotchless black":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_crotchless_black:
action [SetVariable("bra", "crotchless black"), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_crotchless_black"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "bra_open":
if sell_bra_open_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra open pink.webp"
hover "images/bt bra open pink.webp"
if bra == "open pink":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_open_pink:
action [SetVariable("bra", "open pink")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_open_pink"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_open_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra open white.webp"
hover "images/bt bra open white.webp"
if bra == "open white":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_open_white:
action [SetVariable("bra", "open white")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_open_white"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_open_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra open black.webp"
hover "images/bt bra open black.webp"
if bra == "open black":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_open_black:
action [SetVariable("bra", "open black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_open_black"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "bra_tape":
if sell_bra_tape_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra tape pink.webp"
hover "images/bt bra tape pink.webp"
if bra == "tape pink":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_tape_pink:
action [SetVariable("bra", "tape pink")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_tape_pink"), SetVariable("price", 10), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_tape_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra tape blue.webp"
hover "images/bt bra tape blue.webp"
if bra == "tape blue":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_tape_blue:
action [SetVariable("bra", "tape blue")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_tape_blue"), SetVariable("price", 10), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_bra_tape_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt bra tape black.webp"
hover "images/bt bra tape black.webp"
if bra == "tape black":
action SetVariable("bra", False)
elif buy_bra_tape_black:
action [SetVariable("bra", "tape black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_bra_tape_black"), SetVariable("price", 10), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "panties_dots":
if sell_panties_dots_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties dots pink.webp"
hover "images/bt panties dots pink.webp"
if panties == "dots pink":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_dots_pink:
action [SetVariable("panties", "dots pink"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_dots_pink"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "panties_laceline":
if sell_panties_laceline_grey:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties laceline grey.webp"
hover "images/bt panties laceline grey.webp"
if panties == "laceline grey":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_laceline_grey:
action [SetVariable("panties", "laceline grey"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_laceline_grey"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_laceline_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties laceline black.webp"
hover "images/bt panties laceline black.webp"
if panties == "laceline black":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_laceline_black:
action [SetVariable("panties", "laceline black"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_laceline_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "panties_crotchless":
if sell_panties_crotchless_aqua:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties crotchless aqua.webp"
hover "images/bt panties crotchless aqua.webp"
if panties == "crotchless aqua":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_crotchless_aqua:
action [SetVariable("panties", "crotchless aqua"), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_crotchless_aqua"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_crotchless_blush:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties crotchless blush.webp"
hover "images/bt panties crotchless blush.webp"
if panties == "crotchless blush":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_crotchless_blush:
action [SetVariable("panties", "crotchless blush"), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_crotchless_blush"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_crotchless_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties crotchless black.webp"
hover "images/bt panties crotchless black.webp"
if panties == "crotchless black":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_crotchless_black:
action [SetVariable("panties", "crotchless black"), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_crotchless_black"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_crotchless_wine:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties crotchless wine.webp"
hover "images/bt panties crotchless wine.webp"
if panties == "crotchless wine":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_crotchless_wine:
action [SetVariable("panties", "crotchless wine"), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_crotchless_wine"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "panties_bow":
if sell_panties_bow_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties bow pink.webp"
hover "images/bt panties bow pink.webp"
if panties == "bow pink":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_bow_pink:
action [SetVariable("panties", "bow pink"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_bow_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_bow_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties bow white.webp"
hover "images/bt panties bow white.webp"
if panties == "bow white":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_bow_white:
action [SetVariable("panties", "bow white"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_bow_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_bow_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties bow blue.webp"
hover "images/bt panties bow blue.webp"
if panties == "bow blue":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_bow_blue:
action [SetVariable("panties", "bow blue"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_bow_blue"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_bow_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties bow black.webp"
hover "images/bt panties bow black.webp"
if panties == "bow black":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_bow_black:
action [SetVariable("panties", "bow black"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_bow_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_bow_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties bow red.webp"
hover "images/bt panties bow red.webp"
if panties == "bow red":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_bow_red:
action [SetVariable("panties", "bow red"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_bow_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "panties_double":
if sell_panties_double_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties double pink.webp"
hover "images/bt panties double pink.webp"
if panties == "double pink":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_double_pink:
action [SetVariable("panties", "double pink"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_double_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_double_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties double blue.webp"
hover "images/bt panties double blue.webp"
if panties == "double blue":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_double_blue:
action [SetVariable("panties", "double blue"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_double_blue"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_double_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties double black.webp"
hover "images/bt panties double black.webp"
if panties == "double black":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_double_black:
action [SetVariable("panties", "double black"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_double_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_double_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties double red.webp"
hover "images/bt panties double red.webp"
if panties == "double red":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_double_red:
action [SetVariable("panties", "double red"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_double_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "panties_ribbon":
if sell_panties_ribbon_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties ribbon pink.webp"
hover "images/bt panties ribbon pink.webp"
if panties == "ribbon pink":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_ribbon_pink:
action [SetVariable("panties", "ribbon pink"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_ribbon_pink"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_ribbon_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties ribbon white.webp"
hover "images/bt panties ribbon white.webp"
if panties == "ribbon white":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_ribbon_white:
action [SetVariable("panties", "ribbon white"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_ribbon_white"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_panties_ribbon_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt panties ribbon black.webp"
hover "images/bt panties ribbon black.webp"
if panties == "ribbon black":
action [SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_panties_ribbon_black:
action [SetVariable("panties", "ribbon black"), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_panties_ribbon_black"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "stockings_net":
if sell_stockings_net_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings net pink.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings net pink.webp"
if stockings == "net pink":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_net_pink:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "net pink"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_net_pink"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_net_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings net blue.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings net blue.webp"
if stockings == "net blue":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_net_blue:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "net blue"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_net_blue"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_net_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings net black.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings net black.webp"
if stockings == "net black":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_net_black:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "net black"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_net_black"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_net_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings net white.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings net white.webp"
if stockings == "net white":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_net_white:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "net white"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_net_white"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "stockings_stripes":
if sell_stockings_stripes_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings stripes blue.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings stripes blue.webp"
if stockings == "stripes blue":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_stripes_blue:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "stripes blue"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_stripes_blue"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_stripes_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings stripes black.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings stripes black.webp"
if stockings == "stripes black":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_stripes_black:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "stripes black"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_stripes_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_stripes_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings stripes pink.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings stripes pink.webp"
if stockings == "stripes pink":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_stripes_pink:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "stripes pink"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_stripes_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_stripes_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings stripes white.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings stripes white.webp"
if stockings == "stripes white":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_stripes_white:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "stripes white"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_stripes_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "stockings_wide":
if sell_stockings_wide_purple:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings wide purple.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings wide purple.webp"
if stockings == "wide purple":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_wide_purple:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "wide purple"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_wide_purple"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_wide_pale:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings wide pale.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings wide pale.webp"
if stockings == "wide pale":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_wide_pale:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "wide pale"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_wide_pale"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_wide_grey:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings wide grey.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings wide grey.webp"
if stockings == "wide grey":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_wide_grey:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "wide grey"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_wide_grey"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_wide_rainbow:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings wide rainbow.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings wide rainbow.webp"
if stockings == "wide rainbow":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_wide_rainbow:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "wide rainbow"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_wide_rainbow"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "stockings_latex":
if sell_stockings_latex_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings latex black.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings latex black.webp"
if stockings == "latex black":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_latex_black:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "latex black"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_latex_black"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_latex_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings latex pink.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings latex pink.webp"
if stockings == "latex pink":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_latex_pink:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "latex pink"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_latex_pink"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_latex_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings latex blue.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings latex blue.webp"
if stockings == "latex blue":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_latex_blue:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "latex blue"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_latex_blue"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_latex_orange:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings latex orange.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings latex orange.webp"
if stockings == "latex orange":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_latex_orange:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "latex orange"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_latex_orange"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "stockings_narrow":
if sell_stockings_narrow_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings narrow pink.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings narrow pink.webp"
if stockings == "narrow pink":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_narrow_pink:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "narrow pink"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_narrow_pink"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_narrow_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings narrow black.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings narrow black.webp"
if stockings == "narrow black":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_narrow_black:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "narrow black"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_narrow_black"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_narrow_anthracite:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings narrow anthracite.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings narrow anthracite.webp"
if stockings == "narrow anthracite":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_narrow_anthracite:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "narrow anthracite"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_narrow_anthracite"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_narrow_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings narrow white.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings narrow white.webp"
if stockings == "narrow white":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_narrow_white:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "narrow white"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_narrow_white"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "stockings_mono":
if sell_stockings_mono_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings mono pink.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings mono pink.webp"
if stockings == "mono pink":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_mono_pink:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "mono pink"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_mono_pink"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_mono_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings mono white.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings mono white.webp"
if stockings == "mono white":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_mono_white:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "mono white"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_mono_white"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_mono_dark:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings mono dark.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings mono dark.webp"
if stockings == "mono dark":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_mono_dark:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "mono dark"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_mono_dark"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_mono_wine:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings mono wine.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings mono wine.webp"
if stockings == "mono wine":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_mono_wine:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "mono wine"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_mono_wine"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "stockings_transparent":
if sell_stockings_transparent_brown:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings transparent brown.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings transparent brown.webp"
if stockings == "transparent brown":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_transparent_brown:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "transparent brown"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_transparent_brown"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_transparent_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings transparent pink.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings transparent pink.webp"
if stockings == "transparent pink":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_transparent_pink:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "transparent pink"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_transparent_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_transparent_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings transparent red.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings transparent red.webp"
if stockings == "transparent red":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_transparent_red:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "transparent red"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_transparent_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_transparent_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings transparent white.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings transparent white.webp"
if stockings == "transparent white":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_transparent_white:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "transparent white"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_transparent_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_stockings_transparent_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt stockings transparent black.webp"
hover "images/bt stockings transparent black.webp"
if stockings == "transparent black":
action SetVariable("stockings", False)
elif buy_stockings_transparent_black:
action [SetVariable("stockings", "transparent black"), SetVariable("tights", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_stockings_transparent_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "garter_leopard":
if sell_garter_leopard_grey:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter leopard grey.webp"
hover "images/bt garter leopard grey.webp"
if garter == "leopard grey":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_leopard_grey:
action [SetVariable("garter", "leopard grey")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_leopard_grey"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_garter_leopard_brown:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter leopard brown.webp"
hover "images/bt garter leopard brown.webp"
if garter == "leopard brown":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_leopard_brown:
action [SetVariable("garter", "leopard brown")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_leopard_brown"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_garter_leopard_wine:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter leopard wine.webp"
hover "images/bt garter leopard wine.webp"
if garter == "leopard wine":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_leopard_wine:
action [SetVariable("garter", "leopard wine")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_leopard_wine"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_garter_leopard_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter leopard black.webp"
hover "images/bt garter leopard black.webp"
if garter == "leopard black":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_leopard_black:
action [SetVariable("garter", "leopard black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_leopard_black"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "garter_transparent":
if sell_garter_transparent_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter transparent white.webp"
hover "images/bt garter transparent white.webp"
if garter == "transparent white":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_transparent_white:
action [SetVariable("garter", "transparent white")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_transparent_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_garter_transparent_brown:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter transparent brown.webp"
hover "images/bt garter transparent brown.webp"
if garter == "transparent brown":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_transparent_brown:
action [SetVariable("garter", "transparent brown")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_transparent_brown"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_garter_transparent_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter transparent red.webp"
hover "images/bt garter transparent red.webp"
if garter == "transparent red":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_transparent_red:
action [SetVariable("garter", "transparent red")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_transparent_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_garter_transparent_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt garter transparent black.webp"
hover "images/bt garter transparent black.webp"
if garter == "transparent black":
action SetVariable("garter", False)
elif buy_garter_transparent_black:
action [SetVariable("garter", "transparent black")]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_garter_transparent_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "tights_hole":
if sell_tights_hole_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tights hole pink.webp"
hover "images/bt tights hole pink.webp"
if tights == "hole pink":
action SetVariable("tights", False)
elif buy_tights_hole_pink:
action [SetVariable("tights", "hole pink"), SetVariable("stockings", False), SetVariable("garter", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tights_hole_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tights_hole_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tights hole white.webp"
hover "images/bt tights hole white.webp"
if tights == "hole white":
action SetVariable("tights", False)
elif buy_tights_hole_white:
action [SetVariable("tights", "hole white"), SetVariable("stockings", False), SetVariable("garter", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tights_hole_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tights_hole_dark:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tights hole dark.webp"
hover "images/bt tights hole dark.webp"
if tights == "hole dark":
action SetVariable("tights", False)
elif buy_tights_hole_dark:
action [SetVariable("tights", "hole dark"), SetVariable("stockings", False), SetVariable("garter", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tights_hole_dark"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tights_hole_light:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tights hole light.webp"
hover "images/bt tights hole light.webp"
if tights == "hole light":
action SetVariable("tights", False)
elif buy_tights_hole_light:
action [SetVariable("tights", "hole light"), SetVariable("stockings", False), SetVariable("garter", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tights_hole_light"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "skirt_school":
if sell_skirt_school_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt school pink.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt school pink.webp"
if skirt == "school pink":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_school_pink:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "school pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_school_pink"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_school_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt school white.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt school white.webp"
if skirt == "school white":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_school_white:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "school white"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_school_white"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_school_green:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt school green.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt school green.webp"
if skirt == "school green":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_school_green:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "school green"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_school_green"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_school_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt school blue.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt school blue.webp"
if skirt == "school blue":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_school_blue:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "school blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_school_blue"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_school_grey:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt school grey.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt school grey.webp"
if skirt == "school grey":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_school_grey:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "school grey"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_school_grey"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_school_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt school red.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt school red.webp"
if skirt == "school red":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_school_red:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "school red"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_school_red"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "skirt_mini":
if sell_skirt_mini_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt mini pink.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt mini pink.webp"
if skirt == "mini pink":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_mini_pink:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "mini pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_mini_pink"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_mini_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt mini white.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt mini white.webp"
if skirt == "mini white":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_mini_white:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "mini white"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_mini_white"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_mini_green:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt mini green.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt mini green.webp"
if skirt == "mini green":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_mini_green:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "mini green"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_mini_green"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_mini_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt mini black.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt mini black.webp"
if skirt == "mini black":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_mini_black:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "mini black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_mini_black"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_mini_orange:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt mini orange.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt mini orange.webp"
if skirt == "mini orange":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_mini_orange:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "mini orange"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_mini_orange"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "skirt_short":
if sell_skirt_short_brown:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt short brown.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt short brown.webp"
if skirt == "short brown":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_short_brown:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "short brown"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_short_brown"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_short_wine:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt short wine.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt short wine.webp"
if skirt == "short wine":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_short_wine:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "short wine"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_short_wine"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_short_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt short black.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt short black.webp"
if skirt == "short black":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_short_black:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "short black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_short_black"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_short_anthracite:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt short anthracite.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt short anthracite.webp"
if skirt == "short anthracite":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_short_anthracite:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "short anthracite"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_short_anthracite"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "skirt_latex":
if sell_skirt_latex_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt latex pink.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt latex pink.webp"
if skirt == "latex pink":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_latex_pink:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "latex pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_latex_pink"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_latex_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt latex blue.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt latex blue.webp"
if skirt == "latex blue":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_latex_blue:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "latex blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_latex_blue"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_latex_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt latex black.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt latex black.webp"
if skirt == "latex black":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_latex_black:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "latex black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_latex_black"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_latex_orange:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt latex orange.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt latex orange.webp"
if skirt == "latex orange":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_latex_orange:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "latex orange"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_latex_orange"), SetVariable("price", 45), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "skirt_side":
if sell_skirt_side_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt side pink.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt side pink.webp"
if skirt == "side pink":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_side_pink:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "side pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_side_pink"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_side_pinktr:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt side pinktr.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt side pinktr.webp"
if skirt == "side pinktr":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_side_pinktr:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "side pinktr"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_side_pinktr"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_side_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt side black.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt side black.webp"
if skirt == "side black":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_side_black:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "side black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_side_black"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_skirt_side_blacktr:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt skirt side blacktr.webp"
hover "images/bt skirt side blacktr.webp"
if skirt == "side blacktr":
action SetVariable("skirt", False)
elif buy_skirt_side_blacktr:
action [SetVariable("skirt", "side blacktr"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_skirt_side_blacktr"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "shorts_jean":
if sell_shorts_jean_green:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt shorts jean green.webp"
hover "images/bt shorts jean green.webp"
if shorts == "jean green":
action [SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_shorts_jean_green:
action [SetVariable("shorts", "jean green"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_shorts_jean_green"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_shorts_jean_yellow:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt shorts jean yellow.webp"
hover "images/bt shorts jean yellow.webp"
if shorts == "jean yellow":
action [SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_shorts_jean_yellow:
action [SetVariable("shorts", "jean yellow"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_shorts_jean_yellow"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_shorts_jean_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt shorts jean pink.webp"
hover "images/bt shorts jean pink.webp"
if shorts == "jean pink":
action [SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_shorts_jean_pink:
action [SetVariable("shorts", "jean pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_shorts_jean_pink"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_shorts_jean_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt shorts jean white.webp"
hover "images/bt shorts jean white.webp"
if shorts == "jean white":
action [SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_shorts_jean_pink:
action [SetVariable("shorts", "jean white"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_shorts_jean_pink"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_shorts_jean_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt shorts jean black.webp"
hover "images/bt shorts jean black.webp"
if shorts == "jean black":
action [SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_shorts_jean_black:
action [SetVariable("shorts", "jean black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_shorts_jean_black"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_shorts_jean_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt shorts jean blue.webp"
hover "images/bt shorts jean blue.webp"
if shorts == "jean blue":
action [SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_shorts_jean_blue:
action [SetVariable("shorts", "jean blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True), SetVariable("traininglegs", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_shorts_jean_blue"), SetVariable("price", 35), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "training_stripe":
if sell_traininglegs_stripe_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt traininglegs stripe red.webp"
hover "images/bt traininglegs stripe red.webp"
if traininglegs == "stripe red":
action [SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_traininglegs_stripe_red:
action [SetVariable("traininglegs", "stripe red"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("pants", False), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("tights", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("hideclit", True)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_traininglegs_stripe_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "training_top":
if sell_trainingbody_top_turquoise:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt trainingbody top turquoise.webp"
hover "images/bt trainingbody top turquoise.webp"
if trainingbody == "top turquoise":
action SetVariable("trainingbody", False)
elif buy_trainingbody_top_turquoise:
action [SetVariable("trainingbody", "top turquoise"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_trainingbody_top_turquoise"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "training_short":
if sell_trainingbody_short_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt trainingbody short blue.webp"
hover "images/bt trainingbody short blue.webp"
if trainingbody == "short blue":
action SetVariable("trainingbody", False)
elif buy_trainingbody_short_blue:
action [SetVariable("trainingbody", "short blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_trainingbody_short_blue"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "tshirt_net":
if sell_tshirt_net_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt net white.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt net white.webp"
if tshirt1 == "net white":
action SetVariable("tshirt1", False)
elif buy_tshirt_net_white:
action [SetVariable("tshirt1", "net white"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_net_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_net_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt net pink.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt net pink.webp"
if tshirt1 == "net pink":
action SetVariable("tshirt1", False)
elif buy_tshirt_net_pink:
action [SetVariable("tshirt1", "net pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_net_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_net_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt net blue.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt net blue.webp"
if tshirt1 == "net blue":
action SetVariable("tshirt1", False)
elif buy_tshirt_net_blue:
action [SetVariable("tshirt1", "net blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_net_blue"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_net_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt net red.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt net red.webp"
if tshirt1 == "net red":
action SetVariable("tshirt1", False)
elif buy_tshirt_net_red:
action [SetVariable("tshirt1", "net red"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_net_red"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_net_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt net black.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt net black.webp"
if tshirt1 == "net black":
action SetVariable("tshirt1", False)
elif buy_tshirt_net_black:
action [SetVariable("tshirt1", "net black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_net_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "tshirt_knot":
if sell_tshirt_knot_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt knot white.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt knot white.webp"
if tshirt == "knot white":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_knot_white:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "knot white"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_knot_white"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_knot_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt knot pink.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt knot pink.webp"
if tshirt == "knot pink":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_knot_pink:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "knot pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_knot_pink"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_knot_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt knot blue.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt knot blue.webp"
if tshirt == "knot blue":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_knot_blue:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "knot blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_knot_blue"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_knot_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt knot red.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt knot red.webp"
if tshirt == "knot red":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_knot_red:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "knot red"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_knot_red"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_knot_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt knot black.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt knot black.webp"
if tshirt == "knot black":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_knot_black:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "knot black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_knot_black"), SetVariable("price", 40), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "tshirt_top":
if sell_tshirt_top_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt top white.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt top white.webp"
if tshirt == "top white":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_top_white:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "top white"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_top_white"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_top_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt top pink.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt top pink.webp"
if tshirt == "top pink":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_top_pink:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "top pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_top_pink"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_top_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt top blue.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt top blue.webp"
if tshirt == "top blue":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_top_blue:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "top blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_top_blue"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_top_red:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt top red.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt top red.webp"
if tshirt == "top red":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_top_red:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "top red"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_top_red"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_top_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt top black.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt top black.webp"
if tshirt == "top black":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_top_black:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "top black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_top_black"), SetVariable("price", 30), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "tshirt_transparent":
if sell_tshirt_transparent_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt transparent pink.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt transparent pink.webp"
if tshirt == "transparent pink":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_transparent_pink:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "transparent pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_transparent_pink"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_transparent_white:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt transparent white.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt transparent white.webp"
if tshirt == "transparent white":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_transparent_white:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "transparent white"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_transparent_white"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_transparent_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt transparent blue.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt transparent blue.webp"
if tshirt == "transparent blue":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_transparent_blue:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "transparent blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_transparent_blue"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_transparent_green:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt transparent green.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt transparent green.webp"
if tshirt == "transparent green":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_transparent_green:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "transparent green"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_transparent_green"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_transparent_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt transparent black.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt transparent black.webp"
if tshirt == "transparent black":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_transparent_black:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "transparent black"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_transparent_black"), SetVariable("price", 25), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "tshirt_cute":
if sell_tshirt_cute_purple:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt cute purple.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt cute purple.webp"
if tshirt == "cute purple":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_cute_purple:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "cute purple"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_cute_purple"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_cute_green:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt cute green.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt cute green.webp"
if tshirt == "cute green":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_cute_green:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "cute green"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_cute_green"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_cute_blue:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt cute blue.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt cute blue.webp"
if tshirt == "cute blue":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_cute_blue:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "cute blue"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_cute_blue"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if sell_tshirt_cute_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt tshirt cute pink.webp"
hover "images/bt tshirt cute pink.webp"
if tshirt == "cute pink":
action SetVariable("tshirt", False)
elif buy_tshirt_cute_pink:
action [SetVariable("tshirt", "cute pink"), SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_tshirt_cute_pink"), SetVariable("price", 20), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "dress_street":
if sell_dress_street_pink:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt dress street pink.webp"
hover "images/bt dress street pink.webp"
if dress == "street pink":
action [SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_dress_street_pink:
action [SetVariable("dress", "street pink"), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("choker", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_dress_street_pink"), SetVariable("price", 0), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
if buy_choose_clothes == "dress_maid":
if sell_dress_maid_black:
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt dress maid black.webp"
hover "images/bt dress maid black.webp"
if dress == "maid black":
action [SetVariable("dress", False), SetVariable("hideclit", False)]
elif buy_dress_maid_black:
action [SetVariable("dress", "maid black"), SetVariable("panties", False), SetVariable("tshirt", False), SetVariable("tshirt1", False), SetVariable("bra", False), SetVariable("shorts", False), SetVariable("trainingbody", False), SetVariable("traininglegs", False), SetVariable("skirt", False), SetVariable("choker", False)]
action [SetVariable("item", "sell_dress_maid_black"), SetVariable("price", 50), Jump("buy_clothes_item")]
screen ui_shop:
text _("Money: $[money]"):
xpos 380 ypos 70
# imagebutton:
# xpos 580 ypos 975
# focus_mask True
# idle "images/bt light idle.webp"
# hover "images/bt light hover.webp"
# action [Jump("unlock_clothes")]
# activate_sound "sound/bt.ogg"
label paydayregular:
"You wake up from the knock at your door."
#play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
pause 1.
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
show char_alex t
alex "Time to wake up!"
alex "It's Sunday already, so I came to collect the weekly payment."
alex "I hope you have enough money..."
show char_alex
# if money >= 210:
if money >= this_week_payment:
#$ renpy.notify("-$[this_week_payment]")
$ money -= this_week_payment
$ this_week_payment = 210
#$ dtime += 1
show char_alex t
alex "Good girl!"
if letoutofcage and money >= 700 and canworkinbwr:
$ letoutofcage = False
alex "As I know, you have been also doing a good job while working at the street..."
pov "Does it mean that I can finally be let out of the cage?"
alex "I'm in a good mood now, so why not..."
pov "Wow! I can't believe it!"
alex "Yeah, yeah... I'm sure soon enough you'll be happy to stay in that cage all the time."
pov "I don't think so..."
pov "How long will I be out of the cage?"
alex "I'm not sure... I haven't decided yet, so I can change my mind any time."
pov "Still better than staying in this cage forever!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Alex unlocks the cage, takes it off from your clit and leaves."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm finally free!{/i}"
pov "{i}This feels so strange... I got so used to that cage, I thought the minute I get out of it I'd get instantly hard.{/i}"
"You touch your clit, trying to make it hard, but even though it's very sensitive after bieng locked for so long, you can't get it really hard..."
pov "{i}It seems like my dick got used to being limp all the time...{/i}"
pov "{i}That's crazy! I don't want to become an impotent because of that fucking cage!{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to do something...{/i}"
pov "{i}I remember Erika told me that she could get my dick smaller or bigger, when I met her...{/i}"
pov "{i}What if I ask her to make it bigger?{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe that way Alex will see that I don't even fit in that thing and she'll forget about this idea?{/i}"
pov "{i}I think that there are only cages for small dicks, who would want to wear that thing if they had a big dick?{/i}"
$ clitenh = True
$ renpy.notify("Penis enlargement unlocked")
pov "I should visit Erika as soon as possible, who knows when will Alex decide to lock me back again."
$ see_erika_first = True
$ cage = False
$ freeclit = True
$ needclitinjection = True
jump room
alex "See you next week then."
if clitfree:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Before leaving, Alex makes sure that your cage is locked and then leaves."
$ clitfree = False
$ cage = True
jump room
if free_the_clitty2:
"Ask Alex if she could remove the cage from your clitty":
$ free_the_clitty2 = False
pov "Alex, I need to ask you something..."
alex "Let me guess... You want me to let you stay without the cage again?"
pov "... How did you know that I was going to ask you that?"
alex "Well, considering how you've spent your time with Martin, it's not surprising..."
alex "I tell you what, I could let you stay without the cage for 2 days a week... like every weekend for example."
pov "Really?! That is so nice of you! Thank you so much!"
alex "Not so fast... You are not the first day here... So, you should know by now how the things work..."
pov "Do I have to work at the street again, so you let me out of the cage?"
alex "Not so easy this time, haha."
alex "I'll let you out of the cage on one condition."
alex "You have to pay for it."
pov "{i}Well, I was expecting this... I wonder how much will she want me to pay...{/i}"
pov "{i}I bet it will be at least a hundred dollars for a day without the cage.{/i}"
pov "So how much do I have to pay?"
alex "Hmmm... how about twenty thousand dollars?"
pov "What?!"
pov "That's crazy!"
pov "I don't have so much money! And even if I had, I'd never pay twenty thousand dollars just to stay a couple of days a week without the cage!"
alex "I know that you don't have so much money, so I could agree to make it easier for you..."
alex "I would let you out of the cage and we'll just increase your debt by that amount."
alex "And considering that you might stay here well over a year, something tells me that you'll agree to pay some extra money, than just staying locked for the whole time."
alex "As I promise you this... If you refuse now, I won't allow you out of the cage in the future."
pov "..."
pov "{i}What the fuck should I do now?{/i}"
pov "{i}Increase my debt by twenty percent, stay here longer to repay it, or stay locked for God knows how long!{/i}"
pov "{i}Why does it have to be so difficult?{/i}"
pov "Could you at least give me some time to think? Please?"
alex "Haha! I could give you some time..."
alex "But I won't!"
pov "{i}Fuck! She really wants me to suffer!{/i}"
alex "So, what will it be? Freedom from the cage or money? What is more important for you?"
alex "I suggest you stay locked forever, would be much easier to embrace your true sissy nature haha!"
label sissylock2choice:
"Agree to get extra debt but get out of the cage for two days a week":
alex "Haha... Agreeing to pay extra twenty thousand dollars to take the cage off for a couple of days a week!"
alex "I was just messing with you as I thought that you would never agree to it, but now that you did agree, it makes it even more fun!"
pov "..."
alex "Anyways, I set the electronic lock on your cage to unlock each Friday morning and each Sunday morning I'll be making sure that you've locked back in it."
pov "{i}I already regret my choice...{/i}"
pov "{i}Paying extra twenty thousand... Is it worth it?{/i}"
pov "{i}Well... It doesn't matter already. Too late to change my mind.{/i}"
pov "{i}But at least I'll be free from the cage for two days a week!{/i}"
pov "{i}I already can't wait for the next Friday{/i}"
$ freetheclitty = True
jump room
"Refuse and stay locked until you leave the brothel":
"Are you sure? If you choose this option, some of the content will become unavailable."
alex "Haha! I knew it!"
alex "Good choice, sissy! There is no use for that pathetic thing between your legs anyways."
pov "{i}I already regret my choice...{/i}"
pov "{i}But at least I'll leave this place much earlier than I would have left if I agreed to increase the debt...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'll just have to endure it... And considering that I've spent most of the time here caged, I hope it won't be too bad.{/i}"
$ lockedforever = True
jump room
jump sissylock2choice
pov "{i}Maybe I'll ask her another time.{/i}"
if askalextotakethecageoff:
"Ask Alex if she could remove the cage from your clitty":
pov "Alex, can I ask you for something, please?"
alex "Yeah, what is it?"
pov "... I was thinking..."
pov "I was a good boy... and I've paid you the weekly payment..."
pov "Maybe you could remove the cage from my dick, please?"
alex "Oh..."
alex "Well, first of all if you are asking about something like that, you should do it properly."
alex "You've been quite a while here and you should already know that you are not a {i}boy{/i}, you shouldn't refer to yourself like that."
alex "Why don't you try again?"
"I've been a good..."
alex "That's better."
"Oh, I was expecting you'd say \"girl\", but calling yourself a sissy works even better."
"Yes you were, perfect sissy slut!"
"Bitch? Haha! I didn't expect you to call yourself like that, but I guess it works for me."
pov "..."
alex "Your choice, if you like wearing that cage so much..."
alex "See you next week."
jump room
# whoami = renpy.input("I've been a good...")
# whoami = whoami.strip()
# if not whoami:
# whoami = "..."
#if whoami == "girl" or whoami == "Girl":
# pov "I've been a good girl..."
# alex "That's better."
#elif whoami == "sissy" or whoami == "Sissy":
# pov "I've been a good sissy..."
# alex "Oh, I was expecting you'd say \"girl\", but I guess it's even better."
#elif whoami == "sissy-girl" or whoami == "Sissy-girl" or whoami == "Sissy-Girl" or whoami == "sissy-Girl":
# pov "I've been a good sissy-girl..."
# alex "Oh, I was expecting you'd say \"girl\", but I guess it's even better."
#elif whoami == "slut" or whoami == "Slut":
# pov "I've been a good slut..."
# alex "Oh, I was expecting you'd say \"girl\", but I guess it's even better."
#elif whoami == "whore" or whoami == "Whore":
# pov "I've been a good whore..."
# alex "Oh, I was expecting you'd say \"girl\", but I guess it's even better."
#elif whoami == "cocksucker" or whoami == "Cocksucker":
# pov "I've been a good cocksucker..."
# alex "Oh, I was expecting you'd say \"girl\", but I guess it's even better."
#elif whoami == "bitch" or whoami == "Bitch":
# pov "I've been a good bitch..."
# alex "Oh, I was expecting you'd say \"girl\", but I guess it's even better."
# pov "..."
# alex "Your choice, if you like wearing that cage so much..."
# alex "See you next week."
# jump room
$ renpy.notify("New clothes unlocked")
$ sell_choker_text = True
$ sell_choker_text_sissy = True
$ sell_choker_text_slut = True
$ sell_choker_text_cumslut = True
$ sell_choker_text_sexy = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_blue = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_black = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_stripes_white = True
$ sell_stockings_wide = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_purple = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_pale = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_grey = True
$ sell_stockings_wide_rainbow = True
$ sell_stockings_latex = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_black = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_blue = True
$ sell_stockings_latex_orange = True
$ sell_skirt_mini = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_white = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_green = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_black = True
$ sell_skirt_mini_orange = True
$ sell_skirt_latex = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_orange = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_blue = True
$ sell_skirt_latex_black = True
alex "You know what?"
alex "I think it's time we give you a proper name..."
alex "What do you think?"
"Would you like to have a more appropriate name?"
alex "Great! So how would you like everybody to call you from now on?"
povname = renpy.input("What will be your new name? (You need to type in the new name)")
povname = povname.strip()
if not povname:
povname = "Jane"
alex "Great, from now on, I'll call you [povname]."
"No, I like my name":
alex "Your choice, sissy."
alex "Ok, and secondly... You can't call that pathetic useless little thing in your panties as a {i}dick{/i}."
alex "Have you ever seen a {i}dick{/i} in panties?"
pov "No..."
alex "That's right."
alex "So how should you have asked then?"
label clitmenualex:
"Could you please remove the cage from my..."
alex "Penis? Seriously? Why don't you try again?"
jump clitmenualex
alex "That's much better! Now you speak like a proper sissy girl."
pov "..."
alex "Your choice, if you like wearing that cage so much..."
alex "See you next week."
jump room
# inyourpanties = renpy.input("Could you please take off the cage from my...")
# inyourpanties = inyourpanties.strip()
# if not inyourpanties:
# inyourpanties = "..."
#if inyourpanties == "clit" or inyourpanties=="Clit":
# pov "Could you please take off the cage from my clit?"
#elif inyourpanties == "clitty" or inyourpanties=="Clitty":
# pov "Could you please take off the cage from my clitty?"
# pov "..."
# alex "Your choice, if you like wearing that cage so much..."
# alex "See you next week."
# jump room
alex "Ok, if you want to take it off so bad, I'm ok with it."
pov "Really? I can't believe it! Thank you so much!"
pov "{i}I can't remember the last time I was so happy!{/i}"
alex "Not so fast... I didn't say that you can take it of {i}now{/i}..."
alex "But I can give you the possibility to earn your freedom from the cage."
pov "{i}Fuck, I feel like I'm going to regret about asking for it...{/i}"
alex "Let's make a deal..."
alex "You see, our brothel has started losing clients lately and we are becoming less popular than before..."
alex "And I was thinking that it could be good if we could attract some new clients."
alex "And if you help me with that, I {i}might{/i} let you out from that cage for a while."
pov "How can {i}I{/i} help you with that? Do you want me to buy a billboard advertisement or something?"
alex "Very funny..."
alex "No, I want you to do some advertising at the street by yourself..."
pov "Wait... What?"
alex "You'll go to the street and will show our potential clients what we can offer and if they'll want more, they'll come here."
pov "You will let me out from here?"
alex "Yeah... Are you going to run away?"
pov "Yes! Of course, I will!"
pov "{i}Maybe I should have said no, so she would let me out?{/i}"
alex "You are so funny... and not very smart, apparently."
alex "You silly sissy, why would you say that you are going to run instead of just doing it when I let you outside?"
pov "..."
alex "Maybe you just want me to keep you here, so you could have an excuse to suck all those cocks?"
pov "..."
alex "But I will actually let you out, and you won't be able to run away..."
pov "No... I won't run away..."
alex "And you think I'll believe you?"
alex "But knowing you, you might really choose to stay here, so you have an excuse to suck all those cocks."
alex "So you can say to yourself that you are forced to do all of this."
alex "I know that you are just scared to let go and admit that you enjoy all of this very much..."
pov "No I'm not..."
alex "Yeah, right..."
alex "Anyways, I'm not going to give you even a small chance to escape."
alex "To work at the street, you'll need a special outfit, something sexy, I'll go to the clothes shop now and will choose something for you, you won't even need to pay for it."
alex "And this outfit will include a small sexy choker, with a tracking device in it, so a couple of our guys will check where you are every second while you are outside."
alex "If you think that you'll just take it off and run away, you won't be able to do it."
alex "It has a special lock, that will allow you to take it off only while you are inside the building."
alex "And if you decide to run away while you are wearing the choker, let's just say that the guys will have a long fun night with your little ass."
alex "So if you do decide to agree to work outside, just go to the clothes shop and ask for a special outfit that I've left you."
alex "And if you decide not to do it, you'll just have to stay in your tight cage for a long time..."
alex "So... No pressure at all... Heheh"
alex "If you'll work as a street whore for a while and do a good job, I'll let you out of the cage for some time."
pov "Are you serious? Working as a street whore? That's crazy! And you'll let me out of the cage for \"some time\"?"
pov "How long is that? Will it be a day or something like that?"
pov "I won't be whoring myself out at the street for that."
alex "Oh I'm sure you'll do it even for a day without that cage."
alex "Just imagine how nice it would be to finally be able to fuck your new girlfriend Ashley..."
pov "What? She's not my girlfriend..."
alex "Oh, I've seen the two of you having fun together on cam, I'm sure you'll be glad to whore yourself out at the street even for a day with her without that cage on your clitty."
alex "But it might be longer than a day, I might let you out for a week or even more."
alex "I have no idea actually, it will all depend on my mood and how good you'll behave..."
pov "{i}I don't know if I should believe her...{/i}"
pov "{i}Standing at the street, wearing some whorish outfit and offering myself for complete strangers...{/i}"
"Even though this whole idea sounds terrifying, for some reason at the same time it sounds like it would be very exciting... And you start feeling turned on by it."
pov "{i}I guess I could at least check out that outfit that Alex will prepare for me, maybe it's not so bad and maybe I'll be able to find a way to take off that tracking device and escape somehow...{/i}"
#"Notice: in the current version it doesn't matter for how long you will work at the street, taking off the cage is not implemented yet."
$ askalextotakethecageoff = False
$ sell_dress_street = True
$ sell_dress_street_pink = True
$ renpy.notify("Street whore dress unlocked")
pov "{i}Maybe I'll ask her another time.{/i}"
jump room
pov "I'm so sorry Alex, but I have only $[money]."
pov "Please don't be mad, I'll earn enough next week and will pay you everything, I promiss."
show char_alex t
alex "No, not this time."
alex "I've warned you before, and now it's time for you to learn your lesson!"
if scene_226:
jump finalpunishmentbuttroom
jump alex_piss_punishment
label alex_piss_punishment:
label scene_226_playback:
alex "You must realize that I cannot condone such behaviour. You will have to learn that there are consequences for your bad behaviour."
alex "Follow me."
show black
with d
"You follow her to another floor and enter a toilet...?"
pov "Why are we here?"
"Then she stops near a weird-looking toilet..."
"A seat on top of a quite sizable box."
"With a racing heart, you look in awe at the dark box that Alex is showing you. An oval opening is on the top."
alex "The crate isn't exactly comfortable, but we don't want to make this your pleasure either."
"Alex checks the fit of your chastity cage again. Then she grabs her panties with her hand and runs her index finger gently through her wet labia. She puts her hand to your head, under your nose."
alex "Well? Is there still enough manhood in you that your little pearl is trying to get hard, isn't it?"
"Wide-eyed, filled with awe, you look at Alex. Her voice is by no means harsh. Rather smooth and... precise."
alex "You will adore anything that comes out of that wonderful spring between my legs. Anything. Right?"
"Note: This is a piss fetish event. Would you like to skip it?"
jump after_alex_piss_punishment
"You can only nod slightly because slowly you get a feeling of what will follow these sentences."
"Alex goes to the box. The box opens without any squeaks."
alex "Get in. Now!"
"Only the last word falls with a certain severity."
"And with a trembling hand, you climb into the box, and the lid finally embroiders you in the semidarkness."
"Looking towards the light, you soon realize that Alex has taken off her panties."
show bg punishment_toilet_seat_pov 1
with d
"Slightly squatting over the box, you look into her eyes and her wonderfully smooth slit."
alex "I already had three glasses of Dom Perignon today. I think it's only fair if you also get your sparkling wine now."
show bg punishment_toilet_seat_pov 2
with d1
if scene_226 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 226 unlocked")
$ scene_226 = True
"And what starts as just a drop or two on your cheek quickly turns into a warm, bright yellow stream."
"You hear Alex groan in relief."
alex "Mmhhh, yeah... that feels good."
"Your mouth is tightly closed, and you have stopped breathing."
"Alex's tender, the warm stream never ends."
"And when you can't take it anymore and breathe in through your nose, you smell something sour, almost sweet."
alex "Come on, my girl, drink your champagne before it's too late."
"This is so gross. I could never put that stuff in my mouth":
"At some point, the flow from Alex's body stops. Relieved, you open your mouth and take a deep breath for the first time."
"That hits you one last splash right in your mouth."
"Disgusted, you spit out most of it. But a few drops have already found their way into your stomach."
"Whether I want to admit it or not, without the chastity cage, I'd be rock hard right now. What does it matter if I open my mouth a little bit?":
"You hesitantly open your mouth. And the tingle on your tongue travels through your body like a bolt of lightning. "
"What follows is an indescribable taste that covers the whole range from sweet and sour to salty and bitter."
"But you can actually discern a wine-like taste."
"It overflows your mouth. But then you start to swallow."
"It's coming out of Alex's body. Only for you. You have to take it in. It is delicious!"
show bg punishment_toilet_seat_pov 1
with d1
show black
with d
"It gets lighter as Alex gets up and looks down at you."
alex "Apparently, I'm not the only one who got wet today."
"You can hear her put on her panties again."
alex "You don't even look all that dissatisfied. But this is a punishment. Let's see how you feel when our guests use you as a toilet tonight."
alex "Our customers today need a place to...deflate some pressure. See you later."
"It takes less than 10 minutes for the first male guest to come to you. He looks down at you without saying a word and grins."
"Then you hear a zipper opening."
"What follows is a brief glimpse of a big hairy penis and darkness. It takes a moment for your \"shower\" to kick in. "
"But this time, it's short and anything but pretty. It tastes bitter and oddly musty."
"During the evening, you make acquaintance with many cocks."
"And it's Alex who gets you out of the box."
alex "Well, who's looking at me with those small, sticky eyes? Have you learned your lesson?"
"You are completely exhausted and unable to really answer."
"You just rush to the exit of the toilet and run back to your room to take a shower..."
label after_alex_piss_punishment:
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label finalpunishmentbuttroom:
show black
with dissolve
"Very quickly couple of big guys come to your room and take you down to the butt-wall room."
"Even though you beg them and Alex for mercy, they don't really care."
"So soon enough you find yourself naked and tied to the wall with your butt poking out on the other side of it."
show bg bwpunish
show bwpunish_rpanel zorder 70
if hair == "boy":
show bwpunish_head boy
show bwpunish_head pigtails
if mouth == "m":
show bwpunish_mouth m1
show bwpunish_mouth f1
if eyes == "m":
show bwpunish_eyes m1
show bwpunish_eyes m1
show bwpunish_eyes_f1
with Dissolve(2.)
alex "I think it's time to have some fun!"
alex "Guess who will be your first?"
alex "If you think it will be me, you are right!"
alex "I will prepare your hole for all those dicks that will fuck you after me."
hide bwpunish_rpanel
with Dissolve(2.)
"Soon enough you feel something touching your hole."
show bwpunish_strapon 1
with dissolve
alex "Let's start!"
if mouth == "m":
show bwpunish_mouth m3
show bwpunish_mouth f2
if eyes == "m":
show bwpunish_eyes m2
hide bwpunish_eyes_f1
show bwpunish_eyes f2
show bwpunish_strapon 2
with dissolve
"As soon as she says that you feel something entering your asshole."
"And it feels pretty big."
"But a moment later it starts going even deeper stretching your tight hole."
hide bwpunish_strapon 2
show bwpunish_strapon_fuck 1
pov "Please stop! It's too big for me, it's too painful!"
"But she doesn't really care and after a moment she starts increasing the speed."
show bwpunish_strapon_fuck 2
"She fucks you ass harder and harder and increase the speed even more!"
show bwpunish_strapon_fuck 3
"After a while you feel the pain going away and start to feel pleasure more and more."
pov "MMmmmmmhhh... AAhhhhh..."
pov "{i}Why does it feel so good?.{/i}"
pov "Mmmm... It feels like I'm going to cum!"
"And the next moment you feel how cum starts leaking from your penis."
show bwpunish_cum 1
pause 0.3
show bwpunish_cum 2
pause 0.3
show bwpunish_cum 3
pause 0.3
show bwpunish_cum 4
pov "Mhhhh... It feels so good!"
show bwpunish_strapon_fuck 1
alex "Oh yeah, baby, I knew that you are a natural slut."
alex "I think I've had enough. Enjoy! You will stay here for a long time."
show bwpunish_cum 5
hide bwpunish_strapon_fuck
with Dissolve(1.5)
"But as soon as Alex stopped fucking your hole you feel like somebody else came close to your ass and something is touching your hole."
show bwpunish_bbc 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"And a second later he just slams his dick deep into your hole and starts fucking you!"
hide bwpunish_bbc 1
show bwpunish_bbc_fuck 1
pov "Please don't be so rough! It hurts!"
pov "You are to big for me!"
"But instead, he just increases the speed."
show bwpunish_bbc_fuck 2
"And after what seemed like eternity he trusts his dick deep inside your hole and starts cumming."
hide bwpunish_bbc_fuck 2
show bwpunish_bbc 6
with flash
pause .5
show bwpunish_bbc 7
with flash
pause .5
show bwpunish_bbc 8
with flash
pause .5
"It was so much of his cum, that it started leaking from your hole down your balls."
pov "Oh my God! This feels so good, I feel like I'm coming again!"
show bwpunish_cum 1
with flash
pause 0.3
show bwpunish_cum 2
with flash
pause 0.3
show bwpunish_cum 3
with flash
pause 0.3
show bwpunish_cum 4
with flash
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"And this is pretty much your life now."
"You get fucked all day long and you've became just a cheap cumdump."
"But for some reason you feel happy..."
"Maybe that is your destiny."
#$ renpy.notify("Scene 16 unlocked")
#$ scene_16 = True
"This is the bad ending of the game, but you can avoid it if you earn enough money and pay Alex the weekly payment :)"
##### Screens
screen lick_feet:
xalign 0.958 ypos 50
action Jump("skiplickingfeet")
text _("Skip the scene") style "button_text"
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_r1.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_r1.webp"
action Jump("lick_r1")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_r2.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_r2.webp"
action Jump("lick_r2")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_r3.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_r3.webp"
action Jump("lick_r3")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l1.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l1.webp"
action Jump("lick_l1")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l2.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l2.webp"
action Jump("lick_l2")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l3.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l3.webp"
action Jump("lick_l3")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l4.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l4.webp"
action Jump("lick_l4")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l5.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l5.webp"
action Jump("lick_l5")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l6.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l6.webp"
action Jump("lick_l6")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l7.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l7.webp"
action Jump("lick_l7")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l8.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l8.webp"
action Jump("lick_l8")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l9.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l9.webp"
action Jump("lick_l9")
xpos 0
ypos 0
focus_mask True
idle "images/bt_foot_wotship_l10.webp"
hover "images/bt_foot_wotship_l10.webp"
action Jump("lick_l10")
xpos 0
ypos 0
label meet_poison:
show bg pornstar_street
show pov:
xpos .5
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
"But then, you suddenly see a familiar face..."
"You take a second to remember who this is... and then you realize, it's one of the sluts from another brothel, who tied you to the street pole and left to get fucked during the whole night!"
"You heart starts racing and you even consider running away, but it's too late, as she's already too close."
show char_victoria 1:
xpos 0.2
with moveinleft
slt "Hey!"
pov "Hey, I'm not at your street anymore, leave me alone, please."
slt "Don't worry, I'm not here to give you any problems, it's the opposite actually..."
slt "My name is Victoria, I came to offer you something."
#"Notice: Victoria is based on a real person - Victoria Poison."
#"She will be creating music for the game. You can already hear her work in the game, if you visit the sex shop location."
#"Also, please check out her {a=https://twitter.com/victoriaxpoison}twitter{/a}, she's making some really hot porn videos and posting a lot of sexy photos ;)"
pov "What is it?"
vic "Well, I saw you getting fucked the other day, and it was so hot! And I thought..."
pov "You mean when you and your friends tied me up and left me to get fucked by anyone who passed by?"
vic "Oh, don't be like that, I watched you for a while and you were clearly enjoying it! Moaning like a real slut, even moving your hips, so you could get fucked harder..."
pov "..."
vic "Anyways, here is my offer."
#vic "I'm a porn actress, I go by the name Victoria Poison..."
vic "I'm a porn actress."
vic "I shoot cool porn videos from time to time and I thought that we could maybe make a video together?"
vic "What do you say? It's a lot of fun and it pays really well..."
pov "You want me to be in a porn video with you?"
pov "... I don't think it's a good idea..."
pov "What if someone will recognize me?"
vic "That makes it even hotter don't you think? Someone you know watching you getting fucked... It's really hot if you think about it."
pov "I don't know, I'll need to think about it."
vic "Ok, how about this, come with me today, and watch me in action, I'm going to shoot a video later today and you could stay in the studio during the process to see how it is."
vic "And you won't get in the video, so no need to worry about exposing yourself."
"What should I do?"
"Go with her":
pov "{i}I'm not sure if I should trust her...{/i}"
pov "{i}But at the same time, it might be worth checking out.{/i}"
pov "{i}If it's a real thing, I could make some more money with this, so it could help me pay the debt faster.{/i}"
pov "Ok, let's go."
vic "Great, you won't be disappointed!"
pov "{i}I hope that at least I won't end up tied to a pole again.{/i}"
jump first_visit_porn_studio
pov "Sorry, I don't think it's a good idea... After what you've done the last time we've met, I don't really want to go with you."
vic "Well, if you change your mind, just come to our brothel and say that you are there for me."
vic "And I promise, nobody will touch you, so no need to worry."
show char_victoria 1:
xpos -0.2
with move
pov "{i}I'm not sure if I should trust her...{/i}"
pov "{i}But at the same time, making some money shooting porn could help me return the debt faster.{/i}"
pov "{i}I get fucked anyways, why not to do it on cam.{/i}"
pov "{i}Except that fact that someone I know could see it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how many people that I know are into sissy porn?{/i}"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label first_visit_porn_studio:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's not far away so you decide to walk there..."
"After a while you arrive and she leads you inside."
label first_visit_porn_studio_after:
if changedmymind == False:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go to the brothel, where Victoria works..."
show bg poison_fluffer 1
show pov:
xpos .5
ypos .05
show char_victoria 1:
xpos 0.25
with Dissolve(2.)
"You enter a quite spacious room with a lot of equipment like special lighting, cameras and other stuff that is needed for shooting videos."
if changedmymind == False:
"Then you see Victoria and greet her."
vic "Hey! I'm so glad you've changed your mind!"
$ changedmymind = False
vic "Here is my little studio, I shoot most of the videos here."
pov "This is actually really cool, I like this place!"
vic "Feel free to look around, I'll be right back, I'll just meet the guys who will be in the video with me today and the shooting crew."
show char_victoria 1:
xpos -0.25
with move
"Some time passes, you see Victoria meeting people... more people than you would expect, it seems that she treats the production process quite seriously..."
"And then..."
if scene_01:
pov "{i}Oh no!{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! What are the chances...{/i}"
"You see five big men entering the room."
"And to your horror, you recognize them... They are the guys that fucked your mouth when you've arrived to the brothel and tried to escape..."
"But then they come closer and you say hi to each other... and it seems like they don't recognize you!"
pov "{i}Considering how much I've changed during this time, it not a surprise...{/i}"
"You even notice them checking you out! And that makes you quite excited..."
"You see five big men entering the room."
pov "{i}I bet their dicks are huge...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how would it feel to get gang banged by them...{/i}"
"But then your thoughts are interrupted by Victoria arguing with someone on the phone..."
"Then she hangs the phone and comes back to you clearly frustrated."
show char_victoria 1:
xpos 0.25
with move
vic "Hey, I've got some not very good news."
vic "The fluffer girl who was supposed to come work today has let me down and she won't come today..."
vic "So I'm not sure how we are going to shoot the video."
pov "Fluffer girl?"
vic "Yeah. I though you knew what that is... It's a girl who keeps all the actors hard, escpecially those actors who's on the brake while we are shooting scenes with other actors."
vic "She is especially important when we shoot gang bang videos."
pov "Hmm... I didn't know that there is such a \"profession\" I though actors would just stay hard all the time and that's it."
vic "Yeah, usually they are not really needed, but it takes us a couple of hours to shoot a video and when there are a lot of guys, some of them can stay without action for quite a while..."
vic "Especially considering that I have only two holes that they can use."
pov "Wait... You mean, three, right?"
"And then to your surprise she smiles and drops her skirt on the floor..."
show char_victoria 2
with dissolve
pov "{i}Wow, she's a sissy too! That's unexpected!{/i}"
pov "Heh, I get it now..."
vic "So I don't know what to do, looking for another girl will take time and every wasted minute costs me quite a lot as I have to pay everyone..."
"And then... You start realizing where she is going with this..."
vic "So the only way it all can be saved... is if you'll help me out..."
pov "So, let me get this straight, you want me to keep two-three guys hard while the other guys are fucking you?"
pov "And they will switch places and will all fuck me during these couple of hours..."
pov "So you could easily say that I'll be gang banged?"
vic "..."
vic "Pretty please?"
vic "I understand that after our first encounter I'm the last person who can ask you anything, but you are my only hope..."
pov "..."
"Should I help her out? I think if I refuse, she will not want to have any bussiness with me in the future..."
"Help her":
pov "Do you understand how big is the favor you are asking for?"
vic "Of course, I'll try to make it worth for you in the future, and I'll pay you double rate for today."
jump poison_shooting_first_video
pov "Yeah, you are right! You are the last person who can ask me for anything, especially something like getting gang banged during a couple of hours..."
"She is obviously very sad with your response, but you, on the other hand, feel quite happy with yourself."
"After she and her friends left you getting fucked for the whole night, you feel like it wouldn't be right helping her."
"So, you turn around and storm out of the room, realizing that it might be the last time you see her..."
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label poison_shooting_first_video:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You start feeling quite nervous now that you understand that you've just agreed to."
pov "{i}The only time I got gang banged was the new year party...{/i}"
pov "{i}But comparing my student \"friends\" to these guys with their huge dicks...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm not sure how easy will it be...{/i}"
"The shooting is about to start, all you get undressed and you see those huge dicks that are about to fuck you and Victoria..."
"She is getting \"comfy\" on the couch while some of the guys are getting ready to fuck her hard and some of them are coming to you, to stay busy while they are not needed in frame..."
show bg poison_fluffer 2
with Dissolve(2.)
"You suck dick after dick as they rotate and take place with Victoria fucking her in all the positions you could imagine."
label scene_119_playback:
show bg poison_fluffer_fuck
with Dissolve(2.)
"As you understand the scenario was that she was getting fucked \"against her will\" and she was acting really well and believable..."
"But after a while you could clearly see that she is enjoying it very much as she was moaning really loud and even asking them to fuck her harder and harder."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_119 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 119 unlocked")
$ scene_119 = True
label scene_120_playback:
show bg poison_fluffer 3
with Dissolve(2.)
"You were enjoying the show in front of you so much, that you almost didn't notice when the guys went from using only your mouth to fucking your both holes..."
"To your surprise, that hardest thing about all of what was happening was staying silent and not moaning while they were fucking you, so you don't ruin the video."
pov "{i}Fuck! It feels so good that I wouldn't even mind if she didn't pay me at all for this...{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting used like a tool just to keep them all hard...{/i}"
pov "{i}... It makes me so turned on!{/i}"
pov "{i}And all this show, it's so much hotter to see someone get fucked right in front of you, and not on the screen.{/i}"
"You've actually got so turned on that if they told you that they are going to shoot you for the video, you'd be ready to suck and fuck everyone in that room!"
pov "{i}I can't wait to take her place! Getting fucked like that, knowing that it's all getting recorded and then thousands or even millions of people would see it...{/i}"
pov "{i}And then cum while watching me getting fucked by huge hard dicks!{/i}"
"You've got so turned on from all of that and your thoughts and a big dick slamming against your p-spot, that your whole body started shaking in pleasure and it felt like you are going to black out..."
"The only thing that kept you from moaning as loud as you can - is a huge dick deep in your throat..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_120 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 120 unlocked")
$ scene_120 = True
show black
with Dissolve (2.)
"You've spent a while getting fucked like that, and then, it was the time to finish, so you've enjoyed how all of the guys came all over Victoria..."
show bg poison_fluffer 1
show pov:
xpos .5
ypos .05
show char_victoria 4:
xpos 0.25
with Dissolve (2.)
vic "Hey, wasn't that fun, ha?"
pov "{i}Fuck, she looks so hot all covered in cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}I kind of wish it was me instead of her... Or if I at least could lick everything up from her...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I could?{/i}"
pov "{i}No, that's crazy! What would everybody think if I suddenly started licking cum from her?{/i}"
vic "I saw you were really enjoying yourself here behind the frame..."
pov "... Well, that wasn't too bad... hehe."
vic "Yeah, haha."
vic "I knew that I should invite you here and you would enjoy all the fucking..."
pov "Wait... What?"
vic "What?"
pov "You said that you knew that you should take me here and I would enjoy getting fucked..."
vic "Yeah... So?"
pov "Why would you think that I would enjoy all the fucking if another girl was supposed to be working instead of me?"
vic "Well... heh..."
vic "..."
vic "I'm... that's not what I meant..."
vic "I meant that I knew that you would enjoy it after I found out that she won't come and after you decided that you'll help me hehe..."
pov "{i}Did she really set it all up like this and intentionally didn't hire anyone, so I would agree to work here today?{/i}"
vic " Let's not think what I said or not... The main thing is, that you've enjoyed working here today, didn't you?"
pov "... Well... Yeah, you could say so."
vic "So, does that mean that you will consider my offer and might shoot some videos with me?"
pov "I can't promise anything, but I'll think about it..."
vic "I'll be waiting for you here then, just come by and we'll think about some cool video we could make!"
vic "Oh and here is the payment for today, you really saved me! Thank you so much!"
$ renpy.notify("$500")
$ money += 500
show black
with Dissolve (2.)
"You thank her for the payment and go back to your place, thinking about all that happened to you today..."
"Notice: for now, there is no more content for the pornstar path in the current version. More will be added in the future updates :)"
$ dtime += 1
jump room
############################################################################################################################################################################################## Visiting Ashley
label visitashley1:
if gotadviceashley:
#"I don't need to visit her now."
"You knock on the door, but nobody answers, she might be somewhere else now."
call screen ui1
show bg meet_ashley
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg meet_ashley:
ypos 2.
with MoveTransition(3.0)
show meet_ashley_talking
label ashley_fisting_first_time:
label scene_197_playback:
show black
with d
"You are about to fall asleep when you hear a knock on your door."
pov "{i}I wonder who could that be...{/i}"
"You get up from bed and open the door when you see [ash] standing in the doorway..."
"She is almost completely naked, wearing only a pair of stockings, a very sexy pair of heels, and a pink cage on her clit."
pov "Wow!"
pov "Ashley! You are so sexy! I didn't expect to see you here dressed like this..."
pov "Please, come inside."
"She doesn't say anything. She only smiles at you and comes inside."
"It seems she's very turned on, judging by her heavy breathing and cute red cheeks."
pov "Mmmm... Is there anything I could help you with?"
"You say as you can't help but stare at hor sexy petite body and nice little perky breasts."
ash "Mmm... yes, you can actually..."
ash "See, I've decided to lock up my clitty again... and I'm feeling extra horny now..."
ash "So I thought you could help me out... by fucking me..."
pov "Wow!"
pov "... this sounds so nice! ... but... My clitty is locked, and [alx] controls the lock..."
ash "Hahaha! I didn't mean fuck me with your clitty, silly! It not nearly as close to doing anything for me..."
"As she sees you getting upset about what she just said about your clitty size, she quickly reassures you."
ash "Oh, don't be sad! It's a compliment! Clitties are supposed to be small, soft and cute! The girlier it is, the better! I'm even thinking about reducing the size of mine in the lab... or making it permanently limp..."
pov "{i}... Wow! Voluntarily becoming impotent?! That sounds terrifying... and kind of hot for some reason...?{/i}"
ash "I have something else in mind how you could help me..."
"As she says that, she lies down on your bed and spreads her legs in the air, exposing her hungry hole for you."
show bg ashley_caged_fisting
with d
ash "Come closer..."
"As you sit down, she looks into your eyes and smiles."
ash "You clitty might be too small for this, but your hand... it might be just perfect to fuck me..."
pov "{i}My hand...? Does she want me to... fist her?{/i}"
pov "I've never done anything like this before..."
ash "Oh, try it. I'm sure you'll like the feeling. It was so nice to feel my hand inside someone for the first time..."
"You nod, slowly extend your arm, and feel her hole with your fingers."
"It's very slippery, and it seems she already has a ton of lube inside her."
ash "Don't worry, I've prepared myself for this; you won't hurt me."
"As she says that, you slowly push your fingers inside her one by one, and a moment later, your whole palm is inside!"
show ashley_caged_fisting_arm
with d1
"As it finds its way inside her, you hear [ash] moan in pleasure."
ash "Oh yeah... Mmmmm... this feels so good!"
pov "{i}Wow! My whole fist is inside her!{/i}"
"You slowly start moving your hand inside her, trying to find the best way to give her pleasure."
"And the closer your hand to her p-spot, the more she's moaning..."
"So you take full advantage of it and start rubbing your palm and fingers against it..."
pov "{i}It seems to feel so good! I wonder how would I feel if her fist was inside me...{/i}"
pov "{i}But my hole isn't that stretched... yet...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I need to find some huge dicks to stretch it ♥♥♥{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't believe I'm planning out how to stretch my hole even more...{/i}"
ash "Please, [pov]..."
ash "Fuck me harder! I'm so close!"
pov "{i}Wow... even harder than this...?{/i}"
"You make a fist inside her and start rubbing against her p-spot even harder, and then..."
"You suddenly see some cum slowly leaking out of her caged clitty..."
show ashley_caged_fisting_cum 1
with d1
ash "Mmmmm... it feels so good! Yeah... milk me, [pov]."
ash "Milk all the sissy juice out of my little balls!"
"You increase the speed and pressure even more, hearing her moans of pleasure, and then you see even more cum leaking out..."
show ashley_caged_fisting_cum 2
with d1
"But you don't stop there and almost start punching her p-spot..."
"And a moment later... She explodes with cum!"
show ashley_caged_fisting_cum 3
with flash
if scene_197 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 197 unlocked")
$ scene_197 = True
ash "Ahhhh...!"
pov "Wow!"
ash "Please, don't stop... but go slower now..."
"You continue fucking her with her cum flowing down her sissy-balls and below until you feel it on your skin and then use it as more lube to fuck her..."
"Judging by [ash]'s face, it seems like her orgasm never stopped, and she's in pure bliss as you continue to massage her from the inside."
"After a while, she finally asks you to stop and collapses on the bed while your hand is still inside her..."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with d
"You don't want to disturb her and let her rest and slowly slip your hand out of her hole..."
"For a moment, you sit there and enjoy your achievement..."
pov "{i}It's so nice to know that I made her feel this way...{/i}"
"You slowly reach her soft skin with your fingers and gently stroke her thighs."
pov "{i}She's so beautiful, so tender...{/i}"
"Then you softly kiss her skin, starting near her knees and going up on the inside of her thighs as the smell of her sissy-cum fills your nose..."
pov "{i}Even her cum smells so sweet.{/i}"
"You put the last kiss on her little girly balls and then get on the bed and fall asleep cuddling with her..."
$ dtime = 1
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
jump room
label newyearparty:
$ newyearparty = False
"You prepare to go to sleep, when you hear you door opening..."
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
show char_alex t
alex "Hey sissy girl!"
alex "It's time for the celebration!"
show char_alex
$ talk = True
pov "What are you talking about, what celebration? I'm getting ready to sleep."
$ talk = False
show char_alex t
alex "Sleep? It's the New Year Eve! People are waiting for you to join the party!"
show char_alex
$ talk = True
pov "Fuck! Are you serious? I can't believe it, I've stayed so long here that I completely lost the track of time..."
pov "Wait... and what party are you talking about? Who is waiting for me?"
$ talk = False
show char_alex t
alex "Don't be stupid, honey. People are having a party at the brothel for a reason... You'll be the main entertainment today!"
alex "So I want you to try your best! Don't disappoint me! And if you do your best, I'm sure you can make a lot of money tonight!"
alex "I've also prepared a special outfit for you, here, put it on and go down to the VIP rooms, they are waiting for you in the room 709."
show char_alex
$ talk = True
"And a moment later she leaves before you can say anything..."
$ talk = False
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You look at your bed and see an outfit that Alex left for you."
pov "{i}I guess it could be worse... It actually looks quite sexy...{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder how it will sit on me.{/i}"
"You put on the outfit and enjoy your look in the mirror."
pov "{i}Wow, I look so hot wearing this...{/i}"
pov "{i}But this outfit doesn't have any panties...{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess I just have to be careful and try not to bend over unless I want to show everybody what's under my skirt...{/i}"
"You go down to the VIP rooms and hear music and people having fun behind the doors."
"You go through the hallway until you are in front of the room 709..."
pov "{i}I hope it goes well...{/i}"
"You knock on the door and come inside."
pov "{i}OH MY GOD! What the fuck?!{/i}"
"As you enter the room you see almost your whole college group there and all of them are looking at you!"
pov "{i}Fucking Tom! I should have expected something like this, he brought all my friends from college here to humiliate me again!{/i}"
pov "{i}And the worst part, he had to take the girls here too...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe it, it's so humiliating!{/i}"
tom "What did I tell you! Isn't she cute now?"
#tom "By the way, almost forgot, she goes by the name [povname] now."
tom "Hey, [povname], are you happy to see us?"
"You see all their faces, the girls looking at you saying something to each other, the guys laughing, you can't believe that you considered them your friends."
tom "Don't be so shy, honey, we like you a lot, don't we?"
grl "Oh my god! [povname], you are so cute now!"
grl "Yeah, she is! I can't believe my eyes!"
guy "And she's really hot actually!"
"You listen to them talk about how hot and cute you look and start blushing..."
"The thought that they like how you look made you feel a little more relaxed..."
"But you still feel so exposed right now..."
tom "Hey, babe, I have a surprise for you, as you are going to entertain us during this night, I wanted to make it even more fun..."
tom "At first, we wanted to get [amd] and [jnf] here when we found out that they are staying here too..."
pov "..."
tom "But it appears, that they are so popular here, that those sluts were booked weeks ago..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I can't believe he's saying it...{/i}"
tom "So I've came up with another idea how to make it more entertaining."
"Then he comes closer to you, flips up your skirt and unlocks your chastity cage..."
pov "{i}What the fuck? Is this real?{/i}"
"You can't believe it... after staying in a cage for so long... you are finally free!"
"And you feel you little clitty instantly getting hard..."
"Hey guys, it seems [povname] is really enjoying being in front of us in an outfit like that!"
pov "Hey! It's not that! I'm just excited that I'm free from that thing, it's been on my dick for so long!"
pov "I'm not turned on by my outfit or you looking at me!"
tom "Hey, girl, relax, it's ok! We like you, don't worry about anything..."
tom "Just give us a little show..."
"You hesitate for a moment, but then you look at their faces, see how horny they are, and it seems like they do enjoy how you look."
pov "{i}Maybe it's not that bad...{/i}"
"So you decide to give them a show..."
label scene_64_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg party 1
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 1b
with Dissolve(2.)
"You start moving around trying to look as seductive as possible, dancing a little and taking seductive poses at the same time, trying not to reveal everything..."
"But it's really difficult not to reveal too much as you are extremely hard and your clitty is tenting your skirt, exposing you little balls to everyone in the room."
"It seems like they really enjoy your show, and you can't stop blushing while you hear them complimenting your girlish looks and calling you a cute sissy girl."
"They enjoy your little improvised dance and then you see Tom taking off his clothes and telling you to get closer..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_64 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 64 unlocked")
$ scene_64 = True
label scene_65_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg party 2
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 2b
with Dissolve(2.)
"You drop down to your knees and get closer to Tom, and as soon as you are near him you take his hard cock into your mouth, while hearing the girls' cheering."
pov "{i}I've never thought that I'd suck my \"friend's\" dick in front of so many people especially considering that I know all of them...{/i}"
pov "{i}It turns me on so much...{/i}"
"And only a moment passes when you feel one of your friends getting behind you and sticking his dick right into your ass and starting fucking you..."
"You are so horny that you start moaning while sucking Toms cock for everybody's delight."
"The girls giggle a little and tell you what a horny slut you are..."
"But for some reason it only makes you feel happy..."
"You don't even care when they take out their phones and start recording you getting spitroasted by two hard cocks!"
grl "You'll be a new Pronhub star!"
"You see more and more guys getting naked ang coming closer waiting for their turn to fuck you..."
pov "{i}Fuck, there are so many of them... I'm not sure if I can handle getting fucked by ten or even more guys!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_65 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 65 unlocked")
$ scene_65 = True
label scene_66_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg party 3
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 3b
with Dissolve(2.)
"Soon enough you are lying on the bed and getting fucked by another guy while other guys take turns with your mouth..."
"They switch places all the time and are fucking both of your holes hard, even trying to fit two cocks in your mouth at the same time from time to time."
"You moan like a slut for the whole time, giving a nice show for those who's not involved and who's just watching."
"Some of the girls get so turned on by the show that they start masturbating while watching you trying to please all the guys."
"You get fucked like this for what seems like hours and you've completely lost the track of time."
"Even though they've fucked you really hard and you've tried your best, none of the guys has cum yet."
"But then you hear one of the girls telling the guys that it's time to stop..."
grl "Hey, guys! It's almost midnight, time to stop and get ready."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_66 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 66 unlocked")
$ scene_66 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
grl "Let's prepare the champagne!"
grl "Guys, don't forget about [povname]."
"After that she gives you a champagne glass..."
grl "[povname], you should get on your knees and let the guys pour you some \"cumpagne\"."
"Now you realize why none of the guys has cum yet..."
"You take the glass and wait for the guys to cum inside it while standing on your knees..."
label scene_67_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg party 4
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 4b
with Dissolve(2.)
"The first guy comes closer to you and starts jerking off and then shoots a load right into the glass..."
if breasts == False:
show bg party 5
with flash
show bg party 5b
with flash
pov "{i}I bet there will be a lot of cum for me when they all finish...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm going to drink it...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I'm so horny that at the same time I can't wait for it!{/i}"
"A moment later another guy cums into the glass..."
if breasts == False:
show bg party 6
with flash
show bg party 6b
with flash
"After a while the glass is half full and there are still some guys left who hasn't cum yet."
if breasts == False:
show bg party 7
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 7b
with Dissolve(2.)
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
if scene_67 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 67 unlocked")
$ scene_67 = True
"Soon enogh the glass is almost filled with cum..."
"And then you hear all of them starting the countdown while filling up their glasses with champagne."
"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4..."
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm really going to drink it all!{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_68_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg party 8
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 8b
with Dissolve(2.)
"As soon as you hear the clock strike midnight, you start gulping down all the cum and enjoying the bitter-sweet flavor..."
pov "{i}MMMmmmm... I can't believe it... it is... so yummy ♥♥♥{/i}"
if breasts == False:
show bg party 9
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 9b
with Dissolve(2.)
"You drink it all and even though you feel your stomach getting completely full with all the cum you wish there was more of it."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_68 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 68 unlocked")
$ scene_68 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"When you finish, you open your eyes and see everybody looking at you smiling and giggling."
grl "God, [povname], you such a cute cumslut!"
grl "Girls, I have an idea how we can reward her even more..."
"You see her whispering something to another girl and then both of them come closed and push you into a position..."
grl "Let's see how flexible you are..."
"They help you flip your heads over your head, so your cock is right above your face..."
"And then she starts pushing your hips lower with her hand..."
pov "{i}Oh my GOD! I can't believe it!{/i}"
label scene_69_playback:
if breasts == False:
show bg party 10
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg party 10b
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}I'm licking my own cock! How did I become so flexible?{/i}"
grl "Look at that, the little sissy can suck her own clitty! Lucky girl."
"Then she grabs you below your balls and squeezes them a little, and pulling them closer to your face..."
"Feeling that and at the same time feeling your tongue licking your own clitty was just enough to bring you over the edge..."
if breasts == False:
show bg party 10
with flash
show bg party 10b
with flash
"And you feel your mouth getting filled up with your own cum..."
"Without even thinking about it, you drink it all..."
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("Selfsucking unlocked")
$ canselfsuck = True
grl "What a good girl!"
"All of them seem to enjoy the show and start cheering..."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_69 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 69 unlocked")
$ scene_69 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"The rest of the night you just have fun while chatting and drinking with everybody, and at the same time getting fucked from time to time when some of them are ready to fuck you again..."
"You wake up early in the morning all covered in cum, while having difficulties with trying to remember how the night ended."
"You look down at your clitty and to your surprise you see that it's locked back again..."
"It seems that Tom locked it before leaving... At least you've spent the whole night without the cage."
"You see that everyone has left already, so you go back to your room and drop down on the bed as you are too tired to get into the shower and decide to sleep like that, all covered in cum."
"You wake up in the evening, take a shower and decide to relax for the rest of the day..."
$ afterparty = True
$ dtime = 1
if afterparty:
$ afterparty = False
show bg room day
with Dissolve(2.0)
"You wake up and see Alex entering your room..."
show pov:
xpos .3
ypos .05
with dissolve
show char_alex:
xpos .65
with moveinright
pause 1.0
show char_alex t
alex "Is this my favourite sissy?"
alex "You were a good girl yesterday!"
alex "They were pretty happy about your perfomance..."
alex "Here, this is for you."
"She gives you $1500."
$ renpy.notify("+$1500")
$ money += 1500
pov "{i}It seems like getting fucked by more than 10 guys was worth it...{/i}"
show char_alex
$ talk = True
pov "Wow! Thank you!"
$ talk = False
show char_alex t
alex "Even though they liked you, I think you can become even better and improve your sex skills."
alex "So you might want to visit a sissy school for that."
show char_alex
$ talk = True
pov "Sissy school? Are you serious?"
$ talk = False
show char_alex t
alex "Yeah, why not... you see, some sissies come here and even though they are cock crawing sluts deep inside, not all of them have all the needed skills..."
alex "So we've created a school to help them become who they truly are."
alex "If you'll decide to check it out, I'm sure Mistress Diane will be happy to help you."
$ renpy.notify("New clothes unlocked!")
$ sell_skirt_school = True
$ sell_skirt_school_white = True
$ sell_skirt_school_pink = True
$ sell_skirt_school_green = True
$ sell_skirt_school_blue = True
$ sell_skirt_school_grey = True
$ sell_skirt_school_red = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_white = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_pink = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_blue = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_black = True
$ sell_tshirt_knot_red = True
$ sell_stockings_net = True
$ sell_stockings_net_pink = True
$ sell_stockings_net_blue = True
$ sell_stockings_net_black = True
$ sell_stockings_net_white = True
$ locationschool = True
jump room
image tomfuck_blinking:
"tomfuck_eyes open"
"tomfuck_eyes closed"
"tomfuck_eyes open"
"tomfuck_eyes closed"
image tomfucking 1:
"bg tomfuck 1"
"bg tomfuck 2"
"bg tomfuck 3"
"bg tomfuck 2"
image tomfucking 2:
"bg tomfuck 1"
"bg tomfuck 2"
"bg tomfuck 3"
"bg tomfuck 2"
image tombj 1:
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 2"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 3"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 4"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 3"
image tombj 2:
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 2"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 3"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 4"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 5"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 6"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 7"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 6"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 5"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 4"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 3"
image tombj 3:
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 2"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 3"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 4"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 5"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 6"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 7"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 6"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 5"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 4"
"friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 3"
label friendvisit:
$ avrdld_unlock = True
$ gym = True
$ gymnotification = True
"You spend some time in your room waiting for a client."
"And then you hear a knock on the door."
play sound "sound/doorknock.ogg"
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.)
show char_tom:
xpos 0.7
with moveinright
pov "Come in!"
"A young guy about your age comes in..."
pov "{i}This can't be true...{/i}"
"You know him... it's a guy from your school, Tom."
pov "{i}Oh my god, what should I do?!{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe he won't recognize me like this...{/i}"
pov "{i}I will be so embarrassed if he will recognize me.{/i}"
pov "{i}... All dressed up in female underwear, with puffy lips and girlish hairstyle...{/i}"
pov "{i}I want to disappear!{/i}"
"What should I do?"
"Tell him it's you, maybe he'll help you escape from this place":
jump tomescape
"Treat him like a usual client, maybe he won't recognize you":
jump tomserviceclient
#"Tell him that you don't work now and ask him to leave":
#jump tomgoaway
label tomescape:
pov "{i}I might regret this, but it's worth a shot.{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "Tom?"
pov "It's me... [povname]."
tom "What the fuck?!"
tom "[povname]?!"
tom "I can't believe my eyes!"
tom "Everybody thought you just moved away or something?"
tom "Why the fuck are you here?"
tom "... and why do you look like that?"
tom "... are you a ..."
tom "...some kind of sissy slut now?"
tom "What happened to you?"
pov "{i}This is even more embarrassing than I thought.{/i}"
pov "No, I'm not! I'm forced to work here; they want money from me. You have to help me!"
tom "Let me get this straight, you are forced to fuck with men and suck cocks for money?"
pov "... yes!"
pov "Please, you have to help me run away from here, or call someone."
tom "Oh my god! I can't believe that. This is so funny..."
pov "Wait... what??"
pov "Is it funny to you?"
tom "Of course it's funny! You expect me to believe all of that?"
tom "It sounds like you were too embarrassed just to tell the truth and came up with this stupid story."
pov "What are you talking about? What truth? I didn't come up with any stories. This is the truth!"
tom "Oh, stop that. I think the truth is that you are just a little sissy slut, who likes to dress up like a girl and suck cocks!"
tom "And lucky for you, I came here to be serviced by a sissy slut like you..."
tom "I love fucking pretty boy-girls like you."
pov "What are you talking about? I hate all of this!"
pov "They are forcing me!"
tom "Such bullshit, I see no one here except us, and you were just sitting here, all dressed up and waiting for another cock to suck."
tom "No wonder you were constantly checking me out while we were studying together."
pov "That's not true, I wasn't!"
tom "Ok, I'm tired of you arguing with you; why don't you drop to your knees and do what you are supposed to do?"
tom "I bet those people who are \"forcing you\" wouldn't like it if you don't service the client properly..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After that, he just comes close to you and forces you to your knees in front of him, lowering his pants and revealing his already hard cock."
show bg friendfirstvisit_bj
show friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 0
with Dissolve(2.)
tom "So what will it be?"
tom "You can just do what we both want; everybody will be happy, you will do what you enjoy, suck my cock, earn some good money..."
tom "... or, I'll go and tell one of the \"managers\" here that you refused to do your work."
tom "I bet they don't like it when one of the sluts starts being disrespectful to their clients."
"What to do?"
"Suck the cock":
pov "{i}I can't believe all of this.{/i}"
pov "{i}And I thought he was my friend...{/i}"
pov "{i}And now he wants me to suck his cock!{/i}"
pov "{i}But he might be right... I can get in a lot of trouble if I refuse to suck his cock.{/i}"
pov "{i}It might be easier just to do it and forget about him.{/i}"
show friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You slowly move your head closer and wrap your lips around his cock."
"Tom lets out a little laugh as you do it."
tom "That's what I thought!"
tom "Why don't you show me how skilled you are?"
pov "{i}I can't believe it...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm holding my lips on my friend's cock, and I'm about to suck it...{/i}"
hide friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 1
show tombj 1
$ renpy.notify("Scene 22 unlocked")
$ scene_22 = True
"You slowly start to move your mouth on his cock, trying to get it over with as quickly as you can."
tom "Is this all you've got?"
tom "I expect something better from such a slut like you..."
tom "Or you just want me to last longer, so you do it like that?"
tom "You know, I'm okay with that; if you're going to suck it like this, you'll make me cum only in an hour maybe."
pov "..."
pov "...Ihfateyou!"
tom "Sorry, I don't understand what you say; I think there is something in your mouth..."
pov "You don't want to last him so long, so you decide to try sucking him better and take his cock as deep as you can."
show tombj 2
pov "{i}Such a strange feeling...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can feel his cock touching the back of my throat...{/i}"
pov "{i}And his balls touching my chin whenever I take his cock deep.{/i}"
tom "That's what I'm talking about! I knew you're a good slut!"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
"To your surprise, you start to realize that your little cock is already extremely hard in its little cage."
"And it must have been hard for a while already... leaking precum through the cage and staining your pretty girlish panties while you suck your friend's cock as deep as you can."
pov "{i}Why do such things turn me on? Am I really such a perverted slut?{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting turned on by sucking my friend's cock.{/i}"
pov "{i}Well... ex-friend's cock. What kind of friend would force me sucking his cock?{/i}"
tom "You should try doing it faster..."
show tombj 2
"Without any words, you do what he says and try sucking his cock even faster."
pov "{i}I really want just to make him cum and leave already!{/i}"
jump tomtakingphoto
pov "I'm not going to suck your cock!"
pov "And I don't care what you do about it!"
#pov "I thought you were my friend! And now you want me to suck your cock?!"
#pov "No way!"
tom "So that's how you want it to be, ha?"
tom "Ok, your choice."
"Then he puts his pants back on and leaves."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
jump tomrefuseservice
label tomtakingphoto:
play sound "sound/photo.ogg"
"Suddenly, you are surprised by a photo sound."
pov "{i}What was that? Is he taking photos of me sucking his cock?{/i}"
"You look up at him to find out what was that."
show bg friendfirstvisit_photo
with Dissolve(1.5)
$ renpy.notify("Scene 23 unlocked")
$ scene_23 = True
pov "{i}Oh god...{/i}"
pov "{i}He is taking photos!{/i}"
pov "Why would you do that? Stop taking photos!"
tom "You looked so cute with my cock in your mouth!"
tom "Just wanted to share the news about you with the guys at school..."
tom "I bet they'll like your new look; maybe some of them will even visit you."
pov "{i}This can't be happening! Everybody will see me with his cock in my mouth!{/i}"
pov "{i}Even if manage to escape from here somehow or repay all the money they want, there still will be consequences, and everybody will know that I'm just a cock sucking slut!{/i}"
tom "I think it's time for me to have what I came for..."
tom "You might have thought that the blowjob will be enough, but it's not the case..."
tom "How about you take my cock out of your mouth and put your face on the bed and your little sissy ass in the air, so I can fuck you really good?"
tom "If you are a good girl, I might decide to keep this photo to myself, and no one will see it."
"What to do?"
"Let him fuck you":
label let_him_fuck_you:
$ tom_sub = True
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}This is crazy...{/i}"
pov "{i}Am I really going to do it?{/i}"
pov "{i}Having anal sex with a guy? But I don't want him to have the photo of me sucking his dick!{/i}"
pov "{i}What if other students find out that I'm a sissy whore?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't let that happen!{/i}"
pov "..."
pov "I can't believe that I'm saying this... but, ok, you can have what you want..."
pov "But you have to promise that you'll delete the photo."
tom "Of course, your sweet ass for the photo... you have a deal..."
pov "..."
pov "{i}... fuck...{/i}"
jump tom_anal_sub
"No way!":
$ tom_sub = False
pov "{i}I can't have sex with a guy!{/i}"
pov "{i}And why would I believe him?{/i}"
pov "{i}After all that he's done to me!{/i}"
pov "{i}He will just fuck me and then take even more photos with his cock in my ass, and then I'll have to service all the guys from our school as I serviced him!{/i}"
pov "I don't believe you! And I'm not going to do what you say!"
pov "You can go fuck yourself!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
tom "So that's how you want it to be, ha?"
tom "Ok, your choice."
"Then he puts his pants back on and just leaves."
jump tomrefuseservice
label tom_anal_sub:
tom "Time to show me that little hole..."
label scene_24a_playback:
show black
with d
pov "{i}Can't believe that I'm really doing it...{/i}"
"You slowly climb into the bed, turn to face away from Tom... and bend over..."
"Presenting your virgin hole for him to fuck..."
show bg tom_sub_ass
with d
"As you stand there shaking, you realise that your clitty is harder than it ever was, pressing against its cage..."
pov "{i}Fuck! I'm not enjoying it! I'm not enjoying it! This is just because... I'm nervous... that's all!{/i}"
"Your thoughts are interrupted by Tom's hands on your ass..."
pov "Mmmm..."
tom "Haha... Already moaning?"
pov "I'm not moaning!"
pov "I'm just... surprised... that's all."
tom "Yeah... right."
pov "{i}Fuck... did I just really moaned?{/i}"
tom "Such a nice ass..."
tom "It looks so tight... can't wait to try how it will make me feel..."
tom "Doesn't it feel nice being a good girl? Presenting your sweet little ass for me, ha?"
pov "Oh, fuck you! I'm doing it only because of the photo!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tom_sub_ass_slap
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Ahhhh..."
tom "Wrong! You are doing it because deep inside, you are a cock-craving slut!"
show black
with d
"After saying that, he grabs your hair and forces his dick in your tight virgin hole!"
show bg tom_sub_fuck
with d
pov "Ahhhh..."
tom "Fuck, you are tight! I've barely managed to force my tip inside you!"
pov "Please... be gentle... it's my first time!"
tom "Hahaha! Really? This is fucking hilarious!"
tom "If I knew you've liked me this much, I might have fucked you when we were studying..."
tom "But I like it when you look more like a girl."
pov "I told you, I do it only because of the photo, I don't lik..."
pov "Ahh... Mmmmm..."
"You get interrupted by his dick slowly starting to go deeper in your hole, rubbing against your p-spot..."
pov "Fuck... Mmmmm..."
pov "{i}Why does it feel so fucking good?!{/i}"
tom "Look at you! Your first time, and you enjoy it so much!"
pov "I'm... Mmmm... not enjoying it..."
pov "I'm making these sounds... Ahhhh... because it's... painful..."
tom "Hahaha... If you say so, slut..."
"He starts moving his dick faster, fucking you deeper and deeper."
"You try to hold yourself and not moan... but you can't help it..."
pov "Aaaahhh..."
pov "{i}Fuck... This feels... too good...{/i}"
pov "{i}But I'm not gay! I can't be enjoying this!{/i}"
pov "{i}And I can't show him how much... Mmmmm... I like it...{/i}"
"Your thoughts are interrupted when [tom] starts giving your p-spot some extra attention with the tip of his cock..."
"He changed the angle a bit, so his dick tip rubs really hard against it, and he makes sure to rub it slowly and intensely."
tom "So, slut... Tell me how much you like my cock..."
pov "..."
pov "I hate it!"
tom "Oh... really?"
"And then he stops and rests his dick on your p-spot..."
pov "{i}Fuck... Please, don't stop...{/i}"
pov "Yes! I hate it..."
tom "And you hate it when I rub it against your prostate?"
"And as he says that, he starts moving his dick inside you again, sending waves of pleasure over your body..."
pov "Mmmmm... Aaahhh..."
pov "Yeah... Mmmm... I... hate... it..."
tom "Oh... ok then..."
tom "Maybe I should just stop..."
"And he stops again."
"But without noticing it, you move your ass and start very slowly fucking yourself with his dick!"
pov "{i}Fuck! What is wrong with me?!{/i}"
tom "Hahaha... you are suck a hungry slut!"
"And you feel him starting to fuck you with twice the speed he was fucking you before..."
pov "Ohhh... Yes! Ah..."
tom "So, you do like it, don't you..."
pov "Mmmm... yes! Please... Ahhhh... don't... stop..."
tom "Beg me, slut, or I will stop!"
pov "Please... Fuck me, fuck me like a dirty slut I am!"
pov "{i}...it feels too good! I can't help it!{/i}"
"He increases the speed even more and starts to fuck you as hard as he can."
"And just when it feels like you are about to cum, you feel his dick starting to twitch in your hole."
with flash
with flash
"He came right inside you..."
if scene_24a == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 24 unlocked")
$ scene_24a = True
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_25a_playback:
show black
with d
"He rests with his dick still inside you and then takes it out..."
"... and you feel his hot cum slowly leaking out of you..."
show bg tom_sub_ass
show tom_sub_ass_cum
with d
tom "Congratulations on your first creampie, slut."
"Then he throws some money at you and leaves..."
if replay == False:
$ renpy.notify("You can buy a medium dildo in the sex shop now")
$ avrdld_unlock = True
pov "{i}I feel so embarrassed!{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't believe I was begging him to fuck me!{/i}"
pov "{i}And my ass is full of his cum now...{/i}"
pov "{i}And the worst part is that I feel hornier than ever!{/i}"
pov "{i}This fucking bastard came right before I was about to reach an orgasm...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck... why does it feel like I need something inside me now?{/i}"
pov "{i}Mmmm... something hard and warm...{/i}"
pov "{i}Fuck! I need to stop thinking about it! I'm not gay!{/i}"
if scene_25a == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 25 unlocked")
$ scene_25a = True
pov "{i}I need a shower...{/i}"
if replay:
jump scenes
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 100
$ renpy.notify("Arousal +100")
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
$ gym = True
$ gymnotification = True
jump room
label tomserviceclient:
pov "{i}Ok, I'm going to pretend like I don't know him...{/i}"
pov "Hey, nice to meet you! What would you like me to do for you?"
tom "Hey, cutie, how about you suck my cock?"
"After that, he just comes close to you and forces you to your knees in front of him, lowering his pants and revealing his already hard cock."
label scene_22_playback:
show bg friendfirstvisit_bj
show friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 0
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}Oh god, I can't believe that I'm standing in front of my friend down on my knees and getting ready to suck his hard cock...{/i}"
show friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 1
pov "{i}I should better start until he recognises me.{/i}"
hide friendfirstvisit_bj_mc 1
show tombj 1
if scene_22 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 22 unlocked")
$ scene_22 = True
"You slowly start to move your mouth on his cock, trying to make him cum as quickly as you can."
tom "Is this all you've got?"
tom "I expect something better from such a cute little slut like you..."
tom "You know, I'm okay with that, but if you're going to suck it like this, you'll make me cum only in an hour maybe."
tom "How about you suck my cock properly and show it the love it deserves?"
pov "..."
pov "{i}I better do what he says, so he cums and leaves already!{/i}"
show tombj 2
tom "Oh yeah... this is much better..."
tom "Now, why don't you do it a little faster?"
"You decide to do what he says and get it over with."
show tombj 3
tom "Good girl..."
if replay:
jump scenes
play sound "sound/photo.ogg"
"Suddenly, you are surprised by a photo sound."
pov "{i}What was that? Is he taking photos of me sucking his cock?{/i}"
"You look up at him to find out what was that."
label scene_23_playback:
show bg friendfirstvisit_photo
with Dissolve(1.5)
if scene_23 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 23 unlocked")
$ scene_23 = True
pov "{i}Oh god...{/i}"
pov "{i}He is taking photos!{/i}"
pov "Could you please stop taking photos? I'm not really comfortable doing it on camera."
tom "You looked so cute with my cock in your mouth, [povname]!"
pov "Wait... What?!"
pov "How did you know that it's me?"
tom "You hoped I wouldn't recognize you? As soon as I saw you, I thought you look familiar."
tom "And just a minute ago I realized, who you are!"
tom "What a slut have you become... Sucking your friend's cock?"
tom "Are you enjoying this?"
tom "When you've disappeared, we thought you moved away or something..."
tom "But now, when I show all our friends this photo, they'll be happy to know that you are more than ok!"
tom "I bet they'll like your new look; maybe some of them will even visit you."
pov "Wait, you don't understand... I'm forced to work here; they want me to give them a lot of money!"
pov "I don't like working here!"
tom "Oh yeah... that's funny!"
tom "Is that why all your pretty girlish panties soaked in your precum?"
tom "You are leaking like a horny slut! Just admit it, you are a cock hungry whore!"
pov "That's not true!"
"As you shout those words, you start to realize that all this time while you've been sucking his cock, your little cock was pressing hard on the cage, desperately trying to get hard and leaking precum."
pov "{i}Is he right? Have I become a slut?{/i}"
pov "{i}I could tell him, that it's me, maybe he would even help me to run away or to call someone for help...{/i}"
pov "{i}But instead, I've decided to suck his cock and pretend like I don't know him?{/i}"
pov "{i}And now, he will show the photo to all of my friends! Everybody will see me with his cock in my mouth!{/i}"
pov "{i}Even if manage to escape from here somehow or repay all the money they want, there still will be consequences, and everybody will know that I'm just a cock sucking slut!{/i}"
pov "{i}This can't be happening!{/i}"
tom "And now, I think it's time for me to have what I came for..."
if replay:
jump scenes
tom "You might have thought that the blowjob will be enough, but it's not the case..."
tom "How about you take my cock out of your mouth and put your face on the bed and your little sissy ass in the air, so I can fuck you really good?"
tom "If you are a good girl, I might decide to keep this photo to myself, and no one will see it."
"What to do?"
"Let him fuck you":
jump let_him_fuck_you
"No way!":
pov "{i}I can't have sex with a guy!{/i}"
pov "{i}And why would I believe him?{/i}"
pov "{i}He will just fuck me and then take even more photos with his cock in my ass, and then I'll have to service all the guys from our school as I serviced him!{/i}"
pov "I don't believe you! And I'm not going to do what you say!"
pov "You can go fuck yourself!"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
tom "So that's how you want it to be, ha?"
tom "Ok, your choice."
"Then he puts his pants back on and just leaves."
jump tomrefuseservice
label tomgoaway:
label tomrefuseservice:
if dtime == 1:
show bg room day
if dtime == 2:
show bg room evening
show pov:
xalign .4
ypos .05
with Dissolve(2.0)
pov "{i}I thought he wouldn't leave so easily.{/i}"
pov "{i}Guess, I got lucky this time after all...{/i}"
pov "{i}Even though I didn't get any money, it's nice that I don't have to suck his cock.{/i}"
pov "{i}But for some reason I'm still so horny...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I should just lay on my bed a little and relax.{/i}"
"But after a while, your door opens..."
show char_alex:
xpos 0.55
show char_tom:
xpos 0.75
with moveinright
tom "Hey slut. Guess who I met?"
tom "I think you are in a lot of trouble now..."
pov "{i}Fuck... I knew that it couldn't end that simple.{/i}"
pov "{i}And Alex doesn't look happy...{/i}"
alex "[povname], this gentleman complained about your service..."
alex "He says that you were insulting and didn't want to please him properly..."
alex "That's not how we treat our guests here!"
alex "You have to show proper respect!"
pov "Respect?! He wants to fuck me!"
alex "So? That's what you are for here..."
alex "What is your problem?"
pov "I don't want to have anal sex with him... or anyone else!"
pov "I'm not like that!"
alex "Like what? What are you talking about?"
alex "If I remember correctly, you begged me not to stop fucking your ass and then came all over your face just from getting fucked in the ass by my dildo."
alex "And now you are saying that you are \"not like that\", that's so funny."
alex "Tom, could you please help me a little? I think I'll have to show this sissy slut how to behave..."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"Next thing you know, is that they come closer to you, force you to lie down on your bed, and Alex straps you to it with some kind of handcuffs..."
"Even though you tried your best not to let them do what they want, they did it surprisingly easily."
#"And to make things worse, they took off all of your clothes..."
label scene_24_playback:
show bg tomspanking
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}How could they force me so easily? Am I really so weak?!{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I'm lying naked with my legs spread and that they can see everything... I am so embarrassed!{/i}"
pov "{i}And the worst of all is that they can not only see everything, they can also do anything they want to do to me, while I'm bound like this!{/i}"
pov "Let me go! Please!"
alex "Not yet, honey; first, I have to give you a good spanking."
tom "I'd like to do it myself and teach this sissy slut some manners."
alex "That's even better! Please, be my guest."
tom "By the way, [povname], I love your cute little hole, can't wait to have some fun with it."
tom "It looks like you haven't been fucked much, so I bet it's really nice and tight."
tom "But it won't be so tight like it is now after I'll fuck you..."
pov "No, please! I didn't do anything wrong!"
alex "And that is why you need a good spanking; you don't even realize that your behaviour is not appropriate at all!"
alex "So Tom will be spanking your ass until you realize what you have done and apologize to him properly."
"I'm not going to apologize; I did nothing wrong!":
alex "I'm sure you'll change your mind soon!"
alex "Tom, why don't you show this little bitch her place?"
tom "With pleasure!"
"Please, don't do it! I will apologize now":
alex "I'm sure you will, but first, you are getting your sweet little ass spanked anyways!"
alex "Tom, would you like to start?"
tom "You bet, I do!"
"Stay silent":
alex "Decided to keep your mouth shut and wait for it to end?"
alex "That won't be so easy... You'll have to apologize anyways."
alex "Now get ready to get spanked."
"Fuck you! Both of you!":
tom "I love it when a bitch is like that, makes it more fun to brake her."
tom "Time for your little ass to get spanked!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l1
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Awww... Stop it!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r1
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
if scene_24 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 24 unlocked")
$ scene_24 = True
tom "Yeah... right, I'm stopping already..."
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l2
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Please! Not so hard! It hurts"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r2
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l3
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r3
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
tom "I love it how your sweet little ass is getting all pink and cute."
"Please, stop!":
pov "I'm sorry! Please, I will behave, but don't spank me anymore! It hurts!"
tom "I don't think so, only a couple of spanks, and you are about to cry?"
tom "You really are a little sissy."
tom "I think you still haven't learned your lesson properly."
"Fuck you!":
tom "You are bold, aren't you?"
tom "Let's see how you'll behave a couple of minutes later."
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l4
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Please, no more!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r4
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Ahhhhh..."
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l5
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Please! Not so hard! It hurts"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r5
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
alex "Now it's really pink! It's so cute like this."
alex "[povname], how do you like the idea to make the spanking a weekly procedure?"
alex "You'll have a cute pink little ass all the time, and also you'll behave properly..."
"At this point, it really hurts, and your ass just burns."
pov "{i}I can't stand it anymore...{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope I'll be able not to cry...{/i}"
"Even though it hurts so much, you are still aroused a lot, probably even more than before."
"This situation makes you really turned on..."
"Lying with your legs wide open, showing your little hole for Alex and Tom to see..."
"Getting spanked like a disobedient little slut..."
"Please, no more!":
pov "Please, I'm begging you, I can't feel my ass; it hurts so bad."
alex "I still think that she needs a couple spanks more..."
tom "She sure does!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l6
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Ahhhhh!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r6
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
"The last two spanks were definitely the strongest..."
"And you start to think how long will it take for you to be able to sit without pain."
tom "Now that's enough."
"Stay silent":
"You don't want to beg them to stop, but at the same time, you don't want to say anything hoping that they will stop it as it hurts too much now."
tom "Not so cocky, are we? Waiting for it to stop?"
tom "Let's see if we can make you talk..."
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l6
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Ahhhhh!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r6
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
"You can't bear the pain anymore... and want it all to stop."
"The last two spanks were definitely the strongest..."
"And you start to think how long will it take for you to be able to sit without pain."
"Beg them to stop":
pov "Please, I'm begging you! I'm sorry for my behaviour!"
pov "Please stop spanking my ass; it hurts so bad."
tom "Now we are talking..."
tom "It would be so much easier for you if you weren't so cocky!"
tom "To teach you a lesson, I'll give you two more!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_l6
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
pov "Ahhhhh!"
play sound "sound/spanking.ogg"
show tomspanking_eyes_closed
pause .2
hide tomspanking_eyes_closed
show tomspanking_r6
with Shake((0, 0, 0, 0), 0.1, dist=10)
tom "Now that's enough."
alex "That was so good, Tom."
alex "I bet this slut will know her place now."
alex "I'm going to leave the two of you to have fun..."
alex "Just make sure to let her free when you leave."
alex "And don't worry about the payment; this whore is free for use today."
pov "Wait! Don't leave, please, let me go."
"But before you know it, Alex has already left, and you see Tom, taking off his clothes, revealing his cock once again and climbing on the bed behind you."
if replay:
jump scenes
label scene_25_playback:
show bg tomfuck 0
show tomfuck_mouth 1
show tomfuck_blinking
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Please, don't do it! I don't want it to happen..."
pov "Not like this..."
tom "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it."
"And without hesitation, he just forces his cock into your ass."
show tomfucking 1 zorder 1
show tomfuck_eyes closed zorder 10
show tomfuck_mouth 2 zorder 10
if scene_25 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 25 unlocked")
$ scene_25 = True
"It was so sudden and painful that you just close your eyes and try not to cry."
"The only thing you can think about now is how grateful you are, that his cock is not too big."
show tomfucking 2 zorder 1
"But then suddenly he starts to fuck you even faster; apparently, he was really turned on by all the spanking and a blowjob before that."
pov "Ahhhhh..."
"Without realizing it, you start to moan out loud, even though you still feel some pain, now a lot of pleasure have added to it."
tom "You like it, bitch?"
tom "What did I tell you?"
tom "You are a cock hungry slut, who wants to get fucked all day long..."
tom "You just don't know it yet, or just don't want to admit that."
pov "...mmmm..."
"You are so horny from everything that's happened that you just moan and want him to fuck you more and more."
pov "This is so wrong, but I want to cum so bad..."
"Without realizing it, you start to beg him to fuck you harder and faster."
pov "Please, more! It feels so good!"
pov "I'm about to cum!"
"But before you reach the peak, he pulls out his cock from your ass and starts coming all over your ass."
hide tomfucking 2
show bg tomfuck 0
show tomfuck_cum_1
with flash
$ renpy.pause(.5, hard=True)
show tomfuck_cum_2
show tomfuck_cum_3
hide tomfuck_cum_1
with flash
$ renpy.pause(.5, hard=True)
hide tomfuck_cum_3
show tomfuck_cum_4
with flash
hide tomfuck_eyes closed
pov "But I didn't cum, I'm so close..."
pov "Please put it back inside and fuck me more!"
pov "I need that!"
tom "Hahaha, you are such a slut."
tom "I don't care if you came or not; you are here to serve me, not the other way around."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with dissolve
"With those words, he just stands up, comes right near your face and wipes his cock with your hair."
tom "That's how you are supposed to be treated."
tom "If I knew what a dirty slut you are, I'd fuck you all day long when we were back in school together."
"After that, he just lets you free, puts on his clothes and leaves."
$ renpy.notify("You can buy a medium dildo in the sex shop now")
$ avrdld_unlock = True
pov "{i}I feel so embarrassed!{/i}"
pov "{i}I was spanked and then forcefully fucked by one of my friends.{/i}"
pov "{i}And the worst part about that is that I begged him to fuck me more... and he just wiped his cum from his cock with my hair and left...{/i}"
pov "{i}I don't even know what to think anymore...{/i}"
pov "{i}I need a shower... test{/i}"
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 100
$ renpy.notify("Arousal +100")
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
$ gym = True
$ gymnotification = True
jump room
label training05:
if situps1time:
$ situps1time = False
crg "Great, I have something new for you..."
crg "We'll start with the squats like usual and then I'll show you the rest."
show gymsquats 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"You go and take the little weights again and start doing squats like usual."
"And you can't help but start wondering what is the new training that Craig came up with."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a while Craig tells you to stop and you follow him so he can show you the next exercise."
crg "Since you obviously can't keep yourself away from my cock, from now on you'll have a new exercising routine."
crg "Now lay down and prepare to do some sit-ups, hold your feet on the floor, knees bent."
"You do as you are told and the next thing you know, Craig stands on his knees above your chest and lowers his shorts revealing his huge cock."
"You instantly realize what he wants you to do, so without any hesitation, you wrap your lips around his cock."
show bg situps
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "You see? Perfect position."
crg "You can do sit-ups that will help you keep your stomach flat and sexy and the same time you can keep your mouth busy, sucking my cock."
pov "{i}Never though that I'll be doing exercises like this...{/i}"
pov "{i}With my trainer's cock in my mouth right in the middle of the gym, where other people can see me.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I just can't stop, it turns me on so much...{/i}"
pov "{i}Feeling his big cock in my mouth with every move.{/i}"
pov "{i}Oh god, what happened to me? I bet it's because of the cage... keeping me horny all the time.{/i}"
"You do crunches for a while, while sucking Craig's big cock and right when you start to get a little tired from exercising, you feel Craig's cock throbbing in your mouth..."
show situps_eye closed
with flash
"And then a moment later a first portion of his load shoots right into your throat."
show situps_eye closed
with flash
"And then more and more, filling your mouth with hot sweet cum, the only thing you can do is just keep swallowing all the cum."
hide situps_eye closed
"Even though he already came, you don't want to let his cock out from your mouth so you keep sucking it, enjoying the last drops of cum."
if scene_31 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 31 unlocked")
$ scene_31 = True
crg "Good girl. You'll do it every training from now on."
crg "Ok, I think it's enough for today."
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, cum swallowing +1, Money -50")
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
crg "Ok, let's go, you know what to do."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You do some squats as usual and at the same time you can't wait to finish them, so you can start doing the next exercise."
pov "{i}I've never thought I'll be looking forward to suck a cock ♥{/i}"
"After a while Craig tells you to stop and you lay on the floor, so you can do crunches."
"Same as the last time, Craig positions himself above you, pointing his huge cock right into your face."
"As soon as you see it, you take it into your mouth and start sucking."
label scene_31_playback:
show bg situps
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "I bet you couldn't wait for it."
pov "..."
pov "{i}I don't know why is it so hot.{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm enjoying it too much ♥.{/i}"
pov "{i}Mmmm... I want his cum so bad!{/i}"
"You do crunches for a while, while sucking Craig's big cock and right when you start to get a little tired from exercising, you feel Craig's cock throbbing in your mouth..."
show situps_eye closed
with flash
"And then a moment later a first portion of his load shoots right into your throat."
show situps_eye closed
with flash
"And then more and more, filling your mouth with hot sweet cum, the only thing you can do is just keep swallowing all the cum."
hide situps_eye closed
"Even though he already came, you don't want to let his cock out from your mouth so you keep sucking it, enjoying the last drops of cum."
crg "Good girl. I bet you like getting rewarded like this at the end of each training."
if replay:
jump scenes
if asktrainingresults1 == False:
$ asktrainingresults = True
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, cum swallowing +1, Money -50")
$ renpy.notify("Money -50")
$ money -= 50
$ dtime += 1
jump room
label intensetraining:
show gymsquats 1
with Dissolve(2.)
if firstintense:
$ firstintense = False
"You start with some simple squats to warm up for whatever comes next."
pov "{i}I wonder what will it be...{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope it involves me sucking Craig's gorgeous cock.{/i}"
pov "{i}Can't have enough of it ♥{/i}"
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a while Craig stops you and tells you to follow him for the next exercise."
"You follow him for a while and then you enter a smaller room with other exercising machines."
"And then you notice something..."
"... something that makes your heart stop. And you start praying that you are not going to do exercises on {i}that{/i}."
label scene_32_playback:
show bg dildobike1
with Dissolve(2.)
crg "Here it is, your new friend for the next half an hour, or more."
pov "..."
pov "No, I can't ride it, and right in the middle of the gym? That's crazy!"
crg "Didn't you want a more intense training?"
crg "This little guy will surely help you to stay motivated and move really good."
pov "I can't do it!"
crg "Of course you can... No need to be shy."
crg "If you are worried about me looking, I'll just go someplace else and you'll be able to work out without me watching you."
pov "That's not it, I just..."
crg "Come on, stop that. You'll like it I'm sure."
crg "I'll leave you alone now, just do what you like."
crg "But you should know that I'll be really disappointed if you'll decide to leave..."
pov "{i}Fuck...{/i}"
pov "{i}What should I do?{/i}"
"That's too much, go back to your room":
pov "{i}I can't do it! It's too much!{/i}"
pov "{i}What if someone walks in while I do it.{/i}"
pov "{i}What if Craig will see me doing it?{/i}"
pov "{i}On the other hand I really don't want to dissapoint him.{/i}"
jump noharm
"There is no harm in trying":
label noharm:
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}Maybe I could just try it and see how it goes.{/i}"
show bg dildobike2
with Dissolve(2.)
"You climb on the bike and lower your shorts a little."
pov "{i}I don't feel like taking them off completely...{/i}"
pov "{i}And Craig could see that I'm not a real girl if I do that and he accidentally sees me.{/i}"
pov "{i}I hope nobody comes in here while I use it.{/i}"
pov "{i}It would be so embarrassing...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm so scared to use it...{/i}"
pov "{i}But it might feel really good, who knows?{/i}"
pov "{i}I've enjoyed playing with my dildo so much...{/i}"
pov "{i}...{/i}"
"You decide that there is no reason to delay it anymore and lower yourself on the dildo."
show bg dildobike3
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Mmmm... ♥♥♥"
pov "{i}When did I start loving it so much?{/i}"
"As you start moving, you realize that it starts to feel even better."
pov "{i}... this... is... amazing...{/i}"
pov "Mmmmmm..."
pov "{i}This thing does keep me motivated to move faster...{/i}"
pov "{i}Craig was right, I don't want to stop.{/i}"
"You do it for a while, trying to move as fast as you can feeling intense pleasure all over your body."
pov "{i}This is the strangest feeling I've ever experienced...{/i}"
pov "{i}Getting fucked while riding a bike...{/i}"
pov "{i}Mmmmm...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm so tired already, but I don't want to stop at all.{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels like I'm about to cum...{/i}"
show dildobike craig
with dissolve
crg "So... How is it going?"
show bg dildobike3
with flash
"As soon as you hear Craig's voice and realize, that he can see you riding a bike with a dildo deep in your ass, you start feeling orgasmic pleasure going through your whole body..."
"And then you feel cum slowly leaking from your caged clitty..."
"It's been so long since you last orgasm, you were so horny!"
"And understanding that you are riding a dildo in front of someone else was the last drop to take you over the edge."
if replay:
jump scenes
if scene_32 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 32 unlocked")
$ scene_32 = True
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"When you come to your senses, you quickly climb down from the bike and pull your shorts back on."
$ blush = True
show bg gym
show char_craig:
xpos 0.55
show pov:
xpos .2
ypos .05
show gym_wet_spot:
ypos .02
with Dissolve(2.)
"After a moment you start to realize that your shorts are all wet because of your cum..."
pov "{i}Oh god! It's so embarrassing! I've just stained my shorts with cum because of riding a dildo!{/i}"
pov "{i}And to make things worse, Craig saw everything!{/i}"
crg "Hey, you look like you've had a lot of fun!"
crg "You are such a naughty girl, I didn't expect you to ride on it with your ass!"
crg "I thought you'll be using your pussy."
pov "..."
crg "And it seems like you've even reached an orgasm at the end!"
crg "Not so many girls can have an orgasm just from anal sex."
crg "And your pussy must be really wet judging from the spot on your shorts."
pov "{i}...{/i}"
pov "{i}It seems he didn't figure out that I'm not a real girl...{/i}"
pov "{i}And he thinks that it's my pussy juices, not cum.{/i}"
pov "{i}I guess it was a good idea to leave my shorts on...{/i}"
pov "... I don't even know what to say..."
pov "I guess it was good."
crg "You guess? Haha, you are funny..."
crg "I bet you'll be back soon for another training like this."
show black
crg "Ok, before you go, drink this."
"He gives you a shaker with some liquid inside."
pov "{i}It seems like it's quite a lot inside.{/i}"
pov "{i}I wonder what it is.{/i}"
show bg sportsshake
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "{i}The taste is quite nice.{/i}"
pov "{i}But a little strange...{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't figure out what it tastes like exactly...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it feels like it's a little different every time I swallow.{/i}"
pov "{i}One moment it feels like it's quite sweet and the next moment it's bitter or even salty a little.{/i}"
pov "{i}And it leaves a strange feeling in my mouth...{/i}"
"You drink everything and go back to your room."
$ blush = False
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, sports shake effects +1, Money -75")
$ renpy.notify("Sports shake effects +1, Money -75")
#$ renpy.notify("Money -75")
$ money -= 75
$ dtime += 1
jump room
#show gymsquats 1
#with Dissolve(2.)
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You start with some simple squats to warm up like usual."
"After a while Craig stops you and you follow him to the bike."
"You can't wait to feel that dildo inside your little hole again..."
"Feeling all that intense pleasure..."
crg "Here, you know what to do, I'll come back when it's time to stop."
show bg dildobike2
with Dissolve(2.)
"You climb on the bike and lower your shorts a little like the last time as you still don't want Craig to see your little clitty."
"You decide that it's time to start and you lower yourself on the dildo."
show bg dildobike3
with Dissolve(2.)
pov "Mmmm... ♥♥♥"
pov "{i}So good...{/i}"
"As you start moving, it starts to feel better and better."
pov "{i}I love feeling it deep inside...{/i}"
pov "Mmmmmm..."
"You do it for a while, trying to move as fast as you can, feeling intense pleasure all over your body."
pov "{i}Mmmmm...{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm so tired already, but I don't want to stop at all.{/i}"
pov "{i}It feels like I'm about to cum...{/i}"
"But this time you can't reach an orgasm, even though it feels so good."
show dildobike craig
with dissolve
crg "Hey, sweetie, it's time to stop now."
"You even feel a little disappointed that it's time to stop, but even if you wanted to continue, you feel too tired already."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You climb down from the bike and pull your shorts back on."
show bg sportsshake
with Dissolve(2.)
"Craig gives you one more shake and you drink it all up and then go back to your room."
#$ renpy.notify("Legs training +1, sports shake effects +1, Money -75")
$ renpy.notify("Sports shake effects +1, Money -75")
$ money -= 75
$ dtime += 1
jump room
image alexpegging_blinking:
image alexpegging_pegging_bj 1:
"alexpeggingbj_mc 1"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 2"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 3"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 2"
image alexpegging_pegging_bj 2:
# "alexpeggingbj_mc 1"
# .3
"alexpeggingbj_mc 2"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 3"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 4"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 5"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 4"
"alexpeggingbj_mc 3"
# "alexpeggingbj_mc 2"
# .3
image alexpegging_pegging 1:
"alexpegging_alex 1"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
"alexpegging_alex 3"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
image alexpegging_pegging 2:
"alexpegging_alex 1"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
"alexpegging_alex 3"
"alexpegging_alex 4"
"alexpegging_alex 5"
"alexpegging_alex 4"
"alexpegging_alex 3"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
image alexpegging_pegging 3:
"alexpegging_alex 1"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
"alexpegging_alex 3"
"alexpegging_alex 4"
"alexpegging_alex 5"
"alexpegging_alex 4"
"alexpegging_alex 3"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
image alexpegging_pegging 4:
"alexpegging_alex 1"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
"alexpegging_alex 3"
"alexpegging_alex 4"
"alexpegging_alex 5"
"alexpegging_alex 4"
"alexpegging_alex 3"
"alexpegging_alex 2"
label alexpeggingfirsttime:
"You got so lost in all the pleasure, that you haven't event noticed how Alex entered your room and came right close to you..."
show bg alex_strapless
with Dissolve(2.)
show bg alex_strapless:
ypos 2.
with MoveTransition(3.0)
if scene_19 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 19 unlocked")
$ scene_19 = True
"You can't believe your eyes and don't know what to do."
"She is standing right above you almost completely naked."
show bg alex_strapless:
ypos 1.2
with MoveTransition(1.)
pov "{i}What is that? Is that some kind of a strapon?{/i}"
pov "{i}But it has no belts... it must be holding in her pussy.{/i}"
show bg alex_strapless:
ypos 2.
with MoveTransition(1.0)
show bg alex_strapless talking
alex "So this is how you spend you evenings, ha?"
show bg alex_strapless
pov "That's not what you think, I'm not enjoying this..."
pov "...I'm just... mmmm... practicing."
show bg alex_strapless talking
alex "Haha... yeah..."
alex "I knew that you are a little slut... and I know that you've been having fun with your little hole quite a lot lately."
alex "So I've decided that it's time for you to learn something new..."
show bg alex_strapless
pov "... How did you know? Are there cameras here?!"
show bg alex_strapless talking
alex "Don't worry about that, it doesn't matter now..."
alex "Why don't you come closer to me, I want to have some fun with your mouth."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with dissolve
label scene_20_playback:
"You slowly rise to your knees and find her dildo right in front of your face."
show bg alexpeggingbj
show alexpeggingbj_mc 0
with Dissolve(2.)
alex "Why don't you put your mouth to work?"
alex "Wrap your lips around it and suck it like you suck real cocks."
"Without even thinking you do as you're told to and slowly put your lips close to the dildo."
show alexpeggingbj_mc 1
with dissolve
pov "For some reason it smells a little strange and you don't know what it is, but the smell is really pleasant, and it feels like the dildo is covered in something."
alex "Now suck it."
hide alexpeggingbj_mc 1
show alexpegging_pegging_bj 1
"Without any hesitation, you just start sucking, imagining that it's a real cock that you have to please."
alex "I hope you like that taste..."
alex "I was bored today and decided to pay [jnf] a visit..."
alex "And I ended up having some fun with her little pussy, fucking her for hours."
alex "And now you are tasting her juices, right from the dildo I used to fuck her."
show alexpeggingbj_mc 0o
hide alexpegging_pegging_bj 1
with dissolve
if scene_20 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 20 unlocked")
$ scene_20 = True
pov "Wait.. what?"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I've basically tasted [jnf]'s pussy...{/i}"
pov "It feels so wrong, she's been like a sister to me for almost my whole life, and now I'm tasting her pussy!"
alex "I know that you are enjoying this, so stop acting and go back to sucking this cock, slut."
"I'm not going to suck it!":
alex "Is that so?"
alex "Then we'll do something even better!"
"Suck it":
hide alexpeggingbj_mc 0o
show alexpegging_pegging_bj 2
with dissolve
"You don't know what to say and just start sucking the dildo again, but this time trying to take it as deep as you can."
"And tasting the pussy juices that got left on the dildo..."
pov "This time I'm happy that I'm wearing the chastity cage, otherwise, she'd be able to see how turned on I am by all of this..."
alex "That's much better!"
alex "Ok, now it's time to do something even better!"
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
label scene_21_playback:
alex "Why don't we let your little friend out from its cage for this?"
"With those words she just comes closer to you and takes off your chastity cage."
"After that she holds your legs and pushes you into another position, so your cock is right above your face and your legs are behind your head."
show bg alexpegging
show alexpegging_blinking
show alexpegging_alex 0
show alexpegging_mouth closed
show fg alexpegging zorder 1
with Dissolve(2.)
"Then she positions herself so her dildo is right near your asshole, ready to enter inside."
pov "... please... I'm not ready for this."
alex "Oh, I'm sure you are..."
show alexpegging_alex 1
show alexpegging_mouth part
hide alexpegging_blinking
show alexpegging_eyes_closed
with dissolve
pov "Mmmm..."
alex "Yeah, moan for me, slut."
alex "I will be fucking you all night long..."
show alexpegging_pegging 1
hide alexpegging_alex 1
"After those words she slowly starts fucking you with just the tip of her dildo."
show alexpegging_blinking
show alexpegging_mouth closed
hide alexpegging_eyes_closed
if scene_21 == False:
$ renpy.notify("Scene 21 unlocked")
$ scene_21 = True
pov "{i}I can't believe how good it feels...{/i}"
show alexpegging_mouth part
pov "Oh yeah... so good..."
show alexpegging_mouth closed
alex "So you like it, don't you?"
pov "{i}Did I say it out loud? It's so embarrassing...{/i}"
alex "Why don't I tease you a little?"
"And then she suddenly stops."
show alexpegging_alex 1
hide alexpegging_pegging 1
show alexpegging_mouth part
pov "No, please, don't stop..."
show alexpegging_mouth closed
alex "What did you just said?"
show alexpegging_mouth part
pov "Don't stop! I want more!"
show alexpegging_mouth closed
hide alexpegging_alex 1
show alexpegging_pegging 2
alex "Good girl..."
"And then she starts fucking you even deeper."
pov "{i}Oh my god... It feels so good, I don't want it to stop.{/i}"
pov "{i}I feel so full...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it feels so nice in this position every time she enters inside.{/i}"
alex "Why don't we go a little faster?"
show alexpegging_pegging 3
show alexpegging_mouth part
hide alexpegging_blinking
show alexpegging_eyes_closed
pov "Don't stop please."
pov "{i}I feel like I'm about to cum...{/i}"
alex "Now, I want you to open your mouth and show me your tongue..."
"Do it":
"You feel so horny and you want her to continue fucking you, so you just what she says and show her your tongue."
"Don't do it":
pov "I don't want to do that."
alex "Then, maybe, we should stop what we are doing..."
pov "Please, no! I feel so good, I'm so close..."
alex "Then do what I say!"
"You feel so horny that you don't want her to stop, so you just obey and show her your tongue."
show alexpegging_mouth open
alex "Such a good girl..."
alex "Now, you'll feel like you've never felt before."
show alexpegging_pegging 4
"With those words she increases her sped and starts fucking you as fast and as hard as possible, hitting your p-spot with every thrust and sending fantastic feelings all over your body."
show alexpegging_cum_1_g
with flash
pause .5
hide alexpegging_cum_1_g
show alexpegging_cum_2_g
show alexpegging_cum_2_s
show alexpegging_cum_2_t
with flash
pause .5
hide alexpegging_cum_2_g
show alexpegging_cum_3_s
show alexpegging_cum_3_t
with flash
pause 1.
show alexpegging_pegging 2
pov "Ahhhh..."
pov "{i}Did I just cum all over my face and in my own mouth?...{/i}"
pov "{i}This feels so...{/i}"
pov "{i}... hot...{/i}"
alex "Now swallow."
"You don't want to disappoint her and something inside you makes you want to swallow it..."
"So you just do it and show her your tongue without the cum on it."
"You don't want to swallow your own cum, at least not in front of Alex, so you decide to spit it."
"But apparently Alex noticed what you were about to do..."
"So she covers your mouth with her hand forcing you to swallow all the cum and realeasing her hand only after you've done it."
"And to make sure, she tells you to open your mouth and show her that there is no cum left inside your mouth."
hide alexpegging_cum_2_t
hide alexpegging_cum_3_t
hide alexpegging_eyes_closed
show alexpegging_blinking
with dissolve
pov "{i}It's so strange to eat my own cum...{/i}"
pov "{i}To eat any cum at all, only girls do it.{/i}"
pov "{i}But it tasted kind of nice and even a little sweet...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it feels so right to swallow cum for some reason, like I'm supposed to do it.{/i}"
alex "That's what you are supposed to do with cum... Swallow it every time."
if replay:
jump scenes
show black
with dissolve
"After that, Alex takes out her dildo, puts the cage back on your little penis and goes away."
alex "I might visit you again to have some fun if I get bored."
$ dtime = 1
$ arousal = 20
$ day += 1
$ newday = True
$ friendvisit = True
jump room
<div id="n">You wait for a client in your room for a while.And soon you hear a knock on the door.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> Come in!
<div id="n">A man enters the room. It a regular guy in his middle age.</div>
<span id="b">man: </span>Hello! I'd like to get a handjob, please...And also, I would like you to take off your clothes and sit on my chest while you do it.
<span id="Y">You: </span> I'm sorry but I'll leave on my panties at least, if that's ok with you. I'm new here and I'm still a little shy.
<span id="b">Man: </span>Oh, ok. No problem.
<div id="n">Then he takes off his clothes and lies on the bed and you slowly position yourself on his chest facing his cock.He's already hard so you grab his dick with one hand and put the other one on his balls.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I hope that this will go fast as I feel really strange sitting on a naked man that I've just met and holding his erect dick in my hand.
<span id="Y">You: </span> But it also feels a little arousing for some reason...
<div id="n">You slowly start moving your hand, playing with the man's cock and trying to make it as pleasant as possible.</div>
<video width="720" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/fclient.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="b">Man</span> This feels nice. I like it.
<div id="n">You slowly continue to masturbate the cock while thinking how strange this all is One thing is to do it through a glory hole where you can only see and touch the cock. And the other thing is to be with a naked man alone in the room sitting on his chest and playing with his dick. You can't help but start to feel more and more aroused by the current situation.</div>
<span id="b">man:</span> How about you go faster?
<div id="n">You increase the speed and feel his cock getting harder and his breath getting deeper. You continue jerking off his cock, when suddenly... You feel his hand gently resting on your ass. </div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> ... I guess it's ok. I think he can touch me a little if he wants, he's paying me money after all.
<div id="n">But then he starts groping your ass cheek a little.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> ... I just have to get through this and make him cum faster...
<div id="n">You start jerking his cock a little faster, hoping that he will cum soon and will stop touching your ass. But instead... he moved your panties a little to the side, so he can see your little hole.</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> ... What are you doing?
<span id="b">Man:</span> Don't worry baby, everything is fine, I'm just enjoying the view of your beautiful tight hole.
<span id="th">Think:</span> I really need to make him cum now...
<div id="n">So you start jerking off his cock even faster. But instead of making him cum you've got another result... suddenly feel something wet on your hole.Apparently he licked his finger and started rubbing your hole with it.</div>
<video width="620" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/fclientt.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<<set $gotadviceashley to 4>>
[[Ask him to stop]]
[[Move away and pull your panties back over your hole]]
<<if $gotadviceashley >=1 >>
<span id="n">You Knock on the Door, but nobody answer, she might be somewhere else now.</span>
[[Go back|leave the room]]
<<if $gotadviceashley == 0 >> <span id="a">Ashley: </span>Hey, Nikolay! How are you? What's new?
<span id="Y">You: </span> I'm fine, I guess. I've came to ask you if you could give me an advice.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Yeah, sure. What's troubling you?
<span id="Y">You: </span> You see, the thing is, I have to pay certain amount of money each week...
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Yeah, all of us have to do it.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Yeah, but the problem is that I can't earn enough... You've been here for a while, maybe you could give me an advice how can I make more money?
<img src="images/Ashley2.jpg" width="520" >
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> Oh, yeah... No problem, I'm sure such a cutie like you can earn a lot here. But not in that glory hole booth you've been visiting, you won't be able to make much money there... I mean, you can make some good money there, but you have to be really good and do some stuff that I think you're not ready to do.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>You should just start working in your room. But if you want clients to visit you, you should work on your look first, as most of the clients are interested in women or sissies Guys aren't really popular here for some reason. Visit a beauty salon and see what they can do. You can just do a new haircut, I'm sure it will make you look a lot different.
<span id="Y">You: </span> I need to look like a girl?! But I'm not a girl, I don't want to look like one...
<span id="a">Ashley: </span>I understand... But you need money, right? And it's just a hair style, try it. Maybe you'll like it. And remember, the lewder the stuff you do, the more money you get.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Ok, thank you for the advice.
<span id="a">Ashley: </span> If you'll need anything else, come visit me any time.
<<set $gotadviceashley to 1>>
[[Your room]]
<span id="red"> Now you can make new hairstyle </span>
<<if $gotadviceashley == 0>>
You spend some time waiting for the clent, but nobody comes...
You need be more feminine.
[[Your room]]
<span id="red">You can take advise from Ashley after day 3</span>
<<if $gotnewhair == 1 and $gotadviceashley == 3 >>
"You wait for a client in your room for a while."
"And soon you hear a knock on the door."
[[Open the door|First Client]]
<<if $gotadviceashley == 4>>
"You spend some time waiting for the clent, but nobody comes..."
"Maybe that's becouse i need to look even more girlish than now?"
"I might need visit a beauty salon again and do something about my look"
[[Your room]]
no cage things
<<if $nr == 1702>>
[[Skip|label day2]]
Enter number of ashleys room <<textbox "$nr" "">>
[[Enter|Skip the intro]]
I'm not doing thatI
[[Go back|Glory Hole]]<style>
body {background-image: url('images/4game/gloryhole.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;
color: rgb(11,11,11,);}
<div id="n">You enter the room, take off your clothes as you don't want them to get covered in cum and sit down on the floor waiting for a cock to appear. It doesn't take much time as you hear some sounds on the other side of the wall and after that, a cock appears through the hole. You grab the cock and start enjoying the process again.</div>
<span id="th">Think: </span>It is definitely not normal... It feels too good every time I do it. I'm sure I shouldn't enjoy touching cocks! This is so gay! I should only get aroused by girls, not by giving some random men a handjob! While having all those thoughts and holding that juicy cock, you start to feel that you are getting hard.
<span id="th">Think:</span>Fuck, I feel my cock getting so hardI'm so horny now...So good that nobody knows what's inside my head right now. I should better start...
<div id="n">You start to move your hand up and down enjoying every second of the process. </div>
<video width="600" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/gloryhole1.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div id="n">You feel the cock becoming even harder and it starts twitching. And before you can react... you are all covered in cum once again. But somehow it's arousing... knowing that you did a good job pleasuring that cock and feeling all that cum on your skin as a proof of that.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> It has such a strong smell...
<span id="n">You see a bill appearing from the hole.</span>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I think $10 is way less than it should cost.
<span id="n">You clean yourself from all the cum, put on your clothes and go back to your room.</span>
<<set $arousal to $arousal +20>>
<<set $money to $money +10>>
[[Your room]]
<span id="red">Your money increas by 10
Your arousal by 5</span>I'm not doing thatI
[[Go back|Glory Hole]]
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I know you've been here for only two days, so I'm not going to make you pay the full amount. I'll take only $60 this time.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Look, Alex... I've tried to get enough money. But I don't have as much as you need. Please, don't be mad. Maybe there is way you could reduce the weekly amount? They pay only $10 for jerking off those disgusting cocks! I'll never be able to earn so much.
<span id="l">Alex:</span>Hey, I've told you that you can do other work if you want to get more money. Nobody told you that jerking off those cocks is the only option. And I've told you that you can receive clients in you room and they will pay you more. The only problem I see here is that you don't even try. You are just a lazy little bitch. And you must have forgotten what happens to lazy bitches like you. I've warned you before, and now you'll feel on your own skin what happens if you disobey!
<span id="Y">You: </span>Please, please don't be so mad. I promise, I'll try harder, just don't take me there. Is there a way I can make it up for you? I'll do anything not to be there!
<span id="l">Alex:</span>I guess I could give you one more chance.For now, I'll just show you your place. If you'll try really hard and please me well, I might forgive you. But next time you'll be working with your tight boy-pussy and I don't care if you want that or not.So better make sure that the next Sunday you'll have the full amount.
<div id="n">After saying that, Alex sits on the bed and takes off her high heels.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> On your knees, now.
<span id="Y">You: </span>You don't want to make her even angrier, so you just stand on your knees right in front of her.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Now I want you to show me how sorry you are. I want you to kiss and lick my feet. And you should better try hard or I'll come up with a much worse punishment for you than this.By the way... I've been wearing my high heels all morning today. But I'm sure an obedient girl like you won't might that my feet are sweaty a little. Now start.
<span id="th">Think:</span> This is disgusting... I can't believe that I'm going to lick her sweaty feet. But I think I should better start, I don't want to make her mad again.
<video width="476" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/alexpunish.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="l">Alex:</span>Good girl! And don't forget about my toes.You are so good at this... Maybe I should keep you as my slave to clean my feet every day after work.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I bet you are enjoying this.
[["Yes I am..."]]
[["I hate it"]]
This is the end of 0.2 DEMO!Luckily i don't need to go there, i really don't like that guy.
[[Go back|Boss office]]<<set $alexfootcounter to $alexfootcounter + 1>>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Fuck... Licking Alex's feet under her table... this is humiliating...
<div id="n"> But at the same time, you feel your clitty twitching as you think about licking her feet and sucking her toes...</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Why am I getting aroused by this? This is weird and humiliating! I shouldn't get hard from this...</dpm>
<div id="n">You knock on Alex's door and wait for her to let you in...</div>
<span id="l">Alex: </span>Oh, are you here to worship my feet? How nice of you... come in and take a seat... on the floor hehe...
<div id="n">Alex takes a seat in her chair while you sit near her feet...</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> It's so nice, I surely could use your slutty tongue on my soles... But first... I think it would be fun if you've begged me a bit...
<span id="Y">You: </span> Do I really have to do it?
<span id="l">Alex:</span>You want me to reduce the payment for this week, don't you?
<span id="th">Think:</span> Fuck...
<span id="Y">You: </span>Alex, please, would you let me lick your beautiful feet?
<div id="n">As you say that, you get hornier with each word...</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> Fuck, why does it turn me on so much!?
<span id="l">Alex:</span> "Good girl..."
<div id="n">She takes off her high heel and presents her foot for you to worship...</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> ... she's so hot... so powerful...I guess I better start worshipping her foot...
<div id="n">You slowly bring your face closer to her sole and feel her pleasant scent...You start kissing her soft skin slowly bringing your lips from heel to her toes... Then you gently kiss each of her toes and stick out your tongue and start licking between her them.</div>
<video width="520" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/alexfoot.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Such a good girl... I really needed this... wearing my heels all day long. My feet need you to show them how much you love them.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Mmmm...
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Heh... so you are moaning now, ha?
<span id="Y">You: </span>...N...No! I'm not moaning, I don't like doing it! It's humiliating!"
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Yeah, yeah...
<div id="n">And she forces her foot in your face right when you say that... and starts rubbing it all over, spreading your saliva over your face... </div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> But what can you do, right? "You like being humiliated... You like sniffing and licking my feet...You could do anything else, but you chose to be here... And now, my beautiful toes are in your mouth. And I'm sure you'll be back here again soon."
<span id="th">Think:</span> Is it really true? Do I really like all of this? Otherwise why am I so horny right now... If only I could rub my clitty against her feet now..."
<div id="n">You continue worshipping [alex]'s perfect feet for quite a while, and then when she has to leave, she releases you.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span>You've been a good girl today. I'll take $20 less at the end of the week.
<<set $thisweekpayment20 to 1>>
[[Your room]]
<span id="red">Your weekly payment reduced by 20. </span>
<div id="n"> You sit on one of the chairs and Dalia starts working on your hair. </div>
<img src="images/Dalia2.jpg" width="420" >
<span id="th">Think:</span> "his feels so nice... She is so gentle, I hope it will take a while for her to finish, I'm really enjoying this.
<div id="n"> After a while you look in the mirror and can't recognize yourself. </div>
<img src="images/after.jpeg" width="420">
<span id="th">Think:</span>I look so feminine, I can't believe that a simple hairstyle has changed me so much...
<span id="w">Dalia:</span> Oooh, you are so cuuute. Hope you like it.
<span id="Y">You: </span>Yeah, I think it's exactly what I needed. Thank you very much, Dalia!
<span id="w">Dalia:</span> You are welcome, honey. And don't worry about the money, This one is on me.
<span id="Y">You: </span> Thank you so much, this is so nice of you.
<span id="w">Dalia:</span> Now, how do you feel about some makeup? Or maybe you'd like a manicure?
<span id="Y">You: </span>Thank you, but that would be too much, I hope I won't need to do that.
<span id="w">Dalia:</span> Hope, you'll change your mind, you would look so much sexier with some makeup.
<span id="w">Dalia:</span> If you'll change your mind, you know where to find me.
<<set $feminity to $feminity+1>> <<set $gotnewhair to 1>> <<set $gotadviceashley to 3>>
[[Your room]]
<span id="red"> Your Feminity increas by 1. </span>
<span id="red"> Now you can wait clients in your room </span>
I want give credits to <a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/earn-your-freedom-v0-21a-sissy-dreams.28584/" target="_blank">Sissy Dreams</a> for the text of this game.
And promote the original game <a href="https://f95zone.to/threads/earn-your-freedom-v0-21a-sissy-dreams.28584/" target="_blank">Earn Your Freedom </a>
There is Nothing to buy.
[[Go back|clothes shop]]
pov "Could you help me look more girlish, please?"
pov "I really need that and I don't really know what to do."
dal "That's great, honey!"
dal "I think I'll start with your eyes, come take a seat here."
"You sit in the chair and close your eyes letting Dalia do her job."
"After a while, she says that she has finished and you can open your eyes."
$ eyes = "f" "You open your eyes and look at yourself into the mirror."
$ renpy.notify("-$50")
$ money -= 50
pov "{i}It's so strange that some makeup can change my face so much.{/i}"
pov "{i}And why does it feel so normal?{/i}"
pov "{i}I'm a guy, but my face looks more and more like a girl...{/i}"
pov "{i}And it feels somewhat satisfying to feel beautiful.{/i}"
pov "Thank you, Dalia..."
dal "Do you like it? You look sooo cute now!"
pov "Yeah, I really like it, but it still feels like it's not enough, I still look boyish."
pov "Maybe there is something else we could do?"
dal "I know what you should do!"
dal "You should go visit Erika, you can find her in the lab, she can help you with all kinds of \"modifications\", that will enhance your looks."
pov "Ok, thank you, I'll go now then."
pov "{i}But I should have more money, before asking Dalia to do anything for me ($50).{/i}"
jump room
[[Find Erica]]
<span id="Y">You: </span> I'm sorry but I'm not ready to do something like that. Let me just finish the handjob, please.
<span id="b">Man:</span>It's a pity, you've got a really nice hole, wish I could play with it. At least I can play with your ass cheeks while you jerk me off.
<video width="644" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/fclientm.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<div id="n">... you decide to return to jerking him off and increase the speed like it was before he rubbed your hole. You do it really fast, so it doesn't take long for him to start cumming. You get off the man's chest, he thanks you, gives you $20 and leaves.After that you take a quick shower and think what to do next. </div>
<<set $money to $money+20>>
[[End|Your room]]
<span id="red">Your money increas by 20. </span>
<span id="Y">You: </span>Could you please stop this? 'm really uncomfortable...
<div id="n">But without saying anything he just enters your tight hole with his wet finger...</div>
<span id="Y">You: </span> Ahhhh...
<span id="b">Man:</span>Heh, I knew you'd like it...
<span id="th">Think:</span> Did I just moan?! e just put a finger in my ass and my reaction was to moan?
<div id="n">But then he starts to move his finger again, pulling it out and entering your ass again and again.But instead of moving away from it or saying anything you just freeze. You must have become so aroused that this started giving you a lot of pleasure and you start quietly moan more and more.</div>
span id="th">Think:</span> Such a strange new feeling...I need to say something, I need to stop it. it's wrong, I shouldn't be enjoying this!
<Div id="n">But as you sit frozen and thinking about what you should do, he starts to go even deeper with each thrust.</div>
<span id="th">Think:</span> I can't believe that I'm enjoying it so much...But I should better ask him to stop.
<video width="640" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/fclientf.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="Y">You: </span> I'm sorry but I'm not ready to do something like that. Let me just finish the handjob, please.
<span id="b">Man:</span> It's a pity, you've got a really nice hole, wish I could play with it. At least I can play with your ass cheeks while you jerk me off.
<div id="n">... you decide to return to jerking him off and increase the speed like it was before he rubbed your hole.ou do it really fast, so it doesn't take long for him to start cumming. You get off the man's chest, he thanks you, gives you $20 and leaves. After that you take a quick shower and think what to do next.
<<set $money to $money+20>>
[[End|Your room]]
<span id="red">Your money increas by 20. </span>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> You should work on your intonation a little, to sound more believable, but we'll work on that.
<video width="576" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/alexpunish2.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> That's better. Continue.
<span id="th">Think:</span> I've never been so humiliated in my life...
<div id="n">You start licking and kissing Alex's feet even more diligent than before.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I think that's enough for now. Good girl.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> Next time I won't be so kind. So, you better make sure to have $210 next Sunday.If you want, from now on you can spend some time working as my foot slave and I'll reduce your payment for the current week.
<<set $arousal to $arousal +30>><<set $arousal to 2>><<set $Obedience to 1>><<set $Footfetish to 1>>
[[Your room]]
<span id="red">Now yoг can visit alex fthrough the boss's hall and deacrease weekly payment. </span>
<span id="red">Your arousal increas by 30. </span>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> What did you just say? I think you aren't grateful at all for everything I do for you... You could have been getting fucked in the ass now if I wasn't so kind. And I let you lick my beautiful feet after you couldn't even do one simple thing and pay the money that you had to pay. And after all my kindness to you, you say you hate licking my feet. You know what, I've had enough, I'll show you what you've deserved right now.
<span id="Y">You: </span>No, no! I'm sorry! Please...I love licking your beautiful feet... And I appreciate everything you do for me. Thank you for everything and thank you for letting me lick your feet...
<video width="576" controls loop autoplay >
<source src="vids/alexpunish2.mov" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
<span id="l">Alex:</span> That's better. Continue.
<span id="th">Think:</span> I've never been so humiliated in my life...
<div id="n">You start licking and kissing Alex's feet even more diligent than before.</div>
<span id="l">Alex:</span> I think that's enough for now. Good girl.Next time I won't be so kind. So, you better make sure to have $210 next Sunday. If you want, from now on you can spend some time working as my foot slave and I'll reduce your payment for the current week.
<<set $arousal to $arousal +30>><<set $arousal to 2>><<set $Obedience to 1>><<set $Footfetish to 1>>
[[Your room]]
<span id="red">Now yoг can visit alex fthrough the boss's hall and deacrease weekly payment. </span>
<span id="red">Your arousal increas by 30. </span>
"You open a door and enter a quite spacious room with all kinds of lab equipment."
"It's surprising to see something like this in a brothel."
eri "Hello, and welcome! My name is Erika."
#show erika
pov "Hello, Erika, my name is [povname]."
eri "It so nice to see new people."
eri "Let me tell you what I do here, so you could visit me if you'll need something!"
eri "This is my lab, I help girls improve their looks with body transformations here."
eri "I also do experiments from time to time to find some new technologies."
eri "So if you'll need to do something about your look or if you'd like to help me a little with some science stuff, you are always welcome!"
pov "Wait, you said \"body transformations\"? Do you do some king of surgery operations here?"
eri "No, nothing like that, it's much more advanced than that!"
eri "You see, I've developed some experimental injections here, that can help transform your body without surgery."
eri "It's completely safe and you don't have to worry about it being permanent like surgery."
eri "For example if you'd want to get bigger breasts, I'd just need to do some injections, and your breasts would start growing a little."
#eri "And after a while they would return back to their original size."
#eri "Or if you'd want, you could keep them the same size just getting some more injections from time to time."
eri "I can also reduce the size of your breasts if you want them to become smaller again."
eri "And it's not only breasts I'm talking about, it's all kinds of stuff... I could even get you dick bigger or smaller if you wish."
pov "Wow that might be exactly what I need."
pov "{i}And it's perfect that I don't need to worry about it being permanent...{/i}"
pov "{i}I could earn enough money, pay the debt, return my looks back to normal and leave this awful place forever! And maybe even increase my dick before leaving...{/i}"
pov "That sounds really nice, but what are the prices?"
eri "I don't charge much... it's only $500 to increase your breasts size for example."
pov "Wow..."
pov "Not much...?"
eri "Believe me, it's worth it, and you won't find it anywhere else in the world."
eri "I provide these services here only because it's not very legal as you might have guessed as all my stuff is experimental and haven't been approved."
eri "But all of the girls who use my services are very happy with the results and there have been no side effects... almost..."
eri "But if changing your breasts is too much for you, we could do something less extreme and start with your lips for example."
eri "If you let me work on them, they will look really sexy and feminine."
pov "We could do that... How much would that cost?"
eri "Lips would be cheaper, only $200."
pov "I'm sorry, but it's still too expensive for me, maybe I should find something else."
eri "Hmmm, I have an idea..."
eri "You see, I need all kinds of special ingredients for my research, so maybe you could help me with that and I'd give you the lips injection for free?"
pov "Special ingredients? What exactly are you talking about?"
#show erika talk
eri "I just need you to donate some of your fluids... if you know what I mean."
pov "Wow, do you mean like sperm or something?"
eri "Yeah, exactly!"
pov "I guess, I could do that..."
pov "Do I need to take some kind of a bottle and come back to you when I'm done?"
eri "Oh no, not like that, I need it extra fresh, so you don't have to worry about anything, I would collect it myself."
pov "{i}Wow, I can't believe my luck, I get the injection and this cute girl will jerk me off?{/i}"
#show erika talk
eri "So what do you say?"
pov "It's a deal!"
eri "Great! Then why don't we start right now?"
label scene_11_playback:
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"You follow Erika to the other part of the lab."
show bg pmilk 1
"Then you see a small couch with some kind of pillow in the middle."
eri "OK, now I need you to climb on this couch on all fours so that your belly rests on the pillow."
eri "That's important that you stand like that and don't move until I finish."
pov "Wouldn't it be better if I just sit or stand?"
eri "Believe me, it wouldn't. Now come on, get into the position."
pov "..."
"You get into the position as Erika puts a beaker for your cum between your legs. And then you hear her putting on the rubber gloves."
pov "{i}That's quite a strange pose to get a handjob...{/i}"
pov "{i}Aren't girls supposed to get into the doggy position and not guys?.{/i}"
pov "{i}But I don't realy care as long as I get a nice handjob from her.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that a girl will finally touch my dick.{/i}"
"A moment later your thoughts get interrupted as Erika starts playing with your asscheeks."
eri "Such a cute little butt! I love it."
"You don't know how to react and just start blushing..."
eri "Why don't we take these off? We won't need them."
"And before you know it, she lowers your panties and takes them off you."
eri "Naked it's even cuter than in panties..."
eri "And look at those cute little balls!"
"And then she puts her hand on your balls and start playing with them and rubbing a little."
"And that moment, you realize a horrible thing! You are wearing a chastity cage!"
pov "{i}This is so humiliating! And she's touching it right now, there is no way that she didn't notice it.{/i}"
pov "I completely forgot! We can't do this!"
eri "What's wrong, cutie? Don't be shy..."
pov "I'm not shy, my dick is locked, you won't be able to jerk it off!"
eri "Oh, honey, did you really think I was going to jerk off your clitty?"
pov "Clitty?"
eri "You can't be wearing panties and stil call it a dick, you know. And considering the size of that little cage, even if you weren't wearing panties, I'd still call it a clit."
eri "Believe me, I wasn't going to do anything like that, I have a much more efficient way of extructing your sissy juices..."
pov "{i}Sissy juices? ...clit? ...what the fuck is that supposed to mean?{/i}"
pov "{i}I need to stop this!{/i}"
"But before you react, you feel Erika's lubed up finger right on your asshole!"
pov "Wow! What is going on?"
"You try to stand up, but Erika pushes you back, so you stay in the position."
eri "Believe me, you'll enjoy it."
"And then you feel her finger deep in your ass..."
"But for some reason it's nothing like you'd expect it to be, her finger starts rubbing some special spot inside you and you can't stop feeling pleasure waves going through your body."
pov "{i}No matter how good it feels, I need to stop this!{/i}"
"As you are trying to say something to her, instead of words you hear a moan coming out of your mouth."
pov "Ahh..."
pov "{i}Did I really just moan? ...it feels so good, I've never felt it before...{/i}"
eri "See, I knew you'd like it!"
"And then she starts fucking your ass with her finger pressing against that special spot each time her finger goes inside."
eri "So, do you like it now?"
"No, please stop.":
pov "No, I don't! Let me go, please!"
eri "Oh, really? Then I'm curious why would you moan if you don't like it..."
pov "..."
pov "I was just surprised, I wasn't moaning!"
eri "Surprised you say?"
hide erika_pmilk_slow
show erika_pmilk_fast
eri "I think this will surprise you even more."
"And then she starts fucking you with her finger even faster."
"Now, you don't even care what she thinks about you, as it feels so good, that you want to feel it more and more."
"Stay silent":
"It feels too good to say no, but at the same time you are too embarrassed to aclnowledge that you're enjoying it..."
eri "You are so shy, that's really cute!"
eri "Why don't we try a bit faster, what do you say?"
pov "..."
hide erika_pmilk_slow
show erika_pmilk_med
"She starts going a bit faster and you feel more and more pleasure going through your body."
"So much pleasure, that it makes you moan again..."
"Seeing that you enjoy it so much, Erika increases the speed even more."
hide erika_pmilk_med
show erika_pmilk_fast
show pmilk_cup 2
with dissolve
"You can't hold yourself anymore, and start moaning like a girl approaching her orgasm..."
"As the pleasure goes through your body, you start leaking."
show pmilk_cup 3
with dissolve
"And then, you feel an incredibly intense pleasure taking you over the edge..."
"And you start cuming."
pov "Ahhh... mmmm..."
#pov "..."
#"You'd never expect that you'd cum from a girl fingering your ass."
eri "Oh, that's quite a lot..."
eri "I think we should do this often, so you don't get so full."
"At that moment with all the pleasure spreading through your body, you don't even hear what she's saying, all you can think is that you want to experience it again and again..."
pov "{i}Fuck... This was the most intense orgasm in my life! And I didn't even touch my dick.{/i}"
pov "{i}I can't believe that I came because of a girl fingering my ass.{/i}"
$ renpy.notify("Scene 11 unlocked")
$ scene_11 = True
"As soon as Erika takes her finger out of your hole, you start to experience a new feeling that you've never felt before..."
"A feeling of emptiness, like something is missing and you want her to fill your hole back again..."
"As you get back to your senses, you get down from the couch, put your panties back on and follow Erika back to the lab."
eri "Now as you did your part of the agreement, why don't we start with your lips?"
"You nod and sit on a chair getting ready for the injection."
show black
with Dissolve(2.)
"It's a little bit painful, but you remain silent while she injects your lips with a tiny needle."
"After a couple of moments, you start to feel like your lips begin to expand and get puffy..."
pov "{i}Wow, it feels really nice, the feeling is amazing. I didn't expect it to be this way.{/i}"
eri "It's done!"
$ mouth = "f"
"You gently touch your lips and can't believe how nice it feels, they are so puffy... like you are touching some girl's lips..."
pov "Thank you so much Erika! It's amazing!"
#show erika talk
eri "You are very welcome."
eri "And also, you can visit me any time you like, I have a lot to offer!"
eri "And you could also make some money while helping me."
eri "I almost always need more sissy cum for my experiments and I've also started working on another project and you could help me run some tests."
eri "So I hope you'll come again soon."
pov "I'm sure I will."
This is the end of 0.2 DEMO!