<img src=" https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/65/15194713/15194713_036_0c9e.jpg" width="490" height="700">
This is your stepmom Shila. You live with your stepmother.
<Font color="yellow"> Energy $energy </font>
<Font color="green"> Money $money</font>
<<if $a5 is true>>
<Font color="purple">Stepmom's Photo </font> <</if>><<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $money to 0>>
<<set $a to false>>
<<set $a2 to false>>
<<set $a3 to false>>
<<set $a4 to false>>
<<set $a5 to false>>
<<set $a6 to false>>
<<set $a7 to false>>
<<set $a8 to false>>
<<set $a9 to false>>
<<set $a10 to false>>
<<set $a11 to false>>
<<set $a12 to false>>
<<set $b to false>>
<<set $b1 to false>>
<<set $b2 to false>>
<<set $b3 to false>>
<<set $b4 to false>>
<<set $b5 to false>>
<<set $b6 to false>>
<<set $b7 to false>>
<<set $b8 to false>>
<<set $b9 to false>>
<<set $b10 to false>>
<<set $b11 to false>>
<<set $jaketrust to 0>>
<<set $j to false>>
<<set $j1 to false>>
<<set $j2 to false>>
<<set $j3 to false>>
<<set $j4 to false>>
<<set $j5 to false>>
<<set $j6 to false>>
<<set $j7 to false>>
<<set $j8 to false>>
<<set $j9 to false>>
<<set $j10 to false>>
<<set $j11 to false>>
<<set $j12 to false>>
<<set $j13 to false>>
<<set $s to false>>
<<set $s1 to false>>
<<set $s2 to false>>
<<set $s3 to false>>
<<set $s4 to false>>
<<set $s5 to false>>
<<set $s6 to false>>
<<set $s7 to false>>
<<set $s8 to false>>
<<set $q to false>>
<<set $q1 to false>>
<<set $q2 to false>>
<<set $q3 to false>>
<<set $q4 to false>>
<<set $q5 to false>>
<<set $q6 to false>>
<<set $q7 to false>>
<<set $q8 to false>>
<<set $p to false>>
<<set $p1 to false>>
<<set $p2 to false>>
<<set $p3 to false>>
<<set $p4 to false>><img src=" https://c.pxhere.com/photos/0b/9c/architecture_building_chandelier_door_hallway_indoors_interior_design-1059117.jpg!d" width="600" height="300">
[[Stepmom's Room->aneoda]]
<<if $a9 is true>>
[[outside->dısarısı]] <</if>>
<<if $a6 is true and not $a7>>
[[The door is ringing->kargocu]] <</if>>
<<if $a8 is true and not $a9>>
[[Clean the House->evi temizle]] <</if>>
<<if $b2 is true and not $b3>>
[[Door is ringing->jakeziyaret]] <</if>>
<<if $b5 is true and not $b6>>
<img src=" https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/42/62210051/62210051_031_afab.jpg" width="500" height="700">
As you entered the house, you opened the door and saw your stepmother in her sexy outfit.
<img src=" https://media.invisioncic.com/k323430/monthly_2022_11/ezgif-1-c882663ba7.gif.714829d3a3ae012ba0c440055f15b58a.gif" width="500" height="300">
Seeing your stepmom made your dick get erect.
<<linkreplace "You said good night to your stepmom and went to sleep ">> \
<img src=" https://media.invisioncic.com/k323430/monthly_2022_11/910_1000.gif.0458fdaa9630ae4e5955e636a802dc88.gif" width="600" height="400">
Your dick was so erect [[stepmom noticed.->uyuq]] <<set $b6 to true>>
<</linkreplace>> \
<<set $a to true>><img src=" https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/31/7e/b8317e93b902a2aca5581d25115a5a09.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<<if $a is true and not $a2 >>
<<linkreplace "StepMom ">> \
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/107/71268085/71268085_009_cfa4.jpg " width="500" height="700"> //Good morning sunshine!//
Good morning sunshine!
<</linkreplace>> \
<<set $energy -=15>>
<<set $a2 to true>><</if>>
<<if $a5 is true and not $a6>>
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/149/55309008/55309008_053_779c.jpg " width="500" height="700">
Just as you entered the room, your stepmother made you sit on the couch. Are you looking for something dear? <Font color="red"> By the way, one of my photos is missing, have you seen it?</font> you said no.
<Font color="purple"> Stepmom says:</font>Then can you leave the room? I have work to do. Btw <Font color="red">Go out and find a job now! </font> <<set $a6 to true>> <</if>>
<img src="https://i.etsystatic.com/5339749/r/il/cf5cd4/415276813/il_570xN.415276813_nljy.jpg " width="300" height="500">
<<if $a2 is true and not $a3>>
<<linkreplace "Noise coming from shower cabin ">> \
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/26581902.gif " width="700" height="400">
//it's bad. Your stepmom forgot to lock the bathroom door!//
<<set $a3 to true>>
<<set $energy -=15>>
<img src="https://el.phncdn.com/gif/36255281.gif " width="700" height="400">
<Font color="purple"> //Stepmom's naked body made your dick erect//</font>
<</linkreplace>> \ <</if>>
<<if $b is true and not $b1>>
<<set $b1 to true>> <<set $energy -=30>>
<<linkreplace "sneak peek into shower stall ">> \
<img src=" https://img10.joyreactor.com/pics/post/erotic-18+-ero-gif-1556299.gif" width="450" height="600">
Your stepmom is taking a shower. She washes her big tits. You just woke up and you're so horny.
<<linkreplace "take your dick out and masturbate ">> \
<img src=" https://el.phncdn.com/gif/43015501.gif" width="350" height="600">
<img src="https://opis.comdotcdn.com/hiqqu/files/gay.hiqqu.com-7e423ff31b2ddc1d636551a9b3fa4b4918e4bb45.gif " width="800" height="500">
<<linkreplace "Cum ">> \
<img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-f0xihhzecW4/VYHd-N5xkII/AAAAAAAAMeQ/Ebekh-KVCqE/s1600/tumblr_nmy3ynii5x1t0ggzjo1_500.gif " width="600" height="400">
<Font color="purple">// ohh that was so comforting.// </font>
<Font color="yellow">//-30 Energy // </font>
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \ <</if>>
<<linkreplace " Check Yourself">> \
<img src=" https://www.bonerpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/very-long-hard-cock.jpg" width="500" height="650">
<img src=" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8XB9MgWEAkVZQk.jpg" width="700" height="500">
<</linkreplace>> \<img src=" https://www.nashvillesmls.com/uploads/agent-1/what-are-the-different-types-of-basements.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<if $a4 is true and not $a5>>
<<linkreplace " pick up the object on the ground">> \
fuck what is this? <<set $a5 to true>>
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/744/68311791/68311791_042_7b36.jpg " width="500" height="720">
A photo of my stepmother in her teenage years, was she a model? Damn she must have exposed her body to other men.But what is this photo doing here?//I'd better keep this//
<</linkreplace>> \ <</if>>
<<if $energy <=99>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<if $a3 is true>> <<set $a4 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $a7 is true and not $a8>>
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bdm8m.gif" width="600" height="400">
You cum in your sleep after seeing your stepmom's gorgeous and sexy body all day long <<set $a8 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $a11 is true and not $b>> <<set $b to true>> <</if>>
<<if $b1 is true and not $b2>> <<set $b2 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $b3 is true and not $b4 >> <<set $b4 to true>> <</if>>
[[wake up->ev]] <img src=" https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/cargo-box-on-white-background-260nw-1010528728.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You opened the door. It was the courier who knocked on the door.
<Font color="yellow">hello mr there is a cargo for miss shila. </font>
Just as you were about to pick up the cargo, .
<<linkreplace "your mother showed up and she said she would pick up the cargo herself">> \
<img src=" https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/441/84195512/84195512_003_3ba2.jpg" width="460" height="700">
<Font color="purple"> Your stepmother is wearing a fishnet and transparent outfit</font>
oh hello its my cargo
<<linkreplace " Here is your cargo, miss">> \
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bdm5g.gif" width="700" height="400">
<Font color="red">The cargo man </font>could not stand this beautiful and arousing outfit any longer and <Font color="red"> ejaculated his cum under his shorts</font>. And he said to himself, "God, this was the best one in my life!"
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<<set $a7 to true>><img src="https://media4.giphy.com/media/9PtfS5tTC8ejlYfCLU/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952hd4dtddnqt6dmxe4nsm0eo9sfofrhbyh00b6m9db&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g " width="600" height="400">
<<linkreplace " get the money from stepmother">> \
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/153/67566270/67566270_031_ed1e.jpg " width="400" height="600">
Thank you baby here is your money <Font color="purple">//<3// </font>
<Font color="green">//+20$// </font> <<set $money +=20>>
<Font color="yellow"> //-15 Energy//</font> <<set $energy -=15>>
<</linkreplace>> \
<<set $a9 to true>><img src="https://loveincorporated.blob.core.windows.net/contentimages/gallery/9aeea7b2-28f0-4bbf-a899-6bc941948a20-Deadwood_South_dakota.jpg " width="600" height="400">
[[Home->ev]] <img src=" https://loveincorporated.blob.core.windows.net/contentimages/gallery/a978098b-17c3-4060-bbb9-8c392c539a9a-abandoned-american-homes-for-sale-timber-house-new-york.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<if $a9 is true and not $a10>>
<<linkreplace "Say hello the neighbour ">> \
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
You met your neighbor Jake. He's middle-aged, a little tall. <Font color="red">//He works at the nearby church // </font>. He moved here 1 month ago.
<<linkreplace " Hand Shake">> \
<img src="https://media1.tenor.com/m/qZ__emCLAMYAAAAC/kdrama-handshake.gif " width="300" height="200">
Shook hands and walked away from each other. Nice to meet you both
<<set $a10 to true>>
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \ <</if>>
<<if $b4 is true and not $b5>>
[[Ring the bell->komsu ev ici]] <</if>>
[[back->dısarısı]] <img src="https://blog.zaferendustriyelmutfak.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/barmutfa%C4%9F%C4%B1.jpg " width="600" height="400">
<<if $a10 is true and not $a11>>
[[apply for a job->basvuru]] <</if>>
<img src=" https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTocMFLAyWg8ws3LCZevpndDcRikE29m3QsKg&s" width="200" height="230"> <img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/5/183/30615891/30615891_001_a42b.jpg " width="350" height="500">
You came to talk to the bar bosses about applying for a job. Apparently they didn't like you. They asked if you had ever worked in a job like this before, and you answered no. They remained undecided. They need someone to work with but they don't have time to teach the job. <Font color="red">//They said we will call you. You give your number and left. // </font>
<<set $a11 to true>>
[[outside->dısarısı]] <img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
This is jake. He brought you the food his wife cooked at home. During the conversation <Font color="red">you said you were looking for a job </font>. He knows the owners of the bar in town. <Font color="red"> He said come to my house tomorrow and I will try to help you.</font> You thanked him for the food and [[Jake left->ev]]
<<set $b3 to true>><img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
hey hello welcome.
<<linkreplace " come in">> \
<<set $b5 to true>>
<img src=" https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/06/24/fashion/17ABANDONEDHOUSES-3/merlin_188688468_2428c55a-82a4-4c65-af53-ba0057398941-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale" width="600" height="400">
//You entered the house. The living room is very bad, the house is very old. The house has never been cleaned. God, I never thought my neighbor would be this dirty.//
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<strong>Jake says: I'm sorry, my house is a bit messy, my family is out of town, and I don't have time to clean it. I'm very busy with my work. Anyway. <Font color="red">I will talk to the owners about working at the bar But I have a request from you. </font></strong>
<<linkreplace " Listen Jake">> \
<img src="https://www.clearchoiceuk.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/qualities-and-skills-of-a-commercial-cleaner.jpg " width="400" height="300">
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<Font color="red"> If you help me clean the house for a few days,I'll talk to bar owners for you.</font>
<<linkreplace "Accept ">> \
Thank you very much. My house needed cleaning. You can start tomorrow.
[[you left home->dısarısı]]
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \<<linkreplace "You started masturbating looking at your stepmother's photo ">> \
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/744/68311791/68311791_042_7b36.jpg " width="500" height="720">
<img src=" https://preview.redd.it/i-cant-stop-looking-at-real-mens-cocks-any-other-cock-v0-8zo60s97yr0e1.gif?width=500&auto=webp&s=d6b966cdb9829a7e8f6ae88385cb4d92cd3430ba" width="600" height="400">
<img src=" https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/3073253.gif" width="600" height="400">
[[fall asleep->ev1]]
<</linkreplace>> \
<img src=" https://c.pxhere.com/photos/0b/9c/architecture_building_chandelier_door_hallway_indoors_interior_design-1059117.jpg!d" width="600" height="300">
[[Stepmom's Room->aneoda1]]
<<if $jaketrust is 5 and $s4 is false>>
[[cargo box->kargocusex]] <</if>>
<<if $s5 is true and not $s6>>
[[Stepmom wakes early->annesabah]] <</if>>
<<if $p2 is true and not $p3>>
<img src=" https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlNe.gif" width="400" height="670">
<Font color="purple">You woke up and went to the living room, your mother was changing her clothes. </font>
<Font color="red">You said </font>: Damn mom, don't you have a room, why are you dressing here?
------ <<set $p3 to true>>
After your mother apologized, she immediately went to her room. <Font color="purple">But you saw her sexy body. </font> You want to dive into her big tits <</if>><img src=" https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/31/7e/b8317e93b902a2aca5581d25115a5a09.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<<if $s2 is true and not $s3>>
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/542/35353856/35353856_013_add1.jpg " width="400" height="600">
<Font color="red"> Get out of my room you perverted bastard!</font>
<<set $s3 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $p is true and not $p1>>
<<linkreplace "Sneak peek ">> \
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/36/16367555/16367555_349_5857.jpg " width="400" height="600">
<<timed 1s>>
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/36/16367555/16367555_397_ccb8.jpg " width="400" height="600"> <</timed>>
<<timed 2s>>
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/36/16367555/16367555_429_fb7a.jpg " width="400" height="600"> <</timed>>
You're thinking: Why are you dressing like a pornstar, you bitch? <Font color="purple"> one day I will fuck you!</font> <<set $p1 to true>>
<</linkreplace>> \ <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 7 and $p4 is false>>
<<set $p4 to true>>
<img src=" https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGl9d.gif" width="600" height="400">
Your stepmom puts a dildo in her pussy and relieves herself
<<timed 1.5s>>
<img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlEq.gif " width="600" height="400"> <</timed>> <</if>>
[[back->ev1]] <img src="https://i.etsystatic.com/5339749/r/il/cf5cd4/415276813/il_570xN.415276813_nljy.jpg " width="300" height="500">
<<linkreplace " Check Yourself">> \
<img src=" https://www.bonerpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/very-long-hard-cock.jpg" width="500" height="650">
<img src=" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8XB9MgWEAkVZQk.jpg" width="700" height="500">
<</linkreplace>> \<img src=" https://www.nashvillesmls.com/uploads/agent-1/what-are-the-different-types-of-basements.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<if $s is true and not $s2>> <<set $s2 to true>>
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bdmkx.gif " width="600" height="450">
Your stepmom is taking the laundry out of the washing machine
<<linkreplace "secretly rub your dick your stepmother's ass">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bdmni.gif " width="600" height="400">
While your stepmom was taking the laundry out of the washing machine, you found your advantage and took out your hardened dick and started rubbing it against her thong-clad ass.
<<linkreplace "Stepmother Notices You! ">> \
<img src="https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/5BF0069.gif " width="600" height="500">
<Font color="purple"> When your stepmom noticed you and turned around, you cum on her back with great pleasure.</font>
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/5/58/62979437/62979437_016_256d.jpg " width="400" height="600">
<Font color="red">WHAT YOU DOING PERVERT!</font>
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \ <</if>>
[[back->ev1]] <<if $b6 is true and not $b7>> <<set $b7 to true>> <</if>>
[[Wake up->ev1]]
<<if $energy <=99>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<if $s4 is true>>
<<set $s5 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 1 and $p is false>>
<img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlKy.gif " width="400" height="600">
The women you will fuck while working at the bar come into your dreams.
<<set $p to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 2 and $p1 is true>>
<<set $p2 to true>> <</if>><img src="https://loveincorporated.blob.core.windows.net/contentimages/gallery/9aeea7b2-28f0-4bbf-a899-6bc941948a20-Deadwood_South_dakota.jpg " width="600" height="400">
[[Home->ev1]] <img src=" https://loveincorporated.blob.core.windows.net/contentimages/gallery/a978098b-17c3-4060-bbb9-8c392c539a9a-abandoned-american-homes-for-sale-timber-house-new-york.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<Font color="green"> Jake's Trust$jaketrust/20</font>
<<if $b6 is true and not $b8 && $energy >=50>>
[[Clean the House->evi temizle1]] <</if>>
[[back->dısarısı1]] <img src="https://blog.zaferendustriyelmutfak.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/barmutfa%C4%9F%C4%B1.jpg " width="600" height="400">
[[back->dısarısı1]] <img src="https://media4.giphy.com/media/9PtfS5tTC8ejlYfCLU/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952hd4dtddnqt6dmxe4nsm0eo9sfofrhbyh00b6m9db&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g " width="600" height="400">
<<set $energy -=51>>
<Font color="yellow">//-51 Energy// </font>
<Font color="green"> //+20$//</font>
<<set $money +=20>>
<<set $jaketrust +=1>>
<<set $s to true>>
<Font color="green">//Jake's Trust +1// </font>
<<if $jaketrust is 2 and $j is false>>
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e1/Semen_on_tissue_paper.jpg/640px-Semen_on_tissue_paper.jpg " width="400" height="600">
<Font color="red"> You found a napkin while cleaning the table</font>. something spilled on it. You took it from the table and threw it in the trash <<set $j to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 4 and $j1 is false>>
[[take the underwear from the bed->trust4]] <<set $j1 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 6 and $j2 is false>>
[[Jake comes home->trust7]] <<set $j2 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 8 and $j3 is false>>
[[Take Bath->trust10]] <<set $j3 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 10 and $j4 is false>>
[[jake in the living room->trus100]] <<set $j4 to true>> <</if>>
[[finish job->dısarısı1]]
<img src=" https://preview.redd.it/24-pov-you-found-my-cum-filled-boxers-on-the-bed-cleaning-v0-5uju9ol3ykrc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=d21d864ab96fed63a3dd083bd9658cc7ca76d328" width="300" height="500">
<Font color="red"> Fuck. Is this Jake's underwear? </font>Damn it, he cummed inside her and left it lying around.
[[finish the Job->dısarısı1]] <img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
oh hello. You keep cleaning, right? <Font color="red"> Don't worry if you see absurd things around</font>, the house is very messy.
<<linkreplace "Jake watches you while you continue cleaning the house. ">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bjtqd.gif " width="450" height="600">
<Font color="red">jake jerking his dick while looking at you from behind. You don't saw it because you cleaning the house. </font>
[[finish Job->dısarısı1]]
<</linkreplace>> \
When you entered the bathroom to take a shower,<Font color="red">you saw Jake. </font>
<<timed 1.5s>>
<img src=" https://el.phncdn.com/gif/42641512.gif" width="600" height="400">
Jake washes himself and looks at his hardened dick.
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Oh my god Jake I'm sorry I thought the bathroom was empty!
<Font color="red">You quickly closed the door and left the house. </font>
[[finish Job->dısarısı1]]
<</timed>><img src="https://www.kolici.com/20x13x5cm-e-commerce-cargo-box-kraft-2810-98-O.jpg " width="300" height="300">
You saw the cargo box standing in the corner, your stepmother must have cargo again.
<<linkreplace " AAH OOH">> \
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/7cb60961e5d76b7528b3879a78ce7174.gif " width="700" height="500">
Your stepmom is fucking the courier in the living room."The cargo man says: <Font color="purple">Ohh, no one fucked you like this, right? Fucking someones mother is my greatest pleasure. What would happen if your son saw us? I'm gonna get you pregnant bitch </font>
Your stepmom says: <Font color="purple">Ahhhh it's been so long since I've been fucked. No matter who sees it, keep fucking my pussy AAHH </font>
<<linkreplace "Cargo man Cums ">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bdmh7.gif " width="600" height="400">
ohhh whenever you order something I will come and fuck you bitch!
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<<set $s4 to true>>
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/6be7a43b607276da61a9410ca2323549.gif " width="400" height="700">
Your stepmother woke up early in the morning and was cleaning the room. <Font color="purple">She's only wearing a bra and panties </font> she looks so sexy.
Oh good morning honey how about <Font color="red">a morning blowjob? </font>
While you were trying to understand what was going on, your stepmom suddenly started <<linkreplace "sucking your dick. ">> \
<img src="https://myteenwebcam.com/fapp/gifs/487884c143c40f6de484529ba1d6228e.gif " width="400" height="600">
AAhh <Font color="purple">I'm licking my son's young and hard dick </font>. You are so lucky to have this pleasure with me, baby.
<<linkreplace "Cum ON mommy's Face ">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bdmpo.gif" width="500" height="600">
You cum on your mother's face with great pleasure
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<<set $s6 to true>> <img src="https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/122/26/png-clipart-warning-symbol-warning-sign-exclamation-mark-miscellaneous-angle-thumbnail.png " width="600" height="500">
[[I SWEAR IM 18 OR OVER YEARS OLD->Adsız Bölüm]]
[[IM NOT 18 AND UNDER YEARS OLD->CIKIS]]<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bdmu3.gif" width="600" height="400">
<Font color="red">Jake was rubbing his dick on the couch </font>when you entered the living room to clean it. As Jake rubbed his dick on the couch, it got harder and
<<linkreplace "He started making moaning sounds of pleasure. ">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bdmvx.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
OHHHHHH, DAMN THAT WAS SO GOOD. Fuck.<Font color="red"> I covered the whole seat with my seeds</font>
jake didn't notice you. "Hey jake" you said after Jake put his dick in his pants.
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Oh were you here I thought you went home buddy.
Jake immediately sat on the seat where he left his seeds so that it would not be obvious.
//You took your money and left.//
[[Finish Job->gecis]]
<</linkreplace>> \
[[Wake up->ev2]]
<<if $energy <=99>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<if $j6 is true and not $q5>>
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bk9dv.gif" width="650" height="525">
<Font color="purple"> In your dream, your stepmother is having sex with 3 different people. she looks so happy. Maybe you can give this one a taste of that experience.</font> <<set $q5 to true>> <</if>>
<<set $q to true>>
<<if $q2 is true and not $q3>>
<<set $q3 to true>> <</if>><img src=" https://c.pxhere.com/photos/0b/9c/architecture_building_chandelier_door_hallway_indoors_interior_design-1059117.jpg!d" width="600" height="300">
<<if $q is true and not $q1 >>
[[Stepmom's Room->aneoda2]] <</if>>
<<if $q3 is true and not $q4>>
[[Bathroom->banyo2]] <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 11 and $q6 is false>>
[[Talk to Mom for help->aneyardım]] <<set $q6 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 14 and $q7 is false>>
[[Basement->komurluk2]] <</if>><img src="https://i.etsystatic.com/5339749/r/il/cf5cd4/415276813/il_570xN.415276813_nljy.jpg " width="300" height="500">
<<if $q3 is true and not $q4>>
<img src=" https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/158/94220051/94220051_005_0c58.jpg" width="400" height="600">
You entered the bathroom at the same time as your mother and you decide who gets to shower. <<set $q4 to true>>
[[take a bath before your mother->ev2]]
[[Let your mother take a shower first->anedus]] <</if>>
[[back->ev2]] <img src=" https://www.nashvillesmls.com/uploads/agent-1/what-are-the-different-types-of-basements.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<<if $jaketrust is 11 and $q6 is false>>
<<set $q7 to true>>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGRnV.gif " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
When you entered the basement, <Font color="red">your stepmom was fucking someone. </font> you left without disturbing them <</if>>
[[back->ev2]] <img src=" https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/31/7e/b8317e93b902a2aca5581d25115a5a09.jpg" width="300" height="500">
<<if $q is true and not $q1 >>
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.de/1280/5/250/41226833/41226833_001_da00.jpg " width="475" height="700">
Hey son, can you <Font color="red"> put sunscreen on me?</font> I'm going to sunbathe today.
<<linkreplace "Apply sunscreen to your mother ">> \
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9beiqk.gif" width="600" height="400">
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9beium.gif " width="600" height="400">
Thank you son <3
<<set $q1 to true>>
<</linkreplace>> \ <</if>>
[[back->ev2]] <img src="https://loveincorporated.blob.core.windows.net/contentimages/gallery/9aeea7b2-28f0-4bbf-a899-6bc941948a20-Deadwood_South_dakota.jpg " width="600" height="400">
<<if $j5 is true and not $q2>>
[[Homeless man->evsizadam]] <<set $q2 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 12 and $j8 is false>>
[[Check the Corner->kosekontrolsex]] <<set $j8 to true>> <</if>><img src=" https://loveincorporated.blob.core.windows.net/contentimages/gallery/a978098b-17c3-4060-bbb9-8c392c539a9a-abandoned-american-homes-for-sale-timber-house-new-york.jpg" width="600" height="400">
<Font color="green"> Jake's Trust$jaketrust/20</font>
<<if $jaketrust <19 and $energy >50>>
[[Clean the house->evi temizle2]] <</if>>
[[Back->dısarısı2]] <img src="https://blog.zaferendustriyelmutfak.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/barmutfa%C4%9F%C4%B1.jpg " width="600" height="400">
[[back->dısarısı2]] <img src="https://media4.giphy.com/media/9PtfS5tTC8ejlYfCLU/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952hd4dtddnqt6dmxe4nsm0eo9sfofrhbyh00b6m9db&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g " width="600" height="400">
<<set $energy -=51>>
<Font color="yellow">//-51 Energy// </font>
<Font color="green"> //+20$//</font>
<<set $money +=20>>
<<set $jaketrust +=1>>
<<set $s to true>>
<Font color="green">//Jake's Trust +1// </font>
<<if $jaketrust is 11 and $j5 is false>>
[[Jake calls you->trust11]] <<set $j5 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 13 and $j6 is false>> <<set $j6 to true>>
[[Relax Jake and get extra money->trust13]] <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 15 and $j7 is false>>
[[Have fun with jake->trust15]] <<set $j7 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust <17 and $q6 is true>>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src=" https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/158/88829374/88829374_014_6390.jpg " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
</div> Thank you mom <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 12 and $j9 is false>>
[[introduce jake to mom->jakeanetanısma]] <<set $j9 to true>> <</if>>
<<if $jaketrust is 16 and $j10 is false>>
[[Find Jack->trust16]] <<set $j10 to true>> <</if>>
[[Finish Job->dısarısı2]]
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Hey son, you know I live alone in this house. I have needs, just like every man. I'll ask you for a little more help.
<<linkreplace "Listen Jake ">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bgcqj.gif " width="400" height="600">
How about you lend a hand here? I'll give you 100 dollars
<<linkreplace "Accept offer for money ">> \
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bgd4w.gif" width="600" height="400">
AAh yes, that's how no one touched my dick except me for a long time. Ohh you do it so beautifully, your hands are so soft, like my wife's hands. Yes, that's it, up and down. <Font color="red">It's coming oh my seeds are coming </font>
<<linkreplace "Let Jake Cum ">> \
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bgdd4.gif" width="600" height="400">
<Font color="red"> AAAHH SSHHIIITTTT.</font>
<Font color="purple">Jake fell asleep after cumming, so you took your money and left the house. </font>
<<set $money +=100>>
<Font color="green"> //Money +100//</font>
[[Finish Job->dısarısı2]]
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \When you came home from exhaustion, you fell asleep.
[[Sleep Well->uyu2]] <img src="https://imgcdn.stablediffusionweb.com/2024/9/19/080b2ab2-5583-4fb3-bfad-7b766b4d71d9.jpg " width="700" height="600">
Sir, I'm hungry. Can you help me?
<<linkreplace " Give Money">> \
<img src="https://image.milimaj.com/i/milliyet/75/0x0/5f4bb7b35542821ab08199d3.jpg " width="600" height="400">
No I don't want money.This is a little more personal request. From the outside, you seemed like an understanding person. <Font color="red">I thought I'd try my luck too </font>
<<linkreplace "Listen Request ">> \
<img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/4d037cd3ffe6404a74111990e9a73a9b/tumblr_p7emrmKZGe1wdvf62o1_400.gifv " width="700" height="400">
<Font color="purple">Dude, look, no one has touched my dick in months. I'm tired of fucking my own hand. Can you help me a little? </font>
[[No go fuck yourself->dısarısı2]]
<<linkreplace "help the poor helpless homeless man ">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bjvhm.gif " width="700" height="400">
AAHH yes, keep sucking like that. I knew you couldn't refuse this offer. <Font color="purple">suck your daddy's dick ohh yeah </font>
<img src=" https://18gayteen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cum.gif" width="700" height="400">
After sucking the homeless man's dick for a while, he cummed with a big scream.
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
your mother is taking a shower
<<linkreplace "Of course sneak peek ">> \
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bjxxv.gif" width="600" height="400">
<<timed 1.5s>>
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bjysw.gif" width="750" height="500"> <</timed>>
<<timed 4s>>
<img src=" https://i.imgflip.com/9bjz18.gif" width="750" height="500"> <</timed>>
<<timed 7s>>
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bjz67.gif " width="750" height="500"> <</timed>>
<<timed 8s>>
<<linkreplace "cum looking at your mother ">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bjzvo.gif" width="700" height="500">
<Font color="purple">You threw your seeds on the ground today too. You started to want to fuck your mother's ass or pussy </font>
<</linkreplace>> \ <</timed>>
<</linkreplace>> \
[[No ım gay->ev2]] <img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bk8cy.gif " width="700" height="400">
<<linkreplace " Make him cum">> \
<img src="https://i.imgflip.com/9bk8jl.gif " width="700" height="400">
Jake says : <Font color="purple"> ohh thanks man i needed this</font>
<<set $money +=40>>
<Font color="green">//+40$// </font>
[[Finish Job->dısarısı2]]
<</linkreplace>> \
q7 ve j10 true and p4<img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlxR.gif" width="400" height="600">
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
We need some help for cum, what do you say buddy? we can turn on porn.
<<linkreplace " offer a better option">> \
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/744/68311791/68311791_042_7b36.jpg " width="500" height="720">
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
oh is that your step mother? Dude, what are you doing with this photo? Anyway, pretend I didn't ask this question.
<<linkreplace "Cum together">> \
<img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlxV.gif " width="400" height="600">
Jake focused on the stepmom's photo: oh look at that pussy I would love to drop my hot seeds inside it. Dude, these words don't affect you, do they? After all, she's not your real mother.
//You said no problem, Jake, and you cum with pleasure.//
[[Finish Job->dısarısı2]]
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlHY.gif " width="700" height="500">
Two people are fucking and talking in the corner. you listen to them:
<<timed 2s>>
<img src=" https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlHO.gif" width="700" height="500">
<Font color="purple"> ahh bro why are you fucking me ahh this is so pleasurable! </font>
<Font color="red">Shut up bitch, you were always showing me your ass when you were at home, didn't you think I understood? </font> <</timed>>
<<timed 5s>>
<img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGlKb.gif " width="700" height="500">
<Font color="red">aaahhh take this in your mouth. Next time I'll get you pregnant, my stepsister. </font>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src=" https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/158/88829374/88829374_014_6390.jpg " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
You told your stepmom that you were tired of cleaning Jake's house. You asked your mother for help with cleaning.
<Font color="purple">//Of course honey, I'll also meet our neighbor.// </font>
[[Thanks mom->ev2]]
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src=" https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/158/88829374/88829374_056_f371.jpg " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
You introduce your mother to Jake
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
Nice to meet you, thanks for the help.
<Font color="purple">Jake is drooling looking at your mother's breasts. Her breasts, which did not fit into her big bra, surprised him too. </font>
[[finish job->dısarısı2]] <div style="text-align: center;">
<img src=" https://s7.gifyu.com/images/SGR7L.gif " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src=" https://s13.gifyu.com/images/SGR7q.gif " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
<Font color="red"> You saw Jake spying on your mother</font>
<<linkreplace " Talk to Jake">> \
<img src=" https://st3.depositphotos.com/1135494/16766/i/450/depositphotos_167668598-stock-photo-happy-middle-aged-man-outside.jpg" width="300" height="200">
AAhh man, your stepmom has such a beautiful ass and body. Why didn't you introduce me before? <Font color="red">Damn my dick is hard as </font> <<linkreplace " a rock ">> \
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src=" https://s13.gifyu.com/images/SGRIu.gif " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
<Font color="purple">//Jake and you are rubbing your dicks while looking at your mother.// </font>
<<linkreplace "Cum together ">> \
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src="https://cdni.pornpics.com/1280/7/369/51040543/51040543_022_3e80.jpg " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
Jake and you looked at your mother's magnificent ass with admiration and couldn't take it anymore and <Font color="red"> cummed together</font>
<<timed 3s>>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<img src=" https://i.redd.it/vo9k4ds6vrbd1.gif " alt="Açıklama" width="500" height="700" style="height: auto;">
[[finish job->dısarısı2]] <</timed>>
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \
<</linkreplace>> \