<img src="game\pictures\title.jpg">
Hello and welcome to "The Way to Her Heart".
This is a decision-driven game that goes in the direction you choose.
If you're new and a little more sensitive, some parts of this fiction might be a little "rough". But in the end, you decide the path of your journey.
I hope you have fun playing and let the story carry you along.
<img src="game\pictures\title 2.jpg">
[[Start your journey][$fem += 1]]
Further information
Welcome <<textbox "$name" "Dave">>.
You are a young college student who's trying to find his place in this world.
You live in a town with your mother and your sister.
<img src="game\pictures\start your journey.jpg">
<img src="game\pictures\start your journey 2.jpg">
Originally, this was a normal town, a bit rough, but otherwise rather unremarkable. For a long time, there was a large university that enjoyed great popularity. In recent years, two other universities have been established. This led to a strong rejuvenation of the city, but also attracted shady characters.
Young students need housing and sometimes money, and this circumstance was exploited by shady businessmen.
There is a very large red light district in the city, and there is little shortage of temptations.
The main staff is mostly young students, and the customers come from all over the area.
<img src="game\pictures\red town.jpg">
So far, you have had quite little to do with all this happening and have focused on yourself.
Lately, nothing special is happening in your life except that the money situation in your family is getting a bit tighter...
[[Let's go]]
[[Skip to first decission|You fell asleep]][[Sources]]
[[Support]]This Story-Game contains adult themes and is not suited for people under 18. Characters engaged in sexual conduct in any way, shape, or form are considered adults and at least 18 years old. Every Character in this Story is fictional.
You must be considered an adult in your legal jurisdiction to play this game.
I certify that I am 18 years or older
<img src="game\pictures\lets go.jpg">
<img src="game\pictures\lets go 2.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>DON'T LASER ME!!!<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\lets go 3.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>*WTF...*<</speech>>
You wake up in your Room.
<img src="game\pictures\clips\monday.gif">
<img src="game\pictures\bedroom.jpg">
It's Monday morning, and you need to get ready for the lectures.
[[The door opens.]]Build for your Beedroom
[[Mother Bedroom]]
[[Sister Bedroom]]
[[Mother Bedroom]]
[[Sister Bedroom]]
The sources are listed below:
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/modern-city-buildings_4393650.htm#query=town&position=3&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by vectorpocket</a> on Freepik
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/bessi-909086/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=736885">bess.hamiti@gmail.com</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=736885">Pixabay</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/female-tourists-hand-have-happy-travel-map_3953407.htm#query=journey&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by jcomp</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-sunny-cityscape_896896.htm#query=town&position=7&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by evening_tao</a> on Freepik
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/pexels-2286921/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1834327">Pexels</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1834327">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/laney5569-2477194/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3036579">Alexander</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3036579">Pixabay</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/pretty-student-girl-with-ginger-hair-knot-relaxing-home-after-college-headshot-tender-charming-young-woman-with-freckles-wearing-white-blouse-posing_9438319.htm#query=redhead&position=23&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by wayhomestudio</a> on Freepik
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@naomish?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Naomi Hébert</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/kitchen?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@shootdelicious?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Eiliv Aceron</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/victoria_rt-6314823/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3368014">Victoria_rt</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=3368014">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/dominickvietor-6362547/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5188610">Dominick Vietor</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=5188610">Pixabay</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@angelikayakymenko?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Angelika Yakymenko</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@lyovon?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Levon Vardanyan</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@brentninaber?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Brent Ninaber</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@liferondeau?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Joshua Rondeau</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@liferondeau?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Joshua Rondeau</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/techno-388112/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=419532">Irene Houston</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=419532">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/jaymantri-362084/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=405876">JayMantri</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=405876">Pixabay</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@christinhumephoto?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Christin Hume</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/un-perfekt-9295476/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4002834">un-perfekt</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4002834">Pixabay</a>
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/ds_30-1795490/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4869872">Dmitriy</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4869872">Pixabay</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@felifox?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Felix Fuchs</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@pictorious?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">William Chiesurin</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@tothnorex?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Norbert Tóth</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-hotel-with-many-apartments-mountain-resort_27205836.htm#query=building&position=24&from_view=search">Image by atlascompany</a> on Freepik
Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/ecor73-5423737/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=2331757">ecor73</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=2331757">Pixabay</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/tv-cabinet-modern-living-room-with-armchair-plant-dark-marble-wall-3d-rendering_13892583.htm#query=lobby&position=21&from_view=search">Image by vanitjan</a> on Freepik
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@urban00?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Edouard Percevault</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@thetrentonsmith?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Smitty</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@5tep5?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Aleksandr Popov</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@dotnny?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Donny Jiang</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@brechtdenil?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Brecht Denil</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/car-night?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/open-closed-white-wooden-doors_6690785.htm#query=door&position=0&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by vectorpocket</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/background-blurry-restaurant-shop-interior_1042964.htm#query=canteen&from_query=mensa&position=13&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by mrsiraphol</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/beautiful-shot-outdoor-cafe-narrow-bystreet-paros-greece_9184013.htm#query=canteen&from_query=mensa&position=42&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by wirestock</a> on Freepik
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@calebcsdm?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Caleb De Marco</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/streets-at-night?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@cadop?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Mathew Schwartz</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/two-young-beautiful-blond-smiling-hipster-girls-trendy-summer-hipster-jeans-clothes-sexy-carefree-women-posing-near-blue-wall-trendy-positive-models-having-fun_8270155.htm#query=two%20girls&position=1&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by halayalex</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/medication-branding-packaging-mockup_3576423.htm#page=2&query=pills&position=1&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by rawpixel.com</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/lifestyle-portrait-elegant-young-woman-with-dark-wavy-hairstyle-trendy-makeup-fashionable-beige-pullover-coat-sitting-cafe-terrace-drinking-coffee-from-white-cup_16179643.htm#page=6&position=42&from_view=author">Image by lookstudio</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/charming-young-lady-with-natural-beauty-white-elegant-blouse-grey-trousers-trendy-earrings-holding-sea-sand-that-leaking-from-one-hand-another-transience-time-concept_16663487.htm#page=3&query=girl&position=12&from_view=author">Image by serhii_bobyk</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/abstract-blur-defocused-shopping-mall_1255076.htm#query=store&position=24&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by mrsiraphol</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/sunset-landscape-with-lake-clouds-red-sky-silhouettes-hills-trees-coast_12407808.htm">Image by upklyak</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/realistic-modern-double-bedroom-with-furniture-frame_7041389.htm#query=bedroom&position=33&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by alexandercho</a> on Freepik
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@raysontjr?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Rayson Tan</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@aahubs?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Aaron Huber</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
<img src="game\pictures\door.jpg">
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Why the Hell are you shouting!?<</speech>>
It's your sister, she probably overheard your "dream conversation".
<img src="game\pictures\sister\sister.jpg">
<<button "Celine">>
<<speech "You" "$name">>I'm sleeping... i don't know...<</speech>>
With a confused look, she shoos you down to breakfast.
That's unusual...
<<speech "You" "$name">>*Since when did she care that I eat breakfast?*<</speech>>
[[Get ready and go to the kitchen.]]
<img src="game\pictures\home\kitchen.jpg">
As you walk into the kitchen, you can already smell breakfast and hear your mother talking to your sister. This is unusual because your mother is usually at work.
<img src="game\pictures\breakfast.jpg">
[[Sit down]]<img src="game\pictures\home\kitchen.jpg">
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Aa, finally the council is assembled.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mother\mother.jpg">
<<button "Emilia">>
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>We need to talk about something.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>If it's about all the visitors lately, they're just here for a school project.<</speech>>
Said Celine as a precaution.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>No, not about that... but we'll delve into that topic another time.<</speech>>
Your mother gives your sister a skeptical look, with no intention of pursuing this topic further.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>As you may have noticed, our financial situation has not been rosy lately. And funding both of your degrees isn't making it any easier, either. That means you're going to have to get a job, both of you.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Ok.<</speech>>
[[You say "Ok."]]
<img src="game\pictures\mother\mother 2.jpg">
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Well, that was easy.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I already have a job, I could probably even expand it.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>That's commendable, Celine. I know you both already have a lot to do with the university, but if it's just a small job that doesn't take up too much of your time, it would be fine.<</speech>>
With that in mind, you head out and start thinking about where you might find a job.
[[Go to school.]]<img src="game\pictures\university outside.jpg">
On the way, you met your best friend Alex.
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex.jpg">
<<button "Alex">>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey, how are ya?<</speech>>
You look a little down in the dumps. All the work you have right now, and on top of that you have to find a job.
But you know that's just a phase you have to go through, and maybe you'll have a little more money, which isn't the worst thing.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah..., i don't know. Ok i guess? You are in a good mood it seems...<</speech>>
You continue the chat for a while.
<<speech "You" "$name">>You wouldn't happen to know where I can find work?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Work, you say? Well, I don't know exactly, but my cousin told me that they are always looking for service personnel downtown. There are a lot of new establishments, and new stores and lounges are opening all the time.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Service? I don't know about that...<</speech>>
[[You enter the building.]]<img src="game\pictures\university inside.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So maybe I'll see you later and if there's any news on the job front, I'll let you know.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, thanks. See ya.<</speech>>
You're thinking about the "service" opportunities I mentioned and you're already getting nervous. It's not really your thing to be in crowded places all the time or to meet new people all the time. Before you despair, you remind yourself that you haven't even started looking for a job yet.
In the meantime, classes start and after a busy day, you leave the building.
You hear someone from behind
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hey!<</speech>>
You recognize that voice immediately and you get in a good mood, but your heart is acting anything but normal.
<img src="game\pictures\lisa\lisa school.jpg">
<<button "Lisa">>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hey! How are you?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I'm fine, thanks to the early closing of classes.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Don't you finish later?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>True, but due to some changes in my schedule, we seem to be having parallel off-hours. Are you going home?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, will you walk with me?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Sure.<</speech>>
[[Go home]]
<img src="game\pictures\dark neighborhood.jpg">
Your way home leads you through the city center, where many bars and restaurants were already open. It partly reminds you more of an amusement park for adults, which only opens after sunset. But you never find out what really happens here.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Do you happen to know a place that hires people, mainly part-time or something small?<</speech>>
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Um, yeah, I do.<</speech>>
She looks at you in surprise.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>A friend of mine works at a bookstore, and she asked me if I'd like to help out there for a bit. If you want, I can give her your number and put in a good word for you. I think that should work out. What do you think?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That's fantastic!<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Great, I'll take care of it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, thank you! I thought I was going to have to work in a bar or worse.
She bursts out laughing.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>In a bar? I don't think you want to work in one of the bars here. I don't even know if there's a place that hires men.<</speech>>
As you walk, an expensive sports car drives slowly past you. The guy in the passenger seat is looking at you guys like a hungry animal. He has a beer bottle in his hand, which he finishes and throws onto the sidewalk.
Lisa runs to the bottle, picks it up, and throws the thing like a professional baseball player.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>STOP FUCKING LITTERING!!!<</speech>>
The bottle lands right on the car. They stopped immediately.
She came up to you, grabbed your hand, and looked at you.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Run!<</speech>>
After a while, you're at her place, where your paths part.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Man, I hate these inconsiderate people! Whew! Two more bottles and I'd take these guys out.<</speech>>
She boasted proudly. You weren't so sure about that, but you'd definitely defend her, and you'd probably die trying....
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Because of my new schedule, we have the same times tomorrow, do you want to pick me up in the morning?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Sure, see you tomorrow!<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Bye, see you tomorrow!<</speech>>
While catching the last glimpse of her smile, you head towards your house.
[[It's late]]
<img src="game\pictures\home.jpg">
Today was a good day for you, and you feel wonderful.
The fact that you can spend more time with Lisa is a great opportunity, but you need to talk to her about how you feel. It makes you anxious. What if she says no? What if it's not the right time?
Even if you know better, you can't avoid thinking that way instead of just trying....
As you approach your house, you see two girls walking out of it.
<img src="game\pictures\girls at house.jpg">
You have no idea who that was.
[[enter your home]]
<img src="game\pictures\clips\tuesday.gif">
It's Tuesday and you're pretty excited. First, you pick up Lisa, and later maybe you can make some progress on the job mission.
As you slowly stroll into the bathroom, you find something on the floor.
<img src="game\pictures\mask.jpg">
You stop for a second.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Strange.<</speech>>
You're getting ready while the rest of your family is still asleep.
[[Go to Lisa]]
<img src="game\pictures\lisas house.jpg">
You arrive at Lisa's house and find someone in front of it.
<img src="game\pictures\angry guy\angry guy.jpg">
It's her stepfather. You don't really know him that well, but you can't stand him, how can anyone, you wonder? But you just try to be polite.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Good morning.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\angry guy\angry dude 2.jpg">
He's just standing there staring at you....
The door opens and Lisa is coming out. What a relief, you think.
<<speech "Random" "Lisa's Stepfather">>Be careful who you do business with.<</speech>>
He hissed after her as she walked by.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Yea, goodbye.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Did he mean me?<</speech>>
You ask carefully.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>No! Forget him, he's nuts.<</speech>>
She just laughed.
[[You were on your way to school.]]<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>By the way, I passed on your number about the job. You should get a call in the next few days.<</speech>>
You look really confused.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, thanks a lot, I owe you one.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I'll get back to you on that.<</speech>>
She smiles brightly.
[[At the university building]]
<img src="game\pictures\sister\sister profile 2.jpg">
Celine is your older sister. She has an assertive personality
and is quick-witted. She is... nice, you would say, if you had
to, and very temperamental. But she's actually not that bad,
when it comes down to it, you can count on her. She
wouldn't sell you for an apple, maybe just for a day,
but no more.
When you were seven, she tried to make money by offering
you as a butler for the school day.
She goes to the same university as you. Just like you and
most of the people there you know, you went to the
same high school.<img src="game\pictures\mother\profile mother.jpg">
Emilia is your mother. She takes care of the family.
Your father left her a long time ago. She is an
independent and determined woman. She has a
hard time taking care of the family, but somehow
she has managed every time, despite all the obstacles.
At present, she works in a new company as an accountant. <img src="game\pictures\alex\avatar.jpg">
Alex is your best friend. You've known each
other for years. Usually, you always agree on
something. He's a little reckless and likes to
experiment, too much for his own good.
He lives with his..., you're not really in the know
about his "special" family situation. His parents
work abroad. He lives with Kristina, she is a
family member.
The second roommate is his older cousin, she
also goes to the same school.<img src="game\pictures\lisa\profil.jpg">
You have known Lisa for several years. Only recently have
you developed a much more intense interest in her. So far,
you haven't gotten as far as approaching her, but you're
determined to change that!
Lisa is an outgoing and optimistic person, she has this
charismatic aura that attracts people. Like a sun with too
much attraction. When she walks into a room, the attention
is on her whether she wants it or not. The remarkable thing
is that she is aware of it, but doesn't take advantage of it.
She has a good heart and cares more about her surroundings
than herself.
She lives with her stepfather, with whom she does not get
along at all, in her "temporary" apartment while she studies.
Her mother lives with her sister in another city because she
works there. Her family is generally very wealthy. She could
have lived with her mother without worrying about money.
Nevertheless, she wanted to finish her studies here and be
with her friends during that time.
Her family's lifestyle doesn't suit her anyway. It's probably
a bit of an understatement to say that she has a hard time
with her family, as far as you know.<img src="game\pictures\mila\profile.jpg">
You have known Mila since you started at the university. She is from
the older semesters.
Mila is not someone you want to have as an enemy, because when
she has a reason, she can be very vicious.
She usually has someone with her to entertain her. As far as you
know, she doesn't have any "likes," but you've never seen her
with a man either. She is a dominant person and very
manipulative. You're just happy to know her, and she's nice
to you.... until now.
Your sister used to hang out with her, but not so much lately.
<img src="game\pictures\mensa.jpg">
You meet Alex for lunch.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>How's the job search going?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Good, I hope. I'll get a call soon about a job at a bookstore. <</speech>>
While you're getting something to eat, you spot Lisa in the distance, sitting at lunch with someone.
<img src="game\pictures\lunch.jpg">
You've been staring a little too hard, and you weren't the only one....
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>What are you staring at? Oh, I see a girl for two boys.<</speech>>
You got a little startled and looked at Alex.
<img src="game\pictures\stand of.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, you don't have to fight, I'll find someone else for you. I'm not even sure she is into boys.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Really?<</speech>>
And again, you look at Alex a little confused.
<<speech "You" "$name">>If you mean the brief encounter with Vivian, then that was less than a week and that was years ago.<</speech>>
You counter Mila.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Well, I don't know... When I think of the string of guys she turned down. Most other girls long for a few of her spurned suitors. Anyway, this is for your sister. Give it to her, please, and don't look inside.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\package.jpg">
She gave you a package. You didn't give it a second thought and put it in your pocket.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Will I see you later, after class?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Y-Yes.<</speech>>
[[The workday is ending and you're meeting Alex and Lisa.]]<img src="game\pictures\university outside.jpg">
The three of you went home.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Are you on board this Friday?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What's Friday?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>The Party?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What Party?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Mila just hasn't told you yet.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Why didn't she invite me...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Don't worry, you're coming with us. It's no problem at all.<</speech>>
Lisa went home and you guys are alone.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Are you into Lisa?<</speech>>
You froze for a moment.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yes.<</speech>>
A brief silent moment passes.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Fuck.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I... I don't know what to say.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yea. That's some bad shit...<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I guess you can't just forget about her and move on to someone else.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Could you?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>No.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>How about this: We just pretend there's nothing going on. We don't sabotage each other and declare this topic a neutral contest.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No fighting, we'll just pretend nothing's going on, except....<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yeah, what do you say?<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\handshake.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Here's to a fair skirmish!<</speech>>
[[With the gentlemen's agreement, the day ends and you come home.]]<img src="game\pictures\clips\dream.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>I WILL WIN!!!<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\clips\wednesday.gif">
Your sister storms into your room armed with a comb.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>What's going on here?! Is someone here?!<</speech>>
You just sit on your bed and stare at her.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Oa, what's wrong with you...<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\university inside.jpg">
Your day has been quiet, until now....
You're at lunch when you see something.
<img src="game\pictures\lunch 2.jpg">
It's Lisa... with someone...
You watch the action in disbelief.
Your world slowly begins to crumble....
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hey, peach tart. Why the sad look? Oh, I see, you're really into her, aren't you?<</speech>>
You barely notice her as you slowly look in her direction.
<<speech "You" "$name">>W-Who told you that?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh good, i'm right.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>fuck<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, he's gay. <</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Really?<</speech>>
You give her a very motivating hug.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Wow, it feels like I gave you a little "happy ending". Well, if you're really serious, I could help you.<</speech>>
Your sense of bad things is tingling like crazy. She's going to demand something, like your liver.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>But may I remind you who's the competitors you're dealing with?<</speech>>
Does she know about Alex?
Mila stares over your shoulder, you turn your head.
<img src="game\pictures\vivian\lunch.jpg">
It's Vivian.
<<button "Vivian">>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just look, don't stare.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Why do you always pull out this old stuff?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Because it's the truth? And look at her, when she approaches someone, you can't just say no, even if you're not into girls. She'll bend you any way she wants.<</speech>>
To be honest, you don't know what to answer.
<<speech "Vivian" "Vivian">>Hey, guys. Are you gossiping about me?<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\vivian\lunch 2.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Yeah, we are. Tell us about you and Lisa.<</speech>><<speech "Vivian" "Vivian">>Oh, that. You know what, Oh, that. You know what, that's private.<</speech>>
Now you're definitely eager to learn more about her and Lisa.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Stop teasing.<</speech>><<speech "Vivian" "Vivian">>Come on, that was a long time ago, just forget about it. I've got to go, I'll see you Friday.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, I'll crack her and bring to light what she's hiding. But now to you. I know exactly what can help you if you approach her the way I tell you to.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Help with what and approaches who?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh great, please tell me you're trying to hook up with Lisa too.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What if I am?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh, my... I'm dreaming. Don't worry, guys, I'll help you. I'm on your side, no matter who wins, no one will lose. I will be your guide.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I doubt that.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Cool, sounds good.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What? No!<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Well, how about tomorrow night at my house? Perfect timing for my party, I'll set you up, trust me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No! Stop, nothing's gonna happen.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Sounds like a plan to me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>*What's going on*<</speech>>
Your last lecture is over and you're waiting outside the building for Lisa.
[[wait]]<img src="game\pictures\bookstore.jpg">
You arrive at the bookstore and enter. It's a bit narrow and full but it looks comfy.
<<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Hi, can i help you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ehm, yes, i'm her for the interview.<</speech>><<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Oh, the job, right. Nice to meet you. Let's start with a tour.<</speech>><img src="game\pictures\Lana\Lana.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>I've brought all the documents if you need to take a look.<</speech>><<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Oh, i don't think that's necessary. The hiring process just ended at the moment i realized you have two working arms and legs. If you want, you can start right ahead.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>OK, that's great. Let's get to it.<</speech>>
You worked your way through two hours. You finished all necessary and you are officially employed. Odd, but you don't complain.
<img src="game\pictures\lets go.jpg">
Day of decision.
<img src="game\pictures\clips\thursday.gif">
It's Thursday. You wake up and think about the day and your strange dream. What decision, you ask yourself. Anyway, the day is packed and you get going right away.
<img src="game\pictures\enviroment\meeting.jpg">
You are at the meeting place waiting for Alex.
While you're waiting, your phone buzzes and you get a message. It is from Zoe. She asks if you are going to the party and with whom. You inform her and bridge over the waiting time.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey, are you ready?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, and for what?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I have no idea, but she said she'll help us.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Do you know Mila at all? She's gonna enslave us or worse.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, come on, she's not that bad.<</speech>>
You got a bad feeling about this.
You're at her house, you notice where she lives.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Did you know she lives in the middle of downtown?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>No, and I didn't even know you could live here....<</speech>>
You're at a club you don't know. It looks relatively inconspicuous, so you have no chance of bringing to light what's going on in there. You walk around the building and try to find Mila's apartment. You found a staircase on the side that leads to the roof of the building. Once at the top, you found it.
[[You push the bell.]]
<img src="game\pictures\mila\welcome.gif">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You are here! I am so excited. Please sit down somewhere.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\home.jpg">
As you enter, you find that she has a large apartment. One side looks a little too much like a nightclub.
<img src="game\pictures\milas home.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Why does your apartment look like a nightclub?<</speech>>
You ask her very slowly.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I share a couple of rooms with the club below me. But don't worry. No one usually comes in here. It's more like a storage room. That is, I have my own bar.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>It has its own charm.<</speech>>
You're just shaking your head.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>When are you coming out with your master plan?<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just a minute, I'll get everything ready, make yourself comfortable.<</speech>>
While you're waiting for Mila, the door opens. It's the blue one that obviously leads to the club.
<img src="game\pictures\waitress.jpg">
<<speech "RandomGirl" "Waitress">>Hi guys, here are your drinks. I'm sorry. I was told there were three of you, but don't worry, I'll take the leftovers.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, it's probably for Mila, she'll be here in a minute.<</speech>><<speech "RandomGirl" "Waitress">>Uh, i don't think so.<</speech>>
She left and took the third drink with her.
<img src="game\pictures\cocktails.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Weird.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yea, indeed. Anyway, free stuff!<</speech>>
He took the glass and drank it down like it was a challenge. You have the unconfirmed feeling that lately he's been trying to challenge you whenever he can.
[[Drink normal]]
[[Accept the challenge and drink it down]]<img src="game\pictures\mila\home.jpg">
You stay calm. You drink normally and take a sip.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Sorry to keep you waiting.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\products.jpg"><img src="game\pictures\veet.jpg">
She brought a bunch of beauty products and hair removal products.
<<speech "You" "$name">>I'm not sure I like the direction this is going.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Well, if I'm guessing Lisa correctly, she's more into, shall we say, more feminine people. That means I'm going to take care of that and make you "prettier". Today is your spa day guys, just relax.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>I still don't know.<</speech>>
This is going in a direction you haven't even thought of, and it feels like you're already in Mila's web.
[[I'll pass]]
[[Let it happen!?]]<img src="game\pictures\mila\home.jpg">
You drink it down. You know you're moving in the wrong direction, but your fighting spirit is awakening.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Sorry to keep you waiting.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\products.jpg"><img src="game\pictures\veet.jpg">
She brought a bunch of beauty products and hair removal products.
It looks really glittering, is that because of the lighting?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I'll take care of you guys. Today is your spa day, just relax.<</speech>>
You feel different, and everything she said makes sense and feels right.
[[Let it happen!?]]
<img src="game\pictures\mila\home.jpg">
You look at Alex, he's done for. He's barely moving. You remember the cocktail. Could it be spiked with something?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay, it's time to show some skin.<</speech>>
Mila grabs Alex and helps him get rid of his clothes. She begins her procedure. You changed your mind because... you don't know it yourself anymore.
Neither you nor Alex protest in the slightest.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>For today we'll leave out your private parts, we don't want to escalate today, do we?<</speech>>
She gives you a look.
Alex doesn't answer, he's in another world right now.
[[Mila gets serious!]]
[[You won't play her games and finish the proceeding|Alex' home][$lov += 1]]<img src="game\pictures\mila\home.jpg">
You look at Alex, he's done for. He's barely moving. You remember the cocktail. Could it be spiked with something?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay, guys, it's time to show some skin.<</speech>>
Mila grabs each of you in turn and helps you get rid of your clothes.
Neither you nor Alex protest in the slightest.
She has been working on you for a while.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>We'll leave your private parts out for today, we don't want to escalate today, do we?<</speech>>
She glares at you.
Alex doesn't answer, he's in another world right now.
[[Mila gets serious!]]<img src="game\pictures\mila\bathroom.jpg">
Mila grabs your arm and pulls you into her bathroom.
You feel like you're in the passenger seat, just watching where you're going.
After she's done with you, she takes off the rest of her clothes and starts taking care of herself.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\shower.gif">
At this point you don't even know if you're dreaming or not, you're just enjoying it.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You're too relaxed for my taste, but that's okay. Today was special, and now you're getting a reward for your patience.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\reward.gif">
For a few seconds, you lost consciousness. You can't remember ever feeling better. She wasn't the first girl for you, but still, that was different.
She literally sucked the life out of you.
[[back to the livingroom]]
Mila drives you home. You can't remember agreeing to all this, but suddenly you're hairless....
You've arrived at Alex's house.
<<speech "You" "$name">>That's okay, I'll take him home and walk the rest.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Are you sure? You look a little weak right now.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Don't worry, I'm fine.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>As you wish, I'll see you tomorrow.<</speech>>
You try to hold Alex with his new smooth and silky skin, but it turns out it's not that easy.
But you made it to his house and now you have to take him to his room.
<img src="game\pictures\alex home.jpg">
It seems that no one sleeps in this household. His house is big, you just try to be quiet and deliver him quickly.
You made it upstairs and drag him across the floor.
You hear some noises, but you don't really care. As you pass Kristina's bedroom, you take a quick peek inside.
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\night.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>OK, shit shit shit.<</speech>>
For a second, you hoped she didn't see you... till you make eye contact.
You drag him across the floor faster and toss him into his bed, where he's just continuing his deep sleep.
<img src="game\pictures\alex\bedroom.jpg">
You try to find another way out of the house. Fortunately, they live in a palace, according to you.
Finally, you have found the way home.
[[Your home]]
<img src="game\pictures\clips\friday.gif">
As you wake up, the evening is slowly running through your mind. It's a bit too much and too obscure to think about right now, plus you have other things to take care of.
Luckily, you pick Lisa up from school later. Without delay, you get ready and go to the kitchen where your sister is sitting.
[[go down]]
You arrive at Lisa's house. You talk about school and stuff, but you notice that she seems worried. Before you can ask her what's going on, your classes are already starting, and you arrange to meet after them.
You meet Alex. He seems lively and in a good mood. His new glow doesn't hurt his appearance at all.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey, you look a little tired.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ah well, short night you know.<</speech>>
He laughs.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Thanks for taking me home, I was trashed.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>So, do you remember the night?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Not at all. I don't even remember us starting to drink and how I got this new look. Kristina told me that you took care of me.<</speech>>
Your face went blank. You completely forgot about your encounter with her.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Whatever. I'll pick you up later for the party. I will drive so the rest can get drunk.<</speech>>
The day comes to an end and you wait for Lisa.
As you see her in the distance, you notice Zoe next to her. They stop and have a conversation, a serious one, it seems.
After two minutes Lisa comes to you, but you notice that she is a little tense.
After a few steps, you ask her if she's okay.
She looks a little worried.
<img src="game\pictures\lisa\concerned.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Can I ask you something?<</speech>>
You swallow. She sounds very serious.
You just nod.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Don't go to the party.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What, why?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I don't know, I just don't want you to go.<</speech>>
You're confused and don't know how to answer.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Aren't you going?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Yeah... you know what, just forget it. We're going to have fun.
You're completely unsure what that was about. But she seems to be worried about something.
You arrive home and get ready for the party.
[[get ready]]
<img src="game\pictures\Zoe\Zoe profile.jpg">
You have known Zoe for a very long time. You used to do a lot
with her, but she changed a bit and wanted to be with more
"popular" people.
Also, you didn't understand why she changed so much. You
knew she was a good person and didn't hold it against her.
From time to time you still hang out with her and other people.
She's more like the girl every guy wants to "hang out" with,
but it seems she's a bit picky.
Actually, you like her a lot. But due to the fact that she decided
to cut you out of her life with other people you know, you
didn't have that much in common anymore.<img src="game\pictures\party.jpg">
At the party you tried to find your way around, where is what.
You quickly lost everyone, but Mila found you.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hey, my favorite.<</speech>>
She dragged you to the bar where a few other girls were hanging out.
While you're talking, someone comes up behind you and puts his hands on your shoulder. You shiver a little.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\athena.jpg">
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Who do we have here, is this one of your new projects, Mila?<</speech>>
Mila grabs your arm and pulls you a little closer to her.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>No, he's with me.<</speech>>
You feel like a piece of meat that two lions are fighting over.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Okay, relax. But if you want, here's my number, if you want to hang out for a bit, you can call anytime.<</speech>>
She went somewhere else.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't get involved with her, she's no good.<</speech>>
You're at a point where you're not asking questions...
The party continues and you remember your destination. You search the place for Lisa.
You finally find her, but she's engrossed in a conversation with Vivian.
You get nervous because since you started this "competition" with Alex, everyone is a potential competitor. You try to wait for your chance until someone touches you on the shoulder.
<img src="game\pictures\Zoe\Zoe party.jpg">
<<speech "Zoe" "Zoe">>Hey, we haven't seen each other in a while, how about we go somewhere else and talk for a bit?<</speech>>
She has two drinks, and they look familiar.
[[go for talk with Zoe][$cor += 1]]
[[Put her off until later.][$lov += 1]]
You decide to talk to her. She asks you to wait a minute while she is in the bathroom. She rushes into the bathroom with a half-empty glass.
You're quite nervous about the whole situation. You examine the drink she gave you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>*Don't drink it. Don't drink it. Don't drink it.*<</speech>>
You knew Zoe wouldn't give you anything, but you had your experience and your sister specifically told you not to drink anything here.
You wait and occasionally look in Lisa's direction, but she still seems to be in conversation with Vivian. You get even more nervous and as you stand there thinking about what to say, you probably sip your drink for the fourth or sixth time.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Fuck.<</speech>>
Zoe comes back, with a full glass. She smiles a lot...
<<speech "Zoe" "Zoe">>Come.<</speech>>
You go to a quiet corner where she starts grinning at you.
<<speech "Zoe" "Zoe">>You know I wanted to talk to you all along, but now I have a better idea.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ehm Zoe, how many of those drinks have you had?<</speech>><<speech "Zoe" "Zoe">>I don't know, maybe two? Don't worry, I can handle a little alcohol.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm not worried about the alc....<</speech>>
You're starting to feel something again, like the last time you were with Mila. It's not good sign, and Zoe seems completely obsessed.
She starts to make her way through your pants.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, that's not good.<</speech>>
You say while you stand there completely apathetic. Zoe is already fully occupied.
<img src="game\pictures\Zoe\clips\Zoe.gif">
You can't think straight, and Zoe probably can't either. It's not that you can't move, you just don't want to. But you can go with the flow and accept whatever is happening, which is pretty much inevitable right now....
<img src="game\pictures\Zoe\clips\Zoe 2.gif">
Especially when you look at her....
<img src="game\pictures\Zoe\Clips\Zoe 3.gif">
You're both collapsing in ecstasy.
You don't know how long it took you to get back up, but it took a while.
You make your way back to the party and Zoe just seems drunk.
<<speech "You" "$name">>*This is weird.*<</speech>>
[[back to the party]]
You told her you'd talk to her later. You just have to take care of something.
You suddenly lose sight of Lisa. Hectically, you look around, wondering where Alex is.
You come to a corridor with a few doors. At first, you hesitate to open them because you are afraid of what you might find here, you never know. After a few tries, you find another floor and hear conversations. You decide to follow the voices....
It sounds like Athena...
<img src="game\pictures\party doors.jpg">
<img src="game\pictures\Zoe\clips\Zoe 4.gif">
It's actually Athena, with Zoe and another girl!!!
You can't believe what's happening. You wonder if it has something to do with the drinks....
Panicking, you run back and try to get out of there.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh fuck. Shit Shit Shit<</speech>>
The door won't open from your side....
You panic and look for an exit, but it seems that the only exit is in the "busy" room.
You hide somewhere and hope that it will be over soon.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I like the newcomer.<</speech>>
It seems like they are gone. You move out of your hiding place.
As you enter the room, you are a little startled. Zoe is still there. She doesn't look really lively, but she is conscious.
You help her out of the situation and bring her back to the party. It seems that she is really drunk.
[[back to the party]]
<img src="game\pictures\party 2.jpg">
You look for a place to relax a little. As you sit down, Zoe leans against you and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
<<speech "Zoe" "Zoe">>Thank you.<</speech>>
You wonder what it was for.
It seems like she's just going to fall asleep....
<<speech "You" "$name">>Great.<</speech>>
You start to remember your goal and think desperately about how to reach it. It's like there's always an event that prevents you from archiving something.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey, my best enemy.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm not in the mood for any trouble right now.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So how are things going for you with Lisa?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Not good... but I'm not sure I should tell you.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Don't worry, it's not going so well for me either. Oh, and while I was saying that, the ball seems to be on my side. Sit back and take care of Zoe. Excuse me, please.
He gets up and goes somewhere. He sees Lisa, who is just alone. All evening you've been waiting for this moment, only to see it taken away from you in front of your eyes.
<<speech "You" "$name">>**NOOOOOOO**<</speech>>
You just sit there patiently, occupied by the sleeping Zoe.
The party is winding down, and you stare at the ceiling.
<img src="game\pictures\party ceiling.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Did she or did you tow her up?<</speech>>
With shining eyes, you look at Lisa.
<img src="game\pictures\lisa\party.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>It's not what it looks like. She's just sleeping, I can't leave her like this....<</speech>>
She smiles at you
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Let's go, we're going home.<</speech>>
As you set off, you realize that you are no closer to your plans.
Once home, you immediately go to sleep.
<img src="game\pictures\clips\saturday.gif">
When you wake up and start your day, you hear a lively conversation.
Someone has come to visit.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh god...<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila home.jpg">
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Hey, keep us company, Mila has decided to pay us a visit.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, I can see that...<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Looks like you survived.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Nothing special happened, it was all very low-key.<</speech>>
You can't agree with that, but you let it stay that way.
After a while you're alone with Mila.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I wanted to tell you something all along. But I somehow forgot... Anyway, what happened yesterday?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What do you mean?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You know what i mean.<</speech>>
She can't know, or maybe someone told her? What about Zoe.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Fine, then nothing, but I have to tell you something. I heard a conversation between Lisa and Zoe.<</speech>>
Your eyes light up and you listen intently.
<<speech "You" "$name">>How, when, and what did they say?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I overheard their conversation in the school hallway.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Sigh<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Zoe asked if you were occupied by someone. She said no, but she was not sure.<</speech>>
What does that mean? Who could give her the impression that she is not sure about this?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I speculated that something would happen at the party.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, nothing happened...<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>That's too bad, but I hope you see that I'm on your side, of course, I'm on Alex's side too, but we'll figure something out.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Well, let's see.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't think too much. Alex is already there, tonight, at my house.<</speech>>
This is getting out of hand...
<img src="game\pictures\bedroom.jpg">
You lie in your room and stare at the ceiling. You have absolutely no idea what to do, and every day something new and unexpected comes up. Right now, you should get more information about these strange cocktails.
Maybe you can call Athena and talk to her to see what she knows.
Mila said she was evil, but maybe she was just tricking me into not getting involved with her, so she doesn't have to share....
Or go to the club and try your luck playing detective. Sounds simple, but it's practical.
The third option would be to relax, slowly get ready, and go straight to Alex's place to pick him up for.... whatever is going to happen this time.
[[Call Athena][$cor += 1]]
[[Go to the Club]]
[[Relax][$lov += 1]]You have decided to try your luck with Athena.
The odds are fifty-fifty that this is a fatal idea, but you need answers.
You set up a meeting with her.
Eagerly, you make your way to the agreed-upon bar.
You can already see her in the distance.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\athena bar.jpg">
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Hey. I'm so glad you decided to hang out with me. You won't regret it, I'll make sure of that.<</speech>>
There aren't many bars open yet, peak season hasn't even started yet.
You went to a relatively empty bar. Athena took care of the drinks.
You saw a strange dispenser.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\dispenser.gif">
Also, there's a woman standing on the other side of the room. She's taking notes about something and eyeing you from time to time.
<img src="game\pictures\jeanne\jeanne.jpg">
Athena sat down with the drinks.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I have prepared a little surprise.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm, that sounds interesting.<</speech>>
Surprises aren't really your thing right now.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Can I ask you about those weird-looking blue drinks?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Sure, have you tried one?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Not the blue one... Do you know if they have any effect on people?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>They can help you loosen up a little bit, maybe let go a little bit. Sometimes people need a little nudge in a certain direction. Isn't that the purpose of cocktails in general?<</speech>>
The way she explains it, it makes sense to you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>I think you're right. Is it possible that there are different versions of this stuff?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>You think too much, come on I want to show you something.<</speech>>
She claws into you and pulls you into a corridor with several doors.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Where are we going?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Patience.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\athena\door.jpg">
She pushes you forward, but you hesitate....
<img src="game\pictures\athena\grab.gif">
You feel her nails digging into your arm. You can't move back, she runs lightly against you.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\room.gif">
Almost whispering, you ask.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What is this place?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>We're just visitors, relax.<</speech>>
You turn your head with the intention of walking out, but she won't let you.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Maybe you want to have a little fun too? Or maybe you want to keep her company and help her out a little?<</speech>>
You shake your head slowly.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>That's all right. We don't have to hurry. We can take it slow this time. Go back to the table, I'll join you in a minute.<</speech>>
Slowly you walk back, your heart racing. Lost in thought, you were inattentive....
You've decided to look for answers right inside the club.
But you have to get inside somehow if you hope to get some answers.
You walk slowly toward the entrance when suddenly someone yells from the side.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>Hey, you look familiar.<</speech>>
You have no idea who that is.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>Yeah, you look a little different, but that was you throwing the bottle with the other girl.<</speech>>
His friend grabs you by the neck.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>Do you know what we do to petite little boys like you?<</speech>>
This is your end, you start to accept whatever your fate will be....
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">> Hey Shitheads! Keep your hands off him and go away. Otherwise, I'll make sure you can't do it anymore.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila and bouncer.jpg">
<img src="game\pictures\bouncer.jpg">
Mila comes to your rescue with the club's bouncer, ready to tear people apart.
They let go of you and walk away.
<<speech "Random Dude" "Guy">>You seem to be lucky today....<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You ok?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, thanks to you and this....<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Thank you Brad.<</speech>>
He just nods and goes back to the door.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What a coincidence that you are here, I don't know what else would happen.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila encounter.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You know I live here, right?<</speech>>
Irrefutable logic.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Let's go, I'll help you get down a bit.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah. Wait, what?<</speech>>
[[Mila's Place]]
You've decided to relax, there's just enough going on. Before you stumble down the next rabbit hole, it's probably a good idea to take a breath and clear your head.
After a while, your phone rang. It's Lisa!
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hi! How are you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Good, just relaxing a bit.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Are you recovering from the party? Did anything exciting happen last night?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, it was quieter than I expected. And what about you?<</speech>>
You just couldn't come out with your adventure.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>It was quite interesting.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What did you experience?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Alex was hitting on me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>And you...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I don't know, there is maybe someone else...<</speech>>
She paused for a short time.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Someone?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Oh, and I talked to Vivian, and she told me that someone specific is interested in a story about her and me.<</speech>>
Her tone was questioning.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ugh that could be...<</speech>>
She interrupted.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Crap, I have to go, I'll talk to you later, ok?<</speech>>
With more questions like before, your conversation ended.
Maybe later you can ask Alex how successful his approach was.
For now, you get ready for the meeting.
[[You go to Alex.]]You walk up the stairs to Mila's apartment. At the moment when you are only a few steps away from her door, she pushes you against the wall.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Wa...<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\on stairs.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Shh, you're mine now.<</speech>>
You dare not argue
She puts her hair together and reaches for your pants.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila Stairs 1.gif">
You're just wax in her hands. She's something else...
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila stairs 2.gif">
You cling to the wall, trying not to fall as you nearly collapse in your bliss.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila stairs 3.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>You are unbelivable.<</speech>>
She starts kissing you passionately. Of course, you taste your own cum, but you don't care at that moment.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila stairs 4.gif">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just imagine how much fun we're going to have together, this is just scratching the surface.<</speech>>
You're not sure you can handle what's in store for you....
[[You go in.]]
When you enter, you see some packages and some vials with a liquid.
You wonder if this is the stuff you and the others were drugged with.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Mila. Can I ask you something?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Sure, go ahead.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Did you drug us the last time with Alex?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I'm sorry, but I told you that waitress was new, she just got the wrong door. I have no idea what she gave you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Hmm, ok then. It was just weird.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, if I give you something, it will be much more exciting and you will know. I take good care of my boys.<</speech>>
Sometimes... she's kind of nice.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What's in the packages?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>It's a surprise for later. Now let's go pick up Alex.<</speech>>
[[You go to Alex.]]<img src="game\pictures\alex home.jpg">
You stand in front of his door.
You pray that Kristina isn't home.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Please. Please. Please.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\door.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>**Of course.**<</speech>>
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Oh hi, good to see you. Come on in.<</speech>>
You step inside. Lately, you've been feeling like you're staggering from one spider web to another....
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>I wanted to talk to you about something.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\kristina back.gif">
You swallow, and your pulse rises, this is too uncomfortable.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>When you were out with Alex, did you guys take anything...special?<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\kristina inside.jpg">
She's losing clothes...
<<speech "You" "$name">>E-Ehm, that's something I'm trying to figure out, to be honest.<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Oh, is that so? Well, I was thinking you could share the fun a little bit. When you get some of that stuff, LET ME KNOW.<</speech>>
That doesn't sound like a suggestion....
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, hey, sorry for the wait, let's go, Mila's waiting. Bye, Kristina.<</speech>>
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Bye guys and have fun.<</speech>>
You turn your head one last time.
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\kristina las.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, this is bad, really bad.<</speech>>
[[You drive to Mila]]Once you're there, Mila goes to the club.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Uhm, where did she go?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I don't know. Hey, have you seen this stuff? What's that?<</speech>>
The door opens and Mila is in the company of a girl.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Him.<</speech>>
She points at Alex. The girl quickly goes to him and pushes him into the next seat.
She doesn't waste any time.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\girl.gif">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>A-Ahm, is that right?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just relax, she'll give you a quick release.<</speech>>
She stares right into your eyes, but that doesn't intimidate you anymore. Your comfort level is already down the drain.
It's just a matter of seconds.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\girl 2.gif">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Shit. That was...<</speech>><<speech "RandomGirl" "Girl">>What about him?<</speech>>
Mila grabs your crotch. You didn't manage to get hard.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>He's fine, thanks.<</speech>>
You are defenetly not fine.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay guys, now we're getting down to the nitty-gritty.<</speech>>
Mila grabs a couple of small bags and tosses them to you.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>This is for you guys. From now on, I want you to take care of your skin and face.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Is this a wig?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Yeah, we'll get to that part next time.<</speech>>
She throws two strange-looking things at you guys.
<img src="game\pictures\cage.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>And what is that?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>That's going to help you enhance your experience.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>And what do we do with it?<</speech>>
Mila grabs the thing and its "relaxed" privates and stored it in.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Wtf?!<</speech>>
Mila comes to you.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>So?<</speech>>
Overwhelmed by this situation, you struggle to speak your mind.
<<speech "You" "$name">>I-I can't do this.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Remember why we're doing this, and haven't you enjoyed it so far?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I did.<</speech>>
Ambivalent but curious, you try to make a decision.
[[You play along][$fem += 1; $lock to 1]]
[[You can't do that |You play along]]
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay, folks, my work for today is done. Remember to take care of your skin. And from now on, I want you to let your hair grow so we can try out some hairstyles on you.<</speech>>
You're moving home with Alex.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Did that really just happen?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I think so.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You seem to be handling this stuff pretty well.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>She said she'll help us, and today she helped me really good....<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You're too easy.<</speech>>
At home, you start thinking about your experience. You're not sure if you really like the direction you're going in. Without being able to form a clear thought, you decide it's better to go to sleep.
[[You just end the draining day and go to sleep.]]
<img src="game\pictures\clips\sunday.gif">
It's Sunday morning. As you wake up, you beg for this to be a quiet day.
Your phone rings.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hey! Did you research this stuff?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What exactly?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Mila, she's trying to turn us around..<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Turn us?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Into Girls.<</speech>>
It took you a moment to get to the bottom of it, but then it was clear.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I'm going back to her place now, I need the keys. We'll talk later.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>So much for that Sunday...<</speech>>
You waited a bit and got nervous because Alex sounded a bit hysterical.
You got a message from Alex.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Come to Mila.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>*That's it?*<</speech>>
You weren't sure, she probably lulled him down.
Anyway, you have no choice, you have to find out what's going on.
[[Go to her.]]You ring her doorbell.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hai. I'm glad you're here, come on in.<</speech>>
Was she expecting you?
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Make yourself comfortable, I need a moment.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Mila, where is Alex?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, he's fine. Just wait here.<</speech>>
You wait, and you have a pretty bad feeling.
You see Alex' phone on the table...!?
Someone enters the room on the other side....
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex mila.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Are you ready for the surprise?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Who is that?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't you recognize her? That's even better.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I need the keys, Mila.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>How about this? You do something for me, and you get the keys in return.<</speech>>
She picks up a cocktail glass, but it's only half full.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You drink it, and I'll give you the keys. Just to loosen up a little.<</speech>>
You think you can handle it, but this is your chance to get a little more out of it.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, but you have to give me a sample of the blue liquid for later.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Are you planning on having some fun on your own? Okay, deal. Now swallow it.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\drink.gif">
You swallow it.
You feel...ok.
Mila gives you a vial with a strange liquid and the keys.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>This sample is a little stronger, be careful. I think we can start the main part now, come here.<</speech>>
The girl walks up to you, looking a bit confused and very awkward in those heels.
Mila orders you to pull down your pants, and before you even think about it, you obey.
The drink does its work, it feels like you're drunk right away, only different.
Your vision is blurry and your movements feel way too slow.
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex mila.gif">
You couldn't stand this. It was too good.
But unfortunately, you didn't last long.
Mila walks behind you and helps you get to the end.
<img src="game\pictures\alex\alex mila 2.gif">
You let out a short exclamation and drop back into the seat.
They disappear into the bathroom.
You almost forget why you were here until Mila helps you pull yourself together and hands you the vial and keys.
You somehow made it through the streets, staggering.
That was something else again, but who was that and how long will it take you to get back to your normal state?
[[You strolled home][$lock -= 1]]
When you arrive home, you see that there is a strange car in front of your house.
<img src="game\pictures\car.jpg">
You go inside, but it is silent.
As you pass your sister's room you see her.
<img src="game\pictures\sister\nina sister.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>I'm sorry.<</speech>>
You rush to the bathroom. Your head is just blank, too much is happening right now.
With your hands, you claw at the sink.
Someone appears in the doorway.
<img src="game\pictures\nina\bathroom.jpg">
<<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Hey peeping Tom.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm really sorry, i didn't mean to...<</speech>><<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Don't worry, I'm not mad. I hear you're working for Vi.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>D-Do i?<</speech>><<speech "Nina" "Nina">>That means we'll be busier together in the future. Here's my phone number, you'll probably need it.<</speech>>
You're going to the kitchen. You need to eat something and clear your head.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Hey, you look bad.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You have no idea. Who is Nina?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>We work together.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That didn't look like legit work.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Shut up. She's the head of human resources at Vi's company. So we work together, technically.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>And what's your job?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I'm Vi's assistant. Her family owns half the businesses in this town. So a lot of work. Oh, and you can work for her, too, if you want.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I don't know, but I'll keep it in mind.<</speech>>
Without even thinking about what this job is about, you make your way to your bedroom. Carefully, you look at the vial. Now you can examine it at your leisure. You postpone further examination and check the keys. It seems that the keys are only for your device.
Maybe tomorrow you can shed more light on the matter and talk to Alex.
[[sleep]]<img src="game\pictures\title.jpg"><<liveblock>>
<<if $fem is 0>><img src="game\pictures\test.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 1>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 1.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 2>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 2.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 3>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 2.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 4>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 4.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 5>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 5.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 6>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 6.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 7>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 7.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 8>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 8.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 9>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 9.jpg">
<<elseif $fem is 10>><img src="game\pictures\fem\fem 10.jpg">
<<if $lock is 1>><img src="game\pictures\lock.jpg">
<hr><a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=81290243&fan_landing=true&view_as=public" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="" src="game\pictures\link.png"></a><hr><img src="game\pictures\jeanne\ambush.gif">
Someone grabs you from behind with deft grips.
Impossible to resist, you are pulled into one of the rooms.
<<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>Not a sound, no movement!<</speech>>
After a minute she loosens her grip.
Slowly she withdraws her hand from your mouth.
<img src="game\pictures\jeanne\jeanne room.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>What are you going to do with me?<</speech>>
Almost angrily she gives you a wry look.
<<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>I saved your ass. You look like someone stupid enough to get involved in things he didn't want.<</speech>>
For a stranger, she knows you pretty well....
<<speech "You" "$name">>I can't deny that....<</speech>><<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>I'll show you where you can go out without anyone noticing.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Why are you here and why are you helping me?<</speech>><<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>I work here, but not in the way you think. I'm the manager of a couple of bars here. Some are a little "special." I see a lot of different people, but someone like you is not that common here, so my guess was right.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you very much, I am in your debt.<</speech>><<speech "Jeanne" "Jeanne">>It's already forgotten. Just try to stay away from trouble and keep your eyes open for those blue drinks, they cloud your mind. By the way, I'm Jeanne.<</speech>>
Thankful for the rescue, you made it out of the bar.
You're still reeling from what happened, but your plan worked out in the end, more or less. So far you know about the blue liquid, but there's more to find out.
Athena tried to text you to ask where you were. You made something up and said you needed to think about all this. She made no secret of the fact that she had another "surprise" up her sleeve....
Still tense about this event, you go home and get ready for the Mila adventure.
[[You go to Alex.]]
<img src="game\pictures\livingroom.jpg">
You made yourself comfortable and watched your favorite series.
After a while, your sister came along.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>What will that be?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm relaxing.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>From your midlife crisis?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Mom said you were sad or something.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm fine, don't worry, and since when do you care?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I'm an empathetic and compassionate person.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>
Wow, I'm impressed you can say that with a serious face.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\clips\hit.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ouch!<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Behave yourself.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, master.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I'm going to a bar with Vi later. If you want and behave, you can join us.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Really?!<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Sigh, don't make me regret it, she always asks me to take you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>She's really nice. But what about Nina?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>That's not your business, but she'll come later.<</speech>>
You get ready to go out.
Vi is picking you up.
[[you go outside]]
You call Alex and arrange to meet him at Mila's apartment.
You were a little early and knocked on Mila's door.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hi. Come on in, we just need five minutes.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>We?<</speech>>
When you walked in, you saw someone sitting on the floor in front of a camera, staring right at you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, Hiii....<</speech>>
<video id="vid" src="game/pictures/mila/mila visit.mp4" loop autoplay muted></video>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Let's go, we need to clean up.<</speech>>
They put everything away and put some clothes on.
In the meantime, Alex came by, to your relief.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Am I too late?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes!<</speech>>
The visitor goes and passes you by.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Who's that?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I'll introduce you to each other soon enough.<</speech>>
She smiles mischievously.
You stare at Alex.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Don't!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay, let's get started, we have a lot to do today. There are two bags of stuff over there, go get them.<</speech>>
You rummaged through the stuff.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\costume.jpg"><img src="game\pictures\mila\costume 2.jpg"><img src="game\pictures\mila\legs.jpg"><img src="game\pictures\mila\under.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Uh, who's gonna wear it?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Why are we digging through these things?<</speech>>
You turn to Mila, she looks like a kid at Christmas.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You'll have to get used to it. But not for too long. You'll wear it.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Don't worry, I'll make sure you look hot.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>This is too much, I'm out.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I see I have to motivate you. 200 for each of you when we're done.<</speech>>
Now you're considering it.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>No way, we're not doing that.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm...<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Are you thinking about doing it?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I mean, that's a lot of money.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I don't care, I'm not doing it.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>The deal stays only if you're both on board.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ok, I can't believe I'm saying this, but please let's make this quick.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>You owe me, and with that, I mean you owe me a lot.<</speech>>
[[start the show]]
You decide to play it safe with Alex and not let him go to Mila alone.
Before you call Athena, you talk to Alex.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So, what do we have planned for today?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>How about we go to a bar and relax a little? I've got a friend coming with us.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So no Mila today.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, I thought a break would be a good idea.<</speech>>
Alex quickly agreed, and you get everything ready.
On the way, you picked him up and walked to the bar.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Who's going to accompany us?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>This is Athena, maybe you met her at the party.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh yes, she's hot.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm, yeah maybe. I was gonna ask you how Mila talked you into this "cage".<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Dude, you were there, she's got some arguments that you can't deny.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>So did you have fun with her when you were alone?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Uh, no. I don't know, to be honest, it's weird.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That's really worrying, how can you...?<</speech>>
He's interrupting you.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Thats her right?<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\athena\athena bar alex.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yes.<</speech>>
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Hey guys, i'm glad you made it.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yes, nice to see you.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Let's go in.<</speech>>
You were in a regular bar.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>You guys seem to be hanging out with Mila a lot, right?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, yeah, she's nice. She's helping us with a little problem.<</speech>>
You were staring at Alex, he talks way too much for your taste.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Oh, you have to tell me everything.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Actually, it's more of a problem between the two of us.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Ah, a girl, I understand.<</speech>>
She can probably read your mind.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Obviously only one of us can win, but so far Mila is making sure that, as she says, no one loses.<</speech>>
Alex talks like an open book and you have no idea how to stop it.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>This is really exciting, I want to know everything.<</speech>>
Your plan has been a disaster so far. You've gone from one problem to another.
So you decided to do better... for yourself...
<img src="game\pictures\clips\drink.gif">
At least you can drink here without worrying about getting drugged with something.
Athena looks at her cell phone.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Oh, it seems like we're going to have company in a few minutes.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Who is it?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>You'll like her, trust me.<</speech>>
You wouldn't be surprised if a certain red horned creature showed up in person right now.
[[after a few minutes]]
You can't deny that Athena makes you feel a little comfortable. She has this controlling aura that makes you feel like you're losing all the pressure.
You call her and get ready to go see her.
You left your cell phone at home, you just wanted some downtime.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I'm glad you're here. Trust me, you'll feel better in no time. Make yourself at home.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you. Maybe it's a good idea to talk a little.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Maybe you want to tell me what's on your mind?<</speech>>
Meanwhile, she's serving drinks.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Well, I don't know, maybe it's nothing. My best friend has been acting strange lately.<</speech>>
While you were talking, you can feel the alcohol kicking in pretty quickly.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I know Mila, she has her ways, maybe you just don't feel like following her. Your friend, on the other hand... Do you trust me?<</speech>>
She stares straight into your eyes. You just agree with her and nod slowly, afraid to contradict her.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I have a really good idea of what can help you now and make things a little clearer.<</speech>>
As she talks to you, she runs her hands all over your body.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Take it.<</speech>>
She gave you a pill and made sure you swallow it.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\kiss.gif">
You're burning and no matter what she does, it's getting worse.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I'm gonna help you come down.<</speech>>
She took your pants off and you laid down.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\athena down.gif">
<<speech "You" "$name">>This is incredible!<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>I know...<</speech>>
You couldn't believe how good it felt, and you couldn't explain it at all.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\athena down 2.gif">
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>How did it feel?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>....<</speech>>
While you were still recovering, Athena pulled out a familiar device and prepared you.
<img src="game\pictures\cage.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Why...<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Don't worry about it. I will take care of you from now on whenever it is necessary.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\athena\hands.gif">
She grabbed your hand and pulled you into her walk-in closet.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>You need some new clothes, don't you think you could use a little more femininity?<</speech>>
Still a little dazed, you didn't quite understand what she meant.
You tried on a few dresses, and she put some in a bag for you. It almost looked like a clothing store, she had so many dresses and sizes.
<img src="game\pictures\athena\clothes.jpg">
She even uses a little of her makeup and gave you a full grooming routine.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>You look fantastic, wait until I really get going.<</speech>>
You're surprised, it's different, but you look respectable.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Oh, take this every morning from now on.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\athena\pills.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>What are these for?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>They'll help you sort things out for yourself.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\athena\kiss 2.gif">
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Tomorrow we'll have the full program. Shopping and self-care! Picking you up.<</speech>>
Overwhelmed by your experience, you go home. You're not sure you really like it, but you're still curious and can't hide the fact that you enjoyed what happened that night.
[[night][$fem += 1; $lock to 1]]
While you eat something, your phone rings.
<<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Hi, this is Lana. Lisa gave me your number because you are looking for a job?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, that's right! Thank you for calling, i could send you the application documents right away.<</speech>><<speech "Lana" "Lana">>Oh, i don't think that necessary. If you can, we could meet tomorrow after your lectures and talk about the subtleties.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ok, that's great, i will be there.<</speech>><img src="game\pictures\home.jpg">
As you enter your house, you meet your sister.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Hey slowpoke, mom's going to be late again.
<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>All right. Oh, here's a package from Mila.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\Package.jpg">
She risked a quick glance inside. Her eyes got big.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Did you look inside?!<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Are you sure?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, what's in there?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Nothing.<</speech>>
She shouted as she hurried into her room.
You've been experiencing a lot of strange things lately.
You have a lot to process. Brooding, you think about the day and tomorrow, but you have a feeling that something strange is hiding in front of your eyes....
[[Sleep]]<img src="game\pictures\home.jpg">
You are at home. You were curious about your sister and her "friend" from the morning. She's in her room.
<img src="game\pictures\sister bedroom.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hey sis, who was your sugar daddy from this morning?<</speech>><img src="game\pictures\Sister\Angry Sis.jpg"><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>First of all, I don't need a sugar daddy and second of all, it was a sugar mommy.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, is there a spot left for someone in need?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Listen here you little shit. Take this and deliver it to this address tomorrow, give it to Vi and I'll forgive you for this conversation.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What? Why? I'm starting to feel like an errand boy.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>So what's the problem, you need a job anyway and if you succeed there might be some money in it for you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ha, to your disappointment, I have a job lined up right now. But I'll take your offer.<</speech>>
You're tired as hell. You decide to sleep. Besides, you're still processing all the recent events and can't get around to working on your most important issues.
Why didn't you try to talk to Lisa...? But what about Alex? Now you have to get a job and a little less time... your degree... the... Mila....
[[You fell asleep]]<img src="game\pictures\clips\monday.gif">
It's Monday morning. A new week is waiting for you. The morning starts slowly and you make your way to the university, where you meet Alex.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hey, are you ok?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yeah, why do you ask so worried?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Couse you didn't answer yesterday?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, no it's fine I'm good.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I see. But you didn't really sound composed. I was really worried.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Relax, I'm fine. I don't know why I panicked so much.<</speech>>
You're much more worried than before, wondering where this change of heart came from.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yesterday, when I was at Milas, I managed to get the keys. But it seems that they are only for my device. What about yours?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh, don't worry, I'm fine with it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You changed your mind pretty quickly.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yeah, don't you remember what she said? It'll help us, and so far Mila hasn't let us down.<</speech>>
Next time you have to go together so you don't miss anything.
Lost in thought, you drag yourself from one lecture to the next. In between, you have your highlight at lunch....
<img src="game\pictures\mensa outside.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hey, dreamer. Why the pensive face?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, hey. I don't know, I've got a lot to think about.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I'm curious about what. But I don't have the time right now....<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Don't worry, it's probably nothing.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>You and Alex, seem to be changing your looks a bit lately.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, that. You know there was a fire... I got burned a bit or just some hair aaaand so i made it evenly but...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>You know what, keep your secrets.<</speech>>
She couldn't hide how funny your attempt to make up an excuse was.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I wanted to talk to you about something, but I'm afraid it'll have to wait. I'm going to visit my mother for a while, family matters.<</speech>>
Almost shocked, you ask:
<<speech "You" "$name">>Has something bad happened? How long will you be gone?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Nothing bad. I'm not sure, a few days, maybe a week.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Hm, ok.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Don't worry, I think you can handle this time without me.<</speech>>
She's smiling at you.
The day goes on.
You come home and you're not feeling too well. Lately, you are confronted with drastic events. Alex is drifting off somewhere. Lisa is gone for a while.
Right now, you're just lying in your bed trying to cope.
<img src="game\pictures\home\kitchen.jpg">
You have eaten something in the kitchen.
Meanwhile, your mother comes home with some groceries.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hello, don't you have to work?<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>I took half a day off. I have to take care of a few things.<</speech>>
You help her with the groceries.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>You don't just look sad, you're sad.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, I don't know. I have a lot to think about, you know.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>You know you can always talk to me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, I know, thanks. But it's really okay.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Sometimes it's not about finding a solution, it's just about saying it out loud to someone to get it off your chest.<</speech>>
You smile because she's always right.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you wise guide.<</speech>>
After that, you holed up in your room.
Right now, you have no idea who to talk to about all this.
To be honest, you already feel vulnerable and not everyone should get involved in your problems right now.
Suddenly your phone rings. It's Athena!?
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Hello my darling, how are you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh hi, I'm surprised to hear from you. I'm fine, I think.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>That doesn't sound fine to me. Is something bothering you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, everything is fine, thank you.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Hmm, maybe you want to come to visit me, we'll just have some fun and hang out.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>
I'm not sure, maybe I should just relax a bit and clear my head.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Don't be ridiculous, nothing can clear your head more than talking to someone or having a little fun with friends. Oh, and I wanted to talk to you about a little job offer, details later.<</speech>>
You brushed her off by saying you'd think about it and call her back.
A little scared about what she might mean by fun, you stopped thinking about it and tried to get some sleep. Although you felt pretty bad, it was quite nice to hear Athena's voice implying that she cares about you. Maybe you'll call her later....
You arrive home and get ready for the party.
You can't think of anything but your conversation from earlier.
With a determined look, you decide to talk to her about what's troubling her and maybe more.
Alex is waiting outside.
You step out of the house and see Alex waiting with Zoe.
<img src="game\pictures\Zoe\Zoe.jpg">
<<button "Zoe">>
<<speech "Zoe" "Zoe">>Hi, long time no see.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, you look good, I'm glad to see you again.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Quick, we have another stop.<</speech>>
You jumped in the car.
You picked up Lisa and went to the party.
It was really crowded, it looks like the club opened for Mila....
[[Party]]<img src="game\pictures\lets go.jpg">
You woke up after your short nap.
Alex apparently tried to call you, and Mila left a message:
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>We're getting together tonight? You and Alex. I have something big planned, you're going to love it, trust me.<</speech>>
Something big probably means something really big when you translate Mila.
You don't know what to do. You have to decide if you want to meet with Mila or Athena.
You don't want to risk Alex going alone, but are you really ready for what awaits you there?
Maybe it would be best to call it a day and watch some series to relax.
You've prepared some food and made your decision....
<<if $cor is 0>>[[You relax the rest of the day.]]
<<elseif $cor is 1>>[[You relax in the living room.]]
[[You go to Milas place with Alex.]]
<<elseif $cor is 2>>[[You go to Milas place with Alex.]]
[[You speak with Alex and call Athena.]]
<<elseif $cor is 3>>[[Go to Athena.]]
<img src="game\pictures\netflix.jpg">
You made yourself comfortable and watched your favorite series.
Deeply relaxed, you've forgotten for a few moments everything that usually keeps you busy.
But your phone invades your comfort zone.
Deeply concerned about who it is, you slowly pick it up....
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hello, how's life without me?<</speech>>
The sun is rising in your inner life.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Barely a day has passed.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>So?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Bad...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Haha, but don't get mopey, I have a surprise.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Before you start anything, I really wanted to tell you something.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Wait before you get started. I'm going back tonight. I have to pick something up and they don't need me until tomorrow morning, so if you want, we can do something together later.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Well, that's good news.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Okay, just let me lend myself a car and I'll be on the road. I'll see you later.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, cool.<</speech>>
With your new plans, you euphorically start getting ready.
[[meet with Lisa]]
<img src="game\pictures\evening.jpg">
You meet Lisa and stroll around with her.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Remember our conversation about Vivian? She told me that you were dying to hear some special stories.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh that, well actually I didn't ask....<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>You can't get out of it. How did you get into that?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm just curious if....<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>No, we weren't in a serious relationship. It was just a more "intensive friendship", nothing more.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Let's just say I like good people.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Let's just say i'm into good people.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ok, but you talked to Vivian a lot at the party, so I was a little worried.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>She just wanted me to know that some people are too nosy. She didn't want rumors to start. But like I said, it was just a short adventure. But why were you worried?<</speech>>
She smiled way too much.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, because...<</speech>>
She interrupted you.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Do you have a thing for Vivian?<</speech>>
She asked jokingly.
<<speech "You" "$name">>No... I'm into you.<</speech>>
You looked at her, and for a brief moment, she became serious. But then she smiled.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Good, can I have Vivian for myself then?<</speech>>
You looked a little sad and she couldn't help laughing.
<<speech "You" "$name">>At least I can make you smile.<</speech>>
She bumped into you.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Sorry, but sometimes you're too easy to trick.
Let's go get some dinner and enjoy the rest of the evening.<</speech>>
You agreed with her and went to eat something.
<img src="game\pictures\ramen.jpg">
You walk her home until you arrive at her house.
<img src="game\pictures\evening end.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>It was a nice evening, really.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>It was.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I don't want to end the evening on a bad note, but it seems I'll be gone a bit longer.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Really?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Yah.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\clips\kiss.gif">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Don't be sad, I'll be back soon.<</speech>>
She smiled and waved one last time.
You walk home, constantly smiling.
[[sleep till morning]]
End for now.When you woke up, you took one of the pills Athena gave you. Without a doubt, you just trust her.
You get ready for the day and head off to school. You try to be a little more inconspicuous. You're pretty insecure about your new look and don't want to surprise anyone.
During lunch at home, you remember that Athena was going to pick you up later.
She called to tell you that she's in front of your house. You go out and get in her car.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Hey, sweetie. This is my friend Katy, she's keeping us company today.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\katy\katy car.jpg">
<<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Hi, nice to meet you.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Y-Yes, nice. I mean hi, nice to meet you too.<</speech>>
You were a bit taken aback, you weren't expecting anyone else and she was radiantly beautiful.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>How are you today? Everything okay, all done?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes all done and I'm fine.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Good, today we're doing a complete makeover. I'm getting excited!<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yea, me too.<</speech>>
At the mall, you were strolling around not knowing what you were doing.
Athena came with a mountain of clothes.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Come on, time to try everything on.<</speech>>
She pushed you into the cramped dressing room with Katy.
All three of you were in there with the dresses and it was way too tight.
Katy didn't hesitate long and took off her clothes to try something on.
You weren't prepared for this, you felt almost every movement and it excited you far beyond what you could bear.
<<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Is everything all right?<</speech>>
Katy asked you in a soothing voice.
<img src="game\pictures\katy\katy cabin.jpg">
It was too much for you, you were even shaking a little.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Oh, I understand, we have to do something.<</speech>>
She gave her a key, Katy took your hand and hurried with you to the bathroom.
In the bathroom, she immediately started to free your privates.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Fine, you've already started, but we have to hurry and not make a sound.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\katy\cabin 1.gif">
You had a lot of trouble standing because your knees were wobbly.
You had both hands on your mouth to prevent a sound from escaping.
<img src="game\pictures\katy\cabin 2.gif">
You collapsed to the floor.
Athena gave you a minute and fixed everything, she almost carried you back to the locker room where you came around after a few minutes.
[[next stop]]
<img src="game\pictures\vivian\profile.jpg">
You don't know Vivian very well. You've had a few
encounters, but nothing special so far.
What you do know is just that there were daring
rumors about her and Lisa about two years ago.
Nothing bad in general, just that they were together.
You can confirm that they had a lot of contact back
then, and were in touch and very close, but you also
had no indication that they were a couple. Even
if they were, it wouldn't be a big deal or even important.
Besides, it was only a week.<img src="game\pictures\university outside.jpg">
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hello, sorry it took me a little longer.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No problem, I didn't wait that long.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I was a bit busy preparing for this event.<</speech>>
She put a flyer in your hand and you felt like someone was trying to sell you something bad.
It was true, she was really trying to convince you of something.
It was a poorly designed flyer about an event against animal cruelty.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>The organizers were missing some publicity. So I made some Flyers myself and laid it out.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, it's bad.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>What?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>This flyer is really bad.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>...<</speech>>
She was sad.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh no I mean, this is just... How about that, i help you a little bit with the design. So it could attract more people.<</speech>>
Her expression went better.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>That would be really nice. But it's already the day after tomorrow....<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Hmm, so we have to do it now.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>All right! Let's go to my place. I don't think we need that long.<</speech>>
[[Lisa's place]]
<img src="game\pictures\store.jpg">
You went together to another store where you had a quiet moment with Katy.
<<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Are you ok?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, I think so. That was much...<</speech>><<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Don't worry about it. Athena said you are nice and we'll see more of each other from now on.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh i didn't know that.<</speech>><<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Don't you like that?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No! Or yes, i like you i mean...<</speech>>
She smiles at you.
<img src="game\pictures\katy\hands.gif">
<<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Come, we have more to do.<</speech>>
This almost irrational affection is very unusual for you.
Not that you live a cold-hearted life, but this is just too much for you to understand or explain.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>We need to do something with your hair. Hmm, I'll figure something out, but not today.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What is with my hair?<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>It's obviously too short, but we're taking it one step at a time and I have a meeting later, so time is short.<</speech>>
You finished the shopping trip and Athena took you home.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Okay, Katy, are you staying here, or do I need to take you somewhere?<</speech>><<speech "Katy" "Katy">>I'll stay here, he needs help with all the shopping anyway.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, right, but that was expensive, you have to tell me how much it was.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Relax, there's nothing to think about now.<</speech>>
You entered your house. You hoped no one would be there, and your hope was rewarded.
<<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Do you life alone?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, with my sister and my mother. But we have about two hours if I'm right.<</speech>>
The two of you were in your room examining all the new things.
Katy took some makeup and sat down with you. She started stroking your face with gentle motions. You don't care what she does, it just feels good.
She joins you in front of the mirror.
<<speech "Katy" "Katy">>Do you like it?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>To be honest, this is all very new to me.<</speech>><<speech "Katy" "Katy">>I like it.<</speech>>
She starts hugging you from behind.
<<speech "Katy" "Katy">>I'm glad we'll see each other more often.<</speech>>
You're almost intimidated by her affection. It's really pleasant, but you can't believe that after this short time she's already so nice to you without having any ulterior motives.
She helped you put your things away and said goodbye to you.
You didn't even know where to start. There was a lot to think about and whether you really wanted all this.
But you got tired and fell asleep pretty quickly.
[[sleep till morning]]
Someone is coming to you.
<img src="game\pictures\lucy\lucy bar.jpg">
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Hi guys, i'm Lucy nice to meet you.<</speech>>
Alex stands up and almost trips over the table.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>I see you guys are already fully at work.<</speech>><<speech "Athena" "Athena">>We just got started, don't worry.<</speech>>
Athena grabs Alex and pulls him over to the counter.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>We need more shots and I want more of your story.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>So, what brings you here?<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>I don't know, I was bored and Athena needed help.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Help? With what?<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>She just said to keep you busy while she has fun with your friend.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What?!<</speech>>
You've been looking for Alex and Athena without success.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Fuck... What is going on.<</speech>>
She's laughing.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Calm down, they'll probably have a little fun.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That doesn't sound very convincing.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Since you're here, you probably know what you're getting into. Do you?<</speech>>
You sat there with your hands in front of your face.
Lucy laughs out loud.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Well, at least you know now. You were talking about a girl. What's that about?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Let's say we're in a situation with one guy too much.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Oh, that sucks. But maybe he'll find happiness now.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm not that optimistic...<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Is she that extraordinary?<</speech>>
She's watching you with a scrutinizing gaze.
<<speech "You" "$name">>She's great, but we're more or less in this stupid competition for her.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Uh-huh, I see. She's to be envied, two guys fighting over her and jumping down the deepest rabbit holes.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That pretty much sums it up.<</speech>>
You talked for a while, and eventually, they came back.
Alex had a bag of stuff in it. And he looks done.
<<speech "Athena" "Athena">>Okay, guys, I think I'm done for the day. I'll call you tomorrow about the bag.<</speech>>
Alex just nods.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>What are we going to do with him? He's not going to make it anywhere.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Sigh. I don't know how, but I have to get him home.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Don't take it so hard, I'll help you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You're nicer than I expected.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Don't get used to it.<</speech>>
You slowly made your way to Alex's house.
[[Alex' house]]
<img src="game\pictures\alex home.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh no, I can't go in there.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>What, why? I can't pull him by myself, or do you want to leave him outside?<</speech>>
While you're still thinking, Alex falls to the ground.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Ups.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Grrrrr<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>He's fine.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, I know another way in, we have to be quiet.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>What the hell is in this house?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You don't want to know.<</speech>>
You came in the back door. First, you put the bag on the floor and carry Alex to his room.
While you catch your breath, she examines his room.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>It's quite a palace if you ask me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes... It's... Big...<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Breathe.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, now let's get out of here.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Are they keeping a monster in here?<</speech>>
You're just heading for the stairs when you spot Kristina, and she's examining the bag you left downstairs. You take a step back, turn around, grab Lucy, and you both fall to the floor.
It was loud...
<<speech "You" "$name">>Quick, hide!<</speech>>
Like startled cats, you both ran to different rooms to hide.
Kristina came to the second floor and went to Alex's room. He was lying there looking trashed, you just hoped she would buy it.
She did. After a moment, she put the bag on his desk and checked everything.
A long moment passes. Finally, she goes into the bathroom.
This was your chance, you crawled out of your hiding place.
You kept an eye out for Lucy. She was waiting until she saw you.
You grabbed her by the arm and ran out of the house.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Wow, this was something.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>...<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Well, whoever that was, now she knows about his girl starter kit.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>His what?<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Let's just say Athena's gonna have fun with him.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, this is bad.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>You know what? I like you guys, you're more entertaining than anything.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm glad our misery amuses you.<</speech>>
She really seems to be enjoying herself.
<<speech "You" "$name">>By the way, where do you live?<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>On the other side of the district.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What? I can't walk anymore...<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Don't pee your pants. I can still walk.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>But it's late and dark. I can't let you go alone.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Wow, you're worried about me after your experience, but what do you suggest?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>You can sleep at my place if it's okay with you.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Why not, and food?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Sigh. All incluseve.<</speech>>
Exhausted, you're finally home.
The house is quiet. Everyone seems to be asleep.
You closed your room door.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, we're lucky, everyone's asleep.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Why, are you ashamed of me?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Please no more jokes.<</speech>>
As she strolls through your room, she seems to have spotted a package and opens it.
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Oh, wow. I didn't know you were one of those "guys."<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\cage.jpg">
You quickly grab it and stow it away.
<<speech "You" "$name">>This is not what it looks like.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\lucy\sceptical.jpg">
<<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Oh, if you would know how often I heard this sentence already.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Sigh. It's complicatet.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Bold of you to leave it outside.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, not my best idea...<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>But I'm not doing to do anything in this direction.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Are you sure about that? If you ask me, you look a little too feminine.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>It was just a session with Mila, I don't know what happened that night, to be honest.<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>If you ask me, it doesn't look too bad. I like it when men are a little "softer".<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I don't know, it's still weird. *yawn*<</speech>><<speech "Lucy" "Lucy">>Hmm, I guess it just depends on how you feel about it. And to be honest, you're in pretty deep on this....<</speech>>
You just tipped backward in your bed and fell asleep.
[[sleep till morning]]<img src="game\pictures\violet\car 2.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Fuck me!<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">> Behave!<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Hello, I'm glad you could make it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That's a nice car you got there.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Oh, thank you. It was a birthday present.<</speech>>
You're amazed.
<<speech "You" "$name">>That's a gift to my taste.<</speech>>
You arrived at the place. It seemed like an expensive bar, but you weren't sure until you saw the drink menu....
<<speech "You" "$name">>Kof, Kof.<</speech>>
You handed the menu to your sister, you wanted to avoid the incoming poverty.
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Please pick what you want, the drinks are all on me today.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, that's too kind.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Don't get drunk.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>As if.<</speech>>
You ordered a few drinks and talked a bit.
Meanwhile, Nina arrived as promised.
<<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Hey, I hope I'm not too late.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>No, not at all.<</speech>>
After a while, Nina goes to the counter to get new drinks. A minute passed and Celine came to help her.
It took them a few minutes and they came back without drinks.
<<speech "You" "$name">>So the drinks are not ready yet?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>No, they still need a moment.<</speech>>
She was a little out of breath, but it didn't bother you any further.
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Celine told me you were looking for a job.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, yes. Just a little part-time JOB!<</speech>>
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Are you ok?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, I'm o...k.<</speech>>
Someone suddenly touched you under the table with their foot, and you startled and banged your knee against the table.
At first, you thought it was an accident, but it happened again.
Your sister whispered to you.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>No more drinks.<</speech>>
You sat there all tense and had no idea whose foot was messing with you.
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Maybe I could arrange something, we have already a couple of students in our company who work part-time.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That... sounds really.... INteresting!<</speech>>
You managed to get the foot wedged between your knees, but another one came along.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>What's the deal with that other interview you mentioned?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, that's still open, let's see.<</speech>>
You had a breather. You guys talked for another hour.
<<speech "Nina" "Nina">>It's getting late, maybe we should....<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Yes! I'm coming with you. See you guys.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Uuh<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>And off they are. By the way, if you're interested, I could arrange a little sneak peek tomorrow. For the job, if you're interested?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Uh, yeah, that'd be great.<</speech>>
You two spent some more time together and had a nice chat.
Later Vi took you home where you went to sleep, your sister was still missing....
[[sleep till morning]]
If you wish to support my work you can via the following link:
<a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=81290243&fan_landing=true&view_as=public" target="_blank">Support this Project on Patreon</a><--Link<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I'm so glad you guys are doing this. And here's the first 50 for everyone, the rest when we're done.<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I can't believe this! Nobody tells anybody about this! Why is there lingerie? A Bra? We don't need them.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Just put them on, the rest is my business. You wouldn't be the first to cheat a little with his benefits.<</speech>>
You had a hard time getting into everything and it's more than just unfamiliar to you.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh, that's great! Now we can start shooting.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>The what?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>We have to take some photos, of course!<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, of course...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Ok, work on your attitude, you need to look more appealing or girly.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm about to die.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Nice job Alex.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Let's get this over with quickly.<</speech>>
After about 10 hours in your perception, you were done shooting.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay, let's see what we have so far.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\costume 4.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Wow, Alex, you're a natural!<</speech>>
You're staring at him.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Are you kidding me?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What? I just wanted to get it over with quickly.<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Now to you. Hm, you need to work on your posture.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That should do it.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\costume 3.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I think we can work with it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, we don't have to work with it, we're done.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yeah, slide the money over.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I said when we're done. We'll be done when the party's over.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>What party?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>The upcoming costume party. My two new hot girlfriends and I are going to crash that party!<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>No, we're not going to go.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hmm, ok, but what about our beautiful photos? It would be a shame if someone found them in some unforeseen way.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>You wouldn't do that.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>We're doomed.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>No, I'm kidding. You know you can trust me. Your secrets are safe with me.<</speech>>
Alex breathed easer.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Anyway, I'll see you at the party, don't worry about the costumes. I still have a few adjustments to make, but they'll be ready in time.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>...<</speech>>
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>...<</speech>>
[[you are released]]You went home together. A little dejected, you tried to find a solution.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>We can't go there.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What is your solution?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I don't know, maybe we can bribe her somehow.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That sounds like a bad idea and it will lead to more bad stuff.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Maybe someone can help us with that.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Your ideas aren't getting any better. I don't want to get anyone involved.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So we'll be her new playmates.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Maybe we can just do our best to stay incognito.<</speech>>
You don't come to a good solution at this point and decide to leave it at that for now.
At home, you talk to your sister while preparing a snack.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Are you aware that you smell like makeup?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I don't know, I was at Mila's house, that's her smell I think. Crazy world, lot of smells.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>You've been spending a lot of time with her lately, is that possible?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Maybe...<</speech>>
You didn't really listen to her, but you had a solution that was a little unorthodox. But maybe your sister can help you with that.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hey, do you know anyone who's skilled at makeup?<</speech>>
Without thinking about how that might sound weird, you just spit it out.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Do you need to talk about something?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, no it's about a project, with monster and for Halloween and stuff...<</speech>>
I'm not sure if she believes you, but she was thinking of someone.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Yes, I know someone who could help you with that, I'll write down her number for you.<</speech>>
With your new plan, you go to sleep.
[[Tuesday]]<img src="game\pictures\clips\tuesday.gif">
You wake up and get ready.
On your phone, you see that Lisa tried to call you yesterday.
But you can't call her now, you have to solve your problems first.
At school, you meet Alex.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I can't think of anything but the party, but I don't know what to do....<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I have an idea. It may be a bit daring, but at least it's something.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I think the most important thing is that we don't want to be recognized.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>At least that.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>So we have to make sure that doesn't happen.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>So far, I like this idea...<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>We can make sure of that by putting makeup on, a lot of it probably....<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>
You want to solve the problem by jumping straight into it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I said it was a little bold.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Okay, so that means we have to work with Mila?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Not necessarily. My sister gave me the number of someone who is a little bit more skilled.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hmm, I don't know, maybe it would be best to just do it with Mila so no one else gets involved.<</speech>>
You guys need to make a decision on how you want to handle this issue.
[[Just do it with Mila][$mila += 1]]
[[Get in touch with the professional][$alex += 1]]
After the lectures, you called Mila to discuss everything else and go to her.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I like your commitment.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>We just want to make sure no one can recognize us.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oooh, I understand. That shouldn't be a problem. We'll make proper girls out of you, don't worry.<</speech>>
Your faces have gone pale.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>First, we'll work on your footwork.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\heels 1.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>No no no no.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I'm going to give you the full program, otherwise, you might be recognized by your gait.<</speech>>
You knew she'd do anything to convince you, but she has a point.
<<speech "You" "$name">>I think she's right, it's an extra step, but yes....<</speech>>
Reluctantly, you put on your heels.
Alex was a little ahead of you in terms of walking with them.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay, let's get started with the masquerade.<</speech>>
You spent hours having Mila explain everything to you.
It was a complete disaster meanwhile, but eventually, you had a reasonable result.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\makeup.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I think it looks pretty solid.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Witchcraft!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>We still have something on the list. Come with me.<</speech>>
She took your hand and pulled you into the bathroom.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\bathroom.jpg">
You look at yourself in the mirror and are surprised at how you look.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Do you like what you see?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>It's really unusual.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\mila\bathroom mirror.jpg">
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I like it a lot!<</speech>>
Mila leaned over and grabbed your crotch.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You're still not used to "taming" yourself.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, you mean the device. I am still not sure about that.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>How about I reward you for it?<</speech>>
While she's talking to you, her hands are trying to get you aroused.
[[agree][$mila += 1]]
[[you don't agree]]
You dialed the number your sister gave you. You met with a professional makeup artist.
You asked a lot of questions and she showed you a lot of things. You don't know who it was weirder for, her or you. But you learned a lot and tried a little bit.
Finally, you were on your way home.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, we need to practice, preferably right now, we're running out of time.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I'm tired.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Do you want to mess up?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Ok, and where should we practice?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Definitely not at my place, so that leaves your place.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Alright.<</speech>>
When you arrived at Alex's place, you got to work right away.
Meanwhile, you looked like badly painted dolls, slowly but surely you got a little better.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Ok, we are getting better, slowly but steadily.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Let's call it a day.w<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>How do we get this stuff off anyway?<</speech>>
You guys stare at each other.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Just take a shower, better safe than sorry.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Alright, first me than you.<</speech>>
You left the bathroom and planned to hide in his room.
You receive a message from Mila. It's a pretty arousing video with the caption "Motivational Help". It's quite arousing, but suddenly you hear footsteps behind you....
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\room.jpg">
[[She took you to her room.][$fem += 1]]
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Good decision.<</speech>>
<video id="vid" src="game/pictures/mila/reward.mp4" loop autoplay muted></video>
It's not like last time, but it was worth it, you think.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Okay, now let's make sure everything is in place.<</speech>>
[[go back][$lock += 1]]
<<speech "You" "$name">>I can't do that.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Are you sure about that?<</speech>>
She continues with her exciting movements.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>That means you won't have any fun today.<</speech>>
You have no idea where you got the strength to refuse her offer, but you couldn't lock yourself.
With your arms crossed you left the bathroom, you had some excitement to hide.
[[go back]]
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Ok, I think that worked well on the first try. You have to practice everything. We don't have much time. Unless you don't care if someone sees you or recognizes you.<</speech>>
She knows how to motivate you guys.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Ok, I'm not sure, but maybe I'll see you tomorrow.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Wait, we have to change our clothes and the makeup<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>That's okay, it's already dark, and no one will see you.<</speech>>
With these words, she pushed you outside.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Ok.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I have a bad feeling.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>How about we run?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>And where should we go? We can't go to my place.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Ok, my place is where we have the best chance. As long as we don't see anyone we know, we should be fine.<</speech>>
[[Alex' place][$fem += 1]]
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Okay, I have no idea if anyone is there or not, we just go in and try to make our way up.<</speech>>
It was really easy and you did it.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Okay, how do we get this stuff off our faces?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I don't know, just try a shower to make sure.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Ok i go first then you.<</speech>>
You left the bathroom and went to hide in his room.
But that didn't happen...
<img src="game\pictures\kristina\room.jpg">
<<if $lock is 0>>[[She took you to her room.]]
<<elseif $lock is 1>>[[She took you to her room]]
<<speech "You" "$name">>Um, I can explain that.<</speech>>
You were standing there, tense, dressed like a girl.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>I don't know where to start....<</speech>>
She's examining you.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>I had no idea you guys were into this stuff.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, I can explain that, it's more like a....<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>You don't have to explain it, but can you tell me why you're so aroused down there?<</speech>>
Despite that situation, you were still aroused because of Mila.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>How about this? I'll keep your secrets and you make sure I get some of your fun "stuff". And since you're in need here, I'll help you with that problem too.<</speech>>
She gets down on her knees and offers a stimulating view.
<video id="vid" src="game/pictures/kristina/room 1.mp4" loop autoplay muted></video>
She barely touches you as she frees your privates.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Do we have a deal?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes yes yes<</speech>>
You were completely in her hands.
<video id="vid" src="game/pictures/kristina/room 2.mp4" loop autoplay muted></video>
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>How about you bring me something in the morning?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes, whatever you want!<</speech>>
<video id="vid" src="game/pictures/kristina/room 3.mp4" loop autoplay muted></video>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Hrmpf!<</speech>>
You tried to cover your mouth with your hands to keep an almost girly scream from coming out. You're already in girl mode.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Wow, it looks like you're still in the mood, but we have to stop. Go back and don't forget tomorrow.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, I won't.<</speech>>
[[go to Alex' room]]
You were standing there dressed like a girl with a decent layer of makeup.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Well, I didn't know you guys are like that, that's interesting.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, I can explain that...<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Sure, but I'm honestly interested in something else.<</speech>>
She resolutely grabbed your crotch. You winced and let out an almost girly short scream.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Wow, the full program. This is really interesting. I want to have something from you.<</speech>>
Despite this situation, you are quite aroused, but it's also quite uncomfortable in the cage....
<<speech "You" "$name">>Anything you want.<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Now that I know your little secret, I think we'll get along just fine. First, I want you to bring me some of that stuff, Okay?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>All right, I'll do that.<</speech>>
She grips it tighter.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Yes yes yes.<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Good, I see we understand each other, now you can go back and our little conversation will stay between us.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes of course.<</speech>>
[[go to Alex' room][$kristina += 1]]<img src="game\pictures\alex\bedroom.jpg">
You hide in Alex' room and take a deep breath for a few minutes.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Everything's okay, did anyone see you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Everything is fine, I'm going to the bathroom.<</speech>>
After your shower, you go back to Alex.
<<speech "You" "$name">>We should get a little more education on that.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yeah, I'll get on that first thing tomorrow.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, I'll do that too. I'll see you around. Don't forget to practice.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yeah yeah.<</speech>>
As you're walking home, you're doing some thinking. You should get some things to practice at home, and you can't forget Kristina either....
<img src="game\pictures\home\kitchen.jpg">
You enter the kitchen, where your sister is preparing some food.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ah! Nice, I'm here at the right time, what's on the menu?<</speech>>
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Two choices, my fist or my foot!<</speech>>
She answers angrily.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, okay. Where is mom?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I don't know, maybe at work.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Isn't it a little late for that? Since when does an accountant work that long?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>She said something about a new opportunity at work where she can earn more.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Okay..., who were your visitors?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>None of your business!<</speech>>
She's getting too attacky for your taste, and you don't want to try your luck further.
[[End the day]]<img src="game\pictures\university outside.jpg">
As you approach your school, you meet two girls.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\mila and friend.jpg">
It's Mila... with her.. new toy.
<<button "Mila">>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hey, you two. You look cute together, are you a thing?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm **i wish, yes**<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Why? Are you interested? <</speech>>
Lisa replied with a challenging look at her.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Maybe? Yes.<</speech>>
She said as she scanned both of you with her eyes.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>By the way, this is Cindy. Say hello Cindy.<</speech>>
She just waved and looked kind of stoned.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh, while you're here, there's a party at my house this Friday, you guys have to come.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Uhm<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Good, see you then!<</speech>>
There she goes, with Cindy in tow.
[[You struggle through the day until lunch.]]
<img src="game\pictures\home\kitchen.jpg">
You enter the kitchen where your mother is preparing breakfast. It's Wednesday.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>So, how's the job search going?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, great, I have an interview lined up.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Oh! Wow. That's faster than I thought it would be. It would be a great relief, to be honest, if it worked out for you.<</speech>>
You hear a loud car pull up in front of your house and honk.
<img src="game\pictures\violet\car.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Are you kidding me?<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Wow<</speech>>
Your sister storms into the kitchen and grabs something off your plate.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I have to go now. Bye!<</speech>>
She sprints to the car and jumps in.
<<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>Too bad, it's a two-seater.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Well, I don't mind that. I'd sit in the trunk.<</speech>><<speech "Mother" "Emilia">>By the way, I have other shifts now. That means I'm home more often in the morning and sometimes come in a little later.<</speech>>
[[School]]<img src="game\pictures\lisas house.jpg">
In her room, you began the design. With your limited skills, which were still far above the current state of the flyer.
You two tinkered something together.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Okay, that looks a little more inviting.<</speech>>
She just sat there with her touched eyes.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>It's... fantastic.<</speech>>
She gave you a hug.
You felt better than expected.
<<speech "You" "$name">>No problem, really. When exactly is this event again?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Do you want to join me, work all day, and hand out information?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, ahm you know i was...<</speech>>
She starts laughing.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I'm kidding. I can't go to that anyway.<</speech>>
You take a breath.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>At least you care more than most of the other guys. They only care as long as they see a chance to end up with me. Sometimes men are weird.<</speech>>
She said with a horrified look.
The last sentence is stuck in your head.
You get ready to go home. She hugged you one last time and thanked you.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Thank you so much, really. I appreciate it.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I..., no problem.<</speech>>
It was very late, but you just enjoyed spending time with her.
Tired, but happy, you go home.
[[Home.]]Luckily, the day has been relaxed so far, and after your last lecture, you're on your way to making the delivery.
You followed the address your sister gave you and found a small high-rise building.
<img src="game\pictures\skyscraper.jpg">
You enter the lobby, where three strong-looking security guards meet you.
<img src="game\pictures\lobby.jpg">
One is checking something on his screen and shakes his head. Another immediately gets in your way and stops you.
<<speech "Random" "Security Guy">>What you want?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Ahm, i want to deliver something for Vi?<</speech>>
He gets closer to you and starts scanning every corner of your body.
It took you way too long to realize he was searching you for weapons.
<<speech "Random" "Security Guy">>You can leave, if you want to come again you have to sign in at the check-in and bring a letter of invitation from Vi if she gives you one.<</speech>>
With no words in return, you agree with a blank stare.
<<speech "You" "$name">>OK, will do.<</speech>>
As you make your way to the elevators, he calls behind you.
<<speech "Random" "Security Guy">>Top floor level, 15.<</speech>>
You stand in the elevator, trying to find 15.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Weird.<</speech>>
There's an empty button, you just try.
The elevator stops, and you're back in another lobby, or are you already in an apartment?
<img src="game\pictures\penthouse.jpg">
You hear someone coming. When you turn to the person, you discover a stunning woman.
<img src="game\pictures\violet\violet.jpg">
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Hello? Who are you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ehm i.. I'm her to deliver a package, for Vi.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>That's me. Thank you. But why did Celine send you?<</speech>><<speech "You""$name">>I have no Idea.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>This is a pretty important item, I'm a little surprised that she would just send someone else to do this task.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, I'm her brother. She asked me to bring it to you yesterday.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Ah! That explains it all.<</speech>>
She smiles and unpacks what you delivered.
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Come on in, I just need a second. You can call me Violet if you want.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you. What is this place?<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>My home.<</speech>><<speech "You""$name">>OK. Why is there so much security in the lobby?<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>For security.<</speech>>
You realize you're not getting the answer you're looking for. As you walk through the apartment, you realize it's big and expensive, as are the furnishings.<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Here, this is for you. Oh, and, drop this off at check-in so you can come by anytime without a problem.<</speech>>
She gives you an envelope and a card. You have no idea what it is, but it's for you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Thank you very much.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>
Unfortunately, I have to go, but you can come another time, and you're welcome to bring your sister.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes i will. *Probably?*<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>I hope to see you again soon.<</speech>>
<img src="game\pictures\violet\violet 2.jpg">
What a nice person you think.
You turned in the card when you checked in, and they took pictures of every angle of you.
You just gave up asking questions.
Hectically, you look at your watch and realize you're going to be late for your "meeting" with Alex.
[[The Mila conversion.]]
<img src="game\pictures\mila\home.jpg">
You just laid there. After 30 minutes you realized you're still at Mila's place. Alex sits next to you, sleeping while something is going on on Mila's TV.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Finally, you're awake, don't tell me you drank the cocktails in the room outside.<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>A little bit, I guess...<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>That explains a lot, the waitress must've been taking the wrong door or something. But you guys should be ok in no time, don't worry.<</speech>>
While you examine yourself, you notice that you feel like a silk skin human.
<img src="game\pictures\skin.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Oh shit, what is going on?!<</speech>>
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Well, you can thank me later, come on I take you guys home it's already late.<</speech>>
You checked Alex, he's also completely bald... but smooth.
[[Alex' home][$cor += 1]]
<img src="game\pictures\home.jpg">
Unfortunately, your sister is still awake.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>What happened to you?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Please don't ask, I need sleep.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>And why are you so shiny?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Please no questions.<</speech>>
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>And where the hell are the hairs on your arms?<</speech>>
<<speech "You" "$name">>Sleep!<</speech>>
You shout as she bursts out laughing.
[[Friday][$fem += 1]]
<img src="game\pictures\home\kitchen.jpg">
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Hey, tender creature.<</speech>>
You remember your spa treatments. Your new look is unfamiliar to you.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>How was the delivery? Did you get your new style there?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No. It was fine.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Great, so she gave you something, right?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, wait. This envelope.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>
All right, give it to me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Hey! That was for me... HOLY SHIT!<</speech>>
When she opens it, you see a lot of bills.
<<speech "Sister" "Celine">>That's for me, here's 50 bucks for you.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Nice.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>No, wait, she put in more than we agreed, here's another 100 for you.<</speech>>
Good start to the day for you.
<<speech "You" "$name">>What's this place where Violet's staying at?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>You mean her home?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>It doesn't look like a "home."<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>I don't know, her family's rich, and there are some companys in the building. Important stuff, I guess.<</speech>>
You are not really smarter than before, but you decide to let it go for now.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Are you going to the party tonight?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Mila's party? No. Don't tell me you're going.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm going, why?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>It's not a party, it's more like a hunting ground for her and maybe one of her colleagues.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That sounds weird.<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Well, it's your decision, but please don't drink anything there.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No drinks... noted.<</speech>>
It sounds strange, but you agree.
You're getting ready to leave when you hear again loud car outside.
As you leave the house and open the door, someone is standing right in front of you.
<img src="game\pictures\nina\nina.jpg">
<<speech "You" "$name">>Uf?! I-I'm sorry.<</speech>><<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Hello, i would like to visit Celine?<</speech>><<speech "Sister" "Celine">>Get out of the way. Come in Nina<</speech>>
She shoved you away.
<<speech "Nina" "Nina">>Thank you.<</speech>>
She smiles at you. Unlike your sister, she seems very polite.
Anyway, you have to go now, Lisa is waiting.
You noticed the car is still there, but the driver is still inside.
<<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Good Morning.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh, hi, nice to see you again.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Is there somewhere I can take you?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>That's very generous of you, but I have someone waiting for me.<</speech>><<speech "Violet" "Violet">>Alright, anyway, have a nice day.<</speech>>
You say goodbye and realize again how friendly she is. Almost to friendly.
[[You pick up Lisa]]
<<set $fem to 0>>
<<set $cor to 0>>
<<set $lov to 0>>
<<set $lock to 0>>
<<set $alex to 0>>
<<set $mila to 0>>
<<set $three to 0>> You hide in Alex' room and take a deep breath for a few minutes.
Alex: Everything's okay, did anyone see you?
You: Everything is fine, I'm going to the bathroom.
After your shower, you go back to Alex.
You: We should get a little more education on that.
Alex: Yeah, I'll get on that first thing tomorrow.
You: Okay, I'll do that too. I'll see you around. Don't forget to practice.
Alex: Yeah yeah.
As you're walking home, you're doing some thinking. You should get some things to practice at home, and you can't forget Kristina either....
Uncertainly, you wake up. You have to give Kristina some of the liquid. But you can't give her all of it. You carefully decant some of the liquid and dilute it a bit, who knows what she will do with it.
With the sample, you go on your way and bring it to Kristina.
Kristina: Good morning. Good to see you. Do you have what I'm looking for?
You: Yes here is everything.
Kristina: Hm, is that all?
You: Yeah that's all I could get and that was hard enough.
Kristina: Alright do you know how much you usually need?
You: Not exactly, but I would approach it with drops.
Kristina: Ok, I will figure it out.
As she said this, she looked at you with a sly look. You suspect evil.
After you got that done, you went to the university and then to the mall to get a few things.
Completely nervous and frantic, you looked around the makeup department.
Suddenly, someone appeared behind you....
Random Guy: Hey sweetie, do you want to go for a drink?
Completely disturbed, you turned around and stared at the guy in amazement.
Random Guy: Holy shit, I thought you were.... Forget it.
He quickly ran off.
You completely blushed. Hastily, you grabbed a few things and took them to the cash register, you tucking your purchases away inconspicuously.
Your pulse raced until you finally arrived home and felt as if you had just run a marathon.
You sat down first and calmed down.
You: Do I look that much like a girl already?
research time
Your purchases are still there and you start to do some research to make steps forward on the subject of makeup.
There is not much time left, because tomorrow is already the costume party.
You get to work and watch a few tutorials.
After that, you'll start to get hands-on yourself.
It feels weird and you don't know how to feel, but the fear of being recognized at the party is too big and you get completely into it.
After a while, you take a break and remove all traces.
You call Alex to ask him about the status.
Alex: Hi, have, have you made any progress?
You: I think so, it should at least be enough so no one recognizes me.
Alex: Oh man, I'm not there yet.
You: Never mind, we'll just start early enough so we have enough time to prepare.
Alex: This is going to be a disaster.
You: As long as no one notices, it won't be a problem. So I'll see you tomorrow.
Alex: See you then.
After your work is done, you rest a bit. Suddenly your phone rings. It's Lisa.
Lisa: Hi, how is life without me?
You: Bad.
Lisa: It was a rhetorical question. You seem to be busy a lot.
You: Yeah, you could say that. I was going to call you back, but a little bit of stuff came up....
Lisa: That's okay. I wanted to ask you, what are you doing tomorrow?
You: Um, nothing special, why?
Lisa: I can tear myself away a little bit and I might come to the Costume Party tomorrow. Are you going to be there?
You: Ehm yeah, I mean no, so I'm actually not here tomorrow, that's a little bad.
Lisa: Oh, that's too bad. The whole day?
You: More or less yes...
Lisa: We'll put it off for now then.
You: Ok, I would if I could....
Lisa: That's ok, we'll see each other again soon.
After your conversation, you went straight to bed.
When you wake up, you only have this party in your head. The closer it gets, the more excited you get.
You get ready, go to the university and come home. You pack everything you need and head to Mila's place.
Mila welcomes you and is happy like a little child.
Mila: Finally you are here. Then we can finally get started.
You: Is Alex there yet?
Mila: Yes, there.
She points in one direction and you discover Alex sitting huddled there.
Alex: I can't do this.
Mila: I believe in you. You can do this.
Alex: Why did you do this to me?
You: I'm sorry, I don't know exactly how it all came about....
Alex: Now I have to spoon out your soup.
You: I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you.
Mila: Stop complaining, we have to start. First, the clothes.
You guys are squeezing into costumes and having a hard time doing it.
Alex: Does it have to be so revealing?
Mila: You want to look good, don't you?
Alex: Actually, I don't really care.
You: I'm sweating so unbelievably.
Mila: What's wrong with you? Are you too warm?
You: I think it's more like fear sweat.
Mila: Alright, take it off again, we'll fix you up first or you'll be wet before we get there.
You start making yourselves almost unrecognizable. With dedication and focus, you guys really went out of your way to receive a good result.
Mila: Wow, I'm thrilled with how well you guys are doing already. You still need a little work Alex, but otherwise, it looks really good.
Alex: The most important thing is whether people recognize me.
You: A little more and it should fit, how about me?
Alex: Not even I would recognize you. Hey, did you know that almost everyone we know is there?
You: What?!
Alex: Yeah, I was asked to be there and I heard Lisa was coming.
Mila: Oh guys, that sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
You: No, that's not good at all. We need to put another layer on our faces.
Alex: It'll fit, otherwise we'll look like clowns.
You: Oh dear, I'm sweating even more.
Mila: You guys are a bundle of nerves. I'd love to get you guys drunk, but I want you to be lucid when we get there and witness everything.
Alex: Why?
Mila: It's going to be a surprise.
You: I can't take any more surprises.
Alex runs to Mila's booze stash.
Mila: Hey, don't get drunk!
Alex: Just a little bit to get in the mood.
You: give me some too.
You drank a little and quieted down minimally.
Mila: Ok, I think we can go now. You guys look so hot. Tonight we're going to tow everything and everyone.
You: Please don't...
You guys are heading out to party. It's huge and a lot of people are in attendance.
Mila: Alright, let's get going.
Mila grabs both of your butts and marches in with you in tow.
Alex: Oh man, this is really crowded.
You: Just try to survive.
The party begins
<img src="game\pictures\clips\wednesday.gif">
Uncertainly, you wake up. You have to give Kristina some of the liquid. But you can't give her all of it. You carefully decant some of the liquid and dilute it a bit, who knows what she will do with it.
With the sample, you go on your way and bring it to Kristina.
<<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Good morning. Good to see you. Do you have what I'm looking for?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yes here is everything.<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Hm, is that all?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah that's all I could get and that was hard enough.<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Alright do you know how much you usually need?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Not exactly, but I would approach it with drops.<</speech>><<speech "Kristina" "Kristina">>Ok, I will figure it out.<</speech>>
As she said this, she looked at you with a sly look. You suspect evil.
After you got that done, you went to the university and then to the mall to get a few things.
Completely nervous and frantic, you looked around the makeup department.
Suddenly, someone appeared behind you....
<<speech "Random" "Guy">>Hey sweetie, do you want to go for a drink?<</speech>>
Completely disturbed, you turned around and stared at the guy in amazement.
<<speech "Random" "Guy">>Holy shit, I thought you were.... Forget it.<</speech>>
He quickly ran off.
You completely blushed. Hastily, you grabbed a few things and took them to the cash register, you tucking your purchases away inconspicuously.
Your pulse raced until you finally arrived home and felt as if you had just run a marathon.
You sat down first and calmed down.
<<speech "You" "$name">>Do I look that much like a girl already?<</speech>>
[[research time]]
Your purchases are still there and you start to do some research to make steps forward on the subject of makeup.
There is not much time left, because tomorrow is already the costume party.
You get to work and watch a few tutorials.
After that, you'll start to get hands-on yourself.
<img src="game\pictures\bedroom\makeup.jpg">
It feels weird and you don't know how to feel, but the fear of being recognized at the party is too big and you get completely into it.
After a while, you take a break and remove all traces.
You call Alex to ask him about the status.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Hi, have, have you made any progress?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I think so, it should at least be enough so no one recognizes me.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh man, I'm not there yet.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Never mind, we'll just start early enough so we have enough time to prepare.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>This is going to be a disaster.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>As long as no one notices, it won't be a problem. So I'll see you tomorrow.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>See you then.<</speech>>
After your work is done, you rest a bit. Suddenly your phone rings. It's Lisa.
<<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Hi, how is life without me?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Bad.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>It was a rhetorical question. You seem to be busy a lot.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Yeah, you could say that. I was going to call you back, but a little bit of stuff came up....<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>That's okay. I wanted to ask you, what are you doing tomorrow?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Um, nothing special, why?<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>I can tear myself away a little bit and I might come to the Costume Party tomorrow. Are you going to be there?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ehm yeah, I mean no, so I'm actually not here tomorrow, that's a little bad.<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>Oh, that's too bad. The whole day?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>More or less yes...<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>We'll put it off for now then.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Ok, I would if I could....<</speech>><<speech "Crush" "Lisa">>That's ok, we'll see each other again soon.<</speech>>
After your conversation, you went straight to bed.
[[bed]]<img src="game\pictures\clips\friday.gif">
When you wake up, you only have this party in your head. The closer it gets, the more excited you get.
You get ready, go to the university and come home. You pack everything you need and head to Mila's place.
Mila welcomes you and is happy like a little child.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Finally you are here. Then we can finally get started.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Is Alex there yet?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Yes, there.<</speech>>
She points in one direction and you discover Alex sitting huddled there.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>I can't do this.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I believe in you. You can do this.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Why did you do this to me?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm sorry, I don't know exactly how it all came about....<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Now I have to spoon out your soup.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Stop complaining, we have to start. First, the clothes.<</speech>>
You guys are squeezing into costumes and having a hard time doing it.
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Does it have to be so revealing?<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You want to look good, don't you?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Actually, I don't really care.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I'm sweating so unbelievably.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>What's wrong with you? Are you too warm?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>I think it's more like fear sweat.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Alright, take it off again, we'll fix you up first or you'll be wet before we get there.<</speech>>
You start making yourselves almost unrecognizable. With dedication and focus, you guys really went out of your way to receive a good result.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Wow, I'm thrilled with how well you guys are doing already. You still need a little work Alex, but otherwise, it looks really good.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>The most important thing is whether people recognize me.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>A little more and it should fit, how about me?<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Not even I would recognize you. Hey, did you know that almost everyone we know is there?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>What?!<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Yeah, I was asked to be there and I heard Lisa was coming.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Oh guys, that sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>No, that's not good at all. We need to put another layer on our faces.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>It'll fit, otherwise we'll look like clowns.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Oh dear, I'm sweating even more.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>You guys are a bundle of nerves. I'd love to get you guys drunk, but I want you to be lucid when we get there and witness everything.<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Why?<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>It's going to be a surprise.<</speech>><<speech "Mila" "Mila">>I can't take any more surprises.<</speech>>
Alex runs to Mila's booze stash.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Hey, don't get drunk!<</speech>><<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Just a little bit to get in the mood.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Give me some too.<</speech>>
You drank a little and quieted down minimally.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Ok, I think we can go now. You guys look so hot. Tonight we're going to tow everything and everyone.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Please don't...<</speech>>
You guys are heading out to party. It's huge and a lot of people are in attendance.
<<speech "Mila" "Mila">>Alright, let's get going.<</speech>>
Mila grabs both of your butts and marches in with you in tow.
<img src="game\pictures\mila\party.jpg">
<<speech "Friend" "Alex">>Oh man, this is really crowded.<</speech>><<speech "You" "$name">>Just try to survive.<</speech>>
[[The party begins]]
More coming soon.