,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<img src="img/places/dorm.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<set $photos to random(19) >>\
<<if $photos === 7 and $photo2 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 13 and $photo3 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena1]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 17 and $photo4 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi1]]<</if>>\
<<if $photo2 === 1 and $photo3 === 1 and $photo4 === 1>>\
<<if $photos === 7 and $photo22 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany8]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 13 and $photo23 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena7]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 17 and $photo24 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi6]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasExercised is 1 >>\
<<linkreplace "⚡️ Exercise" >>\
<b><n3>You already exercised today.</n3></b>\
<<elseif $energy lt 20>>
<<linkreplace "⚡️ Exercise" >>\
<b><n3>You don't have enough energy.</n3></b>\
<<if $hasExercised is 0 and $energy gte 20>>\
[[⚡️ Exercise|Exercise]]
[[🖼️ Glimmerbox|photoGallery]]
[[🛁 Bathroom|Bathroom]]
[[💤 Sleep|Sleep]]
[[🚪 Corridor|Corridor]]
<<if $lust lt 35 >>\
<<linkreplace "💋 Masturbate " >>\
<b><n3>You're not horny enough.</n3></b>\
<<if $lust gte 35 >>\
[[💋 Masturbate|Masturbate]]
<<if $monologue3 === 0 and $monologue2 === 1>>\
[[☉ Serious Talk|confession]]
<<if $noNutKiana === 1>>
<center><h3><n3> You gave Kiana a week. Next Wednesday, go to the Mars Dormitory and check the results.</n3></h3></center>
<<if $peta === 2>>
<center><h3><n3> You might encounter Peta in the Mars Dormitory.</n3></h3></center>
<<if $skiptoSaturday === 1>>\
<<if $day === "Monday" or $day === "Tuesday" or $day === "Wednesday" or $day === "Thursday" or $day === "Friday">>\
[[📅 Skip to Saturday|sleepSaturday]]
<<if $saturn === 2 and $purpletour === 1 and $SaturnNextWeek === 0 and $day === "Wednesday">>\
[[🧥 Put on Your Cape And Visit Saturn Dormitory|realphoenix1]]
<<if $futa === 4 >><center><h3><n3>On Sunday you can make your first visit to the Mars Dormitory. Visit Ella.</n3></h3> </center><</if>>\
<center><<if $dungeoncounter gte 4 and $duel === 0 >>\
<h3><n3>You might consider a visit to the Jupiter Dormitory.</n3></h3>
<<if $dialogue1 === 0 >>\
<h3><n3> You should visit Hitomi.</n3></h3>
<<if $monologue2 === 1>>\
<<if $dungeoncounter === 1 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>>>\
[[ 🧥 Put on Your Cape And Take a Walk|Sunday(1)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 2 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>\
[[ 🧥 Put on Your Cape And Take a Walk|Sunday(2)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 3 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>\
[[ 🧥 Put on Your Cape And Take a Walk|Sunday(3)]]
<<if $secondDuel === 1 and $MarsNextWeek === 0 and $day === "Saturday">>\
[[🚪 A Knock On Your Door|angela'sVisit1]]
<<if $centerVisit === 7 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>
[[🧥 Put on Your Cape And Go For A Walk|scream1]]
<<if $centerBorder === 1 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>\
[[🧥 Put on Your Cape And Meet with Crow|border1]]
<<if $centerBorder === 2 and $day === "Sunday" and $SundayNextWeek === 0>>\
[[🧥 Wear the Nun Costume And Visit Outer Borders|nunLena1]]
[[🎀 Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<if $futa gte 3>>\
[[🌸 Ella's Room|ellaroom]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 1 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(1)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 2 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>\
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(2)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 3 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0 >>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(3)]]
<<if $dungeoncounter === 4 and $day === "Sunday" and $dungeonNextWeek=== 0 and $duel === 1>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonSundayPrep(1)]]
<<if $centerVisit === 1 and $day === "Sunday">>
[[⚜️Initial Center Visit|centervisit(1)]]
<<if $centerVisit === 2 and $day === "Saturday">>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(5)]]
<<if $futa === 1 and $day === "Sunday">>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|Sunday(4)]]
<<if $centerVisit === 3 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|latexdungeonpreparation(6)]]
<<if $centerVisit === 4 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|preparation(7)]]
<<if $centerVisit === 5 and $day === "Sunday" >>
[[🍴 To the Dining Hall|auction(1)]]
<<if $latexDungeon === 1 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|preparation(9)]]
<<if $latexDungeon === 2 and $day === "Saturday" and $dungeonNextWeek === 0>>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|preparation(10)]]
<<if $centerVisit === 6 and $day === "Saturday" >>
[[⛓️ Latex Dungeon|preparation(8)]]
<<set $week to 0>>
<<set $day to "Sunday">>
<<set $sub to 0>>
<<set $dom to 0>>
<<set $energy to 100>>
<<set $fitness to 0>>
<<set $lust to 40>>
<<set $control to 0>>
<<set $grope to 0>>\
<<set $controlFitness to 0>>
<<set $corruption to 0>>
<<set $controlFitness to 0>>
<<set $controlHitomi to 0>>
<<set $controlMilena to 0>>
<<set $McSign to 0>>
<<set $Moon to 0>>
/*Has Done*/
<<set $hasExercised to 0>>
<<set $hasShowered to 0>>
<<set $hasEat to 0>>
<<set $controlled to 0>>
<<set $hasOutside to 0>>
<<set $private to 0>>
<<set $hasLibrary to 0>>
<<set $hitomiCorruption to 1>>
<<set $milenaCorruption to 0>>
<<set $hitomiBra to 0>>
<<set $hitomiNaked to 0>>
<<set $Mprivate to 1>>
<<set $milenaexercise to 0>>
<<set $explain1 to 0>>
<<set $explain2 to 0>>
<<set $explain3 to 0>>
<<set $monologue1 to 0>>
<<set $monologue2 to 0>>
<<set $monologue3 to 0>>
<<set $monologue4 to 0>>
<<set $dialogue1 to 0>>
<<set $dialogue2 to 0>>
/*Not Today*/
<<set $notToday1 to 0>>
<<set $notToday2 to 0>>
<<set $notToday3 to 0>>
<<set $hasExercised to 0>>
<<set $hasShowered to 0>>
<<set $controlled to 0>>
<<set $hasrated to 0>>
<<set $photoRemain to 21>>
<<set $photo1 to 1>>
<<set $photo2 to 0>>
<<set $photo3 to 0>>
<<set $photo4 to 0>>
<<set $photo5 to 0>>
<<set $photo6 to 0>>
<<set $photo7 to 0>>
<<set $photo8 to 0>>
<<set $photo9 to 0>>
<<set $photo10 to 0>>
<<set $photo11 to 0>>
<<set $photo12 to 0>>
<<set $photo13 to 0>>
<<set $photo14 to 0>>
<<set $photo15 to 0>>
<<set $photo16 to 0>>
<<set $photo17 to 0>>
<<set $photo18 to 0>>
<<set $halloween to 0>>
<<set $photo18 to 0>>
<<set $photo19 to 0>>
<<set $photo20 to 0>>
<<set $photo21 to 0>>
<<set $photo22 to 0>>
<<set $photo23 to 0>>
<<set $photo24 to 0>>
<<set $photo25 to 0>>
<<set $photo26 to 0>>
<<set $photo27 to 0>>
/*jupiter dormitory*/
<<set $photo28 to 0>>
<<set $photo29 to 0>>
<<set $photo30 to 0>>
<<set $oil to 0>>
<<set $latexCape to 0>>
<<set $SundayCape to 0>>
<<set $controlcounter to 0>>
<<set $firstpeek to 0>>
<<set $spy to 0>>
<<set $caught to 0>>
<<set $punishAngela to 0>>
<<set $lucymeet to 0>>
<<set $dungeoncounter to 0>>
<<set $lucyUpset to 0>>
<<set $lucyPleased to 0>>
/*Version End*/
<<set $hitomiEnd to 0>>
<<set $milenaEnd to 0>>
<<set $versionEnd to 0>>
<<set $question1 to 0>>\
<<set $question2 to 0>>\
<<set $question3 to 0>>\
<<set $question4 to 0>>\
/*Way back home*/
<<set $question5 to 0>>\
<<set $question6 to 0>>\
<<set $question7 to 0>>\
/*LatexDungeon Week1*/
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $darkPassage to 0>>\
<<set $hasLibrary to 0>>
<<set $latexNun to 0>>
<<set $skiptoSaturday to 0>>
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 0>>
/*LatexDungeon Library*/
<<set $TrixRead to 0>>
<<set $latexTypesRead to 0>>
<<set $peskyFliesRead to 0>>
/*Somnia Pixies*/
<<set $upsetpixie to 0>>
<<set $happypixie to 0>>
<<set $chair to 0>>
<<set $curtain to 0>>
<<set $suitcase to 0>>
<<set $corridorPeek1 to 0>>
<<set $corridorPeek2 to 0>>
<<set $corridorPeek3 to 0>>
<<set $newContent to 0>>
/*LatexDungeon Week3*/
<<set $latexdollcheck to 0>>
<<set $latexdoll to 0>>\
/*LatexDungeon Sunday*/
<<set $madalyn to 0>>
<<set $candle to 0>>
<<set $whitelight to 0>>
<<set $summerwarning to 0>>
<<set $summerquestion1 to 0>>\
<<set $summerquestion2 to 0>>\
<<set $summerquestion3 to 0>>\
<<set $summerquestion4 to 0>>\
/*Brit's Duel*/
<<set $duel to 0>>
<<set $fainted to 0>>
<<set $conscious to 0>>
<<set $came to 0>>
<<set $curiouscape to 0>>
/*Tits Expansion*/
<<set $tits to 0>>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 0>>
<<set $sadmemory to 0>>
<<set $happymemory to 0>>
<<set $centerVisit to 0>>
<<set $futa to 0>>
<<set $MCfuta to 0>>
<<set $moonfavor to 0>>\
<<set $mars to 0>>\
<<set $nataliePainting to 0>>\
<<set $debate to 0>>\
<<set $bully to 0>>\
<<set $kiana to 0>>\
<<set $cake to 0>>\
<<set $cakesmell to 0>>\
<<set $whyspecial to 0>>\
<<set $youfirst to 0>>\
<<set $eatcake to 0>>\
<<set $caketruth to 0>>\
<<set $cakerejected to 0>>\
<<set $cakeeaten to 0>>\
<<set $jamie to 0>>\
<<set $secondDuel to 0>>\
<<set $trialResult to 0>>
<<set $kayaAnger to 0>>
<<set $kayaquestion1 to 0>>
<<set $kayaquestion2 to 0>>
<<set $kayaquestion3 to 0>>
<<set $kayaquestion4 to 0>>
<<set $stagelookaround to 0>>
<<set $traininglookaround to 0>>
<<set $britguide to 0>>
<<set $hitomiobjection to 0>>
/*Venus Lessons*/
<<set $abella to 0>>\
<<set $proxy to 0>>\
<<set $upsetMilena to 0>>\
<<set $venusFuta to 0>>\
<<set $venusfirstlesson to 0>>\
<<set $fuckedUp to 0>>\
<<set $saturn to 0>>\
<<set $noMale to 0>>\
<<set $SaturnNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $purpletour to 0>>
<<set $abella to 0>>\
<<set $venusnoticed to 0>>\
<<set $venusdormitory to 0>>\
<<set $VenusNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $pillow to 0>>
<<set $sealed to 0>>\
<<set $noNutKiana to 0>>\<<set $angela to random(4) >>\
<<set $corridorPeek to random(17) >>\
<<if $caught === 0>>\
<n3>There's a succubus pacing in the hallway, showcasing her boobs. She just walks here and there.</n3>
<<if $monologue1 === 0>>\
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>Could it be someone deployed to watch me? I think I'm getting a little paranoid.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>\
<<set $monologue1 to 1>>\
<<if $angela === 0 >><img src="gif/angela/angela1.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 1 >><img src="gif/angela/angela2.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 2 >><img src="gif/angela/angela3.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 3 >><img src="gif/angela/angela4.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<<if $angela === 4 >><img src="gif/angela/angela5.webp" class=center width="37%"> <</if>>\
<img src="img/places/corridor1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<if $corridorPeek === 0 >>\
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek1]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 4 >>\
<n3>You hear some yelling with some loud moans. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek2]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 7 >>
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek3]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 11 >>
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek4]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 14 >>
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek5]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 17 >>
<n3>You hear a moan. It gets louder and louder and you can guess why.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|corridorpeek6]]<</if>>\
<<set $photos to random(12) >>\
<<if $photos === 4 and $photo6 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 8 and $photo7 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 11 and $photo8 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany4]]<</if>>
<center><a1>[[🚪 My Room|DormRoom]]||[[🎀 Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]||<<if $futa gte 3>>[[🌸 Ella's Room|ellaroom]]||<</if>>[[🍴 Dining Hall|Dining Hall]]||[[🔅 Yard|Outside]] </a1></center>
<img src="img/places/dininghall1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<<set $photos to random(7) >>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo5 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany3]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo12 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy1]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasEat is 1 >>\
<<linkreplace "🥪 Have a Meal" >>\
<b><n3>Gluttony is a great sin.</n3></b>\
<<if $hasEat is 0 >>\
[[🥪 Have a Meal|meal]]
[[🚪 Corridor|Corridor]]
<<set $awake to random(3) >>\
<<set $night to random(1)>>\
<<set $masturbate to random(3)>>\
<<if $night === 0>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night1.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $night === 1>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night2.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $night === 2>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night3.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $night === 3>><img src="gif/sleep/night/night4.jpg" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<n3> You put your head on the pillow and think about what you have done during the day. You prepare yourself for sleep with small yawns. The moonlight shining through your window helps you to relax. As your eyes slowly close, your breathing becomes slower and deeper. Soon after, you're ready to fall asleep. </n3>
<<if $lust gte 90 and $control gte 3>>\
<<if $awake === 0>>\
<n3> You're tossing and turning. You're tired enough to fall asleep, but your horniness won't let you. </n3>
<<linkreplace"💋 Masturbate" t8n>>\
<n3> You enlarge your breasts as much as you can and start touching yourself. You're already so horny that the moment you touch your pussy you start to let out little moans. You are getting faster and faster and your moans are getting louder. When you touch your enlarged breasts, you are startled by an unfamiliar sensation. It feels great! Stimulating both your pussy and your tits, you are heading for a huge orgasm.</n3>
<<if $masturbate === 0 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation1.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $masturbate === 1 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation2.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $masturbate === 2 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation3.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<<if $masturbate === 3 >><img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/masturbation4.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
<n3>Your body starts to twitch, your hips start to move back and forth. All you can think about is cumming! As you continue, you realize that you are on the verge of orgasm and you cross the point of no return. Your whole body is trembling as if you've been electrocuted. You lose yourself in pleasure. As you slowly descend from the peak, you can't even lift your arm. Your whole body is trembling as if you've been electrocuted. You lose yourself in pleasure. As you slowly descend from the peak, you can't even lift your arm. Your breasts are slowly returning to their original size, while your hips are still pacing back and forth, waiting for you to calm down. You're out of breath, but it was totally worth it. Now you're ready to sleep.</n3>
<img src="gif/sleep/masturbation/bed1.webp" class=center >
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: -30</n1></b></center>
<<set $lust -= 30>>\
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $hasExercised to 0>>\
<<set $hasShowered to 0>>\
<<set $hasEat to 0>>\
<<set $notToday1 to 1>>\
<<if $caught === 1 and $day === "Monday" and $lucymeet === 0>>\
[[🚪 Someone knocks your door|summon1]]
[[💫 Dream|dream]]
<<if $day == "Monday">>\
<<set $day = "Tuesday">>
<<elseif $day == "Tuesday">>
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>
<<elseif $day == "Wednesday">>
<<set $day = "Thursday">>
<<elseif $day == "Thursday">>
<<set $day = "Friday">>
<<elseif $day == "Friday">>
<<set $day = "Saturday">>
<<elseif $day == "Saturday">>
<<set $day = "Sunday">>
<<elseif $day == "Sunday">>
<<set $day = "Monday">>
<<if $day === "Monday">>\
<<set $week += 1>>
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 0>>
<<set $MarsNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $SaturnNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $VenusNextWeek to 0>>\<<set $controlFitness += 1>>\
<<set $which to random(1) >>\
<<set $exercise to random(3) >>\
<<set $buddy to random(11) >>\
<<set $bu to random(1)>>\
/*Exercise Gifs*/
<<if $which === 0 >>\
<<if $exercise === 0 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike1.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 1 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike2.webp" class=center width="40%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 2 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike3.webp" class=center width="65%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 3 >><img src="gif/exercise/bike4.webp" class=center
width="65%"> <</if>>\
<b><n3>You see a bike with a dildo on it and start riding the bike. You don't feel comfortable for a while until you find your rhythm. You get faster and faster and the faster you get, the more pleasure you get. As your body moves up and down, you feel the dildo completely inside you. It was a good workout but you are feeling more aroused.</n3></b>
<<if $which === 1 >>
<<if $exercise === 0 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball1.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 1 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball2.webp" class=center width="35%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 2 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball3.gif" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $exercise === 3 >><img src="gif/exercise/dildoball4.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<b><n3>You see a yoga ball with a dildo on it. Everything is designed for a succubus. It's a bit difficult at first but you find your rhythm. The more you jump without holding back, the deeper you feel the dildo. It was a good workout but you feel more aroused.</n3></b>
/*Exercise Buddy*/
<<if $bu === 0>>\
<<if $buddy === 0 or $buddy === 7 or $buddy === 11 or $buddy === 13
or $buddy === 15>>\
<<if $buddy === 3 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you. It looks like she's trying to strengthen her back to support her big tits.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 5 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, doing push-ups. Her ass shakes with every movement. You can't take your eyes off her.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 7 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy3.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, jumping rope. She doesn't seem to have noticed that her tits are out. You watching her tits sway like a cat following a laser.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 9 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy4.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, doing crunches. She put a dildo where her mouth would be when she got up. An ingenious solution! </n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 12 >><img src="gif/exercisebuddy/exercisebuddy5.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>Someone is exercising next to you, riding dildo bike. She seems to be quite used to it. You watch hoping to learn something, it has nothing to do with the beauty of the scenery. </n3></b>
<<if $bu === 1>>\
<<if $buddy === 3 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's warming up before she starts exercising. She needs to stay strong to carry this body.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 5 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's warming up before she starts exercising. She needs to stay strong to carry this body.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 7 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's warming up before she starts exercising. She needs to stay strong to carry this body.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 9 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's jumping rope. Her tits are hanging out and the sight catches everyone's attention. All the succubuses inside watch her dangling tits for a while.</n3></b>
<<if $buddy === 12 >><img src="gif/milena/exercise/milenaexercise5.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>You see Milena. She's doing cooling stretches after. You can see how relieved she is after she puts her tits down to yoga mat. Her breasts must be putting a huge strain on her back.</n3></b>
<<if $lust gte 80>>\
[[👄 Orgasm|Orgasm]]
<b><n3>🔥 Fitness: +1</n3></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -20</e1></b>
<<if $controlFitness gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl]]
[[🔥 Finish Exercising|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy -= 20>>\
<<set $fitness += 1>>\
<<if $lust gte 0 and $lust lte 80 >>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $hasExercised to 1>>\
<<set $explain1 to 1>>\
<b><d> Week: $week</d></b>
<b><d>📅 Day: $day</d></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: $lust</n1><b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy : $energy</e1></b>
<b><n3>🔥 Fitness: $fitness</n3></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: $control</c1></b>
<a href="https://discord.gg/UNXgA6NS9E" target="_blank"><img src="img/intro/discord1.png" width="25%" class=icon></a> <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129" target="_blank"><img src="img/intro/patreon1.png" width="25%" class=icon></a>
<cap>Discord and Patreon icons by </cap>
<a target="_blank" href="https://icons8.com">Icons8</a>
<<linkreplace"Check Your Name">>\
<img src="img/places/bathroom1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<set $photos to random(7) >>\
<<if $photos === 1 and $photo9 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena3]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo10 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany5]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo11 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi3]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasShowered ===0>>\
[[🚿 Take a Shower|shower]]
<<if $hasShowered is 1 >>\
<<linkreplace "Take a Shower" >>\
<b><n3>One shower per day is more than enough.</n3></b>\
<<if $gropeOil === 1 and $oil === 0>>\
<center>[[Massage Oil|oil]]</center>
<<if $MCfuta === 1>>\
<center>[[Use Your Dildo|dildo1]]
[[Grow A Dick And Masturbate|HJmast1]]</center>
<<set $masturbation to random(9) >>\
<<if $masturbation === 0 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast1.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 1 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast2.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 2 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast3.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 3 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast4.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 4 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast5.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 5 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast6.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 6 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast7.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 7 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast8.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 8 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast9.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 9 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast10.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<b><n3>You take your dildo and slowly insert into you. Slowly accelerating speed with the excitement of possibility of being caught. </n3><n1>"After all its a need for a succubus." "Ahhh..so good."</n1><n3>You start to moan and eventually cum with tremendous pleasure. After a few minutes of rest to catch your breath, you stand up, realizing no matter how hard you cum, its just a momentary savior. Your lust is irrepressible.</n3></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -30</n1></b>
<<set $lust -= 30>>\
[[You feel relaxed|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/intro/train1.webp" class=center>
<d>$name:</d> <b><n1>"We're almost there... We've been on the road for almost 20 hours and I couldn't wait to see this magnificent castle. Oh there it is!"</n1></b>
<img src="img/intro/castle.webp" class=center width="80%">
<n1> So it finally begins. </n1>
<<linkreplace "Train lurching a lot" t8n >>\
<img src="img/intro/trainshaking1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You can't take your eyes off the swinging boobs.</n3>
<n1>By the way, these are Jupiters. They can change their breast size and attract lots of human with them. Quite the flashy ones.</n1>
<n1> Everyone has their own private roomlike cabin. So anyone can masturbate or rest when needed. 20 hours on a trainload of succubus means lots of masturbation. I prefer the private cabin while most of them do their business in public.</n1>
<n3>Not sure what to expect at the academy, you give yourself one last relief before you arrive.</n3>
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<img src="img/intro/trainmast1.webp" class=center width="45%">
Train [[stops.|welcoming]]
<b><n1><center>My name is <<textbox "$name" Maya>>
"I am a Succubus.</center>
<img src="img/intro/succubus1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n1>No... Not like that. In appearance, we're not different from humans. We don't need lust to survive. Humans think we only prefer male ones, but gender is not that important.
Just know that we are horny and need to masturbate... a lot. However, I try not to do it in public but many succubuses doesn't care about this. Anyways!
Every succubus enters puberty at some point in its life. Not quite like humans. This represents our entry into the last and longest phase of our life. Our lust begins to increase and our personality begins to take shape according to which sign we are in. Okay, maybe a bit like humans.
What are the signs? You people know this system too. But you are using your own version. I think you calling it zodiac signs. it's something made up by humans but I respect your imagination.
We call it <i>Spatium Signa</i> and we use planetary symbols. Origin of zodiac. In fact, your so-called zodiac signs are simply our modified Spatium Signa. The belief that Zodiac signs determine one's personality stems from the fact that Spatium Signa do actually determine our personalities as a succubus.
Our Spatium Signa are based off of the planets of the solar system, and the energy of which we are more attuned to as succubi.
<img src="img/intro/symbols1.webp" class=center width="75%">
If you haven't guessed by now, that's where this story starts—me going into puberty, and the manifestation of my Spatium Signa."</n1></b>
<b><n1>I will not explain each symbol separately. Our real journey begins with the appearance of one of these ten main symbols anywhere in the body. Where it appears has a meaning too.
Which one did I get? Well... Moon sign on the inside of my arm.</n1></b>
<img src="img/intro/moontattoo.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><n1>The inner side of the arm is not a common place. I would rather it on my crotch or my lower back but unlucky I guess.
The main purpose of these signs is to show in which part of the body we can concentrate our power best. Moon symbolizes that I can focus my lust energy easier on my vaginal area. Yet this is our starting line. Where we are going is left up to us.
Succubuses who have acquired the sign, goes to one of the big four academies to learn the requirements of their species. And now I'm on my way to Umesatraa Academy, the largest and the mightiest of the four schools.</n1></b>
<img src="img/intro/start1.webp" class=center width="80%" >
[[Start Game|arrival]]
<n3>After getting off the train, you see a woman with huge tits in front of you. She's wearing a latex suit and her boobs are exposed.</n3>
<img src="gif/brittany/brittany1.webp" class=center width="38%" >
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Ahhh welcome new bloods...Welcome to Umasetraa Academy. I am Brittany. Headmistress of Jupiter. This year it's my turn to welcome the new ones and I'm very excited to see you all. Ohhh I can't stop rubbing my tits. Please excuse my excitement and follow me.</b1></b>
<b>(<n1> Such an interesting and sensual welcome. I can feel the libido of the entire group. </n1>)</b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>For the first day, I will undertake a short tour of the jupiter Dormitory.</b1></b>
<<linkreplace "After The Tour" t8n>>\
<img src="img/intro/jupiterentrance1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>With her arms outstretched;</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> The whole academy is surrounded by countless barriers. These barriers filter according to your lust power and control. Source of the main barrier is the huge building in the center. It is currently out of use, so don't try to enter it. I don't think you can though.
As you know, our school consists of two main departments. Briefly Inner and Outer. Jupiter Dormitory is on the outer part. In the first year, you will live in a mixed dormitory. But you have access to all common areas. How much you can access is up to you.
<n3>*Suddenly she claps her hands.*</n3>
Yes, thats pretty much it. Thank you for following my instructions. The sparkle in your eyes has made me feel younger. Also a little hotter.
<n3>*Her hand goes to her breast and then she smiles.*</n3>
Let's get to today's main event. You will acquire your spirit animals. This animal will guide you in some matters and will become stronger with you. It will also help us to get an idea about your characteristic even more. Please come to me when I say your name.
[[You're waiting your turn.|gifted]]
<n3>The process of awakening the spirit animal takes place by using an aggressive lust energy on you. The animal, which comes out as a defense mechanism, is nothing against Brittany level succubuses, so it's a harmless transaction for both sides.
You remember reading in an article that all animals have great potential, regardless of their real-life powers but it would be rare for a succubus to fully meet that potential. That's why it doesn't matter if there are many succubuses with the same animal.
After about 10 minutes, you hear your name and approach the headmistress of Jupiter, whose aura is felt throughout the hall.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/brittanyspirit.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Brittany:</d><b1> Yes, $name, come closer. I won't hurt you, you'll just feel a bit of uneasiness.</b1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes mistress, I'm ready.</n1></b>
<n3>You feel a hand on your chest and you feel your body getting cold. You're down on your knees.</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Are you okay young blood? </b1></b>
<<linkreplace "You're warming up slowly." t8n>>\
<n3>Warming up first happens on the arm with the sign. Then you realize that your whole body is burning but you don't feel any pain.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I think I'm fine just a little...</n1></b>
<n3>Before you can finish, you feel an energy flowing out of your body.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenix1.webp" class=center width="70%">
[[There is pain in your arm|sun]]
<n3>You look at your arm, where you feel a burning and stinging.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/suntattoo1.jpg" class=center width="40%" >
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What but that's not my sign. Is that sun?? What just happened?</n1></b>
<n3>You feel an increasing pleasure inside. The source is unknown and you are not in control. You look at Brittany.</n3>
<img src="gif/brittany/brittany2.webp" class=center width="40%" >
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Ahh Hey young blood!! You look juicy. Mind if I take a bite ? </b1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What...Bite? NO!!!</n1></b>
<n3>You suddenly shake your head and look back at Brittany. </n3>
<b>(<n1>Did I just hallucinate? I think I have a fever. I feel cold and hot at the same time. </n1>)</b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Are you okay young blood?</b1></b>
<n3>When you hear <i>"Young Blood"</i>, an anger appears in you that you have a hard time suppressing it.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>NO!...I mean I don't know. I just felt a surge of energy.</n1></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> It's fine. Some succubuses experience this process a bit severely. Congratulations, your spirit animal is a phoenix. it's a very rare species indeed.</b1></b>
<n3>You look towards the crowd that is watching you. You're wondering how it looked from the outside.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I feel a little tired.</n1></b>
<n3> You have trouble standing.</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1>Okay, calm down. Lucy! Help her please! </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Yes Mistress!</l1></b>
[[Lucy Approaches|toTheRoom]]<img src="img/places/dorm.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Since you sent photos of your own room before you came, they prepared a replica for you.
You lie on your bed without thinking. 15 minutes later, There's a knock on your door while you're just falling asleep.
Without waiting for you to say, "Come in," she sticks her head out. </n3>
<b><n3>???:</n3> <hi1>Hi! Oh! Your room is so cozy. I really liked it!</hi1>
<b>(<n1>Who is that now?</n1>)</b>
<img src="img/intro/hitomiMeet1.png" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I'm Hitomi, Jupiter, you?</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>$name, Moon. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>What did you do there? Is your spirit animal a phoenix?</hi1></b>
<n3>You can't find the energy to answer even a simple question. It's more like your mind or soul is tired, not your body.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>I guess so.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Thats crazy. My spirit animal is rabbit. Nice to meet you. I really admire Mistress Brittany. Don't you think she's great too? Also, she is said to be the most powerful of all the headmistresses. I feel so lucky to be a Jupiter. </hi1></b>
<b>(<n1>She is the strongest?</n1>)</b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>By the way, you left early. Afterwards, we were all given dildos. I got yours too, here.</hi1></b>
<n3>*Dildo Obtained*</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>Oh thanks.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>It can change size and color by your will and lust level. Anyway, looks like you need some rest. Classes start tomorrow. See you soon.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>See you.</n1></b>
<b>(<n1>She seems nice. But now I just need to sleep.</n1>)</b>
[[Go To Sleep|origin]]<n3>You open your eyes in a place dominated by red tones.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dreamRed.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Oh fuck where am I now? I'm not feeling tired. I feel like angry, hateful.</n1></b>
<n3>You start walking. The red tones intensify as you walk. At the end of the road, a huge phoenix stands in front of you.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenix2.jpeg" class=center >
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>He-Hello... um.</n1></b>
<b><d>Phoenix:</d> <a1>Welcome, little one.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Here we go again. I have a name. Young blood, little one. Brittany is hot tho. But still, use my fucking name. Wait a minute, why am I getting so mad?</n1></b>
<n3>You realize you said all this to a huge phoenix. You don't know how, but you feel her smile.</n3>
<b><d>Phoenix:</d> <a1>My fault. Welcome, $name. You're so angry because you're not used to my aura. You can call me Sun.</a1></b>
<n3>When she says Sun, all your emotions are intensifies.</n3>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>Oh I forgot to change my form. One second.</a1></b>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixTransform.jpg" class=center >
[[She Transforms|purpose]]<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixFigure.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b>(<n1>She is so beautiful.</n1>)</b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <b><n1>Wait a second. Aren't you my spirit ANIMAL? How do you get into this form?</n1></b>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>You are not ordinary. So am I. You will understand in the future. As our destinies are tied, my memories will seep into your mind.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Alright, why am I here? </n1></b>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>You know that succubuses are satisfied with human lust for a long time. But I don't. Of course, this also applies to you.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So you're after succubus lust And what I saw wasn't a hallucination? You seriously got Jupiter's headmistress under control? </n1></b>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>I'm not after it. When you're done with them, you'll be able to take as much as you want anyway. I mean we. And yes, we can say that what you saw was real. Well not yet but don't worry.
We don't need pathetic humans. We don't need an external lust to sustain our lives anyway. We all do this for pleasure. So why not use the biggest source of lust?</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>But this is forbidden. You can dominate a succubus. But you cannot enslave it.</n1></b>
<n3>Sun seems annoyed</n3>
<b><d>Sun:</d> <a1>Don't worry, no one will notice the difference from the outside. Also, didn't you feel that pleasure? What is wrong with that?</a1></b>
<n3>Suddenly her tone changes as her voice rises.</n3>
<b><a1>FUCK the rules! FUCK those who make the rules! WE will be the one making the RULES!</a1></b>
<n3>Her voice is back to normal.</n3>
<b><a1>But you are not in a position to control my powers. So we're going to start small. Hitomi, she'll be our first target.</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>But what if...</n1></b>
<n3>You wake up before you can finish your word. Even if you have doubts, you wanna try it. An unaccustomed excitement.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixEye1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>This color scheme represents your inner speech.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>And this means Sun is speaking with you. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Others cannot hear you two. Unless there is a mind reader. Probably you'll be fine.</n3>
[[Before you start|Guide]]
[[First day of school|FirstLesson]]
<img src="img/places/classroom1.jpeg" class=center width="105%">
<<set $photos to random(14) >>\
<<if $photos === 4 and $photo16 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy2]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 9 and $photo17 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena5]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 14 and $photo18 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi5]]<</if>>\
<<if $photo16 === 1 and $photo17 === 1 and $photo18 === 1>>\
<<if $photos === 4 and $photo25 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy4]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 9 and $photo26 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena8]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 14 and $photo27 ===0>>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi7]]<</if>>\
<<if $milenaCorruption gte 1 and $milenaCorruption lt 4>>\
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1.1]]
<<if $milenaCorruption gte 4 and $milenaCorruption lt 10 >>\
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1.2]]
<<if $milenaCorruption gte 10 and $private === 1>>\
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1.3]]
<<if $hitomiobjection === 1>>\
[[Go To Class And Take A Seat|newteacher1]]
<<if $venusfirstlesson === 1>>\
[[Anal Flexibility 101|proxy1]]
<</if>>\<b><n3>When you enter the classroom, you see that Hitomi is holding a place for you. You sit next to Hitomi.</n3>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Good morning moonpie. You know you're moon.... moonpie. Anyway are you excited? I am very excited. After class, you can ask me anything if you have any question about the lesson. Here's my room number.</hi1>
<a1>(</a1> <n1>Moonpie? I didn't mind that you talk a lot. but if you nicknamed me, I'm sorry but I will corrupt the fuck out of you. Sun, if you can hear me, I accept.</n1><a1>)</a1>
<n3>You feel a small warmth on your arm.</n3>
<n3>A woman with big boobs enters.</n3>
<img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Pack it up girls. I'm Milena from Jupiter. It's Mistress Milena for you. This lecture exists to prepare you for the lectures ahead. It will only be theoretical explanation.
It seems like everyone regardless of their sign, is focusing on the Jupiter and Venus aspects. As you know all of you can change your chest size. But only Jupiters are innately predisposed. Some can hold it almost any size they want with no effort.
You were all born with what is called Lust Energy. Your sign indicates where in your body you can best focus this energy. And for Venus, this area is the hips.</mi1></b>
<n3>While Milena is giving out random information, you hear a voice in your head.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hey $name I have some good news.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>Not right now, I'm listening the lecture.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>You already know these basic things. Anyways, listen to me. We don't need to start as small as I've mentioned. I've been analyzing Milena since she arrived. This bitch is weak. I can get into her mind more easily than Hitomi.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>What! How strong are you? Also what are you? Ok I'm not asking.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Continue Listening|planning]]
<b><n1>(</n1><a1>For now, we should be as alone as possible with our prey. Being in public only makes our job harder. It hurts me that we have to take so much precaution for such a small thing. For now, I will focus only on Hitomi and Milena. Hitomi has already invited you to her room. You may feel a little heat on your arm. Keep looking at Milena so I can focus better.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You feel some heat on your arm. Suddenly Milena starts walking towards you.</n3>
<img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass2.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Got a problem newbie?</mi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Uhh n-no... mistress. Nothing I'm just...</n1></b>
<n3>Milena walks back and continues the lesson as if nothing happened.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ahahahaha!! N-no mostross nothong...</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> FUUUCKK!! Stop doing such risky things. We just talked about it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Don't worry, nobody will remember a thing. I used a little too much power for this, but it was worth it. Ahahahaha! Mostross...
Anyways Milena will be our target, Hitomi will be our trigger. It will take some time. I will analyze what stage I am at with small tests in between And they will be after class. So that means, you have to put up with these disgusting lessons.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I have to attend this class anyway.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> That's the spirit. We're going to be a good team.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You continue to listen. No one really seems to notice what just happened. This might work.</n3>
<b><n3>Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -40</e1></b>
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
[[End Of Lesson|pixie]]
<<set $energy -= 40>>\
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>A photograph of jupiter's headmistress. Those tits looks huge in that dress</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic1.jpg" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]<b><n3><i>Remaining photos : $photoRemain </i></n3></b>
<<if $halloween ===1>>\
[[🎃 Halloween-Special Gallery|🎃halloween-gallery]]
<<if $photo1 === 1 >> [[ Brittany In Latex Dress|Bphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo2 === 1 >> [[ No Bra Club|Bphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo5 === 1 >> [[ Happiness In The Kitchen|Bphoto3]]<</if>>
<<if $photo8 === 1 >> [[ Deepest Cleavage|Bphoto4]]<</if>>
<<if $photo10 === 1 >> [[ Toy Story Dream|Bphoto5]]<</if>>
<<if $photo14 === 1 >> [[ Ideal Dress|Bphoto6]]<</if>>
<<if $photo19 === 1 >> [[ Gallons of Milk|Bphoto7]]<</if>>
<<if $photo22 === 1 >> [[ Strap Bra!|Bphoto8]]<</if>>
<<if $photo28 === 1 >> [[ Can You See Her Face?|Bphoto9]]<</if>>
<<if $photo4 === 1 >> [[ Hitomi Holding Tight|Hphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo7 === 1 >> [[ After a Long Day|Hphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo11 === 1 >> [[ Thigh High Socks Coffee|Hphoto3]]<</if>>
<<if $photo13 === 1 >> [[ Vintage Chilling|Hphoto4]]<</if>>
<<if $photo18 === 1 >> [[ Resistance Band|Hphoto5]]<</if>>
<<if $photo24 === 1 >> [[ Sleeping Facedown?|Hphoto6]]<</if>>
<<if $photo27 === 1 >> [[ Shy Librarian|Hphoto7]]<</if>>
<<if $photo3 === 1 >> [[ Milena On The Desk|Mphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo6 === 1 >> [[ Tell Me The Truth!|Mphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo9 === 1 >> [[ Hottest Teacher|Mphoto3]]<</if>>
<<if $photo15 === 1 >> [[ Missing Book|Mphoto4]]<</if>>
<<if $photo17 === 1 >> [[ Typewriter On Bed|Mphoto5]]<</if>>
<<if $photo20 === 1 >> [[ Camping with Milena|Mphoto6]]<</if>>
<<if $photo23 === 1 >> [[ Fresh Potatoes|Mphoto7]]<</if>>
<<if $photo26 === 1 >> [[ Love Letter|Mphoto8]]<</if>>
<<if $photo29 === 1 >> [[ Lucy's Gift|Mphoto9]]<</if>>
<<if $photo12 === 1 >> [[ Seductive Glare|Lphoto1]]<</if>>
<<if $photo16 === 1 >> [[ Mask Under Mask|Lphoto2]]<</if>>
<<if $photo21 === 1 >> [[ She's Tied Up!|Lphoto3]]<</if>>
<<if $photo25 === 1 >> [[ Latex Nipple|Lphoto4]]<</if>>
<<if $photo30 === 1 >> [[ Center Days|Lphoto5]]<</if>>
<b><summer1> Summer: </summer1></b>
<<if $photo18 === 1 >> [[ Friendly Looking Summer|Sphoto1]]<</if>>
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic2.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<<set $photo2 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic1.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<<set $photo3 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Just join that club.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic2.webp" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Gorgeous breasts and heels in a see-through blouse. What a lucky desk!</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic1.webp" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic1.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<<set $photo4 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Those fists are just enough to cover her nipples.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic1.webp" class=center>
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[Return|Dining Hall]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic3.webp" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo5 to 1>>\
[[Return|Dining Hall]]
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>What a happy and innocent face! You are filled with happiness.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic3.webp" class=center width="85%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic2.jpg" class=center width="85%" >
<<set $photo6 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|Corridor]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic2.jpg" class=center width="80%" >
<<set $photo7 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|Corridor]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic4.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo8 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Dormitary|DormRoom]]
<n3> She apparently fell asleep. While doing what?</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic2.jpg" class=center width="110%">
[[🖼️Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Dormitary|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Look at me lady! If you don't tell me where you were at the time of the murder, these breasts will be your murder weapon.</mi1></b>
<n3>Best detective in the town.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic2.jpg" class=center width="120%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Maybe even deeper than the Grand Canyon.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic4.jpg" class=center width="80%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[Return|Dining Hall]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic1.jpg" class=center width="60%" >
[[Return|Dining Hall]]
<<set $photo12 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic3.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo9 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic5.jpg" class=center width="65%" >
<<set $photo10 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic3.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo11 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> Close your eyes Woody. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic5.jpg" class=center width="110%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Best way to start the day.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic3.jpg" class=center width="90%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>It's way better without bra.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic3.jpg" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> Mistress Lucy with umm.. a red cucumber. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $tits lte 3>>\
<img src="gif/shower/shower1.webp" class=center width="35%">
<b><n3>You relax under hot water.</n3></b>
<<elseif $tits gt 3 and $tits lte 7>>\
<img src="gif/shower/shower2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>You relax under hot water.</n3></b>
<<elseif $tits gt 7 and $tits lte 10>>\
<img src="gif/shower/shower3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<b><n3>You relax under hot water.</n3></b>
<<elseif $tits gt 10 >>\
<img src="gif/shower/shower4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><n3>You relax under hot water.</n3></b>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: +10</e1></b></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $energy lte 90>>
<<set $energy += 10>>\
<<elseif $energy gt 90>>
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $hasShowered to 1>>
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/hitomiRoom.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Oh Hello $name! Welcome to my room. You are always welcomed. What do you think about my room?</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Well, it is very.... fancy. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Thank you! I'm so glad you think that way. I was afraid you might not like it.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Why? </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Before I came here, I had no friends. My family hates humans and their friends are all old succubuses. I have never spoken to a succubus close to my age. That's why I'm a little excited.</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So she still lives with her family? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>A perfect prey! So much better than I expected. Be cool Chill! Be Cool!!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I really liked your room. Also, you will have plenty of friends. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Very Good! Fantastic!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>Hey! calm down. I didn't say this just to make her feel good. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I got a little carried away. She is a perfect starting point. We don't have to limit ourselves to classes. Stop by her room regularly and spend time with her. It's a win-win scenario.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Thank you! My first friend. </hi1></b>
<n3>She has some tears in her eyes as she says these things.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yea no problem....friend. </n1></b>
[[Spend time with Hitomi|hitomiCorrupt]]
<<if $hitomiBra === 0>>\
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/hitomiRoom1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $hitomiBra === 1>>\
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/hitomiRoom2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<center><<if $hitomiCorruption gte 4 and $hitomiBra === 0 >>\
[[First Order|noBra]]
<<if $hasrated === 0>>\
[[Practice Your Control|questions]]\
<<if $energy gte 35>>\
<<if $hitomiCorruption gte 1 and $hasrated === 1 >>\
[[Practice Your Control|control]]
<<if $hitomiBra === 1 >>\
[[Make Her Grope|grope]]
<<if $oil === 1>>\
[[Oily Groping|oilgroping]]
<<if $hitomiCorruption gte 8 >>\
[[Grope Her|groping]]
<<if $hitomiCorruption gte 12 >>\
[[Feed Her|breastfeed1]]
<<if $energy lt 35 >>\
<n3>You dont have enough energy</n3>
<<if $hasrated === 1>>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $dialogue1 to 1>>\
<n3>While chatting with Hitomi you hear Sun's voice.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>While you talk, I'll deal with her. She is pretty strong actually. But she trusts you and doesn't realize her potential. We must not let this potential go waste. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> You were able to get Brittany under your control. How difficult can it be? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Its complicated and remember how tired you were after that.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> When I was in class, I said I accept it, but I'm not sure right now. My mood is changing very fast recently.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Like I said, your mind and body are trying to get used to me and my powers. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Because of that I'm not sure. Do I want these things too or is it just you? Do I have a spirit animal of my own? Are you an invader or what? What are you?!?? You are so much more than a normal succubus can do. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I understand your feelings. I literally do. I'm feeling it right now. Let's talk about that later. You will learn the details over time and you will understand why it should be that way. You can just leave. We'll continue when you feel better.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>In a way you can't hear: </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I didn't expect Hitomi's words to affect her this much. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $monologue2 to 1>>\
<<set $hasrated to 1>>\
<<if $notToday1 ===0>>\
<b><n3>You don't want to continue today.</n3></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<if $notToday1 ===1>>\
<img src="gif/hitomi/hitomicorrupt1.webp" class=center width="50%" >
<<if $energy gte 35>>
<b><n3>You are chatting with Hitomi. You feel your sign warming up as you speak.</n3></b>
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3> </n3></b>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $controlcounter === 2 and $newContent === 0>>\
<center>[[You Feel Watched!|watched1]]</center>
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $controlcounter += 1>>
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We will proceed step by step and here goes the first step. Tell her not to wear a bra after class. It takes too much power to take full control. She is kinda in a trance right now and that should be enough.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <n1>Hey Hitomi! We are friends aren't we? So I can ask you some things to do.</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Just say it already. She is in trance-like state. You don't need to beg.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1> <n1>I'm not begging. It's weird to say "Walk around without a bra".</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3> <hi1> Yes we are friends. You can ask me anything friend.</hi1></b>
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <b><n1>Well...I don't want you to wear bra.<b><n1> </n1></b>
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3> <hi1> Of course! No problem.</hi1></b>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/hitomistripping.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <n1> But only when I visit you. I don't want you to show your beautiful and mouth-watering tits to others. You will be my Jupiter Cow. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Wow.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3> <hi1>Wow... As you wish. These melons will be special to my best friend.</hi1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well done $name. That will make our progress easier. And I'm wet so you probably are too. I got too excited about the idea of those boobs being ours only. Go masturbate... Do something!!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $hitomiBra to 1>>\
<<if $lust lte 65>>\
<<set $lust += 35>>
<<elseif $lust gt 65>>
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<<set $grope to random(2) >>\
<<if $grope === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/grope/hitomigrope1.webp" class=center ><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/grope/hitomigrope2.webp" class=center ><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/grope/hitomigrope3.webp" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I want you to caress your tits. Release your lust.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Okay $name. Here's my huge tits. My hands are not enough to restrain them. Ohhh...More pleasurable than usual. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yea squeeze them. Tighten around your nipple and then release. Let them fall down. Feel the gravity around your milkers.<b><n1>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Ahhhh... I can't control their sizes. S-Soo GOodd...</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Don't think about controlling them. Just focus on the pleasure.<b><n1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hoooh...It's going gr-great. Kinda intense. She adapted very quickly. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<<if $gropeOil === 1 and $oil === 0>>\
(<b><n3>You might wanna check your bathroom</n3></b>)
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<<if $controlcounter gt 4 and $caught === 0 and $newContent === 0>>\
<center><n3>Someone is definitely watching you!</n3>
[[Run Towards The Door!|dashtodoor1]]</center>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $gropeOil to 1>>\
<<set $controlcounter += 1>>
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>[[Return|hitomiroom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic4.jpg" class=center width="70%" >
<<set $photo13 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>We were born in the wrong century.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic4.jpg" class=center width="105%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/rooms/hitomiRoom/hitomiRoom.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<set $photos to random(9) >>\
<<if $photos === 0 and $photo13 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|hitomi4]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo14 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany6]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo15 ===0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena4]]<</if>>\
<<if $hasrated === 0>>\
[[Hitomi Greets You|roomRating]]
<<if $hitomiHelp1 === 1>>\
[[Take Hitomi's Advice|HitomiAdvice]]
<<set $strip to random(9)>>\
<<if $strip === 0 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>After class, you see Hitomi takes off her bra. She must be preparing for you. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/braoff.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 1 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You enter the room. Hitomi carefully stares at her breasts in front of the mirror and plays with them. She didn't notice you yet. How cute!</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/mirror1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 3 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You hear voices from inside and take a little peek before enter. Hitomi is changing. No bra, just like you said.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/shirt1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 5 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You hear voices from inside and take a little peek before enter. Hitomi is changing. No bra, just like you said.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/strip1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $strip === 7 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>After class, you see Hitomi takes off her bra. She must be preparing for you. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/hitomistripping.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $strip === 9 and $hitomiBra === 1>>
<n3>You see Hitomi trying to zip up her dress. But her breasts seem to have another plan.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/strip/zipper1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1> Nooo! Not this one too! I really like this dress. I guess that's the price of being Jupiter.</hi1></b>
<<if $hasrated === 1>>\
[[💋 Spend time with Hitomi|hitomiCorrupt]]
[[🚪 Return to Corridor|Corridor]]
[[🚪 Go to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I'm not sure if I want to continue this.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Listen to me. I saw your essence. You are capable of it. You can adapt to my powers and even develop it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>But Hitomi sees me as her friend. Although I recieve pleasure, it means I'll be using Hitomi and others in the future.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Have you lost your mind? I guess I didn't explain enough. I wasn't trying to manipulate you when I said its a win-win scenario.
When a succubus is under my influence, she produce more lust than usual. And this cannot reach a dangerous level unless I force them. Which means with you, they will taste pleasures they've never tasted before.
Everyone has a dark side. Your dark side is a Merciful Ruler. You will not harm them. You'll reward them. With your mercy and lewdness. For some, pain is pleasure and you are the one who will give them what they want deep inside. What they need. We will show them their needs that even they aren't aware of.
Don't feel guilty. We are the good side. There may be those who do not understand us and our great purpose. We will show them the right path too. By the way, I got some news. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You notice that her mood has suddenly changed.</n3>
[[What is it?|spy]]
<<set $monologue3 to 1>><<set $grope to random(2) >>\
<<if $grope === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/groping/hitomigroping1.webp" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/groping/hitomigroping2.webp" class=center width="40%"><</if>>\
<<if $grope === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/groping/hitomigroping3.webp" class=center width="55%"><</if>>\
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Do you want me to touch you?</n1>
<d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> Yess...Please touch me!! My huge milkers begging for your delicate hands.</hi1>
<n1>(</n1> <a1> What a sincere request. Don't keep your friend waiting.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You put your hands on her chest and start rubbing and squeezing. Hitomi lets out a moan.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> Ohhh! So much better than I expected. I'm melting under your every movement. Squeeze It!!! Push IT! Play with them. Ahhh.. Perfect!</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Holy shit! I feel her lust. So close!! It's like if I let myself go, I can take it all to myself. All her lust. AAAA! I need to focus.</n1><a1>)</a1>
<n1>(</n1> <a1>Don't worry, you won't lose control. I feel the determination within you. And arousal of course . </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>These are mine! You are mine! Enlarge your tits cow. I'm gonna squeeze them!</n1></b>
<<set $milk to random(2)>>\
<<if $milk === 1 >>\
<n3>As you continue to play with the hitomi, you feel a wetness on your hands.</n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/groping/milking1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n3>Hitomi:</n3><hi1>Mmmmhhhhh..!! I can't control it. My milk! It's leaking through. Aauuhhhh! Why its soo GOOODD?!</hi1></b>
<b><n3>$name:</n3> <n1>Let all out my little Jupiter Cow! I'm gonna milk you dry!</n1></b>
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +15</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $lust lte 85>>\
<<set $lust += 15>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 85>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>><<set $orgasm to random(9) >>\
<<if $orgasm === 0 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm1.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 1 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm2.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 2 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm3.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 3 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm4.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 4 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm5.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 5 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm6.webp" class=center width="50%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 6 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm7.webp" class=center width="55%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 7 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm8.webp" class=center width="55%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 8 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm9.webp" class=center width="53%"> <</if>>\
<<if $orgasm === 9 >><img src="gif/orgasm/orgasm10.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<n3>You couldn't take it anymore. The dildo fucked you made you cum. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Ohh fuck I'm cumming!! Noo!! not here!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeaa I can feel it!! I can't focus on the climax because of your embarrassment. Loose up and focus on the pleasure. MmhHhhh! Fuuckk!!! Shy girl cums in public! It has its own taste. Kinda liked it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -40</n1></b>
<<if $controlFitness gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl]]
[[🔥 Finish Exercising|DormRoom]]
<<set $lust -= 40>>\<img src="img/places/yard1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<if $happypixie === 1 and $halloween === 0 and $dungeoncounter gte 4>>\
[[🧚♀️ You see Alette flying around|alettefavor1]]
<a1>[[🏫 Dormitory|Corridor]]||[[🏰 Main Campus|mainCampus]]</a1><d>$name:</d> <n1> I have a request from you. Actually two.</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Of course! Mis... $name.</hi1>
<d>$name:</d> <n1> I don't want you to use a cloth while cleaning. You have a much more useful pair, use them.</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Ohh! I was thinking about that too. They're almost touching the table anyway.</hi1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>I hope I can clean your room better with these, Mistress. </hi1>
<n3>Hitomi pulls her huge breasts out of the dress. Her eyes are piercing through you. You can tell she is very horny. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/cleaning/cleaning3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n1>(</n1> <a1>Ahahaha, you don't even have to tell her. It is always better this way. Now you are a Mistress for her. Be worthy of it.</a1><n1>)</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1> What was your other request?</hi1>
<d>$name:</d> <n1> It doesn't matter. You always exceed my expectations. Now be good cow and start cleaning!</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>Yes Mistress!</hi1>
<d>$name:</d> <n1>And call me mistress when it's just the two of us.</n1>
<n1>(</n1> <a1>Good one!</a1><n1>)</n1>
<d>Hitomi: </d> <hi1>With pleasure Mistress!</hi1>
<<set $hitomiNaked to 1>>\
<<set $food to random(3)>>\
<<set $lookaround to random (1)>>\
<<set $browse to random(6)>>\
<n3>You take your food and sit at an empty table. The food here never disappoints you. You feel more energized after eating.</n3>
<<if $food === 0>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/burger1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $food === 1>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/burrito1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $food === 2>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/pasta1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<<if $food === 3>><img src="gif/dininghall/food/pizza1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><</if>>\
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: +15</e1></b></center>
<<if $lookaround === 1>>\
<n3>The dining hall is pretty crowded and you look around while you eat.</n3>
<<if $browse === 0 and $browse === 5 and $browse === 6>>\
<n3>A succubus sitting nearby catches your eye. She is wearing a white sweater and a mini skirt. But you notice one thing, she's not wearing panties. When she realizes you're looking at her, she slowly pulls up her skirt. As she looks at you invitingly, she sees that others are noticing her and pulls her skirt down again. She slowly gets up from her seat and makes a sensual follow me gesture with her hand. </n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<linkB1>💋 Follow Her </linkB1>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<<if $browse === 1>>\
<n3>Not far away, a succubus eating a meal catches your eye. The blouse she is wearing is quite thin and her big tits are stretching it out. It's a beautiful view as you having your meal. </n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $browse === 2>>\
<n3>You hear a noise from the next table.</n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>What are you talking about? Your ass is huge. Let me take a look.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d> <summer1>But I am a Venus. It might be enough for this shitty dorm. But in Venus dormitory, I got no chance. I need to be able to preserve it in a larger shape without losing my curvy look.</summer1>
<d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>You're just overthinking girl. Let me see it again.</b1>
<<if $browse === 3>>\
<n3>You hear a noise from the next table.</n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/flash4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1> Yes, I am progressing slower than expected. After all, I'm not a Jupiter.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d> <summer1>C'mon u were flat bitch. Now they are bigger than mine. Show it! show it! </summer1>
<d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>Well if you insist :) </b1>
<<if $browse === 4>>\
<n3> You feel an intense lust energy just a little bit away from you. A joyful, chirpy energy. When you look in that direction you see Brittany, dancing with a big smile. Gradually a crowd gathers around her and starts dancing with her.</n3>
<img src="gif/dininghall/brittanydining.webp" class=center width="45%"><</if>>\
[[🍴 Return to Dining Hall|Dining Hall]]
[[🚪 Return to Corridor|Corridor]]
<<if $energy lte 85>>
<<set $energy += 15>>\
<<elseif $energy gt 90>>\
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $hasEat to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Do you remember the succubus in a latex suit that took you to your room on the first day? Lucy I suppose. You saw the big tits succubus roaming the hall. I sensed Lucy's aura on her.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So I wasn't being paranoid.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes and she is observing you.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You take a deep sigh.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>We are already being watched.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Calm down. I don't know her purpose yet. She asked her to report your movements. Even if something happens, she won't be able to report it properly. She's a strong one, but her focus is weak.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Who knows what else you are hiding from me. And even this is too much for me.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I told you everything about the current situation. We will be fine. Do you feel any better?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Yeah I guess. I don't know.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It is normal to have ups and downs in the beginning. We have a lot of things to do. Don't worry, I'm here.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $spy to 1>><<set $milenaClass to random(5) >>\
<n3>Milena walks into the class. She wears striped pants, a leather corset and a bra that barely covers her breasts. Over her bra, there is an black transparent shirt with a tie. </n3>
<<if $milenaClass === 0 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d><mi1> Today, we're going to talk about what happens if you overuse your lust energy.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 1 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass3.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Our topic is "Succubus and Human Relations". As you know, we've had a fluctuating graph with humans. We'll look into the details.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 2 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass4.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today we will cover the general characteristics of signs. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 3 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass5.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today we will discuss why Jupiter and Mars are so popular. I want you all to give your opinion.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 4 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass6.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today, you will learn the story of the founding of the four great schools. I'll have to skip most details. If you are interested, I suggest you read the details from the library(Not yet implemented). It is a very significant event in our history.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 5 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass7.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we're going to cover what happens and what you should do when you try to concentrate your lust energy in a place you are not inclined to. </mi1></b><</if>>\
<<set $peak to random(7)>>
<<if $peak === 0 >><img src="gif/class/class1.webp" class=center width="38%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 3 >><img src="gif/class/class2.webp" class=center width="35%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 5 >><img src="gif/class/class6.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3>During class, you see someone flashing her boob at you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hmm... Not bad actually.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $private === 0>>
[[📖 Private lesson|Private lesson]]
[[📖 Private Lesson|PLesson1]]
<n3>You listen to Milena, ignoring the warming on your arm.</n3>
<b><n3>Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -30</e1></b>
[[🚪Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 30>>\<<set $milenaClass to random(5) >>\
<n3>Milena walks into the class. She wears striped pants, a leather corset and a bra that barely covers her breasts. Over her bra, there is an black transparent shirt with a tie. But you notice that she doesn't cover the front of her shirt anymore. You also start to notice a change in her overall attitude.</n3>
<<if $milenaClass === 0 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass8.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Okay class, today we're going to cover spirit animals and what they symbolize. I think this year we even have a phoenix. Diversity is something we want to have.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 1 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass9.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Todays lesson is math. Don't even whine about it! We are starting with differential equations. C'mon! </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 2 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass10.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>It is said that it doesn't matter which spirit animal you have. We'll talk about how true this is. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 3 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass11.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>What happens if you run out of lust energy? This is our topic today. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 4 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass12.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>What happens if you are overloaded with lust energy? This is our topic today. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 5 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass13.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we will continue to learn the history of succubuses and our school. </mi1></b>
<<set $peak to random(11)>>
<<if $peak === 0 >><img src="gif/class/class1.webp" class=center width="38%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 3 >><img src="gif/class/class2.webp" class=center width="35%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 5 >><img src="gif/class/class3.webp" class=center width="32%">
<n3>Near the end of class, you see two succubus talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>You look great in these tights.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1>Really ? I wasn't sure if I should wear it. I don't even look like a Venus yet.</b1>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>Let me look again. Yea I was right. If you can clap with them, nothing is important.</b1>
<<if $peak === 7 >><img src="gif/class/class5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>Near the end of the lesson, you hear three succubus talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>I bet you're wearing panties right now.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1>Yes yes you look fancy today. You definitely have panties on.</b1>
<d>Succubus3:</d> <b1>Hahaha! Sorry girls. Looks like I won the bet.</b1>
<<if $peak === 9 >><img src="gif/class/class6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During class, you see someone flashing her boob at you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hmm... Not bad actually.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $peak === 11 >><img src="gif/class/class7.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. Looks like she is little bit itchy. And she doesn't need anything but that table.
[[📖 Private Lesson|PLesson1]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaexercise to 1>>\
<<set $milenaClass to random(5) >>\
<n3>Milena walks into the class. She wears striped pants, a leather corset and a bra that barely covers her breasts. Over her bra, there is an black transparent shirt with a tie. Now she walks around with her see-through shirt fastened only with the bottom button. Her bra, which barely covers her breasts, is no longer under such a burden. With her nipples fully exposed, she lectures. Her general demeanor and expression have changed, but the seriousness with what she teaches remains the same.</n3>
<<if $milenaClass === 0 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass14.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we're going to cover what happens and what you should do when you try to concentrate your lust energy in a place you are not inclined to. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 1 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass15.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we will continue to learn the history of succubuses and our school. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 2 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass17.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Today we take a look at the great succubuses of the past. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 3 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass18.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Our topic is "Succubus and Human Relations". As you know, we've had a fluctuating graph with humans. We'll look into the details.</mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 4 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass19.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Today we will cover the general characteristics of signs with more details. </mi1></b>
<<if $milenaClass === 5 >><img src="img/milenaClass/milenaclass20.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Todays lesson is math. Don't even whine about it! We are starting with differential equations. C'mon! </mi1></b>
<<set $peak to random(15)>>
<<if $peak === 0 >><img src="gif/class/class1.webp" class=center width="38%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 1 >><img src="gif/class/class2.webp" class=center width="35%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. But her skirt isn't long enough for this move. Her long legs and plump hips sway right and left before her eyes.</n3>
<<if $peak === 3 >><img src="gif/class/class3.webp" class=center width="32%">
<n3>Near the end of class, you see two succubus talking.
Girl1:</n3>You look great in these tights.
<n3>Girl2:</n3>Really ? I wasn't sure if I should wear it. I don't even look like a mars yet.
<n3>Girl1:</n3>Let me look again. Yea I was right. If you can clap with them, nothing is important.
<<if $peak === 5 >><img src="gif/class/class4.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You hear two voices rising from your behind.
Girl1:</n3> <b1>Sshhh be... quie Ahhhh! Slower!! I can't hold back.</b1>
<n3>Girl2: </n3><b1>You slow down and be quiet someone will see us.Nnhhhh! Ohh Im gonna cum!.....Cummiingg MMMhhhhmh! Cum with me now!</b1>
<n3>Girl1:</n3> <b1>MMmmmhhhh aAAHhhhhhh!! I'm cumming too!! Hhaaa hhaah Huuh!</b1>
<n3> All class acted like they didn't see anything. Everyone was afraid of the knock-on effect.</n3>
<<if $peak === 7 >><img src="gif/class/class5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>Near the end of the lesson, you hear three succubus talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>I bet you're wearing panties right now.</b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1>Yes yes you look fancy today. You definitely have panties on.</b1>
<d>Succubus3:</d> <b1>Hahaha! Sorry girls. Looks like I won the bet.</b1>
<<if $peak === 9 >><img src="gif/class/class6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During class, you see someone flashing her boob at you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hmm... Not bad actually.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $peak === 11 >><img src="gif/class/class7.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>During the lesson, you see someone asking a question to teacher. Looks like she is little bit itchy. And she doesn't need anything but that desk.</n3>
<<if $peak === 13 >><img src="gif/class/class8.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n3>Milena:</n3> <mi1>Someone, clean the chalkboard please!</mi1></b>
<n3>Someone wearing only a very short crop top and long socks is cleaning the board.</n3>
<<if $peak === 15 >><img src="gif/class/class8.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n3>A succubus drops her pen. When she gets under the bench, you see her purpose is different. She plays with herself for a while and gets up. Only you saw what happened. Her pen is still on the floor.</n3></b>
[[📖 Private Lesson|PLesson1]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Girls, can I have your attention for a moment please? I am starting to give private lessons. Exclusive to non-Jupiter succubuses. You girls need more education on Art of Bust. It will be very helpful for you and it's not going to be theoretical. Please participate to it.</mi1></b>
<n3>Then she walks away.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>The opportunity has come to us. If we attend these private lessons and add a little craziness, something beyond our imagination can happen. We are definitely going.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Well... I guess it won't do any harm. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>That's the spirit! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $private to 1>>\
<<set $Mprivate to 1>>\
<n3>A succubus, completely covered in latex, takes your arm and help you stand.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/lucyintro.jpg" class=center width="40%" >
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Hey! Are you okay?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes Mistress! I feel better now.</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Good. Let's get you to your room and get some rest.</l1></b>
<n3>As you walk towards your room, you notice that she is looking at you very carefully.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Is something wrong Mistress?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Uh! No. I was just looking in case if you suddenly fall down again.</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Oh! Thank You! I feel even better than before.</n1></b>
<n3>You felt she was startled for a moment.</n3>
<n3>Once you arrive,you thank Lucy and enter your room.</n3>
[[Your Room|firstRoom]][[Return|hitomiroom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<set $photo14 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> Maybe not ideal for public useage.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic6.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/places/classroom1.jpeg" class=center width="105%">
<<if $monologue4 === 0>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>This private lesson will be under our control. We will point the way and hope Milena will follow. Don't expect a control like in Hitomi. We'll just get her off the road. But without realizing it, she will become sensitive to our powers.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $monologue4 to 1>>\
<n3>After a short break, Milena arrives and the private lesson starts.</n3>
<center><<if $Mprivate gte 1>>\
[[Enhancing Tits 101|reveal1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 3>>\
[[Tits vs Gravity|bounce1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 6>>\
[[Groping Tits|grope1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 9>>\
[[Producing Milk|selfmilking1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 12>>\
[[Tasting Milk|milking1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 15>>\
[[Milena's Reward|sucking1]]
<<set $reveal to random(3)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>I know that breast enhancing is very popular. As a Jupiter, I can help you with that.
First, you need to gather your lust energy in your breasts. Then you need to release this energy slowly into it. But the majority skips one of the most important step. Visualization! This step is essential for a big, full and rounded result. That's why I'm going to show you my magnificent breasts. Make sure you pay attention to all the details.</mi1></b>
<<if $reveal === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/reveal1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You are watching Milena's breasts with great attention. As Milena walks between you with her huge boobs, she also gives useful information about The Art of Attraction with Bust.</n3>
<<if $reveal === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/reveal2.gif" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You are watching Milena's breasts with great attention. As Milena walks between you with her huge boobs, she also gives useful information about The Art of Attraction with Bust.
<<if $reveal === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/comparison1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <b1> Mistress Milena, I tried it but my belly grew too. </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> An excellent result. You need to work on your control but your reserve of lust energy is amazing.</mi1></b>
<<if $reveal === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/reveal/comparison2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <b1> Mistress Milena, I tried it but my belly grew too. </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> An excellent result. You need to work on your control but your reserve of lust energy is amazing.</mi1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3> While listening to Milena, you try to focus your lust energy on your breasts. You can manage to do that, but it's very difficult to keep it at a certain size.</n3></b>
<img src="gif/tits/grow1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $tits gte 3 and $hitomiHelp1 === 0>>\
<h3><n3>(You still fail to maintain enough control. Maybe you could talk to Hitomi about it. Her advice might help you.) </n3></h3>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 1>>\
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<<if $tits === 4 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 7 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 10 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -20 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 3>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 20>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\
<<set $bounce to random(4)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes, you have seen my good quality big breast.
But this is not enough!
You should also learn how this tits responds in different situations. The breast has a soft but heavy structure. Today you will learn how a breast responds to bouncing. Notice how it vibrates, don't miss any detail Aahhh! My dear students. Learn From Me! </mi1></b>
<<if $bounce === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bounce === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bounce === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce3.gif" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bounce === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce4.gif" class=center width="55%">
<<if $bounce === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/bounce/bounce5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We're starting to learn about Milena. I underestimated her a little. Teaching is a passion and source of pleasure for her. And I have to admit, her tits are amazing! You'd better listen to what she's telling. By the end of these lessons you will have as much breast control as a Jupiter should.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>You watch Milena's breasts carefully. A fascinating sight.</n3></b>
<<if $tits gte 3 and $hitomiHelp1 === 0>>\
<h3><n3>(You still fail to maintain enough control. Maybe you could talk to Hitomi about it. Her advice might help you.) </n3></h3>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 1>>\
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
<<if $tits === 4 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 7 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 10 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 7>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $grope to random(4)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Now you know how a breast responds to movement. But its all external! You should experience this more closely.
Touch me! Touch my big magnificent breasts and make it your own power. During this experiment, enlarge your breasts as much as possible.</mi1></b>
<<if $grope === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes, take a close look at my tits both of you. Do not be afraid.</mi1>
<b><d>Succubus1:</d> <b1>How can it be this heavy when it is so soft? </b1>
<b><d>Succubus2:</d> <b1>Yea Right? You have amazing breasts, Mistress! </b1> </b>
<<if $grope === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Good technique Amy! Reach around groping is maybe my favorite way to explore. Make sure you don't forget how my tits felt.</mi1>
<b><d>Amy:</d> <b1> Yes Mistress! </b1></b>
<<if $grope === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Woah! You're wild one! If you're going to learn better this way, MMmhhh! Keep going! Ahhh! Apparently It's not your first time. I like it!</mi1></b>
<<if $grope === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope4.webp" class=center width="48%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It feels so good to both grope and slap. I could go on for hours. Do you really think we can get to this level Mistress Milena? </b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1> It feels good right? Ahahaha! Of course you will succeed. You are my disciples. By the end of this year, we will all proudly show off our huge breasts.....No, it doesn't hurt, explore as you wish. </mi1></b>
<<if $grope === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/grope/grope5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><mi1> Ooohhh! Yes feel my chest in all its aspects. Its softness, its weight, how it fills and overflows your hand. All of you can reach this level. Let me teach you! Ahhh! Grope those huge milkers. YESS!</mi1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>Everyone is groping each other. Your knowledge of how breasts feel increases. </n3></b>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<<if $tits === 4 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 7 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 10 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 11>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $selfmilk to random(4)>>
<<if $dialogue2 === 0>>\
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You all know as much as the average Jupiter. It's time to rise even higher. Do you know why I didn't include Jupiters in these classes? Because you need guidance. These are not natural for you. You have to put in extra effort. But you will be able to do these even while sleeping.
Next step... Producing milk. Succubus milk is an aphrodisiac. This is one of the reasons why Jupiter is so popular. Except that big tits are super sexy. That's the real reason.</mi1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> You have already learned to accumulate your lust energy in your breasts. Now you must learn to transform it. Imagine that your breasts are filled with milk. Don't just imagine it, feel it. And when you squeeze your nipples, the result should be like this.</mi1></b>
<n3> Milena squeezes her nipples and squirts milk.</n3>
<<if $selfmilk === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $selfmilk === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $selfmilk === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $selfmilk === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk4.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $selfmilk === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/selfmilk/selfmilk5.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><mi1> Ahahaha do you see it? MMhhhh! This process will give you a lot of pleasure as well. You can start to try. Never be discouraged if you don't make it on your first try. I trust you all.</mi1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Hahahaha so fun! Enlarge your breasts and fill them with milk. Let me feel that pleasure.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Don't distract me, I'm trying. It's harder than it looks.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $sheSaid === 0>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Well that what she....</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Ok...Sorry.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<<if $tits === 4 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 7 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 10 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 14>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $dialogue2 to 1>>
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<set $sheSaid to 1>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $sucking to random(14)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You all deserved an reward. Come and suck my big tits. I'm proud of all of you. Don't forget to enlarge your breasts too.</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. Mmmmmh!</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. </b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You like it huh? Keep sucking on my nipple. You can go on as long as you want. There's more than you need. Mmmhhh! My little precious students.</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking4.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let me help you girls. Lick it! Enjoy it! Savor it! Suck my huge tits. Ohhhh! </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking5.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let me help you girls. Lick it! Enjoy it! Savor it! Suck my huge tits. Ohhhh! </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 5>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking6.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Mistress I wanna get slapped by your huge tits please!</b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Then get to work! These huge milkers won't slap you on their own.</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Yes Mistress! Thank You Mistress!</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 6>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking7.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let's see which one of you sucks better. Whoever wins can drink as much milk as she wants.</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>I'm gonna win! I want that milky tits in my mouth</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 7>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking8.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You like it huh? Keep sucking on my nipple. You can go on as long as you want. There's more than you need. Mmmhhh! My little precious students. </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 8>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking9.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Mistress please slap me with your huge tits. I wanna feel it all over my face. Please! </b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Hahaha! This isn't the first time I've been asked for this. I'll slap you with great pleasure my precious.</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 9>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking10.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Let's see which one of you sucks better. Whoever wins can drink as much milk as she wants.</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>I'm gonna win! I want that milky tits in my mouth</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 10>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking11.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>While you are tasting me, I'm gonna play with your big tits. Hmm...its very soft and heavy and jiggles good when I let go. Well done my dear. Aahh! Keep sucking on my nipples!</mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 11>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking12.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You like it huh? Keep sucking on my nipple. You can go on as long as you want. There's more than you need. Mmmhhh! My little precious students. </mi1></b>
<<if $sucking === 12>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking13.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. Mmmmmh!</b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 13>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking14.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Ohhhh! I didn't think you'd be this enthusiastic. There is enough for all of you. Aahhh! Keep going!</mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>It's sooo delicious Mistress Milena! Even bigger than my head and I can't stop sucking it. </b1></b>
<<if $sucking === 14>>\
<img src="gif/milena/sucking/sucking15.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1> Have a taste Mistress! And I'll get your other breast ready to lick by squirting milk on it. </b1>
<d>Milena:</d> <mi1>You girls are crazy!</mi1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>Everyone has improved a lot and producing milk has become a normal thing. You wonder how things would have turned out if you hadn't intervened.</n3></b>
<<if $milenaEnd === 0>>\
<center><h2><n3>End of the content for Private Lessons!</n3></h2></center>
<<set $milenaEnd to 1>>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<<if $tits === 4 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 7 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 10 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +15</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $milenaEnd to 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 85>>\
<<set $lust += 15>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 85>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<<set $milk to random(10)>>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>It's time to check your progress.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 0>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Squeeze that milk into my mouth. Bust size is great. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 1>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes, that's it! I can't get enough of it. A milk production that would make a Jupiter jealous. So delicious! And now you can keep your tits at this size. Well done!</mi1></b>
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Thank You Mistress. AAhhh! Please be gentle! </b1></b>
<<if $milk === 2>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Lets check on you Adelina. Your bust size is perfect! It looks like your milk production hasn't reached the level you want yet. You've improved very well, keep up the good work!</mi1></b>
<b><d>Adelina:</d> <b1>Yes Mistress! MmmMhhh! my nipples are so sensitive.</b1></b>
<<if $milk === 3>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1>Mistress Milena, may I taste your milk as an example? </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Of course! This will help you progress. Come here, my tits are full of milk.</mi1></b>
<b><d>Succubus:</d> <b1> Thank you Msitress! Wow! </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> </mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 4>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk5.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Wonderful Jenny! You have learned to produce milk in such a short time. While it's extra difficult for a Mercury to acquire Jupiter features. Well done! Let me reward you with pleasure for this effort. </mi1></b>
<b><d>Jenny:</d> <b1> Thank you Msitress! I always wanted to have big breasts, Mmmhh! but I always struggled and gave up. But this ti-time Ahhh! I didn't want to betray your faith in us. HHoooo! My nipples have never been this sensitive.</b1></b>
<<if $milk === 5>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk6.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Squeeze that milk into my mouth. Bust size is great. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 6>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk7.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Let me suck that milk into my mouth. Bust size is fine. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 7>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk8.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Hadley:</d> <b1>I've been working for a few days and now I can produce milk. May I squirt on your boobs please mistress? I'm so excited! </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Of course my precious! Use your new skill on me. But I still want to have a taste. Mmmmm! Delicious! I can taste your hard work!</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 8>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk9.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Annie:</d> <b1> I also want to squirt on your breasts Mistress Milena. But I can't produce as much as Hadley. </b1></b>
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Don't be unfair to yourself. You are making great progress. My tits are waiting for you. Also, don't compare yourself to anyone. You are all diamonds. Our job is to make you shine. And each of you will shine in your own special way. Now squirt that milk on me!</mi1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I understand why the newcomers were entrusted to her. I thought she was cold and weak. A much better teacher than I expected.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
Instead of talking, help me. I can enlarge it, but I cannot produce as much milk as I want.
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1Muuhahaha! This is your problem. Also if I help you out you'll get a lot of attention! You have to learn by yourself.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>In a way you can't hear:</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I can't say her that I'm the reason why she is struggling. It will take some extra effort but it'll be worth it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $milk === 9>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk10.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Yes! Let me suck that milk into my mouth. Bust size is fine. The texture and taste of the milk is on point. Well done, my little precious student. Oohhh! the milk is starting to take effect.</mi1></b>
<<if $milk === 10>>\
<img src="gif/milena/milk/milk11.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>It's tasty! Great jo... What are you doing? </mi1>
<d>Succubus:</d> <b1>I wanna see that huge tits of yours Mistress! It is so heavy that I could hardly pull the shirt. Mmmhhh! I'm so wet. </b1></b>
<b><n3> ♀ Milena's Corruption Increased</n3></b>
<b><n3>Now you can produce some milk and you are proud of it. </n3></b>
<<if $tits === 4 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 7 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $tits === 10 >>\
<center><h3><b1>Your capacity to enlarge your breasts has increased. You can check the changes in the mirror. </b1></h3></center>
<<if $controlMilena gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(m)]]
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -25 </e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +15</n1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\
<<if $Mprivate lte 18>>\
<<set $Mprivate += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 25>>\
<<if $lust lte 85>>\
<<set $lust += 15>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 85>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $controlMilena += 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\[[Return|hitomiroom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic4.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo15 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1>Where is this book! My back started to hurt again.</mi1></b>
<n3>Everyday struggles.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic4.jpg" class=center width="90%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<center><h1>Thank You For Playing! 🎮</h1></center>
<img src="gif/InProgress/end.webp" class=center width= "60%">
You found all the photos, strengthened your relationship with Hitomi and Milena :)
I hope you enjoyed the first version of Umesatraa Academy. I am currently working on the next patch. Until that comes, you can join the [[Discord|https://discord.gg/UNXgA6NS9E]] server or support me on [[Patreon|https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129]].
By the way, you probably haven't seen all the scene variations.(gifs) However, upgrading your stats will not unlock any new scene. You can continue a little longer so you don't miss anything. Don't forget to share your opinions with me :) Hope you had fun!
<<set $versionEnd to 1>>\
<img src="img/intro/caption1.png" class=center width="300px"><img src="img/intro/umesatraaBanner1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<i><h3><cap>Umesatraa Academy contains pornographic content. Continue only if you are over the legal age of your country. If you encounter a bug or typo, you can let me know on [[Discord|https://discord.gg/UNXgA6NS9E]]. Also looking forward for your feedback. Have Fun!</cap></h3></i>
[[Skip Intro|SkipIntro]]
<img src="img/intro/author1.png" class=center width="120px">╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍
Word Count: 90,432
This patch adds a new masturbation option, according to the main character's evolving traits, and the first visit to the Mars Dormitory.
5000+ words added.
Patreon-exclusive content:
9 new photos have been added.(Once you have found the all photos in your room, Classroom and Jupiter Dormitory, you will be able to find the new photos added to this patch. Don't forget that you can switch them on and off in the gallery settings.)
First Visit to Mars Dormitory:(Futa/Trans)
Dormitory split in two
Introduction Team
New side character: Dominique
Sensitive Stamping
What did you say our main goal was?
- Handjob added to masturbation options.(After Copying a Mars)
Word Count: 85,341
This patch starts with the continuation of the encounter with Crow and continues with preparations for the auction. Next patch, an auction participation is on the horizon. Also, you might be able to replicate a feature of a Mars.
7,500+ words added.
Hidden Auction:
2 new side character: Kaya and Monica
Lucy's routine check
Who is Crow?
Auction Preparations
Mysterious Stage and Its Seats
Copying a Mars(Futa/Trans):
The Relation Between Ella and Lucy?
Moon's "little" Favor
First Load...
Ella's Real Essence
Word Count: 77,549
10k words added.
Patreon-exclusive content:
- Ella's Trial.(Futa/Trans)
-The invitation scene has been changed from random. You can directly access it while eating in Dining Hall.
Starting from this version futa/trans content has begun. But at the moment it only has an entry. It will gradually increase in the future.
Welcome to Latex Arts:
- First encounter with Moon
- First step in Latex Arts
- Limits of Your Potential?
- Roadmap with Summer:
- Harley's Report
- The Unknown Dark Succubus?
Word Count: 67,598
Patreon-exclusive content:
-Additional three random sneak peek events.
-Invitation (You can come across while eating in the Dining Hall.)
Initial Center Visit:
- 1 Summer Scene
- Lucy's spirit animal revealed.
- New character: Felicia
- New character: Wilhelmina
- Lots of information about the story.
- Added 3 gifs that can be randomly encountered on Main Campus.(Bikers)
- Added a notice when your breast size has levels up, so you can check it in bathroom.
- Two random sneak peek events added in Dormitory.
- Some text corrections.
Word Count: 57,640
Patreon Exclusive Content:
- Additional three random sneak peek event.
Since the story is at a breaking point, this is a patch where I changed some of the things I wrote at the beginning and added some new things.
- Redundant code and text cleanup.
- Some gifs were removed and replaced with new ones.
- Hitomi's Advice Added.
- Hitomi's last two stages were removed and replaced by a new one.
- Mirror added to the bathroom.
- Added breast enlargement progression to the main character.(You can track the progress in the mirror.)
- The sleep and dream parts have been rewritten.
- Milena's private lessons balanced out a little more.
- Four random sneak peek events added in Dormitory.
- Photos from v0.3 have been added.
- The sign related with the hips is changed to Venus.
Word Count: 54,051
Patreon Exclusive Content:
- Summer's Gangbang
- 4 New photos added.(Now photos will be added to the patreon build one version early.)
- Halloween-special, 5 new photos added.
- Latex Dungeon:
* Vac-bed scene on the second visit expanded.
* Doll-Maniac scene added on the fourth visit's exploration.
-Lust Trail Tracking (On Sunday in the Latex Dungeon):
* The Introduction of the Summer's gangbang. (Hang'ing out with Summer?)
* Meeting Madalyn.(A Slave's Fantasy?)
* The Unknown White Lust.
-Jupiter Dormitory:
* Brittany's Duel added.
* New character added: Lucie.
* Another Major Academy has been revealed: Yukitumos Academy.
* The cause of Summer's sudden change has been revealed.
* The main character's real powers?
* Added two side characters: Madalyn and J.
* Some characters' spirit animal is revealed: Brittany, Summer, Lucie, Madalyn and J.
* First contact with the Center.
Word Count: 38,017
- Added Sunday walks with Scopophobic Latex cape. (3 scenes)
- Option to skip intro.
- Added save files for v0.2 and v0.2.4 content.
Word Count: 34,127
Patreon Exclusive Content:
- Angela's Punishment
- Day cycle added.
- 3 new photos Added.
- Domination and corruption stats has removed.
- New stat added: Control.
- Collecting photos is now part of the story.(Now there's a reason you find photos on the ground.)
- Private lessons have been balanced to be less grindy.
- Encountiring with Angela added.
- You may encounter Milena while exercising.
- Massage oil added(Can be used on Hitomi)
- New location added: Latex Dungeon
- New location added: Main Campus
- New character added: Summer
- Lucy content has started.(3 Main Scene)
- 5 new dream gifs
Initial release<img src="img/places/classroom1.jpeg" class=center width="105%">
[[📖 Being a Succubus 101|Lesson 1]]
<<if $day == "Monday">>\
<<set $day = "Tuesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Tuesday">>\
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Wednesday">>\
<<set $day = "Thursday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Thursday">>\
<<set $day = "Friday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Friday">>\
<<set $day = "Saturday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Saturday">>\
<<set $day = "Sunday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Sunday">>\
<<set $day = "Monday">>\
<<set $week to 1>>\<img src="img/inventory/oilbottle.webp" class=center width="30%">
<center><b><n3>Massage oil added to your inventory.</n3></b></center>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $oil to 1>>\<<set $oilygrope to random(2) >>\
<<if $oilygrope === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/oil/hitomioil1.webp" class=center width="65%" >
<n3>You pour the massage oil on Hitomi's huge breasts. Her breasts look amazing under her red swimsuit. Hitomi spreads the oil well.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I can't hold them. Ohh! They're so slippery. Please keep going, still not enough oil. My big tits need more oil! Please!</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Keep trying. Try to hold them! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I can't do it! It's too big! Too slippery! My little hands aren't enough for this. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'll keep pouring until you can hold them. </n1></b>
<n3>Hitomi continues to struggle to hold her huge tits. A few times she seems to be able to hold them, but you realize she's letting go on purpose. She wants you to keep going.</n3>
<<if $oilygrope === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/oil/hitomioil2.webp" class=center width="65%" >
<n3>You pour the massage oil on Hitomi's huge breasts. Hitomi puts her hands inside her swimsuit and spreads the oil all over her tits. It turns you on when her tits slip out of her hands.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I can't hold them. Ohh! They're so slippery. Please keep going, still not enough oil. My big tits need more oil! Please!</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Keep trying. Try to hold them! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I can't do it! It's too big! Too slippery! My little hands aren't enough for this. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'll keep pouring until you can hold them. </n1></b>
<n3>Hitomi continues to struggle to hold her huge tits. A few times she seems to be able to hold them, but you realize she's letting go on purpose. She wants you to keep going.</n3>
<<if $oilygrope === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/oil/hitomioil3.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<n3>You pour the massage oil on Hitomi's huge breasts. Her exposed breasts are slick with oil and slip out of Hitomi's hand. Every time her tit slips, you can feel the pleasure Hitomi feels.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>I can't hold them. Ohh! They're so slippery. Please keep going, still not enough oil. My big tits need more oil! Please!</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Keep trying. Try to hold them! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I can't do it! It's too big! Too slippery! My little hands aren't enough for this. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'll keep pouring until you can hold them. </n1></b>
<n3>Hitomi continues to struggle to hold her huge tits. A few times she seems to be able to hold them, but you realize she's letting go on purpose. She wants you to keep going.</n3>
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +10</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<if $lust lte 90>>\
<<set $lust += 10>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 90>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<if $controlcounter gt 4 and $caught === 0 and $newContent === 0>>\
<center><n3>Someone is definitely watching you!</n3>
[[Run Towards The Door!|dashtodoor1]]</center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $controlcounter += 1>>
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>MC(Outer): <b><d>$name:</d> <n1> </n1></b>
MC(Inner): <b><a1>(</a1><n1> </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
MC New(Inner):<b><newB>(</newB><n1> </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
MC(Inner)2: <inner>(</inner><n1> </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n1>(</n1><inner> </inner><n1>)</n1>
N3: <n3> </n3>
Sun: <b><n1>(</n1> <a1> </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
Hitomi: <b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> </hi1></b>
Milena: <b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> </mi1></b>
Brittany: <b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> </b1></b>
Succubusses: <d>Succubus1:</d><b1> </b1>
LUCY: <b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> </l1></b>
Alette: <b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> </ale1></b>
Angela: <b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1> </b1>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> </trix1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> </summer1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> </lucie></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> </hi1></b>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> </b1></b>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> </inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> </ella></b>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> </b1>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> </mi1>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> </hi1>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> </l1>
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> </ange1>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> </k1>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> </abella>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy1> </proxy1>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> </proxy2>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy3> </proxy3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> </brianna1>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> </kendra1>
<d>MistressT:</d> <missT1> </missT1>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> </ange1>
<d>Harley:</d> <b1> </b1>
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <wil> </wil>
<d>Peta: </d><peta> </peta>
<<linkreplace"" t8n>>\
<n3>You feel two eyes on you and look towards the door... No one in sight.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, what was that!?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't know. I couldn't distinguish who it was. She must have hidden her presence.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Could it be the succusubus in the hallway? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I had looked into her mind. She cannot do such a thing on her own, only with the help of someone else.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Could it be Lucy?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I don't have a clue for now. It's strange that she tried to hide herself. This is a succubus academy. Sexual tension is high and these things are natural.
Maybe just a talented and shy pervert.
Anyway, let's move on, Hitomi is getting distracted.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You continue to talk to Hitomi with doubts in your mind.</n3>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<n3>The same feeling! You suddenly dashing towards the door.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>You can't escape this time.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You reach the door and standing in front of you is the succubus in the hallway, her body covered in a latex suit.
Despite being right in front of you, you can vaguely feel her presence.</n3>
<img src="img/angela/angelalatex1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>???:</d><ange1> Here you go!! I will get punished because of you. Why would you sprint to the door?! Oh My GOD! These young succubuses... You would be called soon anyway. Mistress Lucy said that no one would notice me if I wear this.</ange1></b>
<n3>By imitating Lucy;</n3>
<b><ange1>"I'm counting on you this time, Angela. Don't mess it up like the previous ones."
She was counting on me. Not again...</ange1></b>
<n3>Even while listening to Angela, you lost focus 3-4 times. You can't sense her as easily as at the beginning. Maybe it's all possible because of Sun. By the way, where is she?
You start yelling back at the succubus who scolding you.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What do you think you're doing huh? You're the one spying on me. </n1></b>
<n3>You stop for a second and making sure you are still looking at her.</n3>
<b><n1>And you're yelling at me because I caught you?</n1></b>
<b><d>Angela:</d><ange1> Yes, that's why I'm yelling. There's no way you could sense my..... Wait a second!</ange1></b>
[[What Now ?|dashtodoor2]]<n3>A smile appears on Angela's face and she brings her hands to her hips. She continues to speak with her chest stretched out.</n3>
<img src="img/angela/angelalatex2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>You weren't supposed to notice me. So this confirms Mistress Lucy's suspicions. Something is off with you. Heh... Maybe I'm not a failure after all.</ange1></b>
<n3>She extends her hand towards you and a white snake appears.</n3>
<img src="img/angela/angelasnake1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>Smell it well, Milkie.</ange1></b>
<n3>The snake's tongue sticks out and swings back and forth then goes back in. After doing this a few more times, it fades to disappear.</n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>This should be enough. See you soon.</ange1></b>
<n3>She turns and walks away while muttering herself.</n3>
<b><ange1>Hehe! Ofc I'm not a failure, she can trust me. No problem. Noo problem at alll!</ange1></b>
<n3>You froze when you realize what you did.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Ohh Fuck!! I think I made a big mistake. Did I really think this was a good idea? Did I even think??? Sun, why didn't you stop me? Where are you? Wait are you...</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>Before you finish your thought, that familiar heat is coming back on your sign.</n3>
[[Sun comes back]]<n3>It's still dark. Rubbing your eyes and yawning you make your way to the door. You slowly open the door and see a silhouette in the dark that you can't tell who it is.
You squint your eyes and lean towards the silhouette.
Its someone completely covered in latex. As far as you can see from the moonlight, she's a fit figure with big tits.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/latexsilhouette.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Tall silhouette:</d><b1> Please put on some decent clothes and quietly follow me.</b1>
<n3>Her voice is not familiar.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>So we're getting started. Do what she says.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You get ready as she says and stand in front of the door.</n3>
<d>Tall silhouette:</d><b1> Now take this and put it on. </b1>
<n3>You look at what she's handing you. Its a mini latex cape.</n3>
<img src="img/inventory/latexcape1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<d>Tall silhouette: </d><b1>And don't take it off.</b1> <n3>"She puts on a cloak that looks the same as yours and starts walking."</n3>
<n3> It feels the same as the dress Angela wore when she was spying on you.
After putting on the cloak you start following her.</n3>
<<set $latexCape to 1>>
<<set $SundayCape += 1>><n3>On the way to your room, you feel something hit your chest.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>Fucking succbis! They can't even walk.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What was that?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You look at your chest and see a creature slightly larger than a hornet.</n3>
[[Try to smash it|smash]]
[[Gently wait|wait]]
<n3>You're hitting to your chest. Before your hand reach, a glowing beam of dust passes between your hand and comes to your eye level.
With a very high pitched voice;</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>I've wasted my last bit of dust because of you. How rude, I hate succbis. If it weren't for your beautiful faces and gorgeous bodies, I would have killed you all. And that sweet lust nectar of yours. Mmmhhh! Delicious!!</ale1></b>
<n3>A creature resembling a flower from afar stands before your eyes. Her hair looks like flower petals and her green dress looks like fresh mint leaves. It has a sweet, intense scent.</n3>
<img src="img/intro/pixie1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona </a>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Hey Sun, do you know anything about....that ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ugghh! Those are <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> Such a pain in the ass creatures. They hate succubuses but they can't resist them. They move very fast with the dust thing she just mentioned. They are mostly using our lust energy to produce it. This makes them very dependent on succubuses. They also use this powder to capture the moment. Kind of like a camera. It is said that they have taken millions of frames up to this time and stored it somewhere. They just get on my nerves. Arrogant little flies.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So you've met them before?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes, it is impossible to make a deal with them. They act like they don't need anything from succubuses. Just keep walking. We have nothing to do with this weakling.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[I'm sorry! I thought you were a bug.|bug]]
[[Get out of my way you little... flower thing.|rude]]
<n3>You wait a while, the thing that hits you, slowly flying away at your eye level.
A creature resembling a flower from afar stands before your eyes. Her hair looks like flower petals and her green dress looks like fresh mint leaves. It has a sweet, intense scent.
<img src="img/intro/pixie1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona </a>
In a very high-pitched voice trying to be harsh;</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>Can't you see in front of you huh?</ale1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d><n1>Sorry, I guess I wasn't looking. Otherwise I wouldn't miss a sweetie like you.</n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>I-I ummm sweetie li-like me ?</ale1></b>
<n3>She did not expect such a response.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, what is that ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Ugghh! Those are <i>somnia pictores.</i> Such a pain in the ass creatures. They hate succubuses but they can't resist them. They move very fast with the dust thing she just mentioned. They are mostly using our lust energy to produce it. This makes them very dependent on succubuses. They also use this powder to capture the moment. Kind of like a camera. It is said that they have taken millions of frames up to this time and stored it somewhere. They just get on my nerves. Arrogant little flies.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Well, she looks cute. So you've met them before?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes, it is impossible to make a deal with them. They act like they don't need anything from succubuses. Just keep walking. We have nothing to do with this weakling.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Well, see you again maybe. Bye!|littlerequest]]
<b><d>???:</d> <ale1>Haaaa!! The most disrespectful succbis I've ever seen. I don't even look like a bug.</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hahahaha! they hate to be confused with bugs.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>???:</d> <ale1>First you tried to crush me, now you're being disrespectful. I don't have time to lose with you. If I wasn't in a hurry, I'd make you regret what you said.</ale1></b>
<n3>She's trying to fly away.
She turns around and waves her arms back and forth in fury. You see something shiny falling down from her. </n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> My name is Alette. Don't ever forget that name. One day I'll make you pay for it.</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Empty bluffs. You did well. You can't communicate with Somnia pixies anyway. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Check out the glow on the ground|groundbox1]]
<d>???:</d><b><ale1> You think I look like a flower?</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Stop flattering her!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I was trying to be mean.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> Well...I guess I can forgive you for this time. I'm Alette. Hmm... Do I smell like a flower too?</ale1></b>
<n3>She approaches you as she wants you to smell her. You could already smell her scent anyway. She really does smell like a flower.</n3>
[[Mmhhh! you smell amazing just like a flower.|flower]]
[[Ugh! It's pungent and overwhelming.|pungent]]
<d>???:</d><b><ale1>Wa-waaiitt! I mean please.</ale1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Pleasee!!??</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>I'm almost out of dust. Can you... Ummm can you give me some of your lust? You smell amazing. I have never come across such a rich and aromatic lust energy. You can only smell such a scent in a room full of mighty succbises. But don't get cocky! If I wanted to, I could take your life in one move. I'm Alette by the way. </ale1></b>
<n3>The threats she presses in between with her high-pitched voice only adds to her sweetness.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, do you mind?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't interfere. Give your own energy if you want it so bad. I don't want to help them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[No problem, you can have some|exchange]]
<n3>She lands on the arm with the sign and starts concentrating. After a few minutes she opens her eyes. She absorbed in far less energy than you expected.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>AAhhh! I'm full now. You were a big help succbis. I won't let your kindness go unrequited. You are different.</ale1></b>
<n3>Her tone has changed a bit. She's not trying to look tough like she used to.
<n3>With her little hands she holds out a box that looks like a ring box. The moment you take it in your hand, it turns into a big chest. Despite its appearance, it's light as air.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d><ale1> This box is where we temporarily store the frames we captured. It reacts to lust. I already filled my own box for the day. It was a backup and I don't need to keep it. Because we shoot so many moments, sometimes we can drop or forget them and sometimes we just don't find it to worth storing. By touching this box you will be able to see the fallen moments as a glow. We're in and out of everywhere, so keep your eyes open. Maybe we'll see each other again when you fill this box.</ale1></b>
<n3>She turns into a glowing dust beam, circling it a few times. Its much faster than you can follow with your eyes.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>Take care mighty succbis.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm a might succbis heh!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d><n1> You too Alette.</n1></b>
<n3>Little pixie flying away.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Whats up with <i>'Succbis'</i>">>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It's a phrase to humiliate succubuses. At least it was, in the beginning. It is now in general use. It shouldn't mean something so negative anymore. But it still makes me sick to hear it from their smelly little mouths.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[You look inside the box|chest]]
<n3>There's only a glimmer in it. It turns into a photo when you touch it.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Wow! Thats sooo cool! And these wonderful tits. See? Those who do good find good.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>This is the first time I see a Somnia pixie that polite. This box is something quite rare and valuable.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Maybe you should be polite first.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It was impossible to even communicate at my times.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> At your times ? And when you introduced the pixie, you mentioned succubuses in the third person. So you're not a succubus exactly?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>The heat in your arm is fading away. It seems too early for these questions.</n3>
[[🚪 To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $happypixie to 1>>
<n3>A small glowing ring box is lying on the floor. The moment you take it in your hand, it turns into a big chest. Despite its appearance, it's light as air.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Wow! This is quite a valuable thing.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What is it?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It's where the Somnia pixies store the moments they shoot. Well... Temporarily.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Long ago, there was a time when succubuses lived in peace with... them. There is no war at the moment but neither side likes each other. It is said that every succubus had one of these boxes. As the two sides grew apart, the number of succubuses with this box decreased over time. I don't know how many succubuses own this box nowadays.
Once you touch one of these boxes, you can see what they've shoot. They shoot too many moments. You might find some photos they dropped or forgot.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<linkreplace "So you admire their work?">>\
<n3>After a bit of silence.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes, they are the best photographers in this universe. I just hate their overall personalities and attitude towards succubuses.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Look inside the box|chest2]] <n3>She swirls around, scattering dust.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>Tihihi! Knew it! Knew it! You are definitely different from the other succbises. I thought you were ordinary when you tried to crush me. Can I ask you something?</ale1></b>
<n3>Her tone has changed a bit. She's not trying to look tough like she used to.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yeah! What is it?</n1></b>
<d>Alette:</d> <b><ale1>I'm almost out of dust. Can you... Ummm can you give me some of your lust? You smell amazing. I have never come across such a rich and aromatic lust energy. You can only smell such a scent in a room full of mighty succbises.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, do you mind?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't interfere. Give your own energy if you want it so bad. I don't want to help them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[No problem, you can have some|exchange2]]
<d>Alette:</d> <b><ale1>So your nose isn't as developed as your eyes. Like you smell so good Hugh!</ale1></b>
<n3>She gets a little closer and sniffs you.</n3>
<d>Alette:</d> <b><ale1>What!? Its soo rich. I can distinguish aromas much better up close. I have never come across such lust energy. You can only smell such a scent in a room full of mighty succbises. I'm almost out of dust. Can you... Ummm can you give me some of your lust?</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, do you mind?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't interfere. Give your own energy if you want it so bad. I don't want to help them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[No problem, you can have some|exchange]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Is she gone ? I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly. Lucy is much more prepared than I expected.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Where were you!? I've fucked it up everything.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It was an inevitable encounter. But running towards her was somewhat unexpected and I say this as someone who can read your mind.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So it's not that bad ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Could have been better but we can manage.... I hope.. Just know that my hiding gave us a big trump card.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>She stops for a moment</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>And definitely there is someone who can brainwash or put up a mind barrier.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> $name are you ok ?</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Oh! I completely forgot about hitomi.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yeah I'm okay. I had a little argument.</n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d><hi1> With who ?</hi1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Right, no one perceived her. So I just shouted into empty space. I hope no one saw it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Don't bother I got this, She won't remember what just happenned.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $caught to 1>>
<<set $punishAngela to 1>><n3>There's only a glimmer in it. It turns into a photo when you touch it.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Wow! Thats sooo cool! And these wonderful tits. We are so lucky! Moreover, we can find more stuff like this.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Wh-whatever. Its not bad.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>It's obvious that she is trying to hide her excitement.</n3>
[[🚪 To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $upsetpixie to 1>>
<n3>She lands on the arm with the sign and starts concentrating. After a few minutes she opens her eyes. She absorbed in far less energy than you expected.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>AAhhh! I'm full now. You were a big help succbis. I won't let your kindness go unrequited. You are different.</ale1></b>
<n3>With her little hands she holds out a box that looks like a ring box. The moment you take it in your hand, it turns into a big chest. Despite its appearance, it's light as air.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d><ale1> This box is where we temporarily store the frames we captured. It reacts to lust. I already filled my own box for the day. It was a backup and I don't need to keep it. Because we shoot so many moments, sometimes we can drop or forget them and sometimes we just don't find it to worth storing. By touching this box you will be able to see the fallen moments as a glow. We're in and out of everywhere, so keep your eyes open. Maybe we'll see each other again when you fill this box.</ale1></b>
<n3>She turns into a glowing dust beam, circling it a few times. Its much faster than you can follow with your eyes.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1>Take care mighty succbis.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm a might succbis heh!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d><n1> You too Alette.</n1></b>
<n3>Little pixie flying away.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Whats up with <i>'Succbis'</i>">>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It's a phrase to humiliate succubuses. At least it was, in the beginning. It is now in general use. It shouldn't mean something so negative anymore. But it still makes me sick to hear it from their smelly little mouths.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[You look inside the box|chest]] <img src="img/places/nightforest1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You follow her into the forest. There is yellow lights on a certain route. Without the lights it would be impossible to find your way.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun , are you able to infiltrate her mind ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I'm trying, but all the details are blurry. We can see her and the lights on the road because of the cloak... and this definitely related to Lucy. I can learn more if you keep her in a conversation.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Well, she said quietly but I'll take my chance.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Hey! Umm... When will we arrive?</n1></b>
<n3>Without turning her back, in a callous voice;</n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> We'll arrive when we arrive. Just keep walking!</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Aren't we going to hit the barriers? I can't even get past the second barrier yet.</n1></b>
<d>???:</d><b1>No! This is a spesific route. Weaklings can follow until the end.</b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>She gets distracted when she talks. Keep asking things.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What are these lights?</n1></b>
<n3>She waits a little.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1>It shows the way.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What way ?</n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b1>Be quiet!</b1>
[[A heat on your sign|forest2]]<img src="img/places/nightforest1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Nope! She's like a hollow puppet. She just does what she's told. There is nothing useful for us. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What?? Why did you tell me to go then? Couldn't we beat her easily?
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It would be a useless move. Instead of dealing with puppets, we should deal with the puppet master.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So we can handle lucy?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Probably we can't.... yet.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>So don't try to attack or something. I believe we can come to an agreement with her.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Will you disappear again?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>There's no need. The reason I disappeared is Angela's spirit animal.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>That white snake ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeah! A high potential succubus.
She can summon many types of snakes, and each has different specializations. The white one could smell the lust energy.
Probably on the first day, Lucy sensed me somehow. And if that snake smelled two different scents from you, this suspicion would have been proved.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Puppet succubus stops|latexdungeon1]]
<n3>You didn't pay attention to the path while talking to Sun. You can't see any yellow lights around you. It's very difficult to capture details on a moonlit night.
Suddenly you hear the sound of the stones moving and Succubus speaks as if giving an order;</n3>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d><b1> This way!</b1>
<n3>You start walking in a narrow passage with a high ceiling. It goes straight down somewhere. The light at the end illuminates the entire passage.</n3>
<img src="img/places/passage1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>The puppet Succubus stops suddenly and moves aside. </n3>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d> <b1>Keep on walking.</b1>
<n3> As you pass by, you hear her voice.</n3>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d> <b1> And thank you for my calmest and uneventful escort assignment ever. They usually..... resist.</b1>
[[Slowly tilt your head forward and keep walking|latexdungeon2]]
[[Give a reply|reply]]
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>You come out into a magnificent and huge field. Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it.
While looking around, someone catches your attention.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/standing1.gif" class=center width="32%">
<d>???:</d> <b1>Ohh! you're here! First one to arrive on time.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>They usually resist ?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Exactly! Audrey asked me to be nice to you. If you only knew how rare it is. Others think she is rude and cold. But that's not true. She's just doing her job. And also she is.... Oh sorry! Those called here are either unconscious or unable to walk when they arrive, so I'm not used to this. I'm Mel. Anyway;</b1>
<n3>She clears her throat and gestures for you to come.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Follow me!</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Is Audrey the succubus escorting me here ? How come they could talk ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>They have only one common point and its latex. But that must have been impossible. How can they all use this power?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes! A double sided blade.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You start following her.</n3>
<<set $dungeoncounter += 1>>
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You enter one of the hundreds of gateway entrances. Even just one passage has dozens of prison-like cells.
While walking, without looking back;</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>By the way, you can ask me something in mind. So you wouldn't bother Mistress Lucy with petty things. Her time is valuable.</b1>
<<if $question1 === 0>>\
[[How come you could talk to Audrey?|audrey]]
<<if $question2 === 0>>\
[[How does this little cloak keeping me from being seen?|cloak]]
<<if $question3 === 0>>\
[[How can this place be kept in hidden?|hiddendungeon]]
<<if $question4 === 0>>\
[[Can you counteract if I attack you right now?|whatifattack]]
<<if $question2 === 1>>\
[[I don't have any questions|latexdungeon4]]
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>With the power that Mistress Lucy has bestowed upon us. I was talking to her while she was guiding you.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Through latex?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Well.... yes.</b1>
<n3>It is clear that she doesn't want to go into details about this. You can try your luck.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Act like you're fascinated by it. it might work.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What! How does this work ? How long is the range? Can I use that too ? It's so cool to wear something this sexy and obtaining some powers with it!</n1></b>
<n3>She runs her hands over her legs gently but lustfully.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Heh! It really does feel sexy. Unfortunately it's something you can only use if Mistress Lucy grants it.
<n3>She ignored the question about the range.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>How can she make it available to someone else?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Ask how much control she can have.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So can you control it as your limb ?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Hahaha! You wish!</b1>
<<set $question1 to 1>>\
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Oh! Its scopophobic latex. It becomes active when it comes into contact with a living organism and living organisms in contact acquire its properties. You must have seen the yellow lights on the way. It is a bioluminescent fungus variant made from this latex.</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Hmm! I see... Bioluminescent fungus variant made from scopophobic latex. Very clear... How come I couldn't think of it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>So she managed to finish scopophobic latex.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>The fact that you caught Angela is unbelievable. No one expected this except Mistress Lucy. Angela tried to cover up but everyone knows about it. In fact, right now the punishment for this.... Nevermind. We can say you've drawn some attention.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Then aren't you afraid of me?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>This is our den. You can try anything. As long as you're ready for the consequences.</b1>
<n3>There is not a slightest hesitation in her voice.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Got it!</n1></b>
<n3>You hear Angela's voice. It's coming from the cell just to your left.</n3>
[[Have a peek|obstacle]]
<<set $question2 to 1>>\
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Mistress Lucy! That's the only answer. Her genius, beauty, strength, generosity.</b1>
<n3>She raises her arms to both sides while walking.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>We owe everything to her. You are very lucky to meet her. Maybe she can even grant you some of her powers, well if you're good enough.</b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>They must think they're chosen because they're above average. Although it's the other way around. I hate fanatics but what can you do... Wills that offer themselves to the stronger have always existed.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $question3 to 1>>\
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>It doesn't matter. If you think there's an escape from here, you can do whatever you want. I don't think you would do such a thing, since you came without any trouble.</b1>
<n3>After a brief silence;</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>But yes! I think I can stop you.</b1>
<n3>You were going to reflexively apologize for the question. She sounded quite intimidating. The source of her confidence is not only providing by her own power.</n3>
<<set $question4 to 1>>\
<img src="img/places/passage1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You turn your back in surprise.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Oh! Umm... Yeah! No problem! You were fine. Just... you could be a little more talkative. We walked in the woods in the dead of night. It can get boring. You know... when someone....</n1></b>
<d>Puppet Succubus:</d> <b1>Turn around and continue.</b1>
<n3> You sensed a very small smile behind the latex mask.
You turn around smiling and walking towards the end of the passage.</n3>
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You continue to follow the succubus walking in front of you. She doesn't even look back to you. That should have made you feel a little more comfortable but that's not comforting in the slightest. You feel trapped and you're increasingly questioning the possibility of getting out of here.
Sun intervenes;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Hey! Hey! Hey! Keep calm! We came here to talk Lucy. They couldn't force us here and we can get out of here any second we want. Don't let her affect you. Just an ignorant fanatic.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You take a deep breath. Its convinving except for the thing about escaping. You feel calmer but it still feels like you're in an endless maze. You turned left and right many times by now and you can't guess the size of the whole place if even just one passage is this long.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>They are doing it to increase intimidation. Deliberately extending the path and this way you'll drawn into this atmosphere and not be able to think clearly.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Without Sun, you would easily fall into these traps.</n3>
<n3>While walking, you hear metal sounds with little moans ahead. Coming from a cell to your right. It's like someone is struggling.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What's going on ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Take a look|bondageslave]]
<img src="gif/latex/latexslave1.webp" class=center width="37%">
<n3>Inside you see someone locked in metal railings. She is in a full body latex suit. Her hands, ankles, and head are tied tightly to the bars behind her. There is a vibrator between her legs pressuring her pussy. She can't make a loud noise because of the gag in her mouth. She just looks so sexy with only her lips exposed. You don't know how long she's been here, trapped in the depths of the ocean of pleasure.
You feel a warmth in your sign.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Let's see what's going on here. We might get some informat.....</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>All of a sudden you feel a shock in your body.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/pleasure1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>It's so instense that you just collapse to the ground. Your eyes are closing. The rest is darkness.</n3>
[[Wake up|lucymeet1]]
<n3>You slowly open your eyes and try to remember what happened. Did the succubus you follow do something? You cannot feel any warmth on your sign.
You slowly lift your head. That alone is enough to cause cramps. White everywhere... Only white... Wait there is something different. Something completely inconsistent with the theme.
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet0.jpg" class=center width="90%">
The incongruous blackness speaks;</n3>
<d>???:</d><b> <l1>Morning! Somehow you managed to hurt yourself. Curiosity.... Am I right ?</l1></b>
<n3>You see a yellow cloth wiping a strange looking handcuff. Your memory is starting to come back; Where you are, why you're here.</n3>
[[Lift your head higher|lucymeet2]]
<<set $lucymeet to 1>>
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What happened to me?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You've attempted something far above your level.</l1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Right! Sun was trying something.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Don't worry, nothing permanent. You must feel like you were electrocuted. And while taking care of you, I noticed something.</l1></b>
<n3>pointing at your arm;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Your sign!</l1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Dammit! After all that effort to hide it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I knew we were alike</l1></b>
<n3>She turns around and the latex she's wearing is slowly opening up. In the end, it becomes a 10 cm diameter circle.. Her dress has a sticky and mesh structure and at the same time feels...... alive. You see Lucy's sign through the opening that has formed.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucysign1.gif" class=center >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>A sun sign.... but nothing like mine.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[A heat on your arm|lucymeet3]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Are you okay ?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What happened to me?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You hear another voice in your brain.</n3>
Hahahaha! You would always jump without thinking Ame.
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I go with Sun now!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>So her name is Ame... or was?</n3>
<b><d>???:</d><trix1> Oh! My apologies...</trix1></b>
<n3> It didn't feel like a sincere apology. The unknown sound evokes a blue vortex image in your brain.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/trixaura1.webp" class=center width="45%" >
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Sun, please! I'm tired of asking. What's going on?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We had a little talk before you woke up. Alright! Listen she is my old teacher, Mistress Trix. I was once a succubus too and I come from times that have been erased from the history books. That's not because it happened a long time ago. Everything was erased because... so past can stay unknown and unremembered. I didn't want to tell you anything until I was sure.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>She wants to tell you more, but she is holding back. Her sentences are sketchy.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So she's same as you.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>No! Not exactly. I'm more like you and current succubuses than her. She's a primitive succubus. The Original Succubus!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You remain silent. Her word is not over.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Basically, when I'm active, when your sign changes to the sun... we are considered as a primitive succubus too.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So the sum of both of us is only equal to the beginning of her level?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeah!... We can say that.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Mistress Trix intervenes;</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>This is valid for now. My potential is very limited. When I'm active, Lucy can't use any of her powers. It's me or her. But for you it's the opposite. It's either you two or nothing.</trix1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>But I don't use my powers at all, do I?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Hahahaha!</trix1></b>
<n3>Her laughter rings in your whole brain. Her voice is deep and mighty. You wonder how she looked like.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Ame! Are you still trying to control everything?</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy looks at you as if she's waiting for an explanation. The question wasn't asked to you, but you feel weird.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet2.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<n3>Sun isn't correcting her name this time. But you can feel that she is not happy about it.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We are working on that Mistress! Her body won't able to stand if I don't control it.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Yes that is right. But you control so much that poor girl thinks she has no role in this.
I've made my decision. I'll guide you two. We'll guide you two! Lucy, do you have any objections to that?</trix1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No Mistress Beth. We talked about this possibility. We can train them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Sun is talking to you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I know you are full of questions right now. Save it for later.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Her mighty voice rises again in your mind.</n3>
<n3>Meanwhile, Lucy takes a more comfortable position. Mistress Trix continues to speak to your mind.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucymeet/lucymeet3.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You can come here on Saturdays. I know about your trials, Ame. I have no objections. I will not interfere in this matter. You can roam around in this dungeon however you want. There isn't much place for a succubus that hasn't crossed the second barrier though. Hehh!</trix1></b>
<n3>She said that in a sarcastic tone. Then continues;</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>I am aware of how precious and special your powers are. Be aware as well. Do not underestimate your potential. You two can go a lot higher than me. Maybe even higher than..... nevermind.</trix1></b>
<n3>Everyone understood what that "nevermind" meant but you.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Oh! Lucy necklace please!</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy looks towards the door, and Mel enters. You see in her hand a necklace made of green stones.</n3>
<img src="img/inventory/necklace1.jpg" class=center width="45%" >
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You can enter here through this necklace. Of course, you should also wear the cape you are wearing right now.</trix1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>About that cape mistress.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>We will speak later. $name has had enough. Would you like someone to escort you to your room? You are not at any risk while wearing this cape. Your choice.</trix1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There is no need.... Thank you Mistress!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Alright! You will only be escorted out of this place. Afterwards, you can reach your room by following the yellow lights. Do not follow any other colored lights! Oh, you probably can't anyway. Only that path is out of range of the barriers.</trix1></b>
[[You are leaving the white room.|dungeonExit]]<n3>You find yourself outside after a three-minute walk.<n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What?? Then why did we walk for several minutes to the white room?</n1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>We always do this for first timers. They need to realize where they are. Its not a joke. But now you are Mistress Lucy's guest of honor. You will learn all the shortcuts in time. But you can't use every shortcut in your current state.</b1>
<n3>You just want to go back to bed and sleep.</n3>
<img src="img/places/nightforest1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You start walking back the way you came.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Is she someone we can trust?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>Silence reigns in your mind for a while.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes... I still have a lot of questions. But yes, we can trust her.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>It's a good time to ask some things on your mind.</n3>
<<if $question5 === 0>>\
[[So they can control latex??|latex]]
<<if $question6 === 0>>\
[[Why was her sign different?|sunVarieties]]
<<if $question7 === 0>>\
[[I have a spirit animal, right?|myAnimal]]
[[🚪 To Your Room|dungeonsleep]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Technically yes. I don't know the details and limits, but she was one of the strongest of my era. We can assume that Lucy is also innately predisposed to it. Latex responds to her lust energy. In this way, she can achieve things like mind reading and mind control. But unlike me, latex has to touch the target. And now there are latexes with different properties. We have encountered some of them so far.
Scopophobic latex is just terrifying. I'm so glad they're not against us.
Also, you remember the time you passed out right ?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>It was awful!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We can assume that we have encountered a latex type that stores lust energy. When I tried to get inside that succubus's mind, latex reacted to that and all the stored lust energy exploded into us.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Then is this how other succubuses can use this power? Through latex loaded with Lust energy.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We don't know how much they can use. But yes, that should be the basis.
And let's not forget that they can communicate with their minds in the whole dungeon and we don't know the max range.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So what are their purposes?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Got no clue. Mistress Trix is a very idealistic succubus. I don't think she will act without a reason.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $question5 to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>You know your sign changes while I'm active.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You look at the sign on your arm. Dot within a circle. It doesn't even look like a sun.</n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun1.png" class=center width="25%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>All primitive succubuses have a sun sign. But they are all unique to them. It consists of three stages. I know that Mistress Trix has reached its final stage. But this must have been reset when she and Lucy connected. Because the sign she showed was not the third stage.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So we have two more phases ahead?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It could be more or maybe even less. We'll see over time.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>It was too much for one night.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I know. It really is.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Why didn't you tell me something beforehand? Couldn't even open my mouth there. I knew nothing.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Because of my selfishness. Things I never wanted to talk about. But since I saw mistress Trix, I'm feeling different. Everything feels more real. Keeping things inside me doesn't prevent them from existing.
There are many things I don't know either. Most of what I tell you about the current period is from the minds of others. I'm sure we'll learn more at the library in the dungeon.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You didn't think a small reproach would elicit such an answer.</n3>
<<set $question6 to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yes.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>A Phoenix?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>No... It's mine.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Then why couldn't I reveal my own animal?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Because I'm suppressing it. If both of our spirit animals are released, a fusion of these will occur. We can't handle that yet.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>You say "I don't know, we need to see" to some things, but you are very confident about some other things. Why ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>No reply...</n3>
<<set $question7 to 1>>\
<n3> As you approach to voice, you feel a hand on your shoulder.</n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1>Hey! Keep following me! Angela is currently paying the price for her failure. Focus on your own situation.</b1>
<center><patreon><h3> *Patreon-Only Content* </h3></patreon></center>
<img src="img/places/dorm.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>You arrive at your room and surrender to the sleep.</n3>
[[🛌 Wake Up|Lessons]]
<<set $skiptoSaturday to 1>>\
<n3>Green light leads you to a door. The whole place is covered with moss and ivy.
<img src="img/places/secretentrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
You are approaching the door. A symbol on the door gets brighter as you get closer.
<img src="img/lucy/sunRune.png" class=center width="35%">
When you touch the doorknob, you hear the sound you heard on your previous visit. It's like a dozen stone locks are unlocking one by one.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>It was easier than I expected. Anyone who has the necessary items can find it here.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>That's the thing. Even if you find this place, it's just the beginning. Let's say you went in. Do you think you can get out? We've probably been spied on even on our way here. Didn't pay attention because it doesn't matter. So it's not as easy as you might think. This place is not undiscoverable but unspreadable. Even If you are too strong for them they will try to recruit you. Thus the wheel will keep turning.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Are these assumptions?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... Some of it is. We can go in now.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Go inside|latexdungeon(1.5)]]
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it.</n3>
[[Lucy is waiting for you|passage(2)]]<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it. </n3>
<<if $photo18 === 0>>\
[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|summer1]]
[[📖 Library|LatexLibrary(3)]]
<<if $latexdollcheck === 0>>\
[[❓ Explore Passages|latexdoll1]]
[[⛓ Lucy is waiting for you|passage(3)1]]
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. It is harder to spot them in daylight. The lights curve directly into the forest.
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
After a 10-minute walk, the yellow lights fades away. There is a temple entrance in front of you.
<img src="img/places/templeentrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Two figures stand on the entrance consisting of two huge columns. Some places are covered with ivy. Huge stones close its door. Getting in and out seems impossible. You have to lift your head completely to see top of it. You feel tiny.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Okay, it was dark, but I'm pretty sure we didn't enter from here. What will we do ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We were told we need the cloak and necklace to enter. So we're going to use the necklace?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Logically yes... But how ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Try to hold it in your hand. Maybe you feel a pull in a direction.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>The moment you touch to necklace, the yellow string of lights comes back before your eyes. Its green.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Ooh! That's how it is.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. As you pass through the campus, you notice something to your right. Something is looking at you.</n3>
[[Succumb to your curiosity have a peek|latexnun1]]
[[Pick up your pace|latexdungeon(2)]]
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. You look around as you walk, looking for mysteries you wouldn't normally see. But you don't notice anything. There is a special excitement in walking with this cape. It allows you to break away from the world you live in and enter a completely different one. Maybe you could go for a walk in a cape on a weekday.
You reach to the dungeon.</n3>
[[Go inside|latexdungeon(3)]]
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3> There is no one. You remember your right to roam freely here.
<<if $hasLibrary === 0>>\
You see a big red door different from the ones around it.
[[Red Door|LatexLibrary]]
<<if $darkPassage === 0>>\
<n3>You hear flutters and struggles from a passage.</n3>
[[Dark Passage|darkPassage]]
<<if $darkPassage === 1 and $TrixRead === 1>>\
[[Lucy is waiting for you.|summerDebut]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<<if $hasLibrary === 0>>\
<n3> Behind the door, there is a huge library. The atmosphere is too moody and foggy to read. You try to walk between the shelves but a barrier is preventing you. Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.</n3>
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101]]
<<if $hasLibrary === 1>>\
<n3>A foggy library. It consists of several rows of shelves. You cannot access any of them.</n3>
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101]]
<<set $hasLibrary to 1>>\
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(1.5)]]
<n3>As you get closer, the sound begins to sound like moaning. Some cells are sheltered by doors and some of them by bars. But bar cells are mostly empty. You see a ajar door, this is where the sound comes from.
Inside you see a writhing succubus in a latex vacuum bed. She has a perforated rod in her mouth to breathe. But she spends this breath to moan. This sight turns you on.
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This time I won't make the same mistake. I'll slowly enter her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
As you are watching, the succubus on the floor puts her hand to her crotch and starts masturbating lustfully. Her moaning is becoming louder and louder.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You feel a sudden flinch through your body. It's... pleasure! Slowly building up inside. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> See? We didn't black out. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Yes, wonderful! But... That's enough, you can stop! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> All right, then. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Pleasure you feel suddenly doubles up. You lose your balance like you've been hit by a shock wave. Your legs tremble and you let out little moans. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahh! Sun! What the hell's... going on? </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I tried to break the connection, but she took over. She's overflowing with Lust... You won't last long if this keeps up. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You're on your knees in ecstasy and starting to feel dizzy.
Sun, in a slightly worried voice:</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Either we have to make her cum or get out of the range. There's a vibrator across the room. Make your choice, but quick!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[💋 Try to make her cum |darkPassage2]]
[[🚪 Try to leave the room |darkPassage2.5]]
<<set $darkPassage to 1>>\
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus]]
<<if $TrixRead === 1>>\
[[Types Of Latex]]
[[Pesky Little Flies]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeon(1.5)]]Even if I explain how they work, you wouldn't understand. Don't take it personally. No one can fully understand but Lucy and me. But I can introduce a few without elaborating.
<<if $latexTypesRead === 0 >>\
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
<n3>You feel a surge of anger and confusion within you.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I don't care about your old names. Your name is Sun. Doesn't matter what others say.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You want to bawl your eyes out. Sun is in a state of very mixed emotions and even what is leaking out to you is intense enough.
After a few minutes, Sun answers.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Thank you! There are things I need to discuss with Mistress Trix.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>She seems to have a great passion for development.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>A huge passion.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $latexTypesRead === 1>>\
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances. But all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did.
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<<set $latexTypesRead to 1>>\<<if $peskyFliesRead === 0>>
<n3>As you guessed, it's about Somnia Pixies.</n3>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
<n3>The book is much more frivolous than you expected.</n3>
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
<n3>You sense some jealousy.</n3>
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept, albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history...
If you want to piss them off, just say that <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<<if $upsetpixie === 1>>\
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Yup! Unfortunately, I know that.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $happypixie === 1>>\
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Well... Good to know.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $peskyFliesRead === 1>>\
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history...
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<<set $peskyFliesRead to 1>>\<n3>When you open the page, you see a photo of a tall woman, covered in latex.</n3>
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<<if $TrixRead === 0 >>
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I thought ??</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Apparently Mistress Trix wrote this book. She knew we wouldn't be able to access her library yet.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>The Smartest Succubus? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Well.. For her, this is an objective truth. She's not trying to showing off. Maybe little bit.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>The rest continues in the first person.</n3>
Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Whats up with humans ?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Mistress Trix always argued that succubusses should strive as hard as humans. At this rate, , the little humans will outlast us."she always said." She accused succubuses with laziness... and with stupidity... and narrow-mindedness...</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Page ends with a sentence.</n3>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What kind of self-introduction was that??</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<if $TrixRead === 1 >>\
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<<set $TrixRead to 1>>\
[[Return|dungeonbook101]]<n3>Lucy's looking at you from afar. Her gaze is piercing. She is dressed in a hooded cape and her usual full body latex suit.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucyDungeon.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Welcome back $name and Sun.</l1></b>
<n3>You greet her with your head. Lucy gives a much more serious and respectful impression.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>We'll take it from the very basics. I will take care of you for a while. Please follow me. There's no reason not to get started.</l1></b>
<n3>You start following her. When you come to the head of a passage, someone comes out.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Who is that ?">>\
<img src="gif/summer/summerpose.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>???:</d> <b><summer1>I The Great Summer! Managed to escape again. No one can lock me up.</summer1></b>
<n3>Lucy sighs. An exasperated sigh. Summer turns her head towards you.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1>Oh! Come on! You're not supposed to be here at this hour.</summer1></b>
<n3>Lucy raises her hand and a slime-like latex comes out of small gaps in the floor and they're heading for Summer at full speed. Summer also raises her hands, but there is no change in the speed of the latex.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Latex reaching to Summer">>\
<n3>Latex immediately sticks to the summer and starts to solidify. In about 30 seconds she's covered in a garment that only allows her to breathe. She gets down on her knees and stays still. With her open hands facing out, It's like the dictionary definition of submission. All the while, Lucy's expression didn't change a bit.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/neutralized1.webp" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Please forgive me. Sometimes such things happen. Let's move on. Someone else can take care of this.</l1></b>
<n3>You enter a bright room. Lucy comes to the front of the bed and looks at you. She's holding a red dildo with a tassel on the back.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucypose0.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Our first goal is simple. You'll get used to producing lust without Sun's help. And no outside help. My latex can drain you for days if I want. But thats not the case.
I said no outside help, but actually there is some. A little push. </l1></b>
<n3>She puts one leg on the bed and stares at you.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucypose1.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Sun, I have a favor to ask you.</l1></b> <n3>*Without waiting for an answer, she continues.*</n3>
<b><l1>Don't help to $name. She'll produce as much as she can on her own. And don't repress her too. Let's begin!</l1></b>
[[Continue|firstlesson2]]<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I will tease you. And you will not touch yourself.
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>But without touching...</n1></b>
Shhhh! <n3>*She makes a sudden, serious sound*</n3> Have a seat and loosen up.</l1></b>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucytease1.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Mmhhh! Just focus on me! Focus on the fire burning inside you. You want to watch this dildo go inside me, don't you?</l1></b>
<n3>She rubs the dildo against her crotch.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Y-Yes Mistress!</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>NO! You'll get much less than you want. Better get used to it.
Do you know what you're allowed to look today?</l1></b>
[[To what Mistress?|firstlesson3]]
<b><d>Lucy:</d><l1> My legs!
<n3>You shift your gaze to Lucy's lower body. Her legs look flawless under latex.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucylegs1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
I just want you to be able to trigger lust production on your own. Just look at it. My legs, my heels, my feet. Visualize it in your head and bring out what's inside you.</l1></b>
<<linkreplace "Look lower">>
<img src="img/lucy/firstlesson/lucyheels1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d><l1> So you prefer my heels? Good. Do you know how many succubus in here who want to be crushed under these heels? Begging to lick my feet?... A lot!</l1></b>
<n3>You're getting hotter and hotter. Little moans start escaping from your mouth.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yess! So do I, Mistress. Please crush me too!</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Do you really want it?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yesss! Yess! Yessss!</n1></b>
<n3>You're burning from the inside out. How did you get so horny so soon?
Lucy is slowly approaching you. The sound of her high heels echoes in the room. She leans slowly and you feel something being ripped out of your back, but there is no pain.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Well done! </l1></b><n3>*She says with satisfaction.*
You are getting calmer.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What just happened? My Lust spiked and now I'm a little dizzy.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I said there would be no outside help than me, but that wasn't true.
<n3>You see a black shiny ball in her hand. Stimulating latex.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You adapted a lot faster than I thought you would. Maybe help wasn't necessary. Also, your powers put you on a dominant role even if you don't want to. I wanted you to experience a little bit of the other side. </l1></b>
<n3>She stands up to leave.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>That's enough for today. I absorbed the excess Lust but have a good rest.</l1></b>
<n3>And she leaves. You hear the sound of her heels for a while. She has a very confident aura. Nothing like you.</n3>
<n3>You feel warmth on your sign.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>When did she stick that ball to me?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>She did it while disarming that weird succubus.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Yeah right! That weird succubus. She shouted her name, but I don't remember. Let's ask her next week.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You take a deep breath and stand up.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We can get out of here now.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter +=1>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $corridorPeek1 to 1>>\<img src="img/latex/latexnun1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>Someone dressed as a nun looking at you. Well... Latex nun ?</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Wtf is that? Sun, why is she looking at us?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't know. Maybe she noticed your cape.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So she's aware that we can see her?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Most probably. She's too far away for me to get inside her head.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You're playing dumb, like you're looking around instead of her. You accidentally made eye contact a few times.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I looked directly into her eyes. Fuck!</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It's fine. Just keep walking.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $latexNun to 1>>
<n3>You pick up the pace and walk away.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>So is there another world that is unseen here?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Why are you surprised? We already know they can be invisible.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>That's true actually.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>There is a church in the innermost part of the school. But she seemed to be a follower of Lucy. With the privileges of their power, they may be divided into different unknown branches.
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>There's a church?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Yeah! We got this concept from humans but we have no religion. What do you think happened after that?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I would say we have created a religion, But I don't know about such a thing.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>We only copied the bad parts. They created their own cult. Strict rules and isolation. I will keep my own information out of it, from what I have learned from other succubusses, their authority is very high and everybody is afraid of them.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>And that was one of them?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>I don't think so.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I thought this place was run by the headmistresses of each sign.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>You think too naive. Lucy's power alone is enough to threaten this Academy. Not to mention Mistress Trix.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You arrive at the dungeon entrance while talking to Sun</n3>
[[Go inside|latexdungeon(2)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101(2)]]
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(2)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus|Trix(2)]]
[[Types Of Latex|typesofLatex(2)]]
[[Pesky Little Flies|pixies(2)]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary(2)]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeon(2)]]
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history.
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<n3>You start walking through the same passage as last week.
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
Maybe you can ask something on the way.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Can I ask something, Mistress?</n1></b>
<n3>In her usual calm and serious tone;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Of course!</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Who was the succubus who tried to escape from here?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Hmm... She is Summer. My former right-hand.</l1></b>
<n3>You waiting for more, but it looks like she's finished.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Did she betray you?</n1></b> <n3>Is this how she treats betrayers? You're a little afraid to learn.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>No she didn't.</l1></b>
<n3>She's not trying to hide something. She simply thinks that the information has given is sufficient.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Umm... I see. Thank you!</n1></b>
<n3>Maybe you can try again later.</n3>
<n3>You come into the same bright room.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I want something different from you today. Try not to produce Lust. Reject my offers! Suppress it as much as you can. And don't avert your eyes!
<n3>You see a shiny latex ball in her hand.</n3>
This time it won't be so easy.</l1></b>
<n3>She sticks the ball on your back and gets on the bed.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Hmm, where should I choose today?
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucytease2.jpg" class=center width="43%">
<n3>It is impossible not to be mesmerized by her juicy pink lips in this pose. Your body temperature has started to rise already. Stimulant latex is doing its job.</n3>
Well, I've made my decision.</l1></b>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucytits1.jpg" class=center width="43%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>How about my tits ? I am a Jupiter after all. You'd like that, wouldn't you?</l1></b>
<n3>Her voice is so gentle. It relaxes you. You have to resist it.</n3>
<b><l1>No answer, huh? You must be trying to concentrate. Maybe a closer look will help.</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy's closing in on you. All you can see and want to see are her tits. Hands on her chest without covering her nipples. Her hands, wearing latex gloves, look tiny next to her breasts.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucytits2.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Would you like to taste it?</l1></b>
<n3>You can't sit still. You want to say yes.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>N-No Mistress! I'm fine-nghh!</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Ohh what was that? Are you moaning already? So you want my tits. There is no need to resist. Just give in!</l1></b>
<n3>Your hips are moving on their own. You avert your gaze. Lucy grabs you by the chin.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>I'm in trouble, but she is too intense.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>While you close your eyes and wait for what will happen, you feel a warm breath on your lips.
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucykiss1.webp" class=center width="70%">
She kisses you softly and leans in close to your ear. In a whisper;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I thought I told you not to look away. It's okay. I'll give you another chance.</l1></b>
<n3>Her voice is so sensual. Her breath tickles you when you feel it in your ear. But it feels good. For a moment you felt like crying. Everything feels so intense.
You open your eyes and look at Lucy. She's covering one breast.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucynipple2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Let's try again.</l1></b>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucynipple1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You're on the edge enough. Just one question. Do you want to suck my nipple?</l1></b>
<n3>You can't even think straight. All you want to do is let yourself go but there's only one step left, rejecting the offer.</n3>
[[Yes! YES! YESSSS!|lucyUpset]]
[[N-No Mistress!|lucyPleased]]<n3>Her tone returns to its usual seriousness. There's some disappointment in it.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucyupset1.png" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You were so close! Why don't you resist a little longer?</l1></b>
<n3>The sudden shift in her voice brings you back to the present. You got too carried away.
Lucy reaches out her hand towards you and the ball on your back hits her hand. You start to relax and loosen up but... a wetness on your cheeks. You are crying.
A familiar voice rises in your mind.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Lucy, you've gone too far again!</trix1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Maybe a little bit, because I believed in her.</l1></b>
<n3>The dynamic between them is a bit strange.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Concentrate on breathing darling. You've done very well.</trix1></b>
<n3>She's way kinder than you expect. You wait for a while to calm down.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I'm so sorry. I had to reject all offers. I couldn't do it even though I knew that.</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>It would be a miracle if you could do it while under influence of stimulating latex. I still hoped you could do it though. No big deal. You have enough experience.</l1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Sun, you can come out.</trix1></b>
[[The usual heat on your sign.|secondlesson(5)]]
<<set $lucyUpset to 1>>\<n3>She suddenly zips up her latex jacket. Her tone returns to its usual seriousness.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/secondlesson/lucypleased1.png" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Excellent! An incredible willpower!</l1></b>
<n3>The angelic voice that was just whispering in your ear is already gone. You're amazed how well she can act but your horniness hasn't gone away. And you feel tired of repressing yourself.
Lucy reaches out her hand towards you and the ball on your back hits her hand. You start to relax and loosen up but... a wetness on your cheeks. You are crying.
A familiar voice rises in your mind.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Lucy, you've gone too far again.</trix1>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Maybe a little bit, because I believed in her.</l1></b>
<n3>The dynamic between them is a bit strange.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Concentrate on breathing darling. You've done very well.</trix1></b>
<n3>She's way kinder than you expect. You wait for a while to calm down.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I'm sorry! I must've pushed myself too hard. I feel better now.</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Sun, you can come out.</trix1></b>
[[The usual heat on your sign.|secondlesson(5)]]
<<set $lucyPleased to 1>>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You are ready now.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>To what?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>To unleash your own spirit animal.</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy interrupts.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>We wanted to prepare your body a bit with these sessions.</l1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Are we sure it's gonna be okay?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Of course not! But most likely yes.</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy's honesty makes you feel better.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Why is it so risky?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>When you both release your animals, their power will combine. And their appearance will blend. It's important that you can withstand this sudden surge of power.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>I'm very curious about my animal.</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Actually, we know about your animal and the result of the combination for a long time.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>How so.... uh Mistress? Sorry.</n1></b> <b><a1>(</a1><n1>How long have I been calling her without saying Mistress?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> It's fine. We know it from the prophecies of the new era.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>New era? Prophecies? Me?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Never mind. I'm expecting you the same day next week. Please get a good rest now.</trix1></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter += 1>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $corridorPeek2 to 1>>\
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>You walk through the usual passage. This time you want to know more about Summer.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Umm... Mistress.</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Yes?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Can you explain more about Mistress Summer?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Is there anything to explain?</l1></b>
<n3>Mistress Trix interjects, her voice full of frustration.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>For crying out loud Lucy! Girl saw Summer for 30 seconds and then you turned her into a latex statue. Of course she's curious about it.</trix1></b>
<n3>Finally! Someone made it clear. You didn't think you could handle it on your own.<n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Don't worry. I'll explain it to you. And not only in words.</trix1></b> <n3>*Says very eagerly.*</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summerdom1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Summer is one of the most talented succubuses you'll ever see.
<n3>Images appear in your mind. Trix must be showing them directly into your mind.</n3>
Very dominant, very determined and intelligent. You know that she is Lucy's former right hand. Just like Lucy, she had a talent for latex arts too. Also she's a Jupiter.
<n3>You remember she put her hands up when Lucy attacked her with latex.</n3>
She was in charge of punishments. And she was very good at it.</trix1></b>
<img src="img/summer/summerdom2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>However, one day someone escaped from here and Summer had to pay for this. After all, it was her responsibility. Lucy and I wanted to tie her up and keep her that way for a while. It's not like she lost our trust or something.
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment4.webp" class=center width="45%">
In the beginning she was very quiet. As we continued, her body language began to change. She was looking at the ground, showing her surrender. Although we hadn't yet activated the stimulating latex, small moans began to escape from her mouth.</trix1></b>
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Tying her tits off was the final touch.</trix1></b>
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment3.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1>Nnnhh! Mistress, I can't take it, please, harder! Immobilize me with your power. Tell me how worthless I am. Ahhh!! It's all my fault, punish me!
I can still move! HARDER!! Move, bitch!</summer1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>After a while it turned into just insults. She was doing it because she wanted more. And we can say that her strategy worked.</trix1></b>
<n3>Lucy steps in;</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>That day, she gone too far.</l1></b>
<img src="img/summer/punishment/summerpunishment5.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1>Ihs thdhat alv yu gotgh, huah? I cann stihl mouvee!! MHhh! Thsats Itt!</summer1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>We don't know how many times she came. But it was clear that she wasn't our old Summer.</trix1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>What happened afterwards?</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Nothing happened. We talked after she calmed down. She didn't want her old role anymore so we found another role for her. Escaper!
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So she's just trying to escape?</n1></b>
No! She pretends like she ran away, until she's caught. She can escape easily if she wants to though.</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>So what's the purpose of this?</n1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>She joined the ranks of the Lust producers. And her Lust production is very high right after she's captured. On both sides, she's been incredibly useful to us.</trix1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Still, it was a big loss. I prefer the old version of her.</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy suddenly stops in front of a wall and raises her hand. The wall in front of her becomes increasingly transparent and looks like a wall made of glass. There's someone familiar inside..
<img src="gif/summer/summerChained.webp" class=center width="60%">
It's obvious that she can't see you. She struggles, bound with chains and leather belts. She can't stop shaking her hips.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>So this is the case... Anyway, follow me! We have things to do.</l1></b>
<n3>As the wall slowly returns to its original state, Lucy turns seriously and starts walking.</n3>
[[Continue|thirdLesson]]<n3>You enter the bright room. Lucy's steps echo in the room. You can't stop looking at her legs.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucystart1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You know what we're gonna do today. Actually, I could've used a little aggressive lust on you. But it would be so boring, right?
<n3>After glancing you lustfully, she starts playing with her breasts.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucyglare1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
I need to reduce potential risks. If you get horny, you'll experience less blowback.
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytease1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
Do you think my body's good enough for that?</l1></b>
<n3>You answer without thinking. You've been teased enough.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yes Mistress! It's perfect!</n1></b>
<n3>Slowly sits on the white sofa. Her movements are very sensual.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucystart2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>In honor of this day, I'll show you more, but you'll just watch. Feel free to touch yourself. Just before the procedure, I will tell you to stop and you will stop!
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Yes Mistress!</n1></b>
<n3>She takes off her latex jacket. Her huge tits are in front of you. She looks gorgeous.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytitsOut1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Here they are. Take a good look!
<n3>She starts playing with her tits right away. They look so full.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytitsRub1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Don't worry! I'm just getting started. You must have noticed the dildo behind me. It's a stimulating latex one. You wanna see what it looks like between my tits?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Please Mistress! I want to see it.</n1></b> <n3>*Your body's starting to warm up.*</n3>
[[Continue|thirdLesson(3)]]<n3>After rubbing the dildo against her tits, she takes it between them. You can only see the tip of the dildo. The rest disappears between Lucy's big tits.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucytitsdildo1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>MMmhhh! This latex is killing me. Wonderful! I want to wrap you in latex and control your body completely. I wanna make you BEG!</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy seems to have a hard time hiding her true nature. She's clearly not acting. Your breathing is getting erratic.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Start masturbating">>\
<n3>You can't wait any longer. When you touch your pussy, you feel little ecstatic spasms in your body.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Haaahhh! So intense! Mistress join mee! Your pussyy!</n1></b>
<img src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/dungeonMast1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3>She starts rubbing the dildo against her pussy.
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucydildo1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Don't you dare to cum! If you're close, edge it! Prepare your body!</l1></b>
<n3>She bends down and accelerates the speed.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/lucydildo2.webm" width="900px" height="600px">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Nnnhh! I'm close! Close your eyes! Keep going!</l1></b>
<n3>You're picking up the pace! Your eyes are closed.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Please let me cum, Mistress! Please! PLEASE Mistress!! Nhgg! I wanna cum!</n1></b>
<n3>You feel something while begging to cum.</n3>
[[A hand on your shoulder|thirdLesson(4)]]
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/purpleWave1.gif" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You feel a surge of energy. You feel cold but still warm. While you can't make sense of what's going on, you feel that energy flowing out of your body.
You open your eyes gasping for breath. It's all black!
<img src="img/McAnimal/blackWolf.jpg" class=center width="45%">
A black wolf with white eyes growls in front of you.</n3>
<b><l1>Sun! Now!!! </l1></b><n3>*Lucy's commanding voice shouts.*</n3>
<n3>Starting from your arm, a heat begins to spread through your body. In a second, this heat turns into intense pleasure. You're cumming! Harder than ever!</n3>
<img src="gif/lucy/thirdLesson/dungeonOrgasm.webp" class=center width="47%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Aaahhhh! YEs! yEsSS! Nggghh!! I'm shHaakinngg! Cummminggg!</n1></b>
<n3>You're waiting for your breath to regulate. Once you've calmed down, you're ready to open your eyes.</n3>
[[Continue|thirdLesson(5)]]<n3>There's still a black wolf. But her eyes are red, and every time she exhales, flames burst from her mouth. It's a frightening sight but it doesn't bother you at all.</n3>
<img src="img/McAnimal/blackwolf2.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>Congratulations! You managed it perfectly. Wonderful! A black wolf indeed!</trix1></b> <n3>*There is great satisfaction in her voice.*</n3>
<n3>Wolf gradually fades and disappears. You look at your arm. Your sign is different. The central point is enlarged and divided into 8 branches. There are little appendages between each branch. Now it looks like a sun.</n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun2.png" class=center width="30%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Now that the merger is complete, we can really start training you.</l1></b>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1>You must have used up all your energy. Get some rest here and go back to your room. From now on, you can visit here on Saturday and Sunday.</trix1></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter to 4>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $skiptoSaturday === 0>>\
<<set $McSign to 1 >><<set $bike to random(5)>>\
<img src="img/places/entrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>The entrance to the main campus is in front of you.</n3>
<<if $control lt 10 >>\
<<if $bike === 1 >>\
<n3>A succubus on a bicycle passes by on her way to the main campus. As she gets off the bike, the rainbow dildo in her saddle reveals itself.</n3>
<img src="gif/outside/bikegirl1.webp" class=center width="48%">
<<if $bike === 3 >>\
<n3>A bicycle passes by. You turn your head and see that it's a bicycle with a dildo on the seat. She' s got a good pace and going pretty fast. </n3>
<img src="gif/outside/bikegirl2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $bike === 5 >>\
<n3>A group of cyclists ride into the forest. You notice that they all have dildos in the saddle. The experienced ones lead the others at a nice pace. Maybe it's a club you could join.</n3>
<img src="gif/outside/bikegirls1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3>The barrier prevents you from passing through.</n3> <b><c1>(Required Control = 10)</c1></b>
<<if $control gte 10 >>\
<center>[[♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
[[♂ Mars Dormitory]]
[[♄ Saturn Dormitory|saturnbarrier1]]</center>
<<if $abella === 1>>\
<center>[[♀ Venus Dormitory|venusbarrier1]]</center>
<<if $venusdormitory === 1>>\
<center>[[♀ Venus Dormitory]]</center>
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="gif/exercise/controlUp.gif" class=center width="60%">
<n3>Your training seems to be paying off. You feel stronger.</n3>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $controlFitness -= 3>>\
[[🔥 Finish Exercising|DormRoom]]
<n3> An elegant shade of purple fills the dormitory. You can feel the sharp and aggressive Lust Energy from the very entrance. On the right and left you see lots of big and small doorways. When you poke your head out of one, you can see that the dormitory is like a labyrinth with several floors. You see Succubuses everywhere, but it's impossible to predict which entrance leads where. Given the Saturns' reputation, it's a pretty intimidating design.</n3>
<img src="img/places/saturndormitory1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $saturn === 0>>\
[[Someone's Bumping Into You|pettymoon1]]
<<if $saturn === 1 and $SaturnNextWeek === 0>>\
[[You See Brianna Walking|purpledungeon1]]
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $corridorPeek to random(13) >>\
<img src="img/intro/jupiterentrance1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<set $photos to random(5) >>\
<<if $photos === 1 and $photo19 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany7]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo20 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena6]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo21 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy3]]<</if>>\
<<if $photo19 === 1 and $photo20 === 1 and $photo21 === 1>>\
<<if $photos === 1 and $photo28 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|brittany9]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 3 and $photo29 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|milena9]]<</if>>\
<<if $photos === 5 and $photo30 === 0 >>\[[🎴 You see a glimmer on the floor.|lucy5]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 0 >>\
<n3>You See An Ajar Door</n3>
[[Check Inside|jupiterpeek1]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 1 >>\
<n3>You hear the sound of running water.</n3>
[[Check where it's coming from|jupiterpeek2]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 2 >>
<n3>You See An Ajar Door</n3>
[[Check Inside|jupiterpeek3]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 3 >>
<n3>You See An Ajar Door</n3>
[[Check Inside|jupiterpeek4]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 4 >>
<n3>You See An Ajar Door</n3>
[[Check Inside|jupiterpeek5]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 5 >>
<n3>You See An Ajar Door</n3>
[[Check Inside|jupiterpeek6]]<</if>>\
<<if $corridorPeek === 6 >>
<n3>You See An Ajar Door</n3>
[[Check Inside|jupiterpeek7]]<</if>>\
<<if $dungeoncounter gte 4 and $duel === 0>>\
[[💃 Someone's Dancing Outside|BritsDuel1]]
<<if $centerVisit gte 1 and $britguide === 0>>\
[[A Large Group Is Filling The Entire Entrance|britguide1]]
<<if $Mprivate gte 9 and $hitomiCorruption gte 8 and $hitomiobjection === 0 and $moon === 1 and $centerVisit gte 5>>\
[[Wait, Is That Hitomi?|objection1]]
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]Double-click this passage to edit it.[[Return|Lessons]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic5.jpg" class=center width="65%" >
<<set $photo17 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic2.jpg" class=center width="40%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo16 to 1>>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic5.jpg" class=center width="70%" >
<<set $photo18 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>Dear Diary I couldn't make eye contact with anyone today either. Everyone's staring at my boobs.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic5.jpg" class=center width="115%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic5.jpg" class=center width="110%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic2.jpg" class=center width="85%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]<<set $jupiter to random(4)>>\
<<if $jupiter === 0>>\
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/jupiter1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You look around and a succubus in a pink sweater is baring her tits. Her tits are as big as you'd expect from Jupiter. Maybe she's just trying to cool off. </n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 1>>\
<n3>You hear two succubuses talking.</n3>
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>There's no way that bra can hold them when your tits are enhanced. </b1>
<d>Succubus2:</d><b1> Let's try and find out. </b1>
<n3>Hands holding the biggest tits you've ever seen release them and you are mesmerized by the wiew.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/jupiter2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>Succubus1:</d><b1>Holy Shit! I need that bra! </b1>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 2>>\
<n3>A succubus comes up to you.</n3>
<d>Succubus:</d><b1>Hello beauty! What color do you think my bra is? </b1>
<n3>Sudden and random question. You don't know what to say.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Uhh... I don't know maybe blu- </n1></b>
<n3>She rips off her white blouse before you finish and smiles.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/jupiter3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Apparently she was just looking for an excuse for it.</n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 3 and $latexNun === 1>>\
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/churchlady1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3>You notice a succubus reading a book. She sits very straight. Her tits look huge under her lilac sweater. You can also see that her nipples are hard. Just when you think she's a Jupiter, you slide your eyes down and notice her huge ass. She is stretching that skirt all the way up. The sight fascinates you. You hear Sun's voice as you continue to examine this perfect Succubus.</n3>
She's from the church!
But she doesn't look like a nun.
Because probably she's not. There's a good chance she's inspecting this place. I'm not taking the risk of getting into her mind. If she detect us, we might get into big trouble. Too early for that.
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 3 and $latexNun === 0>>\
<img src="gif/jupiterLookAround/churchlady1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3>You notice a succubus reading a book. She sits very straight. Her tits look huge under her lilac sweater. You can also see that her nipples are hard. Just when you think she's a Jupiter, you slide your eyes down and notice her huge ass. She is stretching that skirt all the way up. The sight fascinates you. You continue to examine this perfect Succubus for a while.</n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $jupiter === 4>>\
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiterLookAround/brittany1.mp4" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3>You see Brittany a little further away. She's wearing a colorful full-body net, chatting with passers-by. While talking, she plays with her pussy and tits. It's a titillating sight.</n3>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<img src="gif/exercise/controlUp.gif" class=center width="60%">
<n3>Practicing with Hitomi is showing its effect. You feel more in control of your power.</n3>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $controlHitomi -= 3>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<img src="gif/exercise/controlUp.gif" class=center width="60%">
<n3>What you do during class is not in vain. You feel more in control of your power.</n3>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $controlMilena -= 3>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<h3><n3>You can increase your control in 3 ways;
<b1>- Spending time with Hitomi,
- By attending Milena's private lessons,
- And by exercising.</b1>
As your control increases, the places you can access on the main campus will increase. Currently only the Jupiter Dormitory is accessible.
To start Lucy content, you need to spend time with Hitomi in her room. For those who have played before, there is a skip to the required day button but it activates you go to the dungeon once.
To unlock Sunday walks, you need to have visited the Latex dungeon 1 time (and the day must be Sunday). For those who have played before or want to check out the new content, save files are available on the SAVES button on the left. And with the "Skip to Saturday" button you don't have to play the week in between.
For those who've played before, save files are available for the new added dungeon explorations.
For Brittany's duel;
<b1> - You must have at least 10 Control to enter the Jupiter Dormitory.
- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>
If there's no problem, you will see a message that you need to visit the Jupiter Dormitory while you are in your room.
For Halloween special photos;
<b1>- You need to be nice to Pixie, who you meet at the beginning of the game.</b1>
<b1>- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>(On your way to Brittany's duel, you'll see Alette.)
[[First day of school|FirstLesson]]<<set $which to random(5)>>\
<<set $dream to random(2)>>\
<<set $heels to random(4)>>\
<<set $latex to random(4)>>\
<<set $spank to random(4)>>\
<<set $lewd to random(8)>>\
<<if $which === 0>>\
<n3>You get a good night's sleep without any dreams. Your eyes slowly open in the first light of the day. You are ready for what the new day will bring.</n3>
<img src="gif/sleep/night/sunset1.gif" class=center width="55%">
<<if $which === 1>>\
<n3>You're having chaotic dreams. When you wake up, you remember what you saw, but it takes about ten seconds to forget them. Overall, you feel rested and ready for the new day. </n3>
<<if $dream === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream1.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream2.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream3.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $which === 2 >>\
<n3><b><i>"Succubuses begging to be under your heels. Accepting that she is beneath you and being pleased about it, doing exactly what you say without question."</i></b> Such thoughts are the theme of the dream and they feel good to you. You feel superior to everyone else and it just feels natural for you. When you wake up you are wet and feel generally relaxed. You don't remember your dream but you feel well rested and satisfied.</n3>
<<if $heels === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels2.gif" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelslick1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $which === 3 >>\
<n3> You're covered in latex head to toe. The more you touch yourself, the hornier you get and the stronger you feel. You can dominate anyone. It's like the latex is alive, asking you something. It' s hungry! To control them, to dominate them... And so you are... </n3>
<<if $latex === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $latex === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass4.webp" class=center width="63%">
<<if $latex === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass5.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3>You wake up with deep breaths. You lick your lips and notice that your mouth feels dry. Then, you feel something strange. As if you were interrupted in the middle of something, but you don't remember the what it is. Your arm's a little warm, probably you've been lying on it. You get out of bed well rested.</n3>
<<if $which === 4 >>\
<n3> There's a sweet pain in your palm. As you look at that plump, reddened ass that you've spanking for a while, you continue, without minding the pain. The loud sound of each stroke mingles with the moans of the succubus you are spanking and tickles your insides. The intensity of your strokes decides everything. It's in your hands whether she giggles and begs for more or tearfully begs you to stop. All it costs is the sweet pain in your hands.
When you wake up, your hands feel a little numb. And you start the day feeling well rested.</n3>
<<if $spank === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $spank === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $spank === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $spank === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $spank === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank5.webp" class=center width="72%">
<<if $which === 5 >>\
<<if $lewd === 0>>\
<n3>Brittany is dancing with all her cheerfulness. Her huge tits swinging from the rear of her denim jumpsuit and accompanies Brittany's dance. Her energy is always friendly and inviting. You feel like joining her, watching those tits up close, maybe touching them. To bury your head between those tits and continue your sleep there...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $lewd === 1>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 2>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 3>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 4>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 5>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 6>>\
<n3> You're in class. Milena enthusiastically explains something about breasts. And she uses her own huge tits to do it. You remember her saying how important hands-on learning is. Maybe you need to touch them to learn properly. But your hands may not be enough. You may need to hug them. Even one of them is much bigger than your head but are ready to do anything for education...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday. </n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena1.webp" class=center width="85%">
<<if $lewd === 7>>\
<n3>You're in class. Milena sits in her chair, but she doesn't look very comfortable. As she tries to find a comfortable position, you watch her big tits jiggle through her see-through blouse. She' s not wearing a bra is the cherry on top. For some time Milena struggles this way on her chair...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 8>>\
<n3> Milena is exercising. It looks like she's trying to keep in shape. Every time she moves, her breasts sway independently of her. The fact that she's not wearing a bra makes her even more enjoyable to watch. Maybe it would help if you could hold her breasts for a while, to give her back some relief.
You wake up feeling energized. You get out of bed thinking that it would be nice if you ran into Milena during your exercise.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena3.webp" class=center width="55%">
[[🛌 Wake Up|DormRoom]]
<<set $day to "Saturday">>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 0>>
<<set $MarsNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $SaturnNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $VenusNextWeek to 0>>\
<n3>You put on your cloak and go outside, not knowing what to expect. You wander a little and it feels... normal.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So? What are we doing? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We have a very limited space because of the barriers. Maybe if we find someone to practice with... </a1><n1>)</n1></b><n3> *She suddenly stops and you start to feel a familiar aura in the distance.*</n3>
<<linkreplace "Look in that direction">>\
<n3>It' s Milena! Looks like she's taking a walk on Sunday. Her tits look huge under her blue sweater. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/milenaSunday1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Great! She's walking towards us. Get closer to her! She's walking to park. We can lead her somewhere secluded.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You put on your cloak and walk out of your room.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So what do we do? Do you know where we.... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>Before you can finish your thought, you are frozen by what you see.</n3>
<<linkreplace"What is it again?">>\
<n3>Two succubus in latex suits are walking past. When there's a little distance between you, you glance behind them. They are having a casual conversation. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexcorridor1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3>While you are looking at them, the one in red turns her head calmly and calls out to you.</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Hey, over here! Follow us!</b1>
<n3>You haven't even left your dormitory yet.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I don't feel a hostile aura. Follow as she says. This could be a good opportunity. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Maintaining your distance, you start to follow the two succubus. You notice that they're both wearing a latex corset. </n3>
<n3>You put on your cloak and walk out of your room. You quickly make your way to the dining hall and stand in front of the black wall.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/hiddenwall1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
[[Go inside|Sunday(3)2]]
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>What are we going to do? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>Something small that won't attract attention and won't tire you out.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>Tire me out?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes! As we get used to each other, you get less tired, but this latex is draining your Lust Energy. And when I use my power, we get primitive succubus features.
Primitive succubuses cannot generate Lust Energy. They need an external supply.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hmm... But producing Lust... isn't it a natural thing?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>It wasn't always so... Anyway, here comes Milena. First, we'll lure her to a secluded corner. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>With the familiar warmth of your sign, the direction Milena walks slowly begins to change.
As she gets closer to you, you are filled with a strange excitement. You are already in her line of sight but she cannot perceive you. You can't help feeling special and powerful.
You've got something on your mind;</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think it's too hot to wear a bra. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> A good start! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>When she comes behind a tree, Milena stops. The heat in your sign increases and a pleasant sensation spreads through your body.
Checking the surroundings, Milena pulls up her sweater and pulls her big tits out of her bra. She has a mischievous smile on her face.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/milenaSunday2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Watching her like this, you want to play with her tits, even suck them. But you restrain yourself. </n3>
<n3>After putting her bra in her bag, she pulls her sweater back down. Now her breasts are not supported by a bra, so they jiggle like crazy when she walks.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/milenaSunday3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3>You follow Milena for a while as she starts walking again and enjoy watching her big tits jiggle from different angles. You can tell she's horny. Her steps quickened and became sloppy.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Pretty good! Very clean! And Lust alone, produced by Milena, was enough to cover what we used.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> And it felt very nice. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yeah, she must feel the same way right now and we were able to handle it smoothly.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Were you... worried? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There's no point in lying. I was a little worried. It doesn't make any sense, but I was. The truth is, we won't have a problem with our Lust level unless we do something extreme. Primitive succubuses can't produce Lust but, the extra energy our target will produce is enough to keep us from going critical state.
Even if that's not enough, I can deactivate and we can start producing Lust again. And these are not all of our options. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You don't quite understand why she's worried, but you don't intend to force it.
While talking to Sun, something catches your eye that doesn't fit into the overall landscape. It's a bit far away, but you can see it clearly.</n3>
<<linkreplace"What's that?">>\
<n3>A succubus covered in latex walks confidently, tossing her hair. Your eyes meet and she keeps moving forward, obviously unnoticed by others, like you. Her sunglasses attract your attention. A sight that makes you wonder what kind of rabbit hole you are up against.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday1/latexoutside1.webp" class=center width="48%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We still have a lot to discover. We won't get anywhere by making passers-by do little things. We have to learn and adapt. But there's no need to rush. Let's see what we can learn next Sunday. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> You walk around for a while, chatting with Sun, and decide to go back to your room. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\<n3>You arrive at the dining hall. You continue walking, a little confused.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dininghall1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>The Succubuses go to a pillar at one end of the dining hall and turn right. A little while later you reach the pillar and to your right, there is only a wall. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/hiddenwall1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think we lost them. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There must be a door or a passage. Approach the wall and touch it. I think we can get through using Lust. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>As soon as you touch the wall, your hand goes through it. It feels like a very dense liquid. You raise your other hand and go through it as if you were pushing the wall.</n3>
[[Continue|Sunday(2)3]]<n3>You enter a bright and spacious place. There are several corridors in front of you, and On the far left you see tow succubus you were following.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexcorridor2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> This way! Come on!</b1>
<n3>You don't get a chance to look around. A little reluctantly, you keep following.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Are you sure we're safe? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You underestimate us too much. They are just following the instructions. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Towards the end of the corridor they stopped in front of a door. The distance between you gradually closes and finally you are side by side with two succubus. They don't seem to be powerful. </n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> You're one of us now. I was asked to show you this place if I run into you. Don't worry, you'll be under my protection. </b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Yeah, it's very comforting to hear that. Being escorted to a place where we might need protection. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She seems to be waiting for an answer. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Uh.. Umm.. Thank you! </n1></b>
<n3>The succubus in gray opens the door and you enter. </n3>
[[Continue|Sunday(2)4]]<n3>The moment you walk in, you see two succubus standing in front of you, completely covered in latex. They're both holding candles. Then you notice that their upper bodies are tightly bound. They don't move at all, but you can feel the intense Lust energy they emit as soon as you walk through the door.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/candleStand.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> They are coated with a mixture of paralyzing and stimulating latex. You can come across such things everywhere except the main dungeon. They change the mood so we can say they are quite useful. </b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Mistress Trix used to talk about it. Provided that candidates are volunteers. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What is this place exactly? </n1></b>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Just a place to hang out. Let me show you around.</b1>
<n3> Someone is approaching you from your right. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <mi1> You've got someone new. Wanna hook up with me, babe? You won't regret it.</mi1>
<<linkreplace"Look to your right">>\
<n3> You look at the succubus slowly approaching you with a huge latex dildo dangling in front of her. Her full lips and big tits are striking. But what really catches your attention are her muscular legs. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexCristina.webp" class=center width="40%">
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Not now Cristina!</b1>
<d>Cristina:</d> <mi1> Why not?<n3> *With a naughty smile* </n3> You can join us if you want to. </mi1>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> She's boss' special guest.</b1>
<n3> Cristina's eyes widen and she takes a few steps back. In a trembling voice;</n3>
<d>Cristina:</d> <mi1> Uhh! Sorry! I'm sorry! Please continue as if nothing happened.</mi1>
<n3>You watch in amazement as the succubus, who was full of confidence 5 seconds ago, leaves with fear.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> See? We play in the big leagues. There are few succubuses that can threaten us. You've just seen what the impact of even the mention of one of them. We are walking on this path. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> But we can't even cross barriers yet. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> That's a different matter. As our harmony increases, we will progress there as well. There are few things stronger than the ability to control other succubuses. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Shall we continue?</b1>
<n3> You quickly snap out of it and clear your throat. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, please. </n1></b>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> As you may have noticed, there are many corridors outside. You have to be above a certain level to enter some of the passages. This is the common area. Everyone can enter... Well anyone with a stealth latex.</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It's much more catchy than Scopophobic latex. Wait a second! I still remember. Perhaps it's not.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> With her hand, pointing to the corner of the room; </n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> If you want something to drink, you can get it here. </b1>
<n3>You're looking at a succubus, again completely covered in latex. This time the latex is in a different form and seems to be held up by a chain. Two straps hanging from her neck hold a tray, and on the tray is a glass.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexslave2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>The succubus in red suddenly squints and turns quickly to the other end of the room and strides in that direction. Halfway through, she starts talking loudly;</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> How many times do I have to say it? The beverage tray will be regularly checked and replaced. </b1>
<<linkreplace" Turn your head">>\
<n3>You see her approaching a succubus that is trying to dust a bookcase with a duster in its mouth. She suddenly flinches. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexmaid1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Dusting Succubus:</d> <b1>But Mistress, it's not my turn. It's Vanessa's turn.</b1>
<n3>Her voice was a little muffled, but you understood what she said.</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Where is she? </b1>
<d>Dusting Succubus:</d> <b1>Probably in the bathroom.</b1>
<n3>She storms off to the bathroom and you follow gently behind her. You're a little curious about what's going to happen.</n3>
[[To the bathroom|Sunday(2)6]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> In the bathroom you see a succubus in a latex maid's outfit wiping the floor. Unlike the others, she's not completely covered in latex. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexmaid2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Vanessa, guess why I'm here! </b1>
<d>Vanessa:</d> <ange1>I- I don't know Mistress. </ange1>
<n3> After a deep sigh;</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> Follow me. I'll tell you why. </b1>
<n3> Then she turns to you.</n3>
<d>Succubus in Red:</d><b1> I apologize for all the trouble. There's not much to tell here anyway. You're free to explore. The first corridor is usually busy on Sundays. I have a few things to take care of. Now, if you'll excuse me. </b1>
<n3> Then she leaves the room with Vanessa and the dusting succubus.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think I can look around a bit more. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Go back|Sunday(2)7]]
<n3>You approach the candle-holding succubuses and begin to examine the room from afar. The lust they emanate makes you feel good.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/candleStand.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $chair === 0>>\
<n3>Is there something wrong with that chair over there?</n3>
[[Examine the chair|chair]]
<<if $curtain === 0>>\
<n3>One side of the room is covered with a curtain and a mechanical sound comes from behind it.</n3>
[[Look behind the curtain.|curtain]]
<<if $suitcase === 0>>\
<n3>A big black suitcase is standing next to you.</n3>
[[Look what's inside|suitcase]]
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<if $chair === 1 and $curtain === 1 and $suitcase === 1>>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\
<n3>What you see from afar is indeed true. A succubus covered in latex is strapped to a relatively small chair. As you get closer, the Lust radiating from the chair intensifies.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexslave3.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<n3>A succubus sits in this chair while you wonder what the purpose of this is. It seems to be the same with candle holders.</n3>
<<set $chair to 1>>\
<n3> you slowly open the curtain and you see a treadmill with a succubus fully restrained. It is connected from above by two flexible springs, so even though her legs are tied, she somehow moves forward.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/training1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>The moment she sees you, she starts swaying like crazy and trying to say something. You only hear meaningless mumbles, probably because there is a gag under her mask. For a moment you want to help but you don't want to get into trouble.</n3>
<<set $curtain to 1>>\<n3> As with almost everything here, an intense Lust energy emanates from this suitcase. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It can't be, right? It can't be that much? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Open it and see. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You slowly unzip the suitcase and open it a bit. there's a succubus squeezed inside, covered in shiny latex.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/latexsuitcase1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> And you close it back. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I think that's enough for today. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<set $suitcase to 1>>\
<n3>It's brighter inside than you remember. You didn't have a chance to examine it when you first stepped in. White light emanates from each corridor, but when you look inside you see that each one has a different theme. This white light must indicate barriers because the one on the far left has no white light.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/whitecorridors.webp" class=center>
<n3>You try your luck in the second corridor but you can't get through the barrier.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Looks like I'll be going to the same place. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You're taking the same path you took last week. As you walk, you see a lot of closed doors pass by and there's no sound from any of them. Suddenly Sun interrupts;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ahead, a door is ajar and I feel some Lust starting to build up. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You look ahead and there really is a door ajar.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I hope they don't mind if we take a look. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You approach the door and carefully peek inside.</n3>
[[Continue|Sunday(3)3]]<n3> There are two succubuses inside. Their fishnet stockings over latex leggings immediately catch your attention. They both look amazing. One has black hair, the other brownish auburn. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/latexlegs1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> They didn't notice you. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Maybe they don't wear Scopophobia latex right now. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Based on this assumption, you sneak in. The door's open just enough for you to get through.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/latextease1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>You're so beautiful, I can't get enough of you. </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Mmmhh... Me too...</b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>It's my turn . Let me take care of you. </mi1>
[[Continue|Sunday(3)4]]<n3>Your name is <<textbox "$name" Maya>></n3>
<h3><n3>If you are playing for the first time, I recommend not to skip the intro. Have fun!</n3></h3>
[[Before you start|Guide2]]
<<if $day == "Monday">>\
<<set $day = "Tuesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Tuesday">>\
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Wednesday">>\
<<set $day = "Thursday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Thursday">>\
<<set $day = "Friday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Friday">>\
<<set $day = "Saturday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Saturday">>\
<<set $day = "Sunday">>\
<<elseif $day == "Sunday">>\
<<set $day = "Monday">>\
<<set $week to 1>>\
<<set $milenaCorruption += 1>>\<n3>On the way to your room, you feel something hit your chest.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b><ale1>Fucking succbis! They can't even walk.</ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What was that?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3>You look at your chest and see a creature slightly larger than a hornet.</n3>
[[Try to smash it|smash]]
[[Gently wait|wait]]
<h3><n3>You can increase your control in 3 ways;
<b1>- Spending time with Hitomi,
- By attending Milena's private lessons,
- And by exercising.</b1>
As your control increases, the places you can access on the main campus will increase. Currently only the Jupiter Dormitory is accessible.
To start Lucy content, you need to spend time with Hitomi in her room. For those who have played before, there is a skip to the required day button but it activates you go to the dungeon once.
To unlock Sunday walks, you need to have visited the Latex dungeon 1 time (and the day must be Sunday). For those who have played before or want to check out the new content, save files are available on the SAVES button on the left. And with the "Skip to Saturday" button you don't have to play the week in between.
For those who've played before, save files are available for the new added dungeon explorations.
For Brittany's duel;
<b1> - You must have at least 10 Control to enter the Jupiter Dormitory.
- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>
If there's no problem, you will see a message that you need to visit the Jupiter Dormitory while you are in your room.
For Halloween special photos;
<b1>- You need to be nice to Pixie, who you meet at the beginning of the game.</b1>
<b1>- You should have acquired your new symbol and spirit animal.</b1>(On your way to Brittany's duel, you'll see Alette.)
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>I'll get you all ready. Lie down... I missed your taste. You remember how to address me, don't you? </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Yes Mistress!</b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> There you go my little bitch! You'll do whatever I say. Now lie down. </mi1>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezlick1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>Yess! I crave this pussy! I'm gonna eat you until you beg me to stop.</mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Please eat my worthless pussy, Mistress! Ahhh! Pl-Please!!</b1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hooohhh! Thats soo hot!.... I can't stand it.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<linkreplace"Start masturbating">>\
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/mast1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You move your hands to your pussy and slowly start masturbating. The sight you see is just beautiful. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> This goes on for almost 10 minutes. </n3>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Mistress! Please!! Please fuck me!! Mmhhh! Nghh-I can't take it PLEASEE!!</b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>I love it when you beg. Okay, let's move on. </mi1>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hollyy Shitt I-I'm Ssoo Wett! My hands are not enough.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/wet1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> Black-haired succubus takes a slightly different dildo from the side. A strapless dildo. After inserting the top part into herself, she rubs the dildo with lube. </n3>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Please! Please! </b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Please what ? </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Please Fuck me with that thick black latex dildo Mistress! Please! </b1>
<n3> Lubricated dildo finally goes in. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezfuck1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3>You look around like a wild animal and see a dildo within your reach. After immediately grabbing it, you continue masturbating. Because of the moans, you can't even hear your thoughts.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezfuck3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Take that! Mmh! Mmh! Mmmhh! Moan, beg... Do whatever you want. Only what I want matters. You're just a slut... My slut!</mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Ahhh!! MMmhh! Y-Yess! Mist-tress!! Sl-slut... I ammm!! </b1>
<n3>And you got faster and faster and closer to your orgasm. Then all of a sudden, the black-haired succubus turns her eyes on you. Right in your eyes. You didn't know what to do, but your hand holding the dildo didn't slow down a bit. You're too close to stop. Instinctively, you gestured with your hand so that she wouldn't reveal you.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/mast2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1>Now I'm going to speed up and tell you when to cum. You're going to do exactly as I say. Do you understand? </mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Yeaa-ahh! Mist-tress!! Please let mee cu--CCUUMM!! </b1>
<n3> You realize she said that to both of you. You nod and wait for command. You are in an incredibly intense flood of emotions. </n3>
<<linkreplace"She's accelerating">>\
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Get ready! You'll cum for me!</mi1>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/lezfuck2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> Haahh!! Mmmhh! Mmmh! Yess! </b1>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Don't hold back! Cumm!! CUM NOW!! Ahhh!! Cum for mee!!</mi1>
<n3> You both cumming at the same time. You're screaming while having an incredibly intense orgasm. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahhh!! I-I'm Cumming!!! Noo! Ohhh! Shaakking and cummingg! Too intensee Mmmmmhhh!! </n1></b>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday3/orgasm1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> You catch your breath for a few minutes. Then the black-haired succubus gestures for you to leave. After lying gently on the panting succubus beneath her;</n3>
<d>Black-haired Succubus:</d> <mi1> Are you okay my love? I hope I didn't overdo it.</mi1>
<d>Auburn-haired Succubus:</d> <b1> No.. It was perfect! Thank you my love! </b1>
<n3> You quietly leave the room as they cuddle. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> That was really something. In contradiction with your powers, sometimes I also like being submissve. It's nice to know that you give pleasure to the other person, but sometimes you just want to be on the other side. I still can't form proper sentence but you know...</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I know... It's okay. Role-playing is a very powerful tool. We are creatures who pursue pleasure and today we've achieved enough. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<h2><n3>(End of the content for Sunday Walks)</n3></h2>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b>
[[🚪 Return to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $lust to 0 >>\<n3> You're trying to crawl across the room but your whole body is shaking. You're only halfway there.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1>Sun! Can't you do something? I can't even move. Mmhhh! Fuck!</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Okay! I'll give her total control and try to speak into her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You hear an unknown voice in your mind. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> Make me cum!Make me cum! Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum!Make me cum! MAKE ME CUM! JUST MAKE ME CUMMMM!</b1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We will! Let us move! Slow Down! WE WILL MAKE YOU CUM!!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You turn your head with some relief. She really slowed down. At least you can move now.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac3.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[💋 Reach to vibrator|darkPassage3]]
[[❓ Try to break the connection again|darkPassage3.5]]
<<set $lust to 100>>\<n3> You pick up the vibrator and make your way to vacuum bed. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Are you sure it'll work? We'll just increase her power. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It doesn't matter much. We just need to distract her. She' s holding us hostage. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Nnnghhh! So, what if she uses her lust against us again?... FUCK! </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It doesn't work that way. Imagine I'm handing her a rope and she's holding it tightly. Once we pull the rope, we are free because only we can create a rope. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You reach the bed while listening to Sun's parables. You turn on the vibrator and press it against the struggling succubus's pussy. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/latexvac4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Pleasure is unbearable and you feel like fainting. In the middle of an intense orgasm the connection between you and her breaks. After that you lie on the floor gasping for air. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> That was... intense and unexpected and kinda scary... </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This succubus wasn't ordinary. We can assume that the more latex around them, more potential they have. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Even though she tries to hide it, there is a clear disappointment in her voice. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> That was my fault. I thought I could handle it this time. We escaped only because you were able to remain conscious. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You lie there for a few minutes without answering her, while succubus next to you is still moaning loudly. </n3>
<n3> You're trying with all your strength to get out of the room. Even though you left the room, bond didn't break.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> How much longer.. do... I... Ahhh </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> You keep on crawling away. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> A little more ... I'm trying, but she must've realized you're getting away... Almost there! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> With sudden relief, you realize that, bond is broken. You are out of breath.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hahh! Hahh! Fuck! I caught completely off guard. </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... I'm sorry! A succubus, constantly exposed to such intense lust, could easily suppress me. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You get up from the floor, even though you can't catch your breath yet. Floor is too dirty for you to lie down. </n3>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(1.5)]]<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Here's the chance! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<img src="gif/latex/latexvac/telepathy1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You feel a pressure in your head and then a relief. You are out of breath.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hahh!Hahh! Fuck! I caught completely off guard. </n1></b>
<n3> Sun's voice is filled with disappointment. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... I'm sorry! A succubus, constantly exposed to such intense lust, could easily suppress me. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You lie there for a few minutes without answering her, while succubus next to you is still moaning loudly. </n3>
[[🚪 Leave the room |latexdungeon(1.5)]]<n3>You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. You see two succubus on the bed. One succubus sits on the other's face and moans loudly. The bottom succubus has raised her legs and her feet are held by the other succubus. As the blonde succubus accelerates, swaying her hips, the brunette succubus grabs her ass with her hands, sticks her pussy in her mouth and they accelerate in harmony. They don't seem to notice you, but you leave without risking it.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/facesitting1.webp" class=center width="47%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3> The door's ajar and they don't seem to notice you. When you enter, you see two succubus arguing loudly and fingering each other. Before you know what they are arguing about, they notice you. </n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/fingering1.webp" class=center width="57%">
<d>Angry&Horny Succubus:</d><b1> Hey! Can't you see we're discussing something here? Respect that and get out. </b1>
<n3> You walk out as the moaning gets louder and louder. You still don't know what they are arguing about. </n3>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3>After putting on the cloak and necklace, you start following the yellow lights. Lucy said you could visit on Sundays too but you probably won't see her.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Sun;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Lucy's not in the dungeon on Sundays. She must think we're ready. Well, At least for the parts we can access. If something goes wrong, there will be no one to save us.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Good to know, such a big relief. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I wonder what we can do now. I couldn't use most of my powers and the ones I could use were very limited. It feels like trying to box with your arms tied. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> You mean you have abilities that haven't been revealed yet? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, but there is a possibility that they may never show up. My guess is it's your turn now. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> But my sign is Moon and I think it's one of the least interesting. It's just that our pussy is more sensitive... It's also rarer than the other signs.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Isn't it obvious that it's a lie? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[A lie ?|latexdungeonSundayPrep(2)]]
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... Not completely a lie but it's quite incomplete. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So what's the truth? What kind of powers do I have? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Mistress Trix told me not to tell. If you know what it is, you may stress yourself out and never unleash your powers... I shouldn't have said that either. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm tired of getting incomplete information, but okay. </n1><a1>)</a1></b> <n3> "With a deep sigh." </n3>
<n3> When talking to Sun, you arrive at the secret door. This time the sun symbol is glowing as you approach.</n3>
<img src="img/places/secretentrance1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
[[Go inside|latexdungeonSunday(1)]]<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3>Chains and chandeliers are hanging from the ceiling. In the dungeon lit by hundreds of candles, you see countless gateways. There is a monument in the middle. The melted wax solidified as it hung over the edges. There are dozens of human figures on it.</n3>
<n3>You don't know what to do</n3>
[[Sun might have a suggestion|latexdungeonSunday(2)]] <b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There's no point in wandering aimlessly. We need to set a goal, something to consolidate our powers. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hmm.... Such as? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Such as.... We can trace a lust energy. Someone hard to find... Yes! Summer! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Even if we trace her Lust, we have seen that she is held in secret cells. How do we activate the entrance... Wait! Is it with my... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No, not with your powers... Applying some Lust would be enough. It's pretty easy to get into those rooms from the outside. But... getting out is a very different story. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You think for a while and ask with a little frown. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> So you're saying we're going to find a succubus, in a room that extremely difficult to escape, by following a lust trail? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, Those cells are not lust-proof. Quite the opposite, in fact. Now close your eyes and focus. Try to feel all the currents of lust. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Like Sun said, you close your eyes and focus. With each breath, you feel more and more strands of lust. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Very good! I'm joining in now. It'll increase our precision and range. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> After discarding the weak ones, you are left with three strong traces of lust. Feeling this much in complete control is not something you're used to.
You open your eyes and see a black wolf standing in front of you, breathing flames. Probably that's the reason you could trace lust so well.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We have 3 solid candidates. More than I expected. There are two other rooms besides Summer's. And that's assuming she's in one of those three rooms.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't think three is too many. We're in a huge dungeon. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We individually analyzed the Lust spread , which means that there are two more Summer-level succubuss within our range. And Lucy's not involved to that. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Ohh... I see. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Continue|latexdungeonSunday(3)]] <center><n3> You realize it's risky, but you don't intend to go back now.</n3></center>
<img src="img/places/latexcorridor1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<<if $whitelight === 0>>\
<n3> You feel a strong lust energy coming from your right. You can easily notice that it's much more intense than the other two. It's like being wrapped in a blanket on a cold day. A very gentle and accepting aura. You can't limit it to one color. Maybe light blue, a little pink? Maybe more like white... </n3>
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your right|Unknown1]]</center>
<<if $madalyn === 0>>\
<n3> You feel a strong lust energy coming from your behind. It's much more aggressive than the energy coming from your left. Focusing on this energy makes you feel uncomfortable. If you were to assign a color, it would be dark purple.</n3>
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your behind|madalyn1]]</center>
<<if $candle === 0>>\
<n3>You feel a strong lust energy coming from your left side. Although it feels very powerful, it is not aggressive or vicious. You could say it's neat and neutral. If you were to assign a color, it would be light pink. </n3>
<<if $summerwarning === 0>>\
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your left|SummerCaptive1]]</center>
<center>[[Follow the Lust on your left|SummerCaptive1.5]]</center>
<</if>>\<n3> You're starting to follow the lust energy coming from your left. If one of the three is Summer, it must be this energy. You couldn't sense lust energies like this before. Could it have something to do with your spirit animal? </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun, I know so little about spirit animals, what difference does it make which animal it is? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> According to ancient sources, it is a power that determines your characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. It's also said to seal its fate, but that's true of very few succubus.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> We were always told that it doesn't matter which animal you have. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well... not wrong. Potential of this power is not yet known. We can assume they're predisposed to the traits symbolised by that animal. But you don't have to possess every element. Also how you can use them is unique to each succubus. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I see... Another thing we'll learn more about over time. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Exactly! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You can feel the source is getting closer and closer. You stop walking and look to your left. </n3>
<<linkreplace "Continue " >>\
<b><n3>If you continue, you won't be able to return back. If you haven't looked in other directions, this is your last chance.</n3></b>
<<set $summerwarning to 1>>\<n3> You follow the intense lust to its source. In this section, the doors are barred and it's dead silent. You look at the door, while questioning your choice. </n3>
<img src="img/places/cellardoor1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
[[Approach the door|madalyn2]]
[[Go back|latexdungeonSunday(3)]]<n3> You start to follow the calming but dominant energy. It's very easy to follow. You can almost see it right in front of you. As you get closer, other colors lose their dominance and you realise that it is all white.</n3>
<img src="img/places/lightcorridor.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> Sun mutters to herself as you walk. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Something's wrong? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This energy is... so familiar... but who is it? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> A primitive succubus? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Most likely, yes. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Someone friendly? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I'm not sure. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> A restlessness is building up inside you. It's like you can't remember something no matter how much you try.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Only a small part of it is familiar. Deep down... just like.... umm like who ?? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It's okay, we're getting close. We'll find out who she...</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<linkreplace"You bump into something.">>\
<n3> Before you can finish, you hit the barrier and almost fall. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahh! Come onn!! It' s only been two minutes. We've gone much deeper than that.</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Barrier difficulty is not the same in every zone. We've hardly felt any weak energy in this direction. A few averages and this huge white energy. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You look at the barrier in disappointment. You were intrigued by this energy. Then Sun's words aroused your curiosity even further.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Soo... What now ? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We have no choice but to return. Maybe we're not destined to meet now. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<set $whitelight to 1>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As you approach the door, you try to see how to open it. There doesn't seem to be a handle. As you get closer, a mechanical sound gets louder and louder and you realise it's coming from your front. The door has opened all the way upwards and you can enter. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Step inside">>\
<n3> It's dark and gloomy inside. There are numerous torture devices inside, but they don't seem to be in use for a long time. As you look around, you hear a loud commanding voice.</n3>
<img src="img/places/latexcellar1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<d>???:</d><b1> Now girls!</b1>
<n3> You hear a few rattling noises and quick steps. Then you are wrapped on both sides. As the two succubus hold you, you feel something being attached to your body. Everything happened so fast. You fall to your knees as your legs and arms become numb. You feel like you've hit your head. Is there someone in front of you? You squint and try to see...</n3>
<n3>A succubus with a mouth gag. When you lower your eyes a little, you see a huge black strap-on dangling between her legs.</n3>
<center><video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/madalyn/gag1.mp4" width="800px" height="500px"></video></center>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun??! Where are you?!! What's happening??!? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> But there's no answer. You're trying to focus and gather your strength, but you just can't do it. </n3>
[[Your mouth is gagged|madalyn3]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3>The numbness is starting to wear off. But you feel warm, your breathing becomes more heavy. </n3>
<n3>The succubus who gagged you, gets closer and starts kissing you. </n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> Mmmhhh! Tasty!</b1>
<center><video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/madalyn/gagkiss1.webm" width="800px" height="500px"></video></center>
<d>???:</d><b1> Can you move, huh? Try it!</b1>
<n3>You're slowly getting up and that succubus helps you up. She' s a lot nicer than you'd expect.</n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> Good job! I need to make sure you behave properly before I introduce you to my Mistress.
First rule; Don't speak unless we say so. Not even a sound.</b1>
<n3>Suddenly she gets startled and moves even closer to you. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> What did you say? What was that?</b1>
<n3>You didn't even make a sound. Succubus continues to ask the same things, increasingly annoyed.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1>So you're a rebellious one, huh? You don't deserve my Mistress. I'll take care of you. In fact, I'll give you your first lesson right now.</b1>
<n3> Suddenly she puts her hand on your pussy and starts rubbing it vigorously. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexpussy1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> With the stimulant latex, you'll hit the edge pretty quickly. You're gonna be with me for a long time. Until there's nothing left in you.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> After that, I'll pass you on to someone beneath me. By then, I'll probably replace Lucy and take control of this academy.</b1>
<n3> As the days pass, you lose your identity. You just want pleasure and serve your Mistress.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/strapon1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<d>???:</d> <b1>I'll treat my first slave with special care. You'll get addicted to me. Slave I can't hear you! </b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes Mistress! Thank you Mistress! </n1></b>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/strapon2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>You went through hours of intense training every day. As time passed, you realised your own worth.</n3>
<n3> Suddenly you find yourself in front of the door you just entered. Or was it days, weeks ago?</n3>
<img src="img/places/cellardoor1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What the FUCK! Sun?? Wher-WHa like WHAT? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What what ? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What do you mean? We've already walked through that door. And we were ambushed and I became a slave and you weren't there! Where were you, by the way? And then my kidnapper became the new headmistress. And then pleasure, lots of pleas- </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> Sun intervenes</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Looks like it's started. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>She continues while you catch your breath. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Your powers! It's starting to reveal itself. I didn't expect it to happen so soon. Let me explain briefly what's happened.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> As the door was opening, I entered a weak succubus's mind. She was planning to ambush us. Once I found that out, I moved on to the others. Only one of them was fantasising about an ambush. In reality, there was no such threat. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> But you must have come with me into the mind of the first succubus. And you didn't know how to get out. You were trapped in there for a while. How long did you spend in there? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't know, it could be 3 weeks or... 6 months?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Ohh! You must have come to the end of her fantasy. At first it provides you a lot of useful information, but it gets a little ridiculous as you continue.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Yeah, but it was like... real. Wait! So I have the same powers as you?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> There's a pause after your question. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No! Don't you realise? You're a copycat. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You think a bit. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> This is the first time such a thing has happened, how can I realise it? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> There is a short silence again. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I mean... right, we can say that your guess was reasonable. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>Exhaling deeply, you bow your head in frustration.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Again, a whole new concept I don't know about. And it's about me. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Don't worry, you'll have plenty of opportunities to master it. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> By the way, it's safe for us inside. Do you still want to enter? Door has opened and we've been standing in front of it for a while.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<center>[[ 🚪 Go in|madalyn7]]</center>
<center>[[ ⛓️ I've Had Enough|latexdungeonSunday(3)]]</center>
<<set $madalyn to 1>>\<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/bondageheel1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You've realised you're worth nothing. You never had any contact with Sun after that day. Maybe you were making it all up. It's your destiny to be tied up here from the beginning. You don't know how long it's been since your perception of time left you. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> Slave, I've got something new for you today. </b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you Mistress! </n1></b>
<d>???:</d> <b1> You were troublesome when I first took you in, but you've come good. </b1>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/bondage1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<d>???:</d> <b1> You don't even need stimulant latex anymore. And I managed to become headmistress of the Academy.</b1>
<n3>She gets emotional. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> You've been with me since the beginning of my journey. You were always my most precious slave. Thank you, $name. </b1>
<<linkreplace"GAME OVER">>\
<n3>You lived in pleasure with the new and most powerful headmistress of Umesatraa Academy and became her head slave. You still don't know her name....</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/gameover.webp" class=center width="60%">
[[Game Over???|madalyn6]]
<n3> inside, it's just like what you saw in your mind journey. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexcellar1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> You start looking around. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't think she's in a position to fantasize about us. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<<linkreplace"Look in another direction">>\
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It's more likely to be her, but I don't think so. She's in her own world. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[You hear a little moan|madalyn8]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3>You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. There are two succubuses in there, one fingering the other. The fingered succubus sits at her desk and is leaned against the wall by the other succubus. As they are both focused, both looking at the event taking place, you realize how harmonious they are. Their Lust energies are literally one and they are in a bond that they don't even need to speak. The energy that radiates makes you as peaceful as it turns you on. You don't want to distract them.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/fingering2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3> There doesn't appear to be a door or a room, but you've seen the kind of rooms Summer was kept in before. Summer should be in the secret room on your left.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dungeoncorridor1.jpg" class=center width="43%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> How are we going to see inside? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We'll apply some lust towards the wall. It should be enough.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You raise your hand towards the wall, trying to gather some Lust energy. Wall reacts immediately and begins to turn transparent.</n3>
<<linkreplace"There's someone inside">>\
<n3> Inside, you see Summer tied up real tight. Her tits are tightened with a belt and there are two candles burning on her nipples. She calmly looks at the candles and seems to be trying to blow them out. But because her mouth is fully closed, she cannot make any progress. Yet you don't sense any excitement or panic.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summercandle0.webp" class=center width="52%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Should we help her? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Lucy said she could get out of this dungeon whenever she want... So I don't think she needs our help. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> How can she get herself out of this situation? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We heard that she can manipulate latex but I don't know exactly. By the way, I don't see any door.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Why would we go in? Didn't we test if we could track her Lust energy? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We've come this far, we can go a bit further. I will take a look at her brain for a way in but she'll probably sense me.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>By following the Lust energy, you arrive at what you think is its source.</n3>
<<linkreplace "Continue " >>\
<b><n3>If you continue, you won't be able to return back. If you haven't looked in other directions, this is your last chance.</n3></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<img src="img/places/mirror1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<center>[[Check Out Your Tits|checkTits]]
[[Check Out Your Sign|checkSign]]
[[Change Your Name|nameChange]]
[[🛁 Return|Bathroom]]</center><n3> The sign on your arm heats up and some scenes flash in your mind. Looks like you're gonna find out about Summer's adventure that led to this end. </n3>
<n3>You see Summer, naked and tied up, surrounded by four Succubus. They look mean and ready some action.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer1.webp" class=center width="79%">
<b1>Look, girls! The famous Mistress Summer! The most ruthless Succubus of our era. The famous Mistress Summer! I haven't forgotten what you did to me because I didn't call you Mistress once, you bitch! </b1> <i><n3>"Shouts the tall succubus pulling Summer's hair" </n3></i>
<b1>Turn her over!</b1><i><n3> "As the Succubusses around her giggle and talk, tall Succubus gives a command"</n3></i>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer2.webp" class=center width="79%">
<b1> Let's start slow, shall we? You remember this latex paddle, right?</b1>
<n3> Even though she lightly strikes, Summer screams in pain. The tall succubus laughs in delight.</n3>
<b1> Yeah, that's your signature latex. Can you feel your pain receptors being stimulated? With the latex you invented, you will get punished. Let's move on to the next phase.</b1>
<n3> They turn Summer on her back and start beating her tits, then her pussy. She continues to writhe in pain but doesn't try to stop them. When she lunges forward in pain, blonde succubus grabs Summer by the throat and restrains her.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer3.webp" class=center width="79%">
<hi1> Hahaha! You're not going anywhere! The more you struggle, harder your punishment will be! Leave it to me! I hate her tits!</hi1>
<n3> While the other two Succubus hold Summer in place, blonde succubus in the red bandana starts beating Summer's tits. </n3>
<hi1> Fuck you! Fuck your big tits! How many Succubus have you tortured with these tits? I'm gonna make it all pay, you Jupiter cow! </hi1><n3> She screams with fury as she repeatedly beats the huge pair of tits in front of her.</n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer4.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3>Summer tries to scream, but her mouth is violently blocked. Succubus with the red bandana shifts her attention to her bottom.</n3>
<hi1> Take it! Take it! Take it!!!</hi1> <n3>Each stroke is harder than the last. </n3>
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summer5.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Summer tries to say something, but her mouth is still blocked. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Fukhck mee alrghedy u cowrd biccth!!!
<hi1>Ohh! Such audacity!! That's for us to decide! Just stand still and be quiet! </hi1>
<n3>Succubus with the white bandana interrupts. </n3>
<a1> It's my turn! We have to prepare her well before a good fuck. </a1><n3> She is holding a long red whip. </n3>
[[Continue whipping her|SummerCaptive5]]<n3> As you wait for the rest, scene begins to fade.</n3>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<n3> Suddenly you snap out of it and the room Summer is in starts to fill with a gray mist. You notice bright blue lines in this fog. This blue light is getting faster and faster and the shade of the fog is getting lighter. As you try to figure out what it is, a shadow passes in front of you. It must be a creature, but it was so fast you couldn't distinguish it. A few more times you try to follow it with your eyes and you realize what it is. A black cat with blue glowing eyes!</n3>
<img src="img/summer/sign/blackcat1.jpg" class=center>
<b><n3>Art by</n3></b> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/apofiss">Apofiss </a>
<n3> Eventually fog starts to disappear and you look inside.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Try to see what's going on inside">>\
<n3>Inside, you see Summer sitting calmly. After she' s completely free, she turns her gaze to you. Then she points with her eyes to the door on your right. That's when you realize that a door has appeared.
<img src="gif/summer/summer1/summerfree1.webp" class=center width="60%">
She clearly wants you to come in.</n3>
[[Enter the room|SummerCaptive6]]
<n3> You walk in and Summer starts talking in a serious voice.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I remember you. I saw you with Mistress Lucy a few weeks ago. </summer1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, I've seen... </n1></b>
<n3> You're interrupted before you can finish. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> What were you doing in my head? </summer1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Well... Actually... </n1></b>
<<linkreplace"You're interrupted again">>\
<img src="img/summer/summerannoyed1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I'm not talking to you, newbie! What were you doing in my head, you smart-ass? </summer1></b><n3> "With an annoyed expression" </n3>
<n3> Without waiting for an answer, she starts muttering to herself. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <i><summer1> You want me to show her? Are you sure?... Look, don't bitch about it afterwards... Okay, then.</summer1></i></b>
<n3> After she finishes speaking, she extends her left arm towards you. There's a sun sign with pointy edges in the center of her hand.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/sign/summersign1.jpg" class=center width="35%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> She has it too. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I didn't expect this. I can't feel the other succubus' energy. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<<if $summerquestion1 === 0 and $summerquestion2 === 0 and $summerquestion3 === 0 and $summerquestion4 === 0>>\
<n3> After a while she closes her hand and pulls it back. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Whatever, I'll let it slide this time. Don't you dare invade my mind again! </summer1></b>
<n3> She starts talking to herself again. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <i><summer1> What do you mean, be respectful to her?!.... I don't give a damn who she is!.... Whatever!</summer1></i></b>
<n3> Sun intervenes in the end. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I apologize for intruding into your mind. I would like to talk to the other succubus. I can't feel her presence. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Yes, she' s a bit shy... and weird. </summer1></b><n3> "Raising her hands to her sides" </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> So I can talk to her? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> After a short silence; </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> She doesn't want to. She says she's changed her mind.... Then why did you tell me you have to talk to her immediately?</summer1></b>
<n3> You just stand there while things get more and more awkward. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> She just wants to thank you. </summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What for? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You don't need to know... at least for now, she says. </summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I see... Then can I ask you a few questions... Mistress?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Drop the Mistress! I don't care about such things anymore. Yes! you can ask.</summer1></b> <n3>" Waving her hand recklessly"</n3>
<<if $summerquestion1 === 0>>\
[[❓ How did you get out of those binds?|Squestion1]]
<<if $summerquestion2 === 0>>\
[[❓ Does Mistress Lucy know about her?|Squestion2]]
<<if $summerquestion3 === 0>>\
[[❓ One of your spirit animals is a cat. What's the other one?|Squestion3]]
<<if $summerquestion4 === 0>>\
[[❓ When did you meet her?|Squestion4]]
[[That's all my questions.|SummerCaptive8]]
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You don't need to know!.... <i>What do you mean, it's okay? </i></summer1></b>
<n3> She tosses her head back and takes a deep breath. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> With this know-it-all, what we produce is not lust... She calls it <i>anti-lust.</i> Like, get in my head right now. </summer1></b>
<n3> Your arm is warming up, but there's no result. You try until a silhouette of a wolf appears next to you, but to no avail. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> See? Try as many times as you want. As long as I can produce anti-lust, I'm immune to your techniques. </summer1></b>
<n3> She picks up one of the ropes on the ground </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> And every object used here has a little bit of lust energy in it. Especially the object touched by another succubus is filled with lust energy. Of course, the majority don't even realize it. I'm speaking for my own senses.... Tie my hands.</summer1></b>
<n3> She's handing you the rope and you tie her hands like she said. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You knot like a child. You could have tied a little stronger knot.... Whatever. </summer1></b>
<n3> You see that the knot unties itself and the rope falls back to the ground. She tilts her head slightly. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/summerannoyed2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Of course, this is between you and me. Don't underestimate my connections. If you squeal somewhere, I'll know sooner or later.</summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, of course! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Good! </summer1></b>
<<set $summerquestion1 to 1>>\
<n3>She looks at you with glazed eyes.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summerannoyed3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> No, and I want to keep it that way. </summer1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I understand! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Good! </summer1></b>
<<set $summerquestion2 to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Well then, thank you for your time. </a1><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Summer shouts at you as you start to make your way towards the exit. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Hey, rookie! You think I'm gonna let you walk away like nothing happened? I untied myself because of you!</summer1></b>
<n3> You turn your head and see Summer holding onto a rope hanging from the ceiling while looking at you with lustful eyes. She's already tied her tits up.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summertied0.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Give me a hand so I can have some more fun. </summer1></b>
<n3> She picks up a long, sturdy bamboo stick from the corner of the room and walks towards you. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Tie me to that! </summer1></b>
<n3> She turns around and extends her arms towards you. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I've wasted enough time, hurry up! </summer1></b>
<<linkreplace"Tie her up to the bamboo stick">>\
<n3> You tie Summer tightly to the stick by her wrists and upper arm. After being tied up, she tries to untie the bindings by contracting her arms. Then she looks at you with mild surprise.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summertied1.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Not bad! Not bad at all. Now hang me!</summer1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hang you? </n1></b>
<n3> She walks to the rope hanging from the ceiling and points to the hook at the end. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Yeah, attach this hook between my breasts. Then pull me up! </summer1></b>
<n3> She tilts her head, smiles slightly and mutters something in a low voice. You can't hear what she's saying. </n3>
<b><summer1> <font size="2"><i>I know, Mathilda! I'm excited too. Sshh! I'm trying to hide it.</i> </font> </summer1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Do I need to repeat myself? Get moving, chop chop!</summer1></b>
[[Do what she says|SummerCaptive9]]
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Why do you want to know that? </summer1></b>
<n3> A shadow forms on Summer's shoulder. It's the black cat you saw earlier. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> We both have a cat as our spirit animal. But her cat is a bit different.</summer1></b>
<n3> Sitting calmly on Summer's shoulder, half of the cat's face fades at first. Then it overflows from her face and becomes a shadow moves like a flame. Its eyes and mouth glow a light blue and become a bit eerie. Then it completely disappears.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/sign/blackcat2.jpg" class=center width="45%"><b><n3>Art by</n3></b> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/shatterwing123">Shatterwing123 </a>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You learned this and what changed in your life? </summer1></b>
<n3> She looks a little bored. </n3>
<<set $summerquestion3 to 1>>\
<n3> After some effort, you raise Summer high enough and secure the rope with a knot. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/summertied2.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Good job! I might let you do something to me in the future. You're too naive yet. Now leave me alone! </summer1></b><b><summer1> <font size="2"><i>Hahaha! We'll stay like this for hours.... No, don't worry! We'll run away before our punishment time and get caught by someone else.</i> </font></summer1></b>
[[Leave the Dungeon|nunEncounter1]]
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter += 1>>\
<n3> Someone is dancing naked, jumping up and down. You look behind the window and realize it's Brittany. The view is a bit blurry because glass is dirty. Yet you can easily recognize those huge tits of hers. As Brittany dances, a crowd gathers around her and starts to watch her. You too go out and join the growing crowd.</n3>
<img src="gif/brittany/brittanyoutside1.webp" class=center>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Haahh! Hahaha! Isn't it a great day? It's a little cloudy, but maybe if we all dance enough, sun might shine to us! Wuuhuuu!! </b1></b>
<n3> A festive atmosphere is beginning to develop in the whole yard. Jupiters take off their clothes and start dancing, joining Brittany and jumping like crazy. As this festive mood continues, a high voice is heard from the left side.</n3>
<b><d>???:</d></b> <lucie> Disgrace! An unacceptable disappointment!</lucie>
<n3> This was heard by everyone and all eyes turned towards it. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn your head" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn your head and see a succubus in a sexy dress. She looks pleased to be getting all the attention. She smiles in a sly and slightly disturbing way.</n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/lucie1.jpg" class=center width="54%">
<b><d>???:</d></b> <lucie> The Headmistress of the Great Jupiter cannot behave like this! </lucie>
<n3> It gets quiet and all eyes are on Brittany. She calmly puts on some clothes.</n3>
[[ Continue|BritsDuel2]]
<<set $duel to 1>>\
<n3> Brittany approaches the succubus and starts talking with confidence. </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/brittany1.webp" class=center width="42%">
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> What do you mean, Lucie? </b1></b>
<n3> It's the first time you've seen her this serious. Lucie responds with fake sincerity.</n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> Please don't get me wrong my Mistress. I am only expressing my ideas for the present and future of our Great Jupiter. </lucie>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Let's hear your ideas then. </b1></b> <n3> "Slowly tilts her head to one side" </n3>
<n3> Lucie stands up and starts talking with excitement towards the crowd. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> As you know Jupiter is the most popular dormitory and this is increasing day by day. I'm very glad about that, but </lucie><n3> "Dramatically turns towards Brittany;" </n3> <lucie> I believe that under your leadership we cannot reach our full potential.... my Mistress. </lucie>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I see. What's your solution then? You would be a better headmistress than me? </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> Oh, no, no, no, no! </lucie> <n3>"Extending both arms in front of herself in an exaggerated way"</n3> <lucie>I think the best succubus for this honorable position would be... Mistress Lucy.</lucie>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What the hell's going on? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> A succubus in the crowd stares somewhere in the back.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Back">>\
<n3> Where she looks, Lucy is intently watching what is happening. </n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare1.png" class=center width="50%">
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Or is this a plan of Mistress Lucy's? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Absolutely not! Her current position is perfect. She has no reason to attract any attention. Besides, Mistress Trix told me that Brittany's presence was so helpful for them. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Then Mistress Lucy is not very pleased right now. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> If it goes the way i think it will, Lucy will be the one to benefit most. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Lucie breaks the silence. </n3>
<n3> Lucie's voice becomes serious and she looks Brittany in the eyes; </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> I had high hopes when I came here. I kept hearing about the Mighty Mistress Brittany. Some say the most powerful succubus of our age... But I never found what I hoped for.</lucie><n3>"A sadness comes out in her voice."</n3>
<lucie> I didn't want to believe it at first, that this couldn't be the Mistress Brittany that everyone talked about... But I've witnessed enough. </lucie>
<n3> She takes a deep breath and gathers herself. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d></b> <lucie> I can't see anything more than a succubus with big tits who likes to dance. I challenge you to a <i>Lust Duel</i>.</lucie>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She really did that. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> But isn't that forbidden? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It is not completely forbidden. A Lust duel can take place if certain conditions are met. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Brittany smiles. She doesn't seem to take her very seriously. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Just because you don't like my style doesn't mean I'm not qualified to be here. Don't embarrass yourself any more, withdraw your challenge.
I don't expect an apology. You are free to express your opinion as you wish.</b1></b>
[[Lucie smiles back|BritsDuel4]]
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> What!!??... The Great Mistress Brittany is afraid of a duel? Maybe I should run for the position, if just having big tits is enough;</lucie></b>
<<linkreplace"She puts her hands to her breasts" t8n>>\
<n3> With her hands on her chest, she looks very defiant. It is clear that she is trying to provoke Brittany. </n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/lucie2.jpg" class=center width="48%">
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I'm qualified too. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> You may think so... Do you really think you can win?</b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I can give it a try. I've been practicing for this moment for a long time. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Define your reward. </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I think your attitude is not suited to the position of headmistress. What I really want is your resignation, but...</lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I accept. </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> But... I don't have anything equivalent to offer. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Doesn't matter. I don't demand anything. </b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Hollyy Shit!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Brittany seems to be dominating the mental warfare. A sincere smile covers her face and speaks;</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> it's my duty to show you that you don't stand a chance against me. Take your place and let's begin.</b1></b>
<n3> Lucie comes forward and slowly takes off her bra. As she takes off her bra, the Lust emanating from her increases significantly. Even in the crowd, you can feel it very easily. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Her current level is very close to ours. She will use her power differently because she is a jupiter, but we will get a better idea of Brittany's power. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> In what way will she use it differently from us? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Jupiter and Mars are the most brute force based signs. They have a huge amount of lust but they squander it. So it is usually clear from the beginning which side will win. Important thing is how long Lucie can last.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Won't she try to win? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Of course she will try, but she knows that winning is not a high possibility. She just wants to discredit her. She wants to prove that Brittany is exaggerated.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Putting on her strange smile again, Lucie announces that she is ready. </n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/lucie3.jpg" class=center width="48%">
<n3> A succubus steps out of the crowd and quickly crosses between Lucie and Brittany. This is a tall, dark-skinned, fit succubus. Her body language is stern but respectful. You're guessing she' s not a Jupiter. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1>I'm J! I will be the referee of this Lust duel. Once the duel starts, no one can interfere except me or the Headmistresses of the other dormitories. If anyone has any objection to that, speak now. Further interventions will result in your punishment. </ange1></b>
<n3> J waits for a moment to see if there is any objection and continues. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> All right, then! The duel will end when one of the two sides ejaculates or loses consciousness. With both participants sworn in, I will start the duel. Also... watch this duel at your own risk.</ange1></b>
<n3> Lucie and Brittany starts talking at the same time. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> As a member of Umesatraa Academy, I accept this Lust Duel. I swear to accept the outcome and not violate the rules. I am responsible for what I put forward and what I demand...</b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> As a member of Umesatraa Academy, I accept this Lust Duel. I swear to accept the outcome and not violate the rules. I am responsible for what I put forward and what I demand... </lucie></b>
<n3> Meanwhile, a succubus next to you complains in a quiet voice.;
<hi1> We rarely get to witness a duel. Let's get it started. What's the point of this oath? </hi1>
<n3> The heat on your sign is increasing. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You fucking idiot! Haven't you ever wondered why you' ve witnessed so few? You have no idea how dangerous it used to be.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Of course, only you heard Sun's shouts. You couldn't hear part of the oath. </n3>
<b><b1> The moment the duel ends, Succubus in front of me will continue to be free. I swear to follow these rules! </b1></b>
<b><lucie> The moment the duel ends, Succubus in front of me will continue to be free. I swear to follow these rules! </lucie></b>
<n3> J nods his head in satisfaction and takes two steps forward. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Then we can get started. </ange1></b>
<n3> J closes her eyes and focuses some lust energy. </n3>
[[Continue|BritsDuel7]]<n3> Three tortoise appears in front of J. They are arranged from small to large and they are on top of each other. </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/tortoise1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> A yellow barrier grows from tortoises, trapping Brittany and Lucie inside. When the barrier is complete, J comes out and puts her hands on her hips. </n3>
<n3> As the two succubuses inside the barrier look at each other, Lucie makes the first move. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I'll end this in one move. </lucie></b>
<n3> She puts her hands in front of her and starts to focus. With the appearance of her spirit animal, you can feel its lust energy even from outside the barrier.</n3>
<img src="gif/lucie/flamingo1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> She pauses, realizing that Brittany hasn't moved yet. Then, with a war cry, she focuses all her energy on Brittany.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> So she's trying to knock her out with intense lust. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Brittany stands completely still. The only difference is that Brittany's smile has disappeared. Lucie stops her attack and starts talking out of breath.</n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> You're not elegant enough. Beauty is not about being flashy. </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Enough! </b1></b>
<n3> J mutters to herself, a little worried. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Don't lose control, Brit! We'll need all the headmistresses to stop you. </ange1></b>
<n3> Brittany exhales deeply and a figure begins to form in front of her. This figure grows and grows and finally takes form. A giant peacock with an imposing tail! </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/peacock1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<n3> The ambience suddenly changes. You can't even feel Lucie's Lust. Brittany raises both arms and prepares for her attack. </n3>
[[💫 She makes a move to knock her out|BritsDuel8()]]
[[💋 She makes a move to make her cum|BritsDuel8]]<<set $faint to random(2) >>
<n3> Brittany suddenly releases her accumulated energy and even though there is a barrier, a shockwave affects everyone there. This intense energy lasts for a moment. You could feel how aggressive this energy was. Lucie is standing in a defensive position with her arms outstretched. Just when everyone thinks she handled the attack, she collapses like a block of ice.
Brittany slowly starts walking towards Lucie.</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> You challenged me for such a childish reason. But I wanted to believe it was worth it. I hoped I wouldn't have to hold back. Haven't you been training for this moment for a long time?</b1></b>
<n3> The giant peacock Brittany left behind begins to glow brighter. Its green color is much more intense and glaring. </n3>
<img src="img/brittany/peacock2.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> A sudden burst of power makes you realize that the first one was a warning shot. J gets in front of everyone and tries to strengthen the barrier. Cracks start to appear in the yellow barrier and J shouts with all her strength.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Duel is over!! Brittany, control yourself!</ange1></b>
<n3> You start to feel dizzy and your vision starts to fade. It happened so suddenly that you couldn't react, but you're not sure if it would have made any difference if you had. </n3>
<<if $faint === 0>>\
[[💫 Try not to faint [33%]|BritsDuel8(fainted)]]
<<elseif $faint === 1>>\
[[💫 Try not to faint [33%]|BritsDuel8(fainted)]]
<<elseif $faint === 2>>\
[[💫 Try not to faint [33%]|BritsDuel8(conscious)]]
<n3> Brittany raises her hands and just as she is about to attack, she exhales a deep breath. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I'm obviously stronger than you. There's no point in ending it so soon. </b1></b>
<n3> The giant peacock begins to change color. Its tail starts to redden, the energy it radiates starts to change. The ambience becomes much more sensual. Even from outside the barrier, you can feel it.</n3>
<img src="img/brittany/peacock3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Feel yourself, my little one! I won't even touch you. You'll do everything to yourself. </b1></b>
<n3> Lucie's breathing is getting faster. She bites her lip; </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> I can resist it! It's not a big deal. And I've already... </lucie></b>
<n3> Brittany interrupts her. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I believe I gave you your first order. Feel that naughty tits!</b1></b>
<n3> She exudes such Lust after she's finished. Everyone, including the audience, wants to fulfill this order. Lucie can't resist it either.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie11.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I hope you had enough fun. You're not allowed to touch your tits anymore! Move to your pussy!</b1></b>
<n3> Lucie puts her hand to her pussy and starts rubbing it. But she unintentionally involves her breast. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Easy, now! And who said you could touch your tits! Just the pussy! Slowly!</b1></b>
<n3> Lucie slows down as instructed. You can tell she's barely holding herself back. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/Lucie/duel/lucie4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
[[Brittany Continues|BritsDuel9]]
<<set $came to 1>>
<n3> You can't maintain your consciousness. Suddenly all your senses shut down and you are plunged into darkness...</n3>
<<linkreplace"Someone's shaking you" t8n>>\
<n3>You don't know how long it's been. But after a while you open your eyes. You turn your head and see J staring at you. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Prep year, you okay? </ange1></b>
<n3> You exhale deeply and nod your head like yes. J smiles and puts her hand on your shoulder.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Good! If you managed to wake up, it's okay.</ange1></b>
<n3> Then she gets up in a hurry and helps the other unconscious succubuses. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It's simply unbelievable! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> My head hurts. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> The mightiest Succubus of our time. I thought everyone was inflating her. </a1><n1>)</n1></b><i><n3>"In excitement and awe "</n3></i>
<n3> When you look around, you don't see Brittany. Two succubus are taking care of Lucie.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I thought I could endure it. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You were almost holding on. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I feel mixed. Disappointed, a little angry. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Brittany's first strike was aggressive but not powerful. Her second strike was an expression of her emotions at that moment. Second one must have been unintentional.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What about the oath they took in the first place? Does that break the rules? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Since Brittany released large amounts of energy after Lucie already lost consciousness, there must be a violation of the rules. We will see if there will be any consequences.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I didn't think witnessing a Lust Duel would end up like this. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> If she had tried to make Lucie cum, this wouldn't have happened. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You take slow steps to your room to rest. As you walk, you wonder who could have planned this.</n3>
[[Go to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $fainted to 1>>
<n3> Somehow you manage not to faint. If the wave of energy lasted a few more seconds, there was no way to resist. Only you and a succubus are left standing in the crowd.</n3>
<n3> Brittany stands panting, while J runs towards her. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I managed to stop. Fuck! That was hard. </b1></b>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Mistress, are you okay? </ange1></b>
<n3> Brittany raises her arms in panic. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Stop, J! Stay back! I could barely stop myself. Don't come any closer! Help the fainted! </b1></b>
<n3> J moves towards the crowd. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1>Hey, you all right? You must have really pushed yourself.</ange1></b>
<n3> Grabbing you by both shoulders, she gently shakes you, looking impressed. </n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> You can still stand. Very good! </ange1></b>
<n3> J, starts taking care of the fainted succubusses in a little panic. In the distance you see Brittany trying to get away from the scene. She probably doesn't want to cause any more trouble. </n3>
<n3> As she walks away, you notice a blackness on her back. Is it the reason she could stop? Or is it the reason she's out of control. Lucy certainly seems to have been involved, either at the beginning or the end. When you look around, you can't see Lucy. </n3>
<n3> You take slow steps to your room to rest. As you walk, you wonder who could have planned this.</n3>
[[Go to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $$conscious to 1>>
<b><n3> Summer starts playing with her hair and sits down. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I don't know when. I've almost completely lost my perception of time. I don't know what you know about me, so listen to me without interrupting. </summer1></b>
<b><summer1> I used to have an important role here. Everyone was afraid of me and that's what I wanted.</summer1></b>
<n3> After a pause for a breath; </n3></b>
<b> <summer1> One day, after my classic torture routine, I realized, I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to. Of course I ignored it.
This gradually developed into a curiosity. I wonder how they felt.
<n3> She leaves some gaps, as if she is leaving out some details in between. </n3>
I wanted to try, but I didn't know how. I realized that only way was to get punished by someone above me. And I let someone escape.
<n3> A black cat appears on her shoulder. </n3>
Thanks to this little one, I could check almost all the cellars, regardless of where I was. That means, no one could escape from here under my watch.
So no one believed the news. Especially Mistress Lucy. She understood something was wrong, but I made excuses and said it was my fault. I insisted that I had to be punished.
But she didn't want to punish me. She didn't think I deserved it. So I had to provoke her a little bit.
<n3> Suddenly she stands up; </n3>
Why am I telling you all this? She's been with me since the beginning of these events, but she was hiding from me too. She was afraid if I would accept these feelings. That's all!
<n3> Her harsh nature and manner seem to be unaffected by this. </n3>
<<set $summerquestion4 to 1>>\<n3> This time you head for a different passage than usual. This area looks different from the rest of the dungeon. It still looks old, but it has an aura of its own. It's not rundown like the previous passages you visited. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<n3> There is a loud noise coming from a room. It sounds like someone speaking to a crowd. </n3>
[[Take a Look|latexdoll2]]
[[I changed my mind|latexdungeon(3)]]
<<set $latexdollcheck to 1>>\<n3> Inside, you see succubus covered in latex giving a speech to 5-6 succubus covered in latex. Just what you'd expect. Talking succubus suddenly stops and turns to you.
This succubus has a spiky mask and exaggerated movements. She moves her arms and body a lot when she talks.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexmaniac1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Ahh! My passionate speech seems to have attracted another valuable follower. Please feel free to participate! </b1></b>
<n3> When you step inside, the door closes by itself. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There's something wrong here. I can't get into anyone's mind, except the one in the middle. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You take a few steps back. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Where are you going? Please sit down! Listen! Learn! </b1></b>
<n3>One of the seated one turns her head to you in a robotic way.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexdoll1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Girls! What do you think about our new member? </b1></b>
<n3> You try to open the door but it is covered with sticky latex. When you touch it and see it spreading to your hand, you immediately stop touching it. </n3>
<<set $latexdoll to 1>>\<<set $mindcontrol to random(1)>>\
<<set $door to random(2)>>\
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> There's no way out of here, darling! </b1></b>
<n3> One by one, sitting ones are getting up. One of them stands at such an angle that you can't tell if her arms are tied behind her back or she doesn't have arms.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexdoll3.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You notice the pattern. Except for the one with the spiky mask, none of them have even a breathing hole in their masks.</n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Are you wondering who is your new owner? </b1></b>
<n3> With an exaggerated bow: </n3>
<b><b1> Assistant Headmistress of the Saturn Dormitory of Yukitumos Academy. I came to see Lucy, but she said she had to train a newbie and took me here to wait. Also she told me not to capture anyone but she must be busy right now. By the time she's done, I'll be done with you too.</b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Assistant headmistress of our sister academy? Keep her distracted for a while. If I can get into her head, we can get out of here. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> She claps her hands. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> All right, girls! Our new member doesn't look sticky enough. </b1></b>
<n3> You start talking, raising your hands for them to stop. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Wait a second Mistress! I'm the newbie that Mistress Lucy's gonna train. </n1></b>
<n3> All movement in the room stops. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Hold on ! Is this the truth?</b1></b> <i><n3>"In a confused tone"</n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes! Yes it is! </n1></b>
<n3> She trembles like she hit her head on something. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Then how come you're trying to get inside my head? Newbie my ass! You'll be my most precious piece!</b1></b>
<n3> All the latex-dolls are moving towards you. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun, that's all the time I could get. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I'm trying! She can't protect her mind while handling all those latex-dolls. That's why she attacks in haste. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<if $mindcontrol === 0>>\
[[🧠 Enter Her Mind and Escape [50%]|(fail-mind)]]
<<if $mindcontrol === 1>>\
[[🧠 Enter Her Mind and Escape [50%]|(mind)]]
<<if $door === 0>>\
[[🚪 Try to Open the Door Again [33%]|(fail-door)]]
<<if $door === 1>>\
[[🚪 Try to Open the Door Again [33%]|(fail-door)]]
<<if $door === 2>>\
[[🚪 Try to Open the Door Again [33%]|(door)]]
[[💋 Just Surrender|(surrender)]]
<n3> With a rush, you turn around again and grab the doorknobs. You pull with all your strength and while you do, you're covered up to your elbows in latex.</n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> A pathetic attempt. Girls! Get her!</b1></b>
<n3> You pull with all your strength but you feel hands on your back and arms. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I can't stop them! They won't obey me. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Your whole body starts to get covered in sticky black latex. The more you're covered, the more you realize you're losing control. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Show her the true peace. A life spent with me is very blessed. </b1></b>
<n3> Turns to a latex-doll next to her; </n3>
<b><b1> Right? You must realize how lucky you are. I provide everything you need.</b1></b>
<n3> You are completely covered with latex from the neck down and you can't feel your body. The latex climbs up your neck and you black out. Last thing you remember is the laughter of the spiky-masked succubus. </n3>
[[Open your eyes|latexdoll4]]
<n3> Sun is trying to get into the brain of the succubus that controls the Latex-dolls. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> It's almost there. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Suddenly two of the Latex-dolls coming towards you collapses to the ground. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Don't underestimate me! If you're trying to get into my mind, I just need to increase my focus. </b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> FUCKK! She realized and released control of the two Latex-dolls. She got us! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Latex-dolls covered in black shiny latex grabs you. From where they touch, a sticky latex quickly begins to coat your body. You try to struggle but as the latex spreads, you can't feel your body.</n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> I appreciate your effort! Like I said, you'll be my most precious piece. I've always had great respect for Succubus who can unleash such valuable talents. Based on your abilities, I think it is safe to assume that you are an... </b1></b>
<n3> You fade into darkness before you hear the end. </n3>
[[Open your eyes|latexdoll4]]
<n3> Your arm feels like it's on fire. Suddenly you feel a power inside you. Latex-dolls stop moving. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We're in control, but I don't know how long I can hold it. I'll get the door open. Just get out immediately! Don't even look back!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> The layer of latex covering the door is starting to dissolve. When the door handle is exposed, you open the door and walk away with quick steps.
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
When you get a little bit away from there, the connection is broken and you exhale deeply.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> It was a very close call. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> If she wasn't busy with Latex-dolls, there's no way I could get into her mind. Technically, she must be on the same level as Lucy. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Let's not mention to anyone about that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Totally agree! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<n3> With a rush, you turn around again and grab the doorknobs. You pull with all your strength and while you do, you're covered up to your elbows in latex.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> AAahhh!! C'moonnn! Opeenn!! </n1></b>
<n3> As you're hanging on with all your might, door suddenly opens. You almost fall to the ground but you managed to regain your balance. Eventually you manage to leave the room. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Nice move! I wasn't sure if I could get into her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> This place is full of crazy! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> And we're the crazies who wander around here. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> No one's coming after you. As you get farther away from that room, latex on your arm detaches from you. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Let's not mention to anyone about that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Totally agree! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<n3> You accept that there is no escape and stay where you are. Latex-dolls are grabbing you by the arms. Latex spreads all over your body and causes you to start lose consciousness.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/latexdoll2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> I love visiting here, it never disappoints me. </b1></b>
<n3> Turns to a latex-doll next to her; </n3>
<b><b1> You understand me, right? One day Lucy and I are gonna take over all the... </b1></b>
<n3> Everything goes black. </n3>
[[Open your eyes|latexdoll4]]
<n3> Your eyes are so heavy. You have no energy and you just want to sleep. There is two hands on your legs, like they're massaging you. Slowly you open your eyes and the first thing you see is a neon pink color. Then you remember what was happening and try to move but you are completely fixed in your seat. The voice you hear wakes you up completely.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Wakey wakey! My darling! </b1></b>
<n3> You recognize that voice. Reflexively you try to launch an attack, but you feel the Lust you produce being instantly absorbed. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Ohh! You're finally awake. I left the dungeon in a hurry after I caught you. I'll see Lucy later. More important things got in the way. I need to know about you, don't I? Without knowing your limits, I don't know where to place you.</b1></b>
<n3> Her voice harshens as she gives an order; </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Start preparing her! First, loosen her throat. </b1></b>
<n3> Neon pink latex-doll moves her hand to your lips in robotic movements. Then she puts her fingers down your throat. Without a warning! Her movements are not gentle at all.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun! Where are you? Where are we? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> No response. A silence as if Sun had never existed. </n3>
<n3> Then you understand why your throat was relaxed. Your mouth is gagged by a device. It takes all your strength to stay awake. Was thinking always that exhausting?</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Move to next stage! </b1></b>
<n3> You see a succubus in a red latex dress tied to a bar. You can't understand what she's trying to say because of the gag in her mouth. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage3.webp" class=center width="37%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yeah, thats her! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> As you take two steps towards the tied succubus, someone calls out to you from the dark side of the room. </n3>
<d>???:</d><hi1> So, you're interested in my pieces?</hi1>
<n3> You realize you'll meet the succubus whose Lust energy you're tracking. A tall succubus in black latex emerges from the shadows. She's looking at you with dull eyes with a whip in her hand. The mere sight of her confidently standing there seems pretty intimidating. Normally you would shy away from such a sight, but you feel a strange feeling inside. You straighten your posture and throw your shoulders back. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/madalyn1.webp" class=center width="32%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Greetings! </n1></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> It' s Madalyn! What are you here for? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'm just exploring! </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn squints and focuses on your eyes. And then with a satisfied smile; </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> That's the one! Your Lust didn't even flinch. I didn't expect Mistress Lucy to pick a loser anyway.</hi1></b>
<n3> You understand that she already knows you and she was releasing aggressive Lust to test you. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/madalyn1.webp" class=center width="30%">
<n3> Madalyn sits down and looks at you again. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> So what are you really doing here? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Like I said, I was just exploring. </n1></b>
<n3> She stares at you with disbelieving eyes. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> So you found me by accident? Out of all the corridors and doors. </hi1></b>
[[Yes, that's how it happened|madalyn9(lie)]]
[[Actually, I tracked your Lust energy|madalyn9(truth)]]
<n3> The neon pink Latex-doll takes a white vibrator and approaches you. Without hesitation, she presses the vibrator into your pussy. You squirm as if you feel pleasure, but you can't feel anything. No matter how much you produce lust, it's all for nothing!</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> How do you like my special latex formula? Lucy is a completely incredible brain! But not creative enough. When she completes one thing, she moves on to the next. But there's so much more to explore. It never finishes.</b1></b>
<n3> Latex-doll puts her hand on your chest and presses the vibrator even harder against your crotch. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1>You barely have the energy to move. And look at the brainless doll in front of you. She is eager to follow my orders. A brain under control only needs energy and command. You'll be like her, only a higher rank.</b1></b>
<n3> Neon pink Latex-doll gets in front of you and starts massaging you with her hand while she presses the vibrator. With this sudden increase of lust, you feel the Sun for the first time since you were kidnapped.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1><font size="3"> $name! </font></a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Sun??!! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1><font size="3"> Listen carefully! Right now, almost all of our Lust is being absorbed. It will end when she thinks you're ready. When that happens, I can return, but you need to be able to maintain yourself.</font></a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'll try it! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1><font size="3"> Good! I'll help you. When the crazy one leaves, I'll try to take over this pink one. Worst case scenario, I'll try to drain Lust from her.</font></a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[A dull voice|latexdoll6]]
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> Okay, slave! We can't wait for days, can we? Skip to the last stage, we've warmed her up enough.</b1></b>
<n3> The neon pink Latex-doll fixes the vibrator and rests it against your pussy. </n3>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> I've seen your potential. I hope you didn't think I'd leave you with a doll. I can sense that you're conscious and still thinking. You should already be in a trance and losing your self. </b1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> You'll be here for days. You'll produce Lust all the time but I won't let you feel it. Your body will think you've lost the ability to feel pleasure and you'll dissolve along with your hope. </b1></b>
<b><b1> What do you think will happen if you find someone who can make you feel pleasure again?.... Bingo! You'll worship her! Let's go slave! We have things to do.</b1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll8.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You try to make a sound but your mouth is gagged. You try to struggle but you have no energy. You can't feel Sun. You're all alone again.</n3>
<n3> You don't know how long you've been here. You can't feel anything. Over and over again you felt you had an orgasm but there was no pleasure. Everything now is just frustrating. When was the last time you ate or drank? When are you going to feed again? Your body trembles like you're still enjoying it, but actually it's the other way around. You'll do anything to get out of it. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/latexdoll9.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Time continues to pass by, with your lost sense of time. You fell asleep again, but this time when you woke up, it is pitch black. Then bright, blue things start to appear in this darkness.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/butterfly.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> These are blue butterflies. They are getting more and more, and as these butterflies multiply, you feel safer. The pressure starts to lift and you feel something you haven't felt for a long time. Pleasure!</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What how? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Writhing in pleasure, you can't focus on what Sun is saying. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> So she was here, at the Yukitumos Academy. I can't believe it. I have to remember that. No!! Noo!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Suddenly all the butterflies spread their wings and stand still. Then they quickly flap their wings and turn to dust. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/latex/latexdoll/captive/butterfly1.webm" width="1200px" height="900px"></video>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No! $name don't forget, only you can remember. When you do, don't ignore it! She's in Yukitumos, just tell me that, SHE IS IN YUKITUM..... </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Pull the door with all your strength|latexdoll8]]
<n3> With a rush, you turn around again and grab the doorknobs. You pull with all your strength and while you do, you're covered up to your elbows in latex.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> AAahhh!! C'moonnn! Opeenn!! </n1></b>
<n3> As you're hanging on with all your might, door suddenly opens. You almost fall to the ground but you managed to regain your balance. Eventually you manage to leave the room. </n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdollpassage1.jpg" class=center width="42%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Nice move! I wasn't sure if I could get into her mind. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> This place is full of crazy! </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> And we're the crazies who wander around here. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> No one's coming after you. As you get farther away from that room, latex on your arm detaches from you. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Let's not mention to anyone about that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Totally agree! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Some images flashes in your head. Blue wings in the darkness?? There was something you shouldn't forget??... Probably not something important anyway. With the relief of escaping from that maniac, you return back with quick steps.</n3>
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<n3> She doesn't seem to believe that at all. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Whatever... Don't waste any more of my time. I'm trying to become Mistress Lucy's new right hand. </hi1></b>
<n3> She closes her eyes and scratches her head in exasperation. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> How am I supposed to do that? I can't even fully control my own cellar. The whole dungeon is impossible. I'm trying to sharpen my Lust energy but I can't reach the level I want!</hi1></b>
<n3> You didn't expect her to just spill out in front of you like that. </n3>
[[Maybe I can try to help?|madalyn9(help)]]
[[I don't have time for that|madalyn9(leave)]]
<n3> She looks at you with slightly skeptical eyes but clearly she is also considering the probability of that.</n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> How is that possible? Who knows how many succubus are here. There's no way you could have picked me out and tracked me. </hi1></b>
<n3> She looks at you as if she wants you to prove otherwise. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> To test myself, I tried to detect the strongest lust energies. My main goal is to find someone. I came here while I was trying out the options. </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn's expression changes. It is a mixture of surprise and happiness. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> So you felt me among the strongest? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes. Your energy is very intense. </n1></b>
<n3> You're already talking to her like she's your equal and Madalyn doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Sun listens without interfering.</n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Actually, I'm aiming to be the next right hand but I feel like I'm making no progress. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> The succubus I was trying to find is Mistress Summer! </n1></b>
<n3> She gasps in shock! </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> But... But she' s the former right-hand. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Exactly! </n1></b> <i><n3> "With a small smile of satisfaction" </n3></i>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> What do you think I should do? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Well... You have a very intense Lust energy but it's so tense. A little... uncomfortable. It's like spears are pointed at me. This seems to be holding you back.</n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn nods her head. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I understand. I need to relax a bit.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Actually you have a very intense Lust energy. But it's so tense. A little... uncomfortable. It's like spears are pointed at me. </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn is looking at you with curiosity. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... There will be times when this is necessary but... you need to relax. </n1></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> How can I do that? Do you know how many succubus want this position? </hi1></b> <i><n3>"By raising her voice"</n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> You are much closer than you think. There's no point in hiding it. I tracked your Lust energy and found this place. Only three energies in the whole dungeon deserved to be tracked down, and one of them is you. </n1></b>
<n3> You're already talking to her like she's your equal and Madalyn doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Sun listens without interfering.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> The other one of these three energies is probably guess whose energy. </n1></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Whose? </hi1></b> <i><n3>"She's listening to you with breathless attention"</n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Mistress Summer! </n1></b>
<n3> She gasps in shock! </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> But... But she' s the former right-hand. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Exactly! </n1></b> <i><n3> "With a small smile of satisfaction" </n3></i>
<n3>She closes her eyes and starts breathing deeply.</n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I understand. I need to relax a bit.</hi1></b>
<n3> You're heading for the exit. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you for your time. </n1></b>
<n3> Madalyn turns back to you with a deep breath. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Yeah... No problem. </hi1></b>
<n3> You can tell from her voice how stressed she is. You leave the cellar.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What happened to you when you faced Madalyn? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I don't know. I felt like I was being stepped on and I didn't like it. I felt like I could fight back and I tried to do that. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There was an aggressive flow of Lust on you and you were affected by it. You copied it, made it your own and fought back. You're adapting very quickly.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> The fact that I do it unintentionally may not always benefit me. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, but in that case, I'll step in. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You walk back with a small smile on your face. </n3>
<n3> Madalyn spreads her arms and takes deep breaths. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> Relax, just relax... Just! </hi1></b>
<<linkreplace"Something's wrong">>\
<n3> Suddenly she frowns and starts walking angrily towards something. You see her approaching a succubus moaning in pleasure on the corner and covers her mouth vigorously. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage4.webp" class=center width="57%">
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I'm trying to focus here, you disrespectful asshole! Shut the fuck up and stay here! </hi1></b> <i><n3>"As if she had any other choice." </n3></i>
<n3> She comes back to her old spot, opening and closing her hands. You can see her trying to calm down. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> My apologies.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Uhh... It's all good. </n1></b>
<n3> Once her breathing is regularized, you begin to feel the change in Madalyn's aura. And somewhere behind her, a silhouette starts to form.</n3>
<n3> This is a tiger. It says a lot about her but most of all it says that she is strong. As long as she keeps it under control. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/tiger1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I feel much better. I've always been stronger than others, that was my normal. The moment I put a little pressure on them, their Lust starts to fluctuate, to break down. Yet I feel like a kitten, dull and toothless next to the monsters.</hi1></b>
<n3> She turns to you calmly. </n3>
<b><hi1> You're the fifth succubus to resist me. Become a monster!</hi1></b>
<n3> That gives you goosebumps. </n3>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> I have things to decide. You have my respect! You know where to find me if you need me. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you! Hope to see you soon. </n1></b>
<n3> You expected it to take longer, but it seems that it was enough for her to just stop and think calmly. You're heading for the exit...</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> If you're warmed up enough, let's continue. If you don't want to, you can say so. </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> No! No, please! Please, keep going! </lucie></b>
<n3> Suddenly, there's a sound coming from the trees to your right. It's as if they've been hit in the branches. There is nothing in sight, but there is no wind either, so you wonder what is the source of the sound. Slowly you turn to Lucy and see that she too is looking at the trees that just made noise. Then she calmly makes eye contact with you and continues to watch the duel.</n3>
<n3> So you continue to watch the duel. You see a dildo in Lucie's hand, not very thick. She seems to be getting it ready by sucking it sensually. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> Please Mistress! I'm soo sorry! Please allow me for some pleasure! </lucie></b>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I am a very compassionate headmistress. Of course you can continue. </b1></b>
<n3> It seems already clear who will win the duel. Still, for it to be officially over, Lucie has to cum. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> As Lucie does Brittany's orders with both the dildo and her hand, you feel a movement in the back. Lucy leaves in a hurry. As she walks through a densely wooded area, she suddenly disappears behind a tree. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There must be something going on that we can't see. You don't have the cape, do you? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> No, it's in my room.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<center>[[⚔️ Keep watching the duel.|BritsDuel10]]</center>
<center>[[🧥 Run to your room and come back with the cloak.|cloak1]]</center>
<n3> You go back to your room with quick steps. As soon as you throw your scopophobic cloak over your shoulder, you head back to the Jupiter Dormitory.</n3>
<img src="img/inventory/latexcape1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Whatever happened, there's a good chance we've already missed it. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Still, maybe we can learn something.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> When you return to the duel field, you look around curiously. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Around">>\
<n3> Mistress Lucy is in her old place. She's wearing an ankle-length latex jacket. </n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare2.png" class=center width="35%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I'd expect nothing less. You've immediately sensed that something's going on. </l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What's going on, Mistress? </n1></b>
<n3> It's the first time you've seen Lucy so worried. She's much, much calmer than a normal succubus, but by Lucy standards, she looks pretty worried. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They started taking action. </l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Who? </n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> The Center! This duel was a declaration of war.</l1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I heard some noises, and with your disappearance I got curious and went to get my cloak. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Their main intention was to drive Brittany out of control. Lucie drew attention to me because they knew I would stop it. Bunch of whores! But clever!</l1></b>
<n3> Even Lucy's anger is analytical. You find it a little funny. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> How were they going to get Mistress Brittany out of control? </n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They have almost all the types of latex we use now. </l1></b>
<n3> You look surprised. It is clear that you are waiting for some explanation, even if it is a small one. </n3>
[[Mistress Trix intervenes|cloak2]]
<<set $curiouscape to 1>>\
<n3> For a moment you thought about grabbing your cloak from your room, but you decided to continue watching the duel. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Get on your knees and keep going! Don't even think about speeding up! </b1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> I changed my mind! I wanna see that dildo in your ass! </b1></b>
<n3> Lucie does as she's told without hesitation. At first she struggles a bit, but gradually she gets used to it. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie8.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You didn't notice it at first because you weren't paying much attention, but you see that most of the crowd watching is in a kind of trance. Some are touching themselves, some are watching mesmerized. Two succubus are kissing, trying not to be noticed. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> When you watch a Lust duel, you have to respect that and just watch. It's more tolerated now, but in the past you had to follow more rules. And when Brittany is releasing such intense Lust, there's not a lot you can do about it. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> It makes you smile to get an answer when you haven't even asked. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> This barrier blocks almost 98% of the lust that spreads. That's why we can endure. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You return to watch the duel with a growing smile. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Take any position you want! Time to end this boring duel! </b1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> Yes Mistress!</lucie></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/Lucie/duel/lucie9.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Brittany spreads her arms to the side again. As the gigantic peacock turns bright red, Brittany gives her final command. </n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> CUM!! Speed as fast as you want. Touch where you want. You got 30 seconds. </b1></b>
<n3> Lucie speeds up with some haste. With the dildo in her ass, she rapidly rubs her pussy. </n3>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> Haaa! I'm gonna cum!! I-I'm cummminggg! Mmhhhh!!! </lucie></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucie/duel/lucie10.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> J enters through the barrier with quick steps. The moment she walks in, she stops as if she's hit a wall.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> Oh my!! Even I can hardly hold myself back.</ange1></b>
<n3> The red peacock in all its glory fades away. Brittany stretches out a hand and tries to absorb her Lust, which is all over the place. She realizes that if the barrier is released in this state, it might cause some trouble. Meanwhile, J comes between Brittany and Lucie.</n3>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> The duel is over. And the winner is Mistress Brittany! Since the winner doesn't demand anythi...</ange1></b>
<n3> Brittany touches J on the shoulder and interrupts her. She turns to the crowd;</n3>
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Any further dueling demands will come at a price. You can consider this as a warning. </b1></b>
<n3> You feel as if this warning was not meant for the crowd. After her warning, she starts walking calmly back to Jupiter Dormitory. </n3>
<n3>J releases the barrier and a wave of Lust spreads around. It warms you up like a heat wave and turns you on like it does everyone else around. The crowd disperses while Lucie still tries to regulate her breathing. </n3>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +100</n1></b>
[[Go back to your room|DormRoom]]
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> Let's say they once had the best. </trix1></b>
<n3> Lucy looks at you with her usual seriousness. </n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I have some things to do. Things I need to ensure! I will reach you soon. Some days I'll lock the Dungeon completely. Don't worry if you can't get in.</l1></b>
<n3> There's someone behind you. It's a succubus who looks like she's wearing only the top part of a dress, with a whip in her hand. She has a harsh temperament.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/standing2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>???:</d> <b1> Mistress, everything is ready. </b1>
<n3> Lucy nods slightly and starts walking towards the dungeon.
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> There's nothing to worry about. Just continue as you normally would.</l1></b>
Before she get too far, you hear Lucy mumbling something. She's probably talking to Trix.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Yes! It's on! </l1></b>
<n3> After Lucy leaves, you remember the duel but it's already over. </n3>
<<if $latexNun === 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Then the latex nun we saw on the way to the dungeon that day was connected to the Center. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You go back to your room with questions on your mind. </n3>
[[Go back to your room|DormRoom]]
<center><h1>I'm working on it 🛠</h1></center>
<img src="gif/InProgress/work1.gif" class=center width= "60%">
The story will continue. If you like the game and want to support me, I look forward to your feedback. Also, you can check out my <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129" target="_blank">Patreon</a>. Thanks a lot!
<n3> When you enter your room, you see a huge shadow that shouldn't be there. Neither you nor Sun could feel her. As soon as you enter, this huge figure politely greets you by lifting the front of your skirt. You're instantly taking a battle stance.</n3>
<img src="img/nun/nun1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Huge Nun:</d> <b1> Greetings to you. Please do not be afraid. We just wanted to officially meet with you. </b1></b>
<n3> She speaks very politely and she has a sincere smile on her face. By keeping the gentleness in her voice;</n3>
<b><d>Huge Nun:</d> <b1> If you cause trouble for no reason, we have to act accordingly. </b1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She has no aggressive intentions. Just listen her. If something goes wrong, just RUN! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b> <b1> We apologize for invading your personal domain but we had no choice. We are here to tell you that you are on the wrong side. We don't know what you were told , but we can assume that it was full of lies.</b1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Why do you speak in the plural? Who are "we"? </n1></b>
<b><b1> So they didn't even bother to inform you. What a pity! We are the right path! It does not matter who we are as individuals. We all follow in the footsteps of our founder and we are all one self.</b1></b>
<n3> Your arm feels like it's on fire. An anger builds up inside you. Sun must be trying to restrain herself because she knows you have no chance of winning right now, but even what is leaking out of her is affecting you a lot. You breathe deeply and try to calm down.</n3>
<b><b1> We do not expect you to make a choice... Yet! Please seek to learn what you have not been told. Then we would like to invite you and introduce ourselves. You don't seem to be able to reach the center of this academy yet. We'll figure it out somehow. </b1></b>
<b> <b1> We also request that this visit remains between us. We want you to know that we do not attribute your lack of aggression to a lack of power. We wish you a good day... and to your inner remnant.</b1></b>
<n3>After she finishes, gigantic nun bows her head and walks swiftly out of the room.</n3>
<center><h1>I'm working on it 🛠</h1></center>
<img src="gif/InProgress/work1.gif" class=center width= "60%">
<h4>The story will continue. If you like the game and want to support me, I look forward to your feedback. Also, you can check out my <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user?u=53126129" target="_blank">Patreon</a> for early access and exclusive scenes. Thank you for your time!</h4>
<center>[[Return|DormRoom]]</center><img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You walk to your room, exhausted. </n3>
[[Enter Your Room|nunEncounter2]]
<n3> You're walking towards Alette. When she notices you, she flies to you with joy. </n3>
<img src="img/intro/pixie1.jpg" class=center width="50%"><n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona </a>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> Ohh! Hello, polite succbis. </ale1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hi Alette! </n1></b>
<n3> She folds her arms behind her and looks down, looking a little embarrassed. </n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> Well... There's a holiday that sucsbisses copied from humans. We don't know what it's called. We just know that sucsbisses dress differently. You're a freshman, so you probably don't know about it, it's an Academy tradition. I've already filled my box and I thought I'd give you the leftovers.</ale1></b>
<n3> You see multiple light spheres in her hand. She taps the orbs and they travel at high speed back to your dormitory.</n3>
<b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> I have left some notes in case you don't understand what they are dressing up as. I am not an expert on the human world, but I hope it helps. That was it. Thank you for helping me that day. See you later, mighty succbis! </ale1></b>
<n3> It flies away before you even have a chance to speak. After she' s already gotten away, you raise your voice a little bit by waving your hand. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Thank you! See you, Alette! </n1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She could be a spy, beware! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> She's a sweethearth. Overcome your prejudices. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Whatever! I still don't like them. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You return with your gift waiting in your room. </n3>
<<set $halloween to 1>>\
<n3>The five glimmers Alette gifted are clustered together, separated from the others.</n3>
<center>[[👩⚕️ Slutty Nurse|nurse2]]
[[🧛♀️ Slutty Vampire|vampire2]]
[[👩🎓 Slutty Schoolgirl|schoolgirl2]]
[[👸 Slutty Queen|queen2]]
[[❓ Slutty Slave???|slave2]]</center>
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[Return|🎃halloween-gallery]]
<n3> You see Milena in a sexy nurse costume. Her tits seem to be too big for the costume.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/nurse1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> They call this a nurse. They're all women! So they must be used to satisfy human sexual needs. </ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I guess Alette doesn't know we have nurses too. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> Brittany is wearing a low-cut latex dress, similar to the one she wore the day she greeted freshmans. Her red cape and lipstick contrast beautifully with her shiny black dress. But you don't know what this is. Maybe Alette's notes can help. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/vampire1.jpeg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> I asked everyone about it, but only one pixie said it is a vampire. I have no idea what that is. </ale1></b>
<n3> Lucy's wearing a latex high school uniform. She looks cute in a way you wouldn't expect from her. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/schoolgirl1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> This is a human student. They all look like that, I checked my sources. </ale1></b>
<n3> Hitomi is wearing a royal dress. Except her tits are out. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/queen1.jpg" class=center width="75%">
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> That's a queen as you can see. But I heard from an old and experienced pixie that human queens are obliged to carry the babies of everyone in their territory. This is a huge responsibility! </ale1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Why does Hitomi know about this holiday and I don't? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Maybe it happened while we were in the dungeon. First years are not invited anyway. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Did you know about this?</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I witnessed the first time this holiday was celebrated. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> ... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> You see Summer, who's tied up pretty tight. You don't know what she's dressed as. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/halloween/slave1.jpg" class=center>
<n3>Alette's note:</n3>
<b><ale1> She doesn't actually have a costume. I couldn't suck her Lust and she noticed me instantly. It was very scary. I added it because she looks sexy. </ale1></b>
[[Return|🎃halloween-gallery]]<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101(3)]]
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeon(3)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus|Trix(3)]]
[[Types Of Latex|typesofLatex(3)]]
[[Pesky Little Flies|pixies(3)]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary(3)]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeon(3)]]
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history.
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
[[Return|dungeonbook101(3)]]<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/latexlibrary.jpg" class=center width="45%">
Right next to the entrance you see a lectern. There is a book on it.
[[📕 Check out the book|dungeonbook101(4)]]
[[⛓ Return|latexdungeonSunday(1)]]
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/dungeonbook1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3>A book covered in red leather. It feels ancient but looks fine. Not very worn, except for the edges. You open the book and it has a table of contents;</n3>
[[The Smartest Succubus|Trix(4)]]
[[Types Of Latex|typesofLatex(4)]]
[[Pesky Little Flies|pixies(4)]]
[[📖 Return To Library|LatexLibrary(4)]]
[[⛓ Return To Main Area|latexdungeonSunday(1)]]
<center><h1> Elizabeth Bellatrix </h1></center>
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/bellatrix.jpg" class=center width="40%">
The most intelligent succubus ever lived. She succeeded in transforming latex in inorganic structure into an organic structure with her lust energy. She later discovered that she could evolve this latex in different types. Her only problem was that she couldn't provide enough lust energy. Afterwards, I thought that it would be the most efficient way to obtain it from other succubuses. I was lucky that they started to produce Lust.
<p> Of course, time intervened after <b>*that*</b>. But I managed to find Lucy. Thanks to her, I was able to accomplish many things that remained theories in my mind. By the way, I was 2 meters 16 centimeters tall and I was majestic and mighty. You can tell by looking at the photo above. Damn little flies took thousands of photos of me. When they fell out with us, they took all our photos one by one. That's the only one I could save. I guess little fairies don't call that photos. But I prefer to call it that way. I respect humans. They strive to improve in everything, even though they got nothing special. I don't mind using some words we got from them. Anyway, you'll learn more over time.</p>
<i>Evolution is an inevitable requirement of nature.</i>
<center><h2>Scopophobic Latex</h2></center>
Oh my God! My source of pride. I got the name inspired by humans words. They have developed a phobia of everything. Literally everything!
<br>This latex is no different from normal latex as long as it does not come into contact with a living organism.<br> But after coming into contact with lust energy, it does everything to avoid being detected. It consumes your lust energy while using it, but this is not a problem for you. I'm aware that because of the name, it gives the impression of avoiding only glances But in reality all your senses ignores it. There is only one way to overcome this. Having more than one soul. Even if one ignores it, the other won't. It can only manipulate one consciousness. Do you get it now? That's how I caught you Yomi. Actually, I thought you wouldn't fall for that. You have a more serious nature. But you did...
Do you know how thoroughly humans research their own bodies? They have even given names to organelles inside cells. What is an organelle right? Forget it. I was only able to include math in your curriculum.
This latex can store lust energy and then you can use the stored energy as you wish. Unbelievable isn't it? It was a concept I had in mind for a very long time, but it didn't work in my time. If I could make a latex that can produce lust on its own then that name would make more sense.
<center><h2>Stimulant Latex</h2></center>
Energy is needed for mitochondria, right?... Maybe I chose the wrong name. Why would the mitochondria need energy? Its the source of it. Anyway;
This latex, like its name, stimulates you and increases lust production. When you support it with a few toys, you can get better results than you expected.
<center><h2>The Silk Net</h2></center>
That's it! That's the development. That's evolution. Evolving your technology is evolving your species.
This latex makes it possible to communicate with the mind. I haven't even mentioned the craziest part yet. Compatible with all other latex types. This is actually not a different type. Now, it's a default feature. If you weren't thrilled after reading this, you've read this far for nothing. I'm getting goosebumps. I can't believe what I've achieved on my own, and with a little help from Lucy.
<img src="img/dungeonlibrary/somniaPixie1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3>Art by</n3><a target="_blank" href="https://www.deviantart.com/telthona">Telthona</a>
I don't understand what they think they are. They are in need of us in the current situation. They have to respect us.
They're called <i>Somnia Pictores.</i> They produce what they call pixie dust using the Lust energy. They can reach incredible speeds with this powder. They can also preserve the moment and they use very advanced technologies to store them. Still, they need us to do that.
Where they keep their photos is a complete mystery. It's not hard to guess that it has reached billions by now. Even humans have managed to copy this concept albeit pathetically. This is a defeat in succubus history.
If you want to piss them off, just say <i>"You look like a fly."</i>
<n3> You suck some Lust from Hitomi and enlarge your breasts. You focus and fill your breasts with milk and approach Hitomi. When you're around Hitomi, you can do those kind of things much more easily.</n3>
<<set $milk to random(2) >>\
<<if $milk === 0 >><img src="gif/hitomi/feed/hitomimilk1.webp" class=center width="60%"> <</if>>\
<<if $milk === 1 >><img src="gif/hitomi/feed/hitomimilk2.webp" class=center width="65%"><</if>>\
<<if $milk === 2 >><img src="gif/hitomi/feed/hitomimilk3.webp" class=center width="65%"><</if>>\
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I have a special treat for you. </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi starts sucking your tits before you finish. She milks you, both with tongue strokes and powerful sucking. Your nipples are on fire and Hitomi's tongue strokes are making you swoon.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Ahhh! Sl-Slow down! You're sucking too hard. AAhhhh! </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi is getting faster. She can't seem to control herself. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> But... so delicious. I want to suck your tits all day long. I want your milk pleasee!!</hi1></b>
<n3> The more Hitomi sucks, the more milk your body produces. And you don't want it to slow down anymore. On the contrary, you want her to be even more vicious, to suck you with all her might. You grab Hitomi's head and press it against your big tits and keep moaning loudly. Realizing that you want more, Hitomi reaches for your other breast and starts to play with your nipple. </n3>
<img src="gif/tits/nipple1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Suddenly you startle. The pleasure you feel has almost doubled and you start to tremble. Still, you want her to continue. Hitomi switches between your tits. She sucks one while she milks the other with her hands.</n3>
<<if $controlHitomi gte 3>>\
[[✊ Increase your control|IncreaseControl(h)]]
<<if $hitomiEnd === 0>>\
<center><h2><n3>End of the content for Corruption of Hitomi!</n3></h2></center>
<b><n3>♀ Hitomi's Corruption has Increased</n3></b>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -35 </e1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
[[🎀 Return To Hitomi's Room|hitomiroom]]
<<set $hitomiCorruption += 1>>\
<<set $hitomiEnd to 1>>\
<<set $controlHitomi += 1>>[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic7.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<set $photo19 to 1>>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic6.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo20 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]][[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic3.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo21 to 1>>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> She' s just getting started. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic7.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> The perfect camping companion. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic6.jpg" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>She has her own hidden pleasures.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic3.jpg" class=center width="75%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> A friendly Summer who pulls down her blouse to show off her big tits. </n3>
<img src="img/pics/summerpics/summerpic1.webp" class=center >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/summerpics/summerpic1.webp" class=center width="40%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo18 to 1>>\
[[Return|latexdungeon(3)]]<<set $size to random(2)>>\
<<if $tits lte 3>>\
<n3> You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Even as they are now, it' s not bad at all, but you realize that you can make them bigger by attending Milena's classes. It doesn't feel very natural yet because you're not Jupiter, but you're definitely developing at a good pace. </n3>
<<if $size === 0>><img src="gif/mirror/1/tits1.webp" class=center width="40%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 1>><img src="gif/mirror/1/tits2.webp" class=center width="55%"><</if>>\
<<if $size === 2>><img src="gif/mirror/1/tits3.webp" class=center width="50%"><</if>>
<<if $tits gt 3 and $tits lte 6 >>\
<n3>You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Just one of them is enough to overflow your palm. Your nipples are much more sensitive and it's much more pleasurable to play with your tits. You can go much bigger than that, but this is the limit of what you can keep under control. As you attend Milena's classes, you know that you can go beyond that and you feel excited about it. </n3>
<<if $size === 0>><img src="gif/mirror/2/tits4.webp" class=center width="43%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 1>><img src="gif/mirror/2/tits5.webp" class=center width="65%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 2>><img src="gif/mirror/2/tits6.webp" class=center width="43%"><</if>>
<<if $tits gt 6 and $tits lte 9 >>\
<n3>You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Gathering Lust in your breasts and preserving it there now feels much more natural. You can see that clearly from your reflection. When you aroused, your breasts become almost as sensitive as your pussy and sometimes they leak milk. You have the control that an average Jupiter has, but it wouldn't hurt to go a little bit bigger than that. </n3>
<<if $size === 0>><img src="gif/mirror/3/tits7.webp" class=center width="42%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 1>><img src="gif/mirror/3/tits8.webp" class=center width="39%"><</if>>
<<if $size === 2>><img src="gif/mirror/3/tits9.webp" class=center width="68%"><</if>>
<<if $tits gt 9>>\
<n3>You stand in front of the mirror to check your breasts and you enlarge them to the limit of what you can keep under control. Now you can make your tits big enough to compete with Milena. You've come a long way and now you've got the tits of a remarkable Jupiter. It's much easier to produce milk and when you enlarge your breasts, they become the most sensitive part of your body, especially your nipples. It's up to you what size you want to keep in daily life, but your limits have expanded considerably.</n3>
<img src="gif/mirror/4/tits11.webp" class=center width="50%">
<center>[[Return To the Mirror|Mirror]]
[[🛁 Return To the Bathroom|Bathroom]]</center>
<<if $McSign === 0 >>\
<n3> Your default sign is Moon but this sign changes when Sun is activated. Your current changed sign looks like a dot in a circle. It doesn't look much like a sun symbol. When your sign changes, you feel much stronger and your arm gets a little hot. Also, Sun can use techniques such as mind control, hallucination and memory erasure. But its long use tires you out. </n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun1.png" class=center width="28%">
<<elseif $McSign === 1>>\
<n3> Your default sign is Moon but this sign changes when Sun is activated. Your current changed sign looks like an improved version of your old sign. The dot in the center becomes a small circle, and between the two circles there are formed eight curved lines. Between each of the two large lines there is a small curved line and it looks like a complete sun figure. When this sign is active, your ability to sense Lust energy becomes incredibly sensitive. You are also less fatigued by Sun's techniques and your overall power level is higher. You know that this is not your final form, as there must be at least one more evolution of this sign. </n3>
<img src="img/McSign/sun2.png" class=center width="25%">
<center>[[Return To the Mirror|Mirror]]
[[🛁 Return To the Bathroom|Bathroom]]</center>
<n3>You tell Hitomi that you want to talk to her about something and she sits on her bed and stares at you with interest. She looks so cute. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> What did you want to talk about? </hi1></b><i><n3>"Tilting her head slightly to the right" </n3></i>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... You know Mistress Milena's private lessons, right? </n1></b>
<n3> She slowly nods in the affirmative. </n3>
<b><n1> We're working on breast enlargement, but it's a bit difficult to control. Since you're Jupiter, I thought you could give me some advice and... </n1></b>
<n3> While Hitomi is lying on her bed listening attentively, she suddenly interrupts you with excitement. </n3>
<<linkreplace"From me?">>\
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi2.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>And you want my help? </hi1></b>
<n3> She claps her hands happily and slowly stands up from her bed. </n3>
<b><hi1>I'd be happy to help! I knew my elite breast control would come in handy one day! </hi1></b>
<<set $hitomiHelp1 to 2>>\<<set $which to random(5)>>\
<<set $dream to random(2)>>\
<<set $heels to random(4)>>\
<<set $latex to random(4)>>\
<<set $spank to random(4)>>\
<<set $lewd to random(8)>>\
<<if $which === 0>>\
<n3>You get a good night's sleep without any dreams. Your eyes slowly open in the first light of the day. You are ready for what the new day will bring.</n3>
<img src="gif/sleep/night/sunset1.gif" class=center width="55%">
<<if $which === 1>>\
<n3>You're having chaotic dreams. When you wake up, you remember what you saw, but it takes about ten seconds to forget them. Overall, you feel rested and ready for the new day. </n3>
<<if $dream === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream1.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream2.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $dream === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/dream/dream3.gif" class=center width="70%">
<<if $which === 2 >>\
<n3><b><i>"Succubuses begging to be under your heels. Accepting that she is beneath you and being pleased about it, doing exactly what you say without question."</i></b> Such thoughts are the theme of the dream and they feel good to you. You feel superior to everyone else and it just feels natural for you. When you wake up you are wet and feel generally relaxed. You don't remember your dream but you feel well rested and satisfied.</n3>
<<if $heels === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heels2.gif" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelskiss2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $heels === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/heels/heelslick1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $which === 3 >>\
<n3> You're covered in latex head to toe. The more you touch yourself, the hornier you get and the stronger you feel. You can dominate anyone. It's like the latex is alive, asking you something. It' s hungry! To control them, to dominate them... And so you are... </n3>
<<if $latex === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $latex === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $latex === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass4.webp" class=center width="63%">
<<if $latex === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/latex/latexass5.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3>You wake up with deep breaths. You lick your lips and notice that your mouth feels dry. Then, you feel something strange. As if you were interrupted in the middle of something, but you don't remember the what it is. Your arm's a little warm, probably you've been lying on it. You get out of bed well rested.</n3>
<<if $which === 4 >>\
<n3> There's a sweet pain in your palm. As you look at that plump, reddened ass that you've spanking for a while, you continue, without minding the pain. The loud sound of each stroke mingles with the moans of the succubus you are spanking and tickles your insides. The intensity of your strokes decides everything. It's in your hands whether she giggles and begs for more or tearfully begs you to stop. All it costs is the sweet pain in your hands.
When you wake up, your hands feel a little numb. And you start the day feeling well rested.</n3>
<<if $spank === 0>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $spank === 1>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<<if $spank === 2>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $spank === 3>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $spank === 4>>\
<img src="gif/dream/spank/spank5.webp" class=center width="72%">
<<if $which === 5 >>\
<<if $lewd === 0>>\
<n3>Brittany is dancing with all her cheerfulness. Her huge tits swinging from the rear of her denim jumpsuit and accompanies Brittany's dance. Her energy is always friendly and inviting. You feel like joining her, watching those tits up close, maybe touching them. To bury your head between those tits and continue your sleep there...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $lewd === 1>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 2>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 3>>\
<n3>Brittany caresses her tits. She looks at you with lust and her energy almost lights you on fire. You try to step towards her but you can't feel her body. It's like you're in a cage and you have to endure Brittany teasing you. Her hands are so small next to her tits, it turns you on even more. She looks perfect...</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/brittany4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $lewd === 4>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 5>>\
<n3>Hitomi, presenting her big tits to you. She has a body that doesn't match her cute and innocent face, which increases her attractiveness. You want those tits. You wanna do whatever you want. You want her essence, powerful, beautiful and pure. Sometimes torturing her tits, sometimes massaging her nipples for hours...
You wake up in a ridiculous position. You're drooling. Then you stand up from your bed, ready for the day.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/hitomi2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 6>>\
<n3> You're in class. Milena enthusiastically explains something about breasts. And she uses her own huge tits to do it. You remember her saying how important hands-on learning is. Maybe you need to touch them to learn properly. But your hands may not be enough. You may need to hug them. Even one of them is much bigger than your head but are ready to do anything for education...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday. </n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena1.webp" class=center width="85%">
<<if $lewd === 7>>\
<n3>You're in class. Milena sits in her chair, but she doesn't look very comfortable. As she tries to find a comfortable position, you watch her big tits jiggle through her see-through blouse. She' s not wearing a bra is the cherry on top. For some time Milena struggles this way on her chair...
You slowly open your eyes. You don't know what day it is, but you hope it's a weekday.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<if $lewd === 8>>\
<n3> Milena is exercising. It looks like she's trying to keep in shape. Every time she moves, her breasts sway independently of her. The fact that she's not wearing a bra makes her even more enjoyable to watch. Maybe it would help if you could hold her breasts for a while, to give her back some relief.
You wake up feeling energized. You get out of bed thinking that it would be nice if you ran into Milena during your exercise.</n3>
<img src="gif/dream/lewd/milena3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $day === "Monday" or $day === "Tuesday" or $day === "Wednesday" or $day === "Thursday" or $day === "Friday">>\
[[🛌 Wake Up|Lessons]]
<<if $day === "Sunday" or $day === "Saturday">>\
[[🛌 Wake Up|DormRoom]]
<n3> She puts her hands on her breasts and you can see that they are slowly getting bigger. As she does this, she starts talking. Her tone is more serious than you expected. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Breast control is a Jupiter's honor. Since we have a very large Lust capacity, it is more difficult for us to control it in the beginning. But it can certainly be learned. After a while it will even become as easy as breathing. </hi1></b>
<n3> Her breasts expanded considerably during her speech. She continues;</n3>
<b><hi1> Because I grew up in a somewhat strict home, I had to practice every day. It doesn't matter how large you can make it. What matters is how big you can maintain it. At first it will demand a lot of your focus. Just keeping them both the same size is a challenge.</hi1></b>
<n3> As Hitomi continues talking, you seem to see a dark figure on the bed. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Look at the bed">>\
<n3> A small rabbit in black and blue colors, with some spots glowing bright white. But the moment it notices your gaze, it disappears in a second. The day you met, Hitomi mentioned that her spirit animal was a rabbit. But you didn't think it would look this cool.</n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/rabbit1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Hitomi notices your gaze has shifted and smiles. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>Oh, which one did you see? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What do you mean? </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> My spirit animal! I have more than one kind of rabbit. But I can't control which one I summon and when. And they're all very shy... except for one. There's Puffy, Cloudy, Crimson, Gray, Bambi... </hi1></b>
[[It was in shades of black and blue and had little white sparkles.|HitomiAdvice3]]
<n3> Hitomi lets out a little scream. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> You saw Shade? She is the shyest among them. She must have loved you. Anyway, let's move on.</hi1></b>
<n3> She reveals her breasts, which she has been slowly enlarging for some time. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi4.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> She gets back on the bed and raises her arms, giving you a good view of her tits. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi5.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Observation is as important as practice.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I've heard that in private lessons. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Yes, this is a well-known saying among the Jupiters. I'll show you a method I used to use. </hi1></b>
<n3> She walks to the wardrobe and puts on a crop-top. </n3>
<n3> As Hitomi speaks, her breasts start to get huge. </n3>
<img src="gif/tits/hitomigrow1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1>This is a special ultra-flexible clothing that I'm wearing. It allows me to enlarge my breasts as much as I want and it provides support to keep it at maximum size. </hi1></b>
<b><hi1> But until you get above a certain level, using this will only be to your detriment. </hi1></b>
<n3> She raises her hand excitedly. </n3>
<b><hi1> So you have to learn to achieve this effect on your own. It's as if you're wearing something like this and you're making your breasts bigger in a controlled way. Imagine an extra layer in your mind that keeps your breasts under control. </hi1></b>
<b><hi1> I trust your ability. You'll learn it easily. </hi1></b>
<n3> Then she approaches you and puts one hand on your shoulder.She doesn't know that you have a more unstable Lust control than normal because of Sun. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Yes, now I am going to transfer some of my Lust to you and you will be filled with it. Your goal is to prevent your breasts from growing uncontrollably. How big you keep them is entirely up to you. You just need to prevent them from growing.</hi1></b>
<n3> It' s obvious that she' s been training for a long time. Her hesitant and timid nature is gone now. She' s already been through it and she's confident that you can handle it too.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Are you ready? </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'm ready! </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> By the way, you will experience a lot of pleasure. Be careful not to faint. </hi1></b>
<n3> As she finishes, you feel the Lust energy flowing through your body. Even though it is very sudden, you manage to channel this energy to your breasts but your breasts are growing much faster than you expected. Only for a moment you had the opportunity to let them grow. </n3>
<img src="gif/tits/grow2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Now you need to control your breasts, which are already big enough. But the pleasure that has been building up inside you is starting to reveal itself. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Oh shit! Slow down a little... </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> You're doing great. Just a little bit more.</hi1></b>
<n3> Your body starts to tremble, your eyes start to darken slightly. You are still conscious but you are not doing well. Suddenly Hitomi pulls her hand away from you in shock. As far as you can open your eyes, you see a white figure on the ground, but before you can understand what it is, Hitomi hugs you vigorously.</n3>
<n3> As she hugs you, you feel all the excess Lust disappearing and you notice that Hitomi is crying. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.</hi1></b>
<n3> Your breasts return to their former size and your fatigue decreases. You hug Hitomi back and try to calm her down.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I know you mean no harm. I asked for your help and you're... </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi raises her head with teary eyes and interrupts. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I knew it could turn out like this, but I thought it would be a natural outcome. But seeing you like that reminded me of my past. Years of hard training. The way I felt and nobody ever cared. </hi1></b>
<b><hi1> I'm proud to be a Jupiter, but I've been exposed to a lot of unwanted things to get to where I am. And now that I've finally found a friend, what am I doing to her? Please don't hate me! </hi1></b>
<n3> You hug her even tighter while telling that you don't hate her. </n3>
<b><hi1> My spirit animals became my greatest friends and I was so embarrassed on the first day at the spirit animal reveal ceremony, and then you passed out in a burst of flames and everyone got distracted and I blended in without participating in the ceremony. </hi1></b>
<n3> She continues, gasping for breath with small sobs. </n3>
<b><hi1>So no one could make fun of my friends. Since I had already revealed my spirit animals, I didn't think it would make any difference if I didn't participate.</hi1></b>
<n3> Even if you have revealed your spirit animal beforehand, you should attend the ceremony, reveal your spirit animal in front of everyone and celebrate with everyone. </n3>
[[You feel a wetness.|HitomiAdvice7]]
<n3>You feel a increasing wetness in your chest area. Hitomi must have felt it too, she slowly sits up to check what's going on. Your nipples are bursting with milk. Normally this is supposed to be a pleasurable experience, but you don't feel anything special.</n3>
<img src="gif/tits/milk1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Hitomi stands up and wipes her tears. She seems a little embarrassed about the breakdown she just had. You call out to Sun and a warmth appears on your arm.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Hey, I think you know what I would ask for. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Are you sure? You two just had a special moment.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I'm not sure, of course. But she might remember it as a better memory. She was able to help the way she wanted to, and it ended happily. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Very well, I'll let you choose. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<center>[[Don't touch Hitomi's memory and this moment will be remembered as it is.|sadmemory]]
[[Replace what has just happened with a happier alternative.|happymemory]]</center>
<n3> You decided not to change Hitomi's memories. You stand up and notice that you've lost sight of Hitomi. Then you realize that she is washing her face with the sound of water. </n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I'm sorry I couldn't help you. </hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> No, you certainly did. If you noticed, my boobs didn't go past a certain size. That visualization really helped me. </n1></b>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> You really did! You kept the size you wanted the whole time. </hi1></b> <i><n3>"With a huge smile"</n3></i>
<n3> Even though Sun hasn't changed Hitomi's memories, something inside you is bothering you. Maybe it's because the first thing that comes to your mind is to change her memory. You're not sure, but you feel hypocritical. Lost in these thoughts, you move to your room without saying goodbye to Hitomi. Just as you walk out the door, a head sticks out. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi4.png" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Heyy! Make sure you get a good rest. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to come to me. At least my advice might help.</hi1></b>
<n3> You nod with a slightly fake smile. You feel far from feeling tired, you feel even better than before.</n3>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $sadmemory to 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\
<n3> You decide to change Hitomi's memories. Sun takes action without saying anything. For a while, the heat on your arm increases and then goes back to normal. You're not sure about this decision, but you're doing it for Hitomi's sake. You can see Hitomi's expression has changed.</n3>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I was so happy to be able to help that I couldn't hold back the tears. I think that alone is enough, but if you want to practice more you can always visit.</hi1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes.... Thank you. </n1></b>
<n3> Hitomi hugs you one last time and then you leave to your room. Just as you walk out the door, a head sticks out. </n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/advice/hitomi4.png" class=center width="40%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Heyy! Make sure you get a good rest. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to come to me. I'd be happy to help.</hi1></b>
<b><i><n3> You decide what's good for her? Just because you can do it, you can to decide too?</n3></i></b>
<n3>Suddenly you get rid of your thoughts and come back to the present. You nod with a slightly fake smile to her. You feel far from feeling tired, you feel even better than before.</n3>
<n3>While walking to your room;</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You're too hard on yourself. Yes, in your position, you can make decisions for others. That doesn't make you a bad... </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I know, I know. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $corruption += 1>>\
<<set $happymemory to 1>>\
<<set $tits += 1>>\<n3> You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. You see a succubus sitting on the floor in front of her bed, masturbating. Near ejaculation, her moans get louder and louder and she squirts. The sight of a Succubus panting and shivering in pleasure turns you on as well. You' d love to lick clean her juicy pussy right now.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/peekMast1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<n3> You sit on your bed, trying to comprehend what happened. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What just happened? What was she talking about? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Lying assholes! The remnant? They are all brainwashed!<n3><i>"She waits for a while to calm down."</i></n3> Honestly there are many things I haven't told you yet. Most of them are things I'm not sure about or don't know. So I really don't know what she's talking about. Either way, we need to see Lucy.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Her answer was so casual and calm that you don't think she is lying but you have reaffirmed that there are many things you were not told. </n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> But she told us not to tell anyone... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Of course she will say that. They want the opposite. This is their way of intimidating others. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1>How could we not sense her? My senses were supposed to be much sharper now. </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You're tired, that's normal. Now let's get a good rest and talk to Lucy as soon as possible. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3>You can tell that she is nervous too, and that she is avoiding your question but you feel less terrified than you thought. Perhaps you're getting used to it. You don't know whether to be glad or sad. Still, you agree that you need to rest. </n3>
[[Go to sleep|dream1]]
<n3>You change and lie on your bed. You don't even have the energy to go over what happened. You fall asleep pretty fast. </n3>
<<linkreplace "What's that white light?" t8n>>\
<n3>Everything is in crimson. You're in a suffocating atmosphere. Your breath feels hot and dusty and it's not very comfortable. But there's a white silhouette in that sultry red. You squint a little and focus on the whiteness.
It's a white wolf. Looking up with full focus to a glow flying above. It catches your attention too and this time you focus on that glow. Gently swaying left and right, the glow is getting closer and closer to the white wolf. It's a feather!
You have no sense of time. You don't know how much time has passed, but you follow the movement of the feather with great interest. It takes its last swing over the white wolf's nose. The moment the wolf and the feather touch, a blinding white light appears. Starting from the white wolf's nose, it fills with this white light and finally glows completely white.</n3>
<img src="img/lore/whitewolf1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3>How beautiful! You want it too. You want to be beautiful, to be admired and envied. How long will it take for you to be that beautiful? How long? How long? HOW LONG? </n3>
[[How Long?|dream2]]
<n3> You can't see anything. Where's the white wolf ? Maybe it was you. Of course it was you. Is there any other possibility? </n3>
<<linkreplace "What is this hideous thing?" t8n>>\
<n3> There's a black wolf in front of you. It's looking at you curiously with its pitch-black saliva. Fire and smoke oozes from its eyes and mouth. It's not beautiful nor elegant! But at the same time, it's not scary too. It seems sad and a little curious.</n3>
<img src="img/lore/blackwolf1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> It has a familiar aura. As you keep looking, you suddenly freeze. You know why she looks sad. You know why she's curious. You know why she looks familiar.
But if so, it doesn't matter how much time you have. You're not destined to be beautiful. Maybe you can be strong. Maybe you can even be envied. But your beauty will <b><a1>NEVER</a1></b> be the cause of it. </n3>
[[Everything is shaking|summon2]]
<n3> You wake up screaming. Your eyes are teary and you feel restless. At the same time, there is a loud noise coming from your bookshelf. As if something slammed into it. You're not alone! </n3>
<<linkreplace "A hand on your shoulder!" t8n>>\
<n3> Before you can do anything, you realize that the hand on your shoulder has dropped a cloak over you. Then a silhouette appears in front of you. That's the succubus that led you to Lucy's Dungeon!</n3>
<img src="img/latex/latexsilhouette.webp" class=center width="52%">
<n3> With one hand she holds her rib. Did you do this to her?</n3>
<d>Tall Silhouette:</d><b1> I'm so sorry, Mistress $name. I was going to put the cloak on you before I woke you up, but as I was approaching you suddenly started shaking and shouted <n1>"Never! Never!"</n1> and you woke up screaming. I apologize for your bookshelf.</b1> <n3><i>"Looking at the broken shelf and the books on the floor."</i></n3>
<n3> You must have released a burst of energy when you woke up and sent her flying across the room. You feel disoriented.</n3>
<n3> You wipe your tears in a rush. You haven't sobered up yet and you feel awful. As the tears continue to flow, you lie on the bed and take deep breaths.</n3>
<n3> You lie down until you feel a little more awake. As you calm down, you realize how hot your arm got. You were having a dream?</n3>
<n3> When you find the strength to stand up, you get up, go to your bookshelf and slowly start picking up the books that have fallen. </n3>
<d>Tall Silhouette:</d><b1> Please don't bother. We'll take care of it. I've been sent by Mistress Lucy to deliver a message.</b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> About what? </n1></b>
<n3> She walks slowly towards you and takes the books from your hand and puts it aside. Then she takes out a latex ball the size of a marble and hands it to you. While your hand is still open, she brings her hand over yours and applies a bit of lust. You hear Lucy's voice in your head.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I know what happened today. We'll pay a visit in return. I'm expecting you next sunday! </l1></b>
<n3> Then she takes the little latex ball from your hand and slowly leans forward. It's strange to take such precautions when you're already covered with Scopophobic Latex.</n3>
<d>Tall Silhouette:</d><b1> That was a one-time use message ball, so no one knows what you heard, including me. Please continue with your sleep. We'll take care of your bookshelf while you slee....</b1><n3><i>"She stops and looks down for a moment."</i><n3><b1> It might be better if we do it when you're not in the room. We don't want to disturb your sleep again.</b1>
<n3> She takes the cloak from your shoulder in a very gentle way and disappears in front of your eyes. Then you feel a little heat in your arm.</n3>
<<set $centerVisit to 1>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> So we'll walk straight into the fire. Both Lucy and Mistress Trix are very intelligent Succubuses. So I don't think it's a haphazard plan, but what are they aiming for?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Are you okay, by the way? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Yes, why? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Why indeed? It's like you had a terrible nightmare, but you don't remember it. Why did you feel so awful? You're feeling much better now.</n3>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> Well... I must have had a nightmare, but I don't remember. I wondered if you... </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> No, no. Must be a nightmare, like you said.... Well, if there's action to be taken, there's no urgency to talk with Lucy. We will wait for Sunday and see what happens.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> I see.</n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> You yawn and slowly make your way to your bed. You throw yourself wearily on the bed and close your eyes.</n3>
<<if $day == "Monday">>\
<<set $day = "Tuesday">>
<<elseif $day == "Tuesday">>
<<set $day = "Wednesday">>
<<elseif $day == "Wednesday">>
<<set $day = "Thursday">>
<<elseif $day == "Thursday">>
<<set $day = "Friday">>
<<elseif $day == "Friday">>
<<set $day = "Saturday">>
<<elseif $day == "Saturday">>
<<set $day = "Sunday">>
<<elseif $day == "Sunday">>
<<set $day = "Monday">>
<<if $day === "Monday">>\
<<set $week += 1>>
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 0>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 0>>
<n3>You get a good night's sleep without any dreams. Your eyes slowly open in the first light of the day. You are ready for what the new day will bring.</n3>
<img src="gif/sleep/night/sunset1.gif" class=center width="55%">
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $hasExercised to 0>>\
<<set $hasShowered to 0>>\
<<set $hasEat to 0>>\
<<set $notToday1 to 1>>\
<<if $day === "Monday" or $day === "Tuesday" or $day === "Wednesday" or $day === "Thursday" or $day === "Friday">>\
[[🛌 Wake Up|Lessons]]
<<if $day === "Sunday" or $day === "Saturday">>\
[[🛌 Wake Up|DormRoom]]
<n3> You put on your cloak and make your way to the dungeon. You are not sure why you are included in this visit, but you are curious what's gonna happen.
When you reach the dungeon, you go inside and see a familiar face in the center of the dungeon. This is the succubus who guided you to Lucy on the first day. Unfortunately you don't remember her name.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/standing1.gif" class=center width="32%">
<n3> As soon as she notices you, she quickly approaches you. </n3>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1> Welcome, Mistress $name. I' m Mell. I'll escort you to Mistress Lucy. I was your escort on your first visit too. </b1>
<n3> You nod softly and start to follow her. You're feeling a bit nervous. </n3>
[[Start following her|centervisit(2)]]
<n3> You enter a corridor of the dungeon in a much better condition and soon you are standing in front of a door. Mell knocks and steps aside for you to enter. After hearing Lucy's approval from inside, you open the door and walk in.
Lucy seems very alert and tense. When you enter, she adjusts the chair she was leaning on and takes a few steps towards the middle of the room.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare4.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Welcome $name. I've been waiting for you. I'll explain a few things before we set off. </l1></b>
<n3> As you would expect from her, she is results-oriented and practical.</n3>
<b><l1> First of all, since you have been invited on this mission, I would like you to refer to me as Mistress only when necessary. You don't need to use it in every sentence.
And as for the ones who visit you. They call themselves "The Center" and I was a member of it but I left there a long time ago for some reasons. Some succubuses chose to follow me and we settled here. Then we started to build our own thing.</l1></b>
<b><l1> There' s no need to hide it, I was the head of the research team there and that's where I made most of my discoveries about Latex Arts. That's why some of the talented succubuses there also know about these things.</l1></b>
<b><l1>Our purpose for today is to try to reach a compromise with them. A truce, you might say. There' ll be three of us, counting you... Any questions? </l1></b>
<b><a1>(</a1><n1> What the fuck? What kind of explanation was that? </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
<n3> No questions come to your mind when you are asked like that. Actually right now, she might reveal things that she wouldn't normally reveal.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Um... well, the nun who came to visit me said that there is something that I was not told and that I should seek out what it is. Do you know what it is? </n1></b>
<n3> She approaches you with a great seriousness. You might learn something you didn't expect again. You widen your eyes and hold your breath without realizing it.</n3>
<n3> After getting a little closer, she continues to look into your eyes with her usual piercing gaze. </n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare5.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> There are so many things I haven't explained to you so I have no idea what she was talking about. </l1></b>
<n3> Ugh, not again. You slump your shoulders with an exasperated sigh.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I see... And who's the third one? </n1></b>
<n3> A loud sound filled with joy comes from your right rear. You startle and let out a little squeal. </n3>
<b><d>???:</d> <summer1> Of course, me! </summer1></b>
<<linkreplace"Turn your head" t8n >>\
<n3> You turn your head and see Summer sitting in the sofa behind you with a smiling face. Was she really there all along? Sometimes you seriously question your ability to sense Lust.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/summersofa1.jpg" t8nclass=center >
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> There is no need to make a big deal out of it, we will see a few familiar faces and return. </summer1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You know it's not gonna be that easy, Summer.</l1></b> <i><n3>"She turns to you"</n3></i> <b><l1>Summer is a precious former Center member who chose to follow me too.</l1></b>
<n3> Summer seems to be in a good mood. Lucy, by contrast, is cautious and a little nervous.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Given the circumstances, she was the best candidate to accompany us. And she didn't reject my request. </l1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Well, since the new right-hand has not been officially chosen, we can say that this is my duty. </summer1></b>
<n3>Lucy smiles vaguely in satisfaction and nods her head in agreement.</n3>
<n3> Summer lifts one leg and starts playing with her hair. You think how much it would fit her if she was chewing gum right now. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/summersofa2.jpg" t8nclass=center >
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> So are we ready to scare some brainwashed weaklings?</summer1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They have recently lost a few very important members. Also, on Sundays, they are strictly forbidden to do anything violent or aggressive in their territory. They are aware of our strength and we need to intimidate them. </l1></b>
<n3> She frowns and slightly shifts her gaze downwards. </n3>
<b><l1>But they also recruited a very powerful succubus. But their main base is currently in Yukitumos. I don't think they would want any trouble here, but they acted faster and more assertively than I expected.</l1></b>
<n3> It's a little strange to witness Lucy's thought process. You realize that she's not a hundred percent sure about what she's doing and that increases your concern a little bit. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Something's odd" t8n>>\
<n3> As Lucy continues muttering to herself, you see a silhouette on your shoulder. At first you can make out something white, but soon you realize that it is an owl.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/owl1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> She probably didn't realize that she released her spirit animal while lost in thought.</n3>
<n3> After listing the possibilities in a diminished voice that you won't hear after a while, she raises her head decisively. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> We're leaving! Summer, get changed! </l1></b>
<n3> Summer stands up with joy and takes off her dress and throws it away. Then she spreads her arms out to the sides and a viscous mass of latex wraps around her body from both sides. After a few seconds you realize that it has taken the form of a dress. She turns to you with a satisfied face as she ties the front of her dress. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Not bad, huh? Get changed. What are you waiting for?</summer1></b>
<n3> Get changed? But you don't know how to control latex. You can't hide the surprise on your face for a moment and you look around to see if there is a dress around for you. Summer puts her arms around her waist.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Wait a second, you mean you aren't familiar with the Latex Arts? How do you plan to protect yourself where we're going? </summer1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Well... Misstress Lucy said that violence and aggression are forbidden on Sun... </n1></b>
<n3> Summer crosses her arms in front of her and interrupts you with a pretty annoyed face. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Yes, in their domain! What if they just immobilize you? what if they drag you into a common area? What if they're in alliance with the succubuses from outside?</summer1></b>
<n3>Lucy breaks the silence while you don't know what to say. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Summer! </l1></b>
<n3> Summer's expression softens and she leans towards you. In a pleasant voice: </n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup4.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Just messing with ya!</summer1></b>
<n3> She shifts into a confident pose </n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup5.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Nobody can do anything to you with us by your side! </summer1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Okay, ready to go! </l1></b>
<n3> Summer takes a deep breath. She is very confident and very different from the Summer you used to see. She's not harsh whatsoever, she's very playful and relaxed, but at the same time she's dominant and she's ready to fight back with everything she's got, no matter who's in her way.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup6.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> You turn to Lucy and you see that she's also covered in latex. Even though her body is completely covered in latex, she's also wearing a long latex cape. This is what she was wearing during the duel too.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucyDungeon.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You realize that Sun is still not activated. Since she is the link between you and Mistress Trix, you couldn't talk to her either. You start the mission still not knowing exactly what is going to happen and why you have been invited.</n3>
[[Continue|centervisit(7)]]<n3>You get out of the dungeon, which is already in the forest, and start moving forward through the forest. You have a few questions on your mind. </n3>
<img src="img/places/forest2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> The nun who came told me that I cannot pass through the Center's barrier yet.</n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> She is right! Each barrier varies according to the characteristics of the area it protects. The barrier of each sign is easier for succubus with that sign to cross. There are also special objects for those who can't easily pass the barrier of their own sign. These are a bit rare as they are usually given individually.
Milena should be taking care of the newcomers right now. That's why you were able to adapt to the barrier of the Jupiter Dormitory. Of course, all barriers are meaningless against raw power.
The center has a lot of barriers and a huge territory. The more you go inside, the more difficult the barriers become. You don't have to worry about barriers with us. </l1></b>
<n3> Summer joins in with a small giggle. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> If Mistress Lucy is dressed like that, you have nothing to fear. </summer1></b>
<n3> You smile, but it is clear that you don't fully understand. Summer continues with a slightly more serious tone.</n3>
<b><summer1> Latex obeys the stronger. The more latex you carry, the more risk you take. You're like a rabbit in a trap for a succubus stronger than you. Right now Mistress Lucy is challenging everyone there just by dressing like that. <i>"If you're confident enough, I'm completely covered in Latex. Come and get me!"</i>... Except, there is no Succubus who can do that.</summer1></b>
<n3> You nod your head, quite impressed by what you have just heard, and look at Lucy walking next to you, unable to hide your admiration. </n3>
<img src="img/places/forest3.jpg" class=center width="62%">
<n3> Lucy nods slowly while walking , looking at the same spot. She seems to be going over her thoughts once more. Then she comes back into the conversation. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They will never expect you to come. They made a move on us very recently. So, they must expect us to be afraid, to hide you from any threat. We won't give them what they want. By the way, I told Summer everything, so she knows. Whatever happens, I still have complete trust in her.
If my guesses are right, they're interested in you, aren't they, $name? How did they treat Sun? And where is she?</l1></b>
<n3> You feel the familiar heat on your arm and hear Sun's voice. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I'm a little nervous. Are you sure you want to bring us here already? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You hear Mistress Trix's voice in your mind, which you haven't heard for a while, in all its majesty. </n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> This is the most logical and promising option we have. We talked about this, Ame! Never lose your control! Don't activate unless you have to!</trix1></b>
<n3> For a moment you think they must be talking a lot without you knowing. Lucy straightens her posture and speaks. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> This is the shortest way to the Central Chapel. Soon we'll come out of these woods and you'll see where we're going. </l1></b>
<n3> Oh a chapel? You did some research when you talked to Sun about this. If there is a chapel, it shouldn't be too big. Maybe you're not going somewhere as creepy as you think. Despite what you have heard so far, you imagine a well-lit, cozy little chapel.</n3>
<img src="img/places/chapel2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<linkreplace"You Reach To Last Barrier" t8n>>\
<n3> And then you come to the barrier gate Lucy said. The lush and peaceful forested area you have passed through so far turns into a foggy air. The trees are mostly leafless and their trunks are unusually dark. Stunned by this sudden change, you look at the road you came from, but you can barely see it through the fog. </n3>
<img src="img/places/centerdoor1.jpg" class=center width="70%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Actually, we have been in the Center's territory for a while. But this is the center of the Center. What they want is to establish a threatening atmosphere right from the entrance. <i><n3>"She puts her hand on your shoulder"</n3></i> Don't worry! I won't let anything happen to you! </l1></b>
<n3> Summer opens the barriers for you, as she has done so far, and you pass through. </n3>
<center>[[So Let It Begin!|centervisit(10)]]</center>
<n3> From the moment you walk through the door, you are enveloped by a feeling that you realize you will feel for as long as you are here. It's like a mixture of loneliness and despair, it's not intense but constant! Even though it is in the mist, after only a few steps you realize that you are looking at a gigantic structure. The closer you get, the more astonished you become.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Lift Your Head" t8n>>\
<n3>You are standing in front of a huge structure, the details of which you cannot make out because of the fog. </n3>
<img src="img/places/chapel1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... Mistress, I thought chapels were a little smaller than this. </n1></b>
<n3> Lucy replies in a tone that says what she has to say is not a joke. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> That's nothing compared to the Yukitumos Academy's Church. But I agree it's spooky at first. The other one is more.... Majestic! </l1></b>
<n3> The surroundings of this huge structure are also in somber tones. If this is a small part of the center, you can't help but wonder how big their total area is. As you make your way to the grand entrance, you see someone for the first time.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<<set $mind to random(1)>>\
<n3> This is a nun who is almost completely naked with some tattoos. As soon as you sensed this succubus, the heat in your arm came back and you went into a much more focused state. You're standing more upright now and even your breathing is different. Lucy notices this change out of the corner of her eye and smiles. The nun interrupts in an exasperated tone.</n3>
<img src="img/nun/nun2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Naked-Nun:</d> <b1> What are you doing here? You have been rescheduled for another day.</b1>
<n3> Summer takes a step forward. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> We're here! Let's get this over with. Don't waste our time! </summer1></b>
<n3> The nun tilts her head to the right. </n3>
<d>Naked-Nun:</d> <b1> For a clown, you're very ambitious. You don't have your old influence. Now everyone knows you're a surplus who likes to be dominated.</b1>
<n3> Summer quickly moves up to the nun and comes nose to nose with her. There is too much of a height difference. Nun has to lift her head all the way up. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I just have one question. Are you sure about teasing me... shitface!? </summer1></b>
<n3> You see an expression on the nun's face for the first time. She takes a step back and shakes her head rapidly and blinks quickly a few times. She does this in small gestures, but you can tell that something has occurred to her and she is trying to recover from it. At the same time, Summer is looking at the nun with a small black cat over her right shoulder. There might be an opportunity here.</n3>
<center><<if $mind === 0>>
[[🧠 Try To Get Into Her Mind! [50%]|nunmindSuccess]]
[[🧠 Try To Get Into Her Mind! [50%]|nunmindFail]]
<n3> You try to get into the mind of the dazed nun, but you fail. She recovers much faster than you expected. She takes a deep breath and carefully scratches her right eye. After clearing her throat, she is ready to speak again.</n3>
<d>Naked-Nun:</d> <b1> Since you've come this far. It would be inappropriate to turn you away. But I have only one request.</b1>
<n3> She turns her eyes to you and doesn't look at you with disgust, as you would expect. She admires you worshipfully. Her voice trembles for a moment.</n3>
<d>Naked-Nun:</d> <b1> She-... Umm She'll come with us.</b1>
<n3> Lucy gets involved in a very sharp tone. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I refuse! Now show us the way or we're going inside. </l1></b>
<n3> The nun lowers her head slightly and looks at you one last time. Your arm is on fire. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Even just that asshole servant gets on my nerves this much. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Although you are able to distinguish Sun's emotions a lot better than you used to, you are also much better able to control their effect on you. It is as if a very close friend of yours is angry with someone. You feel that anger inside you too, but you have the strength to hold yourself back. If this had happened in the beginning, you would have either gone out of control to hurt her or you would have been on the verge of fainting.
The naked nun puts her hands in front of her and starts walking. And you follow her. You look up one last time before you go in. The carved figures there alone are a couple times your size.</n3>
<img src="img/places/chapel3.jpg" class=center width="52%">
[[Go inside|centervisit(12)]]<center><h1><ale1>SUCCESS!</ale1></h1></center>
<n3> You manage to get into the mind of the dazed nun. You realize that she is remembering something that happened in the past and trying to recover from it. She' s not fully immersed in this. She' ll recover faster than you expect, but you' ll try to see as much as you can.
This is a memory with Summer. You feel fear, humiliation, submission! Just when something is about to happen, she tries to forget it and succeeds. You see in flashes. Summer's in front of you and she looks ready to dominate you. Her outfit is as sensual as ever. Her Lust Energy is thorny hot. You can feel that sweet prickle on your skin.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/dom/summerdom1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You want to beg for mercy from her, but you are well aware that it won't work. And you're not sure you want mercy. </n3>
[[Continue|nunmindSuccess2]]<n3> The inside is in the same dark tones. Everything is huge and there's a lot of empty space. If you ignore the situation, it looks pretty aesthetic. </n3>
<img src="img/places/chapel4.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Who's the highest-ranking Succubus here right now? </l1></b>
<n3> The naked nun responds immediately. </n3>
<d>Naked-Nun:</d> <b1> Mistress Felicia! </b1>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I'm not asking about the strongest. Who is the highest rank... </l1></b>
<n3> Before Lucy could finish, you start to hear the sound of high heels in the long corridor to your left. She walks towards you at a fast but confident pace. The naked succubus quickly walks away. Sunlight coming in through the windows is increasing. You notice a succubus appearing at the beginning of the corridor. As she continues to walk towards you, she starts talking in a cheerful way.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <ange1>Get rid of these clouds! Are we trying to scare the Succubus who came up with these tricks?</ange1>
<n3> The incoming Succubus's Lust is very intense, but she doesn't radiate it at all. Lucy squints her eyes at the incoming Succubus. Succubus continues to speak from afar.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <ange1>Hahaha! What are you wearing? Are you here to declare a war?</ange1>
<n3> Finally, she reaches to you. In a place this big, things like this can take a long time. You're observing the Succubus, who you' re guessing is Felicia.</n3>
[[Continue|centervisit(13)]]<n3> The scene suddenly changes. Summer ruthlessly shoves her strap-on down to your throat. Periodically, she lifts you up and make you gasp between her breasts, or kisses you brutally for minutes at a time.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/dom/summerdom3.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<n3> It's all about the pace! You lose track of time. You can't count how many times you've had an orgasm. Gradually you don't even dare to make a sound. The scene changes again. You are on your knees. It's like your whole body is possessed by Summer's Lust. Whatever you feel, you know she's in control. Do they really call it punishment? You don't have to think about anything. You can hand everything over to the stronger one. There are plenty of Succubus who will gladly make decisions for you. That's all you can think about when you are being violently pounded back and forth by the big rubber strap-on. Now Summer's insults sound like compliments to you.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/dom/summerdom4.jpg" class=center width="65%">
<n3> The scene changes one last time. Summer is holding your chin firmly, looking into your eyes. She says something but you only open your mouth to confirm her. It doesn't matter what she says. She's wasting her precious time and energy on you. You have no right to look her in the eye, but you can't waste this opportunity. You look at her, ashamed of yourself.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/dom/summerdom2.jpg" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Everything goes black. Even though you watched everything that just happened from the outside, you felt exactly what the nun felt. You hear another familiar voice. It's Sun!</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Now you can enter a memory without my help. But you seem to have gotten carried away again. You need to practice when to let yourself out.
What has just happened, happened in the past and it is over. None of this was done to you, and that nun's thoughts are not your thoughts... I know they make sense at the moment. But you're not weak like her. Time to wake up!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
[[Wake Up|nunmindSuccess3]]
<n3> You wake up with a little jolt. Even if you have a little dilemma, like when you have a very realistic dream and you don't know which one is real, you get over it in a short time. Sun really makes these things go smoothly. There's a lot to be careful about.
Probably because you entered her mind, the naked nun experienced these memories much more intensely and was affected by them. When you look, you see the nun on one knee. Then she stands back up and leans forward slightly, looking at Summer's heels. With a little tremor in her voice:</n3>
<d>Naked-Nun:</d> <b1> Welcome back, Mistress Summer, Mistress Lucy and her esteemed guest.</b1>
<n3> She has turned 180 degrees. Summer puts her hand on the nun's shoulder in delight.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> That's much better, dear! Now lead the way.</summer1></b>
<n3>The naked nun puts her hands in front of her and starts walking. And you follow her. You look up one last time before you go in. The carved figures there alone are a couple times your size.</n3>
<img src="img/places/chapel3.jpg" class=center width="52%">
[[Go inside|centervisit(12)]]<n3> As it gets brighter and brighter, sunlight falls through the window onto the harsh-looking Succubus. </n3>
<img src="img/nun/felicia1.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> No, Felicia. I'm here for the opposite. </l1></b>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> Oooh, the traitors are here for peace! </ange1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Back then, I invited you too. </l1></b>
<n3> Felicia shouts, unable to keep her calm. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> IT'S NOT THAT EASY! You still don't understand.</ange1></b>
<n3> She closes her eyes and exhales deeply. Summer rushes forward. At first you think she's trying to protect Lucy, but she's holding Felicia's hand. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Mistress, please calm down. You know anger is not good for your health. </summer1></b>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> I'm fine, Summer. Follow me! We won't talk here.</ange1></b>
<n3> She starts walking and three of you follow her. After walking for a while, she enters a room. </n3>
<n3> The moment the door closes, Felicia's attitude changes. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> What are you doing here? I rescheduled your appointment. Didn't you realize you shouldn't have come? And you really brought her!??</ange1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Felicia, calm down. You're wearing your limiters, right?</l1></b>
<n3> Felicia opens her chest. Two metal chains from the metal collar around her neck end at her nipples. </n3>
<img src="img/nun/felicia2.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> Don't worry, I'm fine but wait a second first.</ange1></b>
<n3> Felicia puts her hand on the floor and the walls of the room are completely covered with latex.</n3>
<b><ange1> We can talk now. </ange1></b>
<n3> Lucy takes off her cape and tucks it under her arm. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Where is everybody? </l1></b>
<n3> Felicia frowns. It's like something happened that she doesn't want to say. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> They may have found a way. They're hiding the details even from me, but I think they found a way this time.</ange1></b>
<n3> Then she turns to you and starts introducing herself in earnest. </n3>
[[Continue|centervisit(15)]]MC(Outer): <b><d>$name:</d> <n1> </n1></b>
MC(Inner): <b><a1>(</a1><n1> </n1><a1>)</a1></b>
MC New(Inner):<b><newB>(</newB><n1> </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
MC(Inner)2: <inner>(</inner><n1> </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n1>(</n1><inner> </inner><n1>)</n1>
N3: <n3> </n3>
Sun: <b><n1>(</n1> <a1> </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
Hitomi: <b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> </hi1></b>
Milena: <b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> </mi1></b>
Brittany: <b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> </b1></b>
Succubusses: <d>Succubus1:</d><b1> </b1>
LUCY: <b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> </l1></b>
Alette: <b><d>Alette:</d> <ale1> </ale1></b>
Angela: <b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<d>Mel:</d> <b1> </b1>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> </trix1></b>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> </summer1></b>
<b><d>Lucie:</d> <lucie> </lucie></b>
<b><d>Madalyn:</d> <hi1> </hi1></b>
<b><d>Spiky-Masked Succubus:</d> <b1> </b1></b>
<b><d>J:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> </inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> </ella></b>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> </ange1></b>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> </b1>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> </mi1>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> </hi1>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> </l1>
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> </ange1>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> </k1>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> </abella>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy1> </proxy1>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> </proxy2>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy3> </proxy3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> </brianna1>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> </kendra1>
<d>MistressT:</d> <missT1> </missT1>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> </ange1>
<d>Harley:</d> <b1> </b1>
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <wil> </wil>
<d>Peta: </d><peta> </peta>
<<linkreplace"" t8n>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> Felicia is my name. I've been in charge of Punishment for a long time. I don't know how much you've been told, I don't really care. Lucy was head of another department here. Summer was the Succubus below me in the Punishment.</ange1></b>
<n3> Lucy slowly approaches and hugs her and Felicia hugs her back. After they leave, Lucy intervenes.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> We couldn't take everyone with us. There had to be some of us at the Center. </l1></b>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> Please don't tell me you don't realize that this is clearly a declaration of war. So, what, she's ready? </ange1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Honestly, she's not. But she's evolving very fast. </l1></b>
<n3> Felicia doesn't seem happy with the answer. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> NOT ENOUGH!!! So what, she's mastered the Latex Arts? She can enter the Mars Dormitory without help? She can challenge my limited form in brute strength?</ange1></b>
<n3> This shout is followed by an expected silence. But your lips move on their own. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Will SOMEONE give me a PROPER explanation!!? </n1></b>
<n3> Felicia releases one of the nipple clamps. As you watch the chain swinging, she suddenly disappears and you feel a hand on your throat then you are on the ground. Latex on the ground starts to cover you.
Even if you don't understand what's happening, instinctively you're already in fight mode. There's a black aura around you. Your spirit animal must be materializing.
<<linkreplace"Something's wrong" t8n>>\
<n3>But something's wrong. It's a black wolf, but its eyes glow dark blue and it's facing you. You are the prey!
<img src="img/nun/wolf1.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<n3> You feel extremely powerless and helpless. There's nothing you can do but wallow in the sticky latex. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> The bottom line is this! You are weak! You are incompetent! Killing you right now would only benefit us. We need more time!</ange1></b>
<n3> Black wolf disappears and Felicia stumbles. Summer rushes in and grabs her. Then she puts the nipple clamp back on. Lucy watches with sorrow. Felicia sits down and catches her breath. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> I apologize. I let my emotions take over. </ange1></b>
<n3> Lucy calmly lifts you up and cleans all the latex off you. </n3>
<n3> Felicia takes a deep breath and begins to explain. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> This place wasn't like this before. Over time, we felt small little changes, but we were minding our own business. One day I was summoned by the higher-ups.</ange1></b>
<n3> She points to the wall and a latex layer peels away from around a painting. The painting is in black and white and shows a succubus with a very pure beauty. With black overlays on her nipples and a black veil on her head, she is adorably beautiful. </n3>
<img src="img/nun/founder1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> They told me I was a special, chosen Succubus, I was the reincarnation of the Founding Mother Superior who had vanished long ago. </ange1></b>
<n3> Her eyes tear up and her voice trembles slightly. </n3>
<b><ange1> They said I didn't meet all the requirements. First of all, I wasn't a Moon but... but I could achieve the other ones with enough work. My spirit animal was a perfect match. A black wolf!
But I was never a Succubus who stood out for my technique. I've always been driven by raw power. Brittany and I used to compete to see who was the strongest, but over time, we completely grew apart.</ange1></b>
<n3> From the heat in your arm, you can feel that Sun is listening too... With deep sadness. Felicia looks up at you with teary eyes.</n3>
<b><ange1> From that moment on, I just tried to get stronger without even knowing what it was for. But over time I realized I wasn't cut out for it. I needed to understand the nature of Lust. To be able to replicate it, to share it, to change its structure, to adapt it.
I didn't say a word because I was scared. As Lucy guessed, they were looking for a husk. And thanks to her, I have progressed much further in Latex Arts than I would have on my own. Probably my success in Latex has kept their hopes high.
But I was trying to move in a direction I had no talent for. They kept pushing me because I was the only option they had at that moment.
One day I was called and informed that the transfer was going to be done. I don't remember what happened after that, but I found out that my body rejected it and couldn't handle it.
<n3> She spreads her arms, looking at her body. </n3>
I am as you see me now, my body so weak that without this collar I wouldn't even be able to handle my own strength. Lucy asked me to come with her when she was leaving, but I'd be nothing but a burden now.
<n3> She wipes her tears and looks at you again. Serious and with eyes that accept you. </n3>
Training you is a double-edged sword. If you had released a black wolf on the first day, you would have been in big trouble. Maybe Brittany would choose to eliminate you herself. She hates this place. She started this spirit animal ceremony in the first place. So she could easily check all the incoming Succubus.
One of the most severe punishments at the Center is to offer Brittany a Lust Duel. There was a recent one. Every time they try to get Brittany out of control. The crackpot in charge of the Research keeps finding new shit... Lucy's former assistant.</ange1></b>
<n3> Just as Felicia was about to continue her speech, you hear a knocking. It gets gets louder and louder. Someone is knocking on the door with all their might. If there wasn't a layer of latex, the door would have been broken down long ago. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> Mistress Felicia, are you available? May we come in? </b1>
<n3> That voice?? It's muffled, but it sounds familiar. </n3>
[[Continue|centervisit(17)]]<n3> Felicia clears her throat in a panic. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> Not now, Wilhelmina! I have guests.</ange1></b>
<n3> Wilhelmina? Is that a name?</n3>
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <b1> Please, Mistress! We are responsible for your protection. We can't let anything happen to you. </b1>
<n3> Felicia narrows her eyes and whispers in a low voice. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> <font size="2">This is the Succubus they gave me to spy on me. They use my state of health as an excuse.</font></ange1></b> <b><ange1> All right, I'll open the door.</ange1></b>
<<linkreplace"Door Opens" t8n>>\
<n3> When the door opens, you see the tall nun you saw in your room that day. She's as huge as you remember. She can' t hide her shock when she sees you. Trying to hide her surprise, she walks next to Felicia.</n3>
<img src="img/nun/wilhelmina1.png" class=center width="65%">
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <b1> Mistress, please do not leave our custody. If anything happens now, you'll be the first target. You know today we can't defend ourselves. </b1>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> I appreciate it, but I made a request about speaking in the plural. Can you speak normally, please?</ange1></b>
<n3> You feel Wilhelmina's hesitant to look at Lucy. Summer playfully joins in. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> If she cannot defend herself today, how can you defend her, smart-ass? </summer1></b>
<n3> Wilhelmina stands in front of Summer with her huge body. She's like a mountain. Summer lifts her head all the way up, and she still barely makes it to her belly.</n3>
<n3> She speaks, looking at Summer with ice-cold eyes. </n3>
<img src="img/nun/wilhelmina2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <b1> Wanna give it a try, smart-ass? </b1>
<n3> Summer smiles slightly and licks her lip. You can tell this turns her on a little. Just when things were about to get heated, Felicia's word changes all that. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> She's my former assistant. </ange1></b>
<n3> Wilhelmina takes a limping step backwards, and she looks at Summer with embarrassed eyes. You can't tell if she' acting or not.</n3>
<img src="img/nun/wilhelmina3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <b1> Please forgive me, Mistress! I'm new, I didn't know. </b1>
<n3> It seems to bother Felicia that someone is always watching over her. Ever since Wilhelmina arrived, her tone has become exasperated. She explains calmly. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> There is a new class called the Watchers. Although Wilhelmina is one of our newest members, she was selected for this elite group. They have the authority to use their power if they deem it necessary, regardless of the day. </ange1></b>
<n3> Wilhelmina is trying to avert her eyes from you. Now that you know your role, you don't find these glances strange, but Sun doesn't think so. You can feel her trying to calculate how many seconds it'll take you to disarm her.</n3>
<n3> Felicia stands up slamming her hands on the table. </n3>
<b><d>Felicia:</d> <ange1> Okay! I'll pass on your requests to the higher-ups. Thank you for your time! </ange1></b>
<n3> Lucy nods and turns to you. Then she starts walking outside. Just as you are about to head for the door, you realize that your hands are being held and you are turning in the opposite direction. Wilhelmina kneels down while holding your hands and brings them over her head. After a few seconds she realizes what she has done and gets up in a hurry. </n3>
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <b1> Umm... We had to check something for safety reasons. Please continue, you're fine. </b1>
<n3> You are burning up! If you hadn't restrained yourself at the last moment, you would have attacked her without caring a bit about what would happen to you.
Summer immediately notices and grabs you by the shoulders. The moment she touches you, your stiff body relaxes. Must be an anti-Lust effect. </n3>
[[Go outside|centervisit(19)]]<n3> The Chapel is still empty. After passing the barrier, you enter back into the woods. </n3>
<img src="img/places/forest2.webp" class=center width="52%">
<n3> Summer exhales deeply. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I'm actually very glad we didn't encounter one of them. </summer1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> It didn't turn out the way I expected. I was prepared to sacrifice.... Whatever.
Summer! You don't have to go back to your former position but I'd like to see you by my side more. I would like you to spend a little less time on your own pleasures.</l1></b>
<n3> Summer solemnly approves. Lucy doesn't seem to be finished. </n3>
<b><l1> $name! Although I'm satisfied with the speed of your progress, it doesn't seem to be enough. Either I'll have to get you to the main Dormitory earlier than others or I have to add extra training for the newcomers. Hmm... maybe you can to try to adapt to some things that are almost impossible for normal Succubuses.
I'll let you know when it's decided. I expect you in the dungeon next Saturday We have enough time! Don't worry! By the way, Don't come here on your own and if you run into a Succubus in all black... I want to say run, but I don't know if you can. If her face is hidden, then it's something really serious. That may not happen, but keep it in mind.</l1></b>
<n3> You keep walking while listening to Lucy. You don't know when you are out of the Center's territory because you are in the woods. Although it feels good to know more, the restlessness growing inside you has not diminished. You're tired of feeling like everyone but you is in control and knows what you're doing. But at least you are moving forward. It's better than nothing. After a visit to the dungeon, you return to your room. It's been an exhausting mission in every way.</n3>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><c1>✊ Control: +2</c1></b></center>
[[Return To Your Room|centervisit(20)]]
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 2>>\
<<set $centerVisit to 2>>\
<<set $britguide to 0>>\<n3> A black crow on the branch of a tree you pass under. You don't even notice it. No one noticed that its sharp eyes followed this mission from start to finish. After turning its head aimlessly left and right a few more times, the crow takes off.</n3>
<img src="img/lore/crow1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> It starts flying in the opposite direction to the one you're going. It flies to someone in black, just like itself. After finding her, it circles a few times over the figure and then descends. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Just as it was about to land" t8n>>\
<n3> Crow starts to turn into dust. It covers the figure's arm in a black powder until the whole arm is black. </n3>
<img src="img/lore/crow2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>???: </d><mi1> Lucy, I absolutely marvel at you and your mind. She really went out on a limb and came all the way here. What a brave and beautiful decision. Also kind enough to remember me. Don't worry, darling, I'll just watch. An omnivore always enters at the last scene.</mi1>
<n3> You follow her for a while. Finally she enters her room and closes the door after you. Then she falls on you onto the bed and starts kissing you.</n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/kissing1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> She seems like the dominant type. The increasing heat in his arm reminds you that you can use this to your advantage. She mumbles small little things as she kisses you. About how she' s going to own you, or how she's going to make you regret following her. She starts kissing all over your body and starts moving lower and lower.
When she reaches your pussy, she starts circling it with her tongue. Your body temperature rises and you start to like her style. Her Lust energy is more subdued than it should be, but her movements manage to turn you on.</n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/tease1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Then she decides to get her hands into it. Her hands are clearly experienced. This is where you'll set the tone. Will you give her complete control and enjoy it, or will you give her a taste of what true dominance is all about. </n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/fingering1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<center>[[💋 Let Her Take Control|obedient1]]
[[⛓️ Give Her a Taste of Real Domination!|dominant1]]</center><n3> You give yourself into her hands. You guess that she is a Saturn from the amount of Lust she can accumulate and control in her hands. Each time, you feel her hand deeper. The Lust she applies intensifies accordingly to that pace. Eventually her fingers go all the way in and out. It's amazing the effect she' s able to create with just two fingers. </n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/fingering3.webp" class=center width="48%">
<n3> Once she sees that you are used to this pace, she moves closer to you and inserts her middle and ring finger into you. You can't hold back your moans anymore. You can't stop your body from contracting. She' s in complete control. She watches all your facial expressions and movements closely. You feel her breath on your face and it makes it much more sensual. You're getting close to cumming.</n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/fingering4.webp" class=center width="62%">
[[Continue|obedient2]]<n3> You hold her wrist while she keeps fingering you. She doesn't have the strength to resist you if you apply a little Lust. You stand up and hold her against the mirror in her room. While she can't understand what's going on, you gather some Lust in your hand and bring it to her pussy. The moment you touch her, her body convulses and she screams.
You pick up the pace and the succubus against the mirror moans in pleasure. She grabs your wrist and tries to slow you down, but in vain. She is already under the yoke of your energy. You lean in and whisper in her ear.</n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/fingering2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <i><n1><font size="2"> Don't worry, you'll serve me. But the way I want it! So you want me to stop?</font></n1></i></b>
<n3> You take your hand away from her but she stretches her crotch towards your hand. You take her back to bed this way. She must be a Succubus who mostly uses her hands, a typical Saturn. Then a little innovation wouldn't hurt. </n3>
<n3> You lie down on the bed and without having to say anything, you start to feel the slightly timid tongue strokes. </n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/lick0.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You didn't actually get angry. In fact, it's amusing that she's being so gentle. But she doesn't need to know that. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What the hell is this? Stop playing around!! Speed UP NOW!! </n1></b>
<n3> The Succubus, whose name you don't even know, flinches and approaches back. This time she licks your pussy with much faster and stronger strokes. And you show that it's better by your moans and the little affirmations you squeeze in between those moans. </n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/lick1.webp" class=center width="80%">
<n3> As Sun said, it is indeed much easier to control an ordinary Succubus than you might expect. Of course, it would take more work for complete control, but it feels natural to dominate the moment.
Meanwhile, your energies have become much more harmonized. You feel that if you want, you can take her energy into your own, or you can make it even more attached to you but you stop yourself and keep focusing on the moment. You can feel how happy she gets when you praise her and that makes you feel good.</n3>
<n3> You're getting close to cumming. But it's not enough! You grab her head and press it against you without realizing it. You'll both cum at the same time because she's giving herself a fingering. A little more, a little more! You're cumming! Your hips are shaking like crazy as you let yourself go. She cums too and there's an outburst of Lust that feels incredibly good. The more she tries to moan, the harder you press her against your pussy. She shakes her head, maximizing the sensation. After the peak wears off, you let yourself into the bed completely. You're both out of breath.</n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/lick2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You approach while her body is still spasming. There needs to be a balance. If she did her part, you have to do yours. You don't know how you know these things in such order.
You approach her from the opposite direction and start kissing her. A normal kiss is not enough to drown out the moment, so tongues come into play. At every pause you tell her what a great job she's done and how beautiful she is. You run your hands over her neck, her breasts and her lips, caressing her.
<img src="gif/invitation/1/kissing2.webp" class=center width="70%">
Then you sit up, clean yourself up a bit and get dressed. You give one last kiss to the still lying Succubus and leave the room. Sun watched this whole thing and did not intervene. </n3>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: - 35</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Go to your room|DormRoom]]
<<if $energy gt 35>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<elseif $energy lte 35>>\
<<set energy to 0>>\
<<if $lust gte 0 and $lust lte 80 >>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<n3> She' s picking up the tempo. She leaned her face against yours. She places little kisses on your neck, cheek and lips. You return her kisses as much as you can. You want to feel her body, but as soon as you lift your hand, she grabs it and pulls it down. Then she presses her lips to your neck and tells you not to move. Her fingering speed is now at its peak. Your lust energy is mixed and harmonized. A huge orgasm is on its way.
As these kisses continue, you reach the point of no return. You start cumming trembling and when you are about to moan mixed with shouts, she stops you, clinging to your lips. With her other hand, she touches your whole body and makes your whole body spasm.</n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/fingering5.webp" class=center width="48%">
<n3> When Peak passes, lying in bed, you feel delicate kisses on your lips and you return them. You don't always need to control the situation. It was a very pleasant experience. The fact that the other side was also experienced in this made things easier. If you come across her again, this time you can switch roles and try it this way.</n3>
<img src="gif/invitation/1/kissing3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> When it's all over, you clean up a bit, get dressed and go to your room. </n3>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: - 35</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Go to your room|DormRoom]]
<<if $energy gt 35>>\
<<set $energy -= 35>>\
<<elseif $energy lte 35>>\
<<set energy to 0>>\
<<if $lust gte 0 and $lust lte 80 >>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<</if>>\<n3> You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. There's no one in sight. Then you notice the sound of running water behind the loud moaning. You take a small risk and make your way to the bathroom. One of the two succubus is pinned against the wall and is being fingered vigorously. She begs her to slow down, but other succubus seems to have no intention of that. You leave the room to avoid distracting them.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/fingering3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3> You crack the door wide enough to peek inside. There's three Succubus in there. Two succubus are lying down and obediently offering their pussies to the other The succubus above is licking one pussy and playing with the other's pussy with her hand.succubus. While the succubus being licked is enjoying the moment, the other succubus is making little pleas for her to be licked too. You leave the room to avoid distracting them.</n3>
<img src="gif/corridorPeek/lick1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<n3> After you get your cloak and necklace, you make your way to the dungeon. Lucy must have made a decision about your future. Lately, Sun has been showing herself very rarely. When you asked, she brushed it off as nothing, but you know there is something.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> When you get to the entrance of the dungeon, you take a deep breath and go inside. </n3>
[[Go Inside|latexdungeon(4)]]
<n3> You walk in and see a Succubus waiting for you. Accompanied by her, you make your way to Lucy. When you arrive at the room, you knock and enter. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Go In" t8n>>\
<n3> When you walk in, you see Lucy in a red to pink latex dress. It's a sight you didn't expect. She looks very cute, but you're determined not to make any comments yet you can't hide your stare. Lucy must have noticed it.</n3>
<img src="img/lucy/lucystare6.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Welcome $name. I hope you're feeling well. Today we're going to try something that might push your limits.</l1></b>
<n3> She frowns slightly and looks into your eyes. </n3>
<b><l1> I like vivid colors too. Anyway, follow me please!</l1></b>
<n3> You start following her. You're very curious about what's going to happen.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Lucy's talking to you on the way. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You've met a lot of Succubus who have mastered the Latex Arts so far. So you might be thinking that this is a relatively common thing.</l1></b>
<<if $latexdoll === 1>>\
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... if I recall correctly, I only met four...
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Four? Are you sure she was from this academy?</l1></b>
<n3> You remember you never told Lucy the fourth one. She was a Succubus from Yukitumos Academy and she was a lunatic. Luckily, you escaped unharmed. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> She was not. She was wearing a spiky mask and she was a bit... excited. </n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You didn't tell me you met her. Did she try to do anything to you? I specifically warned her not to.</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Well... she tried, but I managed to get away. </n1></b>
<n3> Lucy doesn't seem happy that she's just finding this out, but she doesn't push it. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> All right! From now on, keep me informed about such things. </l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, mistress! </n1></b>
<n3> After saying that, you feel a sudden chill. It wears off quickly and you ignore it. You enter another room.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... if I recall correctly, I only met three...
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Yeah, that's more than half. So I want you to realize how rare this is. So it' s hard to predict the outcome of this attempt.</l1></b>
<n3> You enter another room. </n3>
<n3> You enter a dark and empty room. It is very quiet and even your footsteps echo around the room. Lucy turns to you with seriousness.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You are probably coming to the end of your union with Sun.</l1></b>
<n3> You know it's pointless to respond. You keep listening to Lucy in a concerned way. </n3>
<b><l1> I know she talks like she'll always be with you, but you're advancing too fast. She must not be able to suppress it anymore. Has there been a change in her activation frequency lately?</l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> It's much rarer than it used to be. </n1></b>
<b><l1>Actuall, she'll always be with you, but in the background. </l1></b>
<n3> You try to feel the warmth in your arm while listening to Lucy. You feel your eyes fill slightly as you can't feel the heat you're used to. </n3>
<b><l1> I respect you and I think you are ready for this. You will probably contact Sun even more rarely after this. Don't worry, she'll always be watching over you.</l1></b>
<<linkreplace"She disappears" t8n>>\
<n3> Lucy walks into the darkness and comes out with a box. When she opens the box, you see a helmet that you guess is made of latex.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/latexhelmet1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><l1> Your entrance exam to Latex Arts. Once you get that in your head, basically Latex will try to take you over. But the more Latex, the more powerful it is. The more access it has to the mind, the harder it is to control.
This room is completely isolated from the outside and by keeping the Latex here, I was able to get a much weaker form of Latex. But don't let the fact that it's weaker put you at ease. It's hungry for action, it craves growth. The current you can't be taken over by this Latex. At least that's what I think. But I'll be here if things go wrong.</l1></b>
<n3> You're regulating your breathing. You're still focused for a flicker of heat on your arm. </n3>
<n3> Normally you'd hear Sun's comforting comments before you embark on something like this. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What am I supposed to do? I haven't tried much before, but I don't think I can control Latex. </n1></b>
<n3> Lucy smiles slightly. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Moon and Saturn. These are the controllers. Instinctively you know how to control everything that your Lust energy can reach. The outcome doesn't matter. I'll be there beside you. </l1></b>
<n3> You nod slowly in agreement. So you instinctively know what to do? Let's give it a try.
Lucy slowly takes the helmet and puts it on your head. It's pitch black inside and you feel a sudden movement. Little sticky threads are sticking to your face one by one and you start to lose consciousness.
There's one last thing you feel before you lose consciousness. The faint heat around your sign.</n3>
[[Darkness?|latexdungeon(4)4]]<n3> It feels sticky. You are covered with a dense and viscous layer. You have a headache and you hardly have the strength to open your eyes. Or are your eyes open? You are not sure. Where were you? What were you supposed to do? Maybe if you get some sleep, it will be okay.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/latex1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> NO! That's not what you're here for. You try to reach out your hand. The sticky Latex tries to prevent it, but you can do it, albeit slowly. You notice a difference in the movement of the Latex touching your palm. It's like they're listening to you. They wonder what they should do.
<img src="img/latex/latex2.jpeg" class=center width="65%">
Once you touch it, you realize you're in a latex orb. Powerless screams are all around you, trying to intimidate you, trying to take you over. These attempts are getting on your nerves. Why don't the weak know their place? You snort like a bull. How dare they touch you! The more you focus, the more you can feel. A pile of sludge in need of guidance. You're going to tear this orb apart.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/latex3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Each attempt is more powerful and controlled than the last. A little more and you're free. Finally a glimmer of light. No one can hold you now. You're getting out of the Latex cell you've been imprisoned in.</n3>
<n3> You are out... But where are you? Your anger is subsiding. Latex, who was trying to suppress you just now, is now listening to your orders.
There's something behind you! It's just a gut feeling, but it must be something.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn around" t8n>>\
<n3> It's like an figure burning with flames from the shadows. You notice two very faint white dots. Are those her eyes? She came to talk, you know that. But she has some demands? You don't hear an outside voice. It's like she' s speaking directly to your brain.</n3>
<img src="img/lore/inner1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n1>(</n1><inner> Congratulations! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<inner>(</inner><n1> Who are you? </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I want to show you. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<inner>(</inner><n1> Show... What? </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Your potential... For ten seconds you'll hand over control to me and I'll show you what you can do with a fraction of yourself. You need to experience it. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<inner>(</inner><n1> What are you going to do? Why do you... </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n3>You are interrupted.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Yes or no! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<center>[[⭕️ I Accept!|accept1]]
<<linkreplace"❌ I Refuse!" t8n>>\
<inner><font size="5">No you are not!</font></inner>
<n3> Lucy goes back to her notes. </n3>
<<if $futa === 0>>\
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I'll expect you back next Saturday. Please get a good rest. </l1></b>
<<elseif $futa === 1>>\
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I'm expecting you tomorrow. Please get a good rest. </l1></b>
<n3> You nod and leave the room. You see a Succubus waiting to escort you out. You go to your room, continuing to play with the latex particles. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Go to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter to 6 >>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $centerVisit to 3>>\
<<set $moon to 1>>
<<set $saturn to 0>>\
<n1>(</n1><inner> Excellent! First, let me correct a misconception. You're not a copycat. You are the one who can adapt to any power that exists and transform it into your own power... And this is only the first phase. Now I'll show you a small example. Also stop calling everyone Mistress! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You feel like you're regaining consciousness but you can't move. You can only watch. The helmet is still on your head but you can see out. Lucy is watching you carefully in her vivid body suit. You turn your head and look at her. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I knew you would succeed.</l1></b>
<n3> You open your hand towards the wall and a black sticky liquid starts oozing out. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/latex4.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Without waiting, you direct your hands towards Lucy and Latex shoots at her with great speed. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/latex5.jpg" class=center width="70%">
<inner>(</inner><n1> Wait! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n3> Lucy must be pinned to the wall. You approach her, walking calmly. </n3>
<inner>(</inner><n1> STOP IT! </n1><inner>)</inner>
<<set $corruption += 1>>\<n3> You see Lucy. She's completely covered in black latex and she's struggling to move. You come closer and raise your hands. You are also covered in sticky latex and you start playing with Lucy's tits. After a few seconds, a word comes out of your mouth. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/latex1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>$name:</d><inner> Boring... </inner></b>
<n3> Then you regain control and stagger to the ground, completely out of breath. You're completely covered in latex, but you can't control it. The latex slowly starts to leak out of your hand. Meanwhile, Lucy manages to break free from her bindings. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/latex6.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<linkreplace"Lucy's struggling for something" t8n>>\
<n3> She pulls a huge latex dildo out of her throat as she almost faints. She is coughing and trying to regulate her breathing.</n3>
<img src="gif/lucy/lucy1.webp" class=center width="42%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> $name! Are you okay? What was that?</l1></b>
<n3>Lucy has managed to regain control. She gathers the latex on you and on the floor in her hands. You hear a very deep voice inside your head. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <font size="2"><a1> Don't let her again! She' ll try to deceive you with her promises. You have to get there on your own, not by taking shortcuts. I'll be here, but I'll have less time to talk with you. Trust yourself! And don't forget... </a1></font><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You couldn't hear the end.
You're supposed to feel bad. You're tired, out of breath but... you feel... <b><i><inner>good</inner></i></b>. After the initial shock wore off, you realized that you had taken down one of the most experienced Latex user in this academy... But it all happened so fast, maybe the involvement of Mistress Trix could have changed things. This curiosity is nagging your brain with a strange excitement. Would you have stood a chance against both of them?</n3>
<n3> After you have calmed down a bit, you are in another room, resting. Lucy quickly runs from book to book, looking at her notes and making some new ones. You told her everything that just happened and everything you felt. Except when you wonder if you stand a chance against them both.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> If I didn't put all my focus on trying to calm Mistress Trix down, terrible things could have happened... So she said ten seconds and she really kept to it. Hmm... I wish we could have seen your sign. I wonder what it looked like at that moment.</l1></b>
<n3> It's a little discouraging to hear that. So, you haven't exactly beat Lucy. But Lucy is very excited and it's like she's been waiting for something like this. Probably with the tension of not knowing what would happen, she was eagerly awaiting such an outcome.
Lucy comes and goes, she puts a latex object next to you and tells you to make it move, she wraps it around your arm and tells you to get rid of it, and she does all sorts of experiments, big and small. She stops after examining you for almost 2 hours.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I see! This could be it.</l1></b>
<n3> She's getting closer to you. </n3>
<b><l1> I have an offer. It's up to you whether you choose it or not, but it will certainly help you move forward.</l1></b>
<n3> You nod indicating that you are listening. </n3>
<b><l1> Mars Dormitory. Only a Succubus with Mars signs can get in here. The Academy's most isolated dormitory from other signs. Do you know why that is?</l1></b>
<n3> You shake your head negatively. </n3>
<b><l1> Okay, listen to me carefully. </l1></b>
[[Continue|accept4]]<img src="img/lore/mars1.png" class=center width="65%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Each sign has its own characteristics. Mars may be the most unusual of them all. They can have two kinds of sexual organs, at will. Not two at the same time! One of the two. Almost all of them, however, prefers the penis. Normally the only way to have a penis is to be a Mars... But in your case, there may be another option.
If you can sufficiently replicate the Lusy Energy of a Mars and make it your own, we can say that there is practically no obstacle in front of it...But I leave that to your choice.
<center><h2>Depending on your answer here, Futa/Trans content will be activated. You will not be able to change it afterwards. Choose accordingly.</h2></center>
[[I Want Try It!|accept5]]<c1>(Activate Futa/Trans Content)</c1>
[[I Don't Want to Try!|refuse1]]
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Very good! I'm waiting for you tomorrow to take the first steps on this matter.
I told you I was going to make a decision about your situation. Making a change directly to your studies would attract too much attention. We won't have a choice in the future, but right now it's better to keep as low profile as possible.
You can focus on your Latex control for now. Angela was supposed to be your next trainer, but she is no longer with us.</l1></b>
<n3>You tilt your head slightly to the right. </n3>
<b><l1>She just left here... Still alive. She is not a Latex user but she has an incredible Lust sensitivity. Especially the variety of Spirit animals and the control she has over them is admirable... But she wanted to leave.</l1></b>
<n3> While you listen to her, you twirl little latex particles around your hands and play with it. It's a very strange feeling. It's like you have a magnetic field and Latex is reacting to it. When you focus, you can control what happens much faster and stronger, but in its normal state it oscillates according to your movements with small delays. It's very relaxing.</n3>
<n3>Lucy approaches and holds out her arm towards you. In a slightly impatient tone:</n3>
<b><l1>Try to connect with my mind. You should be able to do it on your own.</l1></b>
<n3> You hold Lucy's hand and when you close your eyes and focus for a moment, a voice appears in your mind shouting angrily. You seem to hear her in the middle of her speech.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> Who the fuck does she think she is? This is a total humiliation. I'm going to show her!... Oh! $name, hello, sweetie!</trix1></b>
<n3> Mistress Trix must have been complaining all this time. You admire Lucy's patience.</n3>
<<set $futa to 1>>\
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I respect that! There are countless ways to progress. You just need to move forward in other ways.
I told you I was going to make a decision about your situation. Making a change directly to your studies would attract too much attention. We won't have a choice in the future, but right now it's better to keep as low profile as possible.
You can focus on your Latex control for now. Angela was supposed to be your next trainer, but she is no longer with us.
<n3>You tilt your head slightly to the right. </n3>
She just left here... Still alive. She is not a Latex user but she has an incredible Lust sensitivity. Especially the variety of Spirit animals and the control she has over them is admirable... But she wanted to leave.</l1></b>
<n3> While you listen to her, you twirl little latex particles around your hands and play with it. It's a very strange feeling. It's like you have a magnetic field and Latex is reacting to it. When you focus, you can control what happens much faster and stronger, but in its normal state it oscillates according to your movements with small delays. It's very relaxing.</n3>
<n3>Lucy approaches and holds out her arm towards you. In a slightly impatient tone:</n3>
<b><l1>Try to connect with my mind. You should be able to do it on your own.</l1></b>
<n3> You hold Lucy's hand and when you close your eyes and focus for a moment, a voice appears in your mind shouting angrily. You seem to hear her in the middle of her speech.</n3>
<b><d>Trix:</d> <trix1> Who the fuck does she think she is? This is a total humiliation. I'm going to show her!... Oh! $name, hello, sweetie!</trix1></b>
<n3> Mistress Trix must have been complaining all this time. You admire Lucy's patience.</n3>
<n3> After you pick up your necklace, you extend your hand towards your cloak, which is a few meters away. The latex cloak slowly starts to move and slowly floats and takes its place on your shoulders. You go out and make your way to the dungeon. Today you'll meet with a Mars. You are a little curious about whats going to happen.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> When you get to the entrance of the dungeon, you take a deep breath and go inside. </n3>
[[Go Inside|SundayDungeon1]]
<n3> After you pick up your necklace, you extend your hand towards your cloak, which is a few meters away. The latex cloak slowly starts to move and slowly floats and takes its place on your shoulders. You go out and make your way to the dungeon.
You don't really know what's going to happen today. The uneasiness you had been feeling for a few days had subsided. It felt like the Sun and the other thing inside you were always bickering or fighting with each other and you couldn't do anything about it. It felt like a headache, but it's gone.
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
You reach the dungeon with only your own thoughts in your mind.</n3>
[[Go Inside|latexdungeon(5)]]
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3> When you go in, you see Lucy talking with a few Succubus. After noticing you, they give a bow to Lucy and then to you as they walk away. Lucy starts walking in heels that echo throughout the dungeon as you join her.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Welcome $name! The Succubus I'm going to introduce you to today is a newcomer, just like you. To be honest, she's not very strong, but she is promising.
I usually ask newcomers which department they want to be in and I put them there without any question. They reveal their true colors over time anyway. She wanted to be in Punishment. She doesn't know, but she is in the testing phase.
She's a little snooty. I'm asking you to stay calm, you know what I mean when I say <inner>you</inner>.</l1></b>
<n3> You nod to indicate that you understand and continue to follow her. </n3>
<n3> Lucy stands in front of a wall and holds out her hand. The wall becomes transparent and you can see through it. It is dimly lit by a blue light. A cage, chains and a myriad of whips and paddles hanging at the back. Also two Succubus in the middle of the room.
One has a gag in her mouth and her hands are tied to the ceiling. The other, in a latex body suit, runs her hands over the body of the tied Succubus. What catches your attention is between her legs. A fully erect penis!
After a short while, she twists the tied Succubus around and shifts her focus to her ass. She caresses first and then spanks it. You can't hear what they say. And they seem to be unable to see you.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/ella/meet1/ella.mp4" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> She continues to spank her. Then slowly she starts to play with her pussy. Lust energy coming from her is... a bit weird. You feel like, this is not her true nature, but she seems to act like it... It's like an animal trying to puff itself up to look bigger. However it's just a momentary feeling. In general, her Lust Energy is aggressive and assertive.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/ella/meet1/ella0.mp4" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Something is bothering you. You don't like this feeling very much. Your posture stiffened and your breathing became more controlled. Lucy notices it immediately.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Is something wrong? </l1></b>
<n3> With Lucy's question, you realize how tight your body has become. You relax your shoulders and exhale deeply. With a slightly fake smile;</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> No, it's nothing. I guess I reacted to her Lust Energy unintentionally. </n1></b>
<n3> Lucy nods in understanding and continues to watch inside. </n3>
[[Continue|SundayDungeon3]]<n3> When you look at Lucy, you see that she is watching inside with great attention. She even gives little reactions as if she can hear inside. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/ella/meet1/ella1.mp4" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You can tell by the energy emitted. They are ready. Now they can begin. </n3>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<n3> Suddenly Lucy knocks on the glass and enters without waiting, you follow her right away. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Okay, Ella, take a little break. I'll introduce you to the Succubus I told you about.</l1></b>
<n3> The Succubus, whose name you learn is Ella, bows her head, looks a bit startled. She hurriedly unties the tied Succubus from the ceiling and starts pushing her into the cage.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella>C'mon... Ugh! Quickk... </ella></b>
<n3> In fact, if Ella didn't keep pushing her, she could get to the cage much faster, but she constantly loses her balance. At one point her ankle turns and she collapses. Ella lets out an irritated little scream and continues to push her on the ground. </n3>
<b><ella>You clumsy fucker, ugghhh! Get movinnggg!!! </ella></b>
<n3> For almost five minutes you watch the Succubus being pushed into her cage. Every time she stands up, she collapses down again because of Ella and everything starts all over again. The sad thing is, Ella's not doing this to torment her. She's genuinely trying to put her in the cage. When you look at Lucy, you see that she is still watching with great attention.
Finally, the Succubus enters the cage. You've watched this whole process in astonishment.</n3>
<n3> Ella straightens up, panting, and fixes her hair. Then she suddenly turns back to Lucy and puts on a serious expression, as if nothing happened a moment ago. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Yes Mistress! Sorry to keep you waiting.</ella></b>
<n3> Lucy continues like nothing has happened. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>This is the Succubus I told you about. She will try to imitate your unique Mars qualities. </l1></b>
<n3> Ella turns to you in an overdramatic way and puts her hands on her waist. </n3>
<<linkreplace"She's Ogling You" t8n>>\
<n3> First you give a small greeting with your head and smile vaguely. After a while, she turns back to Lucy.</n3>
<img src="img/ella/ella1.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I don't think she can do it, Mistress!</ella></b>
<n3> The smile on your face grows. Who the hell is this? You don't know how to feel. Lucy calmly continues. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> There's only one way to find out. She's in the same dormitory as you. I don't want any more comments about it. Like I said, we'll try and see!</l1></b>
<n3> Ella fixes her hair again and nods in agreement with Lucy's words.
You realize it better when you're more closely exposed to her energy. There are definitely something she's trying to hide. Something fundamental about her. She probably doesn't even have a bad motive. </n3>
<<set $futa to 3>>\
<<set $skiptoSaturday to 1>>\
<n3> Lucy turns her head to you. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You can leave, $name. Actually, there was something else I wanted to show you, but we'll save it for next time. </l1></b>
<n3> After Ella gave you directions to her room, you walk out of the room as Lucy explains to Ella why what just happened is not ideal. She is being more patient and attentive to her than you would expect.
You're finding it strange that she's bothering with something like this when she has something to show you.</n3>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]<n3> A cute and clean room, mainly in white tones. </n3>
<img src="img/rooms/ellaroom/ellaroom1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<if $futa === 3>>\
[[First Attempt|attempt1]]
<<if $futa === 4 and $day === "Sunday" and $control gte 15>>\
[[To the Mars Dormitory!|marsVisit1]]
<<if $futa === 4 and $day isnot "Sunday" and $control lt 15>>\
<linkB1>To the Mars Dormitory!</linkB1><n3>( Control Required = 15)</n3>
<center><h2><cap>Try It On A Sunday</cap></h2></center>
<<if $futa === 4 and $day === "Sunday" and $control lt 15>>\
<linkB1>To the Mars Dormitory!</linkB1><n3>( Control Required = 15)</n3>
<<if $futa === 4 and $day isnot "Sunday" and $control gte 15>>\
<linkB1>To the Mars Dormitory!</linkB1>
<center><h2><cap>Try It On A Sunday</cap></h2></center>
[[Return|DormRoom]]<n3> When you walk in, you see a familiar face. Summer is leaning back against a pillar with her eyes closed and arms crossed. She appears to be resting or meditating.</n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="110%">
<n3> As you walk towards her, Summer slowly opens her eyes and looks at you. Then she greets you while stretching softly. She's dressed like the day you visited the Center.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup7.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Hi, gorgeous! Today you're with me. </summer1></b>
<n3> She seems to be in a good mood today. </n3>
<b><summer1> Mistress Lucy's a little busy. I heard you've stepped into the Latex Arts. Well, congratulations! </summer1></b>
<n3> She speaks like a friend. It was completely different the first time you spoke. You smile sincerely and say a few words. Suddenly a voice in your head;</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Her personality is weakening. She loses sight of who she is. There is an opportunity here. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She's on our side. Quit talking nonsense! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<<linkreplace"Wait a minute, is that ??" t8n>>\
<n3> It's Sun! Arguing with the other... one? You immediately try to connect with them. Sun is talking to you.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Heyy!! You didn't think I'd leave you, right? I had to deal with some things for a while, but I was finally able to prove that I'm not easily repressed. So we've come to a temporary agreement. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Exactly, it's temporary! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> It feels good to hear the Sun's voice with its old liveliness.</n3>
<b><newB>(</newB><n1> Welcome back! </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Thanks but still, I won't be as active as I used to be. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> When you are focused on what is happening in your brain, you are brought back to reality by Summer. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Today I have been tasked with helping you to see your limits in the Latex Arts and to assist you to see where you can go further. </summer1></b>
<n3> She leans gently into your ear. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1><font size="2"> And thank you for not telling Mistress Lucy anything. </font></summer1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Another powerful trump card! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Summer's gaze and posture changes a little. By looking at you with desire; </n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup8.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><summer1> Don't worry, today will be easy. We'll just outline a road map! </summer1></b>
<n3> You get goosebumps. This sudden transition made you a little uncomfortable.</n3>
<b><summer1>Follow me, please. </summer1></b>
<n3> You start walking with Summer. You focus again on the voices in your brain to make some things clear. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(5)2]]<b><newB>(</newB><n1> Just to be clear, how should I address you? </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<n3> There is laughter in your brain. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> She introduced herself to you as Sun. I could be called Moon, right? Ahahaha! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Sun doesn't seem to like this sarcasm. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Shut up! I don't want to bother with you anymore. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Maintain respect for your elders! I am your Mistress. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1>You are not my shit!! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> You envisioned a more epic clash between the two of them. Have they been arguing like this for a while? They must have known each other. While walking, Summer starts talking;</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> It would not be wise to use your Latex abilities against a high-level Succubus right now. Also if this was a common power, we would first teach you how to build a defense.
Obviously, this is a path that you need to focus on and put a lot of effort into. The difference between me and Mistress Lucy's mastery of Latex is unquestionable. Of course, it's not only because of the time she devotes, but that's not the point.</summer1></b>
<n3> She stops in front of a door and enters in after you. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(5)3]]<n3> It's a clean room in white and gray tones. You see a latex-covered Succubus chained to a huge white bed. The bed is confined with metal rods and the chained Succubus is quite calm. You can almost feel no Lust energy from her... Is she sleeping?</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latexbed1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3>This bed is on the left side of the room. On the right side there is a clump of Latex that has oozed through the wall and looks pretty solid. But it seems to be intentionally condensed. You can feel that it's going to be a bit difficult to make it move.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latex1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
[[Continue|latexdungeon(5)4]]<n3> Summer walks joyfully to the center of the room. </n3>
<img src="img/summer/suit/suitup5.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> So, this place will reveal some things about your style. You'll also be able to test how reliable your Latex skills are.
I'll unchain her in a moment and she'll try to get out of this room. What I want you to do is limit her movements using only latex. You can't hold her, you can't get into her brain or any of that and only what you can do yourself, without any help. Her movements must be restricted through latex. She just needs to touch the door, no need to step outside. You also need to make her cum. You are allowed to choose the way you do that... And please don't hurt her.</summer1></b>
<<linkreplace"Chain sounds" t8n>>\
<n3> The Succubus, which had been lying calmly, slowly starts to move, and then begins to struggle. This sudden change excites you. Summer, well aware of your excitement, approaches the struggling Succubus and begins to unchain her.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latexbed2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> As soon as the succubus is free of the chains, she straightens up and turns her head first towards you and then the door. You are between her and the door, but you cannot make physical contact. If you fail, she might even walk right past you. You have to decide what to do right now.</n3>
<center>[[⛓️ Restrict Her Movement The Moment She Gets Out of Bed|trial1]]
[[💋 Immediately Try to Restrict Her Movements|trial2]]</center>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You wait until gets to her feet, but she's cautious. She is not running straight for the door. After taking a few slow steps, you extend your hand a bit instinctively. You can use the latex on her. You make latex strips to delimit her arms and legs and make her kneel. But that didn't even come close to stopping her. She's still moving on her knees. Slowly, but she can reach the door if you don't do anything.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/1/1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> If this is not enough, you can tighten it a little more. You close your eyes, focusing on the belt-like stripes you have created. Slowly closing your palm, you imagine those stripes tightening. It's working! She's completely on her knees and elbows, she shouldn't be able to move anymore.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/1/2.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[Continue|trial1(2)]]<n3> Once the succubus is unchained, she starts to move more slowly than you expected. You feel a little helpless for a moment as you look at her with a mixture of excitement and concern. If she tried to run away quickly, you might act instinctively, but when you saw her calm, you got tangled up.
You have one thing in mind. You don't even let her touch the floor! She starts to move, slowly crawls to the edge of the bed. She's going to stand up! Quick! Do something!</n3>
<<linkreplace"Focus!" t8n>>\
<n3> You completely forgot that you're supposed to use latex... Stop it! Do not move! Just as she is about to take her first step, only one thing crosses your mind with the heat in your sign.</n3>
<center><h1><n1> STOP!!!</n1></h1></center>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixEye1.webp" class=center width="75%">
<n3>The Succubus suddenly stops where she is. After seeing that, you suddenly snap back. You raise your trembling hands and make strips with the Latex on her. After restricting her movement with these, you pull her to the center of the bed. She doesn't move at all.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/2/0.webp" class=center width="55%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> What the hell! The Succubus, which should be helpless on the ground, continues to crawl forward. You're thinking about what you can do. You need to pin her to the ground. But the latex on her won't be enough.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/1/3.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You turn your head to the right. Maybe you could use that latex that appears in solid form. You immediately turn your focus there and try to feel.</n3>
[[Continue|trial1(3)]]<n3> Yes, there it is. A sphere image appears in front of your eyes. You can tell just by looking at it how firm it is. You're trying, not knowing what to do, but nothing happens. It doesn't listen to you.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latexball1.jpg" class=center width="57%">
<n3> Just when you're running out of hope, you realize something. You don't know it, but there's someone in this room who can do it. You open your eyes in a fury.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look At Her" t8n >>\
<n3> You don't know it, but your eyes are glowing all white. Summer is the target of your eyes. You're gonna learn how to move this latex pile from her. </n3>
<img src="img/lore/white1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You don't know how you do it, but a feeling sprouts inside you. You know how you can revitalize that motionless sphere. You have to give it your own energy. To make it obey your commands, you must first sacrifice a little of your Lust Energy. The strange thing is that you also know how to make it happen. You close your eyes again. The crawling succubus is getting very close to you.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Sphere in Front of You" t8n>>\
<n3> You start injecting your energy into the solid sphere. Your breath control is in place and you can do this. The sphere begins to move. It evolves into a liquid form, though still dense. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latexball2.gif" class=center width="70%">
<n3>Not enough! You need more control. You want as much control as you had when you immobilized Lucy. That was a great feeling! You transfer even more energy into the sphere.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Little More!" t8n>>\
<n3> Now you have a latex that barely retains its spherical form and listens to you. It's ready now! </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latexball3.webp" class=center width="57%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You raise both arms. The latex reacts to your movements and starts to rise. It feels very dense and heavy. Some pieces from the rising part fall to the ground, and when enough accumulates at the bottom, they take off again. Slowly but steadily you move this towards the Succubus, who is crawling towards the door. When she realizes there is a pile of Latex coming at her, she tries to speed up, but fails miserably.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latex2.jpg" class=center width="70%">
<n3> As you raise your arms, you notice your sign on the inside of your arm. On the outside of the crescent, the curves of the sun are formed. </n3>
<img src="img/McSign/moon1.jpg" class=center width="30%">
<n3> To avoid being distracted by this, you focus back on the latex you are controlling. You're almost reached the Succubus on the ground. Finally you drop your arms and the latex pile meets the Succubus. The heavy latex pile collapses on top of the Succubus and you suddenly remember Summer telling you not to hurt her.</n3>
<center>[[Try to Reduce the Damage|trial1(6)]]
[[It's too late! Watch the Latex Pile Crash Into Her|trial1(6)1]]</center>
<<set $Moon to 1>>\<n3> You immediately try to reduce the damage by spreading your hands to the sides. Excess latex flies across the room. You see the Succubus in front of you, wallowing in a thick bed of Latex.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/1/4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> The next step is to making her cum! But wait... Everything goes blurry. You start to sway, and feel yourself losing consciousness. Just as you are about to fall to the ground, there is someone grabbing you around the waist. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> All right, that's enough! You've done more than enough. It's over! </summer1></b>
<n3> It's always relaxing to be touched by Summer. You realize how tight your body is and you let yourself go. From the latex spread all over the room, a piece of it lifts up, grabs you and gently leads you towards the bed. You absorb your own energy back from the Latex that carries you and feel a little better.</n3>
[[Continue|trial1(7)]]<n3> After carrying you to bed, Summer approaches the Succubus struggling on the floor and frees her. The succubus hurriedly opens the mouthpiece and starts coughing. After catching her breath, she lies down and continues to rest. Summer turns to her.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/overview1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> So, how was it Harley? </summer1></b>
<b><d>Harley:</d></b> <b1> Intense! I don't even need to say it. She's brimming with potential.</b1>
<n3> You lift your head from the bed and look with confused eyes. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Harley is a valuable member of our Research Department. She can't see but with her spirit animal, she can feel everything that happens in every detail. And she turns that into incredibly detailed reports.</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer then points with her finger to a figure on the ceiling. There is a shadow on the ceiling on the far side of the room from you. You squint a little and notice a bat standing there shyly. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/bat1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
[[Continue|trial1(8)]]<n3> After a little more rest you feel much better and sit up straight. These things don't have as big an impact on you as they used to. Then you remember your sign when you were controlling the latex pile.
It bothers you a bit that there will be a detailed report of everything that happened here. Summer's approaching you.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Feeling better? </summer1></b>
<n3> You nod slowly in agreement. Summer sits down next to you and starts stretching calmly.</n3>
<b><summer1> I got my old position back. A few succubus left with this news. Mistress Lucy's departure from The Center was accepted under certain conditions. </summer1></b>
<n3> You wouldn't think Summer was that flexible. Sometimes she poses in such a way that it looks like she's trying to show off. But you can tell by the tone of her voice that this is not the case. She must have noticed your gaze; </n3>
<b><summer1> I stretch when I feel nervous...
There were many conditions, but one of them was that the Center would be free to recruit any Succubus who chose to leave Mistress Lucy, and we could not object.</summer1></b>
<n3> She says a few names, but Madalyn and Angela catch your attention. Summer seems really worried. Again, you see a side of her you didn't know. You don't quite understand why she shows you such vulnerable sides of herself.
Knowing that she has worries too, and watching her stretch her body, relaxes you too. Summer taps your leg reassuringly and stands up.</n3>
<b><summer1> You did a great job. I saw what you did at the last minute to protect Harley. </summer1></b>
<n3> She continues with a smile. </n3>
<b><summer1> Except you didn't need to move all that Latex in the first place. Anyway... You can go back to your room. Be safe!</summer1></b>
<n3> You lie back down and look around the room. There are pieces of re-solidified Latex everywhere. Harley left the room before Summer. She's probably already working on her report. You take one last deep breath and stand up. You can go back to your room. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Go Back to Your Room|trialEnd]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter to 6>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $skiptoSaturday === 0>>\<n3> You start walking this route that you are now fully accustomed to. Halfway there, you hear a rustling in the trees and see a group of birds fleeing in a flock. You continue on your way, not caring much because you are exhausted.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You are very close to the main campus. Since you are already wearing a cloak that prevents you from being seen, you get on the main road and keep walking.
You walk by looking around. You take deep breaths. The forest is so relaxing and smells so good. As you look around, for a moment you feel as if there is a figure in front of you.
You look ahead with a little panic and there really is someone in front of you. You didn't sense any presence. You take a few steps back.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Examine the Figure" t8n>>\
<n3> This is a Succubus who is a little taller than you and wears a thin dress that covers her whole body. Her hands are black... black as if covered in coal dust. but her face is a different level of darkness. It's like you're looking into the void.
You remember what Lucy said on the way back from the Center. A Succubus in all black. Especially if her face is hidden, you're in danger... Her clothes are not really black. Even though you can't see her face, could it be that she's not the Succubus Lucy described? Still, there is a much higher chance that you are not safe right now.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/crow1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> In the unlikely event that it happens, you don't have the means to fight right now. You immediately accept the possibility of handing over control to Sun or Moon and frown.
Finally, this mysterious Succubus speaks in an unexpectedly gentle and subtle voice.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> There's no need to be afraid, my child. I'm just a crow who succumbed to her curiosity.</b1>
<<set $centerVisit to 4>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\ <n3> As the huge lump of Latex is about to pile up on the Succubus on the ground, it suddenly hits an invisible barrier and spills all around the crawling Succubus.
Your eyes darken and you start to lose your balance. You snap out of it and see that Summer has both hands outstretched towards the crawling Succubus. You notice the sun sign on the inside of her hand.</n3>
<img src="img/summer/sign/summersign2.png" class=center>
<n3> This is different from the sign you saw before. It must be the next stage. So she made a barrier with Anti-Lust to protect her. You're getting worse again and this time you feel like you're going to collapse. Suddenly you feel an arm around your waist.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> All right! We may have asked a little too much from you. It's over! Don't worry! </summer1></b>
<n3> <n3> It's always relaxing to be touched by Summer. You realize how tight your body is and you let yourself go. From the latex spread all around the Succubus, a piece of it lifts up, grabs you and gently leads you towards the bed. You try to absorb some energy from this latex, but you can't feel your own energy in it. When it comes in contact with Anti-Lust, your energy probably cleansed of.</n3> </n3>
[[Continue|trial1(7)2]]<n3> After carrying you to bed, Summer approaches the Succubus on the floor. The succubus opens the mouthpiece and starts coughing. After catching her breath, she lies down and continues to rest. Summer turns to her.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/overview1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Are you all right, Harley? </summer1></b>
<b><d>Harley:</d></b> <b1> I'm fine. Thanks to you, Summer! Shit! I got really scared for a moment. She's brimming with potential, maybe even too much.</b1>
<n3> You lift your head from the bed and look with confused eyes. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Harley is a valuable member of our Research Department. She can't see but with her spirit animal, she can feel everything that happens in every detail. And she turns that into incredibly detailed reports.</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer then points with her finger to a figure on the ceiling. There is a shadow on the ceiling on the far side of the room from you. You squint a little and notice a bat standing there shyly. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/bat1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
[[Continue|trial1(8)3]]<n3> After a little more rest you feel much better and sit up straight. These things don't have as big an impact on you as they used to. Then you remember your sign when you were controlling the latex pile.
It bothers you a bit that there will be a detailed report of everything that happened here. Summer's approaching you.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Feeling better? </summer1></b>
<n3> You nod slowly in agreement. Summer sits down next to you and starts stretching calmly.</n3>
<b><summer1> I got my old position back. A few succubus left with this news. Mistress Lucy's departure from The Center was accepted under certain conditions. </summer1></b>
<n3> You wouldn't think Summer was that flexible. Sometimes she poses in such a way that it looks like she's trying to show off. But you can tell by the tone of her voice that this is not the case. She must have noticed your gaze; </n3>
<b><summer1> I stretch when I feel nervous...
There were many conditions, but one of them was that the Center would be free to recruit any Succubus who chose to leave Mistress Lucy, and we could not object.</summer1></b>
<n3> She says a few names, but Madalyn and Angela catch your attention. Summer seems really worried. Again, you see a side of her you didn't know. You don't quite understand why she shows you such vulnerable sides of herself.
Knowing that she has worries too, and watching her stretch her body, relaxes you too. Summer taps your leg reassuringly and stands up.</n3>
<b><summer1> You did a great job. Harley could have been harmed if I wasn't there, but I didn't expect you to use all that Latex. </summer1></b>
<n3> She continues with a smile. </n3>
<b><summer1> But I was there. Anyway... You can go back to your room. Be safe!</summer1></b>
<n3> You lie back down and look around the room. There are pieces of re-solidified Latex everywhere. Harley left the room before Summer. She's probably already working on her report. You take one last deep breath and stand up. You can go back to your room. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Go Back to Your Room|trialEnd]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter to 6>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $skiptoSaturday === 0>>\<n3> Now you have to make her cum. You move with quick steps towards her. She stands like a statue.
When you reach her, you push her gently from behind and bring her to her knees.Without wasting time, you gather the latex around her crotch in your hand and start playing with her pussy.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/2/1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> After a short while, she starts to wake up and starts to respond to your movements with little moans. You notice a vibrator right next to the pillow and pick it up.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Continue With the Vibrator" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn on the vibrator and press it against Succubus' pussy. Her body starts to spasm, she can't hold back her moans.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/2/2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> Wait a minute, why are you even bothering? You can hold her in place with Latex right now. You can make her cum over and over again without any effort if you put the vibrator at a good angle... A familiar voice joins in;
<n1>(</n1><inner> Or you can do more than that. The bed is surrounded by iron bars. You could use that. </inner><n1>)</n1>
You look around the bed and notice the chains you can hang her on. But you have already done enough. Do you need to go any further?</n3>
<center>[[💋 Immobilize Her with Latex and Let the Vibrator Finish the Work|trial2(3)]]
[[⛓️ Hang Her Between the Iron Bars with Chains|trial2(3)1]]</center>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You decide to properly complete the task you have been given. You create almost a dozen Latex strips, completely restricting the movement of the Succubus, who is in pleasure but hasn't cum yet. Finally, you place the vibrator and step away from the bed with confident steps.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/2/3.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> Soon the Succubus cums loudly. As she is having her second orgasm, Summer calmly approaches the bed, takes the vibrator and turns it off. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> There were a few bumps at first, but still, excellent job! </summer1></b>
<n3> You try to lift the Succubus slowly into the air, but you can't. She's too heavy for that. Or you're too weak for her. The more you try, the more you fail. The more you fail, the more frustrated you get. You clench your fists in anger and close your eyes.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I will help you!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<<linkreplace"Open your eyes!" t8n>>\
<n3> You open your eyes as you feel the growing power inside you. You don't realize it, but they are glowing white. </n3>
<img src="img/lore/white1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You raise one hand and the Succubus takes off without a delay. As you raise your arm, you notice your sign on the inside of your arm. On the outside of the crescent, the curves of the sun are formed. To avoid being distracted by this, you focus back on her.</n3>
<img src="img/McSign/moon1.jpg" class=center width="30%">
<center><n3> In 10 seconds you hang her between the bars. You can start now.</n3></center>
<img src="img/latex/trial/2/4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<set $Moon to 1>>\<n3> Summer places her hand on the immobilized Succubus and the Latex straps you created unfolds one by one. The succubus hurriedly opens the mouthpiece and starts coughing. After catching her breath, she lies down and continues to rest. Summer turns to her.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/overview1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> So, how was it Harley? </summer1></b>
<b><d>Harley:</d></b> <b1> Intense! I don't even need to say it. She's brimming with potential.</b1>
<n3> You look at the lying Succubus, a bit confused... Summer explains.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Harley is a valuable member of our Research Department. She can't see but with her spirit animal, she can feel everything that happens in every detail. And she turns that into incredibly detailed reports.</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer then points with her finger to a figure on the ceiling. There is a shadow on the ceiling on the far side of the room from you. You squint a little and notice a bat standing there shyly. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/bat1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
[[Continue|trial2(5)]]<n3> You feel a hand on your wrist while your arm is still up. When you look, you realize it's Summer. As she holds you, the excess power that has accumulated inside you is flowing out. You start to feel tired. Summer starts to speak in a slightly angry voice;</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I thought I made the rules clear! You were supposed to continue without any help! There is nothing wrong with using their power of your own will... But that was different!</summer1></b>
<n3> Her anger grew throughout her speech. Her Lust sense is simply unbelievable. She lets go of your wrist and exhales deeply.</n3>
<b><summer1> We can stop here. Still, you did pretty well. You were in sufficient control.</summer1></b>
<n3> She raises one hand towards the hanging Succubus and gently carries her back to the bed. </n3>
[[Continue|trial2(3)3]]<n3> After carrying her to the bed, The succubus hurriedly opens the mouthpiece and starts coughing. After catching her breath, she lies down and continues to rest. Summer turns to her.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/overview1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> So, how was it Harley? </summer1></b>
<b><d>Harley:</d></b> <b1> Intense! I don't even need to say it. She's brimming with potential.</b1>
<n3> You look at the lying Succubus, a bit confused. Summer explains.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Harley is a valuable member of our Research Department. She can't see but with her spirit animal, she can feel everything that happens in every detail. And she turns that into incredibly detailed reports.</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer then points with her finger to a figure on the ceiling. There is a shadow on the ceiling on the far side of the room from you. You squint a little and notice a bat standing there shyly. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/bat1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
[[Continue|trial2(3)4]]<n3> Harley leaves and you sit on the bed. You feel a little tired. After a little more rest you feel much better and sit up straight. Then you remember your sign when you were carrying her.
It bothers you a bit that there will be a detailed report of everything that happened here. Summer's approaching you.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Feeling better? </summer1></b>
<n3> You nod slowly in agreement. Summer sits down next to you and starts stretching calmly.</n3>
<b><summer1> I got my old position back. A few succubus left with this news. Mistress Lucy's departure from The Center was accepted under certain conditions. </summer1></b>
<n3> You wouldn't think Summer was that flexible. Sometimes she poses in such a way that it looks like she's trying to show off. But you can tell by the tone of her voice that this is not the case. She must have noticed your gaze; </n3>
<b><summer1> I stretch when I feel nervous...
There were many conditions, but one of them was that the Center would be free to recruit any Succubus who chose to leave Mistress Lucy, and we could not object.</summer1></b>
<n3> She says a few names, but Madalyn and Angela catch your attention. Summer seems really worried. Again, you see a side of her you didn't know. You don't quite understand why she shows you such vulnerable sides of herself.
Knowing that she has worries too, and watching her stretch her body, relaxes you too. Summer taps your leg reassuringly and stands up.</n3>
<b><summer1> Except for that last moment when you let yourself go, you were doing fine. I couldn't risk Harley getting hurt.</summer1></b>
<n3> She continues with a smile. </n3>
<b><summer1> Of course, you didn't restrict her with Latex in the first place, but since you did it completely of your own will, I didn't feel it necessary to stop you. Anyway... You can go back to your room. Be safe!</summer1></b>
<n3> You lie back down and look around the room and notice the solid lump of latex on the other side of the room. You wonder if you could control it... Harley probably already working on her report. You take one last deep breath and stand up. You can go back to your room. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Go Back to Your Room|trialEnd]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter to 6>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $skiptoSaturday === 0>>\<n3> Harley leaves and you sit on the bed. You don't feel very tired. Back in the day, you'd be unconscious by now.
It bothers you a bit that there will be a detailed report of everything that happened here. Summer's approaching you.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Feeling okay? </summer1></b>
<n3> You nod slowly in agreement. Summer sits down next to you and starts stretching calmly.</n3>
<b><summer1> I got my old position back. A few succubus left with this news. Mistress Lucy's departure from The Center was accepted under certain conditions. </summer1></b>
<n3> You wouldn't think Summer was that flexible. Sometimes she poses in such a way that it looks like she's trying to show off. But you can tell by the tone of her voice that this is not the case. She must have noticed your gaze; </n3>
<b><summer1> I stretch when I feel nervous...
There were many conditions, but one of them was that the Center would be free to recruit any Succubus who chose to leave Mistress Lucy, and we could not object.</summer1></b>
<n3> She says a few names, but Madalyn and Angela catch your attention. Summer seems really worried. Again, you see a side of her you didn't know. You don't quite understand why she shows you such vulnerable sides of herself.
Knowing that she has worries too, and watching her stretch her body, relaxes you too. Summer taps your leg reassuringly and stands up.</n3>
<b><summer1> It was perfect, except you didn't restrict her without using Latex at first.</summer1></b>
<n3> She continues with a smile. </n3>
<b><summer1> But since you did it completely of your own will, I didn't feel it necessary to stop you. Anyway... You can go back to your room. Be safe!</summer1></b>
<n3> You lie back down and look around the room and notice the solid lump of latex on the other side of the room. You wonder if you could control it... Harley probably already working on her report. You take one last deep breath and stand up. You can go back to your room. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Go Back to Your Room|trialEnd]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $dungeoncounter to 6>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $skiptoSaturday === 0>>\<<if $mars === 0 >>\
<n3>You can see the Mars Dormitory, but you can't get through the barrier. First you must replicate the Lust energy of a Mars. </n3>
<img src="img/places/entrance2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<center><h2><cap>To Replicate a Mars, You Need to Advance the Main Story. </cap></h2></center>
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $mars gte 1 >>\
<n3>You can cross the barrier of the Mars Dormitory now. It still feels strange, but you think you'll get used to it. </n3>
<img src="img/places/entrance2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
[[Go Inside|MarsDormitory]]
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> You keep standing there without saying anything. As you continue to stare at her, you first hear a small chuckle. Then you understand that it is the laughter of the Succubus in front of you, which she is trying to hold back.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> Pff... I'm just kidding hahaha!</b1>
<n3> Her voice has gotten rid of that fake kindness. But it's still not a familiar voice. </n3>
<b1> I mean, I didn't lie but <i>"My Child do not afraid"</i> hahahaha!! And you're still looking at me with fear.</b1>
<n3> You think about what to do while the figure in front of you tilts her neck from side to side and complains of neck and back pain. You can feel that she's an extremely powerful Succubus. So you're not in the mood for banter.</n3>
<b1>I wanted to see you... You can call me crow. I'm a bit of a big shot, if you will. But not as much as you, eh?</b1>
<n3> Her stance straightens and her tone gets more serious. </n3>
<b1>I know you're tired. I mean no harm. If I did, you wouldn't even see me. </b1>
<n3> Just as she is about to continue, she pauses as if something has come to her mind. </n3>
<b1> Do you like to draw? </b1>
<n3> She seems to be waiting for an answer. </n3>
[[No|boring1]]</center><n3> While raising one arm cheerfully, she nods her head in satisfaction. </n3>
<d>Crow:</d> <b1> I knew it!! Who doesn't? It's amazing, isn't it, how things in your mind turn into reality? It's really fascinating!
<n3> She gets a little serious again. </n3>
I came to talk to Lucy, but she wasn't in the dungeon. When I noticed you, I didn't want to leave without meeting you.</b1>
<n3> She leans towards you. </n3>
<b1> She might exaggerate a bit about me. Don't be intimidated. I'm on your side!</b1>
<n3> Then she brings her index fingers to her face. Even though you can't see it, you can tell she's touching her cheeks. Tilting her head in a cute way; </n3>
<b1> By the way, I was smiling, in case you couldn't tell. I'm not threatening you.
I prefer short introductions. I'll see you late.... Ohh!!</b1>
<n3> Before finishing her words, with an unexpected excitement, she points to a spot behind you. </n3>
<b1> What the hell is that?! </b1>
<center>[[Look Where Crow is Pointing|pointing1]]
[[Keep Looking at Crow|staring1]]</center><n3> Her shoulders drop a little and then she puts her hand to her chin in a thoughtful way. </n3>
<d>Crow:</d> <b1> I cannot believe it! </b1>
<n3> She turns her head back to you in hope. </n3>
<b1> Oh, it's because you've never tried it before, isn't it? There's no way you tried it and didn't like it, right? </b1>
<n3> You know you have a very powerful succubus in front of you. So far she hasn't made any aggressive moves, but you don't know what might happen if you give her an answer she doesn't want to hear. </n3>
<center>[[Yes, I Haven't Tried It Before|notboring1]]
[[I Tried, But It's Not Really My Thing|boring2]]</center><img src="img/places/forest4.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You look at your rear cross and there's nothing, just the forest... You turn around and there is nothing in front of you too. Crow is gone. You blink in confusion.
You don't know how to feel. According to your instincts, she might be the most powerful Succubus you've ever met. But she didn't act like it at all... And neither Sun nor Moon even bothered to help. You take a deep breath and continue walking to your room. </n3>
[[Go To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> She waits excitedly waiting for you to look where she is pointing, but you keep looking at her. She points again with exaggerated gestures.</n3>
<d>Crow:</d> <b1>Oh no! What the hell is that over there?!!!! </b1>
<center>[[Look Where Crow is Pointing|pointing1]]
[[Still Look at Crow|staring2]]</center>
<n3> You're still looking at Crow. She starts looking around.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/crow2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Crow:</d> <b1> And I thought you were fun. Well, I'm gonna go, then.</b1>
<n3> Then she walks slowly and blends into the forest through the bushes.
You don't know how to feel. According to your instincts, she might be the most powerful Succubus you've ever met. But she didn't act like it at all... And neither Sun nor Moon even bothered to help. Anyway... Lucy will probably reach out to you if there's any trouble. You take a deep breath and continue walking to your room. </n3>
[[Go To Your Room|DormRoom]]<n3> Her posture relaxes and she lets out a reassuring laugh. </n3>
<d>Crow:</d> <b1> Why didn't you tell me from the beginning? Hahahaha! I was worried we had a very boring heir.
I'll teach you and you'll learn from the best. There are few things more enjoyable than seeing what's on your mind come to reality. It's really fascinating!</b1>
<n3> She gets a little serious again. </n3>
<b1>I came to talk to Lucy, but she wasn't in the dungeon. When I noticed you, I didn't want to leave without meeting you.</b1>
<n3> She leans towards you. </n3>
<b1> She might exaggerate a bit about me. Don't be intimidated. I'm on your side!</b1>
<n3> Then she brings her index fingers to her face. Even though you can't see it, you can tell she's touching her cheeks. Tilting her head in a cute way; </n3>
<b1> By the way, I was smiling, in case you couldn't tell. I'm not threatening you.
I prefer short introductions. I'll see you late.... Ohh!!</b1>
<n3> Before finishing her words, with an unexpected excitement, she points to a spot behind you. </n3>
<b1> What the hell is that?! </b1>
<center>[[Look Where Crow is Pointing|pointing1]]
[[Keep Looking at Crow|staring1]]</center><n3> She seems unstable. You're a little worried if her personality will suddenly turn upside down. Crow exhales deeply with disappointment.</n3>
<d>Crow:</d> <b1> I see. So you don't like it either. Actually, for some, it becomes enjoyable over time. Maybe you'll try again in the future. I can help you.</b1>
<n3> She straightens her posture again. You're glad you didn't get her angry. She gets a little serious again. </n3>
<b1>I came to talk to Lucy, but she wasn't in the dungeon. When I noticed you, I didn't want to leave without meeting you.</b1>
<n3> She leans towards you. </n3>
<b1> She might exaggerate a bit about me. Don't be intimidated. I'm on your side!</b1>
<n3> Then she brings her index fingers to her face. Even though you can't see it, you can tell she's touching her cheeks. Tilting her head in a cute way; </n3>
<b1> By the way, I was smiling, in case you couldn't tell. I'm not threatening you.
I prefer short introductions. I'll see you late.... Ohh!!</b1>
<n3> Before finishing her words, with an unexpected excitement, she points to a spot behind you. </n3>
<b1> What the hell is that?! </b1>
<center>[[Look Where Crow is Pointing|pointing1]]
[[Keep Looking at Crow|boringstaring1]]</center><n3> She waits excitedly waiting for you to look where she is pointing, but you keep looking at her. She points again with exaggerated gestures.</n3>
<d>Crow:</d> <b1>Oh no! What the hell is that over there?!!!! </b1>
<center>[[Look Where Crow is Pointing|pointing1]]
[[Still Look at Crow|boringstaring2]]</center><n3> You're still looking at Crow. She starts looking around.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/crow2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Crow:</d> <b1> You're really boring. Well, I'm gonna go, then.</b1>
<n3> Then she walks slowly and blends into the forest through the bushes.
You don't know how to feel. According to your instincts, she might be the most powerful Succubus you've ever met... But she didn't act like it at all... And neither Sun nor Moon even bothered to help. Anyway, Lucy will probably reach out to you if there's any trouble. You take a deep breath and continue walking to your room. </n3>
[[Go To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> After you pick up your necklace, you extend your hand towards your cloak, which is a few meters away. The latex cloak slowly starts to move and slowly floats and takes its place on your shoulders. You go out and make your way to the dungeon.
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
You reach the dungeon with only your own thoughts in your mind.</n3>
[[Go Inside|latexdungeon(7)]]
<<set $stagelookaround to 0>>\
<<set $traininglookaround to 0>>\
<<set $kayaAnger to 0>>
<<set $kayaquestion1 to 0>>
<<set $kayaquestion2 to 0>>
<<set $kayaquestion3 to 0>><n3> Things are hectic inside. A lot of succubus you see walking from here to there at a fast pace. When you observe a little, you realize that this route has something in common. Almost every Succubus stops at a corner on the far side from you. From a great height they would look like a swarm of ants. As you walk to that corner, you see Lucy there, as you guessed.</n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="110%">
<n3> Lucy notices you and gives some instructions to a Succubus waiting right behind her. Then she starts walking towards you, while the attention of the Succubus around her turns to the one Lucy instructed.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Welcome $name! As you can see, it's a busy day. It's just a general inspection that I do periodically. I'm almost done here. They don't need me for the rest. I'm going to continue with outside. Will you join me?</l1></b>
<n3> You nod your head in agreement and start to follow her. When it occurs to you that you've walked all this way for nothing, you feel a little exasperated. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(7)2]]<n3> You start walking the way you came. It's obvious Lucy wants to talk to you about something.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>We'll start at your dormitory.</l1></b>
<n3> After a few seconds, lowering her voice a little; </n3>
<b><l1>I believe you've met Crow.</l1></b>
<n3> She continues without waiting for you to answer. </n3>
<b><l1>What did she tell you?</l1></b>
[[She Asked Me If I Like To Draw|A1]]
[[She Said She Is On My Side|A2]]<n3> She drops her shoulders a little; </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>Yeah, she asked me the same question when we first met. Without waiting for my answer, she brushed it off, saying she couldn't teach me. At that time I was in my early days at the Center and I did not know the real meaning of this question.</l1></b>
<n3> You reply by slowing your pace. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> But she said she could teach me. </n1></b>
<n3> After hearing this, her pace slows down and for a while she says nothing, then she starts talking to herself and walking while looking at the ground. After a few minutes, she turns back to you. </n3>
<b><l1> If she really means that... Ugh... I'm not sure.</l1></b>
<n3> Lucy raises her right hand slightly and forms a latex ball that fits perfectly in the palm of her hand. Then she starts squeezing the ball with a certain rhythm. Within such a short time, you can see how relaxed she gets.</n3>
[[Continue|A1(2)]]<n3> Lucy answers with a slow nod. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Yes, she told me that too, especially on your side.</l1></b>
<n3> In your head, a crow appears with its wings outstretched. A crow that will pollute its destination with its own darkness. </n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/crow4.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><l1> All our information about her comes from Summer. She's one of the Higher-Ups and her spirit animal is a crow. We don't know what her limits but she uses this crow to observe. Probably the whole academy is within her range.
I told you Summer was in charge of security in the dungeon, in and out. It was Crow who taught her how to use her spirit animal in this way. So talking is no longer safe, especially outside.</l1></b>
<n3> She looks at the branches of a few trees, while forming a Latex ball in her right hand that fits perfectly. Then she starts squeezing the ball with a certain rhythm. By glancing at you out of the corner of her eye;</n3>
<b><l1> It calms me down. </l1></b>
[[Continue|A2(2)]]<n3> As the Latex ball in her hand fuses back into her suit, she starts to explain to you. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> She's one of the Higher-Ups and each one is a keeper of an ancient artifact.</l1></b>
<n3> A pen appears in your head. At first it looks like a huge black feather. Then you notice the pale stone in the middle of the thin metal rods.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/pen1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><l1>Crow's artifact is a pen... But my knowledge about this is very limited. She told me she is on our side, especially yours... But like I said, I've known her since my time at the Center. You can't trust what she says... Yet she gave so many rational reasons... I'm not sure.</l1></b>
[[Continue|A1(3)]]<n3> Another image flashes in your mind. A figure covered in black haze, wearing a big hat and a pretty dress.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/crow3.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> She calls herself Crow, but she is called by many names. Witch, Messenger, Spy... Her nicknames alone undermine my credibility with her. She is the factor that breaks the silence before the storm.
The most confidential matters of the Center are always outsourced to her. You rarely see her in Church. I don't want to trust this Succubus with a reputation for espionage but it would be a huge relief to have a Higher-Up on our side.</l1></b>
[[She Said You Might Exaggerate Her|A1(4)]]
[[Keep Walking Without Saying Anything|A1(4)1]]<n3> Lucy smiles nervously. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Of course she did. In the worst case scenario, she was only assigned to gather information. That means we still have time.</l1></b>
<n3> Lucy stops and raises her arms. Then she starts to stretch her body, very rigidly... After about 15 seconds with frustrated resignation, she forms a ball in her hand again and starts squeezing it.</n3>
<b><l1> Summer said stretching might help, but it's not helping me clear my head. </l1></b>
<n3> You've almost arrived at the Newcomers' Dormitory. Lucy sits on a fallen log. </n3>
<b><l1>Can we wait a moment? I can't be seen in there like this.</l1></b>
<n3> You lean back against a nearby tree and look around. Lucy seems calm, but the uncertainty must be overwhelming her. After a few minutes she stands up and with her usual seriousness. </n3>
<b><l1>Let's go!</l1></b>
[[To the Newcomers' Dormitory|dining hall1]]<n3> She goes straight to the Dining Hall. As you know, this is the entrance to a secret area. As you walk, you notice that she looks the same as she did when you first met her. Even the aura she radiates screams I'm the superior one here.</n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/hiddenwall1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<<linkreplace"Enter" t8n>>\
<n3> Wasting no time, she enters and you are again confronted with the white corridors you haven't seen for a while. </n3>
<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/whitecorridors.webp" class=center>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> It's not your first time here. I don't have much to check here. Everyone's just doing their own thing. We'll start with the busiest room .</l1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As you approach the Newcomers' Dormitory, you see Lucy becoming more and more serious. When her face becomes expressionless, she enters in.</n3>
[[To the Newcomers' Dormitory|dining hall1]]<n3>Another image flashes in your mind. A figure covered in black haze, wearing a big hat and a pretty dress. As the Latex ball in her hand fuses back into her suit, Lucy continues to explain.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/crow3.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> She calls herself Crow, but she is called by many names. Witch, Messenger, Spy... Her nicknames alone undermine my credibility with her. She is the factor that breaks the silence before the storm.
The most confidential matters of the Center are always outsourced to her. You rarely see her in Church. I don't want to trust this Succubus with a reputation for espionage but it would be a huge relief to have a Higher-Up on our side.</l1></b>
<n3> If it's not safe to talk about it, you don't understand why she talks about her worries out in the outside.
Suddenly you hear a few sounds behind you, one after the other. When you look behind , you see that there are a three crows have fallen on the path you are walking on.
Lucy calmly wraps it all in a thin string of Latex. Then she drops the crows and keeps walking.</n3>
<b><l1> Ordinary crows... Let's go!</l1></b>
[[To the Newcomers' Dormitory|dining hall1]]<n3> Inside, it's not as crowded as the day you were there, but it's still pretty crowded. The Succubuses noticing Lucy, quiets down and start to look in your direction. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/latexmaid2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> Ignoring the stares, Lucy walks up to the Succubus serving drinks and gets herself a drink. Then she grabs the Succubus by the chin, kisses her sensually and raises the glass in the air.
This is followed by a loud and enthusiastic shout from the crowd, with some raising their glasses in the air and others continuing making out. After deflating the attention, Lucy finishes her drink in one go and starts walking towards the back of the room. With a small hand gesture, you understand that she wants you to come along.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Familiar Face" t8n>>\
<n3> You see the Succubus who was teasing you when you first came here. You don't remember her name but she still looks at you with the same horniness. The typical dominant type who thinks too highly of herself. She owns the world until she encounters someone stronger than her. You continue to stare without breaking eye contact.
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/cristina2.webp" class=center>
No lust in your eyes, you're giving her a ice-cold stares. It's a bit amusing but you don't show it on the outside. Probably it looks very odd to be staring at her locked on as you walk. Even as your body moves forward, you turn your head and keep looking at the same spot.
A Succubus rushes over to her and hits her on the shoulder. Then points out to Lucy, says a quick few words and walks away with the same rush. Because you kept eye contact, you were able to see the changes of emotion on her face moment by moment. First confusion, then fear with embarrassment. She looks away with deep breaths and acts like she is talking to someone. She must have a terrible sense of Lust.
You got a little excited because you thought she was challenging you, fully aware of everything but it's discouraging to see that she maintains her previous cowardice.</n3>
<</linkreplace >>\
<center>[[Follow Lucy|inspection2]]</center><n3> You move to another place at the back of the room, separated by a curtain. It's much calmer here and there are fewer Succubus around.
At the entrance of the room you see a Succubus sitting bored in front of a laptop and another Succubus pinned to the table by the neck. If you couldn't sense the Lust energies, there would be times when you couldn't able to recognize Lucy in a crowd. It's also the first time you've encountered human technology in a place like this.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/kaya1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> When she sees Lucy, she takes a deep breath, as if preparing to speak, but then exhales.</n3>
<d>???:</d><ange1> Welcome Mistress... We are preparing for tomorrow.</ange1>
<n3> Then suddenly tilts her head all the way back. With an even more exasperated voice, she yells out to someone.</n3>
<ange1> Speed up! Mistress Lucy is here!</ange1>
<n3> You hear voices from the direction where the bored Succubus just yelled. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Lean to The Right and Check What's Going On" t8n>>\
<n3>You see a Succubus, covered in latex and immobilized, trying to clean the floor with a sponge in her mouth and the source of the sound is grumbling at the Succubus trying to clean the floor. She quickly moves to the Succubus on the ground and "<b>helps</b>" her. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/latexmaid3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>???:</d><b1> How many hours ago I told you to pick up the pace. Mistress Lucy's here!! You want us to continue in the dungeon, you asshole?!</b1>
<n3> Maybe that's not the fastest way to clean the floor... But you don't make a comment. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> Lucy calmly intervenes. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>No, Kaya, everything's fine. Keep preparing at your own pace. I'm just doing my routine check.</l1></b>
<n3> Kaya glances up from her laptop and looks at Lucy. </n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> This often? So you're busy these days too. Please come in!</ange1></b>
<n3> Lucy's turning to you. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>I have a quick thing to do. You can look around. This place is very important. Kaya will asisst you if you have any questions.</l1></b>
<n3> Then Lucy starts walking towards the back of this place too. You didn't realize it at first, but this place is very spacious.
As she passes by the Succubus, who is trying to clean the floor with a sponge in her mouth, with a little gesture, she frees her hands and looks out of the corner of her eye at the Succubus who just shouted.</n3>
<n3> Kaya gives you a short explanation in a frustrated voice. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/kaya1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1>This is an auction center. We make money and I keep this money in order. It takes place every Sunday. You can look around, but don't touch anything or... anyone.</ange1></b>
<n3> Maybe you could take a look around. You take a few steps.</n3>
[[Continue|auction1]]<n3> There's a large space in front of you. On the left side you see shelves and cabinets full of sex toys and weird suits. In the center of the room there is an empty stage, surrounded by elegant chairs. Succubuses covered in latex are on display all around, like a museum. In a corner far away from you, a few Succubus are doing something. You can't really see from where you are.</n3>
<center>[[❓ Ask Kaya Some Questions|kaya1]]
<<if $stagelookaround === 0>>\
[[🔰 Look Around the Stage|stage1]]
<<if $traininglookaround === 0>>\
[[⛓️ Check the Right Side|trainingplace1]]
<<if $stagelookaround === 1 and $traininglookaround === 1>>\
[[Lucy is waiting for you|waiting1]]
<</if>>\<img src="gif/latex/inspection/kaya1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Can I ask you a few things?</n1></b>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1>Go ahead. </ange1></b>
<<if $kayaquestion1 === 0>>\
[[Umm... There's someone at your desk, tied by the neck... |kayaQ1]]
<<if $kayaquestion2 === 0>>\
[[Are You Selling... Succubus Here?|kayaQ2]]
<<if $kayaquestion3 === 0>>\
[[How Long Do You Know Mistress Lucy?|kayaQ3]]
<<if $kayaAnger lte 2 >>\
[[Just Look at Her|kayaanger1]]
<<if $kayaAnger gte 3 and $kayaAnger lte 4>>\
[[Just Look at Her|kayaanger2]]
<<if $kayaAnger gte 5 and $kayaAnger lte 6>>\
[[Just Look at Her|kayaanger3]]
<<if $kayaAnger gt 6 >>\
[[Just Look at Her|kayaanger4]]
<n3> Kaya slowly nods as she continues her work. </n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> Yes. She likes to be ignored. </ange1></b>
<n3> You have nothing to say about it. </n3>
<<set $kayaquestion1 to 1>>\<n3> Without saying anything, you look at Kaya, who is just sitting and minding her business. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/kaya1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<set $kayaAnger += 1>>\
<n3> Without saying anything, you look at Kaya, who is just sitting and minding her business. Feeling your gaze on her, Kaya gives a small glance, trying to figure out what's going on.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/kaya1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<set $kayaAnger += 1>>\<n3> Without saying anything, you look at Kaya, who is just sitting and minding her business. Feeling your gaze on her, Kaya gives a small glance, trying to figure out what's going on.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/kaya1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $kayaAnger === 5>>\
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> If you have something to say, say it. Don't distract me! </ange1></b>
<<if $kayaAnger === 6>>\
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> If you keep this up any longer, I won't care that you're Lucy's guest. </ange1></b>
<<set $kayaAnger += 1>>\<n3> Kaya turns her head angrily towards you. This time her head doesn't fall to the side. She extends her left hand to you and suddenly you are surrounded by a pale yellow layer. It looks like the barrier J created during the Brittany's Lust duel.</n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> You can wait outside!</ange1></b>
<n3> Then you are quickly dragged to the other side of the curtain. Once you are outside, this yellow layer expands in front of you and becomes a barrier to prevent you from entering. You pushed her to the limits.
You hear a voice in your mind.</n3>
<center><h2><n1>(</n1><inner> You can't let her treat you that way!</inner><n1>)</n1></h2></center>
[[Follow the Voice and Try to Break In|moonAnger1]]
[[Try to Calm Down and Wait For Lucy|kayaanger5]]
<<set $kayaAnger += 1>>\<n3> She turns her head towards you but her head falls to the side as if her neck cannot support it. </n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> It sounds like a lie, but every Succubus you see inside is here by choice. As you may know, there are many kinds of latex. A combination of paralyzing and pleasure-inducing Latex has been a new path for many Succubus who are overwhelmed by their lives, perhaps on the verge of suicide... Or they simply want to live a life of pleasure. </ange1></b>
<n3> She rolls her tilted head back. </n3>
<b><ange1> If it can be called living...
Succubus are lazy creatures. If pleasure is easily accessible, why should they strive for anything else? We offer them the opportunity to be in the same frame with wealthy lives.</ange1></b>
<n3> She rolls her head back to you and smiles irritatingly. </n3>
<b><ange1> You get used to it in time. When you accept that not everyone is as resilient as you, you feel better. Lucy had the same look as you at first. Like I said... you'll get used to it.</ange1></b>
<<set $kayaquestion2 to 1>>\<n3> She answers briefly; </n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> Pretty long. </ange1></b>
<n3> Maybe you can infer from this answer that she knew her from the Center days. </n3>
<<set $kayaquestion3 to 1>>\<n3> You take a deep breath and try to calm down. Even though you pushed her, she overreacted. You fold your arms in front of you and lean your back against the pale yellow barrier. Kaya warns you with a little concern in her voice.</n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> Better not touch the barrier... It's a Lust-absorbing barrier.</ange1></b>
[[Keep Leaning Against the Barrier|barrier1]]
[[Stop Touching the Barrier|barrier2]]<n3> You slowly step towards the barrier. You put both hands on the barrier and stare at Kaya who is watching you from inside. She warns you in a calm voice.</n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> Don't waste your time. It's a Lust absorbing barrier. </ange1></b>
<n3> As she said, from the moment you put your hands on it, your Lust Energy is being sucked up at a great speed.
You close your eyes and concentrate on the barrier. It pushes you, absorbs your Lust energy and pushes even stronger. At first you thought you could get through, but your energy is being sucked in so fast. The best way to break through such a barrier is to break it down with one powerful strike while it is still in the formation phase.
After a short while Lucy comes back and calmly looks at you and Kaya. Just as Kaya opens her mouth to explain, Lucy silences her with a firm hand gesture.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> This is the last thing I need right now. Do you realize what I'm struggling with here?! </l1></b>
<n3> Then she starts walking furiously towards the barrier. The barrier disappears immediately and Lucy walks past you. </n3>
<b><l1> I'll continue the rest alone. We have important things to do tomorrow. Till then, pull yourself together! </l1></b>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b>
<<set $centerVisit to 5>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\<n3> Your Lust energy is being absorbed at a ridiculously fast rate. Right afterwards the barrier disappears and you trip a few steps backwards.</n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> You'll lose consciousness... I can see your emotions in your energy. So, I've decided there's no need for a barrier right now.</ange1></b>
<n3> You go back inside. </n3>
<b><ange1> I don't like getting distracted for no reason. Especially being stared at for no reason. I overreacted a little bit, but next time I can react even more...</ange1></b>
<n3> Before you can answer, Lucy returns. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Yeah, it's ready here!... I mean, everything's fine in here...</l1></b>
<n3> Lucy looks excited. </n3>
<b><l1> I'll take care of the rest. Thank you for keeping me company, $name. We have something important tomorrow, meet me at the Dining Hall.</l1></b>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b>
<<set $centerVisit to 5>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\<n3> You move your back from the barrier and then the barrier disappears.</n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1> I can see your emotions in your energy. So, I've decided there's no need for a barrier right now.</ange1></b>
<n3> You go back inside. </n3>
<b><ange1> I don't like getting distracted for no reason. Especially being stared at for no reason. I overreacted a little bit, but next time I can react even more...</ange1></b>
<n3> Before you can answer, Lucy returns. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Yeah, it's ready here!... I mean, everything's fine in here...</l1></b>
<n3> Lucy looks excited. </n3>
<b><l1> I'll take care of the rest. Thank you for keeping me company, $name. We have something important tomorrow, meet me at the Dining Hall.</l1></b>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b>
<<set $centerVisit to 5>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\<n3> As you approach the stage, a latex-covered servant appears in front of you and welcomes you to a chair with robotic movements. You didn't even see where it came from. You tell her you're just looking around, not sure if she'll understand.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/stage/servant1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> She nods elegantly and squats behind the chair. When you look, you see dozens of latex servants waiting in the fetal position behind all the chairs. It's a creepy sight.
You decide not to move towards the stage and start looking around at the surrounding stalls.</n3>
[[Look around|stage2]]<n3> Tied Succubus lie motionless, spread randomly around the stage, forming the general scenery. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/stage/tied1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> You notice a few Succubus checking how these Succubus stand. They turn one of them a little more to the right, walk away and check again. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/stage/tied2.webp" class=center width="55%">
[[Continue Looking|stage3]]<n3> You notice one of the tied Succubus staring at you. They're all oozing with Lust energy. The longer stay here, the hornier you feel.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/stage/tied4.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<linkreplace"Someone Is Yelling" t8n>>\
<d>Busy-Succubus:</d> <b1> There's a problem here! </b1>
<n3> You look in that direction and one of the tied Succubus is writhing and moaning. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/stage/tied3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<d>Busy-Succubus:</d> <b1> How many times have I told? Who forgot to use paralyzing Latex again?</b1>
<n3> Immediately two Succubuses bring a table with wheels and place the moaning Succubus on it. Then they hurriedly take her to somewhere. Everything happened very fast. Everyone is nervous doing the final checks, which made you a bit nervous. You'd better get out of the way.</n3>
<<set $stagelookaround to 1>>\<n3> As you walk along looking around, someone interrupts. This is a serious looking Succubus wearing a latex suit. She starts to speak in a respectful and polite voice.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/monica1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Mistress $name. I'm Monica. You don't know me but I was in charge of your safety from day one, until it was no longer necessary. I'm so happy to finally talk to you. Please allow me to show you around the training area.</b1>
<n3> She gently leads the way with her hand. </n3>
[[Continue|trainingplace2]]<n3> She begins to explain a little excitedly. </n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1>As you know, we cannot predict the motives and expectations of our bidders. That's why we aim to ensure that every Succubus gives the best possible performance in every aspect.
Like how long they can go without breathing... That's incredibly important.</b1>
<n3> You see a Succubus choking in controlled way. A small timer on the side measures the time. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/training1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> She shifts a little bit to the side and continues. </n3>
<b1> Or maybe they need a Succubus that can move easily on all fours. </b1>
<n3> You see a Succubus on a leash walking on her knees on a treadmill at a speed that pretty impressive. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/training4.webp" class=center width="60%">
<b1> Let's move on! </b1>
<n3> Monica seems pretty pumped up. </n3>
[[Continue|trainingplace3]]<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Pain tolerance! Perhaps the first trait they look for. We are very meticulous in this matter.</b1>
<n3> You see a Succubus being spanked hard with her hands tied behind her back, her nipples clamped with a gagged mouth. The moaning turns you on a bit.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/training3.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> She moves to one side. </n3>
<b1> Flexibility You have no idea how important it is. Flexibility of all kinds... </b1>
<n3> A Succubus is being fisted hard. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/training2.webp" class=center width="65%">
<b1>Throat flexibility is as important as anal flexibility. </b1>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/training5.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> The Succubus in the last area approaches you after removing the dildo from the tied Succubus's throat. </n3>
[[Continue|trainingplace4]]<n3> As she is coming towards you, Monica gets in front of you and cuts her off. The other Succubus starts talking after spitting on her dildo. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/strapon2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<mi1> Fresh meat? I'll take her Monica.</mi1>
<n3> Monica puts her arms on her hips and looks at her with a cocky attitude. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/monica2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> You have no idea who you're dancing with. She is Mistress Lucy's gue... </b1>
<n3> Suddenly she stops and frowns. </n3>
<b1> Why am I explaining to you? Get back to work! </b1>
<n3> She takes a few steps forward. </n3>
<b1> Just know that she would FUCK... YOU... UP! </b1>
[[Continue|trainingplace5]]<n3> The other Succubus also takes a step forward. Monica smiles in a creepy way.</n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Ooohhh! Someone wants to play.</b1>
<n3> The Succubus' smile disappears and she takes a few steps back. </n3>
<mi1>No, I don't want to! Stop doing that! </mi1>
<n3> Monica dramatically raises her arms and spreads her hands out to the sides with her index fingers outward. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/inspection/training/monica3.jpg" class=center width="65%">
<b1> You should have thought of that before your disrespect... Now answer... How many is that?</b1>
<n3> Monica holds out her right hand towards her, with only her index finger raised. The Succubus, who had just looked full of confidence, now stares at Monica, panting. Her voice trembles as she answers. </n3>
<mi1>O-One... </mi1>
<n3> Monica sarcastically sticks her head forward. </n3>
<b1> Woah! You've gotten so smart... Don't worry, honey, I'm just asking a question. Next question, then.</b1>
[[Continue|trainingplace6]]<n3> Monica holds out her left hand too. She raises her index and middle finger and puts them next to her right hand. </n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1>How many is that? </b1>
<n3> Drenched in sweat, Succubus opens her mouth to answer, but Monica stops her. </n3>
<b1> Think it over!</b1>
<n3> Then Monica starts to move her hands horizontally. When Monica's hands meet again, she seems about to answer, but she can't say anything. Her breathing gets faster and faster.</n3>
<b1> So what do you say?</b1>
<n3> The tall Succubus begins to stutter and babble something. </n3>
<mi1> Thre... Twelw.... Twenty on... Th... Twe...</mi1>
<n3> Then her eyes start to close and she loses her balance. In a few seconds she collapses on the floor, muttering something inaudible. Monica lowers her hands with pitying eyes.</n3>
<b1> That's what I thought. For you, Its Mistress Monica, by the way.</b1>
[[Continue|trainingplace7]]<n3> Monica turns to you with a lovely smile. </n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> I can perform hypnosis and mind control with the help of rhymes and riddles. Obviously, in this case, I don't need to use any Lust Energy nor a riddle. Confusing her is a bit... Anyway.</b1>
<<if $stagelookaround === 1>>\
<n3> You notice Lucy walking towards the entrance. She looks in your direction and calls out.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Monica, you need to stop knocking out everyone who crosses you.</l1></b>
<n3> Monica responds pleasantly. </n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> She didn't cross me, she crossed Mistress $name! </b1>
<n3> Lucy smiles slightly. She seems in a good mood. </n3>
<b><l1> All right, if you say so... $name, if you're ready, we can leave.</l1></b>
[[Follow Lucy|trainingplace8]]
<<elseif $stagelookaround === 0>>\
<b1> If you have time, visit here on a Sunday. Auctions are pretty exciting! </b1>
<n3> Her eyes shine while talking with you. You don't understand why she's so full of admiration.
You thank her for the little tour and show and go back to the entrance.</n3>
<<set $traininglookaround to 1 >><n3> You come to Lucy and walk to the entrance. She gives Kaya a couple of marble-sized latex balls and keeps walking. Kaya lazily gets up from her seat and starts waddling to the back. Lucy turns to you.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> We'll be here tomorrow. Meet me at the Dining Hall. We'll discuss the details tomorrow. I have a lot more to do. I appreciate the company.</l1></b>
<n3> After touching your shoulder, she starts to walk rapidly. Just as she disappears from your sight, she turns around. </n3>
<b><l1> Make sure you're well rested! </l1></b>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<<set $centerVisit to 5>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\<n3> When you return, you don't see Kaya. Lucy is chatting with the Succubus, who is locked at the table. It's an unexpected sight. When she sees you, she straightens up and joins you.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> We'll be here tomorrow. Meet me at the Dining Hall. We'll discuss the details tomorrow. I have a lot more to do. I appreciate the company.</l1></b>
<n3> After touching your shoulder, she starts to walk rapidly. Just as she disappears from your sight, she turns around. </n3>
<b><l1> Make sure you're well rested! </l1></b>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<<set $centerVisit to 5>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\<n3> You walk in and Ella notices you. She stands up after seeing you. You can feel her trying to intensify her Lust energy. </n3>
<img src="img/ella/1/4.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I'll tell you up front, I'm only doing this because Aunt Lucy asked me to.... Oh! I mean Mistress Lucy! </ella></b>
<n3> So Lucy is her aunt. It explains Lucy's patience with her. Ella starts to undress and looks at you with a cocky smile.</n3>
<img src="img/ella/1/3.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><ella> Being a Mars is a privilege. If it was something you could copy, everyone would do it. </ella></b>
[[Continue|attempt2]]<n3> She pulls down her panties and shows off her average-sized penis. </n3>
<img src="img/ella/1/2.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella>This huge thing is nothing but a dream someone like you. </ella></b>
<n3> You're getting angry. You try to take it easy because you've already seen that she's an idiot, but she doesn't make it any easier for you. </n3>
<center>[[🌰 Give Her a Little Warning|warning1]]</center>
<n3> A fake smile appears on your face. A smile of annoyance. You approach Ella with slow steps and grab her balls firmly. Then you lean into her ear and whisper;</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> If you speak any more, that little stick will lose its balls. </n1></b>
<n3> Ella lets out a moan of pain and pleasure and grabs you by the shoulders. At first she wants to push you away, but then she realizes it's not a good idea. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella>Okay, okay, okay, ahh! I'm sorry, please let go! </ella></b>
<n3> You release your grip and Ella takes a few panicked steps back. </n3>
<b><ella>Okay, we can start, but my hair looks bad. I'll do my hair and wear something more comfortable. </ella></b>
<n3> Looking at the floor, she goes to the wardrobe and starts to prepare. </n3>
[[Continue|attempt3]]<n3> She poses in front of the mirror and gives strange glances. </n3>
<img src="img/ella/1/0.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Hmm... I think I'm ready... Heels didn't quite fit this look. Maybe I can put on my white knee socks. I look so cute in those.</ella></b>
<n3> Finally she turns to you. She has a serious look on her face. </n3>
<img src="img/ella/1/1.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><ella> All right! If we're going to try this, there are some things I need to inform you about. Aunt Lucy also assisted me with some of the details.</ella></b>
[[Continue|attempt4]]<n3> She starts to explain as she puts on her white socks. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> First of all, it may not work on the first time. If you feel sick, we'll stop there and continue later. If it works, you may experience dizziness, nausea, irregular Lust activity. There's even a risk of fainting. She said I should let you figure out how to do it. She mentioned instinctive things, I don't remember much.</ella></b>
<n3> She stands up and walks to her bedside. </n3>
<b><ella> It's better to do it right next to the bed. If you faint, you won't get hurt. </ella></b>
<n3> She seems to soften up after your warning. You approach Ella and you start to focus.</n3>
[[Continue|attempt5]]<n3> Ella seems to be focusing, too. Every time she exhales, she radiates more and more Lust. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> She said my Lust intensity matters too. That's why I haven't ejaculated in a while.</ella></b>
<n3> Your breathing speeds up. You focus on the energy she radiates. Soon you begin to feel that this energy stimulates you most between your legs.
You're getting used to it. You can't help the little moans that escape your mouth. You notice that Ella's crotch is slowly starting to sway. Her eyes are closed and she is struggling not to moan.</n3>
<b><ella> I-Is it workingg? Focus completely between your legs. Imagine that tasty penis hanging out, the balls filling my mouth!</ella></b>
<n3> Unable to restrain herself any longer, she lets out a loud moan and wraps her arms tightly around you. Then she realizes what she has done and immediately backs off.
Your legs are shaking. You feel a pleasure different than usual. You lose your balance for a second.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Get On Your Knees" t8n>>\
<n3> You support your body with your hands and keep your balance. What you don't know yet is the thing sticking out between your legs.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/entry/1.webp" class=center width="52%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You feel extremely horny but at the same time tired. Ella starts to laugh. You can hear the exhaustion in her voice. She throws herself on the bed and tries to catch her breath. You can see she's hard.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/entry/ella1.webp" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> She didn't say I'd get tired too. Hahaha! It really worked!</ella></b>
<n3> Someone is talking in your aching head. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Congratulations! But you have to cum immediately. I'll help you a little.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You feel better, but as you get less tired, your horniness grows more and more intense. You can't believe your eyes when you get up. You have a huge cock!</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/entry/2.webp" class=center width="50%">
[[Continue|attempt7]]<n3> Your muscles are cramping. Your cock feels like it's going to explode and your head still hurts. Your hand goes to your penis and you start stroking it slowly. It's a sensation you're not used to. All the pleasure comes from the monster in your hand. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/entry/3.webp" class=center width="52%">
<n3> Ella sits up while you're enjoying yourself. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> So... I suppose you need to cum urgently righ...</ella></b>
<n3> Her voice cuts out and she starts masturbating too. </n3>
[[Continue|attempt8]]<n3> Both of you are moaning sensually. Now you are up to speed and you can feel that the finish line is close. Ella is on her knees stroking her penis, watching you with close attention.
You hear Ella's voice as getting closer;</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Please cum on me! I want your first load on me!! </ella></b>
<n3> You quickly stand up and aim your cock at Ella, while stroking it rapidly. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Cum On Her" t8n>>\
<n3> You are getting closer and closer. Your penis feels like it's on fire. Every movement, every touch you make increases your pleasure. This pleasure is still almost entirely centered on your penis. You can't resist any longer. When you reach the point of no return, you stroke it with all your strength. You're cumming on Ella.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/entry/4.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> As your cum rains all over her, Ella starts to cum. Her butthole is pulsating as she cums all over her cute white socks.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/entry/ella2.webp" class=center width="52%">
<n3> You sit down and try to catch your breath. Now you're only tired, but you've tasted a pleasure you've never experienced. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Ella sits up slowly. She recovered much earlier than you. She rubs her hand on her leg and scoops up the all cum she can. Then she licks her hand clean.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I apologize for everything I said. Maybe next time, we can try to enter the Mars Dormitory. I am free on Sundays.</ella></b>
<n3> You didn't quite understand what she said. Your brain is still too busy with what just happened. When you look between your legs, you see that your cock has disappeared. It was probably Moon's help that made it so big. Yet you feel that with time you can reach those sizes yourself.
After cleaning up, you go over to Ella, who is sitting a little embarrassed, and start kissing her. You're curious about the taste of your cum.
She's definitely not the dominant type. She lied to Lucy but Lucy didn't want to upset her. Then maybe you can help her to find and accept her true self. After getting dressed, you head to your room.</n3>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b></center>
<center><h2><cap>On Sunday you can make your first visit with Ella to the Mars Dormitory.</cap></h2></center>
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<<set $futa to 4>>\
<<set $MCfuta to 1>>\<<set $masturbation to random(9) >>\
<<if $masturbation === 0 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast1.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 1 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast2.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 2 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast3.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 3 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast4.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 4 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast5.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 5 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast6.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 6 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast7.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 7 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast8.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 8 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast9.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<<if $masturbation === 9 >><img src="gif/mast/dildomast10.webp" class=center> <</if>>\
<b><n3>You take your dildo and slowly insert into you. Slowly accelerating speed with the excitement of possibility of being caught. </n3><n1>"After all its a need for a succubus." "Ahhh..so good."</n1><n3>You start to moan and eventually cum with tremendous pleasure. After a few minutes of rest to catch your breath, you stand up, realizing no matter how hard you cum, its just a momentary savior. Your lust is irrepressible.</n3></b>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: -30</n1></b></center>
<<set $lust -= 30>>\
[[Return|DormRoom]] <<set $bulge to random(6)>>\
<<set $mast to random(3)>>\
<<if $moonfavor === 0>>\
<n3> You start focusing on between your legs. You immediately feel a reaction and a bulge starts to appear on your panties. It's hard not to touch your cock, which is almost overflowing out of your panties. When Moon said she did you a favor, you thought it was just for the moment, but it seems she did you a permanent one. It grows almost as big as the day you got your penis. As your penis grows, you get hornier and hornier, all you can think about is a release. </n3>
<n3> You start focusing on between your legs. You immediately feel a reaction and a bulge starts to appear on your panties. It's hard not to touch your cock, which is almost overflowing out of your panties. As your penis grows, you get hornier and hornier, all you can think about is a release. </n3>
<<if $bulge === 0>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/bulge/bulge1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bulge === 1>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/bulge/bulge2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bulge === 2>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/bulge/bulge3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<if $bulge === 3>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/bulge/bulge4.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bulge === 4>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/bulge/bulge5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bulge === 5>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/bulge/bulge6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $bulge === 6>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/bulge/bulge7.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You quickly strip off your panties and start stroking that monster that doesn't even fit in your hand. As soon as you touch it, your whole body feels like you've been zapped. Even though you want a quick release, you calm yourself down and take control. As your hand goes up and down, the lust you accumulate in your hands increases. Each stroke becomes pleasurable and your breathing gets faster and faster. You tease the tip with your fingertip , play with your balls... Each one has a different taste.</n3>
<<if $mast === 0>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/mast/mast1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $mast === 1>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/mast/mast2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $mast === 2>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/mast/mast3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<if $mast === 3>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/mast/mast4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> After stimulating the tip, you notice a wetness on your fingertip. It's a transparent and sticky liquid. You bring your fingers to your mouth and start licking. The taste turns you on even more and as you close your eyes you pick up the pace. You're so close!</n3>
<center>[[💋 CUM!|HJmast2]]</center><<set $moonfavor to 1>>\
<<set $cumshot to random(7)>>\
<n3> When you realize you've reached the edge, you speed up one last time and the white sticky semen starts gushing out of your gigantic cock. The pleasure is very intense. You are panting and your thighs are still twitching. Your cock is so sensitive to the touch. </n3>
<<if $cumshot === 0>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot1.webp" class=center width="48%">
<<if $cumshot === 1>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $cumshot === 2>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot3.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $cumshot === 3>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot4.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $cumshot === 4>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot5.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $cumshot === 5>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot6.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<if $cumshot === 6>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot7.webp" class=center width="45%">
<<if $cumshot === 7>>\
<img src="gif/mast/futa/handjob/cumshot/cumshot8.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Orgasms are very intense, but the pleasure fades quickly and everything happens in your lower body. You have no complaints as it is a different experience from what you are used to. Still, you can't help thinking that this shouldn't be the limit of being a Mars.
After a few minutes you feel better and start cleaning up. You've made a mess.</n3>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: -30</n1></b></center>
<<set $lust -= 30>>\
[[Return|DormRoom]] <n3> Ella welcomes you in a revealing black dress. She looks at you with that strange smile filled with confidence.</n3>
<img src="img/ella/ella2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Welcome! Let's get going, no time to waste. </ella></b>
<n3> She walks confidently past you and heads out into the corridor. You exhale and start following her, hoping she won't cause any trouble. </n3>
<n3> You reach Ella, who is walking with a bit exaggerated movements. She's not fast because of the heels. When you focus on her lust energy it feels pretty stable and strong. She's a little hard to predict. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Mars Dormitory runs a bit differently. It is the only dormitory with two headmistresses. It is a place with some dilemmas and conflicts within itself.
It was expected that in time a single headmistress would be elected, but on the contrary, sides became more and more separated.</ella></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What is this separation about? </n1></b>
<n3> Ella doesn't seem to know how to explain it properly. </n3>
<b><ella> Umm... I'd say it's basically about whether a Mars should be dominant or submissive... But there are many opinions on this. You'll understand better when you see it.</ella></b>
[[Continue|marsVisit3]]<n3> You reach the Mars barrier. This barrier feels very different from other barriers. It's like looking at a door with a unique key entry.</n3>
<img src="img/places/entrance2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You feel small fluctuations in Ella's Lust energy as you examine the barrier. When you look, you see that she has her hand on her chest, breathing slowly in and out in a controlled manner. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Is something wrong? </n1></b>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> It's all right.</ella></b>
<n3> There's definitely something she's worried about. After one last deep breath, she passes through the barrier. She looks like she is having a headache. </n3>
<b><ella> Ugh... Well... Grow your penis and concentrate.</ella></b>
<n3> You come in front of the barrier and start focusing. You put your hands on the barrier with a bulge forming on your crotch. When you realize that your hands are passing to the other side, you step inside. You're very glad that nothing went wrong. </n3>
<n3> Like every dormitory, this one has a large yard too. After taking a few steps towards the dormitory, you realize that Ella remains a few steps behind. She puts her face in her hands and whispers something. You can't hear much.</n3>
<font size="2"><b><ella>Aunt Lucy said I can do it. Come on, please!!!</ella></b></font>
<n3> She slaps her cheeks a few times and straightens her dress. After messing up her hair a bit, she starts walking with big steps. </n3>
[[Continue|marsVisit4]]<n3> You are walking towards the dormitory. As you approach the door, you are blocked by a smiling Succubus. She greets you with a very thin white dress and a penis hanging from her skirt. </n3>
<img src="img/futa/visit1/greet1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<d>???:</d> <b1> Oh, welcome! You're not a familiar face. Is this your first time visiting our dormito...</b1>
<n3> Ella interrupts her dramatically with her hand outstretched. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Shut up you sissy! Who said you could talk to us? Go write the rest in your diary! </ella></b>
<n3> Her smile fades and she straightens her dress trying to cover her penis. Yet the dress is so thin that you can still see it. She seems to want to respond but she can't find the courage to do so. Finally, she bows her head and walks away. You're staring at Ella in surprise. That's so... Summer.</n3>
<b><ella> Don't be fooled by smiles. They act like an introduction team.
By the way, you're not normally allowed in here. No one who's not Mars is. So pretend to be a Mars and if anyone suspects that, hide your sign and show your penis.</ella></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> It's good to know after I get in. Thanks! </n1></b>
<b><ella> You're welcome. Now let's go inside! </ella></b>
[[Go inside|marsVisit5]]<n3> When you step inside, you are greeted with a wide area. On the right and left there are stairs leading up. There are a lot of Succubus walking here and there and no one seems to be paying attention to you.
Then a sound comes from your right. You turn your head and you see the Succubus coming down the stairs. At first you think she's wearing a strap-on, but no, this is real. It looks rock hard.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/greet1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<d>???:</d> <summer1> Welcome, my dear! I have been assigned to give the curious first years a tour. Follow me! </summer1>
<n3> Just as she reaches for your arm and pulls you up, you are grabbed by both wrists and dragged to the other side. </n3>
<<linkreplace"What's going on?" t8n>>\
<n3> Before you realize how it happened, you climb the stairs on the left. Someone is supporting you by the waist and two Succubus are walking in front of you. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/greet2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<d>???:</d><hi1> Don't listen to that barbarian!</hi1>
<n3> The Succubus on the right stairs, after losing you, grabs Ella and starts to drag her up. For a moment you think of putting an end to it, but that would attract too much attention. A tour wouldn't hurt... You think.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Once you get upstairs, the two Succubus leave and you stay with one of them. She puts her hands in front of her and greets you respectfully. </n3>
<img src="img/futa/visit1/sissy1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Kasey:</d><hi1> I'm sorry we had to rush you out. I didn't want you to get snatched by them. I'm Kasey!</hi1>
<n3> Probably because you are not a Mars, this polarization doesn't feel very serious to you. You feel out of things and irrelevant. So you want to spend time with both sides and see both aspects. And you don't even know what it's about. Kasey starts walking in front of you and you follow her.</n3>
<hi1> They'll ask you when you come here next year. Which side would you like a room on. This part is run by Mistress Natalie, other is Mistress Mariana. Actually, they both have an equal say, but over time there has been a sharing.
You probably already know all this, but I have to explain it anyway.</hi1>
<n3> A moan interrupts Kasey. It's coming from a room with the door open.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Check the Moaning" t8n>>\
<n3> There's a Succubus lying on her bed masturbating with a dildo. The moaning gets stronger and louder as white liquid oozes from her cute penis and flows down her leg.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/sissy1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Kasey approvingly nods and continues walking. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kasey:</d><hi1> As you know, this is not tolerated on the other side. They argue that a Mars should only use her penis to penetrate and be the decision maker.
We believe in freedom! She can choose to have a penile orgasm for the rest of her life or use a chastity cage if she wants. We have room for everyone here as long as they don't belittle someone else's personal preferences.</hi1>
<n3> As you understand, this is the biggest issue they have separated over. Kasey leans a little closer with a smile and lowers her voice.</n3>
<hi1> Mistress Natalie has had the upper hand for a while now. Soon we may be down to one Headmistress. Rumor has it that because of Mistress Brittany, Mistress Natalie is not progressing as much as she should.
But there are many who don't believe that. After all, Mistress Brittany is perhaps the most respected Headmistress in the entire academy. It would be unfathomable for her to side with them in such an argument. </hi1>
<n3> She mumbles in self-affirmation and continue the tour. After showing a few locations and a few trivial details, someone calls out to Kasey.</n3>
<d>???:</d><mi1> Kasey, time's up. You probably tell boring stories about paintings or sculptures... Nobody cares. I can't find Marie, so I'm taking over the tour. I'll show her the common areas.</mi1>
<n3> Kasey grimaces as if she has a stomach ache. </n3>
<d>Kasey:</d><hi1> No, I don't tell stories like that anymore, and my time is not up because I don't have a set time DOMINIQUE! </hi1>
<n3> Dominique smiles in amusement. She must enjoy making her angry. She gets serious again and continues.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Your time is up because you stole her from Marie. Both sides have a turn. You know that, and you're still being a dick about it... A little one... Get it ? Your dick is sma... </mi1>
<d>Kasey:</d> <hi1> Ugghhh! Shut up! I'm not stealing anything. There's nothing that determines who goes first... And I'm acting accordingly.</hi1>
<n3> Dominique smiles mischievously again and gently grabs the hem of her skirt. Kasey exhales deeply with frasturation. She seems to know what's coming.</n3>
[[Continue|marsVisit8]]<n3> She slowly lifts up the skirt of her dress and reveals her huge cock. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/dominique1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> If you have a complaint, you know where to find the complaint box, big sister.</mi1>
<n3> You should have known that such a nerve-racking argument could only take place between siblings. Kasey drops her shoulders in frustration.</n3>
<d>Kasey:</d> <hi1> Okay... Just get out of here. Take care of... Oh I forgot to ask your name... I have a terrible memory for names anyway.</hi1>
<n3> Kasey starts to walk away slowly, exhausted.
You are interested in hearing the arguments of the other side after what you heard. You felt very well that Kasey was biased. You glimpse into her mind, but she fully believes what she says and knows nothing else important. You start following Dominique. </n3>
[[Continue|marsVisit9]]<n3> Dominique prefers to walk next to you. She seems to be a bit of a mischievous type who says what she thinks without a filter. You return to the entrance gate. Dominique turns to you.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> I was gonna show you the other side, but it's the same. We can tour the common areas. </mi1>
<n3> She frowns and stares at you. </n3>
<mi1> Are you really a first year? </mi1>
<n3> Without waiting for an answer, she taps you on both shoulders from the side and grabs your arms and shakes you gently. </n3>
<mi1> Damn! You're really good. I bet you have a huge one... Anyway, let's go! </mi1>
<n3> When you continue straight from the entrance, you realize how large this dormitory is. It gets wider and wider and you can easily get lost on your own. First stop is the dining hall.
It's a huge space. Nothing is separated by lines, but as soon as you enter you can see that this place is also separated in the middle. When you turn to your left, you see sweet clothes, more feminine bodies. A faint but sweet Lust energy is coming. The energy coming from your right side is far from sweet. It is aggressive and reactive.
Dominique crosses her arms in front of her and leans against a column, watching the Succubus walk by.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> I can imagine what Kasey told you. Our side is a bit rougher. You could even call it a hierarchy, where the stronger earns visibility and respect... But I love one thing very much...</mi1>
<n3> You wait for more, but she is silent. You can feel that she's a much stronger Succubus than Kasey. You see someone approaching you.</n3>
[[Continue|marsVisit10]]<n3> This is a Succubus with a gigantic penis approaching to you in a thin, red robe. Slowly, she takes off the robe that doesn't cover her front and puts it on her arm.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/approach1.webp" class=center width="42%">
<d>???:</d> <b1> Hello, welcome! How do you like our dormito...</b1>
<n3> Dominique calmly gets between you and her and starts talking in a stern voice. The Lust energy she emits is not aggressive but... threatening. </n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Spare me the trouble! Right now we are introducing the dormitory and only the assigned team can interact with newcomers. Back off!</mi1>
<n3> The Succubus, who just greeted you in a sweet voice, frowns and her voice harshens. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <b1> You're not on that team either. Who gave you the right to interact with her? You think you're a big deal because two headmistresses aren't here right now?</b1>
<n3> Dominique takes a step forward. She grabs her own penis through her dress and swings it carelessly.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> If you have a complaint, you can report me. I will enjoy reading what you write about me, don't worry. And yes, when the two headmistresses are absent, I am the Succubus in charge. So you better watch how you talk.</mi1>
<d>???:</d> <b1> We'll see what Sara thinks about this. </b1>
<n3> They stare at each other for a while and then the Succubus in the robe angrily covers her front and walks away. Dominique leans back against the column and exhales deeply.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> This tour thing is fake. They just want us to shit on the other side. Once I find Marie...</mi1>
<n3> She takes a few steps forward. You see her looking at one of the tables in confusion. Two familiar faces are sitting at that table. </n3>
[[Move to them|marsVisit11]]<n3> First you don't understand where she is going. As you follow Dominique, you realize which table you are heading towards. As you approach a table in the back, to the right side of you, you get a clear view of Ella chatting with someone. This is the Succubus who comes down the right staircase and tries to grab you when you enter the dormitory.
Dominique walks fast and with big steps, without paying attention to who she bumps into. The Succubuses she bumps into, first angrily look around, but when they see who bumped into them, they return back to their business.
Just as Marie is bursting into laughter, she meets Dominique's eyes and stands up in fear.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Marie! I've been looking everywhere! You've let a newcomer slip through your fingers again. And then I find you here! </mi1>
<n3> Marie tries to explain in a panic. </n3>
<d>Marie:</d> <summer1> At first I thought I lost her, but there was another newcomer right behind her Mistress. They didn't notice and I grabbed her! </summer1>
<n3> Dominique turns her gaze to Ella, who is sitting. Ella waves her hand in greeting to Dominique as she drinks her beverage through a straw. You're thinking, "Is this Ella's first visit here, too? Ella cheerfully intervenes.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I was a little scared at first, but Marie is such a sweetheart. She explained a lot of things to me. I highly... recommend her.</ella></b>
<n3> Dominique lets out a laugh. Her attempt to protect Marie is pure and sweet.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> All right, then! Marie, stamp!</mi1>
<n3> A stamp appears on Marie's hands. </n3>
<mi1> You got tours from both sides... Sort of. With this stamp, we will make it official. So you can wander around and spend your time here without drawing attention to yourself.</mi1>
<n3> So that's why everyone could tell you are new. </n3>
[[Continue|marsVisit12]]<n3> Ella takes the last sip of her drink and stands up. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Please stamp me too, Mistress! </ella></b>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> You only got a tour from one side. After both sides complete...</mi1>
<n3> Ella cuts in. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I don't want anything from them. I'll choose here anyway. I won't listen to their lies. </ella></b>
<n3> Dominique looks at Marie and shrugs slightly. </n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> If you say so... Okay! Let's stamp you both. Let's go somewhere safe first. It might be a bit dangerous to do that here. </mi1>
<n3> You're going somewhere quiet. It's an empty classroom.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Okay, strip!</mi1>
<n3> Then she adds, holding out her hand. </n3>
<mi1> Don't undress! We need to stamp on your crotch, just pull it open a little! Excuse me, old habit. </mi1>
<n3> Ella quickly turns her head to you and looks back. Then, with a fake smile, she steps forward and pulls up her dress. She must be buying you time to grow. She smiles with her sweet erect penis behind her black lace panties.</n3>
<img src="img/futa/visit1/reveal1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Meanwhile, all your focus is on between your legs. You are absorbing and using the Lust around you without realizing it. </n3>
[[Continue|marsVisit13]]<n3> Marie pulls Ella's panties down and applies the stamp to her crotch. The stamp glows bright pink and disappears after a moment. You didn't pay attention to what symbol it was. All your focus is still between your legs. Then Marie slowly approaches you.
You just need to show that you have a penis, but you might have gone a bit overboard. You feel very sensitive. Like one touch is enough to make you explode. You slowly pull down your panties but a big surprise greets everyone.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/reveal1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Just as I thought. Very impressive for a newcomer.</mi1>
<n3> You couldn't hear Dominique's compliments. You're too busy trying not to cum. As Marie is about to stamp, your cock gets in the way and Marie pushes it aside. That's not good. You know this feeling. Now you're at the beginning of a pleasure wave you can no longer block.</n3>
<<linkreplace"You're cumming!" t8n>>\
<n3> You start squirting uncontrollably. As the pleasure you feel starts to fade, you instinctively grab your cock and start stroking it rapidly. A second wave of pleasure begins to spread through your body. It's as if you've had two orgasms in a row. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/cumshot1.webp" class=center width="42%">
<n3> When you recover, you notice Marie, whose face is completely covered in your spunk. Maybe normally you'd be embarrassed, but you feel exhausted.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> You're not used to the ambience here yet. It's normal. It's nothing new for newcomers to be extra sensitive.</mi1>
<n3> Ella interrupts, fascinated by all this. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> M-Mistress, I can help her clean up. </ella></b>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> That would be nice. If you have a cloth or a handkerchief with you... </mi1>
<n3> Without listening to Dominique, Ella lifts Marie by her shoulders and puts her against the farther wall. Wasting no time, she starts licking her face. Afterwards, she shares what she collected in her mouth with Marie and they begin to kiss passionately.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Huuh! That's one way. </mi1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As the sexual tension builds in the room, there is a knock on the door and a Succubus appears. A Succubus in pink dressed like Kasey.</n3>
<d>???:</d> <ange1> Mistress Dominique, Mistress Sara asked me to inform you that she would like to speak with you.</ange1>
<n3> Dominique rolls her eyes and turns towards the door. She calls Marie, and she gives Ella one last kiss and heads for the door. She has to walk in front of you on her way to the door. When you notice this, your breathing speeds up and you get excited.</n3>
<center>[[Kiss Marie|marsVisit15]]
[[Let Her Out|marsVisit15(1)]]</center><n3> When Marie comes in front of you, you grab her still wet chin and turn her face towards you. Marie clearly wasn't expecting it, but she immediately adapts.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/visit1/kiss1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> Dominique clears her throat as your hand slides down and Marie quickly moves away from you. Once they are both out, Ella slowly approaches. </n3>
[[Continue|marsVisit16]]<n3> After Dominique and Marie leave, Ella slowly approaches you. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I think I forgot to tell you what we came here for... </ella></b>
<n3> You realize she just came while kissing. She's still trying to recover. </n3>
<b><ella> We're gonna reduce the Mars Dormitory to one Headmistress. </ella></b>
<n3> You look at Ella with confused and disbelieving eyes. </n3>
<b><ella> Hehehe, of course not right away. It'll take a while. We need to blend in, make sure of some things and take action. Aunt Lucy will take the lead but she said you're the second in charge. Since I'm your guide, I'm actually second in command, but I didn't say anything to her, so please you don't either.
There are a few other little things, but I don't think now is the time. </ella></b>
<n3> Then she starts wiping her face with a handkerchief. </n3>
<b><ella>In the heat of the moment it all feels hot, but when you calm down it's a bit disgusting to be honest. </ella></b>
<n3> She hands you a handkerchief and you get cleaned up too.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Is this your first time here too? </n1></b>
<n3> Ella stops for a moment and calmly continues to wipe her face. She answers you as she starts to fix her hair.</n3>
<b><ella>Yes. I had some... hesitations. I passed the barrier and approached the dormitory a few times, but I was unable to enter... Maybe a few dozen times.</ella></b>
<n3> She changes the subject. </n3>
<b><ella>It is almost impossible for a non-Mars to cross that barrier. That's why no one looked at you suspiciously. And your sign is in an easily concealable place. Please make sure your sign is hidden. We can leave now.</ella></b>
<n3> She opens the door and waits for you. You're chatting on the road. Mostly she talks...</n3>
<b><ella> I was a bit scared at first. I'm responsible for your safety you know that! And you saw what Marie looked like. She's pretty intimidating. A few Succubus tried to approach me when she was giving me a tour, but Marie scared them off. Then we went for a drink and time flew by. She gave me some tips on how to be more intimidating. I was trying her tactics before you arrived, but I'm not very... successful at the moment.
She's very strong. She hurt my arm a little, but then she apologized. She said she was afraid I'd be taken by the other side. Isn't that sweet...</ella></b>
<n3> You've only reached the entrance to the Dormitory. It will be a very long walk. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b></center>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $mars to 1>>\
<<set $futa to 5>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $nataliePainting to 0>>\
<<set $debate to 0>>\
<<set $bully to 0>>\<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I think I forgot to tell you what we came here for... </ella></b>
<n3> You realize she just came while kissing. She's still trying to recover. </n3>
<b><ella> We're gonna reduce the Mars Dormitory to one Headmistress. </ella></b>
<n3> You look at Ella with confused and disbelieving eyes. </n3>
<b><ella> Hehehe, of course not right away. It'll take a while. We need to blend in, make sure of some things and take action. Aunt Lucy will take the lead but she said you're the second in charge. Since I'm your guide, I'm actually second in command, but I didn't say anything to her, so please you don't either.
There are a few other little things, but I don't think now is the time. </ella></b>
<n3> Then she starts wiping her face with a handkerchief. </n3>
<b><ella>In the heat of the moment it all feels hot, but when you calm down it's a bit disgusting to be honest. </ella></b>
<n3> She hands you a handkerchief and you get cleaned up too.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Is this your first time here too? </n1></b>
<n3> Ella stops for a moment and calmly continues to wipe her face. She answers you as she starts to fix her hair.</n3>
<b><ella>Yes. I had some... hesitations. I passed the barrier and approached the dormitory a few times, but I was unable to enter... Maybe a few dozen times.</ella></b>
<n3> She changes the subject. </n3>
<b><ella>It is almost impossible for a non-Mars to cross that barrier. That's why no one looked at you suspiciously. And your sign is in an easily concealable place. Please make sure your sign is hidden. We can leave now.</ella></b>
<n3> She opens the door and waits for you. You're chatting on the road. Mostly she talks...</n3>
<b><ella> I was a bit scared at first. I'm responsible for your safety you know that! And you saw what Marie looked like. She's pretty intimidating. A few Succubus tried to approach me when she was giving me a tour, but Marie scared them off. Then we went for a drink and time flew by. She gave me some tips on how to be more intimidating. I was trying her tactics before you arrived, but I'm not very... successful at the moment.
She's very strong. She hurt my arm a little, but then she apologized. She said she was afraid I'd be taken by the other side. Isn't that sweet...</ella></b>
<n3> You've only reached the entrance to the Dormitory. It will be a very long walk. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: -$lust</n1></b></center>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $mars to 1>>\
<<set $futa to 5>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $lust to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $nataliePainting to 0>>\
<<set $debate to 0>>\
<<set $bully to 0>>\[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic8.jpg" class=center width="70%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic9.jpeg" class=center width="75%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic6.jpg" class=center width="110%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic7.webp" class=center width="70%" >
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic7.jpg" class=center width="80%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic8.jpg" class=center width="110%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic9.jpg" class=center width="80%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic4.jpg" class=center width="75%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic5.webp" class=center width="65%">
[[🖼️ Return To Gallery|photoGallery]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]][[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic8.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<set $photo22 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|DormRoom]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic7.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo23 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic6.jpg" class=center width="70%" >
<<set $photo24 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|Lessons]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic4.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo25 to 1>>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic8.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo26 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/hitomipics/hitomipic7.webp" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo27 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/brittanypics/brittanypic9.jpeg" class=center width="50%">
<<set $photo28 to 1>>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/milenapics/milenapic9.jpg" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photo29 to 1>>\
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]][[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<n3>You touch to the glimmer and it turns into a photograph in your hand. Afterwards, it transforms into its former form and starts to make its way to the box in your room.</n3>
<img src="img/pics/lucypics/lucypic5.webp" class=center width="50%" >
<<set $photoRemain -= 1 >>\
<<set $photo30 to 1>>\
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<img src="img/places/dininghall1.jpg" class=center width="95%">
<n3> You quickly put the latex cloak on and start walking towards the dining hall. You don't know what's going on yet, but you can imagine that today is going to be eventful.
You arrive at the dining hall not long after. Lucy and Summer seem to be waiting for you. Lucy stands out immediately from distance, a shiny black silhouette, wearing a huge cape over a shiny black body suit. With her back against a pillar, her arms crossed in front of her and her head tilted slightly forward, she is in deep thought.
Summer seems to be having fun with the walking Succubuses who can't sense her. She sticks her head between two Succubus sitting facing each other and makes silly faces. She drops a fork on the ground and when the Succubus bends down to pick it up, she gets behind her and moves her hips back and forth. Summer being this upbeat makes you smile, but at the same time it makes you a little nervous. She was cheerful and playful before the visit to the Center.
Lucy slowly lifts her head and looks at you. Then she slowly looks at Summer and starts walking towards the hidden entrance.
She's too calm even for her. You get goosebumps and pick up the pace a little. Then catch up with Summer walking behind Lucy. Summer greets you with a warm smile. Then she looks at Lucy's back and turns her face back to you. Her smile tightens a little and she shakes her head slowly. You are sure that things are serious. Summer answers what's on your mind without you asking. Lucy is incredibly on edge.</n3>
[[Continue|auction(2)]]<img src="gif/SundayWalk/sunday2/whitecorridors.webp" class=center>
<n3> White corridors welcome you. Lucy stands out so much here that the contrast overwhelms you. Lucy takes a turn down a corridor you've never been in before and goes through a door. When she opens the door, a heavy Lust slams all over your body. </n3>
[[Go Inside|auction(3)]]<n3> Small moans and some ringing sounds attract your attention. It's not very big inside, but the ceiling is quite high. There are Succubuses chained up all over the place. Some try to sleep in an uncomfortable position, others standing or on a treadmill. Those who are standing have their breasts attached to breast pumps and writhe in half pain and half pleasure. Succubus milk is being produced in here. </n3>
<img src="gif/barn/auction/treadmill.webp" class=center width=" 52%">
<n3> You notice a Succubus in the middle of the room. She is naked except for the latex gloves and boots she is wearing. When she turns to face you, you are greeted by her breasts, which are bigger than any other Succubus in the room. At least as big as Milena. Then she slowly lowers her head and walks with big steps towards the door. As she walks out, Lucy takes off her cape and tucks it under her arm. Then she turns to you.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> There will be an assault on the auction today. At least that's what Crow says.</l1></b>
<n3> You're used to Lucy never mincing words. It is clear that she isn't done talking.</n3>
<b><l1> She also said that the Center is now no longer in a wait-and-see phase and is preparing to take swift action. My former assistant at the Center, Laura. According to her, she's found a way that even I can't stop. She wanted to try it and her request was immediately granted.</l1></b>
<n3> She pauses and takes a deep breath. </n3>
<b><l1> The interesting thing is that almost none of her requests have been accepted so far. Laura was always trying stuff like this even when she was working under me. There were other... organizations we were dealing with at that time.
She was at the lowest level of the research department. Her reports were inadequate but filled with passion. I didn't pay much attention to her at first but every day she knocked on my door with multiple requests, projects, ideas. I recruited her to my core research team. Everyone treated her determination with surprising patience. But it was all on paper.
One of the conditions of my departure was to leave all my work records and notes there. But these notes can only be improved by a Latex user. Even if she understands everything I've done, everything I've tried, it's impossible for her to take it to the next level. She can't control Latex... Any Higher-up doesn't have this ability either.</l1></b>
<n3> You see a little smile on her face after saying that. The silence in the room is interrupted by loud moans.</n3>
[[Turn Your Head|auction(4)]]<n3> Summer is playing with the tits of a tied-up Succubus. With her furtive strokes on the nipple, she left the Succubus gasping for breath.</n3>
<img src="gif/barn/auction/chained.webp" class=center width=" 60%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> In practice she cannot take it to the next level but theoretically we can't even imagine what level she can reach. She must have found something really promising. She used to hate me for controlling Latex even though I'm a Jupiter... </summer1></b>
<n3> During her speech, her strokes hardened and her face tightened. Tied-Succubus was already begging in a plaintive voice.</n3>
<d>Tied-Succubus:</d> <b1> Mistress, I've just been milked. Ahhh! I'm very sensitive, please! I didn't do anything wrong, please stop. Why am I being punished? AHHHH!</b1>
<n3> Since she can't feel any of you, except for the strokes on her tits, she probably thinks she's being punished by the Succubus who just left the room.
Summer reaches out her right hand and pulls a thin strand of latex from her glove and pulls the milking pumps into her hand. Tied-Succubus, seeing the pump quickly floating from somewhere, realizes that it is not the Succubus who left the room. She shuts up and tries to resist the pain. Summer recklessly attaches the pumps to the breasts of the Tied-Succubus.</n3>
<img src="gif/barn/auction/milking.webp" class=center width=" 35%">
<n3> Lucy continues. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> This auction is known for its security. Only the elite of the elite Succubus are allowed to participate. We manipulate their memories, without them knowing it. They don't remember everything. They buy what they want to buy and move on with their lives.
I have only mentioned this to Kaya and Monica, both of them are trusted comrades from the Center. I believe your help could be extremely valuable. Though I don't consider the Crow an ally, I couldn't ignore such a warning. She repeatedly stated that she is on your side.</l1></b>
<n3> For a moment you hear a voice in the depths of your mind. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Focus On the Voice" t8n>>\
<center><n1>(</n1><inner> You Can Trust Her. She Will Complete You!</inner><n1>)</n1></center>
<n3> Moon said a few more things, but you couldn't understand it. Her voice got very low. Summer asks in a skeptical voice:</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Won't it raise suspicion that we're all there? Is Crow ready to throw herself into the fire? This soon?</summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy nods in agreement. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> She dodged these questions of mine repeatedly. She mentioned that she was never one of them and she was never trusted anyway... </l1></b>
<n3> Suddenly something comes to your mind. You ask out loud, unable to hide your excitement. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Wait! Who's Protecting the Dungeon Right Now? </n1></b>
<n3> Lucy responds in a casual way. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> No one in particular. The entrances are locked as usual, but there is no point in making a move there. </l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Oh! I see... </n1></b>
<n3> You felt a little stupid but it passed quickly. Lucy claps her hands but because of the gloves, no sound comes out.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Since it's Laura, we know for sure that this attempt involves Latex, but even Crow couldn't learn exactly what it is. When it comes to Latex, there is no Succubus above us!</l1></b>
<n3> She puts her big cloak on her back and starts walking. </n3>
[[To the Auction Place|auction(6)]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> The place where countless Succubus used to drink and party is now empty. You realize that this is the back area of the auction area. This is not the main entrance. You keep walking and enter a dark corridor after Lucy. At the end of the corridor there is a door. A strong red glow seeps through its sides and underneath. Wasn't there only a curtain the last time you were here? You can feel there's a lot of Succubus behind this door. </n3>
<img src="img/places/door1.jpg" class=center width=" 45%">
<n3> Lucy adds calmly before opening the door. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Forgot to tell. They're planning to attack in the middle of the auction when no one's expecting it. We'll strike first... It's unacceptable! </l1></b>
<n3> In her voice, which has so far remained calm, you feel anger for the first time. A deep anger that she is still suppressing. </n3>
<n3> Lucy opens the door and you step into this crimson room. </n3>
<center>[[Enter the Room|auction(7)]]</center><n3> It's all black and crimson inside. On your previous visit, there were countless shelves on the left side. All filled to the brim, spoiling the view. And right side was the training area, where the Succubusses were being trained to be exhibited and sold. Now there are only black walls on both sides. In front of these walls, streaks of crimson light reaching up to the ceiling set the theme of the room. It will take some time for your eyes to get used to it. </n3>
<img src="img/places/crimsonlight1.jpg" class=center width=" 35%">
<n3> Then your attention is drawn to the stage in the center of the room. The auction has not started yet, so the guests are having a drink and chatting amongst themselves. Around them, there are elegant seats and at the head of each is a Succubus covered in Latex. The seated Succubus are all dressed very elegantly and in a way that shows they are upper class. For such a crowded space, it's very quiet. It's as if everyone is talking in whispers. It doesn't feel real that something like this is happening inside the Newcomers' Dormitory.</n3>
<img src="img/places/stage1.jpg" class=center width=" 60%">
<n3> You thought your eyes would get used to this redness, but you still can't open them properly. You ask in a quiet voice.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Why so red? </n1></b>
<n3> Meanwhile, Summer puts down a black cat on her shoulder and pets her head a few times. While cat slowly merges into the crowd, she stands up. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Each academy has signature colors. Ours are crimson and black. And we are quite lucky! Have you ever attended an event at Yukitumos? Everything is white and turquoise. It took minutes for my eyes to adjust.</summer1></b>
<n3> You recognize this atmosphere for a moment but your thoughts are interrupted. All the lights start blinking except the one around the stage. The guests quietly take their seats. The auction begins. </n3>
[[Continue|auction(8)]]<n3> Where you are standing is behind all the guests, in an inconspicuous spot. You're at a distance where you can intervene quickly if something happens. Lucy will probably intervene much faster and more effectively than you. You're just there as a precaution.
When you turn your head, you can't see her at first. She blended completely into the shadows. Her cloak hides all but her eyes, and she stares into the crowd with her full concentration.
Eight Succubus covered in Latex, moves to the edge of the stage and forms an octagon. A familiar face walks among them and takes the stage. This is Monica. A pink smoke starts to appear on her right hand. This smoke condenses and shrinks, taking a shape similar to a microphone. With a smile that you can't be sure whether it's fake or not, she brings the microphone closer to her mouth.</n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Dear guests, before I greet you, I have a small announcement to make. Please listen to me carefully. </b1>
<n3> Summer gently taps your shoulder. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Just in case, don't focus on her voice. </summer1></b>
<n3> Monica continues.</n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> If you are not related to what I am about to say, please forget it. </b1>
<n3> She raises a marble-sized latex ball with her left hand. </n3>
<center><h2><b1><s> Who Is The Imposter? Raise Your Hand!</s></b1></h2></center>
<n3> What did you hear? You blink in confusion, trying to remember. Monica taps the microphone a few times and repeats. </n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Umm, does anyone have lost a marble? It's been found on the floor and we don't want our valued guests to lose their belongings.</b1>
<n3> Lucy leans forward unconsciously and looks even more intently at the crowd. She is watching the hand or hands that are about to rise, like a predator.
Monica is a bit out of her role, turning around in a controlled way. She's trying to check all the guests. As your confusion begins to fade, you realize what happened and what is going to happen.
After almost fifteen seconds of waiting, Monica continues to look around, her face scrunched up with anger or anxiety.
Just as everyone is about to lose hope, two trembling hands begin to rise into the air. Both of them, using their other hands, trying to stop their raising hands.</n3>
[[Continue|auction(9)]]<n3> But these two hands are not from the crowd. It's from two of the eight Succubus around the stage. They stop resisting and both raise their hands. Then they throw something randomly to the crowd, you don't know what it is.
Monica is the first to react. She takes a deep breath and tries to shout something into the microphone. But one of the traitors throws a chunk of latex in her face. Covering Monica's face completely, the latex hardens and sticks to her face. Monica falls to the ground from the impact and tries to get rid of the mask with her hands, but it doesn't seem to work.
Other traitor makes a move towards the opposite side of the crowd and hits a wall. Confused, she looks ahead and notices the glowing yellow barrier in front of her. One of the Succubus at the edge of the stage has formed this barrier. She immediately surrounds the traitor and traps her. Then she notices the other one running towards her and manages to get her into another barrier.
After strengthening the barriers a bit, she takes off her mask and you see another familiar face. This is Kaya! The Succubus, who was too lazy to even turn her head, has secured the place in seconds and stares around. The whole thing happened in less than five seconds, and the crowd is silently watching. Everyone leans back in their seats, trying to understand what happened. They didn't even have time to scream.
A small smile appears on your face, very impressed. But suddenly you feel a pain in your chest. A very intense anger. You make an incredible effort to hold yourself back. You realize that once you move, the only choice of your target is death. When you turn your head a little, you understand that these feelings are not yours. You must have unintentionally formed a bond with Lucy. You are the only one who notices this. Lucy is on the edge of snapping.
What you're feeling is very intense and heavy. You have to stop Lucy, don't you? On the contrary, you want to join her. You want with all your might to prove your dominance over those who stand against you, you want to win but you feel too heavy to move. There's a buzzing in your head.
While your thoughts are still unfinished, Lucy disappears from your side like a shadow.</n3>
[[Continue|auction(10)]]<n3> A black shadow flies over the crowd at incredible speed. In an instant, the two barrier cages, glowing with a reassuring yellow light, are torn apart with a thud. Lucy appears in the center of the stage, wearing a black latex dress that covers her body. Both hands in the air. Each is holding a Succubus by the throat. For the first time the crowd reacts. A sharp scream. Kaya lets out a small squeak too. </n3>
<b><d>Kaya:</d> <ange1>Mistress, you scared me. It's all clear. Everything's under con... </ange1></b>
<n3> Kaya freezes before she can finish. She takes a few steps back, trembling, her hands shaking with fear. She probably had never seen Lucy like this before. Maybe no one had. Lucy throws both Succubus she's holding into the air. Her latex cape flies over the crowd, splits in half in mid-air and completely wraps the two airborne Succubus.
<img src="img/latex/latexcocoon1.jpg" class=center width=" 50%">
Two Latex cocoons hanging in the air begin to float to the back of the stage in a high speed and disappear. Then she reaches out her hand to Monica, freeing her from her hardened latex mask. It's obvious that she is still holding herself back. She speaks in a low voice.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Well done! Take it from here, Monica!</l1></b>
<n3> The furious figure in the center of the stage disappears as quickly as it appeared. Kaya quickly recovers and approaches Monica with slow steps. Meanwhile, most of the sitting Succubus are already looking for the exit in panic. Kaya signals someone with her hand. After picking Monica up, she moves to the side of the stage.
Following Kaya's signal, lights other than around the stage starts blinking, just like at the beginning of the auction. The guests suddenly stops and calmly returns to their seats. Monica clears her throat and adjusts her dress. Then picks up the latex marble that has fallen to the ground and raises it again.</n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Does anyone have lost a marble? It's been found on the floor and we don't want our valued guests to lose their belongings.</b1>
<n3> She pretends to look around briefly and then smiles sincerely. </n3>
<b1> No? Forget it then. We can start! </b1>
<n3> Monica, in the center of a hexagon of Succubuses around the stage, welcomes the guests and starts the auction. </n3>
[[Continue|auction(11)]]<n3> You notice a shadow approaching you. This is a black cat the size of a panther. After dropping a dozen glass vials from her mouth to the ground, she returns to her original size. Then quickly jumps on Summer's shoulder and rubs against her neck. Summer carefully wraps the vials on the floor in latex and turns to you.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> There's nothing we can do to Mistress Lucy. She will release her anger in the way she chooses. I've never seen her like this. I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on. </summer1></b>
<n3> Summer, in her usual careless way, makes a joke of it, but to you, who have felt what Lucy is feeling, this is all very serious. First of all, the whole thing didn't even take a minute.
You feel a little inadequate and impotent. Everyone has their own particular strengths and they hone them. When something sudden happens, they instinctively know what they can do and act. But you've survived so far with Sun's protection. And you think you haven't even faced a serious threat yet.
Summer puts her hands on your shoulders. Your body relaxes and you realize you've been breathing shallowly for a while. Then, while petting the cat on her shoulder, she starts walking towards the corridor you came from. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Come next Saturday. You may not be needed today, but I have a feeling you will be very soon. </summer1></b>
<n3> As she is saying this, she gently swings the latex pouch in her hand. The latex pouch with the glass vials brought by the black cat.
You are alone in the shadows. Still feeling heavy from sharing Lucy's anger. Maybe thanks to you, Lucy was able to maintain her control.
You take a look at the auction. A Succubus fully bonded is on display next to Monica. Monica is excitedly shouting out loud the bids. You're not interested at all... You notice that your eyes are wide open. Since the lights in front of the wall have been turned off, it's much easier on your eyes.
Rubbing your eyes, you enter the black corridor you came from and close the door. The light seeping through the door is not as strong as before. You feel lonely. You have a headache and a twitching eye. Maybe Lucy is doing you a huge favor by not telling you everything that's going on, unlike what you think. You've never felt this mentally exhausted. You just want to sleep.</n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Return to Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $centerVisit to 6>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\<n3> After taking your cloak and necklace, you start walking to the dungeon. You no longer feel as safe as you used to when you walk this isolated path. All the Succubuses in the Center who could pose a threat to you have the same kind of latex to hide. Which makes your stealth kinda meaningless. It's no longer about your safety, it's about keeping these secret organizations hidden.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dungeonforest1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> When you walk this path, you always think of Sun. At the beginning, she was always talking to you and always making comments. But now you rarely feel her. In the middle of your thoughts, you feel a small startle. Looking around, but no one in sight. You've already accepted the possibility of being watched all the time. At least manage to remain unnoticed you incompetent spy! You let out a frustrated sigh and continue walking.</n3>
[[Enter Dungeon|latexdungeon(8)]]<n3> You hear a lot of noise before you even reach the central area. Something's wrong? You speed up your steps. When you arrive, you slowly stick your head out and see what's going on.
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="110%">
Summer is training with six Succubus. She's trying to fight them with latex she pulls from the floor vents. But when she captures one, she pushes it away a little, releases it immediately and focuses on the next one. She's using her flexibility very efficiently and for the few minutes you watch, nobody can even touch her. Finally, with a single motion, she immobilizes everyone in place and raises her hand in the air. You don't know how long they've been going on, but from the way Summer is gasping for breath, you can guess it's not a short time.
You are watching them with your back against a pillar on the far side. As the six Succubus leave, more exhausted than Summer, they see you and do their best to greet you with a bow. As you approach Summer with slow steps, she notices you. She stands up elegantly and greets you with a hand wave. Then a mischievous smile appears.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> How was I? Did my movements stir something in you? </summer1></b>
<n3> Her smile fades quickly and she scratches her forehead. </n3>
<b><summer1> Things could have gone very badly at the auction. Laura somehow got beyond us... Follow me! </summer1></b>
<n3> You're entering the passage you've been in a couple of times before. It's the hallway where Lucy's workspace is. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)2]]<n3> You enter a room and find Lucy reading something between dozens of open books. The first thing you notice in the room is a Succubus in a cage. Covered in huge spikes, she's watching what's happening. Sometimes her arms twitch and she approaches the bars, but when she realizes she can't get out, she settles back down.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/1/spikyslave1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> When Lucy notices you, she stands up. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Welcome $name. I'm glad you are here.</l1></b>
<n3> You can hear the tiredness in her voice. She must have been up for days. She's dragging aside a few of her books, to show you something. You get a little closer and look what it is.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Get a Little Closer" t8n>>\
<n3> These are the glass vials Summer's spirit animal brought back. You couldn't see what was inside then, but now you can see it clearly. Latex threads that move non-stop. You look at Lucy, a little confused. If it's latex, that means it's okay, right?</n3>
<img src="img/latex/1/latexvial1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Lucy places her hand on the vials. They start to swirl around her hand in a very controlled way. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> These are glass vials that are thrown into the crowd. Inside, as you can see, there's a latex that doesn't look much different.</l1></b>
<n3> As she gently puts the vials down, she points to the Succubus in the cage. </n3>
<b><l1> But if it comes into contact with another latex source, it changes its behavior. It becomes one with it and becomes sort of out of our control.</l1></b>
<n3> She holds out her hand towards the cage and sits the spiky Succubus down. </n3>
<b><l1> I can still control her, but I can't make her change back. She's just acting like a parasite trying to get more latex and infect herself. Laura has managed to create a virus.
These vials were thrown towards the guests. But their targets were the Succubuses, who are tasked with welcoming and protecting guests. Taking them over and create a chaos.</l1></b>
<n3> You saw these Succubuses on your first visit. It was a bit of an eerie sight. You have a few questions, but you're waiting for Lucy to finish. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Lucy focuses one last time on the Succubus in the cage. The spines shrink vaguely, but to no avail. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> This virus poses a huge threat to us. </l1></b>
<n3> Then turns her head to you, she seems exhausted. </n3>
<b><l1> I want you to take a look at it. It remains deactivated until we make contact with latex. So she's the only sample we have at the moment. </l1></b>
<n3> You're interested, but you're not sure what your chances are with something Lucy or Summer can't figure out. Especially when it comes to Latex. You get a little closer to the cage, close your eyes and extend your hands.
You open your eyes with a sudden loud noise. When the Succubus in the center of the cage saw you approaching, she jumped up like crazy and tried to touch you. She is still struggling with her arms out.</n3>
<b><l1> Don't get too close. Even if she touches you, she can't affect you without contact with a latex on you. </l1></b>
<n3> You look at the little cloak on your shoulder and gulp. You watch your distance and you start to focus. An image starts to form in your mind. It's full of sticky latex threads. It looks and feels normal.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/1/latexthreads1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You'll try to inject a bit of your Lust energy. </n3>
[[Apply Lust Energy|latexdungeon(8)4]]<n3> The moment you apply your energy, the loose strands of Latex begin to contract. Then it covers itself with thorns and gets stiff. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/1/spikylatex1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You are startled again by a loud noise. The Succubus in the cage is trying to reach you like crazy. Lucy exhales deeply and leans back. She puts her fingers to her temples and starts to rub it slowly. You try the same thing a few more times. Each time you get the same reaction. But you have confirmed one thing. This virus is not entirely Latex. You turn to Lucy with determined eyes.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I have an idea! Can you call Monica? </n1></b>
<n3> Lucy nods without question. After a while Monica arrives. She salutes everyone with respect. You start explaining what's on your mind.</n3>
<b><n1> When Lust is applied, its structure changes. And it feels like a distinct Succubus, not like latex. It's like someone's there... I can't explain it. It's just a momentary sensation. So maybe we can approach it as if we're controlling a Succubus rather than latex. But I unintentionally apply Lust in a way that penetrates. My method seems to be useless against it. But your way is envelop and control, rather than penetrate and control. So it might work!</n1></b>
<n3> Monica responds a little embarrassed. </n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Oh! Is that so? I haven't thought much about my method, Mistress. Thank you! </b1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'll expose it so you can control it more easily. Think of it as if you're controlling someone hiding behind someone's shadow. Aim for what's hiding, not what's in front of you.</n1></b>
<n3> Lucy and Summer are following what is about to happen with interest. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)5]]<n3> You close your eyes and refocus on the Succubus in the cage. But this time, when you see the loose sticky threads, you wait. When you're ready, you nod and signal Monica.
First Monica's hand gets a pink haze. Then this haze collects on her index and middle finger. After brushing her pink glowing fingers over her lips, Monica gives her orders.</n3>
<center><h2> <b1> Separate!</b1></h2>
<n3> A thin thread begins to float out of the cage. </n3>
<h2> <b1> Come Out! Surrender! </b1></h2>
<n3> You gently reach your hand towards the cage. </n3></center>
<<linkreplace"Stretch Out Your Hand" t8n>>\
<center><n3> The thin black thread begins to reach out and wrap around your hand. You have control!</n3></center>
<img src="img/latex/1/hand1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> When it's all gathered on your hand, it's a harmless-looking latex that you can control. You calmly take the empty glass vial and fill with it. When you look in the cage, you see a Succubus with a latex suit, looking at you with confused eyes. The spikes and aggressive attitude seem to have disappeared but after a few steps she collapses.
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Lucy stands up. She bangs her hand on the table and shouts.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> What does that mean? Laura merged her Lust energy with Latex in perfect balance? And she creates a product that's so perfectly smooth I can't even find a way out?! I couldn't even find a solution!!!</l1></b>
<n3> This is the first time you've seen Lucy like this. After this outburst, she sits back down, looking slightly embarrassed. Even though Lucy yells with rage, the Lust she radiates doesn't feel too threatening. You can think of two Succubus who can answer these questions. Maybe changing the subject will lighten the mood.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> The two Succubus captured at the auction can help us to figure out. Were they interrogated? </n1></b>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They don't know any details about the situation. They admitted to being Central's spies. They were ordered to uncork the vials in the middle of the auction and drop them anywhere possible. Of course, they didn't have time to do that. </l1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> But there are at least ten vials here. How come none of them broke?</n1></b>
<n3> Summer picks up four of them and throws them into the air. All four vials fly in random directions. And then a shadow jumps out of Summer's shoulder. It is first split into four and then goes in the same direction as the bottles. As it lands on the ground, it merges back. A black cat, twice the size of a normal cat, approaches you with four glass vials in her mouth.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Mistress Lucy did the interrogation herself. I can't even imagine the possibility of them lying.</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer can't contain her laughter. Lucy looks away, tired and a little embarrassed. Monica adds naively. </n3>
<d>Monica:</d> <b1> Afterwards, I checked them too. They're not lying. Umm... It was a little difficult to keep them calm, though.</b1>
<n3> Right, Lucy was on the edge of snapping. And she questioned them in that state? You are extremely curious about how it went. Maybe if you get a chance, you could take a look. Everything must still be fresh in Lucy's mind.</n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)7]]<n3> Summer has been trying to lighten the mood of the room with her jokes for some time, but Lucy continues to sit with the same expressionlessness. She stares blankly at the floor. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Then we'll take your leave, Mistress. Please rest well. </summer1></b>
<n3> Summer's taking you and Monica out of the room. </n3>
<b><summer1> Monica, we'll keep working on this with you. You can go now.</summer1></b>
<n3> After Monica leaves, she takes you to a room. There are Succubuses being tortured inside. But unlike what you're used to, they're not covered in any latex.
<img src="gif/latex/bondage1.webp" class=center width="50%">
After closing the door, she speaks in a concerned voice. </n3>
<b><summer1> Mistress Lucy hasn't slept since she started working on this virus. She said she couldn't reach Mistress Trix after the interrogation. But then she didn't mention it again. </summer1></b>
<n3> She continues to talk while pacing in the room. </n3>
<b><summer1>Normally she would solve such a thing right away. Even if she couldn't solve it, she would know who could. It has something to do with Mistress Trix. She can't use her skills at the level she wants to. But she's trying hide.
I tried to check if it had anything to do with Laura. Anti-Lust didn't solve anything. If the problem is deep inside, maybe even in her brain, there's nothing Anti-Lust can do. But maybe you can help.</summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy really looked weaker than usual. But you put that on her lack of sleep. </n3>
<b><summer1>We were preparing a counter attack, but we can't do anything while Mistress Lucy is in this state.</summer1></b>
<n3> Just as you are about to answer, a loud voice interrupts you. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)8]]<n3> It's coming from behind you, a Succubus cumming and moaning loudly. You weren't going to say anything important, but the interruption makes you much more irritated than you expected. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/bondage2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> For a moment you wanted to dump all the Lust in the room on her and watch her squirm. What's all this anger?</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... Yeah, I'll see what I can do. </n1></b>
<n3> Summer says something and leaves the room, but you lose focus. You were fine just now. Moon speaks.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> It is not enough. You can't suppress your nature anymore. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You're not in the mood right now. You walk out of the room without paying any attention to her. Then you realize something is missing. It's your necklace. You must have dropped it when the Succubus in the cage tried to lunge at you. You start walking to Lucy's room. Then you knock gently on the door and enter.</n3>
[[Enter|latexdungeon(8)9]]<n3> Lucy rests her head on her desk and appears to be in a deep sleep. You walk in slowly and see your necklace lying on the floor. You take it without making a sound and put it back to your neck.
You're looking at sleeping Lucy. This could be an opportunity. And you might get a clue as to what happened to her. For a moment you expect Sun to comment on it, but there is only silence.
You sit down on the floor cross-legged and close your eyes. As your sign warms up, you start to slip into Lucy's thoughts. It's a strange experience that you can experience in both first person and third person. So you have to keep your focus above a certain level.
A darkness that slowly becomes clearer...</n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)10]]<n3> You're not sure what to do with the two big latex cocoons flying right in front of you. You lower the cocoons down a bit and open a gap where they can talk. A muffled and scared voice comes out.</n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> Fuck you! I'll never squeal! </b1>
<n3> With a small movement of your hand, you send both cocoons into a wall at full speed. Almost all of the Latex sticks to the wall on impact. And on the floor are two writhing Succubus. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/1/latexwall1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Eight small Latex cuffs float from the wall to the wrists and ankles of two Succubus on the floor. You bring them both in front of you and stretch them as far as you can. You speak but it feels strange for a moment because it's Lucy's voice.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You won't squeal what? </l1></b>
<n3> Lucy is standing right in front of the two hovering Succubus. The moment any of them tries to open their mouths, they get a severe slap in the face. Since it is always on the same cheek, they cry, unable to hold back their loud screams of pain. They haven't been able to say a word yet. Lucy's anger is slightly reduced by the slaps. Finally, she takes two steps back and Succubuses tries to explain something while interrupting each other.</n3>
<d>???:</d><b1> We don't know anything! Mistres Laura! She said vials... drop them, throw them, anything... </b1>
<d>???:</d><summer1> We were just told to leave the vials and flee we don't- </summer1>
<d>???:</d><b1> Please, check my mind, do anything, but don't slap anymore... Please!!! I beg you!!!</b1>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)11]]<n3> Lucy takes two steps forward and start caressing two reddened cheeks. You wouldn't understand from the outside why the slaps hurt so much. But because you're inside Lucy's mind, you know why. Her glove is made of countless layers of latex, and each layer inside is made of a different kind of latex. Lucy used Summer's invention, stinging latex, to deliver these slaps. You can't even imagine the pain of countless slaps, when the mere contact causes a lot of pain. Lucy looks alternately at the two Succubus who are still crying.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I believe you! </l1></b>
<n3> Hope appears on the faces of both Succubus. Your vision's going black. So that's it? Lucy's anger isn't as high as you expected. Your unintentional bonding while waiting in the shadows seems to bring her to a much calmer state.</n3>
[[⛓️ Chain Sounds|latexdungeon(8)12]]<n3> The memory's not over yet. Both Succubus are restrained side by side with metal handcuffs. Lucy doesn't even aim to get any information from them. Maybe they are just two brainwashed, innocent victims. It doesn't matter. She is watching them coddle each other in fear.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Lucy walks behind them and grabs them by the hair. Then she presses their heads together and makes them kiss like baby dolls. At first they try to resist but it is futile. While the big latex dildo hanging down below awaits its turn, Lucy takes her time.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Lucy's Lust level is not very high. It's around the level of a normal Succubus. It's quite abnormal for Lucy, a Jupiter. She is still angry and horny, so she doesn't pay much attention to it yet. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)13]]<n3> Lucy finally lets go of their heads and picks one. When she spreads her ass apart, you can see the end of the butt plug glowing crystal pink. She starts putting pressure on plug and toying with it. As she toys with it, she applies Lust Energy through the plug. Sometimes with small strokes, sometimes in circles, it stimulates the inside of the bound Succubus. Succubus is screaming with pleasure. The other Succubus watches in silence but horror, knowing that the same thing will happen to her.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Then she turns her focus to the Succubus' big ass. Each spank echoes through the room. In between some of the spanks, Lucy switches to the stinging Latex and gives unexpected painful spanks. Both cheeks turned red. Lucy doesn't even give her time to beg. The other Succubus can't even look at what's happening anymore.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> As the memory progresses, you learn more and more about Lucy's situation. It feels restricted, like there's an upper limiter. Could this be Laura's plan? You don't know for sure. </n3>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)14]]<n3> Lucy approaches the other Succubus and it is the other's turn to be spanked. She spanks her hard, using only stinging Latex. It is a shorter but more painful session. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> While she writhes in pain, Lucy starts messing with the butt plug, who glows with the same color. She applies Lust energy inside and brings the Succubus into a state between pain and pleasure. Then she takes out the plug filled with Lust Energy. As she taste the plug, she feels a pleasant tingling on her tongue, due to the stored Lust energy inside it. It turns her on even more. Now the teasing is over!</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Wasting no time, Lucy stands up and sticks the latex strap-on in the Succubus' mouth. Succubus tries to resist, but the big black dildo goes all the way down her throat. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)15]]<n3> Lucy turns her attention to the other Succubus. The plug, still full of Lust energy, goes into the Succubus' mouth along with her friend's ass juice. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/lucy/interrogation/8.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> The memory starts to fade. You know there is more but you lose your focus.</n3>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<n3> You're still in Lucy's mind. You hear Moon's voice. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> You really haven't realized it yet or are you just pretending? </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> She continues without waiting for an answer. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> You're still wondering if her power loss was caused by someone else. It was you!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><newB>(</newB><n1> What do you mean it was me? How could I do that? </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<n3> If you were talking face to face with her, you would see a Succubus covering her face with her hand while sighing deeply. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> All right, then. I'll explain step by step. </inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Continue|latexdungeon(8)16]]<n1>(</n1><inner> Bellatrix was the reason Lucy was furious that day. She tries to hide it but she's got an ego to rival mine. If you hadn't intervened that day. This memory you're watching probably wouldn't have happened.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><newB>(</newB><n1> So, I did something to Trix? </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> No, you just temporarily severed the connection between them. You also took the burden off her emotions.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><newB>(</newB><n1> If it's only temporary, why is Lucy still weakened? </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Because that idiot Lucy has a huge ego too. She hardly slept during this time. She already has a fast-paced life and with this virus taking up all her free time, she had no time to rest and recover. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You're a little confused. You wonder how you could have done something that powerful without realizing it. Moon intervenes.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Because the energy she radiated threatened you too. As a survival reflex, you went beyond your limits. It's not something you can use as you please at the moment. They want you to think you're just a copycat. That's only part of your full potential.
Soon I'll teach you how your sign actually works. But before that, Crow needs to make sure you're ready. I can't believe she picked that name. When you're ready, she'll tell you her real name too. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You're not ready for something again. You don't want to whine, but you feel exhausted. When will you be ready? You ask a question without thinking. </n3>
<b><newB>(</newB><n1> Are you the Mother Superior that Felicia told us about at the Center? </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<n3> You think there won't be an answer. She dodged it when you asked her before. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner>Yes! But I'm incomplete, strength-wise, memory-wise. We all are... But I don't remember why. There is just a few phrases echoing in my mind. Almost all of my memory is with me, so something must have happened at the end. Why can't the succubuses reach their original signs? Unlike other idiots, Sun seems to know something about this. But she's determined not to tell me anything.
I'll teach you why I'm so feared. But first, Ra-... Crow has to prepare you for this. Thanks to Sun's early activation, you've improved a lot in a very short time. For now, just get out of Lucy's mind. </inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Get Out Of Lucy's Mind|latexdungeon(8)17]]<n3> You made it out of Lucy's mind, but you're in a different place. After a short time, you realize that you are not physically there. Is there an unintentional link again?
It's a windy place with a thick, white haze. It's also probably cold but you don't feel hot or cold. Looking around, you see a Succubus in the distance. She's also looking around curiously. At the same time, she's moving slowly in a straight line.
The white fog starts to dissipate a little bit. You are on a snowy mountain. And the Succubus you see is walking towards the edge of a cliff. You try to yell at her to be careful, but you can't make a sound. She stops before the very end. You hear a loud noise. A sharp cry. When you look around, you can't see anything. </n3>
<<linkreplace"The Same Cry Again" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn back to her. In front of her, there is a huge phoenix, shining turquoise and white. Just by flicking its tail, it creates some mighty gusts of wind. The Succubus, tiny in front of it, stares at the phoenix as if mesmerized. </n3>
<img src="img/lore/icephoenix1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> The succubus extends her hand towards the phoenix. The gigantic phoenix slowly dissolves into strands of energy and begins to dance mesmerizingly around the Succubus. </n3>
<img src="img/lore/yomi1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> As this light show continues, you suddenly open your eyes in Lucy's room. Your body's a little stiff and sweaty. You experience the confusion of perception when you wake up from a realistic dream. You're sitting on the floor and there's Lucy, still fast asleep.</n3>
<b><newB>(</newB><n1> What was that? What did I see? </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<n3> Sun responds in a nervous voice.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She was my big sister. She is finally awakened! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $centerVisit to 7>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\<<set $greet to random(15) >>\
<n3>The entrance to the dormitory is not very wide, but you know that it gets wider and wider as you continue straight ahead. There are two stairways rising to the right and left. The Lust energy emanating from the two sides is very distinct. You can see Succubuses around, waiting for new comers. Now that you have been stamped, you are not a prime target, but they are probably aware that you are still a newcomer.</n3>
<img src="img/places/marsdormitory1.jpg" class=center width="54%">
<center>[[Left Side|Side1]] <n1><--------</n1><a1>--------></a1> [[Right Side|Side2]]</center>
<<if $bully === 1 and $MarsNextWeek === 0 and $kiana === 0>>\
[[You Notice Ella|firstmission1]]
<<if $kiana === 1 and $MarsNextWeek === 0 and $cake === 0>>\
[[Excited Footsteps|cake1]]
<<if $cake === 1 and $secondDuel === 0 and $MarsNextWeek === 0>>\
[[There Is A Crowd Again|elladuel1]]
<<if $cakeeaten === 1 and $MarsNextWeek === 0 and $day === "Wednesday">>
[[Someone Is Blocking Your Way|realprey1]]
<<if $noNutKiana === 1 and $MarsNextWeek === 0 and $day === "Wednesday">>
[[Someone Is Running At You|reward1]]
<<if $secondDuel === 2 and $MarsNextWeek === 0 >>
[[You See A Crowd Again|headDebate1]]
<<if $sara === 1 and $MarsNextWeek === 0>>\
[[Look For Sara|sara1]]
<<if $peta === 2 and $VenusNextWeek === 0>>\
<n3> You were just passing the time in the Mars Dormitory and suddenly two Headmistresses appeared! You started to watch with curiosity what was going on. </n3>
[[Two Headmistress|bridge1]]
<<if $bully === 1>>\
<<if $greet === 0>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet1.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Ohh! You wonder what it feels like. I'm in chastity right now. Yeah, you can wear whatever you want on our side. Let me show you around. And we can pick out a chastity cage that's your size. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 1>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet2.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Of course not! Mistress Natalie accepts everyone. The size of your penis makes no difference. Look at me, for example. They accepted me with this huge cock. Everyone is so sweet and kind. Please follow me, you will understand better after you visit our side. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 2>>\
<center><n3> You see Kasey. Dominique's sister, who gave you a tour of her side on your first visit. She stretches her legs by crouching and standing up. Her sweet little penis, peeking out of her pink panties, jiggles with every movement.</n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet3.webp" class=center width="36%">
<<if $greet === 3>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet4.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Of course not! Mistress Natalie accepts everyone. The size of your penis makes no difference. Look at me, for example. They accepted me with this huge cock. Everyone is so sweet and kind. Please follow me, you will understand better after you visit our side. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 4>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet5.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b1> " Of course not! Mistress Natalie accepts everyone. The size of your penis makes no difference. Look at me, for example. They accepted me with this huge cock. Everyone is so sweet and kind. Please follow me, you will understand better after you visit our side. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 5>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet6.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Thank you! Your dress is cute too. Yes, I chose transparent on purpose. Look how I can swing in it. Forget the other side. Here you can dress up and do whatever you want. Follow me! I'll show you my toy collection. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 6>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet7.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Nuh-huh! You don't have to be in chastity just because you chose us. You can enjoy your pleasures as you please. The other side is trying to put us all in one stereotype to smear us. Follow me! You'll see what they say isn't true. " </b1>
<<if $greet === 7>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet8.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Why do I have a big one? You think we're all the same because of the other side's bullshit, my dear. This place is full of freedom. No one can force anything on you. You don't have to choose the other side because you have a big dick. Follow me! It's going to be a prejudice-busting tour. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 8>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Introduction Team from the Left Side talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet9.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Oh no, darling! A chastity cage doesn't shrink your penis. Look, I just took it off yesterday, it's rock hard and the same size as it was before I put it on. Mistress Natalie can explain it to you in more detail. She'll gift you a chastity cage too. Follow me! "</b1>
<<if $greet === 9>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Right Side's Introduction Team talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet10.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " There's no need to be afraid, my dear! No one is allowed to approach the newcomers. Leave your prejudices behind. You will learn how to be a true Mars in the light of Mistress Mariana. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 10>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Right Side's Introduction Team talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet11.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " So you're wondering why everyone on our side has a big dick? Because we all think we can be the very best. The more confident you are, the energy you produce is affected by that and it has effects on your body. Follow me! I know a few exercises that give immediate results. I'll teach you what I know as I show you around."</b1>
<<if $greet === 11>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Right Side's Introduction Team talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet12.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b1> " So you're wondering why everyone on our side has a big dick? Because we all think we can be the very best. The more confident you are, the energy you produce is affected by that and it has effects on your body. Follow me! I know a few exercises that give immediate results. I'll teach you what I know as I show you around."</b1>
<<if $greet === 12>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Right Side's Introduction Team talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet13.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Honey, I'm not even hard yet. Yes, you can touch it. But we have strict rules against newcomers. I'm not allowed to do anything to you. At least not when there's someone around. Follow me!"</b1>
<<if $greet === 13>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Right Side's Introduction Team talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet14.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> "Oh wait, I forgot to enlarge it. Wait a second! There you go! You call that big? I'm small compared to Mistress Mariana. You want a taste? Follow me! "</b1>
<<if $greet === 14>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Right Side's Introduction Team talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet15.webp" class=center width="36%">
<b1> " Yes, of course it's real. Let me give you a better view. You want to reach this size, too? Darling, first step is to choose our side. Let me show you around. You'll see how superior we are to the other side. "</b1>
<<if $greet === 15>>\
<center><n3> You hear a Succubus from the Right Side's Introduction Team talking to a newcomer. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/greet/greet16.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b1> " Yeah, I can swing it for you. I know I'm huge. If you're so impressed by this, you're gonna have a blast on our side. Follow me! I'll show you more. "</b1>
<<if $nataliePainting === 1 and $debate === 1 and $bully === 0>>\
[[You Notice a Familiar Face|bully1]]
<<if $nataliePainting === 0 or $debate === 0>>\
<center><h2><cap>First, Take A Look At Both Sides</cap></h2></center>
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<n3> You feel a gentle, docile energy on this side. Still, it would be wise to remain vigilant. </n3>
<img src="img/places/marsleft1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<<if $nataliePainting === 0>>\
[[🖼️ Something Is Being Carried|nataliePainting1]]
[[Return To Entrance|MarsDormitory]]<n3> An aggressive and powerful Lust energy blows over you like a strong wind. </n3>
<img src="img/places/marsright1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $debate === 0>>\
[[ You See A Crowd|debate1]]
[[Return To Entrance|MarsDormitory]]
<n3> You see two Succubus carrying something huge. It's a large painting. You are watching the painting being carefully mounted on the wall. It's a painting of a Succubus you don't recognize, who looks very beautiful and elegant.</n3>
<img src="img/futa/natalie/painting1.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<n3> After mounting the painting, two Succubus take a few steps back and stare admiringly at it. </n3><n3> </n3>
<b1>"Our headmistress looks breathtaking. That's a painting worthy of her."</b1> <i><n3> "As she turns her head all the way around to examine the huge painting" </n3></i>
<summer1> "I can't stop myself from staring." </summer1> <i><n3> "She slowly wipes away a tear" </n3> </i>
<n3> It starts to attract the attention of the Succubus around and a crowd starts to form in front of the painting. Those who glance at the painting stare at it like a butterfly caught in a net. It gets your attention too and you slowly move to the back of the crowd. While everyone is admiring and praising the painting to each other, you examine it a little.
It looks really amazing. It's has the realism of a photograph but at the same time the vibrancy of an oil painting. But something is bothering you. There's a different energy emanating from the painting. It orders you to look at it and admire it. The more you're exposed to it, the more certain you become. This painting is definitely not normal. It's not strong enough to keep you under its influence. But you still feel like looking a little more.
After a few minutes you feel that this effect starts to fade. It's not just something you feel. The crowd that has gathered is also slowly starting to disperse. You take one last look at the picture and walk away.</n3>
<<set $nataliePainting to 1>>\<n3> You see a crowd in the hallway. As you get closer, you realize that a few Succubuses are arguing and others are watching whats happening. You recognize one of the Succubus standing in the center. It's Dominique, who gave you the tour of the dorm. A Succubus stands behind her, looking scared, while Dominique is arguing loudly with the Succubus in front of her. Most of the Succubus here are very tall, so you can't see what's going on very well, but you follow it as much as you can.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Drop your ridiculous rules Sara!</mi1>
<n3> Dominique speaks in a very calm and controlled way. Sara responds by shouting. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> You're ridiculous! Idiots like you are the reason we're falling behind! </hi1>
<n3> The Succubus behind Dominique, crying and apologizing non-stop. Sara steps forward as Dominique tries to calm her down. But Sara slides backwards as if pushed by an invisible wall, or pulled by an invisible rope. Dominique puts on her wry smile. She lifts her dress and waves her huge penis.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/dominique/dominique1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<d>Dominique:</d> <mi1>Back off! Know your place! </mi1><i><n3>"In a mocking and calm voice "</n3></i>
<n3> You can tell she's trying to annoy Sara. Looks like it worked. Sara's energy is starting to change. She's furiously trying to take her pants off, but her erect penis gets in the way.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/sara/sara1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> Things got very tense. While everyone is watching closely, a calm voice interrupts. </n3>
<d>???:</d> <l1> Girls! </l1>
<<set $debate to 1>>\<n3> Everyone freezes. All heads turn to where the sound is coming from. It came from somewhere behind the far side of the crowd, away from you. The Succubuses standing there immediately move aside and you can clearly see who talked.
It's a Succubus calmly eating pudding. Her massive cock, sticking out of her pink polka dot shorts, is resting on the table where she sits.
<img src="img/futa/mariana/mariana1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<d>???:</d> <l1> Calm down and head to the dining hall. It's pudding day. Or I'll fuck you all until you forget your names! </l1>
<n3> There is complete silence. After a while Sara timidly raises her hand and asks for a word. The sitting Succubus nods as she eats her pudding. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Umm... Mistress Mariana. There's something Dominique and I can't settle. Who's in charge while Headmistress is absent? Dominique insists that... </hi1>
<n3> Sara is interrupted. </n3>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> I'm here right now, aren't I? Why didn't you come to me? </l1>
<n3> She yawns, being careful not to spill the pudding. </n3>
<l1>I've already been dealing with bullshit for days. And I can't even eat a pudding in peace after waking up. </l1>
<n3> All the Succubuses there apologize in one voice. Mariana finishes her pudding in no hurry and stands up.</n3>
<l1>Sara, you still don't understand... Anyway, follow me to my room. I want an explanation of what happened. </l1>
<n3> She turns to a random Succubus in the crowd. </n3>
<l1>Bring three puddings to my room... Actually make it four. </l1>
<n3> Sara, Dominique and the crying Succubus starts to follow Mariana. After Mariana leaves the scene, a few Succubus begin to breathe deeply. It looks like they've been holding their breath all this time. Actually, Mariana wasn't giving off any intense or intimidating energy, but you could see how everyone was afraid of her.
In a short while, everyone quietly disperses. Clearly this side is much more dangerous.</n3>
[[Return|Side2]]<n3> You see three Succubus leaning against the stairs on the right. Ella is chatting with two Succubus. At first you wonder if they are bullying her, but no, they are having a normal conversation. They got your attention because of their loud laughter. You start to observe a bit from your spot.
Shortly afterwards, Ella stealthily points her hand towards the opposite staircase. She extends her index and middle finger, as if imitating a gun. When you look where her fingers are pointing, you see a Succubus walking up the stairs. As the smile grows on Ella's face, her fingers lock on the Succubus, then begins to follow her slowly. Immediately afterwards, Ella's hand is thrown back with a small recoil.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Loud Moan" t8n>>\
<n3> The Succubus on the other side suddenly stops and bends down a little. Then she starts to cum, moaning loudly. Her sweet little penis squirts cum on the floor repeatedly. Drowning out her moans, Ella and her friends laugh loudly again. After her ejaculation is done, poor Succubus tries to climb the stairs with trembling legs. She couldn't even dared to look on the other side.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/bully/handsfree1.webp" class=center width="38%">
<n3> You couldn't figure out how she did that. Because you couldn't feel any Lust energy coming out of Ella's hand. While you're thinking that, there's a voice again. This time an angry voice. From the left side, two Succubus are approaching Ella and her friends in anger. </n3>
<b1>"Hey, knock it off! You morons!"</b1><i><n3>" As she walks, waving her hands "</n3></i>
<n3> Ella's friends, leaning against the stairs, immediately stands up and take big steps towards the approaching Succubuses. Ella nervously follows her friends a few steps behind.
They both come to the borders of their sides and face each other. You can see how often this happens by the reaction of those around you. Immediately a large circle forms around them and they start to watch what is going to happen. With curiosity, without interfering in the center ones affairs.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> A heated argument ensues. As both sides hurl insults at each other, one of the Succubus from the left turns to Ella. </n3>
<b1> "Why are you with these vandals, newcomer? A cute and pretty Mars like you should be with us." </b1>
<n3> Having said this, she is interrupted and forced to continue her insult-filled argument. Just two sentences said in passing, with good intentions. Ella's face starts to twitch and her breathing accelerates, but maybe only you notice it.
After a couple of seconds Ella starts walking furiously and gets in front of her friends. She swings her hand in anger, in the middle of the two sides. Her voice is a little forked. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> You're cute and pretty, you FUCKING SISSY!!! </ella></b>
<n3> Did she take those words as an insult? After Ella swings her hand, the two Succubus in front of her stops and their lower bodies starts twitching.
<<linkreplace"Two Loud Moans" t8n>>\
<n3> Like the Succubus on the stairs, they start cumming uncontrollably. You didn't feel a Lust flow from Ella again. Laughter and cheers start to erupt from the crowd watching on the right.</n3>
<center><img src="gif/futa/bully/handsfree2.webp" width="36%"> <n3> </n3> <img src="gif/futa/bully/handsfree3.webp" width="45%"></center>
<n3>As the enthusiastic crowd spoils Ella, the noise gets louder and louder. A Succubus steps forward from the crowd on the left. She calmly walks over to the Succubuses, who have ejaculated in shame. The noise decreases with each step of this Succubus.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You have felt this Lust energy before. Dressed in a black striped dress and with her small penis caged exposed, she approaches the two Succubus who are trying to recover from that ejaculation.</n3>
<img src="img/futa/natalie/chastity1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> She gets in the middle of the two and squats down slowly. Then she scoops up the cum dripping from the tip of their sensitive dicks and stands up. She approaches Ella with slow steps. They're almost same height.</n3>
<<linkreplace"She Is Face To Face With Her " t8n>>\
<n3> You saw this Succubus when they hung her painting. She's one of the two Headmistresses of the Mars Dormitory, Mistress Natalie. </n3>
<img src="img/futa/natalie/natalie1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Natalie brings her right hand closer to Ella and slowly slides her fingers into Ella's mouth. Ella's not showing any reaction. She stares at Natalie, locked, with a hand in her mouth. Natalie finally speaks. Her voice is very soft and gentle.</n3>
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> She was complimenting by calling you cute and pretty. You don't have to get angry.</ange1>
<n3> She takes her hand out of Ella's mouth and runs her fingers over her lips. </n3>
<ange1> Delicious, isn't it? You don't have to demonize us. We're all Mars. But on our side there are no absurd restrictions, only freedom and pleasure. Take that into consideration when you make your choice next year, okay?</ange1>
<n3> Before she leaves, she caresses Ella's rosy cheek and elegantly walks away. She feels like a garden of daisies with a tremendous fragrance. There's something different about her Lust energy. Just by being present, she can put weaker Succubuses in a kind of trance. You can see that everyone watching is much calmer. You feel kinda relaxed and strange too.
The crowd begins to disperse and return to their normal activities. A Succubus arrives to mop the floor and Ella's friends take her away to rest. This dormitory really has its own patterns.</n3>
<<set $bully to 1>>\
<<set $MarsNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $kiana to 0>>\
<<set $cake to 0>>\
<<set $cakesmell to 0>>\
<<set $whyspecial to 0>>\
<<set $youfirst to 0>>\
<<set $eatcake to 0>>\
<<set $caketruth to 0>>\
<<set $cakerejected to 0>>\
<<set $cakeeaten to 0>>\
<<set $jamie to 0>>\
<<set $secondDuel to 0>>\<n3>You slowly poke your head inside. Two busty Jupiters are chatting and drying off after a shower. You're not sure if just a towel will be enough for those tits. You leave the room to avoid interrupting their conversation.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/peek/jupiter1.webp" class=center width="52%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3>You slowly poke your head inside. A jupiter taking a shower. She soaps her body, trying to make sure she doesn't miss a spot, and soaps well under her tits. But her soapy slippery tits slip between her arms. She seems to be enjoying it. You leave her room to avoid disturbing her.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/peek/jupiter2.webp" class=center width="62%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3>You see a Jupiter in front of a mirror. It seems she's doing her tits care. With her oiled hands, she draws vulgar circles around her nipples. She continues to rub her glowing tits while humming a song. You leave her room to avoid disturbing her.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/peek/jupiter3.webp" class=center width="42%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<n3>A Jupiter, trying to get dressed. But her crop-top seems to have a problem to fully wrap those huge tits. She tries to adjust her tits by hopping, but it only causes them to overflow even more.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/peek/jupiter4.webp" class=center width="52%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3>You see a Jupiter changing clothes. You hear her complaining about not having any tops that fit. She has a little difficulty taking off this top, and when it is off she lets out a small moan of pain mixed with pleasure. After rubbing her nipples a little, she continues to search through her wardrobe.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/peek/jupiter5.webp" class=center width="65%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3>You see a Jupiter getting dressed. But it seems she no longer has a bra that fits. Her breasts completely overflow over the black bra. One of the challenges of being Jupiter.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/peek/jupiter6.webp" class=center width="65%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3>You see a Jupiter undressing.She takes off the straps of her black lace bra, but her breasts won't let her bra go. The bra, which looked like it was glued on, was taken off with her hands, freeing her huge breasts.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/peek/jupiter7.webp" class=center width="60%">
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Return|♃ Jupiter Dormitory]]
<<if $lust lte 80>>\
<<set $lust += 20>>
<<if $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>
<</if>>\<n3> There's a whole pile of Succubus coming through the door. They all move in formation and slowly. Even though they are talking in whispers, the entrance to the Dormitory is filled with humming because there are so many Succubus. You don't quite understand what's happening, but you think it won't take you long to find out.
You hear some loud claps. The crowd falls silent in a short while. They all scan the surroundings with curious eyes. They must be looking for something or someone. A door opens and a Succubus rushes in front of this crowd. You step aside and take a wide angle to see who it is.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Who She Is" t8n>>\
<n3> When you step aside, you can see who this Succubus is. It's Brittany with all her positive energy! As she greets the crowd cheerfully, the noise from the crowd gets louder and louder. Those in the back move their heads left and right to get a glimpse of Brittany.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/brit1.webp" class=center width="52%">
<n3> As you watch what is happening on the sidelines, you sense someone walking towards you. She stops right in front of you, blocking your view.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You see Hitomi in the distance. As she walks cheerfully, she notices you and runs to you as fast as her heels allow. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/objection/hitomi1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Hello $name!!! I didn't know you could get in here. You are sooo talented.</hi1></b>
<n3> Without letting you say anything, she continues with excitement. </n3>
<b><hi1> We haven't seen each other for a while. I know you're very busy. I don't know with what, but still... Guess what happened?</hi1></b>
<n3> A little curious, you ask what happened. Hitomi bends down and lowers her voice a bit. </n3>
<<linkreplace"In a Quiet But Excited Voice" t8n>>\
<img src="gif/hitomi/objection/hitomi2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><hi1> I made FRIENDS! And from Jupiter Dormitory itself. They are so sweet.</hi1></b>
<n3> She can't hide her giggles while talking. You can see how happy she is. You are happy for her too, but you feel a little uneasy inside. Suddenly she holds your hand. </n3>
<b><hi1>Because of you I could start interacting with other Succubuses, thank you! </hi1></b>
<n3> Since she was in a state of trance during what was happening in her room, her memory is misleading her. Is that jealousy you're feeling?</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> With her big tits and frustrated attitude, a Succubus you don't recognize is standing right in front of you. </n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/leanne1.webp" class=center width="48%">
<d>???:</d><summer1> Everyone was told not to leave the line. Go back to your place right now. I don't have time to deal with you. </summer1>
<n3> When you moved to the side, she must have thought you had left the crowd. You try to explain, a little confused, but you are interrupted.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> No, I'm not with them... </n1></b>
<d>???:</d><summer1> Yes, yes, and I'm the Headmistress of this Dormitory. Move now!</summer1>
<n3> You were going to respond, but on second thought, it wouldn't hurt to join in. She gets behind you and tries to push you slowly in the back. You grab her hand in one move and look at her like, <i>"What the fuck are you doing?</i> Then you slowly walk towards the crowd.
You can hear the Succubus behind you muttering to herself.</n3>
[[Continue|britguide3]]<n3> The crowd starts to move immediately after you join. You remember the first day you came here. Following Brittany, a huge crowd starts to tour the Dormitory. Brittany gives a very similar tour to the one she gave you on the first day. The excitement and passion in her voice is also the same.
When you concentrate on the crowd, you can't even sense a Succubus that stands out. All of them are very weak and ordinary. Almost halfway through the tour, someone in the crowd shouts.</n3>
<center><h2><ange1>"Mistress Brittany!!! Please Enlarge Your Breasts!!! I'm a Huge Fan!!!"</ange1></h2></center>
<n3> As you try to spot the shouter, other Succubuses are repeating this request. Soon there is a loud murmur of people declaring their admiration for Brittany and begging her to uncover and enlarge her breasts.
Brittany looks like she's having a lot of fun. She is laughing, slightly embarrassed, and slowly starts running her hands over her breasts. As the noise starts to become too loud, Brittany raises her hand and tries to calm the crowd. When she realizes that it has no effect, she moves her hands to her shirt. You can't hear what she says, but she smiles and utters a sentence.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Rising Feeling Inside You" t8n>>\
<n3> Brittany pulls her shirt open, exposing the bra that holds her big tits. You feel a rising, overwhelming feeling inside. The enthusiastic crowd has also fallen silent. Brittany's laughter is now audible.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/brit2.webp" class=center width="52%">
<center><h2><b> <b1> "If you want it so badly, we'll all experience it!" </b1></b></h2></center>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Brittany starts to shake her body. Every time she sways, you can see her tits getting a little bigger. But there is another thing. Brittany is radiating an incredible amount of Lust energy. And because she's shaking, that Lust energy is hitting everyone in waves.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/grow1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> This energy is not carrying any aggression. But it's so intense that it's hard to resist. From the crowd that had just fallen silent, voices rise again. Irrepressible Moans!
Your breathing quickens and you can't stop the little moans escaping from your mouth. Like everyone else, your breasts are getting bigger and bigger. As a huge crowd moans, Brittany continues her dance, swaying with laughter.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Wetness" t8n>>\
<n3> You feel a wetness on your breasts that haven't finished growing. When you reach in and squeeze them a little, you realize they are full of milk. This makes you dizzy with pleasure. Brittany needs to stop. If you're this messed up, these rookies should be even worse. Right now, everyone is at Brittany's mercy.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/milk1.webp" class=center width="60%">
[[Look Around You|britguide5]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Everyone is on their own, trying to endure. Most of them have breasts so big that their clothes can't hold them in. In comparison, they are bigger than you because they can resist this energy much less. </n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/tits1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<<linkreplace"Keep Looking" t8n>>\
<n3> Those who wear shirts are unbuttoned and overflowing from their bras. </n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/tits2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> Those in stretchy dresses are also pushing the limits of their bras. It's probably the first time anyone there has felt so much pleasure from their breasts. On top of that, with Brittany's non-stop energy, it's an experience full of new sensations for everyone. </n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/tits3.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> Then what you've been waiting for finally happens. Unable to withstand the overwhelming atmosphere, several Succubus collapse, moaning and groaning in pleasure. Although they are unconscious, you can see their bodies trembling slightly.
The Succubus who put you in the crowd is trying to move towards Brittany, holding her huge tits. Brittany is spinning around, singing and dancing. Eventually she gets her attention and Brittany realizes what's happening. The energy suddenly stops and everyone sighs in relief.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Almost half the crowd is on the ground, trying to recover. A few experienced-looking Succubus arrives on the scene with her huge tits. Everyone around is full of milk. As they approach those lying on the ground, one of them calls out to Brittany.</n3>
<i><ella> "Mistress, please be more careful. These are just young Succubuses who haven't even been to an academy." </ella></i>
<<linkreplace"Brittany Replies" t8n>>\
<n3> Brittany's tits have gotten gigantic. She smiles a little guiltily, trying to be cute. </n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/brit3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Brittany:</d> <b1> Hahaha! I think I lost control a little bit. I wanted everyone to experience this pleasure... but forgot to stop. </b1></b>
<i><ella> "Fortunately it was not an aggressive energy. Otherwise it would have been a war zone with uncontrolled spirit animals." </ella></i><i><n3>"Mutters to herself"</n3></i>
<n3> The four experienced Jupiter slowly raise their hands and you see a stamp forming on their hands. Then they quickly start stamping the breasts of everyone there. The stamped Succubus' breasts quickly return to their original size. The ones who have collapsed are the first to be stamped. Then it is the turn of the other ones. Your chest is also stamped and your breasts shrink rapidly. You feel a great relief. It's like finding a toilet after holding your pee for so long. You feel much better now.
The crowd starts to recover and those on the ground start to get up again.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> A Succubus stands up and starts shouting with all her strength. </n3>
<center><h1><ange1>"That Was Awesome!!! Mistress Brittany Is The Best!!!"</ange1></h1></center>
<n3> This enthusiasm is quickly reciprocated. Succubuses who were unconscious on the floor just a few minutes ago are now cheering for Brittany. Occasionally a few of them fall to the ground again and again.
This is too much for you. They must be crazy. With a mild headache, you start to move to return to your room. When you leave the crowd, a face you saw today is back in front of you.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look At Her" t8n>>\
<n3> The Succubus who got you into this crowd and stopped Brittany is standing before you again. Milk is still dripping from her enlarged tits.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/leanne2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>???:</d><summer1> Where do you think you're going? The tour's not over yet.</summer1>
<n3> You're not in the mood. Your anger grows with the heat you feel on your sign and you want to knock this cow down. When you take a deep breath and take a step forward, you feel a shadow next to you.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> The Succubus in front of you doesn't seem to notice this shadow yet. This shadow is Lucy with her breasts, which are much bigger than normal. She asks in a calm voice.</n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/lucy1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> What's the matter, Leanne? </l1></b>
<n3> Leanne doesn't understand where the voice is coming from at first, slowly looks in that direction and turns her head back to you. Then she realizes what is happening and lets out a scream in horror. </n3>
<d>Leanne:</d><summer1> MISTRESS LUCYY!... You scared me! Umm... This little Succubus is trying to sneak into the Academy. I saw her sign. It's not Jupiter.</summer1>
<n3> You're looking at your exposed sign. Maybe you should start wearing long sleeves all the time. Lucy looks at the crowd then at you. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You are wrong! Our Dormitory welcomed the newcomers this year. I recognize her from there. She got exhausted during the spirit animal ceremony. I personally looked after her.
Now go back to your place and make sure no one is actually sneaking in!</l1></b>
<n3> Leanne listens in horror to Lucy's serious tone, which has become normal for you. She nods and walks away, apologizing in a slip of the tongue. </n3>
[[Continue|britguide9]]<n3> After Leanna leaves, Lucy turns to you. In a low and serious voice; </n3>
<img src="gif/jupiter/guide/lucy2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> They know they can't defeat her easily. So they try to keep her as busy as possible. </l1></b>
<n3> Then she takes one last look at Brittany and walks away. She seems to hold back a few things she has to say. If what she said is true, there must be spies watching her. Also there's a good chance they're watching you too. It doesn't scare you as much as it used to.
Being exposed to Brittany's intense energy makes you feel exhausted but also empowered. As the crowd enthusiastically follows Brittany, you head to your room.
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Go Back To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $britguide to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\
<n3> She straightens up and shows her neck. </n3>
<img src="gif/hitomi/objection/hitomi3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> They gifted me this necklace.</hi1></b>
<n3> She's not trying to show off. She is just proud of it and wants to share.</n3>
<b><hi1> I told them that Mistress Milena was tutoring all the Succubus except the Jupiters. They said I shouldn't have kept silent. I should have stood up for my rights. So we went to her room and... Ehehe! I'd better not tell the rest.
I won't keep you any longer. They're waiting for me. These heels are killing me, but they said I look so elegant in it. Heh! Bye bye!!</hi1></b>
<n3> Then she walks away. You're wondering what happened in Milena's room. As you think about looking into Hitomi's mind, you hear a voice rising in your head.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner>You don't need her mind! You know where it happened.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<inner>(</inner><n1> What do you mean? </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n1>(</n1><inner>You misunderstand your powers. It's above your level for now, but if I take control for a while I can introduce you to new things.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<inner>(</inner><n1> What does Sun say? </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n3> There is a brief silence. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> She doesn't say anything. It's your decision. But if you want to try, we don't have time to wait. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<center>[[NO!|objection3]]</center><n1>(</n1><inner> Don't reject it right away. Just take a look at Milena's room. If it's empty, I'll explain what's going to happen. I'm taking control because it's something you're not familiar with yet.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You're both amused and a little suspicious that Moon, who has been so full of ego so far, is almost begging. You start walking to Milena's room.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Very good! This skill will be key in the future. Remember I want you to be strong! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You're standing in front of Milena's room. </n3>
<inner>(</inner><n1> If we're gonna do this, I want Sun's approval too! </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n3> Moon can't hold back anymore. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Stop being childish! What you don't understand is that I'm your real partner! Sun only joined as an extra and gradually fizzled out. Too weak to activate except in very intense times.
You and I have the same destiny! No one wants you too strong. Except me! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><newB>(</newB><n1> WHYYY??!! </n1><newB>)</newB></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Because you will go on an unpredictable path, inevitably! You have the capacity to do anything! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You stand in front of the door with your eyes closed, almost out of breath. Moon calmly adds.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> You've had enough. You can probably talk to Sun now. None of what I said was a lie. Now talk whatever you want with her.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> There's a warmth in your sign. </n3>
[[Continue|objection4]] <n3> Sun's getting straight to the point. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> What she said is not a lie, indeed. Me and her weren't really good Succubuses. If you want to get stronger now, you have no choice but to follow her path. The good thing is that as you get stronger, her grip on you will start to weaken too. But she will remain active much longer than me.
I dove into it without permission, to avoid being caught by Brittany. I was only able to use ten percent of my strength at most, and this decreased day by day.
There are things I hide from everyone and probably only you can reveal them. We both want you to be as strong as you can be. Because we trust the choice you'll make when you discover everything. Maybe the real me won't be happy with your choices. That's future me's problems.
Learn everything Moon teaches you. She's mastered my powers, too. No matter how much it pisses me off... Just don't let her take the control oftenly.</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> As the heat from your sign subsides, you knock on the door and enter. </n3>
<n3> A modest study room full of books. It's empty inside. </n3>
<img src="img/places/milenaroom1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> When you get to the middle of the room, Moon starts talking. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Lust leaves a permanent residue and never completely fades. If you can detect this remnant Lust, you can access the stored memories within it. The Somnia Pixies are also specialists in using this feature of Lust. They have adapted it a bit more to their needs, but the logic is basically the same. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> As you listen attentively, you hear Moon chuckling. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Sun was trained by a Somnia Pixie for a while. She hated every minute of it Hahaha! But it was that pixie who helped her acquire this ability. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You can feel how much it delights her. Then she continues in earnest.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> This is actually a very high-level technique but it is possible for you to use it. Because the most important point is to be able to detect Lust precisely. Because of your spirit animal, you have a Lust sensitivity far above your level. It is not always very stable but you will adjust. We also have another advantage in this case. Except that I'm here...</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> She's waiting for an answer, but you don't have a clue. Moon exhales deeply.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> We know what to focus on. Hitomi was probably only in this room once. We just need to locate her Lust. I'll take it from there. Now close your eyes and focus. Try to find Hitomi's energy.</inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Close Your Eyes|objection6]] <n3> You close your eyes and start to focus. A black wolf starts to form from a black smoke beam next to you. At first you can hardly feel anything.
But you were always focused on Lust spreading from active sources. You let your senses show you the way. Gradually, on things, on the floor, on some books, on the sofa, on the table... There are bits of energy everywhere. But you haven't felt Hitomi yet.
As you continue to scan the area, you slowly open your eyes. The wolf, emitting black smoke, walks slowly, sniffing things. As you close your eyes again to focus, you are filled with a familiar sensation. You felt it so deeply that for a moment you could only instinctively realize that you had found something. You immediately focus on that spot. As the black wolf sniffs that spot, an image starts to flash in your mind. Red... An orange... Rabbit?</n3>
<h2><center><n1>(</n1><inner> We got it! Here I go!</inner><n1>)</n1></center></h2>
<img src="img/McAnimal/blackwolf3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> You feel filled with power. The black wolf sticks out its tongue and starts growling. The last thing you see is the wolf's white eyes turning red. </n3>
[[Continue|objection7]]<n3> You're in Milena's room. Milena is explaining to Hitomi and her friend why she doesn't include the Jupiters in her private lessons. Hitomi is in an aggressive and grumpy mood that you're not used to. As Milena is talking in front of the whiteboard in her room about how being Jupiter comes with its own responsibilities, Hitomi suddenly stands up.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Milena Is Interrupted" t8n>>\
<n3> Hitomi interrupts Milena as she carelessly chews her gum. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> My tits are smaller than yours. Why can't I join in? Oh! They're pretty soft.</hi1></b>
<n3>Milena tries to remove Hitomi's hand from her breasts, but Hitomi has no intention of holding back. As she continues to poke Milena's huge tits, she calls her friend over. </n3>
<b><hi1> Anri, give it a try. They are so soft.</hi1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> If this had happened at the beginning of the semester, Milena would have easily taken a stand, but because of your intervention she has changed too much. Hitomi should have changed too, but she's acting like a completely different person.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You see that Milena will finally put an end to it. As she prepares to make an angry outburst, something catches both your and her attention. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Orange Flame" t8n>>\
<n3> Where you detect Hitomi's energy, you see a rabbit in flames. It looks into Milena's eyes with a frightening serenity.</n3>
<img src="img/hitomi/rabbit2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Milena's tense body relaxes and her shoulders drop. Her timid demeanor returns and an uneasy smile that she can't suppress covers her face.
When you access a memory in this way, you can't really feel what anybody is thinking. You are an intruder watching from the outside. You wonder what Hitomi and Milena were feeling when all this was happening.
Hitomi and Anri push Milena against the board and start playing with her tits. In the end, they release Milena's breasts together.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> I can't believe how heavy they are. I want my normal form to be this big. Anri, we should feel these things without any clothes in between.</hi1></b>
<n3> You can see that Milena doesn't resist anymore. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Both of them are squeezing the huge tits that are freed. Up and down, left and right, they play with the huge and soft breast like it's a toy. Each breast is as big as their head.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> Even my two hands are nothing! Only the nipple is the size of my palm. </hi1></b>
<b><d>Anri:</d> <ange1>I want to taste it.</ange1></b><i> <n3> "Speaks for the first time." </n3></i>
<n3> Hitomi immediately clings to the nipple in front of her. Together, they start to lustfully lick her nipple. Milena begins to moan deeply, having relaxed her tension some more.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Hitomi:</d> <hi1> You're not getting off that easy!</hi1></b>
[[Continue|objection10]]<n3> They're laying Milena on the table. After a little squeeze, they pick up where they left off. You can see that Milena's resistance is getting weaker.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> The rabbit in the flames starts to disappear. Hitomi doesn't even seem to realize this. Normally these things require active force and concentration. But Hitomi's spirit animal seems to work automatically.
With the disappearance of the rabbit, Milena's attitude changes a little, but not in an aggressive way.
<b><d>Milena:</d> <mi1> Show me your beautiful tits!</mi1></b>
She uncovers Hitomi's breasts and starts to play with them. They are small compared to Milena's, but still they are pretty big.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
[[Continue|objection11]]<n3> As Anri continues to play with Milena, Milena starts sucking on Hitomi's tit. Anri's hand movements attract your attention.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection8.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Anri gets up on the table. She continues to shake Milena's tits rapidly. Milena's whole focus is on the big tit on her face. </n3>
<b><d>Anri:</d> <ange1> I learned from a Saturn friend to inject Lust with my hands. It's an entry-level move for them, but it can be effective. Hitomi, I'll teach you too.</ange1></b>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection9.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Although Anri gives Milena her best efforts, Milena is able to carry on as if nothing is happening. Hitomi's occasional touches seem to be much more effective than Anri's.</n3>
[[Continue|objection12]]<n3> Not getting the reaction she wants, Anri picks up the pace. You can't tell how much Lust she is using, but judging by Milena's lack of reaction, it doesn't seem to be enough. She continues to suck on Hitomi's tits with her full attention. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/jupiter/objection1/objection10.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> As you wonder if it might have something to do with that rabbit, the image starts to fade. </n3>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<<linkreplace"Open Your Eyes" t8n>>\
<n3> You open your eyes in Milena's room. </n3>
<img src="img/places/milenaroom1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n1>(</n1><inner> You did well until the rabbit disappeared. Afterwards you had to switch your focus to the table, but that alone is a great result.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You're standing alone in the middle of the room and feel much better than you expected. </n3>
<inner>(</inner><n1> I thought you were in control. </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Since you didn't know how to take the first step yet, I took control. The rest was largely in your control. Also, we can't use that all the time. Either you need special situations like this or you need to get your Lust sensitivity to the highest possible level. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> The experience of watching from the outside was not as enjoyable as you wanted it to be. In comparison, you'd rather watch a memory from someone's mind.
Hitomi's attitude was really strange. She was looking normal when you saw her. Maybe she's acting differently to be accepted in. You don't want to run into Milena, so you quickly leave the room.</n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
[[Go Back To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $hitomiobjection to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<if $lust gte 0 and $lust lte 80 >>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> In the distance you see Ella walking in a white, thin dress. She notices you and takes big steps towards you and greets you with a smile on her face.</n3>
<img src="img/ella/firstmission/ella1.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Hellooo!!! Have you gotten used to this place? I loved it!</ella></b> <i><n3>"While Hugging Herself" </n3></i>
<n3> You answer, but she is swaying gently as she hugs herself peacefully. You don't think she heard what you said. Then she continues excitedly.</n3>
<b><ella>There's some news from Aunt Lucy. She said... no need to rush. Let her get used to the atmosphere and adapt. Also, you better make lots of friends. She said it will be very useful in the future. She also said it would be better if we don't be seen together in public too much.</ella></b>
<n3> Someone from the left side rushes down the stairs. Then she runs to Ella.</n3>
[[Continue|firstmission2]]<n3> The moment Ella notices this, her posture and expression changes. She clears her throat and waits for the approaching Succubus to arrive. Then she continues with a serious tone.</n3>
<img src="img/ella/firstmission/ella2.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Yeah, that's about it. I'll let you know if I hear something.</ella></b>
<n3> The Succubus, watching Ella admiringly, loudly interrupts. </n3>
<<linkreplace"A Scream Filled With Excitement" t8n>>\
<img src="img/ella/firstmission/kiana1.jpg" class=center width="65%">
<d>???:</d> <k1> What are you doing, Ella? Who is this, your friend? She smells so good!</k1>
<n3> Ella continues, ignoring the question. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> This is a fan of mine. I think her name was Kiana.</ella></b>
<n3> Kiana laughs genuinely. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I'm trying to be friends with her but she kinda ignores me.</k1>
<n3> While laughing, she makes eye contact with you and freezes. She has a highly energetic and horny aura. She reaches out her right hand and takes your right hand. She pulls herself a little, grasps it in both hands and starts to shake up and down. It may look like a normal handshake from the outside, but you can feel from Kiana's Lust energy how horny she is. She looks at your hand, waving it like she's hypnotized. She lets go of your hand with a deep breath. You let her hold your hand because you were sure she meant no harm.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Ella plays with her hair, striking a proud pose. You can hear the same pride in her voice. </n3>
<img src="img/ella/firstmission/ella3.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella>I recently won my first duel and got a direct invite from <i><font size="3">Natalie</font></i>. She almost begged me to choose her side for the next year. </ella></b>
<n3> She lowered her voice when she said Natalie. Kiana is yelling in a soft voice. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> It's Mistress Natalie! Mistress Natalie!!! We should celebrate this victory! Don't be stubborn. Which dessert do you want?</k1>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella>Shut up! I don't like sweets. And even if I did, I wouldn't accept it from someone on your side!</ella></b>
<n3> You actually witnessed the event Ella is talking about, but she doesn't seem to know about it. She really made them desperate and won, but the things she said with Natalie are blatant lies. Kiana turns to you with excitement.</n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> She really made them cum in one move! Then Mistress Natalie showed up and invited her to join us next year. A newcomer, two Succubus from here, in one moveee!!! Everyone is talking about Ella on our side.</k1>
<n3> Ella smiles proudly as she plays with her hair. The atmosphere suddenly changes. Kiana radiates an energy burning with desire, showing no signs of aggression. You see her looking at Ella's hands.</n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <i><k1> Without even needing to touch them.</k1></i>
<n3> She's taking control of herself again. </n3>
[[Continue|firstmission4]]<n3> Her face becomes a little grim and thoughtful. She turns to you and speaks in a very gentle voice. She seems to be aware of what she's doing.</n3>
<img src="img/ella/firstmission/kiana2.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I'm really sorry. I've always been into hands. I have a hard time controlling myself sometimes. I want to visit the Saturn Dormitory, but I'm... kinda scared. It's actually... </k1>
<<linkreplace"Ella Interrupts"t8n>>\
<n3> She calls Kiana as she starts to walk away. </n3>
<img src="img/ella/firstmission/ella4.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Kiana! We're leaving! See you later $name, take care.</ella></b>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Okay, Ella! I'm coming!!! See you later, $name!</k1>
<n3> She follows Ella with joy. Her energy is really unique. It is remarkable how she can radiate such intense energy without showing any aggression. And when you consider that she's constantly trying to suppress herself, it gets even more interesting. You feel this won't be the last time you see Kiana.</n3>
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +20</n1></b></center>
<<set $kiana to 1>>\
<<if $lust gte 0 and $lust lte 80 >>\
<<set $lust += 20>>\
<<elseif $lust gt 80>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $MarsNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> You hear footsteps on your left. There's a Succubus coming down the stairs in excitement. She runs towards you. You know who this is.</n3>
<<linkreplace"She's running towards you" t8n>>\
<n3> Kiana is standing in front of you in a maid outfit. You can tell she's in a good mood.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/cake/kiana1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Hello, $name! I've been waiting for you. I ran as soon as I felt your energy. </k1>
<n3> You are surprised that in such a crowded dormitory, she could recognize your energy right away.</n3>
<k1> I have a surprise for you! </k1>
<n3> She realizes that her hands are empty and in panic she turns around and checks her pockets. </n3>
<k1> I must have left it in my room because I ran out without thinking. I'll be right back. Hang on! Don't leave!</k1>
<n3> She starts running towards her room. You can see she's angry with herself. </n3>
<<set $cakesmell to 0>>\
<<set $whyspecial to 0>>\
<<set $youfirst to 0>>\
<<set $eatcake to 0>>\<n3> You don't have a specific mission here yet. So you don't really know what to do when you get here. But you're still curious about what's happening and what might happen here, and you want to witness it. While you're waiting for Kiana, you're looking around.</n3>
<center><<linkreplace"Look To Your Right" t8n>>\
<n3> You see a Succubus wearing a dress that doesn't cover all the places that it should normally cover. Her half-erect penis is bigger than the average fully erect penis on the other side. She walks with confidence.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/cake/walk1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<<linkreplace"Look To Your Left" t8n>>\
<n3> You see a Mars picking something up from the floor. She displays her cute little penis and balls with the tip of her butt plug, glowing red, to the whole dormitory. After straightening up, she catches up with her friends waiting for her and leaves.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/cake/plug1.webp" class=center width="45%">
[[Kiana Arrives|cake3]]<n3> It took much longer than you expected. Kiana quickly runs down the stairs. She is holding a silver plate with a small white cake on it. She brought a fork too. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/cake/cake1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I made you my special cake! Cream and strawberry! Do you want a taste?</k1>
<n3> She hands you the cake with the plate. She clasps her hands excitedly in front of her and looks at you with a curious smile. You have a delicious-looking cake. After briefly examining the cake, you look at Kiana again. Her smile grows a little wider and she slowly nods.</n3>
<center><<if $cakesmell === 0>>\
[[Smell The Cake|cakesmell]]
<<if $whyspecial === 0>>\
[[Ask Her Why This Cake Is Special|whyspecial]]
<<if $youfirst === 0>>\
[[Ask Her To Taste It First|youfirst]]
<<if $eatcake === 0>>\
[[Fuck it! Just Eat Up!|eatcake1]]
<</if>></center>\<n3> You bring the plate closer and smell the cake. It smells of fresh and sweet whipped cream. For a moment you smell a familiar scent. You sniff a few more times, but the strawberry overpowers this smell. Kiana giggles.</n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Smells good, doesn't it? Everything inside is ultra-fresh!</k1>
<n3> As she watches you, she slowly swaying left and right, keeping a rhythm. </n3>
<center><<if $whyspecial === 0>>\
[[Ask Her Why This Cake Is Special|whyspecial]]
<<if $youfirst === 0>>\
[[Ask Her To Taste It First|youfirst]]
<<if $eatcake === 0>>\
[[Fuck it! Just Eat Up!|eatcake1]]
<<if $youfirst === 1>>\
[[Get Inside Her Mind And Check If She's Hiding Anything|realrecipe1]]
<<set $cakesmell to 1>>\
<n3> You take your eyes off the cake and look at Kiana. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What's so special about this cake? </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana raises her hands excitedly to chest level. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> The fact that I'm making it. I put my love into it. <i><n3>"lowers her voice a little"</n3></i> You know, this is a quite rare cake. There are very few Succubus who can make it, and beware, it can be addictive.</k1>
<n3> She looks at the cake and at you as she nods in self-approval. </n3>
<center><<if $cakesmell === 0>>\
[[Smell The Cake|cakesmell]]
<<if $youfirst === 0>>\
[[Ask Her To Taste It First|youfirst]]
<<if $eatcake === 0>>\
[[Fuck it! Just Eat Up!|eatcake1]]
<<if $youfirst === 1>>\
[[Get Inside Her Mind And Check If She's Hiding Anything|realrecipe1]]
<<set $whyspecial to 1>>\
<<set $youfirst to 0>>\
<<set $eatcake to 0>>\<n3> You slowly pass the plate to Kiana. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Would you taste it first? </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana gasps in surprise. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> You think I'm gonna poison you or something? </k1>
<n3> She exhales and takes the plate from you. </n3>
<k1> Okay! After all, we're not good friends yet. You have the right to be suspicious. </k1>
<n3> With a fork, she takes a big piece and eats it. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/cake/cake2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<k1>So Delicious!!! Oh! I only brought one fork and touched it with my mouth. You don't mind, do you? </k1>
<n3> She licks her lips. Clearly, she asked that to tease you. She cleans the fork in her mouth and hands you the plate again.</n3>
<center><<if $cakesmell === 0>>\
[[Smell The Cake|cakesmell]]
<<if $whyspecial === 0>>\
[[Ask Her Why This Cake Is Special|whyspecial]]
[[Get Inside Her Mind And Check If She's Hiding Anything|realrecipe1]]
<<if $eatcake === 0>>\
[[Fuck it! Just Eat Up!|eatcake1]]
<<set $youfirst to 1>>\
<n3> You pick up the fork and take a big piece of the cake. It's really delicious! As you chew, the flavor spreads throughout your mouth and intensifies. You eat another piece as big as the first. Kiana claps her hands happily.</n3>
<<if $caketruth === 1>>
<n3>Even though you know the special ingredient that Kiana added in and on the cake, it doesn't have much of an impact on the smell and taste of it. </n3><</if>>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> What do you think? </k1>
<n3> You answer without even thinking. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> This is the best cake I've ever eaten! </n1></b>
<center><n3> Kiana lifts her skirt and bows a bit sarcastically. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/cake/kiana2.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Chef Kiana is always at your service. Mars Dormitory's second best supplier. </k1>
<n3> You eat the whole cake with delight. Then you attempt to pass the plate to Kiana. But you realize you can't move. There is a rising feeling inside you. </n3>
<n3> You close your eyes and enter Kiana's mind. You focus only on the recipe for the cake. You find it quickly because it's something she's actively thinking about right now. The reason this cake is special is because she adds SEMEN to the cream? She thinks her cum is several times more aphrodisiacal than a regular Mars. You don't know how true that is, but that's what Kiana thinks.
You're wondering what she was doing when she went to her room. It took a lot more time than it should have. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Go Deeper" t8n>>\
<n3> Kiana rushes into her room and sees the cake she forgot on her desk. As she picks it up, she stops for a moment to taste the cream. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1>It's still fresh, but the aroma could be a little stronger. </k1>
<n3> She lifts her skirt and starts stroking her hard dick. She takes another finger from the cream and rubs it on her penis. You can feel the rush of pleasure the moment she applied the cream. She immediately got into the mood and little moans started escaping from her mouth.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/cake/cake3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You feel like you're burning from the inside out. Your eyes are fixed on Kiana's erect penis under her lifted skirt. Kiana, noticing your gaze, lifts her skirt a little more. Her voice carries a slyness and coldness you've never heard from her before.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/cake/kiana3.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> It started to kick in, isn't it? Can you think about anything... Other than me?</k1>
<<if $caketruth === 1>>\
<n3> You looked into her mind. There was no malice. There's no way she could hide it from you. </n3>
<n3> Is there another Succubus inside her, too? You didn't feel anything but her energy. While you can barely focus, voices are rising in your mind. Sun's reassuring voice begins.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> There's more than one... Personality, or... Mind! But there's no one else inside her. Her own self is divided! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Moon adds calmly. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I like this girl. I would add her to my servants to make me energy drinks. Start taking deep breaths. This smartass can't do anything to you.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You are not in a state to think or question. You start to focus on your breath. Every time you exhale, you feel a little better. You slowly let out the excess Lust. Yet your body continues to produce more without your control.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Okay! That's a little serious. </inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Continue|eatcake3]]<n3> She strokes, but it's not enough. She dips her penis into the cake, spreads the smeared cream and repeats. Sometimes she licks her creamy finger and keeps stroking it. She is completely focused on pleasure.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/cake/cake4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> After a short time, you realize she can't continue any longer. The accumulated pleasure starts to gush out of Kiana's creamy dick. She cums a lot. Just when you think it's over, she speeds up and keeps squirting. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/cake/cake5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> When she finishes cumming, she recovers much faster than you expected. She immediately spreads the semen on the cake, which is smeared on the plate, then licks the plate clean, making it look as it did a few minutes ago. Without wasting any time, she grabs the plate and starts running.</n3>
[[Continue|realrecipe3]]<n3> You open your eyes with a little shake. Kiana is holding you by both shoulders, rocking you gently. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> $name, are you okay? </k1>
<n3> You opened your eyes knowing the truth. Somehow you weren't surprised. And you know she never meant any harm while doing it. Her semen must be really stronger. Kiana's smile fades a little.</n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> You don't have to eat. I mean... well, it's not a problem. I can make it again later if you want. Just let me know a few days in advance.</k1>
<n3> Reluctantly she reaches out her hands. She's ready to take the plate if you want it. </n3>
<center><h2><cap>If you don't try the cake, Kiana's storyline won't start. </cap></h2></center>
<center>[[Taste The Cake|eatcake1]]
[[Give Her The Plate|nothanks]]</center>
<<set $caketruth to 1>>\
<n3> Kiana takes the plate from you in disappointment. She looks pretty upset. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I thought you could at least give it a taste. </k1>
<n3> Suddenly she turns her head towards the stairs. </n3>
<k1> Someone... In my room? Who is it!?!</k1>
<n3> She runs to her room, like she forgot about you. She's a bit strange. </n3>
<<set $MarsNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $cakerejected to 1>>\
<<set $cake to 1>>\
<n3> As soon as Moon says that, almost all the excess is gone. You feel so out of lust that you feel dizzy with exhaustion. The effect from the cake returns you to normal after a short time. Also, the effect of the cake seems to have slowed down. When you raise your head, you don't see Kiana.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> She probably won't remember what she did. She does what her alter ego wants her to do, as if she decided it herself. And her desire to get closer with Ella is not innocent. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> As you returning to normal, Sun's voice got weaker and weaker. Someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around, surprised and aggressively.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn Around" t8n>>\
<n3> You see a Succubus in front of you, overflowing with Lust. She lifts her skirt while looking at you annoyed. She starts talking in a calm manner.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/cake/jamie1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<ale1>"Don't think I didn't notice what you did! You dare to make fun of us for what happened the other day. You think it's funny to save your energy and dump it on an innocent Succubus? I got a boner in the middle of the day because of you. Don't lump us all together just because we're on Mistress Natalie's side, newcomer! I'll let it slide this time because it wasn't an attempt to make a big impact on me. Don't let it happen again!"</ale1>
<n3> She drops her skirt with an attitude and heads for the stairs to her room. Moon must have dumped all the Lust directly on a random Succubus. It's unbelievable that all that Lust could only cause a boner to her. Moon can't hide her excitement.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I didn't pick my her random. She's really got the endurance of an elephant. She probably could handle twice as much as what I've transferred. I adore such potentials!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3>Even though your body still produces Lust, you feel better. </n3>
<<set $jamie to 1>>\
<<set $cake to 1>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $MarsNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $cakeeaten to 1>>\<n3> There's another big crowd in the middle of the Dormitory. You've already understood that it's quite normal for this place. A familiar name catches your attention. The right side cheers enthusiastically for Ella. You're trying to find a good angle to see what's happening in the center.</n3>
<<linkreplace"See What's Going On" t8n>>\
<n3> Finally you find a good spot and watch what happens. Ella plays with her hair in a very proud way. A Succubus comes out from the left side and moves forward to the center. Ella waves her hand dismissively. The Succubus starts cumming before she can do anything.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/fame/handsfree1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> The crowd on the right shouts with joy. You can see how much Ella enjoys this. She tries to hide her smile and lightly bows to the crowd.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Another Succubus attempts to show up, but a few steps in, she meets the inevitable end. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/fame/handsfree2.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> As the crowd swoons, another Succubus steps out. With the appearance of this Succubus, you see for the first time that the crowd on the left side is rising in cheers. Ella respects this and allows her to face her. This is a Succubus in white, with a confident demeanor.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Examine Her" t8n>>\
<n3> A normal-looking Succubus in white knee-high socks, white see-through panties and a white bra. There is also a blue ribbon on her panties. She seems to have something to say.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/fame/duel/duel0.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<center><h2><b1> " I Challenge You To A Lust Duel! "</b1></h2>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> For a short while, the scene goes completely silent. Then, even more chaos ensues than before. Ella seems ecstatic with this sudden surge of attention. She raises her hand and waits for the crowd to quiet down. The crowd is already so curious about Ella's answer, so they immediately shut up.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/fame/ella1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><center><h2><ella>"I Accept! Bitch!" </ella></h2></center></b>
<n3> Both sides are going crazy. Soon Dominique is called in to moderate the duel. </n3>
[[Continue|elladuel4]]<center><n3> Dominique gets in the middle of the two. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/fame/dominique1.jpeg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Dominique: </d><mi1>I will lead this Lust Duel. There will be no Lust barrier, so if anyone tries to interfere, I will be at her throat. <b>ANY OBJECTIONS?</b></mi1>
<n3> She looks briefly in both sides. No one says a word. </n3>
<mi1>Good! Now both sides should state their demands.</mi1>
<n3> The challenger in white, steps in. </n3>
<b1>"First of all, I don't want this to be a normal Lust duel. Her talent is obvious. I want to challenge her to make me cum in three minutes. If she succeeds, she will be considered the winner... if these conditions are accepted, of course." </b1>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Fine by me! What do you say, Ella?</mi1>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Of course I accept! </ella></b>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Okay! What are your demands?</mi1>
<n3> The challenger interrupts again. </n3>
<b1>" We are all aware of Ella's prejudice against us and Mistress Natalie. If I win, she will join our side next year. If she wins, I'll do anything she wants. Anything! She doesn't even have to specify right now." </b1>
<n3> Dominique turns her head to Ella for her response. Ella announces that she accepts the terms with no doubts. Just as there is about to be another outburst of enthusiasm, Dominique casts a sharp glance at the crowd.</n3>
<mi1>I have a headache. Don't scream at every shit. You're already witnessing subtle duels every day. </mi1>
<n3> All that's left is that long oath before the duel. With a little help from Dominique, Ella completes all the prerequisites. When everything is ready, Dominique moves a little away from the them and announces the start of the duel.
Ella waves her hand as usual. This move, normally enough to finish off the Succubus in front of her, doesn't seem to have much effect. Her cute erect penis throbs in her transparent panties.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/fame/duel/duel1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b1> "Ohhh!!! You're better than I expected, but I have a very high level of orgasm control. I also have another ace up my sleeve. See this blue ribbon? It's a charm that blocks a significant percentage of external Lust." </b1>
<n3> Ella continues to focus without paying any attention. She maintains one hand on the crotch of the Succubus in front of her. It seems to be working. The Succubus in white, unable to stop moaning, starts rocking her lower body back and forth.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/fame/duel/duel2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Moon's voice is rising in your brain. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Stupid ribbon will lose. They still think Ella makes them cum by applying Lust externally.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<inner>(</inner><n1> How does she do it then? </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n1>(</n1><inner> She can manipulate the circulation of Lust inside the body. And if that Lust gathers in the penis and balls, you will naturally ejaculate. And since very few Succubus are used to this, it's a really difficult technique to defend.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> It's a bit strange for her to make an explanation without any sarcasm. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> When you see a different technique, remember that it can be yours. Even if it's not worth stealing, you can still use it for yourself. That ribbon won't help. She'll endure with her orgasm control skills if she can. But already she seems to be struggling. Nothing less could be expected from Lucy's progeny.</inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Continue|elladuel6]]<n3> As she sees that what she's doing isn't working, Ella's face wrinkles. She looks like a baby about to cry. Like a bull, after exhaling a few breaths through her nose, she closes her eyes and starts to concentrate harder. She stretches out her right hand a little more and something strange happens. Ella's hand starts to vibrate. This vibration goes almost up to her elbow and you can see how much effort Ella is putting in by looking at her. The challenger bends over a few times, as if being punched in the stomach, and her penis begins to pulsate.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/fame/duel/duel3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> The challenger, with a gasp, stops this pulsation, but her penis still throbs. Ella doesn't seem to have any intention to stop. Occasionally she stops pulsing, but soon she is back under Ella's grip and struggles to regain control, screaming in pain and pleasure.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/fame/duel/duel4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n1>(</n1><inner> She's disrupting all her inner balance and control. Much more interesting duel than I expected.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> While the right side supports Ella, the left side cheers for the challenger to endure. </n3>
[[Continue|elladuel7]]<n3> There must not be much time left. Ella seems much more used to what she's doing. She throws her head back and holds out both hands. Her left hand starts to vibrate like her right. Both arms, vibrating like a vibrator, are pointed at the challenger.
Now the penis in the white panties pulsates uncontrollably. The challenger's balance also seems to be slowly being thrown off. Her brain must not be getting enough blood nor Lust.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/fame/duel/duel5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<<linkreplace"Someone's running" t8n>>\
<n3> It is clear that the challenger is about to lose. A Succubus rushes forward from the left and starts running at full speed towards Ella. Halfway there, she freezes in air. But it's less like freezing and more like hitting an elastic barrier. Moon whispers briefly.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Focus Lust on your eyes.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> As she says, you try to focus Lust in your eyes and squint. You realize that there are very thin pink threads wrapped all around the Succubus, which is suspended in the air and gently swaying back and forth.
You see the Succubus flying into the air as Dominique loosely raises her hand. The Succubus that tried to sabotage is handed over to the two Succubus waiting on the staircase on the right side. She tries to struggle with remorse, but the two Succubus holding her are almost twice her size. Attention turns back to the duel.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> The challenger is now pushing her limits. You're not sure how much time has passed, but it must be very close to three minutes. Then finally, the expected happens. The challenger starts to cum, cursing and swearing. Her semen is so thick that almost all of it stays on her panties.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/fame/duel/duel6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Ella falls to her knees, gasping for breath. She too must have crossed her limits some time ago. Dominique takes two steps forward and declares the winner.</n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Two minutes and forty-seven seconds. The winner is Ella!</mi1>
<n3> There is a cry of joy from the right. Ella barely gets to her feet and starts walking towards the challenger. You see Dominique watching carefully and alert. The challenger also seems to be barely standing.
Ella leans down a little and sucks the semen left in the challenger's panties into her mouth. Then she stands up and grabs the challenger by the cheeks with one hand and pulls her a little. She spits the cum from her mouth with all her might into the face of the challenger and releases her face. The challenger falls on her back with a combination of her own cum and Ella's spit on her face. Her fall is being slowed by Dominique, but nobody cares about that at this moment.
As she trying to regain her balance with fatigue, suddenly raises her fists in the air and shouts with all the strength she has left.</n3>
<center><b> <h1><ella> " EVERYBODY LOVES ME!!! " </ella></h1></b></center>
<n3> As she is about to collapse unconscious, she is being grabbed by Dominique. She has a smile on her face as she carries Ella. </n3>
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Okay! The show's over! Everybody back to work or whatever. </mi1>
<n3> As Ella and the challenger are taken away to rest, the crowd begins to disperse. </n3>
<<set $secondDuel to 1>>\
<<set $MarsNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> You sit at your desk as usual and wait for Milena. But no one seems to be coming. As the buzzing in the classroom grows louder, the door opens aggressively. A Succubus you don't know walks in, breathing heavily. She looks like she just had an argument. Behind her, another Succubus you don't recognize and Milena walks in.
Seeing this Succubus, you notice a few newcomers straighten their posture. </n3>
<<linkreplace"She Starts Walking" t8n>>\
<n3>She walks slowly to a place where she can see everyone. She crosses her arms a bit strangely and begins to scan the class. Her posture, her gaze and her energy are brimming with confidence.</n3>
<img src="img/newteacher/abella1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<h2><center><abella>Absolutely Heartwarming!</abella></center></h2>
<n3> She raises her voice and starts talking to the whole class. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> I'm the new Headmistress of the Venus Dormitory! My name is Abella! And I'm here to step up your education!</abella>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> It's your first time in your new class. There's a strange excitement inside you. Abella's words seem to have resonated with the class. But the Proxy seemed like a bit of a passive type of character. She must be a skilled Succubus.
Soon Proxy enters the class. Her hair is blonde at the roots but increasingly violet towards the ends. Her body is a little different from the last time you saw her but she hasn't lost any of her fun vibe.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/proxy1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> Hello, class! Welcome to Anal Flexibility 101! You don't have to call me Mistress Proxy constantly but I will not tolerate any disrespect.
I would like to explain how the things will go, but first I have informed that a few of you reported that you do not want to attend the class. Can I see how many there are?</proxy2>
<n3> Four Succubus raise their hands. One of them, who seems to be their leader, stands up. </n3>
<b1>"We don't accept this lesson!"</b1>
<proxy2> May I know why? Since such decisions are left to the teacher of the lesson, I will make the decision. </proxy2>
<b1>"I'm a proud Mars, like my friends. And we see Mistress Mariana's way as the way..."</b1>
<n3> Proxy stops her by raising her right hand. </n3>
<proxy2> That's more than enough! You and your friends are not obliged to attend my class. We will find another way for you. If there are others who do not want to participate for the same reason, they can leave by showing their sign. </proxy2>
<<if $futa gte 1 >>\
<n3> Apart from these four, there is also Ella raising her hand. They stand up and show their signs to Proxy. Just as they are about to leave, the Succubus, who has just spoken, turns towards the classroom. She seems to have a few things to say.</n3>
<<if $futa === 0>>\
<n3> It seems to be only these four. They stand up and show their signs to Proxy. Just as they are about to leave, the Succubus, who has just spoken, turns towards the classroom. She seems to have a few things to say.</n3>
<n3><h3>If you choose to listen to her, you will also see the other Marses who have decided to participate in this lesson.</h3></n3>
<center>[[Listen Her (♂ Enable Futa/Trans For This Lesson)|marsthreat1]]
[[I Don't Care What She Says|proxy2]]</center><center><n3> She changes her pose and continues. </n3></center>
<img src="img/newteacher/abella2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> I am the youngest Headmistress this academy has ever seen. I am aware of how much nonsense you are being subjected to. I stand behind hands-on education and I am working hard to make sure you get what you deserve! </abella>
<n3> She slowly turns around and looks at Milena. </n3>
<abella> Of course I am not judging Miss Milena here, she is giving you the curriculum she was assigned. I was one of her first students. She always goes above and beyond what's expected of her. Although she's softened a bit over time... </abella>
<n3> Milena stares at the floor from the beginning. She doesn't seem very pleased with what she hears. </n3>
<abella> I want you to be taught the two fundamental components of being Venus before you even enter your Main Dormitory. </abella>
<n3> One of the newcomer slowly raises her hand. Abella gives her her word with a nod. She stands up trembling with excitement and asks, her voice shaking.</n3>
<b1>"Hi, Headmistress Abella! Umm... I was wondering, Oh! I'm a proud Venus by the way! I wonder if I'll be exempt from these trainings?" </b1>
<n3> Abella tilts her head slightly and frowns, not understanding the question. The newcomer lets out a small cry of panic and tries to explain.</n3>
<b1>"Because, uh... Jupiters aren't allowed in Mistress Milena's private lessons. So I thought that maybe I won't be accepted to these..." </b1>
[[Continue|newteacher3]]<n3> Abella is in shock, her mouth open, trying to process what she has just heard. Suddenly turns towards Milena, but then changes her mind and turns back towards the classroom. She starts to speak in a rising tone.</n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> I was not informed that Jupiters are not included in the private lessons! I've been trying for weeks to get you to add these lessons! If it hadn't been for my insistence, you would have continued with another Jupiter! And she would probably give much more importance to the other signs!!! </abella>
<n3> You can see she's really angry. Only Abella's voice echoes in the classroom. </n3>
<abella> Nobody worry! We'll treat you all equally! And we will prevent young Jupiters from turning into fake and pretentious egomaniacs! </abella>
<n3> A couple of Succubus you think are Venus start applauding Abella. In a very short time, almost the whole classroom is filled with the sound of applause. Abella continues after calming down.</n3>
<abella> The two subjects we want to teach you are <i><ange1><u>Butt Enlargement</u></ange1></i> and <i><ange1><u>Anal Flexibility</u></ange1></i>. For this, we envisage two different Venus to be your trainers. But at the moment, we've only been able to get one of them accepted. I'd like you to introduce your anal flexibility teacher.</abella>
[[Continue|newteacher4]]<n3> Abella steps aside and the Succubus standing next to Milena greets the class. With blonde hair and a body a little too slender to be a Venus, she has a cheerful vibe.</n3>
<img src="img/newteacher/proxy1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy1>Hello Class! I'm Proxy! I will do my best for your education this year!</proxy1>
<n3> Then she returns to her old spot. You were expecting a more detailed introduction. Abella continues.</n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> Since becoming the Headmistress, I have been removing old Venuses from my circle and replacing them with young, dynamic Venuses. Proxy may be the most versatile and dynamic of us all. Don't let her current appearance and demeanor fool you.</abella>
<n3> Proxy thanks her with a smiling face and a serious nod. Abella moves to the center again.</n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> You are the most important ones in this academy! If we fail to educate you properly, all your future positions will be doomed to decay and corruption. You are not only learning how to grow your tits and ass! Of course these are also important!
But here you learn how to become a true Succubus! And the basis of this is to know the limits of your body and create your own path according to your interests and tastes. While claiming to be the greatest academy, we cannot afford to contradict ourselves! We cannot continue to act as if what Brittany says is the law!!!</abella>
<n3> She seems to regret saying that last sentence, but she was too fired up during her speech and couldn't restrain herself. Nevertheless, everyone in the class, except a few, applauds Abella with all their might. You followed her energy closely but did not feel any attempt to influence the class. She seems to have achieved this turnaround with her words alone.</n3>
[[Continue|newteacher5]]<n3> Aggressively and aroused, Abella pulls her dress up a little. It seems that she has no intention of losing this momentum. </n3>
<img src="img/newteacher/abella3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Abella's ass starts to grow. As this continues, she turns her back to the classroom. Her butt got so big that it is straining her dress. </n3>
<img src="img/newteacher/abella4.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> They can reject all our attempts if they want! If necessary, I will personally become your butt enlargement teacher! But I'll get you what you deserve!</abella>
<n3> Just when the whole class is about to go out of control with ecstasy, Abella calms everyone down. All she had to do was raise her hand. This was the only time she used Lust energy on the class. </n3>
<abella> I'm only here to inform you of what lies ahead. Anything I do from here on will be sabotaging Miss Milena's lesson. I won't contradict myself! </abella>
<n3> As she turns around and heads for the door, she suddenly stops and turns her head slightly to the right. In a much more serious tone: </n3>
<abella> We are also against every Dormitory having a barrier! We are working on that too. Everyone will be able to enter wherever they want! Strong or weak! </abella>
<n3> She gives a nod to Milena and leaves the classroom with Proxy. Milena exhales deeply and sits down. After a few minutes she gets up and starts the lesson. In passing she explains that there will be no private lesson today and continues the lesson in a low mood.</n3>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $abella to 1>>\
<<set $proxy to 1>>\
<<set $upsetMilena to 1>>\
<<set $hitomiobjection to 2>>\
<<set $venusfirstlesson to 1>>\<n3>Grabbing her penis, which is exposed under her dress, she shouts to the class.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/bulge1.gif" class=center width="45%">
<b1>"Next year, if a Mars other than us chooses to join Mistress Mariana's side, I will prevent it. You don't belong there!" </b1>
<n3> Proxy calmly intervenes. </n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> Okay, you can leave my class. </proxy2>
<n3> Angry Mars doesn't even hear her. </n3>
<b1>"Do you really call yourselves Mars? You're a disgrace!" </b1>
<n3> When Proxy was about to warn her again, she gets interrupted. She turns her head and lifts her dress a little. Her ass seems to be growing slowly and she doesn't seem to be in full control of it.
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/proxy2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
She tries to warn her one last time, but this time she can't even hear her own voice. The angry Mars shouts at the class in a frenzy.
<<set $venusFuta to 1>>\<n3> Angry Mars starts yelling at the class about something you don't quite understand. After a few times of ignoring Proxy's warnings, Proxy starts to walk towards her. Even in heels, shorter than the angry Mars, Proxy grows bigger and bigger as she walks, and by the time she reaches her, Mars is at her chest level.
As she grew taller with every step, her ass grew bigger and bigger too. Seeing a hot and angry giant with crimson red hair in front of her, Mars ran out of the classroom in fear. You didn't care what Mars said, but seeing what Proxy can do excited you.
After the problem is solved, Proxy walks back to her old place. This time, with every step, her height, ass and hair return to their previous state.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/proxy3.jpg" class=center width="50%"><h2><center> <proxy2>If Everyone Is Ready, Let's Begin! </proxy2></center></h2>
<n3> Probably everyone will call her Mistress Proxy all the time. </n3>
[[Continue|proxy2.1]]<n3> Proxy starts walking towards the shouting Mars, but you realize something. She is growing! Even in high heels, she was shorter than the Mars, but her height and ass are growing rapidly with each step. By the time she reaches her, angry Mars is only chest-high to Proxy. Also, Proxy's hair, which was violet, is now crimson red.
With her right hand she grabs the penis sticking out of her dress and with the other hand she grabs the chin of Mars, who has not yet noticed her, and turns her face towards her. Mars screams when she notices her, but her voice is muffled by the hand on her chin.</n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <a1> I remember I said I won't tolerate disrespect. If you've finished your show, stop bothering my students and get out!</a1>
<n3> Mars, not expecting a giant Proxy in front of her, falls silent and tries to nod her head approvingly in fear. Proxy lets her go and Mars rushes out. She takes a deep breath and walks back to her old spot. This time, every step of the way, her body and hair returns to its former state.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/proxy3.jpg" class=center width="50%"><h2><center> <proxy2>If Everyone Is Ready, Let's Begin! </proxy2></center></h2>
<n3> Probably everyone will call her Mistress Proxy all the time. </n3>
[[Continue|proxy2.1]]<n3> Proxy claps her hands, then heads to the door. </n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> First of all, this won't be our classroom. We've prepared a classroom for a completely hands-on learning. Please follow me!</proxy2>
<n3> Everyone stands up and starts to follow Proxy. After a short walk, Proxy stops in front of a door. You can see her excitement on her face.</n3>
<proxy2> I hope you'll like it. We tried to make this place special for all your potential requirements.</proxy2>
<<linkreplace"Go Inside"t8n>>\
<n3> Proxy opens the door. Inside is a very large, spacious place, with countless sofas and double beds. it looks more like a huge hotel room than a classroom. But that's not the strangest thing about the room. It's is full of dildos! Every color, every size, every type...</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1.png" class=center width="85%">
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> Ta-daaaaa!!! What do you think?</proxy2>
<n3> No one can even answer, they are too busy looking around. Everywhere you look, you see another collection of dildos. </n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/2.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> While everyone else is observing the class, you are curious about something else. You ask Moon, hoping for an answer.</n3>
<inner>(</inner><n1> Are we going to do anything? </n1><inner>)</inner>
<n3> Moon replies in a voice of contempt. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> What do you mean we? Don't confuse me with Sun!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> With a softened tone, she continues. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> At that time, even these things had an impact on your development and Sun loves this kind of crap... Just try to learn as much as you can. Your mastery of the different signs becomes more important as you progress.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> As Moon's voice fades in your head, Proxy moves to the center of this large classroom and claps her hands again. Everyone slowly starts to gather around her. She grabs two huge, elastic dildos and starts swinging them around and playing with them. She seems to be having a lot of fun doing this.</n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> Today we will start with small exercises. First you have to recognize your own limits and gradually learn to... loosen them. </proxy2>
<n3> Suddenly she throws two huge dildos, dangling on both sides of her face, against the nearest wall. The ends of the dildos stick to the wall making a funny sound. </n3>
<proxy2> Of course we are not going to use such things from day one. For a start, we'll follow a very controlled path.</proxy2>
<n3> She spreads both hands towards the crowd watching her intently. </n3>
<proxy2> We'll use our hands!</proxy2>
[[Continue|proxy4]]<n3> You notice that Proxy starts to grow again. </n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> As you have seen before, I am experiencing my emotions a little bit intensely and it has effects on my body. And this classroom turns me on like crazy.</proxy2>
<n3> Little moans escape her mouth, while her size and ass continue to grow. Soon she is too big to fit into her dress. </n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/proxy4.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<proxy2> I will guide you through the process. Since it is the first day, we will just make an introduction. Don't be nervous. Let's start because I can't hold on any longer.</proxy2>
<n3> The whole atmosphere of the classroom changes as the giant Proxy stands in front of you trying to speak in a trembling voice. Just the energy she radiates has already put everyone in the mood.
Proxy, with her giant body, starts moving towards a giant couch that is obviously made for her.</n3>
<proxy2> First of all, everyone, grab a lubricant you like! Then move to the desired location and take a comfortable position... And everyone will take care of themselves. In the future, we will do things in pairs or in groups too.</proxy2>
[[Continue|proxy5]]<n3> After everyone has taken their seats, Proxy loudly speaks to the class. </n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2> First take a deep breath in and out. Use more lube than you need. Take your time and start with one or two fingers!</proxy2>
<<linkreplace"A Loud Moan!" t8n>>\
<n3> Suddenly the whole classroom echoes with Proxy's moaning. Even though she told everyone to take it slow, within seconds she's got her whole hand up her ass. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1/1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<proxy3> Yess! All the way downn!! Ohhh! You should not feel any pain. Relax and focus on pleasure!</proxy3>
<n3> Few minutes later, almost everyone in the class started playing with their asshole. Some already have a few fingers in, others not even a finger in. Meanwhile, at that time you are engrossed in watching Proxy, while circling around your lubricated hole. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Start With One Finger" t8n>>\
<n3> You insert a finger into your hole that's begging for it. Even that feels quite intense because there's a group of Succubus fingering themselves in an enclosed space. The energy that everyone radiates mixes together and creates a much more intense atmosphere than usual. </n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/fingering/1finger.webp" class=center width="43%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> While fisting her hole in pleasure, Proxy gets on her knees and starts shaking her ass while pounding her asshole. This creates waves of energy that can be sensed in the whole classroom, and the moans immediately arise.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1/2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<<linkreplace"Second Finger" t8n>>\
<n3> You stick the second finger in your hole that begs for more. It gives you a strange pleasure to give less than what your body wants. Your whole body joins in the experience and it grows inside you like a fire. You definitely want more, but you'll endure for a while.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/fingering/2finger.webp" class=center width="40%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Proxy changes her position and glances around the classroom and starts to speed up.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1/3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy3>Now you can start accelerating! </proxy3>
<n3> Suddenly two students shout <b1>"Yes Mistress"</b1> with all their might. You look where the sound is coming from. You see two Succubus bent over on a double bed. Not only can they put all their hands up their ass, but they move in sync with each other. Even if you are a little distracted, the sight turns you on.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/fingering/fingering1.webp" class=center width="75%">
<n3> Proxy must be getting closer. You might want to pick up the pace. </n3>
[[Third Finger|proxy8]] <n3> You insert the third finger in. Now your body is starting to spasm. The strange sensation you felt deep inside is getting bigger and bigger and it feels.. good! It's a sensation you can feel all through your body, intensifying much faster than you expected.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/fingering/3finger.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> Proxy is now pumping her ass without holding back at all. She bangs on a little button on the wall. Unsure whether she could press it or not, she punches the wall a few times and shifts her focus back to her ass. After pressing the button, a light pink, transparent layer appears between students and Proxy. It looks like a simple Lust Barrier.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1/4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<h1><center><proxy3>I'M SOO CLOSEEE!!!</proxy3></center></h1>
[[Fourth Finger|proxy9]]<n3> You prepare yourself and insert the fourth finger into your stretched hole. It's already so loud that you scream without holding back, mixed with pleasure and pain. Four fingers seems to be your current limit. Inserting the last finger means that your hand will be involved and you are not ready for that.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/fingering/4finger.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> These thoughts are interrupted by a scream that overpowers all the voices in the classroom. On the other side of the barrier, Proxy starts to cum in a ecstatic state.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1/5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Within seconds, she recovers and inspects the classroom with a tired smile on her face. Yet she doesn't seem to be able to comprehend what she sees. After closing her eyes and licking her lips, she slowly brings her hand to the button. Before pressing the button she says something but no one hears her. </n3>
[[She Presses The Button|proxy10]]<n3> The light pink Lust barrier starts to disappear. All the Lust energy accumulated inside by the Proxy's orgasm is ready to be released into the huge class. But Proxy seems to want to turn things up a notch.
She starts shaking her huge ass. As the barrier disappears, all the Lust that has accumulated inside hits the classroom like a storm.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1/6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video><center><h2><proxy3> Now It's Your Turn! CUM!!!</proxy3></h2></center>
<n3> You were already close but with this sudden wave of Lust you instantly start to cum. Pleasure takes over your whole being and you cum multiple times. You can't hear anything without moaning. The whole class is desperately ejaculating.</n3>
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/fingering/orgasm1.webp" class=center width="75%">
<n3> After it's over, you just lie there for a while. You can't move your body, feeling like liquid. Proxy lets out a tired laugh.</n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy3> Hahaha! It might have been a bit much. I said it was only an introduction, but I couldn't help myself. I was counting on the class being big, but apparently it is not big enough. </proxy3>
[[Continue|proxy11]]<n3> After you recover a bit , you lift your head and take a look. Almost all of the class lies unconscious. Their bodies are still convulsing and panting with pleasure. A few Succubus have managed to stay conscious, but their eyes are completely blank. They need at least a few more minutes. You notice that Proxy continues talking and you switch your attention back to her.
Proxy finally stops shaking her ass. She licks her fingers and sniffs her hand.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/1/7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy3> Hmmhf! I love that smell. You know, my hand is overflowing with Lust right now. Want me to show you?</proxy3>
<n3> You are probably the only one who can process what she says. But she continues as if the whole class is listening to her. She reaches over and grabs a butt plug. Even though it's quite big, it looks small in the hands of the giant Proxy.
Laughing to herself again like a drunk, she holds the plug on its end and raises her arm to the ceiling. Butt plug suddenly shoots out of like a missile and starts bouncing all over the classroom. The flying plug stops after hitting a Succubus lying on the couch.</n3>
<proxy3> See? I barely even applied any force. But of course it is a temporary enhancement. The Lust in my hand is fading as time passes. A Saturn could maintain this energy for much longer. But they don't have the ass to charge their hand that much, Hahaha!</proxy3>
[[Continue|proxy12]]<n3> Proxy is starting to return to her former size. Now you feel better too. You sit up and look around again. Someone screams with joy.</n3>
<center><h2><b1> "InCredIBle! EVeryThiNg iS sPiNNnIng!"</b1></h2></center>
<n3> Proxy's suddenly stands up. She must have just realized she's gone too far. She mutters quietly.</n3>
<d>Proxy:</d> <proxy2>Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! Mistress Abella will be furious. </proxy2>
<n3> Proxy is now back to her old size. She sits in her couch, which is now too big for her, and starts to think. </n3>
<abella> "Okay, let's see how the first lesson goe..."</abella>
<n3> Proxy turns her head in horror. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Check Who It Is" t8n>>\
<img src="gif/venuslessons/introduction/abella1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<center><h1><abella> "WHAT THE FUCK ALL THIS!!??"</abella></h1></center>
<center><h1><cap>End Of The Venus Lessons For v0.6.4 </cap></h1></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $venusfirstlesson to 2>>\
<<set $fuckedUp to 1>>\<<if $control lt 25 or $centerVisit lt 5>>\
<n3> A barrier full of greenery and beautiful flowers. It's not like any other barrier you've ever seen. Unlike the other Dormitory barriers, it has a pale blue color. Approaching the barrier is enough to give you goosebumps. With its pale color, you can feel it challenging you. Your fight or flight instinct is trying to make a choice. Maybe you can give yourself a little more time. </n3>
<img src="img/places/saturnbarrier1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $control lt 25 and $centerVisit lt 5>>\
<b><c1>(Required Control = 25)</c1></b>
<h2><cap> You Need To Complete <linkB1>[Auction Preparations]</linkB1> In The Main Storyline.</cap></h2>
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $control lt 25 and $centerVisit gte 5>>\
<b><c1>(Required Control = 25)</c1></b>
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $control gte 25 and $centerVisit lt 5>>\
<h2><cap> You Need To Complete <linkB1>[Auction Preparations]</linkB1> In The Main Storyline.</cap></h2>
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<if $control gte 25 and $centerVisit gte 5>>\
<n3> A barrier full of greenery and beautiful flowers. It's not like any other barrier you've ever seen. Unlike the other Dormitory barriers, it has a pale blue color. Approaching the barrier is enough to give you goosebumps. With its pale color, you can feel it challenging you. Your fight or flight instinct is trying to make a choice. You feel like it's a challenge you can handle. It's a mouth-watering feeling. </n3>
<img src="img/places/saturnbarrier1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
[[Enter Inside|♄ Saturn Dormitory]]
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<</if>>\<n3> While you're looking around, someone bumps into you. Either she was running or she was thrown at you by someone. You look at who is that and you see it's a puny Succubus. Her eye shifts to the sign on your arm and she tries to hide behind you, clutching your clothes. She says something to you in a pitiful voice between the cries of fear that escape her mouth.</n3>
<center><font size="3"><b1>"Help Me!"</b1></font></center>
<n3> You notice two Succubus approaching you with big steps. They're both taller than you and look very attractive. The one who holds some kind of gag in her hand speaks to the one hiding behind you.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/pettymoon/mistress1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<l1>"Come on, Nicole! You're not keeping our deal."</l1>
<n3> Nicole, hiding behind you, squeezes your dress a little tighter and tries to answer in a plaintive and distorted voice. </n3>
<b1> "Our deal expired long ago! Let me go!" </b1>
<l1>"That's not what it says here! You still have two more months."</l1>
<n3> Nicole begins to cry in desperation. She shouts, barely able to understand what she is saying. </n3>
<b1> "You changed it!! Our deal is already over!" </b1>
<n3> Suddenly you're in the middle of a ridiculous situation. But no one gathered around you and nobody is looking. Noone seems to be interested in what's going on. </n3>
[[Continue|pettymoon2]]<n3> You see Brianna walking with her cage. There's a Succubus inside, but this time she's not unconscious. She pounds the cage and screams in fury but Brianna doesn't seem to care in the slightest. You also notice that no one's helping her. You're not sure if that's a dormitory trait or Brianna's. You really wonder where she's going. Maybe you can follow her for a while.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Start Following Her From A Distance" t8n>>\
<n3> You take a deep breath, lower the Lust you radiate as much as you can. Then you start following Brianna, keeping your range. Meanwhile, you realize for sure that the one in the cage is the other Succubus trying to trick Nicole.
No matter how much noise or shaking comes from the cage, Brianna doesn't yell or react to it. And despite all the struggling inside the cage, she still carries it like the cage is empty.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Other tall Succubus leans in a little and speaks, tapping the dildo in her other hand. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/pettymoon/mistress2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<k1>"Come on, Nicole! Our session's not over yet. "</k1>
<b1>" No!! You already tricked me. Now you're extending our deal. I don't want it! I don't want it! Please!!!"</b1>
<n3> Two Succubus look at each other and smile. The one with the gag approaches you and reaches her hand out to Nicole, who is desperately trying to hide. Honestly, you don't want to interfere in this situation. Nicole is probably the right one here, but here power talks rather than fairness. Nicole quietly says one last thing to you.</n3>
<center><font size="3"><b1>"I'm A Moon Too!"</b1></font></center>
<n3> Instinctively, you grab the hand reaching towards Nicole by the wrist. You push her hand away after you realize what you've done.</n3>
<l1>"What are you doing? Are you a fucking newcomer? The one hiding behind you is a petty Moon!"</l1>
<n3> She must've mistake you for a Saturn. You don't care why, but you want to protect Nicole. And the duo you're up against doesn't look very strong. Probably neutralizing one of them will be enough for the other to run away. But you can't be sure that the Succubuses around won't intervene. You might benefit from them thinking you're Saturn.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> If the deal is over, she is free to go. It doesn't matter which sign she is! </n1></b>
[[Continue|pettymoon3]]<n3> The Succubus in front of you smiles. </n3>
<l1>"So you're one of Brianna's dogs. There's nothing here that breaks the rules. It's an agreement signed with the consent of both sides. Neither side can terminate the deal before the expiration date. "</l1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What if you're abusing that rule? </n1></b>
<n3> She confidently puts her hands on her hips and tilts her head to the side. </n3>
<l1>" Then you have to prove it! "</l1>
<n3> You take a step forward. Nicole follows you, but her trembling increases. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Or fuck you up! </n1></b>
<n3> The other Succubus walks between and grabs Nicole by the arm. </n3>
<k1>"Get out of the way! You'll get in more trouble if you keep playing the hero. "</k1>
<<linkreplace"A Clarity" t8n>>\
<n3> You realize you've been waiting for this. As Nicole is being pulled away, you calmly bring your hand to her forehead. </n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixEye1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> The tall succubus collapses on the floor, losing consciousness. Her dildo falls in front of her friend. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You haven't finished yet. You want to prove your strength to the other one. You want her to feel in her bones that she doesn't stand a chance. You take a step towards the standing Succubus, who is standing with a gag in her hand.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Metallic Sound" t8n>>\
<n3> Before you can get close, she suddenly runs away. Nicole's poking her head out from behind you then comes out. She grabs both your hands and waves up and down gratefully.</n3>
<b1>"Thank you! Thank you so much! " <i><n3> " She is kicking the Succubus on the floor as she cries in gratitude" </n3></i></b1>
<n3> She throws one last kick and runs, careful not to bump into anyone. Meanwhile, you notice someone approaching you with an empty metal cage.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Arrogant Glances" t8n>>\
<n3> After putting the cage down, this tall, short blonde-haired succubus is looking you up and down. She is wearing an all-leather set with gloves that reach to her elbow, a tight corset with high boots. You are both curious and a little bit nervous about what she will do with the cage.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/pettymoon/brianna1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<brianna1>" Mmmmm... Not bad!"</brianna1>
<n3> She keeps staring at you. </n3>
<brianna1>" What was the name and sign of the Succubus hiding behind you?"</brianna1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Nicole, moon. </n1></b>
<n3> She smiles in amazement. </n3>
<brianna1>" You didn't call me mistress. That's rare! I liked it! You can continue this way."</brianna1>
<n3> What was that? You answered her question against your will. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> She lifts one leg and puts it on the cage. While still wondering why you answered her question immediately, she asks one more.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/pettymoon/brianna2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<brianna1>" And, your name and sign?" </brianna1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> $name, moon. </n1></b>
<n3> You cover your mouth with your hand and take a few steps back. Blonde Succubus lets a laugh out. </n3>
<brianna1>" Take it easy. I don't care what sign you are." </brianna1>
<n3> She slowly opens the cage door and drags the Succubus from the floor by the arm into the cage. While doing so, she continues to talk.</n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> I'm Brianna. Nice to meet you! I've been tracking this duo for a while. With Nicole's testimony, they have accumulated enough crimes that I can punish them justifiably.
<n3> She lifts her head towards you looks into your eyes as she closes the cage door. </n3>
As long as you're fair and honest, you have nothing to fear from me.</brianna1>
<n3> She slowly straightens up and stretches her neck. Then she lifts the cage with an adult Succubus in it with one hand, as the cage is empty. She gives you a hand salute and walks away in the direction she came from. You watch her until she's out of sight, wondering where she is taking her.</n3>
[[Return|♄ Saturn Dormitory]]
<<set $saturn to 1>>\
<<set $SaturnNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> After a few minutes of walking you are no longer in the wide corridors. You are in a narrow corridor dimly lit by purple lights. The caged Succubus has stopped struggling and shouting, accepting the situation, while you nervously follow along. Up to this point you had a lot to hide behind, but it's getting fewer and fewer.</n3>
<img src="img/places/purplecorridor1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Finally Brianna stops between the two doors. There is a blank wall in front of her. Suddenly you feel a buzzing in your head. Instinctively you pull back and hide.
You feel you shouldn't be looking at her. After a little while, you hear a mechanical noise. When you feel safe again, you stick your head out enough to watch what's going on.</n3>
[[A Purple Glow|purpledungeon3]]<n3> Instead of the blank wall, you now see bright purple lights with a latex torso in the center. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/latex1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Brianna reaches out to the wall and grabs something. Then shouts in a commanding voice to the Succubus in the cage. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> Open Your Mouth!</brianna1>
<n3> You can't see what she's doing to her because Brianna's in the way. But when she stands up, you know one thing for sure. The cage is empty!
Then she picks up a latex suit that glows on the wall, reflecting purple light. She presses it against her body and the latex suit opens up from the back, enveloping Brianna's body. But as soon as the latex touches Brianna's skin, both she and the cage disappear. The Lust she radiates has almost disappeared, but you can still sense her. This is Scopophobic Latex! You need to leave as soon as possible.</n3>
[[Slowly Go Back The Way You Came|purpledungeon4]]<n3> You nervously make your way through the narrow corridor. You didn't realize this corridor was so long on your way here. You don't feel anyone but it only makes you more nervous.</n3>
<<linkreplace"What's That Smell?" t8n>>\
<n3> You sense a sweet scent. By reflex, you inhale a little deeper to understand what that smell is. But you quickly realize you made a mistake. First you start seeing double. Then you start to lose your balance. Soon you can no longer distinguish whether your eyes are open or you're standing still.
What's that? Why everything is purple and... bright? A silhouette appears in front of you. It looks like she's looking down on you. Are you on the ground right now? You feel your jaw tightening. Something is being pushed into your mouth, but you don't have the strength to resist. Your eyes are closing. You're not sure, but sounds like you're being dragged on the floor. You can't maintain your consciousness anymore...</n3>
<<linkreplace"Open Your Eyes" t8n>>\
<h3><cap> There is male content ahead. The Headmistress is a Succubus who collects men, so you will only see them as obedient slaves. Still, if you don't want to see any male, you have to make your choice here. Regardless of the choice you make, this dungeon will remain in its own dynamics. You just won't see images about it and the descriptions will be reduced.</cap></h3>
[[✔️ I Want To See The Current And Future Male Content|purpledungeon5]]
[[❌ I Don't Want To See Any Male Content|noMale(MissT)1]]
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> You are restrained by your wrists and ankles and you have a huge latex gag in your mouth. But you are not tied to a wall. You're lying uncomfortably on the floor, doubled over. You slowly raise your head and check where you are. There are slaves everywhere, tied up like you. Male human slaves! You have to be in some kind of sex dungeon.
You have a headache, but you need to pull yourself together. Suddenly you hear a voice.</n3>
<center><h1><missT1> "Cum Slave!"</missT1></h1></center>
<<linkreplace"Curl Up To The Voice" t8n>>\
<n3> You curl up like a worm and face in the direction of the voice. You see a Succubus in a latex jacket and gloves, making a man cum as he writhes in pleasure. Your sense of Lust is still not back to normal, but you can tell that she is no ordinary one.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/missT1.webp" class=center
<n3> After making him cum, her stroking gets faster and harder. The tied male slave begins to beg with trembling. Now you can see that he's in more pain than pleasure. Soon the stroking slows down.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/missT2.webp" class=center
<missT1>"Lucky for you, our spy woke up. Otherwise, your torture would last at least an hour." </missT1>
<n3> Just as the slave is about to thank her, he finds a hand in his mouth covered with his own cum. After removing her hand from the slave's mouth, she stands up.</n3>
<<set $noMale to 0>>\ <n3> You are restrained by your wrists and ankles and you have a huge latex gag in your mouth. But you are not tied to a wall. You're lying uncomfortably on the floor, doubled over. You slowly raise your head and check where you are. There are slaves everywhere, tied up like you. Male human slaves! You have to be in some kind of sex dungeon.
You have a headache, but you need to pull yourself together. Suddenly you hear a voice.</n3>
<center><h1><missT1> "Cum Slave!"</missT1></h1></center>
<<linkreplace"Curl Up To The Voice" t8n>>\
<n3> You curl up like a worm and face in the direction of the voice. You see a Succubus in a latex jacket and gloves, making a man cum as he writhes in pleasure. Your sense of Lust is still not back to normal, but you can tell that she is no ordinary one.
After she's done with him, she walks towards another slave, bound by chains and straps, lying on a large leather bed. she sits on his face and turns to you.</n3>
<missT1>"I hope you realize there's no way out. After I play with you for a while, I'll let Lucy know and she'll take care of the rest."</missT1>
<n3> After hearing Lucy's name, you open your eyes wide and try to speak but the giant gag in your mouth prevents you. Not a very good move because you almost dislocate your jaw. </n3>
<missT1>"So it's Lucy you're afraid of, not me. "</missT1><i><n3>"As she continues to rub her pussy on the slave's face,"</n3></i>
<n3> That's not the case, but you cannot even tell her that. Where's Sun or Moon? You are struggling on the floor, pretty annoyed.
Suddenly you realize something. Both the gag in your mouth and the binding around your wrists and ankles are LATEX! But if you break free of your bonds, you may face a much more aggressive reaction. After a quick think, you are ready to take risk. You have to tell her!
The Succubus in front of you is not paying attention to you right now. She's riding his face at an increasing pace. She is focused on her own pleasure, with moans that sound like growls.</n3>
[[Break Free From Your Bonds And Try To Explain|purpledungeon7]]
<<set $noMale to 1>>\
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> She takes off her jacket and gloves and throws them at the panting slave on the sofa. In her latex corset and latex boots, she walks towards a slave, bound by chains and straps, lying on a large leather bed. After giving his balls a few whacks and waking the slave up, she sits on his face and turns to you.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/missT3.jpg" class=center
<missT1>"I hope you realize there's no way out. After I play with you for a while, I'll let Lucy know and she'll take care of the rest."</missT1>
<n3> After hearing Lucy's name, you open your eyes wide and try to speak but the giant gag in your mouth prevents you. Not a very good move because you almost dislocate your jaw. </n3>
<missT1>"So it's Lucy you're afraid of, not me. "</missT1><i><n3>"As she continues to rub her pussy on the slave's face,"</n3></i>
<n3> That's not the case, but you cannot even tell her that. Where's Sun or Moon? You are struggling on the floor, pretty annoyed.
Suddenly you realize something. Both the gag in your mouth and the binding around your wrists and ankles are LATEX! But if you break free of your bonds, you may face a much more aggressive reaction. After a quick think, you are ready to take risk. You have to tell her!
The Succubus in front of you is not paying attention to you right now. She's riding his face at an increasing pace. She is focused on her own pleasure, with moans that sound like growls.</n3>
[[Break Free From Your Bonds And Try To Explain|purpledungeon7]]<n3> After you concentrate, you focus on your wrists first. They're latex cuffs that you can easily get rid of. But it doesn't work. Latex won't listen to you. You're not even sure it can hear you. You can't control Latex! You're refocusing, you must have enough Lust. The dizziness is getting weaker and you feel better, but your Latex control is zero.
Between aggressive moans, the eyes of the Succubus stomping on the slave's head shift to you.</n3>
<missT1> "No, I won't fall for it this time!"</missT1>
<n3> She reaches out her hand towards you, like squeezing an invisible throat. For the first few seconds you don't feel anything. You gasp in fear because you're not really sure what she's doing.
Then you feel getting progressively lighter. It feels like you're rising in a salty sea. After levitating a little bit, you suddenly fly towards the hand that is pointing towards you. Then a steel-like grip on your mouth and chin. You can't even breathe. You're trying to break out of her grip, but in vain.
You feel like you have lost all the strength you have gathered since you woke up. The hand that squeezes your face like a metal pincer also continues to pull your whole body like a magnet. You accept that you can't move her hand and you stop struggling. Your nose is open, but you can't breathe properly. You realize how used you are to being rescued by this time. You still hope for Sun or Moon to help you.
A familiar voice interrupts in a worried tone.</n3>
<brianna1> "Headmistess?"</brianna1>
<n3> There's still a huge latex gag in your mouth. And that gag, which is uncomfortable just being in your mouth, is pushed down your throat. Your eyes are watering and you feel like you're suffocating. You let your whole body go against your will. You're dying!
As your vision darkens, you hear the same voice coming closer to you. Afterwards is darkness...</n3>
[[Continue|purpledungeon8]]<n3> You open your eyes in a comfortable double bed. Next to you is a male human slave who is completely tied up and you think is asleep. You try to remember what happened but your jaw hurts so much. And then you realize that you're untied. Your hand goes to your chin and you notice that your chin is bandaged. You can't even get up, still feeling like shit. The voice you heard before you fainted starts talking. This time you can recognize who it is.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/brianna1.jpg" class=center
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> I'm glad you're awake, $name, moon.</brianna1>
<n3> Brianna sits on the bed and continues. </n3>
<brianna1> I can't even explain to you how stupid it is to follow me. If I hadn't contacted Mistress Lucy in time, you might be dead right now.</brianna1>
<n3> You're in no condition to talk. </n3>
<brianna1> We thought you are a Center's Spy. You're from another Dormitory, so it's understandable that you don't know but no one follows me! This is clearly a bait, me walking around. And it's a bait that everyone knows about. Of course, the majority do not know the real reason. Some say it's just something made up to scare newcomers.
Still, among those who know the real reason, too many of them falls for it. Because we hold many secrets in the Purple Dungeon... Can you get up?</brianna1>
<n3> You're getting up with Brianna's help. Except for your jaw, you don't feel too bad. </n3>
[[Continue|purpledungeon9]]<n3> Brianna gives you a latex cape. She gets changed too. Then you walk to the main area with her. There are male slaves everywhere. You see a Succubus in a latex body suit, squatting down, playing with her hair thoughtfully. The energy she gives off feels threatening but harmless, an unusual combination. Also she looks familiar from somewhere. When she notices you, she looks at you irritated. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/kendra1.jpg" class=center width="80%">
<kendra1> " Because of you, our headmistress's schedule has been disrupted. And I hate dealing with human men."</kendra1>
<n3> Brianna intervenes. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> You better watch your mouth, Kendra! Mistress Summer was there when I was informing Mistress Lucy.</brianna1>
<n3> Kendra stands up in a panic. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> She said something to me?</kendra1>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> No! She said, "You'd better not hurt my friend."</brianna1>
<n3> Kendra stares at the floor for a while with a face full of disappointment. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> So she is her friend...</kendra1>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> Where is the headmistress?</brianna1>
<n3> Kendra answers, still a bit distracted. </n3>
<kendra1> Umm... At the other dungeon.</kendra1>
[[Continue|purpledungeon10]]<n3> You feel a warmth on your sign. Moon and Sun talk over each other.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Still nothing? </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I'm trying, you idiot! Oh! Finally!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You are moved by the two of them's worried voices. Your eyes are tearing up a little. Maybe because of the pain.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> $name! Since you fainted, we've lost all contact with you. We saw what was happening, but we couldn't do anything. </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Find out exactly why that happened! Then I'll make whoever caused this regret it! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Moon continues but her voice starts to fade again. You feel relieved to hear from them. The sound of Brianna's high heels interrupts.</n3>
<<linkreplace"She Walks Next To Kendra" t8n>>\
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> Headmistress said to introduce ourselves.</brianna1>
<n3> Kendra straightens up and puts her hand on her hip. Brianna walks next to Kendra and stands with her back to you. Clearly it's not their first time. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/introducing1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> I'm Brianna, and she is Kendra. In Saturn Dormitory, we are right and left hands to the Headmistress. And in the Purple Dungeon, we are head of the punishment and the security.
The one I ask, cannot lie to me! Kendra is a bit more complicated. Her power level and personality changes in a cycle. She constantly gets weaker and more submissive.
In one point, she can't get and weaker and even moving is impossible for her. In this state, her Lust acts like a poison. You've experienced what happens actually. It was Kendra's condensed Lust that fainted you. It messes up your whole system. </brianna1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Kendra turns her head and looks at Brianna with baffled eyes but Brianna continues. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> We don't know how long this weak state lasts, so evey time it happens, we extract her Lust as much as we can. But after that stage ends... </brianna1>
<<linkreplace"A Slap" t8n>>\
<n3> Kendra slaps Brianna's arm. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Would you stop it already?! Why don't you start with the day I was born? And you didn't even tell your true technique!</kendra1>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> Mistress Lucy especially said to explain you throughly. </brianna1>
<n3> While she screaming at Brianna, you suddenly feel a bit weird. You definitely remember her Lust... But from where? You see an image in your head for a second. Sun speaks.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/madalyn/latexbondage3.webp" class=center width="35%">
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> We saw her in the dungeon. When you accidentally copied my power for the first time, you got trapped in a Succubus' mind. It's her! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Suddenly, Kendra stops yelling and looks at you. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I knew I saw you before! Madalyn! I saw you with her! Just before that, my mind went black and I was feeling even hornier for no reason! </kendra1>
<n3> Sun intervenes. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Your mind is still linked to her! </a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Kendra exhales deeply and looks for a place to sit. She sees a male slave on a chair, completely bound. After she throws him on the floor, she sits on a chair and crosses her legs. Then she looks at you with piercing eyes. You can't understand what she's thinking. After staring for a while, she rolls her eyes. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> The Headmistress asked me to introduce you to the dungeon, but I don't want to deal with you in your condition. Get well and come visit the dormitory next Wednesday. I assume you have the necessary stealth Latex.</kendra1>
<n3>You nod your head in the affirmative. Suddenly a sharp pain shoots through your head </n3>
<<linkreplace" Again, An Image Flashes In Your Head" t8n>>\
<n3> Next to Kendra, sitting naked on the floor, Summer stands in all her majesty. Although you only see this image for a moment, you are affected as if you were sitting there obediently. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/purpledungeon/summer1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Your whole body flinches again as if you've been electrocuted. When you barely open your eyes, you see that Kendra is just as startled as you are, her eyes closed. Suddenly she stands up angrily and kicks the slave, who she throws to the ground. You see a faint red aura emanating from her. Holding her head, she heads towards the door.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Like I said, come back next week! I'm not feeling well right now!</kendra1>
<n3>Brianna watches with a little concern as Kendra leaves. After she leaves, she turns to you. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> Her cycle must be beginning again. Anyway, let's make you feel better. </brianna1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> She walks back the way you came together and comes back after a short while. You see a stamph in her hand. It looks very elegant with a powdery white tip and colorful snake scales on the shaft. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> This may be one of the rarest things you'll ever see. It's a kind of... arfitact that our Headmistress acquired in the past. It is said that it can become addictive very easily, so it should be used with caution.</brianna1>
<n3> She approaches you and touches the stamph to your arm for a second and pulls it away. A very indescribable sensation spreads through your body from your arm that you have never felt before. You feel both the comfort of the heat and the peace of the cold. Your eyes are open but you don't care what you see. If you were to give this feeling a color, it would indeed be white. The one that contains no color, but bears them all... Suddenly you wake up. Brianna stands over you with a smile. </n3>
<brianna1> It's a little weird, isn't it? Check your chin.</brianna1>
<n3> You put your hand to your chin and touch it gently. Cautiously, thinking it will hurt, but there is no pain. Then you touch and open and close your mouth normally. Your jaw is completely healed! Brianna smiles again.</n3>
<brianna1> I'm sorry I didn't use this earlier. You'd be a lot more tired if you could talk to Kendra when you met her. Don't tell her that. She's at her grumpiest right now.</brianna1>
<n3> She holds out her hand gently and helps you stand up. </n3>
<brianna1> I'll escort you out. Make sure you get a good rest. I didn't heal you magically. The healing energy was used from your own body.</brianna1>
<n3> Brianna escorts you to the door of the Saturn Dormitory. You leave Brianna at the door of the Dormitory and start walking towards your room. You are already wondering what will happen next Wednesday. </n3>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $purpletour to 1>>
<<set $saturn to 2>>\
<<set $SaturnNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> You put your latex cloak over your shoulder and make your way to the Saturn Dormitory. Kendra will show you around the Purple Dungeon, you are told. You feel strange around her and you wonder if there is a different reason for this.
Walking with a safe feeling from the cloak, you pass through the barrier of the Dormitory and go inside.
You've just walked in when two Succubus rush past you. Suddenly you trip over your own feet, accidentally bumping into someone. You completely lose your balance and fall on the Succubus with your whole body weight. As you prepare to apologize, you remember something. She can't see you. The Succubus gets up quickly with a snort and looks around in anger. She doesn't know that you are actually right under her nose.</n3>
<h2><center><b1>"WHO DID THAATTT !!??"</b1></center></h2>
<n3> Almost no one pays any attention to this question asked in anger. Only a few distant faces stare at the voice with uninterested eyes for a few seconds. </n3>
<h2><center><b1>"WAS IT YOU?"</b1></center></h2>
<n3> The angry Succubus grabs a random Succubus closest to her by the collar and starts shaking her. The general atmosphere is still calm, but you realize that things are not getting better. You watch, not knowing what to do. Wait a second! You can calm her down. You exhale and focus. You'll calm her down before things get worse. The Succubus, her collar raised, calmly raises her right hand and places it on the angry Succubus' chest. Meanwhile, you close your eyes and focus.</n3>
[[An Explosion?|realphoenix2]]<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixEye1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> You open your eyes to the sound of a loud explosion. At first you don't understand what you see. You only see the Succubus with their collars raised in the air. She mutters to herself as she adjusts her collar in frustration. Her voice is very calm.</n3>
<mi1>" What I'm wearing is more expensive than you. That stupid idiot got me in trouble too!"</mi1>
<n3> You turn your head to see the angry shouter writhing on the floor at the other end of the Dormitory. With tears in her eyes, she stands up and looks around. She screams, echoing throughout the dormitory.</n3>
<h2><center><b1>"YOU ARE DEAADD!!!"</b1></center></h2>
<n3> She takes a slightly hunched posture and raises her hands at shoulder level. She contracts both hands like a claw and then takes a few deep breaths in and out. Meanwhile, you notice a transparent silhouette of a bull appear within the Succubus. While she's there gathering all her strength, the Succubus, who is about to be attacked, stares at her with blank eyes. You must have accidentally calmed her down.
You have to stop this! Someone innocent will get hurt, maybe even killed. You need to do something fast, but you don't know what. The only Latex around is your cloak, but that's not enough. You can't think of how to stop her without damaging her with anything other than using latex. The Succubus, furious with anger, starts running with screams.
In a panic, you step in front of the Succubus you've calmed down. You look into the eyes of the Succubus, who is running towards you but not actually charging at you. You can't calm her down when she's so full of Lust! You still don't know what to do. So you open your hands. You will try to stop her with your hands by grabbing her wrists. You can't think of anything else.</n3>
[[Continue|realphoenix3]]<n3> Once you've decided what to do, you feel much calmer. So you take a hunched posture and, wide-eyed, brace yourself for impact. You don't realize it, but black smokes are rising from your body. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Calm Steps" t8n>>\
<n3> The charging Succubus is almost halfway down. On her running path you see a familiar face approaching. It's Kendra, in a latex corset, with calm but big steps. As the charging Succubus passes by her, she sprays something from what looks like a perfume box twice in the direction of her nose.
The charging Succubus's eyes immediately roll back and her head starts to shake. But she continues to run, albeit unsteadily. You can see that it won't last long. The Succubus, having lost all her speed and strength, is about to fall on her face, but you are already running towards her. You slow her fall by letting her fall on you. After breathlessly throwing off the Succubus, you hear a familiar sound again. A metal sound.
With an empty cage, Brianna walks towards the unconscious Succubus on the floor. After leaving the cage there, she walks towards the Succubus that you calmed down. She ask her:</n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> What happened here? </brianna1>
<mi1>"She grabbed my shirt and started yelling at me when I hadn't done anything. And I defended myself, Mistress." </mi1>
<<linkreplace"An Unexpected Glance" t8n>>\
<n3> Brianna looks at you for a second. At best, she should be able to sense you vaguely. But she was able to pinpoint her gaze on you. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/brianna1.jpg" class=center
<</linkreplace>>\<center><n3> Kendra is approaching you, tightening her corset. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/kendra1.webp" class=center
<n3> She seems to say something, but she doesn't speak. She stares at you with squinted and annoyed eyes. Like you, she is not visible to others.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Follow me! </kendra1>
<n3>As Brianna places the unconscious Succubus in the cage, Kendra dramatically turns her back and starts walking.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Follow Her" t8n>>\
<n3> After a short walk you find yourself in a purple corridor again. This is not the same corridor as when you followed Brianna. Kendra stops and turns to you. </n3>
<img src="img/places/purplecorridor1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> There's something off about you. It makes me feel very uneasy, but I don't know the reason... Why would Mistress Summer choose you?</kendra1>
<n3> That must be what really bothers her. You feel a slight pain in your head.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You're kneeling helplessly in front of Summer, kissing her huge strap-on. You feel so safe, but you're filled with envy. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/summer1.jpg" class=center
<n3> You wake up with another startle. This is the second time, and it feels as real and intense as if it were your own memories. Kendra holds her head.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> My headache won't go away. It's not usually like this... Okay I'm better. Headmistress asked me to introduce you to the Purple Dungeon. Mistress Lucy asked me to tell you about myself. I hope you understand how frustrated I am... But I have no other choice.</kendra1>
<n3> She takes a few deep breaths and lightly taps her cheeks. </n3>
<kendra1> The Purple Dungeon is a complex maze-like place inside the Saturn Dormitory that reaches all parts of the dormitory. It's easy to get in but almost impossible to get out. And it's named after the purple lights that fill the dormitory. It's not purple inside.</kendra1>
<n3> She places her hand on the wall and waits. A door opens with a few latex objects next to it. She walks in without waiting for you. </n3>
[[Continue|realphoenix6]]<n3> From the moment you enter you hear voices screaming in pain and pleasure. Most of these are male voices. Kendra stops again.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> You know how it is. As a Succubus, we're often dissatisfied with humans. They can't resist our energy and they quickly... break down. Men are even worse. Once they ejaculate, they they need time and become completely useless. Everything you do after that is torture.
That's why there's a common perception that sadistic and weak Succubuses prefer humans. Our headmistress changed that. She made it "cool" to play with humans. Of course, almost all Succubus here are sadists, but it's not something to be ashamed of like it used to be. The majority of this dungeon is made up of male slaves and dozens of experiments are being conducted on them. </kendra1>
<<if $noMale === 1>>\
<n3> Kendra takes a few steps forward after her explanation, but you don't follow. She frowns slightly.</n3>
<<if $noMale === 0>>\
<kendra1> Our biggest ongoing experiment is to create a man who can resist the Headmistress. So you can expect a lot of whining and torture.</kendra1>
<</if>>\<n3> She puts her hands on her hips and bows her head slowly. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> You don't have a problem with humans, do you? I mean, especially the male ones. </kendra1>
<n3> Even before asking this question, she seems to have guessed the answer she was going to get. You answer a little hoarsely.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I mean, I don't really prefer it, no. </n1></b>
<n3> Kendra exhales deeply. She paces a few steps left and right and doesn't know where to put her hands. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Then what are you doing here? This dungeon is almost entirely devoted to human experimentation. Go visit the Latex Dungeon. It's full of Succubus there... </kendra1>
<n3> Her response was relatively calm, but her body language shows that she is still in a dilemma. </n3>
<kendra1> There's an isolated area where we keep Succubus, but I don't think you're allowed in there. But Headmistress will be angry if she hears I didn't give you a tour... Anyway, just follow me.</kendra1>
<n3> She starts walking thoughtfully in front of you. </n3>
[[Continue|noMale2]]<n3> You go through a passage and come out into a large area. All around are cells, some transparent, some completely closed.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> A Saturn's greatest weapon is her hands. So we can even kill a man with a handjob. That's why we use another part in the beginning. Our feet! Their whole goal is not to cum! </kendra1>
<n3> You start looking around. From every side you hear men begging and whining in pitiful voices. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> In the first stage, we use high heels and try to use as little Lust energy as possible. Yet almost half of them don't even make it past that.
I don't like men at all, but torturing their pathetic dicks and balls... sometimes it's a good stress reliever.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"Examine around" t8n>>\
<n3> You see Succubuses ruthlessly grinding their high heels on the penises of men pinned to the floor. Some play with their pussy, others stare in awe, locked in the eyes of the man begging them to stop. Their every struggle and whimper accelerates their torture. You see a Succubus biting her lip, cumming as she continues in ecstasy. They seem really committed to it.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/edging/feet/heels4.webp"
width="50%"><img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/edging/feet/heels5.webp"
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Of course, not all of them last that long. Most of them can't resist and cum. But their ejaculation doesn't stop the heels on their dicks. On the contrary, it speeds them up. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/edging/feet/heels3.webp"
width="55%"><img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/edging/feet/heels6.webp"
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> We are free to torture those who cum. Once they cum, they are our toys for a time. And of course all slaves are obliged to clean up their own mess.</kendra1>
<n3> You see a slave tiredly licking a pantyhosed foot, drenched with his own cum. His mistress continues to order him around in a rude manner. The slave cannot even answer, he only does what he hears.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/edging/feet/cleanup1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<linkreplace"Suddenly You Startle" t8n>>\
<n3> As you look around, you turn to your left and are suddenly startled with fear. Kendra is looking at you with her face almost pressed against you. Her eyes are wide open and full of curiosity. You almost bumped heads. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Okay, you're beautiful... But I'm beautiful too.</kendra1>
<n3> She still seems to be thinking about what Summer said and trying to make sense of it. </n3>
<kendra1> You have already heard that I am constantly becoming weak and submissive. I end up so weak that I can't even move my body. But after my corpse-like state has passed, I am almost reborn with a burst of energy and for a little time, I am the strongest! And again I continue the journey of becoming weaker over time...
It's a cycle and it's not something I have control over. Sometimes the whole process repeats in a week, sometimes it takes months. Do you know why I'm telling you this?</kendra1>
<n3> You shake your head no, still uncomfortable with her being so close to your face. Kendra's backing away.</n3>
<kendra1> Because that's what I was told. With that out of the way, we can continue on our journey.</kendra1>
<n3> She feels like a relative you don't really like. Familiar but annoying. But normally, you would be much more annoyed if someone else acted like that. She feels a little different.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Just as she is about to move forward, Kendra stops and looks around. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Just a second. There's something I gotta take care of. </kendra1>
<n3> She rushes towards an empty cell and enters. You stand at the door to see what is going on. You see that the cell is not empty. One slave is sleeping tied up. Kendra shouts and wakes the slave.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Get up, get up, GET UPP!</kendra1>
<n3> The slave wakes up and begins to crawl. He cannot speak because he is gagged. </n3>
<kendra1> Put your cock right there!</kendra1>
<n3> The slave begins to beg in a plaintive voice. Slowly he returns to his uncomfortable bed.</n3>
<kendra1> Either we settle this or I'm gonna use my hands... Also, no torture today.</kendra1>
<n3> Slave gets up on his knees in surprise and excitement and tries to move as fast as he can towards a low table in the center of the room. The moment he arrives, Kendra steps on his erect penis with her high heel.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I want you to last longer than a minute!</kendra1>
<n3> Slave shakes his head excitedly. He is also trying to focus. </n3>
[[Continue|realphoenix10]]<n3> The erect penis on the table, already throbbing, Kendra lifts her foot and steps on it with her high heel. The slave's hips immediately react to it and start to move back and forth. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/edging/feet/heels1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> 30 seconds! You're doing great! </kendra1>
<n3> Immediately after saying this, Kendra presses even harder and starts rubbing his cock . But there's one more thing. In the beginning she used almost no Lust, but now she applies a considerable amount to the slave through her foot.
Slave begins to writhe and let out a moan mixed with a whimper. He doesn't move anymore. He is only trying to resist the heel moving mercilessly on his dick.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Not Long After" t8n>>\
<n3> Not even ten seconds later, slave starts cumming. Then he starts crying. Kendra speaks in a disgusted voice as she crushes the sensitive penis under her sole.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/edging/feet/heels2.webp" class=center width="55%">
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I said no torture today! Shut your filthy mouth! I don't want to hear your pathetic, disgusting voice!</kendra1>
<n3> Then she holds out her semen-covered shoe towards the slave. </n3>
<kendra1> Clean up your mess! I've got things to do!</kendra1>
<n3> Very carefully, slave starts to clean the stocking and the shoe, which are covered with his cum. You can see that he tries very hard not to touch anything that is not covered with semen with his tongue. Every now and then he looks at Kendra with fear and then continues. When he is done, he waits with his head bowed, with fear on his face. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Good! Until my next visit, I want to see a clean table!</kendra1>
<n3> Then, with quick steps, she leaves the small cell. </n3>
<n3> You continue to move forward with Kendra. You are following a somewhat straight path, but there are many passages on the sides. Just like the dormitory, it looks pretty easy to get lost in the dungeon.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> It's too boring around here. Let's go where the real candidates are. </kendra1>
<n3> You enter a passage on the left and come out into an even wider area. </n3>
<kendra1> This is where the slaves who can resist our hands begin. </kendra1>
<n3> You hear a lot more laughs here than in the previous place. Of course, it all comes from the Succubuses. Someone sticks her head out of a cell and speaks in an excited voice.</n3>
<b1>"Mistress Kendra! He finally came! If you'd like to join in, please come on in."</b1>
<n3> Kendra walks in with a giggle. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Look What's Going On" t8n>>\
<n3> Inside you see a crowd gathered around a slave. Each one seems to be torturing a part of his body. They don't look very serious, but you can still see that the slave is in pain. Kendra approaches in big strides and grabs the slave by the base of his balls and squeezes. The Succubus, who has invited you inside, quickly starts punching the exposed balls.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/kendra2.webp" class=center
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> You insolent! How many Succubus have been trying to drain you for days. How dare you leave their labor unrequited!</kendra1>
<n3> It is obvious that she doesn't mean it. Yet the slave apologizes with all his breath as punches land on his balls. Soon Kendra releases the balls, which have turned a mix of red and purple. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Good slave! You'll make a good candidate for the Headmistress. Still, you've ejaculated and you're no different from the others. Endure it for a while longer. I'll move you to a more ruthless floor.</kendra1>
<n3> Suddenly she turns around and talks to you. </n3>
<kendra1> $name, would you like to join? It's something like a tradition. Join us, even if it's just a little flick of the balls.</kendra1>
<n3> You can see that Kendra is careful to keep a strict separation between her personal thoughts and her persona in the dungeon by the smile on her face, which tries to be sincere. It's kind of funny. With everyone looking at you, you see no option to refuse this kind request from Kendra. You smile and gather some Lust in your hand. You'll just slap his balls. Just to be involved.</n3>
[[Slap His Balls|realphoenix12]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You approach the panting slave and slowly raise your hand. As you are about to slap it, you feel a strange sensation. It's like you've been holding your pee for a very long time, but you feel it in your hand. It feels like once you unlock that door, something will be released that you can't stop. You see an momentary image.</n3>
<<linkreplace"An Uncomfortable Darkness" t8n>>\
<n3> An eerie figure staring at you with white eyes. As black smoke rises from all around it, it continues to look deep into your soul. It doesn't give off a good or bad feeling. It looks more like an empty shell waiting to be filled. This image appeared in your mind only for a moment. Yet just because you don't see it doesn't necessarily mean that it has stopped watching you.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/dark1.jpg" class=center
<n3> As your mind is filled with these thoughts, you wake up with a sharp scream. A scream from the slave that lasted not even a second. Since you've already decided to give his balls a quick smack, even though your mind is preoccupied, your body has followed through. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/dark2.jpg" class=center
<n3> The first thing you notice is that your fingers are pitch black. You no longer feel the pent-up feeling inside you. You must have released it from your hand and it must have burst in the slave's balls. Your fingers return to normal in a few seconds. When you can understand a little of what's happened, you are able to look around.
The Succubuses who were laughing with glee a moment ago are all staring at you, their eyes open and their lips trembling vaguely. After seeing this expression, you wonder what exactly you did and what they saw. Maybe you accidentally did something to them too. One of them comes out of shock before the others and checks the slave's pulse. </n3>
<b1> "He's only fainted. What the hell just happened? Who are you?!"</b1>
<n3> The moment you touched him, he must have fainted before he had a chance to scream in pain. You're a little surprised he's not dead. Even though you don't know what you did to him. That happened because of the state of mind you unintentionally entered when you tried to stop the Succubus running at you like a bull? </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Kendra gets between you and them. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Everybody's fine, right?</kendra1>
<n3> All of them nod. Kendra reassuringly joins their nods.</n3>
<kendra1> Great! It's $name! She is... a very important Succubus who is learning to use her abilities! She's also a very personal friend of Mistress Summer. Actually, I don't know how close they are.</kendra1>
<n3> Kendra stops herself before she talks any more nonsense. She gently moves behind you, holds you by the shoulders and guides you towards the door.</n3>
<kendra1> Let him rest. I'll take care of him later.</kendra1>
<n3> You are leaving the cell. You see Kendra looking at you with a excited smile on her face.</n3>
<kendra1> You're the one! You are the Succubus my fate is bound to!</kendra1>
<n3> You don't understand what she's talking about. She leads you to an empty corridor.</n3>
<kendra1> Listen to me carefully. I started my journey as an ordinary slave, and it turned out that I'm special! </kendra1>
[[Continue|realphoenix14]]<n3> She seems to have a long story to tell. You go into a small, empty cell. Kendra shuts the door and sits in front of you. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Like I said, I was a powerless, ordinary Succubus. A pathetic Succubus who hadn't even discovered her spirit animal. This dungeon wasn't even built yet. Mistress Lucy's dungeon was just getting started. I was a maid in the house of an important Succubus. One day they told me that they sold me. Mistress Lucy and Mistress Summer came to pick me up.
<n3> She adjusts her posture as she speaks excitedly. You notice that there are faint sparks of red forming around her. This excites you too. </n3>
It was the first time I saw them. Just standing around Mistress Summer got me soaking wet. And I was lucky at the time, Mistress Summer was looking for personal slaves for one of her project. She was working on what is now known as stinging Latex. it's a very difficult thing to adapt a Latex and turn it into another type. I've experienced it first hand.
Of course, they can't just hand Mistress Summer a worthless slave of uncertain capacity as soon as they arrive. I didn't know it, but I was put through a long trial period, along with all the other slaves.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"An image" t8n>>\
<n3> You're used to seeing little glimpses of Kendra's thoughts. Kendra, restrained by ropes, being whipped for hours. Along with disappointment, a meaningless pain. A pain that brings no pleasure, a pain that feels dull. What you feel is dissatisfaction. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/kendra3.webp" class=center
<kendra1> The blows I received were hurting my body, but something was always missing. Every day I woke up with a new hope, but it never happened. The strikes of the reluctant Succubuses weren't reaching me. </kendra1>
<n3> She takes a deep breath and brings her hand to her throat. </n3>
<kendra1> Until I met her again...</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> Kendra's hip moves slowly. She squeezes her legs together. She has a lustful smile, with a slightly blank expression on her face. Summer appears in your mind, looking right into your eyes. The penetrating gaze catches you by surprise. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/summer2.webp" class=center
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> As I was thinking I woke up to another dull morning, she came. She was only wearing a black panty. Her entire body was covered in sweat and she hadn't even regained her breath. She probably came to visit me right after her morning exercise.
She walked in and just looked at me for a while. Just that alone was more stimulating than all the torture I had endured for weeks. Her huge tits were shining with sweat. She looked down on me with her fit perfect body and piercing eyes. All I could think was licking her entire body clean. But I didn't have the courage to move a muscle. That conflict made me feel ecstatic...</kendra1>
<n3> Kendra raises her index finger. You can see her hand shaking with excitement. </n3>
<kendra1> I was not in a state to realize it at that moment. The only thing I wanted was not to be dominated and humiliated by her. I also wanted to be like her, to be tortured by her for hours on end, and at the same time do what I want to her. I wanted to experience both sides at the same time.
I could only hear one sentence from her mouth that day. I would give my life without thinking just to kiss those lips.
She only said,<summer1> "Okay, you'll do fine."</summer1>And then she left.</kendra1>
<n3> She looks at you with her eyelids twitching. There's an overwhelming desire in her eyes. </n3>
<kendra1> The moment she left, I came without even touching myself. Twice! You don't know how dominant her aura was in the past. </kendra1>
<n3> She pauses to catch her breath. You feel every sensation she describes, albeit in a weaker form. You are completely in the moment and just want to hear, see and feel more. </n3>
[[Continue|realphoenix16]]<n3> After calming down a bit, she continues. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> The next day they put me and another Succubus in a cell. They tied us to the ceiling by our wrists, completely naked. I didn't know what was going to happen. All I wanted was to see her again.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"Wonder And Hope"t8n>>\
<n3> You see young Kendra, tied by her wrists to the ceiling. You can feel her curiosity and hope to see Summer. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra1.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> And then she actually showed up! She was so beautiful that I was feeling embarrassed to look at her. I could feel her energy all over my body. A tickling sensation mixed with a stinging...</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra2.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> She announced that she would continue with one of us as her main subject. She said that a journey was ahead of us, not knowing how long it would last, nothing but pain. I was shaking with excitement. She thought I was scared and teased me a little.</kendra1>
<n3> She smiles nostalgically and continues. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> We didn't know what was going to happen and why we were here. She said we were great candidates because we are weak. I was so grateful for being a useless weakling.
As she was making those explanations, she suddenly slapped the Succubus next to me very hard. The sharpness of the sound, the unexpected scream of the loser next to me... I was so jealous of them both. I wish I had been the one who slapped and the one who received the slap.</kendra1>
<n3> She caresses her cheek with a slightly uncomfortable smile. But you understand what she really feels. An envy so strong that even you are intrigued by it.</n3>
<kendra1> Then she looked at me. She was going to slap me too. I was staring into her eyes, mesmerized. I don't know how I looked, but she quickly realized that it would hurt me more if I didn't get that slap. So she smiled and walked away. That tease mixed with disappointment... I held back, thinking that if I came, maybe she'd get angry and I wouldn't be chosen. </kendra1>
<n3> She covers her mouth with her hand and tries to hold back her moans. Her voice, already trembling as she speaks, and the way her feelings are transmitted to you, makes you feel even more affected. You feel a sweet warmth on your right cheek. Something is missing. Suddenly she lifts her head and puts her hand on your right cheek. </n3>
<kendra1> You feel it too, don't you? Something's missing. I'll always be one slap short from her. </kendra1>
<n3> Why doesn't the hand on your cheek move? Maybe a little slap would fill that emptiness. Kendra pulls her hand away from your cheek.</n3>
[[Continue|realphoenix18]]<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> She bound us together with a chain. A special chain that amplifies the flow of Lust. So that we can be affected by each other's sensations and stay in the the moment more easily. She didn't know that it was a mistake.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra3.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> She moved behind me and with her latex whip she gave me a not very strong blow on my back. I could only giggle and smile. She hit me again and then another. Each hit was more powerful than the last. If the ropes weren't holding me, I'd collapse like a sack. I've been seeking this for so long... Ahhh every blow is like a warm hug wrapped around my body. The sound of the whip, growing stronger and more cruel.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra4.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> I don't know how long this went on. For a while I was in a trance-like state. My whole body was itching, but these blows could only scratch a small part of it. When I woke up, I saw the loser in front of me writhing in pain with every blow to my body. Even that chain's transmission was too much for her.
Mistress Summer was silent. Only the sound of the whip on my body, getting stronger and louder, and the screams of the loser in front of me. Soon I couldn't take it anymore. I gathered my courage and called out to her. I didn't even know her name.
"Mistress, can I ask something? Please, Mistress!"</kendra1>
<n3> The whip stopped and she took a few steps towards me. She probably thought I was going to ask her to slow down or stop. Meanwhile, the other slave was already in tears, trying to catch her breath.</n3>
<kendra1> "Am I allowed to cum, Mistress?" I asked. I didn't have the courage to look at her face. I waited for her answer with excitement, pain and pleasure.</kendra1>
[[Continue|realphoenix19]]<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I was looking at the ground, waiting for an answer. I saw a hand reaching out. Mistress Summer grabbed the blonde slave by the chin and lifted her head. </kendra1>
<kendra1> <summer1> "If she cums, can you handle it? I haven't even hit you yet! You're looking pathetic already... </summer1> She yelled and pushed her chin.
Then she brought her face closer to mine. I could feel her breath on my face. <summer1>"You may not cum!"</summer1>I froze... She moved her hand to my pussy but stopped just before touching it. I screamed with surprise and excitement and waited with my eyes closed. If she touches me, there's no way I could stop myself from cumming. And she just told me that I can't cum.
I had to see what was going on. I opened my eyes, still staring at the floor. When I slowly turned my head, I saw Mistress Summer looking at me with a sadistic expression. She knew why I screamed in panic when she moved her hand. I wasn't afraid of pain or pleasure, I was afraid of crossing the lines she set. What a brilliant, insightful Succubus. I don't even need to utter a word. The envy inside me was burning me again.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"Hand Moves Again" t8n>>\
<kendra1> She told me to take a deep breath. Then, with a single move, she removed the chain attached to my pussy. Soon after, she started whipping my ass. She was only hitting me. I think she was using all her physical strength here because I was feeling a lot more, even though my ass was supposed to be more resistant than my back. It was a miracle I didn't cum there.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra5.jpg" class=center
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I thought I passed the test. I proved myself. As I was getting used to the pain of the blows on my ass, I heard something falling to the ground. It just fell right in front of me. I was thinking, " Isn't that the whip she using? </kendra1>
<n3> Kendra moves her hand to her leg. From there, she moves it sensually to her ass. She looks at you with a smile. You feel a sting on your ass.</n3>
<kendra1> While I was looking at the whip on the floor, suddenly I felt such a severe slap on my ass. I was blown off my feet. I thought the ropes would hold me, but somehow the ropes burned. I fell right next to the whip. I was completely convinced. She was the missing piece.
I've never felt anything so intense in my life. Maybe I came, I didn't even know. I was crying on the floor, tears of pure bliss, the end of the pursuit. I was in pain, I couldn't feel my legs properly, but I was at peace. The dissatisfaction that had been with me since I was born was gone.</kendra1>
<n3> She continues, tears welling up in her eyes. </n3>
<<linkreplace"An Order!" t8n>>\
<kendra1> I was crying miserably on the floor, my ass was still pulsating with pain and my legs were still numb. I was jolted back with a voice that didn't care about any of this. She wasn't shouting. Her tone was calm and merciless.</kendra1>
<b><d>Summer:</d> </b><summer1> Get up now.</summer1>
<kendra1> This short order resonated throughout my body and I was able to stand up with a momentary surge of strength in my legs. The first thing I noticed was that the slave next to me was trying to hide her tears. Even though the chain was removed, the bond between us was still there.</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> My hands were free and I could barely stand. Mistress Summer put her hand where she just hit me. Probably, there was a deep handprint on my ass with full of whip marks. I honestly don't know how much longer I could go on. My vision was blurred and I was dizzy.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra6.jpg" class=center
<n3> She moves her head closer to you again. </n3>
<kendra1> But I wasn't feeling weak or useless anymore... Fortunately, my test was over. Mistress Summer untied the blonde Succubus. Doubled over, she let herself fall to the ground, holding the spot where I had been slapped, and continued to cry silently. Then I felt two hands on my shoulders. She gently sat me on my knees.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra7.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> She started hurling insults at the Succubus writhing on the ground in pain. She praised me a few times. It felt so good. For the first time in my life, I was the winner.
Both ends of the spectrum were in front of me. On one side, a weak piece of garbage, scorched by its own patheticness and on the other side, a goddess who is brilliant, gorgeous, overwhelmingly dominant and unreachable. Where was my place in that spectrum? </kendra1>
[[Continue|realphoenix22]]<n3> Kendra leans back. The sparks you saw at the beginning of her story have damaged the wooden chair she was sitting on. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra8.jpg" class=center
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> When the insults were over, she simply told me to rest. When I was taken to my cell, my ass was bandaged. A first encounter full of details that I am embarrassed to talk about.
Of course, this was only the beginning. Stinging Latex was in many ways a delusional project. If you want to add a trait to a Latex, you need to find a Succubus with that trait. Her Lust must be absorbed and adapted by the Latex, with the properties it already carries. But pain is different. It's a result. No one's Lust was capable of inflicting pain the way Mistress Summer wanted it to.
That's why a weak Succubus was important there. My Lust was almost completely featureless. One of the closest things to Pure Lust. And despite everything that happened, I couldn't activate my spirit animal.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"Next Stage" t8n>>\
<kendra1> Every day I was woken up, dressed in latex clothes that felt like Lust sponges, tied up so I couldn't move, sharp clothespins attached to every pain point on my body. Then a vibrator on my pussy to make me produce Lust. It was painful just to stay still. But these clothespins were electrified at short intervals. And at some times of the day I was whipped for hours.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra9.webp" class=center width="60%">
<kendra1> I have no idea how this period lasted. But Mistress Summer was always visiting me. I was blindfolded, all my senses were blinded by pain. But I could still perceive when she came to watch me. This is how I was able to continue. </kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> This phase was the longest and most painful. And my body was getting progressively weaker. At the end of the day, I could only move with what was left of my mental strength. I didn't have the luxury of losing that resilience. But I was slowly dying. I could feel that.
One morning as I was lying in bed, my cell door opened. It was Mistress Summer. She finally identified something different in the Latex that was being tested. I could barely understand what she was saying. I was able to understand that I no longer had to bear extreme pain.
I was no longer needed. The base had been set. Now, with average slaves, the goal could be reached. Also, it was obvious that my health was not getting any better.
Mistress Summer walked calmly to my bed. She sat down gently and started to caress my hair. I couldn't lose this. But I was helpless. I was unable to even stand on my own. Maybe she was kind because she thought I was going to die soon. Maybe she always had it in her.
I fell asleep from exhaustion. When I woke up in the night, I realized I was completely paralyzed. I couldn't move anything except my eyes. To be honest, I had accepted it for a while. At least I had been useful. I was saying goodbye, leaving something behind that would be used for a long time. I closed my eyes for the last time.</kendra1>
<n3> You can see she's getting excited again. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Crimson Sparks" t8n>>\
<kendra1> Darkness... A peaceful and embracing feeling. No more painful thoughts. No more pain. That's when it hit me. I have only experienced a small part of what I was wondering about. I didn't even know what it felt like to slap someone.</kendra1>
<n3> You see the crimson sparks starting to surround Kendra. </n3>
<kendra1> I haven't tortured anyone yet! No one has asked me for mercy yet! No one has ever thanked me yet!!!</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I was burning inside, with envy, with curiosity, with cruelty and compassion... The flames I have been feeling inside me for a long time was spreading from the depths of my heart to my entire body. </kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/phoenix1.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> I was being reborn. First I started to feel my body again. It was the first time in my life that I felt this alive. I started to walk out of my little cell, still burning. My legs took me to the cell where I was tortured for months. </kendra1>
<<linkreplace" A Flick" t8n>>\
<kendra1> There I saw countless slaves covered in my latex, my product, and now it was painful just to come into contact with it. I could feel what each of them was feeling. I instinctively flicked my nipple. All of them were suddenly startled by a sudden pain and began to squirm. They could all feel my pain, several times stronger. A slap to myself might just kill some of them.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/latex1.jpg"
width="45%"> <img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/latex2.webp" width="50%">
<kendra1> I had no time to waste here. Actually, I had nowhere to be. I started walking casually down a corridor. Suddenly I felt something around my waist, like a thick rope. Before I could look what it was, I found myself thrown face down on the ground. Pain was my friend now. It couldn't hurt me.
I got up from the floor and saw Mistress Summer lying on the floor behind me. She must have been the one who attacked me. After all, someone is walking in flames. It was normal for her to attack. But when I saw her like that, my flames went out. I picked her up to took her to my cell. She was so beautiful even when she was unconscious.</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I ran into Mistress Lucy on the way.</kendra1>
<n3> Kendra stands up and spreads her arms wide. The flames coming out of her body are increasing.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Forming Flames" t8n>>\
<n3> The flames emanating from Kendra's body takes a shape and forms into a phoenix.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenix1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> It's a comforting warmth. Familiar but still far different from you. So Kendra and Sun should have bonded. But because of you, they didn't? Sun breaks her silence.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> The story she told is from long ago. If she was my host, we'd be connected by now. Don't show her my phoenix!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Kendra continues talking, looking at you with excitement after releasing her spirit animal. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I am one and only phoenix! When Mistress Lucy discovered that, she told me I was special. That my fate was tied to a Succubus who uses Dark Lust. She said we would guide each other. Since you are still in the developmental phase, the urgency to meet me must be low.
That must be the reason they wanted me to show you around and tell you about myself. Excuse my earlier attitudes. I'm not always in control of my moods.</kendra1>
<n3> She nods with satisfaction. Even her current mood swings don't seem to be under her control.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3>There's a knock at the door and a panicked Succubus comes in.</n3>
<b1> "Oh! Mistress Kendra I've been looking for you! There is a fight in the Dormitory."</b1>
<n3> Kendra answers calmly. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1>Okay I'll take care of it. </kendra1>
<b1> "But this fight has been going on for a while and Mistress Brianna said she would handle it on her own. She said you were busy, but you know what happened the last time she handled a fight by herself. I apologize for not finding you sooner Mistress!"</b1>
<n3> Kendra looks at you and then at the Succubus at the door. Suddenly starts running. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Shit! She can never tell when she's overdone it!</kendra1>
<n3> You start running after Kendra. Brianna actually seemed quite polite. At least on her own terms. In a few minutes, with a secret passage, you are passing into the Dormitory. Kendra takes off her stealth latex corset on her way out. You're still hidden.
You see a crowd at the entrance of the Dormitory. Kendra stops running as soon as she is at a distance where the crowd can see her and starts approaching the scene with long strides in a cool way. A few Succubus starts struggling the moment they see Kendra. They don't look tied up. They make noises as if their mouths are completely full. </n3>
[[Continue|realphoenix27]]<n3> Brianna greets Kendra with a voice full of pride. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> Kendra, you didn't have to come. I took care of it. I know you're busy. </brianna1>
<n3> Kendra asks, a little worried about the answer. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> What happened? </kendra1>
<n3> Brianna puts her hand on her hip and turns towards the crowd. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/brianna2.jpg" class=center
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> A classic case that started with an argument and turned into a fight. I can't stand Saturns fighting amongst themselves! We already have a bad reputation in all the other Dormitories. Every day we deal with so many small and big things like this! </brianna1>
<n3> It looks more like a scolding to the crowd than an explanation to Kendra. Brianna's voice gets louder. You can see she's getting really angry.</n3>
<brianna1> Kendra and me! We clean your asses every day along with all the other things we do! At least look for loopholes in the rules we set! Be clever! Pursue pleasure! What do you gain by fighting amongst yourselves like rabid dogs?</brianna1>
<n3> After calming down a bit, she turns to Kendra. </n3>
<brianna1> I've already heard all their excuses over and over again! Since their arguments turn into fights, I've sealed their mouths!</brianna1>
<n3> You thought she was talking about a few Succubus standing at the front, but then you realize she's talking about the whole crowd. They are all holding their throat or mouth, trying to make a meaningful sound. But only a silent hum comes from the huge crowd.</n3>
[[Continue|realphoenix28]]<n3> Kendra nods in agreement. She approaches Brianna and rubs her arm with affection.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Okay, okay... I know you've been stressed lately. We'll work it out.</kendra1>
<n3> Brianna continues to shout, her voice trembling. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> No, I mean, what do they want? I hand them all over to you and they get a punishment until they can't even remember their names. I'm trying to be fair!</brianna1>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I know... I know...</kendra1>
<n3> She squints at the crowd as she comforts Brianna. Then she puts her arm around Brianna and they start to walk away.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> You just need to relax a little bit. You know, when you're calm, you can follow your principles much more easily.</kendra1>
<n3> As she walks with Brianna, she turns back one last time and gestures <b><kendra1>"YOU ARE DEAD"</kendra1></b>to the crowd.
When she passes by you, she slowly turns her face to you and nods slowly. Guess that's the end of the tour. You still don't understand how you can be spotted when you're hidden. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<center><h1><cap>End Of The Saturn Dormitory For v0.6.4 </cap></h1></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $purpletour to 2>>
<<set $saturn to 3>>\<n3> You start advancing through the maze-like dungeon. You mostly hear male whining and Succubus laughter. Kendra suddenly stops.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> There's something I have to do, okay? I was gonna get it out of the way while I was showing you around but... Okay, just wait here. I'll be right back. </kendra1>
<n3> With rapid steps she enters a passage on the left. It doesn't even take two minutes for her to return. She straightens her dress and continues walking.</n3>
<kendra1> Where we're going is sort of a high security prison. It's located here because Mistress Lucy didn't want it in the Latex Dungeon. So you probably won't see the inside.</kendra1>
<n3> Suddenly she changes the subject completely. It is clear that this is what she has been thinking all along.</n3>
<kendra1> Mistress Summer is my idol. She doesn't realize it, but I learned almost everything I know from her. I accepted my true nature with her. It makes me very angry and... hurt that she calls you her friend... But I won't reflect that on you.</kendra1>
<n3> Then she stops talking. After a quite long walk you come to a huge gate. </n3>
<n3> You see a Succubus sitting by this huge gate. Kendra approaches her with calm steps. Before Kendra can say anything, she interrupts.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/mistress/mistress4.webp" class=center
<b1> "I'm sorry, Kendra, you can't enter with company. You know what we're dealing with right now. I can't take a risk."</b1>
<n3> Kendra answers very calmly. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I take full responsibility. She's Mistress Lucy's special guest. I don't know all the details exactly, but you can treat her like you would any of us. </kendra1>
<n3> Concerned Succubus moves uncomfortably in her seat. </n3>
<b1> "Mistress Lucy's special guest? Could you be $name by any chance?"</b1>
<n3> You nod in agreement, a little surprised. Her tense expression suddenly turns into a smile and she stands up. You can see Kendra is surprised too.</n3>
<b1> "I sit here all day, so I'm very interested in what's going on outside. I haven't seen her in a while, but Monica told me a lot about you."</b1>
<n3> She starts to walk towards you respectfully and prepares her hand on the way. It's a normal greeting. You'll just shake hands. </n3>
[[Continue|noMale4]]<n3> It makes you uneasy when she walks straight at you. She has a sincere smile on her face and just wants to shake hands with you. A perfectly normal and simple act. And you are waiting with your hand raised. Suddenly you feel a strange sensation. It's like you've been holding your pee for a very long time, but you feel it in your hand. It feels like once you unlock that door, something will be released that you can't stop. You see an momentary image.</n3>
<<linkreplace"An Uncomfortable Darkness" t8n>>\
<n3> An eerie figure staring at you with white eyes. As black smoke rises from all around it, it continues to look deep into your soul. It doesn't give off a good or bad feeling. It looks more like an empty shell waiting to be filled. This image appeared in your mind only for a moment. Yet just because you don't see it doesn't necessarily mean that it has stopped watching you.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/dark1.jpg" class=center
<<linkreplace"A Scream!" t8n >>
<n3> As your mind is filled with these thoughts, you wake up with a sharp scream. A scream that lasted a second at most. Since you've already decided shake hands, even though your mind is preoccupied, your body has followed through.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/dark2.jpg" class=center
<n3> The first thing you notice is that your fingers are pitch black. You no longer feel the pent-up feeling inside you. You must have released it from your hand. Your fingers return to normal in a few seconds. When you can understand a little of what's happened, you are able to look around. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> The Succubus you just shook hands with is lying on the floor next to the throne she was sitting on. Did you hurt her? Kendra rushes to her side.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Hey! Are you okay?</kendra1>
<n3> She straightens up in a sitting position. She checks her body and stands up. </n3>
<b1> "Yes, I'm fine. I don't feel any difference. I think our Lusts had an unexpected reaction. You okay, $name?"</b1>
<n3> Just as you're about to say yes, you feel pain in your arm. </n3>
<<linkreplace" Weird Spasms" t8n>>\
<n3> Your arm starts to contract first. It straightens on its own and throbs with spasms. Bright purple veins start to appear and gradually become more prominent. It doesn't hurt much, but it feels like it's gradually ceasing to be a part of you.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/purple1.jpg" class=center
<n3> You don't notice, but Kendra is watching this scene with fascination. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> In a short time your arm is burning purple. It is still contracting, but the earlier loss of self-control seems to have subsided. Still, you don't know what to do with this accumulated energy.</n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/purple2.jpg" class=center
<n3> The Succubus running towards you from the throne seems to have an idea about what is happening. She grabs you by the shoulders and drags you towards the huge gate. She shouts in panic. </n3>
<b1>"TOUCH THE GATEE!!!"</b1>
<n3> You place your violet-burning hand directly on the gate. The gate immediately reacts to this and starts sucking the energy out of your arm rapidly. It starts to fill with purple veins. Soon you notice a huge Saturn sign glowing purple in the center of the door.
There is a momentary puff of smoke from the sides and slowly the huge gate opens. You both sit on the floor gasping for breath. The Succubus guarding the gate lies fully on the floor and laughs with delight.</n3>
<b1>"Hahahaha! You're much more interesting than Monica described."</b1>
<n3> That happened because of the state of mind you unintentionally entered when you tried to stop the Succubus running at you like a bull? Kendra comes to you with a smile on her face. </n3>
<b1>"You can go in, Kendra. In fact, I can accompany you part of the way."</b1>
[[Continue|noMale7]]<n3> Kendra gets you on your feet with excitement. She holds your cheeks and examines you up and down.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Are you okay?</kendra1>
<n3> You can only answer in a muffled affirmative because your cheeks are cupped. Kendra laughs softly. Her attitude towards you seems to have drastically changed. On the contrary, you expected her to be angry.</n3>
<kendra1> We're not going in. $name, I have things to tell you. Our fates are tied! I've finally found you!</kendra1>
<n3> She looks at the Succubus on the floor. </n3>
<kendra1> Just close the gate already!</kendra1>
<n3> She takes you by the hand and leads you back the way you came. She goes into the first empty cell she finds and closes the door. </n3>
[[Continue|noMale8]]<n3> She seems to have a long story to tell. After she shuts the door, she sits in front of you.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Listen! I was a powerless, ordinary Succubus. A pathetic Succubus who hadn't even discovered her spirit animal. This dungeon wasn't even built yet. Mistress Lucy's dungeon was just getting started. I was a maid in the house of an important Succubus. One day they told me that they sold me. Mistress Lucy and Mistress Summer came to pick me up.
<n3> She adjusts her posture as she speaks excitedly. You notice that there are faint sparks of red forming around her. This excites you too. </n3>
It was the first time I saw them. Just standing around Mistress Summer got me soaking wet. And I was lucky at the time, Mistress Summer was looking for personal slaves for one of her project. She was working on what is now known as stinging Latex. it's a very difficult thing to adapt a Latex and turn it into another type. I've experienced it first hand.
Of course, they can't just hand Mistress Summer a worthless slave of uncertain capacity as soon as they arrive. I didn't know it, but I was put through a long trial period, along with all the other slaves.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"An image" t8n>>\
<n3> You're used to seeing little glimpses of Kendra's thoughts. Kendra, restrained by ropes, being whipped for hours. Along with disappointment, a meaningless pain. A pain that brings no pleasure, a pain that feels dull. What you feel is dissatisfaction. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/kendra3.webp" class=center
<kendra1> The blows I received were hurting my body, but something was always missing. Every day I woke up with a new hope, but it never happened. The strikes of the reluctant Succubuses weren't reaching me. </kendra1>
<n3> She takes a deep breath and brings her hand to her throat. </n3>
<kendra1> Until I met her again...</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> Kendra's hip moves slowly. She squeezes her legs together. She has a lustful smile, with a slightly blank expression on her face. Summer appears in your mind, looking right into your eyes. The penetrating gaze catches you by surprise. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/summer2.webp" class=center
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> As I was thinking I woke up to another dull morning, she came. She was only wearing a black panty. Her entire body was covered in sweat and she hadn't even regained her breath. She probably came to visit me right after her morning exercise.
She walked in and just looked at me for a while. Just that alone was more stimulating than all the torture I had endured for weeks. Her huge tits were shining with sweat. She looked down on me with her fit perfect body and piercing eyes. All I could think was licking her entire body clean. But I didn't have the courage to move a muscle. That conflict made me feel ecstatic...</kendra1>
<n3> Kendra raises her index finger. You can see her hand shaking with excitement. </n3>
<kendra1> I was not in a state to realize it at that moment. The only thing I wanted was not to be dominated and humiliated by her. I also wanted to be like her, to be tortured by her for hours on end, and at the same time do what I want to her. I wanted to experience both sides at the same time.
I could only hear one sentence from her mouth that day. I would give my life without thinking just to kiss those lips.
She only said,<summer1> "Okay, you'll do fine."</summer1>And then she left.</kendra1>
<n3> She looks at you with her eyelids twitching. There's an overwhelming desire in her eyes. </n3>
<kendra1> The moment she left, I came without even touching myself. Twice! You don't know how dominant her aura was in the past. </kendra1>
<n3> She pauses to catch her breath. You feel every sensation she describes, albeit in a weaker form. You are completely in the moment and just want to hear, see and feel more. </n3>
[[Continue|noMale10]]<n3> After calming down a bit, she continues. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> The next day they put me and another Succubus in a cell. They tied us to the ceiling by our wrists, completely naked. I didn't know what was going to happen. All I wanted was to see her again.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"Wonder And Hope"t8n>>\
<n3> You see young Kendra, tied by her wrists to the ceiling. You can feel her curiosity and hope to see Summer. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra1.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> And then she actually showed up! She was so beautiful that I was feeling embarrassed to look at her. I could feel her energy all over my body. A tickling sensation mixed with a stinging...</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra2.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> She announced that she would continue with one of us as her main subject. She said that a journey was ahead of us, not knowing how long it would last, nothing but pain. I was shaking with excitement. She thought I was scared and teased me a little.</kendra1>
<n3> She smiles nostalgically and continues. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> We didn't know what was going to happen and why we were here. She said we were great candidates because we are weak. I was so grateful for being a useless weakling.
As she was making those explanations, she suddenly slapped the Succubus next to me very hard. The sharpness of the sound, the unexpected scream of the loser next to me... I was so jealous of them both. I wish I had been the one who slapped and the one who received the slap.</kendra1>
<n3> She caresses her cheek with a slightly uncomfortable smile. But you understand what she really feels. An envy so strong that even you are intrigued by it.</n3>
<kendra1> Then she looked at me. She was going to slap me too. I was staring into her eyes, mesmerized. I don't know how I looked, but she quickly realized that it would hurt me more if I didn't get that slap. So she smiled and walked away. That tease mixed with disappointment... I held back, thinking that if I came, maybe she'd get angry and I wouldn't be chosen. </kendra1>
<n3> She covers her mouth with her hand and tries to hold back her moans. Her voice, already trembling as she speaks, and the way her feelings are transmitted to you, makes you feel even more affected. You feel a sweet warmth on your right cheek. Something is missing. Suddenly she lifts her head and puts her hand on your right cheek. </n3>
<kendra1> You feel it too, don't you? Something's missing. I'll always be one slap short from her. </kendra1>
<n3> Why doesn't the hand on your cheek move? Maybe a little slap would fill that emptiness. Kendra pulls her hand away from your cheek.</n3>
[[Continue|noMale12]]<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> She bound us together with a chain. A special chain that amplifies the flow of Lust. So that we can be affected by each other's sensations and stay in the the moment more easily. She didn't know that it was a mistake.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra3.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> She moved behind me and with her latex whip she gave me a not very strong blow on my back. I could only giggle and smile. She hit me again and then another. Each hit was more powerful than the last. If the ropes weren't holding me, I'd collapse like a sack. I've been seeking this for so long... Ahhh every blow is like a warm hug wrapped around my body. The sound of the whip, growing stronger and more cruel.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra4.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> I don't know how long this went on. For a while I was in a trance-like state. My whole body was itching, but these blows could only scratch a small part of it. When I woke up, I saw the loser in front of me writhing in pain with every blow to my body. Even that chain's transmission was too much for her.
Mistress Summer was silent. Only the sound of the whip on my body, getting stronger and louder, and the screams of the loser in front of me. Soon I couldn't take it anymore. I gathered my courage and called out to her. I didn't even know her name.
"Mistress, can I ask something? Please, Mistress!"</kendra1>
<n3> The whip stopped and she took a few steps towards me. She probably thought I was going to ask her to slow down or stop. Meanwhile, the other slave was already in tears, trying to catch her breath.</n3>
<kendra1> "Am I allowed to cum, Mistress?" I asked. I didn't have the courage to look at her face. I waited for her answer with excitement, pain and pleasure.</kendra1>
[[Continue|noMale13]]<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I was looking at the ground, waiting for an answer. I saw a hand reaching out. Mistress Summer grabbed the blonde slave by the chin and lifted her head. </kendra1>
<kendra1> <summer1> "If she cums, can you handle it? I haven't even hit you yet! You're looking pathetic already... </summer1> She yelled and pushed her chin.
Then she brought her face closer to mine. I could feel her breath on my face. <summer1>"You may not cum!"</summer1>I froze... She moved her hand to my pussy but stopped just before touching it. I screamed with surprise and excitement and waited with my eyes closed. If she touches me, there's no way I could stop myself from cumming. And she just told me that I can't cum.
I had to see what was going on. I opened my eyes, still staring at the floor. When I slowly turned my head, I saw Mistress Summer looking at me with a sadistic expression. She knew why I screamed in panic when she moved her hand. I wasn't afraid of pain or pleasure, I was afraid of crossing the lines she set. What a brilliant, insightful Succubus. I don't even need to utter a word. The envy inside me was burning me again.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"Hand Moves Again" t8n>>\
<kendra1> She told me to take a deep breath. Then, with a single move, she removed the chain attached to my pussy. Soon after, she started whipping my ass. She was only hitting me. I think she was using all her physical strength here because I was feeling a lot more, even though my ass was supposed to be more resistant than my back. It was a miracle I didn't cum there.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra5.jpg" class=center
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I thought I passed the test. I proved myself. As I was getting used to the pain of the blows on my ass, I heard something falling to the ground. It just fell right in front of me. I was thinking, " Isn't that the whip she using? </kendra1>
<n3> Kendra moves her hand to her leg. From there, she moves it sensually to her ass. She looks at you with a smile. You feel a sting on your ass.</n3>
<kendra1> While I was looking at the whip on the floor, suddenly I felt such a severe slap on my ass. I was blown off my feet. I thought the ropes would hold me, but somehow the ropes burned. I fell right next to the whip. I was completely convinced. She was the missing piece.
I've never felt anything so intense in my life. Maybe I came, I didn't even know. I was crying on the floor, tears of pure bliss, the end of the pursuit. I was in pain, I couldn't feel my legs properly, but I was at peace. The dissatisfaction that had been with me since I was born was gone.</kendra1>
<n3> She continues, tears welling up in her eyes. </n3>
<<linkreplace"An Order!" t8n>>\
<kendra1> I was crying miserably on the floor, my ass was still pulsating with pain and my legs were still numb. I was jolted back with a voice that didn't care about any of this. She wasn't shouting. Her tone was calm and merciless.</kendra1>
<b><d>Summer:</d> </b><summer1> Get up now.</summer1>
<kendra1> This short order resonated throughout my body and I was able to stand up with a momentary surge of strength in my legs. The first thing I noticed was that the slave next to me was trying to hide her tears. Even though the chain was removed, the bond between us was still there.</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> My hands were free and I could barely stand. Mistress Summer put her hand where she just hit me. Probably, there was a deep handprint on my ass with full of whip marks. I honestly don't know how much longer I could go on. My vision was blurred and I was dizzy.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra6.jpg" class=center
<n3> She moves her head closer to you again. </n3>
<kendra1> But I wasn't feeling weak or useless anymore... Fortunately, my test was over. Mistress Summer untied the blonde Succubus. Doubled over, she let herself fall to the ground, holding the spot where I had been slapped, and continued to cry silently. Then I felt two hands on my shoulders. She gently sat me on my knees.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra7.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> She started hurling insults at the Succubus writhing on the ground in pain. She praised me a few times. It felt so good. For the first time in my life, I was the winner.
Both ends of the spectrum were in front of me. On one side, a weak piece of garbage, scorched by its own patheticness and on the other side, a goddess who is brilliant, gorgeous, overwhelmingly dominant and unreachable. Where was my place in that spectrum? </kendra1>
[[Continue|noMale16]]<n3> Kendra leans back. The sparks you saw at the beginning of her story have damaged the wooden chair she was sitting on. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra8.jpg" class=center
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> When the insults were over, she simply told me to rest. When I was taken to my cell, my ass was bandaged. A first encounter full of details that I am embarrassed to talk about.
Of course, this was only the beginning. Stinging Latex was in many ways a delusional project. If you want to add a trait to a Latex, you need to find a Succubus with that trait. Her Lust must be absorbed and adapted by the Latex, with the properties it already carries. But pain is different. It's a result. No one's Lust was capable of inflicting pain the way Mistress Summer wanted it to.
That's why a weak Succubus was important there. My Lust was almost completely featureless. One of the closest things to Pure Lust. And despite everything that happened, I couldn't activate my spirit animal.</kendra1>
<<linkreplace"Next Stage" t8n>>\
<kendra1> Every day I was woken up, dressed in latex clothes that felt like Lust sponges, tied up so I couldn't move, sharp clothespins attached to every pain point on my body. Then a vibrator on my pussy to make me produce Lust. It was painful just to stay still. But these clothespins were electrified at short intervals. And at some times of the day I was whipped for hours.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/kendra9.webp" class=center width="60%">
<kendra1> I have no idea how this period lasted. But Mistress Summer was always visiting me. I was blindfolded, all my senses were blinded by pain. But I could still perceive when she came to watch me. This is how I was able to continue. </kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> This phase was the longest and most painful. And my body was getting progressively weaker. At the end of the day, I could only move with what was left of my mental strength. I didn't have the luxury of losing that resilience. But I was slowly dying. I could feel that.
One morning as I was lying in bed, my cell door opened. It was Mistress Summer. She finally identified something different in the Latex that was being tested. I could barely understand what she was saying. I was able to understand that I no longer had to bear extreme pain.
I was no longer needed. The base had been set. Now, with average slaves, the goal could be reached. Also, it was obvious that my health was not getting any better.
Mistress Summer walked calmly to my bed. She sat down gently and started to caress my hair. I couldn't lose this. But I was helpless. I was unable to even stand on my own. Maybe she was kind because she thought I was going to die soon. Maybe she always had it in her.
I fell asleep from exhaustion. When I woke up in the night, I realized I was completely paralyzed. I couldn't move anything except my eyes. To be honest, I had accepted it for a while. At least I had been useful. I was saying goodbye, leaving something behind that would be used for a long time. I closed my eyes for the last time.</kendra1>
<n3> You can see she's getting excited again. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Crimson Sparks" t8n>>\
<kendra1> Darkness... A peaceful and embracing feeling. No more painful thoughts. No more pain. That's when it hit me. I have only experienced a small part of what I was wondering about. I didn't even know what it felt like to slap someone.</kendra1>
<n3> You see the crimson sparks starting to surround Kendra. </n3>
<kendra1> I haven't tortured anyone yet! No one has asked me for mercy yet! No one has ever thanked me yet!!!</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I was burning inside, with envy, with curiosity, with cruelty and compassion... The flames I have been feeling inside me for a long time was spreading from the depths of my heart to my entire body. </kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/phoenix1.jpg" class=center
<kendra1> I was being reborn. First I started to feel my body again. It was the first time in my life that I felt this alive. I started to walk out of my little cell, still burning. My legs took me to the cell where I was tortured for months. </kendra1>
<<linkreplace" A Flick" t8n>>\
<kendra1> There I saw countless slaves covered in my latex, my product, and now it was painful just to come into contact with it. I could feel what each of them was feeling. I instinctively flicked my nipple. All of them were suddenly startled by a sudden pain and began to squirm. They could all feel my pain, several times stronger. A slap to myself might just kill some of them.</kendra1>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/latex1.jpg"
width="45%"> <img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/1/latex2.webp" width="50%">
<kendra1> I had no time to waste here. Actually, I had nowhere to be. I started walking casually down a corridor. Suddenly I felt something around my waist, like a thick rope. Before I could look what it was, I found myself thrown face down on the ground. Pain was my friend now. It couldn't hurt me.
I got up from the floor and saw Mistress Summer lying on the floor behind me. She must have been the one who attacked me. After all, someone is walking in flames. It was normal for her to attack. But when I saw her like that, my flames went out. I picked her up to took her to my cell. She was so beautiful even when she was unconscious.</kendra1>
<</linkreplace>>\<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I ran into Mistress Lucy on the way.</kendra1>
<n3> Kendra stands up and spreads her arms wide. The flames coming out of her body are increasing.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Forming Flames" t8n>>\
<n3> The flames emanating from Kendra's body takes a shape and forms into a phoenix.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenix1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> It's a comforting warmth. Familiar but still far different from you. So Kendra and Sun should have bonded. But because of you, they didn't? Sun breaks her silence.</n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> The story she told is from long ago. If she was my host, we'd be connected by now. Don't show her my phoenix!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Kendra continues talking, looking at you with excitement after releasing her spirit animal. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I am one and only phoenix! When Mistress Lucy discovered that, she told me I was special. That my fate was tied to a Succubus who uses Dark Lust. She said we would guide each other. Since you are still in the developmental phase, the urgency to meet me must be low.
That must be the reason they wanted me to show you around and tell you about myself. Excuse my earlier attitudes. I'm not always in control of my moods.</kendra1>
<n3> She nods with satisfaction. Even her current mood swings don't seem to be under her control.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3>There's a knock at the door and a panicked Succubus comes in.</n3>
<b1> "Oh! Mistress Kendra I've been looking for you! There is a fight in the Dormitory."</b1>
<n3> Kendra answers calmly. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1>Okay I'll take care of it. </kendra1>
<b1> "But this fight has been going on for a while and Mistress Brianna said she would handle it on her own. She said you were busy, but you know what happened the last time she handled a fight by herself. I apologize for not finding you sooner Mistress!"</b1>
<n3> Kendra looks at you and then at the Succubus at the door. Suddenly starts running. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Shit! She can never tell when she's overdone it!</kendra1>
<n3> You start running after Kendra. Brianna actually seemed quite polite. At least on her own terms. In a few minutes, with a secret passage, you are passing into the Dormitory. Kendra takes off her stealth latex corset on her way out. You're still hidden.
You see a crowd at the entrance of the Dormitory. Kendra stops running as soon as she is at a distance where the crowd can see her and starts approaching the scene with long strides in a cool way. A few Succubus starts struggling the moment they see Kendra. They don't look tied up. They make noises as if their mouths are completely full. </n3>
[[Continue|noMale21]]<n3> Brianna greets Kendra with a voice full of pride. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> Kendra, you didn't have to come. I took care of it. I know you're busy. </brianna1>
<n3> Kendra asks, a little worried about the answer. </n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> What happened? </kendra1>
<n3> Brianna puts her hand on her hip and turns towards the crowd. </n3>
<img src="gif/saturn/realphoenix/brianna2.jpg" class=center
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> A classic case that started with an argument and turned into a fight. I can't stand Saturns fighting amongst themselves! We already have a bad reputation in all the other Dormitories. Every day we deal with so many small and big things like this! </brianna1>
<n3> It looks more like a scolding to the crowd than an explanation to Kendra. Brianna's voice gets louder. You can see she's getting really angry.</n3>
<brianna1> Kendra and me! We clean your asses every day along with all the other things we do! At least look for loopholes in the rules we set! Be clever! Pursue pleasure! What do you gain by fighting amongst yourselves like rabid dogs?</brianna1>
<n3> After calming down a bit, she turns to Kendra. </n3>
<brianna1> I've already heard all their excuses over and over again! Since their arguments turn into fights, I've sealed their mouths!</brianna1>
<n3> You thought she was talking about a few Succubus standing at the front, but then you realize she's talking about the whole crowd. They are all holding their throat or mouth, trying to make a meaningful sound. But only a silent hum comes from the huge crowd.</n3>
[[Continue|noMale22]]<n3> Kendra nods in agreement. She approaches Brianna and rubs her arm with affection.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> Okay, okay... I know you've been stressed lately. We'll work it out.</kendra1>
<n3> Brianna continues to shout, her voice trembling. </n3>
<d>Brianna:</d> <brianna1> No, I mean, what do they want? I hand them all over to you and they get a punishment until they can't even remember their names. I'm trying to be fair!</brianna1>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> I know... I know...</kendra1>
<n3> She squints at the crowd as she comforts Brianna. Then she puts her arm around Brianna and they start to walk away.</n3>
<d>Kendra:</d> <kendra1> You just need to relax a little bit. You know, when you're calm, you can follow your principles much more easily.</kendra1>
<n3> As she walks with Brianna, she turns back one last time and gestures <b><kendra1>"YOU ARE DEAD"</kendra1></b>to the crowd.
When she passes by you, she slowly turns her face to you and nods slowly. Guess that's the end of the tour. You still don't understand how you can be spotted when you're hidden. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<center><h1><cap>End Of The Saturn Dormitory For v0.6.4 </cap></h1></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $purpletour to 2>>
<<set $saturn to 3>>\
<n3>A barrier in the greenery. The entrance gate looks as if it is made of branches floating in the air.</n3>
<img src="img/places/venusbarrier1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<if $abella === 1>>\
[[You See A Crowd|bigsecret1]]
<</if>>\<n3> You see a crowd in front of the Venus barrier. When you get a little closer, you see that this is not a disorganized crowd. In front of the barrier, two Succubus, who you guess are Venus, are standing and helping everyone in line to pass through. There must be some kind of special event inside.</n3>
<img src="img/places/venusbarrier1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> As you are watching from a little distance, you see someone approaching. She has a really beautiful smile.</n3>
<b1>"Oh you don't need to watch from afar. This is for everyone. Our Headmistress will be giving a speech. It's not something that will take much of your time. Won't you like to witness the debut times of the most popular Headmistress of the future?"</b1>
<n3> Her expression gets a little more serious. She still looks gorgeous. </n3>
<b1>"And you'll learn a lot, too. The future of Umesatraa Academy depends on such idealists. Regardless of your sign, please consider here as your Dormitory too! We would be really happy if you participate!"</b1>
<n3> She puts on her charming smile again and bows her head. Then she leaves to give a similar speech to the other Succubuses nearby.
You remember hearing that the previous Headmistress was a very strict Succubus. There was even a time when no one who wasn't Venus was allowed through the barrier. That's why Mars and Venus were known for their isolated Dormitories. Yet Mars has always been and remains more isolated.
You think it wouldn't hurt to take a look inside and you get in line.</n3>
[[Continue|bigsecret2]] <n3> The Succubuses at the entrance of the barrier seem very friendly and helpful. The line moves very fast, but the length of the line keeps increasing. Will all these Succubuses fit inside?
This question disappears from your mind as soon as you cross the barrier because Venus Dormitory looks huge. When you enter the Dormitory, you're greeted by an entrance area bigger than you've ever seen. This area alone could be as big as the entire Newcomers Dormitory.</n3>
<img src="img/places/venusdormitory1.jpg" class=center width="70%">
<n3> It is very crowded inside, but still only half of the entrance is filled. It looks like there is still some time until the speech starts. You see a small stage at a little distance from you. It looks like the Headmistress is going to give her speech there. You realize that you don't know what her speech will be about.
You look around and there are Succubuses with huge hips in front of all the doors and stairs. Consider this place your home, but stay where they like.
You look around in case you find a familiar face. Suddenly, you feel a pain in your chest.</n3>
[[Continue|bigsecret3]]<n3> You put your hand on your chest and drop to your knees. It's not pain. More like the most overwhelming feeling you've ever felt and it's calling you. Something needs you. You feel it in your entire being. You stand up and let your feet guide you. You walk to the nearest staircase.</n3>
<<linkreplace"An Obstacle" t8n>>\
<n3> As you're going up the stairs, two Succubus get in front of you. </n3>
<b1>"Sorry! You're not allowed to leave the entrance. But we can make an exception for you." </b1>
<n3> One of them turns around and lowers her panties a bit. The other one is talking while shaking this huge ass. </n3>
<img src="gif/venus/bigsecret/ass1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b1>"If you want to get through, you'll have to use your tongue until we're both satisfied." </b1>
<n3> You don't have time to waste with these two knuckleheads. The only thing on your mind is to reach the voice calling you. You look around. If you have no other way, you're going to crush them to continue.
You see another Succubus in front of a staircase not far away. Someone approaches and whispers a few words in her ear and they hurry up the stairs together. With quick but calm steps you start to move there. The Succubus in front of you is trying to tease you, but you don't even hear her.</n3>
<img src="gif/venus/bigsecret/ass2.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b1>"Don't be shy. We won't be too hard on you." </b1>
<n3> Shortly after, they forget about you and continue to try the same tactic on other Succubuses. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You go upstairs without a problem and continue walking your way. There's no one around and it's very quiet. The only sound you hear is a sniffle in the distance. The corridor splits left and right in front of you. The calling is to your right, you can feel it.
<img src="img/places/venusdormitory2.jpg" class=center width="70%">
As you get closer, you realize that there is an uneasiness inside you. Is this call not for you? Was it just an empty hook and you got caught because you were nearest? You stop yourself before you turn right in the corridor. This call is not for you. You poke your head out and you see the Succubus in front of the staircase and the one who called her standing in front of something. You can't see what that is. Right next to you, you see a strange statue where you can hide. </n3>
[[Continue|bigsecret5]]<n3> As you try to figure out what's going on, you see a blonde Succubus on the other end. She's wearing a sexy leather dress. She shouts in a harsh tone.</n3>
<img src="gif/venus/bigsecret/aj1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<l1>"What the hell are you doing here? Return to your assigned places! It's a mess down there!"</l1>
<n3> They look at the blonde Succubus as if they didn't hear her. You don't know how their faces look, but the blonde Succubus' face is filling with concern.</n3>
<l1>"What's going on? Why are you standing so close?"</l1>
<n3> Two Succubus slowly back away. There's someone on the floor.</n3>
[[Try To See Who That Is|bigsecret6]] <n3> There is a figure slumped on the floor, looks unconscious. Her eyes are glazed, her face and mouth are covered in saliva. This is the Headmistress of the Venus Dormitory, Abella!</n3>
<img src="gif/venus/bigsecret/abella1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> The blonde Succubus freaks out when she sees that, but she tries to hide it. She gestures to the two Succubus standing in front of Abella to leave. The two Succubus hurry back the way they came. The statue is so big that when you enter one of its cavities, you can't be seen from the outside at all. The duo walks past you.</n3>
[[Continue|bigsecret7]]<n3> When she is alone, she rushes to Abella and tries to wake her up by gently shaking her by the shoulders. </n3>
<aj1> "Abella! Abella!!! You need to wake up!"</aj1>
<n3> A weak voice is heard from the body that shakes like an empty shell. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella>AJ?</abella>
<n3> AJ smiles with hope. </n3>
<d>AJ:</d> <aj1> Yes, it's me! AJ! Why didn't you call me? </aj1>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella>I did...</abella>
<d>AJ:</d> <aj1> How do you feel?</aj1>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella>Like a fraud...</abella>
<n3> AJ gets to her feet, her face wrinkled with worry. In a short time, this expression turns to fear, which turns to terror. Just seeing this expression makes you very uncomfortable. She must be in a state of intense anxiety right now. She speaks out of breath with her voice cracking. You can't tell if she's talking to Abella or to herself.</n3>
<d>AJ:</d> <aj1> Not now! You have a speech to give. What do we do? I mean, if someone sees us. What if she sees us?!!!</aj1>
<n3> You're watching through a small gap where she can't see you. But she's spinning around like a paranoid and taking sharp breaths. She seems to be having a panic attack. Finally she pulls herself together and crouches at Abella's eye level. Her hands are shaking like crazy. She grabs Abella's head and slowly rotates it towards her.</n3>
<aj1> Look at me! Abella, you are the Headmistress of the Venus Dormitory! You're not a fraud! There are thousands of Succubus down there waiting to see you!
They are waiting for what will come out of your mouth. You're a wonderful Headmistress! You can't abandon us, please! You're the Headmistress!!!</aj1>
[[Continue|bigsecret8]]<n3> She looks at Abella with tears in her eyes. She continues to breathe in short gasps. With her mouth and eyes open, she searches for even the slightest change in Abella's expression. Abella's lips move slowly.</n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> I'm a fraud...</abella>
<n3> Aj slowly releases the face between her hands. She sits next to Abella with dropped shoulders. She pulls her knees and cradles her head in her arms. As Abella lies dead next to her, she starts to cry loudly. You can feel the fear in her cry. She seems so afraid that someone will find out what is happening now.
AJ's sobbing echoes through the huge corridor. Abella's head tilts forward and then slowly starts to spin. She looks around and sees AJ crying, huddled next to her. She's slowly starting to move. She puts on a thin blouse lying on the floor and stands up. Noticing movement around her, AJ lifts her head and sees Abella standing. After a laugh of relief, she gets emotional again and continues to cry.</n3>
<d>AJ:</d> <aj1> Welcome back, Abella!</aj1>
<n3> Abella's whole body language has changed. Just her posture alone radiates an overwhelming dominance. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella>What do you mean by... Abella?</abella>
<n3> Aj looks at Abella in surprise but quickly understands. </n3>
<d>AJ:</d> <aj1> I apologize... Welcome back, my Headmistress!</aj1>
<n3> Still sobbing, AJ wipes her tears and stands up in a panic. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> Get my outfit ready! We need to take this Dormitory to the glory it deserves. And bring the duo who saw me to my room! You sent them away without thinking. I hope you know there's a punishment for that.</abella>
<n3> AJ listens with a smile on her face. </n3>
<d>AJ:</d> <aj1> Yes, I know. I'm so sorry Headmistress Abella! I accept any punishment you see fit.</aj1>
[[Continue|bigsecret9]]<n3> Abella chuckles lightly. She points her hand in the opposite direction of you.</n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella>What are you waiting for? We have a superstar to dethrone. We need to work very hard.</abella>
<n3> AJ clasps her hands together with happiness. After bowing respectfully, she rushes out of view.
You didn't realize it until now, but you've been holding your breath for a while. Again, without realizing it, you have perfectly concealed your Lust. But the moment you realize these things, both of these things slip out of your control. You recover quickly and look through the hole again.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Two Eyes" t8n>>\
<n3> When you look into the little hole where you watch everything that happens, you see Abella facing towards you. First you're not sure if she's looking at you. But yes, she's looking exactly where you are.</n3>
<img src="gif/venus/bigsecret/abella2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You freeze where you are. Abella looks at you for a few seconds and then turns away. She walks in the direction AJ went and gets out of sight.
You wait a little longer where you are. You know that the Succubus guarding the staircase you went up will be summoned by AJ. You move to a place where you can see the staircase and wait for a while. After a short while, the Succubus guarding the ladder is taken away by some other Succubuses. You take advantage of this opening and go down immediately,
but when you do, you realize that you shouldn't have worried that much. Because the huge entrance is almost completely full. Some of the sides are completely full and the second floor is being opened. You're curious about the speech, but you've seen more than enough. And this suffocating crowd is not what you want right now. You can get yourself out with some effort.</n3>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $abella to 2>>\
<<set $venusnoticed to 1>>\
<<set $venusdormitory to 1>>\
Enter Your New Name <<textbox "$name" Maya>>
<n3>After you type the name you want to choose and leave here, your name will be changed. If you don't type anything, it will be set to Maya, which is the default name. With the <linkB1>[Check Your Name]</linkB1> button on the left bar, you can make a final check.</n3>
<center>[[Return To the Mirror|Mirror]]
[[🛁 Return To the Bathroom|Bathroom]]</center><n3> Someone is knocking on your door hysterically. The knocking gets stronger and faster. The energy coming from the other side of the door is familiar. You can feel the fear and anxiety. A little disgruntled, you head for the door and calmly open it. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Open The Door" t8n>>\
<n3> When you open the door, you see Ella. Because she's standing too close to the door, your faces are too close too. She slips inside and waves at you to close the door. She seems to be trying to calm down, as she plays with her hair as usual.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/ella/ella1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I think I'll be assassinated soon.</ella></b>
<n3> She sounds like she got this out of prolonged thinking processes. Still, you know what she's going through. Things could get serious. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What do you mean? </n1></b>
<n3> Ella's shoulders drop and she sits on your bed. </n3>
<b><ella> "I'm paying for my fame and a momentary lapse of judgment. Someone broke into my room yesterday. Her name was Angela. She came from a place called The Center or something to leave a message. Of course, the message isn't made of words."</ella></b>
<n3> Things look serious! But you don't know exactly how much Ella is aware of that. Ella continues.</n3>
<b><ella> "She said I could never tell Aunt Lucy about this. And I didn't know what to do, and then I remembered you. You can tell her!"</ella></b>
<n3> You exhale deeply. Either way, Lucy's gonna find out what happened. You want to hear what happened as soon as possible. You speak with a slightly commanding tone.</n3>
<b> <n1> "Okay, you can tell me. Don't leave out any details!" </n1></b>
<n3> Ella smiles with some relief. </n3>
<b><ella>"Okay, okay I'll take it from the beginning."</ella></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Ella stands up and starts to explain with big gestures. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I don't know how much you know. I'm very famous in the Mars Dormitory. I really am! I'm not making it up!</ella></b>
<n3> Although it still surprises you, she is not making it up. </n3>
<b><ella> "Oh! By the way, I guess you can read mind or something. Also, look at what I'm picturing, okay? I'm starting!"</ella></b>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit3]]<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella>Recently, I won my first official Lust Duel. But it was a specific challenge about whether I could make the other Succubus cum in a certain amount of time. So it wasn't really dangerous. I was already well-known up to that point, but after that duel, I became someone the whole Dormitory knew. And because I was a newcomer, both sides wanted me for themselves. </ella></b>
<n3> She takes a deep breath and takes a pause before continuing. You can see the concern on her face. </n3>
<<linkreplace"She Continues" t8n>>\
<b> <ella> "It was an ordinary day for me. I was showing my power to those who challenge me. Not with official duels, just challenges. But a big crowd was watching us like usual."</ella></b>
<n3>One of the images in your mind looks familiar to you from somewhere.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/handsfree1.webp" width="37%"> <img src="gif/futa/threat/handsfree2.webp" width="38%">
<b><ella>" A few were a struggle, but I could drain the average and lower ones in a single move. I'm really strong $name!"</ella></b>
<n3> She puts her head in her hands and tightens her face. </n3>
<b><ella>"I'll die because of this!" </ella></b>
<n3> Again, she needs a short time to calm down. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Those who challenges me would randomly come up from the crowd. And then I felt that familiar sensation, that I hated.</ella></b>
<n3> She appears in your mind. One of the two Headmistresses of Mars Dormitory, Natalie! As Ella continues, you feel your perception slowly shifting. Momentarily, you can hear Ella's narration as you shift into the perspective of Ella experiencing it. Apparently, you have to get used to this. To experience it both in the first and third person.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Sudden Transition" t8n>>\
<n3> You're on the ground and you don't know why. And there's Natalie, in all her glory, staring at you. You can feel the effect of her energy. How overwhelming and at the same time desirable. You feel like you're being strangled by a garden of flowers.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/natalie1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> Natalie reaches down and picks you up. Her touch tickles your entire body. You're in the middle of Mars Dormitory. Everyone's watching what's happening.</n3>
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> I want you on my side, Ella!</ange1>
<n3> Even if she didn't call your name, you're as affected as if she did. Your vision is half blurred. You're uncomfortable. You want to get out from under her influence, it seems? No! That's exactly what you want! Whether it's a flower garden or an anchor hand, this thing is suffocating you. You don't want that feeling. You hate it!
But you can't move. Your brain has no control over your body. You feel like you're experiencing an overwhelming sleep paralysis.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You return to your perspective. Ella, in a delirious state, continues to explain what has happened. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I was just trying to get rid of that feeling. I just wanted to move even a little bit. I could barely see in front of me. I didn't mean to! I DID NOT do it by purpose!</ella></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Do what?! </n1></b>
<n3>Ella slowly squats down. She covers her face with her hands and looks up at you after a short while.</n3>
<b> <ella>"I slapped her!"</ella></b>
<n3> You repeat with astonishment. </n3>
<n3> She nods. </n3>
<b><ella>"Slapped her!"</ella></b>
<n3> She gets up quickly and starts making excuses like a guilty little kid. </n3>
<b> <ella>"My only focus was to be able to move... And Lust Control is best in my hands. For a moment I concentrated all my focus on my right hand and... suddenly it happened. My arm flew out like a catapult and I slapped Natalie with the back of my hand."</ella></b>
<n3> You don't know what to say. Now you can understand that why she thinks she's going to be assassinated. But you're still wondering about The Center's involvement in this situation.</n3>
<b><n1>"Then what happened?"</n1></b>
<n3> Ella is fixing her messed up hair. Her face is grim, and she seems to be trying to figure out what to say. </n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit7]]<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Well... Natalie held her slapped cheek. She didn't look angry at all. She was looking into my eyes... I guess. Then I noticed a loud noise approaching me.
Umm... A horde of Succubus, seeing their Headmistress being slapped in front of them, were charging at me. The moment I realized that, I passed out. And the rest... I don't know. Probably, when they got close enough, they froze under Natalie's influence.... Aaaand I haven't set foot in Mars Dormitory since.</ella></b>
<n3> She puts on an optimistic smile and continues in a sweet voice. It looks more like she is trying to comfort herself. </n3>
<b><ella> "I haven't told anyone what happened. Next year is still a long time away. Maybe they'll forget me by then. I've already decided I won't choose Natalie's side. Everything might have been fine. So what, a slap? My hand slipped. Isn't it obvious that I didn't mean to do it?"</ella></b>
<n3> She laughs a little anxiously as she plays with her hair. You have to refocus her. You gesture with your hands for her to calm down, hoping in a reassuring way. Then continue in a serious and calm tone.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Okay! Now please describe what happened last night. Again with all the details you can give. </n1></b>
<n3> She loudly claps her hands and pumps herself up. </n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit8]]<center><n3> Suddenly she starts to undress. Then she stops and looks at you.</n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/ella/ella2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> You told me not to leave out any detail.</ella></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Sure. It's all right! Go on as you like.</n1></b>
<n3> You don't want to put any pressure on her. Especially when you don't know about what happened. As she looks at you, her cute little dick sticking out of her nightgown. She suddenly stops undressing and moves to your bed. The bed where you've freshly changed the sheets.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/ella/ella3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><ella>" Or I'll just get on the bed, and as I go along, I'll take it off to match the story... Huuuhh! Here I go!"</ella></b>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit9]]<n3> Sprawled comfortably on your bed, she begins. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I was having a quiet and peaceful night in my room, trying to decide whether or not to masturbate before going to sleep.
And then, I felt something strange. Just for a moment! You know when someone is looking at you and you feel it without knowing how? It was like that, but much weaker. Of course I didn't care and I continued my thinking session. And then BAAMMMM!!!</ella></b>
<n3> Ella's scream catches you off guard. Guess it's better for you that she's in that moment. </n3>
<b><ella>"I was definitely not alone in my room! Again, it was momentary, but much more clear. I thought it was Aunt Lucy because she always visits me in hidden and she warned me well. If she can't come, she would send the Succubus, who is tall and doesn't like to talk much. I am free to do what I want with anyone who comes except these two. Without thinking about these things, I reached for my latex cloak."</ella></b>
[[Reach For Your Cloak|angela'sVisit10]]<n3> You're inside Ella's mind again. You see things through Ella's eyes and feel what she feels. You have no control over it because it's something that happened in the past.
The moment you touch the cloak, you see an image in front of you that is familiar and nostagic. You see Angela in a body-hugging latex suit. You heard about her joining the Center, but you haven't seen her or heard anything about her for a long time. She didn't strike you as very confident or intelligent. But you know that, if she was still on Lucy's side, she would be your trainer for a time. Which is why you're secretly intrigued about her.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/angela1.jpg" class=center width="57%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> Holy hell! I would be surprised if one of you doesn't notice me.</ange1></b>
<n3> She touches her suit briefly and looks at her body. </n3>
<b> <ange1> "Is there something wrong with the suit I was given, or is just me?"</ange1></b>
<n3> You weren't very affected, but you can feel Ella's surprise. Yet she remains calm and quiet. She's carefully studying her. Angela continues.</n3>
<b> <ange1> "Hey! Ella, right? I came with a great proposal for you."</ange1></b>
<n3> Ella starts screaming in fear. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Who's Ella?! Who are you? What are you doing in my room!? Don't hurt me! PLEASEE!!!</ella></b>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit11]]<n3> Angela is in shock. She tries to calm Ella down but doesn't know what to do. You're in a daze too. Ella is completely acting and waiting for a good window to strike. Actually, no one can hear Ella's screams because she is also concealed by the Latex cloak. Angela runs to the door in a panic and sticks her head out. She must be checking if she really has the wrong room.
The opportunity you've been waiting for! You reach out your hands and aim for Angela. Both of your hands start to vibrate slowly. You feel amazing! Eyes wide open, a spooky smile and all your strength, you attack Angela. The real satisfaction here comes from the fact that you've managed to trick someone. While your hands are vibrating like crazy, you're waiting for a reaction from Angela... But nothing happens.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Wake up!" t8n>>\
<n3> Suddenly you wake up. Ella is tossing and turning on the bed, continuing to explain what happened. She goes on like she is explaining something perfectly casual.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I fooled her very well, but how was I supposed to know that my technique was ineffective against her? Right? Huh?</ella></b>
<n3> You blink rapidly, your perception all jumbled. But you're really impressed by Ella's calmness. You confirm her with your head.</n3>
<b><ella> "I thought I handled her, but the effect I had on her was zero."</ella></b>
<n3> Meanwhile, she tries every pillow on your bed, one by one. After trying each pillow, she struggles until her hair is completely fixed, then she puts her head on another pillow and messes it up again. Yet this doesn't seem to break her focus. On the contrary, she is even more in the moment. </n3>
<n3> As your hands continue to vibrate, Angela turns towards you, realizing that she's in the right room. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/angela2.jpg" class=center width="57%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> It's really rude what you're doing! I'm not here to hurt you or anything. More like for an early redemption opportunity for you.</ange1></b>
<n3> You're a little tired, but you have no intention of showing it. You really tried with all your strength, but it didn't work. Angela exhales a frustrated sigh. Then she starts walking towards you.</n3>
<b><ange1> "I think you couldn't use a more inefficient form."</ange1></b>
<n3> She comes up to you and places one hand on your back and the other on your chin, but she doesn't touch you. </n3>
<b><ange1> "First of all, you have to relax your body. Try to stay a little more upright. Shoulders back! Now a deep breath!"</ange1></b>
<n3> You do what she says. Your body's really stiff. </n3>
<b><ange1> "Whoa! How long have you been going on like this? Your muscles are all screwed up. Precision is what you should be aiming for, but you've gone in the opposite direction. Don't move, close your eyes and continue breathing deeply!"</ange1></b>
<n3> First, she touches a few of your joints, then your back and neck with her fingertip. Everywhere she touches, you feel as if a knot that has been molded has been untied.
You feel like you have just come out of a long hours of massage, but without the tiredness. Your body feels very energized. Angela continues to touch you, making little sounds of approval, pleased with the results of her work.</n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit13]]<n3> After about a minute, Angela pulls back a little and examines you thoroughly. </n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> All right, looks good! If you are in an emergency and you are going to make an all-out attack, you have to do it with your whole body.</ange1></b>
<n3> She approaches again and continues her polite orders. </n3>
<b><ange1> "Make sure you stand up straight at the beginning. Closing forward should be the last step. Put one foot forward! Shoulders in their natural position! Don't forget to breathe!
Now think as if you are pushing a wall. The force will come from the floor, to your legs, then to your back and finally to your palms. Immediately after you start, squeeze your buttocks and feel all the strength in your back. Instinctively, you will lean forward a little, letting all this accumulated power out of your hands."</ange1></b>
<n3> You are ready to try. You feel very light but strong at the same time. </n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit14]] <n3> Angela gets in front of you and stands in a position where she can't defend herself. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/angela3.jpg" class=center width="57%">
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> Okay! Give me all you've got!</ange1></b>
<<linkreplace"FOCUS!" t8n>>\
<n3> You take a deep breath. Your eyes are closed. Normally you never focus on your own energy and form. You were just attuned to the flow of the other one's Lust, trying to disrupt it or take it under your control.
You feel ready! As you pull both arms back, you can feel the energy building up in your body. You stretch your arms out towards Angela with all your strength in a way you have never felt before. Angela slides back about a meter. You didn't intend to smash her against the wall anyway! You're focusing with your entire self.
First your fingers, then your hands. Finally your whole arm starts to vibrate. But it's not the uncontrolled shaking it used to be. Your body, clinging to the ground like a tree, is able to balance the vibration in your arms although with some difficulty. This allows you to use a much stronger and higher frequency vibration.
Now it's time to check the results! You look at Angela, who has moved a little away from you. She has her right arm outstretched a bit towards you and she is smiling. When you concentrate a little, you see the hand towards you is trembling slowly.</n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> Excellent! You feel the difference, right?</ange1></b>
<n3> You stop vibrating, gasping for breath. So your greatest, ultimate performance only made one of her hands tremble. A total disappointment!</n3>
[[What Is This Shaking?|angela'sVisit15]]
<n3> You open your eyes and see Ella shaking you trying to wake you up. You look around in a daze. Even though you realize where you are, it takes a while for your perception to get used to it. You see some books on the floor. When you lift your head, you see that your bookshelf is in shambles and your books are scattered everywhere.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Are you all right? What was that? You raised your arms and blasted your bookshelf. I can go into less detail if you want.</ella></b>
<n3> You know this has nothing to do with Ella's narrative. When you enter her mind, you experience things as if you were her. It must be harder to maintain that distinction, especially when it's something you're following with curiosity. And because Ella's main focus is on what she's telling you, you can access a lot more with less effort. You have to be careful to maintain this line.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yeah, I'm fine! I'm also trying to master my techniques... Please continue.</n1></b>
<n3> As Ella goes back to your bed, you feel a spasm in your hand. You look at your hand and it vibrates, even if only momentarily, just like what you experience in her mind. You make a fist and stop it vibrating. Ella throws herself on the bed. A few of your pillows fall to the floor.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Your bed's too comfy. And your pillows, too. I've always slept on a hard bed and never used soft pillows.</ella></b>
<n3> It's a bit strange and a bit sad that she's really fascinated by those. But you don't know why you feel sad. </n3>
<center>[[Give Her a Pillow As a Gift|pillow1]]
[[Wait For Her To Continue The Story|angela'sVisit16]]</center>
<n3> You have a tickle in your throat. You clear your throat. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> <font size="3"><i>You can have one... if you want.</i></font> </n1></b>
<n3> You sounded low and squeaky. You clear your throat again and cough a few times.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I couldn't hear you. </ella></b>
<b><n1> "You can have one of them. Umm... pillows. You can choose one except the gray one in the middle."</n1></b>
<n3> She looks more excited than you expected. </n3>
<b><ella> "YES!!! I mean... Yes I would want one. Thank you! Now I have to try it all again." </ella></b>
<n3> She sets aside the gray pillow you mentioned and takes all the other pillows in front of her. Then she starts to test them one by one. This time it takes much longer to examine a pillow.
She takes different positions as if she were sleeping and tests the comfort of each position. Again, every time she switches to another pillow, she makes sure to fix her hair. After a short while, she remembers you and continues to explain.</n3>
<<set $pillow to 1>><n3> You're in Ella's mind again. This time you will pay extra attention to maintaining your sense of self. Ella is sitting in her chair, resting.
She is demoralized by the fact that even her most powerful attack so far has not worked against the kind unknown stranger. Also, at this moment, Ella thinks she might have been sent by Lucy. And the offer she's going to make has something to do with the slap. Angela looks at Ella with her hands on her waist.</n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> Your spirit animal! That's what's missing here. You should definitely make your spirit animal part of your technique. It can give you the freedom to do something you normally can do without active effort, it can strengthen what you do... It may even have techniques that you can't do. What is your spirit animal?</ange1></b>
<n3> Ella answers without hesitation. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> I don't have a spirit animal.</ella></b>
<n3> She is lying. You don't know why or what the truth is but her tone was very convincing. Angela looks down thoughtfully.</n3>
<b> <ange1> "Hmmm... There's a good chance it exists but you haven't discovered it. I can't be sure because it is something that varies a lot from each individual, but I can probably help you with this. I am confident in that!"</ange1></b>
<n3> Seems like she can really do it. You're filled with anxiety... No! Ella is filled with anxiety. </n3>
<b> <ange1>"Which brings me back to my offer."</ange1></b>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit17]]<n3> Angela spreads her arms wide. </n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> We are the oldest and strongest organization in this academy. Our goal is to include all Succubus in the glory of forgotten times and sit at the top together! I am here because I am asking you to join us, to join The Center, where your talents and you will be respected... I'm Angela by the way.</ange1></b>
<n3> Ella doesn't have much of her initial composure. Both because she has built up a certain trust in Angela, even if it is very minimal, and because she is a little tired. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Wait, didn't Aun-Mistress Lucy send you? </ella></b>
<n3> Angela takes a step forward. There is some reproach in her voice. </n3>
<b><ange1>"Of course not! That was the old days. I want to save you from her, from all the attitudes that make you feel worthless, that belittle you."</ange1></b>
<n3> Ella stands up. She sounds more confused than angry.</n3>
<b><ella>"She is the most tolerant and respectful Succubus I know."</ella></b>
<b> <ange1>"No! She's not!" </ange1></b>
<n3> Ella stops herself from giving a backlash. She has no intention of provoking a Succubus she has no chance against. </n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit18]]<n3> Angela calms herself down. </n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> We are so much alike! We have the same powers! Let's face it, we're not always the sharpest minds around. But most importantly, we are rare and special!</ange1></b>
<n3> You're aware because you're in Ella's mind. Nothing Angela has to say is gonna convince her. She is still worried about angering her, but she increasingly finds it harder to keep her words to herself.</n3>
<b><ange1> "She will give you some tasks. If you fail them, you will be punished. I have no problem with punishments. But after a while she didn't even look at me. She didn't respect my presence! She made me feel incompetent! She'll do the same to YOUUU!!!"</ange1></b>
<n3> With Angela raising her voice, Ella cannot hold back any longer. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> You don't know anything about her! She's my family! She's my only relative who accepts me!</ella></b>
<n3> Angela looks shocked and angry. While she probably didn't even expect her proposal to be rejected, she is now getting a harsh response.</n3>
<b> <ella> "In our family, strength is everything! Dominance is everything! She rejected the entire family on her own will! Even though she was the strongest amongs them! When she could have been the next head! And she stood up for me! To me who was rejected by them! You can't stand in front of me and talk shit about Aunt Lucy!" </ella></b>
<n3> As Ella shouts angrily, a look of sorrow mixed with disappointment begins to appear on Angela's face. </n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit19]]<n3> The sadness on Angela's face begins to turn into a determined and emotionless expression. </n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>Then I have to slowly break you. That's what I was asked to do at first, but after reading your report I convinced them that I could talk you into it. I guess some things don't change much. But even if my option doesn't work, I have no intention of walking away from the responsibilities I've been given! Must be something Lucy taught me. Heh!</ange1></b>
<n3> Angela raises her left arm. A black snake is curled up on her arm, looking around. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat//whirly1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> The black snake starts to curl up around Angela's hand and turns to face you. </n3>
<b> <ange1>"If you persist in your decision, in the end you might no longer be with us as a member. Actually, you are wanted as a slave. The only way out of this is for you to accept my offer."</ange1></b>
<n3> Angela gives her final warning. But Ella, although she knows she knows she doesn't stand a chance, shows no intention of backing down. Her eyes are slightly narrowed and she looks at Angela with defiance. Angela nods reluctantly and holds out her hand with the snake towards Ella. </n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit20]]<n3> She gives her orders to the snake, her earlier emotional and compassionate tone is gone.</n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> Whirly! Don't let her move!</ange1></b>
<n3> The black snake starts to stretch towards you. Just because you couldn't do anything against her doesn't mean you can't try again.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/whirly2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You get into position and you feel the power building up in your whole body. But this time you have no intention of releasing it from your hands! You focus on keeping all the energy you feel inside. Then you visualize and focus on your whole body as if it is compressing around this energy. Your whole body is vibrating. At least you hope not to be affected by what she's going to do.</n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit21]]<n3> You are aware that you can't hold this vibration for long. You hope to create an opening at least. Then your arms meet in front of your body. It becomes increasingly difficult to breathe and you feel your mouth being closed. Before you realize what is happening, you feel a pressure around your throat.
Something is definitely wrapped around you, squeezing you tighter and tighter. But you didn't even see the snake move and you don't see it on yourself. You hear Angela's worried shout.</n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> Don't strangle her! I said just restrict her movement! </ange1></b>
<n3> You take a deep breath as its grip on you loosens. You realize that your mouth is open and your throat is no longer being squeezed. Yet you are in no condition to move. You feel a hand on your chest. It is gently pushing you towards your chair.
You notice that you are getting disoriented again and try to fix your perception. But when things get intense, it's hard to maintain that separation.</n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit22]]<n3> Angela gets behind Ella. While the invisible snake restricts all Ella's movements, Angela puts both hands around her throat.
Everywhere she touches, you feel unusual sensations. Everywhere she touches you feels more sensitive. All her movements resonate in your body and a tickling pleasure takes over your senses. Your penis, erect and begging for a touch, throbs as Angela's sensual voice scolds you in your ear.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/threat/ella/1/1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> You dumb girl! I have to punish you for not taking what I said seriously. Would you like a little taste of your own medicine? How desperate does it feel to have your internal Lust flow messed with? I can teach you everything you need to know!</ange1></b>
<<linkreplace"Sudden Grip" t8n>>\
<n3> The hand on your body suddenly grabs your throat. Gentle squeeze that makes you feel completely helpless. Your whole body is filled with the vulnerability of your helplessness, but you are not uncomfortable with it. You want her to tighten it more. You want her to scold you even more. The determination you just had is slowly fading.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/threat/ella/1/2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><ange1>"But first I must remind you how weak you are. It was Natalie who wanted you. You could say I'm competing with her. We're competing for you! I know you're faking it. I know how hard you're trying not to show that little submissive pervert inside you. I'm only holding your little throat and you're already writhing in pleasure. Don't think I haven't noticed your little dick trying to stick out!"</ange1></b>
<n3> So she knows? You don't have to act? Don't you need to look strong, be dominant? How comforting. Maybe you should just enjoy this for a while. After all, you can't escape from her anyway. You exhale with great relief. Your vision is a little blurry, and the hand on your body is makes you swoon with pleasure.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You feel a warmth on your lips. Angela is running her fingers over your lips. Your lips are burning with pleasure. You're bursting with the desire to kiss her. And she continues to scold you, always in control.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/threat/ella/1/3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>So you yelled at me with that mouth. Were these the lips that rejected me? You realize I can use both hands as I please, right? I tasked my spirit animal to pin you in place, to deal with that pervert you've been hiding. Mmmh... You have beautiful lips. Let's see if your throat will enjoy my fingers as much as them.</ange1></b>
<<linkreplace"Two Fingers" t8n>>\
<n3> You feel two fingers thrust hard into your mouth. Without waiting, she shoves her hand down your throat. It's the first time you're experiencing something like this. Your eyes are watering and your gag reflex is kicking in. But Angela doesn't seem to care.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/threat/ella/1/4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><ange1>"I need a lubricant to proceed. Take it all the way down! We can't find anything better than your saliva, can we? Ohh! Hold it together! It's only two fingers."</ange1></b>
<n3>A little later she takes her hand out. While you think she is letting you breathe, she shoves three fingers down your throat. She pushes her hand in and out as far as she can. Her other hand is holding her throat. You can feel the hand holding your throat touching the fingers in your throat.</n3>
<b><ange1>"How are you doing? Can't you answer? Oh! Or is your mouth full? I can pull my hand out of your throat if you like. What do you say?"</ange1></b>
<n3> As the tears drip from your eyes, Angela continues to tease you. If only you could get used to this feeling sooner so you could enjoy this moment. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Angela takes her drenched hand out of your mouth. She holds out her hand in front of you. Your saliva drips from her hand onto your crotch. You hope maybe she'll touch it, but at the last moment, she grabs your throat with her wet hand.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/threat/ella/1/5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1>Take a good look! This is your filthy work! You want me to touch your lame penis, huh? Upps, no! I'm not touching that! But it's time to bring out your little thing. Take off your pants!</ange1></b>
<n3> You notice that one of your arms is free. You try to undress with only one hand, making weird noises.</n3>
<b><ange1>"So you got excited? Good! I have a pleasant surprise for you! But you have to endure until the end! I promise! I won't make it long. Now start stroking!"</ange1></b>
<<linkreplace"Undress with Ecstasy" t8n>>\
<n3> Your hand immediately grasps your dick, which has been begging for touch for a long time. Immediately after, you feel two hands on your throat again. But this time, it's different. It really cuts off your breath. And this rush makes your stroking go faster. You feel like you're going to pass out. You want to cum before it happens. Angela's voice makes you flinch.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/threat/ella/1/6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b><ange1> "Slow down! What's the hurry? I just told you to be patient. You still don't get it! Let me help you understand."</ange1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Angela, leans your head back. She looks you in the eye and starts slapping you gently. </n3>
<b><d>Angela:</d> <ange1> You impatient! You naughty! You perverted girl! You really deserve to be punished. Rub the tip!</ange1></b>
<n3> You move your hand up a little and start stroking the tip, which is even more sensitive. Angela stares into your eyes with immense desire while you try to hold yourself back. Maybe she has a point. Aunt Lucy might have had her faults.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/threat/ella/1/7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b> <ange1> "Stick out your tongue!"</ange1></b>
<n3> Angela starts slapping your tongue slowly. You feel each slap all over your body. You wish she was a little harder on you. But you can tell she's intentionally being this gentle. To drive you even more crazy.</n3>
<b> <ange1> "Did that tongue yell at me, huh? I'll put you in your place! Don't you dare to cum! But patience, we're getting close to the big surprise!"</ange1></b>
<n3> Whatever happens, you'll endure it! You don't want these sensetions to end. </n3>
[[Continue|angela'sVisit26]]<n3> You wait for more, but it's just pitch black. Did something happen to Ella? </n3>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<n3> Suddenly you go snap back to your perception. You are in your room and Ella is lying with her face buried in a pillow. She actually stripped naked while telling the story. With a slight panic, you get up and approach her. Is she crying? </n3>
<<linkreplace"Check If She's Okay" t8n>>\
<n3> You bring your hand up to Ella's shoulder. Just as you're about to touch her, she lifts her head And looks at you with drowsy eyes. </n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella> Oh! How long have I been asleep? This pillow is really something else.</ella></b>
<n3> You take a deep breath. You still don't understand what's really going on. Natalie is also a Center member and she wanted Ella for herself, as a slave. Angela, as she learned about Ella, identified with her and wanted Ella for herself, as her apprentice/slave. If that's the case, it means both sides will make moves for her. Ella lies on her back and continues.</n3>
<b><ella>"She teased me for a while longer and what she called a big surprise was... I'm not sure if it's good or bad."</ella></b>
<n3> Lying naked on your bed, she smiles. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/ella/ella4.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<b><ella>"She sealed my penile orgasm. I can't ejaculate no matter what I do and I can't break this seal."</ella></b>
<n3> You don't understand why she is happy while saying that. </n3>
[[Hours of Masturbation|angela'sVisit27]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> An image appears in your mind. Angela is already gone, Ella, unable to cum, has masturbated for hours and is sleep deprived. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/threat/ella/ella3.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You turn back to present Ella, smirking in front of you. You don't know how much you really grasp the seriousness of things, even as you enter her mind. Maybe she's at a level of genius you can't comprehend.</n3>
<b><d>Ella:</d> <ella>At first my world collapsed. I thought if I tried long enough, I could cum. But there was no way. I was coming to that limit, but I couldn't reach one step beyond it. But I was having a lot of fun. Still, after a few hours, it started to get frustrating. That feeling of incompleteness was very intense. But I found a solution, so it's fine. </ella></b>
<n3> She gets a little bit serious. </n3>
<b><ella>"What I'm afraid of is being torn between Angela and Natalie' competition. And Natalie's fans must be still pretty angry against me. I like being the center of attention, but this is a bit much."</ella></b>
<n3> It's really too much. Yet Ella seems to be handling it all very well. You need to report the situation to Lucy and act according to a plan. </n3>
<b><ella>"Angela said she will visit me one more time. I don't know when, but she promised to teach me much more, and to break the seal she had set. But if I tell Aunt Lucy, she won't remove the seal.
Wait a minute! It doesn't matter who says to her. The point is to keep Aunt Lucy from ever finding out."</ella></b>
<n3> Ella rubs her chin thoughtfully. You want to blame that on her lack of sleep. You really don't know what to do. But either way, you feel you have to tell Lucy. The first option you can think of is for Ella to pretend to join Angela and spy on them. But that might be a bit much for her. It might have been too much for you too.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'm afraid we can't keep this a secret. We'll see what happens. I'm not sure either!</n1></b>
<<if $pillow === 1>>\
<n3> Ella takes the pillow she's decided on, thanks you again and leaves your room. </n3>\
<<if $pillow === 0>>\
<n3> Ella fixes the bed she messed up and leaves your room. </n3>\
<center><b><n1>💋 Lust: +100</n1></b></center>
<center><h1><cap>End of the Ella content for v0.6.4</cap></h1></center>
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $sealed to 1>>\
<<set $secondDuel to 2>>\<n3> As you walk, someone suddenly crosses in front of you. You manage to avoid bumping into her. Kiana stands in front of you with an innocent expression. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/prey/kiana1.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Hello $name! Can we talk?</k1>
<n3> The last time you two met, it didn't end well. Her unpredictability creeps you out a bit.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, I'm listening.</n1></b>
<k1>" Umm... Not here. Let's go to my room. I really want to show you my room."</k1>
<n3> You feel uneasy inside. You don't like the idea of going to her room when you still don't know enough about her condition. As Kiana takes a few steps towards the stairs, she notices you're not coming. She smiles sincerely and offers her hand.</n3>
<k1>" Come on! I'm not gonna eat you or anything... <i><b>Heh!</b></i>"</k1>
<n3> As you look at her offered hand, a question pops into your mind. <i><b>"Who The Fuck Is She?" </b></i>Why are you afraid of her? She should be afraid of you. Something clicks in your mind as you look at the hand. If there's a prey here, it's not <b>YOU!</b> With a relaxed smile, you take her hand and let her lead you to her room.</n3>
[[Continue|realprey2]]<n3> You enter her room. It looks really cozy in there. She starts to introduce you to her room with warmth. Your attention is attracted by the posters hanging almost everywhere in the room. Posters of some planets, some maps and butterflies. There are also some unfamiliar symbols. Unexpectedly, Moon starts talking to you.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner>I congratulate you for not being afraid of her.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> There is no sarcasm in her voice. It's a very earnest congratulation. She continues.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner>But you still don't know how to deal with her, do you?</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Even if you don't want to admit it, it's kind of the case. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner>These types are the most intimidating but the easiest to manage. I want to show you how it should be done! If you lay a strong base, you'll have a very powerful trump card. Her ability is something that will definitely serve you well.
I have only one demand! Let me handle all the talking! Your movements will be completely under your control. Because even my words will be more than enough for her. If you feel I'm abusing the situation, just ask me to stop, and I will. We can't lose this trump card! Let me show you the true nature of this pervert!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> It surprises you how accommodating Moon is. You're sure Kiana can't harm you. But you don't think you can turn her into leverage.</n3>
<inner>(</inner><n1>Okay! You can try it. But don't forget your conditions!</n1><inner>)</inner>
<n3> Moon seems satisfied with the situation. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner>Good! Now pay attention carefully! </inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Continue|realprey3]]<n3> While Kiana is affectionately describing another part of her room to you, you interrupt her in a harsh tone. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Cut the crap! What do you <i>really</i> want? </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana looks back at you in shock. </n3>
<b><n1>"You desire these hands, don't you?"</n1></b>
<n3> Moon really didn't interfere with your movements. You raise your slowly hands, albeit with a little delay. Kiana exhales sharply, trying to contain herself. Something has definitely changed.</n3>
<b><n1>"Look! Let's not fool each other. If we can both benefit each other, there's no point in wasting time."</n1></b>
<n3> Kiana nods slowly in agreement, still breathing sharply. </n3>
<b><n1>"Then please tell me! What do you really want? How can I help you?"</n1></b>
<n3> Kiana can't hide her excitement. You can definitely see that she's in her alter self. </n3>
[[Continue|realprey4]]<n3> She excitedly takes a step forward. </n3>
<b><d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I want to be touched! I want your hands on me! I want to be milked until I can't even move! </k1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I can give you more than you want! But first, you have to prove yourself.</n1></b>
<n3> Kiana asks, trying to hold herself back. </n3>
<b><k1> "How??? Tell me!!! " </k1></b>
<b><n1>"First of all, calm down! I can't make a deal with you if you behave like a wild animal!" </n1></b>
<n3> There's not an ounce of hesitation in your voice. It's a little strange to hear yourself so politely commanding. Besides, you were expecting a tone full of insults from Moon. Kiana exhales deeply and rubbs her palms. You can see how hard she is trying to calm down. After a while you continue talking.</n3>
<b><n1>"Very good! I've experienced how strong your cum is. But that was a special recipe that took days to make, right?"</n1></b>
<n3> Kiana nods in agreement. </n3>
<b><n1>"Then we will start by checking how strong your average load is. Can you cum multiple times?"</n1></b>
<b><k1> "Yes! I can! " </k1></b>
<b><n1>"How many?"</n1></b>
<n3> You can see that Kiana looks a little embarrassed. </n3>
<b><k1> "I don't know my limit. When I go over two, everything gets too intense and I cannot continue. " </k1></b>
<n3> Maybe that's why she wants an outside hand so badly. </n3>
[[Continue|realprey5]]<n3> You're encouraging Kiana with an overly reassuring voice. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Don't worry about a thing! You will not only learn your limits! You will learn to surpass them! Now present me your first sample! Take the first step to get on the path you want! You'll masturbate right in front of me! And I'll set the path you require!</n1></b>
<n3> Kiana excitedly starts to take off her clothes. She has a hopeful smile on her face. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> In such cases, make her feel heard. Treating her like some abnormal creature will only make her more aggressive. You have to make her feel that you know what you are doing and more importantly, what you are going to do. It also helps if you make her feel that her abilities are valued, but not too much. Soon she'll want you to touch her. Don't give her what she wants until you get what you want from her!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<<linkreplace"Kiana Seems To Be Ready" t8n>>\
<n3> Kiana pulls her panties down to reveal her semi-erect dick. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/1.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<b> <n1> "When did you last cum?"</n1></b>
<b><d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Last night...</k1></b>
<b> <n1> "Hmm... Then you need to show some self-control. You won't cum right away! And I want you to cum at least twice! "</n1></b>
<n3> She tries to change the subject. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/2.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<b><k1> "Do you like my dick, huh? Maybe you'd like to feel it?"</k1></b>
<n3> Moon involuntarily controls your body for a brief moment. She gives her a frustrated look and raises her hand as if commanding her.</n3>
<b><n1> "Let your hand work, not your mouth! Start stroking! "</n1></b>
<n3> You can feel that this look and gesture is momentary and involuntary. Moon is still following the rules she has set.
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Kiana reaches for the lubricant behind her and pours some on her erect penis. When she starts to stroke, you see her looking at you with an expression mixed with desire and affection. Moon immediately steps in.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/3.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Speed up! I want you to build up as much cum as you can! At high speed, hold on as long as you can!</n1></b>
<n3> Kiana does as she's told and speeds up. You can see how much she's enjoying this already. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/4.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> As she caresses her nipple, you see her looking at you again with immense desire. She must have something on her mind.</n3>
[[Continue|realprey7]]<n3> She loses focus a bit and slows down. She approaches you with a sweet smile on her face. She brings her penis, glistening with lubricant, as close as she can. Still, it is clear that she is afraid of being scolded by you.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/5.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Kiana:</d> <k1>Are you sure you don't want to touch it? I can offer you much more sample if you help me cum. </k1></b>
<n3> Moon says nothing and you look at her with determined eyes. After a short while, Kiana retreats. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/6.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<b> <k1>"Fine, fine! How about my ass? Maybe you want to spank me for a little while?"</k1></b>
<n3> Moon stares at her piercingly. Because it's your own face, you can't see how you're looking, but Kiana startles and continues stroking at full speed. </n3>
[[Continue|realprey8]]<n3> While stroking at full speed, she suddenly stops completely and tries hard not to cum as her lower body throbs. She manages not to cum. Then she asks you in a soft voice.</n3>
<b><d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I'm almost at my limit. Can I use an attachment to help me? Pleaseee!!!</k1></b>
<n3> Moon is delighted by the impotence of this request. She responds in a sweet voice.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Of course you can! </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana reaches back again with thankful eyes. </n3>
<<linkreplace"A Rubber Ring" t8n>>\
<n3> She reaches over to one of her stocked shelves, takes a rubber ring and quickly puts it on the base of her penis. Probably, it has some property that reduces the flow of Lust there. That way, not only will her ejaculation last longer, but she'll be able to keep more Lust in her penis.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/7.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> She continues stroking as fast as she left off. But she still seems to be having trouble holding on. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/8.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<b><d>Kiana:</d> <k1>Still, I'm so close! Normally, I cum when I feel like cumming.</k1></b>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> We'll need to work on your stamina too.</n1></b>
<n3> She takes a small vial from her desk and shows it to you. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/9.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<b><k1>"I usually fill ten of these for one cake... Ahh! I'm... Closee!"</k1></b>
<b><n1> "You're doing great! You can cum now!" </n1></b>
<n3> With your permission, Kiana speeds up. </n3>
[[Continue|realprey10]]<n3> She places the small vial on the tip of her penis, ready to explode. Immediately after, she starts to cum, moaning sweetly. The thick, white spunk is mostly gushed in the vial, although some oozes out.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/10.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Breathlessly, proudly showing you the vial, you shout at Kiana in your most commanding tone of the day! </n3>
<center><b><n1> <h2>"I Said At Least Twice! Keep Stroking It!"</h2></n1></b></center>
<<linkreplace"Second Orgasm!" t8n>>\
<n3> Kiana, startled by your shout, starts stroking her sensitive dick as fast as she can. You can tell by the way she breathes that she's really struggling. But sooner than you expect, she manages to cum again. She couldn't even fill a third of the little vial, even though she came twice.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/11.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<n1>(</n1><inner>That's not enough! It's even below my expectations. Still, perhaps its intensity and power can make up for the small quantity.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As she gently strokes her penis, which has become even more sensitive after her second ejaculation, she looks at the not even half-full vial in her hand. Then she hands it to you with a sweet smile. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/prey/1/12.webm" width="1000px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> The pungent smell of her cum immediately fills your nose. It has a strange smell that makes you feel more energized already. Your curiosity for the taste increases. As you gently shake the vial around your nose, where you can feel the warmth of the sticky liquid inside, Moon continues to guide you.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> You can reward her now. Make a small start.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You take the bottle to your left hand and extend your right hand towards Kiana. As your hand approaches, she holds it with both hands and starts rubbing it on her cheek. It's time for a taste test.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Taste Her Cum" t8n>>\
<n3> You stick out your tongue and turn the vial upside down. The thick white liquid slowly starts to drip onto your tongue. Once you have it all on your tongue, you press it gently against your palate and try to get a proper taste. You want to swallow it right away, but it is much more pleasurable to swirl it around in your mouth. As it mixes with saliva, it gradually builds up and you swallow a small portion. It doesn't feel overwhelming like cake at all! You feel energized. Even though you swallowed such a small amount, you felt the effect right away. As you prepare to swallow this energizing mixture, Moon interrupts you.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Offer her some instead of swallowing it. Make her feel like you're blessing her! Make her forget that this is something she always has access to!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You look at Kiana with the sticky mixture in your mouth. She is still rubbing her face on your hand. </n3>
<center>[[💋 Kiss Her!|realprey12]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You put your hand on her chin and turn her face slightly so that your eyes meet. Then you press your lips to hers. After her mouth opens a little, you push the mixture of semen and saliva into her with your tongue. Kiana adapts instantly and you both kiss ecstatically as this thick mixture oozes from your lips.
As your tongues deftly trap this mixture in your mouths, both of you keep pushing this now sticky liquid into each other's mouths. The lower half of both of your faces are completely drenched in this mess. You push everything in your mouth into her mouth. Then you grab her cock by the root and pull it all the way to the tip.
As you bring the thick spunk in your hand to your mouth, Kiana starts swallowing it all. She spits some of it into her hand and starts stroking her still sensitive dick with that lubricating mess. As she does so, she continues to swallow bit by bit. While you lick your lips with passion, Moon starts talking.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Good girl! I'm satisfied with the quality, but not with the quantity! You won't masturbate for a while! </n1></b>
<n3> A look of disappointment forms on Kiana's face as she is still trying to catch her breath. Before she can raise an objection, Moon steps in again. </n3>
<b> <n1>"Because I will be the one milking you! I'm gonna milk you until your soul crawls out! And if you want to be able to handle this, you have to give your body some time to prepare." </n1></b>
<n3> Her face, tight with concern, relaxes and she looks at you with a mischievous smile. You ask in a sensual voice.</n3>
<b> <n1>"Will you give your body enough time?"</n1></b>
<n3>Kiana nods enthusiastically.</n3>
<b><k1>"Yes! I'll never masturbate! I won't even touch it! How much time do I have to give? When will you milk me?" </k1></b>
<n3> Moon is waiting for a while. Then she speaks in a teasing tone. </n3>
<b> <n1>" Hmm... How long? How long should it be... "</n1></b>
<n3> Kiana is looking at you with wonder. Moon continues to pretend to think. </n3>
[[Continue|realprey13]] <b><d>$name:</d> <n1> One week! You won't ejaculate for a week! You can touch and edge as much as you want. But no matter what, you will not cum!</n1></b>
<n3> This request doesn't seem realistic to you.</n3>
<inner>(</inner><n1> Do you really think she can handle it? Maybe we should keep her in chastity instead .</n1><inner>)</inner>
<n3> Moon answers you in a confident and mischievous tone. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I want her to fail anyway. So she will have to beg for our forgiveness. And if she succeeds, that's great. As promised, she will get milked. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Kiana, after a short pause for thought, turns to you again. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Okay! I'll last a week!</k1>
<n3> She has a determined look on her face, but since she just came, it's not very reliable for her to say that she will last a week. Yet you wonder what will happen. What surprised you the most was Moon's almost almost ego-free approach. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Her personality is divided and we don't know how much she knows about it. Probably not very aware. But when you appease the wild side, you can come to an agreement. If we had one side acting like a wild animal, it would make things very difficult. Okay, I'm done here. We'll continue next week depending on the situation.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Moon pauses for a moment and responds to you in a slightly annoyed voice. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> What?! Did you think I earned such fame and power by showing off to everyone how much better than them? When I was mastering my own power, my biggest driving force was empathy and humility. Just because I'm above everyone else doesn't mean I can't learn from them. But, I still can't stand any disrespect!
I use my ego only when necessary! These little punks don't deserve my ego, that's another thing.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Before you piss Moon off any more, you leave the room. You're already wondering what's going to happen next week. </n3>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: 100</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: 100</n1></b></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $cakeeaten to 2>>\
<<set $noNutKiana to 1>>\ <n3> You put your latex cape over your shoulder and leave your room. You just want to walk, but you don't want to be seen. You go out into the yard. There are dozens of Succubus buzzing around. All they care about is how they look. You marvel at how uncaring and ignorant they look, especially the newcomers. They probably think they have the weight of the world on their shoulders, even though they don't have a single serious problem. You smile with slight envy. It's a relief that no one can see you. But the possibility that someone is watching you is always there. Still, you just want a break. When your body is tired, your brain feels much more relaxed.
You walk with your body swaying, making stupid gestures. Oh! You want to scream! Aimlessly and at the top of your lungs. Yet you don't feel comfortable enough here. You direct your stupid, limp walk into the forest and keep going. The more you walk, less anxious and melancholic you feel. Stupid things you're doing are making you laugh. The swaying of your body has turned into an erratic dance. You stretch your body, close your eyes and just walk.</n3>
[[Continue|scream2]]<n3> You don't know how long you've been walking. But you feel far enough away from everyone. You are standing among the trees. The sun is shining through the branches. The air is fresh and a little breezy. Your favorite! You close your eyes and throw your head all the way back. First you take a few deep breaths. You feel much better already, but it's still not complete.</n3>
<img src="img/places/forest3.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> When you take your deepest breath, you clench your hands. Slowly raising your arms, you lean forward slightly. You contract all your muscles, including your face. You spread your arms out to the sides with a face as stiff as a wolf baring its teeth. You expel all the contracted energy from your body. Your eyes are still closed, your hands, arms and legs are wide open and facing outwards. You're screaming with all your might. Until every last breath is gone. As if it were the last moments of your life.</n3>
<n3>Your throat hurts a little. You need to take a few quick, deep breaths. But you feel much better now. In this place where you hope to be alone, you continue to breathe with your arms outstretched... A few more minutes passed. You feel so relieved. Now you can go back to your room. You open your eyes with a peaceful smile. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Open Your Eyes" t8n>>\
<n3> There is a tall Succubus in front of you, with a huge hood, so you can't see her face. But you immediately recognize who that is. This is Crow!</n3>
<img src="img/center/scream/crow1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Crow:</d></b> <cr> Are you okay? What are you doing here?</cr>
<n3> You don't really know the answer to these questions asked with curiosity. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I guess I'm just a little bit overwhelmed. I wanted to take a walk. </n1></b>
<n3> Even though you can't see her face, you can feel her smiling. </n3>
<cr>"Do you intend to end yourself?"</cr>
<n3>She sounds absolutely serious. She's asking this question seriously. You just look at her, pretty confused. Crow spreads her arms and stares around.</n3>
<cr> "You are currently within the boundaries of The Center. Didn't you realize you'd crossed the first barrier?"</cr>
<n3> You slowly nod your head in a negative way. Crow nods slowly.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Then she suddenly kneels before you. With one arm in front and one arm behind her back and her head bowed, she looks like a soldier at your command. She speaks in a serious tone.</n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b> <cr> Yes Mistress! No Mistre-... I didn't mean any disrespect, Mistress! I'm so sorry Mistre-... Yes Mistress!</cr>
<n3> You realize that Moon is talking to her, but you can't hear what she is saying. After a short while, Crow gets up.</n3>
<cr> "Before I can teach you anything, I need to make a proper presentation of myself.
I don't even remember my real name. I've long been known as Crow. Like all of the Higher-Ups, I am known by my spirit animal."</cr>
<n3> She moves her head restlessly. She raises her left arm and a cloud of dust starts to rise from her hand.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Dark Dust" t8n>>\
<n3> This rising dark dust cloud, takes a crow's form and, flapping its wings, lands on a branch of a tree above you. Now, she seems more comfortable talking to you. She continues.</n3>
<img src="img/center/scream/crow2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<cr> "My spirit animal is not a crow. But I'm trying to honor someone important, I keep her legacy alive."</cr>
<n3> These words feel like they should reach deep inside you. But you don't feel much. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Crow continues with the same seriousness. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b> <cr> My only weakness is being stared at. When someone is looking at me, I can barely generate any Lust and I can't use any of my techniques... At all!</cr>
<n3> It amazes you that she reveals these things about herself with zero hesitation. </n3>
<cr> "So in an emergency, you have to follow what I tell you immediately. You can trust me!" </cr>
<n3> Even if you can't see her face, you can feel her piercing gaze. Without even realizing it, you nod your head in approval. </n3>
<cr> "My main technique is a bit difficult to explain. And the fact that you can't look at me makes it hard to show too. Basically, I can create two points of attraction and I can control these. You can think of it like a magnet. There's a dry branch on the ground behind you. Look at it!" </cr>
<<linkreplace"Look Back" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn your head and look at the ground. You can't see a dry branch. When you turn your head back, you see Crow holding a dry branch. </n3>
<cr> "You get it, right?" </cr>
<n3> You understand the basic principle. Yet she continues without waiting for an answer.</n3>
<cr> "The moment you took your eyes off me, my technique became active. One end is dry branch, the other end is my palm. I had already identified these two points and was actively trying to pull the branch into my hand. But because your eyes were on me, it did not activate.
The moment you took your eyes off me, the branch moved into my hand as if it were being pulled by a stretched string. Because it was light, I was able to pull it to me quickly enough that your eyes couldn't follow it." </cr>
<n3> You get the idea, but since you are just encountering this concept, you don't have much idea about what its limits might be. </n3>
<cr> "There are three individuals who made me the Succubus I am today. I am invincible in any scenario where I have the opportunity to prepare. So I specialized myself in observation and information gathering." </cr>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> She raises her hand gracefully. She points to the crow perched in the tree. </n3>
<d>Crow:</d> <cr> The crow, for which I am named, gives me the sight advantage. When I focus, with a Lust filter, I can get a much more precise vision, but it reduces my range.</cr>
<n3> After lowering her hands, she takes out a small notebook and a worn pencil. </n3>
<cr> "The distraction I choose to let my soul rest a little bit is to draw. Everyone who has crossed a certain line needs such an occupation. Otherwise thoughts gnaw at your brain. I hope you won't need it... But I don't think so."</cr>
<n3> Finally, she extends her right hand and a parchment paper starts to form in her hand. Then, with a black quill that emits black smoke, she starts to write something on this parchment. It's a bit strange that she is holding the paper with only the tips of two fingers. The pen strokes last for about 30 seconds. </n3>
<cr> "You are the only living being who knows these things about me. And I've sealed your lips to prevent you from talking about it. Not because I expect you to speak! It's extra protection for a scenario where you're being forcibly debriefed. I offer these things as one more reason for you to trust me.
Every single one you meet will tell you how unreliable I am. It's because they don't know ANYTHING about me. I know I didn't tell you everything you need to know, but there's time. I'll help you grow and I'll protect you! Even at the cost of my life!"</cr>
<n3> As the parchment paper fades from her hand, she exhales deeply. </n3>
<cr>"And finally, if you see someone hiding their face, like me, then you can assume that it's a Higher-Up. We are all obliged to hide our faces until we reach the top. When we feel the warmth of the Sun again, we will uncover ourselves. The return of this Sun has a different meaning for each member. But they all lead to the same point."</cr>
<n3> She seems to have finished her explanation. </n3>
<n3> Crow vaguely turns her head back. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> A low-level Watcher is approaching. I'm in charge of these entire forests, so you won't get in trouble. Hide your Lust as much as you can and hide in that bush, please.</cr>
<n3> You nod and move to the dense bush Crow pointed to. As you try to remember what a Watcher is, Wilhelmina pops into your head. A special class that can use their powers on Sundays too, without any restrictions. But weren't they assigned to specific individuals? </n3>
<<linkreplace"Hide In The Bush" t8n>>\
<n3> You wait in the bush in an angle where you can see Crow. Soon, you feel someone approaching with careful steps. Crow waits with her back turned for the approaching Watcher.</n3>
<img src="img/center/scream/watcher1.jpg" class=center width="80%">
<n3> Watcher scans the area with curiosity, and the moment she notices Crow with her back turned, she lets out a high-pitched scream of terror. Almost falling to the ground, she recovers her balance and bows her head, bows the way Crow bowed to you a short while ago. She speaks with fear hanging in her voice.</n3>
<b1>"Mm-mistress Crow! I didn't expect to see you here my m-mistress! I felt a brief release of Lust. It's a great honor to meet you!"</b1>
<n3> You can see the low-level Watcher trembling in excitement and fear. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><n3> Crow starts to speak in a calm tone. </n3></center>
<img src="img/center/scream/crow3.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> That's the reason why I'm also here. Your reaction time is not bad but you were too raw with your approach. If there was a real threat, would you be able to defend yourself?</cr>
<n3> You can feel how nervous the Watcher is. Her voice trembles as she tries to answer but she stutters and can't give a straight answer. She looks like she would cry if touched. This scene affects you a little bit because, when you first encountered Crow, you felt similar. You realize that you get used to her very quickly. Moon must have a lot to do with it. Watcher pulls herself together and speaks.</n3>
<b1>"I-I didn't mea... I'm so sorry m-mistress! You are absolutely correct! I'm new and I've been recruited to the outer borders unit. I never expected to see... I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me!!! Mistress!!! Forgive me!"</b1>
<n3> Watcher, completely collapsed on the ground, begins to cry. She is so terrified that she soon gasps for breath and, making noises on the verge of suffocation. You're really curious about the rumors about Crow. Just a question, and she's begging for her life. Crow tries to calm her down with a soothing tone.</n3>
<cr>"You're safe! You said it yourself, you were assigned to one of my teams! It's my responsibility to improve you, and correct your mistakes! Cry and relieve yourself! I'm waiting with patience!"</cr>
<n3> All the while, Crow continues to stand where she is. </n3>
[[Continue|scream9]]<n3> The Watcher recovers herself after a few minutes and can get back into a kneeling position. She asks with a funny innocence.</n3>
<b1>"So I won't be punished, Mistress?"</b1>
<n3> Crow remains silent for a while. Watcher probably can't feel it, but you can. She's trying to suppress her laughter. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> No! You've done nothing to be punished! But if you're under me, I expect you to be better!</cr>
<n3> You can see how relieved Watcher is.</n3>
<b1>"Yes Mistress! I'll definitely do better! I apologize again for being so careless!"</b1>
<cr>"I wonder one thing!"</cr>
<n3> Watcher gets nervous again and waits anxiously to hear what Crow has to say. </n3>
<cr>"I heard that one of the new member of my team is always with pen and paper. She's so immersed in her drawings that it's interfering with her duties. Do you know her?"</cr>
<n3> Watcher freezes solid. Looks like she's the Succubus Crow is talking about. With her mouth shut, she's gasping for breath. Crow continues in a rush, showing emotion for the first time while talking to her. You can feel her momentary worry.</n3>
<cr>"I want to see her sketches! I just want to see her style! Is it you?"</cr>
<n3> Watcher remains on her knees in silence for a while. </n3>
[[Continue|scream10]]<n3> After a while, Watcher collapses to the ground like a dead body. Crow rushes to the body on the ground and checks to see if she is breathing. Then she exhales a sigh of relief and throws her head back in frustration. As she drags the poor unconscious body towards a tree, you come out of the bush. Moon laughs like a little child. Crow's incompetence seems to be very funny to her. She speaks to her, in a way you can hear.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Are you really killing those under you? Poor thing was worried for her life during the whole conversation.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Crow looks down, a little embarrassed and a little angry. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> I still haven't gotten rid of the negative reputation! Please teach me, Mistress! No matter how hard I try, I just can't be a Mistress like you or Mistress Crow!</cr>
<n3> She looks at you and adds. </n3>
<cr>"The Original Crow! Not me..."</cr>
<n3> Moon was going to keep making fun of her, but after this sincere request for help, she gets serious. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Why do you have this bad reputation? You must have done something to someone on your side.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Crow takes out her small notebook and a worn pencil. With her back to a tree, she begins to speak. </n3>
[[Continue|scream11]]<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> After Lucy developed the hiding latex, I became an unstoppable force. And I took over all of Sloth's assassination missions. She was fine with that, of course.
While I was completing very dangerous missions in very short periods of time with excellent efficiency, the impression of me began to form without me realizing it. I have been labeled with countless nicknames and each one of them has made me look bigger than I am. In a short period of time, I single-handedly wiped out the trouble we were in. Of course, it's a short time given the scale of the trouble we were in. I was away from here for months.</cr>
<n3> She exhales deeply and rechecks the breathing of the Watcher sitting next to her. </n3>
<cr>"When I returned, the fear and respect towards me was unbelievable. Nobody really trusted me, but at the same time they trusted me. It's hard to explain. If something happened, Crow is on our side, they looked at it. But there was also a doubt whether Crow would always be on our side.
Because of my sight and mission-oriented ruthlessness, I have been put in charge of these forests. The only thing they knew about me was my spirit animal and what it could do. And that was a lie."</cr>
<n3> She clears her throat and continues. </n3>
[[Continue|scream12]]<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr>The lower and middle ranks of the Center, who knew me only by what was said about me, had coded me in their minds as a killing machine. They weren't wrong at the time. But I also wanted to be an inspirational Mistress. </cr>
<n3> She raises her head and looks at you, with sparkling eyes. </n3>
<cr>"Like you or Mistress Crow!... But one day I hammered the last nail in the board that I could never take out... I saw a nun lost in the woods. At the time, the hiding latex was given out to everyone at the Center. I approached her with the intention of offering help. Like a reliable Mistress..."</cr>
<n3> She looks at the Watcher sitting unconscious next to her. She gives you the explanations you need to understand what she's telling. She's not just telling it to Moon.</n3>
<cr>" She's a low-level Watcher, but that's a very elite class. So most likely this unconscious Succubus is a very high potential and beneficial individual. What I was trying to help that day was the lowest level, a poor nun who perhaps had not even discovered her spirit animal."</cr>
<n3> She starts gently shuffling her little notebook. Then she turns it towards you. </n3>
[[Look At The Notebook|scream13]]<n3> She shows you a mysterious figure emitting black fumes. You can see how diligently she drew this picture.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/crow3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> With my big hat and my simple dress, I had an iconic look. Well.. I didn't really realize how terrifying this sight could be. I appeared behind the lost nun and asked her if she needed help.
She said in a calm voice that she was lost before she saw me. The moment she turned toward me, she went into a state of shock. She couldn't even scream out of fear. She fell to the ground and dragged herself with her hands, as if her legs were paralyzed. She was trying to get away from me, but she knew that what she was trying was not a solution.
Honestly, I was surprised too, because I thought a strong Mistress would be reassuring to her. Without thinking, I reached out to her and tried to tell her that she was safe. After her scream echoed through the forest, she fainted. Apparently her heart was weak. For a while, I looked at the body lying still on the ground. </cr>
<<linkreplace"A Sharp Sound!" t8n>>\
<n3> She holds her head and tears a page out of her notebook. </n3>
<cr>"I never thought she would die instantly. If I had acted immediately, maybe I could have saved her... She had a heart attack. When I took the dead body back to the Center, I still had hope. Maybe Viper could save her... But it was too late.
And it spread very quickly all over the Center. With dozens of variations. I killed her, because I didn't like the way she looked at me, because at the end of her sentence, she didn't call me Mistress, because I wanted to prove to everyone how ruthless I am, or just because I felt like it at the time. I never wore these clothes again and swore I would never take another life."</cr>
<n3> At the end of her story, she lifts her head and looks at you. You cannot see her face, but you can feel that she is looking at you with a sad and desperate expression. At that moment, you feel extremely detached from the moment.
She's not excluding you, but she's talking to Moon! Not you! It feels like, you've lost your memory and an old friend is telling you about something that happened to her. Still, not all of her sincerity to you is because of Moon. There must be another reason of her own. Witnessing Crow's true feelings makes you feel vulnerable. You've been through so much, but you've never felt this special so far. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Moon speaks in a serious tone. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> You'll find your own way! You couldn't be like her even if you wanted to. Neither could I!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You can tell she's talking about the original Crow. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> You can't control what they say about you. But over time, you can guide the direction. And it only takes one loser to initiate it.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Moon takes control of your body and places her hand on the unconscious Watcher's forehead. </n3>
<<linkreplace"A Familiar Warmth" t8n>>\
<n3> For a brief moment, she uses Sun's powers. And then you get up and go back to the bush you were hiding in.</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixEye1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> The Watcher is starting to wake up slowly. Crow, with visible concern, moves a little away from the awakening Watcher and turns her back again. It's pretty funny to watch her fuss. If you didn't know, you would think she is doing these moves to look cool, but she is actually just trying to make the other side feel less intimidated.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> After waking up, Watcher looks around briefly, confused, and as soon as she notices Crow, she returns to her position on her knees. She begins to speak with pure respect, her voice now free of the fear that used to be in it. </n3>
<b1>"Yes, Mistress, I know her! She's my sister. I try to keep her in check, but I'm on a different unit from her now. She's working on a unique technique for herself. That's why she got distracted while on a mission. I gave her a good scolding and it won't happen again! I'd love to introduce her to you!"</b1>
<n3> Crow remains silent for a short while. Then she clears her throat quietly and continues.</n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> Good!... I would like to meet her and guide her!</cr>
<n3> Watcher nods, very happy and honored. </n3>
<cr>"You can return to your post. I checked here and the area is safe!"</cr>
<n3> Watcher slowly stands up. Still leaning forward a little, she walks backwards and then disappears into the trees. After a short while, Crow turns towards the bush where you are hiding and nods vaguely. You come out of the bush.</n3>
[[Continue|scream16]]<n3> You expect her to thank Moon, but she talks to you as if nothing happened. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> The first barrier is not that challenging and until you reach the real Center, there are perhaps dozens of barriers. But it's still a very good sign that you crossed the first barrier without even noticing. With a short and intensive training, I can initiate your true link with Mistress... Umm... Moon!</cr>
<n3>Ahh! You would've loved to hear her blurt out Moon's name. Crow continues seriously.</n3>
<cr> "Surprisingly, you also have a bond with The Phoenix! And can you tell me about your first true encounter with her?"</cr>
<n3> You don't know what to say when you're suddenly asked. Really, how was the first encounter you had with her? First, you met her when Brittany was unleashing your spirit animal. But that doesn't really count. You need to think for a while. Crow should've figured it out from the look on your face. She's waiting patiently for you to answer.</n3>
[[Try To Remember|scream17]]<n3> You were in a dark place. A crimson glow was coming from somewhere. You were a little scared of the uncertainty.</n3>
<img src="img/places/dreamRed.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<linkreplace"What Else?" t8n>>\
<n3> A giant phoenix! When you realized that she could hear what you were thinking about her, you were really scared for a moment. </n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenix2.jpeg" class=center width="75%">
<<linkreplace"And Finally" t8n>>\
<n3> And finally, your encounter with the true form of the incredibly powerful and elegant Succubus, who introduces herself to you as Sun. </n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixFigure.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You describe it to Crow in as much detail as you can. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> Very good! You have to experience something similar with Mistress Moon too. Your bond must be complete! But it's something that will put a lot of stress on your body. You need to adapt and get used to your natural Lust form. This can be a bit challenging in the beginning.</cr>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> My natural Lust form? </n1></b>
<n3> Crow nods. Then takes out the quill she used before, which emits black fumes.</n3>
<img src="img/higher-ups/crow/pen1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<cr>"It's called Dark-Lust. A very special kind that is said to contain all types of Lust. But against its potential, it is an incredibly difficult type to progress and develop.
The main reason for your rapid development is that you are in constant contact with Mistress Moon. You are constantly learning and adapting from her passively. We are very lucky that you don't have to learn and adapt from scratch." </cr>
<n3> She holds the quill with the tip of three fingers and moves it a little closer to you. </n3>
<cr>"This quill is filled with Dark Lust. And because it requires very little of my Lust, even the amount that I can generate while someone looks at me is enough for most things. So, with this artifact alone, the potential of what I can do is frightening. But..." </cr>
<n3> She puts the quill back and turns her head to you. </n3>
<cr>"It's not as frightening as the the potential impact this could on me. It's not something I can use recklessly! I've mastered some little things, so it's not completely useless with me. But this quill will eventually be yours again. I will continue to be honored with its protection until you are ready!" </cr>
[[Continue|scream19]]<n3> She stretches out her arm and the crow, which has been up there for a while, lands on her hand. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> I don't want to put your body under a huge pressure, and frankly I don't want you to improve too fast. You are still allowed to be free, and that period is directly related to what you are capable to do.
Meet me here tomorrow. I want to show you the outer borders. There's only one Succubus who can evade my sight, and I know how lazy she is. With me here, you're safe... Still, try not to scream.</cr>
<<linkreplace"Sudden Panic!" t8n>>\
<n3> Crow turns her head somewhere behind you and slightly steps back. She points behind you and gives you a warning in a voice full of terror. </n3>
<cr>"What the fuck is that? Hide now!"</cr>
<n3> You startle with panic and as your body gets into a running position, you turn your head towards where Crow is pointing. You can't see anything there and that worries you a little bit more.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Where Is Crow?!" t8n>>\
<n3> When you look back in front of you, you don't see Crow there. Did she attack that thing already? As you run, not even knowing where you are running, you stop with Moon's giggle.
Then you remember that's exactly what Crow did to you the first time you encountered her. What an unprofessional way out. If she does that, how do you know if it's something really serious?
A little annoyed, you start walking back to your room. The absurdity of the situation makes you smile and chuckle along the way.</n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $centerVisit to 8>>\
<<set $centerBorder to 1>>\
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\<n3> You put your latex cape over your shoulder and leave your room. Crow said she'll show you around the outer borders of the Center, but you're still a little worried about how safe it will be.
But it will be a long walk. Last time, you didn't realize how far you had gone because you were dancing along, not looking where you were going. You have just entered the forest area when you hear a noise in the bushes next to you.</n3>
[[Continue|border2]]<n3> Crow welcomes you with her interesting jacket. There's still quite a way to the meeting place.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/crow1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> What's up? You're gonna walk all that way anyway. I've decided to join you rather than let you walk alone.</cr>
<n3> She looks in a much more cheerful mood than yesterday. She's more like when you first encountered her. You greet her back and you start walking together. She walks with quite big strides. To keep up with her normal gait, you pick up the pace a bit.</n3>
<cr>"The area that we're going to see today is the outermost borders. So it's an area where you're not in much danger, even if you go in alone. Even though it is forbidden, there are students who come to the forest for a walk and lose their way and enter our borders.
But we can say that this situation is changing, albeit at a slow pace. Too many Succubus have been promoted to Watcher status. The situation of a whole Sunday being a disadvantage is trying to be reversed.
Still, we won't even be close to places that carry risk. This is a huge territory. There are perhaps dozens of areas that vary according to location and have their own internal dynamics. The Center's territory is larger than the area covered by all the Dormitories. But we have a lot of unused forest land, so it can be considered equal.
Is there anything you want to ask me beforehand?"</cr>
<n3> Actually, there is, but you're not sure about asking it. You gather your courage and speak out.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Can you tell me a little bit about the original Crow? </n1></b>
<n3> Crow suddenly stops. Maybe it wasn't a good decision, but you want to hear about her. You don't know why, but right now it's more intriguing to you than the tour you're about to take.</n3>
[[Continue|border3]]<n3> Crow's silence worries you a little. You feel the need to make an explanation. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Well... It's just... I'm a little curious about a Succubus who influenced you enough to carry her name... </n1></b>
<n3> Crow nods in understanding and continues walking. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> It is quite natural. If I were you, I'd want to hear about her too. But it's not something I can talk about as I like! Mistress! Can I talk about her?</cr>
<n3> Although this question to Moon was a simple yes or no, she must be giving a much longer answer. Finally Crow starts talking.</n3>
<cr>"She was the most delicate, elegant and brilliant Succubus I've ever known. I don't really have anything to hide about her but it's still hard to talk about her."</cr>
<n3> She takes a deep breath and continues. </n3>
<cr>" She had a condition... An incurable one... Something that haunted her since she was born... To produce and use Lust was very demanding for her but I never saw it stopped her for even a second."</cr>
[[Continue|border4]]<n3> When you reach the first barrier, Crow stops. Since you asked about her, Crow seems a lot more distracted. She also takes deep breaths regularly. And you notice these gaps in her speech while she's talking.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/crow2.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> Let's take a break here for a while.</cr>
<n3> She takes out her small notebook and a worn pencil and scribbles as she talks . </n3>
<cr>"She was obsessed with techniques and constant evolution. She would use the word <i>"potential"</i> maybe dozens of times a day. Her brain was working completely differently. She always maintained that even an average Succubus could become one of the most potent. All it took was discovery and the right analysis of potential...
In these analyzes, she was not unrealistic, but when she was passionate about something, she sometimes disregarded and sometimes ignored the effort required for that result."</cr>
<n3> She picks up a small stone from the ground. Then she tosses this stone from one hand to the other a few times. Then she looks at you with her pitch-black face.</n3>
<cr>"When we met, that was the most I could do. To move a stone with the weak attraction I created in my palms. And I could do it if no one was looking at me.
As a young, weak and insecure Succubus, trembling in embarrassment in front of her, I saw her eyes looking at me with amazement. She wasn't pretending, or exaggerating. She could only say one thing...<cr2>"How Deadly!" </cr2>The limits of my ability were already vividly visualized in her mind"</cr>
[[Continue|border5]]<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> When she got excited, she couldn't express what was on her mind that well. She would be so excited that she would jump from one thing to another. She would talk about so many possibilities that you could never keep up.
There was no way I could follow what she was saying anyway. With tear-filled eyes, I just wanted to hug her. I never wanted to let go of the pale goddess who was this excited about me.</cr>
<n3> With her back to you, she wipes her tears, trying not to let you notice. </n3>
<cr>"I don't really know what to tell you about her. Because she couldn't use Lust to form a technique, she was focused on her spirit animal. She was the best spirit animal wielder who ever lived. She had explained it to me a little. Her spirit animal was, fortunately, an independent and self-existing kind. She was controlling them with very small flashes of Lust."</cr>
<<linkreplace"She Raises Her Arms" t8n>>\
<n3> She slightly raises her arms to her sides. Two crows are forming from the black smoke, one from each arm, and they start flying in a circle.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/crow3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<cr>"These two are her legacy... She left me her beautiful sight so I could cover my biggest weakness.
Of course, her sight was at least a few times larger than mine. And she had dozens of crows, specialized for different tasks. Each of them was perfectly controlled. She had names for each one.
You can think of it like this. With these two, I can barely check the whole academy. She could do it without any difficulty with a single crow specialized in vision. And a sight crow is the least of your concerns about her."</cr>
<n3> She laughs bitterly. </n3>
<cr>"Only her one sight crow was countering my whole existence."</cr>
<</linkreplace>>\<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> She preferred to be called Crow. She started the using spirit animals as names. Actually, in her times, there was a Succubus team, just like the current Higher-Ups, led by Mistress Moon... But they didn't have a name. I was under Mistress Crow... I won't say anything else about this.
You can see how a Succubus with a limitless imagination and passion for power concepts would be a good match for Mistress Moon, right? Again, I'm not going to say anything about that. Just... they were really good friends...</cr>
<n3> She continues in a slightly more excited voice. </n3>
<cr>"I think about how Mistress Crow would act in all the obstacles I face, small or big. But! As she said, I'm really different from her and I can't even resemble her, no matter how hard I try... She was a total game changer!"</cr>
<n3> When Crow looks at you again with a face reaching out into void, this time an image flashes in your mind. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Dusk Eyes" t8n>>\
<n3> A pale-skinned, black-clad Succubus, with a crow on her shoulder, stares at you assertively. You feel like you can't hide anything from her. She has a calm and intimidating expression, as if she knows things about you that even you don't know. It must be her!</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/originalCrow1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<center><h1><b><cr>"She Was A Complete Anomaly!"</cr></b></h1></center>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Crow claps her hand hastily. She turns to the barrier in front of you and speaks.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/crow4.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr>That's quite enough! Let's move on!</cr>
<n3> After passing through the first barrier, still in the woods, Crow slowly turns her head. She speaks in a curious and slightly irritated voice.</n3>
<cr>"I feel vulnerable around you! As if telling you things will solve them. So you may have misunderstood some things.
It doesn't bother me that much that I have a dreadful reputation! On the contrary, it also helps me a lot. It's just... I'd rather be able to help Succubus with high potential who haven't found their path yet! "</cr>
<n3> She jumps a few times and stretches her neck. </n3>
<cr>"This was supposed to be a fun trip. What a heavy thing to ask. Anyway, let's get started!"</cr>
[[Let's Start!|border8]]
<n3> The density of the forest seems to be decreasing a bit ahead. Crow gets a few steps ahead of you.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/center1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> This is the biggest portion of the Center. It's green everywhere! With a density that covers all the history. In this area, the Nuns are mainly located. After my incident, their hiding Latex was replaced with a prototype version. So they can't sense us easily! I can say that my biggest entertainment is messing around with them.</cr>
<n3> She gestures for you to come and then points a little further ahead. You see that she is pointing to a place full of stone structures. </n3>
<cr>"You know what? Forget the trip! You see over there, right? Go there! I'll join you!"</cr>
<n3> You're a little confused. You turn your head and Crow's not there. You take a deep breath and start walking in the direction Crow pointed.</n3>
[[Continue|border9]] <n3> It's all green everywhere on both sides. And because the trees aren't as dense as they used to be, you realize... You're in a huge field. On either side of you is an endless green expanse. After walking for about ten minutes, you see Crow waiting for you up ahead. She raises her left hand and waves it. In the other hand she seems to be holding something. You're picking up the pace a little bit. You can see the nuns walking a little distance away. Crow's cheer seems to have returned.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Walking Nuns" t8n>>\
<img src="img/center/border/nun1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<b><d>Crow: </d></b><cr>They're a bunch of brainwashed and powerless Succubuses. If I can't communicate with them, I'll have fun through them.</cr>
<n3> She holds out her right hand slightly towards you. You can't understand what she is holding in her hand. Is it a thick rope wrapped around her hand?
No, it's not! It's a snake! You moved your head closer because you couldn't really understand what it was. The sudden hiss from this knot caught you off guard. Crow chuckles when she sees that you're scared. She holds the snake right behind its head. The desperate snake tries to get out of her grip by baring its vicious teeth, but to no avail.</n3>
<cr>"Don't worry, it's not poisonou...</cr>
<n3> She turns the snake towards her and looks at its belly.</n3>
<cr> ...Deadly poisonous..."</cr>
<n3> Crow releases the snake and it tries to escape for its life. </n3>
<cr>"I have marked this snake as one point! It's linked to the other point I've marked. It's one of the nuns. You have to break the bond without killing the snake. And once you break it, it will be over. You know how to break it, right?"</cr>
<n3> You have to look at her. Once you do, the attraction will be broken, albeit temporarily. But according to her, that's enough. Wait, what's this? Is this a test? </n3>
<cr>" All right, then! Don't let the Nuns detect you. Oh, by the way, you can't kill any nun! No killing!!! "</cr>
<n3> Then she points her finger somewhere behind you. To start, you have to take your eyes off her. </n3>
<center>[[Keep Looking At Her!|lookHer]]
[[Take Your Eyes Off Her And Start The Test|border10]]</center>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Even though Crow gestures for you to look away, you don't take your eyes off her. With a small chuckle, she squats down and grabs some dirt from the ground. Then she brings her hand in front of her mouth and suddenly blows.
You have no choice but to close your eyes. Crow's giggles accompany you as you scrub the dirt from your face, eyes and hair. For some reason, for a moment, you thought that if you didn't look away, she would become helpless. You open your eyes. Of course Crow is not there.</n3>
[[Continue|border10]]<n3> You notice that the snake, which has moved a little away, slowly slides back onto the stone path. It looks like it's being drawn by a magnet but right now it's moving pretty slowly.
Immediately, you start thinking about what you can do. You're not sure which way is the right way. </n3>
<n3> One of the issues here is the snake. Maybe if you get the snake away, you can buy some time. Ugh... But you have to touch the snake. It's a bit dangerous and quite disgusting.</n3>
<center>[[Pick Up The Snake And Try To Move It Away!|snakeAway]]</center>
<n3> You have no time to lose! Crow should be your only focus. There's no way she's gonna get in your sight! So somehow, you must lock onto her Lust energy! </n3>
<center>[[Release Your Spirit Animal And Search For Crow!|CrowSearch]]</center>
<n3> You don't know all the details about this attraction. Maybe looking at Crow is not the only way to break it. While you still have time, you can focus on this attraction and try to discover something you didn't know. And maybe you can find out which nun it's moving towards.</n3>
<center>[[Release Your Spirit Animal And Focus On The Attraction!|bondDetails]]</center>
<n3> You look at the snake, which is slowly moving in the opposite direction to the way it coils. It looks very tense and aggressive. There's no way to hold it. Even to kick it away seems too risky.
You shouldn't be affected by how such a small creature feels. As you step towards the snake, you focus on it. If it needs calming down, you calm it down!</n3>
<<linkreplace"Reach For The Snake" t8n>>\
<n3> Until you touch the snake, it shouldn't be able to feel you. And yet, you notice that it's getting much more aggressive since you started walking towards it. That's all right!</n3>
<img src="img/phoenix/phoenixEye1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> You easily calm the snake. You grab it by the back of its head, while it's semi-conscious.</n3>
<n3> But the snake in your hand starts to get unbelievably heavy. With your fingers in pain, you drop the snake and it lands on the ground as if it has no weight. You're pretty annoyed. You don't even know why you're doing this.</n3>
<<set $snakeAway to 1>>\<n3> You release your spirit animal. Your Lust sense is pretty sharp so you think you can locate her. And once you can lock on to her, you can look at her.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/darkwolf1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You feel really good! Your wolf seems quite calm. You close your eyes and focus. You don't care about anything. You're just focused just to feel Crow.
You felt her! But you can't distinguish her location. Whatever she does, the Lust radiating from her body should be more prominent and you should be able to feel where she is.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Focus More!">>\
<n3> You take a deep breath and spread your arms wide. You want to understand what's going on. The location of the Lust source is constantly shifting.
One moment you feel next to the trees behind you, the next moment you feel next to the nuns. Suddenly you feel this source standing right in front of you. Startled and letting out a small scream, you open your eyes as fast as you can. There's no one in front of you! Is she teleporting or what? You continue to scan your surroundings, turning around, wondering what to do.</n3>
<<set $CrowSearch to 1>>\<n3> You release your spirit animal. You focus on the snake slowly being pulled along the ground. At least, you hope to be able to understand which nun it is linked to.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/darkwolf1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You feel really good! Your wolf seems quite calm. You close your eyes and focus. You don't feel anything yet. Suddenly you freeze.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Someone's Behind You" t8n>>\
<n3> When you are focused on the snake, you feel a Lust source appearing right behind you. You take a sharp breath and freeze. You can't dare to move your body. There is a whisper in your ear.</n3>
<center><font size="3"><cr>("I can change the ends of the link at any time I want! Don't worry about who it's connected to! You're running out of time!")</cr></font></center>
<n3> And she disappears behind you. A few seconds after she disappeared, you could dare to turn your head. Your hands are shaking. All your senses were screaming that your life was in danger. But you froze, realizing that you could do nothing about it.
It bugs you a bit that you couldn't find the courage to turn your head back. But she wouldn't have gotten this close if she wasn't sure about it.</n3>
<<set $bondDetails to 1>>\<<if $snakeAway === 1>>\
<n3> So she doesn't want you to interfere with the snake. Well, then you'll think of something else.
As you think, you keep turning around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Crow. You might be better off trying it with your spirit animal. You concentrate and you feel comforted by the wolf next to you, forming out of black smoke. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You will try to sense Crow.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/darkwolf1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<linkreplace"A Sharp Poke" t8n>>\
<n3> Just as you're about to focus, you feel a sharp poke on your waist. You get startled and all your focus slips away. Crow really knows how to be annoying. You close your eyes again, feeling a little more annoyed, and focus.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Something Is Coming!" t8n>>\
<n3> There's something coming at you like a bullet. Before you know it, it hits you with all its force right where Crow just poked you. It hits you so hard that for a moment you are swept off your feet and you find yourself on the ground. You are on your knees and you can hardly breathe. You turn your head to look at what hit you.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn Your Head" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn your head in anger. The thing that hit you is looking at you with silly eyes. It's a toad! It looks like it took no damage from this impact. The condescending tone in those stupid eyes gets on your nerves.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/toad1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You stand up in a huff. You don't realize it, but a faint black smoke starts to rise from your body.</n3>
<<set $snakeAway to 2>>\
<<if $CrowSearch === 1>>\
<n3> You try to lock onto Crow's Lust but it doesn't feel possible. She is moving very fast, but that's not the main problem. She doesn't move in any pattern. She is constantly shifting, with incredibly sharp maneuvers, on an unpredictable path. You instinctively spread your arms out to the side. If you sacrifice some of the range, you can enhance your senses.
Your wolf starts growling. Your senses are perfectly clear, but even if you feel her, you are still worried about the possibility of your eyes capturing her. </n3>
<<linkreplace"A Faint Sensation" t8n>>\
<n3> As you scan around with your shortened range and enhanced senses, you feel a faint lust shifting.
To focus better, you had your eyes closed and your arms outstretched to your sides. When you open your eyes, you see that you are covered with leaves and brushwood. And there is a bird's nest on your head.
<img src="img/center/border/nest1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
Right now you probably look like an old scarecrow. You hit the nest on your head in anger and knock it to the ground. She's mocking you straight up.
You hate this feeling. Your chest feels a little tight, but you feel much more focused. Your eyes are wide open and your wolf is now drooling and sniffing everywhere, watching for Crow to enter its range.</n3>
[[Some Screams!|test2]]
<<set $CrowSearch to 2>>\
<<if $bondDetails === 1>>\
<n3> You take a deep breath. First you need to calm down a little. You just had a real fear of death. Your instincts and feelings were screaming so loudly that they drowned out the feeble voice of your logic without any difficulty.
You prepare to take your last deep breath. With the soothing fresh air, you fill your lungs to the fullest. But the most relaxing stage of deep breathing is when you exhale at a controlled pace.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Weak Exhale" t8n>>\
<n3> Just as you are about to exhale, that shadow full of bloodlust appears behind you again, blows softly in your ear for a moment and disappears. You lunge forward in fear and trip and fall to the ground. Because you haven't released that deep breath from your lungs yet, you feel like you are going to suffocate and you cough for almost a minute.
You don't know how to feel. You are angry, but when you feel that shadow near you, all your emotions turn to fear. Knowing that she is doing it on purpose doesn't help in the slightest. You stand up helplessly. You want it to end. </n3>
<<set $bondDetails to 2>>\
[[Some Screams!|test2]]
<</if>>\<<if $snakeAway === 2>>\
<n3> Your waist still hurts. One moment you feel a Lust shift behind you. You swing both hands like a claw towards what you feel behind you. Of course you couldn't hit her but you were able to realize that your anger was controlling you. You're supposed to look at her, not strike her! She's pushing you pretty hard. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Oh No!" t8n>>\
<n3> Thinking you need to calm down, you are confronted with a sight that takes your breath away. A huge beehive is hovering in the air some distance away from you.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/bee1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Your heart is beating like crazy. Bees are not something you can stand. Just the sight of maybe hundreds of bees in the hive is enough to send shivers down your spine. You raise your hand in surrender. In anger and fear, you start screaming.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Don't do it! Don't you fucking do it! Pleasee!!! </n1></b>
<n3> She'll do it! She'll do it for sure! But your hands feel like ice. You can't even find the strength to move. Hardly, slowly stepping backwards, you begin to move away from the beehive hanging in the air. Your hands are still shaking.</n3>
<<linkreplace"You Bump Into Something" t8n>>\
<n3> You don't know what's going on behind you because all your attention is on the beehive. Then your back hits something and that's what lights the fuse.
With a scream of fear and disgust, you attack the thing behind you. With your eyes closed, you swing both hands like claws again. But this time, you really meant to do harm. You didn't care about anything, you just attacked. Your spirit animal couldn't ignore that, and it did the real attack for you.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/darkwolf2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<<set $snakeAway to 3>>\
<<if $CrowSearch === 2>>\
<n3> You're distracted by high-pitched screams. You were so focused on Crow, you forgot about the snake. It's approaching the Nuns and continues to do so. The snake is already on edge, and with the Nuns running screaming around it, it is even more aggressive.
You don't know what to do, but first you have to get closer. And then you'll find a way to calm the snake down. It won't be too difficult, you think.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Soft Fall" t8n>>\
<n3> You're running and suddenly you trip over something. Before you know it, you're on the ground but it didn't hurt. It's like you've fallen on a bed of leaves. That's when you realize Crow tripped you. She must have prepared this leaf pile. Frustrated, you stand up and continue.</n3>
<<set $CrowSearch to 3>>\
<<if $bondDetails === 2>>\
<n3> You're distracted by high-pitched screams. While you were trying to calm down, you forgot about the snake. It's approaching the Nuns and continues to do so. The snake is already on edge, and with the Nuns running screaming around it, it is even more aggressive.
For a moment, the distance between you and the snake seems enormous. By the time you get there, Crow can make a move on you several times and you don't want that. You don't want that at all...
You realize that your wolf is not around. So you're too unstable even to maintain your spirit animal active? Thoughts still flash through your brain. She could have killed you dozens of times if she wanted to. She also said she swore a long time ago that she wouldn't kill anyone. So just feeling her pent-up bloodlust is enough to knock your whole balance off. Your breathing has quickened again. This predator, who could be anywhere, must still be watching you. You want it to end!
You've already forgotten about the snake and what's happening there...
<<set $bondDetails to 3>>\
<</if>>\<<if $snakeAway === 3>>\
<n3> You open your eyes hesitantly. In front of you, there is a tree split in two. Suddenly you remember the bees, then turn back in panic.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn Back" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn around and you see a big black sheet of smoke in front of you. Behind this sheet, Crow is standing calmly. With the tip of two fingers she gently pushes the sheet towards you and finally gently touches your forehead. After this touch, your vision blurs, and before you lose consciousness, you hear Crow speaking in a calm voice.</n3>
<center><h1><cr>"I Hope This Is Enough..."</cr></h1></center>
<n3> The black sheet in front of you is beginning to unravel. Your senses are getting weaker. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Huge Black Cloud" t8n>>\
<n3> You feel a connection with this huge cloud of black smoke that forms in front of you. Then your whole body starts to absorb this cloud. </n3>
<img src="img/center/border/dark1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<center><n3> You're falling into a peaceful sleep. So peaceful, that you don't even have to wake up again.</n3></center>
<<if $CrowSearch === 3>>\
<n3> You try to reach the snake, dodging the Nuns running in fear around you. You will calm the snake and then throw it away. You hope this will buy you some time.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Sudden Darkness" t8n>>\
<n3> The snake was almost within your reach, but suddenly everything went black. A piece of cloth is tied around your eyes. You pull it out in anger, but there's another one underneath. With your other hand you pull the other one out. You're still blindfolded. Then you realize you don't have the first cloth in your hand. So while you were pulling the other one, the first one tied over your eyes again?
This time, tightly closing the hand holding the cloth, you remove the cloth that is wrapped around your eyes.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Take It Off" t8n>>\
<n3> You pull the cloth and open your eyes. You can see! You look at the two dark navy blue cloths you are holding in your hand. You can feel them slowly wriggling. The moment you open your hand, they will return around your eyes.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Hard Impact" t8n>>\
<n3> You weren't paying attention to what was happening around you. There are still nuns running around in a panic. The dangerous thing is, they can't see you. As you look at the cloths in your hands, you are knocked down by a blow on the shoulder. Only for a second, you could see that you were hit by a running nun. Because after that, your vision is covered again by the cloths. You can feel your face crumpling in a tearful way. This is too much!</n3>
<<set $CrowSearch to 4>>\
<<if $bondDetails === 3>>\
<n3> You realize you are clenching your teeth and you relax your jaw. She asked you for something. What was it? For you to survive? You weren't allowed to kill... Your brain's all messed up.
You put your hand to your chest, which feels tight. " Sun? Moon? Are you there? Won't you save me?" You ask... But you seem to be alone...</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Rustle"t8n>>\
<n3> You hear a sound and scream with fear. You can't sense really anything properly. You have to unleash your wolf again. You put both hands together and take a deep breath. The only thing on your mind is to feel safe.
A Lust Barrier surrounds you with a pink wave emanating from your body. It's a pretty small one, but you didn't know you could do that. Now you can focus on your wolf. You won't give up right away.</n3>
<<set $bondDetails to 4>>\
<</if>>\<n3> You open your eyes. In the black and gray night, the only source of light is the glowing moon. You remember nothing. You stand up, feeling disoriented.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/sky1.jpg" class=center width="57%">
<n3> You question nothing. Why are you here? What is this place? Who are you? You are wrapped in the peace of oblivion. Ever since you woke up, you've been looking at the moon shining on you.
Look around you... There's no one... How beautiful! Black has always been your favorite color. In the dark night that covers and embraces all flaws, you don't have to deal with anything. Suddenly you are startled, as if a cold wind is blowing on you. You raise your hand but there is no wind. Nothing! There's nothing!
<n3> You move uneasily. First you feel a little scratchy on your neck. Then this itching spreads to your back and then to your whole body. Your peace is starting to fade...</n3>
[[Continue|maze2]]<<if $CrowSearch === 4>>\
<n3> You're on the ground and blindfolded. You can still hear those weak trash bags screaming in fear. It's just a snake! You want to wipe out all their emotions! The little warmth you feel in your arm spreads throughout your body. You just want to let out this tightness inside you.
The more you push yourself, more you realize you are capable even more. Normally you would already be at your limit. But you have much more space to build up your energy. With your eyes still closed, you feel two hands on both shoulders. Then you feel yourself moving away from there at a speed that doesn't feel real. You try to hold back, but the energy built up inside you is ready to explode at any moment.
<n3> You're in a very quiet place. Your senses are very sharp right now and only Crow is near you. With a slow finger stroke on your forehead, your whole body feels like you've been electrocuted. There's no way to hold back anymore. All the energy that had built up inside you has found a way out.</n3>
<<set $CrowSearch to 5>>\
<<if $bondDetails === 4>>\
<n3> As you are about to continue, you feel a hand on your shoulder. Your feeling of safety, which lasted for about five seconds, is completely shattered. You jump up in fear and throw yourself on the ground. Just imagining yourself in a small space with that monster scared you to death.
You don't realize it, but tears are running down your face. You don't have the courage to open your eyes and you feel no strength in your legs. So you use your arms to try to get away from there. As you try to crawl on the ground, the strength in your arms wears out and you curl into a fetal position and start to cry.
You're terrified, not of dying, exactly. You're afraid of that deep, dark bloodlust. Then you hear her voice. Her voice is full of fear too.</n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> It- It's o-over! Calm down! Please!</cr>
<n3> She raises both hands to her side in surrender. </n3>
<cr>"I didn't realize you were that affected! I was just trying to bring you to the edge!"</cr>
<n3> She takes a few steps towards you. You try to roll away from her in terror. Of course, the sounds you make in the process are quite tragic. You can't see it, but Crow's also in shock. Like you, she's experiencing a trauma.</n3>
<<set $bondDetails to 5>>\
<</if>>\<<if $CrowSearch === 5>>\
<n3> Why are you feeling so emotional right now? You don't know, but the pressure you've been under in this short time is not the only reason! You stop holding back completely.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/phoenix1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> This release, which lasts for about ten seconds and looks like a vortex of flame, reminds you of the scream you let out yesterday. You needed something like this then too, but you didn't realize you were limiting yourself. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Land Down" t8n>>\
<n3>When you land, you see a big black sheet of smoke in front of you. Behind this sheet, Crow is standing calmly. With the tip of two fingers she gently pushes the sheet towards you and finally gently touches your forehead. After this touch, your vision blurs, and before you lose consciousness, you hear Crow speaking in a ashamed voice.</n3>
<center><h1><cr>"I Didn't Mean That Much...."</cr></h1></center>
<n3> The black sheet in front of you is beginning to unravel. Your senses are getting weaker. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Huge Black Cloud" t8n>>\
<n3> You feel a connection with this huge cloud of black smoke that forms in front of you. Then your whole body starts to absorb this cloud. </n3>
<img src="img/center/border/dark1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<center><n3> You're falling into a peaceful sleep. So peaceful, that you don't even have to wake up again.</n3></center>
<<if $bondDetails === 5>>\
<n3> You cry for a few minutes. Every time you think about it, your body contracts again and you burst into another crying session. You don't have the courage to check if Crow is anywhere near you. You've never felt this miserable. You want it to end!!!</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Weird Calmness" t8n>>\
<n3> Your body, almost sore from the cramping, starts to relax gradually. Your eyes slowly close and a peaceful and safe sleeping sensation spreads its arms open to you. It is such a sudden change that you question whether it is death that welcomes you. Yet it is not something you can resist.
You don't see it, but a big dark sheet, dissolving into a black smoke, is absorbed by your body. Before you lose consciousness, you hear one last thing. Crow's tearful voice apologizing to you...
You only heard her for a split second, but you could feel the regret and sorrow in her voice. You fall asleep before you can form an opinion about it.</n3>
<</if>>\<n3>Wait a minute, what are you doing? How long have you been wasting your time here? Your search isn't over yet! You stare at the walls of a huge maze, as if it has always been there. A maze where you don't know how many lifetimes you have to spend. You will try again! And this time you'll find the exit!</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/maze1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<<linkreplace"Enter The Maze!" t8n>>\
<n3> You walk in with great confidence! As you walk in, you are greeted by a few dead ends, but you know there is another path you can always take.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Move Forward!" t8n>>\
<n3>You feel like you've been walking for a couple hours. You are not tired yet, but you have lost your way a few times. Still, you found other ways, even if it took you a while. You're feeling a little bored. If only you had someone with you... Still, you can't lose focus!</n3>
<<linkreplace"Move Forward!!!" t8n>>\
<n3> You've lost your sense of time, but you must have been walking for a few days. Yet you haven't felt hungry or thirsty. You haven't gotten sleepy or tired. Only the void inside you grew.
You sit down where you are, then check the tips of the maze walls again. Oh, how you wish there were two little eyes watching you where you look. But you ripped those eyes out. You don't deserve a glance anymore...
There's no reason to continue. You're lying on your back. You remember you haven't looked at the moon for a while. Wonder if it's left you too.</n3>
[[Look At The Moon|maze3]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> For a long time, you've been observing that hopeless little shadow. Ever since she started, with every step she took, her color faded a little more. Right now, she's lying on her back looking at you. You want to cheer her up. But if she gives up at this point, your help will not be enough. You check how far she has to go.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Try To See The End Of The Maze" t8n>>\
<n3> The entire sight is obscured by the maze. Even as you look at it, you can see it spreading like cancer cells.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/maze2.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> This shadow has actually progressed much further than the other ones. But whenever a shadow lies on her back and looks at you, she soon gives up in despair and fades away. Until another shadow appears.
You're getting angry. What has to happen for her to forgive herself? Doesn't she already know she's forgiven? Doesn't she realize that because of her, those eyes can still see? Stupid little shadow!</n3>
[[Wake Up!|maze4]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You open your eyes. You were with Crow. A black sheet and... You can't remember the rest. You look around, It's gray and black and there are wrecks everywhere. It's like you're in the middle of nowhere with giant collapsed walls with countless dark remnants.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Check The Sky" t8n>>\
<n3> What the hell are these moons? A round one in the center and three crescents on each side. You can't stop looking at it. You feel like there's something you need to discover about that.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/sky2.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<n3> Wait a minute, are these moons getting bigger? As you are watching how much bigger they are going to get, you realize something. They're not growing, they're getting closer!
There's nowhere you can escape even if you wanted to. With curiosity and some fear, you continue to look at the moons approaching you.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Soon your depth perception starts to work on these adjacent moons. You realize that the center circle is more in front than the other crescents. This meaningless row of moons slowly takes shape. Now you can completely see what it is. You are in awe of this thing that has come right up to the tip of your nose.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look At This Giant Beast" t8n>>\
<n3> A huge head stands in front of you, where the circular moon turns into a nose and the crescents into eyes. The rest of its body is made of dark fumes. </n3>
<img src="img/center/border/darkwolf3.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<n3> It doesn't look like it's gonna keep you long. You see a demand in those eyes that look at you kindly and softly. A single and short request...</n3>
<center><inner> <h1>"Please Help Her!"</h1></inner></center>
<<if $CrowSearch gte 2 or $snakeAway gte 2>>\
[[Wake Up!|border11]]
<<if $bondDetails gte 2>>\
[[Wake Up!|border11.1]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Your eyes are closed and you are lying on the ground. From the fresh air you feel, you remember where you are. You don't remember why you fell asleep, or if you saw anything while you were asleep. It felt like a dreamless night's sleep. Only you're not well rested. Someone was with you, who was it?</n3>
<<linkreplace"Try To Remember" t8n>>\
<n3> You remember it without much difficulty. You were with Crow. She pops into your mind.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/originalCrow2.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<n3> Wait a minute! This isn't the Crow you know! But this image you saw was as vivid as if it was seen through your eyes. Or is Moon's memories finally starting to seep into yours? Your thoughts are interrupted.</n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> Welcome back! What did you see?</cr>
<n3> You slowly open your eyes. Everything is green. Crow, sitting on the side of a nearby tree, is drawing something in her small notebook.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I don't remember a thing.</n1></b>
<n3> You slowly straighten up and get into a sitting position. You don't feel much different.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Your eyes are closed and you are lying on the ground. From the fresh air you feel, you remember where you are. You don't remember why you fell asleep, or if you saw anything while you were asleep. It felt like a dreamless night's sleep. Only you're not well rested. Someone was with you, who was it?</n3>
<<linkreplace"Try To Remember" t8n>>\
<n3> You remember it without much difficulty. You were with Crow. She pops into your mind.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/originalCrow2.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<n3> Wait a minute! This isn't the Crow you know! But this image you saw was as vivid as if it was seen through your eyes. Or is Moon's memories finally starting to seep into yours? Your thoughts are interrupted by a worried voice.</n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> Are you okay? How are you feeling?</cr>
<n3> Hmm... How do you feel? You're not sure, but not too bad. Your mind is quite hazy. You slowly sit up. Crow is leaning back against a tree far away from you, scribbling in her little notebook. You see a few torn and crumpled pages on the ground.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Fine... I guess but I don't remember much. </n1></b>
<n3> You can't understand why Crow is sitting so far away from you. She may not have even heard what you just said. </n3>
<cr>"So, can I get closer?"</cr>
<n3> A little confused, you nod with your head. This is when you start to recall your memories from before you fell asleep.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> I'm sorry!</cr>
<n3> You turn your head towards her, a little confused. She continues. </n3>
<cr>"When something like this is done, experiencing a feeling in the highest possible way is something that increases your resilience. Almost always, an orgasm is preferred. Right after the outburst is the best moment." </cr>
<n3> You remember what happened with Lucy, when she unleashed your true spirit animal. Crow exhales and continues.</n3>
<cr>"But right now, I can only communicate with fear, anger, pain and humiliation..." </cr>
<n3> She doesn't seem to have finished her speech, but she can't continue. You lie on your back again. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I want to be able to move like you!</n1></b>
<n3> Crow suddenly laughs. You didn't plan to say that. It just came out of your mouth. </n3>
<cr>" Bet you do... But that's not possible!...</cr><font size="2"><cr> Because you'll never be that desperate." </cr></font>
<n3> You didn't hear her last words. From where you're lying, you turn your head towards her. </n3>
[[Continue|border13]]<n3> Your memories from before you fell asleep are slowly coming back. The more you remember, the more you admire Crow. None of what she said was an exaggeration. And the feelings you experienced feels distant, as if they were not yours. You only feel calm and at peace.</n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> It was only you. Your own sense, your own thinking and your own acquired power. That was the main reason why you were helpless against me. <font size="2">The other reason is that I'm invincible in one-on-one...</font></cr>
<n3> She stands up. Then raises her arm slightly and calls her crow, which is resting on a tree branch.</n3>
<cr>"You already started your connection with Mistress Moon. And this was the completion of that start. That black smoke was Mistress Moon's Dark Lust. Actually, I was planning this for later, but you seemed ready. Then there was no point in postponing it.
You must have had an interaction while you were asleep. Especially with such Lust materializations, the source's current emotions are also stored. So with that Dark Lust, you also took on an emotional burden. Maybe forgetting is a defense mechanism, I don't know..."</cr>
[[Continue|border14]]<n3> Suddenly she looks up as if she has remembered something. </n3>
<cr>" Oh! I was a little upset that today's tour was canceled at the last minute. I was going to reschedule for next Sunday, but then I remembered something... No one knows you here, and we can use that!
Sundays are also the only day nuns are allowed to experience any pleasure. So, it's the only day you can blend in and enjoy yourself without thinking about anything! I left the necessary clothes in your room. You can put them on and walk around here without drawing any attention to yourself. I don't have that chance, but you can still enjoy yourself around here.
But don't ever show your spirit animal and don't use Lust without thinking! In those clothes, you are a weak and hedonistic nun. Nothing unexpected can happen on the outer border without my knowing anyway. So indirectly you're always under my protection. But you need to rest now. You can give it a try next Sunday. Don't kill anyone, okay?
Also, you can visit here only on Sundays. Other days here it is much more dull and... aggressive."</cr>
<n3> As she turns and prepares to leave, she stops and turns her head slightly. </n3>
<cr>"Maybe one day you can move like me. Who knows..."</cr>
<n3> She throws something small into the air and your eyes follow it. By the time the small piece of stone falls to the ground, Crow has already gone.
You lie a little more in the green and start walking back to your room. You really wish you could move like her.</n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +2</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $centerBorder to 2>>\
<<set $latexDungeon to 1>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $control += 2>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\<n3> You were feeling very scared and helpless. But it doesn't feel like that's your feelings. You're looking at Crow right now, and there's no fear. Crow doesn't get too close, but still close enough that you can hear each other.</n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> I didn't think it would make that much difference. From the moment I let go of the snake, it was only you. Mistress Moon and Phoenix were completely inactive. Because it was necessary for later.</cr>
<n3> She turns her pitch-black face to you. </n3>
<cr>"By absorbing Mistress Moon's Dark Lust, you would complete your beginning with her. And before such situations, intense emotional releases are very helpful. Almost always, an orgasm is preferred."</cr>
<n3> You remember what happened with Lucy, when she unleashed your true spirit animal. Crow exhales and continues.</n3>
<cr>"But right now, I can only communicate with fear, anger, pain and humiliation... I'm really sorry!" </cr>
<n3> You remember exactly what happened now. But your own experiences still feel like something that happened to someone else. What's really sad is the shock and trauma Crow experienced. </n3>
<cr>"The real you is scared to death of me. And only when I approached you with a little bit of aggressive Lust. But if I tried to do the same to you now, my attempt to scare you would make you annoyed and you would attack me back without ever losing your concentration." </cr>
<n3> Okay, you are not afraid now, but what you felt then was not a little bit aggressive Lust. It was a fucking monster that wanted to bathe in your blood... Maybe it is "a little bit aggressive" by her standards. Quite frightening...</n3>
[[Continue|border11.3]]<n3> She picks up the crumpled papers left behind and puts them in her pocket. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> I definitely should have tried to annoy you or humiliate you. If I had continued without showing any aggressive Lust, this wouldn't have happened. Because your brain got used to me, but when instinct kicks in, nothing else matters.</cr>
<n3> So you were a bit scared. It's not that big of a deal. You want to change the topic.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I want to be able to move like you!</n1></b>
<n3> Crow laughs looking down. Then she turns her face back to you. </n3>
<cr>"Bet you do... Maybe one day! Who knows..."</cr>
<n3> That alone seems to have relaxed her considerably. You can see how tense she is, being in a position she never wanted to be in again. But your attitude has affected her quite well.</n3>
[[Continue|border11.4]]<n3> Suddenly she looks up as if she has remembered something. </n3>
<b><d>Crow:</d></b><cr> I was a little upset that the tour was canceled and... You know... So I wanted to make it up to you.
Sundays are also the only day nuns are allowed to experience any pleasure. So, it's the only day you can blend in and enjoy yourself without thinking about anything! I left the necessary clothes in your room. You can put them on and walk around here without drawing any attention to yourself. I don't have that chance, but you can still enjoy yourself around here.
But don't ever show your spirit animal and don't use Lust without thinking! In those clothes, you are a weak and hedonistic nun. Nothing unexpected can happen on the outer border without my knowing anyway. So indirectly you're always under my protection. But you need to rest now. You can give it a try next Sunday. Don't kill anyone, okay?
Also, you can visit here only on Sundays. Other days here it is much more dull and... aggressive.</cr>
<n3> As she turns and prepares to leave, she stops and turns her head slightly. </n3>
<cr> "I'm sorry!"</cr>
<n3> Then she walks away. You'd like to see her disappear in a cool way, but she must not be in the mood. </n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +2</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b></center>
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $centerBorder to 2>>\
<<set $latexDungeon to 1>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $control += 2>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\<n3> You're wearing the outfit Crow left in your room. The garment looks like it's all fabric but you can feel the Latex embedded in the threads, a rather weak type. There's a strange excitement inside you. </n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/nuncostume1.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You leave your room. Since you don't trust this low-level hiding Latex that much, you quickly move away from the Dormitory area, which is crawling with Succubus.
It's Sunday! You hope not to face any difficulties. Let today be a day ruled only by pleasure!</n3>
[[Advance To The Outer Border|nunLena2]]<n3> After a long walk, you are at the outer border, a green area that feels endless. You don't know where to go. Maybe you could try the stone structures Crow took you to. It's pretty exposed, so it must be one of the weakest places.</n3>
<<linkreplace"An Excited Shout!" t8n>>\
<n3> As you're thinking about where to go, you hear an excited voice from some distance away. You feel like she wanted to mean something, but in her excitement she could only make a gibberish noise.
When you turn your head, you see a Nun a little away. When she sees that you have noticed her, she smiles and raises her hand and makes sure that you notice her. She wants to say something, but the distance between you is a bit too much for that.
She lifts one side of her skirt with her hand and starts running towards you. This sight is so cute that you find yourself smiling. The moment she's within hearing range of each other, she stops. She doesn't seem to want to scare you. She catches her breath as she adjusts her stockings.</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/lena1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Then she starts to speak in a gentle and worried voice. </n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> Hello, sister! I hope I didn't scare you! I'm Lena! Lost your way?</ange1>
<n3> You nod softly. Lena's eyes light up.</n3>
<ange1>"Ah! I guess you're new! Oh, that's great! First Sunday?"</ange1>
<n3> You nod again. Lena presses her lips together in delight and takes a few excited steps closer.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> She brings both hands to the chest and gazes into the distance. </n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/lena2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> Please excuse my excitement! I just finished my four-week punishment. I'm as lively as I was on my first Sunday. </ange1>
<n3> You want to learn as much as you can about this place. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Four-week punishment? </n1></b>
<n3> Lena turns her gaze to the ground. She looks a little embarrassed. </n3>
<ange1>" Well... As you know, we're only allowed to experience pleasure on Sundays. And I may have stretched that rule a bit." </ange1>
<n3> She's regaining her excitement. There's a bit of reproach in her voice. </n3>
<ange1>"And now nobody wants to pair with me." </ange1>
<n3> You want to make her talk more. </n3>
<b><n1> "Why is that?" </n1></b>
<n3> That makes her laugh. You must have asked something too obvious.</n3>
[[Continue|nunLena4]]<ange1>"Everyone here can barely restrain themselves until Sunday. And understandably, they don't want a sinful sister around. They are afraid that I might lead them astray. Because it only takes one sinner to act as a fuse for most of them to become a sinner." </ange1>
<<linkreplace"She Gets Serious" t8n>>\
<n3> Suddenly she gets pretty serious. You can feel her Lust at this moment. It feels quite weak and ordinary.</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/lena3.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<ange1>"Soon, they won't be able to find me even if they wanted to! I could activate my spirit animal! No matter what happens, I will only rise!" </ange1>
<n3> She puts her hands on her waist and looks into the distance again. </n3>
<ange1>"And one day I'll even become a Latex Nun!" </ange1>
<n3> You can't really take her goals and dreams seriously. It occurs to you that you can control latex and you realize how special you are. Lucy's inventions, with whom you've become almost friends, are the stuff of someone's long-term dreams.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><n3> She humbly folds her hands in front of her and speaks in a gentle voice. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/lena4.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> I can teach you some basic things about here. That way, you won't get punished unexpectedly. Some of the punishments are really, really cruel. Though we are treated with relative mercy. The deeper it gets, the higher the punishment. Some of the rumors I hear keeps me awake some nights. You need to be careful!</ange1>
<n3> You realize she's checking out your body. It's a perfect opportunity for you. Not only will you learn something about this place, but you will also fulfill the purpose of the Sunday. You answer with innocent and excited voice.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'd be very happy, sister! I certainly don't want to be punished!</n1></b>
<n3> Lena bites her lower lip and smiles.</n3>
<ange1>"Great! Let's take a walk! And you can see the beautiful nature here."</ange1>
<n3> You start walking with Lena on a stone path with no end in sight. </n3>
[[Continue|nunLena6]]<n3> You are walking in a slow and calm pace. The view is incredibly beautiful. Lena starts to explain.</n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> I will start from the very fundamentals because newcomers are only told things they should NEVER do. We are The Center! The most powerful formation of our time. Our history goes back a long, long time, but very few know about the details. We are led and protected by a Succubus community, each one powerful enough to rival the gods.</ange1>
<n3> She moves a little closer, covers her mouth with her hand and speaks in a low voice. </n3>
<center><ange1><font size="2">They're called Higher-Ups.</font></ange1></center>
<n3> Then she backs off. </n3>
<ange1>"But try as much as possible not to mention it. You won't meet them around here anyway. And if you do, you've probably done something worthy of death."</ange1>
<n3> She laughs nervously. You laugh along with her. If only she knew you were hanging around here with Crow last week...</n3>
[[Continue|nunLena7]]<n3>Suddenly, completely distracted, she asks excitedly. </n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> Would you like to see my spirit animal?</ange1>
<n3> You can see how enthusiastic she is about this. She has a big smile on her face. You'd like to learn a little more about The Center, but you don't want to discourage her.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Sure, sister! Of course I'd like to see it! </n1></b>
<n3> You remember the first day of the Academy. Everyone there was able to easily reveal their spirit animal. This place must have been crawling with Succubus weaker than the Newcomers' Dormitory. Lena excitedly gets in front of you and rubs her hands together.</n3>
<ange1>"Let's do it! I'm totally used to it by now!"</ange1>
<n3> She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. You can feel the weak waves of Lust emanating from her body. She brings both hands together and concentrates.</n3>
<<linkreplace"There's Something On Her Hands" t8n>>\
<n3> You're looking at what Lena's holding. At first you think it's a big mouse, but no! She's holding a little puppy whose eyes haven't even opened. </n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/puppy1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You can't even hide your surprise. Is that the spirit animal she brags so much about? </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Lena, with a proud smile on her face, notices your confused look. </n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> Oh! You don't know, do you? </ange1>
<n3> You turn your bewildered gaze from the puppy that won't even fill your wolf's mouth to Lena. </n3>
<ange1>"The most powerful spirit animal wielder who ever lived..."</ange1>
<n3> Is she gonna mention the Original Crow? You're paying attention to what she's gonna say. </n3>
<ange1>"It is said that when she activated her spirit animal for the first time, she also attained a baby spirit animal. If you start with a baby animal, it is said that your potential is destined to the sky."</ange1>
<n3> She releases the little puppy in her hand and exhales deeply. </n3>
<ange1>"Of course, it is also said that she did that at a very young age and that she was incredibly intelligent. In fact, she would read several books a day and not even get exhausted.
But of course, there are those who say that these are completely made up. I choose to believe it's real, and I don't need to be the strongest anyway. I just need to be strong enough to take on the arrogant ones here!"</ange1>
[[Continue|nunLena9]]<n3> You feel her proud eyes on your body again. </n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> I've spoken a lot about myself. I want to get to know you too, sister! But I'm not too curious about your name or why you're here.</ange1>
<<linkreplace"Lifting Skirt" t8n>>\
<n3> Lena slowly lifts her skirt and reveals her white panties. Because of her plump legs, her stockings have slipped down again. She looks pretty seductive.</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/lena5.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<ange1>"I believe that the way to get to know someone is through physical contact! And the best way to start is definitely an introduction spanking."</ange1>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><n3> She lifts her skirt all the way up and turns her big ass towards you. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/lena6.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> Please spank this fat ass with all your might, sister!</ange1>
<n3> You look with delight at the ass pointed at you. You can make her feel stronger than you by spanking her weak on purpose. Or you can teach her to know her place with a little force.
Both options are very tempting but you want to put this weak slut in her place. You want her to know that if you behave in any obedient way, it is by choice, not out of obligation.</n3>
<center>[[💋 Spank Her Quite Hard|hardSpank1]]</center><n3> You decide to apply some strength. With an innocent smile on your face, you approach the ass looking at you. Lena's breathing has already quickened. She is watching you with full attention. You raise your hand slowly and give it a gentle smack. Her ass is very soft and she doesn't protect herself at all. It's obvious that these are just casual spankings. You like to make Lena wait a little bit beforehand.
You still haven't used any Lust but you can hear Lena's soft moans. It's time to give her a shock. Suddenly you pull down her white panties and strip off her top, exposing her big tits.
While there's confusion on Lena's face, you gather some Lust in your hand and with all your physical strength you spank her ass. Lena is momentarily knocked off her feet and lets out a scream full of delight. Your hand landed firmly on one ass cheek and the sound of a sharp smack echoed through the woods with Lena's scream. You'd expect a little more bitterness in her voice, but it seems like you've only turned her on even more.</n3>
[[Continue|hardSpank2]]<n3> Lena wipes a tear from her eye and turns to you with an ecstatic expression. Her voice trembles when she speaks. She is a little tearful, but sadness is not the cause.</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/lena7.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> It was the most beautiful spanking I've ever felt in my life. My ass cheek is throbbing from your smack. My legs are a little numb and most importantly, my pussy is dripping wet. You're a gift from God!</ange1>
<n3> She sniffles and wipes her tear again. </n3>
<ange1>"I can't put someone like you in danger!"</ange1>
<<linkreplace"Sudden kiss" t8n>>\
<n3> She dramatically turns and starts kissing you. Meanwhile, she runs her hands over your body. She acts like she's in a hurry. </n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/kiss1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<ange1>"I'm so sorry! I lied! Actually, my four-week punishment ends next week. Risking even more punishment, I went out and looked for someone like you in secluded areas. But I want one thing right now! To make love to you after my punishment is really over. Completely free, without worrying about anything. But..."</ange1>
<n3> She covers her face with her hand. She seems to be both trying not to cry and thinking of a way out. She raises her head and holds your shoulder affectionately.</n3>
<ange1>"Don't worry, sister! It's Sunday and being seen with me won't get you in trouble. But I'm not going to put you at risk anyway! It's my naughty mind and my greedy desires that got me into this mess!
I was going to enjoy this day to the fullest and go for a longer punishment, but I'm going to go directly and let a warden catch me!"</ange1>
<n3> You're a little impressed with her, to be honest. But Crow told you to keep a low profile, so you aren't sure. You'll have to get some more details first.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You grab Lena's cheeks gently and give her a few kisses. Tears continue to fall from her eyes. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> If you can get back to your place without being seen, you'll be fine, right? </n1></b>
<n3> Lena nods her head in the affirmative. But her desperate expression speaks volumes. </n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> They are not interested in those who come out. But if I try to return back, I'll be caught in an instant. For sinners like me, there are always Latex Wardens on guard. Mistress Medusa's own wardens! There is no hope for me...</ange1>
<n3> So the Latex Warden's... You don't know who Medusa is, but things are looking promising, even if just a little. </n3>
<b><n1> "So if we can distract these wardens, you can get back safely, right?" </n1></b>
<ange1>"My innocent angel! You don't understand... There is no such way!"</ange1>
<n3> You can definitely make it work but you might attract unnecessary attention to yourself. You want to try this not because you care about Lena. More like you want to test yourself. Worst case scenario, you can change the warden's memory.
Meanwhile Lena is thinking of a way out, even though she told you there is no hope.</n3>
<ange1>"Ugh! If my spirit animal was a bit more evolved, maybe I would have some useful techniques."</ange1>
[[Continue|nunLena12]]<n3> One moment you realize something. You're too much for this place. A situation where a powerless nun despairs should be a piece of cake for you. You'll get Lena to her room and you'll enjoy a Sunday with her next week! </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> What exactly are these Latex wardens? How strong are they? </n1></b>
<n3> Lena explains in a hopeless tone. </n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> They are... things that look like latex outfits and keep the order among us on Sundays. They are only interested in sinners. I don't know if they're alive. I don't know how they see or how they recognize a sinner. They capture you relentlessly and it is impossible to escape them.</ange1>
<n3> You can see that it's quite an exaggerated description. But it's normal for her to be terrified of them. </n3>
<ange1>"They won't mind you showing up with me, but if they find out you're helping me in any way, they'll capture you too! You can't take that risk! You can't waste your first Sunday on something like this!"</ange1>
<<linkreplace"You're Pulling Her Towards You" t8n>>\
<n3> You grab Lena by the waist. Then you passionately bite her lower lip, which is trembling with fear, and slowly suck it. There's no point in lying to yourself, even if you feel a little bad. You couldn't care less about Lena's safety or her future. Right now, you're driven by your curiosity and your competitiveness. And you feel fortunate that this challenge requires keeping Lena safe.</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/kiss2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<b><n1>"I'll try it for you, Sister Lena! Then I'll wait for you until next Sunday. Until then, pleasure is forbidden to both of us! Now please describe this route in detail."</n1></b>
<n3> Lena hugs you with teary eyes. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As Lena explains it, only by encountering one Latex Warden she can reach the place she needs to return to. But even one is more than enough as she says. You tried to convince her that you could distract the Latex Warden somehow. Yet you can tell she still doesn't think this plan will work. It doesn't really matter what she thinks.
You start walking back on the stone path you were on. Lena seems to know this place really well. After a short while you start moving through the bushes. Lena stops when you see a stone castle in the distance which is not that big.</n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> This is where they keep sinners like me on Sundays. There's some strange monitoring here. No one checks to see if you're inside. But if you're outside, you're treated accordingly. So there's a challenge, like, "Go outside and enjoy! If you can! But at the end of the day you have to be inside again!" That was one of the reasons why I got carried away and escaped. Oh! There's the Warden!</ange1>
<n3> You're looking where Lena pointed. In the distance, you see a black silhouette walking closer to your side. You can see better what it is the closer it gets.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Examine The Latex Warden" t8n>>\
<n3> At first you thought there was something wrong with your eyes, but you are seeing correctly. It's a walking, empty Latex Suit. You imagined something completely covered in latex with a body inside. The Succubus called Medusa can control Latex? You planned to use Sun's powers to distract it, but it looks like you'll have to control it directly.</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/warden1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> You can see how nervous Lena is. </n3>
<d>Lena:</d><ange1> After this warden passes, I have to move as the other one approaches. But they can probably see behind them too. I witnessed a capture once. It wasn't fun to watch.</ange1>
<n3> You concentrated on this passing warden, but you felt no control over it and yet you're sure it's made of latex. Thinking of a way out, you don't notice Lena's self encouraging gasps.</n3>
<ange1>"All right! Oh, okay! Now!"</ange1>
<n3> Suddenly she gets out of the bush and starts running with full speed. You were startled and snapped out of your thoughts. Lena must have picked a really perfect moment because neither the passing warden nor the approaching warden seems to have noticed Lena. It looks so cute when she tries to run while holding her skirt.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Rustling Behind You" t8n>>\
<n3> You turn towards a sound behind you and see a Latex Warden approaching Lena with quick and aggressive steps. Where did that come from?</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/warden2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> You turn your head to Lena in alarm. She's on the ground! And her skirt is covered in dirt! Did she trip on her skirt while running? Panting, she stands up and keeps moving forward. Her ankle must be in pain. Compared to before, she moves much slower and with a limp.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> The warden on her way to Lena will pass quite close to you. Meanwhile you are trying with all your focus to at least slow it down, but it seems to be barely effective. With a little more time, maybe you'll be able to get used to it and get a hold on it. But right now you feel like you're trying to hold something that's all oiled up. No matter how much force you apply, you can't feel that grip.
Soon it'll pass you and start moving across the open space towards Lena. Whatever you're going to do, you have to do it while it's still behind the bushes. You still don't feel any control over it. You're feeling really frustrated.
It's very close to you. In a few seconds, it'll pass the bushes! You can't do anything after that! You have to somehow slow it down now!</n3>
<<linkreplace"Sharp Fangs!" t8n>>\
<n3> Your initial goal of slowing it down or stopping it by taking it under control has now changed to simply to stopping it. Whatever happens, however it happens, you just want to stop it!
You wave your hand like you're grabbing something in the air and close it. At that moment, the largest black wolf you have ever formed grabs the Latex Warden, biting it on the waist.</n3>
<img src="img/center/border/darkwolf2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> The moment the wolf touches the warden, you open your eyes with an unexpected relief. Finally! You're finally in control, albeit in a way you didn't intend. You swing your closed hand with all your strength towards the ground. At the same moment, the black wolf lifts the warden into the air and throws it to the ground with incredible force. You feel amazing!</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> Shit! You did everything Crow told you not to do. With panic, you check Lena. She is more than halfway there and moving forward without even looking back. The warden, thrown to the ground by your wolf, stands still. Soon, Lena safely makes it to the castle.
Just before she goes in, she turns around quickly and waves at you. You can tell that she is very tired and excited because the bush she is waving to is not the bush you are in. But you understand her intention. At that moment something catches your attention.
Where is the warden who is walking on the stone path and should be approaching the bush you are in? It should have already arrived and should be getting away by now. You turn your head to the right. The Latex Warden, who should be walking, stands completely frozen. You turn it to the left and the warden, who should be moving away, stays right where it is. The same goes for the warden you just threw to the ground. You need to get out of here!
Your wolf, perhaps twice the size of your normal wolf, comes snarling up to you and you jump on its back without thinking. When you're on the back of your wolf running like the wind, you realize something. You're not even supposed to let this wolf out! Especially when you're wearing prototype hiding latex... And when you're alone!
Quickly your wolf fades into the black mist and disappears. You thought you slowed down enough, but you haven't. If you hadn't realized it at the last moment, you would have been thrown on the ground, maybe dragged for meters, and you would have hurt yourself. Still, you put too much strain on your knee. Angry with yourself, with the pain in your knee, you make it safely to your room. If Crow scolds you for today, she has every right to.</n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[🚪 Go To Your Room And Rest For The Day|nunLena17]]</center>
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $centerBorder to 3>>\
<<set $SundayNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> In the Center's research department, everyone is working hard. Many experiments going on at the same time, days full of ethical conflicts that perhaps even make the Succubus, dedicated to constant improvement, doubt themselves... Yet progress does not stop. Everyone is minding their own business when one of them startles sharply.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Pink Flinch" t8n>>\
<n3> Completely covered in pink latex one, drops all the papers she's holding to the floor. Then, with mischievous giggles, she runs her hands from her neck to her hips.</n3>
<img src="gif/center/nunLena/medusa1.jpeg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> A tired looking Succubus crouches down to pick up the papers dropped by this Pink Succubus. </n3>
<b1>"Are you feeling well, Mistress Medusa? Maybe you should get some rest. You haven't slept for days."</b1>
<n3> Medusa is still giggling to herself as she crouches down to help her collect the papers. Wearing a mask without even eye holes, she looks at the tired Succubus helping to collect the papers.</n3>
<d>Medusa:</d> <b><proxy2> Don't worry, I am feeling fine! It's just that a very big fish bit the hook BUT that fish can get bigger! So I let her go! At least for now!</proxy2></b>
<n3> The tired Succubus looks at Medusa briefly with eyes that do not understand. </n3>
<b1>"Yes, Mistress! Just as you say!"</b1>
<n3> Papers are picked up and the endless rush continues. No one can see, but someone is smiling with joy under a pink mask...</n3>
<center><h1><cap>End Of The Center Content For v0.6.4</cap></h1></center>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> After picking up your cloak and necklace, you start walking to the dungeon. You didn't visit the dungeon for a while after you looked at Lucy's memories. And you didn't talk to anyone about the Ice Phoenix. You continue on your way, hoping the dungeon is open. This path now feels really short. You never thought you would get used to it.</n3>
[[Continue|latexControl1]]<n3> When you walk in, you see Lucy and Summer having a calm conversation. Around them, about thirty Succubus are all ears.</n3>
<img src="img/places/latexdungeon.jpg" class=center width="115%">
<n3> Someone in the crowd notices you and raises her arm in excitement. </n3>
<b1>"Mistress $name is here! Another Latex User! Please answer our questions Mistress! "</b1>
<n3> It feels a bit strange to be enthusiastically welcomed by a crowd you've never seen before. Before you can talk to Lucy and Summer, this excited crowd gathers around you. Then Summer coughs softly and the crowd immediately backs away.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Don't get spoiled! You can ask what's on your mind, but don't forget where you are!</summer1></b>
<n3> The crowd falls frightened silent. Meanwhile, you move next to Lucy. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Welcome $name! We were talking to some aspiring and potential future Latex users. They plucked up courage and told us they wanted to ask us what was on their minds before the test, and we didn't refuse.</l1></b>
<n3> She raises her voice a little and turns her face to the crowd. </n3>
<b><l1> "If you want it enough and work hard enough, you will be chosen by Latex! I truly believe in that!"</l1></b>
<n3> An ecstatic shout comes from the crowd. You even see a few of them crying. They all open their arms as if they want to hug Lucy, but no one has the courage to take a step. Lucy surprises you again. She has recovered considerably since you last saw her, even more cheerful than usual. Still, there is no smile on her face, only softening hope in her voice.
As Lucy turns her face towards you, you meet her eyes. Her gaze is completely distant and hazy. Then she shakes her head very slightly in the negative and turns her gaze back towards the crowd. She nods calmly to the crowd with hopeful eyes.
That half-second gesture told you everything. Lucy doesn't believe a word she says to them. </n3>
<b><l1>"Like I said! Soon, I will test everyone who wants to, and those chosen by Latex will reveal themselves and embark on a whole new path! Every Succubus will be able to participate in this test, from the lowest slaves to the highest ranks! Now go and prepare yourselves!"</l1></b>
[[Continue|latexControl2]]<n3> With Lucy's words, the excited crowd quickly disperses. You can't understand what's on Lucy's mind. Isn't Latex Control a pretty rare thing? When there are only three of you left, Lucy lets out an exasperated breath and turns to Summer.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1>You didn't need to tell them that $name can control Latex! </l1></b>
<n3> Summer presses her lips together and drops her gaze to the floor. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> There's nothing I can object to, Mistress! I got carried away...</summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy doesn't seem angry. She answers in a nonchalant voice.</n3>
<b><l1>"Well, the process I had in mind has been accelerated. I was going to share it with them anyway."</l1></b>
<n3> You interrupt with surprise. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Is that something that can be shared? </n1></b>
<n3> A proud smile appears on Lucy's face. With her red latex jacket and braided hair, she looks stunning.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/lucy1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><l1>"I've been working on this for a long time, and finally I got some good results. I can transfer my Latex Control to someone else. A small fraction, of course but that's more than enough. It has already been implemented at the highest ranks.
My own control decreases and they acquire an independent control. Independent enough to create their own style. Very few will be able to create a style, but even that will be useful. And the real payoff of all this will come <i>much, much later</i>. Five percent of my total control would be enough for the whole dungeon. A sacrifice that will definitely be worth it in the future!"</l1></b>
[[Continue|latexControl3]]<n3> Summer frowns with disapproval. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> But... Isn't that valuable because it's rare? If everyone has it, it'll lose its meaning. </summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy replies in an understanding voice. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Anyone can use Lust Energy too. Does that take away from its value? How much you can develop and make your own makes the difference. There will be at most a few noteworthy figures among them anyway.</l1></b>
<n3> Summer nods reluctantly. Although she agrees with Lucy's point, she seems upset that this rare trait will lose its rarity. Lucy returns to her usual serious tone. By her standards, she was in a cheerful mood for quite a long time.</n3>
<b><l1>"Not too long ago, Summer put you through a test. A special test where we can get detailed analysis from a very talented Succubus named Harley."</l1></b>
<<linkreplace"You Remember" t8n>>\
<n3> You remember the solid latex on one side of the room and the Succubus attached to the bed. You were asked to use latex to keep her in the room.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latex1.jpg" width="51%"><img src="img/latex/trial/latexbed1.webp" width="46%">
<b><l1>"I read Harley's report and in general she praised your potential, but there were a few things that caught my attention. I'd like to hear from her what's changed since then."</l1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You feel a small shift. Something small, on the far corner from you. Your eyes can't quite make it out, but you know what it is. It's Harley's shy bat.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/bat1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> Then a silhouette appears, completely covered in Latex, walking on tiptoes towards you. She walks elegantly up to you and bows.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/harley1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Welcome, Harley! You remember $name, right?</l1></b>
<n3> Harley nods her head gently. </n3>
<b><l1> "Then I want you to accompany us today and, again, I want you to prepare a detailed report. "</l1></b>
<n3> On Harley's Latex mask, which looks completely smooth, a mouth cavity forms. After removing the Latex gag, she's ready to talk. It looks like she can control Latex.</n3>
<d>Harley:</d> <b1> My pleasure, Mistress!</b1>
<n3> You notice a small piece of Latex floating towards you. You reach out and start to twirl it slowly around your hand. Lucy asks to Harley.</n3>
<b><l1> "Do you feel any difference compared to that time? "</l1></b>
[[Continue|latexControl5]]<n3> Harley's taking a few steps towards you. Meanwhile, you notice the bat, which is far away from you, calmly flying here and there. Harley's closing in on you and turning to Lucy.</n3>
<d>Harley:</d> <b1> May I make a simple inspection, Mistress? </b1>
<n3> Lucy looks at you first. After you nod slowly, she gives Harley the approval. Harley extends her index finger to you and lightly touches your belly.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Completely Covered" t8n>>\
<n3> The moment Harley touches you, all the Latex on her body, except for her mask, shifts at high speed and covers you. Your arms and ankles are also tightly bound, making it difficult to move. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/latex1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b1> "Now I need to test a few emotional states..." </b1>
<n3> She puts her hand to your throat and runs her hand over your body. Then she approaches your ear and teases it with her tongue. Then, out of the blue, she brings her hand to your pussy but doesn't touch it. </n3>
<b1> "A very interesting sensation..." </b1>
<n3> The Latex surrounding you becomes tighter and your breathing gets a little more difficult. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Harley gets behind you and suddenly you're startled by a smack on the ass. She pinches you and lightly slaps your cheek a few times.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/latexspank1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<d>Harley:</d> <b1> It's really... different! Just a little bit more...</b1>
<<linkreplace"On Your Knees!" t8n>>\
<n3> Suddenly you find yourself on your knees. You are chained on a small platform with wheels, you don't know where it came from. You haven't shown any reaction so far, but this is too much. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/latex2.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You feel Harley's bat land on your shoulder. She has a latex baton in her hand and starts to approach you with her naked body. This is long past a small inspection. While you're getting ready to free yourself, Summer gets in the way.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> That's enough, Harley! Observe the rest from a distance!</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer's worried voice sounds like she has witnessed something similar like this before. You can also feel that the current Harley is very cold and emotionless unlike the last time.
All the Latex on you gracefully returns to Harley. You look at Lucy as Summer unlocks the chain around your neck. Lucy stares frozen somewhere. She seems to be lost in thought, but she is so focused that she might even be in a small trance. Because you can only see her eyes and mouth, it's not very clear, but she has a sullen and uneasy expression. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Summer calls out to Lucy in a slightly worried voice. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Mistress! Are you okay? </summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy wakes up as if from a bad nightmare. After a few seconds of rapid blinking, she clears her throat and speaks in a calm voice. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Yes... What happenned?</l1></b>
<b><summer1> "I stopped it before it ended like the last time." </summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy nods but doesn't seem very present. </n3>
<b><l1>"What did you feel, Harley?"</l1></b>
<n3> Harley turns towards Lucy and respectfully places her hands behind her back. </n3>
<d>Harley:</d> <b1> It feels so much more clear than the last time Mistress! Her connection with Latex feels very different from yours. Latex is... afraid of her! The way she controls Latex is very similar to you, but rather than a mutual bond, it feels like a ruthless chokehold on Latex, ordering it around.</b1>
<n3> Lucy seems quite impressed by what she heard. She turns to you.</n3>
<b><l1>"Has Latex ever spoken to you?"</l1></b>
<n3> You are thinking, but as far as you realize, nothing like that happened. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> No, but in the first times I heard little screams, disgusted whispers. There was never any conversation. </n1></b>
<n3> Lucy exhales deeply. </n3>
<b><l1>"It's really unbelievable! This can mean two things, either your limits on controlling Latex are above all of us, or no matter what you do, you will not be able to rise above the average."</l1></b>
[[Continue|latexControl8]]<n3> Suddenly she turns toward Summer. </n3>
<b><l1>"Summer, has Latex ever talked to you?"</l1></b>
<n3> Summer raises her eyebrows in surprise. She doesn't seem to know what to say. </n3>
<b><summer1>"Umm... I guess not... But my mind is very busy, so maybe I didn't realize if I heard any speaking... I mean, sometimes I hear someone saying my name, but when I look, no one is there... So... Like... Right, Harley?"</summer1></b>
<d>Harley:</d> <b1> Yes, sometimes it happens to me, too. I look around, but there's no one. And the dungeon walls are very thick, so there's no chance of...</b1>
<n3> Lucy waves her hand at both of them to shut up. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Harley, continue your observations from a distance. I want a section in your report comparing $name with me and Summer.</l1></b>
<n3> After nodding to Lucy, Harley puts her gag back on and walks away. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/harley2.webp" class=center width="42%">
[[Continue|latexControl9]]<n3> Lucy slowly surveys the large common space you are in. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> It's large enough here. Now, we'll do the same things in turn, okay? I'll start!</l1></b>
<n3> She gets down on one knee and puts her right hand on the ground. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is controlled. After a few seconds, you feel a stickiness under your feet. Latex oozes out of the countless holes in the floor at an insane speed.
The whole floor is covered with Latex, and when it gets to the ankle height, you realize that Lucy's breathing continues with a slight growl. As the Latex rises even higher, Lucy slowly stands up and continues to pump more Latex into the room, both hands in the rising Latex. You watch this scene in amazement. Right now, a sea of sticky Latex continues to rise as if preparing to devour all of you.
This black slime sea stops when it reaches your waist level. Lucy, elbow-deep in Latex, opens her eyes.</n3>
<b> <l1> "Summer, dip your hands! I'll let go of all control and you'll hold it. The vents are fully open right now, so be careful! You'll be doing most of the work!"</l1></b>
<n3> Summer dips her hands up to her elbows. You can easily recognize the moment when she takes control. It looks like she's trying to lift something very heavy. You realize that the sea of Latex that was at your waist level is getting lower and lower, albeit slowly. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> H-How long do I have to hold it? It's kinda heavy! </summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy turns toward you without answering. </n3>
<b> <l1> "As you can see, she tries to make up for it with her body... But she's doing it wrong."</l1></b>
[[Continue|latexControl10]]<n3> Summer is down on one knee, as if being crushed by an invisible weight. Only her head is out and she is trying with all her might to keep this huge sea in the air. Lucy continues to talk with you.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Actually, ever since I met Summer, she had her own style but she persistently used this only when her life was in danger or in minor situations, without realizing it. I have been observing the reason for this for some time, I discovered that she was trying to imitate me and my style. She has internally accepted that the way I usually move the high masses, often like a sea, is the only way.</l1></b>
<n3> You see Summer's head is completely submerged in this sea of Latex. But she continues to resist, both arms raised in the air like she's carrying a huge boulder. Noticing your gaze, Lucy turns her head and sees only two arms stretching upwards.
She immediately reaches out her arm and pulls Summer up. Then all the Latex suddenly flows back down. You wonder how much more Latex is in the depths of this place. Summer is lying on the floor, gasping for breath. After her cough subsides, she asks.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Did I succeed? Is it done? Please let it be over! </summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy answers with a little embarrassment. </n3>
<b><l1> "I was explaining something and I thought you could hold it longer. There wasn't that much Latex. "</l1></b>
<n3> Summer looks at Lucy in shock. </n3>
<b><summer1> " Mistress!!! I felt like I was going to die." </summer1></b>
<n3> Lucy asks, squinting her eyes. </n3>
<b><l1>"Then why didn't you handle it like yourself?"</l1></b>
<n3> Summer doesn't seem to understand. Lucy pulls a small piece of Latex from deep inside.</n3>
[[Continue|latexControl11]]<n3> After giving this small piece to Summer, she puts her hand on the floor again. Latex seeping through the holes quickly takes shape and four bodies are formed. Either Lucy is really working hard on Latex control, or she has a lot of tricks she hasn't shown you... Probably both. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/latex3.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> These four Latex bodies are placed on the four sides of Summer. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> With the Latex you have, neutralize all four of them. In one move! You can make a lethal move, they're not alive.</l1></b>
<n3> As Summer gets into position, Lucy intervenes. </n3>
<b><l1> "Relax! Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths! Connect with the Latex in your hand! Use it like a limb!" </l1></b>
<n3> Summer does as she's told and closes her eyes. She puts one hand up and one hand down and starts to float this Latex ball between her palms. Lucy takes a few steps back. You can see how focused Summer is.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Spikes!" t8n>>\
<n3> You can see the smooth ball floating between Summer's palms, changing its shape and texture. Its color has become much duller and covered with countless spikes, large and small. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/latex4.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> Summer suddenly opens her eyes, and four large thorns pierce the bodies around her with tremendous force. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As the latex bodies lose their form, Lucy calmly applauds Summer. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> That's what I mean by style. Things that you can use when your brain is empty and relaxed, without any extra effort whatsoever. Because you intended to attack, you created sharp spikes. But in general, you have a thread type of style.
It's natural for you to use ropes and threads, very thin or very thick. Think about your sparring! There's always a few Latex ropes dancing around you. And you use them like limbs! But I hardly ever see that use from you...</l1></b>
<n3> Deformed Latex bodies return to their former form. Lucy walks up to Summer and takes over the Latex ball from her.</n3>
<b><l1> If I was in such a situation with a small amount of Latex, this is what I would do...</l1></b>
<<linkreplace"Lucy Focuses" t8n>>\
<n3> Summer steps back and gives Lucy some space. Lucy picks up the smooth and fluid Latex ball and focuses on it for a brief moment. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latexball1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> You see that the ball instantly hardens. This is very similar to the image you got in your mind during your first test, when you were trying to move the solidified Latex. Maybe it was Lucy who solidified that Latex there. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Lucy directs this ball towards the body directly in front of her, creating a hole in her belly. Immediately afterwards, this ball makes a perfect circle around Lucy, creating perfectly smooth holes in the other three bodies. The whole thing happened in a second.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> When I am in this dungeon, I almost always pull the Latex from the depths to the surface and let it go. When you can start moving huge quantities rapidly, with small quantities like this, you can't even feel it.
This actually shows that I need to work with small volumes as well. I was quite slow. And there will never be four bodies equally distant from me waiting to be attacked. </l1></b>
<n3> She turns to you. </n3>
<b><l1> "We can skip the first test. If even Summer struggled, something bad could happen to you. Let's see if you have your own style!" </l1></b>
<n3> Bodies take their old form again. You walk toward Lucy with doubtful steps. Do you have a Latex style? You have no idea... Do you have any style? Your thing is copying from others. Lucy gives you the liquid ball, then steps back.</n3>
<b><l1> "First close your eyes, relax and control your breathing. Feel the latex and connect with it!" </l1></b>
<n3> You do as she says. Slowly you're trying to shape it with your own Lust. You're not sure if you're doing it right.</n3>
[[Continue|latexControl14]]<n3> Wondering how it's going, you open your eyes. You see that the ball in your hand has become so elastic and liquefied that it has almost lost its form. Just as you're about to lose focus, Lucy shouts in an excited, scolding voice. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/trial/latexball3.webp" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> Not yet! Close your eyes! You're very close!</l1></b>
<n3> You immediately close your eyes. Looks like you're on the right track. After a short while you feel something sticking to your hand. You move your hands a little bit apart to separate them, but this thing, which feels like a giant gum, won't come out of your hand.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Open Your Eyes" t8n>>\
<n3> The ball, which a moment ago was shiny and liquid, has completely changed, it has a web-like structure, looking much stickier than before. </n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/latex6.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<n3> As you try to remove the sticky black web from your hand, Lucy's excited voice cuts in. </n3>
<b><l1> "That's it! Now attack!"</l1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> At Lucy's command, you instinctively stretch your arms forward. You move your body a little bit to the right and put the body behind you in your range. Hundreds of small nets shoot out of this sticky web and catch all four of them in the belly. You easily throw this web away and the little webs that are stuck to the body start to be pulled towards the center at a very high speed. The four bodies hit each other at a great speed and completely lose their form.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/control/latex5.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Lucy's proud applause echoes. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> You were using this type of Latex when you first controlled Latex and attacked me... I mean, when Moon attacked me. It is a very promising start with incredible potential but...</l1></b>
<n3> Lucy turns towards Harley, who is standing some distance away, before she continues. She tells her that she can finish her observation and then turns back to you. </n3>
<b><l1> "But... This Latex control is not yours..." </l1></b>
<n3> She's forming a seat for herself with the latex left over from the bodies you just smashed together. </n3>
<b><l1> "Mistress Trix and Moon have known each other for a very long time. And according to her, Moon is not a Latex user. Even though she told me otherwise, I didn't listen to her, I put you through a real test and you could control Latex. As another outcome, your connection with Moon began. Can you ask her? What's the real deal? You could be in danger!" </l1></b>
<n3> You can feel Moon listening to her. It's unclear if she'll answer or not. </n3>
[[Continue|latexControl16]]<n3> After a while, you hear Moon's voice. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I'm starting to like Lucy more and more! I wish I had a brain like that underneath me in my days. We could have shared some pretty wild nights.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> She doesn't seem to mind that Lucy doesn't call her Mistress. That surprises you a bit. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I'll be honest! I couldn't use Latex back in the day. But that old bitch Bellatrix was an absolute genius at it. And it wasn't a skill I could copy and make my own.
Still, I'm pretty sure that the Latex you're capable of now, comes from me. When we first encountered each other, for ten seconds, when I took control of your body, I knew how to control that Latex, but I didn't know why I knew it. I'm telling all this because Lucy knows so much more than Bellatrix, and she will continue to learn.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You're passing on to Lucy what you heard from Moon. Lucy speaks after thinking for a while.</n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> But how? How can you keep Latex under an one-sided domination? It shouldn't be possible! I don't think Harley's gonna be much help in this particular matter. </l1></b>
<n3> You notice that Summer is much quieter than usual. She is following what is happening from a distance, with interest. Lucy gets up in a huff. She makes a sound like a growl, sounding annoyed and a little disgusted.</n3>
<b><l1> "I guess there is nothing but time that will provide any answers. I hate that!" </l1></b>
[[Continue|latexControl17]]<n3> With a single hand movement, she picks up all the Latex on the floor in the whole area and returns it back down. </n3>
<b><d>Lucy:</d> <l1> I'll be a little busy for a while, but you're ready now. It's time you have a cell of your own!</l1></b>
<n3> A cell? Like Madalyn? </n3>
<b><l1> "It should be ready by next Saturday and I'll give you all the details then. It's an area in which only you have authority. When you're in that cell, everyone else, including me, is beneath you."</l1></b>
<n3> A small smile appears on her face. </n3>
<b><l1>"But I'm not responsible for what happens outside that cell! So make sure you're careful!"</l1></b>
<n3> She gestures for Summer to follow and starts to walk away. You don't feel bad, but deep down you have a bad feeling. Lucy's expression as she stares off into the distance keeps popping into your mind.</n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $latexDungeon to 2>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> After picking up your cloak and necklace, you start walking to the dungeon. Your cell must be ready. You are excited and curious to see what will happen. As you're about to enter the dungeon, you realize that there's someone quite close. You hide right away and check who it is.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Who It Is!" t8n>>\
<n3> When you slowly pull your head out, you see Summer, staring at you with confused eyes, sitting on a worn single sofa, sipping wine.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/summer1.jpg" class=center width="80%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You okay, $name? It's just me... </summer1></b>
<n3> You approach Summer with relieved steps. She takes a big sip of her wine.</n3>
<b><summer1> "It's incredibly packed inside! This test for selection by Latex was announced to the dungeons of other academies. Lucy is on her way to becoming an underworld superstar, as if she weren't already..." </summer1></b>
<n3> She exhales heavily, her face is sour, her shoulders are slumped, she looks completely helpless. </n3>
<b><summer1> "We are growing at a very fast pace... And the bad thing is, we can handle it..." </summer1></b>
<n3> You're not so sure that's a bad thing. She clenches her fist angrily and takes another sip of her wine and shakes her fist in the air. </n3>
<b><summer1> "I hate it! All right?! I can't stand to have hundreds of little fleas crawling around asking me things! Normally this fucking test was supposed to end this week, but it has reached so many fucking useless ticks that it will probably take a much longer time. We couldn't even get started yet! Ughh!" </summer1></b>
<n3> She finishes the rest of the wine in her glass and refills it from the big bottle standing on the floor. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Without saying anything, you sit in the empty seat in front of her. Summer continues, overwhelmed and frustrated. You like that even though she's angry, she doesn't project that anger on you. She seems to want to share her frustrations with you, not take it out on you.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/summer2.jpg" class=center width="80%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> What are we gonna do with all these Latex users, huh? We're already in constant conflict with the Center. Aren't we going to offer them more test subjects? There are definitely Center spies in there. </summer1></b>
<n3> She's interrupted by her own hiccups. The more she talks, the more you realize Summer is past being tipsy. </n3>
<b><summer1> "Lucy takes this thing incredibly seriously. She was gonna postpone your cell, you know? It's so crowded inside... But don't worry!" </summer1></b>
<n3> She raises her fist in the air in triumph, speaks proudly. </n3>
<b><summer1> "I personally took over the preparation of your cell! Still not perfect,but ready enough for you to start your training." </summer1></b>
<n3> You slowly get up from your seat and reach for the bottle on the floor. Further drinking may not end well for her, or for those inside. Just as you grab the bottle, Summer hugs you around the neck. You hear quiet sobs.</n3>
<b><summer1> "Mathilda really loves and respects you! She's achieved so much because of you... She doesn't want me to tell you these things, but I believe she does deep down inside." </summer1></b>
<n3> You know that Mathilda is the shy soul inside Summer who can use Anti-Lust, but you don't know how Sun or Moon helped her.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Okay, that's enough wine... </n1></b>
<n3> Summer's tightening her arms around you. </n3>
<b><summer1> "You're really carrying a lot of burden! I'm sorry for dragging you around like a puppet! But you're so precious! I can't remember why right now, but you are! You definitely are!" </summer1></b>
<n3>After staying like this for a while, Summer moves her arms. You realize the bottle is almost finished. As you are about to take the glass from her hand, she drinks the whole glass in one go.</n3>
[[Continue|cell2]]<n3> After finishing the glass in her hand, she gesturing for you to move away a little. Then you get a strange feeling inside. Even though you've felt it many times, you can't get used to it. It was Anti-Lust. She looks like she's fully recovered.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/summer3.jpg" class=center width="80%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Okay, it's all me again. I can get blind drunk several times in a day and recover as if nothing had happened. Can't even explain how useful that is.</summer1></b>
<n3> She stands up elegantly and approaches you. With one hand, she reaches for the bottle in your hand, at the same time, she brings her lips close to your ear.</n3>
<center><h3><b><summer1><i> "Thank You For Your Concern!"</i></summer1></b></h3></center>
<n3> After gently kisses you on the cheek, she puts the bottle down. Then she starts walking towards the dungeon. </n3>
[[Continue|cell3]]<n3> The moment you enter the narrow passage leading to the main area, you feel how packed it is inside. A chaotic wave of Lust is overwhelming right from the entrance. It's also quite noisy in there.</n3>
<img src="img/places/passage1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Normally I'd like to take a shortcut, but I need to make sure everything's okay. </summer1></b>
<n3> You cross the narrow passage and reach the main area. You've never seen it this crowded before. Everyone is wearing some kind of Latex clothing. Some have it as a small accessory, others are completely covered in Latex. Overall the atmosphere is excited and you don't feel an energy that stands out.
The moment Summer walks in, everyone who notices her falls silent. It's like a wave that starts from the area where you came out, and within five seconds everyone there goes completely silent. Summer raises her right arm and two Latex cocoons pinned to the wall begin to float in front of her.</n3>
<img src="img/latex/latexcocoon1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<n3> Summer removes all the Latex from the two cocoons and the two Succubus collapse to the ground. You're a little curious about what happened before you arrived.</n3>
[[Continue|cell4]]<n3> Summer raises her voice. She has a very cold and irritated tone. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I'm in charge of your safety and the security of this place. Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because I'm not here, I can't see what's going on!
If I determine that you are a security threat, I can do whatever I want to you! Don't fucking try me, you insects! I forgive these two just this once! I'll never show mercy to anyone again! Any questions?</summer1></b>
<n3> Nobody even makes a sound. As Summer surveys the crowd with a satisfied expression, you notice a hand raising very slowly. A trembling hand, trying to raise its index finger.</n3>
<b><summer1> "Yes? I'm listening!" </summer1></b>
<n3> This shy hand starts to rise up. A figure twice the size of those around her stands up. She must have been waiting, crouched down, to keep a low profile. You know this giant, who looks around shyly. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Look At Her" t8n>>\
<n3> This giant is none other than Wilhelmina. You don't know what she is doing here or why she raised her hand and drew all the attention to herself.</n3>
<img src="img/nun/wilhelmina3.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <wil> If you excuse me, I'd like to take this test and join you Mistress! I am completely cleansed from my past connections.</wil>
<n3> Wilhelmina immediately binds with Latex. Summer asks in a worried and angry voice.</n3>
<b><summer1> "How did you get in here?" </summer1></b>
<n3> Wilhelmina looks shyly at the floor as Latex tries to squeeze her tighter. </n3>
<wil> "I'm kinda good at hiding and sneaking in Mistress... I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't squeeze me."</wil>
<n3> Summer turns to you and gestures with her head for you to follow her. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Wilhelmina slowly rises into the air and starts to float next to Summer. She tries to cover her skirt as much as possible. You move to an empty and small cell. Latex puts Wilhelmina down but continues to squeeze her body.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I don't know how you managed to get in without being seen by my cats, but you made a huge mistake! </summer1></b>
<n3> Wilhelmina can't seem to breathe. She is trying to say something with short gasps, but you can't understand her. Summer loosens Latex with a frustrated sigh. Wilhelmina falls to her knees and tries to catch her breath.</n3>
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <wil> They lied to me! They told me that my sun would be on their side.</wil>
<n3> She looks at you with sparkling eyes and an adored smile. </n3>
<wil> "But she is still on your side. I want to join you! You can look into my mind, you can do anything to ensure. I am bereft of my old ties and hungry for revenge with the anger of having been fooled!"</wil>
<n3> Summer clearly doesn't believe her. </n3>
<b><summer1> "You still dress like them. You didn't even think to put something else on?" </summer1></b>
<n3> Wilhelmina's face crumples. She speaks reluctantly. </n3>
<wil>"I don't have any other kind of dress, Mistress!"</wil>
<n3> Suddenly she stands up and rips off her clothes in one move. Her big tits and curvy body are completely exposed. Then she puts her hand in front of her crotch. Summer slowly approaches this naked giant.</n3>
[[Continue|cell6]]<n3> They both look at each other. Summer stands confidently with both hands on her hips, while Wilhelmina stands shyly with her body slightly tilted forward. </n3>
<d>Wilhelmina:</d> <wil> I can also inform you about the spies in here righ...</wil>
<<linkreplace"Small Touch" t8n>>\
<n3> As Wilhelmina speaks excitedly, Summer gently touches her belly with her index finger. In a split second, the naked giant is covered in Latex from head to toe.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latex1.jpg" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You notice the black cat forming like a little shadow on Summer's shoulder. This little cat jumps on Wilhelmina's shoulder.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Mistress Lucy will be the judge of that. If you want to keep your chance to join us, you'll have to be patient. </summer1></b>
<n3> You leave the small cell with Summer. She exhales deeply.</n3>
<b><summer1> "On top of all these things, more and more stuff keeps coming out. I don't know how she got past me... Anyway, let's focus on you!" </summer1></b>
<n3> You start following Summer. She is walking with big strides and you can see that she is still tense. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You are walking down an empty corridor, but you have already seen that some of the cells are completely camouflaged. You feel movement behind you.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Back" t8n>>\
<n3> Through the blank wall you just passed, a door has appeared and a Succubus is coming out. She speaks in a sweet voice.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/door1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<center><b1>"Your cell is ready, Mistress!" </b1></center>
<n3> Summer suddenly stops and looks back. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Oh! There she is! I wasn't sure where the cell was. </summer1></b>
<n3> With a smile on her face, she gets behind you, takes you by the shoulders and walks you inside. Inside, It's much more... ordinary than you imagined. At first glance, you notice lots of chains, sex tools, a huge white bed and a few cauldron-like things.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> While Summer is getting changed, she asks the Succubus who opened the door. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> What is she doing here? </summer1></b>
<n3> She leans slightly and answers quietly. You can feel the hesitation in her voice. </n3>
<b1>"She said she wanted to talk to you, Mistress. I couldn't take her out." </b1>
<n3> A red-haired Succubus in the room interrupts in a irritated voice. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/scarlet1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<kendra1>"This was meant to be mine, Mistress! I've struggled so much to get here and on the last day, I find out that this place has been taken away from me. It's not fair! It hurts me even more when it comes from you!" </kendra1>
<n3> The Succubus who opened the door takes a few steps back, her lips pressed together. You can see from her face how stressed she is. Summer continues to tie the strings of her dress as if she didn't hear her. She doesn't look angry.</n3>
[[Continue|cell9]]<n3> While Summer continues to calmly tend to her dress, the red-haired Succubus speaks in a slightly more rebellious and tearful voice. </n3>
<kendra1>"Don't you hear me? Please don't ignore me!"</kendra1>
<n3> After Summer finishes tying her dress, she calmly turns to the redhead. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/summer4.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I hear you, Scarlet! And I know how hard you're trying but in order of importance, you're not first! You think this is a court of law! Of course it's not fair!</summer1></b>
<<linkreplace"Slow Steps" t8n>>\
<n3> Summer slowly approaches to her. You can see Scarlet's heart breaking from what she heard.</n3>
<b><summer1> "I've told you the stories of how I made my spirit animal into what it is now. How many times do you think I've been treated unfairly? Your kind should always try harder than some! Just like I did back in the day! I'm glad you objected to me but you won't be the first to use this cell! Still, eventually this place will be yours.
As we have already seen, you can walk away at the first injustice. There are other places that will want to recruit you. But if you stay here, you will be able to compete with those who are innately ahead of you! You are the one who will move yourself up the list of importance!"</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer holds out her hand slightly and shows a black cat the size of the palm of her hand. This cat slowly splits in two and the two cats of the same size merge back together, resulting in a cat twice the size of the original.
As the cat disappears, Scarlet continues to look at Summer's hand with sad eyes. Then her gaze is tinged with a flash of determination and she raises her gaze to Summer's eyes.</n3>
<d>Scarlet:</d><kendra1> I'm gonna climb up that list Mistress!</kendra1>
<n3> Unexpectedly, she hugs Summer briefly but firmly and leaves the cell. That's when you remember that Summer learned how to use her spirit animal this way from Crow. You'd love to hear those stories, but right now you have other things to focus on.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> After Scarlet leaves, Summer quickly claps her hands joyfully. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Here we go! Who's gonna accompany us today?</summer1></b>
<n3> From the corner of the cell, an excited Succubus is approaching you. She unzips her latex suit and displays her big tits with a smile on her face.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latextits1.webp" class=center width="45%">
<b1> "I will, Mistress! I'm... "</b1>
<n3> Without letting her finish, Summer slaps her on the cheek. </n3>
<b><summer1> "We don't need your name! If you're ready, get in position!"</summer1></b>
<n3> Holding the cheek where she slapped, with the smile on her face widened, she eagerly walks away. Summer leans in and speaks to you.</n3>
<b><summer1> "<font size="3"> Masochist instructors! They are the best choice for your start. They also explain in detail what you can do better afterwards.</font>"</summer1></b>
<n3> Summer raises her voice and asks. </n3>
<b><summer1> " Have you had an experience here before? "</summer1></b>
<n3> When she is about to lie on her stomach on a wooden object, she stops and straightens up. </n3>
<b1> " Yes, I have, Mistress! But you're the only one I couldn't forget! The awakening that started my career was all thanks to you! But that slap was a little weak. It's understandable in the midst of all this tension."</b1>
<n3> Summer moves her head closer again. </n3>
<b><summer1> " <font size="3">Try to use their honesty to your advantage. Otherwise you will only see them as annoying bitches. </font>"</summer1></b>
[[Continue|cell11]]<n3> Summer takes you to where there are a few cauldrons next to each other. They're all filled to the brim with Latex.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latex2.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> In these, there's Latex for you to use. Each one is a different type and you will learn to use them like a real Latex user. </summer1></b>
<n3> She is approaching the cauldron on the far left. This is the biggest one of them all.</n3>
<b><summer1> "Here we have what we can call " Ordinary Latex". You already know more or less what you can do with it. First of all, I want you to cover yourself completely with it. You need to look just like Mistress Lucy. Get undressed first!" </summer1></b>
<n3> After taking off your clothes, you come closer and stick a hand in. You can feel the latex climbing from your hand up your body. It's a tickling sensation.</n3>
<b><summer1> "Coat it as thin as you can! This will act as a protection layer. You don't need it thick." </summer1></b>
[[Continue|cell12]]<n3> After Summer's warning, you imagined you were wearing a skin and continued. It was quite easy.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latex3.webp" class=center width="40%">
<n3> You open your eyes and look at yourself in a mirror standing in the distance. You look pretty decent. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Excellent! Things get complicated from there, but we will move slowly so it should be fine. When you're alone, you'll need an assistant.</summer1></b>
<n3> She approaches the Succubus lying on the bed. A Succubus wearing a mask with only her mouth open, bound by her arms, seemingly asleep. Summer, completely ignoring this, sticks both fingers down her throat.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latex4.webp" class=center width="40%">
<b><summer1> " Wake up! Come on!"</summer1></b>
<n3> The slave slides off the bed and stands up. </n3>
<n3> Summer first opens the eye holes in the slave's mask, then speaks in a commanding voice. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Whip! Now! </summer1></b>
<n3>Slave runs in a panic to one of the shelves, taking care not to fall. She is wearing a different pair of high heels that require her to stand on tiptoe. After taking the whip in her mouth, she approaches to give it to you.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latexwhip1.webp" class=center width="40%">
<b><summer1> "Now dip that whip into the second cauldron. Cover only the part you hit! Don't get it on the handle." </summer1></b>
<n3> Like she said, you carefully dip the whip. Summer, with a little help, stabilizes the dripping Latex on the whip.</n3>
<b><summer1> "You dipped your whip in the Stinging Latex. It's a creation of my brain! Now smack that slave in the ass!" </summer1></b>
<n3> You approach the masochistic slave who has taken the position. You take a few practice strokes. The moment the whip touches, slave screams with pain. Even though you hit very slowly, the response is very strong.</n3>
[[Continue|cell14]]<n3> You're starting to enjoy the scream that echoes with your every blow. You're increasing the intensity of your strokes. You continue to whip her ass with a sweet smile on your face. Summer cuts in, sounding a little surprised.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latexwhip2.webp" class=center width="75%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> That's pretty good... $name. We can continue. This is how someone who is not a Latex user would use it. But you have many more options! Please cover her with ordinary Latex too.</summer1></b>
<n3> You lift some Latex into the air and pour it on the helpless slave. Then you begin to carefully cover every exposed part with it. </n3>
<b> <summer1>"Now we can start the special part."</summer1></b>
<n3> First she dips her hand into ordinary Latex and takes it out. You see that her hands are covered like a glove. Then she dips it in the second cauldron and creates a second layer with the Stinging Latex.</n3>
<b><summer1>"You can also transmit the effect of Stinging Latex through ordinary Latex. But the important thing here is that you need to exempt the ordinary Latex layer you are using from this transition. Otherwise your hand will hurt too. Let me show you!"</summer1></b>
[[Continue|cell15]]<n3> She's approaching the slave you covered in latex. Then she starts spanking her ass hard. The slave screams and struggles in pain, but amidst the screams, you notice some giggles. When Summer backs away, you realize that the slave can't control her giggles as tears come to her eyes.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/spanking1.webp" class=center width="75%">
<b1> "I don't know what the difference is, I've missed you so much, Summer! Still, you hit slower than before."</b1>
<n3> Summers squints and smiles vaguely. A sadistic expression appears on her face for a brief moment and disappears. It impresses you that she's trying to taunt her even in this situation. After a little pause, Summer speaks again.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Still, you're going to try this with another kind of Latex. This is something that can really get messy and out of control very quickly.
Mistress Lucy uses this method constantly and is an absolute expert. Her whole outfit, especially her gloves, is made of countless layers and she can control them perfectly. She can also mix different types and use more than one feature at the same time.</summer1></b>
<n3> She moves her hand to the slave's pussy and rubs it slowly. After smiling at the slave writhing in pain, she moves towards the cauldrons.</n3>
[[Continue|cell16]] <n3> She gets behind the third-row cauldron. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> This is Pleasure Latex. Each of them has different and more sophisticated names, but I'm not gonna memorize them...
By combining this Latex with Paralyzing Latex, we can harvest the Lust energy we need from Rubber Dolls. It can be used as a surprise factor even in a dangerous situation but we don't usually use it for that. It's also, Mistress Lucy's initial creation. After realizing that she was able to achieve this with Latex, she started to think about other types and moved forward. Now dip your hands in it and cover them with a thin layer.</summer1></b>
<n3> You dip both hands into the third cauldron and cover your gloves with a second layer. You open and close your hands, but you don't feel much difference.</n3>
<b><summer1> "That type is not risky. Try it on yourself first. Just permeabilize the Latex you're touching. The protective layer covering your hand should stay the same." </summer1></b>
<n3> You move your hands to your ass and start playing slowly. After a short while, a very pleasant sensation starts to appear on your ass. A sensation that makes your hips sway slowly back and forth, weakening your legs. Your breathing deepens and you realize that you feel pleasure just by touching your ass.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latexass1.webp" class=center width="65%">
<n3> Suddenly this feeling spreads to your hands and very quickly to your elbows. You quickly pull your hands away and look at your trembling hands. You didn't know your hands could feel so good. </n3>
[[Continue|cell17]]<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> It's a strange feeling, isn't it? It feels like we can only feel pleasure in certain sensitive places. But a Succubus' every part of her body can be as sensitive as a sexual organ. </summer1></b>
<n3> She moves her hands to her huge breasts. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latextits2.webp" class=center width="75%">
<b><summer1> "As a Jupiter, I can reach an ecstatic orgasm just by stimulating my breasts but the sign that is the furthest away from this concept is the Moon. Because their sensitive spot is their pussy, which is already sensitive in everyone.
Yet, perhaps paradoxically, they have the deepest awareness of Lust. Earths, who can naturally use their entire body as a sexual organ, are the lowest in this awareness. Try touching your pussy... But first take a seat. Your legs might struggle to carry you." </summer1></b>
[[Continue|cell18]]<n3> You take a seat and start caressing your pussy with one hand. The moment the Pleasure Latex kicks in, your body contracts. Normally, to feel like this, your body and mind need a little time to get into the mood. But this Latex brings the deep pleasure to the surface instantly. It seems you couldn't protect your hand again, but you don't care about that. You lower your second hand down.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latexmast1.webp" class=center width="75%">
<n3> Especially when you touch your clitoris, you feel a very intense sensation. It's as if you are on the verge of ejaculation, but you are aware that you are far from an orgasm. You can recognize that there is an influence that forces your body to produce Lust.
As your hand speeds up and you start to let out soft moans, Summer puts her hand over yours and the intense pleasure suddenly disappears.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> It's early for you to cum. Let's continue! </summer1></b>
<n3> You see that the slave who has just been whipped and spanked has taken to the bed. She is on her knees, offering her ass to you. </n3>
[[Continue|cell19]]<n3> You approach the bed and spread the Latex so that the slave's pussy and ass are exposed. You know Summer will object, so you turn your head slowly.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latexzipper1.webp" class=center width="75%">
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I can't do both yet. To start with, I just want to focus on protecting my hand. </n1></b>
<n3> Summer nods in understanding. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Your rules apply here. I'm just there to guide you to your destination and keep you on the right path. Since it's already quite complicated thing to start with, follow whatever you feel comfortable.</summer1></b>
<n3> You focus on the two layers on your hands. You feel as if the glove in your hand can understand you. It is waiting for your orders. Then you quickly move your hand to the slave's pussy. You deeply felt that Latex won't affect you this time. You wonder how it will go.</n3>
[[Continue|cell20]]<n3> You put your thumb on her asshole and start to rub her pussy hard with your other fingers. The previous spankings seem to do the trick. Her pussy is soaking wet. As expected, slave soon begins to tremble with moans. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/latex5.webp" class=center width="75%">
<n3> You slowly insert your thumb into the asshole. Slave immediately reacts to this and startles sharply.</n3>
<b1>"It's too early for ass play! Please take care of my ass after I've cum at least a few times!"</b1>
<n3> You look at Summer briefly. She smiles and takes off her gloves. Then she gets up on the bed and slowly crawls in front of the slave. After a sincere smile, she speaks.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I think good cop role is left to me. What did you say, dear? I couldn't quite hear you. </summer1></b>
<b1>"After cumming twice at least..."</b1>
<<linkreplace"A Sharp Echo" t8n>>\
<n3> Before the slave can finish, she receives a swift slap on the right cheek. The sharp sound of the slap echoed throughout the cell. Summer smiles again. </n3>
<b><summer1> "I couldn't hear you again, dear. Could you repeat that, please?" </summer1></b>
<n3> After a short silence, looking hesitantly at Summer, she decides to speak. </n3>
<b1>"At least... after one ejacul..."</b1>
<n3> Summer remains motionless, listening with a smile on her face. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As the slave was about to finish, she receives a slap on the other cheek, perhaps a few times harder than the first slap. The slave's eyes well up, both cheeks red. </n3>
<b1> "As you wish, Mistress. Please continue as you desire..." </b1>
<n3> It amazes you that with two slaps she could tame down the slave who she called a masochist. Summer smiles with satisfaction.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Now that's a slave who deserves a treat! </summer1></b>
<n3> She gets up on her knees on the bed and lies face down on top of the slave. With her hand, she spreads her fat ass cheeks and starts licking her asshole eagerly. While you play with the slave's pussy, Summer is just above, loosening her asshole with tongue strokes.
You grab Summer by the chin and put your thumb in her mouth. Summer sucks your thumb with a great desire. Meanwhile, you realize that the pussy you put three fingers into is starting to shake. Immediately afterwards, with loud moans, you realize that she is having her first orgasm.
You grab Summer by the shoulders and push her aside. Lying on her back, looking at you backwards, you press Summer's lips with the three fingers that were just inside slave's pussy. Summer opens her mouth and you start to rub your pussy juice-soaked fingers on Summer's tongue. As she is about to close her mouth, you stop her with your fingers.</n3>
[[Continue|cell22]]<n3> You stick out your tongue and start grinding it against Summer's tongue. Meanwhile, you start playing with Summer's nipples with both of your hands. You can notice that Summer's body reacts to that immediately. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/kissing1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> This intense kiss, with lots of eye contact and occasional giggles, goes on for a few minutes. Just when you think you're going to stop, Summer's plump lips, her naughty tongue and your mixed drooling prevent you from doing so. Meanwhile, with your gloves covered in Pleasure Latex, you continue to play with Summer's nipples. You notice that Summer's breathing is getting faster and faster and she is getting close to an orgasm. Her moans as you kiss and her hot breaths into your mouth puts you in the mood.
On the verge of cumming, she finds the strength to lift her arm and grabs you by the shoulder but you have no intention of stopping now. You take that hand and quickly press it down on the bed and continue to play wildly with her breasts. You squeeze her nipple, flick it, or play with it delicately. They all have a different effect on her.
Your whole face is covered in saliva, but since Summer is on the bottom, she is even more drenched. Maybe in any other moment it would be a sign to stop, but right now you just want to hear all the sounds she will make as she cums uncontrollably. You also notice a thin thread of milk oozing out of her nipples.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Make Her Cum 💋" t8n>>\
<n3> Summer's whole body begins to shake as you rapidly stroke her nipple between your fingers. Her tits have almost doubled in size from the beginning.
Your faces, covered in hot and wet mess, slowly move away from each other. Summer is writhing on the bed, gasping for breath. She moves her hand to her nipples but immediately pulls it back. They must be too sensitive for her to touch right now. As you both try to catch your breath, Summer looks at you with a tired but very satisfied expression.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I really needed that! </summer1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> After a few minutes, you look at each other, both having cleaned your faces. You feel a strange sensation in your hand. You managed to protect your hand during the whole thing. But when your body and mind were out of this intense zone, you let go of control without realizing it.</n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> You didn't cum, did you? </summer1></b>
<n3> You nod negatively and Summer stands up and heads for the shelves. Then, she comes back with a latex dildo. First she dips it in Pleasure Latex, then in Regular Latex.</n3>
<b><summer1> "This is a special dildo! A perfect Lust transmitter! So in the hands of a Latex user, it can be used just like a real cock. You can activate the Pleasure Latex in the lower layer at any time, or just use it as a dildo. You can absorb all the Lust produced by the Succubus you are using on you into your own body with very little effort. And after a while, an illusion forms in which you feel as if it is a limb of yourself." </summer1></b>
<n3> With excitement, she places the dildo on your crotch and locks it in your suit. Then she makes a little wave movement and you feel the dildo extending and penetrating your pussy. It also coats your entire groin area.</n3>
<b><summer1> "Well, give it a try!" </summer1></b>
<<linkreplace"Start Stroking It" t8n>>\
<n3> You wrap both hands around the black dildo and start stroking it. You don't really feel much. Summer smiles.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/dildo1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Didn't you listen to what I was saying, silly? You need some other Lust source.</summer1></b>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> She grabs the slave lying on the bed by the head and drags her towards you. As she is being dragged, she speaks in a soulful voice.</n3>
<b1> "How beautiful you looked just now, Mistress! I saw the way you looked at each other! You desire one another! Please don't mind me, just go on! I could watch you two for a lifetime! Your climax was absolutely breathtaking!"</b1>
<n3> Summer, sounding embarrassed, presses the slave against your huge dildo. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> Shut it... Shut up! You stupid idiot!!! </summer1></b>
<n3> The moment the slave's lips touched the dildo, you felt the flow of Lust. It's a strange feeling, but you think you'll quickly get used to it.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/dildo2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> You activate the Pleasure Latex in the bottom layer for the external part of the dildo and the pleasure you feel just from the flow suddenly increases by several times. Gradually you get used to the sensation and without caring at all, you shove the dildo down the slave's throat. You just want to cum! Actually, you'd rather be doing this to Summer right now.</n3>
[[Continue|cell25]]<n3> You can't absorb enough Lust through her mouth. You take the dildo out of the panting slave's throat and push her onto the bed. Without warning, you shove your huge cock into the slave's pussy.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/sex1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> There is hardly any moaning from the slave, since you are sucking all the Lust she produces. But you moan like a wild animal, without any restraint. The slave soon adapts and starts to match your rhythm. As you thrust your hips forward, she pushes back against you and you are able to fuck her much harder.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/sex2.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3>You realize that the slave is quite pleased with this situation, even though you are absorbing all the energy she is generating.</n3>
<b1>" Yes! Yes! Don't let me enjoy it! Get total control over me! Don't let me cum!"</b1>
[[Continue|cell26]]<n3> You're pretty close, but you don't want to cum while standing. You throw yourself on the bed and let the slave finish you off. You just focus on the pleasure you're experiencing. Your eyes closed, your own moans and the warmth of your body, your pleasure-slave bouncing on you and the eyes of Summer watching you... You won't last long.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/sex3.webp" class=center width="70%">
<<linkreplace"CUM 💋" t8n>>\
<n3> Suddenly all your senses fade away. There is nothing but pleasure! It feels more intense than you can handle. You push the slave who's bouncing on you with a huff. Without realizing it, you also pop out the dildo that's wrapped around your lower body. You can't move, but you're shaking unbelievably, trying to melt down such intense pleasure. You don't even have time to breathe. You feel like you are experiencing several orgasms at the same time.</n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/climax1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<n3> You don't know how long it's been, but your senses are starting to come back. You panic for a moment because you can't see even though your eyes are open, but then you realize that your whole body is covered with Latex. When you find the energy to lift your head, you take a look around. You realize that Summer has been masturbating watching you and probably came once more. She sits there with a silly smile on her face.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Summer gets up and throws herself on the bed next to you. </n3>
<b><d>Summer:</d> <summer1> I really don't want them to be given Latex control! But we have no choice but to trust Lucy. You seem to have a pretty good grasp of the basics. With a little practice you will get much better.</summer1></b>
<n3> She turns to you and places a kiss on your lips. Then she reluctantly stands up. </n3>
<b><summer1> "I realized a little late, but this slave is not a pain masochist. I left her without an orgasm for weeks and her brain melted. So the fact that you're absorbing her Lust must have had an extra effect on her. You had one of the longest orgasms I've ever witnessed. Another thing I want to beat you on..." </summer1></b>
<n3> She stands up and you see her putting a metal collar on the slave. </n3>
<img src="gif/latex/cell/slave1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<b><summer1> "That was a really needed break. Thank you! The Succubus I left by the door will take you to a shortcut to the exit. Once you've rested enough, you can return to your dormitory. Come again next Saturday and don't forget to put your clothes on! Take care!" </summer1></b>
<n3> She leaves the cell with the slave. You feel much better now. After a few minutes you sit up and see that the slave who brought you the whip with her mouth is waiting with your clothes in her hands. After changing your clothes, you leave the dungeon through a shortcut and head to your room, pretty exhausted.</n3>
<center><b><c1>✊ Control: +1</c1></b>
<b><e1>⚡️ Energy: -$energy</e1></b>
<center><h1><cap>End Of The Latex Dungeon For v0.6.4 </cap></h1></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $control += 1>>\
<<set $energy to 0 >>\
<<set $latexDungeon to 3>>\
<<set $dungeonNextWeek to 1>>\
<n3> You see a familiar face running towards you in a hurry. This is Kiana, you told her not to cum for a week!</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/prey/kiana1.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> $name! One week is over! Please come with me! I can't take it anymore!</k1>
<n3> She seems very excited and impatient. You start following her to her room. She runs up the stairs but you purposely don't pick up your pace. </n3>
<k1> "Come on! Please hurry up!" </k1>
<n3> As you are surprised that she managed to complete a week successfully, Moon intervenes. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Nothing is certain yet. Don't let her excitement fool you! She could very well be lying! </inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Continue|reward2]]<n3> You enter her room and Kiana looks at you with a smile. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I managed not to cum for a week! It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life!</k1>
<center><n3> She squeezes her big balls in her palm and dangles them at you. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/reward/balls1.webp" class=center width="35%">
<k1> "Look at those! They've grown to a size that dwarfs my dick! The first day I tried to edge, but I almost came. That's why I didn't masturbate. The last two days were so tough!" </k1>
<n3> They've gotten really big! Did she really lasted a week? Besides the excitement, she doesn't have the aggression and wildness you'd expect. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Make sure by checking her mind! Strangely, there's no sign of her wilder self. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You don't want her to notice your real intention. You take a few steps closer and without saying anything, you grab her enormous balls. You're trying to get into into Kiana's mind as she lets out a sharp moan. Is she really telling the truth or is she trying to deceive you.</n3>
[[Look Her Mind|reward3]]<n3> The first thing you see is an intense moment from yesterday. She is lying face down on her bed, practicing breathing control. She can control herself thanks to the white ring she wears on the base of her penis. You start to be able to access her thoughts.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/reward/kiana1.jpg" class=center width="90%">
<n3> The only thing on her mind is that this torture will end tomorrow. You realize something else. She doesn't remember why she's doing this. She only knows that she shouldn't ejaculate, and she is entirely focused on this task. Her thoughts start to penetrate you more and more.
It's like she's in a trance, she wants to be drained by someone else. She wants to be milked until she blacks out. She has no problem spending her life this way. Although she has not ejaculated in any way other than regular masturbation, she wants to experience all the different kinds by others. With little slaps on the balls, with nipples licked for hours, with a frenulum massage or a prostate massage... Her thoughts continue flowing into you.
Indeed, as she said, she tried to edge on the first day, and when she realized that she almost came, she put on the Lust reducing ring in fear and never touched herself for that purpose again. This morning when she takes off the ring, she sees that within a few hours her balls have grown several times their size and she is struggling even more to control herself. Yet she really didn't cum for a week.</n3>
[[Continue|reward4]]<n3> You open your eyes. Kiana looks like she's about to cum just from grabbing her balls. You let go immediately. She's breathing like she's freezing. You can see her body shivering.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> First, taste her cum again. We need to compare the difference!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> As you are about to open your mouth to speak, Kiana eagerly cuts in. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Please make me cum! I'll do anything you want! Doesn't matter if you don't want anything right now! You can use this wish at any time! Please empty me with your hands!</k1>
<n3> She really has forgotten that this is the reward for enduring in the first place. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> If her memory cannot be trusted, this wish is becoming less important, but better than nothing! Then, I'll take over the conversation! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Don't worry, my hands are yours today! But first I need to test your semen quality with a ruined orgasm. </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana smiles excitedly and nods in agreement. She must be too excited to speak. As she moves her hands to her hard dick, she suddenly pauses and looks at you. She must be wanting you to do it.</n3>
[[Continue|reward5]]<n3> You pick up the glass vial on her desk and approach Kiana. She looks very excited. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> This is just for the sample test. After this you will feel even more desperate and horny! </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana smiles and thrusts her hips forward. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I don't even care! Don't make me wait any longer! <i><b>Start!</b></i></k1>
<n3> You felt the little fluctuation in Kiana's energy. You approach her and squat down. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Semen from the first orgasm will be the strongest and densest. It is also important how many times she can ejaculate after that. Gather your energy on two fingers and rub a special area on the underside of the penis. That's how you can unload her in the most intense way, without a build-up.
Since she's already on the verge, don't hold back, but the moment she starts to climax, break all contact. Even a few seconds of delay can turn it into a full orgasm. If that happens, we won't learn as much about her limits. It's not the end of the world but especially if you want to have control over a Mars, you have to be able to control her orgasms. I won't interfere with your actions here. Make sure to ruin it!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<<linkreplace"Start With First Orgasm" t8n>>\
<n3> You gather some energy in two fingers of your right hand and hold her penis and gently stroke with the other hand. When you touch her, she pulls her hips back for a brief moment with a shrill moan, but quickly recovers and returns to her former stance.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/reward/tease1.webp" class=center width="50%">
<n3> You caress the burning cock between your hands with kindness. You feel so much more than you expected. You can clearly feel the pleasure building up and the orgasm that is approaching. Kiana's breathing is starting to change. A small growl and impatient moans take its place. You were expecting her to cum already, but it looks like she needs a little more time.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As you continue to flutter Kiana with two fingers, she screams in an impatient and slightly worried voice. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <b><k1> I CAN'T CUMM!!! I was about to cum before starting but I stuck on the edge!</k1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> She must be experiencing this for the first time. Since her whole goal each time is to cum instantly, it takes more time for her to cum from her frenulum. She is approaching an orgasm that is even more intense than a repeatedly edged one.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You feel that her penis is throbbing a lot more violently. At the same time, the energy she emits has changed. She's about to cum! </n3>
<<linkreplace"Make Her Cum!" t8n>>\
<n3> You were able to distinguish very clearly the moment when she crossed the point of no return. The moment you sensed that, you withdrew your hand and energy from her completely. After a short delay, her dick begins to shoot spunk out throbbing up and down.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/reward/kiana2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<n3> You can't catch all the semen inside the vial. Kiana takes it all in with fascination and a smile on her face. With each pulse, she thrusts her hips forward in rhythm, and shoots her cum even farther into her room. You were worried that she would suddenly start stroking it, and you were going to grab her hands in case, but Kiana acts just the way you wanted her to.
After about a minute, the orgasm ends with a panting Kiana. The vial is half full, and it was a much bigger one than the previous one. More than you could catch into the vial sprayed out in different parts of Kiana's room. You stand up with the warm glass vial in your hand and the intense scent of her cum filling your senses.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Tasting time! The previous time you had tasted her cum from two full orgasms in a row and felt no more than a little energized. This time, you're holding the result of a ruined orgasm that you couldn't even collect half of, and you can tell how different it is just by the smell. Without waiting, you start pouring it on your sticking out tongue. A small portion slides out onto the floor but almost all of it went in your mouth. It's still warm...</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/reward/taste1.webp" class=center width="35%">
<n3> Without caring to savor it in your mouth, you swallow it all. It has a very thick texture and flavor. Even though you swallowed it all, you still feel like your whole mouth is coated with it. You also feel this in your throat and this slightly burning sensation makes you feel somewhat uncomfortable. But with every breath you exhale, you still can smell that cum. It turns you on even more.
The first effect you notice is that you get an erection. But you don't know if it's because the taste turns you on or because it's directly affecting your body. Your body gets a little hot and your breathing gets faster. It feels like you've had more caffeine than your body is used to. Even though your brain feels a little hazy, you feel incredibly good physically. Maybe it's to your benefit that you couldn't collect it all because you're not sure if you could handle more of that...</n3>
[[Continue|reward8]]<n3> Kiana looks at you, wondering about your reaction. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> We can definitely use her! This is a top quality sample! But in order for her to develop, she needs to be milked after a period of time without ejaculation. But now it's time to push her to the limit!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Hmm... That's good! Then we can move on to the main event! </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana claps her hands with joy and jumps on her bed. Lying on her back, she spreads her legs and brings her hips as close to her head as possible. If her dick was a little bigger, her tongue could touch it.</n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> All week, I thought about how I wanted to be milked and I've decided on this one! I want to be able to see it all and, in the end, to taste it all!</k1>
<n3> She pulls her panties right under her balls. So that with every stroke, those full balls will squeeze between your hands and panties. Without keeping her waiting, you approach her bed.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Start Stroking" t8n>>\
<n3> You grab her hard cock and start stroking it. Each time you stroke downwards, you gently smack the balls that fall on her penis with your hand and trap them between her panties and your hand. Kiana is locked on her penis, with an intense focus.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/reward/1/1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Moon didn't tell her to last or how many times to cum, but you can see that Kiana wants to fulfill your expectations anyway. At that moment you realize that some may need a little guidance in order to be happier. Leading a directionless potential may not be such a bad thing. You are more confident about these feelings because you have recently entered her mind.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You keep stroking in a chaotic rhythm. You love the sound of her balls being slapped by the back of your hand and how it makes you feel. And the thick cum you just swallowed has made you way hornier. Since you were in her mind not so long ago, your desires must have been temporarily affected. Because, you don't want to fuck her right now. You want to shove a huge dildo up her ass and make her give you a handjob while you keep stroking her.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/reward/1/2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> This time you can feel everything even more clearly. Her throbbing penis and balls are clearly telling you how close she is to cumming. And this time she got to the edge much faster. As her breathing changes, she lets you know in a whispering voice.</n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1>I'm gonna... Cumm... Keep going... </k1>
<<linkreplace"Make Her Cum!" t8n>>\
<n3> You pick up the pace a little and Kiana starts to cum, with her lower body spasming. You can feel how much pleasure she feels, but the amount of cum she squirts is even less than last week. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/reward/1/3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You continue for another fifteen seconds or so, but she hasn't cum except for a few drops. As you are getting ready to pull your hand away, Kiana, squirming in pleasure, whispers determinedly. </n3>
<center><i><b><k1>"Keep Going! I'm not done yet! Keep going..." </k1></b></i></center>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Like she said, you continue stroking. Shortly afterwards, the second orgasm happens and a lot more cum than the first one explodes on Kiana's face. Between rapid breaths and moans that sound like she's in pain, Kiana persistently tells you to keep going. Meanwhile, shaking with a third orgasm right after, Kiana continues to squirt her cum non-stop. Her screams just tell you to keep going.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/reward/1/4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> The fourth and then the fifth orgasm. You increase the speed of your stroking and Kiana can keep up. You can't believe she can still cum. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> One last one! Keep going! One more!!!</k1>
<n3> For her sixth and final orgasm, you jerk with all the strength left in your arm. Kiana, with sharp breaths and moans of suffering, cums one last time. With her face, glasses and chest covered with hot spunk, you finally take your hand off her dick. With her eyes closed, she waits a while longer for her body to stop spasming.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/reward/1/5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> She's having cramps all over her body. You still feel that the pleasure she feels hasn't passed, but you don't know if the thing she feels in her crotch is pleasure anymore. You were and still are very horny, but you've forgotten all about that right now. It's more important for Kiana to have six more orgasms after a ruined one than for you to cum.</n3>
[[Continue|reward11]]<n3> After a few minutes of catching her breath, Kiana straightens up, her face covered in her cum. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> Was it good? Was I good enough? I gave it my all! As I thought, I can find the willpower to endure more than two orgasms with someone else's handjob.</k1>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Her wild side has hardly shown itself today. Continuing in this direction may help her more than we can imagine. I want to control your movements for a little while...</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You wonder what she is going to do. Besides, her voice has a serious tone, a little more strange than usual. Your body grabs one of the towels lying at the end of the bed and starts wiping Kiana's face. There is a sad compassion in your voice.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, you did very well... Focus on relaxing now... </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana slowly pulls her face and speaks in a worried voice. </n3>
<k1> "Wait! You can use this cum! If you don't want it right now, I can transfer it to a vial. If you wipe it, it'll be wasted. Isn't this a valuable resource?" </k1>
<n3> You continue to gently wipe her chin and neck with the towel. </n3>
<b><n1> "Yes, it is! But you're more valuable! Don't think about these things right now..." </n1></b>
<n3> You put your other hand on Kiana's cheek. Kiana stares at you, dazed, like she's just been slapped. After her lips twitched tearfully, she presses her face gently against your hand.
You usually can't feel Moon's emotional state very well. So you are not sure if that is how she really feels here, or if she is continuing her manipulative rhetoric to take her even further under control. But you can see it's working on Kiana. When you finish wiping, you feel that you are back in control over your movements. Kiana slowly rubs her teary eyes.</n3>
[[Continue|reward12]]<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> You proved how much potential you have today! You can definitely improve. But there's no hurry! You realized that something is absolutely necessary in this process, didn't you? </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana fixes her hair and speaks with a sour expression on her face. </n3>
<d>Kiana:</d> <k1> I need to stop seeing ejaculation as a daily need... But I'm not sure I can do that!</k1>
<b><n1> "You've overcome the hardest phase. If you are really determined to move forward in this area, there is something you need to master." </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana is looking at you with sparkling eyes. </n3>
<b><n1> "Do you have any chastity cage?" </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana opens one of her drawers. It's filled with a variety of unopened chastity cages.</n3>
<k1> "They were given to me on the day I chose a side, but I put them away without ever using them." </k1>
<n3> You start checking the drawer. You realize that they're all given according to Kiana's size. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Take the black one! It has a special feature that we need. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> You pick up the chastity, still in its packaging. But you can't see the key. Maybe you'll find it when you open it.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> The key to open it will be your Lust energy! We will use this! You can unpack it.</inner><n1>)</n1>
[[Continue|reward13]]<n3> While you open the chastity cage, Moon continues to talk with Kiana. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> You'll change the way you masturbate every day. You will switch to a method that is much more pleasurable than regular masturbation but requires some practice to reach a climax. </n1></b>
<n3> There is a slight disappointment on Kiana's face. </n3>
<b><n1> "Stop worrying! You'll have penile orgasms too! But only through my hands! From now on, your main source of pleasure is your ass! More specifically, your prostate!" </n1></b>
<n3> You're holding the chastity cage. It's a very ordinary-looking plastic one. </n3>
<b><n1> " This chastity cage can only be opened by the Lust energy it is exposed to while being locked. You will concentrate your cum for me, you will learn to make it even stronger! And as you master the prostate orgasm, you will master multiple orgasms without fatigue!" </n1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> It's normal that you don't know how to put it on, I can do it for you.</inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> For a short time, you allow Moon to take over your movements and she quickly puts the cage on Kiana. Just before you lock it, you feel your hands fill with your Lust.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/reward/chastity1.webp" class=center>
[[Continue|reward14]]<n3> Kiana doesn't seem to be complaining. She seems to accept what you said before you said it. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> But there are a few rules! First of all, don't despair if you try a few times and can't orgasm! You will try to change a pattern your body has been used to for years. Every time you try, you will feel the urge to ejaculate easily with the help of your penis. Resist that!
Second, as long as you don't touch your penis, you can masturbate as much as I want. Every day, you can cum several times, well if you can of course. Instead of exhausting your body and requiring a recovery period, the prostate orgasm is a way to increase your semen production and makes you even hornier. Only I will use your penis when necessary and you can be sure that I will push you beyond your limits.
And finally, I want one more thing from you. You will always, and I mean always tell me the truth! I don't want any lies! The chastity on you, basically a soft plastic, and with something sharp, you can open it without my Lust. My intention is not to lock you in a prison! I want to help you grow, to help you evolve! If you have something on your mind, if you want something from me, you will come and tell me! Don't try to cut the cage anyway! That's dangerous!
Did you break one of the rules? You'll be honest and we'll move on after what needs to be done. Over time, you will realize how freeing this disciplined lifestyle actually is. Especially when you reach your first real full body orgasm! You're not just your penis! Neither are these meaningless Mars expectations piled on you! You're a Succubus who deserves to have full use of her whole body. </n1></b>
<n3> Kiana's face, which had been expressionless, except for a little disappointment, changed as you spoke. Now she nods with determined eyes, and she looks a little touched. </n3>
<b><n1> "That's all I have to say! Do you have something to say? We have made enough progress today." </n1></b>
<<linkreplace"She Spreads Her Arms" t8n>>\
<n3> Kiana rushes over with open arms and hugs you. It is such a surrendered hug that you have to carry some of her weight. She can only say one thing in a whispered voice.</n3>
<h1><center><k1>"Thank you!"</k1></center></h1>
<n3> Your right hand slowly reaches up and gently caresses Kiana's hair. The hug continues until Kiana pulls back.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You leave Kiana's room, feeling rather surprised. Moon starts talking to you in a serious tone.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> The Succubus enslavement was essentially forbidden because of me. Part of my memory is still missing. So I don't know why this rule has continued to this day. But you shouldn't think of enslavement as strangling someone, putting them in a cage and forcing them to do what you want. At least, that's not why they were afraid of me. Forgetting that those beneath you have their own goals, fears and a life, results in a shallow and non-threatening form of slavery.
That's the main reason Sun told you not to listen to me. I can understand their demonization of me. I gave them more reasons than they needed. But I only did what was necessary to achieve my goal. I focused on gaining resources faster than they could take what I had. You don't wanna know how much they took from me. And all along the way you notice some unique things. </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Something unexpected happens and you feel a warmth on your sign. </n3>
<<linkreplace"A Familiar Voice" t8n>>\
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> How lovely you romanticize your actions! Just trying to achieve your goal, huh? So everything you did that day served a great and divine cause?</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Moon answers in a weary voice. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> You narrow everything down to what you saw that day. Without knowing what happened until that day! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> I know there is no sense in arguing with you! No matter what I say, you'll have an answer!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> Moon continues in an even lower voice. </n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> I am not gonna apologize for saving you! </inner><n1>)</n1>
<n3> Sun shouts in exasperation. </n3>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> You didn't save anyone! You only spared me from your own deeds! You didn't give a shit about who got hurt!</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Only those who deserved it were hurt. You are not responsible for your mother's choices! Yomi understands me...</inner><n1>)</n1>
<b><n1>(</n1> <a1> Don't you dare utter her name! You deceived her with your...</a1><n1>)</n1></b>
<n3> As this fight goes on in your brain, you feel your vision darken. Your body is already producing Lust like crazy because of the cum you drank. When you add the emotions of these two on top of that, it becames too much for you to handle. You don't faint right away like the first times. But if this argument goes on, you will definitely lose your consciousness. Especially Sun must have realized this, because she immediately stops talking. You continue walking to your room with a heavy uneasiness.</n3>
<center><b><e1>⚡️ Energy: 100</e1></b>
<b><n1>💋 Lust: 100</n1></b></center>
<center><h1><cap>End of the Kiana content for v0.6.4 </cap></h1></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $energy to 100>>\
<<set $lust to 100>>\
<<set $noNutKiana to 2>>\
<<set $cakeeaten to 3>>\<n3> You move towards the crowd, a sight you are already used to. But this time neither side is making a sound. Everyone is nervously watching what is happening. You find a place and see what's going on. The Headmistresses on both sides seem to be having an argument. Natalie looks more angry and tense in a casual outfit, while Mariana has her usual calm expression, wearing an elegant dress.</n3>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> I think we can settle this between us, Headmistress Natalie? Do you want to continue this in front of everyone?</l1>
<n3> Natalie exhales an angry breath through her nose. </n3>
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> If we're both equals, why only you went to represent us? I wasn't even notified! </ange1>
<n3> Mariana lets her hair down from its bun, then gently rubs her head. You can tell by the relief on her face that she has a headache. She looks at Natalie with tired eyes.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/debate/mariana1.jpg" class=center width="47%">
<l1> "Because you've done so much for me for so long and I wanted to start paying you back. I've been feeling better for a while."</l1>
<n3> Natalie looks even more stressed after hearing this. </n3>
<ange1>"What does that mean?"</ange1>
<l1>"I'll gradually relieve you of the burdens I had to place on you... We can continue in your room if you like."</l1>
[[Continue|headDebate2]]<n3> Natalie doesn't seem happy with the answer she gets. </n3>
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> No! Let's continue here! And what are these burdens you've placed on me? I would like to know!... Headmistress Mariana!</ange1>
<n3> Mariana scratches her head in frustration. </n3>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> All right! Let's talk then!</l1>
<n3> She raises her voice loud enough for everyone to hear. </n3>
<l1>"For the past few semesters, we have been trying a new model. Thanks to Headmistress Natalie, I started to get out of the state I was in and I feel better every day. I know that I have a very bad reputation because of what I have done in the past, which is why I have stepped back a little bit and focused on myself.
Every time I felt bad, every time I found myself in a stressful situation, I resorted to one thing, SEX! And in the end, I found myself in the middle of a very harmful self-perpetuating vicious circle. So, I decided to cleanse myself and completely forbid myself to have sex! And since the day I decided to do so, I have been successfully maintaining this commitment."</l1>
<n3> She slowly turns to those on her side. </n3>
<l1>"So most of the threats I made against you were empty threats. But some of you know I can do very bad things without fucking you. So I don't want anything to change!"</l1>
<n3> Mariana's side approves her in one voice. Mariana continues to speak loudly.</n3>
<l1>"This period has taught me a lot. I was planning to announce it later, but my mental state is improving much faster than I expected. Soon, I will take back all the responsibilities of my position and I will be the only Headmistress of Mars Dormitory again."</l1>
<n3> Except for a few surprised gasps, total silence continues. You notice Natalie's left eye twitching.</n3>
[[Continue|headDebate3]]<n3> Natalie takes a few steps forward. Then Sara steps out of the crowd and moves to Mariana's rear left. A move that clearly tells Natalie not to come any closer. Natalie looks at Sara and speaks in an ice-cold voice.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/debate/natalie1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1>Back off! It's out of your league!</ange1>
<n3> Sara remains still, staring at Natalie with defiant eyes. For some reason, she's only wearing a bikini.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/debate/sara1.jpg" class=center width="65%">
<center><n3> If things are going to escalate, Sara will be the reason. </n3></center>
[[Continue|headDebate4]]<center><n3> As Natalie and Sara exchange glances, Mariana calmly turns to Sara. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/futa/debate/mariana2.jpg" class=center width="53%">
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> Headmistress Natalie told you something, Sara. Please pay your respects!</l1>
<n3> Sara immediately returns to her old spot. This obviously annoys Natalie a lot. As she quickly moves towards Sara, Mariana gets in front of her. The height difference is huge. Natalie has to lift her head all the way up.</n3>
<l1> "Let's keep this between us! Sara backed off like you said!"</l1>
<n3> The silence breaks for a brief moment. Some faces turn towards the source of the sound. Sara moaned in a sobbing voice, unable to contain herself and then she covered her mouth in embarrassment. The bulge that started to appear in her tight bikini also draws your attention. Mariana walks to the middle and starts talking to Natalie's side specifically.</n3>
<l1>"You don't have to worry! I quite like the way this place is split in two, and I respect the way you stand up for yourselves. If she accepts, I will make Headmistress Natalie my right-hand and will consult her opinion on everything, especially anything that concerns you. I don't want a balance of oppressed and oppressor in <b>MY DORMITORY!</b> I believe that the sweet rivalry between us will carry us forward!"</l1>
<n3> Natalie's side remains stunned silent. </n3>
[[Continue|headDebate5]]<n3> She lowers her voice a little. </n3>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> These things won't happen right away. First I have to make sure I have recovered enough. I probably shouldn't have had this speech in the first place. Another proof that I'm not ready yet. I have a really bad headache, can someone give me some painkillers?</l1>
<<linkreplace"Sudden Sprint" t8n>>\
<n3> From Mariana's side, dozens of Succubus rush forward to give their Headmistress a painkiller. Having taken only a few steps, they all stop as if they had hit an invisible net. A serious voice interrupts.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/debate/dominique1.jpeg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Dominique:</d><mi1> Do you want to trample each other you retards? I'm right here, Mistress! I always carry your favorite painkillers on me.</mi1>
<n3> Dominique quickly steps to Mariana and gives her the pills. Meanwhile, she slowly turns her head to those on the other side of the net. She must be surprised to hear no objection from Sara.</n3>
<l1> "I suppose that's it. If there are no questions, I'm gonna go to rest." </l1>
<<linkreplace"Sudden Heaviness" t8n>>\
<n3> As Mariana walks to her side, you suddenly feel as if your whole body is being crushed by gravity. There's an unbelievable weight on you, but it's not crushing you to the ground. Rather, it is applying equal pressure all over you, preventing you from moving. Natalie is the cause of this, radiating an intense wave of Lust.</n3>
<d>Natalie:</d> <b><ange1> YOU'RE KIDDING ME, RIGHT? I DON'T ACCEPT THIS! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A LUST DUE-...</ange1></b>
<n3> Natalie couldn't finish her sentence because someone grabbed her by the chin. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Grabbing Natalie half by the chin, half by the throat, Mariana stares at her victim in a terrifying way with her eyes wide open. </n3>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> You can't treat me like this after I treated you with such respect! If you try to harm my cleansing process again, if you try to throw me back to the beginning of this filthy cycle again, I'll make you my personal slave!
I will fuck you until I forget all my worries, all the troubles, all the negativity in my head, and continue to lead this glorious dormitory! I don't give a fuck who's behind you! Don't fucking test me, kid! I'm a hundred times the morsel you can swallow!</l1>
<n3> This intense wave of Lust that affects everyone suddenly stops. Mariana lets go of Natalie's choke hold and she falls to her knees. Nobody's making a single sound. Mariana's outburst seems to be a surprise for everyone. This pitch silence is interrupted by a sudden, muffled moan. This time, everyone looks towards the sound.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn Your Head" t8n>>\
<n3> You see Sara, who tries to cover her mouth with her hand but cannot suppress her moan. Her bikini bottom gets ripped by her fully erect cock.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/debate/reveal1.webp" class=center width="70%">
<n3> In embarrassment, she tries to hide this monster with her other hand, but fails. After looking around briefly in panic, she heads for the stairs at full speed and runs away. Without caring her, Mariana speaks to both sides.</n3>
<center> <b><l1><h2> "From Now On, No One Will Ever Challenge Me To A Lust Duel For Any Reason! Is That Clear?" </h2></l1></b></center>
<center><h1><b1> "YES MISTRESS!" </b1></h1></center>
<n3> Both sides shouted as loud as they could and Natalie's side responded to Mariana for the first time today. She takes a deep breath and tries to calm down. It seems that she is not at all pleased with this visit from this version of herself she is trying to escape.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> After this outburst, you would expect her to walk away quickly, with an angry expression, but she looks much more tired than at the beginning. Perhaps it is an expression of disappointment.
Dominique immediately takes her arm, not like a lover but more like helping someone who has difficulty walking. She also looks very sad and low. Once Mariana is far enough away, her side rushes to Natalie, who is still on her knees.
Everyone seems to have forgotten already, but you noticed something. Whenever Mariana made a move, Sara couldn't hold back and you wonder where she went in panic. Since Mariana went to the dining hall instead of taking the stairs, everyone followed her and the upper floors must be empty. Overcome by curiosity, you start walking in the direction Sara went.</n3>
[[Go Upstairs|headDebate8]]<n3> You go up the stairs. No one is there, but a few others have come upstairs with you. It surprises you a little that almost everyone followed Mariana. They must be really attached to her. You take a deep breath and try to feel where Sara is. </n3>
<img src="img/places/marsright1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> If this floor wasn't this empty, it would be impossible for you to spot her, but not far from you, you feel a growing source of Lust.
You start walking in that direction, trying to look normal. After a short walk, you reach that source you felt. Do you hear soft moans and quiet slaps? As you approach the door carefully, you notice something. The door is ajar!</n3>
<<linkreplace"Try To Look Inside" t8n>>\
<n3> Without moving the door, you look through the ajar part. You hope that you don't have to stick your head inside. There is a mirror and from its reflection, you can see part of the room. You see Sara masturbating! You can only see half of her face, but that's more than enough. You're not sure if she can see you through the mirror. Maybe she didn't even notice the mirror. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/debate/1/1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3>You see her stroking her huge cock, in a hurry. She's clearly trying to keep her voice low. She eagerly sucks her two fingers and her breath quickens as it deepens.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> While she continues to stroke it with one hand, she slaps herself softly with the other. After each slap, she makes a very soft moaning sound. You can see she's getting close.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/debate/1/2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Her slaps are getting a little harder. Then you hear her start to mutter something. She speaks as quietly as she can, but with each exhale her voice gets louder. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <font size =3><hi1> Yes... That's my useless dick mistress! Please shove your precious cock in me!</hi1></font>
<n3> She suddenly slaps herself much harder than the previous ones. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/debate/1/3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<font size =3><hi1> "I'm sorry Headmistress! I didn't mean to cross the line! Please punish me! Fuck me till the dawn! I can suck your precious cock anytime you want! I want to drink your delicious milk while it oozes out of my asshole! Please go back to your normal self!... Ohhh... Please..." </hi1></font>
<n3> You didn't make a sound, but suddenly you see her looking at the door. But from her point of view she can't see you. You are relieved that she didn't notice the mirror. </n3>
[[Continue|headDebate10]]<n3> She takes two fingers in her mouth again and speeds up her stroking. Immediately afterwards, her huge cock starts shooting out strands of white spunk as it throbs. She cums a lot more than you expected.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/debate/1/4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Before her orgasm is even over, she quickly gets up and starts to get dressed. As soon as you see this, you move away from the door as fast as you can and head for the stairs downstairs.
Those submissive desires she muttered in a low voice turned you on like crazy. You leave the Mars Dormitory with a rock hard erection and start walking to your room. There must be a way to use that! You want to fuck her! You can take advantage of being a newcomer! Maybe you could play innocent, tease her, and perhaps you could get something going.
As you've seen a few times before, Sara is a typical dominant Mars. She must be arguing that a Mars should only fuck. But you've just seen that she also craves the opposite. Maybe she only feels that way for Headmistress Mariana. You don't know, but you want to take a chance!</n3>
[[Continue|headDebate11]]<n3> As soon as you enter your room, you start stroking your cock, which is starting to ache. You cum in a few minutes. While you're cumming, all you can think about is fucking Sara to make her cum just like that!</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/debate/cumshot1.webp" class=center width="55%">
<<set $sara to 1>>\
<<set $marianaRage to 1>>\
<<set $secondDuel to 3>>\
<n3> You don't know where Sara usually hangs out. But you think there's a better chance she's on Mariana's side. You start climbing the stairs. Since you've been stamped, you attract a lot less attention.
You've given some thought to what you're gonna say to Sara. You don't know how it's going to turn out, but you're itching to give it a try. You have to find her first. You reach the upstairs and before you start looking around, you realize something. It's empty up there!</n3>
<img src="img/places/marsright1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> It's not like before! The vast majority are on the upstairs, but no one is in the corridors. </n3>
<<linkreplace"A Sudden Bell Ringing!" t8n>>\
<n3> You hear a sharp bell and simultaneously almost all the doors open. You step aside to avoid being crushed as a stream of Succubus pour out from rooms. Looks like you just happened to catch them at the end of their class. Is it possible for you to find Sara today?</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> A little further away, you see someone dressed in a way that is recognizable even in this crowd. With her blouse covered with small shining stones and interesting face makeup, you manage to spot Sara. However, there's no way to get to her right now. Trying not to lose sight of her, you wait for the Succubus flood to end.
After a short while it calms down enough for you to walk. You start walking towards Sara with excited steps. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Touch Her Shoulder" t8n>>\
<n3> She's talking with a couple of Succubus. You touch her shoulder lightly and she turns toward you. You are really excited, but you pretend to be more excited than you are, even a little worried.</n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... Mistress, can I talk to you about something? </n1></b>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Sure, what is it?</hi1>
<b><n1> "Uh, well, it's kind of personal. Can we talk somewhere private?" </n1></b>
<hi1> "Personal? Did you talk to Dominique about it?"</hi1>
<n3> Here's the first thing you've been waiting for! You know that she's in competition with Dominique. You'll try to use it to your advantage. You answer with a slightly confused expression.</n3>
<b><n1> " No... Why would I talk to her? I thought you could help me." </n1></b>
<n3> Sara smiles with slight surprise. </n3>
<hi1> "Yeah! I can help! Let's go to my room! Follow me!"</hi1>
<n3> She starts walking with a happy and proud expression. You start to follow her, getting even more excited. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> You wonder if she's gonna enter the room where you spied on her the other day, but she walks past it and enters another room. You can't really tell anything from her Lust energy. Dominique's aura was much more distinctive and assertive. Sara, on the other hand, feels like any other student here. Sara closes the door and leans against her desk, talking in a friendly voice.</n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Yes, I'm listening!</hi1>
<n3> You exhale deeply. You try to look embarrassed about what you have to say. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I'm a newcomer who will choose this side next year. And I witnessed the debate the other day. I listened to what Headmistress Mariana said and it touched my heart. The way she described her own journey, the way she thought of us even when she was going through so much...</n1></b>
<n3> Sara nods in agreement. </n3>
<hi1> "A truly admirable leader! And what does this have to do with your trouble?"</hi1>
<b><n1> "When I was listening to her, I thought I was just admiring her, but it was a bit more than that. The way she stood in front of Headmistress Natalie, and especially the way she silenced her with one strong movement of her strong hand, made me so... <font size =3><i>horny.</i></font>"</n1></b>
<n3> Meanwhile, taking a sip of her water, Sara suddenly starts coughing. You continue without letting her say anything. </n3>
<b><n1>" Ever since I witnessed those moments, I have a constant erection and masturbating doesn't help... I don't know what to do! Please show me a way!"</n1></b>
<n3> You cover your mouth with your hand and make sounds like you're on the verge of crying. The desperation in your voice was also much more realistic than you expected. </n3>
[[Continue|sara4]]<n3> Sara appears to believe you. She speaks in a voice that tries to hide her concern. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1>It's natural that you're attracted to her. Most Succubus here dream of getting fucked by her, despite everythi... </hi1>
<n3> You interrupt her. Here's the main part! Still embarrassed, but in a loud voice, you shout. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> No! I wanted to fuck her! Not a pussy, not a sissy ass on the other side! I want to fuck a tall, well-built Succubus with a huge cock! How insolent of me!
Since that day, I can't think of anything else! I've tried things that normally arouse me! It doesn't work! My mind keeps drifting back to that day.</n1></b>
<n3> You're also excited and horny at the possibility of having something with Sara right now. You can use your hard-on to your advantage here. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Take Off Your Skirt" t8n>>\
<n3> You take off your skirt in one move and reveal your pulsating cock to Sara. You cover your face with both hands, trying to give the impression that you are embarrassed by the whole situation. </n3>
<img src="gif/futa/sara/help/reveal1.webp" class=center width="60%">
<n3> Through your finger, you're sneaking a peek at Sara's reaction. She's looking intently at your cock. You can see that this sight definitely turned her on but she seems to be thinking about something. </n3>
<n3> Sara exhales deeply and starts speaking. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> First of all, please relax! There's nothing to be ashamed of. I argue that a Mars should be on the dominant and fucking side! But this only applies with a weak loser on the other side. It is not against my principles for two strong and capable Succubus on this side to fuck! </hi1>
<n3> She holds out both hands, palms facing the ceiling. </n3>
<hi1> "I can help you, but I need to make sure that what happens stays between us." </hi1>
<n3> You notice that her hands are filling with Lust, even starting to glow slightly. </n3>
<hi1> " If you want my help, you won't be able to talk about it even if you wanted to! If you accept this one condition, take my hands! I also think there are some things I can teach you." </hi1>
<n3> What? That easy? Well... You'd actually prefer to keep it as a trump card, but you don't really mind that much. Moon steps in with a condescending tone.</n3>
<n1>(</n1><inner> Take all the deals from a weakling without even a second thought! I am the Succubus who perfected this technique! You may consider the conditions set by amateurs like her as invalid on you! Actually, her level is not that bad... But she's nothing in front of me! Take her hands and have fun!</inner><n1>)</n1>
<<linkreplace"Take Her Hands" t8n>>\
<n3> Following Moon's words, you grasp Sara's hands without a doubt in your mind. You can feel the intense Lust that accumulated in her hands. From the moment you hold Sara's hand, you can see she's completely changed. Her breathing has gotten a lot faster and she looks very excited. She rushes to the door and locks it. Then she takes everything off. With her big tits, toned body and huge hard cock, she looks absolutely amazing.</n3>
<img src="gif/futa/sara/help/reveal2.webp" class=center width="45%">
<h1><center><hi1> "Do I fit the definition you mentioned? " </hi1></center></h1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> While you're examining Sara's body, she moves to the other side of the room. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Let me dress the way I dreamed... Uhmm... Wear something I feel good in. Just hold on for a second!</hi1>
<n3> The possibility that she would imagine you as Headmistress Mariana is not something that surprises you anyway. You realize she was wearing a slim T-shirt under her shimmering blouse. She throws the T-shirt aside and wears only the blouse. Then she wears long blue boots that match the color of her hair. After parting her hair to the sides and quickly securing it with a rubber band, she approaches you and gets down on her knees.</n3>
<hi1> " Your size is surprisingly decent! I don't have a lot of experience on this side. If something disturbs you, don't hesitate to say so, okay? " </hi1>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Y-Yes Mistress! </n1></b>
<n3> Mesmerized by what is happening and the view, you could barely answer. You're really excited. It makes you feel even better, especially when you remember that you are doing all this without any help from Sun or Moon. Sara starts playing with your penis with tongue strokes. She said she has little experience, but each tongue stroke makes you ecstatic. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> She must be enjoying your moans. Maintaining eye contact, she continues to sweetly torture you with her tongue. </n3>
[[Continue|sara7]]<n3> After preparing you with tongue strokes, she starts sucking the head. Then, without waiting, she takes it down her throat. You grab Sara's head and push all the way to the base. You did that instinctively, but she adapts immediately. It's so deep that you can feel her lower lips on your balls. You can still feel her hot breath on your penis as your saliva soaked cock comes out deep in her throat.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Sara pulls back briefly to catch her breath. You can see her cock is fully erect by now. It looks much bigger than yours. After displaying it to you and stroking it a bit, she goes back to sucking you.</n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> You got me all hard down there! I like your energy! You feel like a storm that's tough to get used to!</hi1>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
[[Continue|sara8]]<n3> She stands up and pulls her sofa bed into a bed in one move. Then she lies on it, and continues to suck you. That's quite pleasurable, but you were hoping you'd already started fucking her. Also, you don't want to cum before her! If she keeps sucking you, you might even cum even before you even start fucking her.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You step back a little and ask, slightly embarrassed. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Umm... When we... You know... </n1></b>
<n3> Sara exhales a sharp breath. She seems to be trying to prepare herself mentally. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Then she hesitantly turns her back to you, in contrast to her earlier confident movements. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Oh!... Yes! Right! Well, then... Umm...</hi1>
[[Continue|sara9]]<n3> She turns her ass to you and shows you her gorgeous hole and the huge monster dangling beneath it. If you felt a little more comfortable, you would want to lick her hole and her penis from the very root for hours. But your body drags your hips forward and you find yourself on the verge of achieving what you've been dreaming of. You put the tip against her tight hole and slowly work your way in. It's so tight, you can only stick your head in. And Sara lets out a scream of pain and pleasure.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/6.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Slow down! Give me some time to get used to it! </hi1>
<n3> While you are thinking that you definitely should have relaxed her by licking and fingering her, you notice she is slowly starting to move her hips back and forth. </n3>
<<linkreplace"She Accelerates" t8n>>\
<n3> Just now you could only put your head in. But after a few deep breaths in and out, you can feel how relaxed her asshole gets. After that, you can fuck her with ease. When you instinctively start moving back and forth, Sara instantly adapts her hips to your rhythm. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/7.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> As you speed up together, with sweet moans escaping her mouth, you're fully ready to fuck her. You don't know how long you can last in real sex. With your pussy, cumming wasn't an end. But now, unless you force yourself really hard, it's the end. You feel a little pressured. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\ <n3> Not long after starting and just getting into the pace, Sara suddenly pulls herself away. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> No! I want to see and show it all!</hi1>
<n3> This is an unexpected move, because you thought she would imagine you as Headmistress Mariana. She quickly turns onto her back and spreads her legs. You feel your penis getting hard enough to hurt a little. Her perfect breasts, her penis, not fully erect but resting on her belly like a thick snake, and her big balls on both sides, have an overwhelming sensation that stuns you. In that moment, you feel like you're seeing the most mesmerizing sight you've ever seen in your life.
For a brief moment, you gather saliva in your mouth and spit, aiming at her hole. As you rub your dick in this lubricating fluid, you are kept distracted by Sara's thick cock. Just as you're about to continue fucking, you want to feel her cock with your penis and you gently tease her with it. She's almost big enough to give herself a titjob. You still couldn't get used to the size of it.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/8.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Sara grabs her semi-erect cock and lifts it up. You can tell by the gaze that she wants you inside her so badly. Without making her wait, you stick your dick in her asshole. When you first enter, you again feel that it is quite tight and will not let you in, but this time she relaxes her hole much more quickly.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/9.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
[[Continue|sara11]]<n3> As you slowly picking up speed, Sara speaks softly. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Take a deep breath! And you focus on pleasure too! Just as it motivates you to know that you give me pleasure, I would like to see the same! Just the way you look at me alone makes me feel really good! Now drop your unnecessary thoughts and fuck me!</hi1>
<n3> After hearing this, you start to speed up, looking into Sara's eyes. The desire in her eyes and her faint smile tickles your insides. She grabs her fat cock and swings it. You lean down and kiss her cock as you continue to speed up. Your breathing synchronizes with her as sticky pre-cum smears on your lips. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/10.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Sara laughs, makes little giggles, bites her lip or closes her eyes in pleasure. You can see that she is overall comfortable and trying to enjoy the situation as much as possible. She also tries to keep you motivated with little approvals. She reminds you to keep breathing. She grabs your hand and takes it to her cock.
You can really feel her intent to teach you some things. And that feels quite pleasant. You feel a lot less pressure and you feel more in the moment with her. You keep fucking her in a steady rhythm. A few times you felt her leg twitching. That's a good sign that she's not faking it. You could take yourself out of the moment and look into her mind to see how much she's faking, but you don't want to.</n3>
[[Continue|sara12]]<n3> Your pace is slowing down a bit. Actually, you're feeling a little tired. You feel like your lower abdomen is cramping and you are out of breath. Sara must have realized this, she gently pushes you by the chest and lays you on your back. She licks her hand and slowly strokes your dick, which is covered in her own ass juice. Even this slow stroking makes you clench your ass, since she focuses especially on the head.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/11.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> That alone was a better performance than most Succubus around here. And of course I'm not even talking about the losers on the other side! You're a real Mars!
You're doing great! From now on, I'll do most of the work! Focus on my body bouncing on you! I want to feel your eyes locked on me! You can cum whenever you want!</hi1>
<n3> She lifts her hips and sits on your dick. Although she's not hard, her cock is still looking huge and her perfect balls complete the view. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/12.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Once she starts bouncing, you realize something. Every time she goes down, she squeezes your hole tightly and releases it again on the way back up. When you're deep inside her, the way her ass strangles your dick helplessly, catches you by surprise and you moan as your stomach tightens. The pleasure you get is much greater, but it will definitely make you cum faster. </n3>
[[Continue|sara13]]<n3> Sara goes down but doesn't move. She moves her hips very gently as she looks into your eyes. She uses her recent discovery even more intensely on you. Her ass, tightening and relaxing, is filling you with pleasure with a rhythm that makes you squirm. While you're going through all this, Sara's sensual gaze, looking down on you... </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/13.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> She continues to bounce on you with little sadistic giggles. And her hanging cock slaps your belly with every bounce. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/14.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You want to look at her but you are getting close to your limit. You choose to throw your head back and focus on everything you feel. Seeing this, Sara bites her lip slightly and picks up the pace. You can't see it, but she's getting hard again. </n3>
[[Continue|sara14]]<n3> Your breathing gets a lot heavier. Sara continues to bounce on you as she strokes her hard cock. Not only did she get faster, she started bouncing much harder. Every time she comes down, she gives a teasing smack on your balls with her ass.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/15.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Sara's moans became louder. The speed of her stroking and her movements shows that she is also getting close. </n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Open your eyes and look at me! I'm getting close! I want you to watch me with your full attention! Hold on a little longer! Let's cum together!</hi1>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/16.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> You raise your head again. Every word of this goddess bouncing on you has the effect of an unquestionable order on you right now. </n3>
[[Continue|sara15]]<n3> Soon you feel your whole body convulsing with a burning sensation. You cum with all your strength in Sara's ass, and she squirts her hot cum all over you. Even though your orgasm is over, you continue to thrust up and down with your hips, and Sara harmonizes with these instinctive thrusts.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/futa/sara/help/1/17.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> Sara gets off your dick and squats on your belly. She waits patiently as your semen flows out of her ass and onto you. Then she lies down next to you. You're both panting. She licks your ear sweetly as she gently mixes both your cum with her finger.
Then she gets up and briefly sucks your semi-hard dick first. Then she sucks the pool of cum from your belly into her mouth in one swoop and moves closer to you. Without waiting, she gives you a kiss and pushes everything in her mouth into yours. On Sara's command, you start swallowing the mixture of her ass juice, her cum and your cum in your mouth.</n3>
<d>Sara:</d> <hi1> Savor the taste and swallow! Not all at once! Swallow it slowly! You need this empowering mixture!</hi1>
<n3> Meanwhile, she's gently caressing your throat. After swallowing it all, feeling the need to prove it, you open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Sara approaches and sucks your tongue. Then she gets up and starts to clean herself after leaving a towel next to you.</n3>
<hi1> "You did great today, young Mars! I'm really proud of you! Thank you for your trust in me! " </hi1>
<n3> Suddenly you remember that your arm is exposed and you look at the sign in panic. But what you see is not a moon! While looking puzzled at the Mars sign on your arm, Sara is already putting on her former clothes.</n3>
<hi1> " Leave the room first. I'll leave later." </hi1>
<n3> You get up, clean yourself with a towel, enough to put your clothes on, and leave the room. You really fucked Sara. Everything went much more smoothly than you expected.</n3>
<center><h1><cap>End of the Sara content for v0.6.4</cap></h1></center>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $sara to 2>>\<img src="img/places/venusdormitory1.jpg" class=center width="70%">
<<if $mars gte 1 and $centerVisit gte 3 and $venusnoticed === 1>>\
<n3> After the first visit to the Venus Dormitory, you saw something you shouldn't have seen and ran away. But then some things you heard made you want to visit again. </n3>
[[Take a Look Around|peta1]]
<<if $peta === 1 and $VenusNextWeek === 0>>\
<n3> After the first interaction with Peta, you couldn't suppress your curiosity and shifting feelings. You came back to the Venus Dormitory for more. </n3>
[[There Is a Small Crowd In The Distance|confess1]]
[[🏰 Return to Main Campus|mainCampus]]
[[🔅 Return To Yard|Outside]]
[[🚪 Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<center><h2><b><cap>(Peta Gartz is a co-creation based on the requests of an Absolute-Moon tier supporter on Patreon. I sincerely thank for this huge support.)</cap></b></h2></center>
<n3> You enter the huge entrance area of the Venus Dormitory. You were a little hesitant to visit here after what happened on your last visit but you kept hearing stories about how glorious and amazing the speech you missed was. Which is a misleading thing to call a speech. It was like a grand presentation. Presentation of the roadmap of how Venus Dormitory will move forward and grow together with everyone.</n3>
<img src="img/places/venusdormitory1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> That's perhaps the biggest reason that drew you to come here. After expelling the former and elder team, there were rumors that Abella was going to assemble a superstar team. And in the presentation you missed, some of this team was introduced. In this team, which is still being assembled, one name among those announced caught your attention. Peta Gartz!</n3>
[[Continue|peta2]]<n3> You approach one of the countless tables placed at the entrance. Each of these tables has different kinds of snacks and drinks. As you snack on these luxurious looking bites, you look around. Anywhere else, it would seem crowded, but here it feels like there are only a few around.
You're hoping to see Peta, but there's a big problem. You don't even know how she looks. She's a Succubus whose name you've heard in almost every history lesson since you came to this academy. You only know that she's a Mars and she's the Succubus who ended the biggest and last war with humans in the past. Not because she was so powerful, but because she was so fair. As the only person with the absolute trust of both sides, she convinced them to come to a compromise. But in the process, humans and especially their entertainment industry attracted her interest so much that she gradually distanced herself from the Succubus environment. Perhaps your knowledge of her is not that little.
It is rumored that in the past, she was offered many offers, big and small, but she turned them down all of them. You really wonder how Abella was able to recruit someone like that. You start to look around with a delicious snack you don't know the name of. You hadn't had a chance to explore this place on your previous visit. There are paintings and sculptures everywhere. Probably each one of them is very valuable and deserves to be studied for hours by educated eyes. The previous headmistress must have been into that kind of stuff.</n3>
<<linkreplace"You Bump Into Something" t8n>>\
<n3> As you walk with your head turned to the right, examining the works of art next to you, out of the corner of your eye, you notice a figure. The moment you turn your head, you hit this figure in front of you.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> The figure you bumped into is much stronger and taller than you. As you lose your balance and fall backwards, she grabs you by one arm and she's strong enough to easily balance your weight. You feel relieved when you sense that you won't fall.</n3>
[[Open Your Eyes|peta4]]<n3> You open your eyes and find yourself in a large house. There's a lot of sunlight shining in. You see Abella, Headmistress of Venus Dormitory. She seems to be in a very good mood.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/abella1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> It's an honor to meet you! I apologize for interrupting your work.</abella>
<n3> You don't know what to do when she suddenly speaks but not long after, another voice answers from your behind.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Turn Around" t8n>>\
<n3> When you turn around, you see a smiling Succubus you've never seen before. She looks like a goddess in a mesh body dress that hugs her flawless body with the heels that completes it all. She speaks with a very proper diction.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/peta1.jpg" class=center width="55%">
<peta>"Nice to meet you, too! And you're not interfering with my work. You can even be a witness if you want. "</peta>
<n3> Abella smiles approvingly and this goddess-like Succubus opens a door and invites Abella in. Abella walks in with confident and excited steps.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> It's a small room with no sunlight. There is a table in the center with a few chairs on either side. Looks like a stuffy interrogation room, lit only by a bare light bulb in the ceiling. Abella sits slowly in a chair in the corner of the room and starts looking at the tied-up Succubus sitting in the center of the room.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/bound1.webp" class=center width="47%">
<n3> The goddess-looking, removes the gag of this bound Succubus and sits in front of her. She speaks with a very serious expression and voice.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> They sent you to me as a last resort. You're really resilient one. I'm Peta and I've been asked to learn one simple thing from you.</peta>
<n3> You get excited. Is that really Peta Gartz? You were thinking about how Abella transferred her and you bumped into someone. Are you witnessing this memory because you were touched by a mind with this knowledge? Was it Peta you bumped into?
These excited thoughts of yours get interrupted by the coughs of the bound Succubus. Her throat must be in terrible condition. Even by the sound of her cough you can tell how much pain she is in. Peta gets up sharply and leaves the room. The bound Succubus is startled by this sudden movement and almost falls off her chair.</n3>
[[Continue|peta6]]<n3> After a short while, Peta enters with a glass of water. Since her hands are tied, Peta helps her drink the water and sits in front of her again. </n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> You know what we want to know. Is it really worth the suffering? We are closing this here today!</peta>
<<linkreplace" The Floor Is Rippling" t8n>>\
<n3> The floor starts to ripple like a calm sea. Something pokes its head out. This is an... Orca?</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/orca0.jpg" class=center width="65%">
<n3> The orca, with only its head out of the floor, opens its mouth and a high-pitched scream fills the room. This scream, which feels like it can't get any shriller, keeps getting shriller and shriller. Until it reaches a frequency that cannot be heard. Peta speaks in an ice-cold voice.</n3>
<peta> "Lying is no longer an option! If you do, the responsibility is all yours! Please, cooperate with me!"</peta>
<n3> Abella moves restlessly in her seat. Yet there is no sign of discomfort on her face. She is watching what is happening with great interest.</n3>
<peta> "Where is she?"</peta>
<n3> You can see how stressed the bound Succubus is. Even though she doesn't realize it, her body trembles in fear.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> After a moment of silence, she answers Peta's question in a hesitant voice. </n3>
<b1>"She's at the..." </b1>
<<linkreplace"A Sharp Cry Of Pain" t8n>>\
<n3> Before she can finish her sentence, she screams in agony. Her face is completely contracted, and she seems to be in a very overwhelming suffering. Her scream is interrupted by muffled coughs. Peta speaks in a voice that shows she is not pleased with the situation.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> I didn't know you were going to lie... But you knew! There is no point in resisting anymore! Let's try it again! Where is she?</peta>
<n3> The bound Succubus answers breathlessly, seeming to have forgotten what has just happened. </n3>
<b1>"I don't kno..." </b1>
<n3> She screams much louder than before. Her body must already be pretty battered and tired. She can't handle it anymore. Suddenly she falls to the ground with her whole body convulsing. Peta looks at the writhing Succubus on the ground, calmly rubbing her chin. She looks like she forgot Abella is there. After a few minutes of waiting, she slowly stands up and by grabbing one of the straps wrapped around her body, she puts her back in the chair.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Peta crosses her arms and speaks emotionlessly. </n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> Can you hear me?</peta>
<n3> After this question, you notice the blood flowing from the ears of the bound Succubus. Looks like she can still hear.</n3>
<peta>"Normally it would have taken a few more, but after two lies, your body is on the verge of giving up. Every word you say from now on is lethal! In fact, let's make sure this is your last chance..."</peta>
<n3> Peta raises both hands slightly above the shoulder level. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Depths of the Ocean" t8n>>\
<n3> With Peta's movement, countless orcas appear gliding out from the floor, wall and ceiling floaingt calmly in the air. Because when an orca glides into a spot and then reappears from another one, it feels like an endless loop. An endless parade!</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/orca1.webp" class=center width="85%">
<peta>"I don't know what you know about me, but I believe that some things can be sacrificed for a greater cause... And you're not a sacrifice to even consider!"</peta>
<n3> The atmosphere is completely under Peta's control. The soft noises of orcas swimming around supports the opposite of the peaceful atmosphere it would normally emit. Peta brings her face as close as possible to the Succubus, who looks away from her.</n3>
<h1><center><peta>"Now make your choice! <b>WHERE IS SHE?</b>"</peta></center></h1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Abella is completely leaned back in the chair, watching what is happening. Her eyes are wide open and her lips are pressed together. She looks a bit like she's watching an action-thriller movie. The Succubus, with Peta's face right in front of her, looks on the verge of bursting into tears. You're following what's happening quite tensely.</n3>
<<linkreplace"A Deep Breath!" t8n>>\
<n3> It looks like she cannot take it anymore. She inhales deeply through her nose and shouts with all the strength she has. </n3>
<h2><center><b1> "I DON'T KNOOOWWW!!!" </b1></center></h2>
<n3> Immediately after shouting, she tilts her head a little and, with her eyes closed, waits for the agonizing wave of pain... But nothing seems to be happening. She slowly lifts her head and opens her eyes. She sees Peta's smiling face.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> You're a victim, aren't you? Do they have your loved ones in their claws?</peta>
<n3> The bound Succubus keeps her head down, not answering. </n3>
<peta>"If you give even the slightest information, you will put their lives at risk. I've seen cases like this before, but I've never seen someone as resilient as you."</peta>
<n3> A high-pitched cry fills the room again and soon becomes inaudible. </n3>
<peta>"I don't know what you know about me, but if you're innocent, I'll do everything I can to protect you. Now I just want one answer. Is my guess correct?"</peta>
<center><font size =3><b1>"Yes..." </b1></font></center>
<n3> After uttering a single word, she can't hold back any longer and starts to cry hysterically.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> One of the swimming orcas slowly approaches the uncontrollably crying Succubus and softly makes a sound. During her crying, she suddenly falls asleep and slumps on the table.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/orca2.jpg" class=center width="40%">
<n3> Peta slowly gets up and approaches the sleeping Succubus. Then, she begins to untie the bindings that cruelly surround her body. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Admiring Applause" t8n>>\
<n3> Suddenly a loud applause rises in the small room. Peta, who forgot long ago that Abella was there, is startled violently by this unexpected sound. With her arms suddenly contracting, she accidentally slaps the sleeping Succubus. Rubbing the spot where she slapped in embarrassment, she turns her gaze to Abella. She applauds with admiration, as if she has just witnessed a performance of art. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> Truly magnificent! I really thought you'd let her end herself, but how merciful you are!</abella>
<n3> Peta gently cradles the untied Succubus in her arms. Then she walks towards the door.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> Mercy? That's not mercy! I'm just being a human...</peta>
<n3> She suddenly stops in front of the door and slowly turns her head towards Abella. Then she tries to explain in a nervous voice.</n3>
<peta>"It's a saying... I mean, I'm doing the bare minimum, It's not mercy... Thats what I meant to say..."</peta>
<n3> Abella smiles in understanding. </n3>
<abella> "I know, I know... Please carry on, I'll be waiting outside." </abella>
<</linkreplace>>\<center><n3> Peta returns after a short while. Abella looks very cheerful.</n3></center>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/abella2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> What I really witnessed was amazing. Thank you again! </abella>
<n3> Peta sits on a chair with a smiling face. Even though she smiles, her voice does not really back that up.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/peta2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Peta:</d><peta> You can't seduce me into anything. Please get to the point.</peta>
<n3> Abella takes a deep breath and sits down on the couch. </n3>
[[Continue|peta12]]<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/abella3.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> Please don't say that you think your potential is not being wasted! You solve cases the cops can't. You're clearly not doing a bad job, but that's not who you are!</abella>
<n3> Peta doesn't seem offended by these words.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> I have to earn money somehow... And I have very good relationship with the police force.</peta>
<abella> "Someone like you shouldn't worry about money! Do you know how much impact your name alone can have?" </abella>
<n3> Peta smiles bitterly. These seem to be things she would rather not talk about.</n3>
<peta> "My name has remained this strong because no one really knows me. In your world, I'm like an urban legend. They only talk about what I did for a period of time. No one knows what I've turned into." </peta>
<n3> Abella leans forward excitedly. </n3>
<abella> " Then let's show them! You will have all the support of me and my team!" </abella>
<n3> Peta watches Abella's excitement with sad and somewhat detached eyes. Empty motivational words don't seem to have much of an effect on her.</n3>
[[Continue|peta13]]<n3> Abella continues in an even more excited voice. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> I've searched everything I could find out about you. You got an offer from our academy to be Headmistress of the Mars Dormitory! But you refused and suggested Mariana. And regardless of what anyone said, she carried out her duty in a very strong and steady way.
But things started to go sour for a while. I don't know many details, but I only know that Mariana was not happy with the way things were going. And what do you think she did?</abella>
<n3> You see Peta is listening very closely. She must be curious to hear what Abella has to say.</n3>
<abella> "She assigned a second Headmistress! Currently, Mars Dormitory is run by two Headmistresses! This is not something that has ever happened in the history of Umesatraa Academy!" </abella>
<n3> Abella stands up and takes off her shoes. Then continues her excited speech. She moves as if giving a presentation and supports her words with her body language.</n3>
<abella> "Or let's look at the Saturn Headmistress! Saturn Dormitory was one of the most rigid-minded places in the academy. A place where everyone has to show how powerful and dominant they are over the other ones in order to be respected." </abella>
<n3> She pauses for a second and raises her index finger slightly. </n3>
<abella> "Well, these things haven't changed much. But it is well known that the Saturn Headmistress especially likes to dominate male humans. As the top name in such a strict place, she did not hesitate to publicize her pleasures... And guess what?" </abella>
<n3> Peta leans forward a little more, and listens with even more attention. Abella quickly taps both legs and speaks with an expression like she can't believe to herself.</n3>
<abella> "It is no longer lame or shameful to enjoy dominating human men! " </abella>
<n3> Peta leans back, unable to believe what she is hearing. The childish astonishment on her face is a bit funny. </n3>
[[Continue|peta14]]<d>Abella:</d> <abella> Do you really think these ridiculous taboos in the Succubus world are bigger than you? If anyone is going to destroy them, it will be powerful figures like you!</abella>
<n3> Abella takes a deep breath and lowers her tone a little. She feels relieved to see that her words have resonated with Peta. </n3>
<abella> "What about those like you? Let's say you were lucky or strong enough to build your own life. What about those who reject themselves for fear that others will turn away from them or make fun of them? Only figures like you can show that there is nothing wrong with them, that they are just like everyone else." </abella>
<n3> She lowers her tone a little more. </n3>
<abella> "We are similar to humans in this regard. We accept as much as it is convenient for us and demonize what is left out. And in order for something to change, guidance is needed. Maybe it is a bit sad, but this is the reality. If even one Succubus, when she feels bad, thinks that Peta Gartz is like me and feels better, then all our efforts will have paid off. And last but not least..." </abella>
<<linkreplace"Leans On The Couch" t8n>>\
<center><n3> Abella leans her body against the edge of the couch and speaks in a sensual tone.</n3></center>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/abella4.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<h3><center><abella> " An ass like that should definitely be in the Venus Dormitory." </abella></center></h3>
<n3> She smiles immediately afterwards and joins Peta's rising laughter. </n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> As her laughter fades, Peta puts a hand to her chin and asks, trying not to look too interested. </n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> You talk a good game, but what are your aspirations? And what are you really promising me? Why should I trust you? You must be aware of how many offers I've received over the years.</peta>
<center><n3> Abella steps onto the sofa and sits on the side of it. </n3></center>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/abella5.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> Before that, I'd like to help you with your current case. It will take a few hours to a week. Depends on how lucky I get. Please consider this apart from all that. I sounded insulting earlier, but I know how much fun these types of mysteries can be. And even that short interrogation session itself, was really fun.
I'm not asking you to leave anything from your current life. You can keep doing this work, I can even gather a small team under you. This process is valuable and beautiful because your essential pleasures will remain untouched. What bothers me is that you think you are confined to this! I know what a free soul you are, and I witnessed it again today. Nothing makes me happier than having every member of my team as special and unique as you are.
As for my intentions and my genuine offer to you...</abella>
<<linkreplace"Piercing Gaze" t8n>>\
<n3> Abella looks her most serious today. Her gaze and the aura she exudes are extremely intense and determined. </n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/abella6.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<abella> "Before that, could you summon your Orcas again? I would like to be accompanied by their soft singing and mesmerizing dances as we speak..."</abella>
[[Open Your Eyes|peta16]]
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Someone's holding you by the arm and you hold her even tighter. Rapidly blink your eyes but your vision still hazy. You've never experienced memory access this smoothly. You almost didn't have to do anything. Everything flowed into your mind with incredible ease. You let go of the arm you are holding and regain your balance. Your consciousness is still trying to distinguish the reality. A voice, which only recently became familiar, calls out to you.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> Are you all right? Did you hit your head? </peta>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yeah, I'm fine, just a little dizzy. I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm sorry!</n1></b>
<n3> You answered without thinking, but you didn't realize at that moment that you were lying to the very person you shouldn't lie to, even if it's just a white lie. You don't know why, but your body couldn't handle what just happened. </n3>
<peta>" You're not okay! Hold on a second, let me save my game!"</peta>
<b><n1> "No! I'm fine..."</n1></b>
<n3> While Peta is saving her game on her hand-held game console, you were already walking towards the door to the exit. You instinctively feel you have to get away from there. You feel like something has ambushed you. With your initial daze fading, you try to leave the Venus Dormitory with quick steps but it feels like ages just to get out of this huge entrance. It's unnecessarily big!
That's when you remember Peta. The idea that she's following you makes you flinch. She's not someone you want to see right now.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Back" t8n>>\
<n3> Even though you feel intimidated, your curiosity overcomes and you look back. Peta is looking at you with confused eyes. Her huge ass and goddess-like aura are not something you can admire right now.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/peta3.jpg" class=center width="52%">
<n3> Finally you reach the exit. You will realize how irrational you behaved a few hours after you go back to your room. Your instincts were in full control over you and they screamed to just get out of there. It was an increasingly intensifying sensation. As if your consciousness was grasping more and more the seriousness of the situation. You will cringe for a while with embarrassment every time you remember that you ran away from a name that you would wait in line for hours for a signature.</n3>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $peta to 1>>\
<<set $VenusNextWeek to 1>>\
<<set $venusnoticed to 2>>\
<n3> Despite what happened on your previous visit, you still returned again. Compared to the previous time, there are a lot more people around. After your instincts stopped screaming, you couldn't get Peta out of your mind. All the details that would normally be a challenge, functioned flawlessly without your help, and you saw a very detailed memory. Yet your body was not too happy about this unexpected trajectory. At the time it felt like there was something wrong, but as time passed, another idea started to emerge. There was a perfect harmony between you two!
There's a crowd a little ahead and it's drawing your attention. Abella must be constantly doing something new to attract attention from the other dormitories. You grab a fancy snack and slowly approach to see exactly what's going on. </n3>
<<linkreplace"Continue Approaching" t8n>>\
<n3> You take a wide angle on the crowd sitting in the corner. You just want to see what's happening there. Everyone there is listening or watching something carefully. When you get a little closer, you notice Peta sitting in the very corner. She talks in a very focused way and everyone listens to her with rapt attention. Something is written on a small whiteboard that she hangs on the wall, and in between her talking, she asks little questions to the listeners. Is she giving a lecture there?
She notices you out of the corner of her eye and then quickly turns her head towards you. She smiles and raises her index finger as if to say wait a minute. Then she stands up and speaks in a slightly louder voice to her listeners.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> It was a great class! I know you have questions, I will take those after the break and we will continue with our second session. Where should our next session be?</peta>
<n3> She gives a word to a random student sitting there. The student smiles and, after a brief moment's thought, she replies.</n3>
<b1>"Ummm... Maybe we can do it on the tennis court. I know it's gonna be empty for the next couple hours. " </b1>
<peta> "There's a tennis court here?... Anyway, tennis court it is! Class dismissed! I'll see you in fifteen minutes!"</peta>
<n3> Peta wastes no time and starts walking towards you. And ever since she gestured for you to wait, you couldn't move.</n3>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Peta approaches you with big steps. With her unique style, which you can't tell whether it is a dress or lingerie, she stands in front of you with an affectionate smile. </n3>
<img src="gif/venus/peta/confess/peta1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Peta:</d><peta> Hey! Do you remember me? I wondered how are you doing. Are you all right?</peta>
<n3> You try to keep your gaze on her eyes, but it's challenging. You can spend hours looking at every inch of her body. </n3>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> Yes, I'm fine! I'm sorry about the last time! </n1></b>
<n3> You are hesitant to speak. You have to keep in mind that she can detect even small lies in your words. </n3>
<peta> "Have you seen a doctor? It looked like it could be something serious!" </peta>
<n3> If there is no point in lying. You'll try not to tell it unless you really have to. </n3>
<b><n1> "No, but after a short time I recovered completely, there's nothing serious." </n1></b>
<n3> Peta frowns with a slight worry. </n3>
<peta> " No, no, no! This is not something you can understand! If you hit your head and you have a brain injury, it can take months to even show symptoms! There is no better medicine than early diagnosis! Please come with me! I can't leave you like this! " </peta>
<n3> She stands on your right side and supports your arm with one arm and grasps your waist with the other. You would have objected, but this tall goddess next to you seems to have decided to carry you along. Even though she does most of the work, she doesn't drag you along. She just takes all the weight of your walk on herself. You savor the moment and rest your head against her body. She smells like a heartwarming spring day. Floral scents that are not overwhelming at all.</n3>
[[Let Her Lead You|confess3]]<n3> You enter a room that you guess is her room. There are books everywhere. Every available space is occupied by books. On her desk, there's a laptop, a tablet and some electronics you don't know about. Maybe game consoles, but you're not sure. There are a lot of posters on the walls, you don't know what they are about. Some of them are obviously from a movie or a TV series, but there are some that look like cartoons.</n3>
<img src="img/places/petaroom1.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<n3> It's very packed, but even though everything is quite organized, it feels like it's cluttered. There's stuff everywhere. But you can see how comfortable Peta is in this chaotic space. She tells you to sit in one of the chairs in front of her desk. Then she moves to one of the shelves and picks up a few books. </n3>
[[Continue|confess4]]<n3> In the center of her desk, a huge book, like a brick, sits open. She takes that book and puts it aside. It looks like a book about cooking, but you can't see if it's a recipe book or a cooking methodology book. </n3>
<img src="img/places/petaroom2.jpg" class=center width="60%">
<d>Peta: </d><peta>Okay! Let's take a look! I have an entry-level training, but I want to make sure that I don't forget anything.</peta>
<n3> She shuffles some pages quickly. Slightly squinting, she nods her head at the end of each sentence she reads and mumbles a small affirmation. She stands up and approaches with a small flashlight. First she checks your eyes, then she touches your head in different places and asks if it hurts.
As she continues her examination, you notice how peaceful her energy makes you feel. She touches your body in different patterns, and each touch is so confident that you become more and more relaxed. Occasionally you can see her face. The focus and seriousness in her eyes makes you feel more important. After an intensive examination lasting about five minutes, she steps back and leans against her desk.</n3>
<peta>"Everything seems to be fine! If you feel anything strange, please don't ignore it!"</peta>
<n3> She sits on one of the couches on the side. </n3>
[[Continue|confess5]]<d>Peta: </d><peta>So have you felt anything strange since we bumped into each other? </peta>
<n3> Again a risky question. While you are thinking about how your answer, Peta laughs, impressed.</n3>
<peta> "You know about me! I can see the evasions in your answers. Do you think that every time I'm lied to I point my finger at them and say, "Gotcha!"? There's nothing more suspicious than not detecting any lies!" </peta>
<<linkreplace"She Gets Up" t8n>>\
<n3> She gets up and locks the door. Then, she returns to the same seat. </n3>
<peta> "A normal conversation consists of at least 20% lies! And almost all of these are harmless little white lies. Only once did I sense a little white lie from you. Don't be fooled by my certainty! Maybe you're just an honest fan who knows little bit more about me. We're here to make sure of that!" </peta>
<n3> You exhale deeply. You don't want to fight against Peta. And you've only seen a small part of what she can do in the memory you saw. So there's no guarantee that you can beat her. Actually, it's true that you're her fan. Maybe her questions will be easier than you expected.
<img src="img/venus/peta/figure/orca0.jpg" class=center width="65%">
You continue to sit calmly as the floor ripples and that familiar high-pitched song fills the room. If things go very badly, you can rely on Sun or Moon... Right?</n3>
<n3> Peta calmly begins her questions. </n3>
<d>Peta: </d><peta> Are you connected to the UN?</peta>
<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> No... I'm not. </n1></b>
<peta> " Are you connected to the WHO? "</peta>
<n3> Is she going to ask about all the places where she's had any problems? </n3>
<b><n1> "No! I'm not." </n1></b>
<n3> She asks for about twenty different names and you answer each one in the negative. Peta lets out a deep breath.</n3>
<peta> " Okay, that's good! Tell me what happened then, please. "</peta>
<n3> You have no other choice. And you feel like even if you tell her the whole story, nothing will go wrong. You'll still avoid unnecessary details </n3>
[[Continue|confess7]]<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> I missed the presentation where you were announced, and after learning about you, my curiosity was piqued. And that day, I came to see if I could see you. I didn't even know what you looked like. I was somewhat distracted by all the artworks and delicious snacks everywhere.</n1></b>
<n3> Peta smiles with a slight blush. </n3>
<d>Peta: </d><peta> Most of them are my recipes! I'm glad you like it. Uhh! Please continue...</peta>
<n1> "I was looking around, thinking about how a name like Peta Gartz had been convinced to join here. I wasn't looking ahead and at the last moment I noticed a shadow in front of me. After we bumped into each other, I felt a hand grab me and just as I relaxed, I found myself in front of Headmistress Abella. " </n1>
<n3> Peta, with a little shock, first looks at the singing orca and then at you. She must be surprised that you're not showing any signs of pain. And you're feeling a bit frustrated. Maybe you will give more information than you intended to, but at the moment, you don't care much about that. You tilt your head a little to the right and continue with a exhausted expression.</n3>
<n1> "I think my real power is being able to copy power or something like that. What I'm currently practicing is something to do with the mind, including being able to access memories."</n1>
<n3> Your sudden bored demeanor makes Peta smile. She would giggle if she couldn't hold back, but she didn't want to break the serious atmosphere. She's surprised that you're still not lying. </n3>
<n1> " But like I said, I'm still working on it. When you held me, I didn't even know who was holding me. I saw Abella in front of me and I witnessed your interrogation, and then when you were talking to Abella, before I could see the end of it, I've returned to reality. It was the first time I had experienced such a smooth memory, but my body was not so happy about it."</n1>
[[Continue|confess8]]<b><d>$name:</d> <n1> But from that moment on, when I look at you... </n1></b>
<center><n3> Peta interrupts with a lustful voice. </n3></center>
<img src="gif/venus/peta/confess/peta2.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Peta: </d><peta>Something stirs inside you, as if you have met a being that was meant for you?</peta>
<n3> You turn your head slightly. Peta gently caresses her breast with one hand and her breathing is getting deeper.</n3>
<peta>"I'm so glad you didn't do anything wrong! Because when I held you, it was like a sweet electric shock but you immediately ran away." </peta>
<n3> She stands up and takes the chair opposite you. Your faces are quite close. </n3>
<peta>" From afar, you are like a melody in a harmony. But when I got closer..." </peta>
<n3> She brings her face even closer. Your noses are almost touching. With her eyes, she looks at your lips and then into your eyes. </n3>
<peta>" But when I get closer, I sense three chaotic melodies, very different from each other. Both your harmonious and chaotic melody pulls me in. I've never met a soul with your resonance before." </peta>
<n3> The energy she's radiating is pretty intense. Every breath she gives out touches your face and that warm breath thrills you. There must be a few more things she wants to say. Trying to restrain herself, she speaks.</n3>
<peta>" Thank you for your honesty! You can be assured that I will never, under any circumstances, share anything you said with anyone! But this honesty should not remain unrewarded. Think of something you wonder about me! About anything! I'm not afraid to be vulnerable in front of you! On the contrary, I want that!" </peta>
<n3> You remember that when she was talking to Abella, she was thinking that she would not be accepted into the Succubus world. She said they still love me because they don't know what I've become. You wonder why she thinks like that. Why did she think she would not be accepted in this world? Giving your thoughts as much time as possible, Peta smiles and presses her lips to yours. Before you can feel the taste of her sweet lips, your vision darkens.</n3>
[[Open Your Eyes|confess9]]<n3> You're in a memory of Peta. In that intense environment, you were able to think of something you wondered about her, and you hope that this memory will be the answer to your question. Again, you have entered the memory very smoothly and this time you hope that since you knew what was going to happen, your perception will not be distorted.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Look Around" t8n>>\
<n3> You see Peta seductively showing off her body with her tits out. She strokes her slowly hardening penis under her sweet panties. You see that there is someone in front of her, a human male! He talks while watching Peta.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venus/peta/confess/1/1.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<b1> " What would you like to do today? You can own me all you want!" </b1>
<n3> Peta playfully turns around and starts swinging her huge ass. With her peachy ass covered in soft hairs and a flaccid penis pushing through her panties, it's a dreamlike scene. You wanted to be there, licking her ass and her hiding hole for hours. She answers in a mischievous voice. </n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venus/peta/confess/1/2.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Peta: </d><peta>No! You're gonna fuck me today! I want to feel that hard cock deep inside me!</peta>
<n3> Human responds a little hesitantly. </n3>
<b1> " You know what happened the last time we tried. I can't handle your energy for too long..." </b1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Peta sits on the couch and spreads her legs. She pulls her semi-erect penis and starts stroking it. Then she teases him with her kitten voice.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venus/peta/confess/1/3.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Peta: </d><peta>So we just give up because it didn't work once? Don't you want to make me happy? Or feel my hole, to stretch it to the limit? Hmmm?</peta>
<n3> You feel you're getting hard too. Either your body has already grown a penis and you are getting hard in real life, or you are becoming more and more connected to Peta and you feel what she feels. He grabs Peta's leg and kisses his way from her toe to her cock. You feel a stirring inside you. This is different from the last one.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venus/peta/confess/1/4.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<n3> He takes Peta's big hard cock in his mouth and starts sucking it. Peta's sweet moans excite you even more. With each passing second, you connect with her more and more. </n3>
[[Continue|confess11]]<n3> Peta reaches into his shorts and frees his penis. As he continues to suck her dick, she continues to tease him.</n3>
<video controls autoplay controls loop controls muted src="gif/venus/peta/confess/1/5.webm" width="900px" height="600px"></video>
<d>Peta: </d><peta> Is the great and powerful police chief helpless against a Succubus? Does your team know that I'm fucking you?</peta>
<n3> The moment he is about to give an answer, Peta presses him deeper against her cock. </n3>
<peta> "I don't give a shit! Keep sucking! I want you to treat me roughly today! I'll block my energy from you as much as possible! If you cum, you'll continue and I'll stop withholding my energy! I don't care how torturous it will be for you! But as long as you don't cum, I'm your slave today!" </peta>
<center><patreon><h2> *Patreon-Only Content* </h2></patreon></center>
<n3> Suddenly you open your eyes. You seem to wake up from the memory. As you wonder why, you hear a knock on the door. Peta impatiently speaks at the door.</n3>
<peta> "Don't come in! What is it?" </peta>
<b1> "MIstress, you are urgently needed. I do not know the reason. Headmistress Abella sent me."</b1>
<peta> "Okay, I'll be there! You can leave! " </peta>
<n3> Peta exhales deeply and stands up. Kisses you and speaks in a soft voice.</n3>
<peta> " I have to go but I won't cum for a while and save it for you! It tastes much better that way! I'm sorry!" </peta>
<n3> After kissing your lips for the last time, she unlocks the door and leaves. After a short time recovering your breath, you leave the room. You learned the reason for her embarrassment, but you were hoping to see more. Maybe the next time you see her will be at the Mars Dormitory.</n3>
[[Return To Your Room|DormRoom]]
<<set $peta to 2>>\
<<set $VenusNextWeek to 1>>\<n3> Two figures appear on the stairs on either side and slowly begin to walk down. These are the two Headmistresses of Mars Dormitory, Mariana and Natalie. Mariana has chosen a very revealing outfit. It even looks like lingerie from a distance. Although it is quite common in the Mars Dormitory, there is no debate or similar at the moment. So everyone there is watching this sudden appearance with interest.</n3>
<<linkreplace"Two Figures At The Door " t8n>>\
<n3> As Mariana and Natalie walk side by side towards the entrance door, two silhouettes appear in the doorway. It's Peta and Abella! Peta walks one step ahead and Abella follows behind her, looking quite excited. She looks around in awe. No one around is getting closer from where they are. Normally there would be an immediate audience. Mariana pulls the pearl necklace around her neck between her two thumbs and speaks.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/bridge/mariana1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> How do you like my style? I inspired by a maverick. </l1>
<n3> She and Peta exchange a brief glance and after both burst out laughing, they hug each other. You notice Natalie's looking at Abella with irritated eyes. Is she uncomfortable with someone who isn't Mars being here? And Abella is still looking around in fascination, although the Venus Dormitory is much bigger and fancier than this place. Peta holds Mariana's hand in a friendly way.</n3>
<d>Peta:</d><peta> How are you doing?</peta>
<n3> It's a question that is said with emphasis on every word, that doesn't feel casual at all. Mariana smiles softly.</n3>
<l1> "I'm doing pretty good! And I'm getting better every day." </l1>
<n3> She steps a little to the side and, with her arm outstretched, introduces Natalie. </n3>
<l1> "Thanks to Headmistress Natalie obviously!" </l1>
<</linkreplace>>\<n3> Natalie steps forward and holds out her hand for a handshake. Peta gently grasps the outstretched hand and slowly brings it to her lips. As she kisses her hand, she maintains eye contact with Natalie. You can see the surprise on Natalie's face as Peta slowly straightens up. Her lips move from shape to shape as she tries to hide her smile. </n3>
<d>Peta:</d> <peta>It's a pleasure to meet you! I am really thankful for your help!</peta>
<n3> The slight bulge on Natalie's pencil skirt, says it all. She slowly changes her posture and manages to smile normally.</n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/bridge/natalie1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> It is a pleasure to meet you too! You honored our dormitory with your presence!</ange1>
<n3> Peta laughs briefly, in a very friendly way. </n3>
<peta>"That's kind of you! I'm just... I'm not that... "</peta>
<n3> Peta forgets to finish her words. She seems to be interrupted by the intense exchange of glances with Natalie. </n3>
<img src="img/venus/peta/bridge/peta1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> Mariana seems to be the only one feeling the awkward silence. Peta and Natalie stare each other and Abella looks around like a little child. </n3>
[[Continue|bridge3]]<n3> Mariana slowly gets between Peta and Natalie, approaching Abella. </n3>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1>Welcome, Headmistress Abella! We are very happy for this visit. We've been hearing a lot about you lately. </l1>
<n3> Abella quickly turns her gaze to Mariana and smiles warmly. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella> Thank you for accepting me! It really means a lot to me to be here!</abella>
<img src="img/venus/peta/bridge/abella1.jpg" class=center width="50%">
<n3> After Mariana and Abella shake hands, Natalie comes forward. As they shake hands, she speaks in a insinuating voice.</n3>
<d>Natalie:</d> <ange1> Welcome! Have you come to advise us on how to open up to the world, Headmistess Abella?</ange1>
<n3> You remember the two dormitories facing each other, both isolated until recently. With Abella's arrival, Venus Dormitory is trying to shake off its old reputation by making incredible strides while Mars Dormitory continues in the same way. Abella seems to have taken no offense at these words. It was probably a reaction she expected. </n3>
<d>Abella:</d> <abella>No! Actually, quite the opposite! This was always the place I was most interested and admired in the academy. You maintain what you do so well that everyone thinks that the easy thing is to detach from the outside. I have experienced first-hand how difficult it is! The balance you have established must be tremendous! I believe I have a lot to learn from all of you! </abella>
<n3> Natalie clearly didn't expect such an answer. She nods understandingly and goes back to her old spot. You are lucky that all this is within your hearing distance. Most are curious about what is going on, but cannot hear the conversation. Still, you'd rather not be seen by Peta.</n3>
[[Continue|bridge4]]<n3> Mariana smiles proudly and slowly takes a few steps. </n3>
<d>Mariana:</d> <l1> Let's continue our conversation while touring the dormitory! And today I specially ordered pudding from the dining hall. It's one of my favorites! </l1>
<n3> These four begin to walk away, continuing their conversation. Peta's arrival already seems to be doing Abella a lot of good. Perhaps one of the most important steps is being taken for the Venus Dormitory to surpass the Jupiter Dormitory, as Abella promised. </n3>
<center><h1><cap>End of the Peta content for v0.6.4</cap></h1></center>
<<set $peta to 3>>\